Overview and Objections - Lympstone Village Website


Overview and Objections - Lympstone Village Website
Overview and Objections
Proposed Development – Courtlands
Historical Background
 March 2010 Strategic Land Partnerships submits planning application
 Residential development of 154 dwellings
• 50 bed Care Home
• Business units
• Doctor/dentist
• Shop/cafe
• Crèche/nursery
• Community hall together with associated open space and infrastructure
 EDDC receive over 650 letters of objection!
 10th June 2010 EDDC reject Application.
Proposed Development – Courtlands
2010 Proposal
Proposed Development – Courtlands
10 Reasons for rejection - 1 & 2
1. Development located within the open countryside, outside of the built-up area
boundaries of any settlement, wherein new development is permitted only where it
would be in accordance with a specific Local Plan policy that explicitly permits such
development and where it would not harm the distinctive landscape, amenity and
environmental qualities of the area in which it is located.
2. The application site lies within a Green Wedge as defined in the adopted East Devon
District Local Plan wherein development will not be permitted if it would add to
existing sporadic or isolated development or damage the individual identity of a
settlement or could lead to or encourage settlement coalescence, in the opinion of
the local planning authority the proposed development in this case would not only
represent a sporadic form of development but would also lead to the undesirable
coalescence between the outer outskirts of Exmouth and the village of Lympstone,
threatening the individual identity of that village, contrary to the provisions of Policy
S6 (Green Wedges) and Policy 01 (Design and Local Distinctiveness) of the adopted
East Devon Local Plan 1995 - 2011 and the aims and objectives of the Lympstone
Village Plan.
Proposed Development – Courtlands
Location & Green Wedge
Proposed Development – Courtlands
10 Reasons for rejection 3 - 10
3. The scale of the proposed development is likely to generate a high level of primary
and secondary school aged pupils......
4, 5 and 6 – all relate to the resultant increase in traffic.
7 to 10 – all relate to the failure of the application to provide sufficient information.
Proposed Development – Courtlands
SLP New Application
 Residential development of 154 dwellings – more spaced out
 50 bed Care Home
 Business units
 Doctor/dentist
 Shop/cafe
 Crèche/nursery
 Community hall together with associated more open space and infrastructure
Blocking of Courtlands Lane West of existing houses
Application largely deals with the Rejection reasons 4 to 10
 Very high level of technical input
 Use of “experts”
Proposed Development – Courtlands
2011 Proposal
Proposed Development – Courtlands
2010 Proposal
Proposed Development – Courtlands
Road Layout Proposed
Proposed Development – Courtlands
Road Layout Proposed
Proposed Development – Courtlands
Road Layout Proposed
1. New site access priority T junction 100m North of Courtlands Cross
2. Secondary access by diverting the western section of Courtlands
Lane into the site
3. Stopping up the Eastern section of Courtlands Lane
4. The conversion of Summer Lane to one way working (Eastbound
5. “some traffic may alternatively look to try to use Wotton Lane .......
mitigation measures can be put in place”
6. £100,000 under a Section 106 to DCC to pay for the alterations!!!!!
a) Uses a lot of presumptions and assumptions e.g. only 2% of traffic
leaving the site will do so by Courtlands Lane, 17% of people
working on site would walk to work ...
b) Still generates 1828 daily car trip numbers
Proposed Development – Courtlands
Road Layout Proposed - Detail
Proposed Development – Courtlands
Road Layout - Detail
Proposed Development – Courtlands
”Ere wat’s this all about”
1. SLP lost round 1.
2. Rejection gives them 12 months in which to submit another free application.
3. This is their free application in which they provide expert evidence to answer
objections 4-10
4. Do they expect to win – NO – but they will rely on the evidence in this application to
support them at ......
6. That’s when things (& we ) get serious.
Note :- This is a new application and your previous comments
Proposed Development – Courtlands
Lympstone Parish Objects to this application
1. There is no fundamental difference between this application and that submitted in
March 2010 and consequently our previous objections still stand.
2. The removal of the Care Home is of no significance.
3. The road change to Courtlands Lane as proposed will merely increase the traffic
along this restricted route as the shortest way to Lympstone Village and Lympstone
Primary School thus making this dangerous route even more so.
4. The application in no way answers the EDDC reasons 1 & 2 for refusal in 2010 since
it still clearly breaches EDDC Policy.
5. The LDF Preferred Approach supports the retention of the Green Wedge (Appendix
1) and does not support this development. (See next slide)
6. Intended Government legislation such as DEFRA White Paper “The Natural Choice:
Securing the Value of Nature”, would indicate support for the Green Wedge to be
preserved. Under The Localism Bill and Neighbourhood Plans the Parish Council, by
authority within the Parish Plan, would seek to formally secure these rights when
7. Despite the claims of SLP there has been no Community Involvement in this latest
Proposed Development – Courtlands
LDF Core Strategy Preferrd approach – Summary Consultation
 Map 6 Proposed Strategic Allocations at Exmouth
 Lympstone – “Development of around fifty new homes can be expected at the
following .......”
Proposed Development – Courtlands
What we have done and what we have to do
Press Release to The Journal
Page on website www.lympstone.org on all aspects of the application
EDDC Cllrs Ingham and Atkins representation to EDDC Planning
Village meeting – to inform and collect views
Leaflet drop to every house in parish – Friday/Saturday
Proforma letters produced – at back of room and on website
Letter writing “under the bridge” – This Saturday
Formal rejection by the Parish Planning Committee – Monday 4th July
Individual letters to East Devon – current deadline Wednesday 6th July
All to be completed (currently) by 6th July
Proposed Development – Courtlands
This is a BIG one!!
Proposed Development – Courtlands
Courtlands Cross
- Not Now,
- Not Tomorrow,
- Not Ever
Proposed Development – Courtlands
Over to YOU!