Winter 2013 UPDATE - Friends Homes West


Winter 2013 UPDATE - Friends Homes West
Friends Homes at Guilford Friends Homes West
February 2013
Friends Homes is First in Greensboro to Host Project Search
to their work sites for internroject SEARCH is a
ships within Friends Homes
secondary transition
where they will spend four
program for students
hours daily working with
between the ages of 18 and
current employee mentors.
21 who are intellectually and
Internships are available in
developmentally disabled.
several departments includThe goal of this program is
ing the Dietary Department,
to provide students who have
the Business Office, Maintecompleted their academic renance Department, Laundry
quirements with experience
and Nursing. Internships
in a workforce development
consist of ten week rotations.
program. By providing these
Each student will have three
students intensive training
different work experiences
and skills development in
during the year and learn to
real work settings, students
(L to R) Shannon Allen, Alison Brubaker, and Bradley Ester
apply for the internship by
become prepared for employpreparing a resume and havment.
ing a personal interview. ExProject SEARCH was
tensive coaching comes from
founded in 1996 in Cincinthe instructors on proper
nati and has grown to include
workplace habits, and each
approximately 206 sites in 39
day the students keep a jourstates in the United States.
nal of what they learned that
The program has also exday. Continual assessment
panded internationally to the
and feedback is important as
United Kingdom, Canada,
the staff of Friends Homes
Scotland and Australia and
teaches the required skills.
is growing.
Pat Manuel, Human ReFriends Homes Inc. is
source Director of Friends
pleased to have been selected
Homes Inc, is the project
as the first host employer for
liaison. She says, “This prothis program in Greensboro.
(L to R) Donna McCormick, Pat Manuel, Hannah Cranford
gram is a win-win situation.
In Guilford County, Project
and Anna Stalter
It is a partnership between the
SEARCH is a collaboration
interns and our employees allowing both
between the Guilford County Schools,
and the program follows the school term
to learn from each other. We are hoping
Guilford Center, now known as Sandhills
calendar. Each weekday morning, the
that next year we will have ten to twelve
MCO and ARC of Greensboro. Additional
four students are transported to Friends
students in Project Search. We have
funding for the program is being provided
Homes where they begin their day at 8:30
already hired one of the current students
by a grant from Lincoln Financial FounAM with classroom instruction provided
for a part-time position. While there are
by two specially trained personnel. Donna
no guarantees of a job, Friends Homes
Currently there are four students enMcCormick is a Guilford County Special
will certainly look favorably at hiring the
rolled in Project SEARCH on the campus
Education teacher and Alison Brubaker is
interns and support every effort to aid in
of Friends Homes at Guilford. Friends
a Job Coach employed by ARC.
finding employment in the community.”
Homes has provided classroom space
At 9:30 AM each day, the students report
From the CEO, Wilson Sheldon
n this edition of the
“Update” we are
pleased to introduce you to Project Search.
While this is a
new program for
Friends Homes,
we have been providing employment
opportunities for non-traditional
candidates since 1988. Our first such
employee came to us from Kendall
Center of the Guilford County School
System, where she had been a student.
She proved to be an enthusiastic and
dedicated employee who worked for us
for over 20 years. Subsequently, we became involved with the ARC and have
trained and hired a number of young
people recommended to us through
their programs. There are currently
twelve of these special employees on our
campuses. These workers have become a
valuable part of our work force and they
now have the pride and satisfaction that
having a regular job bestows.
It was because of our association
with the ARC that we were approached
by Project Search and asked to be a
host site. We were much honored to be
the first retirement community in North
Carolina asked to participate. Although
the students have only been on our
campus since the first of November, they
are making contributions in many ways
through their internships.
Our collaboration with Project
Search is an example of how Friends
Homes fulfills its mission to be an active member of the community at large.
It is important for non-profit organizations to work together because in this
way we help one another achieve our
shared goals and thereby strengthen
both the wider community and our
individual organizations.
And finally, speaking of coming
together for a mutual good I must express my profound appreciation for an
outstanding leader in our organization
who is retiring on February 28th. When
Jay Bumm joined Friends Homes as
the Director of Development in 1999,
he brought boundless energy, a warm
personality and a genuine interest in
the good of the organization and its
residents. He soon became a vital part
of our management team. He accepted
the challenge of being the Administrator of Friends Homes at Guilford and
then six years ago moved into the job of
Administrator at Friends Homes West.
His open-door policy and willingness to
listen as well as his good-natured banter
have been gifts that will be missed by all
of us, especially the residents of Friends
Homes West. We thank him for the
many ways in which he has embraced
and furthered the mission of Friends
Homes and wish him all the best as he
enters his well-deserved retirement years.
Donna Sprinkle Joins Management of Friends Homes, Inc.
onna Sprinkle, the new Administrator of Friends Homes West, says,
“I feel as though I am coming home. I am
really thrilled to have this opportunity
to be working in a Quaker faith-based
retirement community.”
Donna’s Quaker roots run deep. She
was born in California but moved to Indiana as a child and then to Ohio, when
her father, a Quaker minister, became
Executive Secretary of the Wilmington
Yearly Meeting which serves Ohio and
Tennessee. A graduate of Guilford College, Donna became interested in long
term care while she was a student at
Guilford. She says, “My uncle was pastor
of First Wesleyan Church in High Point,
and the church bought a nursing facility
back in the early 1970s. I had the chance
to have hands- on experience in the nursing facility and became fascinated with
long term care. In 1977, my senior thesis
Donna Sprinkle and Jay Bumm
at Guilford was written with research I
did at Friends Homes at Guilford. It was
then I decided I wanted to pursue a career
in this field.”
After graduation, Donna served
a three year internship at Kendal in
Longwood in Pennsylvania and there she
crossed paths with Wilson Sheldon, CEO
of Friends Homes, Inc., who was also an
intern. Donna married and moved to
Indiana with her husband, Jim, who was
finishing a PhD in Biochemistry at Purdue University. While Jim completed his
program, Donna earned a MS in Public
Policy and Public Administration. The
Sprinkles then moved to Chicago where
Jim was a college professor for 20 years
and Donna, a licensed administrator,
worked in nursing home administration
with four different companies.
The Sprinkle family grew to include
two daughters, who have both graduated
from college. After Donna’s husband,
Jim, died of leukemia in 2002, Donna
started thinking of returning to North
Carolina where many of her extended
family members live. Her sister lives in
Randleman and her brother- in- law,
Rusty Parsons, was the pastor of Centre
Friends Meeting until this past July.
Continued on page 4...
Meet Two New Residents of Friends Homes West
Sally Conterno
ally Conterno says for her the process
of moving; of packing up and choosing what to keep, and what to give away
was not difficult. Sally was accustomed
to moving since in her husband’s career
with AT&T and Lucent, they had ten
corporate moves across the country. This
time, however, she was making the move
alone, and it was entirely her decision.
In August of 2012, Sally moved to
a ground floor apartment in Friends
Homes West. “I took one look at that
apartment with the patio and said, I’d
take it. I love the convenience of being
close to my car and having the outside
entrance is great.” Sally was married for
54 years and after her husband Larry
died in 2011, she started thinking about
moving. “I was ready to give up the responsibilities of a large home and after
ten months on the market, it sold.”
Sally Conterno
Fourteen years ago, on January 1st of
1999, Sally was diagnosed with viral encephalitis. She spent six weeks in the hospital and feels fortunate to be alive. “I was
so lucky a doctor was on call who properly
diagnosed the situation. After months of
rehabilitation, I recovered but a lingering effect is loss of memory. I remember
nothing about being in the hospital and
find it very difficult to recall some things.
Shirley Hamilton
hirley Hamilton is a Greensboro native whose family has lived here since
1901. Shirley says, “Except for two years
with Wachovia Bank and a two and half
year stint in New York as a stewardess for
American Airlines soon after I graduated
from Woman’s College (UNCG), I’ve
lived in Greensboro my entire life. I’m
the last of my family here.”
Shirley’s husband, Bill, had a career
with JP Stevens. They were happily married for 37 years and enjoyed traveling all
over the world. Shirley has mementoes
and photograph albums from many
wonderful trips. Bill died in 2006, and
they had no children. After experiencing
some health issues, Shirley decided it was
time to consider moving to a retirement
community where she could have the
security of knowing assistance is available
if she needs it. She moved into a two
bedroom apartment at Friends Homes
West on January 3rd of this year.
For Shirley, a main reason to choose
Friends Homes West rather than one of
the other retirement communities was
Shirley Hamilton
the location. “I love the convenience
of the location. I’m only minutes from
shopping, doctor’s offices, and my
church. I love the fact that everything
is under one roof and think that’s a big
advantage. I also like the floor plan of the
apartment. In getting settled, I can’t say
enough about how responsive the gentlemen from the Maintenance Department
have been. They’ve been phenomenal to
work with. Everyone is so friendly that
it’s easy to meet new people.”
Shirley has been very active in the
community. She worked in the Adoption
When I finally was allowed to drive, I
remembered how but had no idea where
I was going. Fortunately, I could read a
map and could find my way. I remember
faces but find names hard to recall. I find
it’s just easier to tell people my situation
when I sometimes can’t come up with the
right answer or remember a name.”
Meeting Sally, one would never guess
she ever had a health problem. Several
times a week, she exercises at Pyramids
and still loves playing golf. She enjoys
jigsaw puzzles, playing Solitaire, and
of course, keeping in touch with her
daughters and two granddaughters. At
Friends Homes, she volunteers with Betty
Jo Duncan to assist with decorating and
helps Jeanette Patton with gardening.
Sally enjoys living at Friend Homes West
and says, “From the first time I stepped
into the building, I felt a warm, loving
atmosphere. The service is excellent, and
everybody is so friendly.”
Division of the Social Services Department for 26 years, retiring in 1994. She
was a Board member for many years for
Child Care Ministry and has always been
active in her church. At Westover Church,
she’s a member of the Women’s Ministry
Leadership Team as an advisor and also
a Bible Study leader. She says, “When I
retired, I prayed that God would use me
in ministry. Mentoring women is what He
had in mind for me and that has been a
major delight in my life.”
A lover of music, Shirley enjoys the
Greensboro Symphony and another
favorite pastime is getting together with
friends. An interior design major in college, Shirley has decorated her apartment
herself. A mixture of lovely heirloom
family pieces of furniture, colorful fabrics,
and a multitude of photographs makes her
apartment a warm and inviting place to
entertain friends. While Shirley maintains
her outside activities, she is reaching out
to meet new friends within the community secure in the knowledge that if she
ever needs help, she is surrounded by a
caring staff.
Resident Profile: Bonnie Ray of Friends Homes at Guilford
atural talent and creative energy
make Bonnie Ray a remarkable
person. She has a gift for music and loves
to play the piano, is always busy with
some type of craft or hand work, and is
the matriarch of a family that includes
six children, ten grandchildren, and
fifteen great grandchildren. Three of the
grandsons are serving our country, one
having served in Afghanistan and one in
Iraq. In August of 2011, Bonnie moved
to Friends Homes at Guilford where she
shares her talents with the community.
Bonnie says that for as long as she can
remember she’s loved music. “My parents
said when I was two years old, I would
sit in front of the pianist in our church
watching her every move. I was mesmerized. My only piano lessons were many
years ago in elementary school. Every day,
I thank God for this natural gift that has
given me so much pleasure.” Bonnie has
always shared her gift and was playing in
her church sanctuary at age 15. Through
the years, she has been a choir director,
organized a hand bell choir at Glenwood
Friends Church, and now is part of the
praise team at Southside Baptist Church.
She also plays for George Brothers Funeral
Home and says she has been playing for
Hanes Lineberry for 49 years. Within
Friends Homes, Bonnie shares her talents
by playing for vespers and for sing- a-longs
in Fox Concourse and Whittier.
Originally a native of Elizabethton,
TN, Bonnie and her husband, Jack
Bonnie Ray
moved to Greensboro in 1953. When
her youngest child was two years old, she
started a flower shop in her home. The
volume of business grew quickly so she
opened Ray’s Flower Shop on Freeman
Mill Road. In 1977, one year before
her husband died, she closed the shop.
Never one to be idle, she began making
cakes and started catering, a business
she continued until a few years ago. Although she no longer had a retail shop,
she could handle all the arrangements
for a wedding from elaborate cakes, to
decorations, flowers and food.
In her church work, Bonnie has always loved working with young people
and seniors as well. When she was Seniors
Director at Sumner Baptist Church, she
organized a comical fashion show. She
used her creative talents to make all the
outfits and hats and served as the emcee
of the program. The program was a huge
hit and word spread quickly. Over a ten
year period, ending in 2010, Bonnie
estimates they gave more than 80 performances and traveled throughout the
state. Although they did not charge for
the show, most people gave a donation to
the church seniors group, so this became
a fun fund-raiser.
Since she was a little girl, Bonnie has
been crocheting. She says any time she
and her husband would take a trip, he
would always want to make sure she had
her crocheting with her. “He knew that
if I crocheted, I couldn’t tell him how
to drive,” she says laughing. In recent
years, Bonnie has become fascinated
with Chrismons, which are Christian
symbols made of beads and wire and used
as Christmas ornaments. There are many
intricate patterns and Bonnie has even
created her own designs. Her collection
has been exhibited in the display case
in Woolman Hall, and she continues to
make Chrismons so each of her children
will have a set for their home.
Bonnie says that moving to Friends
Homes was not an adjustment for her
since she knew so many people and had
visited through the years. She had been
providing programs at Friends Homes and
had helped a close friend move 17 years
ago. Now that she’s a resident, she uses her
talents in arranging flowers throughout
the buildings, playing the piano, and joyfully living each day to the fullest.
Donna Sprinkle, cont. from page 2.
In 2005, Donna moved back to North
Carolina and for the past six years, she
has been Executive Director of Piedmont
Crossing, a continuing care retirement
community in Thomasville. She also
has taken classes at Guilford College
and become a certified Paralegal. Donna
began her orientation at Friends Homes
Inc. on February 18th and on March
1st, Donna will become Administrator
of Friends Homes West. She’s come full
circle, and the extended Friends Homes
family extends a warm welcome.
The McIver String Quartet (faculty from the UNCG Music Dept.), played recently at
FH Guilford. (L-R) Marjorie Bagley, Fabian Lopez, Alex Ezermann, Scott Rawls.
Memorials Received July, 2012 - December, 2012
Ronald Allen, Jr.
Mandy Lotz
Jessie Smith
Doris Armenaki
Janet Plummer
George and Diane Arnold
Peggy Arnold
J. H. “Bill” and Sylvia Arnold
Peggy Arnold
Carolyn Austell
Ann Marvin
Betty Sink Aydelette
Brenda Aydelette
John Sink
Luke Barnes
Judy and Reid Gaskins
Franklin Dauphinee and Margaret Sampson Beal
Gertrude Beal
Andy Boseman
Eva “Tillie” Blue
Miles Bowker
Ann Carroll and Bobby Burwell
Ann Marvin
James Newlin
Wiley and Virginia Sykes
Peggy and Jimmy Truitt
Ethel Brackbill
Thomas and Ruth Brackbill
Jean Braswell
Carson and Janie Grantham
Ann Marvin
John and Evelyn Bumgarner
Mary and Reed Bumgarner
Tom and Lyn Emory
John Armistead Burwell
Ann Carroll and Bobby Burwell
Anne Canada
Phyllis Jones
Blanche Morgan
Rebecca Mulligan
Sherry Sharpe
Betsy Cardwell
Jane Kirkman-Smith
Lila Chandler
Sherry Sharpe
Esther Christiansen
Blake and Nancy Clark
Karen Cribbin
Kem Gomo
E. D. Kennedy
Don Lindsay
Ann Marvin
Helen Medlin
Virginia Newbern
Mildred Rives
Peggy and Jimmy Truitt
Harvey and Janice Turnage
James Warren
Katherine Warren
Irene Clapp
Carson and Janie Grantham
Ruby Griffin
Frank and Nancy Clark
Margaret Kolmar
Bill Coltrane
Kenneth and Katherine Anthony
Vernon and Trudy Coltrane
Kenneth and Katherine Anthony
Pat Covert
Judy and Reid Gaskins
Patsy Hodgin
Ann Marvin
John Teague
Sterling and Barbara Whitener
Robert DeBaun
Irene McGee
Bob Denniston
Rebecca Mulligan
Sherry Sharpe
Tim Jackson and Deborah Suess
Mary Doggett
Mr. and Mrs. J. Doggett
Marian Drury
Jim and Hilda Gregson, Jr.
Emily Dudash
Robert Dudash
Ed White
Christel Bullock
Barbara McClintock
Sylvia White and Michael Mirande
James Newlin
Annie Belle Edgerton
Margery Edgerton
Marianna Edgerton
Annette Cox
Ann Marvin
Virginia Newbern
Sterling and Barbara Whitener
Will Edgerton
Paul Brackbill
Ann Carroll and Bobby Burwell
Annette Cox
Brad and Gay Cox
Judy and Reid Gaskins
E. D. Kennedy
Lee Marcus
Ann Marvin
James Newlin
Dorothy McGehee
Virginia Newbern
Anna Scott
Peggy and Jimmy Truitt
Sterling and Barbara Whitener
Wil and Marianna Edgerton
Rebecca Barnett
Margaret Edwards
Ralph and Nancy Edwards
“Honey” Ellis
Sybil Ellis Greene
Elois Engle
Elna Jones
Keith and Glenda Smith
Sherry Sharpe
Randolph Ensign
Judy Glasgow and Irwin Smallwood
Zelma Farlow
Betsy Farlow
Beatrice and Herschel Folger
Colin, Rita and Douglas Harding and
Adrienne DiMillio
Annette Fordham
Sherry Sharpe
Annette and Clair Gingher
Bill and Janice Piper
Mamie Gregson
Jim and Hilda Gregson, Jr.
Jane Halstead
Ann Carroll and Bobby Burwell
Elton and Jessie Edwards
Merle Frazier
Judy and Reid Gaskins
Ann Marvin
Richard Hanson
Colin, Rita and Douglas Harding and
Adrienne DiMillio
Elizabeth Hawkins
Eva “Tillie” Blue
Edith Hill
Linda Hill
Peggy Hinman
Roy and Doris Barbee
Jean Camp
Stuart and Ann Comfort
Carol Cullen
David and Martha Devries
Ray and Wynn Good
Clinton and Nancy Hinman
Matthew and Patricia Hoysa
Taylor and Catherine Owens
David and Judy Phelps
Blanche Rogers
Alice Schmidt
Jane and Trevor Sharp
Sherry Sharpe
Barnes and Linda Tatum
Willard and Arlene Weikle
Malcolm Hood
Ruth Anne Hood
Thelma Hughes
Peggy Trogdon
Ruth Hunt
Thomas Henley
Roger Ikert
Arzelle Dwyer
John Johnson
Rebecca Mulligan
Nancy Kabrich
Elton and Jessie Edwards
Jack Kearns
Frances Kearns
Memorials Received July, 2012 - December, 2012
Joe Kearns
Frances Kearns
Geraldine Kirkpatrick
Eva “Tillie” Blue
Howard Clark
Lib Kuhn
Eva “Tillie” Blue
Edith Leach
Dawn Gilmore
Harvey and Maxine Ljung
Charles and Leah Bledsoe
Shelby Lucas
Arzelle Dwyer
Dorothy Young
James and Aleen McGill
Peggy Trogdon
Ann McKee
Eva “Tillie” Blue
Lucius and Dona Butler
Evelyn McNairy
Al and Livvie Wilkinson
Margaret McNeil
Mack and Eleanor Baker
Merle Frazier
Dave and Diney Huber
Ann Marvin
Mildred Nassif
Carlton Merricks
Arzelle Dwyer
Dorothy Young
John Merritt
Ann Marvin
J. Floyd “Pete” Moore
William and Edith Crowder
Roseanne and Nick Gudzan
Taylor and Catherine Owens
Margaret Rooks
Sherry Sharpe
John and Becky Mothershead
Bill and Janice Piper
Charles Nielsen
David and Mae Brown
Mable Nichols
Merle Frazier
Richard Ott
Roseanne and Nick Gudzan
Carolyn Ott
T. G. Owens
Karen O. King
Taylor and Catherine Owens
Helen Parker
David and Mae Brown
Sherry Sharpe
Jim Parker
Ann Marvin
Betty Phillips
Roy and Doris Barbee
William Black
Lloyd Bostian
David and Mae Brown
Lin and Harriet Finch
Judy Goodman
Carson and Janie Grantham
Bob and Betty Harris
Robert and Elizabeth Haynes
Joel Hoard
Howard and Peggy Holshouser, Jr.
Billie Hutton
Aubrey and Nancy Kirby
John and Esther Mathews
Messick Properties
Margaret and Patrick Miller
Troy Millikan
Taylor and Catherine Owens
Barbara Phillips
Sherry Sharpe
Dorothy Shaw
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sherrill, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Sikes, Jr.
Jessie Smith
Dana and Martin Symoniak
Margaret Szott
Ragsdale Sunshine Fund
CTE Teachers At Ragsdale HS
Sybil Tate
Peggy and Jimmy Truitt
First Couples Class WMSUMC
Maybell Pipkin
Carolyn Ott
Virginia Raines
Ann Marvin
Margaret Reavis
Hugh Reavis
Richard Rice
Ray and Patricia Smith
Jean Riddick
Mack and Eleanor Baker
Eva “Tillie” Blue
Svea Sauer
Dorothy Lazareth
William and Winnie Smith
Mary Schwable
Ann Marvin
Gene Semmler
David and Mae Brown
Terrill and George Harris
Patrick and Margaret Miller
Margaret Rooks
Sherry Sharpe
Hank Semmler
Rex and Pat Adelberger
Roy and Doris Barbee
Martha Brewer
Christel Bullock
Sara Cannady
Church Mutual Insurance Co.
Denzel and Dick Dickerson
Thomas and Constance Dotzenrod
Cornelia Harman
Bradley Harris
Betty Holjes
David and Emily Holland
Wes and Janice Kirkman
Life & Annuity Complaints Dept. Of
Lincoln Financial Group
Mandy Lotz
Ron and Anne Martin
Robert and Joyce Mers
Margaret and Patrick Miller
James Newlin
Taylor and Catherine Owens
Jeffrey and Julia Pierron
Richard and Judith Potthoff
Robert and Sherry Pringle
Floyd and Susie Reynolds
Edith Routh
Gary and Janden Schoeff
James and Ruth Scholtz
Sherry Sharpe
Jessie Smith
Craig and Karen Wessman
Barry and Charlotte Whitcomb
Hank and Gene Semmler
David and Mae Brown
Charles and Tammy Foster
Jane Kirkman-Smith
Blanche Morgan
Lee and June Stackhouse
Carl W. Sinclair, Sr.
Dorothy Sinclair
Mary Ruth Spaugh
Kirk and Susan Lilly
Sherry Sharpe
Phil and Mildred Wall
Dorothy and Walter Zur
Flora Belle Stott
Lundee Amos
Mrs. George B. Strother
Sybil Sullivan
Eva “Tillie” Blue
James M. Terrell, Jr.
Marjorie Terrell
J. W. Thacker
Kenneth and Katherine Anthony
Winnie Thacker
Rebecca Mulligan
Helen Binford Circle At New Garden
Friends Meeting
Jim Truitt, Jr.
Eva “Tillie” Blue
Judy and Reid Gaskins
Royce Riddick
Annie Mae Wagoner
Charles and Rachel Bissette
Patrick and Margaret Miller
Donald and Carol Sobeski
Jim Walden
Don and Mildred Beam
Eva “Tillie” Blue
Paul Brackbill
Ann Marvin
Winona Walker
Sherry Sharpe
Joe Westbrook
Dorothy Ballinger
Memorials Received July, 2012 - December, 2012
Dottie and Garland Gordon
Cornelia Harman
Patrick and Margaret Miller
Ward Westbrook
Bobbie White
Dorothy Ballinger
Roy and Doris Barbee
David and Mae Brown
William and Edith Crowder
Bill and Kathryn Crownfield
Garnet Dixon
Mabel Ferree
Bob and Betty Harris
Patsy Hodgin
Frank and Helen Houston
Mary Johnson
Phyllis Jones
Sarah Kellam
Mary Maclin
Norma Mann
Patrick and Margaret Miller
Jacquelyn Isbister and Judith Mize
Blanche Morgan
Rebecca Mulligan
Taylor and Catherine Owens
Herman and Charlotte Pickett
Mary Lee Powell
Sherry Sharpe
Rebekah and Kathy Shropshire
Jessie Smith
Robert and Barbara Sutton
Sybil Tate
Jeaneane Williams
Jimmie Whitson
Rebecca Mulligan
Sherry Sharpe
Ethel Williams
Lundee Amos
Jackie and Stephen Bell
Eva “Tillie” Blue
Kearns and Ashely Davis
Merle Frazier
Ann Marvin
Rosa and Bill McNairy
Jeffrey Oleynik
Robin Prak
John Small
Peggy and Jimmy Truitt
Lucille “Pick” Williams
Lundee Amos
Ermine “Pete” Wilson
Mack and Eleanor Baker
Janie Barnes
Rebecca Barnett
Bessie Black
Eva “Tillie” Blue
Miles and Shirley Bowker
Paul Brackbill
Ann Carroll and Bobby Burwell
Lucius and Dona Butler
Minta Coeyman
James “Monk” and Barbara Cummings
Clifford and Dorthea Davis
Elton and Jessie Edwards
Merle Frazier
Judy and Reid Gaskins
Kem Gomo
Carson and Janie Grantham
William and Susan Horvath
Dave and Diney Huber
Samuel and Barbara Jeffries
Randolph Kabrich
E. D. Kennedy
Ann Marvin
Gerry McCall
Eleanor McDonald
Dorothy McGehee
Helen Medlin
Charles and Janet Mortimore
Mildred Nassif
Virginia Newbern
Margaret Nichols
Jeanette Patton
Martha Lou Pearman
Nancy Purcell
Ronald Reichenbach
Mildred Rives
Jim and Anne Rouse
Rose Sharpe
Homer Sink
Irene Skepko
Ina Smith
Lane and Clara Smith
Susan Stinson
Peggy and Jimmy Truitt
Jim and Janice Walden
Sterling and Barbara Whitener
George and Sadie Winchester
George L Winchester, Jr.
Henry L. Wolfe, Jr.
Barbara Wolfe
Honorariums Received July, 2012 - December, 2012
Russellene Angel
Mary Johnson
Janie Barnes
Frances and George Cheek
Marie Belinsky
Marcia and Thomas Hobson
Margaret Boxman
Lee and Jack Boxman
Catherine Bulla
Jerry and Patsy Bulla
John and Gay Cass, Jr.
Jack and Barbara Barrier
Rachel Charles
Frances and George Cheek
Bob and Sue Clark
Frances and George Cheek
Diana Clark
Frances Kearns
Marshall Clegg
Frances and George Cheek
Minta Coeyman
Frances and George Cheek
Sara Cooke
Linda Hill
Barbara Corriher
Frances and George Cheek
Frankie Culbreth
Frances and George Cheek
Monk and Barbara Cummings
Frances and George Cheek
Tom and Janet Cunningham
Frances and George Cheek
Betty Jo Duncan
Frances and George Cheek
Antonina Farnsworth
Tanya Feagins
Dot Few
Frances and George Cheek
Elissa Fuchs
Xaver and Marianna Hertle
Dottie Mae Gordon
Kay Gordon
Bob and Betty Harris
David and Mae Brown
Cyril and Judy Harvey
David Harvey
Gail Hoffman
Joe and Florence Melvin
Trena Hunter
Frances and George Cheek
Margie Johnson
Frances and George Cheek
Phyllis Jones
Florence Scott
Liesel Kahn
Xaver and Marianna Hertle
Sarah Kellam
Randy and Gail Kellam
E. D. Kennedy
Frances and George Cheek
Ebbie Kent
Rex and Pat Adelberger
Commodore Allen and Dr. Vira R. Kivett
Philip and Miriam Wall
Harry and Daphne Laing
Frances and George Cheek
Non-Profit Org.
U.S Postage
Greensboro, NC
Permit No. 361
925 New Garden Road
Greensboro, North Carolina 27410
Honorariums Received July, 2012 - December, 2012
Bill and Jane Lambert
Xaver and Marianna Hertle
Don Lindsay
Frances and George Cheek
Martha Long
Xaver and Marianna Hertle
Gerry McCall
Frances and George Cheek
Doris McNeely
Helen Medlin
Helen Medlin
The Peden Family
Rebecca Mulligan
Fred Crouch
Raymond and Lindy Holloway
Margaret Nichols
Frances and George Cheek
Carolyn Osborne
Frances and George Cheek
Mamie Owens
Karen O. King
Taylor and Catherine Owens
Donald and Mildred Hoagland
Margaret Leonard
Frances and George Cheek
Trudy Peacock
Lisa Waite
Charlie and Barbara Phillips
Frances and George Cheek
Wade Phillips
Frances and George Cheek
Charlie and Barbara Phillips
Harold and Mary Pitts
Frances and George Cheek
Nancy Purcell
Frances and George Cheek
Jean Ralls
Frances and George Cheek
Lindsay and Yolanda Reavis
Hugh Reavis
Julian and Betty Rogers
Lee and Jack Boxman
James and Anne Rouse
Kenneth Carroll
Charlie Routh
Taylor and Catherine Owens
Charlie and Mary Routh
Ruby Worley
Brenda Shelton
Curtis and Mary Arlington
Peggy Shinn
Frances and George Cheek
Larry and Maxine Smith
Frances and George Cheek
Ann Stokes
Frances and George Cheek
Clyde Sudderth
Julian and Elizabeth Rogers
Dee Tanner
Frances and George Cheek
Jacquelyn Waters
Charles Ward
Marguerite Waters
Rose Sharpe
Bessie West
Frances Kearns
Bob and Marion Whitener
Xaver and Marianna Hertle
Carolyn Witman
Frances and George Cheek
Lake Woods
Frances and George Cheek
Florence Young
Xaver and Marianna Hertle
Mel and Priscilla Zuck
Kenneth Carroll