Job fair - Digilog at UOIT and DC


Job fair - Digilog at UOIT and DC
Lady Lords take tournament!
Job fair
to D C
By CIndy Wells
Chronicle Staff
REACHING FOR THE SKY: Lady Lords players Tryshia Colquhoun, left, and Candace Brandauer,
go for the ball in the Killer Instinct Cup tournament held here at Durham College and UOIT. The
Lords finished in first place to much applause from the crowd. See Lords pg. 21
winning team
Lords come’.out on top
. :
’ Page 21. ’
Faculty: Still no settlement
By Jessica Smith
Chronicle Staff
As colleges and faculty continue to wrangle over issues of
salary, workload, job security and benefits, recent negotiations
ended without an agreement for the 24 community colleges
across Ontario.
Travelling speaker
educates youth
A look at KPI
Annual survey
now out
Employment opportunities await stu
dents at Durham College and UOIT’
annual job fair.
Durham College’s seventh an<
UOlT’s first annual job fair is being hel<
Feb. 11, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. in th’
gym. This is an opportunity for stu
dents to speak with employers abou
full-time, part-time, summer, contrac
and internship positions.
Admission to the fair is free for stu
dents with a valid Durham or UOIT stu
dent ID. Regular admission is $10.
There will be close to 60 employer
attending the iob fair. Some of th’
attending employers include: Canadjai
Security InteiH^c’ncc .Service’ (CSIS)
Ltik’eriuyc Health, Ontario Po\vc
Generation, Durham Regional Police
Paramount Canada’s Wonderland,
See Job Fair page:
"What’s happening now is we’re (negotiating team) preparing to take a strike vote. At this point, the mediator has
adjourned talks so we’ll go back to the table whenver we’re
called," said Peter McKeracher, president of OPSEU local 354
and member of the negotiating team.
A ^strike vote, which gives management notice of the union’s
willingness to go on strike, is set for Feb. 17. A pre-strike vote
was held last fall and faculty voted for a strike at that time.
McKeracher said in his opinion it is unlikely that there will be
any further talks prior to Feb. 17.
Management .however, expects to see discussions happen
before that date. lan McArdle, executive director of the College
Compensation and Appointments Council for the Colleges of
Applied Arts and Technology, said he remained hopeful that a
settlement would be reached and was "very confident" the
mediator, John Mather would be calling the bargaining teams
back to the table prior to Feb. 17.
"We believe the mediator will be calling us back soon," said
McArdle. " we are hopeful we can reach an agreement."
The last two-year contract expired Aug.’31 and the two sides
were unable to reach an agreement prior to that date. While
discussions have continued since that date. the biggest issues
to hammer out continue to be salary, workload, job security
and benefits.
Talks on Dec. 18 were unsuccessful and parts of the proposal tabled by management expired Jan. 16 without a settlement.
The wage increases proposed by management were 3 per
cent per year for the next three years, with the latest proposal
offering an added 0.5 per cent increase in the second year of
the three-year contract. This latest offer would be retroactive to
Sept.l. College support staff voted in favour of the same wage
increase offer Dec. 18.
For faculty, the goal is to keep salaries for college professors
at a mid-point between the maximum wage of secondary
teachers and university professors. According to the union representing college faculty, the latest offer would mean that in
three years time, faculty would be receiving a salary of only
$300 more than that of the highest paid secondary school
teacher, due to the average salary increase settlements of 3.9
per cent for secondary school boards. The union is asking for a
4.75 per cent increase in the next two years, which has been
dropped from the original 5 per cent the union was asking.
The workload portion of the contract is another sticking
point for both sides. Debbie Rautins, vice president of OPSEU
local 354, said aver the last three years computer technology
advancements have increased the workload for teachers in a
variety of areas, including the implementation of new technology into the curriculum. The previous contract did not lay
out specific time allotments for the increased demand on
teachers’ time. As well, the union said workload is being
increased in general and that education is suffering as a result.
The issue of benefits is also unresolved, with one of the topics being drug benefits.
Management’s latest drug card proposal would be a change
from the previous plan and would now include a third party,
BCE Emergis, a subsidiary of Bell Canada Enterprises, which
would approve any new drugs before they would be included
on the drug plan.
The previous drug plan covered all new drugs approved by
Health Canada. The union’s stance is that the new card would
limit access to certain drugs because of this third party inclusion.
The negotiation teams have come to agreement on a Return
to Work Task Force (RTW) which would look into issues of
employees on long-term disability, short-term disability and
WS1B who may return to work. During negotiations the task
force, which included faculty, support staff and management
representatives, created a model RTW system, which both parties agreed upon. The union is demanding this model be
included in the collective agreement,
With talks now adjourned, botli sides remain hopeful a settlement will be reached before the tentative strike date, March
2 THE CHRONICLE January 27. 2004
It’ s time to give your input
By Jessica Verge
accountable to students, graduates and
their employers, and that’s something
Balenko values.
"I strongly believe that we need to be
accountable," she said.
The 2003 KPI results reported tliat
Durham College, which ranked first in
student satisfaction among the six GTA
college for the fifth year in a row, had
increased all its rating from previous
Irving hopes to continue providing
that high standard of achievement to
students, graduates and employers.
"We definitely want to keep that position and improve wherever we can," she
Chronicle Staff
With all the tests, quizzes and assignments that
grace a college student’s desk, it’s important not
to miss one paper coining your way this February:
the annual KPI survey.
KPI, or Key Performance Indicator, allows students to tell the college what they think of programs, facilities and services.
Launched in 1998 by the government of
Ontario and used by 25 colleges in the province,
KPI is anotlier way for students to have their voices heard. While tlicre arc five KPI surveys, including student, graduate and employer satisfaction,
graduate employment and graduation rate, it’s
the Student Satisfaction survey to which those
currently enrolled at Durham College need to
KPI surveys will l)c distributed in class
direct tlicir attention.
during tlic first two weeks of February,
"We want students to understand how importhough an advanced survey was availtant these surveys are and that tlic feedback we
able last November for those students
receive is utilized," says Shelley Irving, Support
not on campus tills semester.
Services Officer for Judy Morctton, VP of
To participate in the anonymous surAcademic Excellence and Innovation, and Bev
vey, students must be enrolled in at least
Balenko, Chief Operating Officer.
their second semester of a full-time pro"With that feedback, we continuously improve
our programs and services."
For graduates, surveys are issued six
Results from the last academic year, which
months after graduation and ask how
were released April 9, 2003, led to a long list of
Photo by Jossica
(lie college performed during their eduimprovements around campus, including a new
cation. KPI also asks for permission to
residence and dining hall, new student clubs, a
Johnston and Heather Rinnard, second-year ECE stucontact their employers to find out how
new year-round tennis facility, new computer serdents, hold an advertisement for this year’s KPI survey
well the college prepared graduates for
vices, a new hairdressing salon and the arrival of
their jobs.
Tim Hortons and the Big Pita.
Results for this current academic year will be avail"We really value what students have to say," said better,
And since 10 per cent of the school’s funding is able in April 2004 and posted on My Campus Web
Bcv Balenko.
She isn’t the only one with that belief. All college linked to KPI, funding which is put back into the col- site. Look for free bookmarks throughout the college
programs, areas and student services use the KPI lege to aid improvements, participation is important. with further KPI details and more improvements
The goal of KPI is to make Ontario colleges more Durham College has made because of their results.
results to develop an action plan to serve students
continued from pg.1
and the Ministry of
Finance. A more detailed
list of employers, along
with links to employer
Websites and job fair tips,
can be found on the Career
and Employment Services
W e b s i t e :
Students should come
to the job fair prepared
and well dressed with a
Researching the companies you plan to speak
with is also very important, says Mary Noble,
employment adviser at
Career and Employment
Services. "Research that
company so you have
something to talk to them
about," she said.
A good resume is also
important, Noble says. If
you know which companies you want to approach
you can prepare a personalized resume and cower
letter.’ General resumes
should also be prepared in
case an unexpected company interests you.
Career and Employment
resumes ahead of time
(Oshawa B205, Whitby
room 103). Noble strongly
advises students not to
wait until the last minute
to bring in their resumes.
Appearances are deceivin
By Lindsay Orser
parking spot, you don’t need it, it’s for person is actually disabled. So what if
old people and you’re, not old’ I said someone who looked just fine on the outexcuse me sir, I have a handicapped per- side tried to tell us they needed to park
’When you look at Brenda Montgomery mit and it’s right on my dash. So I went there. If they had a handicapped placard
you would never think that she was dis- in my car and held it up in front of him. or licence plate, wouldn’t we assume they
abled and you would never believe the He never said sorry or nothing. Him and had stolen it or borrowed the car? For
horrible harassment she receives on a reg- his wife just left and started walking into goodness sakes, we can all tell who is
ular basis.
handicapped and who is not, it is OBVIMontgomery was in a bad car accident
Apologies are something Montgomery OUS...or is it?"
back in 1985. She was technically dead never receives even when the harassment
Amy Vincent could sense the sarcasm
for three hours.
happens right in front of her children, in that statement and says she knows dis"When I woke up, I woke up in a body ages eight, nine and 11. Often When it crimination against those who don’t look
bag. And although I have no physical happens in front of her children, it scares disabled all too well. Vincent’s mother
injuries on the outside, I took extensive them. They are too young to understand suffers from Multiple Sclerosis but doesn’t
said what is going on, especially the eight- need the use of a cane or walker yet.
damage on
Montgomery, whose injuries included a year-old.
"She has a hard time walking, she has
shifted spine, warped collarbone, and a
Another incident happened outside of to walk really slow. and it’s painful for
the Bank of Montreal in Bowmanville.
concussion that lasted for six months.
her. Yet it hurts me to see people, people
One day Montgomery woke up and
"She was swearing and yelling at me, that don’t even know my mom, yell or
couldn’t move. Now she has an inopera- threatening to call the police on me, and make mean comments to her. Can’t they
ble herniated disk in her lower back, for my daughter started to cry," she says. see it’s hard for her to walk/ or does she
which she now has to take regular injec- "She said that it’s people like me that take need a walker to prove that she is distions in her spine for pain and takes mor- these spots away from people like her abled?" said Vincent. It angers her to see
phine daily just to be able to walk short father, who needs a cane to walk and how people react to her mother and says
distances. The pain can be so unbearable needs these spots."
she has a hard time understanding why
sometimes that she has to stop and squat
Montgomery may not need the use of people are so mean. "When I was young
down to take a break. She says you might a cane or wheelchair but she does need I used to be embarrassed to go out places
see her squatting in the halls or in line at painkillers to be able to walk short dis- with her. People would comment and
Tim Horton’s, only because she is unable tances and it is just as hard for her to walk yell and point fingers. I didn’t underto take the pain of standing up.
as an elderly person with a cane or walk- stand."
"I’m thinking, it’s got to be associated er.
Montgomery wrote a letter to Durham
with that," Montgomery said of her car
"My whole point with going to the MPPJohn OTooIe. concerning the diffiaccident.
media was, in our schools we teach our culties she encounters when she uses her
But now Montgomery has to also deal children that bullies are not allowed. Yet handicapped parking permit.
with harassment and threats from people as adults we turn around and bully other
O’Toole wrote a letter back to
when she parks in handicapped parking adults and act like it is OK. So what is Montgomery about her treatment and
spaces, though she does have a handi- that teaching?"
advised her that speaking out and getting
There are a lot of people with non-vis- her story out through the media will help
capped-parking permit. She says that
much of the harassment seems to happen ible disabilities and there are a lot of peo- raise awareness.
in Bowmanville, where she moved to ple who don’t understand that. On the
"Permits are only issued after full docback in January.
Invisible Disabilities Advocate Website a umentation has been provided and they
"I went to the Zeilers in Bowmanville, statement clearly points just how our must be updated on a regular basis," said
I got out of my van and went to go inside visually oriented our society is, especially O’Toole. "This ensures drivers who have
when this old man and old lady got out when it comes to the disabled.
the permits are fully entitled to use them.
of their car beside me. He was swearing
"When we see someone getting out of It is unfortunate that everyone is riot
and yelling at me and he even took his a car that is parked in the handicapped aware of the strict rules for issuing these
cane and tried to hit me. ’Get out of that zone, we usually look to make sure that permits."
Chronicle Staff
job fair
January 27, 2004
I mp o rt ant s afe ty t ip s
By Sabrina Albis
the college late at night and
you need an escort to your
car or to Rcz call for the Safe
Chronicle staff
Walk program." Johnson said
if Safe Walk isn’t operational
at the time a security guard
will escort you where you
need to go.
He said it is also crucial to
keep an eye on your personal
belongings at school.
"Do not flaunt large
amounts of cash or carry a lot
of cash around with you," lie
He also stresses not leaving
laptops unattended at the
library, on the rack while
going into the bookshelf, in
the back scat of unlocked
cars, or in the Commons.
"People have left their lapstudent here.
tops on tables in the library,
Bill Johnson, security gone to get a book, and when
administrator at Durham they got back their laptop
College, said it is hard to tell was missing."
an offender by appearance.
To be sure your laptop is
"That’s why students should. safe, get a friend to watch
know how to protect them- over it if you have to get a
selves," he said.
book in the library or go into
Johnson said to keep in the bookstore.
mind general safety rules like
"Planning ahead where
staying in groups. "There is you will be during the day, so
safety in numbers."
you can make arrangements
Stay in well-lit areas and to protect your valuables is
avoid shortcuts. "If you are at always a plus," said Johnson.
It’s 11 at night at Durham
College. You’re alone, in the
Commons, typing up an
essay that’s due tomorrow.
Suddenly, you turn around
and see a strange person on
the computer uchind you.
The person looks unfamiliar,
they arc staring at you and
you just feel uneasy. What
should you do?
Durham College security
(A’ficer Becky Roach said
there are ways you can tell if
someone is sliady. "If they
are just walking around the
school and they don’t go to
one place they may not be a
Pholo by Sabrina Albis
ON DUTY: A Durham College Security Officer, Steve Mairs, sits at his desk in
the Purple Pit and keeps an eye on things.
He said it is important to
drink in moderation. "When
you’re under the influence of
Safety Facts
Be alert in washrooms and stairwells. Check for strangers you are
still near the door.
Be alert. Walkmans and other headsets ruin your ability to
evaluate the safety of your surroundings.
Leave buildings using the exit closest to your means of transportation.
Always carry ID, your Medic Alert ID if applicable, and emergency
cab or bus money.
Have your car (and residence) keys ready so you can enter your
car or residence quickly. Check under and inside your vehicle
before getting in. Always lock your car when leaving it, and as soon
as you enter it.
alcohol your judgment is
impaired. Your ability to perceive threats is reduced."
Some signs someone is shady
can be easy to see. "If they are
hanging around cars for long
periods of time by themselves. Or they seem out of
place like they don’t have a
backpack or something."
If you suspect someone is
suspicious, Johnson said the
security guards do have the
authority to ask for a student
ID card. "If they don’t belong
in the school we have the
right to escort them off the
property. If you see a suspicious person, and you tell us,
you assist us and help us do
our job better."
The Safe Walk program
pays its volunteers and when
a student is escorted a female
and a male goes with them.
For the Student Centre and
Residence the program runs
Wednesdays and Fridays
from 8:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
and command posts are at
the Residence and the
Student Centre.
The main campus program
operational from Monday
through Thursdays from 7
p.m. to p.m. and the command posts at the security
desk. You can also call ahead
to security at extension 2400
to meet the Safe Walk team at
a specified exit.
Johnson’s other tips for
staying safe are simple to follow. "Stay in rhe main hallways which arc usually more
crowded. Do not go to
secluded areas." If you have a
problem, call campus security
or visit the security desk,
where security is ready and
equipped. "We can radio
another security officer in the
school with a description of a
suspicious person, so they
can confront them in the
"If you are being followed
cross the street. And keep
looking back so you let the
person know you are aware
they are there and immediately proceed to a well-lit area
like a store or house,"
said. "Remember as
much as you can about the
person so you can give a
good description of them
New UOIT crest, for thinkers, doers and leaders
Crest gives
sent the school.
"The motivation behind it
is that we need an academic
seal for documents and transcripts," said Richard Levin,
vice-president of Strategic
Enrolment Management for
designing the practical side of what we
something with do."
more detail in
Levin went on to explain
the future.
that the crest represents the
The motto, goals of UOIT for its students.
"We want our graduates
Cogitando et
A g e n d o not only to have a good grasp
is of the theoretical, but also to
The interim crest has been
works for the past few
months, with the board of
governors approving the
motto late last year.
"We’ve taken the logo and
combined it with the motto
in the shield format," said
Levin, who added that the
" t h i n ke rs,
in the
By Jackle Lawrence
Chronicle Staff
The University of Ontario
Institute of Technology has
designed a new crest to repre-
crest is only temporary and
the university will be looking
doers, leaders."
thinking and
doing we shall
Levin. "It’s meant to illustrate both the academic and
have hands-on and leadership skills."
UOIT is currently using
the crest on all its documents.
The crest was presented to
the board at the January
meeting and was met with
January 27. 2004
7^1-3068 (Ext 3QM)
[email protected]
Car owners beware: Photo Radar
We’ve <ill done \\.
already cash-strapped pockMaybe we were late for ets.
work or an appointment.
Perhaps we lost track of time
and ended up leaving later
than we should have.
What ever the reason, we
were speeding.
All of us can sympathize.
That sudden shock when we
realize the revolving lights
are for us. The twinge of
guilt, because we know It was
wrong. Maybe we’ve even
tried the endless list of excuses to talk our way out it.
But now even the best
excuses won’t work.
Shortly after discovering
that Ontario’s deficit is more
than $5 billion, Premier
Dalton McGulnty has decided to re-introduce photo
radar to Ontario motorists.
The controversial tactic
places hidden radar guns
alongside major highways in
order to catch speeding drivers. It was first introduced
to Ontarians in the early
nineties, netting more than
$16 million in Ones. While it
seems Premier McGuinty
believes it is the answer to
Ontario’s financial woes,
whether it is anything more
than another greedy government tactic to squeeze just a
few more dimes out of our
The’price of owning
a car
in Ontario has steadily risen
over the last decade.
For some (particularly
students), driving a car is a
luxury they cannot afford.
C05T yo u
A /-EG
making Insurance pay-
ments can be a challenge.
According to a report
released by the Consumer
Association of Canada late
last year, those living in the
greater Toronto area pay the
highest insurance premiums
in the country. Those who
are students can attest to
their payments being perhaps the highest of any other
demographic. Being needlessly charged for driving 10
kilometers over the speed
limit Is one more expense
that many cannot afford.
And as If high premiums
weren’t enough, adding to
the list of costs for Ontario
motorists is the price of the
Anyone who has ever
thought it quicker or easier to
take the toll highway to their
desired destination has soon
second guessed the thought
upon discovering the bill two
weeks later. Regular commuters will have noticed the
price of the highway skyrocketing in recent months.
Placing photo radar on the
407 will almost certainly
make the highway exclusively for the rich. Those who
are used to speeding down
the at times bare highway
many want to rethink their
route to work.
Add to the mix the everincreasing price of gasoline,
and one may think they are
working simply to pay for
their vechicle. Many consumer groups are predicting a
price of almost $1 per litre
before we hit the decade’s
Tallying up the costs and
adding photo radar to the
already lengthy list, Premier
McGuinty should have the
deficit paid off in no time.
Jackie Lawrencee
Double standards have no place in society
A double standard by definition is an ethical or to talk about the sex she had with a guy in public,
moral code that applies more strictly to one group she would not only be looked down on by anyone
than to another. A double
who over heard her, she would be
branded a slut. A guy can tell his budstandard of sexual behaviour is j^^H
dies every detail of his sex life but when
defined as a code that permits
his girlfriend tells her friends anything
greater sexual freedom for men
about it, he complains that she betrayed
than for women.
The most annoying double
Another example of this double stanstandard today has to do with
dard is when a guy makes a decision to
that exact definition. That
have sex with a woman he has just met,
women can’t be as open sexuor he cheats on his girlfriend. The guy tells his
ally as men are.
Men have always been permitted to be sexually friends about his one night stand or his cheating
for his
him on and o..
him t,.^
expressive whenever and wherever they feel like it. and they
give- ......
praise ..
...^ cheer
They can discuss last night’s sexual escapades in disgusting actions. If a woman sleeps with a man
the middle of a crowded grocery store and not be on a first date or cheats on her boyfriend she is
looked down on. If a woman decided she was going called a slut, or easy, and she gets a reputation.
’la ^l
Men never get a reputation as a slut (even if they
sleep around). Maybe it’s because of the stereotype
that men have more of a sex drive than women but
that isn’t even true. Both men and women have
high sex drives.
Why can’t women be sexually liberated in society without it being such a huge issue? Men have
sex, so do women. What’s the big deal? Sex and the
City. shows women discussing their sex lives
together every day and acting just like guys about
it. Was he good? Was he big? Did you have an
And they talk about sex everywhere. In restau-
rants, cafes and malls. And they don’t feel any
shame for having one night stands either. That’s
the way it should be, equality for the sexual needs
that both men and women have.
Sabrina Albis, Christine AmorinI,
Adam Barry, Rachel Birss, Tinicia Cameron,
Shannon Campbell, Julien Cecire, Matthew
Davis, Rachel Debling, John Draper, Amber Dunseath,
Timothy Fedorchuk, Jamie Gray, John Herron, Maija
Hoggett, Sajid Khan, Justin Krever, Tania Kwong,
Lindsay La Fraugh, Jackie Lawrence, Stephanie
Mason, Peter Mitskinis, Joseph Morton, Rory Narine,
Lindsay Orser, Erin Pereira, Cory Phillips, Jessica
Smith, Jeffrey Turco, Jessica Verge, Jade Vincent,
Benjamin Wannamaker, Amy Weeks, Cindy Wells,
Cristelle Wisdom, Justin Zammit
HE CHRONICLE is published by the Applied Arts Division of Durham
College, 2000 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ontario L1H 7L7, 7212000 Ext. 3068, as a training vehicle for students enrolled In journalism and advertising courses and as a campus news medium. Opinions
expressed are not necessarily those of the college administration or the
Board of Governors. THE CHRONICI.E\S a member of the Ontario Community
Newspapers Association,
SALES: Loretta Blandford, Lynda
Brooks, Micheline Bcuno, Tyier Brunton, Mark
Bugera, Amy Cappon, Monica Carcich, Kimberiy
DaCosta, lan Dowding, Shannon Downey, Jeff DranskI,
Dannie Ellls, Stefanie Fair, Lara Fowler, Robin Freeman,
Laura Glenn, Leslie Gordon, Charmalne Hamilton, Ashley
Hughes, Diana Iskander, Cindy Janeiro, Laura Lankin,
Steven Lock, Jason Lofkrantz. Ashley Lywood, William
Mackle, Lana Maggot!, James Maglielta, Taralyn Marshall,
Jennifer Maston, Raya Matthie, Samantha McCulloch,
Rebekah McKay, Russell Montague, Kimberiy Moss, Joseph
Nicholson, Laura Parkinson, Kristin Phasey, Rachel Power.
Jennifer Ramcharan, Chad Richardson, Michelle Rose,
Carrie Shortt, Tamra Sklblnsky, Erin Smith, Shelly Starling,
Megan Steele, Rachel Stewart, David Taskor, Ashley
Templelon, Steve Welter, Patricia White, Jessica Worobess,
Melissa Y.tsma, Joanna Zheng, Adam Zlvkovlch, Kevin Da
w Poumler:;"
pi^pTOQPi^Hy BriiTnii’-’Ai
^CH^«^PRpptJgn(ffl!’’Marek Kpchirrmn *; ^"!’;:
^i fAJ
Sllva, Heather Haug
’JWi^t’f’av:; ws .;«.A)lf-i-i ’t t<fci dftUrol
January 27. 2004
Future for Indian bikes uncertain
By Jamie Gray
Chronicle Staff
Since early fall the future
of Indian motorcycles has
been uncertain and the local
Custom of south Oshawa,
hasn’t had many answers.
Indian Motorcycle Corp.
decided to close its doors in
September to sort out some
financial problems and find
new investors.
The company laid off its
entire work force from the
manufacturing’ plant in
Gilroy, California.
This came after a major
investor, the Audax Group, a
Boston-based equity firm,
ended funding to the compa-
Brook Matthews, Motor
City Custom’s salesman and
a former employee of Indian,
said the number of potential
buyers bidding for the company has been reduced to
"Things are still up in the
Matthews. "But we should
hear what is happening by
the 21st (of January)."
Even with the uncertainties
Motor City Custom’s
sales of Indians have continued, said Bill Nicholson, part
owner of the dealership.
"We have made three trips
to the States to buy bikes,"
said Nicholson. "We actually
just got back from a trip
where we bouglit some ’03s
from a dealer in New York,
and we have sold seven new
Indians since September."
The final verdict about
Indian’ s future lias been
delayed because the bidding
process, which began in
October, has taken longer
than first anticipated by
Indian’s chairman, Frank
O’Connell who is also an
investor in the company.
Initially company officials
thought all the interested
buyers would bid on a package deal of the factory and
the trademark rights, but
some were only interested in
a part of the company like
the equipment or the property in Gilroy.
Of the seven potential
buyers only two have come
forward in the media/; said
Nicholson, one of whom is
Key Sotefo.
Sotelo has a history with
the Indian Motorcycle Corp..
He was its first president
and CEO back in 1998 when
the company was rejuvenated after a SO-year absence
from building motorcycles.
Melvin ha.s an extensive
collection of new and vintage
motorcycles, and has said he
wants to return Indian to its
former glory days.
Nicholson said there have
iilso been rumours that even
1 larley Davidson is one of the
remaining bidders, but 11-D
officials are not confirming
or denying any interest.
Because of the company’s
future, Cycle
Canada, an Toronto- based
motorcycle maga/ine, did
not list any new Indian models in its annual Cruising and
Touring Buyers Guide.
The company closed right
before the new models were
due to be present at the dealer convention in Las Vegas.
Pictures <ind some basic
specs of the 2004s arc available on the Internet, but no
Photo by Jnmio Gray
one is sure if any will be built.
ALL REVVED UP: Bill Nicholson, part owner of
Sctelo has been trying to
Motor City Custom, sits on a newer Indian model,
the process along and
a 2003 Indian Chief.
get some decisions made,
said Nicholson.
Now he represents a group is the winning bidder Indian
He has told Indian officials
of investors calling them- will start making bikes within to either sell the company or
selves Matrix Capital who 30 days."
liquidate it and get on with
want to revive the company
The only other buyer who business, which Nicholson
once again.
has come forward is Bill hopes are just scare tactics.
"Sotelo played a big role in Melvin, a wealthy business"Ideally 1 would like to see
1998 when Indian restarted," man from Michigan and CEO someone buy Indian by the
said Nicholson, "and now he of National Retail Equipment end of January, so we would
has made a promise that if he Liquidators.
get some bikes in for spring."
gift to give
By Stephanie Mason
Susan Harris, the needles are
just a tiny pinch and the
During the holidays you amount of blood taken from a
probably received some great. person’s body is a siryill
gifts from loved "ones, b,ut amount,- 450 mL to be c)?act.:
^Donating-blood does not
imagine ^receiving the most
precious "gift of all, life, put you at risk of disease,
because someone special said Harris, "All our needles,
are sterile, and used only once
Every year hundreds of peo- and discarded."
But even though the
ple die. from car accidents,
surgeries, cancer, burns, and process of donating blood can
hemophilia, but many of be simple, people, particularly,:
these deaths could be prevent- from Durham-College and the
ed through blood donations.
University of Ontario Institute
Fortunately, the Canadian of Technology, are not rolling
Blood Services, CBS, recruits up their sleeves to give.
blood, bone marrow and
"Today, was very disapblood products to help save pointing," said Harris this
lives. -CBS was created in month. "Not many people
came out to support the on1998.
It combined the Canadian campus clinic."
This year, CBS, has visited
Red Cross Blood Program and
the Canadian Blood Agency both the Oshawa and Whitby
to form one working unit that campuses twice, and were surhandles both blood collection prised at the low turnout.
For instance, the clinic on
and funding.
However, as simple as that Jan. 12 was located in the
may sound, it’s not the easiest Oshawa campus cafeteria
where 35 CBS volunteers coljob for recruiters.
For the past 10 years, CBS lected 33 units of blood.
has been on low blood alert. However, their goal was to
Not enough people are willing collect 60 units.
,"I didn’t really, feel like it,"
to give blood.
There could be many rea- said General Arts and Science
sons for a lack of blood dona- student Josh Maclnnis about
tions, including the fear of why he didn’t donate blood.
needles or the fear of getting a "I donated blood before in
high school and it took a lot
transmitted disease.
But if everyone were to ask out of me."
However, some students
nurses at the clinics the right
it’s important to give. "I
would donate blood, because
concerns could be answered.
Then they could make a it’s a vital service of life that
better judgment about what people need on a regular
blood donor clinics are about. basis,"
Clinic Administration student Ruth
Recruitment Co-ordinator, Monroe, who’s donated blood
Chronicle staff
in the past. "There’s a lot of
students here that should
make an effort to donate once
or at least try it."
CBS had posted the clinic
schedules months ahead of
time to promote their arrival.
They posted posters all over
the school walls, sandwich ,
cards on the cafeteria tables,
and dates in our school agendas, but that didn’t seem .to
help the poor attendance,
To catch students’ and;
staffs’ attention they even
held a competition to see
what program could give the
most blood.
Harris said it was a close tie
between the Firefighting program that collected 17 units
and the Paramedics program
that collected 16 units over at
the Whitby campus.
firefighters will
receive a trophy," said Harris,
"and bragging rights."
However, people can still
donate. CBS will be returning
to the Whitby campus in
March and in the fall at the
Oshawa campus.
"It’s not too late, they can
still help out," said Harris.
"Those who missed their
chance on campus can go to
another clinic near them."
The next blood donor clinic in Oshawa will be on Feb. 5,
from 4 to 8 p.m. at the St.
Gregory’s Auditorium.
For more information on
blood donor clinics throughout Canada, contact 1-888-2DONATE or visit their Web
site at
So roll up your sieves today
and give the gift of life.
N egotiations
end in no strike
By Jessica Smith
Chronicle Staff
tal coverage and increased
the maximums for basic
service, crowns and orthodontics. It will put support
staff dental coverage on par
with academic and admin-
’ After months of negotiacollege support
staff across the province
voting in favour of a strike, . istrative plans.
an agreement.. has been
Hearing care benefits
rose from a maximum for
The- settlement was hearing aids of $500 every
announced Dec. 18 and a five years, to $3,000 every
two-year deal is now in three years. This contract
also brings hearing care
Workers from 24 com- coverage up to the level of
munity colleges across current academic and
Ontario voted 79 per cent administrative
in favour of the collective Employees transferred by
agreement. Marilou Martin- the college will also receive
Benoit, Chair of the a reimbursement of $1,000
Ontario Public Service for moving expenses.
There have also been
Employees Union OPSEU
bargaining team, called the improvements to job secucontract, "a strong step for- rity with preference being
ward for our members."
given to full-time positions
Since the previous con- and 40-hour work weeks
tract expired in Aug. 31 of (that cannot be reduced to
last year, some of the less than 40 hours) for
biggest stumbling blocks in employees hired before
the talks between manage- Sept. 1, 1997 in certain
ment and union bargaining areas of service.
The agreement provides
teams have been wages,
workload, benefits and job clarification of how overtime is distributed in a work
This contract guarantees group as well.
a retroactive 3 per cent
Support staff workers
wage increase from Sept. 1, provide such college ser2003 until Sept. 1, 2004, vices as information techfollowed by another 3 per nology, maintenance, techcent wage increase. The nical, early childhood edufinal raise will be 0.5 per cation, clerical support for
student loans, library, regiscent on April 1, 2005.
contract trar’s office, and accountThe
increased benefits for den- ing.
tions and
Whaf s your learnin style?
Discover the
style that
best suits
By CIndy Wells
Chronicle Staff
Have you ever wondered why some
people can sit through a two-hour lecture class and be totally engulfed by
what the professor is saying, while
others only pay attention for 10 minutes before starting to daydream?
Learning styles may be to blame.
One person could be an auditory
learner, meaning they learn and
remember tilings they hear well. The
daydreamer might be a tactile learner,
meaning they learn best through
hands-on work.
"There are very few students who
have one specific style. It’s usually a
combination of styfes," said Wendy
Trotter, resource co-ordinator for the
Learner Support Centre.
Visual learners generally remember
ber what they do.
they have a clear view of the board,
The Learner Support Centre can overheads and tlic instructor, practice
lielp students learn about their partic- rewriting their notes, use different
ular styles of learning and how to colours to highlight information and
underline Important information in
make better use of them.
The centre runs learning styles their notes. They should also use flashInventory workshops throughout the cards to study.
school year, where students complete
Auditory (earners should position
a questionnaire on the computer, themselves In the class so they can
answering questions such as what licar well. They sliould tape lectures to
teaching methods they prefer and play later for review, ask questions,
which ways they learn new tilings the rewrite information after listening to
easiest. They are then given a printout it, read their notes aloud and they
of the results, which details their per- should avoid last minute cramming.
Tactile learners, those who learn
sonal learning styles.
For example, some
work, should sit near
people learn best
front of the class if
through lectures, but
Everybody has a the
they have difficulty
through visual charts style of learning. focusing during a lecture. They should take
and graphs. Others
arc builders and learn As soon as we’re notes with a laptop if
best when they liavc born we start to possible. Incorporate
into their
something they can
learn, but we can’t drawings
notes, use a computer
to rccopy notes, work
Students can also identify immediwith other students In
use the inventory on
study groups, and cretheir own time by vis- ately what that is.
ate real life examples to
iting the Learner
Wendy Trotter
help their memory.
Support Centre and
logging onto one of
the computers. Staff in the support Trotter says she had to learn some of
her history information by setting it to
centre can help students access It.
"Some teachers have actually song. "Because I knew I could not
brought their classes in to run them memorize dry facts from the textbook," she said.
through it," said Trotter.
"Everybody has a style of learning,"
The Learning Styles Inventory questionnaire also provides a prescription said Trotter. "As soon as we’re born we
to the teacher on how to deal with stu- start to learn, but we can’t really idendents who are a particular learning tify immediately what that is."
Trotter says a style of learning starts
The results include ways to help to become more apparent in the elestudents make better use of a strong mentary grades. She recalls working
with elementary children in small
learning style.
Visual learners should make sure groups and noticing one student in
can see. Auditory
learners generally understand and
remember information they can hear.
And tactile learners generally remem-
the group who didn’t fi( in. The students might be staring out the window while everybody else was reading,
or the student was drawing something
while the others were writing.
If you can’t remember what goes on
in a lecture, Trotter recommends taking a tape recorder to class and focus
on what’s going on the board or overhead or presenter.
"Anything to get their eyes going
and get (heir hands going, becnuse If
they’re not hearing it they can get
valuable information down with a
pen," she says. "Or if they liavc their
laptops they can be typing along, but
not necessarily listening to the lecture
verbatim. There may be examples or
charts and (hey can get those down. If
they’re taping the lecture they can listen to the tape later and put the two
together. Sometimes they might have
to listen to tlic lecture two or three
"I’ve had several students be very
hesitant to actually suggest to the
teacher I’m going to tape this," said
Trotter. "Most teachers are very willing to have that done. Any way that a
student can learn would be hefpful."
"A lot of students don’t take well to
the talk and chalk delivery," says
Trotter. "They tend to space out." She
thinks it would be helpful for the students if teachers were able to use a
variety of presentation styles.
Learning styles can also change in
certain situations, said Trotter, such as
in high stress situations like exam
time, compared to a time with low
stress. She encourages students who
take the inventory to come back two
or three times and take it under different circumstances to see if they come
out the same.
Structural changes for SA
Lack of
changes will have to be made
to the structure of the student government.
A model for the new united student government
unanimously passed by the
assembly. In it, each institution will have a vice-president under a campus-wide
president, to whom school
representatives, such as the
school of Design and
Communication Arts, will
report with concerns from
class reps via email.
Gary Polonsky, president
of Durham College and
UOIT, said the campus is in a
unique situation.
"Our vision is a bit
By Rachel Debling
quirky," he said. "It is not
Chronicle Staff
typical. We wanted a teamThe
concern based vision of education,
regarding campus gover- where the tool and die maknance is the lack of unity ers can collaborate with the
Durham- technical engineers under
College, UOIT and Trent one roof."
He offered encouragement
communities, according to a
panel of students and school and support to those who
gathered, promising that,
More than 20 representa- "Whatever you decide today
tives from across campus met will be right."
Tlie group focused on five
with Student Association
members on Jan. 17 to dis- main issues affecting the stucuss the future of student dent body - communication,
government in the school connection, representation,
community and reality.
Some concerns that were
To accommodate the three
separate schools on campus raised included the lack of
and their individual identi- school spirit in all three
ties. the group decided that schools and the difficulty a
full-time student president team aspect now. I think
may have when governing a that is the only way it will be
growing student population. Successful as opposed to the
Athletics was another mat- division (of the campus institer brought up by the stu- tutions)."
dents. If there is only to be
Many of the students preone sports team identity for sent were unaware of Bill
all institutions, students wor- 109, which explains the
ried that come college and vision and direction of UOIT.
Section 17 of Bill 109
university playoffs there
would be confusion as to reads: "The university and
which league the campus the college shall enter into an
belongs to.
agreement for the sharing of
Katie Hickey, a Physical their real and personal propScience student at UOIT, was erty and for the sharing of
happy to put in her two cents their administrative staff and
"I decided to come in
Dr. Catherine Drea, directoday because I was interest- tor of the Centre for
ed in the idea that we were Professional Development at
going to examine the Student Seneca College and mediator
Association and see if it was of the forum, felt that the
meeting the needs of all insti- government outline braintutions," said Hickey. "From stormed by the group will be
a UOIT perspective, we felt successful.
that our needs were not
"I think the model that
being met by the student has been chosen will adapt
association because this year, well to future issues like
the transition year, we were growth on the campus and
graduate students coming,"
While at first she was not she said. "I think they did a
warm to the idea of a united great job."
The turnout, she contincampus among the three
schools, the forum opened
her eyes to the possibilities
that such a structure would
"This whole team concept
and sharing as described in
Bill 109 is awesome," she
explained. "I’m all for the
ued, was impressive.
"There was excellent representation from three institutions - on a Saturday, no
For more information on
Bill 109, visit UOIT’s Web site
not take
a trip to
By Amber Dunseath
Chronicle Staff
Travelling Europe can be
one of the most exhilarating
experiences a person can
have while they’re young.
For some it may seem to
be an impossible dream, but
it’s not.
On Thursday, Jan. 29 from
10 a.m. to 3 p.m. representatives from the Department of
International Trade will be
on campus with "Youth ...
On the Move."
This is a program designed
to help young Canadians
pursue work and volunteer
opportunities in Europe. It
also assists in locating internships and scholarships, and
offers valuable travel tips for
young people looking for
European adventure.
Their kiosk will be set up
in the South Wing corridor
near the library.
For more information on
the program, interested students
January 27, 2004
Help for unemployed
By Jackle Lawrence
Chronicle Staff
jobfa i r
We d n esday,
Fe b ru a ry 1 1 , 2 0 04
G et rea dy to
m eet ove r 50
e m p l oye rs .
Looking for n job?
Almost everyone at some point
in his or her fife has been unemployed.
Searching through the
cinssifieds, preparing a resume and
making appointments for interviews is something everyone can
identify with.
And often for those in their late
The program offers those who are
resources to find a job.
"Young people can go to the
resource centres for job searches,
labour market trends... there’s (also)
resources on how to write a
resume," said Lutz McKay.
She added that the program also
offers one-on-onc job counselling
to those who need it.
"We will develop an action plan,
teens to early twenties, unemploy- and short-term and long-term
ment can be a grim reality.
goals," she said.
But there is help.
She explained that Job Connect
Job Connect, a program devel- will also go as far as negotiating a
oped by the Ontario government, position with an employer on
has been offering help to unem- behalf of the individual. They will
ployed youth for several years now. then monitor the situation and pro"The job connect program is a vide more training and education
youth-oriented program that is for the einnloyee if it is necessary to
geared towards those wlio arc of 16 maintain the position.
to 24 years of age," said Kirn LulzThere arc three Job Connect locaMcKay, coordinator for the Oshawa tionsin Durham region.
In Oshawa, the program partners
program, located here in Durham
with the John Howard Society, as
"Their eligibility is simply that well as the YMCA.
they arc unemployed," slic said.
The Job Connect program
Lutz-McKay explained that the received two silver medals for excelprogram is aimed at youth between lence last year. The Ministers
those ages who have cither a grade Award tor Excellence was awarded
12 education or less. Because of to tlie Oshawa and Uxbridge locatheir lack of education, there is a tions of the program for their efforts
large employment gap for that in providing superior help for
unemployed youth.
Fighting for equality
By Shannon Campbell
about reading material that values the
intelligence of women and doesn’t
focus on beauty tips and gulU trips.
Feminism. This one word provokes
Jervis describes herself as always
all sorts of misconceptions.
having been a feminist.
"f think feminism is really vital and
"People still think that feminists are
humourless and man-hating," said energetic right now," said Jervis.I see a
Lisa Jervis, publisher and editor of lot of feminists doing social-justice
Bitch Magazine: Feminist Response to work that isn’t necessarily primarily
about gender. The anti-swetashops
Pop Culture.
From the birth of its very first pub- movement and the World Trade
lication the question has been con- Organization protest and others are
stantly raised: why did they choose incredibly important goals of femithat word as the name of the maga- nism generally." She thinks these
kinds of coalitions and forging conzine?
The term bitch is most often used to nections between feminism and other
describe woman who speak their movements for social justice will conminds and express their opinions.
tinue and evolve. Feminism plays a
"If being an outspoken women vital role in today’s society because
means being a bitch, we’ll take that as sexism still exists.
a compliment, thanks," said Jervis.
Penney, a second-year
Also, when taken as a compliment Women’s Studies student at York
the word uses the power to hurt peo- University, said the common misconple. Bitch magazine mission statement ception about feminism is that it’s
is to be a fresh, revitalizing voice for outdated, that it’s something that is
feminism, one that welcomes complex over. People think we no longer live in
arguments and refuses to ignore the a sexist society, and unfortunately that
contradictory and sometimes uncom- is not true.
"1 would like society to realize that
fortable details that constitute the realfeminism’s agenda is ultimately fairities of women’s lives.
"There is a perception of feminists ness," said Penney.
She believes a feminist is " someone
being dogmatic and narrow, which is
very far from the truth," said Jervis. who fights against such evils as racism,
"Also, there are some perceptions that sexism, classism, homophobia, and
feminists all think one way on a large ableism."
number of issues, when in reality
Penney decided to pursue an educathere’s a lot of ideological diversity tion in women’s studies because she
believes that, as a woman, it’s a valuamong feminists."
The dictionary describes the word able background to have.
"It’s impossible to fully understand
feminism as a doctrine that advocates
equal rights for women. Publications the implications of being a woman,
like Bitch and Bust magazine are unless you actually are one," she said.
spreading the word that feminism "Some women do not identify as femisn’t a group of man-hating women, inists, although some men do. I’ve
cursing society. They can be a men or met my share of girls who seem like
women who believe in the equality of they couldn’t care less about feminism’s issues, and some guys whose
"We really want people to think respect for women is impressive and
critically about all the messages we get inspiring."
from movies, magazines, television
Feminism plays an active role in
and advertising," said Jervis. "We want penney’s life.
Slie says it has encouraged her to
people to question what’s being sold
and why."
question so-called norms and critique
Bitch magazine is about addressing all aspects of her surroundings. She
the issues of sexism that are seen every believes feminism reminds people to
day. It’s about understanding the "love yourself unconditionally,
commercial agendas of tlie messages demand respect and speak up when
the media is portraying to us. It’s injustice is seen."
Chronicle Staff
Go online for a list of participating
employers and Job Fair tips. |
Unlvorslty or Oiitiirlo
Insliluto or Turliiiolony
career +
January 28, 2004
Durham skier remembers Japan
takes trip
to Tokyo
By Ben Wannamaker
Chronicle Staff
with." Thanks officer.
On top of being a rider, 1
also run a sklboard film production company called Uent
Films. When our stopover in
Chicago was delayed for a
mere six hours, 1 spent the
time shooting some lifestyle
shots of Ethan and grabbing
some shut-eye.
After psyching myself up
for the last 12 hours flight, we
boarded the plane. All in all it
went well and we had a fantastic view of the Alaskan
mountain range.
We arrived at the Narita
airport in Tokyo at 9 p.m.
1 am a skier. I ride for a cou- Friday. Friday? Yes, apparentple of prominent comp.inlcs ly Thursday got bored on tlie
and because of a recent plane and decided to head
change of pace in the home.
We were met at tlic airport
Japanese ski industry, my
sponsors thought that some by Dcnzo, tlic Canon Japan
promotion in Asia was due, rep, and our host for the trip.
After a quick week of plan- Denzo was born in Japan, but
ning I was on a plane to lived in northern California
for 15 years. Both Dean and
On Jan. 7, I was off to Dcnzo are perfectly fluent in
Rochester to meet with the English and Japanese, because
CEO of the International out of totally separate circumSkihoard Federation (ISF) who stances. As children, they
was going to be my translator were relocated from their
original countries to Japan
and tour guide for the trip,
Skiboards are 99cm skis and America respectively.
Aftcrword, we met up with
that arc used primaril y for
park tricks, and recently peo- Dcnzo and had our money
ple began to realize that they exchanged to yen, (1,000 yen
can be used for race training = $10 USD) and were off into
and in schools.
Tokyo for the night.
1 got to Deans place late on
Being in
is surreal.
Wednesday and met up with There’s no other way to
my team ruler, Ethun MitchcH
who was to be joining us on
our trip. With a 14 hour flight
ahead of us the next day, we
stayed up all night drinking
green tea and talking about
the trip to come.
The plane left at 7:30 a.m.,
so we got to the airport at 6
a.m. I don’t know if it was my
Listen to Bob Marley Shirt or
just being from Canada, but
security labeled me as ’selected.’ This meant that I got to
go hang out in a special room
and have my shoes inspected
and my bags torn apart.
While I was being searched,
the nice security man said, "If
you panic, you will be dealt
describe it. The lights, the
people, the organization and
the efficiency arc admirable.
The first thing 1 noticed was
the cleanliness of a city
packed with over eight million people.
"You never have to worry
about crime in Tokyo," Denzo
said. "All the graffiti comes
solely from westerners who
come over, it’s really all about
respect in Tokyo."
We pulled up to a large
business hotel which would
be our home for our first
night in Tokyo, but the first
priority had to be food. We
got unpacked and began our
search for some grubs.
Strolling down a street a little past midnight, we passed
markets and a mass of convenience stores that arc closed
for the night. Space is
extremely valuable in Tokyo
city. If a family has two cars
and a one- car driveway, they
order car lifters. These jack up
one of your vehicles the perfect height so that you can
park your second car underneath it. The Japanese have
mastered the art of creativeness and efficiency.
We found a second story
Japanese bar/grill that looks
appealing, so we climb the
spiral stairs to an authentic,
yet modernized eatery.
The Japanese arc very
attentive to customers needs.
They greeted us and had complimentary tea ready before
we could say ’domo arigato.’
"You know how in
America, the rule Is ’The customer is always right?’"
Kistler said. "Well in Japan,
It’s translated to, ’The customer Is God.’ So you’ll find
that they treat you extremely
Denzo took tlic liberty of
ordering our food, and got us
a nice mix of western and
eastern dishes. We dove right
into our battered octopus
with fish shavings, garlic
bread, pork neck shish
kabobs, trench fries, seaweed
and pork cutlets.
We finished up, thanked
out hosts, and headed back to
our hotel for a few quick
hours of shut-eye.
Before jumping into bed I
heard nature call, and little
did I know this was going to
be one of the greatest experiences of my life. MY GOD,
the toilets are beyond words.
Featuring heated seats and
remote controlled bidets. It’s
impossible to go to the bathroom in North America again
without feeling a little disappointed.
We woke up early the next
day, quickly packed our gear
and headed to Shigo Kogan,
the mountain range three
hours north of Tokyo.
The transition from big
time Tokyo lo the huge time
mountain ranges is astounding. The skier in me was practically jumping out of my
skin. All 1 could do was think
about the mountains and
how big they were.
Canon was sending Ethan
and I to the Ichenose (Ec-chaknow-say) resort In Shigo
Kogan to do some exhibitions
in their terrain park to spark
the interest in the public to
demo or buy the new Canon
When we arrived at the
base of Ichenose, It was
already past dark. We quickly
pulled up to our place of rest
for the next four days. We
pulled into the back of the
parking lot, and saw a huge
33-foot Class A motor home.
Our. mouths dropped.
There is literally no such
thing as motor homes in
Japan, let alone 33- foot Class
A motor homes. It turns out
that Dcnzo also has a big role
in an RV club, and he was
calling in a favour for us.
As we pulled up beside this
towering beast, out jumped
the craziest, most spastic
Japanese man I have ever
seen. Dubbed ’Crazy Danny’,
he was the proud owner of
the 33 foot beast. He showed
us our beds, his Internet
access, his touch-screen GPS,
and many other features.
Tomorrow was going to be
the first day of exhibitions for
the Japanese crowd, so Ethan
and I decided to drink a few
beers and hit the sack. I had
the floor, and Ethan had the
Unfortunately for a nonsmoker like myself, a huge
population of the Japanese
are smokers, and as I saw with
Denzo last night at dinner, a
large percentage of them
chain-smoke. Crazy Danny
and Denzo stayed awake for
the majority of the night talking and smoking cigarette
after cigarette.
We awoke at 5:30 a.m. to
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Golf TournanK
Hockey Tourn
^Smce 1990, JAF has assisted^vcr
ntario. M,’^ : ’.
i:’-.i ;
:1. -4
>/ Christmas]fParties
JAF helps families with special treafrripnt needs, medical
expenses and financial assistance in times ofneed. We
like to think that we act as a safety net for families that
are living through difficult times.
The Jennifer Ashlei^h
The Jennifer Ashleigh Foundation
R.R. n, Uxbridge, ON L9P 1R1
Tel.: (905)852-1799
Fax: (905) 852 - 0124
Canadian Charitable Organization
BN 13942 3875 RR0001
Our Mission: To improve the quality of life for chronically and seriously ill clirldrcn and their families when love is not enough.
an absolutely stunning sunrise over the entire Shigo
Kogan range. I took full
advantage of tlie time to
shoot some photos and get
some video for my upcoming
We grabbed some breakfast
and headed up the mountain
at around 8 a.m. Ethan and I
were surprised to sec a nice
35-foot table top; a 25 -foot
long double barreled rail, a
smaller table, and a big rainbow rail at the base of the
park. We took advantage of
the soft morning light, getting some footage on the
untouched terrain. I got some
shots of Ethan and got used
to the terrain myself. The
jumps were all produced with
a cleanliness you would never
see in Nortli American parks.
We headed injto the chalet
where Denzo and Dean were
setting up customers with
demo boards. 1 quickly saw
that posters of Ethan and 1
were posted all over the
chalet inside and out. When
the general populace of the
chalet saw us walk in, we were
immediately hit up for a few
autographs that we were
more than happy to give out.
The next three days were
filled with good food, great
exhibitions, lots of partying
and a ridiculous amount of
The partying is very accessible on account of there
being vending machines
everywhere you look. These
machines, hold everything
from coffee and beer, to cigarettes and condoms.
On our last night at
Ichenose we had the pleasure
of meeting an absolute hoard
of fine young Japanese girls
who were more than happy
to make the acquaintance of
some young talented western
The thing about Japanese
girls is the fact that they all
look extremely young. My
girl for the night looked no
older than 18 or 19, but was
in fact 26! I will leave this
space to your imagination.
The next morning we
began our trek back to Tokyo
in Crazy Danny’s motor
home. We toured around
Tokyo until 3 p.m. doing
store visits and promoting
Canon Skiboards and the ISF
with Denzo and Dean.
On our way to the airport
we stopped at an authentic
Japanese shrine. I took the
opportunity to get some
lifestyle shots" of Ethan on
old-time super 8 film.
We arrived at the airport
and said our goodbyes to
Crazy Danny and Denzo.
There is an aura around
Tokyo, and in fact, all of
Japan. An unmatched work
ethic and a strange mix
between the unrelenting protection of the old ways with
of the
Japanese youth. Downtown
Tokyo is the only place in the
world where you will see a
fruit market that has been
around for generations sandwiched between a Starbucks
and a McDonalds.
January 27, 2004 9
Alcoh o li sm affe cts everyon e
Help for
Association, who felt it would
be a good support group to
offer to students.
Al-Anon allows relatives
and friends to share their
strength and hope from one
another to solve their common problems caused by
someone’s drinking.
Louis, an Al-Anon volunteer, said the reason a group
didn’t work on campus was
location and the fact that
people, especially young people, can be hesitant to confront their fears.
"People will go to meetings
where they are comfortable,"
Louis said.
"If they feel
uncomfortable in a group
tliey’ll move around until
they feel they fit in."
Al-Anon is still available
throughout the Durham
Amber Dunseath
Chronicle Slat)
Many people don’t think
twice about heading out to
the bar with friends for the
occasional weekend cocktail
or having a glass of wine or a
cold beer at the end of the
But what many people
don’t know is that alcohol is
the most commonly used and
abused drug in North
Problem drinkers are alcoholics, and alcoholism is a
According to the Canadian
National institute on Alcohol
Abuse and Alcoholism, alcoholism is defined by four elements: craving oi* the constant compulsion to drink,
lack of control to stop or limit
drinking, physical dependence, and tolerance, making
the drinking need more to
feel the effect of alcohol.
Many suffer the disease,
but it is not only the drinker
who suffers.
Family and
friends can sometimes feel
the effects of excessive drinking hardest.
There is hope for family
and friends though.
In the Durham Region
there are different options for
families wanting help coping
with the effects of an alcoholic relative.
Lakeridge Health offers counin
Bowmanville, Port Perry andAjax.
Randy Uyenaka, an addictions counsellor with the
Region with 31 meetings
being held from Bowmanville
to Pickering.
One student, who wishes
expressed her thoughts on
having a parent who’s an
"It’s very hard and frustrating, especially now that I’m
away from home and know
they are continuing their
habit," she said, "It ^els lo
tin." point where I don’t want
to i:.ill hoinr fur l’i.;ir tln’y
Pholo by Amber Dunsoatli
DOES THIS LOOK FAMILIAR?: If you’re finding more empties under your bed
than you can count, maybe you have a bigger problem than you realized.
Another option for families
Pinewood Centre, said family ent," Uyenaka explained,
counselling is encouraged
Uyenaka said 25 to 30 per is Al-Anon, an anonymous
because family response helps cent of scliool-aged kids have and confidential support
a parent with a substance organization.
ease the situation at home.
Al-Anon deals with the
"Alcoholism is very stress- abuse problem and that 20
ful," Uyenaka said. "Family per cent of the adult popula- effects and concerns people
members of alcoholics have tion drinks moderately heavy may have about someone’s
three to four times more med- to heavy on a regular basis.
excessive drinking and gives
ical problems such as ulcers."
Pinewood accepts phone them an outlet to recover
Pinewood also offers coun- calls, referrals, and general from their pains caused by
selling programs to children inquiries from anyone seek- the chronic disease.
as young as four,
In September an Al-Anon
ing information or help and
"Young children don’t also has a telephone support meeting group began on camunderstand alcoholism; they service.
pus, but had to end because
do know that something is up
Uyenaka can be found in of poor attendance.
because of conflict and ten- the Health and Wellness
Mary Alice Harvey, a regission in the home, broken Centre on Wednesdays and is tered nurse in the Health and
promises and less involve- available to talk to Durham Wellness Centre, explained it
ment from the alcoho).c par- College and UOIT students.
was the idea of the Student
The student thought about
joining a support group, but
was afraid of the stigma
attached and-confronting the
fact their parent has a drink-
ing problem.
"I know I should talk to
someone, but it’s difficult
because it’s embarrassing
admitting the problem in
your family," she said.
She agreed the Al-Anon
program was a good idea, and
wished it could have been a
For more information or
inquiries into counselling or
support groups call Al-Anon
of Durham Region at 905728-1020 or the Pinewood
Centre of Oshawa at 905-5713344.
New way to make the world greener
Chronicle Staff
Society seems to be hell-bent on
sending our ecosystem into a state of
From disposable kitchen wipes to
Individually wrapped straws, many of
our modern conveniences can mean
disaster for the environment.
One of the largest risks to our environment is also one of the most widely used products in classrooms and
businesses today.
Everyone from students to CEOs to
teachers depend on tlicm daily, yet
few know tlie damage they can do
when taken to landfills.
The lowly printer cartridge, a modern wonder composed of quick-drying
ink and chemically harmful plastics,
is tossed away by the thousands cadi
day without a second thought as to
where they may end up.
"Cartridges made out of PDC plastic take about a thousand years to
break down, if it breaks down at all,"
Wayne Heinrich, co-founder of
Planet Earth Cartridge Recycling,
explained. "They can release poisonous gas and liquids into tlie earth
and water.
By recycling them, we keep them
out of the environment."
Heinrich has teamed up with over
40 GTA schools and 300 local businesses to help both the environment
and community through a recycling
program that rewards schools and
businesses for collecting used cartridges.
Planet Earth Recycling began in
March 2001 when Wayne and his
wife Lesley realized the potential to
create a profitable business and community program in one.
Wayne, who had worked for a company who dealt witli many printer
cartridges, found that not enough was
being done about this needless waste.
This idea has become a full time
business for the Heinirchs, who not
only drive across the GTA each
month to collect from participating
locations, but also sort and ship the
cartridges every month to companies
who plan to recycle them.
After Planet Earth sells the empty
cartridges to a recycling company,
they are refilled and sold in computer
and business stores, such as Staples.
What types of cartridges are useful
to these companies changes as printers become more advanced.
"It is a funny business," he
explained, "It all goes according to
market demand. Certain printers arc
more popular than others, so therefore there are more people looking for
those specific printer cartridges."
Xerox machine toner containers,
another source of waste in manybusincss places, arc not yet rcfillable and
therefore not collected by Planet
Earth, but Heinrich has been looking
into ways to recycle the plastic in the
toner bottles.
Unfortunately, he said, the cost of
new plastic is often cheaper than
reusing old materials, so few companies would be interested in using this
The program attempts to reward
everyone involved, said Heinrich,
whether through monetary donations
to schools for their support, free
advertising on the Planet Earth Web
site for participating businesses, or
the monthly prize draws for students.
The Planet Earth process also
attempts to teach kids about the
repercussions thai unnecessary waste
can have on the environment
through biannual presentations by
Wayne and Lesley.
Helen Lanthler, principal of
Oshawa’s Sir Albert Love Catholic
School, is in the process of bringing
the Planet Earth program to lier students.
Lanthler has worked with Heinrich
prior to becoming principal at Sir
Albert Love, and was thrilled when he
offered to set up a recycling program
at her school.
The feedback from both parents
and kids has been very positive, she
explained, after an assembly and
intormation session was presented by
Planet Earth to the separate
groups."Thc parents at Sir Albert Love
who listened to Waync’s presentation
impressed," she said. "They are going
to participate in this program a great
deal," In fact, although the program
has not yet officially begun,
Lanthicr’s students have already
begun collecting cartridges.
Lanthler stressed that the ease at
which tlie program can be run is one
of tlie primary reasons for using it in
her school community.
"It’s simple," she said. "It brings a
little bit of money into the school and
all we have to do is put a box out and
kids bring in cartridges."
The reward program for the children of participating schools adds an
extra incentive for contributing students.
For every cartridge they bring in,
the child will receive a ticket,
Wlien tlie school has collected at
least 50 cartridges, a draw will be held
courtesy of Planet Earth for gift certificates and other novelty items.
While most schools average a collection of 20 cartridges a month,
some find themselves collecting 50,
and others up to 100.
This bonus, says Heinrich, makes
participation in the program fun for
the kids,
The business community can also
benefit from participating in this program, according to Lanthier and
Businesses that are involved in the
program can cither chose to receive a
small amount of money for their
donations or they can chose a scliool
on wliosc behalf they would wish to
"A business may gel a rebate for
their cartridges," said Heinrich, "but
by giving It to a school (lie advertising (through school newsletters and
the Planet Earth Web site) and PR
they receive is worth much more than
the small amount of money they
could get."
"It also allows companies to get rid
of their cartridges," added Lanthier.
"Some cartridges take up a lot of space
In the office and at dump
sites."Whatcver tlie reason for participating In the program,
Heinrich strives to ensure that all
involved are rewarded, Lanthier
notes that with the Planet Earth program, no one loses.
"It really is a win-win situation for
everybody," she said. "Wayne has his
cartridge business, the children learn
they can be active in environmental
issues, the school profits, and best of
all, the environment wins."
By Rachel Debling
Encouraging DC students
to think greener on campus
tridges through cash incen-
participating in the program.
You can do your part to help
save the environment, and
raise money for the Student
Association at the same time.
In Canada, more than 30
million printer and photocopier cartridges are used in homes
and businesses every year.
Currently, more than 2000
schools and businesses across
Canada are taking part in the
program that rewards used cartridges collection with cash
donation. Money earned
through the recycling program
can be used however the partnering organization wants.
"Our partners have used tlie
money they earned through
the Thinkgreen program to offset business costs, help charities and provide funding for
schools and school programs,"
said Tony Perotta, president of
Greentec International Inc.,
operators of Thinkgreen.
"Participating partners have
saved more than 171,000 cartridges from going to landfills
in Canada. As well, charitable
Computers for Schools earned
over $5,000 with Thinkgreen."
For every 12 recyclable car-
By Tania Kwong
Chronicle Staff
Think of how many times
you use a printer or photocopier in one day. Now think of
how many people in Canada
use a printer or photocopier in
just one day. So many wasted
cartridges are ending up in
landfills, but now recycling
your cartridge can really pay
off, thanks to Greentec
International Inc.
The students here at
Durham College may have
seen posters and brochures
advertising what the program
is all about and how the college is participating in It.
The Thinkgrcen Fundraising
Program is a national, community-based project designed to
encourage businesses, charitable organizations, and schools
to collect and recycle car-
There are many benefits to
tridges collected, Thinkgree;
also funds for the planting of
tree by the Tree Canad
Foundation, which is dedicaf
ed to the greening of urbai
communities. So far, the prc
gram has been responsible fc
the planting of about 13,98
trees, removing 2,200 tonne
of carbon from the atmo;
Free enrolment in the prc
gram can be done online a or cor
Participants^ are provided witi
a Thinkgreen Marketing an’
Collection JCit that include
collection boxes, poster;
newsletter inserts and suggest
ed memos to encourage an’
promote participation. One
the collection box is full pai
ticipants can call a toll fre
number and a Thinkgreen rep
resentative will retrieve th
cartridges. Following the prc
cessing of the cartridge;
Thinkgreen will forward th
participant a notificatloi
detailing, the total amount c
money they have earned.
Look for the Thinkgreci
drop boxes inside the Learnin
Commons, bookstore, cafett
ria, the Pit, UOIT building
athletics, residence, outside c
the library, and the SA office.
January 27. 2004
Grad photos
being taken
Volunteering encouraged at DC Students
in February
29 per cent
of young
By Rachel Debling
Chronicle Stall
There is nothing more
important to parents and
grandparents than being
able to brag about their little college graduates. What
better way to show (lie
world their pride and joy
than with a set of beautiful,
glossy grad photos?
Lassman Studio is once
again bringing their photography expertise to
Durham College. Photos
will be taken beginning Feb.
"There Is a lot of interest
In (the grad photos) tills
Association office manager
"Students must book their
appointments online by
going to and entering
DUR4 where It says School
For more information,
visit the My Campus
their time
By John Draper
Chronicle Staff
Interested In helping people in the community? Well,
a brand new year of volunteering is here.
At Durham College and
the University of Ontario
Institute of Technology, the
spirit of volunteering is
"A good volunteer has to
be dedicated, punctual, flexibleand have a good sense of
humour," said Kate Houze,
Student Development coordinator
College and U01T. Houzc is
responsible for Student
Success and Student Life ini-
at the Durham
College and UOIT. A challenge she faces is meeting
the needs - both academically and socially - of every student. Students need to
develop their skills in the
community by helping peo.
pic, and volunteering can
took valuable on their
resume. In a lot of high
schools, tliere is a graduation
rcauircmcnt of 40 hours of
volunteering that students
must complete. At school
people volunteer as peer
tutors and organize "don’t
drink and drive" campaigns
to bring the awareness of (lie
program to the students.
Currently, 29 per cent of
people aged 15-24 arc volunteering their time.
The two most popular
events for youth who volunteer arc organizing or supervising events, and campaigning or raising funds for charities.
First-year students volunteer around the college for
required credits needed for
their course. For example, in
Administration program students must volunteer 30
hours each semester to earn
a credit. Students in Sports
Administration volunteer at
the Hockey Hall of Fame
induction event to gain
experience in the field of
sport and event management. To ensure they get
experience, high school students must accumulate 40
hours of volunteering in
order to graduate. Houzc
believes it helps to volunteer
in high school.
"Community organizations iire always looking for
volunteers and students are
required to participate. It’s a
win-win situation - organizations prosper and students
achieve the good feeling of
being part of the communi-
ratio of male to
volunteers is just
even at Durham
and UOIT," Houze
Houze matches up student
interests with the needs of
Volunteers are always welcome for work on events she
organizes such as the
Student Success Services Fair,
Durham College Family
Orientation and UOIT’s
Welcome Week.
and staff
at risk of
new flu
By Stephanie Mason
Chrontola staff
Durham College and
the University of Ontario
Institute of Technology
staff and students need to
protect themselves against
the flu bug.
Worse than a common
cold and highly contagious, Influenza A has a
new strain, called Fujian,
Canadian population.
It’s estimated that 11
people In Ontario died this
past year from the flu. Its
victims were mainly children and the elderly.
"Every year more than
4,500 Canadians die of the
flu," according to the
Ontario Ministry of Health
Web site. "Five million
Canadians get sick with
the flu every year, resulting in 1.5 million workdays lost. The flu costs the
Canadian health care system about $1 billion a
People cit risk from the
flu arc health
The minimum
wage is going up,
Students under 18
and working not
more than 28
hours per week or
during a school
Liquor Server
Hunting & Fishing
Guides: for less than
five consecutive
hours in a day
Hunting & Fishing
Guides: for five or
more hours in a
day whether or not
the hours are
DC and UOIT students,
staff, and faculty members
are also at risk, since there
are large groups of people
and more opportunity for
To help prevent the flu,
If you’re an employer, here’s what you need to know.
household contacts, home
care providers, children
and those 65 and older.
(people doing
paid work in
their home for
an employer)
wage rate
110% of the
minimum wage
Feb.1, 2004
wage rate
110% of the
minimum wage
On February 1, 2004. the general minimum wage will increase to $7.15 per hour from the current
rate of $6.85 per hour. Annual increases will follow bringing the general minimum wage to $8.00
per hour on February 1. 2007. The increases are being phased in over four years and will also be
reflected in all minimum wage categories.
To find out more about how the new minimum wage guidelines affect
employers and employees, call or visit the Ministry of Labour web site.
the Ontario government
offered free flu vaccinations for more than 12
million Ontarians. Even
now, the flu shot remains
According to Health
Canada, "The current vaccine is expected to provide
good protection against
viruses and influenza B
viruses and to also provide
some cross protection
against A/Fujian."
The vaccine will help
prevent the flu, but so will
washing your hands regularly to prevent the spread
of germs, staying home
when sick to keep the
virus isolated, as well as
making sure you get plenty of rest.
Plu shots are available
through public health care
units, pharmacies, workplaces, doctors, as well as
the Durham College
Health and Wellness
"We started vaccinations in the middle of
October and are still offering the vaccine," said
Kathy Lazenby, Nurse and
Manager of the Health and
"Already, five people have
been confirmed
January 27. 2004
Dinin e out vs . eatin
By TInlcIa Cameron
Chronicle Staff
It’s almost suppertime and on your
way home from school, you decide
not to cook because you’re tired and
stressed out from a long day of classes.
A craving for Burger King hits you
and you decide that will be your dinner for the night.
The next day, you wake up late and
don’t have time to cat breakfast or
pack a lunch.
Tim Hortons seems to do just fine
for you and the stir-fry combo in tlie
cafeteria looks good.
By the time Friday rolls around, you
think you should reward yourself by
going out to dinner and a movie.
East Side Mario’s sounds tempting
and though the food is expensive and
may not be nutritional, you have a
hamburger anyway.
In 2000, Statistics Canada found
that the average household spent
$1,536 on food and alcohol from
According to the University of
Alberta, if a student were to purchase a
muffin and coffee every day, it would
add up to more than $50 every month.
Cooking your own food is an economical and nutritious way to eat
" Most students arc on a tight budPhilip McAlistc stopped eating out
have a fruit with every breakfast," said
Business get and purchasing your own food and because of the unhealthy effects of fast
cooking it is more affordable.
Administration student.
"1 used to cat out at least once a day
Though she prefers to make her
Students should avoid purchasing at Burger King or McDonalds but I had
own meals, Smith cats out two to three
convenience food because of high lev- to stop because I was getting fat," said
times a week.
"Depending on the mood I’m in els of saturated fat, trans-fats, calorics, McAllste, a first-year Justice Studies
sodium and sugar," student at UOIT.
and if I’m tired and lazy, 1
Now, he cats out only once a week
she said.
Trans fatty acid is and enjoys cooking his own food.
a lot of Subway, chicken
on created wlien liquid "1 like to cat salads, sandwiches,
salads, and low fat
in oil is converted to a lasagna and a variety of vegetables.
muffins. I’m very health the mood
mar- Cooking your own food is also cheapsolid-like,
conscious," she said.
tired and garine.
er and healthier," ho said.
"Subway has a lot of and if
The Ontario Ministry of Health said
It can cause an
food choices with low fat lazy, I may grab
increase of choles- that low iron In the blood causes anesauces and Wendy’s has
am terol in the blood, is mia, fatigue and lack of energy.
some low fat options but some food.
linked to heart dis- Vitamin C Is contained In broccoli,
very health con- ease,
cancer and brussel sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower,
-dark leafy greens, white or sweet potadiabetes.
The Canada Food scious.
also toes and will help eliminate an iron
Guide recommends five to
Danielle Smith
recommends eating deficiency.
12 servings of grain prodFruits that contain Vitamin C are
leaner meat and
ucts each day, five to 10
cantaloupe, cranberry juice, grapefruit,
vegetables and fruits, two to four milk dairy products.
The Durham Region Health depart- ..guava, mango, papaya, strawberries
products and two to three meat alterment has a program called Eat Smart ’and oranges.
Bottom line its important to eat
Adrienne Baltadjian says the that lists all the local health-conscious
Canada Food Guide is a valuable tool restaurants that are health conscious. ^healthy.
To be on the list, restaurants ’must ’ Making those healthy food choices
that has a lot of benefits.
Important when we are
especially --.,---.-.
"It’s a great way for students to plan be 100 per cent smoke free, have per-’ are
and cat healthy. They should try and feet health inspections and meet the’ living away from home.
Always try to remember that eating
aim to eat at least one serving from nutritional criteria,
Subway and Boston Pizza are among healthy foods can taste better then cateach food group every," said
ing fast foods.
Baltadjian, a Durham Region Health many on the list.
Nutritionist; .
She said that people are eating out a
lot more, but cooking your own food
is more nutritious’and economical.
SafeWalk is
to protect all students
Danielle Smith is health conscious
and prefers to prepare her own meals.
"I eat a lot of salad and I have one
with every meal. I also make sure I
Don’t walk
alone when
help is just
She said the program Is predominantly used by female students.
"They feel they would be at higher
risk at night leaving the campus
activities and walking back to the
student residence." The campus
SafeWalk program currently has
eight team members but has openings for an additional 10 members.
To promote safety forboth students
requiring assistance and SafeWalk
team leaders, there is an equal number of male and female team members
"Students must have strong people skills,, good leadership qualities,
and be able to work with the police
and campus security as a team member," said Kellar.
By John Draper
This job is posted on the college
Chronicle Staff
Web site.
Ever feel concerned about walkApplicants must meet the speciing alone at night on the way to and fied criteria. In order to apply, the
from the campus parking lots, stu- individual must be a full-time student residence and /or pub? Take a dent at Durham College,. Trent
walk on the. safe side and use the University or UOIT.
SafeWalk program.
The SafeWalk program operates
To help students feel safe Durham Wednesdays and, Fridays 8:30 p.m.
College, Trent University and the to 2:30 a.m. frdm-the command
UOIT introduced the SafeWalk pro- posts in the residence and Student
gram in 2001. The purpose of Centre on the main campus.
SafeWalk is to increase students’ Assistance is available Monday
comfort level by having them through Thursday from 7 p.m. to 11
escorted at night to the buildings p.m. from the post located at the
and parking lots on campus. Judy security desk.
Kellar, director of Student Services,
Students can call ahead to the
and Don Sinclair, director of Staff security office at ext. 2400 to
Services, are the creators of the arrange for the SafeWalk team to
SafeWalk program.
meet them at a specified exit.
"We took the best of the various
They must have their campus
programs offered at the other col- photo ID ready.
leges and created one that worked
The Ontario Work Study Program
for us," said Kellar, who also has the and the Women’s Campus Safety
Grant fund 10 per cent of the
responsibility of Safety Officer.
"To date, the SafeWalk team SafeWalk initiative,
members have had to deal with is
For information, contact Judy
students who require assistance Kellar at 905-721-3111 ext. 2110 or
from the campus pub," said Kellar.
Suzarine Chasse at 905-721-3111.
call away
The Durham Contact Centre (DCC), a technical support service
provider of customer relationship solutions, is growing and
requires full or part time service representatives available to
start in the near future.
Qualified canadidates wilt possess the following:
*" Advanced
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If you meet these qualifications and are looking for an exciting career in
customer service, the DCC invites you to forward your resume, including
a cover letter to [email protected]
The Durham Contact centre appreciates receiving all expressions of
interest; however, only tliose selected for an interview will bo contacted.
January 27, 2004 13
The Durham College Chronicle
Life advic e for D C and U O IT
Yuk Yuk’s
trio give
advice to
Destination, which lie hosts
ns well.
Rouse has been in the
comedy biz for over seven
years. He’s written for The
Buzz TV show and is a
Gemini award winner for his
By Rory Marine
Chronicle staff________
Every other Monday at
Durham College there’s the
regular noon Yuk Yuk’s show
at the pub, but this time
there were more laughs to be
On Jan. 19 there were two
comedy shows for DC and
UOIT students, the regular
nooner and a special night
show at the Dining Lounge.
The show was originally
set for . comics Manolis
Zontanos, Wade McElwain
and James Cunnhigham to
Photo by Rofy Narino
perform. But a Yuk Yuk’s
MANOLIS ZONTANOS: Joked about the differagent told VP of Social Affairs
Scottie Toole about an hour
ences between men and women, keeping both
before the show, that
sexes In stitches.
Cunningham wouldn’t be
able to make it. Instead, in the Canadian Comedy far I can take it."
McElwain has been in the
comic Jason Rouse would Awards for funniest newcomtake his place as the headlin- er, and is currently in the comedy game for seven years
race to get in the annual after he dropped out of uniZontanos is a five-year vet- comedy event in Montreal, versity. Aside from stand-up,
eran who is climbing up the Just For Laughs.
McElwain is a writer for two
^ ranks in Canadian comedy.
"Right now," Zontanos television shows, Gutterball
Last year he. was nominated said. "I just want to see how Alley
one hour stand-up performance on the Comedy
Network. His current goal is
to be a part of the Saturday
Night Live cast.
"I don’t like waking up
before noon and I like being
control of my own life,
Rouse commented.
doing something for me."
When the snow began,
McElwain played the part of
the emcee. He talked to the
crowd a bit. Cracked jokes
about the news today and
made a few comments on his
own college experiences. He
also gave a little advice for
the female students In the
audience: "College girls, do
the college men a favour and
have a threesome."
After a few m(nutes of poking fun at Toole with his girlfriend In the audience,
Zontanos to the microphone.
Zontanos made the crowd
laugh even when he wasn’t
trying to. It was just funny
for the crowd to see him talk-
ing to himself before he told
his next joke. A lot of his
humour was geared towards
the difference between men
and women and the benefits
women have that men don’t,
mainly on their views on sex.
"1 look down, I got a
f**king hard-on," Zontanos
said. "I’m thinkin’ where am
I gonnn put this? What am 1
gonriii’ do with tills?!"
After Rouse yelled at
Zontanos to get on the stage,
Wade grabbed the microphone and talked to the
crowd a bit more showing
them his Scooby-Doo and
Shaggy impersonation.
When Rouse got control of
the microphone, no one was
safe. He didn’t hold back on
"I’m here to talk to all of
you about drugs and premarital sex," said Rouse, "So
if I can get some rolling
papers and a female volunteer, I’d be giad to show you
how it’s bad for you."
Rouse had a lot of offensive jokes for the crowd. He
went as far as telling a girl
her nipples , looked like
gummi bears. ’ A lot of his
jokes were very sexually
explicit, probably more than
McElwain and Zontanos
combined. But the crowd
had no choice but to let out
their laughter, no matter
how wrong It felt.
The crowd was small, but
very responsive to the per’
formers. After Rouse finished
McElwain thanked everyone
for coming out.
"Small gigs are sometimes
a lot of fun," McElwain said.
Both the comics and the
crowd were pleased with the
way the evening went.
"I come to this school at
least once a year and they’ve
always been good," said
Percy and E dwards crack up EP^s
formance coming up this
in Toronto at the Tim
Sims theatre. Edwards has
toured all over the world
doing stand-up. He his been
on a few comedy shows on
CBC, including hosting of
the 1998 Gemini Awards.
Edwards is currently filming
a documentary, Ronnie On
The Road.
Before Percy began her act
she asked a few students at
the tables farther away to sit
at the tables closer to the
By Rory Marine
Chronicle staff
Most of the students did as
January 19 brought back Percy said because .if they
the bi-weekly pub vibe with didn’t, they knew she’d
some more Yuk Yuk’s come- humiliate them in front of
dy at EP Taylor’s.
This week, the two feature
"Okay the gay guys want
comics were Renee Percy and to stay together in the corRonnie Edwards, Percy has ner," Percy said.
Percy was the type of
only been a comic for a year,
compared to Edwards 12 comic who interacted with
Photo by Rory Narino
years in the business. Percy the crowd, asking them quesEDWARDS:
has done a few comedy tions about their lives and while entertaining the women.
improv shows, as well as per- talking about her own with a
forming on.the Comedy Now little comedic twist.
She spoke of screaming superhero has to wear tights. the stage, he started poking
television special on CBC,
When Edwards got onto fun at himself.
along with her Mardi Bra per- during sex to why every male
event for
and fun
laughed he replied, "It’s not
funny, f**k you all!"
When he got to the more
sexually explicit jokes, the
crowd seemed to reacfto him
even more.
After mentioning this,
Edwards decided to explain
to the female audience how
to tell the size of a man’s
"You can tell a size of a
man’s penis by the size of his
feet," he said. "Now you
know why Ronald McDonald
is so f**king happy."
After a few more sex jokes,
Edwards exited the stage
with a round of applause
behind him.
"I think it went okay," said
Edwards. "About 70 per cent
of the crowd was listening."
"I loved it," Percy said. "It
has a night time feel."
Both comics thought the
show went well, but could
have been better if more
tables were set towards the
stage and the upper level of
the pub was closed off.
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January 27, 2004
Swe d ish inva s ion o f T O .
Punk rockers
find a home
away from
home in their
new album
3y Lindsay Orser
chronicle Stalt
If there’s one thing Swedish punk
3and Millencolln knows how to do, it’s
autting out one awesome record after
After .the release of their latest
ilbum, Home From Home, which was
cleased on Burning Heart Records, a
vfillencolin took to the road in 2003
or a 10-show tour of the United States
ind Canada, playing shows in Florida,
Morth Carolina, Washington, New
/ork, Philadelphia, Montreal, Toronto,
Chicago and Detroit. The shows were
ariglnally scheduled for April 2003 but
t had to be changed.
"Montreal was amazing. Tons of
aeople and everyone is fun," said
?redrik Larsson, drummer, on the show
:hey played in Montreal. "We try to
alay our favourites off every album and
ilso try to play what the crowd wants
Pholo by Linrisay Oiso
ROCKIN’ THE GUVERNMENT: Millencolln played to a packed show of devoted fans at the Guvernment
in Toronto back In November.
to hear, because half the crowd has half in the recording studio.
"It was really great. We had this guy
been listening to us since Tiny Tunes
and the other half started maybe lis- from New York, Lou Giordano, .who
tening to us when Pennvbridge produced the album. Ht did a really
Pioneers came out. So we play for both good job. We’re all satisfied. I think
it’s our best album to date. This album.
Home From Home was released in it feels like It is a complete album with
2002. It didn’t take long to write and no really bad songs," said Larsson.
Sometimes people wonder what
they only spent about a month and a
inspires album titles. With this latest
release, it was all about home.
"Nikola was writing all the lyrics,"
said Larsson. "He just described it as
the band is one of his homes.
Millencolin Is his second family."
The quartet met back in the late
1980s at skate parks in their in Sweden. Erik Olssen, Mathias
Farm and Nikola Sarcevic all skateboard and got into playing music
from listening to punk bands on skate
videos and local bands as well. They
later met Fredrik Larsson while he was
playing in his band Kung Pung.
This is how Millencolin was born.
Olssen and Farm sing back-vocals and
play guitar, Larsson plays the drums
and Sarcevic is on lead vocals and guitar. Through their love of skateboarding, the name Millencolin came
about. Named after a skate trick,
Melancoly. they just changed some
letters around and came up with
from Sweden who also used to skate
board with the boys of Millencolln
The song sings about how this friend
Danny, inspired Sarcevic to skateboard
ing and credits Danny on getting hin
Into playing punk music. One of th<
lyrics in the song clearly states th<
influence: "Hardcore skater used to b<
one of few who inspired me to get into
the punk rock scene when I turned sev
Sadly for Olssen, Farm and Sarcevic
they don’t get to skateboard as much a;
they used to, especially when they an
- away on toui. ’But they all still try U
keep up on their skateboarding skills.
"Back home we have this indoo:
skate park in the same building as ou:
record label, Burning Heart," salt
Another song that is a favourih
among many Millencolin .fans is Fox
on the Pennybridge Pioneers album. Iwas written by Nikola as a joke. H(
wanted to write a funny song about hi;
scooter back home that he loves. One
. of the lines: "She’s secondhand, sc
what?- She’s true, she’s by my side, fo:
all I care, she’s hot, she’s a real gooc
ride. ’When we go out, people stop anc
stare with jealous minds. It’s OK fo:
me, as long as they let her be...’
Somehow a few had misinterpreted tht
lyrics and thought the song was abou"We played a different style of a girl, a rude song about a girl.
"He tried to write something funn)
punk rock, with Swedish lyrics. It’s a
bit different than American punk," but some people don’t realize it wa;
said Larsson. "There was loads and pretty much a joke. They think it’;
loads of punk bands and lots of shows about a girl. And we got Some really
and lots of record companies but a lot really mean emails; they thought w<
of that has disappeared. There are a were a sexist band," said Larsson. Som<
few really good really big record com- people just don’t know how to take <
panies around now.
The owner of Burning Heart set up
Besides the fact that touring afford:
a festival an hour away from Millencolin the opportunity to mee
Millencolin’s hometown and also had and play with other bands. It also give;
a distribution outlet for bands. the .opportunity, whether they want iMillencolin put out some LPs and or not, to meet some interesting fans.
then recorded some demo -tapes.
"This one guy came to sound check
Through Burning Heart records they He had a tattoo studio. He wanted u;
were able to get a distribution deal to tattoo our autographs on his leg. Sc
through Epitaph Records. They then we did and since then, we’ve beer
began putting out. EPs. This afforded friends," said Larsson.
Millencolin the opportunity to play
After their 2003 tour, Farm anc
with bands that sort of. inspired them Sarcevic headed back to Sweden anc
to get into playing punk music in the Olssen and Larsson are headed to LA
first place, bands like Bad Religion, for a vacation.
They said they might as well do IPennywise and NOFX.
"It would be cool to play with while they are over here, though It wil
Rancid," said Larsson, who said they be nice to go home.
met Rancid this past summer in
"That’s one really really good par
about being in a band is touring
Sweden.One song on the new Home From around and the bad part is being awa)
Home album is called . Punk Rock from girlfriends and families" sale
Rebel. It was inspired by an old friend Larsson.
Rings ep ic will not return
By Sajld Khan
Chronicle Staff
A mystical cinematic journey that began two years ago
has come to an end this winter with the release of The
Return of (he King, the final
chapter in director Peter
Jackson’s epic Lord of the
Rings trilogy.
Jackson first introduced
moviegoers to the imaginary
medieval realm of Middle
Earth in December of 2001
with the release of The
Fellowship of the Ring, the
first of three films based on J.
R. R. Tolkien’s classic novels.
The story chronicles the
adventures of a ragtag group
of kings, wizards, elves,
dwarves and pint-sized creatures called hobblts that overcome tremendous odds while
trying to destroy a particularly evil ring.
Filmed back-to-back with
its predecessors, The Return
of the King continues the
narrative from where it left
off in last year’s The Two
As the sinister forces of the
dark ;lord Sauron threaten to
encompass all of Middle
Earth, the final battle
between the good and evil
erupts with no shortage of
bloodshed and state-of-theart special effects.
swoop down upon unsuspecting knights while catapults
hurl flaming rocks into castle
walls and hulking prehistoric
elephants stampede through
battlefields, crushing anything in their path.
While this mythical battle
rages on, two lowly, homesick Hobbits, Frodo Baggins
(Elijah Wood) and Samwise
Gamgee (Scan Astin) creep
behind enemy lines into the
volcanic wastes of Mordor
with the digitally animated
amphibian, Gollum (voiced
by Andy Serkis) as their
Th^ir mission is to break
Sauron’s reign of terror by
casting the evil ring that
holds’ his power into the
flames of the volcano where
it was created.
All of the long distance
shots of clashing armies and
close-ups ,of legendary beasts
were masterfully created
through miniatures and digital animation by WETA workshop, Jackson s answer to
George Lucas’ special effects
powerhouse, Industrial Light
905.61 9. 3422
Wood and Astin succeed In
conveying the sense of duty
and devotion that their characters hold for one another.
When Wood’s character
becomes weary with despair
;iiid collapses, Astin’s character slings him over his shoulder and carries him on his
actor Sir lan McKcllcn, who
received an Oscar nomination for his role in the first
film, once again delivers a
whimsical performance as
Gandalf, the wise and witty
wizard that leads the heroes
on their quest.
LORD OF THE RINGS: A cinematic journey comes
to an end with the third Instalment of Peter
Jackson’s trilogy this winter.
and Magic.
Equally stunning are cinematic vistas, showcasing the
might and majesty of New
Zealand’s primeval landscapes that stand in for the
many locales of Middle Earth.
The endless shots of snowcapped mountains and
roiling fields capture the
sheer beauty ’of nature that
Tolkien Strived to convey in
his novels.
As overwhelming as the
visuals are and as far-fetched
as the storyline may be, a
strong script and believable
performances by the key
actors bring the film down to
At its, heart, The Return of
the King is a story about bravery and the bonds of friendship in the face of all odds.
Even Gollum, a completely
digitally-generated character,
evokes emotion as he struggles with his loyalty to the
heroes and his desire to possess the evil, yet powerful
ring for himself.
lengthy run time, over three
hours, can test the audience’s
The Return of the King is
an old-fashioned story of
courage and honour set
amongst new-age digital
effects that is sure to please
both avid Tolkien fans and
average moviegoers alike.
January 27, 2004
Talking s ex with Sue Johanson
By Erin Pereira
Chronicle staff
The birds .ind the bees is a
subject that can be hard to
talk about, and often times
asking questions can be
embarrassing and awkward.
But for Sue Johanson talking
about sex is part of her everyday job.
Her voice is not a strange
one. From her time on the
radio with The Sunday Night
Sex Show to her program Talk
Sex with Sue Johanson on the
Oxygen network, she Is well
known for providing frank
and honest sex education to
thousands of Canadians.
Each year Johanson travels
to more than 50 schools
informing students, parents
and teachers about the importance of sex and sexuality.
She has even visited Durham
a couple times with her latest
appearance at the college on
Nov. 29 of last year.
"I love it," said Johanson.
"1 do it because I’m a liam,
because I love kids, because I
love a live audience, and
because it’s a challenge. 1
never know what people are
going to throw at inc."
Her presentations cover a
wide variety of topics ranging
from sex toys to medical
problems to sexuality, and
although Johanson takes the
subject very seriously she
keeps audiences laughing
with her humour-filled deliv-
"Talking about sex Is far
harder than doing it," she
said. "In today’s world you’ve
got to talk about It."
But Johanson does more
tlian just speak on the subject.
Her presentations are often
followed by a question and
answer period where audience members get a chance to
have their own questions
"I’m seen as safe and harmless," she said. "I’m not going
to go for them and I’m not
going to lecture them. 1 don’t
preach, 1 don’t moralize and
I’m pretty open. I don’t get
upset about a lot of stuff, 1
know what I’m talking about
and I have fun. I think sex
should be a lot of fun."
Johanson lias been educating people on sex for over 30
years. In 1970, she opened
the first birth control clinic In
a North American high
school. It was tlien that she
began teaching sex education
to high school students.
Every year Johanson does
presentations to approximately 20,000 students In public
schools, high schools, colleges and universities across
Canada, informing and educating them on the importance of sex and sexuality.
Tim Burton7 s Bis Fish a bi
Finney gives an Oscar-worthy
performance as the charming
old version.
The audience follows him
through his many escapades,
from his beginnings as a small
town hero to the search for
the woman of his dreams to
wartime victories.
By Jessica Verge
Chronicle staff
This is the stuff that
William Bloom’s bedtime stories are made of. As a child,
he’s captivated by the tales
his father, Edward, spins, stories that illustrate his many
As an adult, Will (Billy
Crudup) grows to resent the
stories that he now knows
hold little truth and becomes
determined to separate the
man from the myth.
So begins Big Fish, director
Tim Burton’s latest quirky
While he steps away from
Burton and screenwriter
John August, who adapted
the darker gothic feel of his
past films, such as Beetlejuice,
Batman and Sleepy Hollow,
Burton weaves together the
fables that make up Edward
Bloom’s life with his signature
originality, creativity and
extravagant visuals.
Bloom is portrayed as a
young man by Ewan
Free, confidential health
advice from people
who are actually qualified
to give it.
Wallace’s 1998 book and
worked closely with the
author throughout the project, blend Bloom’s past
smoothly with a present in
which he’s an old, sick man
living out his final days in the
company of his beloved wife,
Sandra (Jessica Lange).
August produces a humor-
ous, heartfelt piece that manages to tug on nearly every
emotion and keep the audience captivated and entertained and desperate to discover, along with Will Bloom,
who his father truly is.
Though a bit outlandish at
times, the story ..renfains
strong and the dialogue works
to endear each character.
Everything is delivered
seamlessfy by a terrific cast of
experienced, talented actors,
which also includes
DeVito, Helena Bonham
Carter and Steve Buscemi.
Big Fish is a beautiful fantasy, a fairy tale free of tired sentimental goofiness, and
should prove to be an awardwinning accomplishment for
all involved.
THE CHRONICLE January 27. 2004 19
S laves of S ociety rock EP Taylor ’s
Local band
brings back
classic punk
By Amy Weeks
Shronlcle Staff
DC punk rockers Slaves of
Society descended upon EP
Taylor’s last Saturday, setting
the mood for Battle of the
Other performances included Chris Gauthicr and Chuck
FIyn n,second-year
e n t e r t a i n in e n t
Administration students, with
drummer Clirls Dove, Nice
Guy and the Jerks, Another
Dark Day and Discord.
This preview to Battle of
the Band’s was one of the
must sec concerts at EP
Faylor’s tills year, and Slaves
of Society topped off the
impressive bill.
Slaves of Society (SOS)
opened with Pccin’ Red,
named after a Minor Threat
song, Secin’ Red, about the
decline of originality in new
"It’s basically about how
originality is dead," said firstEntertainment
Administration student and
CDs into the audience. The
guitar player Dirty Carl.
SOS played several tunes off band’s demo CD features such
their demo album, including popular SOS songs such as
Blindfolded, Guilty of Being Lucky Lager and Pcein’ Red.
For all those who enjoyed
Punk, Fear and Consumption
and Open Your Eyes. The the demo, SOS will be coming
underlying theme of these out with their first official
songs is how much ignorance album next month. The
and discrimination take place album will feature many
in society.
songs off the demo.
SOS’s CD release party will
With bold messgaes underlying their songs, SOS have be held at tlic Dungeon on
scpcratcd themselves from Feb. 21. Local band IMRU will
pop-punk with tlic classic be playing as well.
It’s tlic first silow we’ve
sound punk made famous in
the 70s.
ever put on all by ourselves, so
SOS was the last to perform, we’re pretty excited about it,"
but certainly didn’t hold back, said Dirty Carl. "We’re not
even though most of tlie completely sure wliat tlie title
crowd had gone home for the of tlic album will be, lint we’re
night. The SOS fans stuck hoping that the album just
around and got to mosh gets out there and that people
around with lead singer Ano like it."
Costan/.o when lie dragged
SOS will also be performing
his microphone out into tlie witli IMRU at the Dungeon on
audience as lie always does at Marcli 6. Other bands to perSOS shows.
form that evening arc Fast and
Halfway through tlie set, Nasty from Blackstock and
Costanzo and drummer Ray- Two Minutes Too I.ate from
chill pulled the old switcha- Etobicoke.
roo as tlicy always do and Ano
Keep your ears open for
became tlic drummer and DC’s new radio station, Freq.
Ray-chill stepped up to tlie Virginia Slim’s Soul Power
mike. In addition to SOS’s Hour will be airing tonnes of
constant moving around on tunes from the Slaves.
Tlie Soul Power hour will
stage, this provided for much
visual stimulation and origi- feature many Indie bands
from around tlie GTA, focusnality to tlieir performance.
SOS, with their classic punk ing on hard rock, funk, and
sound, caught huge attention punk.
in EP Taylor’s with a 70’s punk
The Soul Power hour is
feel to their nylsic.
exclusive to Durham College’s
In addition, Costanzo
chucked a box full of demo
Lingerie and Long Johns party
heats the night up at DC’s pub
Photo by Amy Wook’
PUNK-ROCK GOODNESS: Slaves of Society’s Adam
Lajoie wows DC’s pub with great guitar riffs.
Maybe it ’s time...
3y Rory Marine
chronicle staff___
The weather outside was
ninus 30 degrees, but inside
:ouldn’t be any hotter with
:he skimpy negligees.
The Lingerie and Long
ohns party at the pub was a
nil house. Men and women
vere walking around in their
jndergarments and slinky
lutfits for a $2 discount. The
iub had most guests wearing
i variety of skimpy langerie
md other types of sexy personal wear. The night featured
i lingerie contest and a perfor-nance by four members of
Ourham College’s own dance
:eam, D-Llte.
The doors opejied at 9 p.m.
iut the real pa)?ty didn’t start
jntil 11:30 p.fn. when,,D-Lite
lit the stag^ to relnatft the
to meet some new friends.
3 Months for $99
.ady Marmalade dance.’
"This one was a last-minute
:hing," said dancer Stephanie
>kelton. /’We "had -.about a
week <o plan, so we threw
419 King Street West
(905) 433-1665
some costumes
of the Lingerie and Johns."
’ It was D-LUe’ssecond perDancer Lisa
’Sauthier is also the group
. Aoreographer and Skelton is
"’:he marketing director.
rogether they are trying to
lave the group dance in comaetitions, halftime shows at
:he school basketball games
md at other special events.
Photo by Rory Narine
HEATING THINGS UP:Contestants showed off their
dance moves for a chance at a gift certificate.
Durham College never had a
dance team before, so Skelton
and Gauthier wants to pass
their dancing shoes to newer
students who join the club.
The show catered more to
the male audience, but that
didn’t stop any of the girls
from having their own fun on
Eight girls went on stage
and danced in a lingerie cornpetition. The eight girls were
then thinned down to one
lucky contestant who received
a Fabutan gift certificate.
Makes it easy’
Call 1-800-597-1FIT for ttie club neatest you!
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Januaiy.27, 2004
Feminist film expected to
bring a smile to viewers
By Shannon Campbell
Chronicle Stall
Julia Roberts gives a
charismatic performance as
Katherinc Watson in Mona
Lisa Smile, feminist-based
film set in the 1950s.
Photo by Roty Narino
PARTY AT E.P. TAYLOR’S: A musician gets the
crowd pumped up with live entertainment
Radio station
hosts rockin’ party
By Rory Marine
Chronicio si.iH
With the offidtil induction of the Freq radio station, the only thing left to
do was party.
The Freq launch party on
Jan. 19 was a success if you
were to judge by people
having fun. Throughout
the night Dj Shananigin
and DJ Shamroc played hiphop and house music.
Shananigin and Shamroc
will also have a program on
Freq called Time to Shine
Joan Brandwyn,
is played by
Julia Stiles. Her law school
an original piece by Jackson aspirations are conflicted by
Pollock, the pioneer abstract a blossoming romance with
painter. Watson encourages her Harvard boyfriend. He is
the girls to really sec the played by That 70s Show
painting for what it is, for star, Topher Grace. Watson
what it isn’t, and look
does whatever she can to
beyond the paint and feel encourage Joan to attend law
what the artist was express- school.
The film highlights a
Kristcn Dunst, playing notable soundtrack, with an
Betty Warren, the first-to- appearance by songstress
marry snob, is disgusted by Tori Amos, portraying the
Watson’s free spirited, pro- sultry wedding singer.
Mona Lisa Smile is directgressive outlook. The brightminded Warren is quick to ed by Mike Newell and writbecome a typical 1950’s ten by Lawrence Konner and
housewife, and soon finds
marriage isn’t all it’s cracked
up to be. The honeymoon
stage is short lived’ between
the star-crossed lovers. Her
husband soon takes a fancy
to another woman.
Giselle, the rebellious girl
of the flock, played by
Maggie Gyllentaal, is bored
by the Harvard boys and
prefers to pursue an affair
with her professor. She takes
Mark Rcsenthal.
Much like "Leonardo
Da Vinci’s painting of the
Mona Lisa, the film provokes
an array of perceptions.
Regardless whether it Is a
negative or positive opinion,
the movie reminds us when
the only expectation of
women was to become
housewives. The film pays
respect to feminism in our
for the night, playing eight
songs from their independent album, Old New
Borrowed Blue.
Mr. Nobody Soon is currently negotiating a record
deal with producer Gavin
Brown, one of the leading
producers in the Canadian
rock music today.
He is
American success of Three
Days Grace and Billy Talent.
He was also the drummer
for Canadian rock band Big
of the way, well worth
quite a liking to this progressive appronch to learning
and idolizes Miss Watson.
The official bookworm,
The bunds playing were
BytcJi Kiddy and Mr.
Nobody Soon. Mr. Nobody
Soon were the headlincrs
"I wanted to make the Sugar.
coolest party ever," said secMr. Nobody Soon’s style
ond-year Entertainment is a blend of punk, rock and
student metal music. They don’t
Jordan Roherty. "I want believe their style of music
everyone to have as much is similar to any other rock
fun as possible." ’
group on the airwaves
Prizes in the raffle for the today.
"I used to hate the radio,"
night were 10 tickets to the
Lingerie and Long John said lead singer Mr.
night, four tickets for the Nobody. "But now it’s the
Tony Lee show. four source."
Nickelback concert tickets
During Mr. Nobody
and four Billy Talent tickets. Soon’s
One other prize was to go Roherty went on stage to
with Toronto Star reporter throw T-shirts, CDs and
Jim Kenzie on a test drive in posters provided by CD
a brand new vehicle. Of Plus. After their perforcourse, to legally accept the mance, the DJs scratched
prize the winner had to records until the end of the
have at least a G2 licence.
a little out
California graduate, Watson,
takes a highly sought after
position at Wellesley, an
acclaimed, all-girls college, as
History professor. She arrives
in Boston to find these girls
are more than prepared for
class. Watson realizes the
biggest lesson hei students
need to learn is not in their
schoolbooks. It’s to think for
Watson, with her radicalfeminist approach, is quick
to learn the main focus for
these young women is not to
further their education, but
to find husband. She
describes the school as a
breeding ground for housewives. Outraged by her students primary aspirations,
she attempts to teach them
there is an entire world
beyond cooking, cleaning
and making babies. Watson
creates on unconventional
lesson plan and takes the
girls on <i field trip. The class
is taken to a warehouse
where art is kept before being
displayed in a gallery, to sec
a visit I
Yarns, patterns, books, needles and supplies
for all ofyour knitting and crocheting needs,
Louise Poller Mon-Wed9-S, Tliuni-Frl9-9, Sat9-5, Sun-dosed
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Can you believe I’m single?
Adam Barry
on a friend of Thompson’s and being Canadian. He goes as far
is much more carefree than as taking .cheap cracks at
Americans, even though most
In the summer of 1999, 21He is the comic relief and is of the readers are American. "
Mechanical ignorant to idiotic happenings The girls are pretty, which is
Engineering Student at the around him, and as in real life, definitely a Canadian thing
university of Ottawa, Lucas he is also always single in the and I use Canadian spelling,
Thompson, a Whitby native, comic.
although I get constant emails
started on a venture that has
Joce, and most of the others telling me that I spelt things
been "so time consuming that female characters in the wrong," Thompson says.
it is on my mind every minute comic, are the closest things to
CUBIS has become popular
of the day," Thompson says. antagonists there are. For the and receives almost 1,000,
This venture is a Web-based most part they are the reason viewers a day.
comic called Can You Believe for Luke’s bitterness.
The future of CUBIS is lookI’m Single.
"I like to take indirect shots ing bright with the addition of
Can You Believe I’m Single, at my girlfriend," Thompson a new character known as
or CUBIS, as it is known as by says.
fans, was started as a cheap
"The comic is a way to vent,
"Smitty is based around
joke gift for a friend. "When and it takes a lot of energy to another friend of mine,"
my friend’s birthday was com- try to be amusing," Thompson Thompson says. "He is going
ing up, and I had no money to says. "I don’t act funny in real to be a blind stoner profit,
actually buy her a present, I life."
who will appear very soon,"
Ideas for the comic come to
figured I would make her a
.Thompson also is looking.
funny comic instead, as a him in various ways, but are forward to publishing CUBIS
cheap alternative," Thompson mainly actual events that have as a trade paper back some
happened In his life. time in the future. "It would
The comic is based around "Everything that happens in be nice to finally make some
three characters. Luke, Adam, my day, I try to turn around money from it," he said. "But
and Joce.
into a three-panel pun," he being in school right now is
Luke is based on Thompson says, such as miss use of the slowing the progress."
and represents his bitterness word thwart.
The comic is available at
and stress. "The universe hates
In just three years,
me," he says.
Thomson has created over 130 and is updated usually twice a
The character Adam is based comics, and prides himself on week.
Chronicle staff
Th^ Ouifia^ebllfeirClifcmk
Lord s show killer instinct at D C
By Jeff Turco
Mohawk Mountaineers, the
Canadore Panthers, and the
Stnn Marclint, head coacli St. Clair Saints on the day
of the Lady Lords’ volleyball of action. The Lords won all
team, had a tough time wip- three
ing the smile from Ills face Mohawk by scores of 25-9, 25after the completion of the 11, Canadore 25-23, 25-12.
Killer Instinct Cup tourna- and St. Clair 25-16, 25-15.
In (lie Canadore game,
That’s because the Lady Marchut was surprised by
Lords’ volleyball team defeat- how well the Panthers squad
ed the Cambrian Golden played against his team.
Shield, by scores of 22-25, 25"They gave us a battle in
22, and 15-13, in what was an the first set," said Marchut.
intense and action packed "But in the second set, our
match, to win the tourna- power seemed to wear them
Not only did ihc Lords win
Lindsay Bax said tlie team’s
the tournament, it also put serving in the second set was
them in a good position to be the reason they played better.
"We served better in the
the number one seed at the
second set than we did in tlie
provincial championships.
The final was a showdown first." said Bax. "In the first
between two of the OCAA’s set, we gave them some
elite. Durham and Cambrian points because our serving
sit 1-2 in the OCAA rankings wasn’t very good."
The second day of action
and are both in the top 10 of
for the Lords started with a
the national rankings.
Cambrian jumped out early tough match against a good
and took advantage of a Humber team. Humber won
fatigued Durham team to take the first set 25-23.
But Durham rebounded
the first set by a score of 2522.
However, Durham and defeated Ho/nber in the
Chronicle Staff
rebounded and took the second set by a score of 25-22.
second set by <i of 28-26.
Marchut thought that winning tlie second set was good
for his team.
.The third set was nail biting, with the action between
"I think, by winning the
the two teams going back and
second set, it will give our
Finally, Durham fought to team the confidence do know
a two-point lead and they that we can come back
never looked back, as the against the good teams," said
Lords came out with an excit- Marchut.
Pholo by Jell Turco
The Lords next played John
ing 15-13 set win.
READY, SET, BUMP: Janet Littlejohn,
Marchut believed that a Abbott College from Quebec.
changing of his rotation after John Abbott was playing well
the first set was the key factor in the tournament, but
So now, Durham looks forDurham seemed to have little tage," said Marchut. "We just "We just lacked the energy to
in the match.
to the provincial chamward
"I changed my rotation, so trouble with them,
In the semifinals, Durham pionships that take place at
Steve Chan, head coach of
that I could have Lindsay Bax Durham’s height and power
line up against their top play- advantage seemed to give John Abbott College, was played the Seneca Sting. the end of February and
er," said Marchut. "That was John Abbott fits throughout impressed with how Durham Seneca gave the Lords a good Marchut is happy that his
team will most likely be
probably the turning point in the match.
ranked number one.
the match."
"It feels great," said
The Lords started the tour- a tall team, so we wanted to match. They ran their offence prevailed, winning both sets
very efficiently,"
nament by taking on the use our height to
Photo by Jolf Turco
TALKING STRATEGY: Lords’ head coach Stan
Marchut talks strategy with Lindsay Bax (left) and
Erin Smith during a timeout.
Photo by Jeff Turcc
ALL POWER: Erin Smith, one of the Lords’ star players, powers a spike over the
net in a game at the tournament.
January 27. 2004
Generals earn hard-fought victory
By John Herron
penalty box continued for
both teams. All-star defenccTo remain in the playoff man I’tiul Ranger and centre
picture in the DHL you’ve got Clay McFadden were both
Chronicle Stall
recipients of hits from behind
that sent the Generals bench
into frenzy.
Andrew Gibbons potted
the Generals’ second goal on
a 5 on 3 power play. It was
more than the Generals needed as Turple made 26 saves to
record his first shutout with
the team and improve his
record to 6-3-3.
The Sting completely lost
control of their emotions
throughout the game, giving
tlie Generals plenty of
chances on the power play.
The final shot total was
indicative of that witli tlie
Generals outshooting tlie
Sting 41-26.
The win was tlie second in
as many games for the
Ranger, who
seemed fine after his collision
into (lie boards, is hoping the
team continues their strong
play after a sub-par season to
"We’ve been up and down
and haven’t had the season
we were hoping for so far,"
said Ranger. "We’ve been
under-achieving all year but
this past weekend we worked
really hard against Belleville
Chris Hulit blast to give the for a victory and won again
generals a 1-0 lead.
Most coaches like to ride
The rough stuff continued
as GeneraTs power forward with one goaltender down the
and leading scorer Ben Eager final stretch of the season and
received penalties for rough- into the playoffs, Turple has
ing, goaltender interference, played well in his last two
and finally a 10-minute mis- outings and head coach and
conduct penalty for smashing general manager George
his stick while heading off the Burnett has taken notice.
"If someone steps up and
The third period wasn’t carries the ball like Dan’s
much different from the first done the last couple of games
two as the parade to the it’s pretty tough not to keep
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Photo by John Horror
GENERALS FORWARD ADAM BERTI lakes hold of a Sarnia Sting player in recent
OHL action.
putting him in there," said
Burnett. "We’re not’going to
score a lot of goals, and if
that’s our track record we’ve
got to win games with one or
two goals."
The Generals had the week
off last week but forward
Adam Berti saw action
Wednesday night at the
entry draft. Former Generals
defenceman and NHL superstar Bobby Orr, along with the
CHL’s Top Prospects Game in ever-popular Don Cherry,
London. The game featured coached the showcase/of
the CHL’s top 40 players who junior hockey talent^ in
are eligible for the 2004 NHL Canada.
Durham has all-stars
By Tim Fedorchuk
victory in the men’s all-star
Chronicle Staff
Durham had some deserving athletes in Windsor to
take part in the OCAA all-star
basketball game.
Bonnie Slaughter and
Angela Cull represented the
Lady Lords in the annual
mid-season game. Starting
centre Dave Clancy and
Jason Nepomuceno repre-
sented the men’s team.
Lords head coach Peter
Gordon helped navigate the
Eastern all-stars to a 93-92
to play with high emotion
and get solid goaltcnding on a
consistent basis. On Sunday,
Jan. 18 the Generals had both
of those tilings working for
them in a spirited 2-0 victory
over the Sarnia Sting.
Heading into the contest
the Generals held a mediocre
enough for (lie eighth and
final playoff spot in the eastern conference. Their counterparts from Sarnia ranked
fifth in the western conference with a superior 21-1 S-4-4
No goals were scored in the
first period but tempers
soared, resulting in a back and
forth fight between Generals
defenccman Scott Todd and
Sting forward Kclscy Wilson
at centre Ice.
The Sting could have easily
jumped out to an early lead as
they held a 15-7 advantage in
shots, but goaltendcr Dan
Turple shut the door to keep
the Generals alive after the
Brandon McBride converted on the power play 2:15
into the second period by
knocking in a rebound of a
The women’s game was
also won by the Eastern allstars, who defeated the West
The OCAA’s leading scorer, Slaughter led the game in
points with 19. She was also
involved in the three-point
competition prior to the
games. Slaughter ran over the
competition to win the
three-point contest.
The Lady Lords leader is
currently dominating the
OCAA in scoring. She leads
all players with 138 points,
which amounts to 23 points
per game. She is also very
consistent at the free-throw
line, shooting an impressive
70 per cent.
Clancy is leading the
Lords in points after nine
regular season games. He has
111 points this season, good
for 12.3 points per game.
Both of Durham’s basketball teams will have to come
together to push for the play-
January 27, 2004 23
NHL prospect shines at worlds
Fritsche brings gold
medal experience to
Civic Centre’s ice
By John Herron
Chrontolo Staff
A member of the United
States gold mcdal-vvinning
team that defeated Canada at
the World Junior Hockey
Championships in Helsinki
Finland, paid a visit to
Oshawa on Jan. 18 when his
team, the Sarnia Sting, faced
off against the Oshawa
fun journey."
Hockey fans across Canada
were devastated after the
crushing defeat their team
suffered in the final at the
hands of the US squad. The
majority of Fritsche’s Sting
teammates arc Canadian but
they showed nothing but sup-
port and admiration to the
world champion.
Danny Fritsche, who
"All the guys on the team
played 18 games with the were happy for me because
Columbus Blue Jackets of (he they know if one of them had
NHL before being sent to tlic won the gold medal for
US team, was all smiles when Canada I’d be happy for
asked about Ills experience.
them," said Fritsche. "It’s
"It was probably one of good for the team, it’s good
the best liockey experiences For the organization, even
I’ve ever had in my life," said though it’s for the wrong
an elated Fritsche. "We knew country."
we had a good team, we knew
The 18-year-old Fritsche,
we could do it, and it was a who was ordered to report to
the Sting after the tournment,
holds no bad feelings towards
the Blue Jackets organization
following his demotion.
"They told me to come
back here where I could play a
little bit more, develop my
skills a bit more, and we’ll see
wliat next year brings." Said
The level of play in the
tournament is the next best
thing to the pros, because the
majority of players have been
drafted’ by NHL organiza-
F i nd a N ew
Best Fri en d
The Humane Society
of Durham Region
For more information, give us 9 call at
(905) 433-2022, or visit u.s at:
199 Waterloo Street, Oshawa, Ontario;
We’re also on the web at:
his World Junior Championship win will vault him to
an NHL career.
Hockey League,
the Canadian
"You’re playing with all
the best guys from the
Ontario Hockey League and
so the game is definitely
played at a high level," said
brought into the Sting dressing room by Frilsclie and is
now tucked away in his room.
January 27, 2004 25
The ABCs of a home
key to
By Erin Pereira
Chronicle start
Remember your New Year’s
resolution? If you promised
yourself you were going to
shed those unwanted pounds
this year, then there arc a few
things to keep in mind.
"There are a lot of products
on the market today," said
Mark Robson from the Fitness
Source in Pickering. "It’s
choosing the one that’s best
for you and the goals that you
Robson said the three most
popular pieces of gym equipment are treadmills, steppers
and bikes.
"The newest piece of equipment In the fitness Industry
over the past 10 years has been
the elliptical cross trainer," he
said. "It’s pretty much a tread-
mill but it’s rnucli lower on
impact for you because it’s a
fixed motion. So when you
hop on, it basically does the
running motion for you."
Robson said the best way. to
describe the machine is that
it’s a cross between a stepper, a
treadmill, and a bike. With
built in arm movements you
get botli an upper and lower
body work out at the same
"They’re affordable too," lie
said. "There’s no motor on
them like on a treadmill so
rather than being in tlie
$2,000 to $4,000 price range,
you can get a decent one for
$700 or $800 and they can go
up to $4,000.
Another interesting product
on the market today is the
counter-current pool. They are
not new. Sport and physical
therapy centres as well as hospitals have been using them
for years, but recently many
poofs have been sold so people
can work out in the comfort of
their own homes.
"It’s small so it can fit In
small yards or inside existing
rooms in your house," said
Christopher Wackman, senior
vice-president for Endless
Pools in Aston Pennsylvania.
An Endless Pool has an
adjustable current that allows
the user to swim or exercise in
pool has an adjustable current
and temperature.
He said pools can range in
size and deptii and can be customized depending on what
kind of exercise a person
wants to do.
"You don’t just have to
swim in the pool," said
Wackman. "You can do water
aerobics in the pool, you can
walk in the pool, you can run
in the pool and the resistance
of tile water is 11 times that of
the air around you so that
every movement you make in
the pool, forward or backward,
Is benefiting you health wise."
There are many different
home exercise products available on the market today and
finding the right one isn’t
always easy.
Robson said a person looking for gym equipment should
research and find out as much
about the different products as
possible. He also warned that
just because something looks
and sounds good on television, doesn’t mean that it is.
"The people generally in
the market for fitness equipment are out of shape, overweight people who sit around
on the couch watching T.V. all
day," he said. "They Hick
through the channels and see
all these people getting fit on
Bowflex and other equipment,
and they get sucked in.
Wackman explained that a
Robson warned that most of
standard Endless PoolSvill cost the time the people advertis-
around $18,000 U.S. and is
seven feet wide by 14 feet long
and 39 inches deep and every
ing products on television
with the bulging triceps and
rock hard abs, haven t used
that product to get fit.
"It just takes a little time,
effort and research and you’ll
find a good piece of equipment that’s just right for you,"
he said.
Robson suggested that for a
person who is overweight and
wants to lose a few pounds,
(lie best piece of equipment is
the elliptical cross trainer
because 11 burns fat faster than
a treadmill, bike, or stepper.
"After you lose tlie weight,
that is when you can start
thinking about adding some
tone and definition with a
weight lifting program," he
Robson also said that for a
person who doesn’t want to
spend much money, an exercise ball can provide a good
workout and Is a good weight
loss tool.
Peter Roberts is a personal
trainer and he and Robson
both agree that fitness doesn’t
just start with a piece of equipment.
"You need nutrition for
both your physical structure
and your brain to function
properly," said Roberts, who
s?.ys exercise combined with a
good diet is the ultimate combination to becoming healthier.
With many products out
there, both Roberts and
Robson agree, when looking
for that first piece of exercise
equipment, do the research,
You might think ’Oh healthy eating.
I’ll have to say good-buy to good eating,’
but that’s not true.
Sue Baker, a nutritionist at Oxygen
He stays up until one in the morning Fitness in Pickering, says that the most
ind sleeps in until two in the afternoon. important thing you could put into your
ie sits in a chair watching T.V. all day. body is glucose.
Us fridge Is stocked with beer and his diet
You get glucose from carbohydrates
:onsists of fast food. He’s Joe Canadian like fruits; vegetables, pasta and rice just
ind he makes up 65 per cent of the popu- to name a few.
ation that doesn’t get enough exercise to
"It’s like gasoline for your body so it’s
naintain good health.
always good to keep your gas tank full,"
"Everybody is being pushed to be more she says.
lealthy and yet half of the Canadian popBeing and staying healthy doesn’t have
ilation are overweight," said Pam to be hard or complicated, it can be a lot
3’Donnell, a nutritionist at the McLean of fun and surprisingly easy.
Most people guilt themselves into diet:entre in Ajax.
Exercising does more than make you ing and going to the gym but they usual;
.weat and smell it also improves your life ly set big unrealistic goals like losing 20
ind health.’
pounds in two weeks by practically starv:
"Exercising does a lot of things. It ing themselves and pushing themselves to
;’ mproves your muscle tone, it relieves the limit while weight training.
After a torturous two weeks the desire
tress, it gives you energy, it makes you
eel better about yourself and overall it to continue is thrown out the window.
ust makes people happy," said Jay Shaw,
This year instead of continuing the
; i personal trainer at Oxygen Fitness in vicious cycles, why not just make small
changes in your life that can gradually
t ’ickering.
; If you’re not a big fan of grueling work- become healthy habits.
Here are some tips you can use.
i )uts in the g\m, there are still plenty of
| vays to get the necessary exercises and
Try a new fruit or a vegetable every day.
According to the Canadian Food Guide,
!; vhen you’re having fun, you’re more like| y to stick with it.
you should consume five to 10 servings of
,f) "There is lots of ways to get exercise fruit and vegetables each day.
"A good way to start is to try something
|fVithout going to the gym. You can do
hings like gardening, work in the yard, new every day," said Genralt Aldridgc, a
t;olf, tennis, bowling, housework, danc- personal trainer/nutritionist at Oxygen
$ ng, walking up stairs, taking the dog for a Fitness in Pickering.
"valk and so forth," saysjamison Nash, a
"By doing this you won’t get bored like
personal trainer at Extreme Fitness in you would if you only ate one type of fruit
or vegetable."
If you don’t know where to start, a
’; Exercising is not the only thing you
’.iced to do to be healthy. Healthy eating good place to look for variety would be at
the frozen food section at a grocery store.
Illso plays a big role.
chronicle staff
team up
for Jam
By LIndsay Orser
Chronldo Staff
Love snowboarding?
Or just trying out for the
first time this year?
Then head out to
Dagmar ski resort for Pipe
and Park Jam Series
brought to you by
This is the first year for
this event at Dagmar and
the basis for it was to just
have some fun.
It is held every night
Wednesday, 5 to 10 p.m.
from Jan. 14 to Feb. 18.
"Kids can come out and
have fun, have a good
time," says Alison Martin,
who works at Alcatraz
Skates and is Involved
with the organization of
the Pipe and Park Jam.
Every Wednesday night
it’s like a party on the ski
shop around and combine a
hill with chances to get
regular workout program with
a good healthy diet.
some free giveaways.
brand reps come out and
showcase some of their
new and best gear.
There will also be some
sponsored riders from the
major brands.
"Riders can have a
chance to test out new
snowboards, bindings and
Fun, healthy living is easy
3y Jullen Cecire
"Eating fruits and vegetables are a great
sources of vitamins and help in the digestion process," he added.
Men’s Health magazines says some fruit
like grapefruit, help you to lose weight
more than other fruit
For example eating a grapefruit before
bed helps your body’s natural ability to
’flush’ the system.
Another important part of healthy eating is water.
"You need water to keep the nutrients
circulating in the body and to clear out
the waste," says Leslie Beck, a nutritionist
at Leslie Beck Nutrition Consulting in
According to Beck you can get water
from milk, juice, sports drinks or just
plain water.
Dieting does not mean you can’t eat
anything else but lettuce like a rabbit and
not to deprive yourself of food you enjoy.
It’s more like changing the way you eat
and not necessarily what you eat.
Ingram Hacker, a nutritionist at Natural
Advantage in Ajax, says that you should
have a balanced meal of lean meat like
chicken, turkey or fish with a good
amount of carbohydrates like rice,
spaghetti or bread plus fruit and vegetables.
You shouldn’t over-eat either. Even if
you eat really healthy, over eating means
more calories and more calories mean
gaining more weight.
"When you’re making food, make a fist
and tliat will determine how much you
should eat," he added.
Breakfast, as most people have heard, is
the most important meal of the day.
If you include breakfast in your new
life style it will increase your energy level
and you will liave a more productive day.
goggles," says Martin.
A long list of brand
sponsors will be out on
the hill every Wednesday:
686, Burton, Ride, Forum,
Thirtytwo, Flow, Jeenyus,
Option, Drake, Technine,
Special Blend, Bakoda,
Lamar and more.
If anyone interested is
hard up for a ride up to
Alcatraz Skates can help
out in that department.
They have organized a
bus that will leave the
Wednesday at 4:30 p.m.
and will arrive back at the
store at approximately
10:45 p.m.
For the bus is the cost
is $10, or for a bus ride
and a lift ticket, the cost is
only $30.
To ensure a spot on the
bus contact Alcatraz as
soon as possible.
There is also a waiver
to fill out for the bus,
Martin said they are
hoping to continue this
event again in the future.
For more information
on the Pipe and Park Jam
Series contact Alcntraz
Skates at (905) 579-4261or
[email protected].
January 27. 2004 26
Patriots will win
Super Bowl in
low-scoring game
3y Jeff Turco
chronicle Staff
Their running game is poor
and they don’t have any topflight receivers. Yet this team
just finds ways because their
defense keeps them In the
tions, then you know you
have a brilliant defensive
Ulckner and Julius Peppers.
scheme. The Pats could win
most this game if the defense can
bought that the defensive line cause Panthers quarterback
vould be making the big plays Jake Delhomme to make some
n the playoffs, it’s actually mistakes and if Brady doesn’t
)een the secondary that has
make any when he’s on the
ive line in the NFL, with Mike
lucker, Kris Jenklns, Brentson
the key factor. Ricky
banning Jr. has made a name
or himself In the postseason
vith four interceptions.
For the New England
’atriots, it’s all about defense.
«11 Belichick has his defense
m fire right now and they can
hut down the best offenses in
he league. Just look what
hey did to Indianapolis.
On offense, the Patriots
lon’t really have any big playnakers other than Tom Brady.
By Sajld Khan
Chronicle Staff
If you had predicted that
lie Carolina Panthers would
)c in the Super Bowl, put your
land up. If you had even prc- games.
licted that the Carolina
So witli the Super Bowl only
’anthers would make the play- a week away, it’s now time to
)ffs, put your hand up. No. offer up wliy each team could
didn’t think so.
win and one final prediction
Every year in the Nl-’L, there on who’s going to win tlic big
s always a Cinderella team and game.
hat team this year is the
Why the Panthers could
’anthers. Many NFL reporters win: Fox will run the ball
bought that they would be constantly witli Davis and
’astly improved, but not to Foster and if there is one way
lie point tliat they would be to penetrate the New England
defense, it’s through the runn the Super Bowl.
The Panthers have a simple ning game because the Pats’
;ame plan on offence. Run defense is phenomenal against
he ball. Panthers coach John the pass. If tlie Panthers can
’ox likes smash mouth foot- control the clock by running
)all and Stephen Davis and the ball and can play good
)cshaun Foster arc big, bruis- defense against the Pats’
ng running backs that Fox offense, the Panthers can win
oves. He waits for the opposWhy the Patriots could
ng defenses to get comiort- win: One word: Defense.
ibYe against the run, and when Their defense is the best in
hat happens, he throws the football and they can stop
)all deep.
anybody in the league.
Yes, the Panthers offence is Befichick runs a system that
;ood, but the team’s bread and confuses every team that they
mtter is their defense. They play. If you can make Peyton
lave arguably the best defenManning throw four Intercep-
Whitby Dunlops returning
to Eastern Senior A league
A Canadian legend will
return to the rink later this
year following the Town of
Whitby’sjan. 12 decision to
resurrect tile Dunlops amateur Senior A hockey team.
The Whitby Dunlops had
a glorious career before they
folded In 1960. The team
won the Canadian National
Hockey Championship in
1957 and 1959 and the
Championship at Oslo,
Norway in 1958.
"There liasn’t been a representative hockey team in
Whitby since the Dunlops
folded," said coach Bill
Purccll. "Whitby hasn’t been
the same since then. The
Dunlops really put Whitby
on the map."
The Dunlops will play in
Association Eastern Senior A
League during the 2004-05
Season, beginning this
Sixteen home games will
be played at the Iroquois Park
Sports Centre. The facility
"Council has supported
the effort to bring back the
Dunlops," said Peter LeBcl,
director of community and
marketing services for the
Town of Whitby. "Now that
a venue has been determined, we’re able to move
forward." .
One of the Dunlop’s most
fervent supporters has been
Whitby Mayor Marcel
"This is a great opportunity to create models for our
children," said Brunellc. "No
other community has an
arena for every 1,000 people.
Whitby is hockey town
Michael Laing, president
of the Whitby Dunlops
Organization, has been planning the return of the team
since last May with the help
player Steve
Cardwell. Laing has :een
tremendous support in the
community for the team’s
"There’s been totally posi-
support," said Laing.
"There hasn’t been even one
negative comment. The town
has provided us with prime
time ice in one of the best
places to play."
Purccll and Laing expect
the Dunlops to be made up
of players from several different backgrounds, including
players from the East Coast
League, the American League
and from college hockey
The Ontario
Association Eastern Senior A
League currently consists of
five teams that compete for
the Allan cup, Canada’s oldest amateur liockcy trophy.
The league no longer competes on an international
level as it did in the 1950s.
"It’s nice to see Senior A
hockey pick up again after a
lapse in Eastern Ontario,"
said Purcell.
Laing Is certain that the
community will support
Senior A hockey In Whitby
and keep the Dunlops on the
"This is real, competitive
hockey," he said. "It’s sure to
draw decent crowds.
Ski season is finally here
By Ben Wannamaker
Chronicle Staff
My "prediction: This game
will feature two of the best
defenses in the league against
each other. However, I feel
that the Patriots defense and
offense are just a little bit better than the Panthers, which is
why I’m looking for the
Patriots to win this game.
However, I won’t be surprised
to see the Panthers win.
Final Score:
Patriots 20, Panthers 14
will also be used for two
hours of practice time twice a
The resorts are blowing
snow around the clock, skiers
and riders are coming out nonstop, and the staff at southern
Ontario ski hills seem a lot
happier than two weeks ago.
What does this mean? The
ski season has officially begun!
Temperatures have dropped
to an unheard of minus 28 in
Durham Region and resorts
like the Oshawa Ski Club, who
have doubled the size of their
snowmaking pond, are taking
full advantage. The resorts areblowing snow 24 hours a day
to make up for the extremely
warm temperatures of late
December and early January.
"I haven’t seen it that
(warm) in 20 years," said
Oshawa ski club office manager Linda Schaffer. "It was hurting business, but the temperatures are dropping now, so we
are making snow non-stop."
The Oshawa ski club is still
working on getting its terrain
park up for the season.
Two huge piles of snow tha
will be used to build takeoff
and transitions for tabletop
and rails are waiting to bi
shaped in the park area.
Many Durham student
have had their seasons put 01
hold due to the extreme cold.
"It was too warm at the star
of the season, so I couldn’
ride," said first-year Busines
student Genna Neuman. "Nov
it’s freezing cold so 1 don’
want to go out either!"
January 27. 2004 27
Upcoming Games
Women’s Volleyball
January 27
Men’s Basketball
vs Georgian
January 30
vs St. Lawrence
Men’s Volleyball
January 31
vs Algonquin
Womer^s Basketball
Women’s Basketball
George Bro>wn
January 31
vs Algonquin
Men’s Basketball
Loyalist -, ;,
St. Lawrence
^l<»tti Hole" will be available
tor all competitors
Open to all Durham/UOIT and
Staff and Faculty ^|
please contact:
c :^i^
^,l(lMKi||uggan, Atnletic;Departmen(|S
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