- PersatuanGenetik Malaysia
- PersatuanGenetik Malaysia
P4 Developing fragrant orchids:cross-compatibility ofselected parents Fadelah Abdul Aziz Horticulture Research Centre, MARDI, P. O. Box 12301, General Post Office, 50774 Kuala Lumpur. Abstract The main objective of the research is to value-add the miniature Dendrobium Doctor Sharil as a potted orchid hybrid with fragrance. To achieve this, selected fragrant Dendrobium orchid species were identified from MARDI's wild orchid germplasm collection. The selected fragrant Dendrobium orchid species were Dendrobium anosmum, Dendrobium crumenotum, Dendrobium leonis and Dendrobium farmeri. These selected parents were then hybridized with Dendrobium Doctor Sharif. Results showed that Dendrobium orchid species used as female parents were not as successful compared to them being used as male parents or pollen donors. Successful results obtained from hybridizations between Dendrobium anosmum and Dendrobium crumenatum were also discussed. Introduction Dendrobium Doctor Sharif is a miniature potted orchid hybrid. This potential hybrid was developed between the cross combination of an Australian species, Dendrobium biggibum and a popular commercial miniature hybrid from Thailand, Dendrobium Chao Praya Gem. Dendrobium Doctor Sharif was released by MARDI and registered at The International Registration Authority of Orchid Hybrids, England on the 266 January 2000 (Fadelah, A. A. 1999). This potential miniature hybrid is suitable as a potted indoor plant because of its small plant structure and attractive spray of small but many purplish coloured flowers. In the past, MARDI has actively conserved wild orchid species, through many collection expeditions that were conducted throughout Malaysia. These wild orchid species were then identified and conserved as living collection for future breeding purposes. (Fadelah, A.A. & Hanim, A. 1995). From the germplasm collection, fragrant Dendrobium orchid species identified were Dendrobium anosmum, Dendrob ium crumenatum, Dendrob ium le oni s and Dendrob ium farmeri. Naturally, fragrantorchid is normally associated with wild species. The fragrance is used to attract insects for pollination purposes (Infothai, 1999). In orchids, both the male pollinia and female stigma are present in the same flower and pollination will take place when the pollinia are placed on the stigma of the same or different flower. For wild orchid speii"r self- pollination by insect can easily occur. Therefore, in dealing with female oichid species as a parent, it is essential to remove the anther cap and the pollinia, so as to avoid self-pollination (Fadelah, A.A. &. Zahatah, H. ed. al. 2001). The cross-compatibility in the hybridization between orchid hybrid and species will depend on factors such as time or synchronize flowering between parent orchid plants, flower maturity (which will determine the right time for a receptive stigma) and the size of the pollinia. 72 Sharif and Materials and Methods The hybridization between Dendrobium Doctor with the respective orchid species, Dendrobium anosmum, Dendrobium crumenatum' to the availability Dendrobium leonis and Dend)obium farmeri were conducted according ensure a good To of the flowers. Reciprocal crosses were also carried out (Table 1)' and the most successful crossing rates, there is a need to know the right time of crossing a guide in as used be can flower receptive period o1th" orchid flowers. A fully opened female t-1" determining the maturity of the orchid flowers. The anther cap and pollinia of flowers esfecially for ihe orchid species were initially removed to avoid selfing. The pollinated flowers in all cross combinations were carefully labeled and recorded. Many percentage trossing of the same cross combinations were repeated, so as to obtain better of success. The successful pollination can be determined after three days from the stages by turning crossing dates. However, the developing pods can still abort at the early yellow and finally droPPed. most of Results and Discussion Generally, poor successful rates were obtained for the cross combinations between orchid- hybrids and species (Table 1). However, the cross-compatibility between Dendrobium Doctot Sharif and Dendrobium anosmum results with 67 - l0o% success. orchid species, Dendrobium showed "r.ouruging with crumenotum, wiifr I one-day flowering habit showed only slight compatibility used were species DendrobiumDoctor Sharif (i%). In both occasions, the fragrant orchid orchid hybrid, as male flowers, supplying ihe pollinia to the more receptive stigma of the species, orchid that, indicated I also Dendrobium Doctoi inu.if. Results from table Dendrobium with Dendrobium leonis and Dendrobium farmeri were not compatible the Doctor Sharif. This was probably due io the small sized pollinia of the species and cross incorrect maturity of the pollinia prior to pollination or crossing' The reciprocal of pollinia was also unsuccessful and this was conversely due to the big sized ity. D endr o b ium D octor sharif. Thus resulting in poor cro ss-compatibil species evaluated, Dendrobium anosmum hybrid DendrobiumDoctot Sharif- About orchid showed the best cross-compatibiiity with 67- IOO% successful .ut. *ui achieved. Another orchid species, Dendrobium as far as *umenatum also indicated slight compatibility with the same orchid hybrid preferred as crossing was concerned. HowJver, in toth cases, the orchid species were Sharif' male pirents, supplying the pollinia to the female flower of Dendrobium Doctot studies between orchid species and hybrids will be further The iross of the "ornpiti6itiiy developed by seid culturing the successful formed pods in the laboratory. Planting evaluation where plantleis will then be conducted in the nursery until the flowering stage and selection of desired fragrant orchid hybrid will be identified. Conclusion Amongst the fragrant orchid References Comber, J.B. (1990). Orchids of Java. Bentham-Moxon Trust' Royal Botanic Gardens Kew. Comber, J.B. (2001). Orchid of Sumatra. Natural history Publications (Borneo). 73 A. (1999). Miniature Dendrobium hybrid, Fl76-94-1 for potted plants. Occasional paper No. 9/1999. Endorsed during the 9911999 Scientific Council Meeting. Fadelah, A. Fadelah, A.A. & Hanim, A. (1995). Collection of orchid and ornamental plant species from Belum, Northern Perak. Special Report. MARDI. Fadelah, A.A., Zaharah, H, Rozlaily, 2., Nuraini, I., Tan, S.L., Hamidah, S. (2001). Orchids: The living Jervels of Malaysia. Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute (MARDI). Infothai, (1 999). http ://www. in fothai. com/wtcmcr/orch i d.htm I -4. Acknowledgement The author wishes to thank Miss Aslina binti Abu Hasan, a graduate student from The University Malaysia Sarawak and Mrs. Inthirani a./p Ramasamy from MARDI for their assistance in conducting this project. Table No. l: Successful rate of hybridization conducted between orchid species and hybrid Dates No. of of Cross combinations crosses conducted crosses No. of successful crosses (9'o) 1. 9 April Den. Doctor X Den. crumenatum t4 t (7%) Der. Doctor Sharif 19 o (0%) 12 rt 6 0 (0%) J 2 (67%) 2 2 (100%) Den. leonis 3 0 (o%) Den. Doctor Sharif 4 o (0%) farmeri 8 o (0%) Den. Doctor Sharif 9 0 (0%) Sharif 2001 Den. crumenatum 2. 14-24 X Den.Doctor Sharif X Den. anosmum(white) (e2%) April200l Den. anosmurz 4. 5. 14 April Den. Doctor Sharif 2001 Den. anosmum 6. 7. 14-30 April 20at Den. 8. 9. Den. Doctor leonis (white) X Den. Doctor Sharif X Den. anosmun (pink) (pink) X Sharif X 17-19 April Den. Doctor Sharif X X Den. Doctor Sharif Den. 2A0t 10. Den..farmeri X 74