Heavy Duty Electric Buses
Heavy Duty Electric Buses
Heavy Duty Electric Buses – A Solution for near and long term Environmental and Economical Sustainability Joshua Goldman Proterra Dir Business Development Greenville, SC PUBLIC TRANSIT AT CENTER OF MEGATRENDS Urbanization Environmental Impact % Population in Urban Areas Global CO2 Fuel Emissions 23% Transportation 90 80 70 60 50 40 2010 World 2030 More Developed Regions 2050 Less Developed Regions Bus Transportation Critical for Successful Urban Planning and GDP Growth Transit Buses Key Reduction Target EV Buses Will Disrupt and Dominate Urban Landscape Based on Total Operating Cost & Emissions Source: UN Urbanization Report 2011 2 1 ECORIDE: A UNIQUE TRANSIT EV SOLUTION Video } On-Route Charging Enables 1:1 Diesel Bus Replacement, Simple Implementation } Minimal Disruption with Charging Time ≤ 10 Minutes } Covers 80% of US Transit Bus Routes } Fewer Batteries = More Passengers, Lower Energy Use } Composite Body Is Light, Durable, Stylish and Low Maintenance Unique Solution Allows Transit Customers to Replace Old Buses with No Change in Operations 3 ADVANCED PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT TIMELINE New Investors New customers – Texas, Florida, South Carolina Production Startup EV Bus Development CA Customer Order DOT/FTA Fuel Cell Bus Demo Concept, Founding 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 4 2 PROJECT CHAMPIONS AND PUBLICITY Early Customers Pomona, CA BusRide Oct 2011 San Antonio, TX Jay Leno’s Garage Clemson, SC Tallahassee, FL Green Tech Jan 2012 Which Are Better: Electric Cars or Natural Gas Vehicles? CBS Evening News “Proterra’s all-electric bus gets between 17.5 to 29 miles per gallon, according to the company. Even if you take 20 mpg as a estimate, that beats the 3 to 4 mpg for CNG buses, according to the Department of Transportation.” 5 ESTIMATED ENERGY AND COST CALCULATIONS Capital Costs 80% Covered by Federal Subsidies US Transit Purchases Fuel Costs* Operating Costs 100% Borne by Local Agency Energy Efficiency $ Millions 9.26 Energy Cost Savings MPG Equivalent 23 7.81 100% <40% Diesel Proterra 3.91 1.21 EcoRide CNG Bus Hybrid BusDiesel Bus 3.27 3.86 4.56 CNG Diesel Hybrid Energy Cost Proterra * 9 Bus route over 12 year life Versus Conventional Diesel Bus Based on EIA, Altoona and internal Data } $380,000 Total Lifetime Savings } 36% IRR } <3 Year Payback 6 3 EV BUSES: COMPELLING ALTERATIVE FUEL STORY Total Cost of Ownership Grid Provides Stable Energy Cost Total Cost $ / Passenger Mile* Commercial Energy Prices** Normalized Price to 100 $0.30 500 450 $0.25 400 $0.20 350 Petroleum Electricity 300 $0.15 250 $0.10 200 $0.05 $0.00 Natural Gas $0.02 Passenger Passenger Passenger Car Hybrid EV E-Bike Light Rail Transit Diesel Bus Proterra EV Bus 150 100 50 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 * Capital, fuel cost / lifetime miles ** US Energy Information Administration, 2011 Visible Environmental Commitment Ahead of Regulatory Requirements 7 ENVIRONMENTAL BENEFITS } 80% less carbon than CNG } 85% less carbon than diesel } 87,000 lbs carbon savings annually vs. CNG per bus } Clean, Healthy Pollution Free and Quiet Operation 8 4 DOT / FTA ECORIDE ENERGY TESTING ALTOONA TEST DATA, REPORT #1107 } The three test phases } Commuter phase (COM) of 4 miles with 1 stop and a maximum speed of 40 mph } } Arterial (ART) phase of 2 miles with 2 stops per mile and a top speed of 40 mph Central business district (CBD) phase of 2 miles with 7 stops per mile and a top speed of 20 mph kwhr/mile COM 1.38 ART 2.07 CBD 1.70 0 0.5 1 2 2.5 27.6 COM ART . 1.5 MPG equivalent diesel 18.5 CBD 22.5 0 10 20 30 9 DOT / FTA ECORIDE NOISE TESTING ALTOONA TEST DATA, REPORT #1107 } } Outstanding noise performance relative to competitors Translates into significantly improved neighborhood environment Pull Away from Curb Noise (dBA) 74 72 70 68 66 64 62 60 58 56 } Lowers resistance to bus stops locations near residential buildings 54 New Flyer of America Gillig Orion / Daimler Proterra Constant Speed on Street (dBA) 74 72 70 68 66 64 62 60 58 56 54 New Flyer of America Gillig Orion / Daimler Proterra 10 5 REAL WORLD PERFORMANCE DATA FOOTHILL TRANSIT - REPRESENTATIVE DATA OF OPERATING ECORIDE – LINE 291 Energy [KWh] Fuel Economy Distance [mi] Total Used Recaptured Net Used Recapture Rate [%] KWh/mi MPGe 80.0 183.2 61.1 122.1 33.3% 1.53 23.6 85.2 202.7 71.3 131.4 35.2% 1.54 23.3 80.2 168.4 57.6 110.8 34.2.% 1.38 26.0 79.3 169.8 60.1 109.7 35.3.% 1.38 26.0 79.5 142.7 44.7 98.0 31.3.% 1.23 29.2 Weekday Route Data (from Foothill): o 9 Active Buses o ~140 mi per bus per day o 12.46 mph avg. speed o 12.8 hrs revenue service per day o 0.8 hrs layover time per day 11 100 100 90 90 80 80 70 70 60 60 50 50 40 40 30 30 20 20 10 10 0 0 14000 15000 16000 17000 18000 19000 20000 21000 22000 23000 Time (Sec) Vehicle Speed Energy System State of Charge (%SOC) Vehicle Speed (MPH) FOOTHILL TRANSIT DATA OVER ROUTE Actual Customer Field Data ESS SOC Actual Efficiency @ Foothill } 1.2 – 1.7 kWh/mi or 18 – 26MPGe } Depends on driver habits, HVAC use, passenger load, and traffic conditions Other Observations } Drivers, techs, and passengers excited -enjoy learning and understanding. } Upfront collaboration with local governments, utilities, etc. important 12 6 PROTERRA BATTERY SYSTEM LTO Cell Assembled Modules 10 cells per module Full Bus Battery System 8 modules per pack 48-64 modules/ bus = 13 BATTERY VALIDATION – FIELD TESTING 3,901 high power charges in past 56 weeks at Foothill Transit } No battery incidents due to high power charging } Capacity loss on track with Altairnano modeling } Supplier analysis predicts 11 year life under total transit drive cycle } Baseline business model developed on 4 year battery life } Looking to validate 6 year battery life over next 18-24 months of operation and testing High Power Charges Cycles 4500 4000 3500 3000 Cycles } 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Weeks 14 7 STANDARD EV VS. FAST CHARGE } Lower weight – Optimize batteries on-board based on route cycle – Charge enroute } Recharge time matches route profiles – Standard - Minimum 60 minutes every 4 – 5 hours – Proterra - <10 min every 2-3 hours of operation } System total efficiency favors fast charge – Higher regeneration recapture rates – Titanate batteries > 10,000 total discharge cycles vs. 2,500 cycle for other chemistries 15 16 8
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