OCEAN100 – M11 – Tides


OCEAN100 – M11 – Tides
OCEAN100 – M11 – Tides
Learning Objectives:
• Interpret tide charts and summarize basic patterns in time and space
• Appreciate gravitational basis of tidal forcing
• Relate spring and neap tides to moon phases using simple “equilibrium” model
• Evaluate short-comings of “equilibrium” model in light of “dynamic model”
• Visualize amphidromic systems and their production of three tide “regimes
A typical tide chart . . . Google away . . . common characteristics
(Meters relative to MLLW)
Tidal highs, lows
Tidal range/height/amplitude
Tidal wavelength
Tidal period
From: tidesandcurrents.noaa.gov
Local tidal heights typically reported relative to local Mean Lower Low Water (MLLW)
MLLW is average height of lowest daily low tides for National Tidal Datum Epoch (1983-2001)
MLLW and other tidal-based datums are important for legal and safety reasons
State/private property boundaries based on MLW, MHW, or MHHW
Navigation chart depths reported relative to MLLW
Bridge heights reported relative to MHHW
(Meters relative to MLLW)
Tides along our coastline may be best described as a _____ regime
Mixed Tide Regime
Diurnal Tide Regime
Semidiurnal Tide Regime
Tides are one of the most complex topics in oceanography
physics, vectors, etc. . . . We’ll explore concept through two models
Equilibrium Model of Tides:
• Proposed by Sir Isaac Newton in 1687
• Treated tides as deep-water waves; assumed no continents or friction
• In other words, tide crests “keep up” with attractive forces
• Relatively simple, but relatively inaccurate
Dynamic Model of Tides:
• Proposed by Pierre-Simon LaPlace in 1775
• Treated tides as shallow-water-waves; included
effects of continents, friction, and Coriolis
• Relatively complex, but relatively accurate
Lesson: Many simple models aren’t correct, more correct models often aren’t simple!
Consider Newton’s Law of Gravity among you, Earth, Moon, and Sun
(Warning: Such newtonian “laws” fall apart near speed of light, so slow down!)
Mass Body 1 + Mass Body 2
(Distance between Body 1 and 2)2
gravitational attraction
between bodies in
“Newtons” (kg * m/s2)
(G = gravitational constant = 6.673 x 10-11 m3 kg-1 s-2)
Mass of Student: 70 kg
Mass of Earth: 5.98 x 1024 kg
Mass of Moon: 7.35 x 1022 kg (~1.2% Earth)
Mass of Sun: 1.99 x 1030 kg (332,946X Earth)
Student-Earth Distance: 6.40 x 106 m (Earth Radius)
Student–Moon Distance: 3.78 x 108 m (~59X Earth Radius)
Student-Sun Distance: 1.50 x 1011 m (~23,300X Earth Radius)
Gravitation Forces:
Student-Earth g: 9.8 m/s2 (look familiar?)
Student–Moon g: 3.0 x 10-5 m/s2 (0.0003% Student-Earth g)
Student-Sun g: 6.0 x 10-3 m/s2 (0.06% Student–Earth g)
Basic idea in this
pile of numbers:
Moon and Sun’s gravitational
attraction of objects
on Earth’s surface is
relatively weak . . .
. . . yet sufficiently strong to
produces significant
amounts of water
motion as tides!
We’ll first explore Earth-Moon interactions, then incorporate the Sun
All orbits of planets, moons,
satellites, asteroids, etc., result
from a balance between
inertial motion
gravitational force
So, in a sense,
orbiting objects
are forever
“falling around”
their host!
Note: Earth-Moon distance scaled relaive to their size
Consider the Earth–Moon System
• Earth and Moon actually co-orbit around a common center-of-mass.
• As you might expect, this center-of-mass is slightly offset from center of Earth.
• Earth-Moon complete one co-orbit in 27.3 days (a “sidereal” month)
For Equilibrium Model, allow combined effects of gravity and inertia to produce
“Moon-facing” and “Moon-opposite” water bulges over Earth’s surface
Earth would rotate through these two “water bulges” every 24:50
Why every 24:50 instead of 24:00?
Over 24 hours, the Earth rotates 360° E on its axis and the Moon co-orbits ~13.2° E
Thus, for a given location (I.e., man below) to again be directly under the Moon,
Earth must rotate another 13.2° E (24 hrs/360° = 0.88 hrs = ~50 minutes)
North-Pole 2-D view
(Note: Water bulges track Moon’s “overhead” position)
Here comes the Sun . . .
Sun is much more massive than moon (27,000,000X), but much farther away (390X)
Recall how mass and distance control gravitational attraction between two objects
Result: Sun has only 46% the tidal-generating force of the Moon
Mass Body 1 + Mass Body 2
(Distance between Body 1 and
gravitational force
between bodies in
Newtons (kg * m/s2)
(G = gravitational constant = 6.673 x 10-11 m3 kg-1 s-2)
Earth–Moon–Sun System: One complete Earth-Moon co-orbit
around their center-of-mass in ~27.3 days (“sidereal month”) . . .
. . . but need another
~2.2 days (~29°) of co-orbit
for Earth-Moon-Sun
realignment . . .
(from Open University, 1999)
. . . thus, ~29.5 days
to cycle through
moon phases
(“synodic month”)
Equilibrium model explains Moon
phases and basic tidal patterns
resulting from E-M-S alignments
Spring Tides:
• E-M-S are lined up
• Moon and Sun bulges align
• Moon appear “new” or “full”
• Highest high tides
• Lowest low tides
• Largest tidal range
Neap Tides:
• E-M-S form 90° angle
• Moon 1/4 or 3/4 “full”
• Lowest high tides
• Highest low tides
• Smallest tidal range
Go to
BB animation!
(from Open University, 1999)
Net Result: Observed tidal patterns through time at a given location
OK, I see the general change in tidal range related to EMS relationships . . .
but what about the higher frequency “daily” variations?! (more variable than predicted)
Equilibrium model is reaching its limit . . shift to the dynamic model
which is way more complex but also way more realistic!
“Real world” factors adequately incorporated into Dynamic Model of Tides
• Ocean depths force tides to be shallow water waves with friction
• Continental boundaries restriction free motion
• Coriolis deflection affects tides, essentially freely moving objects
• Variations in angle of Moon and Sun relative to Earth’s rotational axis
• Elliptical orbits of Earth around Sun and of Moon around Earth
(Meters relative to MLLW)
Dynamic model is highly developed . . . used to predict future tides with great precision
Basic Idea of Dynamic Model of Tides:
Stuck within basins and limited in their speed, tides respond
“as best they can” to horizontal tide-generating forces from gravity
Amphidromic Point (AP): No tidal variation; “hub” around which wave rotates
Note that tidal forces and Coriolis produce a counter-clockwise rotation in NH!!!
Net Result: Observed tidal patterns given continents and speed limits
Amphidromic Points (black dots): Minimal tidal variation; “hubs” around which waves rotate
Cotidal Lines (white lines): “Spokes” of same tide conditions (e.g. highest high tide)
at same time for a given amphidromic system
Colors: Blue = minimal tidal range; Brown = maximum tidal range
Net Result: Observed tidal patterns given continents and speed limits
Focus on the North Atlantic - a “simple basin”
• If a high tide is along west Africa at 0:00 (star), then all locations along
0:00 cotidal line experience a local high tide and all points slightly NW
of ~6:12 experience a local low tide.
• This high tide rotates counterclockwise around its amphidromic point,
reaching Scandinavian coast at ~6:12 and returning to the initial west
African location at ~12:25.
• So, over 24:50, two rotations of tidal crest produce “diurnal” regime
(two equal highs and two equal lows per tidal day) all around the
relatively “closed” North Atlantic
• Note: Tidal range (i.e., difference between high and low tides) generally
increases away from the amphidromic point in quasi-bull’s eye pattern.
• Note: Tidal ranges and rotation rates along coasts reflect complexities of
conservation of momentum, etc. as amphidromic system rotates
Amphidromic Points (black dots): Minimal tidal variation; “hubs” around which waves rotate
Cotidal Lines (white lines): “Spokes” of same tide conditions (e.g. highest high tide)
at same time for a given amphidromic system
Colors: Blue = minimal tidal range; Brown = maximum tidal range
Net Result: Observed tidal patterns given continents and speed limits
The dozen plus amphidromic systems over the global ocean emerge from
continent blockages, coriolis deflections, and shallow-water-wave “speed-limits”
The tidal waves (where the crest is a high tide) associated with each of these
amphidromic systems interact just like wind-generated waves, with constructive
and destructive interference as they pass through one another.
Net Result: Observed tidal patterns given continents and speed limits
Complex globally . . . but at any location,
tides (generally) classifiable as diurnal, semidiurnal, or mixed
Why does our coastline have a mixed tide regime?
We are seeing the complex constructive and destructive interference of
multiple tidal waves rotating around their respective amphidromic points!
Local effects in local basins: Bay of Fundy
Immense tidal range with very strong flood and ebb currents
Can we capitalize on tides? Potential and problems
Can we capitalize on tides? Potential and problems
(Grunion) Sex on the Beach!
Basic research and monitoring matters: Sea level rise from tide gauges