Hit, miss or maybe for auto- entreprises?
Hit, miss or maybe for auto- entreprises?
WIN FREE FLIGHTS TO THE UK BUGLE EXCLUSIVE FREE pair of return flights to give away See pull-out - pg B6 11,000 copies distributed from over 300 points across Haute-Vienne, Creuse and the surrounding areas. November 2010 Issue #13 ♦ 524,000 auto-entreprises created in 2 years ♦ 5,140 of these in the Limousin ♦ 48% yet to declare any turnover I n 2008, a new scheme, groundbreaking in its simplicity, was introduced by Minister of State, Hervé Novelli, for individuals wishing to start up a business but discouraged by the complex administrative procedures in France. The auto-entrepreneur scheme came into effect in 2009 and it soon became clear that the move was a success as students, expatriates and ordinary employees in France started new businesses where previous financial restrictions had often stood in the way. As more and more signed up, the success of the scheme surpassed all expectations and at last count there have been 524,000 new businesses formed as auto-entreprises since the beginning of 2009 - 5,140 of these in the Limousin. By joining the scheme, autoentrepreneurs pay tax and social charges based solely on their annual turnover. That means if the business is not generating an income then it will not incur any tax or social charges. At the moment, a service-based business will be expected to pay 23% of its annual turnover, while commercial activities should expect to pay 13%. With the number of people signed up under the simplified system increasing, criticism has started to grow and stories are emerging of abuses of the status and of large numbers of people using it as a back door into the health care and pension systems without actually doing any work. As many auto-entreprises are in their second year of trading, the URSSAF has conducted the first survey of its kind into how these businesses are faring and the level of income being generated. At first glance the results seem to provide ammunition for critics of the system. But is it too soon to declare it a success or failure? This summer the URSSAF surveyed 50 new auto-entreprises from the three departments of the Limousin. The most striking figure to emerge is that nearly half of these businesses (48%) have yet to declare any chiffre d’affaires (turnover). Individuals registered as >> continued on page 3 Could Brigitte Bardot be France's next president? >> Page 8 INSIDE > > > Centre Pages >> !! T U EW-O N LL PU Hit, miss or maybe for autoentreprises? Bugle2 - Your NEW monthly pull-out and keep section: »»Bugle Business Directory 100+ artisans and businesses listed »»Classifieds »»Properties »»Competitions.. and more!! It's official - wine is good for you A glass a day will keep the doctor at bay >> Page 8 The Limousin goes mad for McDonalds! Limousin residents chomp their way through 3 million burgers every year! >> Page 4 Gentioux pacifist memorial The memorial to peace will again be under the spotlight on Nov 11th >> Page 15 NOVEMBER 2010 ○ THE BUGLE ○ www.thebugle.eu 2 ♦ IN THIS EDITION Welcome to The Bugle W hat a month it has been! The government did warn us back at the beginning of the year to prepare for a “summer of discontent”, and like weather forecasters around the world, they got the right conditions, but not the right date. We are now most certainly in the midst of an “autumn of anger”, however, over the government’s reforms - most noticeably of course the pension reforms. Again, I have not given over many column inches to such a big story this month. We covered the planned changes in a fair bit of detail in previous editions and most of us will already have experienced at first hand the effects of the strike action that has been taking place across the country. The international media has been ablaze with stories of the protests and I’m not sure that we can add too much to it in our little paper, preferring to concentrate on the stories that you may have missed or those that are less serious and hopefully more entertaining to cheer us up a bit. One effect that the strikes may have that I unfortunately have no control over is the distribution of this paper. We put this paper out with good old-fashioned legwork and if there is no fuel at the pumps, then the paper may have reached you a few days later than hoped. As we go to print, we are quietly confident that all will be well, but if there have been any delays, please accept my apologies and I hope you understand the difficulties involved in manually delivering 11,000 copies of a newspaper on a 2,000 km paper round… and no, I’m not prepared to do it on my bike! The strikes are a contentious issue and I find it very difficult to take sides (I know I say that a lot, but I try hard to simply present the news in a balanced way and not interpret it for you). In this column I can have a bit more of a personal opinion, however. It seems to me that reform is inevitable in one shape or another. There have been pension deficits for years in most of the major economies and the recent financial crisis has simply brought that to the fore. The fact is: we are living longer and there is not enough money. Coupled with the fact that birth rates are falling across Europe, there are simply too few paying into the pension pot and too many living off it. Whether raising the pension age is the most equitable solution, I don’t know, but on the face of it, it does seem like a sensible, if painful one. To reduce the recent events in France to simple numbers, however, is to misunderstand the French psyche. Much is written about this ‘work-shy’ nation we apparently live in by an international media that doesn’t understand what it is to be French. Certain things in this country are your right and the people will fight to protect them. It is not up to the masses to find Managing Editor: Steve Martindale Editor-in-Chief: Steve Martindale Registered Address: Les Quatre Chemins 23150 St Yrieix-Les-Bois France SIRET: 514 989 748 00017 Printed by: Rotocentre 348, rue Marcel Paul 45770 Saran France Monthly circulation: 11,000 copies All copyright, unless stated otherwise, is reserved to The Bugle. Reproduction in whole or part of any text without permission is prohibited. a better solution - that is the responsibility of government. But neither will the populus simply offer a Gallic shrug and accept the ‘inevitable’. In happier news, The Bugle has reached something of a minor milestone this month as we hit our first birthday! I don’t want to celebrate too much as I have many plans for the paper in the future and we are not yet anywhere near where I would like to eventually take us. It is enormously satisfying (if a little embarrassing!) to look back at last November’s inaugural edition of The Bugle and to see just how much we have changed and grown in only one short year. Long may it continue and thanks to everyone for their support… when we hit 10, we’ll have a proper party and you’re all invited! Also, don’t miss out on your chance to win a pair of return flights to the UK courtesy of Jet2. The flights available are either from Brive to Manchester or Bergerac to Leeds and all you have to do is send us an email with a suggestion of a change or improvement that you would like to see made to The Bugle (and we promise not to sell your details on to unscrupulous Russians – you can trust us, honestly!) Full details are on page B6 of the new pull-out section, so please do enter. If the competition is a success then we will be able to run more like it in the future and everybody wins! Until next month! Steve Martindale Editor Directeur: Steve Martindale Rédacteur-en-chef: Steve Martindale Siège Les Quatre Chemins 23150 St Yrieix-Les-Bois France SIRET: 514 989 748 00017 Imprimé par: Rotocentre 348, rue Marcel Paul 45770 Saran France Tirage mensuel: 11,000 copies Tous droits réservés. Toute reproduction, totale ou partielle, des articles et illustrations du présent numéro est strictement interdite. Dépôt légal à parution. The Bugle cannot accept responsibility for the claims of advertisers or their professionalism. We strongly advise readers to verify that the company you are dealing with is a registered trading company in France or elsewhere in the world. INSIDE this edition News >> 1 & 3>5 Local News: Locals give their verdict on Aubusson's new high street. One of the Limousin's biggest drug dealers has been arrested in Limoges carrying €200,000 of heroine. The Bugle teams up with France Bleu Creuse as part of the daily 'Assiette Anglaise' show about English expressions. The French are the biggest McDonald's consumers per capita in the world and HauteVienne gets through 3 million burgers per year alone. Saint-Junien awarded its third 'flower' for its public spaces. Plans have been revealed to bring TGV to Guéret as part of a trans-European high-speed rail service. 6>8 National News: European politicians have drafted a new law that would give all EU mothers the right to 20 weeks maternity leave on full pay. Two new expat radio stations have been announced: an English language station in Paris and French language station in London. Jérôme Kerviel, the 'mastermind' behind the fraud that nearly brought SocGen to its knees is sentenced. Judges in France have been granted the power to revoke French citizenship from foreign-born nationals. It's official - red wine is good for you. Scientists reveal a test that can show how good a bottle of wine can be for your health. Brigitte Bardot reveals that she has been approached by the Ecology Alliance to stand as their presidential candidate. Sport >> mental issues, Arthur Smith, examines the benefits of solar powered hot water. Chicken Corner - Paul Lay looks back on a year of columns and gets tempted by technology. Horse power - towns across France are turning to the horse and cart to meet their recycling demands. Boar go wild - with numbers increasing at an alarming rate, what can be done about the exploding wild boar population? WiMAX - with the free installation offer extended to the end of the year, we look at the benefits of WiMAX, the alternative to broadband down your phone line. A tough new law has been introduced to crack down on spousal abuse. November Cultural Dates: 1st November - la Toussaint 11th November - l'Armistice 18th November - Beaujolais Nouveau Games >> 16 Crossword and our usual easy, medium and hard Sudokus. Caption competition. Letters to the Editor>> 17 A selection from our post bag from the last month. Responses to the car insurance conundrum. Phone box credit card charges. What’s On >> 18 Market and Foire days. Clubs, Charities and Associations. 19 Community Notice Board. 19>20 This month's Event listings. 9> The route of the 2011 Tour de France has been unveiled. The Tour will again be visiting the Limousin, although overall, this looks like another year for the climbers. French Life >> 10>15 Winter warmth - a look at the benefits of woodpellet stoves and cookers, the pros and cons and how they actually work. Solar Power - regular contributor on environ- Directory >> B2-B6 The Bugle Business Directory. B6 Enter our exclusive competition to win FREE FLIGHTS to the UK with Jet2. B7 Classifieds. B8 Properties for sale and rent. CONTACT us Tel: General: [email protected] Advertising: [email protected] Subscriptions: [email protected] Write to: The Bugle Les Quatre Chemins 23150 St Yrieix-Les-Bois France www.thebugle.eu ○ THE BUGLE ○ NOVEMBER 2010 LOCAL NEWS ♦ 3 Aubusson's new high street - Drug dealer arrested good for pedestrians at least O A fter seven months under wraps, the facelift performed on Aubusson’s rue des Déportés-Politiques was finally unveiled at the end of June this year. Gone are the pavements, replaced by walkways partitioned by metal posts, larger areas for pedestrians on the place Jean-Lurçat, better street lighting and terraced areas in front of the bars, cafés and bakery. The slogan, often repeated by business owners and politicians during the works, was “Plus belle la rue, plus belle la ville” – “the more beautiful the street, the more beautiful the town”. But after the first summer season for the new high street, what is the verdict? Several local business owners spoke to La Montagne: Monique, Café Moderne: “It is much more beautiful, more attractive, a real success! My terrasse is much more appealing and this summer I have certainly seen plenty of people on it.” Mady, Magasin Passant: “We have had a very good season. The road is much more beautiful and we have had good feedback about it from our customers. With the new parking area and the footbridge, it is much easier for pedestrians to access the road. It is with deliveries that we have more problems as they have a hard time parking. Before, the road was wider and it was easier. Sometimes there are queues of 10 or 15 minutes because a large van gets blocked by a badly parked car.” Martine, Atelier A2: “I find the road much more beautiful, but it is constantly blocked – much more than before. If a car sticks out at all [from a parking spot] then the road becomes completely blocked. Perhaps it would be better to give even more space to the pedestrians and remove all the parking spots? After all, there is plenty of parking nearby.” Elsewhere, the mayor of Aubusson, Michel Moine, has admitted that the new red line painted along the pavements of the town to direct pedestrians to the tourist office is confusing. “I agree that the red line can cause some confusion with the other road markings”, said the mayor, and referring to claims that the new metal posts are too low to be seen in wing mirrors he added, “For me, when I park, I can see the posts.” ■ ne of the region’s biggest drug dealers has been arrested this month, along with two of his local accomplices. The man in his thirties was seized as he disembarked a train at Limoges-Bénédictins station with 3.5 kg of heroine in his suitcase – drugs with a street value of €200,000. The bust was made by local gendarmes in association with departmental criminal investigators. The man, from Mayenne in the northwest of France, regularly visited Belgium and Holland to stock up before making his deliveries to the region by train, but on this occasion officials were waiting for him following months of investigation. Two other local men were also arrested as part of the operation: a man in his forties from Limoges and a man in his twenties from Rochechouart. A search of the older accomplice’s home revealed a veritable drugs supermarket: 1.5 kg of cannabis, 50 g of cocaine, and 7 g of speed, not to mention €32,000 in cash. The Bugle on France Bleu Creuse F rance Bleu Creuse is known for its varied programming, entertainment, practical information, games, music, news, sport but also….. for its new Assiette Anglaise, broadcast Monday to Friday every week at 10:45 am - 94.3 FM. English Plate, as it translates literally, offers a light-hearted look at everyday English expressions and phrases and considers what the equivalent might be in French. France Bleu Creuse have teamed up with The Bugle to expand the Assiette Anglaise once a month to discuss the main stories from each month's paper. The new addition will broadcast just before the Assiette Anglaise, with the next programme scheduled for 10:30 am on Wednesday 3rd November where we will discuss a selection of stories from the paper and discuss them with hosts Jacques Cassyan et Hervé Leprêtre. With 35% of the radio audience, France Bleu Creuse is the biggest radio station in the Creuse, and has the highest audience share of any of the regional France Bleu radio stations. ■ Verdict on the auto-entrepreneur status << continued from page 1 auto-entrepreneurs have full access to both the pension and health-care systems, but if they declare a zero turnover, they pay no tax or social charges. An individual’s situation will not be looked at, however, for 36 months, which means that people can theoretically receive 3 years of benefits without putting anything into the system. Director of the URSSAF for the Haute-Vienne, Nicolas Duvillard said, “This number [of people zero-declaring] will only increase without access to real-time figures, which is why we have produced this survey.” “The other problem we are seeing is that of faux status (false status)”, continued Mr Duvillard, “where businesses are forcing their employees to change status to that of autoentrepreneur. In this way they continue to effectively be salaried employees, but the employer makes significant financial savings. In this case we can redefine the professional relationship between employer and employee, or bring charges against the business in question. These are big cases that can yield significant penalties.” As early as August 2009, Jean-Pierre Limousin, head of the CCI for the Haute-Vienne, described the scheme as “a way to clean up black-market labour; a move generous in sentiment, but catastrophic in practice.” The URSSAF say they are now paying more attention to the applications for autoentrepreneur status and are also checking more closely that auto-entreprises are not just repeatedly billing one client – a sure sign that these clients are ‘false employees’. Critics further point out that no auto-entreprise in the Limousin has gone on to upgrade their business. But despite its flaws, can the autoentrepreneur system really be labeled a failure? The fact that 48% of new businesses have failed to declare any turnover implies that more than half have been trading and therefore making social and tax contributions. A large number of those would otherwise have previously been working on the black, or not working at all and therefore representing a net drain on the system. That no business has yet upgraded to a larger business should not come as a surprise. The turnover ceiling for a commercial autoentreprise is €80,000 and €32,000 for a business providing services and the system has been in existence for less than 2 years. To grow a business from nothing to having a turnover on that scale in little more than 1 year would be impressive to say the least. ■ The investigation dates back to spring. “We heard reports of an increase in heroine supply in the Rochechouart area. We opened up a file and the investigation soon focused on one local man,” explained lieutenant-colonel Ludovic Ehrhart. At the same time, departmental criminal investigators had an open file on a Limoges man they suspected of dealing. When the two forces combined their intelligence, they discovered the two local dealers had the same supplier: the man from Mayenne. The three men appeared before a judge in Limoges before being remanded in custody. ■ NOVEMBER 2010 ○ THE BUGLE ○ www.thebugle.eu 4 ♦ LOCAL NEWS Exclusive Offers for Bugle Readers!! Arfeuille Antiques 25% off any buffet, armoire or bed (see our DIrectory ad for contact details) English Assist The classroom in your home 10% off a course of 8 lessons (see our DIrectory ad for contact details) BRC Renovations 5% off any devis signed before the end of November when this coupon is used. (see our DIrectory ad for contact details) The Linden House Gite in Creuse 15% off 2010/2011 winter reservations. Quote THEBUGLE when booking, (see our DIrectory ad for contact details) The Orchard, Cattery & Kennels Farges (nr Aubusson, 23) 10% off all cattery bookings for November with this voucher AU BEAU RIVAGE Pionnat, Busseau-sur-Creuse Table for 6 - 1 person eats FREE! LIMOUSIN PROPERTY CARE Small Renovation Works & Gardening Work ... are offering a refund of the cost of the TVA to any quotes accepted by 31st December 2010. QUOTE: LPC BUGLE OFFER Vie at Home 10% off your first order with this coupon (one coupon per person, valid until 31/12) (see our DIrectory ad for contact details) McDonald's marches on A ccording to a recent book “Sixty million Frenchmen can’t be wrong”. By that token, 2.5 million burgers must say something too: this is the number of burgers sold by the fast food giant McDonald’s in the Haute-Vienne every year! When the French company Quick are taken into the equation, the figure exceeds 3 million. The American chain, which currently employs 400 people in its 6 restaurants in the HauteVienne, saw a 40% increase in sales between 2007 and 2009. And it is not just the Limousin’s largest department that has a love affair with fast and easy food: France is the largest per capita consumer of McDonald’s in the world and the company’s second biggest market outside of the USA. The figures for the HauteVienne are on the increase and only headed in one direction. The latest addition to the franchise – at the newly opened Family Village to the north of Limoges – estimates sales of 450,000 ‘meals’ in the coming year. We can also add to that figure the fact that Santa is due to deliver another restaurant with the Christmas presents this December near Casseaux. McDonald’s success has been a cultural phenomenon in a country that prides itself on its haute cuisine and that is for the most part vehemently anti-American and resistant to cultural imperialism. A key factor in McDo’s success has been its acceptance by France’s notoriously protective agricultural industry. By sourcing 80% of its produce locally, it has brought the French farmers onside and avoided any protests from that sector. Additionally, besides simply being cheap in difficult economic times, McDo has benefited from a shift in eating habits among France’s youth. ‘Le Snacking’ is a muchreported recent phenomenon, where the younger generations © 2007 - Sergio Calleja (Flickr) Frugal Bugle are choosing to grab a sandwich, burger or kebab at lunchtime, rather than the traditional sit-down meal more commonly associated with the French. Today, lunch takes just over half an hour. In America, one in two people take their main meal in the form of a snack; whilst this figure is only one in seven in France, it is on the increase. Ten years ago, the average length of a French meal was 1 hour and 22 minutes. The fast food chains are working hard to change the image of their products being a naughty treat. Whilst there is no doubt that people want faster and faster meals at lunchtime, not everyone is willing to sacrifice quality for speed. There has been an increase in what is being called ‘fast good’ food, a shift exemplified by chains such as Exki which specialise in home-cooked, hand-made organic snacks. “You no longer have to have a Coke or a portion of chips with your burger,” explains David Chatard, one of Limoges’ McDonald’s owners. “You can also choose water, bio apple juice, raw vegetables, salads, pineapple….” Main meals are the mainstay of France’s average McDonald’s restaurant, with 70% of business being conducted between midday and 2pm and 7pm and 9pm. A further key to their recent success has been the McDrive, which represents around 50% of total sales. Once at the head of the queue the average customer is served in 20-25 seconds. “When the lights change, our teams move like a Formula One pit crew,” smiles David Chatard. One fast food regular, Marie-Yvonne, who takes her 9-year-old granddaughter to the Quick restaurant in the centre of Limoges every Wednesday, sums up the attitude of many French people towards fast food: “I live right next door and I look after my granddaughter. It’s not a very balanced meal, but it is not every day and she enjoys it.” Flying in the face of the image that France is a nation who watch what they eat portrayed by books such as Mireille Guiliano's best-seller French Women Don’t Get Fat - 6 of France's 63 million inhabitants are now considered obese and 20 million are overweight. ■ Saint-Junien receives its third 'flower' Garden enthusiasts in Saint-Junien are celebrating as the HauteVienne town, more famous for its leather gloves than its horticulture, has been awarded its third ‘flower’, joining an elite club of communes in the department boasting this honour. “You can not underestimate the importance for a town such as ours to have such a keen interest in our public spaces,” said Pierre Allard, mayor of Saint-Junien as he accepted the award from the Comité Régional du Tourisme du Limousin. “Residents and tourists alike appreciate our efforts. The members of the jury have seen the work we have put in and were particularly impressed by our large public areas such as those in front of the train station and the Collégiale.” In the commune’s greenhouses, the chief gardener, Philippe Coupechoux, was proud of the achievements of his 11 employees and promised that no effort would be spared to maintain the town’s three-flower rating. He did, however, warn against getting carried away: “We are not looking towards a fourth flower.” Saint-Junien has a budget of €465,000 for its public areas of which it spends €65,000 on flowers. The 69 hectares maintained includes 830 trees, 40,000 plants and 7,600 bulbs. ■ www.thebugle.eu ○ THE BUGLE ○ NOVEMBER 2010 LOCAL NEWS ♦ 5 L a Creuse, often referred to as “la France profonde” is not a familiar destination even among many French, but its capital Guéret could soon be rubbing shoulders with the likes of Lisbon, Milan, Budapest and Kiev as part of a new trans-European highspeed rail link. A major step in completing the theoretical continuous highspeed line from Lisbon to Kiev is the Transline project (otherwise known as the Transversale Alpes Auvergne Atlantique or T3A), which aims to create three new TGV lines between Bordeaux, Lyon and Nantes. Being able to travel from Lisbon to Kiev via Guéret without changing carriage sounds like a fairytale for the Creuse, but could theoretically become a reality as soon as 2020. Haute-Vienne would not miss out either, with Limoges being another potential stop on the route. “Creuse finds itself on the EastWest routes from Lyon-Nantes and Lyon-Bordeaux,” explained Olivier Bertrand, local councillor for Saint-Sylvain-Bellegarde, “but it still requires all the financial and political players to pull together to ensure that we are also on the Paris-Lyon route via Orléans and Clermont-Ferrand”. The project, which follows the recent environmental Grenelle directives to prioritise the development of high-speed rail links in France, is not simply to allow the middle classes of Biarritz to easily get to their chalets in the Alps. It is a project aimed at opening up France’s more rural areas and boosting local economies. Michel Caniaux, spokesperson for Altro, the company in charge of Transline, said “This project deserves to be fully investigated, particularly in Creuse where it can make a huge difference by bringing new people and opportunities to the region. And what’s more, it is not a project that runs in competition with the Limoges-Poitiers LGV or the existing Paris-OrléansLimoges-Toulouse line which retains its inter-regional focus.” The only factor left to overcome is the small matter of finance. © 2004 - François Proulx (Flickr) From Lisbon to Kiev via Guéret on the TGV? Here things get more complicated. Despite the fact that its supporters claim that the costs of running a TGV line through Creuse will be significantly cheaper than over – or through – the Massif Central, in reality the line’s future will rely on European funding. Campaigners will be keen to stress the wider benefits to Europe of completing a piece of the jigsaw that will allow high-speed rail travel from Lisbon to Kiev… with maybe a quick stop-over in Guéret for some authentic Limousin steak? ■ NOVEMBER 2010 ○ THE BUGLE ○ www.thebugle.eu 6 ♦ NATIONAL NEWS EU votes to increase maternity leave entitlement to 20 weeks on full pay Currently across Europe, women are entitled to a minimum of 14 weeks’ maternity leave, but the rate of maternity pay varies widely from country to country. Danish MEP Britta Thomsen, of the Socialists and Democrats (S&D), said the measure would encourage women to have more children, at a time of widespread concern about Europe's ageing population and low birth rates. Nadine Morano, the French minister for the family, voiced her concern with the new proposals, putting the potential cost at €1.3 billion per year for France. For its part, the British government predicts that the 20-week proposal could cost UK businesses an extra €2.8 billion a year. The UK Department for Business said it was “very disappointed” by the vote. “We know other member states share our concerns about the real costs of this directive,” a department official said. And what of paternity leave? The European Parliament also wants to force countries to offer two weeks' paternity leave at full pay. ■ France France has 16 weeks' paid maternity leave at 100% of salary (up to a ceiling). Mandatory paternity leave is 11 days but the employer will provide a few extra days on top. The take-up rate of the benefit amongst mothers is 99%. UK Women get 52 weeks' maternity leave. Six weeks is paid at 90% of average salary. Weeks 7-39 are paid at a maximum of £124.88. Over the total period, women end up with average compensation of around 40% of salary. The takeup rate for the 39 weeks is 84%. There is two weeks' mandatory paternity leave in the UK, at a statutory rate. © 2007 - Kevin Stanchfield (Flickr) T he European Parliament in Brussels has backed a draft law to introduce a minimum maternity leave entitlement across Europe of 20 weeks on full pay. However, even though MEPs have approved the 20-week plan it cannot become law unless the EU member governments back it too, and both the French and the UK coalition governments are amongst those lobbying against it. The plan was adopted in a first reading in October, but long negotiations are expected with the EU member governments known collectively as the ‘Council’ before the new rules become law. A majority is required within the Council for it to come into force and it is not yet sure what compromises will be required to secure its future. On the question of introducing a 20-week minimum entitlement, the vote was 327 MEPs in favour, 320 against. On full pay, the vote went 354 in favour, 308 against. How they do it across Europe... Germany Women get 14 weeks' paid maternity leave at 100% of salary (with no ceiling payments - so it could be very expensive). Some 2% of this is funded by health insurance but the rest is paid for by the employer. This is quite unusual and obviously places a heavy burden on businesses. The take-up rate is almost 100%. There is no mandatory paternity pay. Iceland Iceland has one of the most interesting systems. Couples get nine months' paid leave at around 80% of salary. Three months is reserved for the mother, three months must be taken by the father and the couple can choose to share the remaining three. By 2007, dads were taking their full allocation of 13 weeks; the rest was being taken by the mother. USA The USA has 12 weeks' maternity leave mandated by federal law but there is no pay during this period. A number of states - including California, Rhode Island and Hawaii - have disability benefits that can be used by pregnant women. Only 42% of mothers in America access some form of paid maternity cover. This is low compared to other developed countries. ■ www.thebugle.eu ○ THE BUGLE ○ NOVEMBER 2010 NATIONAL NEWS ♦ 7 Two new expat radio stations launched There has been good news on the airwaves for French and British expats on both sides of the Channel with the unveiling of two new radio stations: a French language station in London and an English language station in Paris. A date of November 17th has been set for the launch of French Radio London (FRL)*, which will broadcast in French on London’s DAB digital radio network. FRL will be London's first French terrestrial radio station and will be aimed at the estimated 400,000 native French speakers living in London as well as Francophiles of all nationalities. The new station describes itself as having “an enticing blend of entertaining and informative output” including music (80% of which will be French), talk programmes and interviews. The station's CEO Pascal Grierson was understandably upbeat: “We look forward to broadcasting a unique French voice on London's airwaves. This is an exciting development for listeners as well as UK and French based commercial partners who will benefit from a dedicated platform to reach French-speaking London residents and the wider Francophile community. A bientôt sur la DAB!" Hot on the heals of the news of the launch of FRL came the announcement by the American University in Paris of plans for World Radio Paris. AUP has applied for a licence to broadcast on 99.9 FM. The station has been in operation since 2005 although has until now only been available online and is run by a team of over 50 volunteers and AUP students. David Blanc, president of WRP, said: “Obtaining the right to broadcast on 99.9 FM is not going to be easy. We need lots of support letters from influential organizations, consulates, cultural centres and various interest groups in Paris”. WRP hopes to offer Parisians a 24-hour-a-day radio service for news and entertainment in English, including BBC and NPR (National Public Radio) programs. ■ * www.frenchradiolondon.com SocGen trader given jail Judges given power term and fined €4.9 billion to revoke citizenship A J érôme Kerviel, the so-called “genius of fraud” whose €4.9 billion loss at France’s second largest bank, Société Générale, made him a household name in January 2008, has been sentenced to five years in jail, with two suspended, for “breach of trust, computer abuse and forgery”. The size of the bank’s losses shocked a world that was yet to witness the collapse of Lehman Brothers or hear of Bernie Madoff, but with hindsight, the scandal was a harbinger of the financial crisis that was just around the corner. Mr Kerviel was also ordered to repay “four billion, nine hundred and fifteen million, six hundred and ten thousand, one hundred and fifty four euros” in damages to the bank, despite the fact that he currently works as a computer consultant in Paris earning €2,300 a month. Société Générale subsequently announced that it would not be chasing Mr Kerviel for the money and did not expect to recover it – it would take him 177,000 years to repay it on his current salary. The judge, Dominique Pauthe, condemned Kerviel as a cool and callous criminal who exploited the lax internal checks within the bank to break the rules and take spectacular risks. His defence throughout the trial was that his trading practices were an open secret and that his superiors were well aware of the risky positions he was taking; he was simply the one to get caught. “I would like everyone to shoulder their responsibility and, at the Jérôme Kerviel will probably never have to pay back the €4.9 billion moment, I am the only one paying,” the 33-year-old told French radio. “I really get the feeling that they wanted to make me pay for everyone else, that the Générale had to be saved and that the soldier Kerviel had to be killed.” Olivier Metzner, the defendant's lawyer, was angry at the ruling: “This is a completely unreasonable ruling which says that the bank is responsible for nothing, not responsible for a creature it has made, and that only Jérôme Kerviel is responsible for the excesses [and] the crises of a banking system,” he said, adding that he would “quite obviously” be appealing. Speaking during his trial, Kerviel told the court: “The daily encouragements of my superiors didn't put the brakes on me, but rather encouraged me”, claiming that his superiors must have been aware of his massive illicit trading positions which at one point amounted to €50 billion. “On a trading desk, we are all 50 cm from one another. Everything is seen, everything is heard.” Although it was fined €4m by the French banking commission in 2008 for its failure to efficiently control its trading floor, SocGen had denied any knowledge or involvement in what it called Kerviel's “financial terrorism” and has largely escaped criticism in the lengthy ruling. The court seems to have discounted completely the argument put forward by Kerviel's defence that the bank knew of his extravagant trades and turned a blind eye as long as he was making money. ■ bill has been passed by France’s Lower House of Parliament that will allow foreign-born nationals to be stripped of their citizenship and deported for certain crimes as part of President Nicolas Sarkozy's law and order crackdown. Members of the Lower House of Parliament, the National Assembly, passed the measure after a first reading by 294 votes to 239 in a vote made against a backdrop of mass strikes and demonstrations in opposition to the government's pension reforms. Under the new law, French nationals would have their French citizenship revoked if they are convicted of violent crimes against police and other officials. This punishment currently only applies to terrorism charges. It would also allow police to deport foreign nationals, including those from other European Union countries, for repeated acts of theft, aggressive begging or for illegally occupying land. Although the Roma are not specifically mentioned in the wording of the new law, critics and political opponents say the crime crackdown is a vote-grabbing move that stigmatises the Roma and other foreigners and will be used to further persecute that particular minority. The bill’s architect, immigration minister Eric Besson, hailed the vote as “a big first step in the building of a European immigration policy”, referring to a common approach that several countries have called for. The bill must be examined by a parliamentary commission before it can be voted into law. Sarkozy announced his law and order drive earlier this summer after city riots broke out in the wake of several high profile violent incidents involving foreign communities. In July, in a poor suburb of Grenoble, southeast France, riots broke out following a fatal police shooting. A gang had robbed more than 20,000 euros from a nearby casino and in the ensuing police chase the two suspects fired shots, wounding an officer. Police returned fire, killing one of the men, Karim Boudouda. Mr Boudouda, 27, was of North African origin and had three previous convictions for armed robbery. It took police several days to restore order after the resulting public unrest. The same weekend, 22-year-old Luigi Duquenet, a French Roma, was also shot and killed by a gendarme in the small Loire valley town of Saint Aignan. The man had, according to officials, driven through a police checkpoint without stopping and knocked over a gendarme in the process. Media reports suggested he had been involved in a burglary earlier that day. A riot erupted and dozens of French Roma armed with hatchets and iron bars attacked a police station, hacked down trees and burned cars. Duquenet's family dispute the police version of events, saying he was scared of being stopped because he did not have a valid driver's licence. ■ NOVEMBER 2010 ○ THE BUGLE ○ www.thebugle.eu 8 ♦ NATIONAL NEWS It's official - red wine is good for your health! © 2007 - Agne27 (Flickr) L who have produced a device that performs a simple test to discover which wines contain the highest concentration of these polyphenols and therefore the most health-giving properties: the more antioxidants there are in the wine, the better it is for you. The researchers at the Polytechnic School of Lausanne, working with colleagues at Stanford University in America, claim to have produced a machine that can quickly measure levels of polyphenols in individual bottles. The matchbox-sized device has been tested on 500 Swiss wines and is ready to be marketed to wine producers in France at a cost of €2,000 per unit. “The antioxidant properties of wine are well known, but this machine means we are able to measure the actual chemicals in the bottles,” explained JeanCharles Hoda, one of the Swiss research team. “We started off looking at this from a medical point of view, but then we realised it had an interesting commercial application. I can absolutely see people choosing to buy one wine over another because they can see it is healthier for them.” He went on to explain that the Swiss pilot test had so far revealed Pinot Noir grapes to have the greatest health benefits. “Let's be honest, it must be better to have a glass of wine than to take a pill”, he said, before adding: “Within moderation, of course!” ■ S ixties sex symbol Brigitte Bardot could one day be calling the Elysée palace home. Despite stating that “politics disgusts me” in a recent interview with FRANCE magazine, she has announced that she is considering running for president in 2012 after President Sarkozy “took me for an imbecile” over animal rights pledges. The former screen icon, who retired from film making in the 1970s and is now an animal rights campaigner, announced that she had been approached by the Ecology Alliance party to run for president in the next elections. The party campaigns for animal rights and against the ritual slaughter of livestock by Muslims for halal meat. In a recent letter to Mr Sarkozy, Miss Bardot told the president that “someone’s voice is needed to defend animals as neither the Right nor the Left give a damn!” In a separate interview, she said: “Sarkozy took me for an imbecile by making promises he didn't keep.” An issue that the French icon is keen to address is the introduction of a new law ensuring that animals are stunned before their throats are slit in keeping with Islamic teaching during halal slaughter. Miss Bardot claims that nothing in Islamic teaching forbids animals being stunned before slaughter. Waking the dead! A woman in Bordeaux gave her family a shock when she woke up in hospital hours after they were told that she was “very certainly clinically dead”. Lydie Paillard, 60, had passed out whilst in hospital as she was being prepared for a chemotherapy session, according to Yves Noël, director of the Bordeaux Rive Droite private hospital where the woman was being treated. Doctors managed to successfully resuscitate the woman and placed her on a ventilator before calling her sons to break the bad news to them that she would not be waking up. The sons were asked for permission to turn off her life support machine, but refused and instead Mrs Paillard was transferred to Bordeaux’s University Hospital. Subsequent scans revealed The heads of the Ecology Alliance, Antoine Waechter and Jean-Marc Governatori, apparently wrote a letter to Brigitte Bardot in late September in which they stated “We think you are the best person to represent us for the presidency”. Mr Waechter has since backtracked, however, denying that such a move had been made, saying “Miss Bardot’s work is valuable but not sufficient to head a presidential campaign”. The former bombshell is also currently fighting plans by Kyle Newman, a Hollywood director, to make a film of her life. “A film about me?” she asked Europe 1. “Nobody would be able to pull it off.” ■ that she was not in fact brain dead and 14 hours after the ordeal began, Mrs Paillard woke up. “All I remember is that I felt unwell after receiving an injection to prevent me from vomiting,” Paillard told AFP news agency by telephone from hospital where she said she felt “more tired than usual” after her ordeal. “My sons… explained to me that the hospital wanted to turn off the life support system because it was over and as they refused, I was taken to the university hospital. I haven't really realised what's happened but I think my three sons are the most shocked.” For his part, Mr Noël described the incident as “a kind of miracle”. The hospital's management said it would suggest the family meet the medical team responsible for Paillard’s case to discuss the "communication problem". ■ An embarrassing slip of the tongue ** WARNING – This article contains some adult content! T his month has seen a series of highprofile gaffes by senior politicians. The incidents must have even brought a smile to the face of the king of the gaffe, George W. Bush and have provided a few light-hearted moments in an otherwise dour month for news. Rachida Dati got the ball rolling during a highbrow interview about foreign investment funds. The former French justice minister and current Euro MP, best known for her runin with Carla Bruni and returning to work just five days after having a baby, boldly announced that France was “at a time when fellatio is close to zero”. Of course she meant ‘inflation’. A Freudian ‘slip of the tongue’ so to speak. The video of her gaffe quickly became an internet sensation, with 2.8 million people watching the clip on one website alone. Miss Dati laughed off her mistake, claiming that she had no problem being the butt of the joke if it cheered the French public up. In the British press, the Daily Mirror could not resist and ran the headline: “Minister in TV cock-up”. Not to be outdone, current interior minister Brice Hortefeux had petty criminals across the country crossing their legs when he extolled the virtues of ‘genital fingerprinting’. Mr Hortefeux was apparently attempting to distinguish between police files of suspects’ empreintes digitales (fingerprints) and empreintes génétiques (genetic fingerprints) - mixing the two expressions to form “empreintes génitales”. Less rude, but equally revealing was the gaffe by education minister Luc Chatel. With speculation rife over who President Nicolas Sarkozy will choose to lead his government in the forthcoming reshuffle, Mr Chatel let © 2007 - Simon Kirby (Wikicommons) overs of red wine have long held that a glass or two a day does you no harm and may even be good for you. Indeed, a study by British scientists published in Nature magazine in 2006 said: “Regular, moderate consumption of red wine is linked to a reduced risk of coronary heart disease and to lower overall mortality.” French bon vivants received a further boost to their argument this month with the news that, sandwiched between guidelines on responsible drinking, bottles of wine may soon boast a surprising new health notice: this drink is good for you. The French are notoriously partial to a glass of red wine and a typical meal is often rich and fatty; yet when compared to other nations, in general, they have healthy hearts. The secret to this could be down to the antioxidants present in red wine, specifically polyphenols. These antioxidant chemicals have a positive effect on the rate at which the human body and brain age, and also appear to reduce the risk of heart disease, obesity, cancer and even wrinkles. This is all according to Swiss and American researchers Brigitte Bardot for President...? Rachida Dati probably wishes she'd kept her mouth shut slip that, “The president named me prime minister,” before hastily adding, “I mean education minister”. ■ www.thebugle.eu ○ THE BUGLE ○ NOVEMBER 2010 SPORT ♦ 9 2011 Tour coming to the Limousin T he Tour de France will be once again passing through the Limousin in 2011 after giving it a wide berth on the 2010 route. On Saturday 9 th July, the riders will be setting off from Aigurande before heading south through the Creuse for a stage finish in SuperBesse Sancy in the Puy-de-Dôme. The Tour will again feature a number of changes aimed at improving on what was generally considered a successful 2010 race. At the launch of next year's event in Paris, race director Christian Prudhomme unveiled a route ideal for climbers, with only 64 kilometres of time trial in total, of which 23 are a team time trial. The race will start in the windy Vendée region in western France, on the Atlantic coastline, but will not feature a prologue. The stage will start on the island of Ile de Noirmoutie and ride across the Passage du Gois, the causeway that cuts across the bay during low tide. A repeat of the treacherous crossing of the 1999 Tour, when Alex Zülle crashed on the slippery road and lost any chance of challenging Lance Armstrong, should be avoided, however. In 2011, the peloton will parade across the Passage du Gois before the official start of the first stage. The 2011 Tour again appears to be back loaded, with the race director looking to ensure that the race for the yellow jersey is very much still on come the final stages. With three successive stages in the Alps in the final week, including Alpe d’Huez just 48 hours before Paris, followed by the race’s only individual time trial on the penultimate day, the intention is clearly to keep the race - and people’s interest - alive until the very end. The team time trial is back after a one-year absence. The collective test against the clock is a completely flat stage and will certainly re-shuffle the general classification, even if the distance of 23 kilometres, far shorter than team time trials in the past, might not open up significant time gaps. Three days in the Pyrenees with two mountain top finishes will provide plenty of climbing action in the second week and will reveal who has a real chance of victory before the Grande Finale in the Alps in the third week. The Tour de France climbed the Alps for the first time in 1911, and celebrating their centenary 100 years later, the Alps will probably decide the overall winner. Stage 16 from SaintPaul-Trois-Châteaux to Gap serves as a taste of the pain to come as three days in the high mountains begin on July 20th. On the first of these days, the peloton departs on a 179 km journey from Gap to Pinerolo in Italy, the only time the tour will venture outside of France in the 2011 Tour. Three categorized climbs are on the menu: Col de Montgenèvre, Sestrières and the Côte de Pramartino. Stage 18, without a doubt the toughest mountain stage, will finish on the prestigious Galibier (2,645 m), after crossing some of the most challenging climbs of the Alps: the Col d’Agnel (2,774 m) and the Izoard (2,360 m). The Galibier will be revisited on the next day via its northern side as the 109 km-long 19th stage finishes with the climb to the famous Alpe d’Huez ski resort. Although a short stage, this could prove just as decisive as the 41 km individual time trial that will follow on the race’s penultimate day in Grenoble. Although time-trial specialists may again be wondering what they have done to annoy Prudhomme, one man that is happy with next year’s route is Luxembourger Andy Schleck, the younger of the two Schleck brothers and the man who came second to Spain’s Alberto Contador in the 2010 Tour. I’m not afraid of the traps of the first week. When I go to the Tour de France, it’s for winning Andy Schleck “I like this course,” the youngest of the Schlecks said soon after the launch of the 2011 Tour de France in Paris. “The four uphill finishes suit me. Well, this year’s Tour did suit me as well. I can’t say the next one has been made for me, but it’s a Tour for climbers, so it’s good for me. The cobblestones made the 2010 Tour de France special but that will be replaced by the wind in Vendée and Brittany. We have to remember that some riders have lost the Tour at the team time trial. I’m not afraid of the traps of the first week though. When I go to the Tour de France, it’s for winning.” This year’s runner-up refused to be drawn on the possibility that he could become the official winner of the 2010 Tour following Contador’s recent positive drugs test that is still under appeal. “This Tour is finished and I was second on the podium in Paris and that’s it,” he said. “It’s important for cycling to have a quick answer on that matter and it’s important for him as well but not for me. I hope that Alberto will be at the start next year. I want to compete against the best riders in the The 2011 Tour de France is scheduled to pass through Creuse world. However, the Tour de France isn’t only about Alberto and myself. There are about fifteen riders who can win it.” Britain's Mark Cavendish, who currently rides for HTC Columbia but is increasingly being linked with his British colleagues at Team Sky, has won 15 stages over three Tours de France but may not find this year's route as much to his liking, with several sharp climbs littering the traditionally flat stages of the first week. More palatable for the Manxman is the repeat visit to Châteauroux for the finish of stage five, the town where Cavendish first tasted victory at the Tour on his way to four stage wins in 2008. The 2011 Tour will run from Saturday 2 nd to Sunday 24th July. ■ NOVEMBER 2010 ○ THE BUGLE ○ www.thebugle.eu Wood burning winter warmth © 2009 - orangebrompton (Flickr) 10 ♦ FRENCH LIFE Following on from the last edition’s discussion about wood burning, Barry Creighton from Limousin based stove company Stove-Sellers looks at wood pellet stoves this month in the second round of his wood burning winter warmth trilogy... W o o d burning p e l l e t stoves are becoming increasingly popular in France at the moment as the prices of oil and gas soar. Even the cost of wood logs is on the increase as everybody turns to wood as a source of heating. But have you ever considered a pellet burning stove as a viable alternative to a wood burner or central heating system? This month we are going to look at these heating appliances and explain a little bit about what they are, how they work and how much they cost to buy and run, but first let’s explain what wood pellet stoves are. Pellet stoves use wood pellets which are around 6-8mm in diameter and around 25mm in length. They are essentially made using compressed sawdust and have a very high calorific value compared to oil & gas. They can be bought in bags of 15 kg or in bulk (Big Bags) weighing 1 tonne. You can buy a tonne of pellets from between €270 and €350 and you may need several tonnes a year depending on whether you have just a small pellet burning room heater or a much larger stove which can run all the central heating and domestic hot water needs of the largest properties. The big plus with a pellet burning stove is its controllability. Once you load the pellets into the stove you can set the desired temperature and the stove will do the rest for you. They are as controllable as a gas boiler but are much cheaper to run. Some models have a remote control enabling you to turn the heat up or down from the comfort of your armchair. They can also be programmed to come on several times a day and can even be activated from anywhere in the world using a mobile phone if the stove is linked to a GPRS module. This is great if you are a second home owner and want your heating to come on before you arrive at your property in France. You can activate your heating from the departure lounge of an airport and even deactivate it if your plane is delayed! Pellet stoves are ecofriendly too and you can benefit from the tax credit in France saving up to 40% off the cost of the stove if you have it professionally fitted. Pellet stoves are more expensive than wood burning stoves (prices start at around €1,500) but they can be easier and cheaper to fit than a wood burner, especially if you don’t have a chimney as they can be vented straight through an outside wall in some cases. If you are looking for a central heating solution then you can buy pellet stoves with boilers inside that can run all your central heating and domestic hot water needs. Prices for these are typically €2,500 - €4,500 for a room heater stove with a back boiler fitted, although if you have a much larger property you may need a much larger commercial boiler with a large pellet storage reserve which will cost twice as much. However, they can be much easier and cheaper to install than a wood burning boiler system as all the components such as the pump etc. are fitted inside the stove so they are ready to connect up to your existing radiator circuit straight out of the box. In many cases you can just disconnect that old oil boiler and connect the pipes to a new modern and efficient pellet stove and enjoy all the benefits of using a renewable energy source for all your heating needs. You will need somewhere dry to store the pellets but for many of us this is not a problem as the vast majority of rural properties have outbuildings and barns. Compared to wood logs, pellets make an excellent alternative. They are cleaner, easier to store and easier to load into the stove than traditional logs, and if you use approved pellets you will find that you always get a consistent heat from them, unlike wood logs which have to be seasoned before you use them. You will no longer be at the mercy of your local woodman or farmer. Perhaps you have been tearing your hair out trying to get warm because you’ve been palmed off with wood of a dubious quality and we all know just how much difference good wood makes in a stove compared to damp and unseasoned wood. Pellets contain less than 10% moisture and most pellet burners are well over 90% efficient so there is very little ash left from burning pellets and the residue remaining is little more than dust. On the downside, however, there are a few cons to the pellet burning pros: • Pellet stoves need electricity to power their hardware, fans, controls and pellet feeders so if the power fails they cannot be used unless you have a back-up power source. • The fire created within the stove is very intense compared to a wood burner and not as attractive as a wood burner either so you would be unlikely to become mesmerised by watching the pellets burning as you can be with wood logs. • Pellet stoves do require more maintenance and regular cleaning than wood burners and you really need to have a professional fit one and service one for you (although this is also true with a wood burner). • Pellet stoves generate more noise than a wood burner when in operation as many of them have fans which blow hot air into the room. Most people learn to live with the noise, however, and after a while it becomes hardly noticeable. • A tonne of pellets generates as much heat as around 1 ½ cords of seasoned firewood and 2 kilograms of pellets is the equivalent of 1 litre of heating oil. A 15 kg bag of pellets can cost around €4 - €4.80. Heating oil is a round €1 a litre and on the rise. The VAT in France for pellets is 5.5%. Most average homes will require 2, 3 or even 4 tonnes of fuel in pellet form each season. It is easy to see why pellet stoves are much more cost effective to run than oil, gas and electric heating appliances but they may not always be cheaper than wood stoves to run, especially if you have your own supply of wood. If you’d like to know more about pellet burning stoves and wood pellets as a renewable sustainable fuel source why not take a look at the Stovesellers. com website and find out what pellet burning stove and boiler products are available for heating your property here in France. Stove-Sellers also supply wood pellets delivered to your door throughout the Limousin. In December’s issue we’ll be finishing off our wood burning winter warmer series by taking a look at the new generation of traditional cast iron wood burners and super boiler stoves just about to come onto the market here in France. These new stove beasts are tipped to take the market by storm when they are released with some models reputedly having outputs of up to 40kW! So if you are the owner of a larger property and need a big wood burner or wood central heating system but are on a bit of a budget, you will not want to miss a ke Pu NEW ep ll-o ! se ut ! ct & io n Bugle 2 ● Introducing , your NEW monthly pull-out and keep section. ● With over 100 listings, the Bugle Business Directory is THE place to find local businesses and artisans. ● Regular Advertorials for local businesses. ● With more than 60 classified items listed this month, you're sure to find a bargain. ● Take part in our exclusive competition for a chance to win a pair of FREE FLIGHTS to the UK with Jet2. 2 Place coffee mug here fold here fold here Pages B2 - B6 THE BUGLE Accommodation Animals & Pets Auto Services Building Services >> B2 >> B2 >> B2 Architects Carpenters/Joiners Electricians General Plasterers Plumbers Property Management fold here >> B2 >> B2 >> B3 >> B3-B4 >> B4 >> B4 >> B4 Computers & Satellites >> B4 Education >> B4-B5 Food & Drink Garden Services Gifts & Crafts Handholding Services >> B5 >> B5 >> B5 >> B5 Health & Beauty Household Services Language Services Online Shopping Transport & Removals GENERAL >> B5-B6 >> B6 >> B6 >> B6 >> B6 >> B6 www.thebugle.eu/CLASSIFIEDS.php Page B7 Bugle Properties Page B8 • Properties for sale • Businesses for sale • Properties for long-term and short-term rent For all Directory enquiries: [email protected] SIRET: 502 907 108 00018 NOVEMBER 2010 ○ THE BUGLE ○ www.thebugle.eu B2 ♦ DIRECTORY THE BUGLE Accommodation Accommodation Le Grand Bourg, Creuse Pretty village location. Rooms from €20 per night. 45 mins from Limoges airport. Ideal for walking, cycling, fishing, househunting or simply relaxing 05 55 81 08 96 [email protected] La Courede Bed and Breakfast Comfortable B&B. Two double rooms, en-suite. Guest lounge. Evening meal on request. 20 minutes from Limoges airport. 05 55 71 08 56 06 75 79 28 71 [email protected] www.lacourede.eu Auberge Ourdeaux Chambres/Tables d’hôtes Alleyrat, nr Aubusson pg 13 Animals & Pets It couldn’t be easier to place an advert in The Bugle Business Directory and reach over 11,000 English speakers across Central France every month. Prices start from as little as €15 / month that’s less than 50 cents a day! 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Also available: Pet foods, treats & accessories Contact Dave Grant for details 05 55 67 58 87 www.the-orchard.eu Kennels & Cattery Chambres d’hôtes Le Grand Villard 23150, St-Hilaire-la-Plaine www.hiddenfrance.co.uk SIRET: 479 965 758 00010 The Linden House Self-catering gîte in Creuse Sleeps 6-8 Prices from €250/week Dog Holidays at Valhalla Farm 5 Star Accommodation in our Home (Dept 23). 4 Walks each day & lots of T.L.C. Contact Karen & Darren Tel: Mob: [email protected] www.valhallafarm.org SIRET: 511 629 610 00011 www.thelindenhouse.eu [email protected] [email protected] La Petite Maison The Caring Cattery Beautiful 2-person gîte in the heart of Creuse. Perfect for house-hunters & holidaymakers alike. www.la-petite-maison.eu [email protected] SIRET: 518 135 009 00018 Rochechouart 05 55 03 76 87 / 06 30 02 35 73 Only 30 mins from Limoges airport. A purpose built secure cattery. Large individual/ family units, tiled floors, shelving, adjoining outside areas. 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Shorter contracts may be available on request. For more information about taking out a Directory Advert, please contact us at [email protected] or phone us on Why not spotlight your business with one of our advertorials? 1/3 page, 2/3 page & Full page options available. Contact us for more information. www.thebugle.eu ○ THE BUGLE ○ NOVEMBER 2010 DIRECTORY ♦ B3 ADVERTORIAL The Riverside Pub - Aubusson T he Riverside Pub has been established in Aubusson for the last six years, starting as part of ‘Aubusson Riverside Holidays’. Overlooking the River Creuse, in the medieval heart of the town, it has always been a favourite spot with tourists and locals alike and soon became a popular watering hole. So when the opportunity arose to rent the bar and restaurant and start running our own business, we decided to leave the hustle and bustle of life in Saudi Arabia and move to France. It was always a dream of ours to live in France, run our own business and live as self sufficiently as possible. With our permanent move to France, our 5 chickens and vegetable patch in the garden and the opening day at the pub on September 18, we realised all our dreams in one. The Riverside Pub, Bar and Restaurant is situated within easy walking distance of the heart of Aubusson, in a mid 19th century tapestry mill, charmingly converted into a cosy and appealing pub offering a relaxed 1950's style interior for lunch and evening meals. Our aim is to introduce a variety of different dishes for your dining experience, incorporating a selection of pub favourites including Fish and Chips, a healthy option of salads and grilled fish, as well as a tasty plat du jour and weekend specials such as Chicken Korma, Spaghetti Bolognaise or Steak and Guinness Pie. Building Services Electricians Charles Hodencq Electricité Générale French Electrician - fluent English Speaker. Based in Bellac. For all your electrical needs - safety checks, re-wires & renovations 06 24 27 01 86 / 05 55 68 62 26 [email protected] www.charleselec.eu Siret : 503 121 279 00015 THE BUGLE DIRECTORY This colour advert costs just €22.50 per month [email protected] From early November, the Riverside Pub will also be able to cater for all kinds of events in the adjoining function room. Decorated with a subtle medieval theme, this room will soon be available at very reasonable rates, for private hire for birthday Robert Johnson ELECTRICIAN SIRET: 493 084 974 00010 Registered in France since 2007 AXA Décennale Insurance All works to normes NF C15-100 ● Fault finding ● Small Works ● Complete rewires ● Consuel certification arranged ● Temporary EDF supplies arranged ● Permanent EDF supplies arranged ● Free quotations Mobile No: 06 50 63 65 29 WE ALSO SUPPLY SKY BOXES. ALL WORK UNDERTAKEN BY QUALIFIED TRADESMEN. CALL OUT SERVICE AVAILABLE 05 55 60 81 67 06 79 43 03 43 Speedy intervention 7/7 Building Services SIRET: 485 369 979 00011 General COFFIN Laurent Tous travaux électriques/All work undertaken Renovations – Installations – Repairs 26 years experience Français/Anglais parlé - Basé en Creuse / [email protected] SIRET: 504 253 048 00012 BRC Renovations From full renovations to minor improvements, we can work in partnership with you, to make your dream home in France a reality. For a free quote please contact Brian 05 55 76 21 60 / 06 83 72 94 24 [email protected] Qualified Electrician SIRET: 510 742 711 00011 Repairs, Full Re-Wires, New Build Automated Systems Installation La Noneix Experienced Builder Construction All Masonry Works Plasterboarding Assistance with Architects, other trades and Permis de Construire English References Available Please mention The Bugle when responding to adverts WE COVER ALL TYPES OF ELECTRICAL WORK INCLUDING : ● 3 PHASE ● AGRICULTURAL ● SOLAR PANELS & GEOTHERMICS ● ALARM SYSTEMS AND SATELLITES SUPPLIED AND FITTED ELECTRICITE GENERALE English Speaking, French Artisans SIRET: 498 672 708 00019 PIERCE ÉLECTRICITÉ [email protected] in Creuse No job too small - give us a call ADVERTORIAL Email: [email protected] Website: www.robjohnson.biz ROGER & SON 05 55 41 43 56 06 50 27 87 54 [email protected] parties, anniversaries, business lunches, seminars, Christmas parties etc. Please contact us on the telephone number below to book the function room for your next event. Catering options and Christmas menus will soon be available upon request. We would like to thank all our friends and family as well as the local businesses for making us feel so welcomed in Aubusson. It was a daunting prospect to start a new life for ourselves in France, with limited French language skills, so we have been very fortunate to have such helpful and friendly people supporting us throughout our journey. A special thank you to our wonderful neighbour and friend Julia Lockyear who accompanied us to several business meetings in Guéret, to Joelle Lafon from the Chambre de Commerce in Guéret for assisting us through the process of starting a business in Creuse and to Claudine from Café du Commerce for arranging the & Property Services THE BUGLE DIRECTORY This colour advert costs just €22.50 per month [email protected] Established, Professional and Personal Building Services. Fully registered with décennale insurance covering all works. ●Renovations ●New builds ●Roofing ●Stonework ●Carpentry ●Ground works Large or small projects undertaken - please view our website. Contact: Paul or Joanne Rands www.lanoneix.com [email protected] SIRET: 501 144 596 00019 beautiful flowers for our open evening on October 9. We look forward to welcoming you to the Riverside Pub. Clare and Andy Osborne Our opening hours are: •Wed: 12h – 15h & 19h – 23h •Thur: 12h – 15h & 19h – 23h La Coterie Entreprise Approved septic tank installer www.lce23.com See front page of pull-out Eco Power Next generation Solar Systems www.ecopower.eu.com - Pg 11 THE BUGLE DIRECTORY This large b&w advert costs just €20 per month [email protected] Paul Roberts Mini-digger hire/driver www.digger23.com see pg 3 Phillip Williamson Interior Renovations Honest, Reliable Tradesman ● Plastering. Drylining. Studwork ● Kitchens, Bathrooms, Doors & Windows fitted ● Painting & Decorating etc. Competitive Rates – Call for a free quote Tel: [email protected] SIRET: 504 976 689 00019 Sand and Blast Sandblasting & Floor Sander hire We provide a fully operated sandblasting service for wood, stone and metal. Perfect for stripping away years of grime or paint. Contact us for a free quote or see our website. www.sandandblast.com / [email protected] SIRET: 488 522 921 00011 •Fri: 12h – 15h & 19h – 24h •Sat: 12h – 15h & 19h – 24h •Sun: 12h – 15h & 19h – 23h The Riverside Pub 5 Rue de l'Abreuvoir, 23200 Aubusson. Tel: 00 33 (0)6 85 89 10 66 Website: www.riversidepub.eu Email: [email protected] TBS Creuse Complete building & renovation service Taylors Building Services. Established in Creuse since 2002. Over 25 years experience. Visit our website to view our extensive photo gallery: www.tbscreuse.com [email protected] See our Display Ad - pg 3 SIRET: 477 556 468 00015 Damp? Condensation? Wood Rot / Woodworm? Call Robert 05 55 89 69 46 SIRET: 503 169 237 00016 Harlequin Developments All aspects of renovation and refurbishment, big or small, undertaken. Harlequin Developments are a System Partner for Ecopower, an established and respected renewable energy company based in the Dordogne. [email protected] www.harlequindevelopments.com SIRET: 494.501.067.00016 CONTINUED NEXT PAGE... NOVEMBER 2010 ○ THE BUGLE ○ www.thebugle.eu B4 ♦ DIRECTORY Building Services General BENSON PROPERTY SERVICES 'Providing BUILDING and MAINTENANCE in and around the LIMOUSIN' ● ROOFING ● PLUMBING ● HEATING ● BUILDING ● JOINERY ● CONVERSIONS ● INSURANCE ● CHIMNEYS +33 (0) 555683830 + 33 (0) 675931954 [email protected] benson.vpweb.co.uk SIRET: 489 761 114 00011 Petits Travaux Internal and External Work Small home renovation or repair Garden maintenance and landscaping We ensure fast, neat, quality work Stephen Toner - 05 55 66 98 58 Graham Biggs - 05 55 66 98 47 Email: [email protected] Please call for a free devis. References available on request SIRET: 498 849 256 00017 / 512 370 941 00019 Entreprise Hines Building & Renovation ● Roofing - New & Repairs ● Masonry ● Plastering ● Dry Lining ● Sand Blasting ● Equestrian Buildings ● Digger/Scaffold Hire ● ... and much, much more 28 years qualified experience www.entreprisehines.com [email protected] SIRET: 503 169 237 00016 SJR Property Maintenance and Renovation 22 years experience ● Plaster Boarding ● Dry Lining ● Partitions ● Tape and Jointing ● Tiling ● Kitchen/Bathroom Fitting ● Decking and Patios ● Repointing 0555638362 / 0626699559 [email protected] SIRET: 520 824 392 00010 RSW Entreprises Fosse Septique Specialist See our Display Ad - pg 6 GODSON Travaux Publics www.pilgrim23.com - pg 20 Advertise your company here. This advert only costs €15/month Building Services Plasterers Need A Pair Of Hands? I'm Your Man! « LE PLATRIER » ● Small building projects ● Patios ● Velux ● Windows ● Tiling ● Plasterboarding ● Plumbing ● Garden Maintenance A genuine plasterer French and English spoken Traditional Plastering Rendering, Floor Screeding Stud partition dry lining Lime mortar stone pointing General Handyman Prices from €15/hour! Call Barrie: [email protected] SIRET: 501 338 230 00011 Limousin Property Care Property Maintenance & Building See our Display Ad - pg 7 Chris the Plasterer See our Display Ad - Pg 9 This advert only €15/month Chez Vous Fosse Septique installation and building renovations - Pg 12 Masonry & More General building Renovation & maintenance Reliable, good quality work 30 years exp Based central 23 - will travel Martin Sprague 05 55 61 93 07 martin_sprague_1@ hotmail.com SIRET: en cours THE BUGLE DIRECTORY This colour advert costs just €22.50 per month [email protected] Building Services This advert only €15/month Creusetec Satellite Systems TV/Electronic repairs Plumbers 0033 (0)5 55 66 60 21 Satellite Sales, Service, Installations. TV Receiver & Electronic Repairs. Dish alignments. Sky/Freesat/TNT/FTA Systems. Dept 23 & surrounding areas [email protected] http://www.creusetec.com FOR A QUOTATION CALL SIRET: 510 117 328 00011 Connect-Français 05 55 63 53 06 Computer Problems? [email protected] Le Bourg, 23360 Nouzerolles SIRET: 504 612 441 00015 S.O.S. Brico Creuse ALAN COOPER Building & Garden Services Please mention The Bugle when responding to adverts PLASTERING Small jobs no problem! Renovations Plasterboarding All Tiling Tel: 05 55 68 59 24 Mob: 06 37 71 20 57 [email protected] SIRET: 502 353 675 00015 SIRET: 519 624 084 00017 Building Services Property Management Limousin Property Care Plasterer INSIDE OUTSIDE - Traditional Plastering - Rendering - Pointing - Stud Partition and dry lining - All work Insured and Guaranteed - Covering depts 87,16 and North 24 Call: MARK CLOUGH Tel: Mobile: Email: [email protected] SIRET: 512 763 178 00013 THE BUGLE DIRECTORY This large b&w advert costs just €20 per month [email protected] [email protected] SIRET: 479 095 705 00014 [email protected] Platrier Limousin & Charente PC & Mac Internet Assistance WiFi, ADSL, Dial-up Helpdesk, Data retrieval Call Dave Property Maintenance & Building See our Display Ad - pg 7 Property & Garden Maintenance All the help you need maintaining your home, Inside and Out! Winter Services Include: TREE FELLING, LOG CUTTING, HEDGE TRIMMING, GROUND CLEARANCE & PROPERTY CHECKS For a competitive quote contact Natascha and Maxim Kay www.indre-it.com / NO FIX... then NO FEE !! We provide a fast and friendly service either at the client's home, via remote software or computers can be left with us and collected when the work is complete. We can manage the ordering and then installation of wireless broadband into your French home. We can assist in rebuilding your computer after a virus attack. PC healthchecks and optimization service. Virus , trojan , worm removal and protection. Backup or full disaster recovery installation and management. Hardware/software upgrades. Website and graphic design. Printer/scanner assistance. www.Comark.fr Personalised websites See our Display Ad - pg 3 Education [email protected] SIRET: 521 171 561 00017 Computers & Satellites English Assist Improve Your Child's English Grammar, Writing and Comprehension Steve Pritchard Solutions Website design - PC support www.steve-pritchard.fr See our Display Ad - pg 14 Qualified, experienced English teacher/examiner offers low-cost English lessons to National Curriculum/GCSE standards. Using free software, through your internet connection, I teach via an interactive on-screen whiteboard. Classes also available in Eymoutiers (87) 05 55 64 53 41 Email: [email protected] Or visit www.englishassist.co.uk Gillian Harvey, BA (Hons) English, PGCE Education Advertisements in The Bugle Business Directory are available in two sizes: small (50mm x 43mm) and large (50mm x 66.5mm). They are available in black & white or colour. Prices are based on an annual contract (no TVA/ VAT applicable) as follows: Small b&w €180 (€15/m), Small colour €270 (€22.50/m), Large b&w €240 (€20/m), Large colour €360 (€30/m). A 10% discount is offered for full payment upfront. Alternatively, split payments are possible every 4 or 6 months. Shorter contracts may be available on request. For more information about taking out a Directory Advert, please contact us at [email protected] or phone us on Why not spotlight your business with one of our advertorials? 1/3 page, 2/3 page & Full page options available. Contact us for more information. www.thebugle.eu ○ THE BUGLE ○ NOVEMBER 2010 DIRECTORY ♦ B5 UK QUALIFIED TEACHER (Ex Deputy Head – Primary Level) As an experienced teacher who has worked with primary school children of all ages (including those with special educational needs) I am offering tuition in English and maths, either on a 1:1 basis or in small groups. To discuss your needs: Tel: 05 49 48 18 21 or email [email protected] Based 87/86 border JJ’s Cafe Bar Some customer quotes: ‘...more than just a bar’ ‘....a bit like Allo Allo and Cheers!’ Come and see for yourself! Open all week. 39 Place du Champ de Foire 36140, Aigurande 02 54 06 30 77 [email protected] SIRET: 508 754 314 00013 La ferme du Duc noir Food & Drink Free range, rare breed pork 38, Rue de Limoges, 23150 Ahun 5 days a week 10am - 8pm Evening/Sunday meals please reserve [email protected] www.larecre-ahun.com SIRET: 509 171 740 00012 SIREN: 483 988 853 C’est cheese Vetriano’s, Bellac SIRET: 488 369 224 00016 Sun 10am -3pm, Wed 8am - 3pm Lunch Mon-Fri 12 - 2 Food served all day incl Sat www.lecreusoisbistro.com Also available online. For more information, see our website: Tues - Fri: 09.30 - 17.00, Sun: 11.30 - 15.00 Menu du jour €10 served 12.00 - 14.00, Tues - Fri Outside catering - Hot and cold buffets From €7 per person, min 10 people. Please phone to discuss your requirements. The deadline for all advertising submissions is the 15th of the month for the following month's print edition. Gifts & Crafts High quality British & French food at reasonable prices. Menu du Jour €12, Traditional Pub Food, Vegetarian dishes, childrens & snack menus also available See our Display Ad - pg 8 Restaurant/Bar Bar/Restaurant Find us at local markets selling a small and tasty selection of excellent quality english cheeses. Salon de Thé & Bistro La Récré Le Creusois www.cestcheese.fr [email protected] SIREN: 409 679 578 The Exchange E-mail: [email protected] 05 55 78 19 24 Health & Beauty www.theexchangerochechouart.com 9 rue Dr Charles Poitevin SIRET 484 479 480 00010 Soie et Bois Depot Vente des Vêtements Riverside Pub Bar ~ Restaurant 5 RUE DE L'ABREUVOIR, 23200 AUBUSSON Tel: 06 85 89 10 66 Wed, Thur, Fri, Sat & Sun Lunch & Evening meals Plat du jour and events venue www.riversidepub.eu La Grange - Blond Dress agency and gallery, specialising in designer and high quality pre-owned clothes for women and children, together with accessories, footwear, jewellery, gift items, and hand made furniture. 4 rue Principale, St Mathieu, 87440 [email protected] www.soiebois.com Tel: 05.55 48.28.89 SIRET: 510 995 681 00010 Indypindy Couture Jackie Cawtheray 19 pl. Charles de Gaulle, 87210 Le Dorat [email protected] Tel: 05 44 00 03 24 [email protected] Bar/Restaurant See our Display Ad - pg 7 Garden Services La Petite Fontaine 15 Grande Rue, Le Dorat Café, Bar and Events Venue Lunch Menu Free WiFi Salad Bar [email protected] www.lapetitefontaine.com SIRET: 489 218 636 00012 Auberge Ourdeaux Chambres/Tables d’hôtes Alleyrat, nr Aubusson - pg 13 ● Couture and design ● Made to measure service ● Home furnishings ● Curtains and loose covers ● Upholstery service 1 rue Pierre Chambord, Oradour-sur-Vayres SIRET: 510 986 490 00017 Open 10h-22h for food, all day every day! 4-course lunch menu + wine from ONLY €11 Only 3 mins from A20 (junct 20) ● Moules-Frites (1st weekend every month) ● BBQ nights (every Tue evening) ● Tête de Veau, 29th (for les Herolles) See our website for more details... www.aubonvivrerestaurant.com Tel: 02 54 24 83 31 Couturière, Styliste, Tailleur Anything from a new zip to a wedding gown! Tue - Sat 10:00 - 5:30 Mon & Sun Closed Au Beau Rivage SIRET: 498 924 141 00019 Nicholson Aboriculture Services www.arbres24.com -Tree Surgeons - pg 13 Comme à la Maison Bric à Brac at Soumans Looking for something special for your home? Come take a look: Le P’tit Marchois Garden Mowers Multi Services for your Home and Garden Tue-Fri 10h-12h & 14h-16h30 Sat-Sun 10h-16h30 Rue du Champ de Foire, 23600 SOUMANS 47 Grande Rue 23260 Crocq Hourly or Daily rates. Handholding Services Bar Landscaping/Gardens/Lakes. All aspects of Garden Creation and Maintenance covered. SIREN: 508 665 692 www.garden-mowers.com info@ garden-mowers.com The Corner Shop Atelier d'Art du Jardin Large range of British foods. Special orders can be catered for. Usually cheaper than the supermarkets!! 5km west of Aubusson SIRET: 504 584 228 00010 SIRET: 449 827 625 00038 Tue 2.30pm - 5pm Thu, Fri, Sat 9:15-12 & 2:30-5pm Sat 9 - 12 Andy & Clare's Menu du jour. Teas, coffees, cream teas and gateaux. Hotel - Bar - Restaurant Busseau-sur-Creuse - pg 13 Tel: 02 54 24 84 53 Mob: 06 74 80 66 02 Rochechouart LES PAPILLONS Au Bon Vivre Parnac, opposite the church FRENCH TRANSLATION AND ADVISORY SERVICE ● Translation of documents ● Applications for building permits ● Driving documents ● Connection of services ● Dealing with French authorities ● Cartes Vitales ● Advice on buying and selling property ● Computer lessons also available in English or French SECOND HAND BOOK SHOP. GREAT SELECTION OF GIFTS, CARDS, CANDLES AND HAND-CRAFTED PRODUCTS THE BUGLE DIRECTORY This large b&w advert costs just €20 per month Salon de Thé SERVICES OWEN ● Crockery ● Home furnishings ● Porcelain ● Antiques ● ...much more Tel: SIREN: 478 984 529 Imaginative quality garden artwork made by craftsmen Tel: 05 55 81 31 85 email: [email protected] www.atelierdartdujardin.net La Petite Place Hair salon, Le Dorat See our Display Ad - pg 9 Ladies, fancy having a pamper? Invite your friends round and have a free facial. See and sample the beautiful products. Skincare, make-up, jewellery and homewares. Vie at home 05 55 03 79 23 [email protected] AVON / Looking for the perfect parttime, flexible job? Avon could just be the answer. Have fun, meet people and earn money. Full training and support given. Opportunities for promotion. [email protected] Santé et Beauté Beauty and Holistic Therapy Salon ● UK trained and qualified Sports Therapist ● Well Established Salon. ● Full Body, Back, Neck & Shoulders, Indian Head, Reflexology etc ● Waxing, Manicure, Beauté des Pieds, Tinting, Ear Piercing etc ● Products and Gift Vouchers available ● Loyalty Cards Tue-Fri 9am-12pm & 2pm-6pm Sat 9am-2pm www.limousinbeautysalon.com 05 55 00 92 97 3, Rue Principale, 87740 St-Mathieu [email protected] SIRET: 493 871 826 00019 Your Link in France Handholding Service www.your-link-in-france.com pg 14 CONTINUED NEXT PAGE... Advertisements in The Bugle Business Directory are available in two sizes: small (50mm x 43mm) and large (50mm x 66.5mm). They are available in black & white or colour. Prices are based on an annual contract (no TVA/ VAT applicable) as follows: Small b&w €180 (€15/m), Small colour €270 (€22.50/m), Large b&w €240 (€20/m), Large colour €360 (€30/m). A 10% discount is offered for full payment upfront. Alternatively, split payments are possible every 4 or 6 months. Shorter contracts may be available on request. For more information about taking out a Directory Advert, please contact us at [email protected] or phone us on Why not spotlight your business with one of our advertorials? 1/3 page, 2/3 page & Full page options available. Contact us for more information. NOVEMBER 2010 ○ THE BUGLE ○ www.thebugle.eu B6 ♦ DIRECTORY Health & Beauty Language Services Transport & Removals Jewellery Making Courses Learn how to make stunning jewellery and stay at our beautiful B&B ● Soft furnishing (including curtains, blinds, headboards and cushions) ● Upholstery and chair caning. ● No job too small! To discuss your individual needs please call Frances Wills on: or email [email protected] www.hiddenfrance.co.uk SIRET: 479 965 758 00010 Helen Bernard Mobile Hairdressing & Beauty ● Ladies and Mens hairdressing ● Eye lash & Eyebrow Tinting ● Eyebrow shaping ● Waxing ● Manicure ● Pedicure ● Wedding day packages Depts 19 & 87 Jaboton French lessons Translations English to French French to English Monique DUMASDELAGE Tel: 06 19 58 21 19 La Traverse, 87800 La Roche L’Abeille (nr St-Yrieix-la-Perche) Siret 510 489 701 00019 SIREN: 523 871 853 Visit my website for a full price list www.helencoiffeuse.info Please mention The Bugle when responding to adverts 06 79 31 93 98 Online Shopping P&S Removals Ltd (0033) 02 54 47 14 08 (0044) 01227 713 738 [email protected] www.pandsremovals.co.uk Friendly, professional company, competitive rates. £25,000 Goods in Transit Insurance included as standard. Containerised storage. Weekly runs to France. Free quotation. Transit Man Man with van for hire Collection/deliveries Large purchase runs Furniture transport No object too small No distance too great! Household Services France/UK/Spain Based in Dept 23 Creuse 05 55 83 02 77 / 06 81 33 07 15 [email protected] SIRET: 523 955 151 00015 BLT Shopping www.shopping.blt-removals.co.uk General +44 7900 404 876 Jan Can Clean Domestic Cleaning Service Fed up with housework and ironing? Domestic Goddess available for all those chores you hate to do! Regular slots available, or just call when you need that extra pair of hands. Areas covered: Confolens/Bellac/St Junien [email protected] SIRET: 521 520 411 00013 Stove Sellers SIRET: 527 481 097 00014 Furniture in France Framptons Frozen Foods www.famousfurnitureinfrance.com www.framptons-frozen-foods-france.com Roctroc Dress Agency forDépôt-vente women Jon the Carpet Man See our Display Ad - pg 10 See Display Ad - pg 1 Vêtements d’occasion Specialising in quality secondhand & vintage clothing. Smart-casual, evening and special occasion wear. Shoes, bags, hats, jewellery and gift items. Gift tokens available. Catherine Rowland Email: [email protected] 4 rue Vaveix, 23200 Aubusson Tue-Thu 2-7pm, Fri-Sat 10-12, 2-6pm See Display Ad - pg 4 Carpets & Flooring See Display Ad - pg 4 Limousin Sales Sale room in Haute-Vienne www.limousinsales.com - pg 14 Sparks Portraits www.sparksportraitpix.com See Display Ad - pg 9 on Internet Picture framing Houses www.housesoninternet.com Encadrement d’Art 1 Rue du 19 Mars 1962 87150 Oradour sur Vayres See Display Ad - Pg 8 La Maison Shopping Arfeuille Antiques Framers to La Galerie de Gabriel Very reasonable rates Attention to detail 0033 555 414 688 [email protected] See our Display Ad - pg 6 Based 87/86 border [email protected] Siren: 521 640 623 D & S Shopping Services 4 weekly trips to/from UK 05 49 48 18 21 www.stovesellers.com Tel: 06 34 95 78 47 See Display Ad - Pg 5 BOXWOOD DESIGNS All types of English & French furniture See our Display Ad - pg 9 05 55 49 83 86 Siret : 493 883 623 00016 See our Display Ad - pg 3 www.NearlyHeaven.com English-language flying lessons See our Display Ad - Pg 8 WIN FREE FLIGHTS TO THE UK The Bugle has teamed up with Jet2 to offer our readers the chance to win 2 return tickets to the UK ◊ 1 pair of return flights to be won ◊ Choose from 2 routes: Brive - Manchester or Bergerac - Leeds ◊ One item of free checked baggage per person To be in with a chance to win this fantastic prize, simply send an email to [email protected]. Include the words "FREE FLIGHTS" in the subject line and give us your suggestion for a change or improvement you would like to see made to The Bugle. The winner will be drawn at random from all entrants when the competition closes on 30th November 2010. B EXC UGLE LUS IVE !! * The Bugle will keep all data private. Email addresses collected will only be used to contact the winner. Jet2.com, the leading friendly low fare airline has recently launched flights from Brive Airport to the dynamic city of Manchester. Flights are on sale now and will start in May 2011 with fares starting at just 40,99€ (one way inc taxes). Jet2.com also flies from Bergerac to Leeds, in the heart of Yorkshire. Flights for both routes will operate twice a week on Tuesdays and Saturdays. Jet2.com offers a number of advantages including allocated seats, a generous luggage allowance of 22kg and the opportunity to earn points for free flights with the loyalty scheme – myJet2.com. For more information, timetables and to book please visit www.jet2.com Terms & Conditions: Flights are subject to availability and may not be taken at peak periods such as Christmas, New Year and Bank/School Holidays. A restricted number of free seats are available per flight, Jet2.com reserve the right to offer an alternative date/destination to the one offered if this allocation is met. Flights must be booked by and taken by dates as specified by Jet2.com. Changes to names and travel dates are subject to the standard change fee plus any difference in fare as outlined in the airline’s general terms and conditions of carriage, which can be found on www.jet2.com. Flights may be changed or cancelled by the airline for administrative reasons without prior notice. In accordance with our terms and conditions Jet2.com’s schedules are not guaranteed. Any changes will be notified via email. One item of checked baggage is included per person. Flights may not be exchanged for cash and may only be taken by the competition winner along with one other traveller. Flights must be taken at the same time and are non-transferable. Jet2.com recommends that you take out your own insurance as this is not included in this prize. You must have a valid email address to claim this prize. Prize automatically expires two years after issue unless otherwise specified. Up to date competition terms and conditions may be found online at www.jet2.com/promotions. www.thebugle.eu ○ THE BUGLE ○ NOVEMBER 2010 DIRECTORY ♦ B7 The Bugle CLASSIFIEDS are brought to you in association with WWW.HOUSESONINTERNET.COM Classified Adverts Classified adverts are currently free for all small items (less than €500). For other types of classified adverts a small fee does apply: ● Items less than €500 are FREE! ● Items more than €500 are charged at €5 per month, with an extra €2.50 for an accompanying photo. To place a classified advert please phone: or email [email protected] with the details you would like included in your advert, together with a photo if applicable. WANTED: A place to exhibit sculpture French female sculptor, recently installed in La Châtre, is looking for a free place to exhibit her work: 25 individual pieces sculpted in wood and various stones. Size: 20 cm to 1m 50 All offers considered (restaurant, hotel...) For further information contact AnneSophie on These works can be seen at: http://picasaweb.google.com/AnneSophieMenant.sculpture FOR SALE: Baby Ferrets Born May - ready now. €60 each or barter for equivalent value of hay or straw. Feel free to visit these adorable little animals.Contact us for photos or to arrange a visit. Based near Dun-lePalestel €60.00 Tel: Email: [email protected] FOR SALE: Dutch Oak Double Wardrobe Double Wardrobe with two bottom drawers. Has three solid oak shelves for use as a storage cupboard which are removable for use as wardrobe. Very large and heavy. Comes in three parts. Must collect. Good condition. Priced for quick sale. €400.00 Tel: or Email: [email protected] FOR SALE: Double One Piece Wardrobe Double one piece wardrobe with curved top in Dutch Oak. Good condition. Very heavy solid wood. Has removable shelves. Must collect. €380.00 Tel: or Email: [email protected] FOR SALE: Assorted TV/Hi-Fi Equipment Sky Free View Box: €30. Daewoo Hi-Fi Speakers: €10. Neon DVD Player (No remote – dog ate it!): €5. Logitech R20 Computer Speakers: €10. Schaub Lorenz CD Digital Audio: €20. Tel: 05 55 62 29 68 (Benevent L’ Abbaye). E Mail: [email protected] FOR SALE: EPSON PICTURE MATE Why not print your Xmas photos on your own EPSON PICTURE MATE? Excellent condition. We are in dept 23. €55 Tel: 05 55 62 77 41 FOR SALE: George Foreman Grilling Machine 2 positions. As new, with instruction book. €15.00 Telephone: 05 55 60 22 27 FOR SALE: Peugeot 406 Diesel Estate S-Reg. Tax and MOT. Good running order.€850.00 Tel: WANTED: Teacher wanted for English boy. Aged 9. Part- time. Retired welcome. Tel: FOR SALE: WOODTURNING EQUIPMENT • Large lathe (turns up to 45cm diameter easily) complete with Supernova Chuck. • Demonstration Lathe (less than 2 years old and hardly used) complete with Oneway chuck. • Full set of accessory chuck jaws which fit both chucks. • Large collection of different gouges and chisels (some new and unused). • Number of boxes of turned objects, ready to sell. • Dust extracter. • Large collection of bowl blanks, and other pieces of rare wood, ready to turn. • Many new parts ready to use in your own projects (e.g. brass candlestick inserts). • Collection of Woodturning magazines, and some woodturning books (first editions). • Many other accessories and essential tools for turning.All equipment is of a high quality, not to be confused with cheap lathes & tools often available. For sale due to health problems. May exchange for tractor or old/interesting motor bike. €1,500.00 Tel or email [email protected] FOR SALE: Ladies Beautiful Black "Dennis Basso" 3/4 Length Suede Coat Size XXXL. Worn once only. Black Furry Lining, collar and cuffs. 100% Genuine Leather and Lining 100% Modacrylic. Cost £120, will accept 60 Euros. €60.00 Tel 05 65 31 20 10. 17 miles north of Cahors. FOR SALE: Long black leather riding boots Size 7. Length 19" 49.5cm. Calf 14" 35.5cm. Knee 13" 35cm. La Souterraine area.€150.00 Call Judy or email [email protected] FOR SALE: Harry Hall Herringbone Show Jacket Single vent. Would suit tall female. Size 36" 92cm.La Souterraine area. €125.00 Call Judy (eve) or email wildlifegardens@ orange.fr FOR SALE: Golfer's Starters Pack Components practically as new condition. Includes:- Kasco Bag, folding trolley, 1 Impala 3 Wood, 9 Impala Irons, 2 Putters, brolly, pair leather shoes (size 7), 2 doz asst balls, umpteen tees... BARGAIN!! €150.00 Tel: 05 55 60 22 27 or Email: mcdade.thomas@ neuf.fr FOR SALE: Motorcycle helmet 'TNT' open face with visor, size XL (61-62cm), black and orange, hardly worn. €30.00 Contact: 05 55 68 58 16 FOR SALE: Oil-fired central heating and hot water system Fully equipped, with 'Cuenod' burner and 1450 litre oil storage tank. €300.00 Contact: 05 55 68 58 16 FOR SALE: Black mesh fire screen 120cm wide, with 3 hinged sections 30 cm-60 cm-30 cm wide x 65cm high. Excellent condition, as new. €80.00 ono Contact: 05 55 68 58 16 FOR SALE: TV stand 3 shelf black glass TV stand. Size: 110 cm long, 40 cm wide, 50 cm high. €60.00 Tel Free to a good home... Two cats (mother and daughter) are looking for a new home due to relocation to England. Please call FOR SALE: Ford Focus Estate TDCI 1.8LX 2003 RHD, French reg, 142,000 miles, black, tow bar, new cam belt & rear brakes fitted in March 2010, CT'd in June 2010. €2,000.00 Please call FOR SALE: Shower tray (porcelaine) 70 x 70 cms, single pivoting shower door and basin (to be inset or posed). €80.00 E-mail: [email protected] WANTED: Part-time Work 20-year-old English woman looking for part-time work doing cleaning, housesitting for people going to work or on holidays. I only want work in the Centre of France, the Indre region.Full driving licence and a car. 13 euros per hour.I have previous experience in England and good recommendations from French and English people. Tel - 02 54 25 37 69 FOR SALE: COMPAQ PRESARIO DESKTOP COMPUTER Four years old, AMD Athlon 64 processor, 70Gb hard disk, 448 Kb RAM. Also includes Xerox 17" screen, QWERTY keyboard and mouse and Epson Stylus Photo RX600 printer. All in good working order except the small LCD screen on the printer. Sale due to upgrade. €175.00 Email [email protected] or call: Peter or Chris on 05 55 66 44 29 FOR SALE: Peugeot 307 Estate 2005 (RHD) CT Nov 2012. Serviced by local mechanic.New Turbo, catalytic converter and tyres. Comes with CD player, electric windows and aircon. Very good condition. Priced for a quick sale. €4,300.00 ono Tel: (daytime) (evenings) WANTED: Mains-operated cassette deck DOES ANYONE HAVE a mains-operated cassette deck in good working order that they would like to sell to me? E-mail alessandrabartlett@ gmail.com or call 07788 900520 (English mobile) FOR SALE: Godin cuisinière (similar to Rayburn) Only lit 3 times. Oven and top unused. White. Cost €2000 new. Can deliver to Limousin. Will consider offers/ swapping for other items €1,400.00 ono Tel: Free To Collect... Brother Knitting Machine KH 830 (needs a new sponge bar) and 2 Ribbers plus table, packs of new needles, spares, punch cards, books, patterns, transfer carriage, wool winder etc. etc. Ideal for anyone wanting to have a go at knitting, for spares or ebay seller. 17 miles north of Cahors, Region 46. Telephone 05 65 31 20 10 FOR SALE: Hague Linker Machine For sewing up knitted garments/fabrics. Excellent condition. Buyer collects.€40.00 Telephone 05 65 31 20 10 FOR SALE: DOUBLE BED (140cm x 190cm) Base, Mattress and Legs. Epeda Multispire mattress,Epeda Multilatt base and 15cm wooden legs. Excellent condition, rarely used. €250.00 ono Email: [email protected] or call: Peter or Chris on 05 55 66 44 29 WANTED: Work for Project Manager Semi retired English Project/Design Manager now living in 36 region and actively seeking either full or part-time involvement in construction projects either residential or commercial. Have comprehensive C.V. that I can forward by e.mail or post. I can take on any project from the outset to completion, co-ordinating the design and trades on site, being responsible for obtaining competitive tenders, the agreed cost plan/budget, the agreed programme and quality of the end product. Contact Richard Noble 02 54 24 00 38 e.mail [email protected] WANTED: Work Work needed for English man. 48 years old. Ex licenced taxi driver in Sevenoaks, Kent, England. Looking for work in France in the area of Bonnat near Guéret dept 23. Willing to try anything. Currently caring for sick wife. Call Nigel on 06 04 46 73 92 WANTED: Male, 40, looking for work Lived nr Bellac for 6 years so have very good knowledge of area. Above average French speaking but not fluent. All types of work considered. Will accept cheque d'emploi or short term contracts. Jack of all trades master of none. Car available. Clean French driving license. Willing to travel maximum of 50 kms on a daily basis. Tel: 05 55 60 70 12 or Email: [email protected] FOR SALE: Set of 4 70’s style dining chairs In fair to good condition, the seats have been recovered in brown velor type material. The chairs would benefit from a quick coat of varnish as one of them was always left near the central heating radiator. €30.00 Tel: 05 55 03 28 18 FOR SALE: Two Canon Pixma ink cartridges 510 Black and 511 Colour cartridges, suitable for Pixma series MP240/MP260/ MP480/MX320/MX330. Bought in error. €15.00 Tel: 05 55 03 28 18 FOR SALE: Ronseal Diamond Hard Floor Varnish Antique Pine 2 1/2 litres. 25 euros. Normally costs £39.95 in the UK. €25.00 Tel: 05 55 03 15 82 FOR SALE: Large lot of Terracotta Pots Please see www. thebugle.eu/classifieds.php for more details. €150.00 the lot. Please email [email protected] or call 06 28 56 90 61 FOR SALE: Renault Megane 1.9 turbo Diesel Full CT. Good condition. Year 2000. Left hand drive. French registered. €3,350.00 ono Tel FOR SALE: ANTIQUE DOG CART Probably for carrying children, could be used to display flowers. In metal and wood. €85.00 Please email: [email protected] FOR SALE: DAY BED Single day bed with ornate decoration. Mattress attached, castors, fold-up style. Measures 90 x 195 cms €60.00 Please email: [email protected] FOR SALE: ROUND WOODEN TABLE Wooden table painted white - diameter 110cms €45.00 Please email: [email protected] FOR SALE: DOG BASKET IN WILLOW Large dog basket 1 metre x 80cms - our dog refuses to go anywhere near it! Hence totally unused. €45.00 Please email: [email protected] FOR SALE: RATTAN CHAIRS AND TABLE Two rattan chairs and a rattan table. The chairs are folding, have foot-rests and can be reclined. Table: 80cms diameter €90.00 Please email: sermur2002@ yahoo.co.uk FOR SALE: SHREDDER ALKO 2400R Only used once€85.00 Please email: sermur2002@ yahoo.co.uk FOR SALE: 1993 (L Reg) BMW 5 Series 2.5 Turbo Diesel Touring Estate Driven from UK. For spares, as diesel pump is gone in diesel tank. Superb gearbox, engine and turbo. Many other good parts. Buyer collects (36800 Oulches) €300.00 ono Tel: +44 (0)7195 866 305 (Keith) FOR SALE: Various lamp bases 2 celadon crackle effect bases. 46c H x 22c W. 35 euros ea.Green lamp base. 43c H x 26c W. 20 euros.Blue lamp base. 43c H x 23c W. 20 euros.Call Mike 09 50 49 33 04 or email for more photos [email protected] FOR SALE: Souffle d’Ocre by Siguier dining table and 4 chairs 110cm round x 75cm high table with extra leaf 110cm x 40cm with 4 chairs. €500.00 ono Call Mike 09 50 49 33 04 or email for more photos: [email protected] FOR SALE: Driza-Bone Original Wax Full Length Coat As new. 75 euros. Size as label L 110 cm.€75.00 Call Mike 09 50 49 33 04 or email for more photos walsh515@gmail. com FOR SALE: Breeding pair of large pigs The boar is a Pichon. The sow is a Great White and has just had a litter of 11 earlier on in the year.Price €300 to a good home.€300.00 Contact Rose or Steve on FOR SALE: Various 2 De-Longhi 2000 watt oil filled radiators with thermostat. Unused. 35€ each. General Electric de-humidifier/ air cleaner/ionizer. Unused 75€. 2 mirror finished lamp stands. 25€ each.New white ceramic square bathroom sink 35€. 2 teak garden steamer chairs 25€ each. Invicta inset wood burning stove. Used 3 months only 100€. All in excellent condition.Tel 05 55 67 15 08 FOR SALE: Marks & Spencer cherry display cabinet 2 glass doors. 4 drawers. Cost over £1000. Immaculate condition. Offers invited.Tel 05 55 67 15 08 Three little kittens... ..need a home. They are:- beautiful (photos can be sent) - 6-7 weeks old - black, black with a white bib and paws and black & white - friendly, purr when handled - just starting to eat proper foodFor collection just into the Charente, 10 mins from Rochechouart.If you know of anyone who would like one, two or all three, please get in touch with Rob or Justine on 05 45 21 61 57 FOR SALE: Soplair caravan awning - Brand new & Complete Suits Homecar 43 racer, or Hobby. Information or to view, please call.€500.00 FOR SALE: Bread maker French model. Used once.€20.00 ono05. FOR SALE: Computer Desk Work station style. VGC. 78 cm x 66 cm, 82 cm high.€20.00 Tel: FOR SALE: Mahogany Table Dining table (antique). Square (90 cm), 77 cm high, centre pedestal, brass feet, casters.€150.00 Tel: FOR SALE: Mahogany Table Round coffee table (traditional). Dimensions: 1m diameter, 56 cm high, with four legs, brass feet, centre pedestal.€150.00 Tel: FOR SALE: Mobile home - 30ft x 10ft Reasonable condition for age but boiler not working. Please telephone for more info.€500.00 onoTel: 05 55 57 11 87 FOR SALE: Building Plot near Chenerailles Good level plot, planning permision, electric/water very close. 1,735 m2. €10,500 - Tel: 05 55 62 77 41 WANTED: Pool Cover 10m x 6m minimum Good condition please. 05 55 00 07 90 FOR SALE: 50 Limited Edition Plates As new, with authenticity certificates, including complete sets. €5 each or €195 total collection. 05 55 60 22 27 FOR SALE: Round Intex pool cover 457cm diameter (15') Brand new (too small for our pool).€35.00 FOR SALE: 2 x Left Hand Drive Renault Megane Headlights From a 1999 Megane Hatch. Excellent Condition.€80.00 onoTel: 05 55 81 30 39 Submissions deadline for all Classified Adverts is the 15th of the month [email protected] NOVEMBER 2010 ○ THE BUGLE ○ www.thebugle.eu B8 ♦ DIRECTORY The Bugle CLASSIFIEDS are brought to you in association with WWW.HOUSESONINTERNET.COM Bugle Properties • Properties for sale • Businesses for sale • Properties for long-term and short-term rent BUSINESSES PROPERTIES FOR SALE FOR SALE Auvergne-style Longère House in a hamlet with 1.4 hectares of land near Aubusson Successful Bed & Breakfast in Chénérailles New electrics and plumbing required but this will be an easy renovation. Three bedrooms with the scope for more. Semi-detached house with garden and garage nearby. Properties or Businesses for rent or sale are charged at €12.50 for a (max) 75 word advert, with an extra €5 for an accompanying photo. or email [email protected] with the details you would like included in your advert, together with a photo if applicable. PROPERTIES TO LET Large 2-storey farmhouse 10 minutes from Felletin FLAT TO LET ORADOUR-SUR-VAYRES Warm furnished modern one bedroom flat to rent. Includes water, electricity, heating and broadband with under cover parking. Lovely view over the valley. Quiet location. 3 bedrooms upstairs with large modern bathroom and separate changing room. Bath and separate shower with WC. Downstairs is a large open plan living, dining and kitchen area. Good heating system with extra wood heater and cuisinière. Available fully furnished or unfurnished. (6, 12, or 18+ mths) Holiday lets are also available. For viewings: Sophie Arsac - 0555891574. or email [email protected] € 390/month Gite for rent (near Aubusson) Long Stay - €320 per month Short Stay - €100 per week Contact: Nick or Tessa Wiggins 05 55 49 83 86 To Rent 2 bedroom gite for up to 7 months. Central heated, Godin log burners, fully equipped and furnished. Superb rural location in the Ambazac forests. www.grandmontgites.com Gite available 6 months Oct-Mar Three bedrooms: two double and one with three single beds, two bathrooms, kitchen, lounge, dining room & sunroom, parking and small garden, Sky TV, washing machine & dishwasher. All fully furnished for short or long term rent. Tel: 05 55 67 58 87 2 bedrooms, open-plan kitchen/living/dining area, shower-room, small courtyard. Bénévent-l'Abbaye €320/month excl. utilities Photos on www.pilgrim23.com Tel: €70,000 ono It has three large letting rooms all with ensuite. Large family room with two rooms and en-suite. Dining room/Breakfast room. Good sized utility room. Newly fitted kitchen to a high spec. Large apartment on second floor for owners. Rooms to renovate. Enclosed courtyard garden. Garage availble to rent. €160,000 Tel: 05 55 62 91 97 Email: [email protected] www.grandemaison-chenerailles.com Reach 11,000 potential buyers or tenants for only €12.50 / month (+ €5 for an optional photo) TO LET CHARMING 2 BED LITTLE HOUSE Situated in a quiet and pretty little hamlet approximately 5 minutes from the historic town of Chalus and shops, supermarket, restaurant, and other local amenities. 2 beds, shower/wc, kitchen/lounge and a cellar. Additionally, the use of a small barn (for storage). Unfurnished. €380/month excl. bills. Long or short term rental. Telephone 0044 1642 284 143 or (mobile) 0044 7984 188 619. 250 m² living space plus 300 m² of barns and detached outbuildings. Built from granite with a new roof. Peaceful location. 10 km from Guéret. 14,200 m² of land with 3 streams. Please telephone: 05 55 73 06 61 or e mail [email protected] Building Plot near Chénérailles €298,000 (offers accepted) Good level plot, planning permision, electric/water very close. 1,735 m2. 05 55 81 30 15 Tel: 05 55 62 77 41 Grande Maison Large house with barn and stables For more information call: Large house for sale in the village of Peyrabout (10 mins from Guéret). Approx 300 m² in total comprising: ● Main house with 3 bedrooms ● 1 studio flat ● Garage area There is also a small garden in front of the house. €130,000 €10,500 Located in a small hamlet in the commune of Crozant. Also includes a second small, stone house nearby. Large garden with trees and vegetable plots - 2,400m² 05 55 89 80 99 TWO FULLY RENOVATED STONE COTTAGES Tel: 0555802140/ 0625513130 House with lakes near Bourganeuf Peaceful hamlet. Close to amenities in Bussière-Poitevine Main cottage: 2 beds/lounge/fully fitted kitchen/sun lounge/bathroom/sep. w.c./patio. Adjacent cottage: 2 beds en-suite/lounge/ fitted kitchen/bathroom/separate w.c./patio. Lovely garden with open views 2,600 m². For quick sale €155,000 Property with 2.5 hectares of land including 2 lakes (1.22 hectares & 1080 m2)fed by their own natural source. The house has 81 m2 of living space, ready to move straight into. €240,000 Tel : Mob: Full details and photos: www.houseseparategitelimousinfrance.com email: [email protected] click on 2 adjacent cottages Tel: +33(0)5 55 60 22 27 [email protected] www.thebugle.eu ○ THE BUGLE ○ NOVEMBER 2010 FRENCH LIFE ♦ 11 Solar hot water F very hot edition of The Bugle next month! ■ If you’d like to know more about the topics raised here, take a look at Stove-Sellers' website for more information on wood burning stoves and cookers, central heating systems, chimney installations ollowing on from last month, we’re going to take a look at hot water from solar power. Did you know that the Earth receives more energy from the sun in one month than man has consumed throughout history?! Heating domestic hot water is one of the largest consumers of energy within the household, and most common ‘balloons’ are fitted with 2-3kW immersion heaters. For some reason the thermostats tend to be preset to ‘red hot’ in France which further increases an already high energy demand. So what do we do? We add cold water to cool it down to a temperature that we can stand! glass (plates) with water pipes sandwiched in between. Evacuated tube collectors consist of individual vacuumsealed Pyrex tubes. Both systems perform equally well on a hot sunny day; however, under all other conditions, vacuum tubes are significantly more efficient than flat plate panels. The primary reason for this is that evacuated tube systems are just that… evacuated. Because they are a sealed vacuum, ambient temperature has virtually no effect upon performance, so if the sun is shining, it doesn’t matter whether it is warm or cold outside, leading to efficiency levels of up to 93%. A common misconception is that it needs to be sunny for solar thermal systems to work. This is not the case One method of reducing this energy demand to virtually zero is to use solar energy. Solar energy can be captured in two ways: as solar photovoltaic or solar thermal energy. This month we will take a look at the solar thermal method which captures ultraviolet radiation (UV) to heat water in solar tubes or collectors. There are two main types of solar thermal system: flat plate collectors and evacuated tube collectors. Flat plate collectors are essentially two pieces of as solar systems capture UV light. Okay, they are not as efficient on a cloudy, overcast day, but they still perform very well year round. One small solar panel can also reduce your CO2 emissions by 300 kg every year! For the average household one 30-tube solar panel will produce up to 250 litres of hot water per day, which is about the size of your average boiler. Environment efficient. In fact they can even be orientated East/West and don’t have to be perfectly inclined to your angle of latitude; flat on a roof or on a wall works pretty well and they can also be groundmounted. and chimney sweeps at www.stovesellers.com or call Facing which way? South is good but Southeast or Southwest is almost as Solar panels also provide an efficient means of swimming pool heating, so if you’d like to take the edge off your pool’s temperature and extend your swimming season, you can do so in an eco friendly way. One question that often arises is that of using solar thermal systems for central heating. Whilst they can produce a degree of supplementary heat in spring and autumn, the contribution in winter will be minimal which is of course when you need your heating the most. Heating a house is a whole lot different to heating an insulated tank of water! A typical system for the average home is likely to cost in the region of €3,500€5,000. The energy savings have so many variables it makes it difficult to provide a general cost versus return figure. That said, the investment payback is likely to be within 5 years, after which you can enjoy free hot water for life! If your motives are purely ‘green’ then do it regardless. Generally speaking you will not need planning permission as these systems satisfy the ‘permitted development’ requirements, but as always run it by your Marie first if in any doubt. Arthur Smith Harlequin Developments www. harlequindevelopments.com Tel: Mob: NOVEMBER 2010 ○ THE BUGLE ○ www.thebugle.eu 12 ♦ FRENCH LIFE High-tech chicken coops Readers’ Contributions In the most recent edition of his monthly column CHICKEN CORNER, Paul Lay looks back on a year of columns and gets tempted by technology. You can find all his previous columns at www.thebugle.eu/archive/ Several years ago I bought my first few chicks for the princely sum of three euros each, and have been keeping a small flock going ever since. What started off as a bit of fun and a way to get cheap eggs has turned into a minor obsession, and now I couldn’t imagine life without ‘my girls’ roaming around the back garden. The idea behind my column here is just to share with you my experiences of raising chickens and offer my thoughts on chicken-related matters. C an you believe that this is already the first anniversary of my little column?! I’m sure my editor will have mentioned elsewhere in the paper that it is also coincidentally the first anniversary of The Bugle, so I will not bang on about it, but it has given me occasion to return to my piece from this time last year to see what I was writing about way back then. It appears I made a rather bold promise to acquire a turkey, bestow upon him the name Noel and cook him for this year’s Christmas dinner! Whilst I still wholeheartedly agree with the sentiments of that first column – that if we are prepared to eat meat, we should be aware of exactly where it comes from and get to grips with how it ends up on our plates – I am afraid I never got round to buying that young turkey. Maybe next year…? A lot can change in 12 months: chickens have come and gone; a rabbit has arrived and stayed; I have had chicken-based joy and heartbreak in equal measure; and if you believe what you read in the papers, I have eaten in the vicinity of 1,095 of the world’s most delicious free range eggs (see last month’s column). It has been a tough year in the yard, however… I believe that only 2 of the chickens I had at this time last year are still with me. And then there was the disappointment of the chicks that never hatched (see September’s edition). However, the pleasure and enjoyment I get out of looking after my chickens has not waned in the slightest. As the first gentle frosts have started to arrive, the logistics of keeping chickens over a harsh Limousin winter are slowly coming back to me. During the summer months, my girls spend the vast majority of their days outside and their food and water dispensers tend to follow them… it’s just easier. But they are already spending nearly 12 hours of each day in their coop and the first thing they do of a morning is run for a drink. I have now moved the dispensers into the coop, the first of the winter tasks. Soon we will face the daily battle against frozen water. I have heard of all sorts of crazy solutions but the reality is that if it is anything like last year, all liquids left outside will freeze overnight into a brick, often cracking whatever receptacle is trying to withhold them. The only solution is to bring the water in at night and put it back out in the morning – not the hardest job in the world but surprisingly onerous. One other solution that was presented to me by a fellow enthusiast a few years ago, and one that I am afraid I gave serious consideration to, was a heated plate onto which a metal water dispenser could be placed. The product in question could be either battery or mains operated and promised to prevent a moderate amount of liquid from freezing in even the harshest of winter conditions. With the first frost come certain logistical issues It was my wife that questioned whether it was really worth the money (I remember it not being an insignificant amount) to not have to carry a small bowl of water less than 50 metres once every day; after all, I do make the trip at least once a day anyway to collect my morning eggs! I did have to think about it for a while before agreeing with her. Like I said, it is a surprisingly onerous task. Now that I think about it, the same person also sent me a link to a website where you could buy a sunlight-operated automatic chicken door. The theory was that you would open the chicken-sized ‘cat flap’ of a morning and when the light dipped below a certain level, it would automatically close, shutting the ladies in for the night (assuming they had already taken themselves to bed). I am a sucker for a gadget at the best of times and I had already removed my credit card from my wallet before common sense thankfully prevailed. You’ll be happy to know that I continue to eschew these modernday gimmicks and I am keeping it old-school in the yard. The water is room temperature and refreshed every morning and the door to the coop is still operated by nothing more than a touch of evening elbow grease. Long may it continue! Until next time! ■ A s fuel shortages threatened to disrupt public services across the country this month, not every town was worried about huge piles of uncollected rubbish building up in the streets. Perpignan is one of 60 French towns that have fallen back on a cheaper and greener way to collect household waste, ditching the dustbin lorry in favour of the more traditional horse and cart. In fact, the very first dustmen in the country used a horse and cart to transport public refuse. The concept was first introduced in Paris by a French prefect by the name of Eugène Poubelle – the man after whom the dustbin would later be named. He was a lawyer, administrator and diplomat and as prefect of the Seine region introduced new hygiene measures in Paris. Poubelle decreed that owners of buildings must provide those who lived there with three covered containers of between 40 and 120 litres to hold household refuse: one for perishable items; one for paper and cloth; and the third for crockery and shells. Parisians began to name their boxes after Poubelle, a habit encouraged by the newspaper Le Monde, which called them ‘Boîtes Poubelle’. The population of Paris, at the time close to two million people, needed a system to empty the containers regularly. The method of choice was the humble horse and cart. Incidentally, Eugène Poubelle also campaigned successfully for direct drainage. A resurgence of cholera in 1892 led to a decree in 1894 that all buildings were to be connected directly to the sewers at the expense of the building's owner – a process that many of us in rural France with fosses septiques will know is still ongoing! Now, over a century later a growing number of French towns are returning to horsedrawn refuse collection as a better way to deal with recycling. The mayor of Peyrestortes, near Perpignan says that the primary factor in his decision to reintroduce horse-drawn carts to collect recycling in the narrow streets of his town was a practical one: “You can't turn a waste collection vehicle around here. We used to block streets to traffic and keep waste in open skips.” So he sold off a dustbin lorry and bought two Breton carthorses in their place; but crucially, has he saved any money? “It's too early to tell. But money isn't the only reason. The exhaust smells have gone, the noise has gone, and instead we have the clip-clop of horses' hooves!” Jean-Pierre Enjalbert, mayor of a commune in the greater Paris area is certain he is saving money, as the novelty of the horses has increased recycling rates. “By using the horses for garden waste collection, we have raised awareness. People are composting more. Incineration used to cost us €107 a tonne, ridiculous for burning wet matter. Now we only pay €37 to collect and compost the waste.” Not everywhere that has experimented with introducing horse-drawn carts has succeeded, with many Culture Source: SITA Binmen with serious horsepower reverting to the combustion engine in just a few months, leading some to claim that the move is usually no more than a cheap publicity stunt. SITA, France's second largest waste management and recycling company, has now integrated the “collecte hippomobile” into three towns in the Aube department in central France. Alexandre Champion, who instigated the idea at SITA, blames other factors for the failures: unsuitable horses; untrained workers; inadequate terrain; and poor equipment. According to Mr Champion, “housing estates or old town centres with flat terrain work best, with a circuit of under 20 km a day”. Another place trialing animal power is Sicily where Mario Cicero, mayor of the 14th-century town Castelbuono pioneered glass and cardboard collection using two packsaddle donkeys in 2007. Three years on, Cicero has done his sums and calculated a cost saving of 34%, as well as winning over a sceptical population and putting more donkeys to work. “Compared with €5,000– €7,000 annual running costs for a diesel truck, an ass costs €1,000–€1,500 and can live 25-30 years. A truck costs around €25,000, lasts around five years and can't reproduce!” ■ www.thebugle.eu ○ THE BUGLE ○ NOVEMBER 2010 FRENCH LIFE ♦ 13 Rural France facing a boar invasion be sent to the local veterinary laboratory before boar can be sold as meat. The principal concern is trichinella, a type of parasite that is quite widespread and can be transmitted to humans if they eat undercooked or raw pig meat. Freezing the meat for three weeks and then cooking it until the juices run clear is an adequate preventive measure. In Germany the potential worries are worse as wild boar are still feeding on mushrooms, truffles and berries contaminated with caesium from the Chernobyl disaster nearly 25 years ago. As a number of specialists have now pointed out, the wild boar population needs to be managed more effectively, but what can be done? It helps to start with what makes wild boar so successful. They are omnivorous, opportunistic and highly mobile, able to cover between 2 and 15 km a day. They will eat almost anything they come across, including grass, nuts, berries, carrion, roots, tubers, refuse, insects, small reptiles - even young deer and lambs. Boar are prolific breeders. A sow can become fertile at as young as eight months old if she has access to good feeding. Litter size varies between two and six depending on the weight of the animal. They have also proved adept at finding various ways round the hunting strategies that have successfully checked the proliferation of other Female boar are carrying larger litters and mating from an earlier age than ever before says François Klein, who coordinates research into deer and wild boar at the agency. One local famer near Gentioux knows exactly why so many crops are being damaged: “There is a population explosion of boar, the likes of which we have never seen before. In the commune of Gentioux we recently identified 15 or so herds, with 30 pigs in each herd!” Jouanny Chatoux, vicepresident of the Young Farmers association claims the situation is becoming serious. “The south [of the Creuse] is the most severely [email protected] mammals such as deer or mountain goats. “Under favourable environmental conditions, the sows start reproducing after only a year, whereas other ungulates [hoofed mammals] take twice as long. Every year they produce a litter of five piglets on average, whereas most other species only have one at a time,” says Eric Baubet, head of the boar study programme at France's Wildlife and Hunting Agency (ONCFS). “The females seem to be reproducing increasingly young and the conventional pattern for reproduction, with a pause in the summer, is often no longer valid,” SIREN: 453 573 388 T he wild boar population is soaring at an alarming rate right across Europe, despite the best efforts of hunters. The problem is becoming serious in France, particularly in the centre and on the Millevaches plateau in southern Creuse, the problem is almost out of control. Despite a nationwide drive to check their numbers, launched last year by the environment minister, JeanLouis Borloo, the boar population is still rising steadily. Even a tenfold increase in the number being shot by hunters over the last 30 years (more than 560,000 were slaughtered in France in 2009) has failed to quell their numbers. In Creuse, the rise is even more marked: in 1989, 51 boar were shot in the green and blue department; last year that number was 3,600, and still the numbers rise. The problem is not restricted to France, however; in Germany, Italy and across almost the whole of Europe, wild pigs have seen a spectacular population boom in recent decades. Although the most common complaint you will hear is from farmers with damaged crops, wild boar do pose other problems. There were 20,800 collisions between cars and boar in France last year, at an estimated cost of well over €100 million. The health of the boar entering the food chain can also be a worry. A sample of the viscera has to Nature affected, but also the east. Because of the departmental policy from 10 years ago of feeding the wild boar, mothers are now carrying more litters and carrying them at a younger age. It is the fault of the departmental chasse.” By way of proof, Mr Chatoux points out that of the 6 hectares of maize in the commune of Gentioux, 4 hectares have been completely destroyed. This in itself is becoming expensive as farmers can claim compensation for damage to crops caused by boar. In 2009, the total paid out was €160,000; in 2010, with the season still under way, that figure has already topped €500,000. “The farmers are at their wits end,” continued Jouanny Chatoux: “Some businesses risk going under. People should know that every night farmers are patrolling with guns to self-regulate the problem. I have heard that in some communes, large ditches have been dug to contain the bodies of the dead boar. Why can the boar not be classified as a ‘nuisance’ for a few years? We should be able to hunt them, with or without a permit.” ■ NOVEMBER 2010 ○ THE BUGLE ○ www.thebugle.eu 14 ♦ FRENCH LIFE Practical Are you unable to receive broadband? Is your connection slow & unreliable? WiMAX may be the answer! Following the announcement in August’s edition of The Bugle that WiMAX installation would be free for Limousin residents we received a massive response from readers wanting to know more. With the news that the deadline for free installation has been pushed back to the end of the year, The Bugle asked Steve Pritchard from Steve Pritchard Solutions to explain a bit more about WiMAX and how to make the most of this offer. W hilst significant steps forward have been made with broadband coverage in France over recent years, the unfortunate truth for many people living in rural areas is that they still find themselves in ‘broadband black spots’ where coverage is either not available at all or connections are slow and unreliable. The good news for residents of the Limousin is that an alternative option – WiMAX - is available for many people across the region. WiMAX provides broadband internet and telephone services, allowing data to be communicated across a series of transmitters – very much like the mobile phone network. A discrete antenna of approximately 40 cm² mounted on your house is all that is required to access the service. The Limousin has invested heavily in WiMAX as an alternative option for people in rural areas who cannot receive traditional broadband services via a phone line and is one of only 4 departments in France currently benefiting from “full” coverage. In reality around 90% of people are able to connect to the service. Axione, the operator in charge of developing the region’s WiMAX network, announced earlier this year that there would be no installation charge if you signed up before the end of September (see August’s edition of The Bugle). The offer applies to new customers only and the installer must be one of the four major companies currently offering WiMAX in the region (Alsatis, Vivéole, Idyle Telecom and Numéo). This subsidy has just been extended from the end of September until the end of 2010. There is absolutely nothing to lose, therefore, in submitting an application to see if you can benefit from the service. In the event that the technician is unable to connect from your property then it will have cost you nothing to try! There is usually a set-up cost of anything from €250–€350 for this service. In the Limousin, broadband speeds of 2 Mbps are currently being offered. By way of an example this is more than sufficient for streaming video & music or for making Skype voice & video calls. The optional telephone package allows unlimited calls to be made to landlines in 27 countries. Even better, there is no requirement to keep a France Telecom line with this option, saving €16.00 per month for line rental! WiMAX is offered at a monthly subscription of €29.90 for the first 6 months, rising to €34.90 thereafter. There is a one-off setup fee of €49.90 for the optional telephone service which offers free calls to landlines in 27 countries for €9.90 per month. If you currently have a package with France Telecom, Or- ange or one of the other main operators but are unhappy with their service or feel you may be paying too much for calls & internet, why not let Steve carry out a free review - with no obligation - to see if you could save money by switching? Steve is a partner of Vivéole, one of the companies authorised to install WiMAX in the Limousin. For more information please visit Steve Pritchard’s website www.steve-pritchard.fr/WiMAX or contact Steve by email at [email protected] or on 05 53 55 16 15. ■ www.steve-pritchard.fr Tougher laws introduced to deal with spousal abuse Local lawyer, Laure CHAVERON, informs us of a tough new law recently introduced to deal with violence within couples. SIRET: 493 208 888 00021 In 2009, 149 women died as victims of their partner or husband. In an effort to offer more protection to the victims of spousal abuse, particularly the ones who dare to report the offence to the Police, the French government has brought in new legislation. The new Law is dated July 1st 2010, but actually came into force on October 1st this year. You can now obtain from French Judges an 'ordonnance de protection', or 'protection order'. With this order the violent spouse can be forced to leave the matrimonial home. The order can last for up to 4 months and can be given by the judge very quickly. It is not only the victims who can introduce such a claim, the General Prosecutor also has the power, provided he has the victim's consent - some victims need to be protected but cannot act themselves due to fear. . Moreover, prison sentences and fines have been increased for offences committed between couples. See December’s edition of Got a story for The Bugle? [email protected] The Bugle for a full explanation of the law surrounding spousal abuse. ■ Laure CHAVERON, Avocat 5 rue Henri Beaune, 23230 Gouzon Téléphone 05 55 80 15 76 [email protected] http://avocats.fr/space/laure.chaveron Food and Drink Quick and Easy Cassoulet This recipe is provided by Chef George and compiled by Frances of La Grande Maison (Tables et Chambres d’Hôtes), Chénérailles www.grandemaison-chenerailles.com Cassoulet is a rich, slow-cooked bean stew or casserole originating in the south of France, containing meat (typically pork sausages, pork, goose, duck and sometimes mutton), pork skin (couennes) and white haricot beans. The word ‘cassoulet’ takes its name from its traditional cooking vessel, the cassole, a deep, round, earthenware pot with slanting sides. Numerous regional variations exist, the best-known being the cassoulet from Castelnaudary, the self-proclaimed "Capital of Cassoulet", Toulouse, and Carcassonne. This recipe is a quick and easy version of the dish and makes a tasty treat for those cold winter nights. Ingredients (Serves 6): 6 cooked chicken pieces (roasted in oven) 200 g smoked lardons 400 g smoked garlic sausage 800 g of drained white beans 1 litre chicken stock 1 sprig of fresh rosemary Salt & pepper to taste 1. Preheat the oven to 200°C/Gas mark 6 and roast the chicken pieces. 2. In a large frying pan, brown the lardons and sausage. Remove and set aside. 3. Now add the drained white beans (haricots blancs) to the frying pan and stir to soak up all the meat juices. 4. In a large oven proof casserole pot add the chicken, lardons, sausage, beans and chicken stock. 5. Add a sprig of rosemary (leaves only) and black pepper. Stir to coat meat. Cover and cook for 30 minutes. 6. Check seasoning. Add salt if needed and serve with warm crusty bread. www.thebugle.eu ○ THE BUGLE ○ NOVEMBER 2010 FRENCH LIFE ♦ 15 Culture NOVEMBER DATES - Three major annual events in France: November 1st - la Toussaint, a public holiday in France when many visit graveyards to pay respects to the dead; November 11th - l'Armistice, another public holiday to remember the dead from the Great War; November 18th - Beaujolais Nouveau, the annual celebration of the Beaujolais region's famous red wine. 1st November - la Toussaint 11th November - l'Armistice F just to see the flowers on display. Another reason that families pay so much attention to their gravesites at this time of year is that the upkeep of the graves is a public responsibility in France. When they appear no longer to be regularly visited, or become unstable and begin to decay, notices are attached to them asking relatives to contact the council. If no one claims guardianship of the grave the council will take over its care and possibly move the memorial to a council maintained area. ■ rance honours its war dead on l’Armistice (Armistice Day) on the 11th November. This is a day when every commune in France will typically hold a ceremony at their cenotaph and lay wreaths. Thanks to state grants handed out in the years after the First World War, almost all of the 36,000 or so communes in France have a war memorial to their dead, usually with the names of each local soldier who was killed. War memorials in France did not always serve this role. Historically, they were erected to commemorate great victories; remembering the dead was a secondary concern. In Napoleon's day the dead were shovelled into mass, unmarked graves. The Arc de Triomphe in Paris, and indeed Nelson's Column in London, contain no names of those killed in the victories they commemorate. It was not until the great losses of the First World War that remembrance took centre stage and most communities erected a war memorial listing those men and women who had gone to war 18th November - Beaujolais Nouveau Beaujolais Nouveau and by the 1970s its release and the ‘race’ to get the first bottles to Paris became a national event attracting considerable media attention. This race to deliver the first bottle soon spread to other countries in Europe in the 1980s, and North America and Asia in the 1990s. In some places, the wine was delivered by hot-air balloon, elephant, motorcycle, helicopter, by relay runners and Concorde was even drafted into service one year! The reason that the date was fixed in 1985 as a Thursday (as opposed to the 15th that it had always been until that point) was to make the most of the wine consumption during the weekend that followed. The man largely credited with ‘inventing’ this annual drinking frenzy is Georges Duboeuf, the so-called King of Beaujolais. His empire reaches just about every corner of the Beaujolais region, just north of Lyon, and roughly 10 percent of the wine flowing out of the region comes from his cellars. It is Duboeuf who is chiefly credited with turning the release of Beaujolais Nouveau into a global phenomenon – a marketing masterstroke for a wine mainly borne of the region’s worst vineyards, a wine barely removed from the fermentation vat, a wine that many say is nothing more than pleasantly tart bar-room swill. That said, I’m sure plenty of us will still enjoy getting caught up in the ritual! ■ than soldiers. Understandably, such memorials provoked anger among veterans and the military in general. The most famous is at Gentioux-Pigerolles in the department of Creuse which was built in 1922. Below the column, which lists the names of the commune’s fallen, stands an orphan in bronze pointing to an inscription declaring: ‘Maudite soit la guerre’ – ‘Cursed be war’. Feelings ran so high over the Gentioux peace memorial that it was not officially inaugurated until 1990 and soldiers at the nearby army camp of La Courtine were under orders to turn their heads when they walked past it. ■ and not returned. In many cases, the World War I memorials were later extended to also show the names of locals who died in the Second World War. In modern times the main purpose of war memorials is no longer to glorify war, but to honour those who have died, as will happen right across France on this day, and indeed across much of Europe. After World War I, some towns in France set up pacifist war memorials. Instead of commemorating the glorious dead, these memorials denounced war with figures of grieving widows and children rather Advertise your business here for only €34/month © 2007 - Hajime Nakano (Flickr) C orks will be popping around the world on 18th November as lovers of Beaujolais Nouveau mark the start of a new French vintage by enjoying large quantities of the popular tipple. At one past midnight on the third Thursday of every November over a million cases of Beaujolais Nouveau will begin their journey from little villages and towns, through a sleeping France to Paris for immediate shipment to all parts of the world. For a few short days, banners everywhere proclaim: "Le Beaujolais Nouveau est arrivé!" What was once a very local tradition has in recent decades become an international race to bring Beaujolais Nouveau to markets around the world. By the time it is over, more than 65 million bottles, representing nearly half of the region's total annual production, will have been distributed and drunk around the world. To begin with, the wine producers of the area created a ‘wine of the year’ simply to celebrate the end of the harvest. The wine was only fermented for a few weeks, and was intended for immediate consumption, certainly not later than a few months. It was not until the establishment of the Beaujolais Nouveau AOC just before the Second World War that the release date for this wine became fixed each year. Wine producers began to see the marketing potential of © 2010 - Laure Chaveron the vast range of potted varieties; sellers will take over the pavements outside cemeteries. So linked has the chrysanthemum become with All Souls’ Day that it is considered strange - even rude - to give them as a gift in France, not even in bouquets among other cut flowers. A recent advert shown on British television features a young English man who takes a fancy to an Italian girl and leaves a bunch of chrysanthemums on her door step. Passers-by see the flowers placed next to her battered moped and burst out crying because they assume she's dead. You need to know the custom to ‘get’ the advert… maybe not the ad agency’s finest hour! Were you to take chrysanthemums to a friend recuperating in hospital, they may well assume that you don’t expect them to make it!! The cemeteries themselves are amazing sights at this time of year, the most famous probably being the Père-Lachaise cemetery in Paris and it is well worth a visit during Toussaint, © 2009 - Abhishek Mishra (wikiCommons) L a Toussaint (All Saints’ Day) falls on the first of November and as the name suggests it is the Catholic Church's day for remembering the saints. The jour des Morts (All Souls’ Day) which follows on November 2nd is the day of the dead when people pray for the souls of the departed. It is an important day on which families remember those no longer with them and is a very spiritual time of year. The 1st is a public holiday in France, but the 2nd is not, so you will see many people visiting graveyards on All Saints’ Day when they are actually marking All Souls’ Day. Today, Toussaint is marked by the lighting of candles in cemeteries and the decorating of graves with flowers, particularly chrysanthemums. Stone lanterns of the dead, which are lit during the festival, can also be found in many cemeteries, especially around the Massif Central. Chrysanthemums are everywhere at this time of year: stalls will appear at roadsides; large marquees will be erected in supermarket car parks to hold [email protected] CANCER SUPPORT FRANCE CREUSE BRANCH (LUTTER CONTRE LE CANCER EN FRANCE) IF YOU OR ANYONE CLOSE TO YOU HAS BEEN DIAGNOSED WITH CANCER AND WOULD LIKE HELP OR SUPPORT, WE ARE HERE FOR YOU. IF YOU NEED SOMEONE TO TALK TO WE HAVE A HELPLINE AVAILABLE AND IF WE ARE NOT THERE WE WILL CALL YOU BACK WITHIN 24 HOURS. EASY MEDIUM HARD OUR HELPLINE NUMBER IS: We provide a service for all English speakers, whatever their country of origin. Association No: 02030006004 NOVEMBER 2010 ○ THE BUGLE ○ www.thebugle.eu 16 ♦ GAMES & HOBBIES Crossword Caption Competition - November Clues and answers in English Send your entries to [email protected] and we will print the best ones in next month's paper. Winner receives a modicum of kudos. Last Month's Winners Across: 1. Entrust (7) 5. Small thin biscuit (5) 8. Dissonance (5) 9. Projecting upper floor (7) 10. The sheltered side (7) 12. Unvarnished (5) 13. Scheme (6) 15. Become visible (6) 18. Flowed back (5) 19. Athlete (7) 21. Hinged window blind (7) 22. Slight push (5) 23. Two or more contesting groups (5) 24. Striking (7) Down: 1. Tapers (7) 2. Inexperienced (5) 3. Frozen water (3) 4. Personify (6) 5. Decorative covering (9) 6. Photographic film (7) 7. Synthetic silklike fabric (5) 11. Short accounts of incidents (9) 14. Quashed (7) 16. Private place with peace and quiet (7) 17. Marine mammal (6) 18. Alleviates (5) 20. Emblem (5) 22. Nothing (3) Please be aware that the deadline for all submissions for content and advertising is the 15th of the month for the following month’s print edition. SUDOKU - EASY JOINT WINNER: "Just as well I charge by the Foot!!" - Jon Martin. JOINT WINNER: "After asking her husband to pop to the shop to get a large cabbage, Edith couldn't believe it when he returned instead with a giant shoe." - Trudy Wain. HONOURABLE MENTION: "I'm so proud to have found a pair that match me shirt" - Jackie Grant HONOURABLE MENTION: "Sir Ranulph is delighted with the output of his lilliputian shoe-shine boy." - Beth Cuge. HONOURABLE MENTION: "No No No, I said bring me back something nice and big from Bruges (Gironde), not bring me back a big pair of Brogues!" - Den Goodger SUDOKU - MEDIUM SUDOKU - HARD The solution to all this month’s puzzles can be found on page 15 www.thebugle.eu ○ THE BUGLE ○ NOVEMBER 2010 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR ♦ 17 Letters to The Editor From October's paper...: I Dear Ed, cannot fail to notice the high number of cars, vans etc around this region that have UK registration plates but carry no UK road tax. When you look closer the owner usually has a French insurance sticker and MOT. I am under the impression that if you live here for more than 6 months then the vehicle should be re-registered. What concerns me is where are these vehicles actually registered? The UK – no, as the UK road fund licence is non-existent. France – no, as they do not have French plates. What happens if one is involved in an accident? Are the French police ignorant as to the UK licensing or have these drivers discovered a LEGAL loophole? Regards, David Cunningham Car insurance on UK plates Mr M.A. Carrier Via email W ith reference to Mr Cunningham’s letter [see above], I also have given thought to this subject. I agree with all the points that Mr Cunningham made (i.e. English plates and French plates: where are the vehicles registered?) For insurance purposes in the event of an accident, for those living here longer than 6 months without the correct plates for this country - France - then theie insurance will be Null and Void!! Apart from the routes nationales and the autoroutes, if you are involved in an accident then it is a 50/50 claim irrespective of who caused the accident. We had an accident in our first year here which wasn’t our fault!!!! I did a lot of research after that!! Yours Sincerely Mr M.A. Carrier ED - This issue has provoked a good deal of response in the last month. I must confess, I don't know exactly what the law states in this respect, but it certainly seems like a 'grey' area that will affect many expats. I am going to do my best to find out exactly where you stand when driving around on EU plates in France to run it in a future edition of The Bugle. Puy de Dôme pie Phone box credit card charges Tim McCarthy Via email I regularly read your newspaper when visiting my holiday home in La Nouzillle near Rochechouart and find your paper a great source of knowledge and local information. I wanted to inform your readers of my experience when calling home to the UK using a public phone box. I hadn't set up roaming for my blackberry on this particular visit and was shocked to receive charges on my credit card statement for two calls that I made from a public phone booth in Rochechouart to the United Kingdom on the 11th and 13th September. Both of these short calls were for approximately 5/7 minutes and I was charged £37.00 and £51.90. I followed the instructions in English as written in the phone box outlining what to do to make an overseas call. The instructions stated that the operator would inform me of the charges. However this was not an option because as soon as I input my credit card details the automated recorded voice told me to dial the international number I required. I would not have made these calls if I had known what I was going to be charged. This is an outrageous cost for two short calls and I just wanted your readers to be aware. Yours sincerely, Tim McCarthy New book by Indre Nature Heather Booth Via post I have been a member of ‘Indre Nature’ for several years so receive information from them on a regular basis. Not only do they organize regular walks within the Brenne National Park and the northern Creuse but they also produce information about flora and fauna. Their latest excellent publication is L'Atlas de répartition des orchidées de l'Indre. This contains excellent photos and descriptions of 46 species found in the area as well as information about where to find them. The main text is in French but English and Dutch names are given for all of the orchids included. The detailed diagrams and maps can all be understood with a limited understanding of French. The book is available by post from Indre Nature, Maison de l’Environment, Parc Balsan, 44 avenue F. Mitterand, 36400 Chateauroux for €20 (postage €3.92) or from good book shops. I am enjoying reading about the orchids found in the area in preparation for my spring walks. Please join ‘Indre Nature’ if you are interested in the environment and like to meet others with similar interests. The outings are friendly and cheerful and a chance to practise your French. I hope to see some of you on future outings. Heather Booth Importing vehicles to France Anonymous Via email Dear Editor, I was particularly interested in the comments of Mr David Cunningham with respect to the mechanism whereby UK permanent residents in France appear Andrea and Bruce from Felletin-based vegetarian B&B, 3 Place des Arbres, have written in to offer us their take on a shepherd’s pie, inspired by the famous dormant volcano, the Puy de Dôme. We live just over an hour away from the amazing Puy de Dôme. This vegan take on the shepherd's pie, using puy lentils and aduki beans, is our tribute to this natural monument. Ingredients: 200 g aduki beans soaked overnight or in boiling water for 3 hours and cooked on a rolling boil for about 45 mins (or 400g of tinned aduki beans) 200 g puy lentils (rinsed in cold water) cooked for 25 minutes (or 400 g brown or green lentils) 1 large onion (diced) 1 tbsp tomato puree ½ tsp smoked paprika 2 large carrots (diced) 1 cube vegetable bouillon 1 tsp chopped fresh thyme 4 medium mushrooms (diced) 200 ml red wine 1 tsp oregano 4 plump cloves of garlic (chopped) 2 tsp sweet paprika black pepper 1 carton of passata ½ tsp hot paprika To make the bean mixture, fry the onion and mushrooms in olive oil until the onions are soft. Add the garlic and carrots. Add wine and herbs (if dried). Bring to the boil, then turn down the heat and cook until the carrots start to soften (about 5-10 mins). Add the rest of the ingredients. Simmer gently, adding water from the potatoes (see below) if necessary until it resembles a thick stew (bear in mind that more water will be absorbed during the oven cooking process). Meanwhile… To make the topping, peel and chop 1 ½ kg of potatoes and boil with ¼ tsp salt until soft. Drain and reserve the liquid to add to the mixture above, as required. Put 50 ml of the liquid back into the potatoes. Add 25 ml of whichever milk you prefer (we like oat milk for this recipe), 1 tsp grainy mustard, 1 heaped tsp hot Dijon mustard and 1 tbsp vegan margarine. Mash until you can mash no more. The mash should be creamy. (If you prefer you can add cooked finely chopped leaks or onions to the mash). Set the oven to 180°C. Take 4 -6 cocottes (or if you prefer one rectangular lasagne dish). Distribute the bean mixture between the cocottes. Pile the mash on top of the mixture and fashion it into a volcano shape (this is playing with your food – don’t tell your mother!) Once your artistic masterpieces are complete sprinkle with some paprika (this together with the leeks – if you have added them to the mash – will give the appearance of vegetation growing up the Puy. Kind of…) Pop in the oven for 30 minutes, until the mashed potato is browned. Serve with green beans, peas or salad. to flout a law which requires them to register imported vehicles within a specified time, usually quoted as being six months. A conversation with a local gendarme seems to confirm this view although clever motorists advance the proposition that they are not "permanent" if they have a UK address. This may not necessarily be their own residence, but that of a compliant member of family or friend. But can the gendarmerie be bothered to follow this up and do they understand the grave legal significance of untaxed UK vehicles? After eight years in France I am not able to advance a legal case for the widespread practice. This letter amounts to personal reminiscences that may not help solve solve Mr Cunningham's dilemma. To begin the story: When I arrived in France I bought a new Renault car from a local dealer. No problems, therefore, with its registration. As I had a poor command of the French language and customs the car dealer kindly offered to jump through the hoops to register a BMW motorcycle I had imported: a perfectly straightforward model for which I foresaw no problems. It took several months to get the certificate of conformity, carte grise, insurance and the machine on the road. You will be aware, no doubt, that the French "MOT test" is not (YET) applicable to motorcycles. I was assured that this bureaucratic delay was standard practice. Subsequently I attempted to register a more powerful model. In France a certificate of conformity required expensive modifications to reduce the power of the engine. The paperwork went on for months despite my best efforts and AXA summarily cancelled their cover after six months. This seems to be at the whim of the local branch manager. And so it went on over the years. We have always obeyed the letter of the law with respect to certificates of conformity etc. but the system makes it difficult, time consuming and potentially expensive. A thankless task, so you can understand why people join the increasing number of those who ignore the whole tedious process. NOVEMBER 2010 ○ THE BUGLE ○ www.thebugle.eu 18 ♦ WHAT’S ON MONDAY Evaux-les-Bains Mérinchal (1st Mon) TUESDAY Auzances Bénévant-l’Abbaye Bussière-Poitevine Champagnac-la-Rivière Genouillac Gouzon Laurière Limoges (Le Vigenal) Peyrat-le-Château Rochechouart Royère-de-Vassivière Saint-Sulpice-les-Feuilles WEEKLY MARKETS WEDNESDAY THURSDAY Ahun Bourganeuf Chambon-sur-Voueize Cognac-la-Forêt Clugnat Le Dorat Isle Limoges (pont St Martial) Nantiat Séreilhac Boussac Coussac-Bonneval Dun-le-Palestel Guéret Limoges Bastide et Corgnac Magnac-Laval Oradour-sur-Vayres (except 3rd Thu) Peyrat-le-Château Saint-Sulpice-les-Champs Saint-Victurnien La Souterraine (Friday - cont.....) Saint-Sulpice-Laurière Verneuil-sur-Vienne(15h-18h30) All markets are in the morning unless stated otherwise. BY DAY Aixe-sur-Vienne: 1st Fri Ambazac: 1st Wed Auzances: 2nd Tue Bourganeuf: 1st & 3rd Wed Boussac: 1st & 3rd Thu Bujaleuf: Last Mona Châlus: 2nd Thu Châteauneuf-la-Forêt: 2nd Sun Cognac-la-Forêt: 1st Tue Cussac: 4th Sun FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY Aixe-sur-Vienne Ambazac Bessines-sur-Gartempe Bosmie l’Aiguille (16h - 19h30) Bujaleuf Châlus (except 2nd Fri) Châteauponsac Châtelus-Malvaleix Couzeix (16h30 - 19h30) Le Dorat Felletin Limoges (place des Bancs et Beaubreuil) Nexon Pierre-Buffière Rochechouart St-Etienne-de-Fursac Aixe-sur-Vienne Aubusson Bellac Bonnat Bussière-Poitevine Châteauponsac Condat-sur-Vienne Eymoutiers Feytiat Flavignac Guéret La Jonchère-Saint-Maurice La Souterraine Limoges (place des Bancs et place Marceau) Le Palais-sur-Vienne Nantiat Bessines-sur-Gartempe Blond Crocq (1st and 3rd Sun) Panazol Peyrat-le-Château Saint-Paul St-Sulpice-le-Guéretois (3rd Sun) Saint-Vaury (2nd Sun) Veyrac (2nd Sun) (Saturday - cont.....) Peyrat-le-Château Rochechouart Saint-Junien St-Léonard-de-Noblat Saint-Mathieu Saint-Yrieix-la-Perche MONTHLY FOIRES Domps: 2nd Tue Dun-le-Palestel: 1st Thu Evaux-les-Bains: 1st Mon Eymoutiers: 1st & 3rd Thu Feytiat: 1st Sat La Souterraine 2nd & 4th Sat Magnac-Bourg: 2nd Sat Meuzac: 4th Mon Mézières-sur-Issoire: 2nd & 4th Mon Nexon: 3rd Fri Oradour-sur-Vayres: 3rd Thu Peyrat-le-Château: 3rd Mon Peyrilhac: 3rd Sun Pierre-Buffière: 1st Fri Royère-de-Vassivière: 2nd Tue Saint-Germain-les-Belles: last Sat Saint-Jouvent: 1st Sun Saint-Junien: 3rd Sat Saint-Léonard-de-Noblat: 1st Mon Saint-Yrieix-la-Perche: 2nd & 4th Fri Sauviat-sur-Vige: 2nd Mon Veyrac: 2nd Sun BY DATE 1 (day before if public holiday): Bellac 3: Bellegarde-en-Marche 3: Châteauponsac 5: Bussière-Poitevine 5: Chénérailles 6: Bussière-Boffy 8: Compreignac 9: Saint-Sulpice-Laurière 11 (Sat if 11 is a Sun): Bessines-surGartempe 13 (Sat if 13 is a Sun): Le Dorat 15: Oradour-sur-Glane 17: Mortemart 18: La Croisille-sur-Briance; La Jonchère-Saint-Maurice 20: Chénérailles 21: Ambazac; Saint-Sulpice-les-Feuilles 22 (Mon if 22 is a Sun): Magnac-Laval 23: Razès; St Laurent sur Gorre 24: Nantiat 25: Blond - St Paul 26: Nouic; Rochechouart 28: Cieux 29: Laurière CLUBS, CHARITIES & ASSOCIATIONS Charente Limousine Exchange CLE is a non-profit organization which helps people to settle into the area and integrate with their local communities. CLE organizes regular discussions on aspects of living and working in France, together with a variety of social activities. Members are sent a regular newsletter keeping them up to date with group news and upcoming events. Membership costs EUR 15 per family per calendar year. For more information visit www.charente-limousine-exchange.com Christians together in Limousin La Souterraine Area We hold a time of fellowship and Bible study every Tuesday afternoon. Barbara and Cedric look forward to welcoming you. 05 55 71 09 04 Cancer Support France, Creuse branch Drop-in service, Maison des Usagers, Guéret hospital (For directions call the hospital reception on & ask for the Maison des Usagers at the Acceuil on arrival) The service is manned by two active listeners, there to answer any queries or questions. We provide a forum for anyone who wishes to discuss aspects of cancer, be it for them or a family member. The service provides a face to face opportunity which some people may find more useful than talking on the telephone. 22 November 14h – 15h30 27 December 14h – 15h30 Use your free time to help those who are or could be touched by Cancer. C.S.F. in the Creuse is a young association which is giving a valuable comfort in terms of listening, understanding and informing and has the potential to do more when called upon to support. To do this we need new members who are ready to continue to promote the aims of the association by organising and running fundraising events. It is likely that you have heard of or even been to a quiz night, garden fete or fair which our members have successfully run over the past 4 years. We must do more and time constraints on some of the fundraising team mean that we want new members to try and continue the successes so far. We welcome your involvement on whatever scale you see you could offer. Call Mike Walsh on 09 50 49 33 04 to get involved with us and help make a difference. The St Jean English Library The St Jean English Library in La Souterraine continues to grow. New shelving has increased its book stock to 3,000 books and many more books are still waiting for shelf space. Caxton’s, the Library café has expanded its menu and now serves English teacakes and crumpets imported specially from England. The Library is also offering French lessons, given by a French national, as well as English lessons for French speakers. To meet the increased demand the library is now open on Tuesdays as well as Thursdays and Saturdays, from 9.30 to 12.30 each day. You can find it in La Souterraine just below the Porte St Jean, between the Hotel St Jean and the newsagents. For more information contact Rodney on "The Library" at Dun le Palestel Located in the Route des Rateries, just behind the Biblithèque Municipale, you will find the Anglophone Library, which offers a wide variety of reading material, DVD’s, talking books and videos. This is not a ‘shhhh, quiet’ type of library but one where members are encouraged to have a chat and a cup of tea and during their visit. For more information, go to www.ententecordiale-creuse.org or telephone Linda Ward on 05 55 89 69 65. We look forward to seeing you there soon. Activities taking place at the English Library Opening hours: Thur (Market Day) 10 am – 4 pm, Sat 10 am – 12.30 pm Café Club Franglais: First Tue of every month. 10 am to noon (Linda Ward) Club de Scrabble: One Mon each month. 2.30-4.30 pm (Mme Charmillon) Café Philo: One Saturday each month (Mme Brell) Art and Craft Group: Thursdays. 2 pm to 4 pm (Chris Hardy) Aide à l’Anglais: Wednesday morning for young children wishing to learn English and Thursday evening for adults Faceaface is an association founded to facilitate and encourage interaction between all members of the local community. As our first venture we have created a library. Where? In the Mairie of St Priest which is just off the D4 between Mainsat and Chenerailles When? The first and third Mon afternoon in every month between 2-5pm. To join all you have to do is donate six books and pay €5 per person or €8 per household. If you would like more information please contact us at: [email protected] or just come by and see us. Everyone is welcome! The Harmonics This is our 6th season of singing as a group, previously known as Performing Arts Group and this year renamed to 'The Harmonics'. A group of 18 and although predominantly English, we have had French, Dutch, American and Belgian folk join us. Our concerts are in support of a variety of charities including British Legion, L'Oregon at Civray and Retina and thus non profit making. Our music is varied classical, madrigals, spiritual, songs from the shows etc. and we sing in French, English, Swahili, Latin, whatever the music demands. We meet Wednesday 14h – 16h in the Salle d'Annexe behind the Mairie in Civray. Interested? We'd love to see you so contact: Heather Rathbone tel 05 49 971078 or Dolly Ait Boualou email address sylvia. [email protected] Alcoholics Anonymous If you or someone you know has a drinking problem, there is now an English-speaking meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous at 2 Avenue Pierre Traversat, Limoges. Thursday evenings, 7.30 to 9.00 pm. Alcoholics Anonymous is a Fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for A.A. membership and A.A. is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organization or institution. Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety. Contact - Roger 05 55 76 22 65 or Nancy 02 54 24 09 74 Or check our website at www.aafrancesud-ouest.com for details of this and other English-speaking meetings in the South West of France. Amateur open mic night @ Vautredeix (Just outside Gouzon, next to Saint-Sylvain-sous-Toulx). Poets, musicians, whatever you may be.... Everyone welcome to perform or just enjoy the company. Every Friday night 7pm onwards. Free. Bring a bottle. For more info contact [email protected] Tai Chi at Boussac and La Châtre Tai Chi classes in Boussac (Tuesdays 18.15 - 19.45) and in La Châtre (Thursdays 18.15 - 19.45). The first two lessons are free, the subscriptions are 36 euros per month, and folks can go to both venues having paid this fee. There are two free day-long sessions per year. The style is that of Yang, and the teachers are part of a national organisation called the FMIPTC (Fédération des mouvements indépendants de pédagogie des techniques corporelles). All ages and abilities welcome, but folk must bear in mind that they will be on their feet, doing the equivalent of what one might classify as light exercise, for about an hour and a half. For more information, contact 05 55 65 08 20. The Melting Pot We are a group of people who regularly meet and share things and try and integrate with the French Community. We are an association that has been in existence for 4 years since 1st August 2006. We meet every month in the Ancienne Ecole in Darnac, on a Wednesday morning from 10 am till 12 pm, except for the first Wednesday, when we meet in the evening at 8 pm. We have more than 45 members at the moment, some French and British. We hold information meetings, plant swaps, some members give talks and we regularly have guest speakers on subjects concerning living in France. In the evening meetings we hold quizzes, Whist Drives and BBQ's at members’ homes, also Boules and BBQ. Evenings and occasional trips around the area. We look forward to seeing you! Contact: [email protected] Learn how to jive at Lussac-les-Eglises in an exciting, fun, friendly group that meet every Monday at 8pm, at the Salle Polyvalente, Lussac-les-Eglises. Everyone welcome whether you’re on your own or part of a couple, young or young at heart. This is a great way to keep fit, have some good laughs and meet new people. For more info contact Alwyn on O5. or Hank on See you there! Learning Together – Apprenons Ensemble ‘Learning Together’ currently runs language lessons at the Maison des Associations in Rochechouart. There are French lessons at different levels as well as English lessons for adults and separate ones for young children. The Association has also in place planned social and cultural events for the forthcoming winter and spring 2011, including a games evening on the first Thursday evening in each month at ‘La Meteorite’ in Rochechouart, a lunch arranged on a Thursday each month at different venues, trips to the Cine Bourse in St-Junien, a visit to La Mégisserie Theatre in St-Junien on November 21st and a pre-Christmas celebration meal with live music on December 11th. Membership costs 10 euros per household per annum. French classes cost 30 euros for a term of six lessons, taster sessions cost 5 euros. There is no charge for English lessons at present. Social and other cultural events are charged pro rata. For further details please visit our website at www.learningtogether.me or contact one of us by email at [email protected]. CSF Charente-Plus Coffee Morning A coffee morning was held on the 25th September to raise funds for CSF National. The event was hosted by Kath Shaw who took the lead with lots of support from Jane Thomas and Rosemarie Steven and of course Kath's husband Phil. We raised money by charging 3 Euros per person for their coffee and a slice of cake. There were many stalls selling, jams, chutneys, cakes, plants, books, hand-made cards, paintings and bric-a-brac. We also held a raffle and tombola. All items had been donated by friends and organizations. Joy gave her time and offered nail paintings to the ladies. Despite the cold and rain over 60 people attended the coffee morning and although most visitors were British, we also had French people who came along to support us. The event was a huge success and over 770 Euros was raised for CSF National branch. We would like to thank everyone for supporting our event and especially those people who gave up their time to help out. A Big Thank You to you ALL. Could You Be An Active Listener for CSF Charente Plus? I represent CSF Charente Plus, the local association that gives free and confidential support for those English speakers affected by cancer to departments 16, 17, 86 & 87. We have a large area to cover and are in need of more Active Listeners (AL’s). There is an initial 2-day training course with a follow-up some 6 weeks later. It is at this stage that you make your mind up if you still feel you want to become an AL. That done, we then take up references. The kind of support you may give varies as each client will have differing requirements. You have a wealth of information that we provide so you are armed with at least some of the answers to questions that could be asked of you. Sometimes all you are required to do is point someone in the direction of information, then again you may be asked for a home visit. Whatever the support you give, you are not abandoned after your training. There is a buddy system in place and our AL co-ordinator Viv Milne is always at the end of the phone to assist if you need it. If you are interested in becoming an AL, then please email Viv on [email protected] and she will answer any questions you may have. We are not inundated with clients, we are here for the few, and they are so important to us. We exist for them and without our Active Listeners to give the support we could not provide the service. We hope to reduce some of the worry and pressure that can be associated with experiencing a serious illness when you may not speak the language of the country. Please don’t forget, our service is free and confidential. Our helpline number is Pat Hyatt, President, CSF Charente Plus. Tel: (George) or (Linda) or (Le Régence) www.thebugle.eu ○ THE BUGLE ○ NOVEMBER 2010 WHAT’S ON ♦ 19 Sat 20th to Sun 21st Nov VERNEUIL-SUR-VIENNE Marché artisanal de Noël Artisanal Christmas Market offering decorative objects for the home, candles, mirrors, jewellery, wooden crafts, leather goods etc. Salle de Pennevayre. Sat 20th 14h-19h & Sun 21st 9h-19h. Free entry. Contact: Dynamisons Verneuil Tel Wed 24th Nov GUÉRET Classical Music Concert: 'Le chant de l’âme russe' Concert of music by Russian composers such as Moussorgski and Chostakovitch under the direction of Jérôme Kaltenbach by the 65 musicians of the Orchestre de Limoges et du Limousin and Russian baritone Mikhail Kolelishvili. Espace André Lejeune. 20h30. Tickets €19 (concessions available). Contact: Tel Fri 26th Nov AIXE-SUR-VIENNE Concert 'Opus V' Concert by wind quintet 'Opus V': Debussy, Dvorak, Tchaïkowski. Centre culturel Jacques Prévert. 20h30. Tickets 7€/4€/2€. Free for under 6's & students of the Ecole de musique et d’arts plastiques d’Aixe-sur-Vienne. Contact: Services Culturels d’Aixe-sur-Vienne Tel www.mairie-aixesurvienne.fr Sat 27th Nov AIXE-SUR-VIENNE Marché de Noël Christmas Market. All day. Place de l'église. Contact: Comité de Jumelage Tel JJ’s Café Aigurande Acoustic Music Club 2nd Saturday of every month, 8.30 pm. All musicians, singers, listeners very welcome. Free entry. Saturday, 20th November SOIREE CHILLI AND JAZZ MANOUCHE with the fabulous trio A.M. KETENES Chilli con carne available by reservation €8 Female backing singer (from Les Fabuleuses Tartiflettes) is looking for a band to sing with or maybe to start a band. If you are interested please contact Jacky on or email cafebarjj@ yahoo.co.uk (mark 'band') JJ's Cafe Bar, 39 Place du Champ de Foire, 36140 Aigurande Tel: 02 54 06 30 77 Email: [email protected] Auberge Ourdeaux Alleyrat Fish & Chip Night Saturday 6th Nov Open from 7pm onwards Battered Cod Chips & Mushy Peas 12.50€ pp Alternative choice & Vegetarian option available Dessert Menu also available Call Alison to reserve. Afternoon Tea & Card Party Thur 11th Nov 2pm-5pm. Tea/Coffee and delicious Cakes. Cards provided by Phoenix cards: cards for all occasions plus Christmas cards & calendars. We are open every day for Lunch & Dinner by reservation Contact Alison for booking Alleyrat, nr Aubusson - Au Beau Rivage Pionnat, Busseau-sur-Creuse BONFIRE NIGHT PARTY Friday 5th Nov Fire to be lit @ 8pm - Fireworks @ 9 - 9.30pm Jacket potatoes, sausages, soup and chilli available @ 10€ per person (5€ per child) reservation if possible by Wednesday 3rd November please 05 55 62 40 27 Fri 12 Nov Open mic @ 8pm Fri 19th Nov Quiz & Raclette - €2 pp @ 8pm Fri 26th Nov – Déjà vu @ 8pm Also available every Sunday throughout winter Traditional Sat 27th to Sun 28th Nov SEREILHAC 27e Salon Gourmand 27th Gourmet Fair organised by the Lions Club of Aixe-sur-Vienne. Salle polyvalente de Maison Neuve. Entry €1. Free for children. Sat & Sun 9h-18h. Proceeds from the fair are used to fund the work of the various local, national or international charities that the Lions Club of Aixe-sur-Vienne supports. Contact: Lions Club Tel Email [email protected] Thu 9th to Sat 11th Dec CHABANAIS Christmas Pantomime 2010 - “Babes in the Wood” Theatre Chabanois is proud to present its next production, the pantomime “Babes in the Wood”, which will be staged in the Salles des Fêtes, Chabanais (16) on three dates: December 9th (7.30pm), 10th (8.15pm) and 11th (4.00pm). It is hoped that the different start times will allow a maximum of folk to be able to attend. Tickets are 6 Euros for adults, 4 Euros for children aged 5 to 12 years and free for those 4 years and younger. There is a family ticket for 2 adults and up to 3 children at 20 Euros. Advance booking is recommended. Tel The Babes are, as tradition dictates, abandoned in the wood, but our wood is Sherwood Forest so Robin Hood and all the usual characters are there, as well as the Kids’ Nurse. This is a traditional panto, in English, with Robin played by Georgina Huish, complete with lots of thigh slapping, the gorgeous Maid Marion by Milie Poyser, the evil Sheriff of Nottingham by Ian Clare (booo) and the nurse, in suitably outrageous style, is Barry Shipman. Come along and enjoy a real British Panto in the heart of the Charente Limousine. See you there. Oh no, we won’t! Oh yes, we will! Bugle Notice Board Arfeuille Antiques On the D4 between Auzances & Mainsat Would like to announce a NEW line of quality reproduction kitchenalia such as aide de memoires, kitchen chalkboards, soap dishes, utensil holders, allumettes etc which are ideal as Xmas presents. We are also offering 25% off any buffet, armoire or bed on presentation of the coupon on pg 4. Au Bon Vivre - Parnac Moules frites weekend 6th & 7th Nov Please note that we are closed from 23rd November, reopening on the 29th for tête de veau as usual. www.aubonvivrerestaurant.com La Récré - Ahun Thursdays are ladies coffee mornings at La Récré with our Chatterbox Club. Pop in for a coffee & a slice of home-made cake. On Thu 25th November Claire will be bringing in some of the jewellery she makes to sell. We have pencilled in a date for a coach trip to Limoges on Sun 19th December. Book Exchange – open daily, no annual fee. Bring one, swap one or buy one for €1. Also videos €1, DVDs €2. Dean is also your local Avon representative. Pop in for a catalogue! - www.larecre-ahun.com th 1 course Sunday roast @ 12€ pp. 24€ à la carte menu also available. Reservations preferred but not essential. The Exchange Rochechouart ... will be closed from the 3rd November to re-open Tuesday 9th November. A NOTE FOR YOUR DIARIES! The AIPB Christmas Carol Service will take place at Boussac Church on Friday December 10th 2010 at 19:30. To be followed by Christmas Refreshments. Look out for our adverts & posters nearer the time! CALLING ALL SINGERS! In order to prepare for the above, we would like to invite anyone interested to join us for rehearsals of the English and French carols we shall be singing. The rehearsals will be very informal and will take place at the Maison Paroissiale, opposite Boussac church, at 8.00pm on Friday 19th and Friday 26th November. PIERCE ÉLECTRICITÉ UK SATELLITE TELEVISION SUPPLIED AND INSTALLED FROM €130 PRICE INCLUDES: DISH, CABLE AND SKY BOX WITH REMOTE. PLEASE CALL: 05 55 60 81 67 SIRET REGISTERED. Les Papillons Oradour-sur-Vayres Sat 27th November - Craft Fair, 10am - 5pm Please call JACKIE (05 44 00 03 24) or DIANA (05 55 78 21 98) if you would like to have a table for your craft. Sun 28th November - Choral Recital & Buffet Please ring for details. Tel: 05 44 00 03 24 NOTE FOR YOUR DIARY Xmas Market - Civray After last year's success, Attitude and the Mairie of Civray are organising another Xmas market in the Salle d'animation next to the Civray Mairie on Tuesday 14th December between 10am and 5pm, in aid of the Collectif alimentaire de Civray (the people who give out food parcels to the needy). Anyone wishing to book a stand can do so either by emailing for a booking form at attitudecivray@gmail. com or phoning 05 49 87 34 02. Stands cost 15 Euros for the first table and €10 Euros for each subsequent one. Display grills cost €5 and electricity will be available. Santé et Beauté Saint-Mathieu ... would like to announce the launch of our new website: www.limousinbeautysalon.com where you can find a full list of all our Holistic and Beauty therapies, all our prices and more information on our salon. Tel: 05 55 00 92 97 NOVEMBER 2010 ○ THE BUGLE ○ www.thebugle.eu 20 ♦ WHAT’S ON November events across Central France As usual, The Bugle brings you a small selection of upcoming events across the region. November provides us with seasonal gourmet treats in the form of apples, chestnuts & oysters and the chance to enjoy a glass or two of cider & the new Beaujolais. Music is also on the agenda with the end of the Jazz à la Sout festival, several classical music concerts and a Battle of the Bands! We have the start of the Christmas markets towards the end of the month and bring you some dates for your diary for December – look out for the pantomimes brought to you by Theatre Chabanois and Entente Cordiale. Sat 16th Oct to Sat 20th Nov AHUN 17th Salon des Artistes Exhibition of the works of 18 local artists on the theme 'Life'. Visitors are asked to vote for their favourites. Office de tourisme Ahun. Mon - Sat 9h30-12h & 14h-18h. Free entry. Contact: OT Ahun Tel or visit www.ahun-creusetourisme.fr Fri 5th Nov GOUZON Concert Jean-François Prin & Franck Jaccard As part of the Jazz à La Sout festival the Espace Beaune welcomes Jean-François Prin (accordion) & Franck Jaccard (piano). 20h30. Tickets €11 (Adutlts), €8 (Concessions & Under 12's) from the Office de tourisme de La Souterraine Tel Sun 7th Nov GUÉRET Concert Pink Turtle For the closing event of the Jazz à la Sout festival, the Espace André Lejeune (salle polyvalente) welcomes Pink Turtle. This group of seven jazz/swing musicians raise a smile with their inventive jump, jive and swing reworkings of rock classics. 17h. Tickets €19 (adults) from the ticket office of the Espace Fayolle. Sun 7th Nov LA GENEYTOUSE Chopin Concert Concert by Josée CARLOSEMA (piano), Martine ALTENBURGER (cello) & Ismaël MARGAIN (piano) La Maison du Berger, 87400, La Geneytouse. 18h. Contact: Tel Email [email protected] Sun 7th Nov SAINT-PRIEST-SOUS-AIXE 30e Journée de la Châtaigne, du cidre et de l'artisanat Tickle your tastebuds with a day of delicious delights at the 30th Chestnut, Cider and Craft Day in Saint-Priestsous-Aixe. The village will play host to 80 artisans (stone sculpture, clog making, mosaiques, wood turning to name just a few) & food stalls offering treats such as roasted chestnuts, crepes made with chestnut flour, black pudding, fresh apple juice etc. All day. Paid entry after 13h (€2) Contact: Association Vivre à Saint-Priest Tel Sun 7th Nov SAINTE-FEYRE Fête de la pomme Annual Apple Fair in the town centre. 8h-19h. The apple producers of the region invite you to come and taste local varieties of apple, discover how cider is made and nibble on such delights as boudins and apple crepes. There is also a vide-greniers in the town on the same day. Bring some wellies if it rains as the vide-greniers (and parking) is in a field and can get quite boggy. Contact: Tel Wed 10th to Sat 13th Nov SARDENT 30ème Foire aux huitres - Oyster Fair Sale of oysters and gourmet products. Terrain de l'Ouche (old football ground). Free entry. Contact: Tel www.sardent.com Thu 11th Nov GLANE Fête du Cidre et de la Châtaigne + vide-greniers Cider and chestnut festival. Organised by the Comité des fêtes de Glane. Contact: Tel Tue 16th Nov LIMOGES CELTIC LEGENDS A spectacle of traditional Irish dance brought to you by Celtic Legends, celebrating their 10th anniversary. Zenith Limoges. 20h30. Tickets on sale via FNAC, Limoges €30/€46. Fri 19th Nov LES GRANDS-CHÉZEAUX GREAT FOOD MARKET & BEAUJOLAIS NOUVEAU CELEBRATION Starting at 4 pm: Organic produce and Farmers’ market: Poultry, veg and fruit, chestnuts, traditional sausages and other Panto - Aladdin Spectacular costumes, dynamic modern songs, full of energy, must not be missed! Entente Cordiale is proud to present a bilingual production of Aladdin at the Apollo from 2nd – 5th December. Following the success of last year’s Cinderella there will be an extra performance this year. This year the Producer/Director is Bruce Veness, the Stage Manager is Geoff Sale and the Technician is Dick Bloxidge. The cast will include many familiar faces from last year’s production, plus some newcomers. Salle Apollo, Dun-le-Palestel Thursday 2nd - 19:30 Friday 3rd - 20:30 Saturday 4th (matinee) - 16:30 Saturday 4th - 20:30 Sunday 5th - 15:00 Tickets are priced at €8 for adults, €5 for children. The first performance is available to school parties and priced at €5 for each child (accompanying adults free). For reservations please call Mireille Janvier on (French) or Carole Sale (English). Tickets can also be bought at the English Library in Dun-le-Palestel. delicatessen, goat's milk cheese, local beers. Free glass of mulled wine. Official arrival of Beaujolais nouveau and hunting horn concert. Free entrance. Starting at 7.30 pm (by reservation, participation €10). Country Buffet followed by the movie and debate: ''Nos enfants nous accuseront.'' This powerful documentary makes the case for organic agriculture in terms of an urgent call to action. Les Grands-Chezeaux (A20 exit 21) Information and Bookings by phone (05 55 76 70 15) or by e-mail ([email protected]) Fri 19th Nov SAINT-SÉBASTIEN Soirée Beaujolais Nouveau Relax and try this year's Beaujolais Nouveau (in moderation!) with a meal of salade de chou, rôti de porc with gratin dauphinois, fromage, and then clafoutis. At the Salle des Fêtes, St-Sébastien at 19:30 hrs. Reservation for the meal essential (11 euros). Contact Annie 05 55 63 08 48. (continued on page 19) Battle of the Bands - Rules The competition is open to 6 bands competing against one another for the coveted “AIPB Battle of the Bands” Trophy plus a cash prize of € 300. Each band will play a programme of 3 songs lasting about 15 minutes. A panel of 5 judges will review their performance against the following criteria: 1) Balance of the programme. 2) How well the Band play and sing together. 3) Audience Appreciation. After all the bands have played the judges will select 2 bands to play off in a final. The two selected bands will play 2 songs each, lasting about 10 minutes. The winning band will then collect their prize and play out the evening. To enter your band, contact the AIPB at: [email protected] or Tel: 06 48 57 57 98
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Here's to a happy and safe 2013! Until
next month!
Steve Martindale