January 2010 - Arizona Confederation of Motorcycle Clubs
January 2010 - Arizona Confederation of Motorcycle Clubs
Volume 2 Issue 5 Protest VS Peaceful Assembly As Pooh Sees It | Rabble Rouser How to Eat an Elephant | WHATS INSIDE: | Overwhelming Support for the ACMC | Looking Ahead Kingman | Sober Riders | Triple Threat TC Volume 2 Issue 5 Arizona Spokesman The Newspaper of the A.C.M.C. Managing Editor: Still Ray Co-Editor/Advertising: Kat Graphic Design/Layout: Eric Hampton Articles/Photographer/News: You, The clubs and supporters of the A.C.M.C. FMI Email: [email protected] Call: Kat 602.758.2201 or StillRay 928-445-8960 Website: www.azcmc.org What do we need from you? To put this paper together for me (Kat) there are certain guidelines you should know: Send your articles in a text document without any formatting such as tabs or center justification. DO NOT embed photographs into the document. Please send the photos separatedly as JPEG etc. as high of a resolution as can set your camera. DO NOT use a specific font. The computer may not be able to read it. If you have a flyer please contact us for ad space, send it as an attachment and we will make it look good! The advertisers are the only way this paper survives! Please place a member ad from your Club/MRO/Association! Respectfully, Still Ray Spokesman Editor Kat Co-Editor/Advertising Eric Hampton Graphic Design/Layout Page 2 ACMC Mission Statement The ACMC is made up of Arizona Motorcycle Clubs and Organizations which have come together in unity to facilitate and broaden communication amongst it’s Members and with the motorcycling community and general public. It serves to educate both riders and the non-riding public of all of the positive aspects of motorcycling and to warn against and oppose any intrusion(s) upon their rights to live and ride free. It’s goals are to promote and protect motorcyclist’s rights. It will accomplish these goals by any lawful means necessary. The ACMC does not approve organizations or in our language sanction Clubs. The ACMC are a select group of Elite Clubs and Organizations who have banded together in a fight for freedom and to stand in defense of people’s rights, especially MC Clubs and Motorcyclists. Thank yous go out to... Articles, etc: Still Ray (Journeymen MC), Pooh Bear (Sober Riders MC), Chief Bill (Bikers of the Third Wheel), Desert Road Riders MC, Sky Pilot (Limey Riders MC), Mariah (Medieval Maidens MC), Kat (Medieval Maidens MC), Hells Angels MC-Mesa, MMA, Sober Riders MC, David C Kopp, Dan (The Huns MC) , Bill (Lost Dutchman) Ads: Richard M Lester’s Law Office, Charles “Chuck” Franklin, GMR Performance, HotRodz Bar and Grill, Hells Angels MC-Cave Creek, Hells Angels MC-Tucson, Hells Angels MC-Nomads Hells Angels MC-Arizona, Journeymen MC- Prescott, Journeymen MC-South Prescott, Medieval Maidens MC, Limey Riders MC, Desert Road Riders MC, Desert Thunder MC, A.L.M.A., Bikers for Christ, Cochise Riders MC, Desert Road Riders MC, Devils Diciples MC, Hawg Ridin Fools MC, The Huns MC, Journeymen MC, Loners MC, Loose Canons MC, Lost Dutchman MC, Red Iron Riders MC, Rollin Knights MC, Rough Riders MC, Sho Ryders MC, Sober Riders MC, Soldiers for Jesus MC, Sons of Aesir MC, Southern Arizona Harley Riders, Spartan Riders MC-Phoenix, Spartan Riders MC- Glendale, Stoned Sober MC, The Americans MC, Vietnam Vets/Legacy Vets MC, VIII Society, Yaqui Warriors MC, American Cruisers, Leathernecks MC, Triple Threat TC, The Hangman MC, Devils Own MC, Sons of Odin, Renegades MC, Mountain Motorcycle Association of Arizona, Kimmy-AzBig Magazine, Rick “Animal” Henry Volume 2 Issue 5 Arizona Spokesman Page 3 Ramblings of a Rabble Rouser Still Ray Chairman, Arizona Confederation of Motorcycle Clubs other things. What we needed was a way to draw attention to our issues. We rode without helmets, got a lot of tickets and fines but nothing changed. Some people gave up riding, some rode without driver’s licenses, but nothing changed. We had meetings, we made friends that were running for office and wrote thousands of letters with no results. We didn’t have the skills to organize or recruit people. Bikers, as a rule, don’t want to sit down and handwrite thirty five letters saying the same thing. Bikers are not the type to whine and cry about the way things are. We tend to accept the law for what it is. And we tend to pay more attention to our own laws and non Harleys if you can. Keep in mind this was way before Al Gore invented the internet. Remember phone trees? We got results. Politicians were calling us. The Governor assured us he would sign our bill repealing the helmet law. Life was great! Then we learned that just because they say so, don’t make it so. The Governor lied. We worked that year planting yard signs, running errands, getting sponsors for our Bill only to have our bill land on the Governor’s desk and he “changed his mind”. It was time to make more noise. Within 48 hrs we had a group of over two hundred riders on their way to the Capitol. We had lost that battle but we rules. Add to that the fact that most were not registered voters, either by choice or otherwise. The short of it being we needed an attention getter, a gimmick, something that would draw attention to the media, the voters, and the politicians as well as involving more motorcycle riders. were learning. Let me begin by wishing everyone a GREAT 2010! Happy New Year to all! We are currently printing three issues a year of The Arizona Spokesman. I was thinking back to the last issue and what was going on at that time. I was on my way to Minnesota for the 25th Annual Meeting of the Minds. The Motorcycle Riders Foundation out did themselves once again. Thanks to Cindy Hodges I was able to bluff my way thru another seminar. And if we got any bad reviews, I didn’t hear about it. Most important to me this year, I was able to spend many hours with the people who got me started in Motorcycle Rights 35 years ago. Aside from the story telling and trying to recall names and faces, there were some very important lessons to bring home with me. There are certain axioms that hold true today, they are the tools we picked up for the first time way back when and have used successfully many times over the years. The one tool I want to talk about today is this. MAKE NOISE! I don’t mean with loud pipes or yelling at the top of your lungs. I’m talking about drawing attention to your issues. When the Federal government initially mandated helmet laws across the country we bikers had no clue, as far as, how to beat this thing. Easyriders Magazine formed the first ABATE. The Hells Angels MC started the original MMA in California. It didn’t take long to figure out that people that looked like us were not going far at the Capitol and we needed ‘front people‘. Very few, if any of us, knew much about politics. We were into We stole the idea from the hippies. We decided to demonstrate. The picture you see with this article sits on my desk. It is a picture of the first helmet protest rally in the ‘70s. There were over one thousand bikers at this event. We were elated. We got newspaper, television press coverage but most important we got the word out to riders all over. Notice the number of Somewhere around 1997, or so, the Town of Jerome proposed an ordinance banning motorcycles from the town limits. This was because motorcycles were too noisy. There were several things wrong with this idea. The first being State Route 89A is a State Highway and a town cannot ban any vehicles from using them. The second problem being the town had no way of measuring decibels and is built like an amphitheatre so it amplifies noise anyway. Time to MAKE NOISE-pun intended. We got on the phones, the internet, Clubs calling each other, etc. and the next Saturday had hundreds of bikes in Jerome by eight in the morning. We put one motorcycle in each parking space. If a car pulled out, a bike pulled in. We completely shut down all business in Jerome. By ten o’clock the Mayor met with me and asked us to come to the next town meeting. We agreed and the following Tuesday evening Deb Butitta, Lisa Whitacre, and my self went to the meeting. The first council member’s statement was, “we don’t know what we did, but we don’t want to do it again. How do we fix it?” We were able to advise them of the problem and work on compromises. A month ago The Arizona Confederation of Motorcycle Clubs held our regularly scheduled meeting in Kingman, AZ. We had been hearing of the discrimination against bikers in Mohave county for quite a while. Bar owners had been threatened with the loss of their liquor licenses unless they adopt a ‘No colors’ policy. This policy is broad enough to include all motorcycle attire including Harley Davidson logos, American Legion Riders vests, etc. As planned we staged a protest ride to the establishments that had posted these signs. Although we did not have the support of some organizations that had said they would attend, we did have between 450500 riders (a conservative media guess), many area police cars, several unmarked police and state vehicles, as well as a helicopter! The result being the bars that stayed open changed their policy, the media chose to take our side and the response from the residents was favorable. Once again, WE MADE NOISE! There have been repercussions, but I don’t feel I should comment further on these here as there are legal cases pending, but the point is this. If you sit quietly in the corner nobody knows you’re there. I can’t even begin to tell you how proud I feel to be a part of this Confederation. The bottom line is this. There is nothing that speaks louder than action! When needed, the Member Clubs of the ACMC will pull together, unite and take care of business. No more evidence is needed than to count how many supportive ads are in this issue of The ARIZONA SPOKESMAN. Volume 2 Issue 5 Arizona Spokesman Page 4 A.C.M.C. MEMBERSHIP ABATE of Arizona http://www.abateofaz.org/ Hells Angels Motorcycle Club http://www.hells-angels.com Red Iron Brotherhood http://www.redironbrotherhoodmc.com/ Southern Arizona Harley Riders www.sahr.us A.L.M.A. http://www.americanlatinoma.org/ Huns Motorcycle Club http://www.thehunsmc.com Riders of Fire Motorcycle Club http://www.ridersoffirecochisemc.com Spartan Riders Motorcycle Club http://www.spartanridersmc.com Arizona Sun Chasers http://www.arizonasunchasers.org/ IOOB Motorcycle Club - Tucson Tribe [email protected] River Riders MC http://www.riverridersmc.com Stoned Sober Motorcycle Club [email protected] Bikers for Christ http://www.bfcphoenix.org/ Journeymen MC http://journeymenmc.com Rollin Knights MC http://www.rollinknightsmc.com Sun Riders Motorcycle Club http:// www.tucsonsunridersmc.com Brothers of The Third Wheel http://superbtw.com Limey Riders Motorcycle Club http://lrmcglendale.com/ Rough Riders Motorcycle Club http://www.rough-riders-mc.com/rrmc The American Motorcycle Club [email protected] Cochise Riders Motorcycle Club http://www.cochiseridersmc.com Loners Motorcycle Club http://www.lonersmc.org Scythe Motorcycle Minstry http://www.myspace.com/thescythemc Vietnam Vets/Legacy Motorcycle Club mailto:[email protected] Desert Road Riders Motorcycle Club http://www.desertroadriders.com Loose Canons MC Sho Ryders Motorcycle Club http://www.sho-ryders.com VIII Society Desert Thunder Motorcycle Club http://www.desertthundermc.com Devil’s Disciples Motorcycle Club mailto:[email protected] Emergency Support Riders MC Hawg Ridin Fools http://www.hawgridinfoolsmcariz.com Lost Dutchman Motorcycle Club http://www.lostdutchmanmc.com Medieval Maidens MC http://www.medievalmaidensmc.com MMA of Arizona http://www.mma-az.org Nomaden MC Sober Riders Motorcycle Club http://www.soberridersmc.org Soldiers for Jesus MC http://www.soldiersforjesusmc.com Sons of Aesir MC http://www.sonsofaesirmc.com Yaqui Warriors MC Associates American Cruisers Leathernecks MC Narbonas Navajo Nation Survivors Clean and Sober MC Triple Threat Trike Club For Information and/or any Buiness please use the below address : Arizona Confederation of Motorcycle Clubs, 530 E Hunt Hwy, Suite 103-278, Queen Creek, AZ 85243 Volume 2 Issue 5 Arizona Spokesman Page 5 Looking Ahead / Making a difference I am sitting here thinking just how proud I am to be in The Confederation of Motorcycle Clubs in Arizona specifically. I have spent the past year going to many conferences and learning so much about motorcycle rights, liberties, and freedoms, but what I have seen RIGHT HERE IN ARIZONA in the past weeks was beyond incredible, amazing, and intoxicating. Seriously! If you would have been in my seat-getting emails, calls, and texts at all hours of the day and night hearing MOST OF THE MEMBERS of the Confederation wanting to “do their part” or “support our ACMC” or “what do you need from me” you would be just like me feeling honored to be a part of this HUGE undertaking that StillRay instigated and pulledoff with more success then even he thought could happen. The ACMC in Arizona is unique to us here. I say this because I learned recently that we are the ONLY Confederation that allows MRO’s to be a part of our Confederation of Clubs. I always thought that having MMA and Abate in the Confederation was an asset and I took it upon myself to try to bridge the gaps between the members of MMA and Abate all I could during the past few years. I have made many friends this way. And I am sure I have my enemies. But what I also learned in these past months (and is my opinion) is that MMA and Abate have too many internal issues with their state leaders that have caused a break down of both organizations which has seeped into our Confederation. I asked many times why MMA votes in our meetings and Abate abstains. I questioned the validity of the answers I got. No one quite remembers when MMA started to vote, but I feel they should NOT be allowed to vote. Our issues that we vote on are separate from MMA and Abate. Do we get to have representatives in their board meetings voting on their issues? OMG! Of course we don’t. It might look like we are trying to “take them over”. So where do we go from here? I would respectfully request that The ACMC be the leader it is and that MMA and Abate get on board or NOT! The lies, deceit, disrespect, lack of integrity and poor leadership in both organizations has been exposed. And as long as the MEMBERS of Abate and MMA continue to allow their leaders to misrepresent and mislead them we will continue to have the “same old, same old” year in 2010 we had in 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006. As a member of both organizations, I want leaders who will lead, not lackeys or puppets used for one’s own personal gain. (And we all know who that is-right?) Too bad MMA and Abate cannot run their MRO like we do. Meaning, the leader is a true leader and respected by ALL who will support him in ANY endeavor he feels is in the BEST INTEREST of the members of The Arizona Confederation of Motorcycle Clubs. And I am excited and thrilled to be walking into 2010 with ALL of the Members of The ACMC to fight for our freedoms, liberties, and rights. Because I know, when the rubber meets the road, we will unite as one and give it all we have until we get what we want! That is why I am looking ahead and plan on making a difference in 2010 with my brothers and sisters along side clearing a path to success and freedom because “WE CAN!” Volume 2 Issue 5 Arizona Spokesman Page 6 Volume 2 Issue 5 Arizona Spokesman Page 7 how to eat an elephant Copyright © David C. Kopp, 1-1-10, all rights reserved. Contact the author for permission to reproduce. There is an old joke about eating elephants that is meant to illustrate the difficulty of tackling an issue that has been left unaddressed for too long. The problem we bikers now face with anti-biker discrimination is just such an issue. For years now, we have seen signs stating “No colors” gradually being posted in more and more places, and we continue to talk about doing something. Yet actual progress has been conspicuously absent. Who is to blame? My answer to that would be, it’s the wrong question. The real questions should be, are we doing the right things, and are we doing enough of them? Recently, several people have proposed hiring a professional lobbyist to supplement out current group of volunteers at the state capitol. The reaction to this proposal has varied from support to outright horror. Being the lobbyist in question, as well as a biker and motorcyclist rights organization (MRO) member of many years, I would like to suggest that this proposal has its benefits, some of which should be considered before any rush to judgment takes place. Those of us who haunt the grounds of the Capitol on a near daily basis know the game, and the players, inside and out. This is not said to take anything away from our volunteers, all of whom do an admirable job within the constraints of their available time. However, this is what we do, and we do it very well. We have access to people and resources that they simply do not have. We also have a duty to our clients to “get the job done”. Though Arizona state law forbids us from making any promises of success, ethical considerations and simple business sense dictate that we do our level best to accomplish the goal we have contracted for. Because of this, we tend to “think on our feet”, and attempt to come up with creative solutions to problems as they arise. There is no “giving up”, there is no “put it on the back burner”, rather we do whatever we can with the cards we’re dealt, as we may not get another chance. The current issue is a good example. There is, in all honesty, little stomach for a straight “antidiscrimination bill”, in other words a bill that would bar the posting of “No colors” signs, at the Capitol right now. The Republican majority sees it as anti-business and antiprivate property, and the Democratic minority does not view bikers as worthy of the same “protected” status as ethnic minorities, etc. So if we tried to go for the whole elephant, we wouldn’t even have the votes to get it out of committee. However, there are other ways to move in the right direction. Part of the problem is the issue of law enforcement coercing the owners of licensed liquor establishments into posting these signs. What if we went in with a bill to prevent such harassment? Wouldn’t that be better than what we have now? Wouldn’t that be a damned good start? The biggest problem is getting the legislators to believe that these problems are real. That will require the cooperation of some of the folks who work in these bars, folks who have witnessed the harassment and can tell the story to someone who can run a bill. But if we can get that to happen, there are still other ways. Coming up with them is part of my job. Why? Because that’s how you eat an elephant … One bite at a time … Kingman By Sky Pilot We were supposed to leave the club house between 5:30 and 6:00pm, of course it never happened. We finally got on the road at almost 7:00pm and got into Wickenburg just in time to see a pack of bikes pulling out of the Shell station. Didn’t get close enough to see the patch, but what a surprise! The new cut-off going around downtown Wickenburg was really a change. Before you went to the OK and turned. Next stop…Wickieup, the big metropolis, stopped at the Shell station and behold, we caught up with the pack! It was the Medieval Maidens and while we were there a member of ??? showed up. Back on the road, we went past Kingman to Davis Dam road to Katrina Landing and got hooked up with our houseboat that was provided by Seven Crown Resort. We settled in for the night looking forward to the events of the next day. In the morning I got up, looked at my cell phone and determined that I had plenty of time, and then Buddha spoke up and said the cell phone was wrong! It was one hour behind. Found out that it was working from a Nevada cell tower. We had to hurry, Kingman was 35 miles away and we didn’t know where we were going. Stopped at the Chevron station near I-40 to ask directions, the lady behind the counter looked up the number and called the American Legion, handed the phone to me so they could give me directions. Now it was time to find a place for breakfast, found a fifty’s style place called Ed’s Diner, good food and good service. After breakfast I was dropped off at the American Legion for the board meeting and Buddha took the truck to get eats for that evening. We got word that Sonny got popped on the way in for disobeying an officer. The HA was pulling over, Sonny put his kickstand down and got off his bike, then was told to get back on his bike and he refused. The regular meeting started and I noticed that Buddha was about ¾ of the way in back, after the meeting he said he was late because he was popped for being 7/8 of a second too close to the truck in front of him and made an improper lane change. They played 20 questions on the side of the road. There were 6 places on the map to visit, it was determined that the group would go to Chuy’s and the bowling alley. Both places lifted the “no colors” ban; actually all but two of the establishments had removed the “no colors” signs. Mad Dog’s was closed for the day “doing spring cleaning”!! There were 4 helicopters, at least 1 fixed wing airplane and patrol cars at every corner and alley. The manager of Chuy’s told us that it was DPS, not the Gang Task Force pushing the “no colors” because they didn’t want the HA to start a chapter in Kingman. After about an hour we left to get more supplies, then to the other “no colors” ban, The Sportsman. The first person we met was Lady Jewel, she told us that the bar ordered her to leave because she asked where their “no colors” sign was (it was on the back door). Desert Thunder, Desert Road Riders, Limey Riders and others were denied entry into the bar. Some of their regular customers that were talking to the bikers were told to leave. The owner called the cops, they showed up about 15 strong, but the owner of the place next to the Sportsman came out and said that we were welcome there, so it was a stand-off after some more bikes came and parked on the other side of the cops they decided to leave. I collected the discrimination cards and packed it in. It was difficult but we forced ourselves to go back to the houseboat with Tim O’Reilly to barbeque and party. A good time was had by all. Made plans with the resort to be back there for next year’s ACMC meeting. Follow up on protest: The Kingman protest was a success, but only a handful of forms have been returned. We need completed forms to pursue discrimination claims. If you or your group is pulled over for anything that isn’t justified, we need to hear from you. The forms must be completed and returned to me. If you can get them from more then one restaurant or bar it will reinforce our claims of discrimination. Please return them! Volume 2 Issue 5 Arizona Spokesman Page 8 Lobbyist Report: September-October I’ve had three lobbyist meetings, two ADEQ, two MDATD meetings and the Meeting of the Minds. Meeting of the Minds was one of the best conferences that I have been to. It covered everything from DUI sentencing to the Defender Program. I would like to announce that TMAN from the Vietnam Vet/Legacy Vet MC is the Field Defender for the ACMC. Please get in touch with him or me if your club has not signed up for the Defender Program. For the MDATD we need two clubs to volunteer, one to register riders and the other for trash detail. If you are planning to attend MDATD please make an appointment to meet with your representatives that day, so you can be sure to talk to them. The lobbyist team is working on these issues: * discrimination * vertical plates * emissions * right of way * right to repair * HIPAA * extended yellow lights On the vertical plate issue this is how the law reads: 28-2354 B, a person shall maintain each license plate so it is clearly legible. A person shall securely fasten each license plate to the vehicle as follows: 1. to prevent the plate from swinging 2. at he height of at least 12 inches from the ground to the bottom of the plate. 3. in a position to be clearly visible C. A person shall maintain each license plate so that the name of this state is at the top of the license plate is not obscured. D. A peace officer shall not stop or issue a citation to a person operating a motor vehicle on a highway in this state for violation of subsection C of this section unless the peace officer has reasonable cause to believe there is another alleged violation of a motor vehicle law of the state. ACMC Membership Criteria 1) No cop clubs or members in law enforcement 2)Your club must originate in the state of Arizona 3)Your Club must be an active participant in the State of Arizona for a minimum of three years. Having met these requirements, you may then ask for a time slot on the agenda of a regularly scheduled meeting of the ACMC. There is a 200.00 seed money for new Clubs and 100.00 dues paid annually. ACMC Mission Statement The ACMC is made up of Arizona Clubs and organizations which have Documentation of Discrimination DATE: ______________ TIME: __________ NAME OF ESTABLISHMENT: __________________________________ BUSINESS PHONE (with area code): __________________________________ BUSINESS - FULL ADDRESS: ___________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ NAME / POSITION OF PERSON ENFORCING POLICY: ________________ ________________________________________________________ WRITTEN STATEMENT OF DISCRIMINATION (use back if needed): _____ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ YOUR NAME (please print): ______________________________________ YOUR PHONE (with area code): __________________________________ YOUR SIGNATURE: ____________________________________________ *** INCLUDE ANY PICTURES OF DISCRIMINATING SIGNS POSTED *** come together in unity to facilitate and broaden communications amongst its members and within the riding community and general public. It serves to educate both riders and non-riding public of all the positive aspects of motorcycling and to warn against and oppose any intrusion upon their rights. It will accomplish these goals by any lawful means necessary. If you are trying to start a new Club for the purpose of ACMC membership we suggest you contact Clubs in your area. This relationship will be useful as the Member Clubs are familiar with protocol and can be helpful in introducing you to others as well as informing you of upcoming events, functions, etc. Volume 2 Issue 5 Arizona Spokesman when writing your congressman Page 9 Your Name Your Address Your City, State, Zip [I have seen everything left justified and is acceptable although not formally correct. However be sure to skip a line here. A header is also acceptable for organization letterhead or stationary] Date [Date can be left or right justified. However be sure to skip a line] Honorable Addressee Name Addressee Address Addressee Address [line 2 if needed] Addressee City, State, Zip [I often include an email and/or Phone number, although not technically formal according to websites I have referenced] Dear Representative or Senator, [Salutation or Greeting] Introduction [Identify Self and any professional or personal experience relevant to the purpose of the letter. State the purpose, for example the issue and a proposed resolution. Formal letters are indented for each paragraph, but again the digital age and Internet often ignores paragraph indenting and have seen acceptable letters written without indents, and instead spaces between paragraphs] Letter to the Editor I didn’t want to go public online to StillRay until I have some facts to work on regarding the qualifications of the MMA-AZ and ABATE of Arizona as members of the ACMC. The question is: Is the MMA-AZ and ABATE of Arizona voting members the ACMC? As I recall only CLUB members are allowed to vote and Associate Members like the MMA-AZ and ABATE of Arizona must abstain from any voting privilege regarding club matters. However, they are allowed to voice opinions. The reason behind this was based on the fact that associations do allow police and other law enforcement agencies to be members of their associations. Love, Honor & Respect, Brother Dan, National Ambassador The Huns of the Southwest Body Paragraphs [Limit to about three paragraphs. Cite data sources and recommend solutions to each problem, as well as, the effects of the problems. Provide an alternative that the legislator can work with rather simply stating a complaint or disagreement] Conclusion [Ask for reply or action (be polite). I have even asked for alternative resolutions not stated, but always clearly state the grievance or resolutions that are unacceptable and why if the preceding body paragraphs. For example any resolution that continues to violate my 4th Amendment rights is unacceptable. Include a statement of follow up action and intentions on you yourself or organization. Thank them for their time, efforts, consideration, etc… [Always maintain a polite and respectful tone. Stay on the high road. I know it can be difficult at times, but remember this letter whether electronic or hardcopy may be distributed and circulated and the content and tone reflects not just the author, but the organization the author represents.] Respectfully, [Closing - End the letter with “Regards,” or “Faithfully,” if you do not know the person or well and “Sincerely,” for those who you know by person. If there is a disagreement,” Respectfully,” is appropriate.] [Typically 3-4 Spaces and sign hardcopies here] Your Name Email Address [and/or] Phone number [if different or not included in top right/header] Tip 1: Try to keep to one page, I have reduced to the font to ten, shrunk the margins to 0.75” and made the addresses “in-line” to accomplish, which are technically incorrect, but acceptable. You can always includes attachments rather than going into detail to save space. Tip 2: Use the same format for emails as often one may print the content portion and then your contact information is then disconnected from the letter content or even addressee. Volume 2 Issue 5 Arizona Spokesman at Croation American Club 2434 W Devonshire Ave Phoenix, AZ 85051 $50.00 Donation Jan 23rd ……Spartan Riders Open House Compiled by Kat JANUARY 2010 Jan 9th ……ACMC Meeting OPEN HOUSE at Spartan Riders Glendale Clubhouse, 6002 West Maryland Ave, Glendale , starts at 6pm til whenever. Come out and have a good time ...food and beverages Jan 29th ……Mesa Dutchman Open House To All ACMC Members: Next ACMC Meeting is Jan 9th at 12 noon. Please send at least 2 representatives from your Club or Organization who has the authority to vote, if needed. The Next AZCMC Meeting will be hosted by Hells Angels MC-Cave Creek Club House. Anything to address at the meeting please contact StillRay. His info is on the Contacts Page of this website. If you have business with the ACMC please also contact StillRay-Chairman. Any questions or concerns please contact a Board Member. Open House at the Mesa Lost Dutchman Clubhouse. Doors open around 7:00pm. Jan 15th ……LDMC Open House-Benefit FMI-Call Val at 602-487-8317 Come on out Friday January 15th to the Lost Dutchman MC PEORIA’s open house/benefit. We will be raising money for our Prospect Rob who sustained a massive head injury resulting from a hit and run accident last month. Unfortunately Rob isn’t able to work yet, but the bills don’t stop coming in! Please come out and help! As always, music, drinks, pool, big screen, and fun. $5 donation at the door. Hope to see you there! Jan 16th ……Chris’ 3rd Annual Smoker Night Support 81! Cave Creek Crew hosts this years Smoke Out. Wine! Women! And Song! OPEN BAR! Steak dinner along with Adult Entertainment and Live Band. Located Support Party Defense Support Party hosted in conjunction with Maduck Merchandise LLC. Rudy, Dale, Jerry, Silent Steve Starts at Noon to ? Location: Rockin B Saloon Corner of 6th and 89A Cottonwood, AZ Donations at the door. $15 Single $20 Couple Live Entertainment provided by The Hired Guns Band Food and Fun for all. And Give-a-ways all day long. Contact Big Bo at 928-399-0238 or Kickbush at 928-202-1895 for more info or donations. Feb 21st …… HAMC 27th Florence Prison Run Feb 6th …… Loners MC Big Dog Porker Run Hells Angels MC of Arizona hosts the 27th Annual Florence Prison Run. Ride a harley! Go to prison! Run pins for the first 1500 riders. Please 21 & older. No Minors! Live rock n roll band. Charles Withrow Rodeo Grounds/11608 N Hwy 79 Florence, AZ. 4 miles south of Florence. $20.00 Registration Fee at site or PreSale. Meet and Presale starts at 8am then pack departs at 10am from all locations. Party begins at 11am at run site! MESA-Tri City Eagles/2314 E Apache Blvd, Tempe. TUCSON-Famous Sams/2480 W Ruthrauff. PHOENIX-Phoenix Club House/147 W Mohave. CAVE CREEK & NOMADS/Steel Horse Saloon/19th Ave/Bell Rd. Phoenix. FMI call 602-363-8181. Loners big dog porker run.starts at cycle gear in tucson az at 10:00 am. Feb 24th ……Motorcycle Day at the Dome north west corner of grant and stone. Day to speak to your respective State Legislators about Motorcycle issues and concerns. Be sure to contact your legislators prior the event and invite them for lunch on the lawn, and bring as many motorcyclists as possible for the greatest presence possible. Starts setting up at 10am. Be there between 11:30am-1pm on the Capitol grounds, Senate lawn, as always. A barricaded area, reserved for bike parking will be on 17th Ave between Washington and Jefferson, the full length of the Capitol 1826 W Broadway Rd, Suite 42, Mesa. For more info or directions: [email protected] Jan 30th ……MMA Leather 3 Ball Run MMA Leather District 9th annual 3 Ball Run. Sign in is at Charlie’s Place 43rd ave and Thunderbird from 10a-1130a. Food/Door Prizes/50/50 FEBRUARY 2010 $10.00 a hand. donation of clean new/used towles dog treats ect. would be appreciated $250.00 high hand,door prizes end at juhan park west of I-10 on grant loo for signs games food beer prizes Feb 6th ……Az Nomads Defense Page 10 grounds itself. Please mark your calendars. “All Bikers Welcome”. See you there. Feb 27th ……Spartan Riders Open House OPEN HOUSE at Spartan Riders Glendale Clubhouse 6002 West Maryland ave, Glendale. Starts at 6pm til whenever, Come out and have a good time...food and beverages MARCH 2010 March 5-6th …… Rollin Knights MC 3rd Annual Rollin Knights MC 3rd Annual Dance and Picnic. 3/5/10 Meet and greet....3/6/10 picnic and dance.....more info to follow March 6th …… ACMC Meeting To All ACMC Members: Next ACMC Meeting is March 6th at 12 noon. Please send at least 2 representatives from your Club or Organization who has the authority to vote, if needed. The Next AZCMC Meeting will be hosted by Vietnam Vets/Legacy Vets MC. Anything to address at the meeting please contact StillRay. His info is on the Contacts Page of this website. If you have business with the ACMC please also contact StillRay-Chairman. Any questions or concerns please contact a Board Member. March 20th …… Tucson R & W Spring Fling SAVE THIS DATE! Location and Time to be Announced soon. Starts at 8pm. March 21st …… Gold Rush Poker Run More info TBA at a later date. continued page 12 Volume 2 Issue 5 Arizona Spokesman 1920 E University, # 102, Tempe, Az . 85281 Page 11 Volume 2 Issue 5 Arizona Spokesman APRIL 2010 niversary Poker Run/Party April 9-11th……Beast of the East Meet at the Steel Horse Saloon 19th/Bell Rd Phoenix, AZ 85023 Sign in at 9am/Ride out at 11am. $20.00 per bike for Poker Run & Party Party at Buffalo Chip Saloon 6811 Cave Creek Road Cave Creek, AZ 85331 $10 Party Only Sponsored by HAMC Cave Creek MRF Seminar hosted by ABATE of SC Location: Greenville, SC April 10th ……Spartans Riders Open House OPEN HOUSE at Spartan Riders Glendale Clubhouse 6002 West Maryland Ave Glendale. Starts at 6pm til whenever, Come out and have a good time...food and beverages April 18th ……Sonny’s 52nd An- April 23-24th …… Screw Laughlin Screw Laughlin April 23 and 24 2010. More details to follow... MAY 2010 May 1st…… A.L.M.A Cinco De Mayo More information to come. May 1st …… ACMC Meeting To All ACMC Members: Next ACMC Meeting is May 1st at 12 noon. Please send at least 2 representatives from your Club or Organization who has the authority to vote, if needed. The Next AZCMC Meeting will be hosted by Sober Riders MC/IOOB.Anything to address at the meeting please contact StillRay. His info is on the Contacts Page 12 Page of this website. If you have business with the ACMC please also contact StillRay-Chairman. Any questions or concerns please contact a Board Member. May 22nd …… Spartan Riders Open House OPEN HOUSE at Spartan Riders Glendale Clubhouse 6002 West Maryland Ave Glendale. Starts at 6pm til whenever, Come out and have a good time... food and beverages As Pooh Sees It “Reflecting on the past year my thoughts remind me that miles make brothers, good times make memories, tough times that make us strong, and it is honor that binds us. You may not believe as I do. That is your choice. But celebrate none the less for it is at Christmas that we celebrate the birthday of a man that taught peace and love. It is this season that stands for giving. May all who touch my life and yours, even the ones who’s touch have been less than desirable, be blessed with health, prosperity, peace, and love now and through Sober Riders MC Sober Riders MC has been quite busy the past few months with our own runs, participating and supporting other ACMC club sponsored runs as well as the Protest Run in Kingman in November. Although it’s been chilly, and sometimes downright cold, we’ve had a lot of fun riding or caging to events in Tucson, Yuma, Kingman, Bullhead City, Mesa, Phoenix, Cave Creek and Black Canyon City. While the economy has had an effect on attendance, we appreciate everyone who showed up for our Take It To The Streets run in November. The dancers were happy to see everyone who tossed a couple of bucks their way as evidenced by the show they put on. The New Year will be just as busy with support of ACMC member out the new year.” Love & Respect, “Pooh Bear” “If you don’t know what to do, know what not to do.” Thanks! Getting to Know Us club events in January, February and March. For 2010 we will host our annual Run To The Sun in Tucson, where it all started for our club. After that it will be the start of a new riding season filled with runs, parties and fund raisers and before you know it, we will be at NCOM in large numbers again. Sober Riders MC is steadily growing. We even have a charter in Hawaii, just in case anyone wants to visit us there. We remain strong, continue to grow and we support local confederations and coalitions where we have charters. May all of you have the best of times now and through out the New Year. Peace and Joy Sober Riders MC WE ARE TRIPLE THREAT TC, TOM/BALDYLOCKS & BILL/CHIEFBILL STARTED AS A GROUP OF TRIKE RIDERS BELONGING TO BROTHERS OF THE THIRD WHEEL (BTW) TRIKE ASSOCIATION. AFTER ATTENDING A LOT OF EVENTS HELD BY LOCAL MOTORCYCLE CLUBS ALL BELONGING TO THE ACMC (ARIZONA COALITION OF MOTORCYCLE CLUBS) WE REALIZIED THERE WAS MORE TO SHARING THE ROAD THAN JUST A SUNDAY RIDE. WE HAD RIGHTS ON THE ROAD EQUAL TO EVERYONE ELSE AND WANTED TO PROTECT THOSE RIGHTS. FORMING A CLUB WAS NOT JUST FINDING A BUNCH OF TRIKE RIDERS AND SAYING HEY LETS ALL WEAR THE SAME PATCH. THERE WAS ALOT OF INVESTIGATING AND MEETING OF RIDERS UNTIL WE FOUND THE GROUP IN WHICH WE WANTED TO FORM THE BROTHERHOOD AND COMRADERIE THAT IS REQUIRED TO FORM A CLUB. AFTER BEING INVOLVED IN BTW FOR MANY YEARS WE’VE FOUND ALOT OF PEOPLE WHO HAVE HAD THE SAME DESIRE TO MOVE UP IN THE MOTORCYCLE WORLD HEIRIECHY BUT MANY DID NOT HAVE THE COMMITMENT OR DRIVE TO IMMERSE THEMSELVES INTO THE CULTURE TO DO WHAT IT TAKES. WE BELIEVE WE HAVE FOUND THE RIGHT PEOPLE AND NOW WE HAVE FORMED THE FIRST EVER IN ARIZONA TRIKE CLUB. Volume 2 Issue 5 Arizona Spokesman Page 13 Volume 2 Issue 5 Arizona Spokesman Page 14 Pictures from the Kingman protest ‘’ANGRY BIKERS CONVERGE ON KINGMAN’’ should have read ‘’PERSISTANT POLICE PESTER PATCHES’’ A special thanks should go out to the state “getum” task force, dps, & kpd for the 1 on 1 service they offered to the members of the AZ CONFEDERATION riders that took time to come up to our little neck o the woods, Kingman! Never had so many riders feel so safe and secure, again thanks! The American Legion hall happily welcomed all of us and the way to the American Legion were clearly marked with late model suv’s cars and trucks all smartly tinted. Only the best state money can buy. Our escorts should be comfortable; they were in for quite a day! The always peaceful coalition meeting went off without a hitch although at the end it became a bit hard to hear Still-Ray over, “what’s that”? The droan of a helicopter was overhead. Please! Then it was time for the game of fox and hounds to begin. Off we bolted on our bikes thru the streets of Kingman to see who would accept our hard earned money. Why would that be a problem, you ask? Oh I forgot to mention, many bars and businesses had posted a no colors policy. Well when 500 bikers show up to pay for $3 beer and $10 for a burger it’s only an ignorant businessman that won’t reconsider a policy that may have been pushed upon him by an unnamed gang! We were accepted with open arms at Chuy’s on Stockton Hill Rd. We were ready to ride to another no colors bar but a quickly placed phone call let us know that they were closed for “fall cleaning”. Onward to downtown Kingman, another no colors bar turned us away. Forms were filled out and thank goodness the Brunswick Hotel next door welcomed us with open arms. Off again out of town to the Cattle Crossing in Golden Valley, AZ for a final farewell to a great gathering of grateful bikers that came to Northern AZ to attend the Desert Road Riders M/C hosting of the ACMC meeting. Alas this doesn’t end on a happy note, because one of our brothers “Stony” was awakened with a bang at his door and the “gitm” boys took him away on trumped up charges. And as we speak he is still a guest of Mohave County Jail. A special thanks from the Desert Road Riders MC to all the brothers and sisters that ride! Keep up the battle for our rights! And keep the faith. “Later” DRRMC. Volume 2 Issue 5 Arizona Spokesman 27 th Ride A Harley Go To Prison NOT FOR RESALE Run Pins for the First 1500 Riders 21 & Older No Minors “HELLS ANGELS” is a registered trademark of the Hells Angels Motorcycle Corporation Ûi Rock n’ Roll S unday F eb , 21 St 2010 Charles Withrow Rodeo Grounds / 11608 N. Hwy 79, Florence, AZ - 4 miles south of Florence COME OUT AND SHOW YOUR RED & WHITE SUPPORT $20 Registration Fee At Site or Pre-Sale MEET & PRE-SALE: 8>ÊUÊ* Ê*,/1,\Ê10>ÊÊÊ" /" -ÊUÊ*,/9Ê -\Ê11>Ê/Ê,1 Ê-/ -\ÊÊ/ÀÊ ÌÞÊ>}iÃ]ÊÓΣ{Ê°Ê«>V iÊÛ`°Ê/i«i /1 -" \ÊÊ>ÕÃÊ->Ã]ÊÓ{näÊ7°Ê,ÕÌ À>Õvv *" 8\Ê* iÝÊ ÕLÊÕÃi]Ê£{ÇÊ7°Ê >Ûi 6Ê ,ÊÊUÊÊ "-\ÊÊ-ÌiiÊÀÃiÊ->]Ê£Ì ÊÛi°ÊEÊiÊ,`°]Ê* iÝ INFORMATION: www.florenceprisonrun.com Additional Info: 602.363.8181ÊUÊ[email protected] Page 15 Volume 2 Issue 5 Arizona Spokesman Page 16 Volume 2 Issue 5 more from kingman Arizona Spokesman Page 17 Volume 2 Issue 5 Arizona Spokesman Page 18 Exclusively sold by Medieval Maidens MC in AZ. Contact Kat at 602-758-2201 OR any MMMC Officer. 1-9 patches $10 each or 10+ patches $8 each We will come to your meeting or event in AZ. Volume 2 Issue 5 Arizona Spokesman Page 19 Monsoon Madness ACMC Contact Information Chairman Still Ray 1634 W. Pine Cone Way Prescott, AZ 86303 (928) 445-8960 Hm (928) 925-2740 Cell (928) 541-9737 [email protected] Vice Chairman Spa Bob [email protected] 602-751-8181 Treasurer Bill Bracken Queen Creek, AZ (602) 463-7886 [email protected] Secretary Dan Balentine (928) 201-5047 [email protected] Sgt at Arms Chubasco [email protected] (602) 692-2517 Web Master Editor Spokesman Kat (602) 758-2201 Maricopa, AZ [email protected] Advisor Richard M Lester Aid to Injured Motorcyclists www.aimncom.com (800) 521-2425 (800) 531-2424 Law Offices of: Richard M. Lester Founder of Aid to Injured Motorcyclists s/&&)#%34(2/5'(/54./24(!-%2)#! s&2%%,%'!,#/.35,4!4)/. s./2%#/6%29./&%% s7%-!+%(/53%#!,,3 s!44/2.%93).%6%2934!4%02/6)$%.#%7(/2)$% s./&%%3/.-/4/2#9#,%$!-!'%2%#/6%2%$ s!,3/!54/!##)$%.43 ')=djgh"Idaa;gZZ-%%*(&"')') -%%DC"6"7>@: We are are endorsed endorsed by by the the National National Coalition Coalition of of Motorcyclists Motorcyclists and and more more than than 1000 1000 We motorcycle groups groups throughout throughout the the USA USA & & Canada, Canada, and and serve serve as as Legal Legal Counsel Counsel for for the the motorcycle Confederations of of Clubs. Clubs. Confederations ATTENTION: OUr NATIONWIdE NETWOrk Of A.I.M. ATTOrNEyS dONATE A SIgNIfICANT pOrTION Of ThEIr fEES frOM MOTOrCyCLE ACCIdENT SETTLEMENTS bACk INTO MOTOrCyCLINg by bEINg ThE SOLE fINANCIAL SpONSOr Of ThE NATIONAL COALITION Of MOTOrCyCLISTS. Call for your new ID card with lost key finder .OT*UST/.%!TTORNEY 4HE!)-4EAM4O(ELP9/5 6ISITUSONTHEWEBATWWWAIMNCOMCOM Easy Rider full page B&W.indd 1 3/7/09 4:29:18 PM
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