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DECAPITATED PEAS AND DIFFUSIBLE GIBBERELLINS By D. COHEN,*t J. B. ROBINSON,*t and L. G. PALEG* [Manuscript received November 26, 1965] Summary Growing and treatment conditions are described for a test in which decapitated dark-grown pea seedlings manifest an elongation response proportional to the amount of gibberellic acid supplied in 10 1'1 agar disks. This response removes the necessity of treating tissues or extracts or both with extraction techniques which, it has been shown, may cause structural changes in endogenous gibberellins. Difficulties experienced by other authors in demonstrating a gibberellic acidinduced elongation response in decapitated pea seedlings have been shown to be due to either the transitory nature of the potential of the internode to elongate, or to the presence of light of greater intensity than about 10 f.c. before or during the treatment period. I. INTRODUCTION The course of early advancement of knowledge concerning the physiological effects of auxins was aided largely by the development of bioassays which were relatively specific for auxins. Among these was one, the Avena curvature test (Went and Thimann 1937), with which it was possible to measure auxin release from, or transport through, various tissues without subjecting either the tissue or the active compounds to grinding, drying, or solution in organic solvents. The results, though restricted in scope, were clear-cut and enabled significant scientific progress. In contrast to this, gibberellin technology has employed a wide range of bioassays, all of which, however, necessitate tissue extraction with pH adjustment and organic solvents. Jones and Phillips (1964) have recently shown that endogenous gibberellin-like substances can be collected by classical agar diffusion techniques, although they then extracted the agar with conventional organic solvent extraction methods. Jones (1964), however, has indicated that such methods may cause changes in gibberellin structure, and consequently, activity, thus clearly demonstrating the need for a test which employs little or no potentially damaging treatment of tissue contents. The following is a report of the development of a pea test for diffusible gibberellins based on the observations of Lockhart (1957). Kentzer and Libbert (1961) mentioned the use of a test in which gibberellin transport was measured by applying gibberellin in agar to test plants but they furnished very few details about the technique. * Department of Plant Physiology, Waite Agricultural Research Institute, University of Adelaide. t Present address: t Present address: Biology Department, Carleton University, Ottawa. Botany School, Cambridge University. Aust. J. Biol. Sci., 1966, 19, 535-43 D. COHEN, J. B ROBINSON, AND L. G. PALEG 536 II. EXPERIMENTAL METHODS (a) Planting and Growing Conditions Dwarf pea seed (cv. W. F. Massey) was sorted and surface-sterilized for 10 min in a mixture of 50 vol. H 202 and absolute ethanol (1 : 1 v/v). Following a thorough rinsing in distilled water the seed was spread in a single layer on saturated autoclaved vermiculite, thinly covered with more vermiculite, and allowed to imbibe at 20°0 for 24 hr. Selected seed was then planted in 9 by 4 by 2 in. plastic trays in two rows 25 t I + T ___ 1 20 THIRD INTERNODE _ v 15 ::E ~ z 0 ,g~ w t-+~l ~ +-i 11 ~ 10 I 5 o . r~ ,r __ Xl T of 1 1 10-11 J 1 r-f/ / ~ 1 SECOND INTERN ODE ! o Fig. i.-Elongation of GAa-treated apical segments of etiolated dwarf peas decapitated so that measured segments were wholly located either in the second or third internodes. Vertical bars indicate ± S.E. 10-10 I 10-9 1o-a 10- 7 GA3 (G(DISK) of 10, with all radicles towards the near sides of the tray and pointing downward. One litre of vermiculite was used with each tray and the seed was planted 1 in. deep. Distilled water (450 ml) was added to each tray which was then incubated at 25°0 in the dark for 5-6 days. On the fourth day an additional 100 ml of distilled water was added with the aid of a low intensity green safelight. (b) Preparation of Agar Blocks Agar (1·5%) containing either water or the test solutions was poured onto a stainless steel plate 1 ·6 mm thick with 30 holes, 2·95 mm in diameter. The template was held against plate glass which was, in turn, in contact with a chilled brass block. Excess agar was removed from the agar disks by running a razor over the surface of the template after the agar had solidified. The volume of the resulting blocks was 10 /1-1. DECAPITATED PEAS AND DIFFUSIBLE GIBBERELLINS 537 (c) Treatment of the Plants For the experiment illustrated in Figure 1, the method of marking used by Lockhart (1957) was adopted, i.e. two marks were drawn 6 mm apart with a mixture of lanolin and black marking ink. The upper mark was 2 mm below the vertex of the hook, and the plant was decapitated at the vertex. In subsequent experiments the upper mark was placed at the point on the third internode at which the hook began to form and the second mark was 6 mm lower. The plants in these experiments were decapitated by cutting through the upper mark. 1 TABLE GA 3 ·INDUCED ELONGATION RESPONSES No. of GA3 (gjdisk) Replicates OF DIFFERENT PARTS OF PLANTS AT DIFFERENT AGES Increase in Internode Length (mm) in 3 Days ± S.E. Elongation (mm) of 6-mm Segment ± S.E. Day 1 I Day 2 I Day 3 Second Internode Third Internode 10-2±1·6 11-9±1-6 17-9±2-2 14-4±2'5 13·6±1-6 27-1±2-3 I Third internode initially less than 6 mm °10- 10 10- 8 IS 26 17 7'3±0'5 6-7±0-4 12-2±0-3 I 13·4±1·6· 13-7±1-3 29-1±2-3 I 15-S±2-6 16-2±2-1 32-1±2-6 I Third internode initially greater than 6 mm 0 10-10 .10- 8 19 14 16 4·S±0-5 7'7±0-9 1l-1±0-5 I 7-1±1·O 1l·5±1-7 22-6±1-7 7-3±1-1 11-9±1-7 I 23-9±1-9 I 3-9±0-5 5-S±0-6 5-1±0-9 11-5±1·2 15'7±1-6 26-6±2-1 Agar blocks were placed on the decapitated stem tips within 5 min of apex removal. The plants were then incubated at 25°0 for a further 24 hr_ No special attempt was made to prevent the agar disks from drying out although the incubator was maintained at a fairly high humidity level. The lengths of the marked segments were measured to the nearest 0 -5 mm. In several experiments the length of the entire third internode was also recorded and it was found to respond to gibberellic acid (GA3) in the same way as the segment_ All manipulations were carried out under either a low intensity green safelight or a 40-W white fluorescent tube (producing about 10 f.c_ of light at bench height)_ III. RESULTS In preliminary experiments plants were grown to a stage in which the third internode was just beginning to elongate_ The marked section of these plants was largely or wholly located on the second internode. The variation within each treatment was high in these experiments but they indicated that the replacement of the apex of dark-grown dwarf pea plants with an agar block containing GA3 resulted in stem elongation proportional to the amount of GA3 applied. An attempt was made both to reduce the variability mentioned above, and to determine the distribution of the induced elongation_ Plants were used in which the third internode was about 1 cm long and in which the measured segment was wholly located in either the second or third internodes_ Figure 1 illustrates that the growth D. COHEN, J. B. ROBINSON, AND L. G. PALEG 538 of such plants is largely a function of the elongation of the third internode, and that by the time the third internode has reached a length of about 1 cm, the second internode has lost much, if not most of its ability to respond to GA 3. The differential responses of the second and third internodes are more clearly demonstrated in Table 1. In this experiment, plants were selected on the basis of the length of the third internode at the time of decapitation. At this time the length of the second internode was also recorded, and decapitation and the placing of the agar blocks were all carried out under the green safelight. Table 1 indicates that the growth potential of the second internode does not last indefinitely. If decapitation and GA3 treatment are carried out when the third internode is less than 6 mm, the second internode will elongate. If, on the other hand, treatment is postponed until the third internode is greater than 6 mm, much of the potential response of the second internode is lost. TABLE 2 EFFECT OF LIGHT QUALITY DURING MANIPULATION ON SUBSEQUENT RESPONSE TO GAa The number of replicates for each mean is shown in brackets GAa (gjdisk) Elongation (mm) of 6·mm Segment in 24 hr ± S.E. Green Safelight White Fluorescent Light Daylight 3·5±0·4 (7) 2·0±0·1 (6) 2±0·3 (7) 10-10 4·0±0·4 (7) 4·0±0·2 (6) 2±0·3 (7) 10- 8 13·0±0·8 (7) 1l·5±0·1 (6) 2±0·4 (6) ° The results in Table 1 also indicate that the elongation of the 6-mm marked segment is more sensitive to exogenous GA3 if the third internode is initially greater than 6 mm. The elongation of the 6-mm segment is an accurate indication of the elongation of the third internode, and, as well, extension of the treatment time to 48 or 72 hr does not alter the relative response, although both the magnitude and the variability of the results are increased. Another source of variation in both published reports and bioassay procedure is the alteration in the GA3-induced response due to the presence or absence of light. This aspect was investigated by marking and decapitating plants in three different types of light, i.e. low intensity green safelight, white fluorescent light (lO f.c.), or daylight. The results (Table 2) indicate that the GA 3-induced elongation was almost as great when the plants were manipulated in fluorescent light as under the green safelight although daylight completely eliminates the response. The response of decapitated and intact seedlings to temperature was determined by growing plants at 25°C up to the time of decapitation and treatment. Following treatment, the trays were enclosed in plastic sleeves and incubated for an additional 24 hr at 15, 20, 25, and 30°C. Maximum elongation of the 6-mm segment of intact plants occurred at 25°C with significant reduction in elongation evident at 30°C (Fig. 2). The results also indicate that the GA 3-induced elongation can take place DECAPITATED PEAS AND DIFFUSIBLE GIBBERELLINS 539 over at least a lO-degree range in temperature. When the apex was removed and replaced with GA3 in agar, a temperature of 30°0 was no longer inhibitory, but, in I 15 i L.S.D. z 0 f: <: ~ z o W Fig. 2.-Effect of different temperatures on segment elongation of intact (D) or decapitated dwarf peas. Decapitated peas treated with GA3 as follows: /':, 5 X 10- 7 g per disk; o 5 X lO- 9 g per disk; + 5 X 10- 11 g per disk; X No GA3. //B __: ~ 0 5% /0/0 10 .J = 5 ~ ~~~o ::::::--::-::t=- =-~~~ OLI--~1~5------------~2~0~----------~2~5------------~30 TEMPERATURE (DC) fact, possibly stimulatory. Also at 30°0 the elongation increment induced by 5 X 10-7 g GA3 per disk was greater than that of intact plants. 15 15 (b) (a) /t ., ~ 10 10 :E Z 0 1= <: ~ z 0 / .J W 5 ~~ o o i"'6 I-~ t ---::; ¢ ¥-l Q I I 5XtO- lt J: 5 I 5Xl0 9 5Xl0-7 GAs oL..L.j 0 (1 f-Q ____ 9IAA I I 5Xl0- 11 -9 I I 5Xl0 9 5X10""7 (GjDISK) Fig. 3.-Comparison of segment elongation induced by various concentrations of IAA or GA3 in white fluorescent (a) or green (b) light. Vertical bars indicate ± S.E. The effects and interaction with GA3 of several naturally occurring substances which might influence the response was also examined. 3-Indolylacetic acid (IAA) was without appreciable effect over a wide concentration range (Fig. 3) when D. COHEN, J. B. ROBINSON, AND L. G. PALEG 540 manipulations were carried out under either green or low intensity white fluorescent light. Glucose, fructose, and sucrose at two concentrations were also unable to duplicate the effects of GA3 (Table 3). When either IAA (Table 4) or glucose (Table 5) were added in combination with GA 3, there was a somewhat decreased response. In addition, IAA produced a characteristic response (noted earlier by Lockhart 1957) in that all of the plants treated with the higher concentration, and many at the lower, became swollen for up to 5 mm below the cut surface. TABLE EF]'ECT OF SUGARS AND GAa 3 ON SEG~'!ENT LENG'rHS The number of replicates for each mean is shown in brackets Sugar Concentration (gjdisk) Glucose ° 2 X 10- 5 2 X 10- 4 Fructose 2 X 10- 5 2 X 10- 4 Sucrose 2 X 10- 5 2 X 10- 4 Elongation (mm) of 6-mm Segment in 24 hr ± S.E. I'2±0'I 0·9±0·2 0·8±0·I 0·9±0·I 0·9±0·2 I·I±O·I I·I±0·2 IV. (21) (15) (15) (15) (15) (15) (15) GAa Concentration (gjdisk) Elongation (mm) of 6-mm Segment in 24 hr ± S.E. 5 X 10-11 5 X 10- 9 5 X 10-7 I·3±0·I (15) 5·4±I·6 (15) 7·4±2·1 (15) DISOUSSION AND CONOLUSIONS The ability of the decapitated pea seedling to respond to GA3 in agar has been clearly established, and several parameters of the response have been determined. To obtain a reproducible system which will manifest a proportional elongation response to concentrations of GA3 between 10-10 and about 10- 7 g per 10 p.l agar block, the following techniques may be helpful: (1) Dwarf pea seed should be sterilized and allowed to imbibe for 24 hr before planting. (2) The seed should be planted under conditions providing for maximum uniformity (constant depth, constant seed orientation, etc.), and grown in the dark at 25°C for about 5-6 days. (3) When the plants have attained the proper physiological age, i.e. third internode about 10-20 mm long, two marks 6 mm apart should be placed on the stem so that the upper one is at the point of formation of the hook. The plants can then be decapitated by cutting through the upper mark. (4) Manipulations, including replacing the apex with the desired size agar disk or block, may be carried out with a green safelight or weak white fluorescent light (about 10 f.c.), and the test plants should be incubated at 25-30°C for a further 24-48 hr before measuring the marked section. Plants treated in this way do not respond comparably with IAA, glucose, fructose, and sucrose, and relatively high concentrations of these substances are required before they markedly interfere with the GA 3-induced response. ELLINS DECAP ITATED PEAS AND DIFFUS IBLE GIBBER 541 gibbere llin Several attemp ts to employ the assay to measur e endoge nous "stame n ted designa stage the [at concen trations were made. Barley main stem apices the test, in tion stimula ant signific a initials " by Aspinal l and Paleg (1963)] produc ed and initials leaf three d include apex equival ent to about 10- 9 g GAg per apex, if each ty. humidi high of ons conditi under was allowed to diffuse into an agar disk for 12 hr TABLE 4 INTERACTION OF IAA AND GAa ON SEGMENT EXTENSION Each value is the mean of 9 replicate s. Least significa nt differenc e at 5% level = 1·1, at 1 % level = 1· 5 Elongat ion (mm) of 6·mm Segmen t in 24 hr IAA (gjdisk) 0 No GAa 15 X 10- 11 g GAa 5x 10- 9 g GAa per Disk per Disk 1·8 2·6 6·1 5X lO-7 1·7 2·3 4·4 5X lO-5 3·2 3·7 4·4 was not signific ant. If only two leaves were include d, the stimula tion observe d of Nicholl s and May These results lend confirm ation, in a general way, to the findings they found that (1964). Using the barley endosp erm test (Nicholls and Paleg 1963) TABLE 5 AND GAa ON SEGMENT EXTENSION GLUCOSE OF INTERACTION 8 replicate s. Least significa nt of mean the is Each value differenc e at 5 % level = 1·0, at 1 % level = 1·4 Elongat ion (mm) of 6·mm Segmen t in 24 hr Glucose (gjdisk) No GAa i 5x 10- 11 g GAa 5 X lO-9 g GAa per Disk per Disk o 1·8 1·8 5·2 5 X lO-5 1·4 1·8 5·2 5 X 10- 4 1·1 1·2 3·2 detecta ble amoun ts barley apices at a similar stage of develop ment contain ed easily attache d when the of endoge nous gibbere llin-like activity if the smalles t leaf was still more sensitiv e than tissue was extract ed. Since the endosp erm test is conside rably leaf tissue is require d the test used here, it is not too surprisi ng to find that even more to produc e a signific ant response. just below the In anothe r test, 6-mm section s of pea stems were remove d from grown in the and old days 6 were third node of W. F. Massey seedlings. The plants 6 was placed GA3 g 10ing contain same way as the test plants. A disk of 1·5% agar 542 D. COHEN, J. B. ROBINSON, AND L. G. PALEG on the morphological top of each section which was, in turn, placed on an agar disk to which no GA3 had been added. The sections were left to transport GA3 for 12 hr at 20°C, and at the end of this period the lower blocks were tested for the presence of gibberellin. The results are shown in Figure 4, and indicate that gibberellin activity can be transported through such sections, substantiating the work of Kato (1958), and that this transport can be measured with the bioassay. Mention should also be made of negative results obtained with pea apices. Both dwarf (W. F. Massey) and tall (Telephone) dark-grown, 6-day-old seedlings were decapitated in green light just above the vertex of the hook. The apices were placed on agar disks for 12 hr at 20°C, after which the agar disks were bioassayed. No gibberellin-like activity was found. These experiments, although not definitive in any way, provide indirect substantiation of the difficulty experienced by Lockhart 10 J, z o i= ""oz --' w ;( T/f-t------' :> ~ 5 ~-I o~ o ./f ~i./ Fig. 4.-GA3-induced segment elongation ( X ) and segment elongation produced by agar disks containing 12-hr diffusate from base of 6-mm pea epicotyl sections to the apical ends of which agar blocks containing 10- 6 g GAe were applied (D) . Vertical bars indicate ± S.E. I I 10- 10 GA3 10-9 (G/DISKI I 8 10- 10-7 (1957) in inducing elongation of decapitated pea seedlings by grafting the apex back into position. He suggested, as one possible explanation for his lack of success, that the endogenous gibberellin-like substance(s) could not be transported through the cut surface. In the present work, however, GA3 appears to have been transported through two cut surfaces of epicotyl sections. One possibility not discussed by Lockhart is that the endogenous gibberellin-like substances in dark-grown peas are transported upward (possibly from the cotyledons) rather than downwards from the apex. Certain features of the response are of interest in other respects, as well as in connection with the bioassay. As pointed out by Paleg (1965) there is conflicting evidence in the literature pertaining to the question of whether or not gibberellin can replace the pea stem apex in its ability to stimulate elongation of the sub tending internodes. Lockhart (1957) has suggested that GA3 can, and Vlitos and Meudt (1957) and Kuraishi and Muir (1963, 1964) have concluded that GA3 cannot replace the apical control of internode elongation in decapitated peas. The results of the present study make several conclusions possible. The sensitivity of any given section or part of the pea stem to GA3 will vary depending on its physiological age. As indicated in Figure 1 and Table 1, the second internode begins to lose its ability to respond as the third internode begins to extend. It can be anticipated that decapitation of plants of this DEOAPITATED PEAS AND DIFFUSIBLE GIBBERELLINS 543 age or older, at any point below the third internode, will produce an unresponsive system. This point explains the lack of response found by Vlitos and Meudt (1957), since they decapitated their plants below the third internode and used the unreactive remainder. Table 2 illustrates the fact that the system loses the potential to respond to GA3 when manipulations are carried out in the light. This conclusion explains the results of Kuraishi and Muir who used greenhouse. grown plants. Another aspect of the response is also of interest. It is obvious from previous reports of Kuraishi and Muir (1963, 1964) that IAA can stimulate the elongation of decapitated peas under the proper circumstances. In this work, and in that of Lockhart (1957), no pronounced effect of IAA on elongation was recorded, though an induction of swelling towards the tip of the decapitated seedling was observed. Lockhart suggested that this might be interpreted as evidence for the fact that IAA was penetrating the stem. Another interpretation which might be put forward is that the induction of swelling is due to the destruction of IAA at the cut surface of the stem. Pronounced 1M· oxidase activity at cut surfaces is well established and it is possible that, by some aspect of their technique, Kuraishi and Muir were able to prevent the oxidation, and consequently increase the elongation.promoting effects of the applied 1M. V. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was carried out while D. Cohen held a Barley Improvement Trust Fund Studentship and J. B. Robinson held a Deciduous Tree Fruits Studentship. VI. REFERENCES ASPINALL, D., and PALEG, L. G. (1963).-Effects of daylength and light intensity on growth of barley. 1. Growth and development of apex with a fluorescent light source. Bot. Gaz. 124: 429-37. JONES, D. F. (1964).-Examination of the gibberellins of Zea mays and Phaseolus multijlorus using thin.layer chromatography. Nature, Lond. 202: 1309-10. JONES, R. L., and PHILLIPS, 1. D. J. (1964).-Agar·diffusion technique for estimating gibberellin production by plant organs. Nature, Lond. 204: 497-9. KATO, J. (1958).-Non.polar transport of gibberellin through pea stem and a method for its determination. Science 128: 1008. KENTZER, T., and LIBBERT, E. (1961).-Blockade des gibberellinsaure.transports in hypocotyl. segmenten durch triiodbenzoesaure. Zugleich ein neuer agarblocktest auf gibberelline. Planta 56: 23-7. KURAISIII, S., and MUIR, R. M. (1963).-Stem growth resulting from increased auxin level following gibberellin treatment. Plant Physiol. 39: xliv. KURAISHI, S., and MUIR, R. M. (1964).-The relationship of gibberellin and auxin in plant growth. Plant & CellPhysiol. 5: 61-9. LOCKHART, J. (1957).-Studies on the organ of production of the natural gibberellin factor in higher plants. Plant Physiol. 32: 204-7. NICHOLLS, P. B., and MAY, L. H. (1964).-Studies on the growth of the barley apex. II. On the initiation of internode elongation in the inflorescence. Aust. J. BioI. Sci. 17: 619-30. NICHOLLS, P. B., and PALEG, L. G. (1963).-A barley endosperm bioassay for gibberellins. Nature, Lond. 199: 823-4. PALEG, L. G. (1965).-Physiological effects of gibberellins. Annu. Rev. Pl. Physiol. 16: 291-322. VLITOS, A. J., and MEUDT, W. (1957).-The effect of light and of the shoot apex on the action of gibberellic acid. Contrib. Boyce Thompson Inst. 19: 55-62. WENT, F. W., and THIMANN, K. V. (1937).-"Phytohormones." (The Macmillan 00.: New York.)