Sapienza Università di Roma
Sapienza Università di Roma
Sapienza Università di Roma Facoltà di Ingegneria Dipartimento di Ingegneria Strutturale e Geotecnica Dottorato di ricerca – XXVI Ciclo Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses Candidate: Pierluigi Olmati Advisor: Prof. Franco Bontempi Co-Advisor: Prof. Clay J. Naito Dissertazione presentata per il conseguimento del titolo di Dottore di ricerca in Ingegneria delle strutture THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY BLANK Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses Acknowledgments This Ph.D. Thesis is the result of the studies conducted during my Ph.D. program in Structural Engineering at the Sapienza University of Rome. First I would like to thank my advisor Professor Franco Bontempi. He constantly indicated to me the appropriate approach in my study and the way to improve both my personal and my scientific qualities. Special thank goes to my co-advisor Professor Clay J. Naito of the Lehigh University (Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, United State of America) where I had the opportunity to spend six months as visiting scholar. Nowadays our collaboration is still ongoing on several topics of study. I would also like to acknowledge the help of Professors Charis Gantes and Dimitrios Vamvatsikos of the National Technical University of Athens where I spent three months as a visiting scholar. Their hospitality and their scientific contribution in parts of my Ph.D. Thesis are much appreciated. A would like to kindly acknowledge Dr. Francesco Petrini and Dr. Konstantinos Gkoumas, without their advices I would not able to succeed in my studies. A thank is also due to the rest of the research group of the Professor Bontempi and to Patrick Trasborg of the Lehigh University. A thank is for the Professor Giuseppe Rega, who coordinates the Ph.D. program. I would like to express my gratitude is especially to my family that sustained me in my decision to continue with my studies. Pierluigi Olmati Page 1 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY BLANK Pierluigi Olmati Page 2 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses SUMMARY OF THE THESIS 1 Introduction ................................................................................................................ 13 2 The hazard mitigation ................................................................................................ 19 3 2.1 High detonations ................................................................................................. 23 2.2 Gas explosions..................................................................................................... 29 2.3 Computational Fluid Dynamic simulations ........................................................ 35 2.4 Blast load ............................................................................................................. 41 The local resistance .................................................................................................... 55 3.1 3.1.1 Blast load model .......................................................................................... 58 3.1.2 Cladding panel model .................................................................................. 60 3.1.3 Response parameters .................................................................................... 64 3.1.4 Fragility curves ............................................................................................ 65 3.2 4 The impulse density as intensity measure ........................................................... 73 3.2.1 Relation between the pressure-impulse diagram and the fragility surface .. 74 3.2.2 The fragility curve for impulse sensitive structures ..................................... 77 3.2.3 Application on a steel blast door .................................................................. 78 3.3 Slabs subjected to impulsive loads - The Blast Blind Simulation Contest ......... 99 3.4 Insulated panels under close-in detonations ...................................................... 109 3.4.1 Experimental Program ............................................................................... 111 3.4.2 Empirical assessment ................................................................................. 112 3.4.3 Experimental results................................................................................... 115 3.4.4 Numerical model ........................................................................................ 117 3.4.5 Summary .................................................................................................... 124 The global resistance................................................................................................ 127 4.1 The consequence factor ..................................................................................... 133 4.1.1 Tests on simple structures .......................................................................... 135 4.1.2 Application on a steel truss bridge ............................................................. 138 4.2 5 The scaled distance as intensity measure ............................................................ 57 The robustness curves ....................................................................................... 145 Conclusions .............................................................................................................. 154 Pierluigi Olmati Page 3 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses 6 References ................................................................................................................ 158 7 Appendix A – Journal papers obtained from the Ph.D. Thesis ................................ 177 8 7.1 Published and accepted papers .......................................................................... 177 7.2 Submitted and ongoing papers .......................................................................... 177 Appendix B – Curriculum vitae ............................................................................... 179 Pierluigi Olmati Page 4 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses FIGURE INDEX FIGURE 1-1: MASLOW’S HIERARCHY OF NEEDS [MASLOW 1943] ................................................................................ 13 FIGURE 1-2: COLLAPSE RESISTANCE DECOMPOSITION ................................................................................................ 15 FIGURE 2-1: CLASSIFICATION OF THE EXPLOSIVES [US ARMY 1992] ............................................................................ 21 FIGURE 2-2: BLAST LOAD HUMAN TOLERANCES ........................................................................................................ 22 FIGURE 2-3: CHARACTERISTICS OF EXPLOSIVES FROM [US ARMY 1992] ....................................................................... 24 FIGURE 2-4: CONTROL VOLUME AND SHOCK WAVE [US ARMY 1984] .......................................................................... 25 FIGURE 2-5: P-VS CHART [US ARMY 1984] ............................................................................................................ 28 FIGURE 2-6: DETONATION WAVE MOVING THROUGH EXPLOSIVE MATERIAL [US ARMY 1984] .......................................... 28 FIGURE 2-7: HEMISPHERICAL FUEL-AIR CHARGE BLAST FOR THE MULTI-ENERGY .............................................................. 31 FIGURE 2-8: MAIN FEATURES OF THE BLAST SCENARIO............................................................................................... 38 FIGURE 2-9: CONGESTED ROOM MODEL ................................................................................................................. 38 FIGURE 2-10: POSITION OF THE IGNITION POINTS ..................................................................................................... 38 FIGURE 2-11: MAX PRESSURES. EFFECT OF THE DOMESTIC CONGESTION; SIMULATION I ON THE LEFT AND SIMULATION II ON THE RIGHT ..................................................................................................................................................... 39 FIGURE 2-12: MAX PRESSURES. EFFECT OF THE FRANGIBLE WALLS: SIMULATION III......................................................... 40 FIGURE 2-13: PRESSURE TIME HISTORY IN THE KITCHEN (THE GAS REGION) FOR THE THREE DIFFERENT SIMULATIONS: I, II, AND III ............................................................................................................................................................. 40 FIGURE 2-14: PRESSURE TIME HISTORY INSIDE THE KITCHEN FOR THREE ANALYSES WITH DIFFERENT IGNITION LOCATIONS ....... 40 FIGURE 2-15: FREE FIELD PRESSURE TIME HISTORY.................................................................................................... 43 FIGURE 2-16: REFLECTED PRESSURE TIME HISTORY ................................................................................................... 43 FIGURE 2-17: BLAST LOADS FOR FREE AIR BURST EXPLOSIONS, POSITIVE PHASE............................................................... 45 FIGURE 2-18: BLAST LOADS FOR SURFACE BURST EXPLOSIONS, POSITIVE PHASE .............................................................. 45 FIGURE 2-19: AIR BURST EXPLOSION SCENARIO [DOD 2008] ..................................................................................... 46 FIGURE 2-20: PARAMETERS DEFINING PRESSURE DESIGN RANGES [DOD 2008] ............................................................. 48 FIGURE 2-21: APPROXIMATE LOAD ON A SHELTER [BAKER 1983]................................................................................ 49 FIGURE 2-22: FRONT WALL LOADING [DOD 2008] .................................................................................................. 50 FIGURE 2-23: ROOF AND SIDE WALLS LOADING [DOD 2008] ..................................................................................... 51 FIGURE 2-24: REAR WALL LOADING ....................................................................................................................... 52 FIGURE 2-25: IMAGE CHARGE APPROXIMATION, FIGURE ADAPTED FROM [US ARMY 2008] ............................................. 53 FIGURE 3-1: UNCERTAINTIES PARAMETERS IN BLAST ENGINEERING PROBLEMS ................................................................ 58 FIGURE 3-2: BLAST LOADS (SURFACE EXPLOSIONS) BY THE ADOPTED MODEL (DOTTED LINES) AND THE SBEDS MODEL (CONTINUOUS LINE)................................................................................................................................... 59 FIGURE 3-3: REINFORCING STEEL STRENGTH ENHANCEMENT VERSUS STRAIN VELOCITY ..................................................... 61 FIGURE 3-4: COMPONENT RESISTANCE - DISPLACEMENT RELATION .............................................................................. 64 FIGURE 3-5: FRAGILITY CURVES COMPUTING PROCESS ............................................................................................... 67 FIGURE 3-6: N° OF SAMPLES AND COVS FOR THE FC RELATIVE TO THE HF AND R EQUAL TO 20 METERS............................. 68 FIGURE 3-7: NUMERICAL AND LOGNORMAL INTERPOLATED FC ................................................................................... 68 FIGURE 3-8: PRESSURE - IMPULSE DIAGRAMS .......................................................................................................... 69 FIGURE 3-9: FROM TOP LEFT CLOCKWISE, FRAGILITY CURVES FOR THE HF, HD, SD, MD COMPONENT DAMAGE LEVELS ......... 70 FIGURE 3-10: LINES OF DEFENSE ........................................................................................................................... 71 FIGURE 3-11: BLAST LOAD PARAMETERS [DOD 2008] (A); DESIGN BLAST LOAD SHAPES (B) ............................................. 75 FIGURE 3-12: PROBABILISTIC DESCRIPTION OF THE BLAST RESPONSE FOR A STRUCTURAL COMPONENT. PRESSURE-IMPULSE DIAGRAM (A); STRUCTURAL FRAGILITY (B) ...................................................................................................... 76 Pierluigi Olmati Page 5 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses FIGURE 3-13: CONCEPTUAL DEFINITION OF THE FRAGILITY CURVE FOR IMPULSE SENSITIVE STRUCTURES............................... 78 FIGURE 3-14: DETAILS OF THE CASE-STUDY BLAST DOOR. FRONTAL VIEW (A); SECTION ALONG THE WIDTH (B); SECTION ALONG THE HEIGHT (C) ......................................................................................................................................... 79 FIGURE 3-15: PROBABILITY DENSITY FUNCTION OF RY AND DY ...................................................................................... 85 FIGURE 3-16: STRESS STRAIN RELATIONSHIP [KALOCHAIRETIS 2013] ........................................................................... 86 FIGURE 3-17: FINITE ELEMENT MODEL OF THE STEEL BUILT-UP DOOR ........................................................................... 86 FIGURE 3-18: STATIC RESISTANCE FUNCTION BY THE FEM AND THE SSM ..................................................................... 87 FIGURE 3-19: COMPARISON BETWEEN THE TIME HISTORIES OF THE SUPPORT ROTATION Θ OBTAINED WITH THE FE MODEL AND THE SSM. 10 KG OF TNT (A); 15 KG OF TNT (B); 20 KG OF TNT (C); 25 KG OF TNT (D)....................................... 88 FIGURE 3-20: PLASTIC STRAINS ON THE DOOR OBTAINED BY THE FE MODEL. 10 KG OF TNT (A); 15 KG OF TNT (B); 20 KG OF TNT (C); 25 KG OF TNT (D)........................................................................................................................ 89 FIGURE 3-21: FLOWCHART OF THE PROCEDURE FOR THE EVALUATION OF THE FRAGILITY CURVES. FC= FRAGILITY CURVE ........ 91 FIGURE 3-22: FRAGILITY CURVES OBTAINED BY THE SSM. SERVICEABILITY (A), OPERABILITY (B), AND LIFE SAFETY (C) ........... 91 FIGURE 3-23: NUMBER OF SAMPLES AND COV ........................................................................................................ 92 FIGURE 3-24: DESCRIPTION OF THE BLAST SCENARIO AND OF THE CONSIDERED VARIABLES ................................................ 93 FIGURE 3-25: LOGNORMAL PDF OF THE IMPULSE DENSITY AND FRAGILITY CURVES COMPUTED FOR THE CONSIDERED LIMIT STATES .................................................................................................................................................... 94 FIGURE 3-26. DETERMINISTIC PRESSURE IMPULSE DIAGRAMS AND THE LOAD SAMPLES .................................................... 94 FIGURE 3-27: THE SAFETY FACTOR FOR THE LIMIT STATES ........................................................................................... 96 FIGURE 3-28: WINNERS’ ANNOUNCEMENT ........................................................................................................... 100 FIGURE 3-29: FE MODEL OF THE SLAB .................................................................................................................. 102 FIGURE 3-30: DETAIL OF THE BC ......................................................................................................................... 102 FIGURE 3-31: STRESS VS. PLASTIC STRAIN RELATIONSHIP FOR STEEL REINFORCEMENTS, .................................................. 103 FIGURE 3-32: STRESS VS. PLASTIC STRAIN RELATIONSHIP FOR STEEL REINFORCEMENTS, HARDENED SLAB........................... 103 FIGURE 3-33: DIF FOR STEEL .............................................................................................................................. 103 FIGURE 3-34: DIF FOR CONCRETE ....................................................................................................................... 103 FIGURE 3-35: APPLIED DEMANDS ........................................................................................................................ 103 FIGURE 3-36: CRACK PATTERN............................................................................................................................ 105 FIGURE 3-37: CRACK PATTERN............................................................................................................................ 105 FIGURE 3-38: PREDICTED DEFLECTION HISTORY, .................................................................................................... 105 FIGURE 3-39: PREDICTED (NUMERICAL) VS. EXPERIMENTAL DEFLECTION, NORMAL SLAB ................................................ 106 FIGURE 3-40: CRACK PATTERN............................................................................................................................ 107 FIGURE 3-41: CRACK PATTERN............................................................................................................................ 107 FIGURE 3-42: PREDICTED DEFLECTION HISTORY, .................................................................................................... 107 FIGURE 3-43: SPALL/BREACH SCHEMATIC ............................................................................................................. 110 FIGURE 3-44: PLAN AND ELEVATION VIEWS OF TESTED PANELS .................................................................................. 111 FIGURE 3-45: TYPICAL GEOMETRY FOR SPALL AND/ BREACH PREDICTIONS ................................................................... 113 FIGURE 3-46: SPALL AND BREACH THRESHOLD CURVES ............................................................................................ 114 FIGURE 3-47: DAMAGE OBSERVED FROM CLOSE-IN DETONATIONS ............................................................................. 116 FIGURE 3-48: DYNAMIC INCREASE FACTOR (DIF) VERSUS STRAIN-RATE FOR CONCRETE ................................................. 119 FIGURE 3-49: STRESS VS. VOLUMETRIC STRAIN CHART OF THE USED EPS FOAM ............................................................ 120 FIGURE 3-50: MEASURED AND PREDICTED SPALL DIAMETER ON PROTECTED FACE ......................................................... 122 FIGURE 3-51: IMPACT FORCE DEMAND ON THE FRONT FACE OF THE INTERIOR WYTHE .................................................... 122 FIGURE 3-52: PARAMETRIC EXAMINATION OF INSULATION TYPE AND THICKNESS FOR SPALL ............................................ 123 FIGURE 4-1: STRATEGIES FOR SAFETY AGAINST EXTREME EVENTS AND CORRESPONDING REQUIREMENTS [GIULIANI 2012] .... 130 FIGURE 4-2: EXAMPLE SPRING STRUCTURE ............................................................................................................ 135 FIGURE 4-3: EXAMPLE TRUSS STRUCTURE (A) AND DAMAGE SCENARIO EVALUATION (B) ................................................. 137 Pierluigi Olmati Page 6 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses FIGURE 4-4: EXAMPLE STAR STRUCTURE (A) AND DAMAGE SCENARIO EVALUATION (B) ................................................... 138 FIGURE 4-5: EAST ELEVATION OF THE I-35W BRIDGE [NTSB 2007] ......................................................................... 138 FIGURE 4-6: 3D FE MODEL OF THE I-35 WEST BRIDGE ........................................................................................... 139 FIGURE 4-7: LATERAL TRUSS OF THE BRIDGE AND SELECTION OF DAMAGE SCENARIOS..................................................... 140 FIGURE 4-8: UPDATED LATERAL TRUSS OF THE BRIDGE AND SELECTION OF DAMAGE SCENARIOS ....................................... 141 FIGURE 4-9: DAMAGE SCENARIO EVALUATION IN TERMS OF CF FOR THE ORIGINAL CONFIGURATION OF THE BRIDGE ............. 141 FIGURE 4-10: DAMAGE SCENARIO EVALUATION IN TERMS OF CF FOR THE IMPROVED CONFIGURATION OF THE BRIDGE ......... 141 FIGURE 4-11: FE MODEL OF THE BUILDING ........................................................................................................... 146 FIGURE 4-12: EXAMPLES OF ROBUSTNESS CURVES UNDER BLAST DAMAGE SCENARIOS ................................................... 148 FIGURE 4-13: FLOWCHART OF THE PROCEDURE TO EVALUATE THE STRUCTURAL ROBUSTNESS AGAINST BLAST DAMAGE ........ 148 FIGURE 4-14: DAMAGE SCENARIOS (L; 1), AND DAMAGE SCENARIOS (L; 2) ................................................................ 149 FIGURE 4-15: COLUMN TYPES ............................................................................................................................ 150 FIGURE 4-16: LOAD FACTOR TIME HISTORY CHART .................................................................................................. 151 FIGURE 4-17: MOMENT-CURVATURE DIAGRAMS ................................................................................................... 151 FIGURE 4-18: RESPONSE TIME HISTORY FOR A NODE LOCATED AT THE TOP OF THE REMOVED KEY ELEMENT, D-SCENARIO (5; 1) (LEFT, ARRESTED DAMAGE RESPONSE) AND D-SCENARIO (6; 1) (RIGHT, PROPAGATED DAMAGE RESPONSE) .............. 151 FIGURE 4-19: ROBUSTNESS CURVES UNDER BLAST DAMAGE ..................................................................................... 152 Pierluigi Olmati Page 7 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY BLANK Pierluigi Olmati Page 8 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses TABLE INDEX TABLE 2-1: PERFORMED CFD ANALYSIS .................................................................................................................. 38 TABLE 2-2: FRANGIBLE OBJECTS CHARACTERISTICS .................................................................................................... 40 TABLE 3-1: INPUT DATA....................................................................................................................................... 60 TABLE 3-2: COMPONENT DAMAGE LEVELS, AND THE ASSOCIATED THRESHOLDS IN TERMS OF RESPONSE PARAMETERS ............ 65 TABLE 3-3: RESULTS ........................................................................................................................................... 72 TABLE 3-4: LIMITS STATES ................................................................................................................................... 81 TABLE 3-5: PROBABILISTIC DISTRIBUTIONS OF THE STOCHASTIC VARIABLES ..................................................................... 84 TABLE 3-6: PARAMETRIC CARACHTERIZATION OF THE FRAGILITY CURVES FOR THE EXAMINATED LIMIT STATES ....................... 92 TABLE 3-7: EXCEEDING PROBABILITIES OBTAINED WITH THE CONDITIONAL AND UNCONDITIONAL APPROACHES ..................... 95 TABLE 3-8: INPUTS FOR MAT159,...................................................................................................................... 103 TABLE 3-9: INPUTS FOR MAT159,...................................................................................................................... 103 TABLE 3-10: PREDICTED RESULTS,....................................................................................................................... 105 TABLE 3-11: PREDICTED RESULTS,....................................................................................................................... 107 TABLE 3-12: TEST MATRIX ................................................................................................................................. 112 TABLE 3-13: SPALL AND BREACH THRESHOLD CURVE CONSTANTS............................................................................... 113 TABLE 3-14: EXPERIMENTAL SPALL AND BREACH RESULTS ........................................................................................ 115 TABLE 3-15: ASSUMED PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF THE EPS INSULATING FOAM .............................................................. 120 TABLE 3-16: EXTERIOR (LEFT), INTERIOR (RIGHT) AND SECTION VIEW (BELOW) OF NUMERICAL RESULTS; DAMAGE PARAMETER FROM 1.95 TO 2. ................................................................................................................................... 121 TABLE 4-1: ABNORMAL EVENTS THAT COULD THREATEN A STRUCTURE [STAROSSEK ET AL. 2012] .................................... 128 TABLE 4-2: COLUMN CROSS SECTION ................................................................................................................... 150 Pierluigi Olmati Page 9 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY BLANK Pierluigi Olmati Page 10 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses ABSTRACT A failure of the security system of a community leads to a socio-economic instability and consequently to the decline of the community. Nowadays like in the past, a protective design against man-made attacks is important, especially considering that the Free World is constantly prone to destabilization by terrorism. A protective construction should principally guarantee the maximum reasonable survivability of the occupants. If the prevention strategies of defense fail (e.g. intelligence and police activities), the design for blast offers the only possibility to limit the consequences of an explosion. The resistance of a generic structure subjected to a blast load is measured in terms of collapse resistance, defined as the exceeding of a performance limit. The collapse resistance can be assessed directly by applying the blast demand to the structure (un-decomposed approach) or by decomposing the collapse resistance (decomposed approach) in three components: the hazard mitigation, the local resistance, and the global resistance. In this Thesis the decomposed approach is preferred and methods for a quantitative assessment of the collapse resistance’s components are proposed and applied to case-study structures. Concerning the hazard mitigation, deterministic computational fluid dynamic simulations are carried out for assessing the influence of three crucial parameters determining the severity of the blast load due to the deflagration of a gas cloud. The fragility analysis is carried out in the framework of the performance-based blast engineering, in order to quantify the local resistance of both precast concrete cladding wall panels and steel builtup blast resistant doors. Furthermore detailed finite element simulations are carried out for investigating the behavior of concrete slabs and insulated panels subjected to far-field and close-in detonations respectively. Finally, the global resistance is investigated by two methods that take into account the consequences of extreme loads on structures, focusing on the influence that the loss of primary elements has on the structural load bearing capacity. Pierluigi Olmati Page 11 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY BLANK Pierluigi Olmati Page 12 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses 1 INTRODUCTION In the mid-twentieth century Abraham Maslow wrote a paper on the hierarchy of the human needs [Maslow 1943]. Considering for instance the primaries needs (see Figure 1-1) the humans should have employment, health, and property; in other words the human needs security. In general, security is guaranteed by a secure shelter, such as a secure residence, a secure office, and a secure city. Without security a society cannot develop and prosper. Having security means to be protected by adverse environmental conditions, daily human activities, animals, and man-made attacks. Moreover the perception of a risk due to each one of the mentioned hazards is not perceived with the same intensity by the community [Pidgeon 1998] and the perception of the risk is generally variable. In particular the hazard due to man-made attacks is mostly perceived in the beginning of the twenty-first century. The protection of buildings and critical infrastructures against man-made attacks is a priority for a stable and secure society. A failure of the security system of a community leads to a socio-economic instability and consequently to a decline of the community. Nowadays like in the past a protective design [Krauthammer 2008a] against man-made attacks is imperative, especially considering that the Free World is constantly engaged by terrorism that aims at the destabilization of the community. Self-actualization morale, creativity, openness self-esteem, confidence, achievement, respect Belonging / Love Security friendship, family, sexual intimacy security, employment, health, property Physiological breathing, food, sex, sleep, excretion SHELTER Esteem Figure 1-1: Maslow’s hierarchy of needs [Maslow 1943] In fact, terrorism is the new kind of warfare. Records of the terrorism activities provided by the U.S. Department of State report that the 85 % of the terrorist attacks is conducted by explosive devices [DoS 2003, DoS 2004, DoS 2005, and DoS 2006]. This fact leads Pierluigi Olmati Page 13 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses to the need to design buildings and critical infrastructures against explosions. Moreover, also accidental explosions in explosive storage facilities (military or civil) and in the urban contest are considered to be a serious threat for the security of a community. Briefly designing structures for blast load is a security’s prerogative of the community. Without an adequate level of protection a prosperous community cannot withstand the threat of the terrorism and a socio-economic decline is inevitable. A protective construction should principally guarantee the maximum reasonable survivability of the occupants. If the prevention strategies of defense (e.g. intelligence and police activities) fail, the design for blast is the only chance to limit the consequences of an explosion. Approaches to design for blast can be divided in either deterministic or probabilistic. Generally a facility is designed based on a standard threat so a deterministic approach is used. However if the statistics of the threat and of the mechanical properties of the structure are known a probabilistic approach is preferred. A generic structure is composed by several structural elements (components) forming an organized structural scheme. The structural response of the components is identified as “local response” (e.g. the structural response of a column); instead, the structural response of the overall structural scheme is identified as “global response” (e.g. the stability of a building after a column failure). The resistance of a generic structure subjected to a blast load is measured in terms of collapse resistance defined as the exceeding of a performance limit concerning the global and/or the local response. The collapse resistance can be assessed directly by applying the blast demand to the structure (un-decomposed approach) or by decomposing the collapse resistance (decomposed approach) in three components: the hazard mitigation (hazard), the local resistance (vulnerability), and the global resistance (structural robustness). In the latter case the collapse resistance is determined quantifying the three components by a deterministic or probabilistic approach. Looking at the probabilistic approach the collapse probability is given by the product of each conditional probability of the collapse probability’s components. In probabilistic terms commonly used in earthquake engineering (see [Bazzurro et al. 1998, Fragiadakis et al. 2013, and Kennedy et al. 1984]) the decomposed approach is called conditional approach and expressed formally by Eq. (1-1). [ ] Pierluigi Olmati ∑ [ ] [ ] [ ] (1-1) Page 14 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses where Hi is the hazard related to the blast scenario “i” (where the scenario is defined by the parameters determining the intensity of the blast action), also known as Intensity Measure (IM) in other engineering fields [Whittaker et al. 2003, Ciampoli et al. 2011, and Reed et al. 1994], LD is the structural local damage, C is the collapse event, P[∙|∙] indicates a conditional probability, P[∙] indicates a probability, and the summation ∑ is extended to all scenarios. Following the decomposed approach, the left part of Figure 1-2 shows the three components of the collapse resistance. On the right part of Figure 1-2 instead, there are the investigated methods for a quantitative assessment of the collapse resistance’s components and practical applications are presented for each component of the collapse resistance. Section Gas explosions in civil buildings COLLAPSE RESISTANCE HAZARD MITIGATION Fragility analysis LOCAL RESISTANCE Explicit finite element analysis GLOBAL RESISTANCE The consequence factor Scaled distance as intensity measure 3.1 Impulse density as intensity measure 3.2 Concrete slabs subjected to blast loads 3.3 Spall & breach resistance of insulated panels 3.4 The robustness curves Collapse resistance components 2.3 4.1 4.2 Methods for a quantitative assessment of the collapse resistance’s components and applications Figure 1-2: Collapse resistance decomposition Concerning the hazard mitigation, this Thesis focuses on the gas explosions in civil buildings. Deterministic Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) simulations are carried out for assessing the influence of three crucial parameters determining the severity of the blast load due to the deflagration of a gas cloud. These parameters are the room Pierluigi Olmati Page 15 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses congestion, the failure of non-structural walls and the location of the ignition. Each of these parameters can change drastically the blast demand on the structure. Usually the room congestion is present in a building and it should be considered in the simulations; the failure of non-structural walls should be taken into account for not overestimating the overpressures generated by the explosion; instead the effect of the location of the ignition should be investigated by performing several simulations with different locations of the ignition (see section 2.3). The local resistance is investigated both deterministically and probabilistically. As mentioned previously, with the term local resistance is intended the resistance of the single component of the structural system subjected to the blast load. The fragility analysis, see [Bazzurro et al. 1998, Fragiadakis et al. 2013, and Kennedy et al. 1984], is carried out with two different intensity measures, and two different applications are proposed. - First a terroristic attack carried out by a probabilistically defined vehicle bomb is considered and a method for computing the fragility curves is provided for a concrete cladding wall panel subjected to blast loads. The probabilities of exceeding the defined limit states are computed by both the uncoupled and coupled approaches [Reed et al. 1994] for testing both the proposed method for computing the fragility curves and the selected intensity measure (see section 3.1). - After that, the accidental explosion of mortar rounds in a military facility engaging a steel built-up door is considered probabilistically. In addition, a safety factor for carrying out deterministic analyses of steel built-up blast doors subjected to accidental explosions of mortar ammunitions is proposed. Also for this second application the fragility analysis is validated by confronting the obtained results in terms of probability of exceeding a limit state with the results obtained with the uncoupled approach [Reed et al. 1994] (see section 3.2). The probabilistic study of the local resistance is developed in collaboration with the Prof. Charis Gantes and the Prof. Dimitrios Vamvatsikos of the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) during the spring/summer 2013. The local resistance is also investigated deterministically by detailed explicit finite element simulations performed using LS-Dyna [LSTC 2012]. The blast generated demands can be categorized into far design range and close-in design range. In the far design range the blast generated pressure demands can be considered uniform on the structure, while in the close-in design range blast pressures are non-uniform and the pressure magnitudes can be very high. - Concerning the far design range the National Science Foundation (NSF) funded a study made by the University of Missouri Kansas City (UMKC) to perform a batch of blast resistance tests on reinforced concrete slabs. Based on these results, Pierluigi Olmati Page 16 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses a Blast Blind Simulation Contest was being sponsored in collaboration with American Concrete Institute (ACI) Committees 447 (Finite Element of Reinforced Concrete Structures) and 370 (Blast and Impact Load Effects), and UMKC School of Computing and Engineering. The goal of the contest was to predict, using simulation methods, the response of reinforced concrete slabs subjected to a blast load. The blast response was simulated using a Shock Tube (Blast Loading Simulator) located at the Engineering Research and Design Center, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers at Vicksburg, Mississippi. A team for participating at the contest has been formed by the author of this Thesis Pierluigi Olmati (Sapienza University of Rome), Patrick Trasborg (Lehigh University), Dr. Luca Sgambi (Politecnico di Milano), Prof. Clay J. Naito (Lehigh University), and Prof. Franco Bontempi (Sapienza University of Rome). The submitted prediction of the slab’s deflection was declared The Winner of The Blast Blind Simulation Contest ( - accessed August 2013) for the concurring category (see section 3.3). - Regarding the close-in design range, concrete elements exhibit localized damage in the form of spalling and/or breach. When the depth of the spall exceeds half of the element thickness breach often occurs. The resistance to spall and breach in concrete elements is an important design consideration when close-in detonations of high explosives are possible. Spall on the interior face of the structural element can result in the formation of small concrete fragments which can travel at hundreds of feet per second [DoD 2008] causing serious injuries and equipment damages. In this Thesis, the spall and breach resistance is investigated for insulated concrete wall panels by detailed explicit finite element analyses performed using LS-Dyna [LSTC 2012]. The spall and breach resistance is assessed to be dependent by the thickness of the insulation that guarantees a gap between the exterior and interior concrete wythes (see section 3.4). Moreover experimental tests were conducted at the Air Force Research Laboratory in Panama City, FL. The study on the spall and breach resistance of insulated concrete cladding wall panels was developed at the Lehigh University during the winter/spring 2012 in collaboration with Prof. Clay J. Naito (Lehigh University). Finally the global resistance of a structure is investigated by two methods. As mentioned before, with global resistance is intended the resistance of a structural system against a failure of one or more structural components. - The first method is based on the consequence factor obtained confronting the elastic stiffness matrices of the damaged and undamaged structure. This methodology takes into account the consequences of extreme loads on structures, focusing on the influence that the loss of primary elements has on the structural Pierluigi Olmati Page 17 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses load bearing capacity. Briefly a method for the evaluation of the structural robustness of skeletal structures is presented and tested in simple structures. Following that, an application focuses on a case study bridge, the extensively studied I-35W Minneapolis steel truss bridge. The bridge, which had a structural design particularly sensitive to extreme loads, recently collapsed for a series of other reasons, in part still under investigation. The applied method aims, in addition to the robustness assessment, at increasing the collapse resistance of the structure by testing alternative designs (see section 4.1). - The second proposed method take account the non-linear dynamic behavior of a structure for assessing its structural robustness. The method is developed for buildings and it is based on the hypothesis of the removal column scenario. The column is suddenly removed and a non-linear dynamic analysis is carried out for assessing if the disproportionate collapse occurs, if not a non-linear static pushover is carried out on both the damaged and undamaged configuration of the building for estimating the residual capacity of the building. This procedure is repeated both increasing the number of the removed columns and for several scenarios. The robustness is so assessed for a steel tall building (see section 4.2). The following sections contain the carried out studies on the collapse resistance of structures under man-made or accidental explosions following the decomposition of the collapse resistance shows in Figure 1-2. Pierluigi Olmati Page 18 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses 2 THE HAZARD MITIGATION There are many definitions of the explosion phenomenon. In general an explosion results from a very rapid release of a large amount of energy within a limited space, or it can be defined by a sudden conversion of potential energy into kinetic energy with the production and release of gas under pressure [DoD 2008]. The sudden liberation of energy causes a very rapid and considerable expansion of gases that initiate a shock wave. An ideal shock wave is defined as a front where occur an instantaneous rise of pressure followed by a gradual decrease of it. If the explosion is in air the shock wave is followed by a strong wind. Moreover there are different typologies of explosions. The most common are: physicals, chemicals, nuclear, and electrical [Bjerketvedt et al. 1997]. A physical explosion [Baker et al. 1983] concerns a very rapid changing of phase of the materials, generally from liquid phase to gaseous phase condition; so there is a rapid changing of equilibrium conditions of the materials, as a quick release of gas initially at high pressure conditions. Generally physical explosions occur by a very quick release of gas at high pressure that generates a shock wave. A typical physical explosion is the boiling liquid expanding vapors explosions (BLEVEs); the BLEVE is an explosion due to flashing of liquids when a vessel with a high vapor pressure substance fails. A typical BLEVE is a steam explosion, it can result from boiler failure that causes loss of containment of the superheated water; a flash vaporization of the superheated water occurs and this causes a shock wave. A chemical explosion [Baker et al. 1983] is an exothermic reaction. The explosive charge is converted in very hot gases that expanding rapidly provokes a shock wave. The explosive materials can be solid, liquid, and also gaseous. A chemical reaction starts after the ignition of a generic explosive. The speed of reaction respect to the unreacted explosive (U) is different for various kind of explosives. If U is greater than the sound velocity referred to the environmental conditions modified by the explosion (c'), the phenomenon is a detonation regime, instead if U is less than c' the phenomenon is a deflagration regime. The speed of the front of reaction respect a fix observer (S) is the summation of U and u, where u is the velocity of the unreacted explosive. The passage between deflagration to detonation regime is possible and it is called Deflagration to Detonation Transition (DDT). In other hands a detonation is a directly molecular decomposition; instead a deflagration is a rapid combustion (oxidation phenomena). The shock wave made by a deflagration is less strong than the shock wave made by a detonation. An example of deflagration is made by a rapid combustion in turbulent regime of a mixture of air – fuel (gas cloud), as a matter of fact gas clouds generally Pierluigi Olmati Page 19 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses deflagrate, but a DDT event could occur. trinitrotoluene, mainly detonate. Instead the solid explosives, as the A nuclear explosion is given by a mass fusion or fission of atomic nuclei. Usually fission occurs in the nuclear civil facilities (nuclear power plant), so the uranium 235 or plutonium 239 molecule splits in to smaller parts releasing energy. The fission was also used in the nuclear weapon “The gadget”, that was the first nuclear test called “Trinity” executed the 19th July 1945 in New Mexico (USA), and in the nuclear weapons “Little Boy” and “Fat man” used the 6th and 9th August 1945 on Hiroshima and Nagasaki (Japan) respectively. Instead in the fusion two or more nuclei joint together releasing energy. An example is the fusion of the hydrogen isotope known as deuterium to form helium nuclei, other particles, and energy. To have a fusion to utilize in civil facilities is not feasible yet, a lot of energy to start fusion is necessary and conventional materials do not support the resulting stress, about that some tests are ongoing. Otherwise some weapons adopting the fusion exist and they are widely tested. An electrician explosion occurs when there is a strong release of electrical energy; the resulting electrical arc rapidly heats the surrounding gas that quickly expands causing a shock wave. A dangerous scenario is when an electrical arc occurs inside a transformer, the oil vaporizing so expand causing often the rupture of the transformer, hot gases and oil are pushed out roughly and their ignition is probable. So referring to the chemical explosions [Bjerketvedt et al. 1997], the term explosive is applied to such solid or liquid substance as possess the faculty of undergoing instantaneous decomposition, extending throughout their entire mass and accompanied by a considerable disengagement of heat, the substance at the same time being partly or wholly converted into gaseous decomposition products [Baker 1997]. The phenomenon of explosion is a sudden and enormous expansion of gases and vaporous liberated from a previous condition of chemical combination [Bjerketvedt et al. 1997]. The chemical explosives can be classified by various criteria as: The capacity to detonate or to deflagrate, so high explosives and low explosives. The utilization of the explosive charge, for examples of demolition, as propellant, etc. The sensitivity to be ignited, so primary explosives and secondary explosive. The chemical composition. Condensed phase explosives and gaseous explosives. Between the above criteria for classifying explosives generally using the classification between primary and secondary explosives is more practice [US Army 1992]. The firsts are extremely sensible at the ignition source, instead the seconds are stable namely they are not sensible to weak ignition source [US Army 1992]. For this reason a primary explosives are adopted as ignition source for the secondary explosives. Pierluigi Olmati Page 20 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses However primary and secondary explosives are a subgroup of the high explosives [US Army 1992]. Therefore there are low explosives and high explosives, the firsts only deflagrate instead the seconds detonate [US Army 1984]. Resuming generally it is possible classify explosives in low and high; and the seconds are divides between primary and secondary explosives. EXPLOSIVES Low explosives Black powder Smokeless powder Flash powder High explosives Primary high explosives Lead azide Lead styphnate Mercury fulminate DDNP Tetrazene Secondary high explosives Boosters PETN RDX Main charge Dynamite Binary explosives Water gels TNT ANFO Figure 2-1: Classification of the explosives [US Army 1992] The effects of an explosion include the shock wave, thermal effects, projectiles, blast wind, ground shocking, cratering, and electromagnetic disturbance [US Army 1992]. The shock wave is a mechanical pressure wave that travels outward from the source the explosion and interacts with the surrounding objects. Especially for detonation it can be modeled by instantaneous increment of pressure followed by an exponential decrement of the pressure. When the shock wave interacts with some objects phenomena as reflections and refraction occur, whereby a magnification of the pressure is manifested. The thermal effect is due to the temperature of the gases, output of the explosion reaction; it can be important near the charge and for nuclear explosions. Projectiles or fragments are dangerous because they cause in general a lot of victims and large damage at the equipment; they are fragments of materials pushed out belonging at the bomb or at the objects destroyed by the explosion. The blast wind is due by the expansion of the gases output of the explosion and by the surrounding dislocated air. The effect of blast wind is generally called dynamic pressure, and it follows the shock wave. The ground shocking is due to the overpressure of the blast slapping on the surface of the ground. This phenomenon is significant for strong explosion. The cratering is a depression in the ground. The most significant cratering occurs when the blast is near to the surface so the charge is in low elevation from the ground. The formation of a crater dissipates explosive energy. Pierluigi Olmati Page 21 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses The electromagnetic disturbance is observed especially for strong explosions and for nuclear explosions. The electro equipment is out of order after this event. The human tolerance to the blast load is relatively high [DoD 2008]. The pressure tolerance for short duration blast loads is significantly higher than the pressure tolerance for long duration blast loads. The critical human tissues are those contain air. The release of air bubbles from disrupted alveoli of the lungs into the vascular system probably accounts for most deaths. For short duration of shock, from 3 to 5 ms, the lethality threshold is approximately 7 bar, but a severe lung hemorrhage can occur at 2.5 bar. For long duration loads a petechial hemorrhage can manifest approximately at 1 bar. However the survival is dependent mainly by the mass of the human. The pressure levels that humans can withstand are generally much lower than those causing eardrum or lunge damage, so the loss of equilibrium and the impact with hard surfaces is a dangerous threat; for this reason tolerable pressure level of humans would not exceed 0.18 bar; however this pressure leads a temporary hearing loss. 100 1000 threshold eardrum rupture threshold 99% survival 50% survival 1% survival temporary threshold shift 10 P [psi] P [psi] 50 % eardrum rupture 100 1 0.1 10 1 10 100 1000 0.01 i/Whuman1/3 [ms psi/w1/3] (a) Survival curves for lung damage [DoD 2008] 0.1 i [ms psi] 1 (b) Human eardrum damage [DoD 2008] Figure 2-2: Blast load human tolerances Pierluigi Olmati Page 22 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses 2.1 High detonations The most famous and diffuse explosive especially in the past is the TNT. There are a lot of experimental data about it. Therefore the common practice is to compare the other explosive proprieties about the shock wave parameters with those ones of the TNT [US Army 2008]. The heat of reaction (H) is defined as energy for unit mass so expressed in MJ/kg. The potential energy of the explosive charge is the heat of reaction multiplied by the mass of the charge. To compare a generic explosive charge with the TNT charge is necessary comparing the two energies held by the two charges [US Army 1992]. The total mass of the generic charge multiplied by the relative heat of reaction is posed equal at the TNT heat of reaction multiplied by the equivalent mass of TNT; see Eq. (2-1). Mex Hex MTNT HTNT (2-1) The heat of reaction and the explosive charge are known and it is possible calculate the equivalent mass of TNT by the ratio between the two heat of reactions called explosive's TNT equivalent factor, or Equivalent Factor (EF). The TNT mass of the explosive charge that has the same energy of a generic explosive charge is so obtained. Therefore a generic explosive charge is considered as an equivalent charge of TNT [US Army 2008]. In reality the EF varies slightly in function of the standoff, the charge geometry, and the atmospheric conditions [DoD 2008]. For the purposes of design a given EF of an explosive is considered as constant. Use the TNT equivalent mass is convenient because it is possible compute the blast load of an explosive charge (expressed by its TNT equivalent mass) from the blast load of an experimental blast test. This is possible by the application of the principle of similitude and the scaled distance. By the principle of similitude [Baker et al. 1983] two charges made by the same explosive and with the same shape but with different size proportional to a constant k, the peak pressure Pso measured at any distance R1 from the center of the first charge will be equal to those measured at distance R2, see Eq. (2-2), from the center of the second charge. R 2 k * R1 (2-2) The principle of similitude is widely experimental validated. If the sizes of the two explosive charge are proportional to k, the mass of the explosive charge will be proportional at the k3, resulting in Eq. (2-3). 1/3 M k 2 M1 Pierluigi Olmati (2-3) Page 23 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses Where M1 is the mass of the first charge and M2 is the mass of the second charge. So by coupling the Eq.s (2-2) and (2-3) it is possible write Eq. (2-4). 1/3 R2 R2 R 1 R 1 (2-4) Remembering that at the distances R1 and R2 from the explosion source, the pressure Pso developed by the detonation of any of the two charges made by the same explosive with proportional shape is identical. Name Applications Black Powder Ammonium Nitrate Amatol 80720 M1 Dynamite Time fuse Cratering charge Bursting charge Demolition charge Detonating Cord Priming TNT Tetrytol 75/25 Tetryl Sheet Explosive M118 and M186 Pentolite 50/50 Demolition charge, composition explosive Demolition charge Booster charge, composition explosive Cutting charge Booster charge, bursting charge Commercial dynamite Nitroglycerin Bangalore Torpedo Demolition charge M1A2 Shaped Charges M2A3, M2A4, and Cutting charge M3A1 Composition B Bursting charge Composition C4 Cutting charge, bursting and M112 charge Booster charge, Composition A3 bursting charge Detonation cord, PENT blasting caps, demolition charges Blasting caps, RDX composition explosives Detonation m/sec ft/sec 400 1300 2700 8900 4900 16000 6100 20000 6100 20000 to to 7300 24000 EF 0.6 0.4 1.2 0.9 1 Fume Water toxicity resistan Dangerous Poor Dangerous Poor Dangerous Poor Dangerous Fair Slight Excellent 6900 22600 7000 23000 1.2 Dangerous Excellent 7100 23300 1.3 Dangerous Excellent 7300 24000 1.1 Dangerous Excellent 7450 24400 Dangerous Excellent 7700 25200 1.5 Dangerous 7800 25600 1.2 Dangerous Excellent 7800 25600 1.2 Dangerous Excellent 7800 25600 1.4 Dangerous Excellent 8040 26400 1.3 8100 26500 8300 27200 1.7 8350 27400 1.6 - - Dangerous Excellent Good Slight Excellent Dangerous Good Slight Excellent Dangerous Excellent Figure 2-3: Characteristics of explosives from [US Army 1992] Consequently the scaled distance (Z) is constant [Baker et al. 1983], see Eq. (2-5). R Z 1 3 W 1 Pierluigi Olmati R2 3 W 2 (2-5) Page 24 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses As mentioned the ratio Z is called scale distance and by the validity of the principle of similitude is adopted for obtaining the blast load parameters for any size of explosive charge. Some analytical expressions and charts are provided in function of Z to predict blast loads; besides they are referred to a spherical explosive charge. The most data available about the scale distance is computed in imperial units and instead the charge mass is considered as weight of the charge expressed in pound (lb). The Jump Equation In this chapter is highlighted the detonation phenomena occurring in a high explosive charge [US Army 1984]. The objective is finding an expression to compute the detonation pressure for different kinds of explosive. Referring to Figure 2-4 and to the section: The shock velocity is the velocity that the shock wave moves through the material. The detonation process is stationary. v is the velocity of the shock wave respect to a fix observer. V1 and V0 are the explosive control volume, respectively ahead and behind the shock wave. u1 and u0 are the velocities of the particles of the material. L1 and L2 are the distances that a particle travels in a time interval. A is the constant sectional area of the control volume. ρ1 and ρ0 are the explosive densities, unreacted and reacted respectively. e1 and e0 are the internal energies of the V1 and V2. t is the unit time. P1 and P0 are the pressures acting on the two faces of the shock front. v-u1 V1 L1 A V0 v-u0 L0 Figure 2-4: Control volume and shock wave [US Army 1984] Generally the mass can be expressed as: Pierluigi Olmati Page 25 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses m V (2-6) The velocity of the shock wave moving through the material is equal at: v0 (v u 0 ) v1 ( v u1 ) (2-7) And the mass crossing the shock wave can be expressed as: m 0 0 At( v u 0 ) m1 1At( v u1 ) (2-8) Where the volume is expressed by the cross section multiplied per both the time and the velocity. By the principle of mass conservation m0=m1 and suppressing the product At in both the members of the mass conservation equation it is possible to write the first jump equation: 0 (v u 0 ) 1 (v u1 ) (2-9) By the forces equilibrium equation the produced pressure is the difference of the force ahead and behind the shock wave: F (P1 P0 )A (2-10) By the principle of momentum conservation written in terms of rate of momentum it is possible write the changing rate of the momentum (M) of the system per unit time: M / t (mu1 mu 2 ) / t 1Atu1 (v u1 ) 0 Atu0 (v u 0 ) / t (2-11) The changing rate of the momentum is equal at the force F of Eq. (2-10), therefore: (P1 P0 )A 1Au1 (v u1 ) 0 Au0 (v u 0 ) (2-12) Suppressing the sectional area of the control volume and rearranging the Eq. (2-12) it is obtained the second jump equation: P1 1u1 (v u1 ) P0 0u 0 (v u 0 ) (2-13) By the principle of the work conservation the rate of work (W) being done on the system per unit of time is: w / t 1Au1 0 Au0 Pierluigi Olmati (2-14) Page 26 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses By the principle of the energy conservation the increasing rate of the energy per unit of time is the difference between the rate of change of the sum of the internal and kinetic energies in the initial and final state: (2-15) (2-16) E / t 1AL1e1 0.51AL1u12 0 AL0 e 0 0.50 AL1u 02 / t Therefore the Eq. (2-15) can be expressed as: E / t At1 e1 0.5u12 v u1 At0 e 0 0.5u 02 v u 0 / t Equating the rate of work done, Eq. (2-16), on the system with the increasing rate of energy and suppressing the time t Eq. (2-17) is obtained: 1Au1 0 Au0 At1 e1 0.5u12 v u1 At0 e0 0.5u 02 v u 0 (2-17) Finally suppressing the sectional area A and rearranging the terms the third jump equation is obtained: 1u1 1 v u1 e1 0.5u12 0 u 0 0 v u 0 e0 0.5u 02 (2-18) The name “jump equations” [US Army 1984] is due because the state variables jump from one value to another very rapidly across the shock. To solve this equation are necessary relationships tying together the variable present in the three jump equations. But a simpler relationship called the Hugoniot equation suffices. The Hugoniot equation and the C-J pressure The Hugoniot relationship [US Army 1984] written coherently with the adopted symbolism is: (v u 0 ) C0 Su 0 (2-19) Where C0 is the sound velocity in the medium, S is a constant related to the specific heat and thermal expansively of the material, v-u0 is the shock velocity in the medium, and u0 is the particle velocity. The shock velocity in the medium is linearly related to the particle velocity; by a set of experiments the parameter S and the sound velocity on the medium can be computed. Substituting the shock wave velocity of the Eq. (2-19) in both the three jump equations, the pressure developed in the detonation can be estimated. For example, considering the second jump equation, Eq. (2-13), generally the velocity of the unreacted explosive is zero and its pressure is the atmospheric pressure (assumed as reference pressure). Consequently the pressure immediately behind the shock wave is: P0 0 (C0 u 0 su02 ) Pierluigi Olmati (2-20) Page 27 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses It is possible plot the Eq. (2-20) in the space of the pressure (P) and of the specific volume (Vs), defined by the reciprocal of the density Vs=1/ρ, for both the unreacted (VS0) and reacted (VSf) explosive. Von Newman spike Hugoniot of unreacted explosive P Von Neuman spike P Hugoniot of reacted explosive C-J point C-J pressure Rayleigh line Distance Vsf Vs0 Figure 2-5: P-Vs chart [US Army 1984] Gas expansion, Particle velocity to 0 from u0 Reaction zone Figure 2-6: Detonation wave moving through explosive material [US Army 1984] Champman and Jouquet (C-J) developed the theory of the shock wave propagation through explosive materials. The CJ conditions for each explosive are unique, if the initial density is changed, the CJ conditions are changed. The theory is based on these assumptions: the pressure is constant from the shock wave to the C-J point, the pressure decays in a Taylor wave beyond the C-J point, the reaction is complete and the products are in equilibrium at the C-J point, and the energy in the Von Neuman spike is negligible in comparison to the energy in the reaction zone and so it can be ignored. From Figure 2-5 the C-J pressure is calculable by tracing the tangent of the Hugoniot of reacted explosive from the point of initial state (VS0) of the Hugoniot of unreacted explosive, the name of this tangent is Rayleigh line [US Army 1984]. The intersection of the Hugoniot of unreacted explosive with the Rayleigh line is the Von Neuman spike pressure [US Army 1984]. Figure 2-6 shows the pressure distribution of a detonation wave that is moving through explosive material [US Army 1984]. Pierluigi Olmati Page 28 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses 2.2 Gas explosions Generally a gas explosion is a deflagration but a transition to detonation is possible. The pressure generated by the combustion wave depends how fast the flame propagates respect the unburned gases, if it propagates at subsonic velocity the explosion is a deflagration, instead if it propagates at supersonic velocity the explosion is a detonation. A gas explosion occurs previously a release of inflammable gas or liquid. A released substance can be a gas, an evaporating liquid, or a two phases gas and liquid flow. There are two principal kinds of release of gases: the jet flow and the evaporating pool. Between the two kinds of gas dispersion the jet release is the most effective, therefore the most dangerous. A jet of gas (fuel) has a high momentum so the gas is in turbulent regime, a rapid mixing with the air occurs, and the mixture of fuel and air can reach the combustible level. An evaporating pool release has a low momentum, the fuel released is generally in liquid phase, therefore the boundary conditions (opening, wind velocity, etc.) are most important to form a flammable gas cloud. Experiments have highlighted a formation of flammable gas cloud after a time of the beginning of the release in most scenarios; moreover the ignition source and its power are relevant. Every gas has an Upper and Lower Flammability Limit, respectively abbreviated with UFL and LFL. These two flammability limits are function of the temperature; generally the flammability limits expand with the increasing of the temperature. Furthermore when a flammable mixture is heated up to a certain temperature, the chemical reaction will start spontaneously; the minimum temperature of auto ignition is called Auto Ignition Temperature (AIT). The concentration of the fuel strictly necessary for combustion is called stoichiometric, at this concentration the energy necessary for the ignition is the lower, and the maximum pressure is obtained with a fuel concentration slightly higher at the stoichiometric concentration. The process of a gas cloud deflagration starts with the ignition, the energy heats the gas mixture and the auto ignition region is reached, and the heat of this combustion auto ignites the nearest gas mixture molecules. Initially the burning regime is laminar, but by the instability of the combustion front the burning regime becomes turbulent. The burning velocity increase so the turbulence increases again, it is a positive feedback loop causing flame acceleration due to turbulence, therefore the pressure level increases. Turbulence is generated also by the interaction of the flow with the objects; generally this interaction is more influence to determine the pressure developed; obstruction made by objects is crucial to the deflagration process. Another important issue to the pressure development is the failure of the vent panels, this event change totally the explosion development. When a deflagration becomes sufficiently strong, a sudden transition from deflagration to detonation can occur. Pierluigi Olmati Page 29 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses There are same theories for predicting the gas explosions pressure, but because the pressure is strictly related at the level of obstruction (environmental congestion) the estimation of the pressure value is in general difficult. Same easy methods are developed, as the TNT-Equivalent-Method and the Multi-Energy-Method, also exist a numerous semi-empirical formulas to use generally for specific scenarios. Moreover a powerful instrument to predict the blast loads is the Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) numerical simulation. TNT Equivalent Method The TNT Equivalent Method is based on the wide data available for high explosives. The principle is to make equal the energy of the gas cloud with the energy of an equivalent mass of TNT. The blast load can be so obtained by charts or formulas for high explosives. The method is useful for estimate blast load in the far field area and not in the near field area because the extension of the gas region can be very wide, therefore to estimate pressure inside the gas region the TNT-Equivalent-Method is not suitable. For typical hydrocarbons the heat of combustion is 10 times higher than the heat of reaction of the TNT, so the equivalent mass of TNT is equal at 10 times the mass of the hydrocarbon multiplied a yield factor η estimated between the 3% and the 5%. WTNT 10η0 HC (2-21) For natural gas, at atmospheric conditions, the equivalent mass of TNT can be estimated as the 0.16 times the gas cloud volume expressed in cubical meters, fixing the energy of the stoichiometric gas cloud per volume equal at 3.5 MJ/m3. Multi Energy Method The multi energy method is based on the only energy of the confined gas clouds. The scaled distance is calculated as: R Z 3 E exp / Po (2-22) Where Eexp is the energy of the explosive cloud equal at 3.5 MJ/m3 multiplied by the volume of the congested area of the gas cloud, and Po is the atmospheric pressure. If there are more congested gas cloud areas there is a multiple deflagrations, and if do not occurs a DDT event the flame velocity drops out of the congested area. By a set of curves the peak pressure is tied at the scaled distance; there are ten curves, and for a detonation the curve number 10 is adopted, instead for a deflagration the curves from the number 1 to the number 9 are used; moreover there are three pressure time shape associated at the ten curves. Similarly a chart exists to estimate the duration of the blast pressure. Pierluigi Olmati Page 30 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses Figure 2-7: Hemispherical fuel-air charge blast for the multi-energy Semi empirical methods This section reports some semi empirical methods to evaluate the peak pressure of a gas explosion. Generally the semi empirical formulas are based on some parameters as: the failure pressure of the vent panels Pv [mbar], the volume of the gas region V [m3], the mass per surface unit of the vent panels W [kg/m2], the coefficient of vent K dimensionless, the area Av of the vent panel surface [m2]; the laminar burning velocity SL [m/s], and a multiplier of the SL. Furthermore their applicability is limited at specific scenarios identified with: the volume V, the coefficient of vent K, the failure pressure of the vent, and the mass per surface unit W. The peak pressure P computed is expressed in [mbar]. The fuels of reference are often methane, propane or GPL. Following are presented the most famous semi-empirical formulas. Cubbage and Simmonds formula was made by a set of experimental tests in industrial furnaces. The vent panel was light and not fixed at the structure, so the Pv is zero. The volume of the test was of 14 m3, but the formula can be employed for volumes until 200 m3. The authors provide the expression of the first and secondary peaks of pressure. The limits of the formula are: a) the ratio ρ of the minimum and maximum edge of the volume V between 1 and 3; b) weigh of the vent panel less than 24 kg/m2; c) the coefficient K=V2/3/Av less than 5. P1 SL (4.3KW 28) / V1/ 3 P2 SL K (2-23) Cubbage and Marshall formula was developed by tests with a fix vent panels with a finite failure pressure Pv. Moreover is considered the eventuality that the volume V is not full of gas by a coefficient α (the expression of this coefficient is not here reported). The formula is limited by: a) the value of the ratio ρ between 1 Pierluigi Olmati Page 31 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses and 3; b) W less than 24 kg/m2; c) K less than 5; d) opening pressure of the vent panel Pv less than 490 mbar. 23KW P Pv S2L 1/ 3 V (2-24) Rasbash formula was made by experimental data about domestic volumes, so it is a formula for civil buildings. The fuel adopted for the tests was GPL. The formula is valid for: a) the value of the ratio ρ between 1 and 3; b) W less than 24 kg/m2; c) K less than 5; d) Pv less than 70 mbar. 4.3KW 28 P 1.5Pv SL 77.7SL K V1/ 3 (2-25) To adapt these semi empirical formulas at different scenarios that have more vent panels it is possible to determine a (K W)average as following: n 1 1 KWav i1 KWi (2-26) Instead the failure pressure of the vent panels is the weighted average of the single failure pressure: n Pv A i 1 vi A v tot Pvi (2-27) In the previous formulas, for predicting the peak pressure, is present the laminar burning velocity of the gas and not the turbulent burning velocity, therefore the effect of the turbulence is implicitly accounted in these formulas. Moreover the turbulence accounted is that of the experimental test scenarios. It is validated that the implicit effect of the turbulence (accounted in these formulas) on the laminar burning velocity is of a factor equal at 3. In other hands in these semi empirical formulas is implicit a multiplier of the laminar burning velocity equal at 3. If the congestion level of the scenario is different of the formula's experimental scenario (in the test the volume V was empty of domestic furniture or industrial equipment), it will be necessary multiply SL by a turbulent factor β for taking account the increased turbulence due at the increased congestion. The factor β is taken equal at: 1.5 for congestion due at obstacles inside the volume V. From 1.5 to 5 for the gas region V built by more volumes, for the propagation of the deflagration from a volume to another, and for very high congested volume. Pierluigi Olmati Page 32 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses So the increasing of the burning velocity due to the turbulence is considered explicitly. The total factor multiplying the SL is obtained by the product of the implicit turbulent factor with the explicit turbulent factor (β). A total turbulent factor of value from 3 to 15 can be obtained. Pierluigi Olmati Page 33 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY BLANK Pierluigi Olmati Page 34 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses 2.3 Computational Fluid Dynamic simulations By a CFD simulation, starting from a fuel release, the deflagration phenomena can be simulated. Therefore it is a complete analysis of the explosion event from its cause of origin, that makes possible a very accurate assessment and mitigation of the associated risk. These simulations solve the famous Navier-Stokes equation, other than the continuity and transport equations. Both the three set of equations take account of the burning mathematical model. D v P T f dt (2-28) The first member of Eq. (2-28) is the substantial derived of the momentum, ρ is the fluid density, and v is the velocity vector; at the second members there are respectively: both the divergence of the average and deviatory component of the stress tensor, and the matrix of the volume force. For the Newtonian fluids the deviatory stress tensor is a function of the flow velocity and of both the viscosity μ and bulk viscosity λ; δij is the Kronecke delta. u u j v Tij i x x ij i j (2-29) The principal issue is how consider turbulence in the Navier-Stockes equation. The velocity is assumed as the summation of the average velocity vm and of the turbulent fluctuation velocity v'. (2-30) v v m v' Therefore the Eq. (2-29) considering the Eq. (2-30) makes the expression of the deviatory stress tensor in turbulent regime. The effect of the turbulence is accounted for the so called Reynolds stress (-ρv'jv'i). Now by numerical methods it is feasible directly solve the problem with the Reynolds stresses as one set of unknowns (Raynolds Average Navier-Stokes, RANS), but a lot of computational power is necessary, almost it is impossible use the RANS method for practical applications. Therefore other methods are developed. Especially for simulate deflagration is diffuse the so called k-ε method. By the Bussinesq assumption the Reynolds stresses are tie at a fictitious viscosity: the turbulent viscosity μt. Thereafter the effective viscosity μeff has the following expression: eff t C Pierluigi Olmati k2 (2-31) Page 35 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses The turbulent viscosity is an unknown in the problem and varies both in the space and in the time. Moreover μt depends both from the square of the kinetic energy k and from its dissipation ε, namely the conversion of energy from kinetic to internal energy. The deviatory stress assumes the form: u u j 2 k eff u k Tij eff i x x 3 ij x k i j (2-32) For computing the kinetic energy k and its dissipation ε the transport equations of both k and ε are necessary. The output of CFD simulations are the complete time histories of the explosion loads for all scenarios without limit of complexity. Gas explosions (occurring when there is a very rapid combustion or reaction of chemical elements) are either due to deflagration or due to detonation. The “gaseous explosives” (i.e. cloud of gas – air mixture) usually explode in a deflagration regime. Yet, in some circumstances, they develop in a detonation regime, depending on the blast scenario (gas type; ignition power, location and type; geometry and congestion of the environment). As stated before the CFD simulation is a powerful tool for obtaining an accurate evaluation of the blast pressure on the structural elements. Several modern CFD codes allow taking into account accurately the effect of some fundamental phenomena: The congestion in the environment. This issue has been extensively studied in industrial facilities and partially explored in civil structures (domestic congestion). The congestion is caused by the presence of all the objects inside a room. In the CFD codes the domestic congestion is implemented in the simulation by modeling solid objects whose effects (e.g. turbulence generation) can be considered as an interaction between flow and objects. The failure of non-structural walls. When a gas explosion occurs, the failure of non-structural walls causes the modification of the geometrical scenario and consequently the development of the entire explosion. The non-structural walls are modeled in the CFD simulation by special objects having a cut off pressure level. The ignition type and position of the gas cloud ignition, which can vary on a caseby-case basis, and have an important role in the development of the explosion. The aleatory uncertainty related to the above-mentioned issues is one of the principal reasons causing the variability of the intensity and direction of the blast action. Of course, a significant dispersion of results, especially in cases of complex numerical models such as the ones used for the simulation of gas explosions, is due to the epistemic uncertainty (e.g. model uncertainty). Pierluigi Olmati Page 36 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses In the case of gas explosions, the “gas region” is defined as the volume containing the cloud of gas, usually assumed as homogeneous. This gas region can be characterized by the so-called “Equivalent Ratio” (ER): Vfuel VO 2 actual ER Vfuel VO 2 stoichiometric (2-33) Where O2 indicates the Oxygen molecule, Vi (i =”fuel” or “O2”) indicates the volume of the cloud component “i” at normal atmospheric conditions and the term “fuel” is referred to the flammable component of the gas cloud (e.g. methane, hydrogen, etc.). The term “actual” refers to the exploding cloud, while the term “stoichiometric” refers to the quantities of fuel and Oxygen needed for a balanced chemical reaction. In Eq. (2-33), the value of the denominator can be derived from literature, while the value of the numerator in the design phase can be chosen with reference to experimental data, in order to maximize the initial (laminar) burning velocity, which represents an important aspect for the determination of the severity of the explosion. With reference to the three fundamental phenomena previously outlined (congestion of the environment, failure of non-structural walls, ignition type and position), a number of CFD analyses is carried out in order to evaluate the effects of the scenario parameters on the blast load. The analyses are carried out using the CFD commercial code Flacs®. A set of gas explosions at the ground floor are modeled where the presence of some commercial activities and one restaurant are hypothesized, including the kitchen (where the ignition point and the gas region are located). Methane is assumed to be the fuel and the equivalent ratio (ER), see Eq. (2-33), is assumed equal to 1.12, in order to maximize the initial laminar burning velocity. The main features of the blast scenario are shown in Figure 2-8. Different CFD models are considered and they are resumed in Table 2-1. The room congestion is realized by rigid furniture, modeled by still filled blocks in the uncongested room. Only two room congestion cases have been considered, indicated respectively as “free room” (where the room is considered without furniture) and as “congested room” (where furniture is present, see Figure 2-9) When the failure of non-structural walls is considered (“frangible wall” cases), the walls are modeled by cut-off pressure panels that are able to increase the porosity of the walls from 0 (undamaged wall) to 1 (completely damaged wall) after the crossing of a threshold pressure level (wall strength). In the “non-frangible walls” cases the walls are undamaged (porosity equal to 0) in all the simulation. The parameters of the cut-off pressure panels are reported in Table 2-2 [Lees 1980]. Six different ignition locations inside the kitchen have been considered and the ignition locations are show in Figure 2-10. Pierluigi Olmati Page 37 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses In order to obtain realistic results in a CFD explosion analysis, the adoption of an appropriate mesh grid is fundamental. The details of the mesh grid are the following: inside the building ground floor the edge of the cubical cells is always 0.20 meters, while outside the building the mesh grid is stretched in order to reduce the total number of cells. The max aspect ratio (the longest side of the control volume divided by the shortest one) is equal to 5.59, thus lower than 10, as recommended by [Bjerketvedt et al. 1997], while the total number of cells is about one million. By using a 3.6 GHz CPU computer with 4 Gigabytes of RAM the analysis time of the single scenario is approximately 12 hours. Closed windows or doors gas region shop restaurant elevators 15 m shop 15 m kitchen bar 5m Boiler room 5m Figure 2-8: Main features of the blast scenario Room Ignition congestion (Fig. 12) Non-frangible none a Non-frangible yes a Frangible yes a Frangible yes b Frangible yes c Frangible yes d Frangible yes e Frangible yes f Frangible yes g Figure 2-9: Congested room model Simulation Type of walls Table 2-1: Performed CFD analysis quote [m] a 6m I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX planimetry f d c g 1.5 f 1.3 1.2 abc 0.1 hd e e b g 5m furniture walls ignition Figure 2-10: Position of the ignition points Figure 2-11 shows the effect of the domestic congestion. Simulations I and II have a different pressure peak due to the interaction between the flow and the objects inside the building. In the congested room case (simulation II) the turbulence of the flows increases, consequently both the burning velocity and the pressure increase as well, inducing more turbulence. By referring to a certain monitoring point inside the kitchen, the domestic congestion (simulation II) causes a 43% increase of the pressure peak and a 28% increase Pierluigi Olmati Page 38 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses of the pressure impulse (area under the curves reported in Figure 2-13) with respect to the uncongested case (simulation I). In simulation III both failing walls and room congestion are considered. Comparing the results obtained in simulations II and III the percentage decrements in terms of pressure peak and pressure impulse (see Figure 2-13) are equal to 66% and 77% respectively (Figure 2-12). Moreover, the two explosions are completely different in the spatial development. These results indicate that the failure of the walls significantly modifies the explosion development. Figure 2-13 shows a comparison between the pressure time histories, in the same monitoring point, obtained by simulations I, II and III, where the previously mentioned differences can be appreciated. Moreover, Figure 2-13 shows that both the pressure gradient and the time instant corresponding to the pressure peak are highly influenced by the congestion level. The increase of the congestion level produces an increase in the pressure gradient, thus anticipating the occurrence of the pressure peak. 0.5 barg 0.3 barg 0.05 barg Figure 2-11: Max pressures. Effect of the domestic congestion; simulation I on the left and simulation II on the right All these results obtained by the CFD computations, clearly shown that the structural design against such type of explosions cannot be conducted carefully without a specific evaluation of the action. In terms of design practice, or design standards for civil buildings, these kinds of simulations can be useful for defining parametric equations with the aim of appropriately defining the blast load on structural elements, also by taking into account the above described phenomena. For risk assessment purposes, due to the high variability of the action with the considered parameters, specific studies aiming in assessing plausible probability distributions for those parameters are needed for a correct evaluation of the hazard. Pierluigi Olmati Page 39 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses Panel Mass [kg/m2] exterior walls interior walls windows doors 250 100 20 2 Pressure of opening [barg] 0.05 0.03 0.015 0.001 0.5 barg Table 2-2: Frangible objects characteristics 0.3 barg 0.05 barg Figure 2-12: Max pressures. Effect of the frangible walls: simulation III Figure 2-14 highlights the influence of the ignition location. In this figure the pressure time histories obtained by simulations III, VII and VIII are shown (all data are referred to the same monitoring point, considering a congested room and failing walls, but with different ignition positions). The resulting curves are different both in terms of pressure peak and in terms of time development (e.g. in terms of pressure gradient and peak time). 0.4 Simulation I Simulation II 0.15 Simulation III 0.10 Pressure [barg] Pressure [barg] 0.3 Simulation III Simulation VII Simulation VIII II 0.2 0.1 VII 0.00 I 0.0 VIII III 0.05 III -0.05 -0.1 0.1 0.3 Time [s] 0.5 0.7 Figure 2-13: Pressure time history in the kitchen (the gas region) for the three different simulations: I, II, and III Pierluigi Olmati 0.1 0.3 Time [s] 0.5 0.7 Figure 2-14: Pressure time history inside the kitchen for three analyses with different ignition locations Page 40 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses 2.4 Blast load A detonation is a very rapid and stable chemical reaction which proceeds through the explosive material at a supersonic speed in the unreacted explosive [Krauthammer 2008a]. The products of the detonation expand forcing the surrounding air out of the space that it previously occupied [Ballantyne et al. 2010]. This produces the shock wave that propagates away from the explosion source. When the shock wave expands it decays in strength and in velocity but increase its duration. This behavior is caused by so called spherical divergence. The shock wave is followed by the gas molecules that move at a lower velocity than the velocity of the shock wave; at this movement of molecules is associated the dynamic pressure. Generally only one third of the total explosive mass involve in detonation reaction, the other two thirds deflagrate or simply burn. Blast loads on structures can be classified into two main groups [DoD 2008]: unconfined and confined explosions. The confined explosions can be subdivided into [DoD 2008]: fully vented, partially confined, and fully confined; instead unconfined explosions can be subdivided into: free air burst, air burst, and surface burst. Unconfined explosions: A free air burst explosion occurs in free air and the shock wave propagates away from the source striking the structure without intermediate interactions. An air burst explosion occurs when the explosive charge is located in air at a distance from the structure so that an interaction generally with the ground surface occurs before of strike the structure. It is the shock wave modified by the interaction with the surface that engages the structure. A surface burst explosion occurs when the charge is located very near or on the ground surface; the resulting shock wave is influenced by this interaction. Confined explosions: A fully vented explosion occurs when the explosive charge is adjacent to a nonfrangible wall as a barrier. The initial shock wave interacts immediately with that structure and the products of detonation are vented to the surround air forming a leakage pressures which propagate out of the structure of confinement. A partially confined explosion occurs when the non-frangible structure of confinement has a limited size opening and/or frangible surface. The initial shock wave interacts with the confinement structure and the detonation products are vented relatively slowly, hence more than the shock wave a quasi-static pressure called gas pressure acts on the structure of confinement. Pierluigi Olmati Page 41 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses A fully confinement explosion occurs when the structure of containment is full or quite full closed. The blast loads consist in the shock wave and in a long duration of the gas pressure. The explosive outputs of interest are principally the shock wave, the dynamic pressure, and their impulse. Free air burst explosion The explosive charge is positioned so that the shock pressure strikes the structure without any previous interaction with other structures (ground surface included) [NCHRP 2010]. This shock wave propagated directly from the source is called incident shock wave. The pressure function of the time is called Ps, and its peak pressure is called incident pressure (indicated with the abbreviation Pso). Especially for detonations the incident shock wave is an immediate rising of the pressure at Pso, after it is decay exponentially [Gantes et al. 2004] with time under the atmospheric pressure (positive phase). After it become negative until reaches the atmospheric pressure (negative phase). The atmospheric pressure is indicated with the abbreviation Po. The duration time of the positive phase of the shock wave is called to and the duration of the negative phase is called t-o. The arrival time of the shock wave is indicated with ta. The decay law can be described by the exponential following expression: t α PS PS0 1 e t 0 t0 t (2-34) Where α is the rate of decay parameter for the specific explosive and scaled distance [Baker et al. 1983]. The shock wave velocity is indicated with Us and result equal at: US C0 1 PS0 7P0 (2-35) Where Co is the sound velocity in air for normal conditions at sea level and atmospheric pressure (Co=340 m/s and Po = 0.1 N/mm2 = 10 bar = 145 psi). The shock wave front speeds are usually stated relative to the speed of sound modified to account for the compression of the air; this ratio is called Mach number and indicated with the abbreviation M. Pierluigi Olmati Page 42 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses Prα Reflected pressure Pso Positive specific impulse Ps Incident pressure Pso Negative specific impulse PoP-so P rα Po P-so ta t-o to ta Figure 2-15: Free field pressure time history t-o to Figure 2-16: Reflected pressure time history To estimate Pso there are same experimental formula and charts in function of the scale distance Z. Same expression for free air explosion incident peak pressure expressed in bar are report following. 6.7 1 Z3 if Pso > 10 bar (2-36) 0.975 1.455 5.85 3 0.019 Z Z2 Z if 0.1 bar < Pso < 10 bar (2-37) PS0 PS0 The air behind the shock front is moving outward from the source at lower velocity than the shock wave. The dynamic pressure depends from the air particles movement. The peak of dynamic pressure abbreviated with qso is depending from the incident pressure and can be written as [Zipf et al. 2007]: q S0 5PS20 2PS0 7P0 (2-38) Now the drag and lift pressure on the structures is given by qso multiply respectively buy the drag and lift coefficients relatives at the specific structure. Moreover the dynamic pressure always remains positive because that pressure is determined using the square of the wind velocity, making it positive regardless of the direction of the wind. When the incident shock wave impinges a structure, in this case a wall of infinite extension, the air particles behind the incident shock wave stop to respect the boundary conditions on the wall (normal velocity on the wall surface equal at zero). Result of this fact is an amplification of the shock pressure acting on the structure that it is called reflected pressure, its peak pressure value is abbreviated with Prα; the subscript α indicate Pierluigi Olmati Page 43 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses the angle of incidence of the incident shock wave with the wall, therefore α is the angle that the vector from the explosion source to the wall's point form with the normal vector at the wall surface from the same wall's point. The reflected pressure depends to the angle α. The duration of the reflected pressure acting on the surface depends of the real extension of the wall. The duration time of the Prα on a wall indefinitely extended is abbreviated with trα. The reflected shock wave propagates away from the surface of reflection; it moves into an atmosphere modified by the incident shock pressure and full by the detonations products, consequently the reflected shock pressure travelling at a greater speed than the incident wave. Moreover it does not expand radially, as the incident shock wave, at cause of the modified atmosphere. The value of the reflected shock pressure can be computed by the available charts in function of the scale distance Z, or by the following expressions valid only for an angle of incidence of zero degree (the wall is orthogonal at the propagation direction of incident shock wave). There are same difference about the value of Prα using the above two approaches especially for strong incident pressure. In the expression of Prα [Zipf et al. 2007] the subscript α is omitted because the equation is valid for an angle of incidence equal at zero. Pr 2PS0 ( 1)qS0 (2-39) Where γ is specific heat ratio of the combustion products approximately equal at 1.4. By the Eq. (2-38) it is possible to have the expression of Prα in function of the Pso. 7P 4PS0 Pr 2PS0 0 7P0 PS0 (2-40) Moreover the Prα and its duration trα can be calculated by the charts of Figure 2-17, the same for compute both to and t-o. Furthermore if the time of a shock load is hypothesized as a triangular pulse it can be compute by the simple expression below t 2i P (2-41) Where I is the impulse of the shock wave. Pierluigi Olmati Page 44 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses 100000 Z [ft/lb1/3] P [psi] Pr [psi] ir/w1/3 [ms psi/lb 1/3] is/w1/3 [ms psi/lb 1/3] t o/w1/3 [ms/lb 1/3] t a/w1/3 [ms/lb 1/3] U [ft/s] Lw/w1/3 [ft/lb1/3] Pr 10000 P 1000 ir/w1/3 100 is/w1/3 10 1000000 100000 Z [ft/lb1/3] P [psi] Pr [psi] ir/w1/3 [ms psi/lb1/3] is/w1/3 [ms psi/lb1/3] t o/w1/3 [ms/lb1/3] t a/w1/3 [ms/lb1/3] U [ft/s] Lw/w1/3 [ft/lb1/3] Pr 10000 P ir/w 1000 100 1/3 is/w1/3 U U 10 1 Lw/w1/3 0.1 1 t o/w1/3 t a/w1/3 0.01 0.001 Lw/w1/3 0.1 t o/w1/3 0.01 t a/w1/3 0.001 0.1 1 Z = R/W1/3 10 100 Figure 2-17: Blast loads for free air burst explosions, positive phase 0.1 1 Z = R/W1/3 10 100 Figure 2-18: Blast loads for surface burst explosions, positive phase Surface burst explosion This kind of explosion occurs when the explosive charge is on or very near the ground surface [NCHRP 2010]. Blast loads from a surface burst explosion of a given charge mass are more intense than from a free air explosion. This fact is due at the confinement of the explosion energy in a hemispherical shape for the case of surface burst explosion instead than a spherical shape for the case of free air explosion. Generally if the ground surface was perfectly rigid, the blast loads for a surface burst explosion would be the same of a free air explosion due to a double mass of explosive. But the ground surface is not perfectly rigid, therefore a factor of 1.8 for the mass can be used [Army 2008], moreover to evaluate the blast loads for a surface burst explosion it is possible to utilize the same formulas and the same chart of a free air explosion assuming a fictitious mass of 1.8 W. Otherwise it is possible adopting the chart of Figure 2-18 for evaluating the blast load, or the following formula. W W PS0 6784 3 93 3 R R 0.5 (2-42) Air burst explosion An air burst explosion is produced by an explosive charge positioned sufficiently above the ground [DoD 2008], the high of the charge position is called HC. The incident shock Pierluigi Olmati Page 45 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses wave impacts the ground surface and the phenomenon of shock wave reflection occurs (as previously explicated). The reflected shock wave originated on the ground surface propagates into an atmosphere modified by the incident shock wave and full of the detonation products; consequently its speed is generally greater and then the speed of the incident shock wave. Furthermore the velocity of the reflected shock wave is not constant and so it does not propagate radially. The intersection of the incident shock wave and reflected wave is no longer on the ground surface; a new shock wave (mach stem, abbreviated M) connects the ring intersection point of incident, reflected, and M shock wave to the ground surface. The point of this intersection is called triple point. A simple representation of the mach stem front is in Figure 2-19. The high of the triple point is abbreviated HT, the projection point of the explosive charge on the ground surface is called ground zero, the distance from the base of the structure to the ground zero is called ground distance, and the Z of the ground distance is called ground scaled distance ZG. HT increase as the M propagates away from the ground zero. The structure will be considered subjected loaded by M hypothesized as a plane wave if HT is greater than the high of the structure. Reflected wave α Hc Incident wave Mach front Path of triple point Ground zero HT Protective structure Ground surface RG Figure 2-19: Air burst explosion scenario [DoD 2008] Confined explosion A confined explosion occurs when the explosive charge is near at the structure or enclosed between more structures [DoD 2008]. The effects of the confinement are a high reflection of the incident wave, the confinement of the product of the detonation, the leakage of both the shock wave and detonation's products outward the structure of confinement. The exterior pressure is called “leakage pressure”, the pressure due at the Pierluigi Olmati Page 46 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses incident wave and reflected is called “shock pressures”, and the pressure due at the accumulation of the detonation's products is called “gas pressure”. The actual distribution of the blast loads is irregular because a multiple reflections occur. Whereby the blast loads are averaged on the wall surface, so it is hypothesized that a structure is able to distribute the peaks of loads acting on its surface. The concept of structures of confinement is strictly referred at their resistance and mass. If a structure is able to reflect the shock wave it will be a non-frangible structure, although it fails after the shock reflection event. If a structure is not able to reflect the shock wave it is a frangible structure. In other hands a structure of confinement is considered frangible or not in function at its dynamic behavior under the blast loads. Therefore an element which is not considered frangible for the shock pressure may be frangible for gas pressure. In general for structure with a closure's resistance to outward motion (resistance of the frangible element) less than 0.0012 MPa the frangibility can be considered related only at its mass; instead for the structure with a resistance greater than 0.0012 MPa the frangibility must be evaluated considering both its mass and resistance. However if the blast pressure is very large in comparison to the resistance of the element, the effects of the resistance can be neglected without introducing significant errors. The structures of containment considered are a single wall or a set of wall forming a cubical structure with same sides open. To determine blast loads it is necessary know the configuration of the structure and obviously the mass of the explosive charge. The wall parallel and opposite to the surface in question has a negligible contribution to the shock loads for the range of parameters used, so it is not considered. From a set of charts [DoD 2008] depending from the previous geometrical ratios and scaled distance is it possible compute the peak of the reflected pressure and its impulse. The shape of the shock wave can be considered triangular, whereby duration of the shock wave can be estimated as the double impulse divided by the peak of the shock wave. However these charts do not take account the increased blast effects produced by contact charges with the surface in question, so in this case they cannot be applied. A minimum distance between the explosive surface and the wall surface must be applied. Blast regions Coupling the blast loads and the dynamic response of the structure three range of design are defined: high pressure design range, low pressure design range, and very low pressure design [DoD 2008]. The occurring time of the maximum structural response is abbreviated with tm and the duration time of the blast load is abbreviated with to, so the ratio tm/to can established the limit of the pressure region [Biggs et al. 1964]. At the high pressure range the duration of the applied load is short in comparison to the response time of the structure. The structure can be designed only for the impulse, (tm/to > 3). Pierluigi Olmati Page 47 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses At the low pressure range generally the peak pressure is smaller than at high pressure range, however the duration of the load is comparable with the response time of the structure that can be designed for both pressure and impulse loads, (3 > tm/to > 0.1). At very low pressure range the duration of the load is greater than the response time of the structure that can be designed only for the maximum pressure, (tm/to > 0.1). If both a same structure and explosive charge are considered the design range depend from the distance from the source of explosion. Figure 2-20: Parameters defining pressure design ranges [DoD 2008] Blast loads on structures Evaluate the blast load on structures is a complex issue. To understand the phenomenon a simple rectangular structure on the ground surface is take in account. Moreover it is feasible extend the procedure to include structures with other shapes and above or under the ground surface. For the typical explosion scenarios of free air burst, air burst and surface burst the peak of the incident, reflected, dynamic pressures are established with their duration and impulse. For designing purpose the pressure time curve can be simplify with an equivalent multi linear path. Thence the duration time of the incident positive phase is a fictitious time computed as: t of 2iS PS0 (2-43) The fictitious duration of the dynamic pressure can be assumed equal at the fictitious duration of the incident pressure Ps. The equivalent negative pressure time curve has a time of rise equal to 0.25 to whereas the fictitious duration t-of is given as tof formula but Pierluigi Olmati Page 48 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses the impulse and peak pressure is relative at the negative phase. The effect of the dynamic pressure in the negative phase region usually is neglected. Therefore with refer at a rectangular structure it is necessary define the blast loads on the front, side and back walls. Figure 2-21: Approximate load on a shelter [Baker 1983] Front wall As previously mentioned when a shock wave engages a surface normal or with an incident angle the reflection phenomenon occurs; a uniformly average pressure on the walls is assumed [DoD 2008]. The fictitious duration time of the reflected pressure is given as: t r 2i r Pr (2-44) If the wall is infinitely extended and non-frangible. However the walls of the structure have finite dimensions, so at the corners of the wall exists a discontinuity about the pressure value. There is no physical means to maintain this pressure imbalance, whereby a “clearing” wave propagates towards the center of a reflecting surface from all the free edges that reduces the reflected pressure to an incident and dynamic pressure. The Pierluigi Olmati Page 49 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses average time required for the clearing wave to propagate to the edges of a surface from the center of the surface is the clearing time tc. tC 4S (1 R )C r (2-45) where with referring at the figure Figure 2-22: S is the clearing distance, equal at the smaller between H or W/2 H height of the structure R ratio of S/G where G is the greater between H or W/2 Cr sound velocity in reflected region. Figure 2-22: Front wall loading [DoD 2008] If tC is less than trf the pressure time curve is affected by clearing. It is necessary to adopt the curve gives the smallest value of the impulse. After the reflection phase on the front wall acts the incident pressure added with the dynamic pressure, the last one is affected by the drag coefficient depending from the pressure range; however it can be assumed equal at 1. The negative phase is possible to compute assuming a time of rise equal to 0.25 to. Roof and side walls The roof and the side walls are loaded only by the incident and the dynamic pressure because are in side-on position respect the propagation of the shock wave. The shock wave propagates on the roof and side walls and it decays with the distance from the source increases, therefore the walls are not uniformly loaded. Pierluigi Olmati Page 50 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses For designing purpose a uniformly pressure on the walls is hypothesized, the peak pressure is the sum of contribution of the equivalent uniform pressure and drag pressure: PR CE Psf CDq sf (2-46) Where Psf and qdf are computed at the nearest point of the walls to the explosive charge (point f in the Figure 2-23), in other hands for a rectangular structure they are computed respectively at the front wall position. The drag coefficient CD for the roof and side walls is a function of the peak dynamic pressure. Instead the coefficient CE is the equivalent load factor equal at the ratio between the PR and Pof function of the ratio between the wave length LW and the length of the wall L. LW is defined as length at a given distance from the detonation which, at a particular instant of time, is experiencing positive pressure. There is a wave length for a positive and negative phase. Figure 2-23: Roof and side walls loading [DoD 2008] Rear wall The rear wall is loaded by a set of waves made by a reflection of both the incident and rarefaction wave. Whereby the effective load on the rear walls is complex to estimate, an average pressure time curve is adopted similar at that of the roof and side walls; the coefficient CE is computed considering the high of the rear wall HS instead the length of the wall L. Pierluigi Olmati Page 51 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses Figure 2-24: Rear wall loading Rectangular structure with opening The attention is focused on the front wall because the effect of opening limits the reflection phenomenon. If the windows and doorway are frangible the cleaning time will be reduced, whereby the pressure time curve of the applied blast load acting on the front wall of a structure with openings is the same as that of a front wall of a closed rectangular structure except the clearing time will be reduced. In other hand a t'C is evaluated by compute a fictitious cleaning distance S', that is a weighted average cleaning distance of each sub panel of the front wall; the weights are the nearest distance from an edge and the cleaning factor. A detailed description of the theory is illustrated in the [DoD 2008]. The image charge method Due to the walls delimiting the testing site multiple reflections of the original shock wave occurred; consequently the blast load on the specimens is greater than the blast load on a specimen tested in an open space. For taking account the phenomenon of the reverberated shock waves [US Army 2008] the Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian method [Bontempi et al. 1998] is the most appropriate method, but it is very computationally expensive. Using the uncoupled approach [NCHRP 2010] the image charge method provides acceptable results without increasing the computational effort. The image charge method predicts the pressure pulses from a reverberating shock wave. The image charge method consists in taking account the pressure pulse from a reverberating shock wave by a pressure pulse due to a spherical free-air detonation of a fictitious (image) charge with the same weight of the actual charge but located at a standoff distance from the target equal to the full path length (see for example both the paths B and C in Figure 2-25) of the shock wave to the reflecting wall and then to the target; and Pierluigi Olmati Page 52 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses hitting the target with the angle of incidence of the reverberating shock wave. Figure 2-25 is adapted from [US Army 2008] and it shows an elementary scenario of reverberating shock waves. The path A is the direct shock wave path; instead the paths C and B are the reverberating shock wave paths on the target. Reflecting surface C A B Reflecting surface Figure 2-25: Image charge approximation, figure adapted from [US Army 2008] Pierluigi Olmati Page 53 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY BLANK Pierluigi Olmati Page 54 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses 3 THE LOCAL RESISTANCE The local resistance is the resistance against a blast load of the single structural element (component) of the structure. The blast demand is applied directly to the component, which can be load bearing or non-load bearing. Generally the non-load bearing components are loaded directly by the blast load. The load is consequently transferred to the load bearing components like columns, walls or girders. Instead if the load bearing components are isolated the blast demand is directly applied to such components. Exception is the case of the slabs and roofs where the blast load is generally applied directly. Non-load bearing components like cladding wall panels are crucial for protecting the inside of a building. The fatalities and the equipment damages depend by the ability of the non-load bearing component to resist to the blast load. In the following the local resistance of two kinds of cladding wall panel system, of one kind of slab, and of a steel built-up blast resistant door is investigated. Two approaches are adopted here for investigating the local resistance: the fragility analysis and the detailed explicit finite element analysis. The fragility analysis is adopted for the case study of the concrete cladding wall panel system and of the steel built-up blast door; while the detailed explicit finite element analysis is adopted for the case study of the insulated cladding wall panels and of the concrete slab. Pierluigi Olmati Page 55 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY BLANK Pierluigi Olmati Page 56 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses 3.1 The scaled distance as intensity measure The wall under investigation is a non-load bearing precast concrete wall panel used as exterior cladding for buildings. Typically the length and the width of these walls are subject to specific architecture requirements while their thickness is approximately 15 cm. The steel reinforcements are generally placed in the middle of the cross section. This wall is assumed to be designed to protect inhabitants and equipment within from external detonations. The non-linear dynamic analyses are carried out by the well-established method of the equivalent non-linear SDOF system, where the precast concrete wall is modeled by an equivalent non-linear SDOF on the basis of energetic considerations. Both the FCs and the probability of failure of the cladding wall are computed using MC simulations. The FCs are evaluated for the investigated cladding panel referring to each Component Damage Level (CDL) defined in a PBD prospective. Then the FCs are used to estimate the failure probability of the cladding panel subjected to blast load scenarios (vehicle bomb). Finally, the probability of failure of the wall panel subjected to the same scenarios is estimated by with MC simulation and compared to the results obtained with the FCs. As a first step, the uncertainties characterizing blast engineering problems need to be properly individuated and addressed (see Figure 1). These uncertainties can be divided into three main groups: Hazard uncertainties (e.g. explosive, stand-off distance). Structure uncertainties (e.g. stiffness, dimensions, damping, material characteristics, damping, etc.). Interaction mechanism uncertainties (e.g. the reflected pressure, pressure duration, etc.). This classification of the uncertainties in three groups (load, structure, interaction mechanisms) is generally valid for many engineering fields. The IM in general should be chosen among the first group of uncertain parameters or as a combination of those parameters, while the entity of the blast action is determined by the parameters characterizing the interaction between the IM and the structural parameters. In probabilistic terms, hazard and structural parameters can be characterized as unconditional with respect to parameters belonging to one of the other two groups, while parameters representing the interaction mechanisms must be usually characterized in conditional probabilistic terms with respect to the hazard and the structural parameters [Ciampoli et al. 2011]. Pierluigi Olmati Page 57 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses Vehicle bomb Cladding wall p [W] p [Θi] w [kgf] θi Fence barrier Stand-off distance p [R] r [m] Figure 3-1: Uncertainties parameters in blast engineering problems 3.1.1 Blast load model The side-on blast pressure Ps0 [MPa] can be estimated by the expression given in [Mills 1987] (Eq. (3-1)). While the side-on specific impulse i0 [Pa∙sec] is estimated by the expression given [Held 1983] (Eq. (2-2)). ( ) ( ) ( √ ) √ ( ) (3-1) (3-2) (3-3) Where Z is the scaled distance, W is the explosive (charge) weight (here in kgf of TNT), instead R is the stand-off distance (here in m). Both Eq. (3-1) and Eq. (3-2) are valid for free-air explosions. In this study detonations occurring on a surface are considered (surface explosions); therefore the energy of the detonation is confined by the ground surface. This phenomenon, referred to as reflective pressure, is taken into account by using the same equations for the free-air explosions but assuming that a given W on a deformable ground produces the same load as a free-air explosion of a charge weight equal to 1.8 W. The reflected pressure Pr [MPa] for a normal angle of incidence is computed using [Mills 1987]: Pierluigi Olmati Page 58 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses ( (3-4) ) Where Patm is the atmospheric pressure (0.1 MPa). Without loss of generality the negative pressure phase is neglected from the blast load time history [DoD 2008], while the duration of the positive phase of the blast load is computed by assuming a triangular shape of the load function, given by: (3-5) The atmospheric pressure is obtained starting from the reflected pressure by means of the Friedlander pulse shape [US Army 1985] as shown in Eq. (3-6). () ( (3-6) ) Where ta is the arrival time of the blast load, taken here equal to zero, and β is the decay coefficient. In this study a value of 1.8 for β is assumed. The clearing effect is neglected in this study since the cladding wall is part of a building façade; and thus no conditions are satisfied for the clearing of the reflected shock wave [Chang et al. 2010]. In Figure 3-2 some blast pressure time histories computed for different values of W (in kgf) and R (in m) are shown. The obtained curves are found to be in good agreement with the curves obtained by SBEDS [US Army 2008]. The blast load is considered uniformly distributed on the cladding wall, which is typical for values of the scaled distance Z higher than approximately 1.2 to 2.0 . Figure 3-2: Blast loads (surface explosions) by the adopted model (dotted lines) and the SBEDS model (continuous line) Pierluigi Olmati Page 59 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses 3.1.2 Cladding panel model The cladding panel examined as case study is part of a frame structure. A 3500 mm long and 1500 mm wide panel is used, with a cross sectional thickness of 150 mm. The supports of the panel are placed on the external frame beams of the building. Length, width and cross sectional thickness are assumed as stochastic variables. The mean values and Coefficients of Variations (COVs) used in the analysis are shown in Table 3-1. The longitudinal reinforcements consist of 10 rebar with a diameter of 10 mm, and they are placed in the middle of the cross section. The reinforcement strength mean value and coefficient of variation are shown in Table 3-1 as well. The panel under investigation does not have shear reinforcement as transversal reinforcement is not significant for the considered (flexural type) behavior and for the purpose of this study. Symbol Description Mean COV Distribution fc Concrete strength 28MPa 0.18 Lognormal fy Steel strength 495 MPa 0.12 Lognormal L Panel length 3500 mm 0.001 Lognormal H Panel height 150 mm 0.001 Lognormal b Panel width 1500 mm 0.001 Lognormal c Panel cover 75 mm 0.01 Lognormal W Explosive weight 227 kgf 0.3 Lognormal R Stand-off distance 15 m 20 m 25 m 0.05 Lognormal 1 Table 3-1: Input data Concrete The concrete compressive strength fc is assumed as random variable, while the Young’s modulus of the concrete Ec and the concrete density ρ are expressed as deterministic functions of fc. The mean value of fc is 28 MPa, with a COV of 0.18 as adopted in [Enright et al. 1998] with a lognormal probability density function (see Table 3-1). The Young’s modulus is computed by Eq. (2-7) [EN 1990] while the concrete density is computed by Eq.(2-8) [ASCS 1988]. Both Ec and fc are expressed in MPa while ρ expressed in kg/m3. ( ( ( ) (3-7) ) (3-8) ) The compressive strength enhancement of the concrete due to strain velocity is considered in this study. This strength enhancement is taken into account by means of the Dynamic Increasing Factor (DIF): a multiplicative coefficient of fc. Since the compressive strength enhancement of the concrete varies slightly in case of ductile Pierluigi Olmati Page 60 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses flexural response over the range of the considered strain velocity, the DIF is assumed as constant and equal to 1.19 times the static compressive strength. This hypothesis is in accordance with the compressive strength enhancement proposed in [US Army 2008], and increases computational efficiency by avoiding additional cyclic iterations in the algorithm of the SDOF equation solver. However, cyclic iterations are necessary for computing the strength enhancement on the reinforcement, which for ductile flexural response is more important than the compressive strength enhancement of the concrete. Reinforcing steel For this case study, grade 450 MPa steel is used. For estimating the mean value of the yielding strength, an average strength factor equal to 1.1 provided by the [US Army 2008] is adopted. Instead the COV is of 0.12 as proposed in [Enright et al. 1998] for a lognormal probability density function (see Table 3-1: Input data). The Young’s modulus is assumed as deterministic and taken equal to 210 GPa. The steel strength enhancement due to the strain velocity is taken into account by the Cowper and Symonds model [Cowper et al. 1957]. Thus, the DIF is evaluated by Eq. (3-9): ( (3-9) ) Where dε/dt is the strain velocity of reinforcement, q is taken equal to 500 sec-1 and ξ is taken equal to 6. Both C and p are estimated by fitting the strength increasing trend versus the strain velocity given in [US Army 2008]. Eq. (3-9) is shown in Figure 3-3. By solving the SDOF equation, the DIF is iteratively updated until the convergence threshold is reached. 2 DIF [-] 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 Strain-rate [1/sec] 100 Figure 3-3: Reinforcing steel strength enhancement versus strain velocity The strain velocity of the steel reinforcement (dε/dt) in Eq. (3-9) is evaluated by the Eq. (3-10). Pierluigi Olmati Page 61 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses ( ) (3-10) Where L is the length of the cladding panel, Ec is the Young’s modulus of the concrete, Jc is the moment of inertia of the cracked cross section, d is the distance from the external compressed fiber of the cross-section to the centroid of the tensile reinforcement, and dS/dt is the rate of the resistance force (S) developed by the panel when subjected to the demand load. Eq. (3-10) is valid for simply supported elements, when the response is governed by the flexural behavior without shear failure. Mechanical model for the cladding panel under blast load In order to model a structural element subjected to a blast load with an equivalent SDOF, the latter is defined as a system that has the same energy of the original structural element (in terms of work energy, strain energy, and kinetic energy) when the last one, if subjected to a blast load, deflects in a given deformed shape. The displacement field of the component can be expressed as u(t)=Φ(x)ymax(t), where Φ(x) is the assumed deformed shape of the component under the blast load. Furthermore, displacement of the component is obtained by the SDOF equation: ̈( ) ̇( ) ( ( )) () (3-11) Where y(t) is the displacement of the component and M is the total mass of the component, S(y(t)) is the resistance of the component as a function of the displacement expressed in unit force (see Figure 3-4), F(t) is the blast pressure multiplied by the impacted area (A) expressed in force units, C is the damping (the percentage of the critical damping is assumed to be 1 % in all the analyses), KLM is the load-mass transformation factor equal to the ratio of KM and KL (the mass transformation factor and the load transformation factor respectively). The last two are evaluated by equating the energy of the two systems (in terms of work energy and kinetic energy respectively). L KL p(x)(x)dx 0 L p(x)dx 0 L KM m ( x ) 2 ( x )dx 0 (3-12) L m(x)dx 0 Referring to Eq. (3-12) and Figure 3-4, p(x) is the blast load shape on the component, m(x) is the distributed mass, and r is the resistance of the element in terms of pressure. The load-mass transformation factor KLM is different at each deformation stage of the component response; for a bilinear resistance function two values of the KLM can be defined: one for the elastic response and one for the plastic response. More details on the equivalent SDOF method are provided in [Biggs et al. 1964] and [US Army 2008]. In order to obtain the bilinear resistance function of the simply supported concrete cladding wall, it is necessary to compute the resisting moment (Mr) in the mid-span of the Pierluigi Olmati Page 62 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses panel. The yielding point of the resistance function (Sy) is obtained by Eq (3-13) (a), where the loaded surface (A) is equal to the cladding wall length (L) times the cladding wall width (b). ( ) (3-13) ( ) The resisting moment is evaluated by Eq.(3-14) [US Army 2008]: ( ) (3-14) Where, As is the reinforcements area, fdy is the dynamic yield strength of the reinforcing steel, fdc is the dynamic compressive strength of the concrete, b width of rectangular section. It is also necessary to evaluate the yielding displacement of the resistance function. For a simply supported component the yielding displacement (δe) is given by Eq. (3-15). (3-15) ( ) (3-16) Where J is the moment of inertia of the cross section as evaluated by Eq.(3-16), while Jc and Jg are computed by Eq. (3-17) and Eq. (3-18) respectively. (3-17) (3-18) The coefficient F in Eq. (3-17) is evaluated starting by the design chart provided in [US Army 2008]. In this study an analytical formula (see Eq. (3-19)) is determined by fitting the curves of the original chart. ( )( ) (3-19) Where p is the percentage of reinforcements in the cross section of the panel as evaluated by neglecting the reinforcements cover, and n is the ratio between the steel Young’s Pierluigi Olmati Page 63 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses modulus and the Ec. Eq. (3-19) is valid for singly reinforced cross-sections. Since Sy and δe are evaluated, the resistance function of the simply supported cladding wall can be defined. Implementing Equations from (3-12) to (3-19), the central difference method is used to solve Eq. (3-10) [Chopra 1995]; the latter presents three non-linarites: firstly due to the bilinear shape of the resistance function, then due to the load mass transformation factors, and finally due to the dynamic strength enhancement of the reinforcing steel (which affects the resistance function). Sel = rel A -rel r L Elastic Plastic Φelastic δel S=rA -r L δ Φplastic Tension membrane effect (tm) δel δlim δtm Mplastic Figure 3-4: Component resistance - displacement relation 3.1.3 Response parameters For structural components subjected to blast loads in flexural response regime, generally two response parameters are of interest: the support rotation angle (θ) and the ductility ratio (μ). These parameters are defined in Eq. (3-20) and Eq. (3-21): ( (3-20) ) (3-21) Where δmax is the maximum displacement of the component. A structural component subjected to a blast load is generally expected to yield (ductility greater than 1), as it is economically impractical to design a member to remain in elastic range. While other significant response parameters can be defined, for example [Low et al. 2001] considers the strain on reinforcements. This study focuses to the response parameters usually adopted for antiterrorism design [US Army 2008]. In a performance-based blast design prospective, five Component Damage Levels (CDLs) are considered: Blowout (BO), Hazardous Failure (HF), Heavy Damage (HV), Moderate Damage (MD), and Superficial Damage (SD). Following the [US Army 2008], the above mentioned levels are defined as follows: Pierluigi Olmati Page 64 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses Blowout (BO): the component is overwhelmed by the blast load causing debris with significant velocities. Hazardous Failure (HF): the component has failed, and debris velocities range from insignificant to very significant. Heavy Damage (HD): the component has not failed, but it has significant permanent deflections causing it to be un-repairable. Moderate Damage (MD): the component has some permanent deflection. It is generally repairable, if necessary, although replacement may be more economical and aesthetic. Superficial Damage (SD): the component has no visible permanent damage. The thresholds corresponding to these CDLs are defined in terms of the response parameters θ and μ. For a non-structural concrete cladding wall without shear reinforcement, neglecting tension membrane effect, the CDL thresholds are those reported in Table 3-2 below. The FCs computed in the following for each of the mentioned CDLs. Component damage levels θ [degree] Blowout >10° Hazardous Failure ≤10° Heavy Damage ≤5° Moderate Damage ≤2° Superficial Damage none 1 μ [-] none none none none 1 Table 3-2: Component damage levels, and the associated thresholds in terms of response parameters 3.1.4 Fragility curves As early described the blast load on the panel depends by the peak pressure and the impulse density (Eq. (3-2) and Eq. (3-4)). The pressure is inversely proportional to Z (Eq. (3-3)), while the impulse density depends on both the Z and the W (Eq. (3-1) and Eq. (3-2)). Consequently, two detonations with the same Z can have different impulse density, depending on the amount of explosive. Thus, the two explosions have the same peak pressure but different duration. Summarizing, the blast load depends on both the Z and the W. Therefore the choice of the IM for computing the FCs is a crucial issue. In this study, the Z is taken as the IM (higher values of the Z the cladding wall has an inferior structural response than for lower Z values), some aspects related with this choice are discussed in the next section. FCs are developed for each of the CDL, the algorithm implemented in MATLAB® for FCs evaluation is shown in Figure 3-5. With reference to the same figure, “i” indicates the i-th point of the FC, “j” indicates the “j”-th CDL, and “k” indicates the k-th stand-off distance R for which the FC is computed. “N” is the maximum value for “i” and therefore the total number of points forming the FC. “M” is the maximum value for “j” and Pierluigi Olmati Page 65 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses therefore the total number of the CDLs. Finally “L” is the maximum value of “k” therefore the total number of the Rs for which the FC related to the j-th CDL is computed. The name “FC-CDL (j, k)” indicates the FC computed for the k-th R, the j-th CDL, by varying the W. The i-th point of the FC (named FC-CDL (i, j, k)) is computed by considering the blast load at the k-th R and the i-th W. The minimum and maximum amount of W should be enough for computing the values of the FC-CDL (j, k) ranging from 0 to 1 (or from 0 to 100 %). The FC-CDL (i, j, k) is obtained by a MC simulation, the complete (cyclic) procedure of Figure 3-5 is hereby described. First a k-th R is selected. Then the j-th CDL is selected. Consequently the “i” index is increased by solving the previously introduced equations for each “i” in order to evaluate the i-th points of the FC-CDL (j, k) until tracking the complete FC-CDL (j, k). After that a new j-th CDL is considered with the same value of “k”. When j=M a different R is selected and the previous two described cycles are repeated until k=L. Finally the piecewise curves obtained point by point with the above steps they are interpolated by a lognormal cumulative function, see Figure 3-7. As said, the FCs describe the conditional probability of failure (Pf(X>x0|Z)) of the response parameter X (most critical between the values of θ and μ, see Table 3-2) with respect to the threshold x0 (identifying the CDL). As expected, for a constant number of samples at each i-th point, the COV of Pf(X>x0|Z) increases with the decreasing of Pf(X>x0|Z). In order to obtain an acceptable COV, the number of samples adopted in the analysis is increased with decreasing Pf (this means that the number of samples increase with increasing Z). In this work, an exponential law has been set for this increasing trend. In Figure 3-6 the number of the samples and the relative COVs are plotted in function of the Pf(X>x0|Z) for the FC related to the HF CDL and for R equal to 20 meters. For better understanding the sufficiency of the adopted intensity measure (scaled distance Z), some considerations can be made with reference to the pressure-impulse diagrams [Krauthammer 2008] related to the case study panel. For this purpose, reference is made to the mean values of both materials and geometrical parameters (see Table 3-1), and the DIFs for the concrete and steel are taken as constant and equal to 1.19 and 1.20 respectively. The pressure-impulse diagrams referred to different values of θ are shown in Figure 3-8: the impulse density expressed in kPa∙ms is related to the pressure peak measured in KPa. Generally three regions can be individuated in the pressure-impulse diagrams, each related with a different regime of structural response subjected to a load time history. These are defied as: impulsive (I), Pierluigi Olmati Page 66 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses dynamic (D), and pressure (P) region, depending on the characteristics of the load time history with respect to the dynamical proprieties of the structure [DoD 2008]. R=k • • • • CDL (j) • j=1 i=1 k=1 i=i+1 Z=i MC analysis FC-CDL (i, j, k) NO i=N ? • • • • • • • CDL: Component Damage Level R: Stand-off distance Z: Scaled distance FC-CDL: numerical Fragility Curve of the CDL i: the i-th point, of the j-th FC-CDL corresponding to the k-th R j: the j-th CDL k: the k-th R MC analysis: Monte Carlo analysis N: number of FC-CDL points, or number of the Zs M: number of the CDLs L: number of the Rs Interpolated FC-CDL: lognormal interpolated FC-CDL j=j+1 YES FC-CDL (j,k) NO j=M ? k=k+1 YES FC-CDL (k) NO k=L ? YES FC-CDL Lognormal Interpolation Interpolated FC-CDL Figure 3-5: Fragility curves computing process Pierluigi Olmati Page 67 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses 0.10 N° of samples 80000 0.08 C.O.V. 0.06 60000 40000 0.04 20000 0.02 0 C.O.V. N of samples 100000 0.00 0.1 0.9 3.3 9.0 22.4 40.4 59.5 77.9 90.1 96.6 98.8 100.0 Pf(X>x0|Z) [%] Figure 3-6: N° of samples and COVs for the FC relative to the HF and R equal to 20 meters 100 Numerical FC Pf piecewise Pf (X> x0|Z) [%] 80 Pf smooth FC Interpolated 60 40 20 0 3.7 3.9 4.1 4.3 4.5 Z Figure 3-7: Numerical and lognormal interpolated FC Two blast loads are now taken into account, these can be chosen in order to being characterized by the same IM (and consequently the same peak pressure) but by different W and R. As matter of fact, the two blast loads are consistent with two different demands on the pressure-impulse diagrams, having the same peak pressure but different values of the impulse density. As it can be observed in the Figure 3-8, the difference between the structural responses of the panel subjected to two different blast demands (again, characterized by the same pressure peak but by different impulse densities) depends on where these demands are located in the pressure-impulse diagram: if these blast demands are located in the impulsive region (I), a certain value for this difference will be observed, while if blast demands are located in the dynamic (D) or pressure (P) region, then this difference will be lower than the previous case. Considering the above, it can be concluded that the sufficiency of chosen IM is greater in the D and P regions than in the I region. In the I region a fragility surface made by considering both R and W as independent elements of a vectorial IM would be more appropriate. Pierluigi Olmati Page 68 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses For taking account this approximation, as explained in the previous section, the FCs are computed for different values of the R (R=Z∛W). In what follows, when the FCs are used for estimating the failure probability of a component damage level, the specific FC corresponding to the mean value of R is used for this purpose. This increases considerably the sufficiency of the chosen IM. 1000 I: impulsive region D: dynamic region P: pressure region I 100 P [kPa] D P θ=2 10 θ=5 θ=10 1 100 1000 10000 i [kPa ms] 100000 Figure 3-8: Pressure - Impulse diagrams In Figure 3-9 the computed FCs are shown for different values of R. Focusing on the considered CDLs, from the figure can be observed that, as expected, the FCs of the SD level have a different slope compared to that of the other three CDLs (HF, HD, and MD). It should be noted that the SD level is based on the ductility (μ) of the component while HF, HD, and MD levels are based on the support rotation (θ). The SD level for a concrete cladding panel prescribes the elastic response of the component, and for the case study panel it appears to be more sensitive to the considered uncertainties compared to the HF, HD, and MD levels. By varying the number of samples the maximum obtained COV for the lower probability of failure (close to zero), is about 9%; see Figure 3-6. This value is considered acceptable for the specific case, and it is consistent with other studies on blast applications (see [Stewart et al. 2008]). Hazardous Failure 100 80 Pf (X> x0|Z) [%] Pf (X> x0|Z) [%] 100 60 40 20 Heavy Damage 80 60 40 20 0 0 2.4 2.6 2.8 Z Pierluigi Olmati 3.0 3.2 3.4 2.8 3.0 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8 4.0 Z Page 69 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses Moderate Damage Superficial Damage 100 80 Pf (X> x0|Z) [%] Pf (X> x0|Z) [%] 100 60 40 20 0 80 60 40 20 0 3.0 3.5 Z 4.0 4.5 5.0 5 6 7 Z 8 9 10 11 Figure 3-9: From top left clockwise, fragility curves for the HF, HD, SD, MD component damage levels For computing the probability of failure from the FCs it is necessary to stochastically characterize the blast scenario and integrate Eq. (3-23). In this study a vehicle bomb is considered. The amount of explosive (W) in the vehicle depends among else on the security measures in place. These security measures can be structured in different lines (see Figure 3-10) and for each line of security a different mean value of W is expected. The expected value expected value of W decrease with the decreasing of R from the target, since the line of security system reduces progressively the severity of the possible attacks. In the example of Figure 3-10, level 1 prevents trucks entering the target zone, so no truck bomb should be expected. Level 2 in Figure 3-10 (for example a fence barrier) prevents vehicles entering. Finally, Level 3 prevents pedestrians approaching the target. With this in mind, in the specific application a scenario concerning a truck bomb (with about 4000 to 27000 kgf of TNT or equivalent) is unreasonable (e.g. by assuming that the intelligence service is able to prevent this threat). Instead a vehicle bomb (with about 27 to 454 kgf of TNT or equivalent) is considered. The mean amount of TNT or equivalent in the vehicle is assumed equal to 227 kgf with a COV equal to 0.3 (see Table 3-1). This assumption is in line with [FEMA 2003]. Instead the R is assumed to have a mean value equal to 20 m with a COV of 0.05, considering that the vehicle could impact and overpass the fence barrier but without being able to move further. Pierluigi Olmati Page 70 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses Street Target Level 3 Level 2 Level 1 Figure 3-10: Lines of defense The conditional probability of failure of the CDL with respect to the event (P f(X>x0)) is evaluated by Eq. (3-23). As previously stated, X is the most critical between the response parameters θ and μ, assumed here as uncorrelated. Consequently Pf(X>x0) is the union of the failure probabilities evaluated by considering only one of the two response parameters characterizing the component damage level (see Table 3-2 and Eq. (3-22)). The probability density function of the Z (p(Z)) is computed by fitting both W and R with a lognormal distribution. As mentioned above, the FC (Pf(X>x0|Z)) used for evaluating Eq. (3-23) is the one corresponding to the mean value of the R (Table 3-1). ( ( ) ∫ ) ( ( ) ( ) ) ( ∑ ) ( (3-22) ) ( ) (3-23) The obtained results are shown in Table 3-3. The first column reports the CDLs, while the second and third the Pf(X>x0) for each blast scenario obtained by Eq. (3-23) and by the MC analysis respectively. Pierluigi Olmati Page 71 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses CDL Mean W=227 kgf COV=0.3 lognormal distribution Mean R, COV=0.05 lognormal distribution FC analysis 1 SD MD HD HF 100.0 % 96.6 % 55.7 % 13.6 % SD MD HD HF 100.0 % 74.6 % 14.2 % 1.02 % SD MD HD HF 100.0 % 97.9 % 93.6 % 67.8 % MC analysis R = 20 m 100.0 % 97.5 % 55.5 % 12.1 % R = 25 m 100.0 % 77.3 % 12.6 % 1.02 % R = 15 m 100.0 % 99.9 % 96.9 % 72.6 % Difference Δ% 0.0 % 0.9 % 0.3 % 11.0 % 0.0 % 3.5 % 11.2 % 0.0 % 0.0 % 2.0 % 3.4 % 6.6 % Table 3-3: Results From these results the maximum percentage difference between the Pf(X>x0) computed by the FCs and the MC simulation is 11%. Further studies are necessary to confirm whether this difference is acceptable or not. However it is also necessary to consider that the W in the vehicle has an elevated dispersion, something that amplifies this difference due to the dependence of the impulse density to both the R and the W. Thus, the difference between the Pf(X>x0) computed by the fragility analysis method and by the MC simulation method increases with the increase in the difference between the R with which the FC is computed (men value of R) and the R of the MC samples. Pierluigi Olmati Page 72 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses 3.2 The impulse density as intensity measure In this section an accidental explosion of ammunitions is considered, and the probability to exceed a limit state (exceeding probability) for a steel built-up blast door is estimated by both the conditional and unconditional approach for three different limit states. Moreover a safety factor is proposed, evaluated as a function of an acceptable exceeding probability. Such a safety factor can be used in order to design the built-up blast door by making use of deterministic analyses carried out by the equivalent Single Degree of Freedom (SDOF) method [DoD 2008]. For achieving the above mentioned exceeding probability by the conditional and the unconditional approaches, the Monte Carlo (MC) simulation method is adopted; with the conditional approach the MC simulation is used in computing the fragility curves for each limit state, while with the unconditional approach the MC simulation is used for computing directly the exceeding probability. In order to efficiently carrying out the numerical analyses for MC simulations, a Simplified Stochastic Model (SSM) is proposed. The SSM is a SDOF-based model and it is validated by the avail of a detailed Finite Element model (FE model) of the case-study built-up door. Referring to significant literature regarding the design and the deterministic assessment of the structural response of blast doors subjected to impulsive loads, the [DoD 2008] furnishes the methodology and the practice for designing structural elements against accidental explosions, a specific section of the [DoD 2008] is focused on special considerations about blast doors, where basic procedures and performance requirements are defined. More detailed design procedures for such a kind of elements are in the [USACE 2009]. In [Chen et al. 2012] a new kind of blat door consisting in a multi-arch double-layered blast-resistance panel is developed and the blast performances of such a system are investigated by both numerical and experimental studies. In [Xingna et al. 2012] the performances of a refuge chamber door under blast loading are investigated; an accurate analysis is performed by numerical simulations for optimizing the configurations of the stiffeners. Also if traditionally the deterministic approach is preferred in the design of structures under blast, a number of works can be useful in order to calibrate probabilistic models and bounding the uncertainties affecting the design of blast resistant elements. In [Stewart et al. 2008] two kind of window glazing systems are studied, and the crucial issue of selecting an appropriate intensity measure for computing the fragility curves for blast loaded structures is investigated. The fragility curves are developed in function of two different intensity measures (the explosive weight and the stand-off distance), and several fragility curves are computed for the specific cases of study. In the work of [Netherton et al. 2009] the accuracy of the blast loading prediction model is investigated, resulting that the reliability analysis is sensitive to the uncertainties about the blast load model. An example regarding the complexity of the blast load modeling is shown in Pierluigi Olmati Page 73 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses [Ballantyne et al. 2010] where the clearing effect for finite width surfaces is investigated. In [Wu et al. 2009] a series of different kinds of concrete slabs are tested in order to both compare their blast resistance and evaluate the uncertainty affecting the pressure estimation procedures provided in [DoD 2008]. In [Chang et al. 2010] Monte Carlo simulations are performed in order to estimate the probability of failure for windows subjected to a blast load made by a vehicle bomb. [Low et al. 2001] presents results of a parametric investigation on the reliability of reinforced concrete slabs under blast loading in order to establish appropriate probabilistic distributions of the resistant parameters. [Whittaker et al. 2003] proposes the extension of probabilistic approaches from the performance-based earthquake engineering to the blast design problems, also by suggesting appropriate variables for the intensity measures, the damage measures, and the response parameters definition. In [Galiev 1996] experimental observations are provided for impulsively loaded structural elements in order to calibrate theoretical models. The counterintuitive phenomenon of elastic–plastic beam dynamics studied by [Symonds et al. 1985] is investigated by [Li et al. 2003] with a probabilistic approach following the experimental evidences provided in [Li et al. 1991] and [Kolsky 1991]. In [Guillaumat et al. 2005] a composite structure made by glass fiber and impregnated with polyester subjected to accidental (low velocity) impacts is investigated in probabilistic terms; a polynomial expression of the force occurring during the impact is developed by experimental data and statistical distributions are provided for the coefficients of the expression. [Choudhury et al. 2002] shows that the reliability index of a buried concrete structure subjected to missile impacts decreases significantly with the increasing of the uncertainty affecting the problem. [de Béjar et al. 2008] develops probabilistic models to predict the probability of the residual velocities of mortar round fragments after the perforation of a wall. The fragment effect on fiber panels is investigates also in [Jordan et al. 2010] by developing an empirical equation for calculating fragment impact velocity from penetration data. [Fyllingen et al. 2007] performs numerical simulations of square aluminum tubular elements subjected to axial loading introducing stochastic geometric imperfections in order to reproduce the experimental evidences provided in [Jensen et al. 2004]. 3.2.1 Relation between the pressure-impulse diagram and the fragility surface The blast load on structures depends mainly by two parameters: the scaled distance (Z) and the amount of explosive or charge weight (W). Figure 3-11 (a) shows the dependence from Z and W of the most important blast load parameters for the case of surface explosions [DoD 2008]. The stand-off distance is the distance from the target to the explosive source, Z is obtained by dividing the stand-off distance by the cube root of the explosive charge weight, p0 is the side-on pressure, pr is the reflected pressure, and finally i0 and ir are the side-on and reflected impulse densities respectively. Pierluigi Olmati Page 74 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses Based on the [DoD 2008] the blast load can be defined as an equivalent triangular pulse as indicated in Figure 3-11 (b), where td is the duration time of the equivalent triangular pulse. By the functional relations shown in Figure 1 (a) in terms of Z and W, a direct dependence of the blast load to both the peak pressure ppeak (pr in the case of Figure 3-11 (b)), and the impulse density (i) can be extrapolated, being the last one defined by the half of the product between the peak pressure and the equivalent time td. . 1000000 100000 Z p0 pr ir/w1/3 is/w1/3 pr 10000 [ft / lb1/3] [psi] [psi] [ms psi / lb1/3] [ms psi / lb1/3] p0 pr 1000 ir/w1/3 100 is 10 p0 /w1/3 tr td t0 1 0.1 0.1 1 (a) 10 100 (b) Figure 3-11: Blast load parameters [DoD 2008] (a); design blast load shapes (b) The Figure 3-12 (a) represents an iso-response curve, that is a constant structural response defined in terms of a certain parameter (in this case the support rotation θ) plotted in function of both the peak pressure and the impulse density of the blast load. The chart shown in Figure 3-12 (a) is called pressure-impulse diagram and it is very common in the blast engineering for designing structural elements. The pressure-impulse diagram indicates that the structural response depends by both the peak pressure and the impulse density; therefore the intensity measures to adopt in the blast engineering should be these two. Considering the above, the intensity measure should be a vector of dimension two and, consequently, the fragility should be represented by a fragility surface instead of a fragility curve. Deterministic design procedures are based on a single pressure-impulse diagram for a component, as well known in the literature, see for example the works of [Scherbatiuk 2008, Krauthammer 2008a, Shi et al. 2008, Yim et al. 2009, Ma et al. 2008, and Fallah 2007]. But if the design is probabilistic, there are infinite pressure-impulse diagrams, each one corresponding to a value of the conditional exceeding probability between 0 and 1. Each pressure-impulse diagram is a cross section of the above mentioned fragility surface, and it is defined by a plane at constant conditional exceeding probability, while each fragility curve defined choosing the impulse as intensity measure is a cross-section defined by a plane at constant pressure of the fragility surface. Figure 3-12 (b) shows Pierluigi Olmati Page 75 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses these cross sections of the fragility surface that define the fragility curves, each one for a constant value of the pressure. This direct relationship between the fragility curves made at a constant pressure (Figure 2 (b)) and the pressure-impulse diagram (Figure 3-12 (a)) is crucial because from the fragility curves of Figure 3-12 (b) is immediate to compute the pressure-impulse diagram for a constant conditional exceeding probability, see Figure 3-12 (a). In this case the points of a certain pressure-impulse diagram can be viewed as a series of iso-probability impulse values, each one belonging to a different fragility curve, as shown in the illustrative example of Figure 3-12 (a). This evidence can be useful in defining a stochastic pressure-impulse diagram, and it could be a future development of this work. Moreover, in Figure 3-12 (a) the different regions of the pressure-impulse diagram are shown: a) the impulsive region (I) where only the impulse density is relevant for the structural response of a component; b) the dynamic region (D) where the structural response of the component is governed by the load shape and the pressure magnitude; and finally c) the quasi-static region (S) where only the peak pressure is relevant for the structural response of a component. P[ Θ>θ | i, p ]=P0 I: impulsive region D: dynamic region S: quasi-static region a I D b d e P[•]=P0 S c f P[ Θ>θ | i ] Pressure The fragility curves of Figure 3-12 (b), being the cross sections of the fragility surface and being each one defined by a plane at constant pressure, are pretty coincident until the pressure value belongs to the impulsive region. This is because in the impulsive region a variation of the pressure does not imply a significant variation of the structural response and, consequently, of the structural fragility. On the other hand, when the cutting plane (pressure value) is moving toward the dynamic and quasi-static regions the fragility curves became substantially different each other (a variation of the pressure implies a significant variation of the structural response and of the structural fragility). p1 a p2 p 3 p 4 b c d e p5 f Θ=θ Impulse (a) p6 Impulse (b) Figure 3-12: Probabilistic description of the blast response for a structural component. Pressure-impulse diagram (a); structural fragility (b) Pierluigi Olmati Page 76 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses 3.2.2 The fragility curve for impulse sensitive structures For most structural elements the load conditions due to detonations of high potential explosives are associated with the impulsive region of the pressure-impulse diagram. Therefore the impulse density is selected as intensity measure because in this case the structural response depends by the impulse characterizing the blast load. However for very stiff structures, the load conditions can be on the dynamic or quasi-static region of the pressure-impulse diagram; for that kind of structures the impulse density is not appropriate as intensity measure and it can lead to erroneous estimations of the exceeding probability. In Figure 3-13 (a) a general pressure-impulse diagram is shown. A number of load samples can be obtained by extracting couple of values of the explosive charge and the stand-off distance; each load sample is defined by a peak pressure and an impulse density in order to characterize a triangular or exponential load shape, in the last case the decay coefficient should also be defined. If the load samples are belonging to the region show in Figure 3-13 (a), this is the case where the impulse density (i) is a good intensity measure for the structural element under investigation, as generally (as mentioned above) verified for the most common structural elements. As shown in Figure 3 (a), the choice of i as intensity measure means that the pressure-impulse curve is approximated only with its impulsive asymptote. Under these premises, the fragility curve for impulse sensitive structures can be defined as follow: a pressure value p0 belonging to the impulsive region of the pressure-impulse curve is considered; if the uncertainties (both aleatory and epistemic) are taken account, a range of intensity measure where the conditional exceeding probability of the response parameter (P[Θ>θ Ι i] in figure) assumes the values from 0 to 1 is identified, for example, by the points a (P[Θ>θ Ι i] =0) and c (P[Θ>θ Ι i] =1) in Figure 3-13 (a). This trend defines a curve representing the structural fragility for impulse sensitive structural elements as shown in Figure 3-13 (b). In the following application the impulse density in selected as intensity measure and the fragility curve is built numerically selecting a pressure value (p0) belonging to the impulsive zone of the pressure-impulse diagram of structural element. Pierluigi Olmati Page 77 of 189 p0 P[ Θ>θ | i ] = 1 Load (p, i) samples region abc P[ Θ>θ | i ] Pressure Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses c p0 b P[ Θ>θ | i ] = 0 Θ=θ a Impulse Impulse (a) (b) Figure 3-13: Conceptual definition of the fragility curve for impulse sensitive structures 3.2.3 Application on a steel blast door A blast door is conceived to contain an explosion and therefore prevent the propagation of pressure, fireball leakage and fragment inside the protected area. Generally a blast door is designed to protect personnel [Mayorga et al. 1997, and Stuhmiller et al. 1996] and equipment from the effects of external explosions. There are different typologies of blast doors, classified on the basis of their structure (e.g. single leaf or double leaf) and on the basis of the opening mode (e.g. vertical lift and horizontal sliding). There are also several kinds of standard performance requirements for categorizing the blast doors according to their function. Performance requirements include: – protection of personnel and equipment from external blast pressures resulting from an accidental explosion; – prevention of accidental explosion propagation into an explosive storage area; – maintain complete serviceability for doors designed as part of a containment cells commonly used in the repeated testing of explosives; – maintain integrity for doors designed as part of a containment structures commonly used to protect nearby the personnel and structures in the event of an accidental explosion. In this study a built-up steel door with a single leaf is considered. The door is made by welding steel plates to a steel beam grid, and the exterior plate (thicker than the interior plate) is designed as a continuous member supported by the grid. The grid is made by different beams; the beams on the boundaries support the spandrel beams that support directly the exterior plate. Such a built-up door can be considered as an orthotropic plate. Pierluigi Olmati Page 78 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses The case-study door is 2500 mm high and 1400 mm wide, the exterior plate is 5 mm thick and the interior plate is 1 mm thick. The beams on the boundaries and the four spandrels have UPN 80 and L 80x60/7 cross-sections respectively. In Figure 3-14 details and sections of the door are shown. The steel is the S275 and by a traction test the actual yielding stress is assessed to be 340 MPa. 1400 A SECTION B-B’ 1400 Blast side Blast side 5 2500 6 UPN 0 B’ B 1 Side away from blast A’ (a) (b) SECTION A-A’ 2500 5 Blast side 6 UPN 0 L 0x60/ 1 Side away from blast (c) Figure 3-14: Details of the case-study blast door. Frontal view (a); section along the width (b); section along the height (c) The door is located on the exterior side of a building belonging to a military facility zone. The army in this facility is equipped with 60 mm mortars and exercitations are frequents. Along the side of the building there is a street passed through by military vehicles carrying on 60 mm mortar rounds. The accidental scenario considered in this study implies the detonation of ammunitions on a vehicle passing through the street. Adopting a performance-based philosophy, four limit states are considered, related to the Serviceability, the Operability, the Life Safety, and the Critical Failure of the blast door (Table 1). For this purpose one or more response parameters and appropriate threshold values of these parameters need to be defined. The selected response parameters are: the support rotation (θ) and the ductility ratio (m) both defined in Eqs. (3-24), where ymax is the maximum displacement of the component, dy is the yielding displacement of the resistance function of the component, and L is the span of the component, in this case Ly is considered because, being shorter than Lx, it leads to a greater support rotation; more details are provided in next sections. Pierluigi Olmati Page 79 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses Since a general consensus concerning the threshold values for the different limit states has not been reached in the scientific community, here these values have been chosen by means of a critical examination of both the literature and the physics of the problem, also with the support of appropriate numerical analyses described below. These values are shown in Table 3-1. Note that different threshold values of a response parameter are expected for different typologies of the blast resisting doors. In order to give an idea of the uncertainty affecting the threshold values, a Qualitative Confidence Index (QCI) is also provided in the table, ranging from “high” (low level of uncertainty) to “low” (high amount of uncertainty). Finite element analyses and experimental investigations should be conducted to clarify this point. In the table, with the term “failure” is intended a structural response of the door causing the projection into the protected space of the door itself or parts of it. ( ) (a) (3-24) (b) The first limit state is about the Serviceability. The blast door after the event should be able to be fully operable without repairs. Damages to both the door structure and door accessories (like the panic opening system) are not allowed. Thus the door should remain integer and fully operable after the event. The ductility ratio m is the response parameter selected for the assessment of this limit state. To satisfy the Serviceability limit state the ductility ratio is limited to 1. The second limit state is about the Operability. The door after the event should be able to be opened. Damages to the door structure are allowed, but damages to the door accessories are not allowed. Thus the door should remain operable after the event, even if permanent deformations are present. The support rotation is selected as response parameter for this limit state. To satisfy the Operability limit state the support rotation is limited to 2 degrees [DoD 2008] [Chen et al. 2012]. The Operability LS is important for avoiding failure and/or blockage of the panic opening system of the door, in a way that both the evacuation of the building and the police/fireman operations can be easily conducted. The third limit state is about the Life Safety. The inoperability of the door after the event is accepted but the structure must not fail; significant permanent deflections of the door are allowed. For this limit state the support rotation is selected as response parameter. To satisfy the Life Safety limit state the support rotation is limited to 10 degrees. This value is chosen on the basis of the results obtained by a static pushover analysis of the casestudy the built-up door (see next sections). Pierluigi Olmati Page 80 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses The last limit state is about the Critical Failure and it occurs when the Life Safety limit state is exceeded. In Table 3-4 the considered limit states are resumed. The fragility curves and the exceeding probability are computed for the first three limit state. Limit State Serviceability Operability Life Safety Critical Failure The door has no permanent deflections. The door is operable, but it has permanent deflections. The door has failed. Response Parameter Threshold values ductility ratio (m) support rotation (θ) The door has not failed, but it has significant permanent deflections. support rotation (θ) support rotation (θ) <1 <2° <10° >10° QCI High Medium Low Low Damage Level Table 3-4: Limits States The Simplified Stochastic Model (SSM) As said above, a Simplified Stochastic Model (SSM) has been used in evaluating the fragility of the blast door. The SSM is the equivalent Single Degree of Freedom (SDOF) model of the steel built-up door, taking into account for both the aleatory and epistemic uncertainties are taken into account. An equivalent SDOF system is obtained by evaluating appropriate transformation factors for the system’s mass, damping, load and resistance. Furthermore, inherent with a SDOF analysis is the assumption that the system behaves only in a single mode shape. As the system begins to deflect under the blast load, it eventually yields and forms plastic hinges at various locations depending on the applied boundary conditions. Thus in reality, the system’s mode shape changes with the progression of plastic hinges. Therefore, the transformation factors are adjusted to take into account for the change of the mode shape. For a simply supported one way panel under uniform loading, it is assumed that a single plastic hinge is formed at the center of the span. The resistance-deflection relationship for such a panel is assumed to have an elastic-perfectly plastic shape. Thus, at a certain yielding deflection, the component will continuously deform at near constant resistance until an ultimate deflection limit is reached, at that point the component will fail. This resistance-deflection relationship (resistance function) serves as constitutive relation for the non-linear stiffness in the equation of motion. The displacement field of the component can be expressed as u(t)=Φ(x)y(t), where Φ(x) is the assumed deformed shape of the component under the blast load and y(t) is the displacement of the component in the location of maximum deflection. Furthermore, displacement of the component is obtained by the SDOF equation: Pierluigi Olmati Page 81 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses ̈( ) ̇( ) ( ( )) () (3-25) where M is the total mass of the component, S(y(t)) is the resistance of the component as a function of the displacement expressed in unit force, F(t) is the blast pressure multiplied by the loaded area (A) expressed in force units, C is the damping (the percentage of the critical damping is assumed to be 1 % in the analyses), KLM is the so-called “load-mass transformation factor”, that is equal to the ratio of KM and KL (the mass transformation factor and the load transformation factor respectively). The last two are evaluated by equating the energy of the two systems (in terms of work energy and kinetic energy respectively). The load-mass transformation factor KLM is different at each deformation stage of the component response; for a bilinear resistance function two values of the KLM can be defined: the first for the elastic range of the response and the second for the plastic range of the response. These two coefficients are well established in literature, more details on the equivalent SDOF method are provided in [US Army 2008] and [DoD 2008]. The build-up blast door considered in this study is a two-dimensional orthotropic structure; and it is make equivalent to a SDOF model with a bilinear resistance function. For obtaining such resistance function, the yielding point (Py) needs to be defined, this is characterized by the yielding pressure (ry) and the yielding displacement (dy) of the component. In order to define the ry and the dy both aleatory and epistemic uncertainties are introduced. In Eq.s (3-26) the formulas for computing both the ry and dy are shown. ( )( ) ( ) (a) (b) (3-26) (c) Where, Ke is the stiffness of the SDOF, Lx and Ly are the longer and the shorter dimension of the door respectively, E is the Young’s modulus of the steel. The coefficients XA and XB are taken equal to 1.374 and 198.6 respectively, and they are valid for orthotropic plates with Ly/Lx equal to 1.78 [Biggs et al. 1964, US Army 2008, DoD 2008]. Mpx and Mpy are the plastic moments of the two orthogonal cross sections of the built-up door. Pierluigi Olmati Page 82 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses Lx, Ly, and E are assumed as deterministic parameters; instead both J y and Jx, and consequently Mpx and Mpy are assumed as stochastic variables to take into account for the epistemic uncertainties. Moreover the aleatory uncertainty affecting the yielding stress of the steel is considered. Also with reference to Figure 3-14 the moments of inertia are computed by Eq.s (3-27) by assuming valid the hypothesis of plane sections. )⁄ ( [( [( )( ( )⁄ ) (( ) ] (a) ) ( )⁄ (3-27) ) ] ( (b) )⁄ Where, NL is the number of the spandrels orthogonal to Lx, JL and JUPN are the moments of inertia of the spandrels and of the external frame respectively, t1 and t2 are the thicknesses of the blast side plate and of the side away from blast side plate respectively, and dG is the center of mass of the composite section. For computing J x the transport moment of inertia due to the plates is not considered because there are not spandrels along the Lx direction. The stochastic coefficient α is introduced for taking into account the uncertainty on the moments of inertia, with a mean value equal to 1 and a COV equal to 0.1. The sample values Jxi and Jyi of Jx and Jy are evaluated as shown in Eq.s (3-28). (a) (3-28) (b) The Mpxi and Mpyi are computed by Eq.s (3-29) and considering Eq.s (3-30). (a) (3-29) (b) (a) (b) (3-30) (c) Pierluigi Olmati Page 83 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses Where bx and by are the longest distance between the center of mass and the two external sides of the cross sections, σydi is the sample value of the dynamic yielding stress of the steel, σyi is the sample value of the static yielding stress of the steel, assumed as stochastic variable. The sample value DIFi of the Dynamic Increasing Factor, is obtained by adding to the unit the decimal part DIF0i, and the last one is assumed as stochastic variable to consider the epistemic uncertainty. Finally ϕi is the sample value of the plastic coefficient obtained adding to the unit the decimal part ϕ0i; also ϕ0i is assumed as a stochastic variable affected by the epistemic uncertainty. The considered stochastic variables are shown in Table 3-5 with indications on their mean value, COV, and distribution function. The mean value of α is set equal to the unity. The mean value of the σy is estimated by assuming a strength factor equal to 1.1 as provided by [US Army 2008], for a steel grade of 450 MPa this leads to a mean value of σy equal to 302.5 MPa. The mean value of ϕ is estimated by fitting the resistance of the SSM with the static pushover curve computed by the FE model as described in what follow. Finally the mean value of the DIF is provided by [US Army 2008] for an equivalent grade of steel. The COV of the σy is referenced by [Enright et al. 1998]; the COV of both α and ϕ are estimated for obtaining a reasonable dispersion of the Py with respect to the static pushover curve obtained by the FE model. The COV of the DIF is estimated by the values of the DIF provided by [US Army 2008] for several strain rate velocities. Parameter Mean value C.O.V. Distribution σy 302.5 MPa 0.12 log-normal α 1 0.1 log-normal ϕ0 0.3 0.1 log-normal DIF0 0.19 0.2 log-normal Table 3-5: Probabilistic distributions of the stochastic variables By substituting the sample values obtained in Eq.s (3-28), (3-29), and (3-30) into the Eq.s (3-27), the sample Pyi of the yielding point Py of the resistance function is computed. In Figure 3-15 the log-normal distribution functions of the computed values of both ry and dy are shown. The resulting average value of ru and dy are 306 kPa and 6.8 mm respectively, their COV are 0.16 and 0.125 respectively. Pierluigi Olmati Page 84 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses 8 0.4 6 0.3 f (dy) 0.5 f (ru) 10 4 0.2 0.1 2 0 0 0 0.2 0.4 ru [MPa] (a) 4 0.6 6 8 10 dy [mm] (b) 12 Figure 3-15: Probability density function of ry and dy Validation of the SSM by the Finite Element Model (FEM) In order to validate the SSM a detailed Finite Element Model (FE model) is built. The FE model is developed by using the commercial FE solver LS-Dyna® [LS-Dyna 2012]. The FE model is a three dimensional model consisting of shell elements. The support frame of the door is explicitly modeled with its geometrical features in order to accurately take into account for the unilateral boundary conditions by making use of contact elements. Moreover, other contacts are provided in correspondence to the door opening hinges and door locking system for allowing the rebound response. The model is made by a total of 84794 shell elements and 85062 nodes. The shell elements are of Belytschko-Tsay type [LS-Dyna 2012] and the contact algorithm is the automatic surface to surface one [LS-Dyna 2012]. Regard to the steel, a piecewise linear plasticity model [LS-Dyna 2012] is adopted, with the true stress-strain relationship obtained by experimental tests. Figure 3-16 shows this stress-strain relationships: the engineering stress-strain curve is directly obtained in [Kalochairetis 2013] by an experimental test considering the length and the initial cross sectional area of the specimen, instead the true stress-strain curve is obtained analytically by assuming logarithmic strains [LS-Dyna 2012], consequently the true plastic stressstrain curve is computed as required input by the piecewise linear plasticity model [LSDyna 2012]. Moreover, a fracture criterion is implemented without taking into account for the effect of the stress triaxiality on the metal fracture; the fracture occurs when the effective plastic strain reaches 0.2473. The strain rate effect is taken into account by the Cowper and Symonds model shows in Eq. (3-31) [LS-Dyna 2012], where ξ is equal to 500 [1/s] and γ is equal to 6. ̇ ( ) Pierluigi Olmati (3-31) Page 85 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses It is crucial to highlight that the steel yielding stress shown in Figure 3-16 does not match with the mean value of the steel yield stress of Table 3-5; in order to validate the SSM by the FE model, the input parameters are assumed to have the mean values and the steel yielding stress-strain relationship shown in Figure 3-16. Furthermore a DIF equal to 1 and 1.19 for the case of the static resistance and dynamic response respectively has been assumed for the SSM. 600 Stress [MPa] 500 400 300 200 True stress-strain Engineering stress-strain True plastic stress-strain 100 0 0 0.1 0.2 ε [-] 0.3 0.4 Figure 3-16: Stress strain relationship [Kalochairetis 2013] In Figure 3-17 (a) the FE model and details of the built-up door are shown, a detail of the FE model is presented in Figure 3-17 (b), where the mesh refinement can be appreciated. The characteristic dimension of the single rectangular finite element is 15 mm and it is quite constant for all the mesh. Unilateral BCs and hinge system UPN 80 UPN 80 2500 mm Blast side plate t=5mm L 80x60/7 L 80x60/7 Unilateral BCs and hinge system Blast side plate t=5mm Unilateral BCs and hinge system Away from blast plate t=1mm (not in view) (a) (b) Figure 3-17: Finite element model of the steel built-up door For obtaining the static resistance function of the built-up blast door a static pushover analysis is carried out by applying an uniform load to the blast side plate. The uniform pressure is applied quasi-statically by a ramp load function until the collapse of the door is reached. In Figure 3-18 the static resistance functions computed by the SSM (by assuming the mean values of the input parameters) and the FE model are shown. In Figure 3-18 (a) the static resistance function is plotted as a function of the mid-span displacement δ, while in Figure 3-18 (b) it is plotted as a function of the support rotation θ defined in Eq. (3-24). Especially for the range of support rotation from 0 to 2 degrees Pierluigi Olmati Page 86 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.3 r [MPa] r [MPa] there is a good agreement between the two predictions. However an experimental test should be performed to definitely confirm the results. 0.2 0.3 0.2 FEM FEM 0.1 0.1 SSM 0 0 10 20 30 40 δ [mm] 50 60 70 SSM 0 0 1 2 (a) 3 4 θ [deg] 5 6 (b) Figure 3-18: Static resistance function by the FEM and the SSM The FE model and the SSM are compared in terms of dynamic response. The built-up door is subjected to four detonations and the structural response is computed by both the SMM and the FE model. All the detonations occur at 500 mm from the ground and at 6 m away from the built-up door, then these detonations are surface burst explosions. The explosive charges of the four detonations are assumed to consist in 10, 15, 20, 25 kg of TNT. The blast pressure is assumed as uniformly distributed in the SSM, but it is properly evaluated as non-uniformly distributed in the FE model by the LS-Dyna® function named load blast [LS-Dyna 2012]. Only the positive phase of the shock wave is taken into account by the equivalent triangular pulse, alternatively an exponential decay law can be adopted [Gantes et al. 2004]. Values adopted for the parameters characterizing the SSM for comparison purposes with the FE model are: σy=340 MPa, ϕ=1.3, α=1, and DIF=1.19. It is important to remember that, as mentioned above, for the successive computation of the fragility curves and of the safety factor, the mean value of σy is assumed to be 302.5 MPa. The motion equation of the SSM is solved by using SBEDS® [US Army 2008]. In Figure 3-19 the comparison between the time histories of the support rotation θ obtained with the FE model and the SSM are reported for all the four detonations. 1.5 1.5 FEM 1 θ [deg] 1 θ [deg] SDOF SDOF FEM 0.5 0.5 0 0 -0.5 -0.5 0 0.01 Time [sec] 0.02 (a) W=10 kg TNT - R=6 m Pierluigi Olmati 0 0.01 Time [sec] 0.02 (b) W=15 kg TNT - R=6 m Page 87 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses 2 2.5 1 θ [deg] θ [deg] 1.5 1.5 0.5 0.5 SDOF FEM 0 SDOF FEM -0.5 -0.5 0 0.01 Time [sec] 0.02 (c) W=20 kg TNT - R=6 m 0 0.01 Time [sec] 0.02 (d) W=25 kg TNT - R=6 m Figure 3-19: Comparison between the time histories of the support rotation θ obtained with the FE model and the SSM. 10 kg of TNT (a); 15 kg of TNT (b); 20 kg of TNT (c); 25 kg of TNT (d). In Figure 3-20 the plastic strains on the door obtained by the FE model are plotted. Plastic strains are represented in black color while in grey is the elastic steel (in the black zones the dynamic yielding stress of the steel was reached). In Figure 3-20 the boundary conditions, and the away from blast side plate are removed from the view for allowing the checking of the spandrels. With reference to Figure 3-19, it can be appreciated that generally there is a good agreement between the predictions of the support rotations made by the SSM and the FE model in the initial loading phase. However the SSM looks little more conservative with respect to the FE model. This acceptable difference in the prediction can be attributed to the fact that in the SSM a constant value of the DIF is assumed, on the other hand the DIF in the FE model is computed at the scale of the single finite element. Due to the non-linear boundary conditions implemented in the FE model, the rebound response is pretty different between the two models, and also the time of the max support rotation is slightly different. But this is not relevant for the purpose of the SSM that is to estimate only the maximum support rotation of the built-up door. Pierluigi Olmati Page 88 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses (a) (b) (c) (d) Figure 3-20: Plastic strains on the door obtained by the FE model. 10 kg of TNT (a); 15 kg of TNT (b); 20 kg of TNT (c); 25 kg of TNT (d). Pierluigi Olmati Page 89 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses On the basis of the results in terms of plastic strains shown in Figure 3-20, it can be stated that the non-uniform distribution of the blast load does not lead to a particularly nonuniform structural response of the built-up door: the plastic strains on the spandrels are quite uniform. Moreover, from the results can be argued that the door develops a resistant mechanism that is of flexural type since only a limited plasticity is developed at the connection of the spandrels with the external frame. The flexural-type behavior is something that is at the basis of the hypothesis made by the SSM. In the case of 25 kg of TNT (see Fig. Figure 3-20(d)), the blast side plate shows spread plasticity but it maintains the ability to transfer the load on the spandrels; note that a fracture criterion is implemented in the FE model and an eventual fracture of the blast side plate would be detected. The fragility analysis of the built-up door In this section the fragility curves for the built-up blast door are developed for each limit state previously defined. Particularly important is the Operability because this limit state should avoid the failure and/or blockage of the panic opening system of the door, in a way that both the evacuation of the building and the police/fireman operations can be easily conducted [DoD 2008, and Chen et al. 2012], as previously mentioned. The fragility curve is computed point by point using MC simulations [Olmati et al. 2013], then the points are interpolated by a log-normal cumulative function for obtaining a smooth curve to use in computing the probability of exceeding a limit state and the safety factor. A flowchart representing the steps in computing the fragility curves is shown in Figure 3-21. Looking at the flowchart, N is the number of the points in which the fragility curve is numerically evaluated, j is the loop counter identifying the MC simulation which is performed to evaluate the single point FC(j) of the fragility curve, corresponding to the jth value IMj of the intensity measure (impulse density). For j=1 a MC simulation is carried out and the conditional exceeding probability is estimated. The next step is to compute the next point of the fragility curve, so for the new value of the intensity measure a new MC is performed and the conditional exceeding probability is estimated. This cycle is repeated until j=N. Pierluigi Olmati Page 90 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses j=1 j=j+1 IM=IMj MC analysis NO j=N? FC(j) • IMj: impulse density • FC: numerical Fragility Curve • FC(j): the jth point of the FC • MC analysis: Monte Carlo analysis • N: number of FC points • Interpolated FC: lognormal interpolated FC YES FC Lognormal Interpolation Interpolated FC Figure 3-21: Flowchart of the procedure for the evaluation of the fragility curves. FC= fragility curve In the flowchart of Figure 3-21 the fragility curve obtained with this algorithm is called numerical fragility curve. The final step consists in the interpolation of the points of the numerical fragility curve for obtaining the interpolated fragility curve (log-normal shape) defined by the mean value and the standard deviation. 1 1 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 P[ Θ>θ | i ] 1 P[ Θ>θ | i ] P[ Θ>θ | i ] In Figure 3-22 the fragility curves obtained for the Serviceability, Operability, and Life Safety limit states are shown. Their mean values (μln) and COVs (βln) are shown in Table 3-6. 0.6 0.4 0.2 ymax = dy 0.1 0.3 i [kPa sec] (a) 0.5 0.4 0.2 θ=2 0 0 0.6 θ = 10 0 0.6 0.8 1 i [kPa sec] (b) 1.2 1.1 1.6 2.1 2.6 i [kPa sec] 3.1 (c) Figure 3-22: Fragility curves obtained by the SSM. Serviceability (a), Operability (b), and Life Safety (c) Pierluigi Olmati Page 91 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses Limit State Serviceability Operability Critical Fail Response Parameter y < dy θ < 2° θ < 10° μln [kPa sec] 0.3080 0.8700 1.9800 FC COVln 0.1518 0.0748 0.0785 Table 3-6: Parametric carachterization of the fragility curves for the examinated limit states The number of samples Nsj used in the MC simulation performed for computing the single point FC(j) of the numerical fragility curve is not constant; Nsj is chosen for each j in order to maintain the COVj under an acceptable value. With the decreasing of the conditional exceeding probability [ ]. The COVj is quantified by the Eq. (3-32). [ ] √ [ [ ] (3-32) ] With regards to the fragility curve associated with the Operability LS, the variation of both Ns and COV with [ ] is shown in Figure 3-23. The number of samples decreases exponentially from the lowest to the highest probability of the numerical fragility curve. However, since the number of samples should not decrease under a threshold limit, in this application the maximum and minimum number of samples is 105 and 103 respectively. As shown in Figure 3-23 the maximum COV is less than 0.1 for a conditional exceeding probability of 0.001 and it decreases quickly, for example it is less than 0,02 for a conditional exceeding probability of 0.1. 0.10 N° of samples 80000 0.08 COV 0.06 60000 40000 0.04 20000 0.02 0 COV N of samples 100000 0.00 0.001 0.016 0.110 0.352 0.661 0.880 P [ Θ>θ | i ] 0.967 0.994 0.999 Figure 3-23: Number of samples and COV Scenario-based evaluation of the probability of exceeding the limit states In this section the Probability Density Function (PDF) of the intensity measure is defined. A scenario consisting on the accidental explosion of ammunitions is considered. As previously mentioned, the door is located on the exterior side of a building belonging to a military facility zone. The army in this facility zone is equipped with 60 mm mortars and exercitations are frequents. Along the side of the building there is a street passed through by military vehicles carrying on 60 mm mortar rounds. Pierluigi Olmati Page 92 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses In order to define the probability density function of the impulse i (the intensity measure), it is necessary to know the PDF of both the explosive charge and stand-off distance. Then the impulse density is computed by the blast load model provided in [DoD 2008] (see also Figure 3-11). The PDF of the explosive charge is assumed as log-normal, while the PDF of the stand-off distance is assumed as rectangular (non-informative) over the road cross section. A common High Explosive (HE) 60 mm mortar round contains 160 g (0.34 lb) of TNT [Krauthammer et al. 2008b] and a metal ammunition box contains four mortar rounds. The vehicle (jeep or van) adopted in this military facility generally carry on about twelve ammunition boxes leading an average explosive weight of 7.7 kg of TNT. The 25 % and the 75% of the cases, 3 and 5 ammunition boxes respectively are carried on by the vehicles. Consequently a log-normal distribution with the COV of 0.31 fits well with the amount of explosive on the military vehicle. Moreover the properties of the log-normal PDF allow taking into account samples where the vehicle is loaded over the allowed maximum number of ammunition boxes. The stand-off distance has a rectangular PDF, and the detonation point is supposed to be over the road section used by the vehicles. With reference to Figure 3-24, R1 is the distance between the door and the edge of the road, R2 is R1 plus the sidewalk of the road, and finally R3 is the distance from the detonation point to the sidewalk. R2 is known and deterministically defined, instead the stochastic variable R3 is defined by the above mentioned rectangular PDF. Finally the stand-off distance consists in R2 plus R3. In this work R1 is 2 m and R3 ranges between 0 and 7m. Building 950 R1 Door 125 R2 350 R3 350 125 Detonation Road cross section Figure 3-24: Description of the blast scenario and of the considered variables The lognormal PDF of the impulse density is obtained by extracting 105 samples of both the explosive charge and the stand-off distance from their PDF respectively, and it is shown in Figure 3-25 together with the fragility curves of the limit states. The equivalent triangular pulse defined above is computed as shows in Figure 3-11 (b). As said in section 2, pr is the reflected pressure, p0 is the side-on pressure, and tr and t0 are their duration time respectively, instead td is the duration time of the equivalent triangular pulse with pr as peak pressure. All the terms in Figure 3-11 (b) are computed by the [DoD 2008] procedure. The resulting mean value and COV of the impulse density (the intensity measure) are equal to 0.616 kPa sec and 0.601 respectively. Pierluigi Olmati Page 93 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses 1 0.012 0.01 0.008 0.6 0.006 p(i) P[ Θ>θ | i ] 0.8 0.4 0.004 f (i) 0.2 0.002 0 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 i [kPa sec] 2 2.5 Figure 3-25: Lognormal PDF of the impulse density and fragility curves computed for the considered limit states By adopting the mean values of the above mentioned stochastic parameters (see Table 3-5, and Eq. (3-30)), the pressure-impulse curves corresponding to each limit states (average pressure-impulse curves) are obtained by the SSM and shown in Figure 3-26. In the same figure the load samples used in the evaluation of the exceeding probabilities are plotted. As appreciable in Figure 3-26, in this case-study, the load samples fall in the impulsive region for the Operability and Life Safety limit states, while they fall close to the dynamic region at least for the Serviceability limit state. In the next section the exceeding probability is computed by both the conditional and unconditional approach (CA and UA respectively). Then, the reliability of the fragility analysis is evaluated by computing the difference between the exceeding probabilities estimated by the two approaches, under the assumption that the exceeding probabilities evaluated by the unconditional approach are exact. In the case of the Serviceability limit state being the load conditions over the dynamic region an overestimation of the exceeding probability by the conditional approach with respect to the unconditional approach is expected. 8 Pressure [MPa] Load 6 θ=2 4 θ = 10 y = dy 2 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 impulse [kPa sec] 2 2.5 Figure 3-26. Deterministic pressure impulse diagrams and the load samples Pierluigi Olmati Page 94 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses Comparison of the exceeding probability evaluated by conditional and unconditional approaches Since all the terms in Eq. (3-33) are provided, the exceeding probability can be computed by both the conditional and unconditional approaches and compared each other. Following the conditional approach, Eq. (3-33) is numerically solved by making use of the fragility curves P[Θ>θ Ι i] and of the PDF of the impulse density f(i) shown in Figure 3-25. The unconditional approach, which consists in a single MC simulation, is made by 105 samples. [ ] ∫ [ ] () ∑ [ ] () (3-33) Table 3-7 provides the obtained values for the exceeding probabilities computed by both the conditional and unconditional approaches. ̅ = 7.7 kg COV=0.3 R2 = 2 m 0 ≤ R3 ≤ Limit State Serviceability Operability Life Safety CA 0.8303 0.1830 0.0195 lognormal distribution rectangular distribution UA 0.6343 0.2065 0.0078 Δ=CA-UA 0.1960 -0.0230 0.0117 Table 3-7: Exceeding probabilities obtained with the conditional and unconditional approaches For both the Operability and the Life Safety limit states the conditional and the unconditional approaches provide quite the same exceeding probability with a slightly difference due to the differences in the COVs of the computed exceeding probabilities, see for example Figure 3-23; on the other hand, for the Serviceability limit states the difference between the two estimations is greater than in the previous cases and the exceeding probability computed by the conditional approach can be considered as erroneous because the hypothesis of impulsive loading is not respected (see both Figure 3-26 and Figure 3-13 (a)). Therefore the exceeding probability estimated by both the conditional and unconditional analysis methods substantially match if the structure is impulsively loaded being the impulse density the intensity measure. The safety factor for SDOF models of the built-up doors In order to design sensitive structures a safety factor is provided. The proposed safety factor is intended to be used for the design of structural elements by the SDOF method. In particular for each limit state a safety factor expressed as function of an acceptable Pierluigi Olmati Page 95 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses exceeding probability is provided, and the use of this safety factor in the design process is discussed. Referring to the Eq. (3-34) the subscript c indicates the capacity, instead the subscript d indicates the demand. In Eq. (3-34) (a) Vc and Vd are the COVs of the capacity and demand respectively, assumed to have a log-normal PDF, used in the evaluation of the dispersion measure βZ (with Z=c-d) of the difference between the capacity and the demand [Schultz 2010]. In Eq. (3-34) (b) AEP is the Acceptable Exceeding Probability, Φ-1 is the inverse of the standardized cumulative Gaussian distribution, and Kx is the standardized Gaussian variate associated to the fact that the probability 1-AEP is not exceeded. √ ( ) ( ) (a) (3-34) ( ) (b) The safety factor (λ) is defined by Eq. (3-34) (c) [Cornell et al. 2002]; where ̅̅̅̅ and ̅̅̅̅ are the average values of the intensity measure corresponding to the capacity and to the demand respectively. In Figure 3-27 the safety factor obtained for the case-study blast resistant door, and by assuming the impulse density as intensity measure is plotted as function of the acceptable exceeding probability for the Serviceability, Operability, and Life Safety limit states. 5 4 λ y=dy 2.1 1.9 3 θ=2 θ=10 1.7 0.09 0.11 0.13 0.15 2 1 0 0.2 APF 0.4 Figure 3-27: The safety factor for the limit states From the Eq. (3-34) (a) it can be appreciated that the dispersion measure βZ depends by the COVs of both the capacity and demand. In this case-study, looking also at Table 3-6, the COV of the capacity obtained from the fragilities related to the Operability and Life Safety limit states is substantially the same; this leads to a quite identical safety factor in function of the acceptable exceeding probability for these two limit states, as shown in Figure 3-27. Pierluigi Olmati Page 96 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses Concerning the Serviceability limit state, the COV of the capacity is greater than the one of the Operability and Life Safety limit states (see Table 3-6), but it remain quite small with respect to the COV of the demand (which is equal to 0.601 as said in section, therefore the dispersion of the capacity is predominant in determining the dispersion measure βZ. The proposed safety factor is intended to be applied as multiplier of the intensity measure for the design of blast resistant elements without carrying out probabilistic analyses. An example of its use is shown below with the avail of an analytical approximate model for predicting the maximum deflection of a component under blast. In Eq. 12 (a), an approximate formula for predicting the maximum deflection ymax of a component in case of impulse sensitive structures is shown [Krauthammer et al. 2008b]. The component must be designed in order to maintain ymax as lower than the threshold value yLS of the considered limit state. In this case, the safety factor can be used as shown in Eq. (3-35) (b), where it is intended as a factor of the demand intensity I. ( ( ( ) ( ( ) (a) (3-35) ) ) ) (b) In Eqs. (3-35), A is the loaded area of the door, I is the impulse density of the demand multiplied by A (demand intensity), M is the total mass of the door, and Sy is the yielding resistance of the door multiplied by A. For utilizing the safety factor in the design of the structural element, the Eq. (3-35) (a) should be replaced by the Eq. (3-35) (b). In alternative to Eqs. (3-35), when the SDOF motion equation is solved in time domain, and the time history of the deflection is computed, the increment of the intensity measure can be made directly by using the safety factor in increasing the peak pressure of the blast demand as shown in Eq. (3-36). (3-36) Since the equation is associated to a variation on the pressure-impulse diagram of the design load point, specific care must be placed in checking that the new design solutions (driven from this operation) are in the same dynamic regime of the original one (obtained without the safety factor). Pierluigi Olmati Page 97 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY BLANK Pierluigi Olmati Page 98 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses 3.3 Slabs subjected to impulsive loads - The Blast Blind Simulation Contest In this section the structural response of slabs subjected to impulsive load is investigated. The prediction of the structural response of one of the two kinds of slab tested at the Engineering Research and Design Center, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers at Vicksburg, Mississippi is declared the winner of The Blast Blind Simulation Contest ( - accessed August 2013). In Figure 3-28 is the winners’ announcement of The Blast Blind Simulation Contest. Pierluigi Olmati Page 99 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses Figure 3-28: Winners’ announcement The structural response assessment of Reinforced Concrete (RC) slabs subjected to impulsive loads due to a detonation of an explosive is a crucial task for the design of blast resistant concrete structures. When used properly, nonlinear dynamic finite element methods and analytical modeling provide a valuable tool for predicting the response and assessing the safety of a RC component. Finite Element (FE) analysis and Analytical Modeling (AM) approaches are validated using a series of shock tube tests conducted on normal and high strength RC slabs by the University of Missouri Kansas City (UMKC) at Pierluigi Olmati Page 100 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses the Engineering Research and Design Center, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in Vicksburg, Mississippi. The National Science Foundation (NSF) funded a study by University of Missouri Kansas City (UMKC) to perform a batch of blast resistance tests on reinforced concrete slabs (Award # CMMI 0748085, PI: Ganesh Thiagarajan). Based on these results, a Blast Blind Simulation Contest is being sponsored in collaboration with American Concrete Institute (ACI) Committees 447 (Finite Element of Reinforced Concrete Structures) and 370 (Blast and Impact Load Effects), and UMKC School of Computing and Engineering. The goal of the contest is to predict, using simulation methods, the response of reinforced concrete slabs subjected to a blast load. The blast response was simulated using a Shock Tube (Blast Loading Simulator) located at the Engineering Research and Design Center, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers at Vicksburg, Mississippi. The objective of this Blind Simulation Contest is to highlight the efficacy of available material models and promote the development of material models that can predict the response of reinforced concrete structures subjected to highly dynamic loading such as blast. Several factors contribute to the prediction of the response of a structure when subjected to shock/blast loading. These factors include boundary conditions, complexity of material properties available, material models used and finite element parameters such as element type selection, mesh size sensitivity, material model rate effects amongst others. There are a number of concrete material models developed by several researchers over the past few decades for both static and dynamic loading and the primary objective of this contest it to evaluate their effectiveness under blast/shock loading. In this section is presented the modeling techniques adopted in the FE approach in order to properly conduct the structural response assessment of RC slabs subjected to impulsive loads due to detonations. Two concrete slabs are investigated: a Normal Slab, and a Hardened Slab. Both the slabs are subjected to two impulsive loads. The prediction of the structural response for the Normal Slab is resulted to be the most accurate and it is declared the winner of its category. Given the double symmetry of the experimental setup and loading the FEM consists of a quarter of the slab; see Figure 3-29 and Figure 3-30. The nodes belonging to the symmetry planes are constrained in the orthogonal direction to the pertinent symmetry plane; moreover the nodes of the reinforcements on the symmetry planes are also constrained against bending rotation. The finite element mesh is comprised of constant stress solid elements for the concrete slab and the Boundary Conditions (BC) and Hughes-Liu beam elements for the steel reinforcement. The complete model consists of 270,960 solid elements and 130 beam elements with a total of 290,628 nodes. The beam elements used for modeling the reinforcements are embedded in the solid concrete elements through the LS-Dyna® keyword “Constrained Lagrange in Solid”. The shock Pierluigi Olmati Page 101 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses load is modeled as a pressure demand on the blast side face of the slab. The analyses are dynamic, and both material and geometric non-linarites are taken into account. The central difference method is used for solving the dynamic equations. Damping effects and friction on the BC are not taken into account. A gap of 0.25 in. (6.35 mm) is assumed to exist between the slab and the upper support (see Figure 3-30). This dimension was illustrated but not explicitly provided in the contest information. The measurement was scaled from the setup details provided. Shock load Upper support Upper support Gap 0.25” Down support Contact surfaces Contact surfaces Down support Figure 3-29: FE model of the slab Figure 3-30: Detail of the BC The constitutive models used for the concrete and for the steel are in the following summarized. The steel constitutive model is the Piecewise Linear Plasticity Model, MAT024 in LS-Dyna®. This is an elastic-plastic material model with a user defined stress-strain curve and strain rate dependency. The stress-strain curve used is shown in Figure 3-31 for the Normal Slab and in Figure 3-32 for the Hardened Slab. The elastic modulus is 29,000 ksi (200,000 N/mm2), the Poisson coefficient is 0.3, and the yielding stress is 70 ksi (482.6 N/mm2) for the Normal Slab and 82 ksi (565.4 N/mm2) for the Hardened Slab. The strain rate effect is taken into account by the Cowper and Symonds model (C= 500 1/sec, p=6), see Figure 3-33. The concrete utilizes the Continuous Surface Cap Model (CSCM), MAT159 in LS-Dyna®. The yield stresses are defined by a three-dimensional yield surface based on the three stress invariants. The intersection between the failure surface and the hardening cap is a smooth intersection. The softening behavior of the concrete is taken into account by a damage formulation that affects both the concrete strength and a reduction in the unloading/loading stiffness. The increase in concrete strength with increasing strain rate is taken account by a visco-plastic formulation. The Dynamic Increase Factor (DIF) relation used for the concrete is shown in Figure 3-34. The CSCM input parameters are listed in Table 3-8 and in Table 3-9 for the Normal and hardened Slab respectively. Parameters not listed use the default values. Pierluigi Olmati Page 102 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses 4 2 4 2 Density 2.248 lbf/in s 3 3 2.4*10 kg/m Density 2.248 lbf/in s 3 3 2.4*10 kg/m fc 5400 psi 2 37 N/mm fc 11600 psi 2 80 N/mm Cap retraction Rate effect Erosion Cap retraction Rate effect Erosion active active none Table 3-8: Inputs for MAT159, Normal Slab 120 100 Stress [kpsi] Stress [kpsi] none 140 120 80 60 True Stress Stress 40 100 80 60 True Stress Stress 40 20 20 0 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 Plastic strain [-] 0 0.2 Figure 3-31: Stress vs. Plastic strain relationship for steel reinforcements, Normal Slab 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 Plastic strain [-] 0.2 Figure 3-32: Stress vs. Plastic strain relationship for steel reinforcements, Hardened Slab 2 8 1.8 Compressive Tensile 6 1.6 DIF [-] DIF [-] active Table 3-9: Inputs for MAT159, Hardened Slab 140 1.4 4 2 1.2 1 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 Strain-rate [1/sec] 0 0.001 100 Figure 3-33: DIF for steel 0.1 10 Strain-rate [1/sec] 1000 Figure 3-34: DIF for concrete 60 60 50 PH-Set 1a 40 PH-Set 1b 30 Load 1 Load 2 20 Pressure [psi] Pressure [psi] active 50 PH-Set 2a 40 PH-Set 2b 30 Load 1 Load 2 20 10 10 0 0 0 20 40 60 Time [msec] 80 100 0 (a) 20 40 60 Time [msec] 80 100 (b) Figure 3-35: Applied demands Pierluigi Olmati Page 103 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses The shock loads “PH-Set 1a”, “PH-Set 1b”, “PH-Set 2a”, and “PH-Set 2b”, the firsts two and the seconds two for the Normal and Hardened slab respectively, defined for the contest are used for the FE analysis. Both pressure time histories applied to the model are simplified as linear piecewise curves and renamed respectively “Load 1” and “Load 2”, see Figure 3-35. The Normal Slab model exhibits distributed cracking and inelastic response. For both the applied demands, the dynamic yielding threshold of the reinforcement is reached resulting in a residual deflection of the slab. Cracking is concentrated near the mid-span of the slab on the rear surface and is distributed over the center 1/3 of the slab. For Load 1 and Load 2 the maximum displacement at the slab center point is predicted to be 4.05 in. (103 mm) and 2.74 in. (69.6 mm) respectively. The time of occurrence of the maximum displacement is 0.025 sec and 0.024 sec respectively for Load 1 and Load 2. Residual deflections of 3.27 in. (83.0 mm) and 2.28 in. (58 mm) are observed for Load 1 and Load 2, respectively. As is typical with reinforced concrete slabs the modeled system does not have supplemental shear reinforcement. Under the applied pressure demand the shear stresses at the supports are high. To ensure stability of the model during the response history the use of beam elements over truss elements for the reinforcement is imperative. Another crucial issue is the gap between the slab and the upper supports. When the slab contacts the upper support the BC changes from “simple-simple” to “fixed-fixed”, resulting in a sudden increase in slab resistance. This resistance is provided by the dynamic tensile resistance of the concrete and the dynamic flexural resistance to negative moment. The negative flexural resistance is low due to the single plane of reinforcement. Crack patterns for both load cases are shown in Figure 3-36 and in Figure 3-37. Predicted deflections (δ) are shown in Figure 3-38, and summarized in Table 3-10. It is important to note that an error in the assumed gap of 0.25 in. will affect the deformations predicted. The predicted slab deflection is compared with the experimental measured deflection in Figure 3-39. Pierluigi Olmati Page 104 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses 33.75 in. (857 mm) 64 in. (1625 mm) 64 in. (1625 mm) 33.75 in. (857 mm) Figure 3-36: Crack pattern on the rear side - Load 1, Normal Slab Figure 3-37: Crack pattern on the rear side - Load 2, Normal Slab 5 Load 1 δ [inch] 4 3 Max. Def. [in. (mm)] 4.05 in. 103 mm Time of occurrence of max Deformation [sec] 0.025 sec Residual Def. [in. (mm)] 3.27 in. 83.0 mm 2 Load 2 1 Load 1 Load 2 0 0 0.05 Time [sec] 0.1 0.15 Figure 3-38: Predicted Deflection History, Normal Slab Pierluigi Olmati Max. Def. [in. (mm)] 2.74 in. 69.6 mm Time of occurrence of max Deformation [sec] 0.024 sec Residual Def. [in. (mm)] 2.28 in. 58 mm Table 3-10: Predicted Results, Normal Slab Page 105 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses Figure 3-39: Predicted (numerical) vs. experimental deflection, Normal Slab The Hardened Slab model exhibits minimal cracking and inelastic response due to tensile yielding of the reinforcement for both the applied loads. Minimal distributed cracking occurs in the mid-span of the slab on the rear surface (see Figure 3-40 and Figure 3-41). For Load 1 and Load 2 the maximum displacement at the slab center point is predicted to be 2.43 in. (61.7 mm) and 1.46 in. (37.0 mm) respectively. The time of occurrence of the maximum displacement is 0.020 sec and 0.0168 sec respectively for Load 1 and Load 2. Residual deflections of 2.17 in. (55.1 mm) and 1.17 in. (29.7mm) are observed for Load 1 and Load 2, respectively. The response and summary prediction are presented in Figure 3-42 and Table 3-11. During the development of the CSCM concrete model, the input parameters were obtained by fitting experimental data for concrete with unconfined compression strength between 2900 psi (20 MPa) and 8410 psi (58 MPa). The concrete examined in this predictive contest has unconfined compression strength of 11600 psi (80 MPa), which is outside of the bounds of the model. The original CSCM model parameter data is utilized to develop estimation curves allowing for extrapolation for the higher unconfined compression strength of 11600 psi (80 MPa). The parameters used and the extrapolation techniques are not included here for brevity. For comparison purposes the model is run with both strength of 7900 psi and the tested strength of 11600 psi (see Figure 3-42). The 11600 psi model is submitted as our official estimate of response. As previously mentioned, a gap of 0.25 in. was assumed between the blast face and the support. As the panel deforms, the support could contact the panel resulting in additional fixity. The results of the analysis indicate that contact does not occur under both Load 1 and Load 2. It is important to note that an error in the assumed gap will affect the deformations predicted. Pierluigi Olmati Page 106 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses 33.75 in. (857 mm) 64 in. (1625 mm) 64 in. (1625 mm) 33.75 in. (857 mm) Figure 3-40: Crack pattern on the rear side - Load 1, Hardened Slab δ [inch] 3.5 Figure 3-41: Crack pattern on the rear side - Load 2, Hardened Slab Load 1 3 Max. Def. [in. (mm)] 2.43 in. 61.7 mm 2.5 Time of occurrence of max Deformation [sec] 0.02 sec 2 Residual Def. [in. (mm)] 2.17 in. 55.1 mm 1.5 1 (fc=7.9 ksi) Load 1 (fc=7.9 ksi) Load 2 (fc=11.6 ksi) Load 1 Prediction (fc=11.6 ksi) Load 2 Prediction 0.5 0 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 Time [sec] Figure 3-42: Predicted Deflection History, Hardened Slab Pierluigi Olmati Load 2 Max. Def. [in. (mm)] Time of occurrence of max Deformation [sec] Residual Def. [in. (mm)] 1.46 in. 37.0 mm 0.0168 sec 1.17 in. 29.7 mm Table 3-11: Predicted Results, Hardened Slab Page 107 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY BLANK Pierluigi Olmati Page 108 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses 3.4 Insulated panels under close-in detonations Generally blast generated demands can be categorized into the far field design range and close-in design range. In the far field design range blast generated pressure demands can be considered uniform on the structure and basic single degree of freedom approximate analysis is often implemented. In the close-in design range blast pressures are nonuniform and the pressure magnitudes can be very high [DoD 2008]. These ranges are categorized by the scaled distance of the detonation relative to the structure. The scaled distance is measured in terms of distance, R, divided by the weight of explosive, W, in kg (lbf) of TNT to the 1/3 power. A close-in detonation is often considered to exist when the scaled distance is less than 1.2 m/kg1/3 (3.0 ft/lb1/3). Following the detonation of a high explosive at a small scaled-distance from a concrete wall a shock wave is generated. Part of the shock wave that strikes the wall surface is transmitted to the concrete, resulting in a compressive wave. When the transmitted shock wave reaches the back surface, it reflects resulting in a tensile wave. If the tensile stress on the back face is greater than the dynamic concrete tensile resistance the concrete will fragment, i.e., spall [DoD 2008]. The front zone can also spall by excessive compressive stress, or if it is subject to a sufficiently strong tensile shock wave as with the back face. The failure of both back and front face to a depth of at least half the wall thickness each will produce a breach. A breach can also form if the shock front contains enough energy to completely fragment a localized zone through the depth of the wall, or if the tensile waves surpass the tensile capacity of the concrete, creating a void through the entire member. The amount of spall may vary from the exterior to interior face of a panel depending on the mechanics of the shock wave propagation through the material. Since breach represents the void generated, a singular breach diameter is measured on the wythe. A schematic of spall and breach are shown for an insulated wall panel in Figure 3-43. Resistance to spall and breach in concrete elements is an important design consideration when close-in detonations of high explosives are possible. Spall on the interior face of the structural element can result in the formation of small concrete fragments that can travel at hundreds of feet per second [DoD 2008]. These fast moving fragments in the protected space of the building can result in fatalities and damage to equipment. When breach occurs, the protected space of the building becomes accessible which can be undesirable for secure facilities. The formation of spall or breach can be predicted for solid elements using empirical methods developed by McVay [Mc Vay 1988], Marchand, Woodson, Knight [Marchand 1994] and DoD [DoD 2008]. While these methods have been validated for solid concrete elements minimal research has been conducted on multiwythe concrete panels. Pierluigi Olmati Page 109 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses Figure 3-43: Spall/breach schematic Multi-wythe insulated concrete panels are a popular form of exterior building cladding used by the precast concrete industry for residential and commercial buildings. Insulated wall panels have been produced in the United States for more than 50 years PCI [PCI 1997]. These wall systems consist of an exterior concrete wythe, an interior insulation layer, and an interior concrete wythe (Figure 3-43). These systems can be configured with the interior and exterior wythe connected via shear ties to provide composite action to out-of-plane loads. It can also be configured as non-composite with an interior structural wythe, an exterior architectural wythe, and nominal number of shear ties. Insulated panel systems lend themselves to precast construction allowing for expedited onsite erection of the building envelope. The insulation layer typically consists of expanded polystyrene (EPS), extruded polystyrene (XPS), or polyisocyanurate (Polyiso). The type and thickness of the insulation materials depends on the energy efficiency requirement for the building envelope. The most common use of insulated panels is for exterior walls, but they can also be adopted as internal partition walls, especially when thermal transmission within the facility is restricted. The aim of this study is to assess the behavior of insulated panels subjected to close-in explosions through experimental evaluation and numerical modeling. The behavior of a conventional 6 in. (152 mm) precast concrete wall is compared with the behavior of insulated wall panels. Several insulated panel configurations are considered for investigating both the influence of the foam layer and the performance sensitivity to foam thickness. Since only a localized region near the explosive charge is affected by a closein explosion, similar to a localized impact [Ozbolt et al. 2011], the global behavior of the wall is not considered in this study. Pierluigi Olmati Page 110 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses 3.4.1 Experimental Program The experimental program consisted of an assessment of conventional insulated wall panels subjected to close-in detonations of high explosives. The explosive charge and standoff distance are the same for all the simulations. The main goal of the study is to assess the behavior of insulated panels subjected to close-in detonations in comparison to the behavior of the conventional solid RC panels. As the demand is the same for all simulations and the goal is to compare the results of the various models, conclusions can be made without referring explicitly to the explosive weight. The panels are subjected to a detonation of high explosives at a stand-off distance of 5 in. (127 mm) which is estimated to produce a reflected pressure of 43,000 psi (296 MPa). All the insulated panels are comprised of an exterior and interior reinforced concrete wythe with a thickness (t1 and t2) of 3 in. (76 mm). The foam is varied with thicknesses (tf) of 2 in., 4 in., and 6 in. (51, 101, 152 mm) as well as a case where two concrete panels are tested with no foam. The panels have a planar dimension of 64 in. by 64 in. (1626 x 1626 mm) and are reinforced with #4@10 in. (Φ No.13 12.7 mm diameter, spaced at 254 mm) and 6 x 6 W4.0 x W4.0 (Φ 5.7 mm diameter, spaced at 152 mm). A solid 6 in. thick panel is also examined. This panel was tested separately as part of an earlier study and therefore has a smaller planar dimension. The details for the two panel types are illustrated in Figure 3-44. Figure 3-44: Plan and elevation views of tested panels The panels represent standard construction details used by the Precast Concrete industry in the United States. The specified concrete design strength for all panels was 5000 psi Pierluigi Olmati Page 111 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses (34.5 MPa). The concrete strength was measured in accordance with ASTM C39 [ASTM 2012a] within 7 days of the detonation experiments and was found to be 5560 +/- 150 psi (38.3 MPa) and 7160 +/- 110 psi (49.4 MPa) for the solid and insulated panels respectively. The bar reinforcement met the requirements of ASTM A615 [7] Grade 60 (420 MPa) and the welded wire reinforcement (WWR) met the requirements of ASTM A1064 [8]. Yield stress for both materials is assumed to be 60 ksi (420 MPa). The research study focused on the most economical insulation option, EPS foam. The foam has a specific weight of 1.4 lbf/ft3 (220 N/m3) [PCI 2011], elastic modulus of 250 psi (1.72 MPa) and Poisson’s coefficient of 0.05 [Widdle 2008 and Masso-Moreu 2003]. Wythes were connected via 0.5 in. (12.5 mm) diameter bolts 6 in. (152 mm) from each corner. Fender washers with a diameter of 3 in. (76 mm) were applied to mitigate concentrated load effects at the corners. Insulation layers were formed by stacking individual 2 in. (50 mm) thick EPS sheets to meet the prescribed foam thickness. The test matrix is summarized in Table 3-12. ID Description Thickness of exterior wythe, t1 [in. (mm)] Thickness of EPS insulation, tf [in. (mm)] Thickness of interior wythe, t2 [in. (mm)] 6C 6 in. solid 6.0 (152) 0.0 Not Applicable 3C-0F-3C Stacked 3 in. panels 3.0 (76) 0.0 3.0 (76) 3C-2F-3C 3 in. panels with 2 in. EPS 3.0 (76) 2.0 (51) 3.0 (76) 3C-4F-3C 3 in. panels with 4 in. EPS 3.0 (76) 4.0 (102) 3.0 (76) 3C-6F-3C 3 in. panels with 6 in. EPS 3.0 (76) 6.0 (152) 3.0 (76) Table 3-12: Test matrix 3.4.2 Empirical assessment An empirical approach for predicting spall or breach of solid concrete elements is provided in the UFC 3-340-02 [DoD 2008]. In this section, the occurrence of spall and breach is empirically examined for the panels evaluated experimentally. The empirical formulas, provided by the UFC 3-340-02 [DoD 2008] are used for the solid panel and are adapted to the case of the insulated panels. The spall and breach threshold curves are extrapolated by experimental tests and are plotted as functions of the spall parameter (ψ) and the ratio between the height of wall section (h) in feet and the stand-off distance (R) in feet. More details about these curves are provided by UFC 3-340-02 [DoD 2008] in Chapter 4.55. Experimental tests Pierluigi Olmati Page 112 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses comprised of a cylindrical charge in contact with the ground, oriented side-on at a prescribed stand-off distance from a wall as shown Figure 3-45. Various contact charges with spherical and hemispherical shape were also tested. An empirically derived spall threshold curve (Eq. (3-37)) and the breach threshold curve (Eq. (3-38)) were developed as functions of the ratio h/R and the spall parameter ψ. h R Typical cylindrical cased charge, W D Concrete wall Equivalent hemispherical surface charge, Wadj L Figure 3-45: Typical geometry for spall and/ breach predictions (3-37) (3-38) Where a, b and c are constants per UFC 3-340-02 [DoD 2008] listed in Table 3-13; and the spall parameter ψ is a function of both the stand-off and contact charges, as given in Eq. (3-39) for non-contact and Eq. (3-40) for contact detonations. ( ) (3-39) (3-40) Constant a b c Spall -0.02511 0.01004 0.13613 Breach 0.028205 0.144308 0.049265 Table 3-13: Spall and breach threshold curve constants Where f’c is the concrete compressive strength expressed in psi; Wc is the steel casing weight expressed in lbf; and Wadj is the adjusted charge weight expressed in lbf. Wadj, Pierluigi Olmati Page 113 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses given in Eq. (3-41), is the weight of a hemispherical surface charge that applies an equal explosive impulse as that of the actual charge. (3-41) Where W is the equivalent TNT charge weight expressed in lbf; Bf is the burst configuration factor, equal to 1.0 for surface bursts, and to 0.5 for free air bursts; and Cf is the cylindrical charge factor given in Eq. (3-42) and Eq. (3-42). ( ( )( ) √ ) (3-42) √ ; all other cases (3-43) Where L and D are the charge length (in.) and diameter (in.) respectively. A specific threat scenario provides the h/R and ψ values. Once the ratio h/R and the spall parameter ψ are known, the response of a concrete panel in terms of spall, breach, or neither can be determined. The threshold curves for spall and breach are illustrated in Figure 3-46. The figure is divided into three sections, each region corresponding to breach, spall, or neither (safe). 10 h/R SAFE REGION 1 BREACH REGION Spall 6C 3C-2F-3C 3C-6F-3C Breach 3C-0F-3C 3C-4F-3C 0.1 1 ψ 10 Figure 3-46: Spall and breach threshold curves In Figure 3.46 the expected results for tested concrete panels are presented relative to the spall and breach threshold curves. The charge is assumed to be a free air blast explosion. The burst configuration factor is taken as 0.5 and the charge shape factor as 1.0 for all cases. The performance of the insulated panels is assessed with the conservative assumption that the exterior wythe and insulation are not present. For example the 3C4F-3C is analyzed for a panel thickness, h, of 3 in. (76 mm) at a standoff distance, R, of 12 in. (305 mm). Recall that the specimens are tested with a stand-off from the exterior front face of 5 in. (127 mm). Based on the empirical formulations the solid panel is expected to spall and the 3C-0F-3C panel, neglecting the protection provided by the Pierluigi Olmati Page 114 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses exterior wythe, is expected to breach. Using the adaption of the empirical formulas, provided by the UFC 3-340-02 [DoD 2008], to the insulated wall panels the addition of foam layers, and consequently standoff-distance to the front of the interior wythe, results in a marginal improvement in breach resistance; however, for all cases spall is expected. 3.4.3 Experimental results The results of the experimental program are summarized in this section. Each panel was subjected to one detonation as previously discussed. The results of the damage incurred on each panel are illustrated in Figure 3-47. Damage photos are taken for each panel face that sustained damage. In the discussion, exterior refers to the wythe on the exterior of the wall closest to the detonation while the interior refers to the wythe on the interior of the building furthest from the detonation. The face locations correlate to the designation used in Figure 3-43 (i.e., 1-front, 1-rear, 2-front, 2-rear). The diameter of spall was measured on each face and the breach was measured on each panel if it occurred. The effective diameter of the spall or breach was determined graphically from high-resolution images. The area of the damaged region on each image was used to determine an equivalent circular area and subsequently equivalent diameter. The results are summarized in Table 3-14. For cases where no spall or breach occurred a value of 0.0 is reported. Panel 3C-0F-3C 3C-2F-3C 3C-4F-3C 3C-6F-3C 6C Exterior Wythe 1 - Front 1 - Rear Breach Spall Dia. Spall Dia. Diameter [in. (mm)] [in. (mm)] [in. (mm)] 7.9 (200) 9.9 (252) 0.0 8.3 (211) 11.7 (297) 8.3 (211) 7.7 (196) 11.0 (279) 7.7 (196) 7.6 (193) 15.5 (394) 7.6 (193) 5.6 (142) 22.4 (569) 0.0 Interior Wythe 2 - Front 2 - Rear Breach Spall Dia. Spall Dia. Diameter [in. (mm)] [in. (mm)] [in. (mm)] 9.4 (239) 21.3 (541) 2.5 (64) 6.3 (160) 21.1 (536) 6.3 (160) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 N.A. N.A. N.A. Table 3-14: Experimental spall and breach results The greatest amount of spall occurred on the solid 6 in. thick concrete panel (6C). A comparable level of damage was observed on the panel composed of two 3 in. thick concrete panels with no insulation (3C-0F-3C), however the failure mechanism changed. The damage differed in that the stacked arrangement resulted in a breach of the interior section. This interior breach however would not change the protection level since the exterior wythe was not breached and access would not be possible. The breach of the interior wythe on the stacked arrangement, however, may result in a greater quantity of ejecta than that of the 6 in. solid. Pierluigi Olmati Page 115 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses Figure 3-47: Damage observed from close-in detonations The use of insulation foam provided mixed results as the thickness of foam was increased. A small amount of insulation (3C-2F-3C) resulted in the lowest performance. A full breach of both wythes occurred on the 3C-2F-3C panels with a similar amount of interior spall diameter to that of the 6C and 3C-0F-3C panels. This indicates that small separations created by insulation may provide enough space to allow for the damage to the exterior wythe to eject and impact the interior wythe. This is further supported by comparing the damage to the exterior wythe of the 3C-0F-3C and the 3C-2F-3C panels. The damage levels are similar with the exception that no breach occurs when the exterior wythe is bearing against the hard surface of the interior concrete wythe. The use of a greater amount of foam on the 3C-4F-3C and the 3C-6F-3C panels resulted in a complete protection of the interior concrete wythe. For both cases, no damage was Pierluigi Olmati Page 116 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses observed on either the front or rear of the interior wythe. The amount of spall on the exterior wythe remained comparable between the 3C-2F-3C and 3C-4F-3C but increased for that of the 3C-6F-3C. This may indicate that larger amounts of foam may result in less containment of the exterior wythe. The empirical prediction of spall and breach was in line with the measured values for the solid concrete panel (6C). The spall occurred as expected (compare the 6C panel in Figure 3.46, Table 3-14 and Figure 3-47). Nevertheless, utilizing the empirical formulation assuming that the exterior wythe is not present is not accurate. The stacked 3C-0F-3C was expected to have a breach; however, only spall was present. The 3C-2F3C was expected to have spall however a breach occurred and the larger foam thicknesses was expected to produce spall but no damage was observed. Based on these observations it is clear that the mechanics of the shockwave propagation through insulated panels is complex and consequently a numerical evaluation is conducted. 3.4.4 Numerical model Numerical analyses are carried out in order to both design the experimental tests and further investigate the response of the insulated wall panels subjected to close-in detonations. The numerical investigation is valid for all three types of insulated wall panels (non-composite, composite, and partially-composite) as the shear connectors, which provide coupling between the two concrete layers, are significant for the global response of the insulated panel [Naito et a. 2011]. For the analyses performed, only the local effect of the insulation is of concern, the ties [Naito et a. 2012] are therefore not included. Several studies have focused on high load demands on slabs and/or protective metal plates. The research indicates that numerical simulations can accurately predict the response of structures loaded by both close-in detonations [Zhou et al. 2008] and impact loads [Flores-Johnson et al. 2011]. Zhou et al. [Zhou et al. 2008] conducted numerical and experimental studies on concrete slabs, comprised of conventional and steel fiber reinforced concrete, subjected to two consecutive detonations. Furthermore, Zhou et al. [Zhou et al. 2008] adopted a damage model for the concrete using the erosion algorithm [LS-Dyna 2012a] in order to model the fracture in the concrete. A similar set of numerical methods was conducted by FloresJohnson, Saleh, and Edwards [Flores-Johnson et al. 2011] who presented an investigation on the ballistic performance of monolithic, double- and triple-layered metallic plates. Finite element models, examining high rate loading effects, are further validated by the experimental works of Børvik, Dey and Clausen [Børvik et al. 2009] and Forrestal, Borvik, and Warren [Forrestal et al. 2010], and many of the physical characteristics of the penetration process observed experimentally were numerically reproduced, allowing for a reduction in the number of experiments required. Pierluigi Olmati Page 117 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses Furthermore, about the study of high load demands on structures, analytical formulations were developed in order to both estimate the damage of concrete pavement slabs under close-in explosions [Luccioni et al. 2006] and the penetration of projectiles into concrete panels [Li et al. 2006]. Several experimental tests were also carried out in order to assess the behavior of panels fabricated with various types of concrete under close-in detonations [Ohkubo et al. 2008]. Concerning the this study, a comparable effort was made by [Yamaguchi et al. 2011] on the use of thin shock absorbing materials for using between concrete panels. The results of their work indicated that the adoption of thin layers of foam and rubber does not improve the resistance to the spall. The examined thickness however, was 15 mm, much lower than insulation thicknesses used in conventional construction in the United States. Many numerical solution techniques can be utilized for this evaluations including the “Lagrangian”, “Eulerian”, “Eulerian-Lagrangian” methods [Bontempi et al. 1998 and 23], and the “Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics” method [LSTC 2012b and Manenti et al. 2012]. Furthermore, two methods exist to take into account the interaction between the shock wave and the structural component: the coupled and the uncoupled approach [NCHRP 2010]. In this study the “Lagrangian” method and the un-coupled approach are utilized [Davidson et al. 2005] in order to reduce the computational effort, the blast load is computed and applied independently from the structural response of the insulated panel. Consequently, the Load Blast Enhanced keyword [LS-Dyna 2012a] is used to provide the blast load demand [Coughlin et al. 2010]. The finite element models have constant solid stress elements for modeling the concrete and foam materials, and truss elements for modeling the reinforcement [LS-Dyna 2012a]. To bond the truss and solid elements, the LS-DYNA keyword Constrained Lagrange in Solid is used. The material model of the reinforcement is provided by the kinematic hardening plasticity model [Chen et al. 2012] and the strain rate effect is accounted for by the Cowper and Symonds strain-rate model [Cowper et al. 1957, and Su et al. 1995]. The parameters selected for this model are: D=40 s-1 q=5 [Su et al. 1995]. The adoption of an appropriate constitutive model for the concrete [Bontempi et al. 1997] is imperative to accurately model the response of concrete structures under close-in explosions. In this study, the Karagozian & Case (K&C) Concrete Damage Model [Malvar et al. 1997] (Material Type 72R3) with automated parameter generation [LSDyna 2012a] was selected for modeling the concrete. The implementation of the strain-rate effects in the concrete model is also crucial to properly simulate the behavior of concrete wall panels subjected to impulsive loads [Xu et al. 2006]. In fact, the concrete has different strain-rate effects in tension and compression; furthermore, the hydrostatic component of the stress tensor is important for the concrete behavior [Li et al. 2006], which complicates the experimental assessment of Pierluigi Olmati Page 118 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses the strain-rate effects [Grote et al. 2001]. The results of numerical simulations are influenced by the strain-rate dependence and several strain-rate curves are proposed in the literature. However, the research by [Williams et al. 2011] suggested that dynamic increase factors for the concrete constitutive model are not necessary because the finite element models are able to capture the strain-rate effects by the inertia confinement only. In this study the strain-rate curves developed experimentally by [Tedesco et al. 1997] are adopted for the numerical models, as shown in Figure 3-48. 6 5 Compressive Tensile DIF 4 3 2 1 0 1E-7 1E-5 1E-3 1E-1 1E+1 1E+3 1E+5 Figure 3-48: Dynamic Increase Factor (DIF) versus strain-rate for concrete The foam is modeled using the Modified Crushable Foam (Material Type 63) [LS-Dyna 2012a]. The disadvantage of this material model is the elastic unloading; however, since the study is focused on the max inbound effects the unloading is not critical to the analysis. The foam constitutive law is characterized by the stress versus volumetric strain curves for each strain-rate deformation regime. The stress versus volumetric strain relationship of the EPS foam is taken from comparative experimental tests conducted on different foam types by Croop and Lobol [Croop et al. 2009]. The values are obtained for the insulating foam at many load rates and the stress axis is normalized by the static yield stress. Data on the yielding stress of EPS foam is taken from PCI recommendations [PCI 1997], from which the stress versus volumetric strain chart is obtained via the previously derived normalized chart. This approach assumes that the two foams have approximately the same chemical and morphologic characteristics, resulting in the same behavior at high load rate. The two foams have only a different specific weight, a parameter which mainly influences the foam resistance [Di Landro et al. 2002]. Table 3-15 and Figure 3-49 summarize the foam characteristics used. Pierluigi Olmati Page 119 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses 200 1.4 1.2 100/s 0.01/s 1 120 0.8 80 0.6 0.4 40 Stress [MPa] Stress [psi] 160 0.2 0 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Vol. strain [-] 0.8 1 Figure 3-49: Stress vs. volumetric strain chart of the used EPS foam Density Water absorption Compressive strength Tensile strength Linear coefficient of expansion Shear strength Flexural strength Thermal conductivity Maximum use temperature 1.4 lbf ft3 <3% 15 psi 25 psi 40·106 / °F 35 psi 40 psi 0.26 Btu-in /hr/ft2/°F 165 °F 220 N/m3 <3% 103 kPa 172 kPa 72·106 / °C 241 kPa 276 kPa 0.037 Wm/m2/°C 74 °C Table 3-15: Assumed physical properties of the EPS insulating foam In order to capture the interaction between the two concrete wythes the LS-DYNA Contact Eroding Single Surface parameter was used. Furthermore, in order to avoid both numerical instability and excessively short time steps (Δt<10-7 second), the foam is allowed to erode through the use of the LS-DYNA Mat Add Erosion when the volumetric strain reaches 0.95. Table 3-16 illustrates the predicted concrete damage patterns on the front of the exterior wythe, the rear of the interior wythe, and on a section view respectively. The damage parameter of the concrete model has been used in order to illustrate both the cracking and the spall patterns on the concrete wythes, mainly because the damage parameter is cumulative so no time dependent. The threshold values for evaluating the failure of the concrete were adopted from [Wang et al. 2008] and used to capture the failure of the concrete. The failure patterns in Table 3-16 are illustrated using the damage parameter fringe level from 1.95 to 2. As illustrated in Table 3-16, the numerical analysis provides a sufficiently accurate estimation of the insulated wall panels behavior. The occurrence of spall and breach on the panels is the same as the experiment. The solid panel and the 3C-2F-3C panel resulted Pierluigi Olmati Page 120 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses 3C-2A-3C 3C-6F-3C 3C-0F-3C 3C-2F-3C 3C-4F-3C 6C in breach while the 3C-4F-3C and 3C-6F-3C panels had damage only on the exterior wythe. The stacked panel 3C-0F-3C resulted in damage primarily to the interior wythe. Table 3-16: Exterior (left), interior (right) and section view (below) of numerical results; damage parameter from 1.95 to 2. The predicted spall diameter on the rear face of the internal wythe is compared with the experimental data in Figure 3-50. The horizontal axis denotes the insulated wall panel under investigation (with the amount of foam increasing from left to right), while the vertical axis is the spall diameter (in the rear face of the interior wythe). As mentioned previously the spall diameter is measured by the plot of the damage parameter. Two ranges of the damage parameters are considered in order to provide a minimum and a maximum threshold for the predicted spall diameter. The minimum value is assessed by the plot of the primary damage into the concrete, while the maximum value is assessed by Pierluigi Olmati Page 121 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses the plot of the primary plus the secondary damage into the concrete. The primary and secondary damage are represented by the damage parameter in the range from 1.95 to 2 and from 1.8 to 1.95 respectively [Wang et al. 2008]. The numerical model matches the response of the insulated panels; however, the stacked and solid panels are marginally under-predicted. 64 20 48 15 32 10 Experiment 16 Numerical Minimum 5 Numerical Maximum 3C-6F-3C 3C-5F-3C 3C-4F-3C 3C-3F-3C 3C-2F-3C 3C-1F-3C 3C-0F-3C 0 6C 0 Diameter [cm] (+/- 2.5 cm) Diameter [in.] (+/- 1 in.) 25 Figure 3-50: Measured and predicted spall diameter on protected face 250 3C-2F-3C 200 1 3C-4F-3C 3C-6F-3C 150 3C-2A-3C 0.5 3C-4A-3C 100 3C-6A-3C 50 0 0 0 1 2 3 time [ms] 4 Force on Center of 2-front [MN] Force on Center of 2-front [kips] The mechanism of damage of the interior wythe can be characterized by the impact of the concrete debris of the exterior wythe on the front of the interior wythe. For the blast demand examined, the exterior 3 in. (76 mm) thick wythe spalls for all foam thicknesses. When the concrete spalls the debris impacts the interior wythe. The impact force is measured in the numerical model over a 4 in. (102 mm) diameter region on the center of the 2-front surface by the means of a circular control section in the finite element models. The force demand is illustrated in Figure 3-51. The impact force decreases considerably as the foam thickness increases from the base level of 2 in. (51mm) to the insulated wall panel with 6 in. (152 mm) of foam. 5 Figure 3-51: Impact force demand on the front face of the interior wythe Pierluigi Olmati Page 122 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses The numerical simulations are also used to investigate the effect of the insulation material on the resistance of the insulated wall panel to spall and breach. The use of air over that of three foam types (A, B and C) is examined. The foam A is the material used in the experimental investigation. As mentioned, this material has a density of 1.4 lb f/ft3 (22.4 kg/m3), a compressive strength of 15 psi (103 kPa) and represents the medium grade of EPS foam [PCI 1997]. Foam B represents denser EPS foam and has a density of 1.8 lbf/ft3 (28.8 kg/m3) and a compressive strength of 25 psi (172 kPa). Foam C represents XPS with a density of 1.8 lbf/ft3 (the same as Foam B) and a compressive strength of 40 psi (276 kPa). The results of the parametric numerical analyses are summarized in Figure 3-52. As illustrated, the damage to the interior wythe of the insulated wall panels increases as the density of the foam increases. Air provides the best defense against the transfer of the demand from the exterior wythe while dense and strong XPS foam provides the lowest resistance to damage. Evidently, the air provides improved resistance by spreading the damage over a larger portion of the exterior wythe. This is illustrated in a comparison of the fringe plots for the 2 in of air versus 2 in of foam A panels in Table 3-16. The forces imparted to the front of the interior wythe are comparable between the air and foam (Figure 3-51) however the force is spread over a larger area thus decreasing the stresses imparted and associated damage. Insulation thickness [cm] 5 10 0 15 25 Air Minimum 64 20 48 15 32 10 16 5 Spall diameter [cm] Spall diameter [in.] Air Maximum Foam A Minimum Foam A Maximum Foam B Minimum Foam B Maximum Foam C Minimum 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 Insulation thickness [in.] 5 Foam C Maximum 6 Figure 3-52: Parametric examination of insulation type and thickness for spall Pierluigi Olmati Page 123 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses 3.4.5 Summary A research program was conducted to assess the viability of insulated reinforced concrete wall panels in mitigating spall and breach from close-in detonation of high explosives. The performance was assessed relative to experimental tests, existing empirical formulations, and numerical analyses. The experimental tests were conducted on full scale panels built in accordance with the standard practice of the United States Precast/Prestressed Concrete Industry. The panels consisted of conventional geometries and included an internal and external concrete wythe 3 in. (76 mm) thick and EPS insulation varying from 0 to 6 in. (152 mm). The empirical formulations developed by the DoD [DoD 2008] were used as a basis of comparison. The numerical simulations were conducted using LS-DYNA finite elements program [LS-Dyna 2012a]. The following conclusions are drawn from the results presented: The solid 6 in. concrete panel (6C panel) and the panel composed of two stacked 3 in. wythes (3C-0F-3C panel) provide a comparable level of resistance to close-in detonations. The mechanism of failure however is altered in that the stacked panel prevents the occurrence of a complete breach with minimal damage on the exterior wythe and breach only on the interior wythe. The use of EPS insulation foam resulted in mixed performance as a function of the insulation foam thickness. Small amounts of insulation, 2 in. (51 mm), resulted in a full breach (similarly as the experimental results of Yamaguchi et al. [Yamaguchi et al. 2011]]) while the case with no insulation (3C-0F-3C panel) had no breach. Greater thicknesses of insulation resulted in full protection of the interior wythe with no damage on either the front or rear face of the interior wythe. The empirical formulations for spall and breach matched the data for the solid panel (6C panel). The use of empirical formulations for predicting the spall and breach on the insulated wall panels was made by assuming that the exterior wythe was not present and the stand-off distance was increased. This approach was found to be inaccurate as it does not represent the complex behavior that occur, as the shockwave propagates through the various panel materials and the external wythe debris impacts the interior wythe. The numerical simulations are able to predict the occurrence of the spall and breach for insulated panels subjected to close-in detonations; the breach diameters on the rear face of the interior wythe were found to be marginally unconservative for small foam thickness but bound the response at higher thicknesses. The numerical models indicate that the density and strength of the insulation foam is the main factors in transfer of demand to the interior wythe. Pierluigi Olmati Page 124 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses The numerical models supported the experimental data and could be used to further develop semi empirical spall and breach curves for insulated wall panels subjected to close-in detonations. In conclusion, the insulated wall panels have enhanced spall and breach performance against close-in blast demands when adequate foam thickness is used. This is due to the exterior concrete wythe acting as a sacrificial wythe, allowing the gap and foam to dissipate much of the concrete fragment kinetic energy and mitigate the incipient shockwaves from the initial shock. Pierluigi Olmati Page 125 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY BLANK Pierluigi Olmati Page 126 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses 4 THE GLOBAL RESISTANCE Structural robustness is a research topic particularly relevant both in the design of new structures, and also for the safety assessment of existing structures. Behind this attention, there is the interest from a society that cannot tolerate death and losses as in the past. This is more evident after: Recent terrorist attacks (a series of terror attacks in America and beyond, the deadliest being the September 11, 2001 attacks in New York at the World Trade Centre). Recent bridge collapses due to deterioration or bad design or bad construction (for example, the De la Concorde overpass collapse in Montreal, 2006 and the I-35 West Bridge in Minneapolis in 2007). Recent difficult to foresee multiple hazard events from natural sources (wind, earthquake, flooding, wildfire, etc.) and from human sources (terrorism, fire, etc.) that lead to dramatic consequences, the most significant of which is the 2011 earthquake, off the Pacific coast of Tōhoku, that triggered powerful tsunami waves. Among all other steel structures, many steel truss bridges in their various forms, very common worldwide, are now aged, not often optimally maintained, and need to be checked equally for safety and for serviceability. In this sense, also the optimal cost effective allocation of resources and the prioritization in the retrofitting phase is a very important issue. Even though a variety of terms have been used in literature, robustness is commonly defined as the “insensitivity of a structure to initial damage” and collapse resistance as the “insensitivity of a structure to abnormal events” [Starossek et al. 2010]. Similarly [ASCE 2005] defines progressive collapse as the spread of an initial local failure from element to element, eventually resulting in collapse of an entire structure or a disproportionately large part of it. [Starossek et al. 2010] focus on the differences of progressive and disproportionate collapse, concluding that the terms of disproportionate collapse and progressive collapse are often used interchangeably because disproportionate collapse often occurs in a progressive manner and progressive collapse can be disproportionate. From a historical perspective, progressive collapse came up as the first structural engineering concern, just after the collapse of the Ronan Point Tower, a residential apartment building in Canning Town, London, UK, in May 1968, two months following initial occupancy of the building. Ronan Point was a 22-story building, with precast concrete panel bearing wall construction. An explosion of natural gas from the kitchen of Pierluigi Olmati Page 127 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses a flat on the 18th floor failed an exterior bearing wall panel, which led to loss of support of floors above and subsequent collapse of floors below due to impact of debris [Ellingwood et al. 2005]. Concerning the above mentioned topics, there has been a lot of research in the recent years. [Starossek et al. 2010] provide a terminology. A review of international research on structural robustness and disproportionate collapse is provided in [Arup 2011]. Regarding the quantification of robustness related issues, [Canisius et al. 2007] provide an overview of methods. [Starossek 2009] covers issues related to progressive collapse. [Bontempi et al. 2007] and [Sgambi et al. 2012] provide a dependability framework, adapted from the electronic engineering field, where dependability attributes are either related to structural safety or serviceability. Focusing on structural safety, the attributes of structural integrity, collapse resistance, damage tolerance and structural robustness are investigated. Strategies and methods for the robustness achievement are discussed in [Bontempi et al. 2008b], together with the robustness assessment of a very long span suspension bridge. That said, and even though many robustness research topics focus on explosions and terrorist attacks, as Table 1 suggests, there is a variety of reasons or events that could endanger a structure, eventually leading to a progressive collapse [Starossek et al. 2012]. Potential failure scenarios specific for bridges are also provided in [FHWA 2011], within a framework aiming at the resilience improvement. Faults External Man-made (accidental or intentional) Impact (car, train, ship, aircraft, and missile) Explosion (gas, explosives) Fire Excessive loading (liveload) Errors Intrinsic Environmental (natural) Earthquake Extreme wind Heavy snowfall (excessive roof loads) Scour Impact (avalanche, landslide, rock fall, floating debris) Volcano eruption Lack of strength Cracks Deterioration Design errors Construction errors Usage errors Lack of maintenance Table 4-1: Abnormal events that could threaten a structure [Starossek et al. 2012] The collapse likelihood of a structure is typically characterized in probabilistic terms. When an unexpected or critical event occurs, [Ellingwood et al. 2005] describe, in probabilistic terms, the probability of a collapse in a structure as the product of the probabilities of three sub events: The extreme action associated with the event hits the structure; Pierluigi Olmati Page 128 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses The structure is damaged in the area directly affected by the action; The local damage causes failures of other structural elements and leads to the collapse of a significant part of the structure. The assessment of the risk associated with the event (commonly defined as the product of a probability of occurrence and of the corresponding consequence) can be performed using standard risk techniques. Several authors have focused on aspects of risk analysis and assessment in the civil engineering field - see for example [Faber et al. 2003], and, more recently, [Gkoumas 2008]. Risk related special issues include the risk aversion for low-probability, high-consequence events [Cha et al. 2012] and the risk consistency in multihazard design for frame structures [Crosti et al. 2011]. Focusing on disproportionate collapse in probabilistic terms the probability of disproportionate collapse P[C] as a result of an abnormal event can be decomposed into three constituents: abnormal event, initial damage, and disproportionate failure spreading. Decomposition also adopted in [Ellingwood et al. 2007]. This is represented as the product of partial probabilities: P[C] = P[C|D] P[D|E] P[E] (4-1) Where, P[E] is the probability of occurrence of the abnormal event E that affects the structure; P[D|E] is the conditional probability of the initial damage D, as a consequence of the abnormal event, and P[C|D] is the conditional probability of the disproportionate spreading of structural failure, C, due to the initial damage D. The safety of structures with regards to the single elements contained in the equation, each characterizing the single sub-event mentioned above, is pursued in modern structural codes by the introduction of partial safety factors. According to this approach, [Giuliani 2012] identifies these three design strategies for obtaining robustness: Prevention or mitigation of the effects of the event (increase collapse safety); Prevention or mitigation of the effects of the action (increase structural integrity); Prevention or mitigation of the effects of the damage (increase structural robustness). These strategies are schematically depicted in Figure 4-1. Pierluigi Olmati Page 129 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses Figure 4-1: Strategies for safety against extreme events and corresponding requirements [Giuliani 2012] The assessment of structural robustness is also strongly related to the degradation state of the structures, caused by environmental agents: concrete carbonation, steel reinforcement corrosion, alkali aggregate reaction, freeze-thaw cycles can lead, over time, to an assessment of structural strength that is very different from that provided in the design phase [Biondini et al. 2009]. The effect of the above factors could compromise the structural response under a localized event. Furthermore, different structural systems exhibit different degrees of robustness [Wolff et al. 2010], something neglected even in modern design procedures that use partial safety factors. Another issue very important in determining structural robustness for bridges is redundancy. Bridge redundancy, is defined in the [Ghosn et al. 1998] as the capability of a bridge to continue to carry loads after incurring damage or the failure of one or more of its members. This capability is due to redistribution of the applied loads in transverse and/or longitudinal directions. Moreover, the inherent uncertainty associated with actions and mechanical, geometric and environmental parameters cannot be ignored since they affect the structural response [Biondini et al. 2004, Ciampoli et al. 2011, Garavaglia et al. 2012, and Petrini et al. 2012]. Steel truss structures and bridges have been the subject of recent research on what concerns their ultimate strength and progressive collapse susceptibility. [Choi et al. 2009] focus on the vertical load bearing capacity of truss structures, using a sensitivity index that accounts for the influence of a lost element to the load bearing capacity. [Miyachi et al. 2012] focus on how the live load intensity and distribution affect the ultimate strength and ductility of different steel truss bridges. [Malla et al. 2011] conduct nonlinear dynamic analysis for the progressive failure assessment of bridge truss members, Pierluigi Olmati Page 130 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses considering their inelastic post-buckling cyclic behavior. [Saydam et al. 2011] use FE skills to investigate the vulnerability, redundancy and robustness of truss bridges, taking into account the stochastic time-dependent deterioration of the structure. Progressive collapse literature indicates extensive research has been performed for the past few years on steel moment frames possibly owed to the fact that different design guidelines are issued in the US by the General Service Administration [GSA 2003] and the Department of Defense [DoD 2009]. [Kim et al. 2009]) conduct nonlinear dynamic analysis on benchmark buildings (3, 6 and 15-story) and compare the results with more straightforward linear static step-by-step analysis. Using nonlinear dynamic finite element simulations, [Kwasniewski 2010] investigates the collapse resistance of an 8story steel framed structure, and inquires on the uncertainties affecting the problem. [Izzuddin et al. 2008a] provide a framework for progressive collapse assessment of multistory buildings, considering as a design scenario the sudden loss of a column. Using this framework, the same authors [Izzuddin et al. 2008b] investigate possible scenarios, in the form of the removal of either a peripheral or a corner column, in a typical steel-framed composite building. [Yuan et al. 2011] investigate the progressive collapse of a 9-story building, at a global level, using a numerical spring-mass-damper model. [Hoffman et al. 2011] investigate different column loss scenarios on 3 and 4-story steel buildings, focusing on different aspects of the problem, among else, the load redistribution and the column lost location. [Galal et al. 2010] compare retrofitting strategies for 18-story buildings with different spans using 3D nonlinear dynamic analyses. An important issue is the model complexity in the progressive collapse assessment. [Alashker et al. 2011] deal with approximations in the numerical modeling, using a 10story steel building as a case study, and compares four models of different levels of complexities (planar and 3D). Their conclusion is that, under restricted conditions, planar models can lead to reasonable results regarding the progressive collapse characterization, however, a full 3D analysis, in spite of its computational cost, may be the only sure way to rigorously investigate this aspect. [Rezvani et al. 2012] conduct different non-linear static and dynamic analyses, among else, on an 8-story building, aiming at the progressive collapse assessment, and compare the results from the different analysis methods. A relevant issue related to the structural robustness evaluation, is the choice of proper synthetic parameters describing the sensitivity of a damaged structure in suffering a disproportionate collapse. Recently [Nafday 2011] discusses the usefulness of consequence event design (as opposed to using a probabilistic approach), for extremely rare, unforeseen, and difficult to characterize statistically events (black swans). In this view, the author, with reference to truss structures, proposes an additional design phase that focuses on the robustness, the damage tolerance and the redundancy of the structure. This proposed metric is based on the evaluation of the determinants of the normalized stiffness matrixes for the undamaged and damaged structure. Pierluigi Olmati Page 131 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses Concerning extreme loads on structures, a scientific debate takes place nowadays on the appropriate design methodology to adopt. To this point, the member-based design is not efficient for contrasting extreme loads on structures that in general are unpredictable and not probabilistically characterized [Nafday 2011]. Following the approach of [HSE 2001] in the case of high uncertainties regarding the extreme loading likelihood, it is necessary to put emphasis on the consequences of the event. Pierluigi Olmati Page 132 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses 4.1 The consequence factor The method applied in this section aims at increasing the collapse resistance of a structure, by focusing on the resistance of the single structural members, and accounting for their importance to the global structural behavior consequently to a generic extreme event that can cause a local damage. Moreover, the method is particularly helpful for unpredictable events that by definition are not possible to take into account in the design phase. This does not mean that the collapse resistance [Starossek 2009] is accounted only for the single member resistance, because the authors intend, as a design philosophy, to increase the resistance of the single members in addition to the structural stability analysis that provide the assessment of the global structural behavior. In other words, if the collapse resistance of a structure is identified by: the “load characterization”, the “local resistance”, and the “insensitivity to a local damage” [Starossek 2009], this method focuses on the issue of “local resistance”. Thus, it neglects the “load characterization” of the extreme load since it is considered unpredictable, and it is complementary to the socalled threat independent stability analyses. Focusing on skeletal structures (e.g. trusses), current member-based design in structural codes does not explicitly consider system safety performance during the structural design, while the level of safety in new designs is usually provided on the basis of intuition and past experience [Nafday 2008]. On the other hand, the Ultimate Limit State (ULS) of the Performance-Based Design (PBD) requires (see for example [EN 1990]) that individual structural members are designed to have a resistance (R) greater than the load action (E), where both R and E are probabilistically characterized [Stewart et al. 1997]. The member-based design is summarized in the following design expression, valid for a single structural member: R dundamaged Edundamaged 0 (4-2) Where Rdundamaged and Edundamaged are the design values respectively of the resistance and of the solicitation [EN 1990] in the undamaged configuration of the structure. Concerning the commonly implemented standards this equation is not respected with a probability of 10-(6÷7). The method applied here aims to introduce an additional multiplicative coefficient in the first term of the Eq. (4-2): this is identified as the member consequence factor (Cf), takes values within a range from 0 to 1, and quantifies the influence that a loss of a structural element has on the load carrying capacity. Essentially, if Cf tends to 1, the member is likely to be important to the structural system; instead if C f tends to 0, the member is likely to be unimportant to the structural system. Cf provides to the single structural member an additional load carrying capacity, in function of the nominal design (not extreme) loads. This additional capacity can be used for contrasting unexpected and extreme loads. Pierluigi Olmati Page 133 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses (1 Cscenario ) * R dundamaged E dundamaged 0 f (4-3) [Nafday 2011] provides Eq. (4-3) in a similar manner, with the only difference being on the range mean of Cf that is the inverse of the proposed one, so the first term of Eq. (4-3) is multiplied directly by Cf. Thus, in this study the equation proposed by [Nafday 2011] has been slightly revised in order to fit with the here proposed expression of the C f, see both Eq. (4-3) and Eq. (4-4). The structure is subjected to a set of damage scenarios and the consequence of the damages is evaluated by the consequence factor (Cfscenario) that for convenience can be easily expressed in percentage. For damage scenario is intended the failure of one or more structural elements. Moreover, the robustness can be expressed as the complement to 100 of Cfscenario, intended as the effective coefficient that affects directly the resistance see Eq. (4-3). Cfscenario is evaluated by the maximum percentage difference of the structural stiffness matrix eigenvalues of the damaged and undamaged configurations of the structure. dam (un i i ) Cscenario max 100 f un i i1 N (4-4) Where, λiun and λidam are respectively the i-th eigenvalue of the structural stiffness matrix in the undamaged and damaged configuration, and N is the total number of the eigenvalues. The corresponding robustness index (Rscenario) related to the damage scenario is therefore defined as: R scenario 100 Cscenario f (4-5) Values of Cf close to 100% mean that the failure of the structural member most likely causes a global structural collapse. Low values of Cf do not necessarily mean that the structure survives after the failure of the structural member: this is something that must be established by a non-linear dynamic analysis that considers the loss of the specific structural member. A value of Cf close to 0% means that the structure has a good structural robustness. Some further considerations are necessary. The proposed method for computing the consequence factors should not be used 1) for structures that have high concentrated masses (especially non-structural masses) in a particular zone, and 2) for structures that have cable structural system (e.g. tensile structures, suspension bridges). The first issue is related to the dynamic nature of a structural collapse, since Eq. (4-4) does not take into account the mass matrix of the system that is directly related to the Pierluigi Olmati Page 134 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses inertial forces. It is possible to accept this limitation only if the masses are those of the structural members, thus distributed uniformly. Moreover there is no way to consider any dynamic magnification phenomena with Eq. (4-4). The second issue is related to the geometrical non-linearity of cable structures. For such structures the stiffness matrix is a function of the loads, something not accounted for in the elastic stiffness matrix. Moreover for the nature of the elastic stiffness matrix, eventual structural dissipative behaviors and non-linear resistive mechanisms (e.g. catenary action) are not taken into account. In the authors’ opinion the above limitations can be accepted if the desired outcome is a non-computational expensive method, since the Cf value provides an indication of the structural robustness in a quick and smart manner. Additional research could focus on the development of criteria that a Robustness index should have to take into account the previous issues that Eq. (4-4) does not account for. With this in mind the Cf as expressed in Eq. (4-4) can be used primarily as an index to establish the critical structural members for the global structural stability, or to compare different structural design solutions from a robustness point of view. The latter implementation of Cf can be very helpful for the robustness assessment of complex structures, for example wind turbine jacket support structures [Petrini et al. 2011], since it provides an indication on the key structural elements that in a complex structure are of difficult evaluation. In the following the member consequence factor is computed for the structural elements of a steel truss bridge. Before that, the method is applied to simple structural systems. 4.1.1 Tests on simple structures In this section, first, a simple example is shown, in order to provide insight on the method proposed for computing the consequence factor and the structural robustness index. Figure 4-2 shows a linear spring system. y ka x a b kb Figure 4-2: Example spring structure In a two-dimensional space there are two single degree of freedom translational springs. Spring “a” has stiffness ka and spring “b” has a stiffness kb. The stiffness matrix of the system is given by Eq. (6). Pierluigi Olmati Page 135 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses k K a 0 0 k b (4-6) To make a numerical example, assuming ka=kb=10 kN/m, the obtained undamaged stiffness matrix is: K undamaged 10 0 0 10 (4-7) A hypothesis is made that a damage scenario (called scenario 1) reduces the stiffness of the spring “b”: kbdamaged = 7 kN/m < kbundamaged = 10 kN/m. Consequently, the damaged stiffness matrix takes the form of: K damaged 10 0 0 7 (4-8) At this point, applying Eq. (4-4), the following values for the consequence factors are obtained: C1f 1 0% C1f 2 30% (4-9) The maximum consequence factor of the two, for the scenario 1, is Cf2. Consequently for this scenario the consequence factor is the Cf2 equal to 0.3. Finally applying Eq. (4-5) the robustness index obtained is 70%. This method, previously applied analytically, is now applied numerically to two additional examples (two simple structures). First, a single bay frame structure with a diagonal beam brace, composed in total of 5 members, is considered (Figure 4-3 (a)). All the cross sections of the structural members are the European IPE 300 (similar to a W 12x30) in European S235 steel (comparable to the ASTM A36), while both the frame span and the frame height are one meter. The structure is plane and the boundary conditions are of the pinned type. The evaluated scenarios consist in the removal of elements 1, 2 and 3 sequentially, so the damage is cumulative: this means that the each scenario includes the damage from the previous one. Cf is computed by Eq. (4-4) and the results in terms of Cf and robustness are indicated on the right side of Figure 4-3 (b). After the failure of members 1 and 2 the structure is still redundant so the Rscenario has a non-zero value; instead after the failure of members 1, 2, and 3 the structure is a mechanism and consequently the Rscenario is zero (Cf is equal to 100%). Pierluigi Olmati Page 136 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses 1 meter Cf max IPE 300 steel S235 Robustness Robustness % IPE 300 steel S235 IPE 300 steel S235 1 meter 100 80 60 2 3 92 100 40 20 1 47 53 8 0 1 2 3 Damage Scenario (a) (b) Figure 4-3: Example truss structure (a) and damage scenario evaluation (b) The second structure considered is a star-shaped structure (Fig. Figure 4-4 (a)). In totally there are 8 members with a pipe cross section: the outside diameter is of 20 centimeters, and the thickness is of 20 millimeters. The steel is the European S235 one. With respect to Figure 4-4 (a), members 1, 3, 5, and 7 are 0.5 meters long and members 2, 4, 6, and 8 are 0.7 meters long. All the members are connected to each other by a fixed type connection. Also the boundary conditions are of the fixed type and the structure is plane. The evaluation consists in removing elements 1 through 8, and the damage is intended as cumulative like in the previous example. The results in terms of Cf and robustness are indicated on the Figure 4-4 (b). Until reaching damage scenario 6 the Rscenario has a nonzero value. After that for damage scenario 7 the structure is reduced to a cantilever and the Rscenario is 0.4%. Finally, Rscenario is equal to zero when the final structural member is eliminated (Cf in this case is equal to 100%). It is possible to observe from both Figure 4-3 and Figure 4-4 that the proposed method captures the structural robustness reduction with the increase of the damage level. On the other hand, Cf increases with the damage level. Pierluigi Olmati Page 137 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses 1 meter Cf max Robustness 100 27 1 meter 6 7 5 8 1 Robustness % 80 40 3 52 60 79 92 40 60 51 7 8 21 8 0 1 (a) 100 48 2 Sections: Pipe 200/20 steel S235 99.6 73 20 4 49 2 3 4 5 6 Damage Scenario (b) Figure 4-4: Example star structure (a) and damage scenario evaluation (b) 4.1.2 Application on a steel truss bridge This section focuses on the robustness assessment of a steel truss bridge using the member consequence factor method. The bridge used as a case study is the I-35 West Bridge in Minneapolis. The I-35 West Bridge was built in the early 1960s and opened to traffic in 1967. The bridge spanned across the Mississippi River, Minneapolis. The bridge was supported on thirteen reinforced concrete piers and consisted of fourteen spans. Eleven of the fourteen spans were approach spans to the main deck truss portion. The total length of the bridge including the approach and deck truss was approximately 580 meter (1,907 feet). The length of the continuous deck truss portion which spanned over four piers was approximately 324 meter (1,064 feet). The elevation of the entire bridge is shown in Figure 4-5 (data and figure from [NTSB 2007]). Figure 4-5: East elevation of the I-35W Bridge [NTSB 2007] Pierluigi Olmati Page 138 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses The deck truss portion of the bridge was supported on a pinned bearing at Pier 7 and roller bearings at the other three supports. The main bridge trusses were comprised of built-up welded box and I-sections sandwiched by gusset plates at each panel point. Steel truss bridges, like the I-35 West Bridge, had longer and lighter spans than their contemporaries. The innovations, which facilitated the reduction in weight, include the efficiencies inherent in statically determinant trusses, new stronger steels, thin gusset plate connections, and welded box sections. The catastrophic collapse which occurred on August 1st 2007 was probably due to a combination of the temperature effect, roller bearings condition, and increased gravity loads on the bridge prior to collapse. For this functionally non-redundant bridge the initial buckle at the lower chord member close to the pier and local plastic hinges in the member resulted in global instability and collapse [Malsch et al. 2011]. The bridge has been thoroughly studied by [Brando et al. 2010] focusing on the issues of redundancy, progressive collapse and robustness, studies have been conducted in order to assess the effect of the collapse of specific structural components [Crosti et al. 2012]. For computing the consequence factors and the robustness index of the structure for the selected damage scenarios a FE model of the structure is necessary. Figure 4-6 shows the three-dimensional FE model of the I-35 West Bridge built using the commercial FE solver Sap2000® [Brando et al. 2010]. Figure 4-6: 3D FE model of the I-35 West Bridge Both shell and beam finite elements are used in the FE model. The bridge superstructure and both the deck girders and beams are built using beam elements, while, the concrete deck is modeled using shell elements. Moreover, contact links connect the deck with both the deck girders and beams. In accordance to the original blueprints of the I-35 West Bridge [MDT 2012], standard and non-conventional beam cross sections are implemented in the model. From this model a simplified (plane) FE model is extracted and is adopted for computing the structural stiffness matrix in both the damaged and undamaged configurations. This Pierluigi Olmati Page 139 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses choice has mostly to do with computational challenges in computing the stiffness matrix for the full model. Regarding the structural decomposition of complex structures it is possible to refer to the [Bontempi et al. 2008a] and [Petrini et al. 2011]. The expression of the consequence factor provided by Eq. (4-4) refers to the eigenvalues of the elastic stiffness matrix. The choice to use a simplified model is also justified and feasible since Eq. (4-4) is independent from the mass of the structure. Eq. (4-4) is also independent from the loads, so the loads in the FE model are not considered. The concrete deck is only simply-supported by the bridge superstructure, so the concrete deck is not considered in the analyses and it is omitted in the model, consequently, the contact links are deleted as well. The deck girders and beams are also omitted since they do not have a strong influence to the load bearing capacity of the bridge. The two trusses of the bridge superstructure are similar and connected by a transverse truss structure, so the analyses focus on a single truss; at this point one plane truss is obtained from the three-dimensional model, in order to have a two-dimensional FE model, implemented for computing the stiffness matrix in both the damaged and undamaged configurations. Concluding, only a single lateral truss of the bridge is considered, and a set of damage scenario is selected (Figure 4-7). The damage scenarios for this application are not cumulative, so only a single member is removed from the model for each damage scenario [Brando et al. 2012]. In this application the scenarios chosen focus on the area recognized as initiating the collapse according to forensic investigations in different researches [NTSB 2007, and Malsch et al. 2011]. 6 3 2 1 5 7 4 Figure 4-7: Lateral truss of the bridge and selection of damage scenarios With the aim of increasing the structural robustness of the bridge, and in order to test the sensitivity of the method proposed, an improved variation of the structural system is considered. In this case (Figure 4-8) the updated bridge truss is a hyper-static steel truss structure. Pierluigi Olmati Page 140 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses The results of both the original and the enhanced structural schemes, under the same damage scenarios, are shown in Figure 4-9 and Figure 4-10. 6 3 2 1 5 7 4 Figure 4-8: Updated lateral truss of the bridge and selection of damage scenarios Cf max Robustness 100 Robustness % 80 41 58 63 55 65 62 35 38 3 4 5 Damage Scenario 6 77 60 40 59 20 42 37 45 23 0 1 2 7 Figure 4-9: Damage scenario evaluation in terms of Cf for the original configuration of the bridge Cf max 100 17 13 12 80 Robustness % Robustness 14 47 36 40 60 40 83 87 88 86 53 20 64 60 0 1 2 3 4 5 Damage Scenario 6 7 Figure 4-10: Damage scenario evaluation in terms of Cf for the improved configuration of the bridge Pierluigi Olmati Page 141 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses The proposed robustness index (based on the member consequence factor Cf) captures both the lack of robustness of the I-35 W Bridge, and its robustness enhancement as a consequence of increasing the redundancy of the structure. Generally speaking, it can be observed that the case-study bridge shows a low robustness index. This is due to the fact that it is (internally) statically determined. In order to better understand the use of the proposed consequence factor, it is useful to focus the attention on the Damage Scenario number 7 (DS7), since it is particularly critical for the robustness requirement of this structure. It has to be noted moreover that the proposed method highlights the sensitivity of the bottom chord member, which was pinpointed from the investigation on the causes of the collapse performed by [Malsch et al. 2011]. From the analysis of the bridge in its original configuration and for the chosen damages configurations, a consequence factor of 0.77 has been computed for the DS7 and, consequently, a robustness index of 0.23 is obtained. This result can be used to design or improve the bridge structure by means of different strategies: The consequence factors obtained by the analysis of the various damage scenarios can be used, as shown in Eq. (4-3), for the re-sizing of the structural elements (each element is linked to the specific Cf obtained from the analysis considering its failure). In this case the structural scheme of the bridge does not change with respect to the original one. This option can be considered as a local (elementbased) improvement of the structural system; The consequence factor can be used only as a robustness performance index, without making use of Eq. (4-3). More than one structural configuration can be examined in order to assess which is the best solution in terms of Cf. An example of this strategy is given in the previous application of Figure 4-8. In this case the scheme of the bridge has been modified by inserting additional structural elements in order to obtain a redundant truss bridge. In the examined case the consequence factor obtained by the DS7 decreases from 0.77 to 0.36; this appreciable result is probably due to the position of the failed element in the DS7 which being a lower element of the truss plays an important role in the load carrying capacity of the original system. Generally speaking, the redundant bridge configuration (Figure 4-8) shows certain insensitivity to the internal damage scenarios (number 1, 2 and 3). This option can be considered as a global improvement of the structural system; The previous strategies can be adopted simultaneously: i) the designer-sizing of the elements can be affected by the robustness index by using Eq. (4-3); and ii) the structural scheme can be changed (also on the basis of the Cf values) in order to increase the robustness. In this case, both local and global solutions provide improvements to the structural system. In this section, the robustness of structures is inquired using a metric based on the member consequence factor. The application of this metric seems to be promising for the Pierluigi Olmati Page 142 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses robustness assessment of a complex structural system, such as the I-35 Bridge used as a case study, by identifying critical damage scenarios (scenarios involving the loss of elements) associated with low values of this metric. This method could be used as tool in the design, analysis and investigation processes, for localizing critical areas. Furthermore, comprehensive assessments that consider a larger set of damage scenarios can be performed by implementing this method using appropriate search heuristics. Limitations of the implemented method arise from the fact that in the analyses a reduced structural system is used. In this sense, findings can be considered preliminary, and have to be verified using complete models and advanced numerical analyses. Some indications for further research can be identified. A better expression for the Cf could be obtained by considering both the stiffness and mass matrix of the structure. Moreover the plastic resources of the structure could be take account in the Cf expression. Future studies could also focus on the establishment of a threshold value for the member consequence factor that does not lead to a structural collapse. Furthermore, nonlinear dynamic analyses could be performed on complete model for the critical cases identified with this method. Pierluigi Olmati Page 143 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY BLANK Pierluigi Olmati Page 144 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses 4.2 The robustness curves A way to characterize the behavior of buildings subjected to explosion is to compute the dynamic structural response due to a local damage (assumed to be caused by a blast) and consequently assess the robustness of the structure. The structural robustness can be assessed by evaluating the residual load bearing capacity of the damaged configurations as illustrated in [Giuliani 2009], where the analysis is based on the assumption of different levels of damage in various locations. The robustness evaluation procedure presented in the following is based on the assumption of a certain damage level caused by a generic load, which is able to instantaneously cut off the contribution of a structural element to the load bearing capacity of the system [Yagob et al. 2009, and CPNI 2011]. Therefore, the method proposed can be used for the design against actions generated both by intentional and accidental explosions and by hazards of different type (e.g. impact). Focusing on steel frame building systems (such as the one studied in this study, shown in Figure 4-11), whose key structural elements are the columns at the ground floor [Almusallam et al. 2010, and Valipour et al. 2010], the local damage level can be identified by the number of the destroyed key elements. It is assumed that the columns directly acted upon by the blast wave are instantaneously destroyed, thus the case of partially damaged key elements is neglected in this study. Following these assumptions, the first set of damage scenarios is defined by the removal of a single key element (column), the second set by the removal of two key elements, and so on. Considering the above, two parameters identify the single damage scenario: the location of the first destroyed key element (L), and the local damage level (N) of the scenario (i.e. the number of the removed key elements). The specific local damage scenario is then identified as “D-scenario (L=i; N=j)”, where capital letters indicate parameters and lower case letters indicate the specific value assumed by the parameters. This means that the generic scenario is obtained by removing a total number of key elements equal to “j”, and that the first of these elements was the one positioned in the location number “i”. A set of initial NL damaged key elements defines the D-scenario (L; 1) with (L=1,…, NL; local damage level N=1). These scenarios (L; 1) can be chosen a priori by considering the explosion type (e.g. it is realistic to assume that gaseous explosions take place in kitchens or boiler rooms, while intentional explosions in the external perimeter of the building). Moreover the generic D-scenario (i; j+1) corresponding to the local damage level N=j+1, is heuristically obtained from the previous D-scenario (i; j) by removing the most stressed key element (critical element for the D-scenario (i; j)) obtained by the caring out a Nonlinear structural Dynamic Analysis (NDA) (Vassilopoulou and Gantes 2011) of the D-scenario (i; j). The non-linearity is due to both the inelastic behavior of the steel and the large displacements; the analyses are conducted by considering the effects of live and permanent loads with the associated masses. Pierluigi Olmati Page 145 of 189 70 m Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses Y Z X Figure 4-11: FE model of the building As an outcome of the NDA to the D-scenario (i; j) the damaged structural configuration may have two kinds of response: a) the critical element for the D-scenario (i; j) does not collapse (i.e. it remains under a certain conventional response threshold - “arrested damage response”) or, b) the critical element for the D-scenario (i; j) collapses (i.e. it exceeds the conventional response threshold - “propagated damage response”). The sequential steps of the procedure are the following: For damaged configurations leading to a “propagated damage response”, the progression of the collapse is presumed, and the computation proceeds by changing the damage location L=i+1. This assumption should need to be verified since, in general, the fact that another element is failing in consequence of an initial damage, it does not necessary mean that a progressive collapse is triggered. However the Authors’ opinion is the indirect failure of a key element should be avoided. For damaged configurations leading to an “arrested damage response”, two steps are carried out: Pierluigi Olmati Page 146 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses - - The residual strength is computed, this can be estimated in different ways. Here the so-called “pushover analysis” [Pinho 2007, Kalochairetis et al. 2011, and Lignos et al. 2011] is used, and the residual strength for the Dscenario (i, j) is identified by the ratio λ%(i,j) between the ultimate load multiplier of the damaged structure and the one corresponding to the original undamaged one. The residual strength (pushover) analysis is carried out under horizontal loads having a triangular distribution along the height of the building. This choice is made with two motivations in mind: i) horizontal loads can activate both horizontal and vertical load bearing structural systems of the building and, ii) direct reference is made to the unlikely eventuality that a seismic aftershock occurs after an explosion. This event is possible in the case that the explosion occurs after a seismic main shock (e.g. hydrogen explosions caused by the Japan 2011 earthquake main shock). The increase of the local damage level (N=j+1) as stated before (i.e. by removing the critical element for the D-scenario (i; j)), and performing a new NDA. After each “propagated damage response” a robustness curve is obtained, defined by the variation of the ratio λ%(i,j) with the local damage level (N). Once all the NL locations have been analyzed a set of curves describing the robustness of the structure under the considered damage scenarios are obtained (see example of Figure 4-12). The whole procedure is summarized in the flowchart of Figure 4-13. The outcome of the analysis gives a representation of the structure robustness when it is damaged by a blast in the considered locations. These robustness curves under blast damage scenarios are useful for: Risk assessment analysis, if the uncertainties affecting the structural response after a local damage LD (e.g. due to the uncertain structural characteristics) are considered (e.g. by a Monte Carlo analysis, see [Petrini et al. 2012]). Risk mitigation analysis, for planning the optimal strategy against the hazard [FEMA 2003], for example by adopting adequate structural or non-structural measures [DoD 2010] focusing on the most critical scenario indicated by the robustness curves (the scenario producing the less robust structural response). Pierluigi Olmati Page 147 of 189 Residual strength λ%(i; j) Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 1 2 3 Local Damage Level D-scenario (1;N) D-scenario (3;N) 4 D-scenario (2;N) D-scenario (4;N) Figure 4-12: Examples of robustness curves under blast damage scenarios Select NL locations Key elements: columns at the ground floor. Damage level (N): number D-scenario (i; j=1) N=j+1 Increase damage level by removing the critical element for the D-scenario (i;j) L=i+1 Arrested Damage Response (ADR) NO D-scenario (i;j) Structural response evaluation by NDA Does failure spontaneously occur to another key element? ADR ? YES Propagated damage response Progressive collapse is presumed (no residual strength) λ %(i;j) = 0 Residual strength (pushover) analysis λ%(i;j) >0 YES of key elements instantly removed. Location (L): position of the first key element removed (≡ blast location). NL: number of locations. D-scenario (i; j): location (i) and damage level (j). NDA: non linear dynamic analysis implementing large displacements and inelastic materials. λ%(i;j) : ratio between the damaged and undamaged ultimate load multiplier (pushover analysis). ADR: arrested damage response. (i,j) Robustness curve point under blast damage NO NO i = NL ? YES Set of Robustness curves under blast damage Figure 4-13: Flowchart of the procedure to evaluate the structural robustness against blast damage Pierluigi Olmati Page 148 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses The procedure introduced above for evaluating structural robustness under blast damage has been applied to a case study building. The case study building is an office structure 70 meters high for a total of 20 story, each one being 3.5 meters high. The layout is rectangular with two protruding edges on the longest side and is globally delimited in a 45 x 25 square meters area (see Figure 4-11 and Figure 4-14). Columns and beams have European HE cross-sections. The beam-column and beam-beam connections are made by double angle cleat connections (shear-resisting), while the column-column connections are moment-resisting welded and bolted connections. In addition to the previous subsystems, appropriate braced walls are present in order to support the horizontal loads, these having beam-column moment resisting connections, and diagonal tension members that consist in 2L 100x50/8 profiles; the position of the bracing systems is shown in Figure 4-15. The floors have a horizontal braced system that is formed by a set of members having an L 100x50/8 profile. The column cross-section shapes are shown in Figure 4-15 and classified and grouped in Table 4-2; for each column type (A, B, C, D) the size of the cross section decreases through the building height. The slab is a steel ribbed slab, spanning North to South, simply supported by girders and beams (see Figure 4-14). The girders cross-sections are HEA 240, spanning North to South, while the floor beams cross-sections are HEA 200, spanning West to East. The girders and beams belonging to the braced walls have a HEB 300 shape. The girders and beams have a span of 5 meters and are placed at 5 meters and 2.5 meters steps respectively. A grade S235 steel is adopted, with a yielding (fyk) and ultimate (fuk) stress equal to 235 and 360 N/mm2 respectively. DS(8;1) DS(3;1) 5m DS(8;2) DS(3;2) 1 1 DS(1;1) y 1 DS(5;1) 15 m DS(2;1) DS(2;2) DS(4;2) DS(4;1) 1 x DS(6;1) 15 m 15 m DS(7;1) 15 m Braced wall Key element instantly removed DS(i;j) Blast Damage Scenario: (L= i location; N= j local damage level) DS(i;j) 1 1 Blast Damage Scenario: (L= i location; N= j local damage level) DS(L;1) Figure 4-14: Damage scenarios (L; 1), and Damage scenarios (L; 2) Pierluigi Olmati Page 149 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses N 15 m W C C B C C B D B A D A A A C B A A A A B A A A B D A A A A A A A A D B B D B A A B D B B C C 5m 15 m C E C 15 m 15 m S Figure 4-15: Column types Column type Quote [m] 0 - 12 12 - 33 33 - 39.5 39.5 - 70 A HEM 550 HEB 550 HEB 320 HEB 300 B HEX 700x356 HEX 700x356 HEX 700x356 HEB 550 C HEB 300 HEB 260 HEB 240 HEB 240 D HEM 550 HEM 550 HEM 550 HEB 550 Table 4-2: Column cross section In what follows, direct reference is made to the flowchart of Figure 4-13. Eight locations (L) have been considered (NL=8) defining the blast damage scenarios, as indicated in Figure 4-14. As previously stated, the columns at the ground floor have been considered as key elements and the numerical investigations are carried out removing instantaneously the key element by NDA. In Figure 4-11 the finite element model of the structure developed with Straus7® [G+D Computing HSH 2004] is shown. Only the frame system is explicitly modeled, both the floors and the live load are taken into account by considering additional (fictitious) mass density on the beams. The building is subjected to gravity and the structural properties of the cladding system are not considered. The structural response to the D-scenario (i; j) is evaluated by carrying out non-linear Lagrangian [Bontempi et al. 1998] dynamic implicit FE analyses. Explicit FE solver (more capable in evaluating triggering effects due to local collapses) has been avoided in order to limit the computational efforts. The use of implicit method is also justified by the fact that, in this specific structure, the failure (assessed by implicit analyses) of some structural key elements can be conceptually associated to the propagation of the collapse to other structural parts supported by the key elements. An initial damage is considered in the FE model by replacing a column by its reaction force (computed with the Dead + Permanent + 0.3 Live load combination). In order to minimize inertial effects caused by this loading phase, a sufficiently slow load ramp is provided. Moreover, a successive oscillation extinction phase is added (see Figure 4-16) where the load factor is maintained equal to 1. After that the reaction of the key element Pierluigi Olmati Page 150 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses is suddenly removed to simulate the damage with a time interval (Δt) smaller than 1/10 of the fundamental time period associated with the pertinent vertical modal shape of the damaged structure [DoD 2009]. The implemented load factor time history is shown in Figure 4-16. Concerning the material and geometrical nonlinearities, the distributed plasticity model along the length of the beams and the large displacements assumption are adopted. In Figure 4-17 some moment-curvature diagrams for girders and beams are shown, the softening behavior is not implemented. 500 400 Loading phase Oscillation extinction phase 0.5 Moment [kN m] Load factor [-] 1.0 Dead + 0.3 Live Δt Reaction force of the key element 200 100 0 0.00 0.0 0 10 20 30 time [sec] 40 50 Figure 4-16: Load factor time history chart HEB 300 HEA 240 HEA 200 300 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 Curvature [-/m] 0.05 0.06 Figure 4-17: Moment-Curvature diagrams The typical vertical displacement time history for a node located on the top of the removed key element is shown in Figure 4-18 for both the “arrested damage response” and “propagated damage response” with local damage level N=1. The first one, after the extinction of the initial high frequency oscillation, shows a decaying response (damped oscillation), while the second one shows an unbounded response. The computed robustness curves are shown in Figure 4-19. It results that for the selected scenarios, with the local damage level equal to two (D-scenario (L; 2)), the structure always shows a “propagated damage response” (i.e. a progressive collapse is presumed). Time [sec] 22 24 26 28 Time [sec] 30 32 24 34 -8 -12 -16 High frequency oscillations response extinction -20 -15 Displacement [m] -12 Max displacement -4 25.5 Residual displacement Displacement [mm] 25 26 0.0 0 -9 25 -0.6 -1.2 Displacement under collapse 20 -1.8 Figure 4-18: Response time history for a node located at the top of the removed key element, D-scenario (5; 1) (left, arrested damage response) and D-scenario (6; 1) (right, propagated damage response) Pierluigi Olmati Page 151 of 189 27 Residual strength λ% (i; j) Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses 100 75 50 25 0 0 1 2 Local Damage level D-scenarios (i;j): D-scenario (1;N) D-scenario (2;N) (1;N) (3;N) (4;N) D-scenario(2;N) (3;N) D-scenario (4;N) (5;N) D-scenario(6;N) (5;N) (7;N) (8;N) D-scenario (6;N) D-scenario (7;N)curves under D-scenario (8;N) Figure 4-19: Robustness blast damage In some cases (D-scenarios (6; 1) and (7; 1)) the collapse progression occurs even at the first level of local damage. This behavior occurs in all cases where the local damage is located in the external columns of the building that are not part of braced walls (see Figure 4-14). In fact, in all other D-scenarios, for local damage level N=1 the load originally carried by the removed key element is re-distributed to a number of adjacent key elements positioned in both floor directions (x and y in Fig. 4) with respect to the removed one, this allows the development of a double catenary effect (in x and y directions), something that is not realized in the critical D-scenarios (6; 1) and (7; 1). The robustness curves obtained in this section form a suitable tool that can be helpful for risk management and assessment. The procedure can be employed to handle different hazards, such as terrorist attacks or accidental explosions. In particular, the proposed procedure for robustness assessment is based on the assumption that the structural members directly involved in the blast fail instantaneously, without any prior evaluation on the blast intensity. Since in the recent years a number of intentional explosions were caused by truck bombs near the buildings, leading to the failure of some columns, the previous mentioned assumption seems particularly reliable in case of intentional explosions. The same approach could be extended for computing the robustness curves in case of structures subjected to impact of ships and vehicles that engage key structural elements. The approach based on the removal of key structural elements and on the subsequent investigation of the dynamic structural nonlinear behavior has been adopted by different authors (see for example [Yagob. 2009, Purasinghe et al. 2012, Weerheijm et al. 2009, and Sasani et al. 2011]), and has been implemented in guidelines (e.g. [DoD 2009]). To this regard, the novelty offered by this study consists in describing the results of this analysis in a synthetic and fruitful manner, provided by the computation of the robustness curves. Moreover, the proposed method of evaluation by means of robustness curves, Pierluigi Olmati Page 152 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses takes into account the dynamic effects of the structural initial damage by evaluating the structural behavior under impulsive loads. Pierluigi Olmati Page 153 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses 5 CONCLUSIONS The protection of buildings and critical infrastructures against man-made attacks is a priority for a stable and secure society. For this reason a security organization against man made attacks is necessary. The 85% [DoS 2003, DoS 2004, DoS 2005, and DoS 2006] of the attacks involve explosives devices. As a consequence, the resistance of a structure to explosions is crucial for having an adequate level of protection of the structure. For better understanding and assessing the capacity of a structure to withstand loads from an explosion, the collapse resistance of a structure has been decomposed in three components: the hazard mitigation, the local resistance, and the global resistance. In this Thesis, all three components of the collapse resistance have been deeply investigated proponing methods for their quantitative assessment. Furthermore, applications of these methods have been carried out. The hazard mitigation has been investigated for gas explosions in a residential building. Three crucial parameters determining the severity of the blast load due to the deflagration of a gas cloud have been identified. These parameters are the room congestion, the failure of non-structural walls and the location of the ignition. Each of those parameters can change drastically the blast demand of the structure. The local resistance (intended as the resistance of the single component of the structural system subjected to the blast load) has been investigated both probabilistically by means of the fragility analysis and deterministically by means of detailed explicit numerical simulations. The fragility analysis has been carried out by two different intensity measures: the scaled distance and the impulse density. The first one (the scaled distance) has been applied on precast concrete cladding wall panels subjected to a vehicle bomb. This intensity measure shows good results in terms of exceeding probability compared with the exceeding probability obtained with the unconditional approach. However the adopted fragility curve for carrying out the fragility analysis must be the one corresponding with the mean value of the stand-off distance of the scenario. The second proposed intensity measure (the impulse density) has been applied to a built-up blast door subjected to an accidental detonation of mortar rounds. Also this intensity measure shows good results for impulse sensitive structures in terms of exceeding probability compared with the exceeding probability obtained with the unconditional approach, however, it is completely inopportune for pressure sensitive structures. That said, for structures loaded in the dynamic region of the pressure impulse diagram conservative results are obtained. The advantage of the impulse density as intensity measure compared to the scaled distance is that only one fragility curve is necessary for carrying out the fragility analysis. Pierluigi Olmati Page 154 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses Moreover, a safety factor for designing steel build-up blast doors with the equivalent single degree of freedom method has been proposed. As mentioned the local resistance has been also investigated by detailed explicit numerical simulations. Numerical investigations have been made concerning batch tests on reinforced concrete slabs founded by the National Science Foundation (NSF). A Blast Blind Simulation Contest was sponsored in collaboration with American Concrete Institute (ACI) Committees 447 (Finite Element of Reinforced Concrete Structures) and 370 (Blast and Impact Load Effects), and UMKC School of Computing and Engineering. The goal of the contest was to predict, using simulation methods, the response of reinforced concrete slabs subjected to a blast load. The blast response was simulated using a Shock Tube (Blast Loading Simulator) located at the Engineering Research and Design Center, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers at Vicksburg, Mississippi. A team for participating at the contest has been formed by the author of this Thesis Pierluigi Olmati (Sapienza University of Rome), Patrick Trasborg (Lehigh University), Dr. Luca Sgambi (Politecnico di Milano), Prof. Clay J. Naito (Lehigh University), and Prof. Franco Bontempi (Sapienza University of Rome). The submitted prediction of the slab’s deflection was declared The Winner of The Blast Blind Simulation Contest ( - accessed August 2013) for the concurring category. Finite element analyses have been carried out also for assessing the spall and breach resistance of insulated panels against a close-in detonation. Moreover experimental tests have been conducted at the Air Force Research Laboratory in Panama City, FL. Generally insulated panels have shown an improved response to close-in detonations respect classic concrete wall panels; however to avoid concrete spall at the interior concrete wythe, a sufficient insulation foam thickness is necessary. Furthermore, the insulation foam layer does not constitute a major component in dissipating energy from the detonation, but rather the thickness of the gap between the exterior and interior concrete wythes is crucial. In every insulated panel numerical model, the exterior concrete wythe breached. The exterior wythe can be considered to act as a sacrificial element, maintaining a larger stand-off distance from the interior concrete wythe. In conclusion the insulated panels in addition to a superior energy performance have displayed enhanced spall and breach performance to close-in blast demands. This is due to the exterior concrete wythe acting as a sacrificial layer, allowing the gap and foam to dissipate much of the concrete fragment kinetic energy and mitigate incipient shock waves from the initial blast. Finally two methods for assessing the global resistance (intended as the resistance of a structural system subjected to a failure of one or more structural components) of a structure have been proposed. Pierluigi Olmati Page 155 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses In the first method the structural robustness has been inquired using a metric based on the member consequence factor. The application of this metric seems to be promising for the robustness assessment of a complex structural system, such as the I-35 Bridge used as a case study, by identifying critical damage scenarios (scenarios involving the loss of elements) associated with low values of this metric. This method could be used as tool in the design, analysis and investigation processes, for localizing critical areas. Furthermore, comprehensive assessments that consider a larger set of damage scenarios can be performed by implementing this method using appropriate search heuristics. In the second method the structural robustness has been studied using both non-linear dynamic and static analyses. The method has been developed for buildings and it is based on the hypothesis of the removal column scenario. The column is suddenly removed and a non-linear dynamic analysis is carried out for assessing if the progressive collapse occurs, if not a non-linear static pushover is carried out on both the damaged and undamaged configuration of the building for estimating the residual capacity of the building. This procedure is repeating both increasing the number of the removed columns and for several scenarios. This method has been applied on a steel tall building and the structural robustness has been assessed quantitatively showing the behavior of the building under the failure of one and more columns. Concluding, the collapse resistance, composed by the contribution of the hazard mitigation, the local resistance, and the global resistance, has been thoroughly assessed in this Thesis. The assessment was carried out by both deterministic and probabilistic methods and by the means of explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses. Pierluigi Olmati Page 156 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY BLANK Pierluigi Olmati Page 157 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses 6 REFERENCES [Alashker et al. 2011] Alashker Y, Li H, El-Tawil S. Approximations in Progressive Collapse Modeling. Journal of Structural Engineering 2011; 137(9): 914-924. [Almusallam et al. 2010] Almusallam TH, Elsanadedy HM, Abbas H, Alsayed SH, Al-Salloum, YA. Progressive collapse analysis of a RC building subjected to blast loads. 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THESIS This section wants collect the journal papers obtained from the Ph.D. Thesis. The section provides: i) the published and the accepted papers for publications; and ii) the submitted and ongoing papers. 7.1 Published and accepted papers - - - Olmati P, Trasborg P, Naito CJ, Bontempi F. Blast resistance of reinforced precast concrete walls under uncertainty. International Journal of Critical Infrastructures 2013; in press. Olmati P, Gkoumas K, Brando F, Cao L. Consequence-based robustness assessment of a steel truss bridge. Steel and Composite Structures 2013; 14(4): 379-395. Olmati P, Petrini F, Bontempi F. Numerical analyses for the structural assessment of steel buildings under explosions. Structural Engineering and Mechanics 2013; 45(6): 803-819. 7.2 Submitted and ongoing papers - - - - Giovino G, Olmati P, Garbati S, Bontempi F. Blast vulnerability assessment of precast concrete cladding wall panels for using in police stations: experimental and numerical investigations. Submitted to the International Journal of Impact Engineering November 2013. Olmati P, Trasborg P, Naito C, Sgambi L. Bontempi F. Finite element and analytical approaches for predicting the structural response of reinforced concrete slabs under blast loading. Invited paper for a Special Issue on the American Concrete Institute (ACI) journal. Olmati P, Petrini F, Vamvatsikos D, Gantes CJ. Safety factor and fragility analysis for structures subjected to accidental explosion of ammunitions: the case of steel built-up blast doors. Ongoing, September 2013. Olmati P, Petrini F. Development of fragility curves for cladding panels subjected to blast load. Submitted to the Structural Safety journal, April 2013. Olmati P, Naito CJ, Davidson J, Trasborg P. Assessment of insulated concrete walls to close-in blast demands. Submitted to the International Journal of Impact Engineering, January 2014. Pierluigi Olmati Page 177 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY BLANK Pierluigi Olmati Page 178 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses 8 APPENDIX B – CURRICULUM VITAE Curriculum Vitae Personal information First name(s) / Surname(s) Address Telephone(s) E-mail(s) Nationality Date of birth Gender Pierluigi Olmati Loc. Palombella, (Italy) +390644585072 Mobile Skype +393409092382 pierluigi.olmati [email protected] [email protected] Italian 03 August 1984 Male Education and training Dates Title of qualification awarded Name and type of organisation providing education and training Dates Title of qualification awarded 01 November 2010 → Ph.D. Student in Structural Engineering Sapienza University of Rome (Structural Engineering) Via Eudossiana, 18, 00184 Rome 20 May 2013 – 02 September 2013 Visiting Scholar Principal subjects / occupational skills covered Performing research on the probabilistic blast design applied to blast doors. Under the supervision of Prof. Charis Gantes and Prof. Dimitrios Vamvatsikos Name and type of organisation providing education and training Department of Structural Engineering, National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Zografou Campus, Iroon Polytechneiou 9, 15780 Zografou, Athens, Greece Dates Title of qualification awarded 01 February 2012 - 31 July 2012 Visiting Scholar Principal subjects / occupational skills covered Performing research on closed-in detonation on sandwich panels and assisting with an on-going research program sponsored by the NSF (National Science Foundation) Name and type of organisation providing education and training Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA, USA. Under the supervision of Prof. Clay Naito Pierluigi Olmati Page 179 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses Dates Title of qualification awarded 01 October 2007 - 29 July 2010 MS in Structural Engineering Principal subjects / occupational skills covered Simulation of explosions, and mitigation of the associated risk (Awarded grade: 110/110) Name and type of organisation providing education and training Sapienza Università di Roma Via Eudossiana, 18, 00184 Rome Dates Title of qualification awarded 01 October 2003 - 21 September 2007 BS in Civil Engineering Principal subjects / occupational skills covered Awarded grade: 103/110 Name and type of organisation providing education and training Sapienza Università di Roma Via Eudossiana, 18, 00184 Rome Personal skills and competences Mother tongue(s) Italian. Other language(s) English, French. Self-assessment European level (*) Understanding Listening Reading Speaking Spoken interaction Writing Spoken production English B1 Indep. User B1 Indep. User B1 Indep. User B1 Indep. User B1 Indep. User French A1 Basic User A1 Basic User A1 Basic User A1 Basic User A1 Basic User (*) Common European Framework of Reference (CEF) level Technical skills and competences Keywords and research topics - Blast Engineering. - Protective Structures. - Structures subjected to impulsive loads (e.g. blast, impact). - Finite Element modelling. - Structural analysis. - Structural robustness and progressive collapse. - Computational fluid dynamics simulation of gas explosions. Computer skills and competences Finite Elements Analysis: - LS-DYNA ( - Code_Aster ( - Strand7 ( - NeiFusion ( - Sap2000 ( - Impact ( Pierluigi Olmati Page 180 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses - Abaqus/CAE ( CFD for explosions: - FLACS ( Other: - Matlab ( - SolidWorks ( - Salome-Meca ( - DraftSight ( - AutoCad ( Driving licence(s) B Additional information and PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS Awards July 2011: Professional Engineer, “Ordine degli Ingegneri - Provincia di Viterbo, A-925”, CEng-Equivalent AWARDS April 2013: Winner in Category 1 of the “Blast Response of Reinforced Concrete Slab Blast Blind Simulation Contest”. Sponsored in collaboration with American Concrete Institute (ACI) Committees 447 (Finite Element of Reinforced Concrete Structures) and 370 (Blast and Impact Load Effects), and UMKC School of Computing and Engineering. - October 2011: Best MS Thesis award in Steel Structural Design: “10/11 PREMI TESI DI LAUREA” by “Associazione fra i Costruttori in Acciaio Italiani (ACAI)”, journal “Costruzioni Metalliche”, “Collegio dei Tecnici dell’Acciaio (CTA)”, “Fondazione Ingegneri di Padova”, and “Fondazione Promozione Acciaio”. - October 2010: Public examination for the admission to the Ph.D. course in Structural Engineering at Sapienza University of Rome (“XXVI cycle”), Department of Structural and Geotechnical Engineering. Annexes A. Journal papers B. Conferences proceedings C. Presentations D. Research overview Pierluigi Olmati Page 181 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses Annex A. Journal papers - Olmati P, Trasborg P, Naito CJ, Bontempi F. Blast resistant design of precast reinforced concrete walls for strategic infrastructures under uncertainty. International Journal of Critical Infrastructures 2013; in press. - Trasborg P, Naito C, Bocchini P, Olmati P. Fragility analysis for ballistic design. Submitted to the International Journal of Impact Engineering. - Naito C, Olmati P, Trasborg P, Davidson J, Newberry C. Assessment of insulated concrete walls to close-in blast demands. Submitted to the International Journal of Impact Engineering. - Olmati P, Petrini F, Vamvatsikos D, Gantes CJ. Safety factor and fragility analysis for structures subjected to explosions: the case of steel built-up blast resistant doors. On-going. - Trasborg P, Nickerson J, Naito C, Olmati P, Davidson J. Forming a predictable flexural mechanism in reinforced wall elements. Submitted to the ACI Structural Journal. - Olmati P, Petrini F. Development of fragility curves for cladding panels subjected to blast load. Submitted to the Structural Safety journal. - Olmati P, Gkoumas K, Brando F, Cao L. Consequence-based robustness assessment of a steel truss bridge. Steel and Composite Structures 2013; 14(4): 379-395. - Olmati P, Petrini F, Bontempi F. Numerical analyses for the structural assessment of steel buildings under explosions. Structural Engineering and Mechanics 2013; 45(6): 803-819. - Olmati P. Simulazione di esplosioni e metodologie progettuali per la mitigazione del rischio associato. Costruzioni Metalliche 2012; 1: 59-60. Annex B. Conferences proceedings - Olmati P, Giovino G, Bontempi F. “Probabilistic performance assessment of a precast concrete wall subjected to blast load”. Proceedings of The 15th International Symposium on the Interaction of the Effects of Munitions with Structures, Potsdam, Germany, 17-20 September 2013. - Giovino G, Olmati P, Bontempi F. “Vulnerability assessment of precast concrete cladding wall panels for police stations: experimental and numerical investigations”. Proceedings of The 15th International Symposium on the Pierluigi Olmati Page 182 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses Interaction of the Effects of Munitions with Structures, Potsdam, Germany, 17-20 September 2013. - Olmati P, Petrini F, Gkoumas K. “Blast resistance assessment of a reinforced precast concrete wall under uncertainty”, Proceedings of The 11th International Conference on Structural Safety & Reliability, Columbia University, New York, June 16-20, 2013. - Olmati P. “Monte Carlo analysis for the blast resistance design and assessment of a reinforced concrete wall”, Proceedings of The of 4th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Kos Island, Greece, 12–14 June 2013. - Olmati P, Giuliani L. “Progressive Collapse Susceptibility of a Long Span Suspension Bridge”, Proceedings of The 2013 Structures Congress, Pittsburgh, PA, May 2-4, 2013. - Olmati P, Trasborg P, Naito CJ, Bontempi F. “Blast resistance of reinforced precast concrete walls under uncertainty”, Proceedings of The 2013 Critical Infrastructure Symposium, April 15-16, Thayer Hotel, West Point, New York, 2013. - Saviotti A, Olmati P, Bontempi F (2012), “Finite element analysis of innovative solutions of precast concrete beam-column ductile connections”, Proceedings of The Bridge Maintenance, Safety, Management, Resilience and Sustainability Conference, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, Italy, Stresa, 2012. - Crosti C, Olmati P, Gentili F, “Structural response of bridges to fire after explosion”, Proceedings of The Bridge Maintenance, Safety, Management, Resilience and Sustainability Conference, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, Italy, Stresa, 2012. - Brando F, Cao L, Olmati P, Gkoumas K, “Consequence-base robustness assessment of bridge structures”, Proceedings of The Bridge Maintenance, Safety, Management, Resilience and Sustainability Conference, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, Italy, Stresa, 2012. - Trasborg P, Olmati P, Naito C, “Increasing the ductility of reinforced concrete panels to improve blast response”, Proceedings of The 2012 Critical Infrastructure Symposium, Washington DC, 2012. - Sgambi L, Olmati P, Petrini F, Bontempi F, “Seismic performance assessment of precast element connections”, Proceedings of 2011 PCI Convention and National Bridge Conference, US, Salt Lake City, 22-26 October 2011. Pierluigi Olmati Page 183 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses - Olmati P, Petrini F, Bontempi F, “Effect of explosions on steel buildings”, Proceedings of XXIII Conference CTA, Italy, Ischia, 9-12 October 2011, ISBN/ISSN 978-88-89972-23-6. - Olmati P, Petrini F, Giuliani L, Bontempi F, “Blast design for structural elements”, Proceedings of XXIII Conference CTA, Italy, Ischia, 9-12 October 2011, ISBN/ISSN 978-88-89972-23-6. - Olmati P, Bontempi F, Petrini F, “Structural Robustness of Buildings and Design for Structural Elements under Explosions”, Proceedings of First World Congress on Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics (ASEM 11plus), Korea, Seoul, 18-23 September 2011. - Olmati P, Petrini F, Bontempi F, “Design and analysis of steel structures for explosions”, Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Steel and Composite Structures (EUROSTEEL 2011), Hungary, Budapest, 31 August - 2 September 2011, ISBN/ISSN 978-92-9147-103-4. - Olmati P, “Gas explosion simulation by CFD tools”, Proceedings of the 2th Handling Exceptions in Structural Engineering: structural system, accidental scenarios, design complexity (HE10), Italy, Rome, 8-9 July 2010, DOI: 10.3267/HE2010. Annex C. Presentations - The 15th International Symposium on the Interaction of the Effects of Munitions with Structures, Potsdam, Germany, 17-20 September 2013. Title of the presentation: “Probabilistic performance assessment of a precast concrete wall subjected to blast load”. - The 4th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Kos Island, Greece, 12–14 June 2013. Title of the presentation: “Monte Carlo analysis for the blast resistance design and assessment of a reinforced concrete wall”. - The 2013 Structures Congress, Pittsburgh, PA, May 2-4. Title of the presentation: “Progressive Collapse Susceptibility of a Long Span Suspension Bridge”. - The 2013 Structures Congress, Pittsburgh, PA, May 2-4. Title of the presentation: “Structural robustness assessment of tall buildings”. - The 2013 Critical Infrastructure Symposium, April 15-16, Thayer Hotel, West Point, New York, 2013. Title of the presentation: “Blast resistance of reinforced precast concrete walls under uncertainty”. Pierluigi Olmati Page 184 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses - Bridge Maintenance, Safety, Management, Resilience and Sustainability Conference, Italy, Stresa, 9-12 July 2012. Title of the presentation: “Consequencebase robustness assessment of bridge structures”. - Class lecture, 13-14 March 2012, Lehigh University, class: CEE-467-043-SP12 of the Prof. Clay J. Naito. Title of the lecture: “Progressive Collapse”. - XXIII Conference CTA, Italy, Ischia, 9-12 October 2011. Title of the presentation: “Blast design for structural elements”. - XXIII Conference CTA, Italy, Ischia, 9-12 October 2011. Title of the presentation: “Design and analysis of steel structures for explosions”. - Eurosteel 2011, 6th European Conference on Steel and Composite Structures, 31 August – 2 September 2011. Title of the presentation: “Design and analysis of steel structures for explosions”. - FLUG Meeting by GexCon, Rome Italy, 16-17 November 2010. Title of the presentation: “Flacs in gas explosion simulation”. - Workshop “Handling Exceptions in Structural Engineering: Sistemi Strutturali, Scenari Accidentali, Complessità di Progetto”, University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Rome, Italy, -9 July, 2010. Title of the presentation: “Gas explosion simulation by CFD tools”. Annex D. Research overview I began the three years Ph.D. program in Structural Engineering in November 2010. During the first year I focused on the behavior of buildings subjected to severe structural damages like the loss of one or more columns at the ground floor due to accidental or man-made explosions (for an example of such events, see the collapse of the Ronan Point tower - 16 May 1968). A procedure to evaluate the capacity of a structural system (e.g. building) to withstand structural damages (structural robustness) is proposed in a first publication together with a study on the simulation of gas explosions (for an example of such events, see the case of Buncefield, London - 11 December 2005): "Olmati P, Petrini F, Bontempi F. Numerical analyses for the structural assessment of steel buildings under explosions. Structural Engineering and Mechanics 2013; 45(6): 803-819". A second publication regards the structural robustness of steel truss bridges (see the collapse of the I-35W Minneapolis Bridge): "Olmati P, Gkoumas K, Brando F, Cao L. Consequencebased robustness assessment of a steel truss bridge. Steel and Composite Structures 2013; 14(4): 379-395". Pierluigi Olmati Page 185 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses During the second year I spent five months (from February 2012 to July 2012) at the Lehigh University (Bethlehem, PA, USA) under the supervision of Prof. Clay Naito, performing research on the performance assessment of insulated panels subjected to close-in detonations. Detailed numerical simulations (using the LS-Dyna software) were carried out in order to assess the advantages in terms of scabbing and breach resistance of the insulated panels versus the classic concrete panels. Experimental tests were conducted at the Air Force Research Laboratory in Panama City, FL, USA. In the autumn of 2012 I participated at the "Blast Blind Simulation Contest 2012 assessment of the deflection of reinforced concrete slabs subjected to a blast demand (". The contest was sponsored in collaboration with American Concrete Institute (ACI) Committees 447 (Finite Element of Reinforced Concrete Structures) and 370 (Blast and Impact Load Effects), and UMKC School of Computing and Engineering. The team was composed by Mr. Olmati (myself), Mr. Trasborg (Lehigh University), Dr. Sgambi (Politecnico di Milano), Prof. Naito (Lehigh University), and Prof. Bontempi (Sapienza University of Rome). The performed simulation was declared the Winner of the concurring category and the team is invited to publish a paper in a special publication of the American Concrete Institute (ACI) journal. During the third year I focused on the probabilistic aspects of the design for blast resistant structures. In particular, I implemented in blast engineering the probabilistic theory developed in earthquake engineering. The fragility analysis was carried out for precast concrete cladding wall panels subjected to a terroristic vehicle bomb attack, and the proposed approach was verified and validated by reliability analyses performed by Monte Carlo simulations. A paper on this study has been accepted for publication: "Olmati P, Trasborg P, Naito CJ, Bontempi F. Blast resistance of reinforced precast concrete walls under uncertainty. International Journal of Critical Infrastructures, 2013". Moreover a second paper has been submitted to the Structural Safety journal: "Olmati P, Petrini F. Development of fragility curves for cladding panels subjected to blast load". The study on the performance-based blast engineering continued at the National Technical University of Athens where I spent about three months (from mid-May to September 2013) under the supervision of Prof. Charis J. Gantes and Prof. Dimitrios Vamvatsikos. The fragility analysis was carried out for a steel built-up blast resistant door subjected to an accidental explosion of ammunitions, and in a similar manner to the previous studies, the proposed approach was verified and validated by reliability analyses performed by Monte Carlo simulations. Moreover, a safety factor was provided in order to design the steel built-up door with the common state of the practice method. The preparation of a journal paper on this topic in ongoing: "Olmati P, Petrini F, Vamvatsikos D, Gantes CJ. Safety factor and fragility analysis for structures subjected to explosions: the case of steel built-up blast resistant doors". Pierluigi Olmati Page 186 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses In July 2013 I was involved in an experimental test on concrete cladding wall panels subjected to detonation of explosive. The test was executed at the testing site of the R.W.M. ITALIA s.p.a. ( Moreover, detailed numerical simulations were carried out in order to reproduce the experimental evidence. The work was presented at the 15th International Symposium on Interaction of the Effects of Munitions with Structures (ISIEMS) in Potsdam, Berlin and the journal version of the conference proceeding is ongoing. Pierluigi Olmati Page 187 of 189 Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY BLANK Pierluigi Olmati Page 188 of 189