IRS Training report - Municipal Corporation Shimla


IRS Training report - Municipal Corporation Shimla
Training Report
Basic & Intermediate Course on Incident Response System (IRS)
Hotel Combermere, Shimla 22-25 September, 2014
Trainer- Mr. Rajesh Bhatiya and Mr. Balaji Singh
Day 1
Session Theme
09:30 – 10:00
Registration, Welcome & Course Introduction
Inauguration of the course
Tea Break
10:45 – 13:00
Module A:-Principles & Features of IRS
13:00 – 14:00
Lunch Break
14:00 -15:15
Module A:-Principles & Features of IRS (Continued...)
Tea Break
Module A:-Principles & Features of IRS (Continued...)
Day 2
Session Theme
9.30 – 9.45
9.45 – 11:00
Module B:-Organisation & Staffing
Tea Break
11:15 – 13.00
Module B: - Organization & Staffing (Continued...)
Lunch Break
Module C:- Incident facilities
Tea Break
Module D:- Incident Resource & Resource Management
Day 3
Session Theme
9.30 – 9.45
9.45 – 11:00
Module D:- Incident Resource & Resource Management
Tea Break
11:15 – 13:00
Module E:- Organizing for Incidents & Events
Lunch Break
Module E:- Organizing for Incidents & Events (Continued...)
Tea Break
Module F:- Incident & Event Planning
Day 4
Session Theme
9.30 – 9.45
9.45 – 11:30
Module F:- Incident & Event Planning
Tea Break
11:45 – 13.00
Simulation Exercise on EQ Scenario : Role Playing by IRT
Lunch Break
Simulation Exercise on Flood Scenario : Role Playing by IRT
Tea Break
Simulation Exercise on Flood Scenario : Role Playing by IRT
After Action Review
Valediction/Certificate Distribution
Five Day Basic & Intermediate Course On
Incident Response System (IRS)
Period of Course: 26th to 30th May 2014
Venue: Hotel Combermere, Shimla
The four day Basic & intermediate course on ”Incident Response System” was jointly
organized by UNDP; Municipal Corporation, Shimla from 22-25 September, 2014 at
Hotel Combermere. 32 officers representing Municipal Corporation of Shimla and
other state /departments participated in the four day course. The main objective of
the course was to strength capacities of all responders involved in emergency
management to adapt to an integrated and organizational structure.
Assistant Commissioner, M C Shimla, gave
Welcome Speech. He welcomed Sh. Sanjay
Chauhan, Honourable
Mayor, Sh. Tikender
Panwar, Dy Mayorof Shimla City, Sh Rajesh
Bhatiya and Sh. Balaji Singh, Trainer of Incident
Response System. He had explained the brief
concept about the IRS course moduleand resource
persons was introduced.
Hon’ble Mayor Adv. K. Chandrika gave the
inaugural addres. He emphasized
the there
should be proper distribution of resources at the
time of disaster and also there is a need of proper
coordination among the decision makers at the
time of disaster. He also mentioned that Nagar
Nigam should ready to manage the disastes as
Shimla is prone to different disasters. He focused
that there must be last mile connectivity at the
time of disaster and this training will give an
insight to set the incident response system.
Dy Mayor, key note address, focused how city
should be resilient. He explained the brief history
of the Shimla city. He also opined that city should
be having master plan according to the terrain of
the area and thus it is needed to replace the
system. He suggested it should be incorporate in
the City Disaster Management Plan.
Day 1
guidelines were also shared. Disaster profile of
India and the journey to IRS was discussed with
participants. The formal session began with
Module A dealing with Features & Principles of
institutional strengthening mechanism and role
of community in disaster preparedness and
response. Giving the example of Kumbh Mela
2013, he emphasized on the importance IRS in
The objective of this session was to introduce not only the disaster event but the planning for
theconcept of IRS and how it helps in inculcating any kind of event .He also discussed the different
a culture of preparedness through quick response, nature of action plan for immediate 24hrs,one
strategic thinking and prevention mechanisms. day, one week and so on. He discussed the
The Session was handled by Mr. Rajesh Bhatiya importance the common terminology when
and Mr. Balaji Singh.
responding to any event. In this session
Section, Branch, Division , Group , Units, Position
Titles: Section Chief, Branch Director, Division/
Group supervisor, Unit leader, Safety/ Liason/
Information Officer etc., Resources : Kind, Types;
Resource Status etc. and Facilities: ICP, Base,
Camp, Staging Area, Helibase, Helipad, Relief
Camps were also introduced briefly . Resource
types, area command and team building was also
briefly discussed. The Module I ended with
The four day schedule was discussed and an questions and answers and a scenario exercise
introduction to Indian Disaster Management facilitated by Sh. Balaji with an aim to familiarize
System & Background for development of IRS participants on the importance of team building.
was given by Sh.Rajesh Bhatiya. The need and A briefing on the scenario exercise was done
importance of IRS and key features of IRS before the closure of the programme on day one.
critical items, difference in ranking is measured.
The group exercise for Session 1 involved the The participants are divided into 4 groups and
participants having to make priority listing for a were asked to do the priority listing. The
problem based on lunar expedition. 15 numbers outcome of the exercise is that participants were
of critical items are given to each team and asked able to see their ability in decision making both at
them to rank according to Individual & Group individual and team level Outcome of the
priority. Then based on the expert ranking of session/discussion
critical items, difference in ranking is measured.
The participants are divided into 3 groups and
were asked to do the priority listing. The
outcome of the exercise is that participants were
able to see their ability in decision making both at
individual and team level.
Session Outline
IRS a multi agency function
Best Practices in the World: ICS, SUMA, EOC, ESF,
FOG’S,DRN, Specialised Teams (SAR, HAZMAT)
ICS a Management System
How ICS can be effectively used in
managing a disaster/organizing an
Helped to identify the strength of each individual
in a team and understood how to use the expert
wisdom in group for tackling a situation.
The objective of this session was to present, the
features & principals of IRS.
Collectively, this feature identifies the unique
Output of IRS
How ICS became IRS?
Group exercise
quality of
as an
by Sh. Balaji Singh.
Session Outline
Management by Objectives
of critical items are given to each team and asked
SMART objectives
them to rank according to Individual & Group
Five Major Functions
priority. Then based on the expert ranking of
Functional Responsibility
problem based on lunar expedition. 15 numbers
management system. The Session was delivered
The group exercise for Session 1 involved the
participants having to make priority listing for a
Incident Operation Organization
Accountability through Incident Briefing participants. In small groups, they were required
An earthquake scenario was given to the
(IRS001), Incident Status Summary (IRS to discuss how they would organize the
earthquake incident using the principles of IRS.
Options for using resources
Along with that they have to complete the
Incident Action Plan
Incident Briefing Form IRS 001, brief the
Outcome of the discussion
supervisor in charge, and present their briefing to
Incident Response team is required at M C the class using their completed IRS 001.
No proper infrastructure to management
situation like City Emergency Operation
Session- 3
This was followed by the presentation and
Outcome of Discussion and Group Exercise
discussion on Module B on IRS Organisation and
Staffing by Sh. Balaji Singh. The organisation
Major Incidents should be ward wise
chart of the Incident Response System was
resources well in planning exercise but
described. The officers of Command Staff and
needed to be done as per the original
General Staff with roles and responsibilities were
discussed in detail. Mainly the aspect of the
proper flow of information and transfer of
Module C on Incident Facilities by Sh. Balaji S
command were emphasized upon. The whole
Chowhan. The session focused on the
module was followed by a scenario exercise on
principal facilities used in conjunction with
Initial Response. IRS Form 001 was introduced to
IRS with explanation, purpose and use of each
the teams and the exercise ended with the group
presentations, comments and discussion by
Command Post, Staging Areas, Base, Camps,
trainers and other groups.
Helibase, Helipads and Relief Camps were
Group Exercise
discussed. The Module also discussed on
proper identification of the facilities which
All the four syndicates divided their
may be located together at an incident or
resources based on capabilities, kind &
event. The management and use of various
Type, Use of resources, Strike Team &
incident facilities to support an incident or
resource status.
event was also covered. The participants
were also made aware of the appropriate
All of them selected location of base
camp as the place of
Some of them choose more than one base
which is not permitted in IRS, since it may
Session Outline
create more logistics problem.
Incident Response System facilities
Guidelines for establishing ICP
division in the area is permitted. If the
Designations for IRS facilities
terrain & accessibility are poor, then it
Illustration of Incident facilities
can be varied accordingly.
Group Exercise
Normally, up to five task forces, only one
While dividing the region based on the
In the given earthquake scenario, after 2
intensity & nature of incident logical
hrs of the incident, member of each
reasoning should be applied.
syndicate is required to act as a logistics
section chief, and identifies facilities that
would needed to contain it. They have to Module D on Incident Resources and Resource
list out facilities in anticipatory which Management. The Module focused on the need for
would be needed to effectively manage proper incident resource management. The
the incident and identify important purpose of resource typing and ways of managing
resources in any situation was explained. Another
capabilities and characteristics.
important aspect was the ways was how resource
status is changed, how notification of changes is
made, and how status is maintained at an incident
or event. The contents of Operational Planning
Worksheet (IRS Form 015) were also thoroughly
discussed. The session also dealt with basic steps
involved in managing incident resources and
identification of the key considerations associated
with resource management like Safety, Personnel
Reserves and Cost. The whole session followed the
scenario exercise to test the Incident Resource
Management & Planning Process by the groups.
This was followed by group presentations and
discussion on the exercise.
The seession was handled by Sh. Balaji Singh
Session Outline
Resources by kind and type
Options for using resources on an
incident- single/task force/strike teams
Resource status
Resource Management
Operational Planning Worksheet
Resource Ordering
Resource Assignments
Demobilizing resources
Demobilization Plan
Group Exercise
Plot for the Group exercise was the same
Outcome of the Discussion & Group Exercise
They have a well planned action plan with most
of the resources were identified/ordered.
utilized the service of air effort; they are
requested to assign nodal officers for
loading & unloading in their plan.
they used services of NDRF, CRPF, Hazmat
Vehicle & VHF units while preparing the
plan, they didn’t have any movement
Additional special equipments apart from
the holdings needed to be mentioned in
teams are assigned to prepare their resource
the action plan of syndicate 2.
They have been provided by a checklist with
resources that are available & yet to be arrived
Mr. Rajesh Kashyap from Syndicate 2
presented the operational plan. Though
earthquake affected area. As a resource leader all
tracking system.
Syndicate 1 Mr. J. C. Sharma though
Mr. Ramesh Chand from Syndicate 3
presented the Operation plan.
and are requested to develop an Incident Action
Though they have covered each item in
detail, they didn’t have any movement
Plan for next day’s operational period (IRS 015)
plan as well as any safety security
instructions for the plan.
Moment plan should be present
Bottom to Top Planning approach in the
Organizing incident Operations
worksheet is essential
Considerations for organizing unplanned
Management by Objective is required
If any rumours are there it should be
Transfer of Command
initially ruled out. Drop off place should
Mutual Aid Response Group
be mentioned in the transportation plan.
How to Divide an Incident
Safety instructions should be mentioned
Unified & area Command
Presentation should be short and quick
Session- 6
Group Exercise
The team members were divided into two
Module E on Incident & Event Management was scenarios. One is to organize an epidemic event
also introduced before the closing of Day 3 After (Swine flu) using IRS system in preparation for an
the recap and review of the previous modules and
outbreak in India. Second scenario is to organize
exercises the day began with the continuation of
a major flooding event that has taken place in
Module E. The Module focused on the
two Districts. They were given an hour to develop
understanding of the steps in transferring and
an organization chart or schematic organization
assuming incident command and the major elements
included in the incident briefing. The fact that chart to display their results. Then each group
incidents can best be managed by appropriate and presented their organizations in the class for
early designation of primary staff members and by discussion
proper delegation of authority was discussed with
the help of examples. The importance of Unified
Command functions in a multi jurisdiction or multiagency incident was also briefed to the participants
by Sh. Rajesh Bhatiya. The module briefing was
followed by the scenario exercise by groups on
Organizing IRS Response (with modifications to
suit different kinds of incidents, events). The usual Outcome of the Discussion & Group Exercise
group presentations and discussed followed the Mr.
presented syndicate 2 & 3, presented the swine
Session Outline
flu scenario very well, in which they performed
Event & incident Management
airport screening & Quarantine activity as scenario and purpose. The exercise was aimed at
preparedness measures.
Incident Planning which included the preparation
They didn’t mention the post of IC in their of the Incident Action Plan; Planning Meeting and
schematic diagram which is a short fall in their Operational Briefing .The demobilization plan
planning process.
was another important component of the
exercise which included the release priorities and
After the exercise the final Module F on Incident procedures of demobilization plan. The IRS titles
and Event Planning was discussed. The Module of personnel who have responsibilities in
focused on steps involved in the planning developing the Incident Action Plan and list of
process, identification of the IRS titles of their duties were given to the participants.
in Group Exercise
developing the Incident Action Plan and listing of The given exercise was Incident Action Plan
their duties. The clarity in identifying the incident Development Scenario for the earthquake during
objectives and development of appropriate twelfth hour of the incident. Each group was
strategies and tactics to meet incident objectives assigned the task of developing an IAP with the
for a simulated scenario were also discussed in team members acting as IRT’s and were require
detail. The concept and understanding of the to do operations briefing at the end of the
Operational Periods in the planning process, and simulation exercise.
how Operational Periods are derived were also Outcome of Discussion & Group Exercise
discussed with the help of the Operational All team members performed their respective
Planning Worksheet (IRS Form 015) and other roles well, but need to follow the planning
forms which may be used in preparing the meeting protocol.
Incident Action Plan. Issues like the criteria for Briefing should be crisp.
determining when the Incident Action Plan Demobilization unit should know where the
should be prepared in writing, identification of resources are located.
the kinds of supporting materials included in an Resource unit should identify the need and
Incident Action Plan (IAP) and the demobilization available resources.
plan were shared and discussed with the
participants. The major scenario exercise for the
next was briefed to the participants with the
Day 4
Incident Commander of earthquake operations.
The Municipal Engineer then call plan meeting of
Final day began with the continuation of the all section head chief under the IRS operational
scenario exercise by the groups. As part of an guidelines. Then the section heads of logistics,
exercise the groups divided into the Command operational and planning teams conduct group
and general staff were supposed to identify meetings and objectives were set up for their
incident objectives and describe appropriate action plan. As an incident Response Team they
strategies and tactics to meet incident objectives are required to:
for a simulated scenario. The groups explained 1) Establish Incident Objectives and make section
the use of Operational Periods in the planning chief assignments (By IC)
process, and how Operational Periods are 2) Develop IRS Organization (draw organogram)
derived. Function of the Operational Planning 3) Conduct Command and General Staff meetings
Worksheet (IRS Form 015) and other forms were and start preparation for planning meeting
also used and discussed while preparing the 4) Develop Incident Maps and Hold Pre-planning
Incident Action Plan. The trainers appreciated the (Develop IRS 015)
effort put in completing the exercise.
5) Conduct planning meeting.
Group Exercise-
Apart from this, Liaison Officer, Safety
earthquake Officer, Media officer were also established for
scenario in Shimla City has been given and the the smooth functioning of the IRS system. Each
whole participants are divided into Planning, team is required to do a specific task and was
Operational & Logistics Section with section assigned to fill the IRS 015 planning worksheet
heads leading each team. An incident was given accordingly and to map the affected areas in a
and team members were asked to respond to the wall map of Municipal Corporation Shimla. Apart
situation based on
from this during the simulation exercise some
IRS principles they learned during previous day’s injects were also given by the trainers to the
class. The thread of the incident goes like this; teams
the Assistant Commissioner who is in charge of complicated. After the completion of their task,
the Responsible Officer calls the Assistant all the team members were called by the Incident
Commissioner and gives instructions to deal with Commander and asked to debrief their operation
the situation. He was asked to take in charge of procedure.
Lessons drawn from Discussion & Exercise
Mr. Rajesh Bhatiya and Mr. Balaji Singh were the
observers of the session. They made following
comments regarding the simulation exercise.
section chief took the charge of IC while
he was briefing the plan, which was Assistant commissioner thanked UNDP for
against the operational procedure of IRS.
conducting the IRS Training. He also appreciated
Incident Commander did not divide the Municipal Corporation’s effort in taking the IRS
responsibility according to the impact of seriously.
earthquake in ward wise.
Incident Commander didn’t took the
Contact details of Responsible Officers
Liaison Officer didn’t ask to coordinate
with the NGOs.
Meeting has to be convened by the
planning section chief & he must have the
operational authority, which was not
In the closing session Assistant Commissioner,
MC Shimla was present .The feedback from the
participants as well as from trainers were taken
List of Participants
Contact Detail
Mohinder Singh Chauhan
Paras Ram
Ram Singh
O P Verma
Surinder Kumar
Asha Ram
Pawan Narwan
General Branch, M.C.Shimla
A.P.Branch, M C Shimla
Health Department, M C Shimla
Junior Engineer
A.P.Branch M C Shimla
R & B Branch, M C Shimla
General Branch, M C Shimla
Sandeep Kumar
Suresh Rana
Ashok Mangla
D. P. Thakur
Vinod Kumar
Suraj Bhatt
Smt Usha Chauhan
Praveen Verma
Vinod Kumar
Gopesh Behl
Prahlad Singh
Rramesh Chand
Amar Chand
J. C. Shimra
Jai Parkash
Madan Gopal
Neelam Kumari
Kanta Suyal
Rajesh kashyap
Genral branch, M C SHimla
Tax Department, M C Shimla
Health Department, M C Shimla
Estate Branch, M C Shimla
Junior Engineer, M C Shimla
Account Branch, M C Shimla
Health Department, M C Shimla
Assistant Engineer, M C Shimla
General Branch, M C Shimla
Junior Engineer, M C Shimla
Account Branch, M C Shimla
IMD, Shimla
General Branch, M C Shimla
DFO, Fire Department, Shimla
General Branch, M C Shimla
Health Department, M C Shimla
Health Department, M C Shimla
Councillor, M C Shimla
Assistant Engineer, M C Shimla
Arun Sirkeck
D S Parmar
Ahok Gulala
Rajesh Thakur
Datt Ram
Devinder Chopra
Dalip Narwal
Dharmender Thakur
Bharat Bhushan
Ram K Thakur
Devender Kumar
Health Department, M C Shimla
General Branch, M C Shimla
PWD, Department
R & B Branch, M C Shimla
R & B Branch, M C Shimla
R & B Department, M C Shimla
General Branch, M C Shimla
General Branch, M C Shimla
Health Department, M C Shimla
General Branch, M C Shimla
General branch, M C Shimla
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
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