Life Connection - The Reconnection
Life Connection - The Reconnection
from page 19 What responsibility do we bear as we meet these higher frequencies? We are all so accustomed to the medical model, in which the objective is to diagnose the symptoms, identify the problem, and do treatment and therapy. The true healing model, on the other hand, says that the healer’s responsibility is to open the door to the energies so they can do their work. The recipient’s responsibility is to walk through the door. And the healer is also responsible for having the courage not to try to push the recipient through the door! If the evidence we see tells us the healing didn’t work, we humans have such a tendency to begin adding this and that. But in truth our challenge is to let go of the outcome, to be content to be the observer and the observed. In so doing we receive a far greater gift, the way that God or universal intelligence orchestrates the perfection of these healings. How can you train people when there’s no technique? In the training, you are quite simply transformed by the energy. You become very familiar with it, until using it becomes second nature. Like a teabag, you steep in the frequency. You are transformed. What you’re familiar with is changing. Your tissue, your heart waves, your brainwaves are changing. Six independent international studies have shown that Reconnective Healing restructures and reconnects our very DNA, raising the level of light we Life Connection The Reconnective Healing Alternative Medicine Animals All-Ears Animal Communication Brigitte Noel, M.Ms. (619) 295-5504 Where the animals explain the “why” in a behavior. Since 1995—Documented successful solutionss t0ďDF1IPOF$POTVMUBUJPOT t)FBMUI/VUSJUJPO"XBSFOFTT t%JHJUBM3FDPSEJOH*ODMVEFEt'MPXFS&TTFODFT Available LOVELINK™: Heart-to-Heart Communication with Animals On the website under “Book” — or call (619)295-5504 5504 Counseling Beyond Talk Therapy Penelope Young Andrade, L.C.S.W. (858) 481-5752 ® MasterCard ® 35 years experience integrating the best of traditional and alternative therapies [email protected] EFT™ Sad, Mad, Scared, Glad? Emotions are Medicine. Heal anxiety, panic, depression without Drugs! s%MOTIONAL-EDICINEs2ELATIONSHIP#OUNSELING s"ODY-IND7ISDOM Readers rave about Emotional Medicine Rx—Jane B. says: “This is going to be the doorway...toward discovering and supporting my undeveloped potential.” Available at Amazon, Controversial Bookstore, Warwicks and Emotion Code X X Hypnotherapy One of America’s few licensed EmoTrance» practitioners will teach and apply EmoTrance»±a phenomenal new energy therapy from England, along with stateof-the-art comprehensive Energy Psychology Therapies, Clinical Hypnotherapy, NLP, Coaching, and Intuitive Counseling in a safe and empowering environment. Amazing accelerated techniques to rapidly reprogram your past, present, and future±create balance and peace of mind. Sessions in person or by phone. Kathleen Rick, BMS, MA, ACHT Masters in Psychology/MFCC Holistic Practice since 1983 Award-winning book author EFT Trainings/Seminars Tranceform your life, relationships, negative beliefs/emotions/issues, fears/phobias/pains, compulsions, stress, traumas and barriers to success! Kathleen Rick X (619) 523-4690 3940 Hancock Street, Suite 201 X San Diego, CA 92110 The Life Connection 4 OCTOBER 2014—21 Crystals are able to admit from our DNA. Bring in this ad "ÛiÀÊxäÊ`ÃÊvÊÌÕLi`ÊÃÌiÃÊUÊi>}Ê ÀÞÃÌ>à for a >ÞÊiÌ ÞÃÌÊi`iÃÊUÊ7`iÊ6>ÀiÌÞÊvÊiÜiÀÞ 20% ÊUÊÕ>Ìi>>Ê>`VÀ>vÌÃÊU discount Direct Importer — Largest Inventory in San Diego! on Amethyst ÜÜÜ°Ã>«ÀÌ°VÊUÊÈ£ÓÎnÇÇ Geodes! 2461 San Diego Ave., Suite 104, San Diego 92110 )N/LD4OWNBEHINDTHE#AFÏ#OYOTEsOpen 11–8 Every Day! Dental & Medical Services Holistic UÊ}Ì>Ê8,>Þà UÊ"âiÊ/ iÀ>«ÞÊ UÊ->viÊiÀVÕÀÞÊ,iÛ>Ê UÊV«>ÌLiÊ >ÌiÀ>ÃÊ UÊ>ÞÊÛ>ÃÛiÊ iÌÃÌÀÞÊ UÊ-À}ÊEÊ-ii«Ê «i>Ê/ iÀ>«ÞÊ UÊ>ÃiÀÊ -ÕÀ}V>Ê ÕÊ/ iÀ>«Þ Dentistry Relax in our spa-like office JEFFRY S. KERBS, DDS The art of creating beautiful smiles (760) 746-3663 www. Loma Linda University School of Dentistry Graduate Read Us Online 22—The Life Connection 4 OCTOBER 2014 UÊÃÌ>ÌÊ6iiiÀà UÊiÌ>Ê«>ÌÃÊ UÊ*ÀVi>Ê6iiiÀÃÊ UÊÃÌ iÌVÊiÌÕÀià UÊiÌ>vÀiiÊ`iÌÃÌÀÞÊ UÊ >ÌÕÀ>}Ê -iÃÊ UÊÛÃ>}Ê "ÀÌ `ÌVà UÊ «iÌ>ÀÞÊ ÃÕÌ>Ì Ó{äÊ-°ÊVÀÞÊ-Ì°]Ê-ÕÌiÊÓäÇ ÃV``]Ê ÊÓäÓx ÀiÀLÃ"vvwViJÃLV}L>°iÌ Beginning this year, we have created a very different and greatly expanded program from what we had before. And we’re taking it around the globe. The San Diego seminar begins on Friday night, November 7, with the history and an explanation of the science-based theory. We’ll have volunteers up for live demonstrations. Sometimes I do the demonstrations myself, but often I bring up someone up who’s been totally skeptical, and I teach them how to do the healing. You witness the healings, and begin to feel these frequencies. We begin to teach you how to work with them. That’s just the first evening. Then, for those who want to be able to heal themselves and their individual family members, there’s the weekend basic level training. Think of it as much like an introductory course in hair styling: in a basic weekend course you learn how to style your own hair, and your friends start coming to you to style theirs. Those who want to become professional healers, who want to be able bring about a high level of healing, can continue with the advanced training on Monday and Tuesday. [Ed. Note: This level is appropriate for those who wish to open new healing practices and for those with existing practices who wish to integrate Reconnective Healing.] Over the entire four days we bring in people from outside who have had experience, and you learn from them. We also teach distance healing in the professional course, where you perform a healing on a friend or relative out of the area. And then you can call them afterward to find what experiences they had. We even teach you how to set up your own healing practice. By end of those four days, I promise you, you can do anything I can do, and anything and everything any human being on this planet can do, regardless of their training or lineage—to the degree that you are willing to let go of technique and rituals. There is a very special opportunity here, a gift that allows us to meet the challenge of transcending all the complicated energy techniques we’ve learned and needed to rely on up to the present. The question is, are we ready and able to let go of the techniques and allow the healing process to be demystified? This month, Dr. Pearl will be speaking at the Hay House “I Can Do It!” event in Pasadena (October 24–26), along with other Hay House authors. Those who can’t make the San Diego training can attend one October 17–21 in Vancouver. For information on the San Diego training, go online to store. Find The Life Connection at The New Downtown library, OB People’s Food Co-Op, Jimbo’s Markets, Whole Foods in Hillcrest & Encinitas, Frazier Farms in Vista & Oceanside, Cream of the Crop in Oceanside and at libraries and indpendent coffee houses Rev. Dr. Stephen A. Lawrence Environmentally Conscious & Mercury-Free Dentistry s3AFEPROTOCOLFORREMOVALOFTOXIClLLINGSORCROWNSREPLACEDWITHTHE MOSTBEAUTIFULDURABLEANDLEASTTOXICMATERIALSAVAILABLE s'ENTLENONSURGICALLASERGUMCAREANDMICROSCOPICBACTERIATESTING s(EALTHANDNUTRITIONCOUNSELINGWITHREVOLUTIONARYNEWPRODUCTSTO BECAVITYANDGUMDISEASEFREE s0LEASEVISITWellnessDentalCare.comFORMOREHELPFULINFORMATION 'RAND!VE3TEs#ARLSBAD#! 760-729-9050 “Optimal Health & Vitality with Beautiful Smiles” Holistic Dental Clinic in Tijuana AMERICAN BI DENTAL s(IGHQUALITYSAFEBIOLOGICALDENTISTRYATAFRACTIONOFTHEUSUALCOST s3AFE3ILVER-ERCURY&ILLINGS2EMOVALs#OSMETIC$ENTISTRY s"IOCOMPATIBLE$ENTAL-ATERIALSs%NVIRONMENTALLYFRIENDLYOFlCEATTHElVESTAR 'RAND(OTELs&IVEMINUTECABDRIVEFROMTHEBORDERORPICKUPAVAILABLE The American Bio-Dental Center has received extensive training in the body chemistry interpretations, both by computerized presentation and for personal presentation, in addition to the dental revision techniques. ,_HTPUJS\KLZ;LL[O*SLHUPUN7HUVYHTPJ?YH`Z >PZKVT[LL[OL_[YHJ[PVUZI`<:[YHPULK4+++::\YNLVU “I spent a fortune with another holistic dentist in the U.S. before discovering the American Bio-Dental Center. They did an excellent job at a fraction of the cost! I am so pleased to have found a biological dentistry clinic using the Huggins Protocol to refer my clients to.” —Joyce Johnson, Ph.D., Nutritionist, Author, Talk Show Host 5V^6MMLYPUN9LNLULYH[P]L4LKPJHS:LY]PJLZ Call today!t Visit: Feng Shui Feng Shui Certification Start a new and fulfilling career you will love t &BSOJOHVQUPBOIPVS t *OQFSTPOBOE0OMJOF5SBJOJOHT t )PNFBOE#VTJOFTT$POTVMUBUJPOT t $&6DSFEJUT t 5PQ'FOH4IVJ4DIPPMXJUIUIF *OUFSOBUJPOBM'FOH4IVJ(VJME 858-736-7241 [email protected] Health Lymph Drainage Therapy UÊiÌÝÊEÊVi>ÃiÊÞÕÀÊL`ÞÊ>`ÊÀi`ÕViÊÃÜi}ÊvÊ>ÞÊÀ}à UÊ,iiÛiÊV ÀVÊ>`ÊÃÕL>VÕÌiÊy>>ÌÊEÊwLÀÞ>}>ÊÃÞ«Ìà UÊ >Êi>ÌiÊ`ââiÃÃ]ÊÛiÀÌ}]Ê>iÀ}iÃ]ÊÃÕÃÌÃ]ÊiVâi>Ê>`Ê>Vi >ÃÃ>}i UÊii«ÞÊÀi>ÝiÃÊÌÊ>`ÊÃ>]ÊÃÌÀiÃÃ]ÊV ÀVÊv>Ì}Õi `Þ>VÊ`ÞÜÀÊ UÊ*ÀiÊ>`Ê«ÃÌÃÕÀ}V>ÊÌÀi>ÌiÌÃÊvÀÊ i>}Ê>`ÊÀiVÛiÀÞ In Rhythm À>->VÀ>Ê/ iÀ>«Þ >ÌiÀ>ÊiÕ]Ê*]Ê ÀÊvÀ>ÌÊ>`ÊÌÊÃV i`ÕiÊÞÕÀÊ>««ÌiÌ >ÊÊ858.775.8722 ÊiÊ>À The Life Connection 4 OCTOBER 2014—23
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