Energy Profile - Halvorson Trane


Energy Profile - Halvorson Trane
Building Comfort Solutions
Energy Profile
C O N T R O L your consumption.
Control your Consumption
Improve the comfort, performance and sustainability of your facility.
Halvorson Trane Energy Profiles assess the potential for energy
conservation in your building.
Our experienced team of engineers will conduct either a partial or full
scale survey of key energy consuming systems and determine how they
can reach peak performance. The Energy Profile report contains
recommended measures to optimize your facility’s energy efficiency.
Phase One
Design Intent Review
Halvorson Trane reviews the original design drawings and schedules of your
HVAC system to determine optimal operating conditions.
Based on hours of occupancy desired air properties and other system
requirements, Halvorson Trane sets a performance benchmark to qualify
potential improvements.
Phase Two
Field Evaluation
Our engineers systematically gauge selected systems to fully understand your
building’s functionality. Through rigorous performance testing and data collection,
all operational deficiencies are catalogued and analyzed for strategic review.
Phase Three
Audit Presentation
Accurately understanding your building’s energy
consumption is the first step towards gaining
sustainable efficiency. A Halvorson Trane Energy
Profile gives you the insights to make the best
decisions for your facility and our environment.
After completion of the field evaluation all data is compiled into one
comprehensive Energy Profile. The Energy Proflie includes functional test
results, design information and analysis. The report presents current
energy consumption and your quantified energy savings gained through
equipment upgrades and maintenance related benefits.
30% of energy in commercial buildings is used inefficiently or unnecessarily.
- United States Department of Energy