President`s Corner - Larry Elkin, NY5L
President`s Corner - Larry Elkin, NY5L
Amateur Radio “only fail -safe system” of communication K4ZDH HIGH DESERT AMATEUR RADIO CLUB, NM5HD Editor, Jerry Aceto K6LIE CLUB MEETING SEPTEMBER 19 AT 6:30 PM September 2012 Email: [email protected] President’s Corner - Larry Elkin, NY5L Well, the busy month of August ends with two very successful club outings. The Duke City Hamfest saw HDARC earn two awards thanks to the hard work of Jerry Aceto and Bill Firth. Bill's taking care of our HDARC web site earned a top billing award and Jerry's work on the monthly newsletter was also recognized with an award. advised me he was working a ham in Serbia I was really surprised, as was the people standing around our booth. This past weekend, many of our club members demonstrated Ham Radio at the Home Expo at the Lujan exhibit hall at the New Mexico Expo. Bill and I, with assistance from Dale Staben who works at Expo, were able to assemble a great booth at the Lujan hall. Of course, Larry Goga of the Ham Radio Alliance lent us and assisted in assembling a great display backdrop to complete a real professional presentation. And so, what does all this mean? Those of us that who are familiar with HF are going to be running 'hands on" training for those not familiar with HF or HF transceivers so they will be able to demonstrate and explain what the "noise and strange accents" are all about. And obviously showing APRS and IRLP will need to be taught to allow the public see how we use our HT's and U/VHF radios to perform in various modes. We also learned something real important about many of our newer recently licensed members and members not familiar with HF. They need training on how to operate HF rigs and understand what draws the public to a Ham Radio exhibit. During the times us hams who are familiar with HF worked QSO parties in Hawaii and Ohio, we had to push our way through the usual QRN and QRM to make contacts. And my failed attempts at working stations in Spain drew curious onlookers as did my QSO with a Serbian Ham. The public came by to see what our flat screen display of the radio represented and also what was the odd accents we were trying to speak to and working. Oh, when Dale During this month's meeting, I will be presenting the complete presentation I was unable to complete at the Duke City Hamfest on HF transceivers, DX'g and QSL’g. The public was curious about what the strange noises and accents represented and when we worked stronger, clearer signals, they did not seem as interested. We also hope to have our first club equipment auction. See you at our club meeting. 73 Larry HDARC on the Web: SEPTEMBER PROGRAM President Larry Elkin, NY5L, will present and expand on his program, “NOW THAT I HAVE MY LICENSE, WHAT DO I DO NOW?” With so many new hams in our club, we are seeing a need to get back to the basics of learning how to operate an HF radio. No, it is not always perfect copy. Yes, it can be somewhat noisy, but what we want to teach our new hams is there is something else beyond 2 meter/440 Mhz FM. That “something else” is a whole universe of the Hobby of Ham Radio. This “Universe” is practically unlimited in terms of modes, science, propagation, etc. But it all starts with learning how to operate on the HF bands and learning how to operate that new HF radio you may be thinking of buying. Don’t be afraid! The club is here to help! Happy Birthday SEPTEMBER HDARC Birthday Greetings! Pitt County ARES News – May 2011 We want to extend warm HAPPY BIRTHDAY wishes to our club members celebrating their birthday in the month of SEPTEMBER: Mary Graff Marty Soffran NM5MS Jerry Aceto K6LIE David Windle K5BAN Ralph Meyerhiem John Sobieski W5EEI KF5NNJ HDARC NEWS Next VE Session The next High Desert Amateur Radio Club VE session will be held on September 15 at 10 AM at the West Albuquerque Police station. Please bring the following: ♦ Photo ID (drivers license) ♦ Original Amateur Radio License ♦ Copy of Amateur Radio License ♦ Original CSCE's ♦ Copy of CSCE ♦ Test fee is $15.00 . ♦ Proof of Tech Plus if before 3/21/87 and doing paper upgrade to General. ♦ SS Number will be needed if you don’t have an FRN number. In This Issue: Page Presidents Corner 1 July Program 2 Birthday Greetings 2 Next VE session 2 Officers & Board Members 2 From the Editors Desk 3 Next Club Meeting 3 VE Testing Report for June 3 New Member Welcome 3 September Lunch of the Month 4 Balloon Fiesta Information 4 Club Library Information 5 New Ham Net 5 For Sale 5 Commercial Ad 5 Stuffed toy, coat & Blanket Drive 6 Auction 6 ARRL Affiliated club information 7 Science & Technology Day 7 Club Shirts 8 Explora Report 8 DX News 9 Membership Services 9 September Activity Schedule 10 HDARC NEWS IS PUBLISHED MONTHLY, JERRY ACETO, K6LIE, EDITOR 771-1323. NON COPYRIGHT MATERIAL CONTAINED HEREIN MAY BE REPRINTED WITHOUT PRIOR PERMISSION WITH CREDIT GIVEN TO THIS PUBLICATION * PRESIDENT – LARRY ELKIN, NY5L, 771-0391 * VICE PRESIDENT – JERRY ACETO, K6LIE, 771-1323 * SECRETARY – CHUCK PALMER, NM5F, 890-5895 * TREASURER – BOB NIERI, N5UKA, 268-2880 * MEMBERSHIP CHAIRMAN – KATHEY MELAND, WB6JAN * CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD – BILL FIRTH, KE5TOB, 899-0950 * BOARD MEMBERS – JIM HOLSTON, W9FFR, 771-1352* DAVE JOHNSON, N0LVA, 296-2034 * MARTY SOFFRAN, NM5MS, 410-3992 * ADRIAN MIURA, W5ASM, 899-6916 * LICENSE EXAMS – MARTY SOFFRAN, NM5MS, 410-3992 * FRED LETE, KC5IPK * NM5HD REPEATER TRUSTEE – JERRY ACETO, K6LIE, 771-1323 * WEB MASTER-BILL FIRTH, KE5TOB, 899-0950. CONTRIBUTIONS ARE TAX DEDUCTIBLE. September 2012 PagePage22 HDARC on the Web: From The Editor’s Desk…... HDARC NEWS HDARC VE TESTING FOR AUGUST: Marty Soffran ,NM5MS, HDARC VEC HDARC ARRL VEC ve report for August 18th: Jerry, K6LIE Hi Everyone, tested This5 people month marks the 60th consecutive year for the Dayton Hamvention. members will be El 2 Several - 2 persons passed attending the event and we are all looking forward to a great time. El 2 & 3 - 1 person passed With the many new hams we are gaining, I have been toying with the idea of putting together a series of basic seminars to help our new members learn about ham radio from our more experienced members. I see a real need to get you new hams familiar with the terms used in Ham Radio, how to set up and operate your station, the importance of your antenna system and introducing folks to High Frequency operation, including Single Sideband. Since HF operation is very seldom channelized, tuning in, for instance, a single sideband signal, can be intimidating for some. When some of these basics are explained, you will find a whole new world of ham radio open up to you that you probably did not know exists. If you become interested in this aspect of our hobby, you will be able to branch out in so many directions. Ham radio is a great learning hobby for young and old. Science, geography, propagation, language, etc, are just a portion of what you can explore. Let me know what you think! Best 73! Jerry K6LIE El 3 - 1 person passed El 3 & 4 - 1 person passed Reported by Marty Soffran, HDARC ARRL VEC liaison. WELCOME NEW MEMBERS! We would like to extend a GREAT BIG HDARC WELCOME to our newest members: Brad Jones W5BSJ Brian Mileshosky N5ZGT Genevieve Miura KF5JNG Bill Ripley KY5Q John Scott KF5ROL Chris Tretta N7WIA Bill Kent N5UJC Debbie Hammack KC5GPX Beverly Vigil We hope you will have fun learning and experiencing all that our great hobby of Amateur Radio has to offer! CLUB REPEATERS Our next club meeting will be on Wednesday, September 19 at 6:30 pm at the West Albuquerque Police Station, 4051 Ellison Ave. NW, directly across the street from Cebola High School. VE testing will be on Saturday, September 15 at 10 AM. Please join us as President Larry Elkin, NY5L, talks about “Now That I Have My License, What Do I Do Now?” September 2012 145.370 Mhz PL 162.2 Hz 224.480 Mhz No PL 442.750 Mhz PL 162.2 Hz IRLP Node 7706 IRLP Node 3285 IRLP Node 7855 Our club repeater systems, including our IRLP systems are open to our members as well as the entire Amateur Radio community. PagePage32 HDARC on the Web: HDARC NEWS LUNCH OF THE MONTH, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 7th AT NOON Hi Everybody! Don’t forget our club Lunch of the Month! As I previously mentioned, it is not only lunch ---It is a BIRTHDAY PARTY!!! For Dave Johnson's grandson Max Jimenez KF5PKG, who will be 10 years old! Max is one of our youngest licensed members, and we will congratulate him on acquiring an additional digit to his age. It will be 90 years before he gets to do that again! He requested a party with his ham friends, that's us. It will be at the Shark Reef Cafe in the Albuquerque BioPark, at 2:00 PM. We will be having, therefore, a later lunch than usual. Dave and Barbara are providing a cake. We will have a great view of the aquarium during lunch, as if we are swimming with the fishes. Some of us may want to arrive early or stay later, and visit some of the exhibits, such as the Butterfly Pavilion or the Aquarium. One admission will get you into all of that. That is: $7.00 per adult, $3.00 for seniors and for kids 3-12. Their complete address is 2601 Central Ave. NW, ABQ 87104. You can view the Shark Reef menu at www.cabq. gov/culturalservices/biopark/aquarium. All members are invited, and welcome to bring guest's if you want. Just please let me know you are coming, and how many is in your party. If you haven't sent me your RSVP already (and some have), please let me know you will be there by replying to this message. If you did sent it to me already, there is no need to reply to this 2nd message. I have you down already. Looking forward to joining you for a great time! 73, Kathey WB6JAN Balloon Fiesta information Balloon Fiesta for this year will be Oct 6-14 and our club will be doing the special event station W5B as before. We will need folks for set up and tear down. What we REALLY need is operators. The shifts will be all mornings of the event and those evenings that have events. Morning shifts will be around 6 am but you should be there by 5 to avoid traffic and evening shifts about 5-9, but again, beat the traffic or you may not get in. We will need 4 people per shift (3 if we have to). We will not open if we can not get the minimum, this is experience September 2012 speaking. You will be given a ticket to get in and also a parking pass. Contact Dave Johnson, N0LVA at [email protected] or [email protected]. You can also call me at 505-296-2034. Also, you can contact Terry Zipes, W4RCN at [email protected]. 73! Dave, N0LVA PagePage42 HDARC on the Web: HDARC NEWS HDARC LIBRARY The HDARC library is our newest service to our club members. It is small now, but we intend to grow it into a very useful service for our members. All members are welcome to use this service. If you have any books related to Amateur Radio specifically or communications in general, please consider making a book donation to our club library. You are welcome to bring any books you wish to donate to our club meetings or any other club event. Here is a list of books we have so far: ARRL Ham Radio License Manual (Technician Class ) 2 copies ARRL General Class License Manual ARRL Extra Class License Manual ARRL Instructor's Manual for Technician License ARRL - APRS - Tracks, Maps and Mobiles ARRL - RFI Book 2nd edition ARRL - Your Ham Antenna Companion NEW HAMS NET Don’t forget our club’s New Ham Net. This net is dedicated to our new hams, but those Elmer's out there are also invited to participate to answer our new hams questions. The net is every Wednesday evening at 7:30 local time and is hosted by Jeff Chapman, KF5LLZ. You can access the net on any of our three club repeaters, since they are all linked together via IRLP. The links also make this net a national net with check ins from all over the country. Please join us for a fun net! The Mobile DXer The Modern Amateur's Mobile Handbook Your Guide to HF Fun ARRL Stealth Amateur Radio ARRL Low Profile Amateur Radio ARRL Hints & Kinks 15th Edition Bureau of Navel Personnel Basic Electricity FOR SALE ICOM 25A 2 meter transceiver Kenwood MC-80 Mic Kenwood Ts-140s HF transceiver Yaesu FT-212RH 2 meter transceiver Vibroplex #05342 Key Astron TS-20S Power Supply w/ Speaker Seller would like to sell all as one lot. If interested, contact Bill Klein at [email protected] SPECIALTY COMMUNICATIONS 201 Conchas Street Southeast Albuquerque, NM 87123-3324 (505) 294-6100 Need Antennas, coax, connectors, mobile installations, repair services? Contact Paul Choc, WA5IHL. In business since 1964, Paul can help you with all your Amateur radio needs. September 2012 PagePage52 HDARC on the Web: HDARC NEWS HDARC ANNUAL STUFFED TOY, COAT AND BLANKET DRIVE This year marks the clubs 2nd annual stuffed toy drive. This year, we want to attempt to add children’s coats and even some blankets. The addition of coats and blankets was the request of Commander Steve Warfield of the Albuquerque Police, Northwest Command. The Commander made this request because his officers often encounter children in need of warm clothing during the cold winter months. Our stuffed toy drive was extremely successful last year. These stuffed animals give comfort to the kids that have encountered traumatic situations. His officers hand out the toys when they think it will comfort the child. But the cold weather also presents problems. The Commander’s officers run into many children that are in need of the coats or blankets. Larry and I told Commander Warfield that we would try to add these items to our clubs collection. If you can donate any of these items, that would be great! A stuffed toy for comfort, a coat or blanket for warmth. New toys would be preferred. Used coats and blankets are fine as long as they are clean and in good shape. If you attend any club coffee, breakfast or other events, or just attend the next couple of meetings, please try to remember to bring something. We will be collecting now through the November meeting, at which time we will present the items to Commander Warfield in time for winter and the holidays. Thanks to you all!! Jerry K6LIE AUCTION OF ANTENNA SYSTEM TO BE HELD AT NEXT CLUB MEETING This months club meeting will begin with the auctioning off of an antenna system the club took down for the family of a silent key. We acquired the system from the family and have decided to put it up for auction. It consists of two 10 foot Rohn 25 tower sections, a 3 foot bottom section and the 7 foot top section. A HAM IV rotor is in the top section. All hardware, guy wires, etc are included. The system also includes a Telrex 5 element model TB5EM 10, 15 and 20 meter beam. Go to and click on the link to view all the parts. You can also see the entire system as it was taken down. Go to our website and look in the newsletter archives for the May 2012 issue, pages 6 & 7. All the parts are there for reassembly and will be sold as a complete system. September 2012 PagePage62 HDARC on the Web: HDARC NEWS PLEASE HELP THE HDARC MAINTAIN OUR ARRL CLUB AFFLIATION The HDARC is an ARRL Affiliated Club. To maintain this status with the ARRL, we must have a minimum of 50% of our membership in the ARRL. If you are joining the ARRL for the first time, please consider joining through our club. For every new subscriber that joins through our club, we will receive a $15 commission from the ARRL. For every member renewing their ARRL membership, the club will receive a $2 commission. Copy & paste documents/HDARC_ARRL_Application.pdf & fill out the form, bring it to the club and we will take care of the rest. Thanks! SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY DAY AT THE ALBUQUERQUE FAIR GROUNDS On September 21, from 10 AM to 3 PM, our club will be hosting a demonstration Ham Radio station at Science and Technology Day at the Fair Grounds. This will be the first time Amateur Radio has been included in the Tech Fair. Our station will be located on Main Street inside the fair grounds across from the Food Court (how good is that?). In case you may have noticed, Explora is also the evening of the 21st, so we will be busy with two activities on the same day! Boy, are we busy or what? You might want to come to Tech Day for some hands on fun and learning. While you are there, please stop by and visit. You can also get on the air and participate in our demonstration. We hope to see you there. And don’t forget to bring the kids! September 2012 PagePage72 HDARC on the Web: HDARC NEWS EXPLORA REPORT The next Explora Adult Night will be on Friday, September 21 from 6:30 PM to 10 PM. The evenings theme will be the Science of Food. HDARC will have a station on the air from the museum, as usual, to demonstrate Amateur Radio to the public and also to inform folks of our club. Adult Night is a fun evening devoted to adults having one evening every two months to explore the Science Museum without the kids. Come on down. Explore the wonders of Science and visit with GREAT BANNER! Display courtesy of the NM Amateur Radio Alliance DON’T FORGET YOUR CLUB SHIRT! How can you show others that you are a member of the coolest, most active Amateur Radio club in the Albuquerque area? By buying a club shirt! These beautiful club shirts come in ladies and men’s styles and sizes. We proudly wear our shirts whenever we are doing an activity that involves the public. It is a great way of promoting the club, not to mention that they look great! Contact Turbo Threads at 505 999-1234 or on line at . September 2012 PagePage82 DX NEWS - LARRY ELKIN, NY5L Well this month proved to be one with low sunspot and solar indices for four weeks. As for what can be tuned; in the morning after sunrise local time, 20M is usable and may have some DX signals from Asia and central Europe. 15M has been active too, even into the afternoon. I have heard European and Japanese stations coming through so you can look to pickup some new countries. 17M also has shown morning activity and surprisingly 12 meters has had some stations from Europe being heard. But, as has been the norm, 10M has had little action. In the late afternoon and early evening 20M and to a lesser degree 40M has shown some middle Eastern stations and central Europe stations coming through. Watch for Kuwait (9K) around 14.2 Mhz. As the evening goes on 40M holds pretty good and 20 has been falling off. Just a reminder to all HDARC members who are ARRL members; I will be collecting your "buro" QSL cards at this month's meeting to send to the "outgoing buro". You are responsible for checking QRZ for confirm whether the cards can go via "buro" or direct or through a QSL manager. Organizing your submission is outlined on the ARRL website. You must include your QST mailing label with your submission. CLUB MEMBERSHIP SERVICES MEMBER TRANSPORTATION –Need a ride to club meetings or other club activities? Call Jerry Aceto, K6LIE at 771-1323 or Larry Elkin, NY5L, at 771 0391. We will arrange transportation for you from your home to club activities. MENTORING SERVICES –If you are a new ham, or are interested in becoming a ham, or just have a question, we offer various services to help you along. Check out our website at www. and click on the “Mentors, Education, VE testing” link. Here, you will find whom to contact for help with all your questions on various subjects. LICENSE CLASSES AND TESTING –If you are interested in becoming an Amateur Radio operator, or want to upgrade your license, contact Marty Sofffran, NM5MS, at 410-3992 or Fred Lete, KC5IPK at 892-0380. We provide VE testing every 3rd Saturday of the month at 10 AM or after the Saturday morning meetings in the winter months. CLUB LIBRARY - This new club service allows our members to check out books relating to Amateur Radio and Communications. Anyone is welcome to donate books to our club library. (See page 5 for info) If you are not an ARRL member, please complete the form on our award-winning website and bring the form with your payment to the September meeting. I will be presenting my complete Duke City Hamfest presentation reviewing some important receiver functions, QSL cards, the incoming and outgoing "buros" and other items of interest for new and upgraded hams. See you at the meeting Larry September 2012 Page 12 HDARC on the Web: HDARC NEWS HDARC ACTIVITY SCHEDULE FOR SEPTEMBER 2012 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 9 10 11 16 17 18 23 24 25 7 Lunch of the 5 Coffee, 1 PM at 6 Month and the Flying Star in Breakfast at Birthday Party for Corrales. New Flying Star 8 Max Jimenez at Hams Net 7:30 PM in Corrales 8 the Shark Reef AM. Cafe. 2 PM All are welcome! 12 Coffee, 1 PM at 13 15 the Flying Star in 14 Breakfast 8 VE Testing Corrales. New AM. 10:30 AM Hams Net 7:30 PM. 19 21 22 CLUB MEETING Tech Day at the Breakfast 6:30 PM. Auction 20 Fair Grounds 10 social at 9 am before meeting. No Breakfast 8 am - 3 pm. at Seferino's. AM. New Hams net Explora 6:30 pm All are tonight. Coffee 1 to 10 pm. welcome! pm. 26 27 Coffee, 1 PM. New Breakfast 8 28 29 Hams Net 7:30 AM. PM. 30 September 2012 2 PagePage10