arizona living


arizona living
INSIDE How to fit in some fun on busy days. Everyday Solutions, E2
S A T U R D AY , A U G U S T 3 0 , 2 0 0 8
You could win
$2,500 in our
Everyday Green
Hero contest.
Nominate yourself, your kid,
your school or
a local business
or non-profit at
EVERYDAY greenhero
Fill out the
including a description of how this person,
school or business is helping to
save the environment. Winners
will be chosen in four categories:
age 18 and older, age 17 and
younger, K-12 school and Arizona-based business or nonprofit group. One winner will be
selected in each category, and
each will win prizes or gift cards
worth $2,500. Deadline for entries is Monday. For complete
rules, go to
Fussy Baby Program
If a fussy baby is making you
crazy, there’s help. The Fussy
Baby Program at the Arizona Institute for Early Childhood Development offers support, answers and even home visits for
parents struggling to cope with a
fussy baby. Contact the Fussy
Baby Program at 877-705-5437.
Bellini anniversary
Celebrate the 60th anniversary
of the Bellini cocktail, a light,
peachy drink. Martini & Rossi
has an easy recipe. Mix 2 ripe
peaches, seeded and diced, with
1 tablespoon freshly squeezed
lemon juice and 1 teaspoon
sugar in a food processor. Process until smooth. Press the
mixture through a sieve. Discard
any peach solids. Place 2 tablespoons of the mixture in each
champagne flute and fill with
champagne. Makes 6-8 drinks.
The Arizona Music Project,
which has produced a music
video promoting the state,
features the work of (clockwise
from top) Jason Camiolo,
Gabriel Ayala, Nick Sterling
and Carrie Caruso.
Phoenix Cooks! event
Sink your teeth into a day of eating and drinking at Phoenix
Cooks! at the Arizona Biltmore
Resort & Spa, 2400 E. Missouri
Ave., Phoenix. The event, from
10 a.m.-3 p.m. today, features
more than 30 of the Valley’s top
chefs, in addition to cooking and
wine classes. Tickets are $95.
Details: 602-955-6600 or
Health screenings
If you’re curious about your cholesterol or blood-glucose levels,
put your mind at ease for free.
Lab Express offers a choice of a
cholesterol or glucose screening
for free, or $5 for both. Lab Express has four Valley locations.
The offer runs through 2008.
to create
— Compiled by Lisa Nicita
Abby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E8
Birthdays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E8
Bridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E8
Comics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E6, 7
Crosswords . . . . . . . . . . . . E6, 7
Horoscope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E8
Movie listings. . . . . . . . . . . E4, 5
Television . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E7
To search for dining
and event information
any time of day, go to on your
Web-enabled phone or PDA.
REACH US: Arizona Living
editor, Marian Frank,
602-444-NEWS or marian.
[email protected]
he Arizona Office
of Tourism has
aired scores of
slick print and
video ads promoting the state, but
marketers are
turning to a music
video and Webbased social-networking sites to reach a
new group of potential visitors.
Their new tool, the Arizona Music
Project, is being launched this weekend.
The project is the culmination of a
statewide call to musicians early last year
via such Web sites as MySpace and
Craigslist. Nineteen players were selected
to record a six-minute theme, which
culture list
ages some,
amazes others
By Robin Cowie Nalepa
McClatchy Newspapers
quiz: Who’s Johnny Carson?
What was the Exxon Valdez?
Ever use a typewriter?
So easy, you say. Well,
guess again.
Touchstones most of us
take for granted have little or
no place in the pop culture
lexicon of those born in 1990.
For 11 years, Beloit College
in Wisconsin has published a
list of cultural landmarks that
resonate with 18-year-old
freshmen and just make everyone else
feel really old
Johnny Carson (even though
isn’t the only
the college’s
one not ringing Web site
any bells with
states it is
the collegiate
“not deliberfreshman class. ately deCheck out sesigned” to
lected samples do so).
from the MindFor inset List. E4
stance, for today’s college
freshmen, shampoo and conditioner have always been
available in the same bottle.
And Wayne Newton has
never had a mustache.
Using the Beloit College
Mindset List as a study guide,
we took to the University of
South Carolina campus to see
what some students in the
class of 2012 do and don’t remember. The answers, well,
they are sure to surprise you.
Like many of us, Sharae
Moultrie, 18, of Myrtle Beach,
S.C., drinks Coke from plastic
bottles. She does, however, remember drinking the soft
drink from a glass bottle —
once — when she visited the
Coca-Cola bottling plant in
A typewriter encounter
didn’t turn out as enjoyably.
“I tried to play with it, but
I didn’t know how to use it,”
Moultrie said. “My mom had
one. Our computer broke, and
she tried to get me to use it.”
Sally Free, 18, of Raleigh,
N.C., said she never had used
a typewriter but had seen one
New students …
could offer only blank
stares or head shakes
when questioned
about Atari gaming
systems, Nirvana lead
singer Kurt Cobain
or whether to call the
country that invaded
Georgia Russia or
the Soviet Union.
once at her grandmother’s
house. Oh, ouch.
New students milling about
said, sure, they had read some
of the Harry Potter books,
but they could offer only
blank stares or head shakes
when questioned about Atari
gaming systems, Nirvana lead
singer Kurt Cobain or
whether to call the country
that invaded Georgia Russia
or the Soviet Union.
Galley of the sun: Backyard cooks go solar
By Sonja Haller
Text azceleb to 44636 to
get breaking-news alerts
about your favorite stars
sent to your phone.
story by Larry Rodgers
photos by Michael McNamara
The Arizona Republic
moves from jazz to Latin to classical to
country, accompanying a video showcasing the state’s scenery and lifestyle.
It’s a vibrant combination of music
and images that took seven months to
assemble using musicians from around
the state.
Arizona has created a presence on (search for “Arizona Music
Project MySpace”) and posted a video for
an edited version of the song on YouTube
in an effort to reach potential visitors
who frequent such sites. The song also
will be used in TV and radio ads.
“We know that music is becoming a
more important part of the Arizona
scene, and we want to showcase music as
a part of the culture and diversity of Arizona to our visitor audience,” said Margie
Emmermann, state tourism director.
“This is the first project that enters
us into the social (networking) media
aspect of our advertising. It has
launched us with new audiences.”
The Arizona Republic
Calvin Griggs and his wife,
Shuangying Lu, have enjoyed
the bounty of their backyard,
relying on nature’s help for
cantaloupe, tomato and zucchini, as well as chicken,
spareribs and chili.
The first three items come
from their garden, the rest
from their solar-panel cooker.
Since moving into their new
home in April, the Phoenix
couple cook with sun power
four times a week, preparing
everything from soups to
roasts. About the only thing
they can’t make is bread.
“You just throw dinner out
in the yard and go play a
round of golf or go to the
mall,” said Griggs, 67. “You
just have to make sure you’re
up on the weather report.”
Cooking outdoors appears
to have lessened demand for
the air-conditioner. Though
this is their first summer in
the 1,900-square-foot home,
the monthly electric bill
seems relatively low, having
yet to exceed $110.
Griggs, a supervisor at an
ice-cream plant, built the
cooker, and his wife, an engineer from Beijing, improved
upon the design. It cost the
couple about $20 in material,
including a sheet of reflective
Mylar and a board.
Angled reflective panels
concentrate the sun’s rays toward a dark pot sealed within
a plastic bag. As a general
rule, it takes twice as long to
cook a vegetable or meat in a
solar oven as it does in a conventional oven. Turning the
cooker to follow the sun allows for faster cooking. offers instructions on how to build a solarpanel cooker.
Temperatures don’t reach
that of conventional ovens, but,
Lu said, it gets “hot, very hot.”
In checking that day’s lunch,
the thermometer plucked from
a small chicken’s thigh read
See SOLAR Page E4
Shuangying Lu
and her husband, Calvin
Griggs, check
the chicken
cooked in their
cooker at their
home in Phoenix this week.
S AT U R D AY , A U G U S T 3 0 , 2 0 0 8
Now that you’ve freed up precious
minutes (hopefully lots of them), it’s time
to reshape your days.
■ Establish one or two “non-negotiables” and work your schedule around
them. For example, eight hours of sleep a
night, two hours of exercise a week or
one night out a week for fun, suggests
Valorie Burton, a life coach in Annapolis,
Md., and the author of How Did I Get So
Busy? (Broadway Books, $13).
■ Create your new daily to-do list on a
3- by 5-inch index card. Write down only
what you can realistically accomplish in a
day — three to five items is a doable
amount. Then consult your wish list and
make sure at least one item from the top
of the list is part of your weekly plan.
■ Challenge the list. After you’ve finished writing it, try to cross something off.
“Sometimes all it takes to keep your sanity
is to drop just one thing,” Burton says.
■ Have a reality check every Friday to
reassess. Set aside half an hour to go
through what you’ve accomplished, both
personally and professionally, and to map
out the next week.
Real Simple
If these breezy images of summertime bliss are as far from your reality
as Beach Blanket Bingo, you’re not
alone. A recent Real Simple poll revealed that 93 percent of people
don’t have time for fun.
Time can be on your side — if you
reshape your schedule. With the
help of a dozen psychologists, researchers and coaches, Real Simple
came up with a three-part plan to
reseize the day.
■ Figure out why you want more free
time. You’ll be more motivated to change
if you have a specific goal.
■ Make a wish list. Write down all the
activities that you long to do more of —
whether they’re things that make you
happy, relaxed, saner or all three. Rank
the items in order of importance, then
pick one or two to focus on first. (Once
you get the hang of this system, you can
address the rest.)
■ Now write down how you really
spend your time. “The key question to
keep asking is, ‘Are you spending your
time on the right things?’ Because time is
all you have,” said Randy Pausch, a former professor at Carnegie Mellon University and a father of three young children who transformed a diagnosis of pancreatic cancer into a crusade to urge others to live every moment. The Last Lecture (Hyperion, $22), a book he co-authored, is a New York Times best-seller.
He died July 25.
■ Since you can’t manufacture time,
you need to find ways to free it up. Take
another look at your list of current activ-
ities and ask yourself four questions:
■ What can I delegate? OK, so maybe
your 11-year-old can’t load the dishwasher as well as you can. Hand over
that task and you’ve got 10 minutes to
spend on something more fulfilling. Try
similar strategies at work: Give junior
staffers assignments that stretch their capabilities rather than swooping in and
doing the job yourself.
■ What can I outsource? Housecleaning and lawn care are obvious answers,
but also think about things like tutoring
for your kids — especially when it comes
to subjects that take hours to get up to
speed on. Before you decide you can’t afford this, scrutinize your spending.
Chances are, there’s a way to reallocate
your resources.
■ What can I do less well (at least
sometimes)? Here’s an easy efficiency
boost: When something you’re working
on is good enough, stop.
■ What distractions can I limit, if not
eliminate? Shut the door. Seriously. If you
have work to do, make it clear to your assistant/colleagues/kids/spouse that you
need to be left alone. At work, resist the
urge to check your e-mail 500 times a
day (or however often you usually do).
At home, give that BlackBerry a rest.
“BlackBerries hijack your downtime,”
says Edward Hallowell, a psychiatrist in
Sudbury, Mass., and the author of CrazyBusy (Ballantine, $25).
As for TV, watch a show you love, then
turn off the set. The average American
spends 2.4 hours a day in front of the
To ensure that you don’t get derailed,
try these tips:
■ Do just a dash of whatever it is
you’re avoiding. “Force yourself to work
on the task for a short period of time,
perhaps as little as one minute,” says
Merlin Mann, creator of, a
time-management blog.
■ Post a procrastination-busting
Post-it. Timothy Ferriss, a time-management expert and the author of The 4Hour Workweek (Crown, $20) suggests
writing on it: “Are you inventing things
to do to avoid what’s important?” Then
stick it wherever you’ll see it regularly,
like on your computer.
■ Break projects into pieces. The optimal amount of time to spend on a task is
40 to 90 minutes. After that, take a break
to recharge.
■ Take rest seriously. This eight-hour
goal is no joke. Not only will you feel better but you’ll also be more efficient.
■ Don’t worry, be happy. One parting
word of encouragement: According to a
recent Real Simple/GfK Roper happiness
study, 65 percent of women who say
they’re “very happy” make time for themselves. (Only 39 percent of women who
are “somewhat happy” do so.) So which
comes first: the time or the happiness?
Impossible to say. But the odds are good
that the more time you make for yourself,
the happier you’ll be.
Arizona musicians create multigenre video to promote state
Continued from E1
The state turned to a
trusted collaborator, Phoenix
composer Jason Camiolo, to
write the song and organize
the recording sessions.
A New York native who has
written music for award-winning documentaries and commercial spots, Camiolo had
worked on other Arizona tourism ads through the Phoenix
office of New York’s audioEngine.
But Camiolo said the Arizona Music Project “allowed
me to spread my wings a little
because in this world, everything (a majority of ads) is 30
or 60 seconds.”
The assignment also challenged Camiolo because, unlike most of his scoring jobs,
state officials asked him to
write the suite before they
were done shooting the video
images that would accompany
“They told me it should be
sunrise to sunset and encompass a day in Arizona,” said
Camiolo, who plays drums on
the song. “They wanted me to
tap into a couple of things
that people would think about
with Arizona, like shots of the
Grand Canyon, but stuff they
wouldn’t think about, too.
“A lot of people (outside
Arizona) are like, ‘Oh, cool.
It’s hot, there are Native
Americans, cactus.’ Well there
are some, but there are other
people, too.”
To convey that diversity,
Camiolo brought in an array
of musicians including the
Sonoran Brass Quintet and
three classical string players,
18-year-old rock guitarist
Nick Sterling, jazz saxophonist Dominic Amato, funkheavy bassist Hai Jung Choi
and pedal-steel player Joseph
“I wanted something different. We wanted to present the
state as being a diverse state,”
Camiolo says.
The composer used wordof-mouth recommendations
and Web listings to recruit
talent. He received more than
100 replies.
Gabriel Ayala, a Tucsonbased classical guitarist, was
one of the first to reply to the
MySpace ad.
“Jason wrote me back instantly,” said Ayala, a member
of the Pascua Yaqui Tribe.
“We started talking on the
phone about what he envisioned. I was in from the
word ‘go.’
“He started sending me the
actual music right away, but it
wasn’t until months later that
we actually came up to Phoenix to start recording.”
Most of the musicians on
the theme song created their
own parts within a general
structure of Camiolo’s composition.
“Jason gave me the freedom
to go wherever I wanted with
it,” said Mesa’s Sterling, who
has played guitar since age 7.
“There were little spaces
for each musician to fit into
for each part of the song.”
The song is divided into six
one-minute movements that
are matched with video depicting various aspects of life
in Arizona.
Piano, flamenco guitar and
rootsy percussion lead things
off as the sun rises above
rocky terrain. Majestic brass
chimes in as the camera pans
over a fisherman, golfer, hikers, silhouetted dancers and a
raft hurtling down a river.
The jazzy sax of Amato,
who plays around the Valley
with such groups as Turning
Point and 602 Rising, kicks in
as shots of trendy restaurants
and museums move by. Prescott’s Torguson — whose
sound is described by Camiolo
as “pedal steel meets Pink
Floyd” — and the trio of classical strings accompany shots
of horseback riders, saguaros
and Indian ruins.
Sterling’s soaring guitar
then leads a rock segment
that brings to life film of football in Glendale and nightlife
in Scottsdale and Tempe.
As the music video ends,
the sun sets to what Camiolo
calls “Penny Lane-style
“You live in Arizona and after a while, you get acclimated to what you see and
take for granted,” said Mesa
violinist Carrie Caruso. “But
the way they presented it in
the video … it was really beau-
tiful, well put-together and
breathtaking. If I lived in New
York (and saw the video) in
the dead of winter, absolutely
I’d come here to go golfing or
A 21-minute behind-thescenes documentary, also
posted on the Arizona Music
Project’s MySpace page, allows several musicians to talk
about why they choose to
make music in Arizona.
“The arts are definitely developing and growing and becoming just as good as anywhere else,” Gilbert viola
player VerRona Grandil tells
the camera.
State officials are looking
forward to launching their
musical creation.
“When I (first) saw the
video, I was just overwhelmed,” tourism chief Emmermann said. “The musicians are a reflection of what
we feel Arizona is all about. It
reinforces the beauty of our
state though song.”
Reach the reporter at
or 602-444-8043.
The players
Musicians who participated
in the Arizona Music Project:
Dominic Amato, saxophone,
Gabriel Ayala, classical
guitar, flute, Tucson.
Richard Bass, trombone,
Elijah Bossenbroek, piano,
Jason Camiolo, composer,
drums, Surprise.
Carrie Caruso, violin, Mesa.
Hai Jung Choi, bass, Phoenix.
Paul Cruize, guitar, Surprise.
John Herrera, percussion,
Bob Giammarco, bass,
VerRona Grandil, viola, violin,
Chuck Kerrigan, tuba,
Nathan Mitchell, French
horn, Tempe.
Louie Moses, drums, Phoenix.
Nick Sterling, guitar, Mesa.
Joe Swierupski, bass, Mesa.
Joseph Torguson, pedal steel
guitar, Prescott.
Joshua Whitehouse, trumpet,
Melanie Yarger, cello, Mesa.