embroidery order form
embroidery order form
E MB RO I DE RY OR DE R FOR M 3 3 4 .3 2 1 .0 5 3 5 FA X O R D E R S T O PLEASE NOTE We will not take embroidery orders over the phone, only via fax, online, or approved email format. This is to ensure orders are taken correctly. Orders are subject to a $5 processing fee if missing critical details, are faxed to our engraving department, or are combined with engraving and gift orders. Embroidery orders will always ship separate from engraving orders. S T O R E I N FOR M AT I O N PAG E S S TOR E NAME A C C O U N T N U MB ER PA G E CITY, S TATE D AT E OF C U S T O M E R I N FO R M AT I O N DROP SHIP CUS TOMER NAME N A ME CUS TOMER PHONE NO. A D D RESS CUS TOMER S IGNATUR E APPR OVAL C IT Y STAT E EMPLOYEE S IGNATUR E Z IPC O D E SHIPPING I N S T RU C T I O N S If you believe there is an error, DO NOT REFAX. Please call customer service to avoid duplicate charges. 800.560.9816, Mon–Fri. 8AM–5PM CST B OX W E I G H T Please provide the following instructions if you would like this order drop shipped to your customer’s address. Special shipping rates apply. Critical details include item number, color, font, and thread color. If none are listed, the catalog standard will be used. See reverse for fonts & thread colors. MONOGRAM OR INITIALS (in the order they will appear) 1 ITEM NUMBER QUANTITY (identical pieces) ITEM COLOR(S) FONT LINE 1 THREAD COLOR FIRST SECOND THIRD MONOGRAM OR INITIALS (in the order they will appear) 2 ITEM NUMBER QUANTITY (identical pieces) ITEM COLOR(S) FONT THREAD COLOR FIRST SECOND THIRD MONOGRAM OR INITIALS (in the order they will appear) QUANTITY (identical pieces) ITEM COLOR(S) FONT THREAD COLOR FIRST SECOND THIRD MONOGRAM OR INITIALS (in the order they will appear) QUANTITY (identical pieces) ITEM COLOR(S) FONT NAME, MESSAGE, OR GRAPHIC (Additional charges may apply. All items include either a monogram or single line of text. Some will include accent graphics, indicated by a letter “G” at the end of the item number) LINE 2 NAME, MESSAGE, OR GRAPHIC (Additional charges may apply. All items include either a monogram or single line of text. Some will include accent graphics, indicated by a letter “G” at the end of the item number) LINE 1 4 ITEM NUMBER LINE 2 LINE 1 3 ITEM NUMBER NAME, MESSAGE, OR GRAPHIC (Additional charges may apply. All items include either a monogram or single line of text. Some will include accent graphics, indicated by a letter “G” at the end of the item number) LINE 2 NAME, MESSAGE, OR GRAPHIC (Additional charges may apply. All items include either a monogram or single line of text. Some will include accent graphics, indicated by a letter “G” at the end of the item number) LINE 1 THREAD COLOR FIRST SECOND THIRD LINE 2 E M B RO I DE RY OR DE R FOR M FA X O R D E R S T O REMINDERS 3 3 4 .3 2 1 .0 5 3 5 T H R E A D CO LO R S G R A P H I C S I N FO R M AT I O N DO NOT MARK OR CIRCLE your font or thread color selection on this side of the order form. For your choice to be valid, list them on the appropriate line on the front side of this form. T1 WHITE T10AQUA T19BURGUNDY T2 IVORY T11NAVY T20LAVENDER T3YELLOW T12BLACK T21CORAL The images shown below are only a graphic representation of our available embroidery fonts. Your specific name or monogram may vary slightly from what is shown below. T4 LIGHT PINK T13BROWN T22SALMON T5 HOT PINK T14ORANGE T23TEAL T6RED T15PURPLE T24GOLD Please reference our main catalog for a full color list of fonts and thread options. For any questions, please call customer service at 800.560.9816, Mon–Fri. 8AM–5PM CST T7LIME T16GRAY T25CHARCOAL T8GREEN T17 ROYAL BLUE T26SEAFOAM T9 T18TAN LIGHT BLUE Unless otherwise specified, embroidery graphics will be placed ABOVE the name or monogram, and sized to match the item selected. Hannah GR172 WITH DOODLEBUG GR196 M O N O G R A M FO N T S WILLOW ROCHESTER INTERLOCKING TWO-INITIAL CIRCLE BOLD ROUND HANCOCK NAUTICAL ANNA TIMES SQUARE ANCHOR WITH SCRIPT TIMES MONOGRAM SCRIPT CURLZ I N I T I A L FO N T S CLASSIC INITIALS CLASSIC INITIAL WITH CIRCLE OUTLINE INITIAL DOTS W R I T I N G FO N T S CASUAL INITIALS SINGLE INITIAL CLASSIC INITIAL WITH DOUBLE ALCOVE FRAME MODERN DI CURLZ ANNA CURSIVE CASUAL DOODLEBUG DOTS CLASSIC LOVE LETTERS HOOPLA CLASSIC INITIAL WITH SINGLE ALCOVE FRAME CLASSIC INITIAL WITH SQUARE OUTLINE