Brzeczek is honored at dinner


Brzeczek is honored at dinner
Brzeczek is honored at dinner I:
More than 1,600 well-wishers fill­
ed the Grand Ballroom of Navy Pier to honor former Superintendent Richard J. Brzeczek, with a reception and dinner May 3. Mayor Harold Washington joined city, state and federal government leaders who paid tribute to Brzeczek. A plaque with all of his stars from patrolman through superintendent was presented to Mrs. Brzeczek by Acting Bob Collins of WG N-Radio, serving as master of ceremonies, presents momento to
Superintendent James E. O'Grady.
former Superintendent Richard Brzeczek and wife Elizabeth.
Bob Collins of WGN-Radio served
as the master of ceremonies.
acting superintendent. Proceeds from the dinner went to After his resignation, Brzeczek fund a scholarship at the Southern joined the law firm of Levy and Erens as Police Institute in Louisville, Kentucky. a partner. Brzeczek, who was appointed to "I am extremely pleased that the post January 11, 1980, resigned Levy and Erens is giving me the oppor·
April 29. He was succeeded by First tunity to resume my career as an
Deputy Superintendent O'Grady as attorney," he said. "In the past I have received similar offers from other major Chicago law firms. But in talking with high corporate executives, lawyers, and judges, I found that the lawyers at Levy
and Erens were universally regarded as
having almost awesome legal ability and
Mayor Harold Washington was one of
a fierce dedication to their work. I
many government leaders at tribute
decided that's where I belong."
Brzeczek said good-bye to the
members of the Department through a
few people ever experience. The Depart­
PAX 501 message. He said:
ment is made up of the most talented,
"The position of superintendent
dedicated and courageous professionals
of the Chicago Police Department,
I have ever known. It is simply the best
which I have had the privilege of hold­
law enforcement agency in the nation. I
ing for over three years, has been
will miss each and everyone of the
Acting Superintendent James O'Grady
exciting and challenging. It has been the
police officers and civiliall support
fulfillment of a career dream that very
extends greetings to Brzeczek.
Digitized by
VOL. 22, No . 1 March·April1983
De puty Superintendent
Bureau of Community Services
Public and Internal Informatibn Division
Associate Editor; Photos by Graphic Arts
Section Photographers. Unit reporters are
listed in the Blue Light Section.
The Chicago Police Star is published
by the Chicago Police Department and
is the official department publication ,
The star is distributed without charge
to active and retired Department
members . . No one is authorized to
solicit or accept payment for advertis­
ing or subscriptions to the Star. Per­
mission to reprint articles must be
received in writing from the Director
of Publ ic and Internal Information
Division, Chicago Police Department,
1121 South State Street, Chicago,
Illinois 60605.
D,-ed in
the line
of Duty Officer Larry J. Vincent, a memo
ber of the 2nd District Tactical Unit,
died in the line of duty Janaury 14.
He would have celebrated his third
anniversary with the Department two
weeks later. The members of the De­
partment along with the family and
friends of the officer mourn their loss.
Vincent, 29, was buried in Holy
Sepluchre Cemetery in suburban Worth
after a full honors funeral mass held in
St. Thomas More Church, 2835 W. 8lst
St. , January 18 .
Vincent and his partner responded
to a burglary in progress of a three­
flat building on the 5300 block of
South Calumet Ave . They were soon
joined by Officer Clarence Spraggins
and his partner , also members of the
2nd District tactical unit .
Vincent and Spraggins entered the
building while their partners positioned
themselves outside a window. Darkness ,
snow and an opaque material covering
the window made visibility difficult
for the officers stationed outside.
The two offenders, when con­
fronted by the officers, attempted an
escape by smashing the window and
leaping outside. Vincent and Spraggins
IN MEMORIAM Friends and colleagues join with the Chicago Police Star in expressing the deepest sympathy to the widows and families of those officers who recently died ., Name
Sgt. Walter B. Brooks. • . . . . . .• •• •. 132 . . • ••• 52
Sgt. Michael P. Darcy . . . • . . • • . • • • • 151 ••• ••• 48
Sgt. John Deal. . • • • . • • • • • • . .••• 010 . . . • . . 59
Sgt. Patrick Ekvall • • . • . • • . • • . • • . 016 • . . . . • 58
P.O. Arthur L. Girard. . . . . . . . . • • • • 765 . . . . • . 60
P.O. Ben Goslawski . . . • . . • . . . .••• 006 . . . • . . 35
Lt. Jack J. Laffey . . . . . . . • • . . • ••. 023 . . . • . . 61
Sgt. Nelson Mllinor Jr• . • . . . • . . . .• . 007 •. • . •. 57
Sgt. James May . • . . • . • • • . • • . • • • 003 •• , ••• 46
P.O. Josephus Moore . . . . . . . . . . . • • 620 .. . • • . . 62
Det. Michael O'Donnell . . . . . . . . • • • 142 • • . • . . 55
Sgt. Charles C. Risoya . . • . . . . . . • . . DPR . . . . . • 57
P.O. James Rizzi . . • . . . . . • . . . . • . 146 . . . . . . 60
Lt. R obert Vanderploeg . . . . • . . . • • . 008 . . . . . . 54
P.O. Larry J. Vincent . . • . . . . . . . • . . 002 . . . . . • 29
P.O. Robert Wagner• . . . . . . . . . . . . . 001 . . . . • . 59
Sgt. Willie Williams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 002 . . . . . . 54
Vears of
.• •. 24
• . . • 26
•••• 27
• . . . 26
••.• 37
• . • . 14
••.. 28
••.• 30
• . •. 22
. • • . '28
. . • • 21
• . . . 28
•••• 25
•.• • 25
•...• 3
. . • . 37
.• .• 22
Date of
• . . • • . 13 December
• • . • . . . 3 February
. • . . . • 14 December
. . . . . . .8 December
• • • • . . . 23 January . . • . . . . 9 February
• . . . . . . . . 2 March
• . . • • . . • 4 January
. • • • . • . • 17 March
. . . . . . • . 17 March
. . . . • . . . 12 March
. . . • • • . . 24 March
. . . . . . . • • 3 March • • . . . . 20 December • . . . . . • 14 January . . • . • • .. 29 January . . . . . . 31 December OFFICER LARRY J. VIN CENT
each fired a shot, wounding one of the
T:agically, Vincent was fatally
shot in the head and Spraggins was
wounded in the arm in the ensuing
The offenders, one of whom was
a convicted rapist, were apprehended
and subsequently charged with murder,
robbery and home invasio n. An auto­
matic pistol, a rifle and a shotgun were
confiscated from the building.
The funeral mass was concelebrat­
ed by several priests and presided over
by Auxiliary Bishop Nevin W. Hayes,
who ,gave the Vincent family a lette r
of condolence from Cardinal Joseph
Rev. Thomas Nangle, police chap­
lain, gave the homily and quo.ted Vin­
cent's partner on the slain officer's
magnetic personality and dedication to
his family. Nangle added that Vincent
had "the instinct, that sixth sense
that makes for being a good police­
man. "
Officer Vincent is survived by his
widow, Marilyn, who gave birth to the
couple's third child, Donald Larry; and
sons Anthony, 2, and Jason, 9. The slain
officer's father is Sergeant Donald
Vincent, 8th District; and hfs uncle is
Lieutt:nant . Cornelius Rourke, 9th
Photos for this issue were
taken by Roman Zabicki and
Officers Harry Schmuel and Larry
Schatzel, Grap hic Arts Section.
Digitized by
005, Area 2 in la ge new home When the Department opened the
5th District at I I 5th Street and Indiana
Avenue in 1908, it was described as a
"modern facility with lots of air and
daylight" , by the then General Superin­
tenden t George M. Shippy.
Now that the 5th (Pullman)
District is housed in the newest and
largest police facility in the city-Area
Center 2-which became operational
January 30, that description still holds
The imposing structure, which
also contains two Cook Coun ty Courts
(Branch 35 and 38), covers 135,000
square feet; is 680-feet long; is con­
structed of blue metal panels with ex­
tensive glass block, and has the latest
in technology.
Incorporated into the building,
which has an official address of 727 E.
III th St., are the Motor Maintenance
and Electronics Divisions that maintain
all equipment. There is parking for 529
A checkerboard motif, similar to
that which adorns Department officer's
hats, is carried out throughout the fa­
cility. There are 10 separate locker
rooms for the officers in the various
units assigned; spacious conference and
roll call rooms; Community Relations
auditorium; physical training room;
five-position firing range; deten tion area
with 42 separate cells, and a television
monitoring system.
Heat is provided through a per­
imeter hot wa ter system and the build­
ing is air-conditioned.
Two works of art grace the fa­
cility and were commissioned as part of
Chicago's Percent for Art Program ,
which is cosponsored by the Chicago
Council on Fine Arts and the Office of
the City Architect.
In the courtyard entrance to the
facility, is a piece of art by Loren
Madsen, titled "Night Wing" , which is
composed of 740 translucent acrylic
bricks . They are suspended from the
roof of the building by stain less steel
cables, which bend into an "S" curve.
The work is illuminated at night by re­
cessed lighting in the courtya rd floor
and gives the illuslOn that the piece is
floa ting in space.
The other artwork is a 50-prin t
photographic essay, "Pullman - Portrait
New Area 2 Police Center, located at 727 E. 111th St., is home of 5th District.
The center also contains Cook County Court Branches 35 and 38.
of a Landmark Community" by Fred
Leavitt. It is mounted in the Com­
munity Rela tions Auditorium and the
prints on the walls circling the room
depict the day-to-day Ii fe of the re­
sidents of the historic community.
The new surroundings are a far
cry from the old 5th Distri ct that was
housed in a three-sto ry brick building.
In the early days of the Kensington
Sta tion as it wa s called, had a stable
for horses and a hayloft.
The third floor was used for the
storage of eq.uipment , such as lanterns,
as well as being used as a dormitory for
officers on reserve, who were required
to sleep on the premises every third day .
In that year, 1908, the Depart­
ment consisted of 3,809 patrolmen and
482 supervisors and commanding offi­
cers. Kensington was merged with the
Burnside Station during the reorgani­
zation of the Department in 1960, and
was designated as the 5th District.
The district covers 11.8 square
miles and has boundaries that extend
South to the city limits; Calumet
Expressway and Stony Island Avellue
on the East; 95th Street on the North,
and Stewart Avenue, from 95th to
1I5th Street, and 11 5th to I-57 on
the West.
Courtyard entrance features Loren
Madsen's artwork, "Night Wing", sus­
pended from roof by steel cables.
Digitized by
25th District officer
lives fantasy as Cub
"Iggy" Grimaldi, 46 ...Bats and throws
right. . .secondsacker. . .Injury-prone
but gutsy, plays hurt. ..Balding, be­
spec~ lc1ed, slight paunch.
Not exactly the type of report
that would have scouts flocking to your
front door in hopes of discovering
another Willie Mays, but Grimaldi is
proud of rus baseball record .
Grimaldi, a 25th District officer
and IS -year Department veteran, was
one of 63 men from across the country
who lived out a Walter Mitty fantasy by
participating in a major league training
"My fantasy began when I first
read about the baseball camp , for men
35 years and older, being organized by
former Crucago Cub catcher Randy
Hundley," said Grimaldi. "The camp
advertised the opportunity to 'strike
out Ernie Banks' Or 'get a hit off Fergie
Jenkins' ; and promised to give you the
feeling of what a major league baseball
player goes through. At the end of the
week-long camp, you would compete
in an game against the 1969 Cubs."
Grimaldi thought about it only
for a few hours and discussed it with his
wife, Cindy Pontoriero, also a Depart­
ment officer, and assigned to Area 5
Violent Crimes. Cindy's only condition
was that he shave off his scraggly mus­
tache upon his return. Grimaldi would
have gladly shaved his head for this
But Grimaldi had his work cut out
preparing for his fantasy. The last base-
Grimaldi asks former Chicago Cub
manager leo Durocher for autograph .
P.O. "Iggy" Grimaldi prepares for
another day as Chicago Cub.
ball he had played was 29 years earlier
while a member of a Marine Corps base­
ball team. The only other baseball he
had ever played was with his sons,
Dominic, 6, and Lario, 8.
The camp organizers warned us
that, wrule it would be a fun experience,
it also would be taken very seriously,"
he said. "They wanted us to be in the
best shape possible. To insure this,
they invited campers from the Chicago
area to make use of the facilities at a
suburban health club, free-of-charge .
Three days a week, for Sl::ven straight
weeks, I took advantage of the offer
and lost 14 pounds.
Upon thier arrival in Scottsdale,
Arizona, Grimaldi and the other camp­
ers were given all the attention and
treatment major leaguers expect. Trivial
matters such as checking luggage, and
other minor annoyances, were elimi­
nated for Grimaldi and his teammates.
Banks, Hundley , Billy Williams,
Ron Santo, Jose Cardenal , Gene Oliver,
Jim Hickman, Rich Nye and other
former Cubbies were there to greet their
pot-bellied, gray-haired pupils. Soon
they were on a first name basis with
their instructors . From now on, it
wasn't Jenkins and Glenn Beckert, but
" Fergie" and "Beck".
"The camaraderie was remark­
able ," said Grimaldi. "Everyone of our
coaches couldn't have been nicer.
"We learned a lot about them as
human beings as well as being former
baseball heroes. One camper brought up
the disaster of the 1969 pennant chase.
I'm convinced that the Cubs didn't
blow it, the Miracle Mets just won it.
The 1969 Cubs, who finished second,
are disar pointed, but they are proud of
their cccomplisimients that year. They
didn't give Leo Durocher 100 per cent­
they gave 140 per cent."
Grimaldi's friendly personality
soon made rum a hit with both team­
mates and press alike. While he is called
Kenneth (his middle name) by his wife
and fellow officers, he was called "Iggy"
(his first name) at camp simply because
it sounds like a baseball player's name.
Grimaldi received rus money'~
worth the first few days of camp as he
learned a great deal about a major
leaguer's life , including dealings with the
press, disappOintment, and pain.
" A national news team was plan­
ning a feature on me," he said. "The
press met us at the plane. Jack Epkin,
reporter from Kansas City, interviewed
me over the phone. This just touches
the surface. The publicity was un­
believable! I never thought I would have
my picture in Sports lllustrated and
Time Magazine, but there I was in
"I'll never forget my first day in
camp. We were split into five groups
for batting and fielding practices. When
Beck rut me a short-hop grounder, I
felt something snap in my arm. The pain
was incredible! I had torn a tendon in
my fielding arm. "
Grimaldi described himself as "a
walking bruise" by the end of the week.
"I had a bandaged right hand
from an inside pitch," he said. "I had
the bandage on my fielding arm. A
bruise on my chest from a tricky hop.
Both my ankles had to be taped before
every practice. And I had a bad straw­
berry from a slide earlier in the week on
my left leg.
"Every camper was in some sort
of pain by the end of the week. But
there was only one who didn 't come
back to play following an injury , and he
broke his leg and spent the week on
crutches. But then again , all of us had a
lifetime to heal. We didn't have to come
back the next game or season ."
Grimaldi had bought little Cubs
jerseys for his two boys so they could
change in the clubhouse with the other
"major leaguers". They were impressed
Digitized by
was laughing and goofing around," said
Grimaldi. "When the players were intro­
duced, the trainers were the ones who
got the biggest hand from the campers.
The crowd loved it.
"One of our pitchers hit Fergie
Jenkins in the back with a pitch . When
the pitchet batted the next inning, and
had to face Fergie , he walked up to the
plate wearing a catcher's mask, chest
protector , and shin guards."
Grimaldi struck out on three
pitches his turn at bat-but he said he
deserved it. He gave his instructors a
shot by appearing at 'the plate wearing
a New York Mets jersey!
Sporting a Mets jersey, Grimaldi makes
makes sure he also wears helmet.
when they watched their dad change in­
to his Cubs road uniform with the big
number 34 on the back. Unlike many
campers, Grimaldi refrained from learn­
ing to chew tobacco, probably as an
example to his sons.
The highpoint of camp was the
televised game against the '1969 Cubs .
The participants didn't even care if the
rules of baseball were twisted. In order
for the 63 campers to bat one time,
they played 15 innings with as many as
seven outs in a half-inning.
"The atmosphere ot the game can
best be described as 'loose'. Everybody
"The first pitch was an inside
strike," he said. "The second pitch I
bunted foul. Hundley yelled, 'you don't
want to bunt up there, swing!' I yelled
back, 'when your manager is' Cub great
Charlie Grimm and he signals you to
bunt , you bunt! '
"The third strike was a genuine
major league pitch I couldn't have hit
in a million years, I · swear Rich Nye
threw me a fastball/curve/slider that
reacted like a sinker/screwball/knuckler.
I just froze and watched it cross the
plate , I deserved it but it was worth the
laughs for everyhdy."
Grimaldi performed better in the
field. He caught a soft pop-fly off the
bat of Billy Williams that Grimaldi in­
sists was a sizzling line-drive. Despite
the campers' gallant efforts, the Cubs
won 25-7,
The fantasy ended with an elabo­
rate banquet for the campers and their
instructors complete with speeches,
award presentations, and emotional
"Before I had left on the trip,
my friends, Commander William Olsen
and Officers Lou Marosi, Jim Kurowski
and John Renda, gave me a 36-ounce
Mickey Mantle Louisville Grand Slam
Slugger," said Grimaldi, "I brought the
bat to the banquet and had the 1969
Cubs autograph it ,"
The bat joined the burlap pouch
of chewing tobacco and dozens of other
articles of memorabilia in Grimaldi's
hom,e. He also purchased the Cubs uni­
form he wore and videotape of the
game . A detailed scrapbook, containing
everything from the flight tickets and
programs to newspaper clippings and
the game's box score, outlines his dream
come true,
When asked if he will join the
camp next year, Grimaldi answers,
" no, you can't catch lighting in a bottle
twice". However, he does plan on visit­
ing the camp with his family to watch
next year's crop of "kids" work out.
Like many former "major leaguers",
he'll sit in the stands and remember the
applause he used to receive out on the
field .
Your line on pension benefits The following information is in re­
gard to questions on a spouse's annuity .
Your surviving, legal spouse is en­
titled to an annuity upon your death if
you were in active service or on retire­
The amount of spouse's annuity
is based upon the accumulations to your
credit, together with the city's contri­
butions at the time you die if you are
still active; or at the time of your se­
paration from the Department, if that
takes place age 63 or before.
Your age and your spouse's age
also have a bearing on the amount 0 f
annuity, Such annuities may be as
little as $10 a month for a short period
of service, or may be as much as $500
a month for a longer period of service.
There are so many factors that en­
ter into the determination of the
amount of a spouse's annuity, general
questivns are difficult to answer.
A spouse's annuity is payable
until death or remarriage, if remarriage
occurs before age 60 . If a spouse re­
marries before age 60, annuity payment
is suspended, but the spouse's annuity
shall be resumed if within one year
after such payments are suspended, the
subsequent marriage ends by divorce ,
annulment or by the death of the
spouse. However, if the subsequent
marriage lasts for a period of one year,
the spouse's annuity shall be ter­
If a spouse remarries .after age 60,
the spouse's annuity shall continue
without interruption. The current max­
imum annuity for a police officer's
surviving spouse i~ $500 for any cause
of death other than injury incurred in
the performance of an act of duty, with
a family maximum (including children's
annuity) of 60 percent of the salary of
the police officer at the time of death.
If a police officer dies as a result
of an injury received in the performance
of a specific act of duty, the officer's
spouse is entitled to receive an annuity
of 75 percent of the salary attached to
the ' positiQn 'held by certification and
appointment 'as result of career service
examination or classification, until the
police officer would have reached age
Thereafter, the spouse would be
entitled to a supplemental annuity,
which would be equal to the annuity
the spouse would have received if the
police officer had continued in service
until age 63, at the salary in effect on
the date of the officer's death.
The Police Pension Board cur­
rently is working on leg'islative pro­
posals that will improve some of the
benefits to a surviving spouse, Add­
itional articles will be published when
these changes have been achieved.
Pension Board
Digitized by
RECENT RETIREMENTS P olice Following officers retired recently from Department after years of honorable
se rvi ce. They h::ve the good wishes of Department colleagues and friends.
Officer of the
Lillian McGrath
Officer Lillian McGrath, 9th Dis·
trict, and Officers James Darling and
Patrick Fleming, 22nd District, were
recently cited as Police Officers of the
Month for outstanding pol ice work in
two separate incidents.
McGrath made daily tours of an
area in which 13 early morning burglar·
ies had occurred and ob~erved a sus·
picious man. She kept the man under
surveillance and watched him stop at
homes and look down gangways. When
it became obvious that the suspect was
aware of her presence, the officer
stopped and questioned the man .
McGrath learned the man was on
parole for burglary and a search reveal·
ed a screwdriver hidden in his sock . He
was arrested and taken to the district
statio n, where it was discovered he had
severa l pieces of jewelry in his posses·
sion that match ed item s taken in the
burglaries. The offender then admitted
to all 13 burglaries.
Darling and Fleming were aware
of a pattern of a rm ed robberies of fast
food restaurant in two districts. After
stud ying the pattern, the officers be·
lieved that a particular restaurant in
the area that had not been robbed
would be the offenders' next target.
They proceeded to the restaurant and
instructed the emplo yees that, should
the offende rs enter, they were to lock
themselves in the back room. The of·
ficers th en arranged a surveillence.
Later , the offenders did enter
th e resta urant and the employees reo
treated to the back room as instructed.
The armed offenders, confused at be ing
left alone at the counter, fled. Darling
and Flem in g took pursuit and found
the offenders hiding in a garage. The
arrestees were late r id ent ifi ed as the
offenders in at least 11 armed robberies.
Name Sgt. James Apostol. P.O. Edmund AugleSr.. P.O . John Bacus. . . . P.O . Robert J. Becvar.. P.O. James Belles . . . . P.O. Emmett A. Brown. P.O. William E. Calabrese Y.O. Edward T. Carmody Sgt. Frank Castleberry. P.O. Francis Corcoran. Capt. John J. Cusack .. P.O. Horace DeAngelis. Lt. Milton B. Deas . . . Lt. Marvin Ditkowsky P.O. Morton Franklin. P.O. Richard Geary. . P.O. John F. Gibbons. P.O. Ernest Grissett .. Sgt. John T. Hawkins Jr. .. .. . Sgt. William J. Healy . . . . . Sgt. Frank R. Heatley . . . . Sgt. Melvin Hodgen . . . . . . P.O. Michael Kamenjarin .•. P.O. Patrick J. Keating . Sgt. Donald L. Kneisly .. . P.O. Wilbur D. Koehler . . . . . . . P.O. Edward M. Knizner . . . . . Sgt. Leonard Kozlowski .. . .. . P.O. George W. Lauzon. . . . . . . P.O. Alfred J . Leisz . . . . . . P.O . Lewis J. Liss .. .. . . . Capt. Lawrence J. Lyons .. P.O . Joseph J. Marszalek . P.O. Darwin D. Mason .. . . .
P.O. John J. McClory . . . . P.O. Paul R . McDermott .. . Det. William McWhinney. P.O. Edward J. Melvin.
P.O. Donald Melzer . . .
P.O. Leonard Michalski.
P.O. Earl Mitchell . . . . Sgt. John S. Nelligan .. . . P.O. Bernard T. O'Brien ..
P.O. Philip J. O'Brien Jr.. . Det. James T. Pittacora.. . P.O. Albert J. Puhr . . . Disp. Thomas M. Reid. P.O. William J. Reilly ..
P.O. Sylvester O. Rhem Sgt. Howard Rothgery . P.O. Joseph L. Rozen.. Sgt. Perkins L. Ru~ell . P.O. George Schoyahn .
P.O. Charles D. Shannon . .
P.O. Robert C. Sherman . . . .
P.O. Wendell Smith . . . . . . .
Sgt. Robert W. Suess .. .
P.O. Joseph P. Trotta .. Sgt. Leonard Walker . P.O. Everett Whitfield.
P.O. Mary Jane Winn .
P.O. Robert J. Zalkus..
Years of
Unit Age Service
013 .
.63 . . . 37
012 .
. 24
049 .
018 .
.30 .. ..
009 .
.29 .
151 .
016 .
073 .55.29
171 . . 63 . . . . 35 177 .62 . . . . 35 009 . . . . . 63 . . . . 35 .DPR .. . 57 . . . . 22 ·
620 . 63 . . . 35 · 019
. 58
· .27 · 024
. 53
· .30 .DPR. .
. 55
· .25 · 184 . .
. . 54
· . 30 .DPR .
. .. 63
· . 28 .DPR
.. 30 · .59 . . . 30 · 005
· .60 . . . 28 007
· . 53 . . . . 29 012
· .59 .. .. 26 631
. . . .. 63 . . . . 30 ·
009 . . . . . . 53 , . . . 26 ·
009 . . . . . . 53 . . . 28 008 . . . . . . 57 . . . . 24 015 . . . . . . 62 . . . . 35 .DPR •• . . . . 62 .. .. 26 . . . .
.63... ..27.
.165 .. .
.59 .
.25 .
.001 .
.35 .
.37 .
.26 .
.53 .
.001 .
.60 . . . . . .25 .
Date of
.28 Clecember
· . . . 3 March
· . 29 January
10 February
16 February
· 27 January
28 February
· . . . 3 March
· . 21 January
· . . . 4 March
· 18 February
. . . . 8 January
25 February
· 26 February
· . 3 February
· .. 4 January
· . 3 February
.23 December
.1 December
· . . . 4 March
· . . . 1 March
16 February
. . . . 18 March
. . 11 February
. . . . 16 March
· . 10 March
· .. 4 March
· . 16 March
. . . 16 March
. . . . 27 March
. .14 December
. . 2 March
· . 15 March
· . 14 March
· .. 1 March
· . 6 February
169 . . . . . 63 . . . . 31
· . . . 1 March
. . . 603 . . . . . . 54 . . . . 27 .
· .. 1 March
. . . . 168. . . . . . '. 57 . . . 26 ..
· 1 February
. . . . . DPR . . . . . . 50 . . . . 26 ..
· . 16 March
014 .. . . . . 59 . . . . 35 1 March
002 . . . . . . 55 · . . 26 . .35 · . . . 4 March
003 .. . . . . 62 .28 · . . . 1 March
016 .57 · 20 February
017 .63 .37 .63 .35 · . . . 2 March
.. LOA . . . . 4 February
.28 .63 . . 018 .37 . . . . 13 December
.63 . . . . . . 176 .31 . . . . . . . 1 January
.DPR .61 .15 November
. . . . . . LOA · .. 53 · .. 26 .. 8 March
121 · .30 · .. 60 · . 15 March
002 .63 . . . 29 .27 .61 · .30 March
· 15 January
. 36 020 . . . . .63 .30 · 21 January
.DPR . . . . .57 21 February
.37 .63 . 021 ..
· 8 February
.56 ...28 . 006 .
· .. 1 March
.62 · .. 29 018 · . 16 March
.54 · .. 30 .29 002 · 31 January
· .63 · . . 16 March
· .61 · .28 · 23 January
.36 · .63 · .1 December
· .28 · .. 56 Digitized by
legal Affairs column
The possession and use of danger­
ous weapons has long presen ted a pro­
blem to law enforcement office rs. The
law in Illinois concerning this area is
primarily contained in lllinois Revised
Statutes, Ch. 38, Articles 24-1,24-2 (ex­
emptions), 24-2.1,24-2.2,24-3,24-3.1.
Many convictions have been ob­
tained for the crime of carry ing weap­
ons. The purpose of this article is to
point out some recen t changes in the
law concerning U.U.w.
As of 1 January 1982, a person 18
years of age or older can ca rry a noxious
but nonlethal liquid gas or substance
for personal defense. At the present
time there are at least three nonlethal
carriers on the market, i.e., Mace,
Sabre, Bullfighter. However, a con·
tainer containing a lethal type sub­
stance, such as acid, ammonia or bleach
would be prohibited, as these substances
could cause death or great bodily harm.
A new subsection was added 1
January 1982, which makes it an of·
fen se to possess any explosive bullet.
An explosive bullet has been defined
as "the projectile portion of an am­
munition cartridge which contains or
carriers an exp losive ch arge which will
explode upon contact with the flesh
of a human or animaL "
As of 1 January 1983, conceal­
ment of a weapon in a motor vehicle
is no longer an element of the offense.
However, an additional exemption for
this section was enacted, and exempts
from arrest, a person who transports,
carries , or possesses certain firearms
that are unloaded AND enclosed in a
case , fire arm carrying box, or other con­
tainer , if that person h as in his posses­
sion a valid Firearm Owners Identi­
fication Card .
The sec tion dealing with loaded
weapons in public also was amended in
1983 , and makes it an offense to carry
a firearm in public ... whether loaded or
unloaded, concealed or not concealed.
However, this section does not prohibit
a person from carrying certain firearms
when on his land , in his abode or fixed
place of bu siness.
Three new sections relative to
Metal Piercing Bullets have been added
by the legislature. Metal Piercing Bul·
lets have been defined to include
three types: (J) polytetrafluoroethy­
lene·coated bullets; (2) jacke ted bullets
with other th an lead or lead alloy cores;
(3) ammunition of which the bullet it­
self is wholly com posed of a me tal or
metal alloy other than lead. (This de·
finition does not include shotgun
The first section is Unlawful
Use of Metal Piercing Bullets which
makes it an offense to manufacture,
sell , purchase, possess, or carry metal
piercing bullets. The second section
makes it an offense for any person
to knowingly manufacture, sell or
offer to sell , or transfer any bullet
which is represented to be metal or
armor pier cing . These two sections
went into effect August 1982.
The third section, which will be
effective 1 July 1983, describes the of­
fense of Unlawful Discharge of Metal
Piercing Bullets and deals with two
situations. The first sutuation prohibit s
a person who knows a firearm is loaded
with metal piercing bullets from inten­
tionally or reckle ssly discharging such
firearm AND such bullet strikes any
other person. This is a Class X felon y.
The second situ;)tion makes it an of­
fense for a person to carry concealed on
or about his person , a metal piercing
bullet, AND a firearm suitable for the
discharge thereof.
Many times when a person is
arrested for an Unlawful Use of Weap·
ons violation , that person also violates
the Chicago Municipal Code. On March
19 , 1982 , a new chapter relative to Reg­
istration of Firearms was enacted as out·
.lined in Chapter 11.1 of the Chicago
Municipal Code.
The section of the code that is
most likely to be violated in U.U .W.
situations is when the violator cannot
produce evidence of regi stration . Chap­
ter 11.1-13 prohibits a person from
carrying or possessi ng a firearm in the
City of Chicago while not having in his/
her possession , Evidence of Registration.
Failure of any such person to ex­
hibit his/her registration certificate shall
be presumptive evidence that he/she is
not au thorized to possess such firearm.
This section also provides for the con·
fiscation of the weapon by the court.
The Unlawful Use of Weapons
offenses that a re misdemeanors can be
enhanced to felonies if the defendant
was convicted of a felony under the
laws of this or any other state AND
the present violation occurs within 5
years of release from a penitentiary,
or within 5 years of his/her conviction
if a penitentiary sentence was not im·
posed. These additional , facts must
be alleged in the original complain t
for U.U.w. and must be placed in a fel­
ony complaint.
(Sample complaints for the of·
fen ses listed can be obtained from the
Law Unit , Training Division, Bell,
8314, 8315; PAX 94280, 94282).
This article was written by Sgt.
Vincent M. Russo, Training Division.
003: Hi, my darlings. . . P.O . C. Mann's
TV set must be broken again. His wife is
expecting number nine. . . Congrats to reo
tirees Sgt:s Shields and Nelligan and P.O:s
Webster, Whitfield and C . Jackson .. . P.O:s
Pelka and Cusack left for 022 and Tommie
King to the Training Academy. . . Congrats
to P.O. McGowan on his marriage. . . Con­
dolences to following who have had recent
deaths in their families: Sgt . Greenlee and
P.O.'s McGowan, R. Marshall, Kidd, Peron,
E . Williams, Kelleher, Whitfield, K. Marshall,
Kirby, Ahern, Starks, and C . Jackson. Also
sympathy to retired John McMahon's family.
McCarl, O'Rouke and Cannon were pall·
bearers. . . Lukensmeyer is writing a book on
fishing for fun and profit and Capt. R.
McCann, since his return from Poland, is
holding classes in the language ... Good luck
in new position as E.T.'s to Jachna and
Winistorfer . . . McCarl's son Carlton made
him a grandpa . . . Thank you to everyone
who contributed to Blood Drive, Cerebral
Palsy and Flower Fund, and to P.O. Robinson
for fine job at museum regarding handi·
capped parking . . . Senior Services' Clayborn
either wants an office phone or roller skates
to get around. . . Overheard on Capt .
McCann's watch: P.O. Parker to Sgt. Tobuch,
"Take a letterl" . . . This is P.O. White sign­
ing off and saying : Don't write on the shiny
part of the paper! The follOWing is from
reporters Robinson and Giles: . . Ex·Star
reporter Rick Miller went to another state to
continue police career. . . Thanks to our
office personnel for their welcome parties.
Ask Radkin, he knows how to party. . .
Commander JUlias Wagon received a verbal
commendation from the district for saving
the life of a neighbor who passed out. Watson
Digitized by
administered CPR unt " Fire Dept . personnel
arrived . . . Did you know our district won the
"Hot Dog Eating Contest" versus the Fire
Dep,.? First prize was $1,450 donated to the
safety vest campaign. And Desmond Butler
organized a charity basketball game between
officers and the Olive Harvey team for the
campaign. We lost but it's a worthy cause
. . . Lula "Paddlefoot" Mays has kept her
record for foot chases. She hasn't lost one
yet! . . Emil Kos, stop flooding the court
P .O.'s James White, Anton Robinson
and Beverly Giles
005 : Welcome to newly assigned p .O.'s
Swoope, Howard and Mills, along with
Detention Aides Carter, Chambers, Bridges,
Hightower and Marshall. . . We thank De·
tention Aides Campbell, Branch and Malone
for their fine job while detailed to 005 . . .
Congratulations to proud parents P.O. Tom
and Veronica Sheehan (baby Thomas); P.O.
Art and Andrea Casterjohn (Amber); and P .S.
Kevin and Ann Barry (Kathleen Ann). Kevin,
being the military officer that he is, replaced
Kathleen's bottle with a canteen and mess
tray . . . Capt. Joe Healy says the seat on his
new 10'speed bike must have been designed
by an unemployed proctologist. .. Welcome
back to P .O.'s Cates, Crump and Williams
after successfully implementing lockup pro·
cedures for the ladies lockup . . . Sgt. Bill
"Red" Healy and wife Jerry were guests of
honor at Bill's retirement party. The Dublin
Dancers, P.O . Donna Walsh (022) and P.O.
Mary Goeing provided entertainment . P .O .
Rich Gorski wanted to siroq an Irish lull·
aby until he was threatened with a severe
throat ailment (I told him I would cut it!)
. . . I' m happy to report P.O.'s Bob Coyle
and Marty Morrison are OK after stopping a
wild tavern brawl. An offender threw a glass
at Bob and broke all his teeth. (Bob ' s teeth
were in the glass! I . . . P.S. AI Curd was upset
when" a palm reader told him he had to have
his palm sandblasted before she could read
it . . . P.O. Larry Jackson learned the "Latin
Hustle" while vacationing in San Juan . He
was a victim of a con game and refuses to
discuss it. . . Congrats to Tact P.O .'s Ray
Pellegrini and Danny Dixon , who confiscated
a huge cache of narcotics. They gained entry
to the offender's residence when they
announced they were from two rock groups,
known as "Chicago" and "Police" . . . Our
new gym is really getting a workout from
Capt. Healy, George Gradle, Rosco Simmons
and Wally Faust. Healy punched the speed
bag SO hard, it was last seen over Midway
Airport. The watch commanders are impress,
ed with their office. The walls are padded!
P.O . John Bel!
006 : Hi , gang . There are still some of us
left but there are new faces everyday. Wei ·
come to Capt. Johnson who takes charge of
the "best watch" . This watch is also known
as the "e olden Watch", in honor of the
infamous Lt . Bob Goldsmith, who did a
great job and still will as field boss .. . Lots
of rumors going around such as: Eli Smith is
trying to be superintendent by making his
first stop as car commander. . . Sgt . Dan
"Maury" Townsend is going state-wide with
his latest line of CPD fashions... And Dwight
Washington is the F .T.O. on the desk crew
with trainees B. Gilhooly, J . "Duke" Dowd,
and J. "Mac" McDonough (my telephone
secretary). . . Speaking of F.T .O:s, H .A.
McCarthy is going to teach his recruits how to
put in a good chase in two districts. But
first he has to work on getting out of the way
of cars trying to run him down. By the way,
thanks to 004 and city-wide cars for assisting
us on chases and 10·1's. . . There is no truth
that the troops in 006 have their own I R
numbers. . . That M. Brady can't transfer
out of here. . . That M. O'Connor eats all his
meals at a place on Pulaski Road . . . That
Sgt. E. Boyd likes T. Coffey. .. That Sgt. E.
Walton can't work days... That D. "Colonel"
Olson's voice changed in March .. . That Clark
White is related to " Sweet" Cynthia White
· .. That A . Love wants to go back to 005
· .. And that Sgt . C. Carter doesn't own black
socks. .. But it IS true that M . Sartori went
to San Diego on furlough . . . That T.
Cullinan stayed in Chicago (broke) and
thought he did it in Vegas. .. That Don Sm ith
blames OPEC for buy ing a new engine for his
P.O.V. (seems Don ran short of oil and his
engine fell out). .. That St. Patrick's Day is
still being felt by some of us . .. That Angie's
Tap still exists. . . And Lt. Walsh does smile
· . . Enough of trivia, congratulations to all
of you who received Dept. Commendations
and Honorables. . . Congrats to J. Satriano
and his partner, Louise, of all for a smash
and grab pinch . The family can stop calling
me now, John .. . Haven't heard of any new
marriages or births. Personally, I'm allergic
to the former ...
P.O. Mike Graffis
007: Hi, my darlings . .. Super Cupid shot
Janet Blattner and Nicholas DiMaggio ;
Carmita McCoy and Alvin Hardaway; Jim
Tillman and Carmelena Dunson; and Linda
Tomaselli and William Silk . .. After 35 years
of service, Lt . J .J . McEvoy retired! We had
such a fab time at the retirement party for
Capt. Marschall and P .O:s Gleeson, Thorpe
and R. Williams, that James wants to join
them. Louis Longhenry is also retiring for
health reasons after 19 years of service. And
a happy retirement to Melvin Hodgen . . .
Super Stork dropped Dayna Marie (mom
Sharon, d ad Frank) Stokes; and two blues,
Dishon (mom Mirriam, dad Joseph) Knox
and Allan (mom Ther esa , dad Dennis)
Tooles. That concluded a dea d - he~t with 13
for both pinks and blues for '82! Super
Stork dropped on e pink for '83 start with
Kristen (mom V era, d ad Kirven) Ma rtin. So
we are leadin g!. Outstanding K ids! Leslie
(mom Jo a n. dad Eli ~s ) Davis has bee n t o p
student all four Y"a rs! . . Jimmie (n)Q m
Mariann, dad John) Lange gred uated from St.
Xavier College and is now working on a
masters degree . .. Richard Brady reports his
son Ricky, grade 4, was a member of St.
Adrian's football team that took city/south
suburban championship and placed second in
the state. . • National Honor Society of
Secondary Schools elected two daughters of
Super Seven P.O.'s. Two of 11 winners out
of 400 students! Leroy Newman's pride is
Leah and Haynes' is Melodie. . . Wm . Silk
shouted at me for not welcoming him to
Super Seven, the finest district in the city.
Sorry, William, but whs .s aid you were wel ­
come? Just kidding.. . Our basketball team ,
whick includes Capt. Watt and Super Seven
Stars Burks, Lumpkin, Monegain, D. Moore,
Lau, J. Jackson, S . Martin, G. Howard,
McDaniels, Elzy and Rozell, is ready with
their slam dunks ... Dept. Commendations to .
Capt . R . Dwyer and P.O:s Willard Walker and
James Spielman. . . Margie Howard brags
19 years with CPD ... James Kostecki bowled
his second 300 game! So he, wife Jean, and
daughters Joelle and Julie sunned in Florida
. . . Tony Ortiz tanned in Florida and Hawaii.
Tony O - oh! .. If LOVE is the answer, what
is the question? ..
Tood les and ten-four ...
Rita Jeanne Hoffman
008 :
have lost a true friend, as have many
others at 003, with the death of Lt. Bob
Vanderploeg. Perhaps it would be fitting to
devote this entire column as an eulogy to him,
but knowing Bob, he WOUldn't want that.
From all at 008, we express our sympathies
to his wife Pat and entire family ... Also deep
sympathies to our own Sgt . Don Vincent
and family with the tragic death of his son,
P.O . Larry Vincent. . . Respects also to P.O .
AI Bartosik on the death of his mother; and
to P.O. Don Fatima on the death of his father
.. . Former 8th District P .O. Barb Bell sounds
great in her new assignment as dispatcher on
Zone 6 . She is of good voice and quite knOWl­
edgeable. . . Our current "Dynamic Duo" ,
because of outstanding police work and good
senses of humor, is P .O:s Clem "Ace" Acevez
and Bob Langan, who recently apprehended a
murder suspect. . . A big hello from retirees
Joe Kratovil, Bill Hannon, Tom Shannon,
Rich McCurrie, Bob McElroy, Nick Cisco,
Charley Baker, Jack Ficaro, and Hugh Farley.
All of these guys are fine and pressure·free. . .
P _O. Kathy Brannigan cooks a delicious
venison stew. I had some, as did most of Capt.
Ridges' watch ... Bill O'Brien is the "Always
Smiling Champ" of 008 . Sgt. F . Cavanaugh
and G . McCarthy are tied for 2nd . .. P.O.
M. Dowling had a great trip to Australia and
Ireland ; D. Bolton to Canada ; your reporter
fell in love w ith Florida; and Lt. Bob Burns is
so turned on over Arizona, he's considering
buying the state. .. P.O . Steve a nd Bonnie
Antelek welcomed baby Stephen. . . Sorry!
Sorry! , got all kinds of flak when I reported
No . 1 on our seniority roster is P.O. Frank
Tracz. No . 1 belongs to Tom Keough (who
rece ntly became a grandpa), with No.2 being
D an Quinlivan . .. John Minnich continues to
rece ive Department plaudit s but he may have
Digitized by
some competition from super cop "Bud"
Clancy, who came to 008 from 006.. . 1982
Awards! Most pit·stops: Ed Sojka. Best shape:
John Karalow (correction: Francine Waibel)
Hardest workers: yernon Orr and Joe
Asplund ... "T" Anderson has been sad since
partner Dan Dunmore went to Narcotics. . .
P.Oo's AI Ashum and Don Fatima are always
talking about the old days. Is it true Ashum
used to drive the old "Black Maria"? .. The
safest place in the city is Ford City with the
triple threat of McCarthy·O'Connor·Toomey
protecting it... 'till next time, God willing...
P .O. Nick Zuklic
009: Our new roll call room is called "Lowe
Street Blues".
. Welcome to Capto's
Corcoran and Moran. Sorry to lose newly
appointed Capt. E.Fleming. Earl, we'll miss
you . . . Best wishes to retirees Capt. Cusack,
Sgt. Kneisly and P .O:s Koehler and Belles.
We'll miss you all. . . Senior Services P.O.
Pete Mark and "Bille Jean" are ecstatic over
grandchild Michael Joseph Finnegan. Also
congrats to first-time grandpa J. Kwiatkowski,
and parents R. Quinn (son Brian), and G.
Horacek (daughter Allison) . . . Congrats to
Sgt. J. Kwak who tied the knot recently ...
L. "Little Bull" Biszewski was photographed
dancing with Diana Ross. This reporter can
vouch for his dancing skills... D. Carli, stop
bringing coffee cakes. The staffs of Neighbor­
hood Relations and Review are gaining
weight. . . L. B iszewski, y'Jur table at the
Chicago Yacht Club is still waiting. . . An
announcement for K. Ivers: "E" stands for
empty! . . T. McMahon was seen picking
lillies around Kelly High School. .. I heard
that J. Stack paid W. Cap to come back
early from his furlo... There's a quit smoking
and weight loss competition in progress in
009 . . . According to F. Opyt, M. Donahue
has been "rubbing some people the wrong
way" and is a "closet pervert". Funny, he
always seemed like such a gentleman . . .
M. Toma is known as the "world's tallest
midget" and F. Gills has been trying to get
his "K-Mart" body into a pair of designer
jeans. . . Questions: Why does the "A"
Team refer to W. Raschke as "Tiger"? .. Who
is "D.K." (also known as "Dapper") and why
is a certain desk officer known as "Stud
Scarriot"? .. Why did L. Flaherty refer to a
certain P.O. as "Honey Bun Lee"? .. What
well- known desk man (with the initials E .B.
and AKA "Abie Baby") is still dedicated to
the Marine Corps after 26 years? .. What did
the review men mean when they both claimed
to be switch-hitters? .. What language does S.
DeLuca speak? Why does D. Sullivan want
something dirty printed about him? And why
do his cohorts call him "Blade Runner" when
he comes back from his hair stylist? .. Is it
true that: R. Barbario was observed speeding
in a black Porshe 944? That J. Powers has
been threatened relative to the removal of his
V-neck sweater? That R. Lebak was caught
smiling ill the radio room? That the A-Team
desk crew hasn't be"n the same since H .
Kurowski left? (He kept them in line!) That
L. LaBuda is "King of the One-Liners"? . .
R. Defrancisco and M. Tyler won the down­
state doubles handball championshipl Well
done ... W . Raschke earned his brown belt in
karate and is even starting to look Korean ...
P.O. Virginia M.Cronk
010: Greetings from the Hill, the garden
spot of the West Side. . . Rich Giancarlo
discovered he is Sleeping with a grandmother
since the arrival of grandson Anthony . • .
Proud fathers: Louis Vasquez of a baby girl,
who will be starting 1st grade by the time this
sees print; Danny Hoffman of baby Daniel
(father and son plan on growing up together);
Mike Mulligan passed out two-cent cigars with
baby Kathleen, who is taller than Mike; Ron
Brannan staying up nights with baby
Timothy; and Brad Getman (haven't heard if
it's a boy or girl) . . . Here's some famous
father/son teams:
Cichy, son of Hawks;
Chris O'Reilly, son of Hoki; and Teddy
Davis, son of Big Daddy Sneed . . . Mike
Nealis is holding classes on how to select a
split furlo and Sgt. Roger Niehoff on the
proper use of the telephone. . . When Steve
Tribe suggested it's time Tom Curran moved
over for a younger P.O., Tom said, "I have
more time on lunch than that kid has on the
job!" . . The 3rd Watch wishes Wayne a long,
long goodbye... Sgt. O'Connor's foreign car
was assaulted by a Buick. It now looks like
the letter "L". . . T he answers to our nick­
name quizzes (May/June, Sept/Oct issues)
are: Ed Meyer, Floyd Pedone, Tom McDon­
ald, Ed Shenberger, Darlene Gniadek, and
MaryAnn Janowski. The 2nd quiz: Jerry
Bordelon, Roy Roberts, Frank Circo, Tom
Curran, Henry Bertucci and Joe Leon.. . D.
Gniadek receives the "Atta Girl" Award for
the great job she's doing; Sgt. Eichler's team
wins the "Kentucky Fried" Award; and John
Brooks is our "Man of the Year".. . Notes:
Bobby Vargas wasn't on the Scarsdale diet, it
was the Clydesdale diet; Rich Gwin's neat
appearance comes from watching Norm
Dujka; Eddie May's army jacket was seen
running down Damen Ave.; Jack Coyne and
Mike Nealis went on the Love Boat together;
Joe Rosner is taking up ballroom dancing;
Louis Caesar is in the Who Who's in American
Colleges; and welcome to Gene Rodriguez
(from 010) and Larry Neuman (018). . .
Questions: Is it true Rocco Liace can't talk
With his hands in his pockets? What well­
dressed desk sgt. allowed Tony the Bum to
escape from OlD? Jim Matual, are you the
reason some of the desk crew are gaining
weight? Does Larry Tomala own stock in
Smudas? and, will the person that used Tom
Fitzgerald's ID card to scare kids last Hallow­
een, please return it? He needs it for inspec­
tion ... John O'Ryan got three days off with
pay the hard way-he got married . . . Wel­
come to the 824 class: Maureen "Boom
Boom" Doyle, Jose Fernandez, Chas. Flynn
and Jim Liston. (Jim's the first person to be
able to walk under the Dutch door without
ducking) . . . The annual retirement party was
a success, even with Joe Pipolo's help . . .
Ruben DeAvila is the district pro on van
d r iving, since he took the test more times
t han a dog has fleas...
P.O. Rich McPencow
011: The stork strikes againl My wife
Shirley presented our family with Shelly
Leann; Jody and Eve Longos are proud of
baby girl Gina Louise; and Larry and
Michele Puzas are happy about Laura
Nicole ... Congrats to the 011 District Basket­
ball team, much improved and finally having
a winning season. Team members were:
Tyrone Foster (captain), Gene Zielinski,
Bill James, Dennis Cunningham, Leroy
Horton, Dave Sobczyk, George Ephgrave,
Greg Cargile, George Jackson, and Kelvin
Blanks. . . After 15 years of waiting, Jeff
"Helmut Head" Bybee finally tied the knot'
with his beautiful new bride Janis... Postman
Dominic Capparelli is proud of the St. Mel
High School basketball team doing fine at
the state tournament in Champaign, III. . .
AI Bouey says it's great to be able to see
again after his recent eye operation. . . AI
Jumbeck went in the hospital for the same
operation but reports the doctors operated on
his other eye. . . Did you know tact team
partners Don Wolverton and Steve Kurtovich
were born on the same date, in the same hos­
pital, and the same doctor delivered them
both? .. Mike Costanzo has been voted "Mr.
Personality" by the first floor custodians_ ..
Former "Fillmorites" Chuck Vera and Wayne
Klacza have renewed their partnership at
Public Housing North . . . Whatever h"ppened
to Hardy Hudson and Lee Seward? .. Tem­
porary Desk Sgt. Andy Meikle says Tom
Urbans' new nickname is "35 Ring-A-Lings"
_.. Rich Harmon and AI Drink are very proud
of their new look-alike Mega Buck vans. . .
Celeste Cyrus was a field training officer for
one tour of duty. Her recruit is still being de­
programmed at the academy. __ Memo to
Gus "Long Gone" Lawlor from the Review
Office: You can get three into two if you
rotate ... Sgt. Dammons blames his gray hair
on Herb Proctor. . . Rumor has it J .G . Smith
is studying to be a gynecologist ...
P.O. Bill Grannes
012: The latest on "Kattette" A.C. Monroe,
our favorite ferocious feline, is he had to have
his tail amputated after losing his battle with
Bill Kent's radiator fan. Upon his return, he
was greeted with a hero's welcome complete
with greeting cards, posters, newspaper re­
porters and TV cameras... P.O:s D. Stevens
and J. Kaput were none the worse for wear as
they waited for partner Sam Mostacchio to
return from Hawaii where he was viSiting his
son. He paic\ his visit the same time a hurri­
cane struck the islands for the first time in
more than 25 years! Sam always had good
timing. . . Jim Petrauskas is healing well
after slaloming rather than schussing his way
through the mountains of Utah. . . Who is
"Wimp Angel"? .. Dept. Commendations to
C. Scherr, T. Mannina, G. Garcia, D. Sepanik,
R. Wagner, R. Anderson, J. Aguinaga, '-.
Digitized by
Griffin and Sgt. R. Simmons... A beginning!
Graduation congrats to new P.O:s Anthony
Langone and Julian Wnuk. And an end! Best
of luck to retiree~ Ed Augle, Sr. (who's going
to keep the Madison St. crew in line now?)
and Mike Kamenjarin .. . Arrivals: new Capt:s
Robert Mulcahy and Chester Zaprzalka. De­
partures: Capt. C. Maggio to Financial In­
vestigations, and P .0_ P. Forrester to the
Youth Division. . . Eldon Urbikas, how's
Buddy? .. C. Czajkowski, L. Winters and R.
McClain now qualify for all that time-and-a­
half now that they completed their probation­
ary year. . . When questioned by a reporter
about the trials and tribulations of street
patrol, our 012 District resident MCP's Jim
Martinez and Dan Pletke let their true feelings
be known. Jim's partner, Carolyn Burauer,
really appreciated all the kind words he had
to say! _ . And the final outcome is: Randy
Barton, minus 21; David Wagner, minus 16...
Family and friends of Sgt. and Mrs. Thomas
Walton planned a 25th wedding anniversary
celebration in their honor. May the next 25
be just as memorable_ . . What tact P.O.,
known as "Cloudy", was observed wearing
chaps and carrying a sack of Bull Durham?
Those old photos don't lie! .. And, finally,
a big thanks to Ralph Chiappetta for his
cheerful and tireless help in completing the
notaries on the hundreds of gun registration
forms that passed his desk. We give him our
"stamp" of approval! . . See you soon_ ..
P.O . Janet McCarthy
013: Who are the 10 officers who have been
at the 13th District since it opened in 1960?
(Answer at end of column). .. P.P.O. Freddie
DeLeon was saluted by Area 5 VIC for his
assistance in solving a murder, and Area
4 PIC saluted P.O:s Regino Saenz and David
Merriam for capturing a burglar. . . Dept.
Commendations to:
John Kotlarz, Gene
Seyfert, Judy Schuld, Bob Garcia and Mar­
tin Padilla. . . P.O. Juan Acosta received a
plaque from our Steering Committee for his
work with the police explorers. (Juan is
currently on a diet to pass his military med­
ical exam). . . Happy retirement to Art
Foster, a fine P.O. for more than two decades
at Wood St . . . Our sympathies to Sgt. Chester
Tyska and Joe Trevino on the deaths of
their mothers, and to Don Palermini on the
death of his brother . . . Belated congrats to
Bob Pietrowski on his promotion to detective
. . . Our thanks to the district's Neighbor­
hood Relations Unit and caring businesses
who collected clothes and canned goods for
the needy ... Herman Ramirez and 50 police
explorers helped out at the Cerebal Palsy
Telethon . . . Bill Jackson is the proud father
of a baby boy, and Bill Smith, John Dziura
and Sergio Gaytan gave up the blissful life of
bachelorhood . . . Our station, the Chicagol
Ashland Businessmen's Assoc. and St. Mary of
Nazareth Hospital sponsored a 6.2 kilometer
run _ . . Bernie Walat's son Lee was promoted
to deputy chief of the Golf Police Dept.
Bernie says not to mention his name when
down in Golf, III. .. I hope Lt. Wm. Power
liked the birthday present he got in the mail
. . . A. Chambers had a great trip to the Far
East and R. McMahon to the Midwest glam­
our capital-"Mitches" ... Lt. Gene Karczew­
ski, who says coffee promotes hair growth,
is remodeling his office. Any suggestions? See
Ray in Tact ... Welcome new troops: Sgt. D.
Brown and P.O:s C. Stoops, G. Morris, M.
Perrone, R. Carli, John Kinnavy and J .
Lampman. And recruits M. Flores, M.
Guitierrez, R. Kero, F . DeLeon, A. Ceja, M.
Acevedo, S. Diaz, M. Guajardo, S. Rodriguez,
J . Moriarty, A. Alaniz, M. Moyer, C. Johnson
and W. Janson . . . I,.ots of luck to Lt. A.
Kennedy, Sgt. R . Rodriguez and D. Brown,
and P.O:s J. Schiffer, M. Per.ry, Angelo
Rodriguez, G. McHugh, P. Gass and R. Goytia
in your new assignments . . . Answer to quiz:
WALAT (all came to Wood St. in 1960 from
the 29th District). And ERV FROHNAUER,
from the 30th District). ..
P.O . Sally Acevedo
016: Welcome to our new Capt:s T. Hanley,
J. Murphy and J. Fruin. Also added to our
Lt. Funk, McCullough, Radtke, J.
Smith, Tamillo, Aren, Bartall and Wolnik ...
Good luck in your new assignments, Capt:s
Needham and Heraty, Sgt. Larson, Butzen,
DiMaria, Daniels, Kijek, Sneig. Sucharski,
Dublinski, Kozlowski, Drochner, R. Ford and
Smoron. Be careful out there! .. Belated
congrats to Sgt. John Salyers. We understand
his tact cohorts gave him some unusual
trophies at a party which included a PAX
phone with dialing instructions and mounted
red squirt gun! What does it mean, John? ..
Best wishes to retirees Lt . Jambrone, Sgt. T.
Burke, J. Bacus, E. Gams, W. Calabrese, N.
Guerrero and Crossing Guard T. Marshall
. . . P.O. Joe Gorzkowski and his Marianne
got married a while back , and P.O. S. Mattes
and his Audrey had baby girl Jean . . . Just a
few incidents of outstanding policework in
our district .. . P .O:s Wasowski and Gorzkow·
ski cleared a p::lttern of jewelry store robberies
with the apprehension of offenders after a
chase... McHugh .and Peggy Johnson arrested
four burglars after they observed them leave
a jewelry store. . . Harder and Nolan recover­
ed an auto minutes after a robbery. . . J .
Eggers and R. Simpson cleared a rash of gas
station robberies with an on-view arrest of
offenders. . . Sgt.. Carroll and P .O:s Cernak,
Shaeffer and Wasowski arrested known
Hell's Henchmen and recovered $5,943,
illegal drugs and moonshine. .. Dept. Com­
mendations to following for two separate
robbery arrests: Kahn, Grizzoffi, Callender,
St. Marie, DelMarto, Sgt. Carroll, Caprio,
Cernak, Gorzkowski, Ignoffo, Shaeffer and
Wasowski. . _ Malczynski's son Roy was
voted homecoming king, while Ray was voted
homecoming queen! .. Belated wf)I.",.. ,le to
Marilyn O'Shea Libaris. (Now maybe she'll
stop showing pictures of her Jackson. Hole,
Wyoming ski trip). .. J . Costa, please come
back to the city! We miss you. , . A citywide
shuffle of stars! P.O. Jobe has her brother's
star after he left the Department; P.O. Kunke
got her retired father's star; and P.O. Ham­
mermeister has her retired uncle's star. . .
A long overdue thank you to Mr. and Mrs.
P. Blaney (retired captain) for their Texas
hospitality . . .
P.O:s Dennis Salemi and
Richard Ursitti
020 : Congrats to Commander Howard Pat­
inkin, newly promoted captain . For those
who don' t know, he also accepted a Chicago
Commission on Human Relations award on
behalf of the 20th District officers for their
outstanding work with the district's diverse
ethnic groups. . . Farewell to transferred
Capt Wm. Duffy (to the South Side); P.O.
J. Dawson (Area 6 PIC); Lt. John "Big Red"
Thedos (Traffic); Sgt . J. Griffin and J . Juhas
(Narcotics); P.O:s Sanchez, W. Johnson and
Cooper (024); and P.O:s Flores, Tamillo,
Grenlie and McFadden (various districts). . .
Welcome to Capt. Tom Hughes, Lt:s Mahon
and Kirk, and Sgt. Larson . . . P.O . AI White
received the Boy Scout "Award of Merit"
for his work as scoutmaster. . . Get well
wishes to Leo Dineen, recuperating at home;
to Ted Yokas, auto accident; and Jimmy
"Deacon" McKenna, back surgery. Dave
Devogelear hurt his leg after he and D. Zelazo
wrecked their wagon. Joe Kelly reports his
son David is fine after heart surgery. J.
Allotta looks good after his auto accident.
And Louis Orlando also smashed up his car.
(you didn't mar that gorgeous puss, did
you?) . .. J. Tomasetti is back after a heart
bypass. Condolences to John on the death of
his father, and also to the family of P.O .
Frank Quinn ... D . Devogelear, D. Elenz and
H. Blomstrand worked hard on P .O. George
Schoyahm's retirement party. "The Mayor
of Wilson Ave." will be missed but Dave
Bertram vows he'll try his best to replace him
. . . Beat Rep's Letty Cooper is a grandma
again and Sgt. Tom Follard and his Donna
welcomed number two son. . . Travel Notes:
D. Edelstein brought his homesick son,
training for the Miami PD, a parrot to keep
him company. Earl Johnson cruised down the
Mississippi and says the Nile is next. P.O.
Marsha "Cupcake" Downs took a friend to
the airport and wound up buying a ticket her­
self. Sgt. Parrish's family to Disneyland .. .
Other notes: P.O . Basil Manfre lost 10 years
when he shaved his moustache; Have another
cigarette, Jerry West; Carlos
Varela gets a footstool so he can reach his
desk as lockup keeper; Sgt. Brimer reports
that Steve and Laurie McKeag had a baby
boy; "Lurch" Grabarek is still in 020 (talk
about low profiles); Annie Sims is playing
Susie Homemaker with her new house; and
word is Sun Wing Leung has been grounded.
No more around-the-world trips. (What will
happen to our national security?). . . Con­
grats to new police grads Dorothy Ladow, Jim
Digitized by
Schodtler, Dan Swaine, Jeri Winsberg and Ted
Yokas... Need party entertainment? Contact
Sgt. John Salyers, who constructs some inter·
esting balloons. . . Capt. Mulkerin's crew is
awfully quiet. Must be on midnights. .
Skrzypek and Strzepek . How's that for a
team. Think they'll drive Uptown nuts? ..
When tact~ s Bobby Stevens grows up he
wants to be like George Plimpton-gray and
preppie .. . See you next issue . ..
P.O. Sharon Lorenz
021: Love is in the air and Cupid has been
busy flinging his arrows around the district.
Congrats to P.O. Gerald Harper, who got it
right in the heart, and is now engaged to Mary
Carlson . . . Although no longer with us here
in 021, congrats are in order for P.O. B.
Domagala and his lovely Denise who tied
the knot. Good luck . . . I also heard of
another great match in 021, although still
in its infant stage. Good luck Pebbles and
BamBam . . . Flying with Cupid can usually
be found the Stork. Evidence of its presence
can be given by P.O . W. Lange with baby
William; and by P.O. R. Augle, blessed with a
bouncing baby boy . . . 021 welcomes P.O.'s
W. Briggs, R. Reding, F. Reid, H. Taylor and
p. Wallace. I n the words of John Houseman,
"you've earned it!" .. . Farewell to P.O.'s J.
Durkin, J. Dudek, C. Chan, K. Nolan, B.
Domagala, L . Gayton, T. Purtell, and R.
"Boots" Thoren . . . Happy ret irements to
Sgt. W. Whitfield and p.O.'s J. (BD) Smeal
and W. Sims... We extend our sympathies to
C. Nawrocki, J. Cox and Lt. Greenlee on the
deaths of their fathers ; to M. Herrera on the
death of his brother; and to Sgt. Karas on the
death of his mother. . . Till next time. . .
P .O. Hector RodriQuez
022: Greetings from the Hill! .. An overdue
special thank you to our Steering Committee,
Police Explorers, and the Don McAuliffe
Fund,whose efforts netted more than $5,000
for the safety vest campaign ... Most people
talk about their "ups and downs", but we
must deal with our "ins and outs". We roll
out the welcome mat for Lt . Wm. Looney and
p .O.'s R . Elliott, T. Ryan, J. Bickman, R.
Bell, T. Kiely, K. McMasters, J. Walker, J .
Ward, D. DeSando, J. Nielsen, R . Anderson,
J . Lee and C. Darcy. And welcome back
home to A. Munin... We say farewell to Lt.
P. McHugh and P.O.'s Crotty, Corcoran,
Hodge, Gordon, Hughes, Glenn, Leehy,
Siedlecki, Bates, McErlean, and Glenks. . .
Also some congrats on promotions: D.
Everett and P. Hosty to the Youth Division,
and T. "Dick Tracy" Kelly went to work.
J . Wills and J. Carey are Q·ing in on the"
Crime Lab . . . The baby boom is a reality
to M.T. Hughes and wife Barb, welcoming
daughter Maggie . . . Marty Ryan and wife
Kay celebrated the arrival of son Daniel a
while back . . . Michael "Tall" and Vince
Evans should be having their first babies any
d a" now . . . And last but not least, Tact
Secre"cary Bob Desmond became a grandpa
last winter! . . The Mounted Unit sent special
applications to Fortino and Oliver for memo
bership in the Shoveling Club . .. Best wishes
for a long retirement to Sgt. J .C. Johnson and
B. Nelson . . . Our sympathies to the families
of P. Gannon, D. Martin and J. Morrissey...
Wanted: Info leading to the identity of the
blond bombshell in plainclothes, and on the
person(s) who scared R. Austin at the tea ...
Do me a favor. Tell me who would buy a car
from a Cracker Jack who can't remember
what happened to his own ... J. Walsh keeps
us healthy under her new M.a ... We sent two
teams to represent our distr ict at "Cops for
Kids" bowling . Team 1 (O'Connor, Draper,
Horazy·Gawel, Carter and Engstrom) really
knocked 'em down . And Team 2 (Stan "The
Man" Hale, Tolliver, Sgt.'s Holmes and
Ellison, and Wagner) took second place for
high series and received trophies. We thank all
for taking time to care ... Flash! .J. Bickman
(the Lloyd Bridges of 022) moved to the
Marine Unit. Good luck but I've never heard
of a fish called bareasscuties. . .
P.O. Doris I. Martin
023: ala Queridos! Back with the news...
Although love is still alive, weddings haven't
been blooming at 023. However, our beloved
stork has been keeping up appearances and
showed up at Robert and Mary Lou Miller's
home with twins William and Scott. (Boy,
was he huffin' and puffin'!) And while he was
at it, he made proud grandparents of Jim
Thomas and wife Alice with baby Jason .
Congratulations all! . . What officer in the
Neighborhood Relations office is still looking
for a bumper and fender for his '72 Thunder·
bird? Tune in two issues from now and I'll
betcha he still won't have them! . . Our con·
dolences to Waldemar Schreck and Sgt. Gary
Baranowski on the death of loved ones. We
are also mouning the death of Lt. Jack
Laffey, a true professional, a good friend and
to his wife Anna Marie, a loving husband . . .
Get well wishes to Patricia Stich , mother of
Marty Stich . . . Congratulations to Robert
Heinze and Sam Munoz on your Dept. Com·
mendations. Also to the following P.O.'s
who received complimentary letters for their
.professional handling of incidents: Joseph
Figueroa, Sam Munoz, Richard Kwiatek,
Edward Roberts, Dan Vales, Robert For­
mueller, Daniel Wasko, Jeff Wilson, Robert
Lopez, Roy Jones, Juan Juarez, Tom Stewart,
Tom Granias and Robert Sarnowski. . .
Various thank you letters were sent by
parents of needy children for our winter
clothing program. "Operation Mitten" was a
huge success last winter thanks to the com ­
bined efforts of the district's officers and
merchants. . . Leaving us are Ron Yawger,
Steve Bocconcelli, Charles Gentile, Tom
Granias, John Durkin, and Capt. Corcoran.
"Good luck in other assignments... We got our
full complement of watch commanders with
the arrival of Capt.'s Dan Corboy, John
Grentzner, and Spencer Holmes.. . Good luck
to retirees P.O. Winston Kindle and Capt.
Francis "I don't want a party" Rooney. We
had a party anyway and all had a great time
with everyone doing the three D's (dining,
dancing and drinking). Some did the D's
more so than others. .. Adios for now! ..
Lisa Gose
024: Congratulations to the following new
Moms and Pops :
Kathy Kiefer-McGough,
Fred Vitek, Jim Tait, Roland Paulnitsky,
Bruce Marchfield, Ed Brennen, Fred Hatten­
berger, Bill Nelson, Bill Hougesen and Jordan
Kitover. The 24th District is really doing
something about producing future Chicago
Police officers. Besides the above babies,
P .O. Sue Overton is expecting (again?!?) a
litter (at least twins!) .. _ Tact Temptations :
The 24th District Tactical Dance Team has
once' again danced their way to the undis­
puted Tactical Dance Championship. The
team is led by Lt. Steve "New York , New
York" Schwieger. . . Good luck to the fol­
lowing P.O.'s in their new assignments: Chris
Erengis, Ed Brennen, Frank Bielfeld, Steve
Britt and Bob McCullough. . _ A happy re­
tirement to Mort Franklin . . . Welcome to
024, newly aSSigned P.O.'s Mike Drew, Ernie
Bernhauser, John Garrity, Sandy Gough,
Bob Herr, Terry Hoffman, Dennis O'Connor,
Dick Rubin, Mike Zacharski and Tom Kle­
mundt ... A belated birthday greeting to the
officer whose hairdresser only knows for
sure. . . The 24th District feels honored and
proud that both Capt. George Robinson and
Sgt. Rolf Northfell have turned down lucra­
tive professional golf contracts to stay right
here in the old 2-4_ .. Commander Nestor
Chakonas offers his congratulations to Dept .
Commendation recIpients:
P.O.'s Dick
Catena, Bill Hougesen, Dave King, Ray Blaa,
Steve Duffy, Bill Davis, Danny Fisher, Pat
Goodman , Dan Haltom, Bill Blake, Tom
Cotter, Jay Brunkella, Paul Cardon, Dan
Chebny and Terry Inks . . .
P.O. Evelyn A. Summers
025: Our new P.O.'s graduate with honors!
Dave F iglioli was at top of the weapons
qualification and Akki Mares was awarded a
certificate of honor .. _ We're proud of our
celebrity, Ken "Slugger" Grimaldi, who not
only played second base against the 1969
Chicago Cubs in an actual game, but caught a
fly hit by Billy Williams! His wife Cindy has
nursed him back to health (you don't think
be just WAL KED away from playing the
'69 Cubs?) Well, back to Earth! . . Sheryl
Kurowski won four medals at the Peach Tree
Gymnastic Classic in Atlanta, Georgia and
won the Jr. Olympics State Championship.
Wowl If this keeps up, dad Jimmy will have
to buy a warehouse to display her awards! ..
Weddings: Larry Meyers and Kay Boldt; and
Jim Tudron and Christine Lazarski. Add Mike
Lappe and Mary Phelan; and Ron Hall and
Ursella Stricula in the near future. Also, Beat
2532 salutes 020's John Schultz on his en­
gagement to Patricia Hiller. .. Babies: Greg
and Karen Salvi (Michael) ; Dennis and Maria
Fitzgera ld (William); Custodian Frank and
Digitized by
Elaine Agresto (Frank); Jack and Beverly
Boock (Jordan); Bill and Susann Johns
(William); and Hank and Chris Staniec
(Daniel) . . . Dept. Commendations to: Sgt.
Spicer and P.O:s Corfield, Pet, Hall, Love,
Calabrese, Bosky, Stankowicz, Miller, God·
dard, Kozlowski, Wright, Addesso and Rossi
... D. Fitzgerald is doing something with all
his hot air. He and 45 other CPO members
play tho bagpipe with the Emerald Society.
Heard Dennis looks cute in his kilts. . . R.
Roussell and G. Gutierrez are now in the
Mounted Unit. (If Roger wears a mask and
George a feather, who knows how far they
can go?) While talking of animals, Mike
Roach left us and went to the dogs. . . Some
promotions: June Hanson is directing traffic
instead of crossing kids, and Walter Green is
now a detention aide ... "Dress Right" Award
to D. Cygan and J. Cosgrove; and VfW Com·
munity Award to P. Mertes and R. Kearney
. . . Best of luck to: AI "I Can Handle It"
Cosgrove; to Mike Lappe, now playing P.O.
with McLean County PO; and to retirees Joe
Bertucci (25 years of service) and Crossing
Guard Theresa Felleti (22 Y, years). .. Com·
mander William Olsen and John Apel spon·
sored the 2nd Annual Basketball Marathon
for Muscular Dystrophy and raised more than
$17 ,000. Apel presented the check on TV.
(He really does look better in person) ... New
crossing guards: Mary FlEinory, Sylvia Lopez
and Dora Williams. And welcome back to Pat
Malone. . . What North End wagon man is
wanted for arson in Philadelphia? . . And
what tact sergeant has had his toenails stolen?
Hint: His initials are P.R ... A little warning:
Don't EVER let Joe Grazioso get you in a
corner! ..
Carol Bacarella
Sanitation) . And welcome back to , R.
Weingart, after surgery . .. A successful ben·
efit was held for Ronald Knollmueller, VTC ,
to help pay his mountain of medical bills.
He's back to work and thanks everyone in­
volved. He also received a plague for 19 years
of Dept. service. (Does this mean we have to
give him one for his 20th anniversary?)
· . . Congrats to new parents Kathleen and
Joseph Mohan, PIC; and new grandfathers
Lt. J. Mahoney, Admin.; Ralph Storck,
V IC; and Troy Sanford, VIC . .. Congrats to
C . Albertis and R . Kussy, both recent mar­
riages; Charles Urgo, Admin., (elected presi­
dent of Chicagoland chapter of Fellowship
of Christian P .O:s); and Lt. J .P. Minogue,
VIC (bachelor of science degree). . . Sgt.
J. Greco, L. Rosen, J. Hussion, R .,Storck, and
your star reporter visited Florida while it was
30 degrees warmer in Chicago, and this is
when it wasn't raining . . . Is it true Sanford
and Craig are buying a $60,000 R/V? .. One
last note: Welcome back to "Fingers" Lund­
berg, Admin .. .
Pam Baumgartner
Area 5 Detective Division: Congratulations
to Commander Harold Heiber and John
Michaelsen on their promotions to captain
... We are still receiving nice comments from
retirees regarding our 1982 annual retirement
party. . . Good luck to George Wendell and
Ignatius Poidomani, both PIC, on their reo
tirement. . . Farewell to Lt. J. Mahoney and
Det. Michael Fleming on their new assign·
ments. N. Trotta transferred to Labor Detail,
and VIC detectives chipped in for a pooper·
scooper for J. Philbin, now with Mounted
Unit. Within the area, A. Dailey went to PIC
and Jean Hecker to VIC . .. Welcome aboard
to Capt. J. Michaelsen, Admin., Det:s T.
O'Shea, VIC, D. Kozlowski, PIC, and R.
Joslin, PIC, and our new desk officer, R.
Dadario . . . Sincere condolences to: Michael
Callahan, PIC, and John Leonard, VIC,
(death of their fathers); to Michael Herigodt,
VIC (mother); to Nicholas Rieger, PIC,
(mother·in·law); and to Vincent Sandore,
V IC (sister) . . Congratulations to Dept.
Commendation recipients R. Colella, IVI .
Herigodt, E. Dickinson, K. Spink, all VIC,
Bureau of Community Services : Everyone
was happy to see Director Harry Blackburn
have a speedy recovery . . . Now that Janice
Redmond has taken the Spanish course, she
speaks English with an accent. Ole lay! ..
If you're looking for some wheel covers, see
P. O. Peggy Hensley. So far she has given
away 11 of them to various persons unknown
· . . Last winter, P .O. Melva Bradford was
wearing little cuddly dead animals around to
keep herself warm. Don't bring your pets
to work because I want a coat for next year
· .. To all those who got wiser andlor better,
"happy birthday". . . P.O. Rudy Brown
celebrated 28 years with Dept. . . The magic
diet of Debbie Johnson, PlIO, didn't work.
Oh, well, she can take another test ... Alex
Rodriguez brought her baby girl Katrina into
the office to show everyone how cute she is
. . . Is Cathy F itzgibbo'n on a di·eat? .. Be­
lated welcome to Neighborhood Relations
Division, P.O. Prentiss Jackson. And best
wishes to P.O. Vance Kimber in his new
assignment . . . Sgt. Joseph M,u rphy receives
our best wishes as he has left the Depart­
ment . For those who haven't heard, he and
his wife are the proud parents of baby boy
Joey. . . Lenny ReChord is a proua grand­
father! His grandson Kendrick Cross, 15, led
and J. Baraniak and D. Kepp, PIC . . . Get
well wishes to R. Szeluga (skiing accident).
A. Nere, and E. Dojutrek. (We understand
Ed's doctor did his residency in Streets &
Area 5 Youth:
Our condolences to Y.O.
Linda L. Nelson on the death of her father,
retired Sgt. Earl Nelson ... Also sincere con­
dolences to P.O. Robert Smith on the death
of his mother. . . Congratulations to Terry
and Eileen O'Neill on the birth of their sec­
ond daughter, Shannon Patricia. . . Ditto on
the congratulations to Terry and Sue Belinski
on the birth of their first child, Matthew
Te'rrence... Get well wishes and a "return to
work soon" to Roman Keating, who shattered
his ankle after falling in the first recorded
snowfall this year! ..
Y.O. Angela Schreiner
his West Aurora sophomore squad teammates
to the Reavis Invitational Relays champion­
ship. Cross established records in both the
long jump and triple jump, and ran on two
winning relays (the 400 and 800). Oh, by the
way, Kendrick was also named the 16-team
event's most valuable athlete . . . Congratula­
tions for job well done to P.O. John Bul­
lard, who furnished over 1,000 toys to
underprivileged children on West SidP-o . .
P.O. Cathy Fitzgibbon and
Elyse Young
Communication Operations Section: A warm
welcome to Cynthia McCullough, Carole
. Neace, P. Dureton, Mary Gabriel, Roderick
Reed, P. Cureton, Josellyn Johnson, E.
Atkinson, M. Duran, B. Fowles, M. Maldona­
do, R. Milliner, B. Ware, and D. Weather­
spoon . And welcome back to Patrick Thomp·
son .. . Good luck in your new assignments,
J. Smith, S. Oliva, J. Fernessy, R. Bogan, P.
Jackson, Sgt. Loftus, M. Dunne, B . Ochoa,
C. Blackmore and A. Secor.. . Congrats to G.
Berryman, Robt. Christian, Wayne Harei.
Ronald Hart, Thom . Keating, Robt. Peppler,
Ken Pierce, D'in Prunicki, Pleas Ransom, and
'eter Zur, all pr.omoted to dispatcher... New
grandparents: Mr . and Mrs. Coppoletta with
Krystin Jo; and Hannelore Quinn with Dina
Marie . . .New parents: Mr. and Mrs. Passias
with Tiffany Kristin (their first after 16 years
of marriage. Congrats!); and Dave Seibel and
wife with Mark, son number three. (He says
the next one will be a girl for sure!) . .
Virginia Singer and daughter visited New
Orleans, walking through Old French Quar·
ters and ending the day with a "Hurricane
Special" a~ Pat O'Brien's pub. . . Arleane
Stoffregen went skiing in Austria. . .Our
commanding officer thanks everyone for
their continued fine work. . . A big hello
to great guy Joe Shababy, Motor Main. His
cooperation with our unit is great. . . Con­
dolences on the death of loved ones to Ja mes
Crouch, Leon Holmes, Janet McGrath,
Nathaniel Williams, Robert Hines and Sgt.
Golosinski. And to the family of Barnett
Young . . . And now a flash from my Star
reporter Rich Liszewski: Watch Miss "0"
and her new boyfriend. See if the Chief can
take the heat. . . Robt Warnke, better known
as "Rusty Jones", has been renamed "Crash".
(Ask him for details) . . . Tim Mclean would
still like to know where his wallet is; the crew
of Zone 11 wishes Howie Kniff would take
six furloughs a year; and Julius "The Chief"
Phillips says the dues for the Wabash Bottle
Gang are pass due! .. Did you know? George
Moss is down to a quart a day since his bout
with the gout; John Bylak is the only dis­
patcher that can simulcast while eating a
sandwich; Jennifer Jones promised that this
summer all will be able to see her in a bikini;
and Alex Zelchinko wears a clean' T-shirt
every hOliday? .. Final notes : Doris Freeman
has been nominated by Zone 8 as the best
supporting actress. Zone 6 is still trying to
decide who the Ayatollah is going to be­
"Ronnie Rudd" or "Tootall jones". Wally
Digitized by
Jucha said aluminum has reached its all-time
high_ And Ken Podalski has joined the same
weight reducing program that has been made
famous by Jimmy Lesko, Archie Tiner and
Eddie "Diet" Nawdonski ___ Until next issue,
stay welL __
Disp. Mitc" Bruski
Gang Enforcement West: Welcome to the
West Side, Sgt. Joe Berry, P.O. Angelo
Rodriguez, and G.S. Wayne Griffin __ . The
West lost one of its best with Lt. Gerald B.
Creed off to Public Housing South. Also
missing are Vern Williams to 008; Don Urbon
to the Tubes; Fred Howard to 011; and, of
all people . to go to Gambling, himself Harry
McKenna . . . Congratulations to Rich and
Sharon Schmidt on the arrival of Master
Richard Thomas. . . For that Mr. Area 4­
look, please see the Rev. Timothy W.
Tremaine, who (if you do n't know already)
finished a marathon . . . Best wishes to "Mr.
Congeniality", Bill Nasuta, who made de­
tective and will be moving to t he second
floor. Who will Jack " Deerslayer" Grana don
have to talk to? . . Roy Isakson was first
runner-up in the " What Lech Walesa Loo ks
Like Without a Moustache" Contest. How­
ever, Roy was winner of the' "What Lech
Walesa Might Smell Like" Contest . .. Ron
Nottelmann's daughter, Debbie, made captain
in the Army. Poor Ron is still a sergeant after
25 years of service. . . Do you know what is
so nice about Tom McGreal? He's ju~t so nice
. . . John Nee is going to handle softball
this year. We may finally field a team . . .
Pat Hackett made it to work on time... Does
Roy Schnoor? .. Hi, Mom .. .
P. O. Jim Michaels
Marine Unit: Rumors, rumors, rumorsl ! !
Heard any good ones lately? Just walk around
the Loop and you'll be able to find out every­
thing you want to know about our upcoming
season. Just don't call our boss, he'll deny
everything! And don't ask Chu,:k Rytina! His
information is costly and isn't always on the
money. Well, here's the latest rumors "float­
ing" around! . . Marine Unit school begins
depending on whether Kurt is on vacation or
not. . . Scuba training includes the dropping
out of the "coast Guard helicopter from 25
feet in the air and into the Chicago River.
Divers are required to find a 1969 dine that
Tom Lampa will toss in (at his own expense) .
John Sher will be expected to give a live
demonstration . . . Marine Unit members will
be allowed to wear navy blue shorts and no
shirts, providing they can see their toes while
standi ng erect. Immediate protests were lodg­
ed by Bob "Bubbles" Morse, Ray "Worth­
less Documents" Worthe m, Ke n "Ex-Marine"
Baker, Joe "Too Short" Kowalsky, Tom
" R oger-Roger" Jaguszewski, Do nna Miller
and Capt. Sponge Spagnolo. This could wind
up in arbitration... Enough rumors for now.
Here's some other tidbits of info concerning
our unit... Bob Novack's wife asked him to
go Lamaze, and Bobby thought his wife was
tal~i flg him to some s\ock car race..• Our
resident "Klinger", Frank Hauser, got his
annual haircut and looks like a Marine Unit
officer again. . • Everytime BTO Leroy
Marcianik passes by Burnham Harbor, tears
come to his eyes. (M2, where are you?) . . .
R icky Neumann made an announcement!
No, he's not going to retire this year. He
confessed he lied about his age. (Isn't this the
third time he has used this excuse?). .. We
had a very productive season in '82, but '83
will be better. No more rookies... Till next
P.O. John M. Herr
Property Management Division: May I help
you? Property Management members, I can
help you if you help me. They tell me I
average one column a year for this magazine,
but this is because no members of this unit
supplies me with any information. No news is
good news, but , good o r bad, PLEASE
submit all u nit news items t o me ... We won 't
mention anyon e by na me but a certain
so meone recent ly stooped ove r and sp lit his
t rousers. A little bird told us that he had
clean underwear and has nice legs. Since
sewing was not the little bird's forte, it was
a most difficult situation. . . Several around
here are trying to "Jazzerzise" their extra
pounds away but the weigh-in's have not been
that successfuly. Keep the faithl . . "Oh,
my aching back!" We hope yours will be
better soon, Electrician Bill Collins. . . We
recently found out that we have a singer in
our midst-of songs, that is. This someone is
also handsome, an expert with crossword
puzzles, and not at all stage·shy. All of you
would want to fit that description! If the
shoe fits-or the voice, rather-wea r it well
· . . The Joseph G iannelli's took a cruise.
They reported it was delightful. Joe is our
academy engineer. ' . . Gotcha for now! . .
Dolores Donahue
Public Housing South: Welcome to P.O.'s
D. Calhoun, J. Gaither, M. Ray and J.
Tolbert. . . From the looks of the officers
transferred in, and our present squad, we will
be the basketball team to beat this year. . .
Condolences to both P.O:s A. Kelsie and L.
Patterson on the recent death of a loved one
· . . P.O:s W. "Wild Bill" Roberison and M.
Brandon are taking flying lessons so as not to
lose any offenders. .. Sgt. Vanna's wild bunch
retired their bikes after an active season be­
cause of the weather, but will return soon
with some new recruits... Sgt. Travis and the
West Side boys have been doing a crack job
in the Abla Homes with many good arrests
· . . Our midnight rider, Sgt. Schlott, has
grown very popular since coming to our unit.
T his fact is indicated by the many gifts he
received over the holiday season. . . "Best
D ressed Off icer in Uniform" goes to M.
Henig and "Most Interesting Plainclothes"
goes to J. Wozniak, AKA "Clint Eastwood"
and "John Michael" ... Third Watch comman­
der Sgt. E. Boyte is thinking of going to
Columbia to investigate their success in the
coffee business. This might help him out of
his present financial situation handling our
coff-ee fund. P.O. R. Bradford seems to have
found a very effective technique for procuring
personal items that fall in the hands of others
-threats of great bodily harm! .. Rumor has
it P.O. G. Weber has lots of time on his hands
lately, as well as jewelry... Remember, a pun
is the lowest form of humor.. . May God
bless you all . ..
P.O. A. McGrew
Traffic Enforcement Section: Marback and
Cane want to know why they can't go under·
cover like the other vice dicks. (J . Collins has
no comment). A nd Ransford is fil ing another
grievance if' he doesn't get seasick on his
cruise... W. Drabik t ook a boat trip with his
bride. . . Frank "Call Me Madam" Pryzborow­
ski is going to lead a second crusade to Latin
America to distribute clothing to t he o ppress­
ed. When his crew returns, they 'll t our 26th
& Wabash for de-briefi ng... W. O tte is think­
ing of joining the tre k south , just f o r the golf.
Whe n yo u ho ller "fore" , someone might say,
"make it five and you've got a dea ll " .. Wes­
brooks accussed Ha m burger Bro wn of t a king
his un iform shirt. Maybe check out Musco­
linD. He co uld get enough material for his
entire wardrobe . . . Notes: Our re ndezvo us
on Grand Ave. had Duke lick ing his c hops;
"" be glad to renew touches with Althouse
(You know, great minds travel o n the same
level); and goodbye, Miles, I'll miss you•..
We were en route to the big cheese box on the
Lake but, never fear, a committee of two
(Collozzo and Tiano) went · right 'to the top,
explained how happy we were here and their
good buddy said we could stay. Unfortunate­
ly, our good buddy also .stayed ... Our latest
theatrical enterprise is "1,000 and 1 Nights"
by famous author Omar Pryzbylinski. The
plot involves 40 pierogi bakers played by
Bialecki, Maslanka, Sawicki, Talkowski, and
Taylor. I play their leader, Stanley Baba, who
has a secret cave on Milwaukee Ave. guarded
by Jack Collins and his assistant Joe De­
Lougherty. The cave can only be opened with
the magic works "0 pen Kielbasa". One
night the villian (all stories have one) Selles
G. Morris entices the cave guards to let him
in to use the phone. He and his imperial
wizard Jack Palumbo plan to steal the trea­
sure by beating Jack in a game of Crazy 8's.
No one can beat the wizard and soon the
villian has everything ir,cluding both dancing
girls (Fatima Stagen and Rose Anna Anna
Danna). When the gang of gay blades (it
seems Pauley Meyer has joined) return, they
can't get in because S.G. has changed the mag·
ic words to "What's Ha p penin' Baby?" Dis­
daining violellce, Baba has spokesman Bill
O'Brien resolve the matter and the last act
has everyone watching the harem gir ls around
the fire. Building inspector Walter S . Drabik
enters, ta kes one look around, conde mns t he
cave and evicts everyo ne. This makes Stanley
mad an d the play ends wit h hi m suspending
his men and breaking out in pimples and
twitches. THE END ...
P.O. Charley Je nkins
Digitized by
Sergeants James Moran and Carl
Edenfield and Gang Crimes South Spe­
cialists Robert 0 'Neill, Richard Baranski
and Richard Peck arrested two ·gang
members wanted for the armed robbery
and kidnapping of victims in Wisconsin.
Gang Crimes North Specialists
Robert Schatzel and Daniel Noon
pieced together information that led to
the arrest of five offenders wanted for
Special Operations Group En­
forcement West Officers Edward Kop­
sky and Richard Schmidt rescued an
offender, removing bricks from an
abandoned building, when the structure
Gang Crimes Enforcement North
Officers Robert Felicione and Bernard
Brennan arrested two gang members
wanted for a robbery and murder" com­
mitted months earlier.
* **
Witnessing an attempted gang­
related shooting, Neighborhood Re­
lations Division Officers Thomas Burke
apprehended the offender following a
high-speed car chase.
Officer Jerry Baker, 1st District,
arrested offenders, who had stolen coins
and a master key in their possession,
clearing a pattern of numerous thefts
from parking meters.
Officers James Lascola and James
Paoletti , 1st District, assisted detectives
in locating witnesses and collecting
evidence resulting in the arrest of
offenders wanted for the murder of
a postal inspector.
After countless hours studying a
crime pattern, Tactical Officers Roy
Smith and James David, 2nd District,
arrested three offenders who had been
damaging taxicabs during a strike.
Officers Fred Wheat and Edward
Gilmore, 2nd District, rescued a drown­
ing six-year-old boy and applied CPR
until the child resumed breathing.
While on furlough, 5th District
Officer Lawrence Richardson disarmed
an offender holding a shotgun and
placed the two offenders under arrest
following their attempted hold-up of a
business establishment.
Lieutenant William Callaghan and
Officers Patrick Kellam and Edward
Siwek , 8th District, apprehended a bur­
glar following a short chase and recover­
ed the proceeds.
Off-duty 9th District Officer
Thomas Coughlin, recognizing a man as
a arson suspect at a scene of a fire, ar­
rested the man after a short chase. He
was later charged with arson.
Officer John Bribiesca, 10th Dis­
trict, made an arrest of two armed
robbers. When the offenders were re­
leased on bond , more armed robberies
were committed, and Bribiesca and his
partner Officer James Butler investi­
gated and arrested the offenders a
second time.
*' head, to drop his weapon. He ignored
the command and pulled the trigger, but
the gun misfired. One of the officers
then fatally wounded the gunman.
Sergeant Richard Walton and Offi­
cers Ed ward Katie, James Griffin and
Richard Holmes, 17th District, arrested
two offenders, clearing a series of armed
Patrol Specialist John Reed and
Officer John Cradick, 18th District,
arrested two armed robbers, one of
whom was convinced to surrender his
knife after taking a seven-year-old boy
Following a search of the area,
Officers Lawrence Thezan, Russell
Mueller and Tim McGady, 20th District,
arrested a home invader, and recovered
a weapon and proceeds of the crime.
Officers David Bocian and Edward
May, 10th District, led to safety several
people from two buildings engulfed in
flames. They also assisted the victims
obtain shelter.
Officers Daniel Everett and
Thomas Lonergran, 22nd District, ap­
prehended a suspicious man after a
short chase. A search revealed a loaded
revolver and proceeds from a robbery .
Officers Theodore Kotlarz, Ro­
bert Burkart , Steven Bocconcelli and
Ronald Yawger, 23rd District, appre­
hended four street gang members
wanted for murder.
Lieutenant Ettore DiVito, Ser­
geant Gerald Gregg and Officers Steven
Kurtovich , Donald Wolverton, George
Hardison, and Larry Puzas, 11 th Dis­
trict, apprehended three offenders
wanted for murder, armed robberies,
and an aggravated battery. The officers
also recovered five handguns , two rifles,
one shotgun and a large supply of
ammunition , without one shot being
For nearly a month, in between
their regular assignments, 11 th District
Officers James Nowlin and Celeste
Cyrus investigated home invasions of
senior citizens and apprehended the
** *
Sergeant Louis Lara and Officer
Gregory Baiocchi, 13th District Neigh­
borhood Relations , arrested an offender
who had just attempted to rob a restau­
rant and was wanted for two other
armed robberies .
Officers Michael Keas and Michael
Puttin, 15th District, ordered an armed
robber, holding a gun to a victim's
Officer Richard Catena, 24th Dis­
trict, alertly spotted a suspected rapist
in a car, blocked his flight and placed
him under arrest. The offender was
later identified by four victims.
Deputy Chief Charles Pepp, Patrol
Division , calmly talked to an threaten­
ing armed man in a train depot for near­
ly an hour before catching him off­
guard and disarming him.
Sergeant Patrick McCafferty and
Detectives Joseph Dejanovich, Frank
Galiardo, Dennis Hays, John Miller,
Peter Neary and Angelo Pesavento,
Auto Theft Section, uncovered four
chop-shops , three vehicle stripping oper'
ations and auto yards dealing in stolen
** *
Are'a 6 Violent Crime Detectives
Thomas Keane and Thomas Sappanos
apprehended two armed robbers and
Digitized by
recovered an automa tic pistol.
* * '"
Mass Transit Officers Stanley
Pukelis and Robert Baade followed the
trail of two robbers through the Loop
and apprehended them as they tried to
board an elevated train, recovering the
stolen property.
Mass Transit Officers Kathleen
James, Robert Cochran, and Marcus
Williams saved a woman who was
trapped on the State Street bridge as it
was being raised over the river . She slid
120 feet down the open span into the
officer's arms.
Sergeant James Scott and Officers
Timothy Pater, George Klinger and
Arthur Block, Gang Crimes Enforce­
ment South, surprised and apprehended
two snipers hiding behind a chimney as
they served a search warrant at a strong­
hold for an armed street gang.
After viewing a sketch of an of­
fender wanted for a vicious rape and
robbery, Gang Crimes Enforcement
North Officers Darryl Depke and Ken­
neth Fligelman conducted a painstaking
search through files, located the sus­
pect's address and placed him under
Sergeant Charles Ramsey and Of­
ficers Anthony DeMarco , William Fac­
chini, Herbert Bailey, Herman Cross,
and Clarence Thomas, Narcotics Sec­
tion, broke a major drug ring with the
flrrest of a dealer and the recovery of a
large su pply of cocaine and heroin.
Officers Gary Pike and Joseph
Redville, 1st District, administered
CPR to a three-year-old boy who had
stopped breathing, and saved his life.
Patrol Specialist Ronald Johnson
and Officer Mary Mundell, 4th District,
apprehended three offenders who had
attempted to commit a hold-up of a
food store.
Officers Frank DeGregOrio and
Lawrence Frenzel, 7th District, rushed
to render assistance to a woman giving
birth. The officers saved the baby's
life when they untangled the umbilical
cord that was wrapped around its neck.
Officers Devon Anderson and
Henry Stanton, 9th District, rescued
several people from a burning building
and arrested a man who had been
implicated in area arsons at the scene.
Sergeant Thomas Eichler and Of­
ficers Eugene Chudy and Jimmie
Veraveic, 10th District , placed four
home invaders under arrest , two of
whom were heavily armed, and re­
leased their kidnapping victim.
Officer Dennis DeGregorio, 11 th
District, saved the life of a two-year-old
boy by catching him as he fell from the
second floor window of a burning
** *
Alertly observing a store remain­
ing open after the normal closing time,
11 th District Officers Alfonso Ware and
John Yanez investigated and arrested
an armed robber after a struggle.
Officers Mark Kleidon and Daniel
Sanchez, 12th District, arrested two
men wanted for murder , rape and armed
robbery. When one of them attempted
an escape, responding officer Patrol
Specialist Gustave Tero, stopped him
with a flying tackle.
Sergeant Raul Flores and Officers
William Dorsch, Terry Jaglarski and
James Morales, 13th District, obtained
the license number of a stolen car from
the victim who escaped from the trunk,
and arrested the two armed offenders.
Officers John Klunk and Richard
Nowakowski , 13th District, responding
to an assist call by a fellow officer,
joined in the gun ba ttle with armed
robbers, fatally wounding one and ap­
prehending the other.
Officers John Amoroso and Ken­
neth Korhonen, 14th District, struggled
with an offender wanted for rape when
the man grabbed an officer's gun and
pOinted it at the officer's face. The
other officer placed his hand in front
of the firing pin when the offender
squeezed the trigger, saving his partner's
Following an lengthly car and
foot chase, 17th District Officers
Thomas Bagnell, Michael Rudden and
Richard Sullivan apprehended an of­
fender who had murdered a woman and
had stolen her ca r.
Sergeant James McMullen, 18th
District, conducted an intense surveil­
lance in which a rapist was apprehended
and later identified by the victim.
Officers Charles Elliott, Gary
Morris, Steven Schorsch and Robert
Shanahan , 19th District, working many
off-d uty hours, arrested three burglars,
recovered stolen property, and cleared
several burglaries.
* :I:
Officers Edward Czoski and
Arthur Munin, 22nd District, appre­
hended a man with a knife who was
standing over a woman who had been
** *
Following a search and many in­
terviews of area residents, Sergeant
Robert Biebel , 24th District, appre­
hended an armed robber who had
severely beaten two store owners.
Officer Paul Cardon, 24th Dis­
trict, arrested a man wanted for a hit­
and-run accident. When a search of the
squad used to transport the offender re­
vealed property belonging to a rape vic­
tim, additional charges were placed
against him.
Sergeants Douglas Bolling, John
Duffy, and Elmer Wielontek, Detec­
tives Arnold Kelly, Curtis Blanc, Alan
Busch, John Eshoo, Gregory Krywar­
uczenko, D,onald Masnjak, Robert Moon
and Edward Wielosinski, and Officers
Jerrold Lewis and Michael Patton,
Intelligence Section, and Sergeant
Esmagde Cristia, 14th District , con­
ducted an intense investigation resulting
in the arrest of two offenders wanted
for the attempt of a dramatic robbery
in which they had held eight people
*' * *
After convincing a friend 0 f a
murderer that ·it was to his best inter­
est t~ su(re~deT, Area 2 Youth Officer
Howard Thomas used his oVin home as
a meeting place and placed the offender
under arrest.
Area 5 Property Crime Detec­
tives David Holloway and Robert Meyer
collected evidence and aided in the ar­
rest of a paroled ex-convict wanted for
rape and murder.
Sergeant Charles Ramsey, Youth
Officer Cassandra Black and Officers
Herbert Bailey, Herman Cross , Anthony
DeMarco, William Facchini, John Sta­
pleton and Clarence Thomas, Narcotics
Section, arrested two drug dealers and
confiscated a large quantitv of drugs,
breaking up a major drug f1\1g before it
became ful1y operational.
Digitized by
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Assidui t y
Departme nt
- ---
- -- -
- - - -- - - - - - -- - - ­
Subm i tted by : Rita Jeanne H offman, 7th District Abort
Aforement ioned
o S T N E L B I C R 0 F ML C U L P R I T U V W
Faci li ty
Identif y
Inc a rcerated
Police Officer
Pro fessional
Recrui t
Revol ver
S imul t aneous
Super Seven
Uti lize
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