New York Times obituary - Charles Horman Truth Foundation


New York Times obituary - Charles Horman Truth Foundation
run wnw vonN rnwnsOBITUARIES MoNDAy,
'His Hotman, I 7,/s Dead;
Hunt for,SonInspired
BAYER-Richord. Died Aprit 15 ot
the oge of 81. New York Times
employee for forly-two yeors in
fhe Finonciol Deportmenf. Refired
1970.Survived by his wife Siophie
of f ifty Veors ond sister Evelyn
Piozzo. Services of
Funerol Home, New York City.
Ed[hund C. Horman, whose crusade
in iniiestigating his son's disappearance gnd death in a Chilean coup was
portrayed in the film "Missirg," died
on Fqlday at Mount Sinai Medical Center. F{ewas 87 and lived in Manhattan.
The cause was pneumonia, his family safd.
Mr,r'Horman flew to Chile in lgTJ
seeking his son, Charles, knowing rhat
sotdiBrg had seized him but unaware
that tfghad been shot to death.
In hit search, he gained entrY to the
Natig6al Stadium in Santiago, where
hundrSds of prisoners were rounded up
in thB right-wing military coup overturning" the elected socialist Governpr.
';] Salvador Allende Gossens.
"Chhrles Horman,I hopeyou are out
therei't"Mr.Horrnancaltdddut through
a bulltlornat the stadium."This is your
father speaking.If you hear ffio,please
corne forward. You have nothing to
fear."'Therewas no response.Charles Edmund Horman
had beendead three weeks,Mr. Horman learned later.
His frustration in dealing with United States authorities grew into a conviction that they had failed to try to
protbet Charles when they learned of
his arrest, and he accused them of
covering up their failure
Turning the anguish of losing his son
into a.crusade on human-rights issues,
Mr. Horman testified at hearings and
t- ;
spoke to conferences in the United
States and abroad. "f 'm not interested
in revenge," he said. "What can revenge do? I don't want this to happen to
any American citizens again."
After the original news reports, the
case became the subject of "The Execution of Charles Horman: An American Sacrifice" (Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1979) by Thomas Hauser. The
book was the basis for the award-winning 1982film "Missing;" directed by
Constantin Costa-Gavras, in which
Jack Lemmon portrayed Mr. Horman.
The film drew widespread attention
and prompted an unusual three-page
statement from the United States State
Department on the eve of the premiere.
The Government disputed the film,
saying officials diligently sought to find
Charles Horman, and they denied any
implications of complicity.
Leo H. Arnstein, a Chicago trial lawye{ a$d partner in the law firm of
Arnstein & I-lehr,died on April lb at his
horne in Glencoe, Ill. Mr. Arnstein was
86 years old.
He died in his sleep, a spokeswoman
for the law firm said.
Mr.. Arnstein, though retired, r€mained active in the firm until his Why Charles Horman was killed redeath.: Among its clients were Sears mains a mystery. A 3l-year-old HarRoebuck & Compeily, Whirlpool Corpo- ard graduate, he was living in Chile as
Manufacturing film maker and writer. By chance,he
Compna. and The Kellstadt Founda.
t to the Valparaiso coast the day
tion. Mr. Arnstein served on the board the coup began and saw the invasion.
of directors of Sears.
Fearing for their safety, Charles
boin in Chicago, Mr. Arnstein re- Horman and his wife, Joyce, sought a
ceivpd both undergraduate and law de, flight out of Chile. When he returned
grees from the University of Chicago hoine to collect his belongings,soldiers
He- jqtheA the law firm, then namec broke in and took him away.
Adler, Lederer & Kahn, in 1928. Mr
Edmund Horman was born in ManArnstein served as the director of th( hattan and studied at Columbia UniChicago Bar Foundation from 1972tr versity. He worked in engineering and
l 980.
industrial design and owned Jersey InHe .is survived by three daughters Custrial Trucks.
Julie Ellison, Marcia Franklin an(
He is survived by wife of 53 years,
Nicki Wilken, five grandchildren, an( the form'er Elizabeth Lazar, and his
one great-grandchild.
daughter-in-law, Joyce.
BEITELMAN-Dr. Morlin E. Be.
loved husbond of lrmcr, loving
fdher of Stuort ond Sydio, cherished grondfother of Pomelo ond
Dovi4 beloved brolher of Ruth
Lone. Services of Beth Dovid Cemelery, Elmonf, NY, lpm Mondoy
Horvey. Queens
Council of B'noi Brith/B'noi Brith
Women mourns the possing of its
esteemed ond befoved president,
Horvey Bergmon. Our heorfs go
ouf fo Evelyn ond the fomilv.
Moy Lodmon, Executive VP
Executive Boord
BLEY-Evo A. (nee Bergmon.) On
April 16, 1993. Born Jonuory 5
1888.Wife of the lote Arfhur, beloved mother of Muriel (Dovid)
Ezrol, Notolie (Sfonley) Krell,
Phyllis (Milton) Chernock. Loving
grondmother of Ann (Richord)
Brogg, Arfhur (Suson) Krell,
Peler (Kothryn) ChernocK Suson
(Brion) Meister. Deor greot grondmother of Ro-Anno (Gregg) Yvon,
Jennifer ond Somonlho Meister,
Adom ond Rochel Beoudoin. Sister
of the lote Jeonette Bergmon,
Miriom Jocobs, Horry Bergmon,
ond lro Bergmon. Sister-in-low of
the lote John Jocobs. Aunt of lhe
lote Bernord Jocobs. Cherished by
oll. Serviceswere held.
BLUM-Violo. Of Pompono Beoch,
FL. On April 17, 1993. Devofed
mother of Pouline Spolon ond SueAnn Koufmon. Beloved grondmofher of Mindv Klopmon, Borboro Spofon, Goil Jordon, Sleven
Koufmon ond Dovid Koufmon. Beloved greot grondmother of Amy
Jordon. Deor sister of Helen Biffer, Florence While, ldo Linder,
Gertrude Kessler, lrving Bovorsky,
ond Muriel Goldstein.Funerol service Tuesdov I pm ol Schworfz
Brothers-Jeffer Memoriol Chopel,
ll4-03 Queens Blvd. Forest Hills,
NY. Interment of Knollwood Pork
BRODSKY-Chorles. Beloved husbond oi Rebecco devoted fother
of Suson ond Bernice, cherished
grondfother of Steven ond Belindo. Loving brother of Beotrice ond
ihe lote Abrohom. Funerol service
MondoV 2pm ot Riverside Memoriol Chopelg Queens Blvd ot 76th
R4 Forest Hills. Interment New
Monfefiore Cemetery.
CANICK-Morris. On April 18, 1993. Boyer, Richord
Beloved husbond of the lote Mino,
fother of Psul, Peorl, ond Jocob, Beitelmon,Mortin
grondfolher of Jonothon; Julio, Bergmon, Horvey
Andrew, Thomos, ond Simon. Ser- Blev,
vices Tuesdoy IPM of "The RiverBlum, Violo
side," 76th St. ond Amsterdom.
Brodskv, Chorles
Burdikoff, George
CfSTERNINO-Nicholo* on April
16,1993,of Ossining,NY (formerly Burguieres,Dorothy
of the Eronx). Beloved husbond of Conick,Morris
Dolores; loving fcfher of Liso Cisternino,Nicholos
Pellegrino, Lori Buonoguro, Poul
Cisfernino ond Louro Donovon. Cole,Alexonder
Fond brother to Al ond SteVen Dreyfuss, Gerfrude
Cislernino. Cherished grondfofher Evl, Henri
of four. Reposing ot Woodlown
Moriicions,44IS White Ploins Rd., Finkels?ein,
Bron& on Sundoyond Mondoy,2-4
ond 7-9 PM. Moss of ChristionBur- FO R MO N T-A n n e M. :
iol Tuesdoy, l1:15A.M.,of St. Fron- 1993 in her 83rd ye
cis of Rome Church, Bron* N.Y.
Brooklyn in 1909.Forri
of Woodmere ond Ni
ond wos mosf recenfl
COLE-Alexonder D., on Aprit 17, ol Consololion Reside
199&ol the oge of 91,Loving foth- lslip. Employed for oi
er of Notofie Lynn ond Alexonder by the Welfore Depf.,,
Jru deor brolher of Hermqn, York. Afler being edt
Morlin, ond Morie. l Cherished col Brooklvn schools,j
friend of Seventh Avenue. Contri- ed from Si. Jc irn's Uni
butions in his mernory moy be held o gioduote degr;
mode to Kips Bry Bcvs Club, 1930 odministrotion from I
RondollAvenue, Bron* NY 10473. University. Miss Form
deceosed by her imm,
ly. Loving ount of ,
DREYFUSS-Gertrude (nee Bruck- Chorles W. ond Johr
monn). On April 17, 1993.Beloved Grond-ounl of l4 ond +
wife of Rolf for 55 yeors, loving ount of 8. "She inspire{
mother of Joon ond Sy Chorney co-workers ond frient
ond Allen ond Pomelo Dreyfusg time of dedicotion orl
deor sister of Eric Bruckmon, Reposins Nolon & Toi
cherished grondmother of Jonoth- Lqurel Ave., Norfhporl
on ond Jessico. Groveside servi. 5 ond 7-9 PM. Moss i
ces Mondoy I PM ot Mf. Hope AM, St. Philip Neri Chi
port.Inferment Colvq
Cemefery, Hostings, N\'.
Woodside. In lieu of fle
tions to Consolotion;
EYL-Henri, oge 8O iniernotionollv I I I Beoch Dr., W. lsl
known Insuronce Broker ond vour fovorite chorify or
Yochtsmon of Fronklin Lokes,
N.J., formerly of Cold Spring
Horbor, NY, died April 17, 1993. HORMAN-Edmurld i.,
Husbond of Dorothv (nee Hoor- York City, on April 16;
o9e of 87. Beloved I
ton), folher of Bettino Evl Adoms
ond Peter L. Eyl, brother of Elizobeth; fother of
Edword A. Evl ond grondfother of Chorles Hormon; cherii
five. Funerol Service oi The Von- in-low of Jovce Hormo
der Ploot Funerol Home,257 God- survived by his brol
win Ave., Wyckoff, NJ, on Tues- Doniel ond Lqurencei
nephew, Frederick I
dov ot 8 PM. Privote cremotion.
wife, Deboroh; and gri
Alfvson, Hillory, ond l
FINKELSTEIN-SoI. Beloved hus- his godchild, SheiloSha
bond of Sylvicr, loving fqfher of A soldier for humon rk
Jocob ond Suson, deor brother of unstiniing in his strugg$
Milton, Horol4 ond Bello Nitzburg, the trufh obout his sri
loving grondfother. Low secretory "inMi Chile
s s i n g r"in h g w olns l,
to N.Y. Stote Supreme Court Jusbv
tice Meverson. Services Tuesdoy,
12 noon, of Flotbush Memoriol dignified, leorned hurn
Chopel, 1283 Coney lslond Ave.,
missed by olf who knel
Brooklyn, N.Y.
moriol services will be I
BURDIKOFF-Georse, the Right
Reveren4 on April It 1993, of FINKELSTEIN--Sylvio. Congrego- INGRASSIA_JohnG. C
tion Beth Shofom of Long Beoch 1993. Beloved
Montville, N.J. The funerol will
son ofi
toke ploce on Wednesdoy, g A.A,L, ond Lido mourns the possing of Shirley, loving brother
the beloved molher of our devot- Georgotot Dione
oi Sl. John's R.O. Church, Litlle
Folls, NJ. In lieu of flowerg o se- ed Presiden?,Howord Finkelsiein. Corvelli ond Susonrx
minory scholorshipfund will be es- We ore indebted to her for incul- Longtime componionq
son o love for our codo. Also survived b
foblished in his memory ot St. Tik"Moy her memohon's Seminory. For onv coniribu- foith ond people.
ond nephews. Reposl
ry ever be,o source of blessing to Frederick Funerol Hom
tions, contocl Melonie Ponkow in
her son ond doughler, her grond- ing, corner of Northeni
Woyne, N.J. Goito Memoriol
Home, Little Folls, NJ: 201-256-2224
193 St. Funerol Moss V
loved her."
9:45 AM, ol St. Mory's I
Dr. Amos W. Miller, Robbi Church,Flushing.
BURGUIERES-Dorothv M. Mid.
delfon.Of Short Hills, NJ. Devoted
Solomon Mendelson, Hozzon
Sleven Diomond, lstV. Presidenl
wife of John B. Burguieres.
Beloved mother of John B. BurguKLEIN-Fonny. A tr
ieres; Sollie B. Burguieres-Dietz;
never forgof willbe mis
LEISCHMANN-Peier F., ose 71, olwoys remembered. i
Elizobeth B. Moore; Rick ond
on April 17, 1993,of home in New
Phvllis ond Sis
SuzonneBurguieres. Also survived
York Cify. Deoresf husbond of
by five grondchildren. Relolives
Jeonne ond beloved fother of
ond friends ore invited to ottend
Jomes, Ruth Fleischmonn Plonit- LIPPMAN-Rosolind il
lhe funerol from The Jocob A.
zer, ond Stephen. Devoted siep- Highlond Beoch, Florid
Holle Funerol Home,2122Millburn fother of Dovid ond Jonei Wilson of Monmouth Counlv,.li
Ave, Moplewood NJ, on April 21, ond lhe lole Nicole Beebe. Froud died Soturdoy April 17,l
1993of 9:00AM, thence to St. Rose "substifule" fother of Koren ond brief illness. Beloved r
of Limo Church, Shorl Hills, where
George Beebe. Adoring grondfoth- Alfred. Mrs Lippmon wI
o Funerol Moss will be offered ol
er of eight grondchildren. Service in countless benevoleni
10:00AM. Interment Foirview Ce- ol I l:30 AM on April 19ot Fronk E. interests. Contributiong,
rnelery, Westfiel4 NJ. Visiting
Compbell, 1076 Modison Avenue, con Concer Society, ?X
hours Tues 2-4 ond 7-9 PM. ln lieu
New York Cily, ol Slsl Street. In
Roo4 Suite 105 Boco Ri
of flowers contributions to the
lieu of flowert gifis would be do 33431-44$. Servicd
Americon Concer Society, 767 welcome fo Columbio College of April 19, 1993,l:a5 PAtl{
Northfield Ave, West Oronge, NJ
Physicions ond Surgeons,620West Worheit Memoriol Ctd
47052woufd be opprec,ioted.
168th St.,N.Y., New York 10032.
Roton, Fl. I -800-992-9tfq