June 13, 2016 - Midland Public Schools
June 13, 2016 - Midland Public Schools
Superintendent’s Weekly Communiqué Michael E. Sharrow, Superintendent (989) 923-5026 [email protected] Volume 3, Issue 39 June 13, 2016 FUTURE CENTRAL PARK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL … Set to open Fall 2017 media center main street corridor music & art room office area (410 feet long) café and stage (previous gym) Your 2.95 Mill Bond Dollars at Work at MPS! lower el classroom wing outside of new gym Central Park’s Mascot … The Explorers in-wall plumbing foundation blocks Central Park’s Colors … Orange & Navy south entrance bus storm & sanitary sewers Bond Projects as we look ahead ... 2015-19: Elementary renovations (including secure entrances) — Fall 2016: renovation bid packages go out for 1-2 buildings 2018-19: Athletic renovations & district-wide paving (Community Stadium Track, light resurfacing, summer 2016 to prolong life) 2019-21: Middle school & high school renovations (including secure entrances) Student Technology Devices: Middle School—Fall 2015; High School—Fall 2016; Elementary—Fall 2017 THANK YOU, MIDLAND PUBLIC SCHOOLS’ VOTERS! Second Page Headlines June 13, 2016 Please join us in welcoming an exciting new area at the Jack Barstow Airport— The Midland Community Aviation Discovery Area This exciting new feature at the airport is a great place for families to have picnics, watch the planes take off and land and much more. The Discovery Area has a pavilion, a large concrete compass rose in the ground to help students learn about directions and air travel, play equipment, educational plaques and more. Check out this great area sometime soon! Welcome, Midland Community Aviation Discovery Area! Page 2 of 3 Dalton DeBoer of Woodcrest Elementary took action as a second grader to help build friendship on the playground, and last week she gets to see her idea put to use. Dalton learned of the “Buddy Bench” from her Nana and shared the idea as a need with her teacher. Her next step was to write a letter to the PTO requesting funding to purchase a bench to help those who have no one to play with at recess. Now that the bench is installed, Dalton has shared posters and announcements to make sure it is used to build friendship. Students who do not have a friend to play with, sit on the bench. When fellow students spot someone there, they have the responsibility to invite them to play and then recess becomes a lot more fun! Thanks to Dalton’s caring and her taking action, recess is a happier place. Ana Geib and Amy Guzman’s Survey of Spanish 2 class at Midland High School celebrated a Quinceañera! This coming-of-age event is typical of Latin American countries and people of Latin descent in the Southwest of the U.S. It celebrates a girl’s passage to womanhood as she turns 15. Students had roles assigned and performed all parts of a traditional quinceañera: preparations, blessing, party… Our audience of teachers and students, and especially our quinceañera, senior Amanda Johnson, had a culturally immersive experience with language food, and music. Last Day of School for 2015-16 School Year: Thursday, June 16 FREE SUMMER MEALS are once again offered for ALL CHILDREN AGE 18 & UNDER in our community at these sites: More info is available on the MPS Flyer Board: http://midps.org/cf Midland Curling Center: 2009 Jefferson Ave, Midland Monday-Friday, June 20th to September 2nd Breakfast: 7:45am-9:30am & Lunch: 11:45am-1:15pm Eastlawn Elementary: 115 Eastlawn Drive, Midland Monday-Thursday, June 27th to August 4th Breakfast: 8:15am-9:15am & Lunch: 11:00am-12:30pm Plymouth Elementary: 1105 E Sugnet Street, Midland Monday-Thursday, June 27th to September 1st Breakfast: 8:00am-9:30am & Lunch: 11:30am-12:30pm Plymouth Park: 4501 Plymouth Park Drive, Midland Monday-Friday, June 20th to September 2nd Lunch 11:30am-1:00pm (No Breakfast) Gerstacker Spray Park: 201 Wyman Drive, Midland Monday-Friday, June 20th to September 2nd Lunch 11:30am-1:00pm (No Breakfast) *All sites are closed Monday, July 4th* Midland High Kudos! Chemic Softball Team District Champions for the 2nd year in a row! Chemic Varsity Golf - Headed to States for the 2nd year in a row! MPS Summer Hours Our elementary offices close for the summer on June 24 with middle and high school offices remaining open during the summer months. From June 27-August 19, our district employees work four 10-hour days— Monday-Thursday, with all District buildings closed on Fridays. Elementary offices will re-open on Monday, August 22. The 2016 Distinguished Service Awards nomination window is now open (til July 1). Do you know an MPS paraprofessional, manager, office professional, administrative assistant, bus driver, technician, grounds or maintenance worker who goes above and beyond to make a difference for MPS students? If so, visit the MPS website (www.midlandps.org) for more information and the 2016 Nomination Form. Nominate an MPS support person today! (Sorry, teachers and administrators not eligible for this award). Midland Public Schools Back Page Headlines 600 East Carpenter Best Wishes to our secondary students who are taking final exams this week! Midland, Michigan 48640 Telephone: 989-923-5001 MPS Website: www.midlandps.org Twitter: @MichaelSharrow2 @MidlandPS YouTube Channel: http://midps.org/youtube Community Flyers: http://midps.org/cf Adams Elementary 923-6037 Carpenter Street 923-6411 Chestnut Hill Elem. 923-6634 Eastlawn Elem. 923-7112 Plymouth Elem. 923-7616 Siebert Elementary 923-7835 Woodcrest Elem. 923-7940 Jefferson Middle 923-5873 Northeast Middle 923-5772 H. H. Dow High 923-5382 Midland High 923-5181 “pearls” of wisdom ... “A good head and a good heart are always a formidable combination.” —Nelson Mandela “The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character—that is the goal of true education.” —Martin Luther King, Jr. June 13, 2016 The Dow High Girls’ Tennis Team took first in the State Tournament on June 4! All members of the team contributed points to the championship. Jessica Brown was a quarter finalist, Hadley Camp was a semi-finalist, Mina Fabiano, Tatum Matthews, Maggie Schaller, and Marie Marche were finalists, and Caroline Szabo, Sarah Ismail, Afua Ofori Darko, Kamryn Matthews, Kelly Livingston, and Meghan Killmaster all won state championships at their flights. Congratulations to these talented Lady Chargers! The 42nd annual Elementary Track Meet for 4th and 5th graders was held at Dow High this year (due to resurfacing of Midland Community Track). Approximately 370 students participated in this year’s meet, which included both running events and field events. All that participated had a great time. Thank you, MPS PE teachers, for organizing this great event and MHS track teams, who volunteered to work this year’s meet. Two Woodcrest Elementary Students Earn Accelerated Reader (AR) Top Award Congratulations to 5th grader, Daniel Shi, for earning 1054 points in the AR Program. This is the highest score in school history! 4th grader, Sarah Li, came in second with 930 points. Daniel and Sarah are the first students to have their names engraved on a plaque recently purchased by the Woodcrest PTO that commemorates their amazing reading accomplishment. The plaque will be displayed permanently in the Woodcrest Media Center. Jefferson 7th & 8th grade Chorus took their production of "Schoolhouse Rock" on the road! Two groups of Siebert students filled the Jefferson Theater on June 2nd. In early June the performers took their fun show to Adams, Woodcrest, Carpenter and Riverside Place Senior Housing. These talented young thespians had a total of eight performances for over 1000 appreciative audience members! Great job, Huskies! MPS groups leading the National Anthem at Dow Diamond DHS’ Chamber singer ladies—May 31 JMS’ Vocal Showcase/Nothin’ But Treble—June 4 Woodcrest’s 5th Grade Chorus—June 5 Page 3 of 3 Congratulations to the Charger’s Girls Track as five girls earned All-State Honors at the Division 1 State Track Meet in Hudsonville on June 4! Amanda Kline finished 5th in High Jump. Maija Rettelle, Ana Tucker, Beth Hoffman and Emily Wall placed 8th in the 3200 Meter Relay! Rettelle & Wall also competed in the 800. Congratulations to these impressive athletes!! June Shining Stars ... Congratulations to Chad Wegener, Midland High Special Education Teacher Rachel Walker, Human Resources Administrative Assistant These dedicated, hard working MPS staff members will be recognized at tonight’s Board of Education meeting. Thank you, Chad and Rachel, for going above and beyond to make MPS a better place for students!