April 2015 - The Bugle


April 2015 - The Bugle
France blocks new
2 euro Waterloo coin
France has blocked Belgian plans to strike a
commemorative €2 coin celebrating the 200-year
anniversary of the Battle of Waterloo >> Page 12
April 2015 - Issue #66
Government plans for
rural regeneration
NEWS - Top Gear
France tops ratings
Prime Minister Manuel Valls has unveiled a
50-point plan for improving life in the most
rural areas of France. The moves include
100% 3G coverage, more health centres and
the conversion of former post offices into
government administrative centres.
NEWS - French sports
stars die in crash
associated with isolation,”
said Valls as he unveiled
his plan to “fight the sense
of abandonment” and
show the party's commitment to those living in rural France. Key among the
plans were three aspects of
life: access to public services, healthcare and digital connectivity.
Valls announced that the
government was planning
to triple the number of
maisons de services publics over the next 2 years
by converting former post
offices, huge numbers of
which have closed down in
recent years. By combining the function of these
post offices with other
public services such as
the CAF, EDF or the Pôle
emploi the government
>> continued on page 5
The first ever episode of
Top Gear France has ridden
the wave of controversy
generated by Jeremy Clarkson's "fracas" >> Page 7
3 of France's top sports stars
were among 10 who died
in a helicopter crash while
filming an adventure reality
TV show in a remote part
of Argentina >> Page 8
NEWS - Museums
may ban selfie sticks
© Jean-Christophe BENOIST (WikiCommons)
n the build-up to
the recent departmental elections,
key members of
the Socialist government hit the
roads and travelled to the
most rural parts of France
as part of a drive to convince farmers and those
living in the more remote
corners of the country that
they were not being ignored.
Under the banner “A
chance for France”, no
fewer than 11 government
ministers got on the bus,
with Prime Minister Manuel Valls taking the opportunity to announce 50
measures aimed at improving the life of those living
in France's rural areas. The
cost of the proposals is estimated to be €1 billion.
“Rural life is too often
INSIDE > > >
As the craze for taking
"selfies" gathers pace, museums in France are planning to ban the popular
selfie sticks being used to
take them
>> Page 12
The Bugle Business
Moutier-d'Ahun has been selected to
represent the Limousin as "France's
favourite village"
>> Page 3
We all have bad habits.
Develop a healthy one that
actually saves you money!
9 pages of listings for local
English-speaking businesses
- your essential guide to
finding just what you’re
looking for >> Pages 19-27
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www.thebugle.eu ○ THE BUGLE ○ APRIL 2015
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Welcome to
The Bugle
this edition
[email protected]
3-6 Local News
Advertising (EN):
[email protected]
7-13 National News
Publicité (FR):
[email protected]
[email protected]
Steve Martindale
Write to:
The Bugle
Les Quatre Chemins
23150 St-Yrieix-les-Bois
14 French Life
15 Practical
16-17 Classifieds
18 Letters to the Editor
19-27 Directory
28-30 Community
31-32 What’s On
● Heating Systems (condensing boilers,
heat pumps, pellet stoves...)
● Air Conditioning
● Insulation (roof & wall insulation,
double glazing...)
● Advice on Available Grants
● FREE Quotes
● RGE Certified
TEL. 09 81 32 42 37 (free)
Mon-Fri: 9h-12h & 14h-18h
email: [email protected]
elcome to
the Easter
edition of
The Bugle
and what a
busy few weeks it has been!!
We always see a spike in the
number of businesses looking
to advertise around now and
this year was no exception.
It is usually a combination of
seasonal businesses that have
had the winter months off,
established businesses hoping
to speak to the second home
owners who begin to arrive
in earnest during the Easter
holidays and new businesses
looking to expand for the
coming year.
The result is our busiest
ever edition and our largest
ever print run. The paper in
your hands is one of 14,000
that is currently out there,
and a further 12,000 copies of
our sister edition, The Bugle
Dordogne, are also doing the
rounds to the south-west.
It is a massive undertaking
to produce and distribute The
Bugle each month and it is a
source of great pride that I
have never missed an edition.
Over the course of 5-and-ahalf years, 2 newspapers and
88 editions, my own family
has grown in number by 2 and
through our extended families
we have celebrated marriages
and births and said goodbye to
loved ones. As everyone who
has made the move to France
will know, being apart from
friends and family is one of
the hardest aspects of living
abroad and it has not always
been easy to combine our life
and business here with our
ties from back “home”.
The Bugle is free and will
always remain so, but its
continued existence is down
to you, the reader. Using the
trades and services advertised
in this paper - and crucially,
telling them that you found
them in these pages - allows
me to continue to produce The
Bugle each month.
distributed this April represent
a record print run and a quick
calculation has just revealed
that at some point in the last
2 months, someone picked up
the one millionth copy of The
Bugle to roll off the presses!!
Wow, that is a big pile of
paper... I'm suddenly feeling
a bit guilty about the melting
ice caps!!
Our distribution at Limoges
this month!) is now being
monitored daily by airport
staff, which means that from
now on, you can be virtually
guaranteed to find a copy
at the airport month-round.
I know that in certain areas
the papers go very quickly
indeed and it is a shame when
people are unable to find a
copy. If you do ever struggle
to find one, please just let me
know as I am always looking
to improve and increase
Until next month!
Steve Martindale, Editor
APRIL 2015 ○ THE BUGLE ○ www.thebugle.eu
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Moutier-d'Ahun to represent Better educated,
the Limousin on national TV but lower paid
© MOSSOT (WikiCommons)
very year, national broadcaster France 2 chooses
one commune from each of France's 22 regions to
compete in the programme “Le village préféré des
Français” - France's favourite village. This year, it
is the turn of Moutier-d'Ahun, in the centre of the Creuse
department, to represent the Limousin in front of the nation.
Moutier-d'Ahun is a small village of just 150 inhabitants on
the banks of the river Creuse. It is dominated by the Benedictine monastery that overlooks the village, founded in 997, but
is equally famous for the “Roman” bridge that crosses the
river, first built in the 12th century.
The popular programme, presented by Stéphane Bern, regularly attracts audiences of 5 million when it is broadcast in
June each year. The public can vote on the France 2 website
until late May and the villages featured are shown in reverse
order, culminating in a feature on the country's favourite.
Villages featured in the series often receive an economic
boost following transmission, which was certainly the case
last year when Chambon-sur-Voueize came third. The day
after the village featured, the tourist office received its first
visitor as a direct result of the show and in the first 2 weeks
of July its church saw 78% more visitors than in the whole of
July 2013.
Tourists such as Pierre and Christine, a couple that were
heading from Belgium to the south of France, were typical
visitors. “We watch the programme each year and made a
detour to come here,” they told La Montagne last summer
whilst enjoying a drink at a local café in the town centre.
“Every year, we try to visit some of the places featured... it's
nice to take a detour!” ■
ecent figures released by France's statistics gathering body, INSEE, have revealed what many will already have suspected... in the Limousin, as elsewhere,
girls do better at school than boys. In 2013/2014 the
same number of boys as girls sat their baccalauréat
in the Limousin (roughly the equivalent of A-levels
in the UK). The boys had a respectable pass rate of
86%, but it was the fairer sex that again came out on
top with 91% gaining their diploma.
However, the statistics have also revealed another
unfortunate truth: despite being better educated,
women fare much worse than their male colleagues
in the workplace.
The number of women working part-time, whether by choice or not, is still falling. From one third
at the turn of the century, that figure is now nearer a
Women working in the Limousin are also less
well paid, earning on average 15% less than their
male colleagues, a figure that has dropped only
very slightly from the 17% gap recorded in 2000,
despite government efforts to reduce inequality in
the workplace.
Things are slowly improving for the region's
working women, however. There is now virtual parity when it comes to employment contracts, with
87% of women on CDI contracts (contrats à durée
indéterminée – permanent, open-ended contracts),
compared to 91% of men.
The INSEE also believes that the gaps could close
further over the coming years as women continue to
outperform men, particularly in higher education.
Among 25 to 34-year-olds in the Limousin, 46%
of women possess a higher education qualification,
compared to just 33% of men - a gap that is significantly larger than the national average. ■
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Region steps in to finance Local projects for
Limoges Airport
local builders?
he president of the Limousin region, Gérard
Vandenbroucke, has quelled some of the
fears surrounding the financial future of Limoges International Airport, by announcing
that the region will take over the share of the airport's
budget currently being met by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI). This 17% share is around
€1 million.
The uncertainty over Limoges Bellegarde's future
comes from the unwillingness of local partners to finance the loss-making airport - it traded with a €3
million deficit in 2014 - and forthcoming changes to
the administrative map of France. “A complete rewriting of the financing structure is required, which
will be dictated by the territorial reforms that are due
to redefine the powers of local authorities from July
this year,” explained Gérard Vandenbroucke earlier
this year, before adding that “this airport must continue to thrive and I will do everything necessary to
make that happen”.
The region's president also said that once the Aquitaine, Poitou-Charentes and Limousin regions combine, the financing structure of Limoges Airport will
come under scrutiny from their bigger brothers: “In
Aquitaine, the region does not pay a single centime to
its airports,” he explained.
Other members of the mixed airport syndicate
(SMALB), which operates the airport, are also unhappy at their continued financing burden. The Conseil
général of the Haute-Vienne has already announced
that it will be greatly reducing its share of the budget
from next year - it currently contributes €1.7 million
- and the mayor of Limoges has described as “unbelievable” the fact that the city currently pays €1.42
million a year towards “paying for airplanes to land
at Limoges”.
“We are in a period of complete legal uncertainty,”
bemoaned Jean-Pierre Limousin speaking on behalf
of the CCI, “with partner organisations having voted,
or planning to vote on budgets that are based on areas
of authority that could very soon become obsolete”.
Figures show that after a brief fall in passenger
numbers in 2013, they were up again by 8.5% last
year to just under 400,000, with the vast majority of
passengers being British. A report by the State has
also concluded that the airport finances are “satisfactory”. ■
Your favourite one stop shop where you will find something for all the family within our 32000ft² sales floor.
he city of Limoges has invested €73 million in recent
years in two huge construction projects: the Aquapolis
swimming centre and the stadium at
Beaublanc. Building projects of this
nature usually provide a huge boost
to the local economy, in particular
for the construction industry, which
is why there was consternation at
the news that only €37 million of
this budget was spent locally; the
rest went to businesses in Tarn-etGaronne, Yvelines, Vienne and even
northern Spain.
“When there is enough work for
everyone, it is normal that work
should be distributed independently,
irrespective of the location of that
business,” argued a spokesperson
for the regional federation of builders. “But when there is not enough
work to go around, surely you have
to favour local businesses, especially
when you consider factors such as local reinvestment and global warming.
In recent times, local businesses have
been closing. They may not have
done so if they had been working on
these projects!”
Of the €38.2 million it cost to build
the new state of the art aquatic centre,
€17 million went to local businesses.
“It's true that it is not all of the money,” explained Isabelle Briquet, a local official in charge of finance. “But
we must respect the public codes
which do not allow us to choose a
business purely on its location. It may
seem a shame, but it would be illegal
if we did. There are exceptions, but
not on large projects such as this.”
When two companies are otherwise equally skilled, preference can
be given to local businesses, but
the group behind the two projects
claimed that certain skills are not
available locally, citing the example
of the €120,000 spent on a wave machine at Aquapolis and the €9.5 million it cost for the metal framework
of the Beaublanc stadium.
For the majority of the work, however, the federation of builders insist
that local skills do exist, although
they concede that it is not aways easy
for local businesses to offer competitive quotes compared to large multinational building companies. ■
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APRIL 2015 ○ THE BUGLE ○ www.thebugle.eu
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Government unveils plans
for rural regeneration
>> continued from pg 1
aims to allow people to carry out their administrative
tasks in one place without having to travel to multiple
locations, often far from home.
The government has also promised to create more
health centres in France, where multiple health workers from a wide range of professions operate under one
roof. Valls believes that the number of such centres can
reach 800 this year and that through the introduction
of grants, 1,700 young healthcare workers can be convinced to set up in rural areas by 2017.
Despite having one the highest numbers of doctors per
capita in the world, these are weighted disproportionally
in the country's cities. The problem has led to many rural communities having to employ GPs from abroad in
order to have a doctor within reach of their residents. In
December last year, the government announced plans to
make trainee doctors complete part of their training in
those areas most in need to try and alleviate this problem.
Lastly, the prime minister vowed to finally rid France
of its “white zones” in the next 18 months, areas where
no mobile phone reception is possible. “In the countryside, it is often impossible to receive a mobile phone
signal from within your house,” underlined Valls - a
problem many readers will be familiar with. “I want us
to go further than currently required by law and give
everyone in the country access not only to 2G, but to
high-speed 3G networks.”
“In 2022, France will be completely connected by a
high-speed network,” insisted Axelle Lemaire, the digital secretary of state.
Last year, one village in the Haute-Vienne, fed up with
a lack of internet coverage, refused to pay any taxes un-
til they were connected. The inhabitants announced that
they would pay no national taxes until they received at
least 2MB broadband - the minimum currently offered
by France Télécom/Orange. “We are second-class citizens, forgotten by everyone,” one angry resident told Le
Populaire newspaper at the time. “On the other hand,
when it comes to taxes they remember us well enough!”
Although nearly one third of the cabinet hit the roads
together, Valls insisted that the government was not
campaigning ahead of the local elections held at the end
of March. Marine Le Pen's far-right Front National have
been doing particularly well in much of rural France as
voters become increasingly disillusioned with the main
parties. Le Pen has skilfully tapped into this sense of
abandonment and rural areas have proved to be fertile
grounds for FN support.
The planned measures were cautiously welcomed by
the Association des petites villes de France (APVF),
which “hailed” the moves, but said that it would be
“closely following” their implementation to ensure
they “provide answers to the major challenges posed by
the decay of town centres”. ■
The dates that the various parts of France take their school holidays are set to change. As the country moves towards officially
cutting the number of regions from 22 to 13, the education minister has announced plans to “review” the school holiday calendar.
Traditionally, France has staggered a number of its school
holidays. Each of the three defined “zones” take school holidays
lasting 2 weeks in periods that overlap to create one “school holiday” of four weeks. This spreads the load that school holidays
place on the country's transport system and tourist industries and
reduces the “spike” in holiday and travel prices often seen in
the UK during, for example, the Easter holidays. Summer and
Christmas holidays in France are always taken at the same time
across the whole country.
The Limousin is set to join with the Aquitaine and PoitouCharentes regions in the coming shake-up, and whilst Limoges
and Poitiers already take their school holidays at the same time,
Bordeaux does not. It is believed that the education minister will
unveil the new timetables in April and that they will come into
effect from 2016. ■
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Le Moulin du Breuil
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Open every lunchtime
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School holiday zones
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The Limousin-based owners of the “La Pataterie” chain of restaurants have been found guilty of providing their franchisees
with potatoes that are too small! The commercial court in Limoges found in favour of the two restaurants behind the complaint,
one based in Saône-et-Loire and the other in the Meuse, who had
argued that the potatoes being provided were not of the correct
The complaint stated that the minimum 500g Samba potatoes
were the cornerstone of the restaurants' business model and that
serving smaller potatoes negatively affected their turnover.
The commercial court agreed and has ordered the franchise
operator to guarantee to supply its franchisees with the correct
weight and calibre of pomme de terre in the future or face a fine
of €500 per day. ■
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siret 753 125 061 00014
www.thebugle.eu ○ THE BUGLE ○ APRIL 2015
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02 54 60 02 14
APRIL 2015 ○ THE BUGLE ○ www.thebugle.eu
Top Gear France Police on trial
in ratings boost over youth deaths
© RMC Découverte
ar enthusiasts
the world over
were in uproar
at the BBC's
decision to suspend Jeremy Clarkson from Top
Gear and a petition with
one million signatures
was even delivered to
Downing Street in protest against the channel's
broadcaster. One group
of car fanatics were delighted by the news,
however, the producers
and presenters of Top
Gear France!
By coincidence, the
furore over Clarkson's
“fracas” with a producer
came in the week leading
up to Top Gear France's
first ever episode. The
increased publicity this
generated led to 1.1 million people tuning into
the show, which was
broadcast on the relatively minor channel RMC
Découverte - a huge hit
given the channel's previous biggest audience
for a show was 480,000.
Top Gear France’s
second episode kept up
the momentum, managing to retain 85% of the
audience and averaging
793,000 viewers.
The Gallic version
features comic actor
Philippe Lellouche, driving ace Bruce Jouanny
and car expert Yann
Larret-Menezo - even
“Le Stig” makes an ap-
pearance as the mysterious white-suited racing
driver. When plans were
first announced, there
had been fears that the
particularly Anglo-Saxon
humour of the show may
not translate for a French
audience. “Top Gear is
a fabulous concept but
I'm not sure the huge
budgets and the devastating British humour can
translate into French,”
warned Pierre Taylor,
editor-in-chief of Auto
Plus, France's biggest car
magazine, in advance of
the first episode.
He needn't have worried, with the majority
of reviews being largely
favourable. “It fulfilled
its promises of a jokey
ambience, crazy tests, off
the wall tone and guest
stars,” wrote Le Figaro.
The list of guest drivers
will apparently include
former prime minister
François Fillon, an avid
motor racer.
“The English will have
to say what the French
touch of our programme
is,” presenter Lellouche
told Le Parisien, referring to the potential
problems of cultural
crossover. “We will test
French cars that the English wouldn't necessarily try out. France is an
automobile culture and
we are very close to that
culture, but we have to
admit we owe the British
everything as they created the show.”
Top Gear France is being produced by BBC
Worldwide Productions
France, which has previously adapted shows
including Strictly Come
Dancing, Antiques Roadshow, The Great Bake
Off, The Weakest Link
and Sewing Bee for
French audiences. ■
wo police officers have
gone on trial over the
deaths of two youths in
2005 that led to some of
the worst rioting seen in
France in decades. The court case is
sure to raise tensions in the banlieues
(suburbs) of Paris, home to many of
France's immigrant communities, but
authorities hope that, whatever the outcome, it will go some way to healing
the mistrust between police and young
people that still plagues French tower
The trial dates back to 27th October
2005 in Clichy-sous-Bois, a notorious Parisian suburb, when police were
called to a construction site to investigate a possible break-in. Three teenagers, who were on their way back from a
football match, saw the police and ran,
hoping to avoid the lengthy questioning
that youths in the housing projects said
they often faced from the police.
An inquiry concluded that they had
not committed any crime, but that they
had fled simply because they had seen
police. After climbing a wall, the youths
hid in a power substation, but while
hiding, two of the boys, Zyed Benna
and Bouna Traoré, suffered fatal electric shocks. The third, Muhittin Altun,
received serious burns but survived.
The deaths triggered the biggest wave
of civil unrest France had witnessed
since 1968. That first night, 15 cars
were set alight in Clichy-sous-Bois, an
area home to 30,000 residents, mostly
second and third-generation immigrant
families living in poor conditions in
high-rise apartment blocks.
The violence quickly spread and
over the next 20 days reached as far as
Rennes, Bordeaux, Strasbourg and Marseilles. Nearly 3,000 people - half of
them minors - were arrested, more than
9,000 cars were set on fire and 126 policemen and fire-fighters were injured.
The two police officers face charges
of “non-assistance to a person in danger” for allegedly failing to come to the
boys’ aid, despite knowing that they
were in the substation and in grave danger – a charge they deny. One of the
officers is said to have radioed to colleagues for help at the time, saying he
expected the boys to leave the substation but added: “If they enter the site
there's not much hope they'll make it
His radio contact is expected to form
a crucial part of the five-day trial, which
will be attended by relatives of the two
boys who died as well as Muhittin Altun, who survived.
After the deaths, judges opened an
investigation and recommended that
the police officers face trial. But the
state prosecutor, arguing that no crime
had been committed, went to the appeal
court and the case was dropped. The
families fought on through higher appeal courts and the trial will now finally
take place. “Seemingly, certain people
never wanted this case to be tried,” said
the families’ lawyer, Jean-Pierre Mignard, at a press conference.
The case has once again shone a
light on the grim realities of France’s
ghetto estates, dumped on the outskirts
of cities and rife with discrimination,
joblessness and poverty. The Socialist
prime minister Manuel Valls recently
slammed what he called France’s “territorial, social and ethnic apartheid”
and announced an action plan for more
mixing in social housing and measures
against discrimination.
If found guilty of failing to help individuals in danger, the two officers could
face up to five years in prison and up to
€75,000 in fines. ■
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French stars die in TV helicopter crash
rance was in mourning this month after three of its top sporting stars were
among the ten dead when two helicopters crashed in Argentina during the
filming of a reality TV show. The helicopters collided in mid-air just after take-off while
filming the adventure show Dropped for France’s
biggest private TV station, TF1. The programme
is adapted from a popular Swedish show and
sees sporting celebrities blindfolded before being
flown into the wilderness and given 72 hours to
make their way back to civilisation.
Along with the three sporting celebrities swimmer Camille Muffat, yachtswoman Florence
Arthaud and boxer Alexis Vastine - five French
nationals from the production team and two Argentinian pilots also died in the crash, which
President Hollande described as an “immense
sadness” for France. “The whole of French sport
is in mourning because we have lost three huge
champions,” the sports minister, Thierry Braillard, told RTL radio.
French investigators were sent to Argentina to
investigate the incident, which has been described
as the deadliest accident in the history of so-called
survival shows, which see contestants, often celebrities, taken to far-flung places to face physical
and mental challenges against the elements. Production of the show was immediately shut down
Skier hit by
light aircraft
A Polish woman was severely injured
in March when she was hit by a light
aircraft that careered down the slopes
of a ski resort in the French Alps after
a botched take-off attempt. The woman
was hit by the plane's propeller and suffered a “near amputation” of her hand.
The ski-equipped single-propeller
aircraft had failed to take off from the
snowy high-altitude runway near a resort near Avoriaz and then slid down the
slopes, narrowly missing a group of children and passing under a chairlift, before
clipping the woman. “We only narrowly
avoided a catastrophe,” said a firefight-
and after interviews with the French investigators,
the cast and crew were all flown back to France.
The crash, which an Argentinian local dramatically captured on a smartphone, took place in
good conditions and officials said that initial findings indicated that it was caused by human error.
Both pilots were experienced, with one of the two
reported to have been a veteran of the 1982 Falklands War.
TF1 issued a statement expressing solidarity for
the victims' families. “We are living a nightmare.
The programme was going so well and the sports
champions were all very happy to take part,” said
Nonce Paolini, chief executive of TF1.
Former France and Arsenal striker Sylvain Wiltord, who would have been on the flight had he
not been voted off the show the previous day, later
tweeted: “I am sad for my friends, I’m shaking,
I’m horrified, I can’t find the words.”
The crash in Argentina is not the first time in
recent years that a reality show produced for
TF1 has been hit by tragedy. In 2013, a 25-yearold contestant on the 16th series of the popular
programme “Koh Lanta” - the French version of
“Survivor” - died of a heart attack on the first day
of filming after complaining of chest pains. The
show's physician subsequently committed suicide just a week later, citing “unfair accusations”
against him in the media. ■
ing source, who declined to be named.
After being attended by a resort doctor,
the 55-year-old woman was airlifted to
Patrick Steinmetz, a local public prosecutor who is investigating the incident,
said: “The plane suddenly appeared
behind her and there was virtually no
sound. She didn't hear it.” ■
Yoghurt cartel
Eleven French dairy producers have
been landed with €192.7 million in fines
by France's competition watchdog for
price fixing. Between 2006 and 2012, the
“highly organised cartel” were accused
of colluding to set wholesale prices for
various fresh dairy products.
Lactalis Nestlé received the largest in-
The 3 sports stars that died in the crash
Florence Arthaud, 57, made sporting history and became a female icon in 1990 after becoming the first
woman to win the prestigious Route du Rhum solo Atlantic race, earning herself the enduring nickname of
“fiancée of the Atlantic”. She had a previous brush with
death when she fell overboard whilst alone on her yacht.
Fortunately, she had purchased a waterproof mobile
phone just before setting off on her voyage and was able
to phone her mother in Paris and relay her GPS coordinates.
Camille Muffat, 25, won three medals at the London
Olympics, including gold in the 400m freestyle. Her
victories made her a superstar in France and big things
were predicted for her in Rio next year. The shy swimmer struggled with her new-found fame, however, and
recently announced her shock retirement, saying she
wanted to take more time out to enjoy life with her boyfriend, a former swimmer turned golfer.
Alexis Vastine, 28, won bronze at the 2008 Beijing
Olympics in the light-welterweight category and was
narrowly beaten in the quarter-finals of the 2012 Games.
After a recent bout of depression, the boxer was targeting a return in Rio in order to complete his Olympic
dream. Tragically for the family, his 21-year-old sister
died in a car crash only two months ago.
dividual fine of €56.1 million, but said it
planned to appeal the “extremely severe”
decision. The Yoplait group escaped punishment as part of a clemency agreement
after it left the yoghurt cartel in 2011 and
blew the whistle.
Wholesale prices to the supermarkets
are estimated to have been inflated by between two and seven per cent. ■
France to host
World Cup
Football's governing body Fifa has announced that France will host the 2019
Women's World Cup - the first time it
will have done so. Fifa officials unanimously backed the bid ahead of rival
South Korea.
At one point England had been among
the five countries in the running to host
the tournament, which has been held
every four years since 1991, before the
shortlist was narrowed to two in October last year. The 2015 tournament takes
place in Canada this summer, with France
currently among the favourites to lift the
Last year, France hosted the Women’s
Rugby World Cup - a tournament that was
ultimately won by England and was considered a huge success for the women's
game on both sides of the Channel. Paris
is also currently considering whether to
bid for the 2024 Olympics.
Other major tournaments heading to
France in the near future are the Men's
European Championships in 2016 and the
Ryder Cup in 2018. ■
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Religious group attacks dating website
rance is famous in
many parts of the
world for its remarkably liberal attitude
to extra-marital affairs. There is even an expression - the so-called “cinq à
sept” - referring to the two-hour
period after work, from 5 to 7
pm, when (some) people meet
up with their lovers before going home to their spouses.
Dating website Gleeden,
which is aimed squarely at
women looking for some extramarital action, has built a business model based purely on this
principle. The site has run a series of posters on buses and metros across the country in recent
months, one of which shows
an attractive young woman in
a bridal dress with her fingers
crossed behind her back.
The campaign has drawn
much attention from conservative groups in France and has
so angered the Association of
Catholic Families (ACF) that
the group has filed a legal complaint in a Paris superior court,
claiming that the poster campaign is crude, immoral and a
reckless breach of an article in
the civil code. The article in
question was written in 1804,
features in marriage ceremonies and stipulates that married
couples must show each other
respect, fidelity, help and assistance.
“I was shocked and disgusted
when I saw the ad,” said Aude
Ducros, a spokeswoman for
the ACF. “Infidelity pollutes
the couple and the family and
destroys the social fabric of
France. It is immoral to be publicly promoting adultery, and
hurtful to infidelity’s victims.”
“There are plenty of other
websites out there which promote sexual contact between
individuals, but what makes
Gleeden different is that its
very business model is based on
marital infidelity,” said JeanMarie Andres, president of the
ACF. “It states quite openly
that its purpose is to offer married women opportunities to
have sex outside the marriage.
But here in France, people and
parliament are all in agreement
that marriage is a public commitment. It's in the law. What
we are trying to do with our suit
is show that the civil code - the
law - has meaning.”
It is now up to the courts to
decide whether, legally speaking, this is the case and if
Gleeden has indeed broken
French law by encouraging infidelity.
Gleeden, launched in 2009,
has a million subscribers in
France, and 2.4 million globally. The site is free for women, who do not pay to be registered, but male users have to
buy credit, opening up different
levels of access to registered
women. Though accurate information on this is impossible to
obtain, Gleeden itself says that
80% of the people who use the
service are indeed married.
Margot, a 44-year-old Parisian, is one registered user who
has been married for many
years. She says that she is unsatisfied sexually, but has no
intention of leaving her husband. “I chose Gleeden precisely because it is for married people. It means that the
person you meet knows your
situation. There's no deception.
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We can talk openly about husbands, wives and children. Also
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Gleeden was quick to defend
itself against the accusations.
“We have plenty of clients who
tell us that having a secret garden is what saved them from
walking out of the marriage,”
argued Solene Paillet, a spokeswoman for the website. “We
didn't invent adultery. Adultery
would exist whether we were
there or not. All we are doing
is filling a demand. If people
see our advertisements and are
shocked, well there is no obligation. If you see a nice car in
an ad, you aren't obliged to buy
it. You make your own mind
up.” ■
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French foie
gras producer has been
cleared of
“acts of cruelty” at a landmark trial
due to a lack of evidence.
Ernest Soulard, who supply foie gras to top chefs
such as Gordon Ramsey
and Alain Ducasse, found
themselves in the dock
following a private prosecution brought by animal
rights group L214.
The trial, which took
place in La Roche-surYon in western France,
focused on a video which
L214 claims was taken by
an employee of the company and highlighted “animal cruelty”. The video,
which makes for uncomfortable viewing, shows
ducks covered in filth and
confined to individual
feeding cages; some have
open wounds, others have
abscesses and shake with
distress. Several lie dead
along the production line.
As the trial progressed,
it became clear that many
sections of the film were
not in fact taken at factories operated by Ernest
Soulard and the company's boss, Roland Tonarelli, angrily described
the video footage as “fake
and misleading”, accusing
the animal rights group
of using the courts as a
propaganda tool for their
campaign. The company
even countersued L214
for damage to its property
when it was revealed that
holes had been drilled in
certain factories to hide
hidden cameras.
Speaking in court, the
animal welfare campaign-
Foie gras and gavage
Foie gras, which literally translates as fatty liver, is made
from the liver of a duck or goose that has been specially
fattened. This is often achieved through a process of forcefeeding known as gavage, whereby the animal is fed a concentrated corn solution via a tube inserted down the neck
and directly into the stomach. French law states that “Foie
gras belongs to the protected cultural and gastronomical
heritage of France”, although no mention is made of the
gavage typically used to produce it.
ers insisted they had obtained the images via an
employee with access
to the different feeding
rooms and were “certain” they were genuine,
pointing to the company
logo that appears on the
building’s doors and staff
clothes. L214 claimed that
it had received the images
from someone with access to the force-feeding
areas and “simply edited
them together”. This version was questioned by
lawyers for the foie gras
producer, who asked why
the holes were drilled “if
the person filming really
did have access to Ernest
Soulard buildings”.
In his summing up,
state prosecutor Hervé
Lollic called for the case
to be dismissed due to
and accused the activists
of “misusing the courts as
instruments” of anti-foie
gras propaganda - suggesting to the judge that
they be fined €10,000 as
a result.
The judge cleared the
foie gras producer, but
chose not to fine L214.
“It has been demonstrated that the images
© Luigi Anzivino (WikiCommons)
Foie gras producer cleared of cruelty
that caused such a stir on
the internet were falsified,
so justice has been done,”
said Roland Tonarelli.
“We have turned the page
with our clients, everyone
is absolutely convinced
that we are blameless.”
Hélène Thouy, lawyer
for L214, called the ruling “disappointing”, but
said the case was “just
one step in the long process of raising awareness
about animal suffering
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and banning ‘gavage’ as a
result”. “One day, we will
look back on the forcefeeding of animals as a
barbaric practice to be
filed away in the museum
of horrors,” she added.
The case came amid
signs that the country’s
love of foie gras may
be on the wane. There
are 8,000 producers in
74 per cent of the world's
foie gras, although con-
sumption is dropping,
with the product facing
increasing pressure from
public opinion and outright bans in places like
India and California. Recent polls suggest that 47
per cent of French people
want an end to forcefeeding and 29 per cent
would refuse to buy foie
gras in protest against the
ill-treatment of animals
- a 10% increase since
2009. ■
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Museums may France blocks Waterloo €2 coin
ban 'selfie sticks'
© Marco Verch (WikiCommons)
Boris Johnson and Barrack Obama are both apparently fans
of the selfie stick, but they will soon have to put away the
devices if they wish to see works of art such as La Joconde
(the Mona Lisa), housed at the Louvre museum in Paris. The
museum is one of many that is looking to impose a ban: whilst
there is no official ban yet “their use must respect the rules”,
said a spokesperson, rules which include not pointing objects
at the paintings or sculptures. Management of the Pompidou
Centre, which houses modern art exhibitions, said they are
“heading towards a ban but the decision has not yet been
Peter Greene, 41, a visitor from Birmingham who used
a selfie stick to take a family photo with his wife and sixyear-old daughter outside the Louvre, said: “I don't see why
anyone should object to them outdoors, but I understand why
they might cause problems in confined spaces, especially if
they're as crowded as this place.”
France is not alone. Several other big museums across the
world have this year started banning the extending rods, including the Smithsonian in Washington, the MOMA in New
York and the National Gallery of Australia in Canberra. They
are also banned at Wembley Arena in London.
Even if a ban in France's museums - which welcome 20
million visitors per year - does come into force, France has a
long way to go to match South Korea's dislike of the telescopic devices, where the use or sale of unregistered selfie sticks
is illegal and punishable with a fine of more than €20,000. ■
French tycoon
shocked by news of
his own death
News agency Agence France-Presse (AFP) was
left red-faced recently after mistakenly reporting
the death of French industrialist Martin Bouygues,
chairman and CEO of the Bouygues conglomerate
which runs Bouygues Telecom and TV station TF1.
After news of the 62-year-old tycoon's death
broke, deputy director of TF1, Catherine Nayl,
tweeted: “I spoke to Martin Bouygues ten minutes
ago. He is doing very well and was surprised to
hear the news.” Seconds later, Prime Minister Manuel Valls added: “Happy to have just spoken to
Martin Bouygues and to share in his surprise.”
AFP admitted its error, which it put down to confusion with a local mayor over the death of a Mr
Martin, and apologised profusely. “We take this
incident very seriously and are carrying out an investigation among editorial staff to understand how
such an error could have been made,” AFP said in
a statement. “We offer our humblest apologies to
Martin Bouygues, his loved ones, his group and all
our clients.” ■
Belgium, a country which was in part born from the political aftermath of Napoleon's defeat, is planning a weekend
of festivities to mark the 200-year anniversary of the battle,
including a major re-enactment involving 6,000 people. It has
already minted around 180,000 collectors edition coins and
was understandably disappointed by France's objections. “I
am a bit surprised by all this agitation,” Belgian Finance Minister Johan Van Overtveldt said in a statement. “Europe has
plenty of other issues to deal with and challenges to overcome
without wasting time and energy on this.”
It is not the first time that reminders of the Battle of Waterloo have upset the French: it has been widely claimed, but
never fully substantiated, that several former French presidents have asked for two large murals depicting Waterloo and
Trafalgar in the Royal Gallery of the Palace of Westminster to
be covered up whenever they visited the UK.
In the aftermath of the French Revolution, Napoleon seized
power in 1799 and began to steadily increase France's territory
and influence across Europe through a series of military campaigns. Following a disastrous campaign in Russia in 1812
and a period in exile, defeat at Waterloo in 1815 ultimately
ended the First French Empire and the political and military
career of Napoleon Bonaparte. It also ushered in almost half
a century of peace in Europe - no further major conflict occurred until the Crimean War. ■
Dangerous drivers urged to speed up!
A mayor in the Côte-d'Or department of France, fed up with motorists speeding through the small
village of Bretenières, has put up
a sign aimed at slowing down the
traffic: “There are still children to
run down... you can go faster”. The
unconventional sign has been met
with reactions varying from amusement to outright anger.
“We have chosen communication
rather than information,” explained
mayor Hervé Bruyère. “Drivers
come through at 70, 80 kph! The
village is quiet, but I have seen several near misses. It is humorous,
yes, and some would say it is black
humour, but it has at least created a
The mayor insists that he has already tried all conventional methods to slow down the traffic. “The
limit was reduced from 50 kph to
30 kph without effect; we have put
© lebienpublic (Twitter)
he arrival of the smartphone ushered in the era of the
“selfie” and the popularity of digital self-portraits
has now led to the proliferation of so-called “selfie
sticks”. These cheap, telescopic devices can reach
up to 1.5 metres in length, but museums in France are now
moving towards banning them because of the dangers they
pose in crowded spaces, both to the public and to priceless
works of art.
he legendary French leader Napoleon Bonaparte
was famously defeated by the Duke of Wellington at
the Battle of Waterloo, but France was celebrating a
minor follow-up victory recently when it successfully blocked the minting of a €2 coin commemorating the event.
Following French objections, Belgium withdrew proposals
for the commemorative coin in honour of the Anglo-DutchGerman victory outside Brussels 200 years ago on 18th June
1815. Paris officials had claimed the coin would glorify a conflict that split Europe, running contrary to today’s efforts to
unite Europe.
In a letter to the Council of Europe, President François
Hollande said the project would be a “symbol that is negative” and could “risk engendering unfavourable reactions in
France”. “The Battle of Waterloo is an event with particular resonance in the collective conscience, going beyond a
simple military conflict,” the letter states. “The circulation
of coins carrying a symbol that is negative for a fraction of
the European population to us appears prejudicial, in a context where the governments of the Eurozone are trying to
strengthen unity and co-operation throughout the monetary
In 2014, France struck a commemorative €2 coin marking
the 70th anniversary of the Normandy landings that ultimately
led to the defeat of Nazi Germany.
notices in our municipal bulletins;
we placed speed bumps outside the
school; and we have introduced priority to the right on side roads... all
to no avail.”
The sign was first installed four
months ago and has since gone on
to attract national press attention,
but the mayor recently admitted
that it has proved no more effective
than his previous efforts. “I'm still
thinking about what else we can
do,” said the mayor. “Maybe install
some chicanes?!” ■
House Clearance Specialists
We offer an efficient, affordable and honest service.
We are able to offer a wide range of specialist house
clearances including hoarded property clearance
and clearances where there are unsanitary conditions. / - http://www.ferraille87.com
APRIL 2015 ○ THE BUGLE ○ www.thebugle.eu
www.thebugle.eu ○ THE BUGLE ○ APRIL 2015
Les Jardins d’Olivier
100% French eco-friendly pools
Unique • Ecologique • Economique
The pleasure of water, the warmth of wood
ZA de Sirvenon, 87190 Magnac-Laval
Tel: 05 55 68 67 21 (French)
Tel: 05 87 77 95 57 (English)
In the garden - jobs for April
by Michelle Pierce
y now it really feels like
the season has started,
though yes, it's true we're
not out of the woods yet
and there's still plenty of
time left for a last minute cold spell.
But the days are a lot longer, things are
bursting up out of the ground all over
the place, growth is lush and the bulbs
have been in full flower for a while. Not
to speak of the blossom on the trees appearing from the end of March. The first
wave of wildflowers is attracting the
insects, the butterflies are out on sunny
days, the birds are collecting nesting
material, the cranes have headed back
up north and the tadpoles are wriggling
in the ponds. Lovely, lovely, lovely...
So get out there and grab your gloves.
Vegetable beds need to be weeded off
and prepared. Traditionalists will dig or
rotavate, others may spread mulch on
the surface. Don't leave the space bare
for any length of time – clean and plant
up, or clean and cover with textile for a
short while.
This year I'm hoping to try out Lasagna gardening, whereby you make a
raised bed with layers of garden waste,
onto the top of which you finally put
some compost or earth. Apparently very,
very good growing conditions ensue,
with good yields. It's also a good way
to deal with pruning trimmings, bramble
prunings, grass clippings, etc. A very interesting concept.
Because things in the wild world are
fully active now, limit disturbing nesting sites for birds in hedges and if you
need to clean out ponds, try to do it as
soon as possible (and leave the piles of
weed by the edge for beasties to creep
back into the water).
Nettle tops are bursting with goodness
now, so pick them regularly to make
nettle tea, or to dry them, or to eat them.
Always leave as many nettles as possible in your garden - as long as they're
not somewhere that causes problems.
They're so good for the butterfly caterpillars.
Continue sowing in the veg garden.
What you sowed in February will probably be ready for picking - micro leaves,
baby leaves of oriental mustards, mizuna, chards, etc. In the tunnel the garlic
planted in the autumn is being exploited
for its young green leaves. Picking a few
at a time off each plant doesn't harm the
plant, gives you a crop, and leaves the
bulb to continue growing. You can harvest some early as aillet (green garlic)
or just leave it all to mature. I'm a fan
of trying to maximise the exploitation
of each type of veg. Now the beetroots
have wonderful green, red or purple
leaves - pick a few regularly from each
individual for use to brighten up your
salads, cook with ricotta in cannelloni
and lasagnas, or make Greek pastries
with them mixed with feta. And as long
as you don't take too many off the same
root, this will continue its work of going
towards the wonderful red globes we'll
be enjoying later.
Why waste carrot thinnings, too?!
They add extra crunch put whole into
salads, work wonderfully in sauces and
are brilliant in soup. And your row gets
the space it needs. Radishes as well - we
all sow too many, so instead of having
10,000 all ready at the same time, eat
some as tiny micro leaves, others as immature ones, and then the rest as usual.
Wander round your garden, keeping
an eye out for things in the wrong place.
You still just have time to move them,
depending on the weather, but make
sure to water well once they're in their
new place. Container planting can continue, too, but bare rooted planting now
needs to wait until the autumn.
April often has a few good showers,
so make sure your water butts are in
good condition, connected to the necessary gutters/pipes and that pumps are
ready to go.
The shops will be full of bedding
plants, often in all their showy glory, so
it's fun to go and have a look round, but
remember that they must all have come
straight out of heated Dutch greenhouses to be so beautiful now. Harden any
off gradually before putting them into
the garden, at least for a little while, by
putting them outside in the day and under cover at night or during cold weather.
Start picking flowers for the house from the end of February you can hope
to have greenery and flowers to pick
to beautify your indoors and cheer the
Mon Jardin
Gardening essentials and giftware
- Tools
- Garden Essentials
- Accessories
- Kids
- Seeds & Bulbs
- Gift Ideas
[email protected]
Why not try Lasagna beds this year...?
Prepare to deal with the sun lovers - tomatoes, peppers, aubergines,
basils, courgettes - that you sowed last
month, or the plants you'll buy. Clear
the ground, put stakes in situ, or frames
and other supports. A few piles of well
rotted manure would kick start things
off well, or piles of fresh nettle tops. At
the end of the month you can start cautiously planting out, weather depending.
So all in all, lots to do, but the results
are already starting to show, with fresh
herbs, cut fresh flowers and the first of
the veg being harvested for the kitchen.
Now all we need is some good weather,
and it'll be time to dust off the garden
loungers and barbecues. Not that you'll
have too much time to lounge about..!
Good gardening!!! ■
APRIL 2015 ○ THE BUGLE ○ www.thebugle.eu
Biocides and pest control products
r e a d s
instructions? It says rat poison
on the box, so chuck a
few grains or sachets
down and job done. If
only! Why is it important to read the instructions? Because all animals are different and
toxins react differently
to different animals. For
example, with the same
poison, you might only
need 15g of bait to kill
a rat, 500g per kilo of
dog, but 30g could kill
your prize rabbit.
Rodent poisons usually have a slow acting
anticoagulant, this is to
allow time to monitor
signs and symptoms to
non-target species and
administer an antidote,
usually Vitamin K1,
which is always kept
in stock at pharmacies,
vets and doctors.
Most liquid insecticides are liposoluable,
meaning they dissolve
fat, which some of us
have quite a lot of!
Any product ingestible by humans, be
it washing up liquid,
insecticides, or even
your favourite chocolate bar will have an
(Manufacturers Safety Data Sheet)
or FDS (Fiche de sécurité) in French. The
FDS (seeing as we are
in France!) has 16 parts
of reference, including:
the manufacturer’s details; emergency contact
details; its composition;
risks to environment/
animals; safety procedures; first aid; storage; transportation and
The FDS will advise
you of the type of safety
clothing you should use
when handling the product. Don’t assume a surgical mask will protect
you from toxic vapours,
dusts or sprays... woollen gloves won’t protect
you from corrosive materials!
If you need to dilute
a product, follow the
instructions. If it says
10 drops per litre, it
means the manufacturers have tested the
maximum efficacy with
the minimum risk to humans. Putting 20 drops
per litre doesn’t make
it twice as potent, it
means you have wasted
10 drops.
Now there should be
no excuse not to know
what chemicals you are
using in your house or
garden. SIMMBAD.FR
is a site set up to give
a clear understanding of
products. For instance,
if you buy rat poison, go
to SIMMBAD.FR, enter via “Accès Public”,
you can research everything you should need
to know regarding any
chemical product available in France. The site
is accessible in French,
English and German.
Who can enter the
Professionnel” section of the
From 1 July 2015, the
answer is any person using “produits biocides”
as part of their business: farmers, gardeners, municipal workers
and pest controllers, all
of whom will have to
undertake formal training and hold a personal
For more information,
check out SIMMBAD.
FR or for training,
your nearest CFPPA.
For more informa-
tion on this topic or
anything else to do with
pest control, please
contact Robert Moon
from Applicateur 3D:
02 48 60 83 72
06 74 33 02 38
The new UK pension regime and expatriates in France
he new UK pension regime is just around the
corner, coming into effect from 6th April.
This is a major change for retirees, with the
restrictions on how much income and lump
sum you can take being removed for defined contribution schemes.
Whether you are resident in the UK or France, everyone should review their pension holdings now to establish how they can best be utilised for their personal
circumstances and objectives. This does not necessarily
mean that you should make major changes though; it all
depends on what you are hoping to achieve, how much
risk you are in a position to take, what other assets and
income you have and the tax implications. If you are,
or will become, tax resident in France, then you need to
understand the French tax rules, and the tax traps and
If you have a defined contribution scheme and are
aged over 55, you are now free to choose how to access
your funds.
You could continue with income drawdown, so that
you receive regular income each month and the balance remains invested. If you have not started drawing
your pension, you could start by taking the 25% ‘tax
free lump sum’ (though note that this is not tax free
in France), and then start drawdown in the future. You
could also choose to make withdrawals as and when
you want, of any amount. For those who prefer to take
a secure regular income through an annuity, this option
remains available.
As previously, you can also transfer into a Qualifying
Recognised Overseas Pension Scheme (QROPS), if this
proves to be the best move for you.
It is also possible to withdraw the whole fund in cash
at one go, with no restrictions on what you do with
the funds. However, this is a major decision and needs
very careful consideration; you do not want to risk your
long-term financial security.
Do not forget that every pound you take out of your
pension is a pound less sitting in your pension fund
which could enhance or protect your future pension income… so think carefully before taking lump sums out
to treat yourself.
You should be aware that if you still plan to contribute to your pension, if you use the new flexi access, un-
less your pension is worth £10,000 or less your annual
allowance will fall from £40,000 to £10,000.
This pension freedom does not apply to defined benefit (final salary) schemes. There is an option to transfer
to a defined contribution scheme, but this would mean
losing valuable benefits.
Another element of the pension reform is that the
55% charge on death is abolished from 6th April. If
you are under age 75 when you die, your beneficiaries
do not need to pay any tax on the pension funds they
inherit from you, whether they take it as a lump sum or
income. They will pay tax if you are over 75, either at
45% if they take a lump sum, or at their marginal rate of
tax if they take income. The government is considering
applying the marginal rate of tax for lump sums too in
the future.
This also applies to annuities, but not to final salary
In France, your pension income is generally added to
your other income for the year taxed at the scale rates
of tax, so at rates of up to 45%. The first €9,690 is tax
free, and private pensions also receive a 10% deduction, with a maximum of €3,707.
You also pay social charges of 7.4% on top, but this
is waived if you do not yet have access to the French
health system or if you have EU Form S1.
UK government service, civil and military pensions
are an exception, as they remain taxed in the UK. They
are not directly taxed in France, but you still need to
declare the income. It is included in the calculation of
your taxable income and a credit equal to the French
income tax and social charges that would have been
payable is given.
Large one-off lump sum payments from overseas pension funds are now generally taxed at 7.5% in France,
plus the 7.4% social charges (unless you have Form
S1 or if you have not access to French health system).
This is a relatively low rate of tax, and is of particular
interest now that that the UK pension regime gives you
freedom to take large lump sums. This can present tax
planning opportunities, but it is a complex area and you
need to take personalised, specialist advice.
This applies for all your pension options. Since for
most people your pension savings are essential for your
long-term financial security, it is really important that
you explore all the options now available and understand how they affect you personally, before you decide
what the best route is for you.
Pensions are a highly specialist and complex area,
with different rules for different types on pensions, so
professional guidance is essential. ■
David Hardy is Regional Manager of Siddalls France,
Independent Financial Advisers, specialised in tax,
inheritance, pension and investment planning for the
British community in France since 1996.
Telephone 05 56 34 75 51
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.siddalls.fr
www.thebugle.eu ○ THE BUGLE ○ APRIL 2015
The Bugle CLASSIFIEDS are brought to you in association with
87150) Buyer collects.
Email: mick.denibates@
Crepinette pneumatique €10: (in box unused) paint/
crepi sprayer for use with
all compressors; Telescopic
chainsaw (electric) - €20:
hardly used; Black and
decker wallpaper steamer
- €20: in box. (Cussac
E:- [email protected]
Tel:- 05 55 80 34 26
St-Sébastien (pl. du Champ de Foire)
Wed 01-Apr
Bourganeuf (Esp. Martin Nadaud)
Thu 02-Apr
Châtelus-Malvaleix (Auberge de Voyageurs) Fri
Sardent-Masmangeas (Auberge du Lac)
Sat 04-Apr
Pommiers (Bar de Pommier)
Wed 08-Apr
Bonnat (Bar des Sports)
Thu 09-Apr
Marsac (Chez Jacques)
La Cellette (Auberge de la Tour)
Sat 11-Apr
St-Germain-Beaupré (Maison Durran)
Wed 15-Apr
Bourganeuf (Esp. Martin Nadaud)
Thu 16-Apr
Cheniers (Auberge du Chaumiers)
Boussac (pl. de l’hôtel de ville)
Sat 18-Apr
Bussière-Dunoise (Auberge du Tilleul)
Wed 22-Apr
La Châtre (Au Jardin d’Eté)
Peyrat-le-Château (in square by PMU bar)
Sat 25-Apr
IMPORTANT - Please email your orders stating your time of arrival.
Please consult our website for any updates.
SIREN: 520 807 660
Piglets born November
and available immediately,
reared in outdoor pens. Rare
breed Berkshire crossed
with Gloucestershire Old
Tagged with documents.
Mum & dad are here to be
seen. Weight around 25kg,
price 60 euros each. To be
collected - postcode 23240.
SOS Rita – British Spaniel
Rita has been living in an
outdoor kennel and has
been badly mistreated. I
am desperately looking for
a household that can take
Rita, either permanently or
temporarily. Please call for
more information. Tel: 02
54 38 81 76
FOR SALE: Various Furniture Pine headboard
- 5ft - medium stain - 20€;
Ikea pine effect kitchen
doors, drawer fronts, side
panels, etc. Reasonable
offers. Text 06 41 99 57 40
FOR SALE: Beige leather
three piece suite Three
seater sofa with one
recliner and two armchairs,
one with recliner. Top
quality, stylish but elderly
and well used. St Yrieix la
Perche. €150.00 Tel: 06 41
99 57 40
FOR SALE: Various 2
Bedside Cabinets Pine
effect 40 euro; 1 Double
Wardrobe Pine effect 40
euro; Directors chair cream
25 euro. Tel: 05 55 89 24
71 Email: elsonandrew@
HEADBOARD (pine) for
double bed In excellent
condition. €15.00 Tel: 05
55 78 79 02
(including 2 CARVERS).
Also nest of 3 TABLES and
a WINE TABLE. (Table
168 x 103cm, extending
to 213 x 103cm, sideboard
173 x 44cm with height
87cm). €325.00 Text or tel
06 41 99 57 40. (St-Yrieixla-Perche)
FOR SALE: Traditional
farmhouse gates With posts
and all fittings. All brand
new, bespoke, unused.
Gates are 3.73m long. Tel:
07 61 21 85 15 (French
FOR SALE: Various Intex
above ground swimming
pool - €300: (new in box
unopened) 5.49m x 3.05m
x 1.07m (18ft x 10ft x
42ins) includes pool ladder,
wrapped, 70mm wide x
23mm thick - 18 packs
@ 1.12 metres squared
- per pack – 35 Euros;
- huge and magnificent
example - probably always
kept under cover wheels
1m62 diameter - body 3m
x 1m plus 2m70 shaft - 8
pointed staves to support
hay extant, each 1m40 –
195 Euros; HOME GYM
condition – 185 Euros;
from DARTY - Economy
efficiency level B - 99
How to place
a Classified Advert
To place a classified advert, please email:
'Victory' - 60 Euros;
- chestnut? - 1.03m x 1.25m
- very solid - rounded
corners - much admired by
visitors - 70 Euros. (Near
S t - L a u r e n t - s u r- G o r r e )
Email: tonybigglesworth@
Albert Bone China Tea
Set Consisting of 6 cups/
saucers, 6 tea plates, 1
milk jug, sugar bowl and
cake plate. All pieces are in
mint condition. We are near
Chénérailles in dept 23.
€50.00 Tel: 05 55 62 77 41
Vale Bone China tea set
[email protected]
BY THE 20th with the details you would like include. Your advert
will appear online and in the next print edition of The Bugle.
Classified adverts are currently free for all small items (less than
€500). For more expensive items and photos a small fee applies:
● Items more than €500 are charged at €5 per month
● Photos are charged at €2.50 per month
filter pump 99w, pool
cover, surface skimmer,
pool maintenance kit.
Takes replacement filters
type a; Intex krystal clear
for above ground pools €40: (used) for converting
salt to free chlorine; Flora
best water pump - €15:
for water butts; Flora
best electic lawn scarifier
1300w - €30: used once;
280w - €20; Hand push
lawn scarifier - €5: hardly
used; Sourcidys telescopic
electric hedge trimmer
220w - €20: hardly used.
(Cussac 87150) Buyer
collects. Email: mick.
[email protected]
FOR SALE: Various Solid
hardwood garden bench
- 49 Euros; Huge old
solid rubber tyre - some
restoring it' – 30 Euros;
Nice Limousin wooden
plough' – 40 Euros; Rusty
old all-metal Limousin
plough – 35 Euros; OAK
PARQUET - still shop-
fits under worktop - PROLINE A CLASS - 48cm
x 60cm x 84cm high
- freezer compartment
- 70 Euros; BROYEUR
to chip garden branches
- 55 Euros; CARAVAN
ELEGANCE - top of the
range - little used - 49
Euros; OLD 2-WHEEL
CART - useful in the garden
or for fun with the children
or grandchildren - wheels
60cm diameter, body 63cm
x 90cm x 36cm deep - shafts
almost 1metre - priceless
historic gem - a snip - 50
AND DECKER - 710W scarcely used - 20 Euros;
SHEETING - 2m00 x 66cm
- 9 pieces @ 10 Euros each
or the lot for - 75 Euros;
PINE DOORS (without
frames) 78 in x 30in – 35
Euros ea. or all three for 85 Euros; 1930's (?) OAK
91cm x 91cm, extending
to maximum 91cm x
1m50 - as solid as Nelson's
Consisting of 6 cups/
sauces, 6 tea plates. In mint
condition. We are near
Chénérailles in dept 23.
€35.00 Tel: 05 55 62 77 41
FOR SALE: Lowry framed
prints (3) In excellent
condition. 40 euros for the
three framed prints. Tel: 05
55 78 79 02
chandelier 8 bulbs, 70cm
drop, 70cm diameter. St
Yrieix. €45.00 Tel: 06 41
99 57 40
FOR SALE: Various John
Lewis duvet cover and
matching sheet, unused.
Pale blue. 15€. Mirror
80 x 65 cm. Painted
wood - yellow with small
decoration. Matching wall
lights, toilet roll holder,
shelf and soap dish holder.
Individual/Group lessons, all levels - Skype lessons via the INTERNET also available
Free trial lesson!
Lessons in La Souterraine & Dun-le-Palestel (23)
OTHER SERVICES: Accompanying and interpreting - house purchase, arranging new utilities,
car registration, healthcare, liaison with French administration, etc...
I am always looking for new students in the English Library in La Souterraine!
Sophie Arsac -
05 55 89 15 74 - [email protected]
40€. Ice cream maker Philips. Little used. 20€.
Text 06 41 99 57 40 (St
Yrieix la Perche)
FOR SALE: Porcelain
for tea room/ B & B
(Limoges hotel ware) white
with flower border: 10
individual 2-cup teapots;
18 teacups and scrs; 18 tea
plates; 6 sugar bowls; 10
milk jugs (150cl); 2 milk
jugs (300cl); 12 coffee
cups and scrs. Sold as a lot.
€200.00 Tel: 05 55 69 21
FOR SALE: Rayburn
Heatranger 480(CF) for gas
In good condition. In Brillac
16500. €1,750.00ono Tel:
05 45 31 08 17, mob 06 43
31 63 22 Email: loverlaet@
TFT LCD TV (Firstline).
Overall size: 24” (61cm)
wide X 18.5” (47cm)
height on removable base.
Multiple inputs including
SCART, S-Video and PC.
Not HD. Full working order
and in good condition.
Complete with remote
control, power supply and
manual in English. €35.00
Tel: 05 55 78 79 02 (near
FOR SALE: Piano and
drum kit Klein 6 octave
piano 300€; Premier drum
kit 300€. Tel: 05 55 48 81
36 (87600 Chéronnac)
FOR SALE: Godin Log
Burner Excellent condition.
Buyer collects. €350.00
Tel: 05 55 89 24 71
Electric radiator 20 euro;
Bread maker 25 euro;
Electric oven with rotisier
40 euro; Fishing rod, box,
reel and nets 60 euro. Tel:
05 55 89 24 71 Email:
APRIL 2015 ○ THE BUGLE ○ www.thebugle.eu
The Bugle CLASSIFIEDS are brought to you in association with
[email protected]
FOR SALE: Large antique
cast iron standing Paris
street lamp Ornate vine
patterns, glass lantern
3.36m. €400.00 Tel: 02 48
56 74 73
FOR SALE: Various Children's Large quantity
of boys clothes 0-13 years
all in good condition,
some toys. Offers (will not
split). 2 booster seats from
Halfords as new. Child's
desk, wood with lifting
desk, wipe clean lid and
chair. Good condition 20
euros. Tel: 02 48 56 74 73
FOR SALE: Kodak Hero
5.1 printer Needs a new
print head and has UK
plug. 10 euros. Plus, 15
colour and black ink
cartridges 30XL. 15 euros
or 20 euros for both. Buyer
must collect. Chateauneufla-Forêt (87). Tel: 05 55 57
28 74 Email: rynn.sandra@
FOR SALE: Wood burning
Fire SUPRA, Colmar 5
- 7 Kw. Flu Size 125 mm
(rear). 61cm H, 56cm W,
36cm Dp. (Cash deal,
buyer collects) €250.00
Tel: 09 72 31 69 61 Email:
[email protected]
FOR SALE: Books Approx
140/150, good condition,
popular authors: Jeffrey
Deaver, Michael Connelly,
Sue Grafton, Lee Child,
Cussler, Phillippa Gregory,
etc. Proceeds to Charity.
€50.00 Tel: 05 55 03 15 82
FOR SALE: Computer
accessories Phillips 18.5
inch computer screen.
Hardly used and in excellent
condition - €45. Logitech
camera and software excellent condition €15.
Acer french keyboard excellent condition €10.
Tel: 05 55 64 22 25 Email:
[email protected]
PR25 Speakers SOLAVOX
PR25 speakers (2). 25w.
RMS. Teak finish. 4cm x
37cm. Good working order.
25 euros the pair. €25.00
Tel: 0555 787902 (near
BOX (4 different pictures).
Stored in barn for years
and some wear and tear to
picture on outer side lid
of the box, and cubes, as
would be expected. The
box is in good condition,
as is the picture on inside
of box - complete. €20.00
Tel: 0555 787902 (near
With 2 Controllers, PS2.
wheel/pedals. Included are
Games - 'Grand Turismo
4', 'Robotech' and 'Ace
Combat'. Little used. In
excellent condition. All
for 50 euros. €50.00
Tel: 0555 787902 (near
(47 inches) As new, full
working order. €300.00
Tel: 06 52 23 44 19 (nr La
FOR SALE: Commercial
Kitchen Equipment E500
600€ ono; 900 x 300cm
Falcon Grill with Shelving
and S/S Splashback Plate
400€ ono; Large Hot
Counter (approx 1,5 mtr. in
length) 4 hot plates and hot
cupboard underneath 600€
ono; 22" Firstline Colour
TV with remote control
120€ ono; Convection
Oven (needs attention) offers; 12 x 1.5kg Catering
Moules Bowls with lids (like
new) 75€; 50 wine glasses,
14 x 25cl carafes and 8 x
coffee liqueur glasses 50€;
6 x 8" and 6 x 7" Creme
Brulee Dishes 25€; Job lot
of crockery to include 3 x
16" Giant Serving Plates, 8
x 12" Large Dinner Plates,
25 x 8" Dessert Plates,
19 x 6" Side Plates, Tea
& Coffee Cups, Espresso
cups, variety of saucers, 2
Large & 3 Small Teapots,
3 small Milk jugs and 1
Large Milk jug, 8 Pepper
pots and 1 salt pot, also 4 x
145ml s/s sauce boats and 2
x 275ml sauce boats and 6
glass vinegar bottles 150€;
12 x Wicker breadbaskets
with detachable covers 8€.
Contact Mrs M Taylor 05
55 48 92 84 or 06 04 09 03
FOR SALE: Why take
Victorian? 1 sink left like on
photo from French chateau,
1920s, brand Porcher. Good
condition, no cracks. With
pedestal and original soap
holder. Buyer collects (10
min from airport, Bellegarde
87). €50.00 Tel: 06 66 24 85
FOR SALE: Boat and trailer
French Registered Falcon
18, 115hp, morse hydraulic
steering, electric tilt and trim,
stainless steel propeller, 2
anchors and usual equipment.
€5,000.00 Tel: 05 55 60 64
FOR SALE: Kia Sorento
XS 4x4 RHD Reg UK Sept
03 now French registered,
Control Technique to Oct
2015, Full service history,
De-mountable Tow bar
fitted, Excellent condition.
€3,000.00ono Tel: 02 54 31
35 03
Drive. Petrol. Fully French
registered. CT to Jan 2017.
Carte Grise. Cruise control,
Aircon, good tyres, good
engine, mileage 110,000.
Slight scratches on bumpers.
Lovely smooth drive. Email
for more pictures. €5,000.00
Tel: 05 55 47 34 98 Email:
[email protected]
FOR SALE: Mitsubishi
registered car. €500.00
Tel: 05 55 48 81 36 (87600
FOR SALE: Towbars Towbar
for Citroen Xsara Picasso
complete. 60 euros. Towbar
for Peugeot 406 complete. 40
euros. Tel: 02 48 56 74 73
Hatch with Pepper Pack and
other extras Lightning Blue
FOR SALE: Citroen C4
Grand Picasso 7 seats,
1.6 VTR+, Petrol, RHD,
Dec 2009, Blue, French
Registered, CT July 2016,
Only 28000 kilometres,
€6,250.00 T: 05 55 60 26 90
FOR SALE: Tow a Van Box
Trailer with roller shutter
door Very good condition.
Email for more details.
€900.00 Email: rofesteven@
Metallic, Petrol 1.4, Manual,
RHD French Registered,
FSH last serviced December
2014/CT Due January 2017,
Chrome Line Exterior, Body
Coloured Mirror Caps, 15’’
Alloys, 6 Speed Gearbox,
Cosmos Black Cloth Interior,
Height Adjustable Drivers
Seat & Steering Column,
Leather Steering Wheel,
Air-Con, ABS, Auto Stop/
Start energy saving function,
Dynamic Stability Control,
Computer, ISOFIX, Luggage
Pack including many other
extras. 97,000KMS. Ex
dealer demonstrator and one
very careful owner from new.
Extremely reluctant sale,
much loved car. £5700 ONO
or equivalent in Euros. Nr
Chalus 87230, Haute Vienne.
No timewasters please. Tel:
05 55 50 19 16 Email: carrie.
[email protected]
Excavator Any age or
condition. Any other plant
or machinery considered.
Prompt cash buyer. Tel: 02 48
56 74 73
WANTED: Slate bed pub
style 7' pool table Any
condition. Tel: 05 87 77
20 82 (ask for Mike phone
WANTED: Caravan Prompt
cash purchase and collection
available. Tel: 02 48 56 74 73
WANTED: Trailer - any age
or condition Tel: 02 48 56 74
CYCLES Barn clearance,
garage clearance. Pre 1966
motor cycles hidden away in
barns and garages wanted for
cash, any condition, even the
rusty ones and non runners.
Friendly buyer will call
round. Pls tel Martin on 05 55
89 12 96
How to place a Classified Advert
To place a classified advert, please email:
[email protected]
BY THE 20th with the details you would like include. Your advert will appear online and in the next print
edition of The Bugle.
Classified adverts are currently free for all small items (less than €500). For more expensive items and
photos a small fee applies:
● Items more than €500 are charged at €5 per month
● Photos are charged at €2.50 per month
Letters to
The Free Church of England – FCE
Founded 1844 – in France
Robert Leone
By Email
n December 2014 the Free Church
of England (founded 1844) was
formally established in France as a
church serving the spiritual needs of
all Anglicans in eastern Poitou-Charentes,
as well as much of Limousin and Centre.
This was achieved by the registration of
the Association Chrétienne des Anglicans
en France (ACAF) which, in English, is
the Christian Association of Anglicans in
France. The Registration Number is W 86
2002061. This followed the retirement of
the Rev Robert Leone and his wife, Sarah,
to their holiday house in Montmorillon,
In October last year Robert went “church
hunting”, looking for disused chapels. In the
first hamlet he came to, he found a manor
house with an ancient church next to it. The
lady of the house, Mme Eliane Freeman,
unlocked the church – built in 1096. It was
perfect. It is structurally sound, thanks to the
efforts of Eliane and her English husband,
Dudley. Much still needs to be done,
however, to make it comfortable. In January
it was reconnected to the electrical grid and
the first cabling work was completed. A
roofer, appropriately named Robert Priest,
made sure the roof was safe and secure. To
complete the work inside the church will
require another 8,000 Euros.
The FCE was established in 1844 as
a reaction to the powerful influence of
the Oxford Movement, or Tractarian
Movement, which introduced what were
seen as Roman Catholic practices and
beliefs in to the Church of England.
Disaffected Anglican clergy, supported by
wealthy sponsors, joined with the Countess
of Huntington’s Connexion to form the
FCE. In 1863 the FCE was registered at
the Court of Chancery, London. In January
2013 a Declaration by the Archbishop of
Canterbury confirmed the recognition of the
clergy and bishops of the FCE as valid and
validly Anglican.
The great irony is that in the past 15
years the FCE has modified its views about
the practices it once opposed. It is still an
Evangelical or “Low Church” Anglican
denomination, but it is now in affiliation
with churches whose services are much
“higher up the candle”, to use an Anglican
expression. The FCE also has a number
of “sister churches” to which it is directly
linked, such as the Reformed Episcopal
Church, in the USA and Canada (founded
in 1873). There are also sister churches in
many other countries, with new groups
affiliating in Australia. All these churches
and groups, like the FCE, are growing
rapidly, as ecumenism has become very
important to all of them.
The FCE has learned, over the past
decade in particular, that what it is for is
much more important than what it used to
be against.
Robert has been given permission to
vary the FCE’s religious services, to serve a
wider group of Anglicans.
Robert can be contacted on 06 40 12
77 52 or, preferably at his email address [email protected]
www.thebugle.eu ○ THE BUGLE ○ APRIL 2015
Learning French in France
By Email
o… the strangest thing happened to
me the other day at the hardware store.
I was standing in line, waiting for the
cashier to be available so that he could
give me an estimate. Then a guy came in and
started chatting with me in the line, telling me
how he had just seen me in another hardware
store earlier.
Well, this story doesn't sound so weird,
now, does it? It doesn't... until I tell you that
this happened in Creuse, and that the man was
actually talking to me in English!
He didn't ask whether I spoke the language,
he just assumed I did. Well, either he was a
psychic medium or extremely lucky. In any
case, I do speak English, and our little chat
The guy was all right, mind you, friendly
and everything. It doesn't hurt to practise one's
English once in a while, as a matter of fact I
relish the opportunity.
But... this episode just felt weird to me. Not
rude, not arrogant. Just plain surreal.
After our little chat I had learned that this
fellow had been living here for 7 years but
barely spoke any French. I gave him some
advice on how to learn French more efficiently.
Nothing extraordinary, the usual advice
like listening to the French radio while he
was working (we were in a hardware store,
remember), TV, reading French news articles...
Then I let him go first as I had a fairly long
estimate to ask for and he only had a couple of
things to buy.
This is in no way meant to be an insult, or
condescending, but for the life of me, I cannot
imagine ever living in a foreign country without
trying to master its tongue. I cannot fathom it,
and yes, I did go overseas and I did learn the
So, to this gentleman, if he happens to read
the Bugle, and to any other Englishman or
woman here in Limousin who can barely speak
any French and who have been here longer than
they care to admit, I ask this:
What are you doing? What is the matter with
After a couple of years here, you should
amaze your folks back home with your mastery
of the “Langue de Molière”, not be ashamed of
your level.
Let me tell you something else about myself.
I am, unfortunately, unemployed as of January.
Hopefully this will not last long. Alas, in 2015
France and with our current economy, speaking
English near fluency and having a degree and
quite some work experience under one's belt
is no cure against unemployment, but that is a
separate issue.
Anyway, an extensive job hunt will not take
you more than a couple of hours a day at most,
and I currently find myself with more free time
than I would like to have. So I am taking it
upon myself to strengthen my Spanish, which
could be described as “intermediate” at best.
I am doing it for free, from home, with a
great website called “duolingo”. Check it out.
Please, for the love of God please do. I am not
affiliated with it, it is entirely free, and works
for several languages, even French for the
native English speakers.
I am also reading news and articles and
watching tons of YouTube videos and
documentaries in Spanish.
I cannot tell for sure, but I think that after
only two weeks, the results are starting to
show. Recently, I found myself waking up and
realising that my last dream was in Spanish!
And I am not even in a Spanish-speaking
So... there you have it. The tools are here.
They have never, ever, in the history of
humankind, been more accessible and easier. I
cannot stress that enough. And you live in the
middle of freakin' France!
I know learning a language is hard. I should
know. I did it. Twice. So can you.
I have to stress once again that this little
rant is not directed at the many English people
who do try their best and oftentimes succeed,
and they are legion. It is also not meant to
sound rude, condescending, or arrogant. And
it certainly is not a rant against this very nice
fellow I met at the hardware store.
I couldn't personally care less about your
French. I speak English. We can talk, no
I will always admit to speaking English when
asked and I will always give you directions.
And I mean, ALWAYS. Even when I don't
know where it is!
But if you do get serious about learning
French, it will probably increase the quality
of your life here in a million subtle ways you
couldn't possibly imagine.
A little side-note: Quite a few of the English
speakers around these parts are retirees, hence
of a certain age. Did you know that learning
another language was one of the best ways to
fight off Alzheimer's desease and quite a few
other brain issues common in ageing people?
Just sayin'.
Well, I guess I have given you all enough
food for thoughts. And as our President would
Friendly! (French for “Best regards”... or
SEARCHWORDOKU © - by Anthony Parson
Complete the alphabetical Sudoku grid to the left using
only the letters already shown, then use the result wordsearch grid to find: A bladed weapon
How does it work...?
Complete the Sudoku grid in the
usual manner, using only the 9 letters
already shown. Once complete, you
will be left with a 9x9 wordsearch grid,
in which to find the final piece of the
See the completed example to the
right, the clue for which is "An English
Be careful not to jump to conclusions, as with the letters available,
the answer could be SURREY, SUSSEX, ESSEX, or as it turns out in this
case... SOMERSET.
Solution on page 29
APRIL 2015 ○ THE BUGLE ○ www.thebugle.eu
Business Directory
Your indispensable guide to finding local businesses & artisans
Animals & Pets
Auto Services
Building Services
Fosses Septiques
>> pg 19
Chimney Sweeps
>> pg 19
>> pg 19-20 Computers/Satellites
Food & Drink
>> pg 20
>> pg 20 -22 Garden Services
Gifts & Crafts
>> pg 22
Handholding Services
>> pg 22
>> pg 19
>> pg 19
Animals & Pets REGISTERED
Caring, quiet accommodation
just for cats
JUNCT 22 off A20, Arnac la Poste
Alison & Ray
Tel: 05 55 60 27 83
[email protected]
SIRET: 520 896 671 00010
Family, cage-free boarding for dogs and cats.
Positive dog training and counseling.
We make sure that “Ze Dog (& Cat) House”
is a real home from home for your
companions so that they, as well as you,
spend a great time on holiday!
June Altman, Le Puytren, 87800 Meilhac
Tel: 05 55 58 87 94 / Mob: 06 61 01 12 21
Email: [email protected]
or [email protected]
TEL: 06 30 96 02 02
E: [email protected]
W: www.englishfarrierinfrance.com
siret: 799 169 479 00018
The Orchard
Kennels & Cattery
(Farges, nr. Aubusson)
Small & friendly, English run.
Viewings welcome.
Certificat de capacité.
Also available: Pet foods, treats
& accessories.
Mon - Sat: 9.00 - 7.00
Contact Dave Grant: 05 55 67 58 87
English, French, German - and Animal spoken! Katharina Maiss
Registered Car Mechanic
See Display Ad pg 21
RICS Chartered Surveyor
35+ years experience, fully insured
- pre-purchase house surveys
- digital floor plans
- project monitoring
Renovating your
French property?
New build?
LCS 23 Autos
Car and Van Sales
European Transport
06 23 29 24 70 - see pg 17
Health & Beauty
House Clearance
Insurance & Finance
Language Services
Pest Control
Property Sales
Retail & Commerce
Pre-purchase & Structural Surveys.
Verbal & written reports.
Structural calculations & drawings.
Redevelopment ideas & solutions.
Tim Haw B.Eng C.Eng M.I.Struct.E
FR: 0033 (0)6 05 56 42 81
UK: 0044 (0)7448 466 662
Web: www.versineer.com
Email: [email protected]
Siret: 498 843 051 00018
Tel: 06 02 27 45 60
siret: 504 584 228 00010
Animal communication
Certificat de capacité n° 87-203 RCS Limoges 750 912 057
Gentle healing for people and pets.
Complementing conventional treatments
by easing the side effects. Helping to identify
the causes of allergic reactions and
behavioural problems. More information at:
>> pg 22
>> pg 22-23
>> pg 23
>> pg 23
>> pg 23
>> pg 23-24
>> pg 24
>> pg 24
>> pg 24
>> pg 24
Dossiers prepared
Permis de Construire
Déclarations Préalables
Tel: 05 53 52 36 05
[email protected]
SIRET: 493 770 358 00015
>> pg 26
>> pg 26
>> pg 26
>> pg 26
>> pg 26
>> pg 26
>> pg 26-27
>> pg 27
>> pg 27
Le Charme
De Chêne
Handmade solid oak
joinery and furniture
Our joinery expertise includes
barn doors, barn door frame
openings, staircases, kitchens,
windows & doors.
We also make handmade furniture.
Every item is bespoke and
made to measure.
Please visit our website for recent
installations and references.
[email protected]
02 54 25 65 08
06 16 91 64 67
SIRET: 510 156 763 00011
Please explore our website for more information:
[email protected]
05 55 14 12 43
Oradour Sur Vayres (87150) - siren: 752 051 482
Nicholas Hemming
Wood Craft
02 48 63 15 09 - see main ad pg 4
Please mention
The Bugle when
responding to adverts
Pink Electrique
Ruth & Geoff Kowalczyk
All electrical work, home automation & security.
Project management.
See our website for more
French qualified and insured.
30+ years worldwide experience.
Departments covered: 23, 36, 87.
Tel: 05 55 63 10 68
Mob: 06 64 59 48 64
Email: [email protected]
SIRET: 788 709 871 00016
www.thebugle.eu ○ THE BUGLE ○ APRIL 2015
“SolarVenti”- the solar solution to damp and humidity
simple solar energy
system that runs on its
own, even when you are
not there! – And provides a free
heat supplement in winter.
The Solarventi air panel was
invented more than 20 years
ago by Hans Jørgen Christensen, from Aidt Miljø, with
the backing of the Danish
government. He wanted to use
the sun’s energy for airing and
ventilation of the thousands
of holiday homes on the West
coast of Jutland, - houses that
were left empty and unheated
for long periods - houses with
damp problems, mould and bad
odours - houses that left their
owners with discomfort, lots of
work and expense. He wanted
a system that would be safe,
simple, without the need for
radiators, water and/or mains
electricity. Slowly but surely,
the first Solarventi model came
How it works
The principle behind Solarventi
is simple: a small, built-in, solar cell powers a 12V fan that is
connected to an air vent, a control unit and an on/ off switch.
Whenever the sun shines, the
air in the solar panel is heated
and the fan, receiving power
from the solar cell, introduces
warm, dry air into your home at
the rate of 20 to 100 cubic metres per hour.
The initial models were more
than capable of keeping the cottages dry (and ventilated), even
with the limited sunshine hours
available in Denmark during
the winter season. Since that
time, the technology has really come along in leaps and
bounds. Now, more than 20
years later, the 3rd and 4th generation Solarventi have exceed-
ed all expectations.
In Southern Europe, Solarventi is not only used for ventilation/dehumidification purposes;
with far more winter sunshine
hours, it also provides a substantial heating supplement. Several technical and governmental
studies show that incoming air
temperature can be increased by
as much as 40°C.
A DIY Solution?
The installation process is very
straightforward and should only
take two or three hours. All that
is needed is a drill, hammer
and chisel to make a hole in the
wall. Roof installations are also
possible. In fact, the Solarventi
was originally designed to be a
DIY product - in Scandinavia it
still is.
There are no electrical or
water connections and it can be
safely left running, even when
the property is empty. Solarventi requires no maintenance
- if the property is unoccupied
during the hot summer months,
then it can be left running at low
speeds for ventilation and dehumidification purposes or simply
switched off.
With a range of panel sizes,
and the option for wall or roof
mounting, Solarventi is suitable for all types of buildings,
caravans or even boats!! Following the patenting of its design in 2001, Solarventi has
only recently been actively
commercialized. Over the last
six years, Solarventi units have
been installed in more than 24
countries and demand is increasing rapidly. From Greenland to Australia, Solarventi is
finally getting the recognition it
deserves. ■
Units start from €630 TTC
SOLARVENTI - Available in the Limousin
From Harlequin Developments
Tel: 05 55 68 67 56
Mobile: 06 06 60 46 97
Lumiere Service
et Energie
Steven Rofe
20+ Years experience
No Siret: 494 916 760 00015
• NICEIC approved Electrician for
8 years in the UK
• Wiring of new installations
(including liaising with EDF)
• Rewiring existing houses/barns
• External & garden lighting
• All aspects of electrical works
• Fully insured - (10 year Decennale)
• Departments covered 19,23 & 87 /
email: [email protected]
Siret No. 501.792.386.00010
- Electricity
- Plumbing
- Air conditioning and heat pump
- Small renovations
(bathrooms, kitchens, etc.)
Dutch and English spoken
Creuse / Puy-de-Dôme
E-mail: [email protected]
Mob. 06 40 56 96 12
Tel. 05 55 67 57 64
Siret: 753 054 030 00014
Available for all types of electrical work
Small jobs, new builds,
renovations, rewires
Consuel assistance and
certification service available
Fully insured with 10 year
workmanship guarantee
Based near Châlus (87230)
Tel: 09 72 35 74 73
Email: [email protected]
@iret: 794 282 368 00016
Tel: 05 55 64 94 20
Mob: 07 86 38 09 61
* Qualified electrician
* All types of electrical
works carried out
* Free estimates
* Fault finding
* Consuel certification arranged
* Temporary and permanent
EDF supplies arranged
* Departments 23 and 87
05 55 41 17 76
Steve Johns
Max Huggett
Fosse Septique
20+ years experience
All aspects covered:
Paperwork and permissions arranged
Installations (full/part)
Upgrades (to current regs)
Digger and dumper hire
Groundworks, foundations, driveways, etc.
Building & Renovation services
Free devis and site visit
We guarantee to beat any like for like quote !
siret: 514 556 208 00015
Experienced and fully
registered builder with 10
year Décennale Insurance
Offering a broad selection of building
services in depts. 87, 19 & 23.
From one off installations to complete
renovations, construction,
landscaping and ground works.
E: [email protected]
T: 05 55 69 37 64
M: 06 80 92 23 82
English & French spoken - Siret: 518 511 340 00011
T J Renovations
30 years experience in building trade
▪ Emptying septic tanks
▪ Unblocking pipes
▪ Cleaning wells
▪ Group rates available
between neighbours
Call David - 24/24 7/7
Full refurbishments undertaken
87800 Jourgnac
Email: [email protected]
Please mention
The Bugle when
responding to adverts
Abris Bois LV
06 49 66 44 25
Siret N° 750 725 780 00019
• Stone/Brickwork • Patios
• Repointing • Studwork
• General Repairs & Maintenance
All areas in the Limousin covered
Contact Tim
05 55 61 16 30 / 06 85 37 04 35
web: www.builderinthecreuse.co.uk
Siret: 750 068 116 00011
Timber Building Specialists
05 87 77 95 57 - see pg 2
Building & Renovation
● Roofing - New & Repairs
● Masonry
● Plastering
● Dry Lining
● Sand Blasting
● Equestrian Buildings
● Digger/Scaffold Hire
● ... and much, much more
28 years qualified experience
[email protected]
SIRET: 503 169 237 00016
La Noneix
& Property Services
Established, Professional and
Personal Building Services. Fully
registered with décennale
insurance covering all works.
●New builds ●Roofing
●Stonework ●Carpentry
●Ground works
Large or small projects undertaken
- please view our website.
Contact: Paul or Joanne Rands
[email protected]
SIRET: 501 144 596 00019
Creuse Property
& Lake Services
- General maintenance including grounds
- Change overs - Meet and Greets
- On call / Emergency help
- Key holding - Handyman
Building projects also undertaken
For full details visit
or call 06 02 67 72 19
Siret No: 804 568 020 00015
To advertise in The Bugle Business Directory, call 05 55 41 17 76
Entreprise Hines Building Services
All Internal & External Works, completed to a high standard.
We also supply KWIKSTAGE scaffold for hire - either DIY or full scaffold service provided.
siret: 503 169 237 00016
See website for more info - www.entreprisehines.com - 05 55 89 69 46 - [email protected]
APRIL 2015 ○ THE BUGLE ○ www.thebugle.eu
Limousin Spas
ere at Limousin Spas we aim to offer
our clients a comprehensive sales, installation and continuing advice and
support package. This means that you can truly
relax and enjoy your experience of choosing
and owning a spa... whether it is for a holiday
home or all year round.
We set up our business after finding it difficult to obtain reliable advice or choice when
trying to buy a spa for our own home. Most
of the widely available models demand a high
power supply and are thus unsuitable for the
majority of rural properties (unless you can
manage without using any other electric appliances at any time!) After many meetings with
suppliers we decided to stock 3 full ranges of
spas which we found particularly sturdy and
reliable... this gives a choice of models for 2 to
8 people and from basic to luxury.
We run our business from home so we don't
have to pass on the cost of running a huge
showroom and can keep prices reasonable.
There is always at least 1 model on display
to inspect and wet test to truly appreciate the
features. We welcome any enquiries and visits
(although we suggest you phone first to check
we are not out delivering a spa). Many of our
previous customers have offered to discuss
or show the tubs they have bought so we can
probably put you in touch with someone local.
We are happy to visit and advise on siting your
spa and quote for works such as decking and
bespoke gazebos to enhance the surroundings.
Full specifications and details on all our spa
ranges are available on our website www.limousin-spas.com
We are further developing our website, so
please contact us if you would like any more
information in French or English. ■
Email: [email protected]
The current strong pound/euro rate means
our spas are at their lowest prices for many years!
To advertise in The Bugle Business Directory, call 05 55 41 17 76
Dave Cardwell - Builder
05 55 98 24 12
See our Display Ad - pg 3
Davis & Davis
SIRET: 520 275 504 00022
R & B Construction
• House & barn renovations
• Garage/loft conversions
• Bathroom/shower rooms
• Doors/windows • Roofing
• Patios/decking
• Plumbing & Electrical
• 10 year Guarantee Insurance
See our website:
Tel: 05 55 37 74 06 (Dave)
Tel: 05 55 69 75 67 (Steve)
(Depts 23, 87 & 19) siret: 501 792 386 00010
French Lily
Kitchens & Interiors
05 55 80 92 91 - see pg 2
Double D
Renovations & Home
05 55 65 00 29 - pg 10
30 years' Experience in Construction,
Renovation & Project Management
Quality Workmanship Guaranteed
Internal/ External Developments
Barn conversions, loft conversions, new-build,
drylining, plastering, rendering, spray
rendering, tiling, installation of kitchens/
bathrooms, painting, carpentry, replacement
doors & windows, velux installation, groundworks, landscaping, decking & much more...
No job too big (or small). Give us a
call for a free competitive quote.
05 55 60 29 50 / 06 04 13 30 57
email: [email protected]
Based Arnac-la-Poste - Covering depts 87, 23 & 19
Siret: 498 203 652 00017
Paul Jones
Paul Goldsmith
Developments Interior Renovations
All aspects of renovation
and refurbishment, big or
small, undertaken.
Harlequin Developments are
a Distributor and Installer
for Solarventi, solar
dehumidifying and water heating
products, as well as a range of
other renewable energies
[email protected]
SIRET: 494.501.067.00016
Interior & Exterior
building work
• House renovations • roofing • de-mossing
• pointing • masonry • ground works • etc.
Honest price and efficient service
Please call to discuss:
02 54 24 29 76
or e-mail:
Experienced and fully registered
artisan, offering a high quality
finish and service
[email protected]
• 10yr Décennale Assurance
• Full house/barn renovation
• Plasterboarding walls and ceilings
• Tape and Jointing • Kitchen Installation
• Roofing works • Carpentry • Patios/Decking
House Renovations
Tel: 05 55 69 28 12
Mob: 06 73 18 63 47
Email: [email protected]
siret no: 495 067 829 00020
Monte Sarginson
Inside & Out
Experience in Roofing, Tiling
Floors & Walls, Plumbing,
Fitting Kitchens & Bathrooms,
Stonework & Rendering,
Painting & Decorating
Tel: 05 55 63 88 70
Mob: 06 21 34 18 20
Siret no 507 516 748 00013
Registered for 8 years in France
High quality work,
excellent references available
• Kitchens • Bathrooms
• Tiling • Wood flooring
• Loft conversions • Pointing
• Windows • Plasterboarding
Covering Creuse and Indre
e: [email protected]
t: 09 66 03 52 89
SIRET 494 123 847 00019
• house/barn/garden clearances
• dechetterie runs
• rubbish removal
• cash paid for scrap
• general labouring service
• mini digger - with/without driver
• Vehicle with 1.5 tonne crane
Multi-skilled Professional
Workmanship for every aspect of
your build
Please see our portfolio at :
Contact Kristian Woodgate on:
[email protected]
05-55-62-24-27 / 06-48-77-79-19
siret: 511 277 527 00012
& More
General building
Renovation & maintenance
Reliable, good quality work
30 years exp
Based central 23 - will travel
Martin Sprague
05 55 61 93 07
05 55 37 45 35
06 74 21 47 71
martin_sprague_1@ hotmail.com
Stephen Cullinane & Son
J. S. Long Building Services
siret 532 981 198 00015
Travaux Publics
www.pilgrim23.com - pg 3
09 67 30 71 46 / 06 42 06 52 20
see main ad - pg 5
SIRET: 531 768 182 00010
From the foundations to the roof
Established 9 years in France
05 55 81 00 53 - see pg 4
no job too small
Car Mechanic
30 Years’ Experience Joiner
Kitchens, Bedrooms & Bathrooms
Flooring & General 2nd Fix
Finishing, Joinery & Decking
Emergency Lock Services
05 55 81 31 85
Siret: 802 265 728
Mike Christie
05 55 64 35 11 (Home)
07 87 38 58 88 (Mobile)
[email protected]
Old Style Creativity
Rural Renovations
■ Services
■ Brakes
■ MOT Prep
(contrôle technique)
SIRET: 494 617 798 00017
■ ... much more
Dept. 23 & surrounding areas
www.thebugle.eu ○ THE BUGLE ○ APRIL 2015
ARL Diffusion Médicale
stablished in 1989,
this trusted local business specialises in the
sale and rental of medical equipment, aimed at both
professionals and individuals.
With an extra-regional dimension, ARL boasts a family spirit
and a strong relationship with its
The company, which is 100%
Limousin, equips individuals
as well as health centres and
independent healthcare professionals. ARL sells or leases the
equipment and has particular expertise in wheelchairs, hospital
beds and hoists, as well as sitto-stand lifts and air mattresses.
“We work hard to have a
wide range of products that allow home-based support with
the maximum level of comfort,”
explains Jean-Christophe Boichard, director of ARL. Support
does not end with delivery of the
equipment, however, as the company also has a dedicated aftersales team. “We keep things local, which enables our dedicated
after-sales team of four to respond within 24 hours.”
Scaffolding Hire
Large stock
Rapid response
Good rates for long & short term hire
Erected or self-erect
Delivery or collection
All areas covered
Call Dave:
06 42 73 83 37
siret: 795 207 067 00013
La Coterie Entreprise
Approved septic tank installer
See our main ad below
See our Display Ad - pg 12
Scaffold Hire
DIY or Full
Scaffold Service
See our website
or phone for details
05 55 89 69 46
[email protected]
SIRET: 503 169 237 00016
ARL Diffusion
would be delighted to meet you
at its premises from Monday to
Friday between 9h and 18h (nonstop) and on Saturday mornings
from 9h to 12h. ■
Le Plâtrier du Limousin
Room Re-designs
[email protected]
Mini-Digger with driver
05 55 63 53 06
[email protected]
See Main Ad pg 23
siret 802 262 35200015
For more information
on advertising in the
Bugle Business
Directory, give us
a call or send us an
Simon Carter
[email protected] - see pg 10
05 55 41 17 76
Septic tanks
systems designed with permissions &
paperwork included and independent
approval with certification.
05 55 80 92 91
Kathleen Willis
[email protected]
Painter & Decorator
Qualified craftsman with over 25 years UK
experience, now based in Haute-Vienne.
Specialist services:
Interior & exterior painting &
decorating, wallpapering, plastering.
Siret: 534 396 908 00012
Web: www.sjcmontluc.fr
Email: [email protected]
siret: 792.130.932.00017
the Plasterer
A genuine plasterer
French and English spoken
Traditional Plastering
Rendering, Stud partition dry lining
Lime mortar stone pointing
05 55 63 53 06
06 23 29 48 19
[email protected]
Le Bourg, 23360 Nouzerolles
SIRET: 504 612 441 00015
Tel: 06 45 18 86 10
(18 Years Experience)
Email: [email protected]
Siret: 527 736 326 00010
[email protected]
05 55 41 17 76
concrete floors, concrete terraces,
concrete retaining walls, openings,
underfloor heating, insulation, steps.
Installation, servicing & maintenance of all
types of boiler: wood, gas, fuel, pellet...
Solar panels installed and maintained.
Underfloor heating, bathrooms, kitchens, etc...
General electric works up to full house rewire.
Will travel.
e: [email protected]
m: 06 42 65 83 44
t: 05 55 60 84 69
siret: 517 848 826 00023
Heating & Plumbing engineer
05 55 63 89 23
bathrooms & kitchens
from design to completion, ceilings,
partition walls, drylining.
see our portfolio at www.LCE23.com
Quality Plasterwork,
Internal & External
Benjamin Jourdan
Tel: 05 87 19 91 50
Mob: 07 81 26 88 65
The friendly
& reliable plasterer
Painting and Decorating
Colour Consultations
05 55 43 84 17 (French)
06 37 51 47 91 (English)
18, avenue de Landouge
87100 Limoges
Plasterboarding, Partitioning,
Skiming, Solid Plastering,
Floor Screeding,Rendering: Mono
Couche/Coloured Render
Waterproofing Render Systems
10 year guarantee.
Covering depts. 23 & 87.
Call Stuart on:
Steve Johns
lowing you to eat at home.
Heavier items such as elevators, stair lifts, or platforms for
the disabled are also part of
ARL's catalogue, which has
more than four hundred pieces
of equipment operating across
the region.
Committed to high levels of
customer service, ARL offers
individuals and businesses the
same benefits, such as free delivery in the Limoges metropolitan area.
Interior and Exterior
RSW Entreprises
Fosse Septique Specialist
In total, ARL has no fewer
than thirteen employees ensuring that clients are very well
looked after. An on-site orthotist is available for all issues of
movement restriction and can
also visit you at your home if
ARL has a wide variety of
products to equip a house or
apartment in order to provide
the best possible conditions for
home care; promoting independence, balance, stability and al-
registered and insured for all work we do
see pg 9
trading 6 years
[email protected]
APRIL 2015 ○ THE BUGLE ○ www.thebugle.eu
La Noneix Construction and Property Services
Limousin residents Paul and Joanne
Rands moved to France with their
two young children nearly a decade
ago and established their successful
construction company, La Noneix
Services, offering a full range of
building services, from a small job
right through to a total renovation or
complete new-build.
ere at La Noneix
Construction we are into
our 9th year of trading
in France and business is
going from strength to strength. We
find that there are still a lot of people
moving to France from other countries
and many of those are buying
properties that require substantial
renovation. The number of barn
renovations, extensions and re-roofing
jobs we are doing on old properties
can only be good for the region, with
old properties being given new life.
When carrying out a large renovation,
the customer needs to be sure that the
Rick Fife
Plumbing &
Heating Engineer
All aspects of Plumbing and
Heating work undertaken.
23 Years Qualified
(Previously UK CORGI registered – Oil / Natural Gas / LPG)
Established and registered in
France for 8 years.
Areas Covered: North Creuse (23) & South Indre (36)
02 number
54 during
94 74
Email: [email protected]
Please give us a call to discuss your requirements. If you get
the answer machine we WILL return your call the same day.
siret: 494 380 264 00015
Martin Walters
Caught out last winter?
Don't worry!
We can now offer
winter checks, drain
downs, caretaking,
general DIY, key
holding, as well as
our usual friendly
plumbing services.
Tel 02 54 24 84 62
Siret 522 804 723 00016
05 55 41 17 76
company they choose is fully qualified,
insured, reliable and has a good track
record. We pride ourselves on meeting
these criteria and for the attention to
detail and level of customer service
that we provide.
We are in constant contact with
our clients; we effectively run a 24/7
business via phone and email. Often,
our clients will be based offsite
or overseas and we send weekly
updates, with photos of how the
work is progressing. They are able
to get back from work in an evening
and email us to find out how things
are going - we will always respond.
We find that this service is essential
to our customers who do not live
permanently in France, allowing
them to remotely see exactly what
has been happening in their absence.
This not only provides peace of mind,
but also avoids the need for constant,
costly trips back and forth to make
sure that the work is being carried out
effectively and efficiently.
Something that we unfortunately
“I have used La Noneix
Construction for a number of
projects on my house in France, the
biggest project being a new roof.
A. Robins Construction
Roofing Specialist
05 45 61 40 15 - see pg 12
All types of roofing
External insulation
Carpentry work
Dormer windows
Velux windows
Zinc guttering
Chimney repoints
Lead flashing, etc.
Contact Phil Andrews:
Mob: 06 42 38 54 22
Tel: 02 54 30 11 20
Email: [email protected]
siret: 509 180 410 00011
Roofing & Plastering/
Plasterboarding Service
25+ years roofing experience
All aspects of roofing, large or small
15+ years experience plastering/boarding
Fully registered and insured
Trading in France since 2007
Call Mark for a free quotation
05 55 71 49 13 - 06 78 60 96 16
[email protected]
Siret No. 493 159 412 00011
Roofing Specialists
see main ad - pg 3
with Driver for Hire
Landscaping, ditching,
land clearance etc.
Also general
Garden Maintenance
John Bonella
87440 Marval
05 55 78 62 29
[email protected]
Joanne and Paul are very helpful
and offer great advice, without any
pressure to accept a quote. The
quality of work is second to none and
all work has been completed quicker
than expected without compromise
on quality. You pay for what you get,
and with La Noneix Construction that
is guaranteed quality workmanship.
I would recommend them to anyone
wishing to have some work done on
their house." - Andy
“We've been considering our project
very carefully, and have been
really impressed with your careful
approach to our proposed extension.
We particularly like your attention
to detail and your honesty about
what needs doing to make it the best
possible job.” - Jim & Viv ■
La Noneix Construction
& Property Services
Email: [email protected]
Find more information on:
Chimney Sweeping
• Flue ways cleared
• Birds nests, vermin
& debris removed
• Smoke evacuation & gas
tightness tests
• Official certificates of cleaning
issued (Certificat de Ramonage)
05 55 63 78 72
Siren: 502 409 949
Eurl Réno-Gén
Mini Digger
siret no. 523 183 580 00019
see a lot of are enquiries from
people who have been let down by
other companies, who have either
not finished the job or have not
carried out the work to the relevant
standard. When doing any kind of
work, but especially when the work
is structural, it is imperative that
customers ensure anyone they use
has a valid insurance policy to cover
them for this work.
La Noneix Construction and
Property Services is a professional
enterprise that is registered at the
Chambre de Métiers. We operate
under a full, mandatory 10-year
insurance (décennale) and we have
an excellent customer service record.
Don’t take our word for it, though,
just listen to what our customers
have to say about our business in
their own words:
Sand and Blast
We provide a fully operated
service for wood, stone and metal.
Perfect for stripping away years
of grime or paint.
Contact us for a free quote,
or see our website:
Chimney Sweep Service
* All types of chimneys cleaned
* Brush & Vacuum
* Smoke Tested * Fully Insured
* HETAS Approved and
member of NACS
* Official certificates of cleaning
issued (Certificat de Ramonage)
* Clean, tidy, professional
& friendly service
& Satellites
Contact Barry Manning
Tel: 05 55 66 14 11
Mob: 06 31 59 81 08
[email protected]
05 67 77 83 05
[email protected]
SIRET: 534 351 754 00013
SIRET: 534 759 337 00015
For more information
on advertising in the
Bugle Business
Directory, give us
a call or send us an
[email protected]
All types of chimneys cleaned
Clean and efficient
Certificat de Ramonage issued
with every chimney swept
Woodburners supplied & fitted
Accredited flue installer
Woodburner repairs
Safety surveys
Chimney repairs/maintenance
02 54 06 40 80
05 55 41 17 76
[email protected]
siren 535 199 483
Formerly Electrosat
UK & French Satellite TV
Dishes & Freesat boxes always in stock
Terrestrial digital aerial installations
From a single outlet to multi-point systems
Approved Supplier
Wi-Fi, Data Networks, CCTV
For sales, service or advice
call Mike G on:
05 55 09 15 73
We only use our own qualified staff
No call out charge
Free quotations
All areas covered
Quality work from qualified Staff
5 Place de la Republique Sauviat-sur-Vige 87400
siret no 798 364 600 00014
50,000 sq ft of covered
showrooms & 2 large
external display areas
- All reclamation bought & sold
- Demolition undertaken
- Specialists in oak beams
- Metalwork & stonework
- Indian stone flooring
- Plywood, all in 8x4 sheets: internal, external and marine grade
Open Mon-Sat 8.30am to 6pm - www.reclamation-yard.com
Only 1km from Confolens on the D952 Ansac-sur-Vienne road
www.thebugle.eu ○ THE BUGLE ○ APRIL 2015
Italian restaurant in St-Etienne-de-Fursac
Dept 23 & surrounding areas
Bar/café open: 10am - 2pm, Fri - Sun
Restaurant open: 6pm - 10pm, Fri - Sun
€10, €12 & €14 menus now available
Lunch time specials.
Regular music and entertainment
each month
See our web site, or visit us on Facebook
for more information:
Tel: 05 55 62 05 61
Mob: 06 23 40 18 64
Email: [email protected]
siret: 453 067 910 00019
Big Dish Satellite
05 55 78 72 98
Tel: 05 55 63 86 05
see you soon, Steve and Elena
see main ad - pg 7
Satellite Systems
05 55 66 60 21
"Tooway" High speed internet via satellite
TV Satellite Sales, Service & Installations.
TV Receiver & Electronic Repairs.
Dish alignments. Sky/Freesat/TNT/FTA.
Most of depts 23,03,63,87,36 covered.
[email protected]
SIRET: 510 117 328 00011
For all your TV
and satellite
installations and repairs
(Sky TV, Internet etc.)
Call Patrice:
[email protected]
Fast dependable service
Based Séreilhac (87)
siret: 353 613 227 00035
Food &
Mobile Curry Take Away
Try Something Different
Chez Jacques
Marsac (23)
• Cosy atmosphere
• Speciality Crêpes
• Large burger menu
• Over 20 whiskeys
• Book corner, pool table
• Fish & chip night
(2nd Fri each month)
• Curry nights (by reservation)
05 87 40 02 83
closed Wednesdays
8 rue Ledru-Rollin
36200 Argenton-sur-Creuse
02 54 24 01 06
Restaurant - Pizzeria
● Italian Specialities
● Traditional Cuisine
● Home-made Desserts
Moules de bouchot AOC
available from July to December
High Quality Food, a Warm
Welcome and a Friendly
Atmosphere await
Closed Sundays & Mondays
Petticoat Lane
5 Rue Nationale – 16150 Chabanais
For menus and venues:
Tel: 05 45 29 03 99
Follow us on facebook
e : [email protected]
Visit: www.petticoatlaneshop.com
E-mail: [email protected]
m : 07 70 39 12 23
Parties 20+ & events catered for
siret: 498 199 306 00016
JJ’s Cafe Bar
Some customer quotes:
‘...more than just a bar’
‘....a bit like Allo Allo and Cheers!’
English groceries, Fresh British Beef &
Steaks (to order only), Gammon Steak,
Bacon, Sausage & Cheddar Cheese.
Wide range of frozen items
including vegetarian.
Traditional English beers, Sherries & Wine.
Cards for all occasions.
Opening hours: Mon - Sat 10am – 6pm
Visit us and compare our prices
Come and see for yourself - Open all week.
See our Notice Board events listings
39 Place du Champ de Foire
36140, Aigurande
02 54 06 30 77
[email protected]
SIRET: 508 754 314 00013
Please mention
The Bugle when
responding to adverts
Restaurant AUX CEPES
LA veytiZoU, 87130
Tel: 05 55 69 33 38
see main ad - pg 5
Oh My Cod
Fish and Chips
05 55 80 34 26 - see pg 16
Le Creusois
Les Genêts, Azerables
High quality British & French food
at reasonable prices.
Menu du Jour €12, Traditional Pub
Food, Vegetarian dishes, Childrens
& Snack menus also available
SIREN: 483 988 853
Robert and Sue Manning
Farm-raised Limousin Beef,
Lamb and Poultry
All the meat we sell is bred, fed and
finished here on the farm
Beef available as 1/16 or 1/8 side
at just €10.90/kg
Duck/Chicken available all year round
Lamb available from 2015
Penstemons and
Herbs in France
English speaking nursery
Order online
and visits by appointment welcome
See website for details
Siret No. 490 041 183 00016
T.A.D. 23
(Travaux d'Accès Difficiles)
05 55 80 37 70 - see pg 5
Le Pub
58, rue d'Orjon, Argenton-sur-Creuse - see pg 6
T: 05 55 81 14 51
M: 06 85 78 81 32
siret: 788 438 562 00019
Gifts &
(formerly Cartes de Christine)
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 06siret86
89 81 02
528 539 448
05 55 41 17 76
Please mention
The Bugle when
responding to adverts
The Exchange
500+ DVD's now in stock
Tue 2.30pm - 5pm
Thu, Fri 9:15-12 & 2:30-5pm
Sat 9 - 12
05 55 78 19 24
9 rue Dr Charles Poitevin
SIRET 484 479 480 00010
LE DORAT (Pl. Charles de Gaulle)
Mon Chic Cottage
Home Decor & Gifts
Contact Jay:
05 87 77 95 59
see main ad below
[email protected]
Les Jardins d'Olivier
Très Jolie
100% French eco-friendly pools
05 55 68 67 21 - see pg 14
Les Bregères, 23150 St-Martial-le-Mont
[email protected]
FIND OUR CARDS AT: Magazin Artisanat, Confolens
Send an email to sign up to the newsletter
Open Tue-Fri
10h00 -17h00
for all your tree requirements
[email protected] /
• Tree Surgery
• Garden Clearance
• Strimming
• Pruning
Tea, coffee & home-made scones / cakes Official Stockist & Workshop for
Chalk Paint™ by Annie Sloan
& Neal’s Yard Remedies Organic
Cross Cut Tree Surgeons
Handmade, fully interlocking,
multi-layered 3D puzzles from just €9.
Keyrings €2 plus other unique gift ideas.
Customisation and personalisation possible.
Come and visit the workshop by appointment.
Quality product at affordable prices.
Customized, if required, especially for you.
Available blank or with either English or French greetings.
Tel: 02 54 25 34 73
3D Puzzle Maker
All aspects
of garden maintenance
EARL Les Fromentaux
10 Route de Vilenne, 36200 Celon
Le Moulin du Breuil
Ivan Petley
Ladies fashion accessories
05 55 78 62 29 / 06 04 08 29 53
see main ad pg 5
Dealing with utilities/banks
Permis de construire
Sourcing/supervising artisans
1-2-1 conversation classes
05 55 62 50 38
Jonathan Critchley
[email protected]
siret: 792 285 025 00013
Sophie Arsac
French lessons
& handholding services - pg 16
To advertise in The Bugle Business Directory, call 05 55 41 17 76
20% April
Cross Cut Tree Surgeons
for all your tree requirements
30+ years experience
Free quotes and advice
We will not be beaten on price or standard of work
Reliability guaranteed
Fully qualified arborist - Fully insured Covering depts: 87, 23, 86, 36, 19 & 16
[email protected] /
siret: 530 840 958 00017
APRIL 2015 ○ THE BUGLE ○ www.thebugle.eu
Abris Bois LV - Residential Log Cabins
or all those who have ever
renovated a property or built
a new house in France, the
bureaucracy and seemingly
ever-changing regulations will be a
familiar nightmare. Not to mention
the language and legal barriers that
may make it difficult to fully make
sense of the regulations and to understand when, and to whom, they
are applicable... or worse, when have
been breached.
These difficulties need not cause
you a headache if you have a fullyregistered building company to talk
you through each stage of your building project, in your own language.
Abris Bois LV is registered in the
Limousin and they receive regular
updates about all French Building
Regulations that affect their area as
well as the rest of France. Only if your
builder is fully appraised of changing
regulations, knowledgeable and able
to discuss up-to-date regulations with
clients, can the customer ensure that
their finished building work will be
signed off without undue delay or
last-minute changes being imposed.
Since January 1st 2013 the new
building regulations RT 2012 apply
to all new heated or cooled buildings
greater than 50m2, except for:
• provisional buildings
• buildings heated with an indoor
temperature lower than 12°C
• buildings heated or cooled for
other reasons than comfort, for
example industrial processes
• farms
RT 2012 building regulations include three major requirements which
must be respected simultaneously:
• The first one deals with the intrinsic features of the structure
and the envelope of the building
without considering the HVAC
system (Heating Ventilation Air
Conditioning) and other technical facilities. Such features are
specified with the Bbio Factor
(bioclimatic needs factor).
• The second involves the maximum permitted annual consumption of primary energy of
the building, taking into account
performances of HVAC system,
DHW (Domestic Hot Water)
production and, if any, artificial
lighting through the Cep factor.
• The third corresponds to requirement for thermal comfort in summer based on the compliance
with a maximum comfort calculated temperature Tic.
Complementary prescriptive
Besides the three main performance requirements described above,
some wherewithal exigencies are
listed in RT2012:
1.Thermal insulation of walls. Albeit that the thermal quality of the
building envelope is already considered in the Bbio coefficient, a
number of rules exist for thermal
transmission through floors and
2.Air tightness of the building envelope. Airtightness of the building envelope measured according
to EN 13829 measuring method
(blower door) must be not higher
than 0,6 Q(m3/h,m2)
3.Natural lighting. For residential
buildings, the total window area
must be more than 1/6 of the
floor surface area.
4.Thermal comfort in summer. In
bedrooms, Solar Heat Gain Coefficient of the windows is limited
according to the orientation of the
façade. Lower values of SHGC
are required when the building is
located in a noisy area.
5.A double flow CMV (Controlled
Mechanical Ventilation) has to be
6.Renewable energy sources. The
use of renewable energies is
compulsory in any new build.
Minimum requirements are:
•Heating system has to run on
more than 50% renewable energy
•Production of domestic hot water with a thermal solar system or
thermodynamic hot water heater.
Not complied to RT2012
The state issues a €40,000 fine
and work has to be stopped immedi-
So why choose us?
Abris Bois LV is a full-service
company dedicated to quality timber
buildings and superior customer service. Whether you prefer delivery of
materials or a turnkey service, we
can handle your project from start to
• bespoke design
• planning permission, thermal
• base construction
• wind and watertight building
• electrics & plumbing
• ventilation & heating
• fully insured
We look forward to meeting you
at our show site and remain at your
disposal for any further free advice
or detailed quotes.
Why choose our
Residential Log Cabins?
If you want superb quality and
have a budget ranging from forty
thousand upwards, then you could
be the proud owner of a beautiful Residential Log Cabin that
will only increase in value. How is
this possible? Our cabin designers
and architects will make sure your
residential building will be fully
insulated, which will be above the
requirements needed for today’s
regulations. We are also constantly
looking to the future and what will
be needed as energy costs continue
to rise, salaries decrease and pensions are further eroded by governments. As such, we have decided
to build-design our residential
log cabins to be almost passive
(Highly Insulated). The cost of this
is minimal, but the savings over
5 to 10 years will be outstanding.
Timber is a very flexible construction material and this makes designing a building quite easy. Within
your plan for your Residential Log
Cabin you can now determine the
floor plan, number of rooms, etc.
on the site. We can offer a fully integrated plan suitably customised to
Mobile British Indian Curry Take away
fter moving to
France, the British take away I
missed the most
was Indian. So I decided to
use my chef background &
love for curry to learn how
to make my favourite curries like my British Indian
After successful trial runs
at an Auberge I discovered
there were more people who
would enjoy curry in different areas. So after 4 years I
gave up my job as a chef in
Limoges and decided to start
a mobile British Indian Take
away - Mandys-curry-2-go.
I offer poppadoms with
chutneys, 4 different starters, 6 different curries with
chicken tikka, lamb tikka
or vegetables, naan breads,
chapattis and pilau rice. All
made by myself, using fresh
ingredients and without prebought pastes and sauces.
You can pre-order for hot
& chilled food or just come
to the van at one of the ven-
ues and order a hot take
away. Pre-ordering is recommended to avoid disappointment! ■
For more info go to:
Follow us on facebook,
or to be added to our
email list send an email to:
[email protected]
The van will be going to the following venues every month
Boussac, (place de l'Hôtel de Ville) Every 1st Wednesday
Aubusson, (place Maurice Dayras)
Every 1st Thursday
Gouzon, (place de l'Eglise)
Every 2nd Wednesday
Peyrat-le-Château, (place du Champ de Foire)
Every 2nd Thursday
Dun-le-Palestel, (place du Champ de Foire)
Every 3rd Thursday
Sardent, (Auberge du lac, Masmangeas)
Every 3rd Friday
La Souterraine, (searching for a placement in or around La Souterraine)
Le Grand-Bourg, (place du marché)
Every 4th Thursday
your requirements.
With good design and the correct protection and maintenance,
our Residential Log Cabins will
last for a lifetime. Perhaps this is
why most of the large houses in the
olden days were made out of timber!
Plus, the material is resistant to most
climatic conditions such as heat,
frost, corrosion, pollution, etc. On
average, the service life of wooden
houses is between 80 to 100 years.
In fact, many wooden houses built
in the Middle-Ages survived the
elements and have lasted till today.
So it is safe to say that Residential Log Cabins from Abris Bois
LV are not only eco-friendly, but
also economical. Moreover, they
also provide you with the best
means of integrating modern technology systems such as controlled
ventilation, air extraction and solar
panels into an exquisite and lavishly designed contemporary building, beautifully rooted in nature.
You can easily live the dream and
at the same time either release that
hard earned equity and enjoy your
lifestyle during your retirement. Or,
if you are struggling to get on to the
property ladder because the bricks
and mortar properties are so out of
reach, here is the simple answer.
Our Residential Log Cabins are increasing in value against bricks and
mortar, a trend down to their affordability to purchase and low running
costs. ■
05 87 77 95 57
ZA Sirvenon
87190 Magnac-Laval
Poor or no Broadband? Then
the Satellite solution is for you!
here are two main
providers in Europe.
buy, the choice is
yours. DIY or we can install
it for you, again the choice
is yours. The equipment
is delivered to your door.
TOOWAY offers speeds of
up to 22M down and 6M up
and the monthly rental (dependent on package) starts
from €19.95.
SES offers speeds of up to
20M down and 2M up and the
monthly rental (dependent on
package) starts from €10.95.
Is UK TV reception a problem? We have many years' experience in the satellite world
and Mike G is here to help
you. Call him on 05 55 09 15
73 or on his mobile 06 38 16
01 61.
CCTV - four cameras and a
DVR fitted from €800.00 and
you can view it from a laptop
anywhere. Ideal for checking
if the gardner, cleaner, etc. has
come, or for just projecting
the view from your window
in France on to the wall to impress your friends in the UK.
Limited Wi-Fi Coverage,
don’t suffer we have the solution. ■
SAT-ELEC - where knowledge and experience
provide the complete solution.
The two Mikes are happy to prepare a custom
package for you on all or any of the above.
Call Mike G: 05 55 09 15 73 - 06 38 16 01 61
or Mike T: 03 66 88 06 29
or email: [email protected]
www.thebugle.eu ○ THE BUGLE ○ APRIL 2015
Advertising in The Bugle Business Directory
Advertising your business couldn’t be easier. Text only, boxed listings are available in our Business Directory from just €11.20/month. Alternatively,
why not spotlight your business with an Advertorial, available from 1/6 Page (€50 HT) up to Full Page (€300 HT). Both Directory Adverts and Advertorials represent a cost effective way to put your brand in front of more than 25,000 pairs of eyes each month!!
For more information on any of our advertising options, please feel free to give us a call
on 05 55 41 17 76 or send an email to [email protected]
6-Month Contract
12-Month Contract
Small b&w Directory Ad
Large b&w Directory Ad
Small Colour Directory Ad
Large Colour Directory Ad
Large Directory Ad
46mm x 71mm
(Actual Size)
45 words max
Small Directory Ad
46mm x 46mm
(Actual Size)
30 words max
Directory Advertising is available either in black and white or colour, and in either small (30 words max) or large (45 words max) format.
Directory adverts may only contain text - no logos, images or artwork are allowed. The minimum contract length is 6 months.
Advertising is payable on publication. All prices are HT.
& Beauty
International money transfer
Pest Control
Houses on Internet
See our Display Ad - pg 3
Agence Marche Limousin
Bilingual Estate Agency
see main ad - pg 4
La Petite Place
Hair salon, Le Dorat
See our Display Ad - pg 3
Call Alex, your English
nail technician now
see main ad - pg 12
& Finance
[email protected]
siret: en cours
05 87 41 07 93 - see pg 10
Financial Solutions
& Expert Advice
See our Display Ad - pg 15
Learning to meditate
Meditation class in Limoges for beginners
and advanced participants
Each Tue at 7pm at
1, rue des Frères Bonneff, 87100 Limoges
First session free of charge,
then 4 evenings at a total fee of €35.
Working in small groups in a beautiful space.
NEW- Class in St-Junien 2nd Mon of every month
or call Katharina Maiss on:
Please mention
The Bugle when
responding to adverts
Tel: 06 22 93 14 57
[email protected]
[email protected]
Centre de formation
English & French Language School
Gel nails starting
from €40 a set
Central France
Pest Control
House Clearance Specialists
Dératisation, Déinsectisation,
02 48 60 83 72 / 06 74 33 02 38
Email: [email protected]
rats, mice, moles, flies, woodworm,
bed bugs, fleas, wasps, hornets
Tel: 05 55 77 53 35
La Petite Barre, 18210 Bessais Le Fromental
Email: [email protected]
SIRET No. 498 544 741 00024
The Spectrum IFA Group
with over 20 years' experience
advising expatriates throughout
Europe on all aspects of financial
planning. Represented in Creuse
by Tony Farrell:
Tel: 05 55 89 57 94
Mob: 06 15 28 54 82
Email: [email protected]
TSG Insurance Services S.A.R.L. Siège Social: 34 Bd des Italiens, 75009 PARIS
"Société de Courtage d'assurances" R.C.S. Paris B 447 609 108 (2003B04384)
Numéro d'immatriculation 07 025 332 - www.orias.fr
SIRET No.: 500 064 183 00014
Alongside the amazing "Rotospa"
spa range, we are now able to
supply the "Durasport" &
"Strong Spas" ranges of quality spas.
[email protected]
Ecole de Langue
86, Rue Nationale, 36400 La Châtre
All your
language needs
under one roof!
02 54 31 12 55
[email protected]
Retail &
Limousin Spas
06 75 56 99 06 – 05 87 77 90 39
05 55 41 17 76
Curative and preventative
21, cours Bugeaud, 87000 Limoges
Training institution in partnership with the State.
Lessons in either of our premises or at your home.
12 rue Thiers, 87300 Bellac ... or
11 ave Cruveilhier, 87130 Châteauneuf-la-Forêt
All our spas are manufactured to
the highest standards & have
full manufacturers warranty.
These spas have relatively low power
requirements & are very economical.
Leggett Immobilier
Prices start from €3,750.
Models seat 2 to 7 people.
For more information on our range
check out our website:
05 53 56 62 54
or telephone: 05 55 63 26 20
Cendrillon - Bourganeuf
Bilingual Estate Agent in Creuse
05 55 54 95 85 - see pg 10
see main ad - pg 9
Numéro Siret: 752 157 610 00011
APRIL 2015 ○ THE BUGLE ○ www.thebugle.eu
Houses on Internet: A Global Property Network
ouses on Internet
– Global Property
Services (hereafter
referred to as “HOIGPS”) is the internet/marketing
company that helps people sell
their French property to buyers
Richard Kroon, founder and
director of the company says:
“The number of responses from
prospective buyers and sales
keeps rising. No doubt one of the
reasons is that we have been able
to increase our worldwide advertising budget and reach more
prospective buyers than ever.”
Last year HOI-GPS sold to
people from 15 different countries including Australia, Belgium, Holland, United Kingdom, Switzerland, Germany,
Norway and of course France.
Richard continues: “Our continuous global marketing is
definitely paying off and guarantees a worldwide exposure of
your property to buyers wherever they live.”
The actual work all starts with
the presentation of a property
- if that’s not good enough, all
other marketing efforts are useless. Our photographers usually take 150 to 200 photos of a
house and in addition copy any
good (summer) photos our clients may have themselves.
About 50 to 60 of those photos are selected, enhanced and
presented on the dedicated website we make for each property.
The text doesn't just describe the house, garden and
outbuildings, but also contains
information about shopping,
schools, airports and local leisure activities.
When the website for the
house is online, we first con-
nect it to our main HOI-GPS
websites which attract over
135,000 visitors from 40+
countries each month. Most of
these people find us through
Google and our additional
Google advertising.
To reach an even larger audience, a summary of the presentation of the house is also
placed on several other leading
property websites. These adverts are also connected to the
dedicated website of the house,
making it all one big global
property network.
As the property market has
become a global one, a prospective buyer can be on the
other side of the world while
the owner is in bed sleeping.
With our approach, the buyer
does not have to wait and can
see the entire property whenever he wants, at the moment
Depot Vente des Vêtements
Moulin de Tintin
Peugeot Boxer
Dress agency and gallery, specialising in
designer and high quality pre-owned clothes
for women and children, together with
accessories, footwear, jewellery, gift items,
and hand made furniture.
8 rue Principale, St Mathieu, 87440
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.soiebois.net
Tel: 05.55 48.28.89
SIRET: 510 995 681 00010
[email protected]
05 55 41 17 76
French Lily
Kitchens & Interiors
05 55 80 92 91 - see pg 2
Eco Entrepot
Get down The Shed
87230 Bussière-Poitevine - see pg 4
Furniture, interiors & gifts
www.moulin-de-tintin.com - see pg 5
For more information
on advertising in the
Bugle Business
Directory, give us
a call or send us an
[email protected]
05 55 41 17 76
& Storage
Please mention
The Bugle when
responding to adverts
www.fabricadesign.com - see pg 9
"Official Transporter of The Bugle"
Collections \ Deliveries \ Brico Runs
Transport and Small Removals
France - UK - Spain - NL
Based Nr Aubusson, Dept. 23
05 55 83 02 77 \ 06 30 90 58 90
[email protected]
Siret No : 523 955 151 00015
The Man
With A Van
Affordable Moves Europewide
18m3 Van / 4.5m load length
29m3 available on request
Full loads/ part loads/ single items
Regular UK runs.
[email protected]
ARL Diffusion Medicale
The Removal Experts
France ↔ UK
• All risk insurance cover
• Part loads & dedicated lorries
• Professional staff
& modern vehicles
• Every vehicle from a Luton
van to a full removals lorry
+44 (0)1274 724 545
[email protected]
Buggs Car Hire
Bergerac & Limoges Airports
see pg 7
Man & Van
European Vehicle Transport
Visit: www.lcs23.com
Local + Europe + UK runs
Now also available for
House/Barn clearances!
14m3 capacity
4.2m load length
Please call Mick for further info
UK: 0871 218 6425
FR: 05 55 71 73 87
Transition Removals
[email protected]
05 55 41 17 76
(+33) 05 55 34 19 46
see main ad - pg 10
see main ad - pg 8
Help at home
We can help look after your
house, garden and animals
and even clean your house.
One off or regular service.
For more information, call Angela:
07 81 31 45 47
Cash paid
for scrap
siret 532 981 198 00015
Siret 530 213 644 00012
Specialists in home support
or see our ad - pg 17
For more information
on advertising in the
Bugle Business
Directory, give us
a call or send us an
LCS 23 Autos
87150 Oradour-sur-Vayres
• Man with a van service
• Friendly, Mature Service,
• Living in Limousin,
specialising in moves between
UK and France
• Competitive Rates
• Fully Insured
05 55 65 12 19
All Limousin covered
Anything considered
Any quantity
05 55 33 21 59
05 55 41 17 76
See our Display Ad - pg 15
DSD Removals
& Storage
Siret : 532 526 001 00013
W: www.milenlighthaulage.co.uk
E: [email protected]
Houses on Internet - Global
Property Services
French Spoken
Everhot stoves supplied
& installed across France
with 13.5 m3 Load capacity
he is interested in it.
For more information on
HOI-GPS or to market your
property through them, visit
their website. ■
Please mention
The Bugle when
responding to adverts
New Wave Energies
Tel: 09 81 32 42 37
see main ad pg 2
Carrefour du
Bois Limousin
05 55 63 72 45 - see pg 12
Tel: 05 55 37 45 35
Mob: 06 74 21 47 71
To raise funds for the
SPA dog rescue centre in Guéret.
High chair, buggy, travel
cot (plus mattress/bedding),
changing mat, etc.
Each item will incur a hire charge
of 10 euros, plus a refundable
10 euros deposit.
For more INFO or to HIRE
Call Vanessa: 05 55 64 32 08
or email: [email protected]
05 55 41 17 76
www.thebugle.eu ○ THE BUGLE ○ APRIL 2015
Phoenix Association
Phoenix Association is a registered
charity that has existed since 2001 to
deal with the sad plight of the everincreasing number of abused and
abandoned animals in France.
Phoenix does not have a 'rescue
centre' as such. Sadly, many of the
animals it saves have only ever
known confinement and isolation,
so instead, the animals are placed
in foster homes all over South-West
France while they wait for their
loving and permanent forever homes.
This gives Phoenix a better chance of
assessing the animal in the normality
and comfort of a home which leads
to the virtually 100% successful
adoption rate.
Phoenix is not state funded and so
relies on fund-raising and donations
to cover the very high re-homing and
veterinary costs. Phoenix is formed
of a committed but fun and positive
team of volunteers, and is always
on the lookout for more, so if you
are interested in adopting an animal,
foster caring or becoming a Member,
please visit the Contact page of
the website at www.phoenixasso.
Church Notices
Anglican Holy Communion
services are now being conducted
by Rev Robert Leone at 2:30 pm
on the 1st Sunday of each month
at the French Protestant Church,
Place du Temple, Thiat (87) near
Le Dorat (87) and Montmorillon
(86) until the Anglican church is
ready for use.
For more information email:
[email protected]
Monthly Worship in English
If your journey of life has brought
you here to France, why neglect your
journey of faith? We look forward to
giving a warm welcome to everyone
from whatever Christian tradition
(or none) on the 3rd SUNDAY of
the MONTH at 3pm. Where? At the
Temple in Thiat (in the north of the
Haute-Vienne) – we are part of the
Parish of the Basse-Marche of the
Eglise Protestante Unie de France.
The Temple is on the main road close
to the Mairie. After worship there is
tea/coffee and cake – and a chance to
If you want to know more contact
Rev Derek Lawson on 05 55 68 53
03 or Rev Stephen Sawyer on 05 49
84 33 86.
English-speaking church services
Come as you are... This is an
invitation to join us at our CHURCH
you have a faith or would just like
to attend a church service you
are welcome at 3pm on the 2nd
Sunday of each month at the Eglise
Evangélique, 9b Place Bonnyaud,
Guéret, 23000.
We welcome all who want to join a
group of English-speaking Christians
for a time of worship and learning
together. Children are very welcome.
For more details contact Jim & Pat
Scott on 05 55 67 54 78 / email
[email protected] or Ian & Becky
Jefferies on 05 55 61 10 23 / email
[email protected]
Christians together in Limousin
La Souterraine Area
We hold a time of fellowship and
Bible study every Tuesday afternoon.
Barbara and Cedric look forward to
welcoming you. Tel: 05 55 71 09 04
The International Free Church in
The church presently meets at 10, La
Chaudronnière, a small hamlet midway between Crozant and Eguzon.
Sunday worship meetings are held
on the first and third Sundays of
the month at 10.30am. Fellowship
meetings, for mid-week prayer, bible
study and discussion are at the same
venue every Thursday at 7.30pm.
For further information contact Eric
Sutton tel 05 55 89 26 62
Fitness & Fun
Keepfit (Bonjour La Forme)
Held at Saint-Sulpice-les-Champs in
the Salle Polyvalente: Mon evening
at 19.45-20.45 for cardiac and
muscle exercises; Thurs afternoon at
15.00-16.00 for gentle exersises.
All are welcome to join us. Contact
Jeanette 09 62 58 49 03 (Eng) or
Catherine 05 55 66 67 30 (Fr) for
more info.
PENSOL Indoor Carpet Bowls
We meet on Wednesdays at
2.30pm-5.00pm. Come along for
a fun afternoon, a warm welcome
in a warm hall, refreshments and
equipment provided. Ladies and
Gents welcome. The venue is the
salle polyvalente at PENSOL - 87440
on the D67 between Marval and
Dournazac, clearly indicated from
the village, or from Piégut-Pluviers
take the D91. Come and have a free
trial, with our slightly smaller Bowls
and 33` carpet. NO heavy lifting.
Established club and club Leader.
Registered and insured. Please phone
Hilary for any enquiries on 09 72 23
13 20 or [email protected]
Tai Chi, Pakua & Qigong
Tai Chi, Pakua & Qigong classes
organised by the ACAMIES
martiaux internes et d'exercices de
santé). Wed: Jarnages, 18h30-20h,
Salle Polyvalente. Thu: Bétête,
19h-20h30, Domaine de Tournessac.
Individual classes, courses, massage
& treatments also available. Contact:
06 48 00 02 07
Keep Fit
Amazing abs, breathtaking buttocks!
Come and join our group at the
CAPE in Pontarion. We are all ages,
all sizes, men & women, but are
serious about keeping fit.
Our “monitrice” is English and
will happily provide bilingual
instructions. We meet every
Thursday at 8p.m. in Pontarion Town
Hall, for a one-hour workout.
Come for a free trial, or call 05 55
64 98 87 or 06 32 42 95 68 for more
Indoor Bowling at Oradour-surVayres
If you already play or have never
tried indoor bowling then come
along to a meeting. It's great fun and
easy to play. If you have never played
it before we will show you how. We
meet every Monday evening starting
at 18.30 hrs at La Chapelle, avenue
des Chapelles, 87150 Oradour-surVayres. Come and try it - it's free. If
you require further information or
directions to our venue please contact
me - Email: Oradour-Bowling@
gmx.com or telephone: 05 55 08 41
Regular zumba classes across depts
36, 18 & northern 23. For more
info tel 06 58 37 17 04 - email
[email protected]
for details of classes visit www.
Indoor Short-mat Bowling at
Cussac 87150....and now Outdoor
As the premier bowls club in the
Haute-Vienne, we are going from
strength to strength with members
seeking us out and travelling great
distances to continue their love of
bowls or simply to 'try us out'. Our
reputation as a "very friendly and
welcoming club" goes before us.
If you've never tried the game, just
come along and take a look; there is
far more to it than first appears!
We are a formally registered
association within the French system
and benefit from assistance from our
local commune by use of a wonderful
indoor venue. AND NOW...the use
of a synthetic outdoor court where
Flat-green, Crown and Short-mat can
be played. Just imagine the summer
evenings with a drink in your hand,
watching fellow bowlers enjoying
the quiet of village, interrupted only
by the 'click' or 'tunk' of bowl against
Our regular sessions indoors are
Wednesday evening at 8pm and
Thursday Mornings at 10am.
Outdoor sessions will be arranged as
the spring arrives so keep in touch.
Serious bowlers and beginners are
welcome - club bowls are available
for use.
For further information contact
[email protected]
telephone 05 45 29 05 73.
mouvement du corps
Yoga for all levels: Tue 18:30
Aubusson, Pied au plancher (Espace
Philips); Wed 18:30 Vallière, salle
Natal: Tue 17:00 Aubusson, Pied
au Plancher (Espace Philips) For
further information tel 06 83 24
62 72 or visit www.spaequilibre.
Chinese Gym & Karate
Mondays & Thursdays 19h30-21h
at the DOJO, Allée Jean-Marie
Couturier, Aubusson. Warm and
friendly atmosphere. For more info
tel 06 08 92 30 53
Tai Chi at Boussac and La Châtre
Tai Chi classes in Boussac (Tue
18.15 - 19.45) and La Châtre (Thu
18.15 - 19.45). The first two lessons
are free, the subscriptions are 36
euros per month and members can
go to both venues having paid this
fee. The style is that of Yang. All
ages and abilities welcome, but folk
must bear in mind that they will be
on their feet, doing the equivalent
of what one might classify as light
exercise, for about an hour and a
half. For more information contact
05 55 65 08 20.
Gym Bien-être
Would you like to be more supple?
Come to our gym class on Thursday
mornings from 10.30am to 11.30am,
where we do gentle exercises to
help all our muscles and joints. The
classes are held in Rochechouart in
the Capitole building, upstairs. Our
group is part of a National Federation
of Gymnastics. For information
contact Pauline at pauline.maskell@
Learn to Meditate
Learn to meditate and meet other
mindfulness technique. Dechen
Choling, Le Mas Marvent, St-Yrieixsous-Aixe, 87700. Also, ongoing
regular group meetings and events.
Contact tel Christina 05 55 03 82 01
Les petits jardiniers du Limousin
webs.com Do you have a love of
gardening and a desire to learn more
about growing plants, flowers, fruit,
vegetables and trees in this region?
If you do, then come and join our
friendly group to meet like-minded
people. With a different topic or
visit each month there's something
for everyone. We meet on the third
Thursday of each month (excluding
February) in the Mairie at St-Amandle-Petit (between Eymoutiers and
Peyrat-le-Château). Meetings start
at 2.30pm and everyone is made
very welcome. For more information
contact Carolyn at carolyn@cnlees.
eu or Gerda at g_hoogenboom@
Agenda for 2015:
16 Apr Hanging baskets: what and
how to plant, with demonstrations;
21 May Pruning: the how, what,
when and why; 18 Jun Talk by
Andrew Williams on permaculture;
13 Jul (MON) Picnic and visit to
commercial bio-vegetable grower,
including companion planting; 20
Aug Summer lunch at the home
of Carolyn Lees; 6 Sep (SUN) 3rd
Annual Show at St-Amand-le-Petit;
15 Oct AGM followed by 'Preparing
the garden for winter'; 19 Nov Slide
show presentation by Michel Peyrat;
17 Dec Gardeners' Question Time
and Christmas Party.
otherwise) are held on the third
Thursday of the month. Meetings
start at 2.30pm and are held in the
Mairie, St-Amand-le-Petit. Starting
times and venues of visits tba.
Club Liseron – Gardening Club
Meets on the 2nd Mon evening of
the month at 19.30 at the Salle des
Fêtes in Massignac. We're a mixed
bunch of English & French, who are
united by a passion for gardens and
gardening, sharing plants, seeds and
This year the President is Véronique
Granet and the Vice President
is Michelle Pierce. For further
information contact Michelle on 05
45 89 36 54 / unjardinenfrance@
Aux Plantes, etc.
We are an association of
independent, ethically-minded and
passionate plant producers. Our
aim is to encourage consumers to
know more about the plants they
buy, how they were produced and
their needs, thereby avoiding the
disappointments that so often come
with mass produced plants. It’s not
just about us selling you plants - we
want them to thrive and do well for
plantspeople specialising in unusual
shrubs & trees, butterfly plants,
heritage vegetables and flowers,
irises, perennials and droughttolerant plants.
For more info contact Michelle
Pierce 05 45 89 36 54 or visit:
Les Jardins de Sirius
Based in Pressignac, Charente, we
are a small association of people who
are keen on gardening. As well as
finding plants an endless source of
interest, we believe that the simple
fact of gardening has numerous
positive benefits for health, stress,
social interaction - in other words,
our daily lives - and we’d like to
encourage this aspect. We run flower
workshops on the first Saturday
afternoon of the month. If you’d like
to get involved, have more info on
the association or become a member,
please contact Michelle Pierce on 05
45 89 36 54 or at unjardinenfrance@
International Apero Reseau
We are a group of French and English
people who meet each Saturday
from 11.30am-1pm at Les Picards
Restaurant (formerly Bailey’s), 5 rue
de l’Abreuvoir, Aubusson.
These meetings offer the opportunity
to: exchange views - make new
friends - share experiences - have
fun together - help and advise one
another - help intergrate newcomers.
nationalities welcome).
For more information please contact
Catherine 06 86 17 80 88, Francois
07 86 29 97 98, Olivia 05 55 83 30 82
or [email protected]. English
and French spoken.
Learning Together – Apprenons
We are a friendly club based in
Rochechouart and our aim is to
promote good relations amongst the
local French-speaking and Englishspeaking community. We offer
courses of tuition in English and
French as well as organising social
and cultural events including visits to
places of interest.
For further information please visit
our website www.learningtogether.
[email protected] or
telephone our President Sue Ratcliffe
on 05 45 31 50 86. We look forward
to hearing from you.
The Melting Pot
Members of the Ambassador's
Club of the Welcome en Limousin
Association. We are a group of
around 70 members, both French and
British, who meet with the aim of
sharing things and trying to integrate
with the French community. We meet
every week at the Ancienne Ecole in
Darnac, on a Wednesday morning
from 10am - 12noon, except for
the first Wednesday, when we meet
in the evening at 8pm. We hold
information meetings, plant swaps,
BBQ's, games nights, visits and have
guest speakers about topics relevant
to living in France.
Contact: www.meltingpot-limousin.
Charente Limousine Exchange
The Charente-Limousine-Exchange
(CLE), founded in 2003, aims to
improve the provision of French
language courses and to share
experiences and skills among
members who live in Charente,
Vienne and Haute-Vienne. CLE
provides information to members
living and/or working in France
and works with local communities
practical issues through forums and
workshops, as well as organising
a wide range of cultural and social
events throughout the year. The
recent launch of English lessons has
been well attended by Confolentais.
If you would like to know more about
this group of volunteers, please look
on our new website www.charentelimousine-exchange.com or contact
the Chairman, Barry Leech, on 06 35
96 77 46.
Libraries & Books
Sale of Second-hand Books, La
On the 18th of every month, during
the monthly market at La Croisillesur-Briance (87130), there is a sale
of second-hand books (both English
and French) from 9am to 12 noon,
at the old garage in La Place - next
door to the pharmacy. All proceeds
towards the restoration of the church.
La Souterraine English Library
and Information Centre
Located in the historic Porte de Puy
Charraud, at 10 rue de Portail, La
Souterraine, we are a lively, wellstocked English language library
with almost 10,000 books and
media available to borrow. We have
an attractive cafe which serves tea,
coffee and a range of home-made
cakes. There is also a regularly
changing display of works by local
artists and an interesting brocante
area on the ground floor.
The Library offers classes in
French for English speakers with
a professional teacher and also
organises Anglo-French conversation
groups in association with the
Municipal Library in La Souterraine.
There are also a number of thriving
special interest groups, such as the
Gardening Group, Camera Club,
Friendship Group, etc.
We also provide support & assistance
in bureaucratic and administrative
matters for both existing British
residents as well as newcomers to the
area. Whatever your interests don’t
hesitate to pay us a visit and you will
be made most welcome.
We are open from 09.30 until 12.30,
Mon, Thu, Fri & Sat. For more info
tel 05 55 89 57 62 during opening
hours or visit www.englishlibrary.fr
APRIL 2015 ○ THE BUGLE ○ www.thebugle.eu
The English Library, Dun-le-Palestel
The English Library, which has now been
established for over 5 yrs, is situated
in the Route des Rateries, beside the
Bibliothèque Municipale, Parc Benjamin
Bord. The library is a very welcoming
meeting place, where you can come and
enjoy a cup of tea, or coffee, whilst you
browse through our collection of around
7,500 books, DVDs and talking books.
Our opening hours are Thursdays, 10h00
– 16h00 and Saturdays 10h00 – 12h30.
Also, on the first Tuesday of every month,
10h00 – 12h00, you are invited to join us
for our Club Franglais, which welcomes
people from all nationalities, to chat in
French, English or any language you
wish(!) whilst enjoying a cup of tea, and
a piece of home-made cake.
We host a range of other activities too,
including the Café Philo, and Club
Scrabble, More information can be found
on the Entente Cordiale website at www.
ententecordiale-creuse.org or email us at
[email protected]
Music Club Boussac
The venue of the Club de Musique &
Music in Boussac "open mic" night has
changed. We welcome musicians of
all levels and styles, spectators and all
music lovers to join us for an evening
of musical entertainment and fun at
L'Origan restaurant, 34 rue Vincent,
Boussac 23600 from 20h until midnight
on the last Saturday of each month.
Upcoming events: 27 Mar, 30 May, 27
June, 25 July, 29 Aug, 26 Sept, 31 Oct,
28 Nov, 19 Dec. A PA system will be
available. For only 8€ Christophe, the
chef and proprietor, will be offering
a special formule of Fish & Chips or
a small pizza of choice from a Reine,
Campagnarde, 4 fromages or Creusoise
plus a drink. His normal extensive menu
is also available. Food will be served
until 22h.
For more info please email Dave and
Bev at gemsandcrystalsmail@gmail.
com or phone 05 55 65 19 24 or Rosie
and Mervyn 05 55 65 70 06 mervynjw@
aol.com. We look forward to greeting
you all at this new venue.
Open Mic Night
If you like music and have ever fancied
getting up and having a go, why not
come along to our Open Mic Night at
“Le Loch Ness” in La Souterraine town
centre every Friday around 8.30pm.
L'Orchestre Philharmonique de La
If you or one of your family are interested
in playing in an orchestra and think your
standard might be adequate do get in
contact with us. We meet weekly on
Friday evenings in La Souterraine (apart
from the summer holidays) to rehearse.
Most of our concerts are around Xmas
or May-July. Our members come from
all over Limousin so lifts to and fro
may be possible if necessary. Contacts:
French language Marie-France Martinie
05 55 30 76 23 / English language Alan
Kerr 05 55 56 34 52
The Harmonics
This is our 6th season of singing as a
group. Our music is varied classical,
madrigals, spiritual, songs from the
shows etc and we sing in French,
English, Swahili, Latin - whatever
the music demands. Our concerts are
in support of a variety of charities
including the British Legion, L'Oregon
at Civray and Retina and thus non profit
making. We meet Wed 14h – 16h in the
Salle d'Annexe behind the Mairie in
Civray. Interested? We'd love to see you
so contact: David Lee tel 05 49 87 53
93 email [email protected] or Dolly
Ait Boualou email sylvia.murray@
Alcoholics Anonymous
If you or someone you know has a
drinking problem, there are now Englishspeaking meetings of Alcoholics
Anonymous at Limoges, Périgueux and
the recently opened meeting at Civray.
Alcoholics Anonymous is a Fellowship
of men and women who share their
experience, strength and hope with each
other that they may solve their common
problem and help others to recover
from alcoholism. The only requirement
for membership is a desire to stop
drinking. There are no dues or fees for
A.A. membership and A.A. is not allied
with any sect, denomination, politics,
organization or institution. Our primary
purpose is to stay sober and help other
alcoholics to achieve sobriety.
For details of the meetings or other
information contact Roger 05 55 76 22
65 (Limoges), Ewen 05 53 05 76 62
(Périgueux) or Angela 05 49 87 79 09
Other meetings in South-West France
can be located on our web-site at
English-speaking council surgery
...for residents of the commune of StLéger-Magnazeix. Every 2nd Weds in
the month, an English-speaking council
surgery with councillors Manuela
Managing Editor:
Steve Martindale
Editor-in-Chief: Steve Martindale
Registered Address: Les Quatre Chemins
23150 St-Yrieix-les-Bois
SIRET: 514 989 748 00017
Printed by:
Charente Libre
16340, L’Isle d’Espagnac
Monthly circulation: 14,000 copies
All copyright, unless stated otherwise, is reserved to The Bugle. Reproduction in whole or
part of any text without permission is prohibited.
Dépôt légal à parution.
Stroescu and Patrick Johnson will take
place at the Mairie between 11am and
Cancer Support France, Charente
Offers free and confidential support to
English speakers affected by cancer in
departments 16, 17 & 86. Our helpline
number is 06 45 35 32 30. If you need
any more information, please get in
touch via [email protected]
Cancer Support France, HauteVienne (supporting Creuse, too)
We offer free and confidential support to
English speakers affected by Cancer in
the Haute-Vienne (87) and Creuse (23).
Our helpline number is 06 04 43 39 87.
If you would like more information or
would like to become a member or help
in any other way, please contact Sue
Ware 05 55 00 31 15, [email protected]
Elizabeth Finn Care
Registered charity Elizabeth Finn Care
is able to offer direct financial assistance
to British and Irish nationals or residents
who live overseas. We ensure that our
help does not affect any means-tested
For more information contact: Mary
Hughes - Case worker France, Elizabeth
Finn Care - tel 04 68 23 43 79 or visit
L’Association France Alzheimer
English-speaking support and guidance
to anyone dealing with the day-today difficulties affecting those with
dementia, their families and their carers
and assistance with how to access the
best provisions of care.
English Helpline (available on Tuesday
mornings between 10am and midday):
09 64 21 40 86.
For more information email alzheimer.
[email protected] or visit www.
We rely on you to
help us keep these
pages up to date,
so please do
inform us of any
changes to clubs
and associations
that you run or are
members of.
Many thanks!!
Steve Martindale
Rédacteur-en-chef: Steve Martindale
Les Quatre Chemins
23150 St-Yrieix-les-Bois
SIRET: 514 989 748 00017
Imprimé par:
Charente Libre
16340, L’Isle d’Espagnac
Tirage mensuel: 14,000 copies
Tous droits réservés. Toute reproduction, totale ou partielle, des articles et illustrations du
présent numéro est strictement interdite.
Dépôt légal à parution.
The Bugle cannot accept responsibility for the claims of advertisers or their professionalism. We strongly advise readers to verify that
the company you are dealing with is a registered trading company in France or elsewhere in the world.
SOS Selena
looking for a foster family
Selena is a mixed Labrador-Whippet. She is
now 9 years old and is one of the dogs that
doesn't cope well at the SPA, with all the
stress and noise. She is calm, friendly, but
tends to protect her family, so no tiny children
please. It would be lovely to find her a foster
home for her late years - it would be terrible
for her to end her life at the SPA. She is still in
good shape and will make a good guard dog.
She copes with males and isn't too interested in females.
Any questions, contact either the SPA on
or Katharina (volunteer) for information in English on Thank you!
www.thebugle.eu ○ THE BUGLE ○ APRIL 2015
La Veytizou
On the main road (D979), Between Limoges & Eymoutiers
SUN 5th APR - CRAFT FAIR - 10h-16h
With cream tea and cakes (hot food also available)
Sat 11th APR - open mic night
Relax and enjoy the music, or join in!
Line Dancing (to be onfirmed)
Thu 23rd APR - Curry and Quiz Night
Come and rock the night away with Eddy and Chris!
Carraciola Sardo
Easter Special - Music Night - 3rd April
with k'ervahen and guitar
Très Jolie
Fashion Accessories
Where to find me this month:
Every Wednesday - Piegut Market
Items arriving daily, please see my
facebook page 'Tres Jolie Milhaguet' to see what's new.
Mail order available, email for more details.
Most items now stocked at the 'Coeur et Etoile', St-Mathieu
Singing both English and French folk
rock ballads and more.
So why not come along and treat yourself
to our special Easter 3-course menu for only
€12 pp, or just relax and listen to the music.
Booking for the menu essential by tel or online:
Tel: 05 55 63 86 05
[email protected]
See our web site or find us
on Facebook for more info
Cross Cut Tree Surgeons
05 55 78 62 29 / 06 04 08 29 53
[email protected]
Le Moulin du Breuil
Restaurant, Bar, Terrasse
Easter Sunday - 5th April
We will be offering our very popular Easter Sunday
lunchtime menu - €27.50 for 4 courses.
Please ensure you book early to avoid disappointment.
** April Special **
Tel: 05 55 60 62 14
Fish and Chip Soirée - Sat April 25th
3 courses + coffee/tea - €19.50
20% discount
Birdwatching in the
Are there any keen bird watchers in the
Haute-Vienne who might like to get together
for an informal outing and share some much
needed local advice and expertise?
The Limousin region is reckoned to be one of
the best areas in France for bird watching but
I am struggling to find any established guides
or groups to share knowledge.
Anyone interested please
contact me (Graeme) at [email protected]
Wanted, experienced shopfitters
Experienced shopfitters required for installs
all across France. Joiners, electricians and
labourers also required.
Email: [email protected]
Boussac, (place de l'Hôtel de Ville) - Wednesday 1st
Aubusson, (place Maurice Dayras) - Thursday 2nd
Gouzon, (place de l'Eglise) - Wednesday 8th
Peyrat-le-Château, (place du Champ de Foire) - Thursday 9th
Dun-le-Palestel, (place du Champ de Foire) - Thursday 16th
Sardent, (Auberge du lac, Masmangeas) - Friday 17th
La Souterraine, (searching for a placement in or around La Souterraine)
Le Grand-Bourg, (place du marché) - Thursday 23rd
Tel: 07 70 39 12 23
Email: [email protected]
Music Club
2nd Sat of every month. 8.30 pm.
Next event: 11th April
Mild Goan Pork curry - €8 pp (by pre-order)
JJ's Music club is for musicians of all levels and genres
entry is free, there is no membership and is open to
everyone who loves music. The club starts from 8:30, but we
are open for all those who want to come earlier. In fact we
hardly ever shut !!!!
JJ's Cafe Bar, 39 Place du Champ de Foire,
36140 Aigurande
Email: [email protected]
Pianist/ vocalist available for
events/ gigs/ private parties etc...
New Orleans old time jazz n blues n boogie...
Mon Chic Cottage
LE DORAT (Pl. Charles de Gaulle)
Home Decor & Gifts
Tea, coffee & home-made scones / cakes Homemade salmon ravioli with carrot and orange
salad ● Duo of lamb, roast garlic potato puree,
selection of spring vegetables and a rosemary jus
● Selection of cheese ● Chocolate & mango teardrop
with raspberry & mango coulis ● Coffee or tea
(We will also be open for lunch on Easter Monday)
Dates for April
Tel: 02 54 06 30 77
For more information on any of the above
or reservations
call Sue on 05 55 69 33 38
or email [email protected]
Italian restaurant in St-Etienne-de-Fursac
JJ’s Café Bar
Join us on facebook: www.facebook.com/lemoulindubreuil
and follow us on twitter: @lmdb_pionnat
Tel: 05 55 80 37 70
Mail: [email protected]
Web: www.lemoulindubreuil.com
Official Stockist & Workshop for
Chalk Paint™ by Annie Sloan
& Neal’s Yard Remedies Organic Decorative Paint Workshops
To learn the basis of using Chalk Paint™ &
ask questions, join us on a workshop.
All materials included. To book contact Jay.
Opening hours:
Tue-Fri, 10h00-17h00.
Workshops on Mon by appointment only.
05 87 77 95 59
[email protected]
Two English-speaking male actors wanted
to play Lawrence of Arabia in a spectacle this
summer to mark the 80th anniversary of his
visit to Chalus (87).
Contact: tel 06 70 64 33 43 or
email [email protected]
Petticoat Lane
This month we will be at the
following markets:
Saturday 4th April - Aigre
Sunday 5th & 19th April - Panazol
[email protected]
5 Rue Nationale – 16150 Chabanais
Tel: 05 45 29 03 99
Roussis Maid
(formerly Cartes de Christine)
Find us at the following weekly markets:
Piégut and Brantôme
and at the following monthly markets:
Chasseneuil, Aigre and Confolens.
Still selling cards and aprons
made by ourselves.
All enquires can be made via e-mail to:
[email protected]
5th Annual Fund-raiser in Aid of
the Guide Dogs for the Blind School
in Landouge, Limoges
The annual fund-raiser will be held this year on Sunday 21st June from 1pm to 5pm.
The venue once again will be in our large garden, come rain or shine,
at 17 avenue du 8 mai 1945, 87150 Oradour-sur-Vayres.
The event will include: the presence of the Guide Dog School President and
volunteers, highlighting the very good work they do, with various items for sale
and some working Guide Dogs and student Guide Dogs, delicious home-made cakes, tea,
coffee, soft drinks, ice cream, clothes, shoes, books, bric-a-brac, CDs, DVDs, a variety of
artisans, plants and tombola.
If anyone has any saleable items they can donate to this very worthy cause we would be
very grateful. Please contact Roger and Christine Thomas tel 05 55 78 83 05.
Thank you once again to everyone who has helped
and supported the events for the last four years.
WHAT’S ON ♦ 31
APRIL 2015 ○ THE BUGLE ○ www.thebugle.eu
will include: sale of plants, seeds,
vegetables, herbs; troc jardin;
artisanal stands (sculptor, wood
turner, basket maker); produce
market (bio bread, cheese, apple
juice, medicinal plants, chocolate,
wine); children's area...
Free entry from 9h-19h. Over 90
stands and 3500 visitors.
This year's theme is climate change
and considers how to observe this
in our gardens and looks at its
impact on the environment.
For more information visit http://lesprintanieres.wordpress.com/
Fri 15th to Sun 17th May CLUSSAIS-LA-POMMERAIE
Hope Association 3-day book sale
3-day book sale at the Salle des fêtes, Clussais-la-Pommeraie, 79190 (D45 SauzéVaussais to Lezay road).
10am to 4pm. (Also open Thursday 14th May 3-5pm for disabled book lovers).
Thousands of English and French books for just €1 each. Plus:
* Massive sale of plants
* English Fish and Chips
* Tea and Cakes
* Bacon Butties
* Fascinating bric-a-brac
* Tombola
* Trade stands
* Eddie's hand crafted greetings cards
* Classic car display (17th May)
* Bouncy castle (16th and 17th May)
* Twilight Old Dogs Retirement Home
* Angoulême SPA
Books to Donate? Email: [email protected]
The HOPE Association helping animals in need. See www.hopeassoc.org for further
Please bring any unwanted towels, blankets, duvets and tins/croquettes of dog/cat
food for Hope to donate to animal refuges and SPAs.
Fête du Pain
This annual celebration of one of our staple foods, organised each year by the Société
Leyrenne Patrimoine, will be held this year in the village of Jalinoux, just to the west
of St-Dizier-Leyrenne, on Sunday 17th May starting from 8h30.
Bread for sale will be baked in a restored traditional oven, pizzas prepared on site and
cooked in a wood fired pizza oven, and there will be traditional lunches of andouillette,
merguez, saucisses and of course frites. Various artisanal stands will also be present
throughout the day. There is no admission charge.
The weather of course plays a major part in the success or otherwise of such an event,
but whatever the weather you can expect a warm welcome from all the participants;
there will be a bar and covered seating should the smell of frites and merguez, etc. get
too much for you to resist.
Limoges (Le Vigenal)
Le Dorat
Limoges (pont St Martial)
*NEW* Luchapt (5-7pm)
Limoges Bastide et Corgnac
Oradour-sur-Vayres (except 3rd
La Souterraine
Bosmie l’Aiguille (16h - 19h30)
Châlus (except 2nd Fri)
Couzeix (16h30 - 19h30)
Le Dorat
Limoges (place des Bancs et
La Châtre
La Jonchère-St-Maurice
La Souterraine
Limoges (place des Bancs et
place Marceau)
Le Palais-sur-Vienne
Mainsat (4th Sat only)
Crocq (1st and 3rd Sun)
St-Sulpice-le-Guéretois (3rd
Saint-Vaury (2nd Sun)
Veyrac (2nd Sun)
[email protected]
Concert programme 2015 for the Société
Philharmonique de La Souterraine with the
Harmonie de Guéret
4th April: Concert with the Banda Bessines
20h30 Salle des fêtes Bessines
17th May: Departmental festival of Creuse
14h Bourganeuf Orchestras
23rd May: Annual concert
20h30 Centre Culturel Yves Furet, La Souterraine
30th May: Concert
21h Salle polyvalente, Bénévent-l’Abbaye
19th June: Annual concert l’Harmonie de Guéret
21h Espace Fayolle, Guéret
21st June: Fête de la Musique
Late afternoon, La Souterraine town centre
Further info contact Alan Kerr on 05 55 56 34 52
Important: the Bergerac Book Fair of 25th April is cancelled!
32 ♦ WHAT’S ON
Mon 30th Mar to Sun 26th Apr GUÉRET
Exposition d'AnoukA
Exhibition by visual artist and painter Anne Catherine
Ollagnier at the tourist office.
Mon-Sat 9h30-12h30 & 14h30-18h.
Mon 6th Apr GUÉRET
Giant Easter Egg Hunt
Egg hunt (for under 12s) at the Labyrinthe Géant de
14h - 20h (last entry 18h30). 2 departures at 14h & 16h.
Price 4-11 yrs: 4.50 €.
Price over 12s: 6.50 €.
For more info visit www.labyrinthe-gueret.fr
Fri 10th to Sun 12th Apr LIMOGES
Reading in Limoges Festival
This is the month
of book fairs, and
rule with the Lire à
Limoges (Reading in
Limoges) event.
Featuring over 300
authors of general and
children's literature as
well as comics, this
book festival brings together both children and adults,
and exercises a strong appeal with extensive comics
and youth literature stalls.
Book signings and conferences will punctuate a
www.thebugle.eu ○ THE BUGLE ○ APRIL 2015
weekend full of literary discoveries.
Esplanade du Champ de Juillet.
Free entry.
5ème Fête des Plantes
Organised by Les
Amis des Fleurs et
des Jardins. Takes
place in the grounds
of the Château at the
Agricultural College.
Buy from 30 plant
and garden related
stands. Refreshments
10h-18h. Free entry.
Contact: [email protected]
Sat 18th Apr BOUSSAC
Spring Concert
On Saturday 18th April Amitiés Internationales du
pays de Boussac will be holding a spring concert in
association with Les Troubadours starting at 21h in the
salle polyvalente.
The concert will feature 3 local popular groups,
PressPlay, Dookisson and B.Boog & the Woogs.
Entrance price on the door is only €5 and there will be
a bar available throughout the evening. We do hope to
welcome you to our first event of 2015.
For more information please call Mervyn & Rosie on
05 55 65 70 06 or email [email protected]
Sun 19th Apr
Luchapt and Asnières-sur Blour Library Open Day
From 7h-17h. Activities all over the commune including:
vide-greniers, plant swop, raku demonstration,
exhibition of medieval costumes and embroidery,
handicrafts, weaving workshop, falconry show at
15h30, buvette, tea room, refreshments, sandwiches,
cakes and much more!
To book table space please contact Nathalie Smith on
06 30 40 71 43.
Sun 19th Apr BOUSSAC
Les voix de la Roche male choir
As a prelude to
a musical tour of
England planned
in June, the male
choir LES VOIX
will perform at
Boussac church on
Sunday 19th April
at 16h (participation libre).
Formed in 2009, the choir performs Basque, Corsican
& Russian songs (and more) in their original language.
Passionate about music, these singers will share their
dreams and emotions through a vibrant repertoire.
20ème Foire aux Fromages
Annual cheese fair. 8h30-14h.
Contact: Tel 06 31 03 09 77.
Wed 22nd to Sun 26th Apr LE DORAT
4ème Festival Musique & Manga
For the 4th time, Le Dorat is devoting 5 days to Japanese
The varied programme includes a concert by Pianokad
(Sat 25th at 18h), film projections, workshops, drawing
contest, signings...
To find out more visit www.manga-ledorat.com
6ème Fête des jardins et de la nature
Organised each spring by garden and nature enthusiasts
this year's Les Printanières Garden and Nature Festival