March 2014 - Princeton Baptist Church
March 2014 - Princeton Baptist Church
The Messenger We are connecting with God, connecting with others and connecting others with God! 211 South Pearl Street 201 South Pearl Street PO Box 215 Princeton, NC 27569-0215 Church Phone: 919-936-2793 Office Phone: 919-936-4001 Fax: 919-936-9937 E-mail: [email protected] On the Web: March 2014 IN HOT PURSUIT We are connecting with God, connecting with others and connecting others with God! Many of you well remember the days of the original sitcom “Dukes of Hazzard” that first aired on CBS in January 1979. I can just see some of you smiling as you bring those memories back to the forefront of your mind. Remember the characters? Bo and Luke Duke, Daisy, and Uncle Jesse Duke were forever in trouble with County Commissioner Boss Hogg and his trusty (NOT) sidekick Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrain. Bo and Luke spent most of their time running from Rosco, and every time Boss Hogg wanted to know if Rosco had caught them Rosco would have a very familiar response. Do you remember his response to Boss Hogg? “I’m in hot pursuit!” That meant he was right on them and anticipated he would soon nab them. The Apostle Paul was in “hot pursuit” of something in Philippians chapter three. Paul said in verse three …I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. The word “press” in verse three is a word for pursue. Couple the word “press” with the words “took hold” in verse three and you see that Paul was in hot pursuit of what God took hold of him to do. If you have ever had a child that got out of line with expectations, you might just have taken hold of that child. That’s the idea of took hold. The Lord took hold of Paul in Acts chapter nine. From that point forward Paul was in “hot pursuit” of what God took hold of him to do. Please have all articles, announcements, and other information to be printed in next month’s edition of The Messenger turned in by the morning of March 21, 2014. Please keep in mind that since we have downsized the bulletin all announcements need to be published in the Newsletter because space many not permit us to print it in the Sunday bulletin. Thank you for your assistance. Senior Parking In respect for the needs of our senior saints, we ask that the parking spaces in the rear parking lot by the Fellowship Hall be reserved for our senior citizens. This includes all spaces from the drive-through shelter to 2nd St. The two Guest Parking spaces will still be reserved for our guests. Ushers March 2014 Lead Usher – Kevin Dougherty Phone 919-965-3627 Jerry Oliver, Eddie Poplin, Rob Heflin Youth will serve Fourth Sunday In Philippians 3:13 Paul begins to let us in on what it is that the Lord wants from him. The first half of the verse says Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. In other words Paul hasn’t fulfilled all that God has for him yet. Then in the last half of verse three Paul says this, …But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead. Paul is not saying that his mind literally forgot all that was in his life experience before the Lord took hold of him. Rather, Paul let’s us know that he will no longer be driven, forced or coerced by what is behind. Instead he says he will be … straining toward what is ahead. The word straining means Paul will be stretching forward, not looking backward. It is an intentional choice to put all effort into moving the Kingdom of God forward. It is an unapologetic longing for the things that will move the gospel forward and expose more to people Christ. Continued on Page 2 I am excited about the days ahead for PBC. As God took hold of Paul in Philippians three, He is likewise taking hold of you, of me, and the body of believers that makes up PBC. We can joyfully reflect back over the years of the journey the Lord has blessed in the life of PBC. We are doing that each month all the way to October 2014. But, we cannot see that as having reached the goal. We must, as Paul did, press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of us. The future is waiting for you and me to stretch out and take it. Are you willing to join Paul in Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead? Are you willing to not be driven, forced or coerced by what is behind? March Calendar 2014 Weekly Events Sunday 9:45 AM 11:00 AM 11:00 AM 6:00 PM Wednesday Sunday School Worship Children’s Church Men’s Study Group I don’t know about you, but I want to be in “HOT PURSUIT.” 10:00 AM 6:15 PM 6:45 PM 6:45 PM 6:45 PM 8:00 PM Morning Bible Study Children’s Choir AWANA Youth Bible Study Adult Bible Study Choir Rehearsal March Sermon Series James Six - Overcoming Stress March March March March March Page 2 2 9 16 23 30 Overcoming Stress in Trials - James 1:1-4 Overcoming Stress in Temptation - James 1:13-18 Overcoming Stress in Your Partialities - James 2:1-13 Overcoming Stress in Your Speech - James 3:1-18 Overcoming Stress in Conflict - James 4:1-10 The Messenger Church Events for March March Birthdays March 2014 2-9 Annie Armstrong Offering & Week of Prayer 5 Trey Ormond 7 Brad Batten, Linda Langston 8 Megan B. Greene 9 Betty Oliver, Terri Sutton 11 Margaret Hollland, Gertrude Williams 12 Mary Wellons 16 Anthony Brown, Tony Haddock 18 Joy Dudley, Luke & Phillip Mitchell 19 Hannah Wood C.A.R.E. Ministry - 5:30 PM 23 Cedessel Glover 24 Newsletter Deadline 25 Jordan Haddock 27 Airborne Museum Day Trip 28 Elmer Fields 27 Johnston Baptist Association Board Meeting 29 Tim Gronendyke 30 Luby Woodring 31 Emery Minor 3 Prison Ministry - 6:00 PM 5 Ash Wednesday 9 Daylight Savings Time Begins 10 C.A.R.E. Ministry - 5:30 PM 11 LLL’s Luncheon Meeting - 12:00 Noon 16 Baker Fire Fundraiser - Fellowship Hall 17 Deacon’s Meeting - 7:30 PM 17 St. Patrick’s Day 20 Spring begins 24 The Messenger Page 7 Music COMING IN APRIL EASTER EGG HUNT Saturday, April 19th 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Hello Princeton Family! Recently, I was playing a golf video game on the Xbox 360 and I was doing quite well. Actually, I was feeling pretty happy and proud that I was shooting low scores on this game and I was moving up in the ranks. In fact, my improvements led me to actually win a few golf tournaments in this video game. As a lifelong golfer, I was very happy. I was so much better on the game than I was in real life. As the season progressed in the game, I rose to the top of the rankings and was number 1 in the PGA game version! This new and higher level of performance was very nice. As you may imagine, it sounds like I was doing good, but that it must have taken me quite a bit of time spent playing this game to achieve this success. That would be true. Although I wasn't a video game "junkie", I did find myself playing more and more. After all, I had been advancing "on the tour" quite rapidly, so I needed to see just how much I was going to win. VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED! Please Contact Megan Lee 919-351-0498 But just as in real life, we can sometimes get ahead of ourselves and maybe a tad-bit to "big for our britches". Something happened to me that I still can't quite explain. It makes me sort of mad to think about it. It also makes me a little bit embarrassed to share this. March 11 12:00 Noon Good Food Great Fellowship A time of meaningful worship Project Backpack Please consider supporting the School Backpack Project with your donations. Many students are in need of the help provided by this ministry. The funds donated are sent to Princeton Elementary School each month and they purchase the necessary items to fill the backpacks. While ranked as high as 68 in the EA Sports PGA tour game, I began having trouble making simple putts and my scores began to rise. Something happened to my putting (which consists of moving my thumb back and forth with a little joystick). I started putting a little crooked and missing par putts. My ranking started to slide backwards and the biggest problem occurred. I began getting angry at myself and mad at the game system. Can you imagine? Like I said, I'm not proud of this. But I found myself sitting on the couch and getting more and more agitated at this game and about my "bad scores". I wasn't throwing furniture at the television or anything, but I was getting more and more tense and ill mannered. Not something to brag about for sure. What's my point you might be asking yourself? Well, it seems that no matter where we are in life or what activities we find ourselves in, there are opportunities for us to let our sin nature get the best of us. It can be so subtle. We may not even realize that we are being affected. I have asked the Lord to remind me of the things that REALLY matter in this life and not the frivolous things that I sometimes try to enjoy. March 27th 8:15am-3:30pm Cost: $12 I'm learning to take a deep breath and relax. After all, it's not THAT important for me to maintain an imaginary rank in a video game. It IS however, important to follow Jesus and let Him guide and direct me. It still amazes me how God can use ANYTHING in our lives to teach and guide us, if we will let Him. Are you letting Him guide you through your daily life? Seek Him. Read His Word and the joy that He brings will be "par for the course". In Christ, Tim Gronendyke<>< Page 4 The Messenger The Messenger Page 5 C.A.R.E. Team Report February 10 & 24, 2014 Members present: Meals delivered: Visits: Cards sent: Monday, March 17, 2014 7:30 PM 23 51 2 36 Prayers for all requests Praises for many blessings March Service Deacon Jerry Oliver C.A.R.E. MINISTRY The CARE Team Meets March 10th & 24th, 2014 5:30 p.m. Join us if you can pray, help deliver meals, clean up after dinner or make followup visits. Please notify the team if you know of any needs they can meet or anyone who needs encouragement to join our church family. We need drivers to deliver meals on the second and fourth Monday nights. March 2014 Flower Schedule 2 — Raeford & Madge Woodall Save the Date 9 — Marshall & Leigh Anne Price in honor of their parents Rev. & Mrs. Robert Coats and Rev. and Mrs. Don Price March 23rd Time: TBA (Afternoon) 16 — OPEN DATE CALL TO SIGN UP 23 — Sherri Whitman, Ruskin, and Seth Edwards in memory of Keith Edwards 30 — Betsy Pate in memory of deceased loved ones. We have available dates on our Flower Calendar: August 31, and September 8th & 29th 2014. If you would like to place flowers in the church on one of these dates, please contact Janice Lewis at 919-936-5531 or call the church office at 919-936-4001. Nursery Schedule Sunday School & Worship March 2 — Open March 9 — Mirinda Martin March 16 — Ashley Haddock March 23 — Sheila Garner March 30 — Joyce Dudley Page 6 Rotating Nursery Schedule Sharon Gronendyke & Kim Wellons Graduate Sunday 2014 Graduate Sunday will be June 8th at Princeton Baptist. If you are an active attendee of PBC and about to graduate we want to celebrate with you. Please don't assume we know you are about to graduate. Call the church office or e-mail Matt at [email protected], with know your name, where you are graduating from and what your If you are interested in playing on the future plans might be. We look PBC Co-Ed Adult Softball team please forward to celebrating with you see Matt Wilson ASAP. Space is Limited! on your academic You must be at least 15 yrs old. accomplishment. Season (May-June) Pastor Matt The Messenger The Messenger Page 3