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il|lilruilffiilililililIilltiltil N This is it: the torquiest,most flexible motor you can buy in a motorcycle chassls. lt looks like the V45 engtne,but every part is new. Carbs are Keihin CV units; ultrathinHydrin diaphragms eliminate the need for accelerator pumps. Two are downdrafl, two side draft. A TRACanti-diveunit acts on the left fork slider only. Fork tubes are 41mm across; a cast brace holds the two sliders in reoister. lnstrument layoutis traditional, witha coupleof LCDsthrownin forgoodmeasure.We'dgladly replacethe gearindicatorwitha fuelgauge. lentlink-platechains.One lobe of a camshaftoperateslwo valves,by pushingon a forkedcam follower.Eachvalve'slash i s a djus t ed by t he sc re w -a n d -l o c k n u t me th od. TheMagna'shigh-chairhandlebaris adjusted The stylishlytiny upperlank makesthis conIt may seem odd that Hondachoseto fore and aft by thisclamp;we foundthe best cealedlowertanka necessity. An electricdiagive its Nighthawks and the 750 Shadow positionfor thebar wasin the trashbasket. phragm-type pumpgets fuel upstairs. the trickaulomatichydrauliclashadjuster and to leavethe company'scruise-mis- any othermotorcyclecurrentlyproduced, w hi neand shockl oadsto a minim um . The clutch has anothertrick feature, decreedthatthe V65 si l e flags hip,t he V 6 5 , w i th s i mp l e o l d Honda'shigher-ups scre w - t y peadjus t ers .A c c o rd i n g to a shouldhavea long lifespan;by Honda's the sprag-clutchcontrolleddeceleration H o n da s pok es m an ,th e o n e s u p p l i e r calculations. a well caredfor V65 should mode that eliminatesall but three and a qualifiedto make the lash adjusterswas go 100,000miles,if the ownercan afford half of the frictionplatesfrom the drivetrain wheneverthe engineis being spun runningat full capacitythis year just to the rear tires. The one significant designchangeis in by lhe rearwheel.Thisletsthe clutchslip orovide the bits for the smaller bikes. H o n das im plyc ouldn ' b t u y e n o u g ho f th e the clutch.The V45s use a conventional enoughto keep the rear wheel hooked adjustersto equip all the V-4s it planned clutchwith coil springsholdingthe plates up when the ridersnapsthe throttleshut to sell. The valve sizes have gone up in together,but the V65 uses a diaphragm in a low gearor executesa sloppydownp ro por t iont o t he dis p l a c e me n o t f th e springdesign,much like that used in the shift;it limitsenginebrakingto keep the rear-wheelbounce V65: the V45s use 26mm intakesand 750 Shadow.The diaphragmdesign is V65's shaft-enhanced 23mm exhausts,while the V65 needs strongerfor a given clutch width. Hon- tendenciesto an acceotableminimum. The V65 suffers,to a much greaterdeda's engineerswantedto keep the V65 3 0 mm and 26m m po p p e ts . Cam t im ingis t he s a m eo n a l l th e ' 8 3 as narrowas they could, lrut knew they greethanthe V45s,fromexcessivedriveV-4s,Interceptor and V65 included.Hon- had to builda huge reserveof clutchca- trai n l ash. The C V carbs are slight ly da's engineershave apparentlydecided pacityinto a bike with the torqueoutput, abrupt as the throttleis cracked open, on a givenstateof tunefor acceptablere- and the intendedcustomers,of the 1 100. and thi s, added to the l ash pr oblem , liabilityin the Vs, and to get more power, Theclutchis drivenoff the rightend of the givesa very lurchyride in town; untilthe to taste. crank, and torque is fed into the clutch ri der l earns to anti ci oate his t hr ot t le they will just add displacement Besidesenoughhorsepowerto drivethe basketthroughone of Honda'singenious needs and modulatehis forward progshafl-typerear end as fast or faster lhan spring-loadedsplit gears, to keep gear ress with the rear brake. a Dramamine 1983 16 MOTORCYCLIST/NOVEMBER PHOTOS RICHCOX I I t ) I' s I I 'c a r lt a r n c c ti n N Thatdoesn'tmeanthe Magnais a bear to ride;the steeringis, in the mannerof all HondaV-4s,surprisingly lightevenin stop-and-wait traffic.Thesteeringheadis weldedto the two backbonetubesat a 30-degreeangle,with very large41mm forktubeshungon it. Thesteeringhead is long;thereis almosta foot of it betweenthe upperandlowertriple-clamps, to makethe frontend as rigidas possible. lt wouldbe criminalto sendoul an enginelike the V65'swithoutenough brakingcapacityto keepit in line,andthe Magna has the stoppers;two 276mm discs, bolteddirectlyto the cast front wheel,areslowedbythestandardHonda twin-piston calipers. The leftfork leg carriesan adjustable TRACanti-dive unit;a castaluminum fork braceis designedto holdthetwo sliders in closeregisler,makinga double-TRAC systemunnecessary. Theextraplumbing in thelettleggivesit abouttwiceas much compression dampingas in therightleg, evenwiththe rider'sfingersoff the brake lever.Thefork legs haveintegrated airpressure plumbing; Hondarecommends zero to six poundsof atmosphere, pumpedin throughthe fillercap behind the leftforktube. Fattiresarethefashionon A) Hondas, B) cruiser-style bikes,and C) big-displacement road-rippers in general.Being all three,the V65 comeswith porky Bridgeslones, a 110/90-18on a WM4 rim at the frontand a 140/90-16on a WMsat therear.Thetirecompounds are quitehardfor longwear,and,as a resull, theyare nol nearlyas stickyas someof the betterOEMand aftermarket rubber available. High-techmodelslike the Sabreand lnterceptor are perceived to needsingleshockrearendson theirbrochures' feature lists,but the cruiser-styled Hondas are all double-shockers. becausethe laid-backHarleylookdemandsthosebig chromestrutswhichconnectthe rear prescriptionmay be in order.The trans- pistons in thecarbsandalsodo without wheelto the rest of the bike.Honda missionis not the slickestshifieraround, accelerator pumps,contraryto Honda's chose,wisely,to give the V65 state-ofwith a slightlyclunkyfeel,but we missed own salesbrochures. Theair cleaneris the-adjusting-art shocks,with rider-tunafew shifts. mountedup underthe deceptively small ble adjustments for preload,compresLikethe Sabreand the 750 Magna,the uppergas tank;there'sanothertankfit- siondamping, and rebounddamping. V65's gearbox is a six-speed.With the ted undertheseatto givethe Magnaac- Thereare five preloadsettings, four re1100'samazingtorquespread,thishard- ceptablerange,with an electricdia- bound-damping settings,and two comly seemsnecessary,but it lets the engine phragm-type fuelpumpto getthefuelup pression-damping choices;rebound spin at a lazy 3264 rpm at 60 mph in intothe carbs.Thefuel systemhas one dampingis changed rotating by a collar overdrivesixth,all with enoughaccelera- deficiency we findastounding in a top-of- at the top of the shockbody and comtion to handlemostcommontrafficsitua- the-linecruiser.Hondadid not providea pressiondamping by twistinga small tions.Thequiet,rubber-mounted motoris fuel gaugeor a reservepositionon the knobat lhe rearof thelowershockbody. essentiallyvibration-freeat any speed petcock.Thisis a seriousomission for The bolt-upright seatingpositionand above a walking pace; any of the top anyonetouringon an interstate, consider- the high and narrowbars conspireto three gears works just fine out on the ingthetankhasa paltry1S-mile rangeaf- make the V65 feel like a tall barber's freeway,but sixth leavesyou almost un- ter thelow-fuel light-lheonlyfuelindica- chair,footrestsandall.Thepegsare not able to detectthe enginewhirringunder- tor-comeson. We are told you can ad- as ridiculously far forwardas the 750 neathyou. justthe reserve'slight-uppointby bend- Shadow's,and that'sgood.The seat is Like the V45, the V65 uses a brace of ingtheleveronthesending unit,butwe'd narrow,andthestepis toofarforuvard for four CV carburelors,two downdraft,two muchprefera realreservesystemwitha lall riders;theyalwaysfeltthe moslcomsidedrafl,with new ultrathinHydrin rub- 30-mile or greatermargin. fortableridingpositionwouldhavebeen ber diaphragmsfor quick responseand The V65'schassisis far from dainty; two inchesbehindthe seat step. The lighterweight. Becausethe diaphragm it's a long (62.8-inch wheelbase), tall stockbar is adjustable fore and aft like moves so easily,the maximum-strength (32.9-inch seat height),heavy(591- the CB1100's. lt can be replacedby a Magnacan make do with lighterfloating poundwet weight)battle-axof a bike. standardtubular-type bar, but the high PHOTOT DAVE BUSH MOTORCYCLIST/ NOVEMBER 1983 17 HONDA V65 tvlAONA . . . . $3898 S uggested retai lpri ce.... .................12 months,unl i m it edm iles W arranty 1800 ..............Appr ox. N umberof U .S .deal ers m iles i nterva| s............, . . . . . 8000 R ecommended mai ntenance EltGtltE Type............. .............Li qui d-cooled, tr ansver se 4-stroke90' V-4 4 valves,operatedby forked Valvearrangement.......DOHC, cam followers,threadedadjusters 1098cc Displacement .i 9.5 x 55. 3m m B orex stroke........... rati o.............. .......,..... , . . . . . . . 10. 5: 1 C ompressi on .4, 36mm Keihinconstantvelocity Carburetion.. ............B attery-pow ered tran sist , or ized, l gni ti on 2 magnetictriggers ........W et sum p,3. 7 qt Lubri cati on ...........,....3wat 00 t sAC C hargi ngoutput........... ..1 2V,18AH B attery DRIYETRAIlI gears, 1. 707:1 P ri marytransmi ssi on ...................S trai ghtcut .........W e15 t , plat es C | utch........... ..........S haf3.t ,182: 1 Fi naldri ve.... 3600 3800 4000 4200 4400 crrASErS I I LE TIIE 10. 7s11. 0011. 2s11. s 011. 75 WET WEIGI{T soo II|TERVALS 1500 3000 4s00 6000 7500 AYEFAqE T9UFIiGi RA I { G E 1983 Honda V65 Maona 1982 Suzuki G S 1l O G L 1983 Kawasaki 750 Turbo 1mm S how a,6.3 in. t r avel; Frontsuspensi on.......................4 TRACanti-dive, adjustmentfor air pressure R earsuspensi on,.......,........................D S howua| adam per s, 4.1 in. wheeltravel;adjustmentslor springpreload,rebounddamping,compressiondamping ...............2, caliper s Frontbrake,., si ngl e-act ion with dual live pistons,276mm discs caliper R earbrake ,...................1, si ngl e-act ion with dual live pistons,297mm disc Frontti re.............1 10/90-18B ri dgestone Mag. Mopus- 1303 Reartire 140/90-16Bridgestone Mag. Mopus-G508 ....30" /4.1i n. ( 105m m ) R ake/trai l ...62.8i n. (1595m m ) W heel base... .....31.0i n. ( 787m m ) S eal hei ght,unl aden......... Fuelcapaci ty ......,....4.gal 5 ( 171) .591 l b (268k9)wet ; W ei 9h1.......... 564 lb (256k9)tank empty C o1or............. ...........M ar oon/ Blue Insl ruments .................S peedometer, tachometer, o dom et er , tripmeter;lightsfor turn signals,high beam,neutral:warninglightsfor oil pressure, fuel level;LCDsfor water temperature and gear position roo s2o 540 s6o 580 120 140 1983 18 MOTORCYCLIST/NOVEMBER 160 180 I '|74 miles F : 196 miles 167 mi l es PERFORTAXCE Fuelconsumpti on...................37 to 41 mpg, 38,6 m pg avg. m iles A veragetouri ngrange............ .......... . 174 11.21 sec.,1 22. 0m ph B est % -mi l eaccel erati on.. 200-ydtop-gear accel erati on from 50 mph..............81.5 mph terminalspeed R P Mat 60 mph,top gear . . . . 3264 Calculaledspeedin gearsat (redl i ne)........ ....(10,000) 1st,60 m ph; 2nd,85 mph; 3rd, 107 m ph; 4l h, 128 mph; S th, 153 m ph; 6th, 184 m ph: mph, ac t ual28.1; S peedometer error................................30 60 mph, actual55.9 PHOTOS.RICHCOX OffiQ The clutch has two points of interest; the sprag clutch-governed split inner hub and the diaphragm spring (lower right). The aluminum inner hub (top row, ceiter) and its complement of plate.sare always engaged when the lever is untouched;the outer steelhub (top row, right) and its plates.disengage.under deceleration,ailowing the_innerhub's platesto slip during alnalbrupt downshitt. The diaphragm clutch spring, ltke tie 7s0 shadow's, allows a iarrowdr assemfly wtthout compromising durability. ours ran strong through two rough days at the strip. The cylinder heads are similar, in all considerations but size, to the V45's: compression ratio, valve angle, valve actuation, and even cam timing are the same as in the '83 VFlS)s. The360-degree forgedcrankcarriesthe four journals;it rides in rods on two side-by-side fourmainbearings,eachsandwiched between theupperandlowercasehalvesby lourbolts. gas tank makesthe choiceof accessory bars very limited;withoutthe rightangle bendthatsendsthe stockbar up fromthe triple-clamp,mosl aftermarketbars will hit the top of the tank beforethe trioleclamp hils the steeringstop. H o n d a ' srepresentati ves encouraged us to changethe handlebarif we didn't likethe stocker,but we foundthat few, if any,aflermarket barswill fit the bike.The The steel cylinder sleeves are cast into alumionlylikelycandidatewas the bar fromthe num towers, held by the floor of the waterjackets below and the cylinder head assemblies '83 CX650C;we got on the phone to above. Liners are borable, not replaceable. Hondaand orderedone. The changein PHOTOSRICHCOX the sealing positionwas dramatic.The lower, wider bar rotated the rider forward, givingtaller riders more room on the seat and takingaway the "riding on stilts"feel of the stock machine, The fastestHondais set up stifflyon its suspenders;even with the fork air pressure at zero and the rear shocks set to the lightestpreloadposition,the ride is firm and solid, jusl on the comfortable side of harsh. The V45 Magna hangs much more looselyon its springs;the smallerbike likesto porpoiseand wallow quite a bit on bumpy,twistyroads.With al l the horsepow eravai l abl e,Honda's productplannersand test ridersfelt the V65 should have a much more stable handlingplatformand, after a considerabl e devel opmenteffort,turned it int o what can only be termed a real man's machine.Hondafigureslhe V65 pumps about 116 horsepowerat the crankshaft, and all that power has to be fed into a rear-wheel-bouncing shaft-drive arrangement. The engineerstried to keep the shafl effect under control by making the swingarmas long as possible,but there was only so much they could do. With a given amount of rise-and-fallforce imparted by the shaft-drivesystem, stiffer springswill controlthe wheelbetterthan soft ones-so stiffer it is. Still, the shaft makes i tsel f fel t i n any on-off thr ot t le movements.One test rider swore he felt the suspensionbottomout on flat, level groundwhen he merelyshut the throttle decisively,a shorttime afterwhackingit open decisively. A s w i th any hi gh-horsepow ershaf t driver,rough pavementhit with the gas on can be very painful;the suspension goes to full extensionvery quicklyin the fi rst three gears, pumpi ng the shock loadsrightup intothe rider'sspinewhen the asphaltis lumpy.A more controlled hand on the throttlewill smoothout the ride considerably,though,and the irresistibleflow of torque,evenat 2000 rpm, allowsa calm rider to upshiflearly and free up some suspension travelfor bump absorptioninsteadof shaft control. On S outhernC al i forni a' sw ash boar d freeways,the V65 hobbyhorsesnoticeably; lighterriders especiallyfound the ride too stifffor their liking.The big fork has all the technicalcredentialsto provide stiction-free stroking,but in actual practiceit placesno betterthan average. A handheldon the fork wiperduringfreeway jouncingtells a lot; the fork doesn't float freely,but seemsto bind up about every third expansionjoint, sending its bouncestraightup to the rider.Herethe talland narrowbar helpsthe rider;it is so high,the rider'shandsmove up in an arc beforehim, and littlejolt actuallymakes it to the rider'sshoulders. His shoulderswill have enoughto do just keepinghim in position.lt takesconstanttensionin the arms and shoulders for the riderto hold his body up against the wind, and, as the speed rises, so does the force reouiredto hold that oosiMOTORCYCLIST/NOVEMBER 1983 19 ! I o o o '4'.*r t o o l i on. Fast ri ders' i nsti nctsl el l th em t o crawl forward to get more weight on the frontwheel,but the tall tank and upright bar make this very difficult. To a V65 rider,the cornerson a road just serveto connectall thosewonderful straightaways. Pushingthe long and stiff chassisthrougha set of rough esses is likeforcinga Peterbilt throughthe crystalstemwaresectionat Macy's;something's got to give. The front end gets unsettled easilyand chattersover sharp pavement bumps,and the hard tires do littleto inspire the rider to keep leaningafler the pegs start skippingover the pavement. On smootherroads,with a smoothrider, the Honda can make surprisinglygood time, but the machinewas just not built withcanyonridingin mind.Oncethe rider learnsthe limitsof the suspension,a lot of fun can be had on corner-laced roads, but the fun happenson the straightsbetweenthe turns.The brakeswork as well as a monsl er bi ke' s shoul d; the f r ont discs are smooth,powerful,and predictable, making it fairly easy to bring the hardfronttireto the pointof squealsafely and consistently. The rear brake is more powerfulthan it has to be; it takes a very IHIRICORD OFF The MonsterMagna could make a strong claimfor possessingthe king of molorcycle engines.lt is powerfulat any enginespeed and respondswheneveryou touchthe throltle. lt also handlesquitewell, providingstabilityand surprisingprecisionin corners. Bul lhe cramped,awkwardridingposition and the loadsof drivetratn lashruinil for me. Tryingto ride it smoothlyis a challenge, and one that I'm willingto forgo becauseI am so uncomforlableafter riding the V65 for any length of time. lt's obviouslyunnecessary, too, becauselhe HondaV45 Magnadoesn't have the same problems,even thoughit is basicallyjust a smallerversionof lhe same motorcycle. -Art Filedman V65 Magnalookslike a 500-poundmagnet that was draggedthrougha partsbin." But it came oul fasl and t"'o" -"r, rGordon Every motorcyclistshould get lo ride the V65. You'vegot to experiencelhe engine. Don'tbotherto ride it arounda corneror actuallygo somewhere on it. Justaim the brute down a desertedstretchof road and let her you'llremember eat. lt will be an experience for a very long time. -Jeff Karr Leitner,of A-Trakfame, has been modifying shaftdrive bikes for years to get rid of the pogo effect. lf we musl have a shafl, why can't we get it wilhoutthe attendantsuspension problems.The technologyis out there; I just can't see why we don't use il. -Dexter Ford Honda'smonslrousV65 Magnaremindsme of a typicallyterrifyingcarnivalride, the one with the heighland weightrequiremenl. On the Magna,you reclineon yourtailbone,feet slightlyin frontof you,and the handlebarpositionis identicalwith the carnivalsteelbar Ridingthe V65 has broughthometo me just that swings up and locks you in place. how much I dislikeshaft-drive molorcycles, When the sadisticcarnivalride operator especiallyones with as much horsepoweras flips lhe switch,you realizeyou've made a this one. The firstimpression grave error in judgmentand there is not a I got ridingthe With barelylwo monthsof ridingunder his bike was that it had a wonderfulengine;the damn thingyou can do aboutit. You'vegol bell,a youngfriendof mineis alreadyso desecond impressionwas how sad it was that a one-way E-ticketto white-knuckletenor, hydratedfrom droolingover superbikeslhat the shaft kept me from enjoying it. At low being hurlled in directionsyou're not prehe's readyto sellhis Hawk,stereo,and tuba speedsthe shafthasthe Magnabouncingall pared to go and having your arms yanked for lhe fastest,meanesl,bone-crushingest over the road,with dramalicaltitudechanges out of their sockets. Big Bike he can buy. To bring him to his every50 feet or so. The Magna'sshafl is not Had I been at lhe controlsof that carnival sensesI pluckedthe Magnafromthe garage much worse than other manufacturers'almachine,I probablywould haveenjoyedmyand took him for a Magna-lourof L.A. at t em pt s ; only th e C X 6 5 0 T u r b o a n d t h e self. Then again, perhaps nol. I was at the night-120-mphrunsdown a straightstretch GS850 come close to escaping my shaft controlsof the V65 and did nothingbut punof deserledfreeway,gut-ruptuririglaunches rage. ish myself. But that's because I did everyfrom stoplights,and huge, yawningclutchEnclosedchainsand O-ringchainsare dulhing wrong. For instance,I tried lo whistle less wheeliesthat lofted the front end like a rable, more efficient,cheaper to manufac- through bumpy corners, urged on by lhat 747 on takeoff.Whenwe returnedhomemy lure, and hurt handlingless. Most first-time brute of a molor, when I should have taken t riend was white -kn uckle dand s hak ing. bike buyersthink shaftsare the only way to it easy and saved myself lor the straighta"T hat bike ," he hisse d th r oughc lenc hed keep their handscleanon a ride to lhe slore, ways. Had I not whackedthe throttleopen on teeth,"is completely insane."He'srighl.The but the days of rapidlydisintegrating chains that hill near the office, I wouldn't have sore V65 is a deathwish made melal.The motor are longgone.The Japanesemanufacturers shouldermuscles.and had I not tried to is a sultrysirenof excess,whilethe chassis are forced to give us shaft-drivebikes bereach Mach I on those bumpy back roads, is a naked invilationto dark disaster.The causetheysellbetterthanchain-drivers; this my back wouldhavebeenlessabused.Had V65 offersthrillsfor the seriousand skilled has the effect of putting the least expenI stuck to humiliatingevery motorcycleand rideronly,and il's slrongmedicinefor white- encedriderson the bikeswiththe mosl proexolic musclecarI came across al the interline fever.As for its appearance,Cycle Cannouncedhandlingquirks,and that can't be seclions,l'll bet I would have had a great ada has to take the prize Ior bagging the gooo. Itme. Magna'sbulgy looks in verbalaspic: "The Thereare fixes for shaft-drivebikes:Horst -Ken Vreeke MOTORCYCLIST/NOVEMBER 1983 21 "Stayin shape. It helpspreventinjuriesin alltypesof ridingi' R//DE AWARE McrroF|cYcLE lNougtFrY couNcl|-llNc. good rider to get the rear wheel to the edge of braki ng adhesi onw it hout enhopping. counteri ngshafl -accentuated The combinationof the shaftand strong rear brakesurpriseda coupleof our riders: a touch on the brake at the instant the throttleis snappedshutcan send the and shudder ing. rearw heelscreechi ng Thereare no real suroriseshere; the V65 is notdesignedto go aroundcorners quickly,nor to keep its ridercomfortable on the way acrossNebraska.lt's a musdragcle bike,a hot rod,a Saturday-night stripscorcher,an urbancheap-thrilltroller. TheV65 deliversall the asphalt-shreddi ng performancei ts bruti sh - but - saniti zed l ooks promi se. Li ke ma ny ot her the V65 can be motorcycles, specialized calledon to performtasksoutsideits intended performanceenvel o pe, but it in any role but the seemsuncomfortable one Honda'sdragstripTV ads definefor it. You can ridethe V65 to work, you can rideit up the Coasthighway,you can ride rt acrossthe country,but none of these dutieslet the V65 stretchits legs and do whal it was designedto do. The V65 is bui l t for the moment that lat e '60s straightout of Car Craftor Hot musclecar, Rod magazine,idles up next to you at a stoplighton the outskirtsof town, with a fiberglassbox on the hood and traction barsunderthetrunk.l t' sbui l tfo r t hatdelicious momenlwhen your eyes meet the eyes of the anxiousdriver beside youfil and you know he belongsto You. Introducing the neu, GSM Sport Racks Designed to conform to each individual motorcycle's styling lines, because we believe that "a rack should be usedand not seen!" r Sport Racks are designed for each model-we don't bellervein "unlversal fitt" . Styled to flow with the bike's lines-Sport Racks don't detract from a blke's good looks. . Durablg weather resistant Black Epoxy paint. . All the necessary mounting hardware for an instant bolt' ont . A low retatl price of $49.95. GSDIT 13025 Raymer St. North Hollsuood, CA 90605 local calls ef3) 764-f808 Calilornia Toll Free ($Wl 232-2379 NationwldeToll Free (80O)423-2302 22 MOTORCYCUST/NOVEMBER1983 @E E3 Spora Rrcks arc avallable fon 79 Honda 750F,9(DF and llfi)F (55-l2ol), E2 & E3 Honda VF750 Sabre(65-12O2), 83 Honda CB{50C Ntghthawk (6$f2Gl), 83 Honda VF7SOFlntcrccptor (6$12(X), 82 & 83 Honda Xl25O & 5OO(6$1230), E2 KawacrLl GPz-7$O, E3 KZ-750L3 (6*2201L t2 & E3 Xawagakl GU-550 (6$220!t),t3 lbwasakl GPZ'750& llfl) (65-2203), t2 Kawasakl GPZ-1100 (65-22041, E3 Kawasakl GPZ-350 (65.2205),t2 Suzukt GS75OE E2 & 83 G$r00 (6S320r),83 Suukl G9750E & ES (5$3202), E3 Suukl G$550E & ES (6t23O3), E3 Yamaha XJ9fl)R S€ca (6$420f ), tf & E2 YamahaXJ750R Sca (55.42011), tr Eil YamahaXJSfl)R S€ca - models belng dclgned (65.{203). Morc each day - call for an update of appllotlonsl We accept Master Charge and Vlm on phonein orders. Orderc shipp€d same day UPS. I