Newsletter - Chevalier College


Newsletter - Chevalier College
Chaplain’s Corner
Students in Focus
• Year 7 Religious Education
• 2013 Mock Trial State
• Ember’s Glowing
Performance in
• UOW Learning Labs
• James Gabor - BHP
Billiton Science Award
Co-curricular News
Dear Parents, Caregivers, Friends
of the College and Students...
The 2014 school year is well underway
and for so many reasons I could not
be more proud of the staff and young
people who make up this special place
called Chevalier College. Almost half
way through Term 1 and we have
seen terrific spirit at our swimming
carnivals, energetic running in the
cross country, great school pride
and commitment to our ISA summer
sport season, outstanding leadership
by all our year 12s at their final
retreat, good fun at the junior social,
amazing learning across all year
groups of the College and exciting new
pedagogies being experienced with
the introduction of BYO iPads for our
Year 7s. And this is just the tip of the
We have started our year as full as we can possibly
be with the resources we have at the moment and
that is 1200 students, 90 teaching staff and 40
support staff. Sadly, a couple of our staff have had
very sad and/or unfortunate circumstances befall
them including the loss of loved ones, extremely ill
loved ones and illness themselves. We appreciate
the understanding of our students and families
whose classes have been affected by these
circumstances and we are extremely thankful for
the generosity and commitment of temporary and
casual staff who have been able to ‘jump in to fill
the breach’, often at very short notice.
Continues next page...
Chevalier College Newsletter ©
From the Principal
MARCH 2014
• Show Cattle Team at
Kangaroo Valley Show
Chevalier Past
Students (CPS) News
• VALE - Brigadier
Damien Roche by
Cadet Sergeant James
• The Tyson Doneley
Careers News
Gavin Bull
• UOW Open Day
• Defence Force
Information Sessions
Library News
Anne Howe
• Year 7 Library
• ‘Overdrive’ Digital
Sports News
Andrew Bell
• Swimming Carnival
• ISA Trials
• ISA Basketball Trials
Report by Gavin Bull
Administration Team
• Changing Schools?
...what you need to do
The Chev Shop
Lost Property
College SMS Reminders
2014 Vaccinations
Student Drop-offs /
Community Noticeboard
See Change
Women on Wheels
HSC Essay Writing
Seminar - Bowral Library
• Chev Trivia Night
Friday 11 April
• BPS Paving the Past
• Mt Carmel Retreat
Centre Events
• CHEV Open Day
Saturday 5 April
Page 1
continued from page 1...
The College finally signed the contracts with the
Federal Government for the grant funds to commence
construction of our new Trade Skills Centre which
will deliver courses in Construction and Primary
Industries. We are currently preparing to review
tender applications for this 2.5 million dollar project.
While it progresses we will also be gutting and
refurbishing our TAS and Visual Arts buildings. This is
around a 1.3 million dollar project. The construction
work is going to require us to re-room classes for at
least two, maybe three terms. This will not be ideal,
but we think the inconvenience will be worth it once
the construction and refurbishment are completed.
Plans are in place to ensure minimal disruption to the
Year 12 study program during this time.
For some time now we have been exploring alternate
models for picking up students in the afternoon
after school. For anyone who has ever done this you
would know that we can end up in a form of grid lock
in Charlotte Street. We have become increasingly
concerned that someone may be injured in this mix
of buses, cars and pedestrians. The current proposal
being considered to address these issues involves
shifting the pick-up location from Charlotte Street to
two places along The Avenue through the centre of
the College.
Our Business Manager, Carmen Majetic, is managing
this process and has attached a map to the
newsletter (see page 18) with an outline of the
proposal. We would be interested in your thoughts
and feedback and ask you to please email your
thoughts/questions/variations to majeticc@chevalier. by the end of this school term.
A very significant strategic agenda will be undertaken
this year - a total research, review and reformation
project focussing on the co-curricular program of the
College. So important is this agenda that we will
be seeking the assistance of an outside consultancy
company that specialises in such work. We will also
be seeking input from as many families as wish to
contribute to it during this process. As details of the
project and the company engaging in the process
come together, I will write to each family with more
specifics of the terms of reference and process that
the external consultants will follow in determining
their recommendations for the College Board to
This year the College will offer its first ever
scholarship for a Year 7, 2015 student. This
scholarship will exist for the entire time the
successful student is at the College and has been
made possible by the generosity of past students in
the name of a former Rector of the College – Fr Tyson
Doneley. More details about this scholarship can be
found later in this newsletter.
For the first time in a number of years the Chevalier
College Trivia Night is back on the Calendar and will
take place on April 11th. We realise that this is the
last day of the school term, but the night promises
to be filled with good fun, a few prizes and some
great laughs – along with a number of brainteaser
questions. If trivia and a night of good fun are your
thing, we would love you to come and join us. All the
information about the event is contained later in this
newsletter and will soon be posted on the website if
it has not been already.
At the Opening Liturgy, the Student Leaders’
theme for 2014, ‘Kick Start Your Sacred Heart’
was launched. The theme is based on
the notion that, as individuals, we
can make a positive difference
to our world, both on a
local and global level. We
invite the community to
take up the challenge
that Jules Chevalier put
to us: “To be on Earth
the Heart of God”.
Chevalier College Newsletter ©
MARCH 2014
continued from page 2...
For many years we have had core groups of
outstanding parents who have organised and run this
event. There is no doubt it is a BIG JOB and each
year there are discussions around whether or not
it should be annual or biannual or… In reality, this
event is very dependent on whether or not a group of
passionate people are keen to take on the challenge.
The work of previous teams has been immense and,
indeed, funds raised through the Fete/Motorfest over
some years have made it possible for us to install
the new block of classrooms and meeting spaces on
the front ovals. This new building will eventually be
converted to canteen and toilet facilities along with
classroom space to serve the front ovals, especially
during the sport season.
So here comes the big question – WOULD YOU BE
FETE/MOTORFEST HAPPEN? If yes, could you ring
Samantha Aebi 48611488 and leave your name and
contact details OR email [email protected]
with your name and contact details and we will get
in touch with you in the coming weeks to arrange a
gathering of those interested. We will need to meet
before the end of this term to get things underway.
This year’s Fete and Motorfest is calendared for
October 26. Thank you in advance for considering
what you may be able to do for this very valuable and
important event in our school year.
It has been an absolute joy to welcome our new
students and families into our community and to
catch up with current families. Our welcome dinner
and breakfast programs have been well attended
and the stories from families regarding their children
and their journey with us are quite inspirational and
heart warming. Whilst our welcome dinners have
concluded for this year, our breakfast meetings will
continue. If you would like to attend one of these,
please contact our Community Development and
Liaison Office for more details on 4861 1488.
There is some confusion with some parents regarding
the issue of taking your children out of school during
school hours. It is a little complicated, but let me try
to explain:
Because attendance at school is covered by
legislation – an Act of Parliament - there are a
number of rules that must be followed.
Firstly, if a parent/caregiver wishes to take their
children out of school for an extended period of Page 2
Chevalier College Newsletter ©
time – greater than three days – for a trip or pressing
family matter, permission needs to be sought in
advance from the school by writing to the principal.
The school will then issue the family with a letter of
approval and a document to show authorities in the
event that a challenge is made as to why the young
person is not in school.
A slightly different scenario is the parent/caregiver
who wishes to take their children out of school on
a regular basis on the same day each week for an
appointment or attendance at another activity such
as a specialist sport coaching session. In these cases
the parents must request leave by writing to the
principal and supplying supporting documentation as
to why this event is necessary and only accessible at
this time.
A letter will then be sent to the family advising
whether this arrangement has been approved. It is
also important to note that, without the approval
of the school for such absences, the student may
be breaching the requirements – which commence
in Year 7 - for the award of the ROSA and/or Higher
School Certificate.
As always, if in doubt, give us a call and we will be
able to advise you.
Finally, as I write this newsletter, I am reminded that
it is almost one year since Pope Francis commenced
his papacy. I decided to see what is being written
about this man whom I, like many, have come to
admire and who spreads great hope. On reading
an article in which Pope Francis commented on
the perceptions of him by others I was struck by
the influence of this man through his humility and
genuine love.
The following are passages from the interview that
give us a deeper look into this man of God:
…Pope Francis has told a newspaper he
has had enough of the hero worship that has
accompanied his year-long papacy, describing
it as offensive and insisting he is just “a normal
Francis said he objected to the image of him
that has been widely propagated.
The Pope is a man who laughs, cries, sleeps
calmly and has friends like everyone else.
A normal person.
God Bless,
Chris McDermott
MARCH 2014
Page 3
During these first five school weeks of
2014 much has happened at Chevalier
College. Here is an attempt to present
an overview of a few of these happenings
and relate them to the Christian Season
just begun...
he Year 12 Retreat is completed; the whole of
Year 7 have been introduced to what we call
the Eucharist or Mass, as the central prayer of
the Christian Community. This latter involved five
groups of Year 7 students meeting in Prentice Chapel
and experiencing an explanatory Eucharist, inviting
the whole group around the large table - the better to
re-present the Last Supper. They heard the words of
Jesus: “This is My Body, given for you” and “This is My
Blood (my life) poured-out for you”, and having this
related to their parents and teachers who all ‘give their
lives’ for their own or the children entrusted to them.
Some of the students offer their own reflections on this
experience in the article featured on the next page.
The Year 12 Retreat is like the ‘icing on the cake’ in
a journey of six years at Chevalier, and their previous
seven years of primary school. Hopefully, by now, our
senior students have a good appreciation that they
are valued and loved beyond words by God; that they
are soon to leave the ‘scaffolding’ of school and freely
embark on life and we hope they make the best, most
loving and just choices. God? ....the indigenous people
refer to the “Great Creator Spirit”; other cultures
and religions use other words. As Catholic Christians
we embrace God as Jesus revealed in the humanness
of his life. Reflections on his life reveal immense
compassion, non-judgement, exceptional hospitality
and forgiveness... in a word, a Heart totally worth
immersing one’s own heart into becoming the Heart of
Jesus to all people, oneself.
ur weather is changing (at last)... from very
dry summer heat to milder autumn days and,
thankfully, more regular rainfalls. The seasons of
nature are also adopted within the Christian Community
worldwide. We experienced the Season of Advent that gentle reflective time of expectancy preceding
Christmas when we celebrated the Birth of Jesus. Unlike
the commercial world, that wasn’t a one day wonder!
The Christmas Season lasted until January 12 which
celebrated Jesus‘ Baptism. Now, on 5th March, Ash
Wednesday begins the Season of Lent.
Chevalier College Newsletter ©
ent runs approximately 40 days, culminating in
the Feast of Easter, when we celebrate Jesus
Risen from death, and promising to be with us/
united-in-Spirit with us until the end of our lives,
when our faith allows us to believe / know beyond
doubt, that we’re in for a wonderful welcome,
transformed beyond imagining.
Lent is primarily about conversion of life, repenting or
making gentle but decisive choices to ‘turn our lives
around’ to whatever extent each of us knows we need
to, towards reflecting a Christ-like heart. No wonder
this Season is called the Springtime of the Christian
Community (or Church). This invitation is for all people.
Paul the writer wrote about this - salvation is for all
peoples... meaning that everyone, not just the Baptised,
is invited to open their heart to a new way of Christ-like
living and allow themselves to be freed from whatever
blocks their heart, such as prejudice, guilt, fear and all
kinds of selfish pursuits which are not life-giving. The
Crucifixion of Jesus epitomises the fear and jealousy
of those unwilling and unfree towards the universal
outreach of this amazing person that Christians recognise
as truly God-with-us. I experience glimpses of that
God-likeness daily, in my life at Chevalier and, indeed,
wherever people are living generously, reflecting one or
many “faces” of Jesus in their relationships.
Part of Lent’s conversion is allowing any deviant
attitudes of heart to likewise be ‘crucified’ as one
embarks on the life-giving springtime of conversion
during Lent.
hat’s a mini-overview of what cannot be
‘captured’ in a few words. Lent in practice? For
me, it’s primarily about trying to live with the
greatest patience and courtesy towards others; never
taking offence at different viewpoints, especially when
I may not agree; making a daily, gentle effort to ‘reflect
on my experiences’, particularly my relational ones;
creating regular moments of still-time to ‘listen’ to my
own heart (call it, prayer)... and more besides.
I especially like Jesus’ own words: “I have come that you
(all people) may have life in full measure”.
Lent seeking this Life is definitely not a sad time. To live
fully is a daily challenge for us all. It’s what we try to
offer in myriad (mostly subtle) ways at Chevalier.
MARCH 2014
Fr Terry Herbert msc
Chevalier College Chaplain Page 4
As a part of the Year 7 Religious Education
introductory unit, each Year 7 RE class took part in
a Mass celebrated by Father Terry in the Prentice
Chapel. Each of the five Masses celebrated provided
an opportunity for all students to learn about the
parts of the Mass, the Catholic church and the
physical structure and symbols within the church
itself. The students then had the opportunity to ask
questions. This was a very valuable experience for
Fr Terry welcomes Year 7.3 RE Class into Prentice Chapel
all of the students and I would like to congratulate
them on the reverent and respectful way in which
they took part in the Eucharistic celebration. I would also like to thank Father Terry for his time,
knowledge and wonderful stories that always engage the students. He really exemplifies MSC heart
These are some of the responses
from the students’ experiences:
“I would really like to thank Father
Terry for our Mass at Prentice
Chapel. I believe that the Mass
this morning was very engaging and
interesting. I was very excited to
stand at the Altar and be so near it
during the Liturgy of the Eucharist.
I attend Mass often, although I had
never had that particular experience.
Thank you very much for putting time
aside to talk us through this Mass”.
Maya Chance
Jane Lowe
Leader of Learning - Religious Education
“I found the class Mass with Father Terry (TH) very
interesting and exciting. I learnt a lot from the Mass
and I knew that Father Terry had an amazing life at
Chev. He took us through the amazing adventures of
his life and he started telling us all about the life of
Jesus, then Father Terry, Lizzy and Zac read prayers
of intercession. Father Terry taught us about the
chapel and its process being built, then he brought
everyone up to the table. We talked about Jesus and
Mary, then we prayed and took a piece of bread or we
were blessed if you were not Baptised. We sat down
again and Father Terry answered questions about
Jesus and the chapel. I am very interested in the life
of Jesus and I want to learn more about his adventure
to heaven. My overall experience of my second Mass
with Father Terry was very
interesting and fun”.
Sage Herrod
“I really like the way Fr Terry
presents and does the mass, his
explanations were very informative
and, even though I knew most of
the facts and items in the church, I
still learned some new things like the
stations of the cross candles and the
altar stone. I really like the Prentice
Chapel, how it’s built and named after
Fr Tony Prentice. Also many other
headmasters’ last names are the names
of the buildings (e.g. McGrath Hall, Reid
House and Bosco Carroll Cottage.) Fr
Terry is a great priest and is very helpful
with many things including part of the mass
and other church related things. I hope he
continues to celebrate mass at Chevalier. He also
was in the class above my grandfather at Chevalier”.
Benoe Efira
Chevalier College Newsletter ©
MARCH 2014
Page 5
2013 mock trial
Throughout 2013 we followed the
exciting story of our Mock Trial Team
and their indomitable bid to be the
first Chevalier College Team ever to
win the State Championship. With
bold determination, buoyed by their
undefeated season of nine trials,
they entered the courtroom on Friday
the 13th ready to make it ten. They
didn’t disappoint the large crowd
of past and present Chev students
and staff members who travelled to
Sydney to support them on this big
occasion - two weeks into their school
holidays! - proving once and for all
that Friday the 13th was not unlucky!
Congratulations Ember! What a fantastic achievement...
Left to Right: Henry Blumentals, Mitchell Rowett, Supreme Court Judge Julie Ward,
Lachlan Norton, Jack Reid, Natalie Murnane (holding trophy), Mr Stephen Holmes,
Emma King, Jack Preddey, Erica Longhurst, Mr Geoff Beveridge
“From February to December last
year, over 200 schools throughout New
South Wales entered the judicial arena to
do battle. It was a mighty achievement
for the College’s dedicated legal team,
who are now eligible to compete in the
International Mock Trial to be held in New
York or San Francisco later this year.
Switching from plaintiff to defendant,
prosecution to accused, the team had to
prepare its cases from scripts prepared by the Law Society
of NSW, based upon actual criminal and civil law matters
heard in either the Local or District Courts. The cases
involved law surrounding a wide range of legal principles
including fraud, animal cruelty, unfair dismissal, challenge
to a will, drug related crime, arson, occupier’s negligence,
stalking and intimidation, customs law and eventually –
before a panel of three judges at the Grand Final – murder.
Each school’s legal team is made up of six students
consisting of two barristers, an instructing solicitor, two
witnesses and a court officer. The case is then presided
Ember’s Glowing Performance
for State Championship...
Ember Lund, in Year 9 this year at Chev, competed in the
NSW State Championships in Gymnastics in November 2013.
Competing in all four disciplines, she placed second on beam,
fourth on bars, fourth on vault and eighth on floor, with her
overall scores winning her the Level 5 State Championship for
NSW 2013.
The excitment of their win has not diminished in the several
weeks that have passed and Friday 13 December 2013 will
go down in Chevalier College history as a great day and a
wonderful testament to these talented students and their
coaches, Stephen Holmes and barrister Geoffery Beveridge,
who maintained their faith that “this could be their year”...
In a full page article in the Law Society Journal (December
2013) the Hon. Justice Julie Ward was quoted as saying
that, on the cases presented, the murder trial would have
resulted in a hung jury; so it was a hard
decision for the Mock Trial judges to
make, with the team from Warners Bay
High worthy apponents and runners-up in
the year-long competition.
Geoffrey’s article published by Highlife
Magazine explains more of the details of
the competition and what happens next...
Chevalier College Newsletter ©
over by a magistrate (a solicitor or barrister allocated by
the Law Society), who awards marks to each team based
on a range of criteria such as opening addresses, closing
submissions and cross examinations. The team with the
highest mark wins the case and moves on to the next round.
The first four rounds of the competition are run on a
regional round-robin basis, and the rounds are held in
each of ten regions state-wide from February to late June.
The top 64 scoring teams across NSW and the ACT then
compete on a knockout basis until two
schools are left to meet for the Grand
Final in early December.
The Competition is open to students
in Years 10 and 11 up to the age of
21. Conducted by the Law Society, it
has proven to be extremely popular
with both students and their teachers;
providing both a broad overview of our
legal system, and a valuable addition to
the legal studies curriculum.”
Justly proud of the impressive team,
Stephen Holmes, who is still smiling,
acknowledges each member of the
team for their contributions to a
united team effort, “they have been a
pleasure to work with because of their
diligence, their sense of humour and
their seemingly limitless energy” and,
“this achievement speaks volumes of the dedication and
brilliance of our team at Chevalier – as the only school in
NSW that was undefeated in the 2013 competition and the
26th school to take out the title since it began in 1981.”
Steve also gratefully acknowledges Geoff Beveridge for his
valuable assistance and generosity of spirit and hopes he
may even coax him into returning this year to help take our
new Mock Trial Team to - do we dare to dream?...
the 2014 State Grand Finals.
Debby Cloran
MARCH 2014 Page 6
We all at Chev are very proud of you and wish you well for your
future endeavours in this challenging and demanding sport.
Chris McDermott
Learning & Teaching – Gifted Education || University of Wollongong Learning Labs
During the January school holidays the School of
Education at The University of Wollongong held the
LEARNING LABS program. LEARNING LABS is a gifted
and talented program for students in Years 7 to 10.
Students who attend the program must be
academically performing within the top 10% of their
area of interest. Workshops are led by University
academics who are leaders in their field. The
workshops are innovative and challenging with
curriculum pitched at a flexible Year 11/12 level.
Chev students attended these Learning Labs:
Mia Watson: Crimes Against People and Property:
What's involved in proving someone is guilty
Megan Delaney and Samuel Harrison:
DIY GMO's - Exploring Genetic Engineering
(Genetically Modified Organisms)
Ellanor Clark: Eyes, Hands and Minds
Hannah Rewais and Rhiannon Feely: Getting Your
Head Around Your Brain: An Exploration of the
Nervous System
Chevalier College Newsletter ©
Lewis McIntyre and Dylan Graham: Industrial
Tara Schultz: Intellect and Wisdom over Brute Force
and Cynicism: Nerds and Fandom
Joseph Worne and Tyla Venish: Mental Skills for
Andrew McKinnon: Secure Communication
Mariette Lewis: UOWTV – Taste Life as a Video
Congratulations to these students on their
successful participation in the program.
From all reports, the Learning Labs were a fantastic
experience. The next round of Learning Labs will be
held in the July school holidays. Information will be
in the Daily Notices in due course.
For more information or to view some of the
projects completed in the January holiday program
go to
Sarah Cahill
Gifted Education Coordinator
MARCH 2014
Page 7
ames Gabor, now in Year 11 at Chev, had an exciting
start to the new school year, having earned himself
a trip to Melbourne University to attend the BHP
Billiton Science and Engineering Awards Camp in early
February. As one of 26 national finalists to participate
in the camp, James could contend for the major cash
prizes on offer, as well as the chance to take part in the
International Science and Engineering Fair in the USA in
May. For his project ‘The Effect of Nerve Regeneration on
Nerve Function and Structure’, James joined three other
outstanding NSW students at the event.
The Show Cattle Team participated at the Kangaroo
Valley Show held over the weekend of February 15th,
and our two heifers (girls) Luna and Lorna came 1st
and 2nd in their class ('Murray Grey under 21 months),
though they were outperformed in the interbreed final.
Show Cattle Team members Morgan Dick, Jessica Capps, Audrey Gripper and Cameron Lang performed well
in the written part of the Junior Cattle Judging Competition and were then asked to compete in the oral
competition where they placed 2nd, 7th, 8th and 10th, respectively, out of a field of 120 competitors.
Students were required to prepare an additional science fair
exhibit during the camp as a further component of the judging
process. Major prize winners were finally announced at the Awards Presentation lunch held at ZINC in
Federation Square at the conclusion of the four day camp.
As Morgan placed 2nd she will go on to represent the South Coast and Southern Tablelands group at the
Sydney Show.
The BHP Billiton Science and Engineering Awards are Australia's most prestigious school science awards
and reward young people like James who undertake practical research projects that demonstrate
innovative approaches and thorough scientific procedures. James' investigation into the effect of
nerve regeneration on nerve function and structure utilised the scientific process of establishing and
testing a hypothesis. It is an exemplar piece of work for which he is to be fully commended and
James' peers and his teachers are very proud of his achievements.
We are very proud of the team for their commitment and hard work and the outstanding way they
respresent the College.
Megan Reeves
Show Cattle Team
Teacher - Agriculture
Jonathan Napthali
Leader of Learning - Science
Conor Nolan
Morgan Dick
Morgan placed 2nd - pictured here with the first
place winner from another team.
Cameron Lang
Samantha Woodcock
BHP Billiton Science and Engingeering Awards finalists from left to right are: Dylan Sury, Redeemer Baptist School;
Ethan Butson, The Illawarra Grammar School (First Place winner in the Engineering section); James Gabor, Chevalier College;
Macinley Butson, The Illawarra Grammar School, with Carole Stanford (Coordinator, STANSW Young Scientist Awards) and
the NSW Teacher Representative, Asmaa Badawi Abdelfattah of the Australian International Academy, South Strathfield.
The STANSW Young Scientist Awards are coordinated by the Science Teachers’ Association of New
South Wales who sent James’ investigation for consideration at the national level. The Association urges
students from local schools to get involved in open-ended scientific investigations for the state competition...
For more information visit:
Chevalier College Newsletter ©
MARCH 2014 Page 8
Chevalier College Newsletter ©
MARCH 2014
Page 9
Inaugural $50,000 Chevalier
College Scholarship Now Open
for Applications...
Brigadier Damian Roche...
A reflection from College Sergeant Major
Cadet Sargeant James Tomlinson
On Friday 10th January, I was given the honour
of representing the Chevalier College Cadet
Unit at the funeral of Brigadier Damian Stanley
Maliphant Roche. Damian Roche was a student
at Chevalier College, finishing in the Class of
1973. Damian loved his time at Chevalier and it
remained an important part of him throughout
his life. He was a well-respected member of the
College Community and an integral part of the
Chevalier College Cadet Unit. Appointed to be
the Commander of 6th Platoon, Cadet Under
Officer Damian Roche served the cadets with
great skill and distinction.
A six-year scholarship valued at approximately
$50,000 for a Year 7 student commencing at
Chevalier College is being offered for the first time.
Cdt Sgt James Tomlinson proudly represented Chevalier College
at the funeral of past student Brigadier Damian Roche. James is
pictured here with General David Hurley.
by everyone in attendance and was extremely moved
by the kindness extended to me. However, none more
so than the reactions of Damian’s family, Chevalier
Damian went on to serve in the Australian Army
past students and his Duntroon classmates. They each
with the same fortitude and dedication that he
impressed upon me how proud Damian was of his
exhibited when he was at school. He graduated
time at Chevalier College and that they were truly
from the Royal Military College in 1977 into the
grateful to see Damian’s old school represented. As
Royal Australian Infantry Corps and was appointed a
I listened to the eulogies I grew increasingly proud
Platoon Commander in the 1st Battalion of the Royal
as I heard more about this inspiring man. Damian had
Australian Regiment (1RAR). He further served with
such a tremendous impact on so many people that
the Regiment as Adjutant and Company Commander
as well as being the
of 8/9 RAR from 1985-1987
heart of his family,
and became the Commanding
in many ways he
Officer in 1993. Damian held
was the heart of the
postings in the Directorate of
Australian Army. It
Infantry, the Directorate of
was to my immense
truly exemplified our core values of Courage,
Officer Career Management
surprise that I was
and the Office of National
Initiative, Respect and Teamwork.
surrounded by the
Assessments. He instructed at
most highly regarded
the Royal Military College and
Defence Force. The
at the Army Command and Staff College.
Chief of the Defence Force General David Hurley, The
Brigadier Roche was the last full-time Director
Chief of the Army Lieutenant General David Morrison
of Infantry and the founding Commandant of the
and numerous ex-Chiefs of the Army and ex-Chiefs of
Combat Arms Training Centre. On promotion to
the Defence Force. This, to me, reinforced just how
Brigadier he commanded 1st Brigade from 2001-2002
important he was to the people in his life.
before being appointed as the Chief of the Defence
Damian’s life to me represented everything that the
Force Liaison Officer to the US Chairman of the
Chevalier College Cadet Unit and the wider College
Joint Chiefs of Staff in Washington DC in 2005. From
community stands for. Damian truly exemplified
2006-2007 he served as the Military Attache to the
our core values of Courage, Initiative, Respect and
US Army. In 1995 Damian served as the Commanding
Officer of the Australian Medical Support Force to
Rwanda where he was awarded the Conspicuous
Brigadier Damian Roche is a role model that we can
Service Cross.
all aspire to and be incredibly proud of.
At the funeral I was absolutely astounded by the
Cdt Sgt James Tomlinson
reception that I was given. I was warmly welcomed
CSM, Chevalier College Cadet Unit
Chevalier College Newsletter ©
MARCH 2014 Page 10
The scholarship has been created to honour
the service of Fr Tyson Doneley msc OAM, who
was the Rector of Chevalier College from 19601965. It is a perpetual scholarship created by
an endowment that has been donated mainly by
past students of Chevalier College of that era
and also from members of Fr Tyson’s own family.
The Hon John Fahey AC, a past student of
Chevalier College in the period 1958-1962,
convened a group of past students to help raise
the endowment. The Premier of NSW Hon Barry
O’Farrell MP, who was taught by Fr Doneley when
he was at St Johns College in Darwin during the
late 1970s, launched the successful fundraising
campaign at the College in October 2012.
Fr Tyson has the unique distinction of having
taught three state Premiers, with the addition of
Hon Mike Ahern AO of
Queensland (1987-89)
who was a student at
Downlands College in
The Tyson Doneley
Scholarship is now open
for applications for a
student commencing
in Year 7 in 2015.
The deadline for
applications is 4pm
Friday 11th April 2014.
Fr Doneley signs a “Letter to Future Scholars” that will be
awarded to each new recipient of the perpetual scholarship.
The letter was witnessed by the current NSW Premier Hon
Barry O’Farrell MP (left) and former NSW Premier Hon John
Fahey AC, both of whom were once students of Fr Doneley.
Families wishing to be considered for the
scholarship need to complete a special
application and these can be obtained from the
College Enrolments Office: phone (02) 4861 1488
or email [email protected]
Fr Tyson Doneley msc was awarded the Order of
Australia Medal in 2013 by the Governor of New South
Wales Her Excellency Professor Marie Bashir AC CVO
The scholarship is
intended for a student
from a family whose
financial circumstances would otherwise make
it challenging to enroll their child at Chevalier
College. In addition there are other attributes
being sought in the young person fortunate
enough to be offered the scholarship, such as
academic aptitude and involvement in volunteer
and co-curricular activities such as sport, music,
drama and the like.
Chevalier College Newsletter ©
MARCH 2014
“This Scholarship represents an
example of how the philanthropic
support of Chev’s past students –
in this instance harking back half a
century – is still helping the College
today. At present we also have
a young person in Year 11 who
is only able to attend Chev due
to the assistance from the Bruce
McDiarmid Bursary, a two-year
senior bursary donated by the 1955
College Captain. If you know of a
student who might be eligible to be
considered for the Tyson Doneley
Scholarship, please encourage the
family to apply.”
Chris McDermott
Principal, Chevalier College
Paul McShane
Manager – Community Liaison & Development Page 11
We enjoyed meeting our
new Year 7 students and
welcoming them to the
Our annual trip to the Uni
of Wollongong took place on
Friday 7 February when 48
Year 12 students travelled
by Kennedy's coach to the
main campus to be part of
Discovery Day.
During February, all Year 7 English
classes completed a Library
orientation lesson.
Lectures, seminars, workshops
and tours were the order of the
day and each student received a
personal timetable for the event.
The program included input from
current and past students as well as
academic and other staff. Lunch on
the duck pond lawn with live music
and access to the various uni food
outlets was another highlight. Our students
were able to find out about accommodation,
options, scholarships, exchange programs and
early entry methods, as well as taking part in
faculty activities. A highlight for me was being
shown around the campus by past Chev student
Kimberley Murdoch to see the Engineering
faculty and the new accommodation wing. I'd
like to commend all of those Chev students who
attended the day for their enthusiasm and being
positive ambassadors for the College.
An important part of this process
involved demonstrating Overdrive
(our Digital/Ebook Library.)
Overdrive allows our students
and staff to "borrow" from a wide
collection of digital/ E books and
audiobooks for a two-week loan
period. After this period the
resource automatically disappears
from their device. Our Year 7
iPad students have been quick to
understand and utilise Overdrive.
A number of different information sessions
will be run throughout the year focusing on
particular aspects of the ADF such as Army
Careers, Navy Careers, RAAF Careers, ADFA,
Officer Entry, Trades, Women in the ADF and
many more. The following information is for the
upcoming sessions for students to attend with
their families. (Several sessions have already
been held in February.)
• Health Careers – Wednesday 12 March
• Army Reserves – Thursday 13 March
• Royal Military College Duntroon Thursday 20 March
These sessions are held at Defence Force
Recruiting, 25 Atchison Street, Wollongong from
6:00pm. Bookings are essential - please contact
Isla on 02 42203303 or [email protected]
Past Chev student Kimberley Murdoch showed Gavin Bull
the new facilities at UOW.
Chevalier College Newsletter ©
Gavin Bull
Careers Adviser
For information or advice phone: 02 4861 0538
MARCH 2014 Page 12
Library Borrowing
Here is a screenshot of what you would expect to see when you log on to our Digital Library.
Just a reminder:
Students are able to borrow up to six (6) print books and one (1) digital (Overdrive) book for a twoweek loan period. They may renew print books if no one has reserved the item. Towards the end of
each term a list of overdue items are sent to Home Rooms as a reminder to students. If overdue items
are still not returned the replacement cost of the book is charged to the student’s account. Students
are permitted to borrow over holiday periods if they have no outstanding books.
Library Hours
8.30-4.00 Monday
8.30-5.00* Tuesday (Afternoon Study from 3.45-5pm)
8.30-5.00* Wednesday(Literacy Support, Pi Shop and Afternoon study 3.45-5pm)
8.30-5.00* Thursday (Literacy Support, Pi Shop and Afternoon Study 3.45-5pm)
8.30-4.00 Friday
Afternoon Study (Tues, Wed, Thur), Literacy Support (Wed, Thur) and Pi Shop (Wed, Thur) are great
opportunities for students across Years 7-12 to access Library resources or Maths or Literacy support
outside of normal school hours.
Please Note: Students need a signed permission note from their parents to attend Literacy Support,
Afternoon Study or Pi Shop.
Anne Howe
Teacher Librarian
Chevalier College Newsletter ©
MARCH 2014 Page 13
12 yrs Girls
12 yrs Boys
13 yrs Girls
13 yrs Boys
14 yrs Girls
14 yrs Boys
15 yrs Girls
15 yrs Boys
16 yrs Girls
16 yrs Boys
Opens Girls
Opens Boys
BALLA, Lauren
PINCZI , Charles / CLUNN Liam
BLAIK, Higginson
MERLINO, Caitlin
CASTLE Mitchell / CLARK Bryce
12 yrs Girls FLOYD, Lily (Giles)
HAMPSHIRE, Georgia (Riversdale)
12 yrs Boys HIRCOCK, Dylan (Osborne)
GABOR, Charles (Burford)
13 yrs Girls BALLA, Lauren (Riversdale)
KEAT, Ruby (Riversdale)
13 yrs Boys PINCZI, Charles (Reid) /
CLUNN, Liam (Giles)
14 yrs Girls BASEGGIO, Rowena (Giles)
BREGONJE, Amy (Giles)
14 yrs Boys BLAIK, Higginson (Giles)
JAMIESON, William (Giles)
15 yrs Girls BASEGGIO, Rachel (Giles)
MELINO, Aimee (Riversdale)
15 yrs Boys WARCABA, Robert (Giles)
WILLIAMS Jovi (Riversdale)
16 yrs Girls WANCZURA, Natalie (Reid)
BUTCHER, Gabrielle (Giles)
16 yrs Boys PATTERSON, Cameron (Osborne)
KELLY, James (Giles)
Opens Girls MERLINO, Caitlin (Riversdale)
CAPPS, Jessica GI
Opens Boys CASTLE, Mitchell (Burford) /
CLARK, Bryce (Osborne)
There were 6 Age Champions and
5 Runners-Up from GILES House and
2 Age Champions and 4 Runners-Up
from RIVERSDALE House!
Well done to all particpants
and congratulations to
2014 Swimming
House Champions...
Chevalier College Newsletter ©
MARCH 2014
Burford and Osborne Houses both improved their
results from 2013 but it was our BLUE House Giles
who won again for the 4th consecutive year.
As well as the swimming carnivals there were a
few representative sports trials in February. At
the ISA softball trials we had five girls trialling
(possibly a record!).
We had three boys trying out in the ISA cricket
trials. Tom Mooney batted well and has made
the team. They had planned to play a rep
match at Bradman Oval in February but were
disappointingly washed out - for the third year in
a row!
At the ISA Tennis trials we had four players (all
girls) trialling. Gabrielle Murphy was named as a
shadow player for the ISA mixed team and will be
hoping for a call up into the CIS Girls team.
On Friday 14 February, Lauren Cheatle trialled
and was again selected for the CIS Girls Cricket
Team. Lauren captained the CIS Girls U16 team
last year and will continue her captaincy this
year. They play in Maitland on March 17-20.
All of these students have done themselves and
the College proud.
I am pleased to announce that Bridget Shirlow
and Nadya Van Kruyssen were selected in the
team. It's been a while since we have had two
girls make the ISA team (dominated by Barker
College). Both Bridget and Nadya are in Year 10, so
they could be in this team for a couple of years!
As this Newsletter goes to print the ISA Summer
Season winds up, with the finals being played over
the coming weekend. A full report will appear
in the next edition, along with info about the
coming Winter Season of ISA sport.
Andrew Bell
Administrator - Co-curricular
On Monday 17 February five Chev basketballers
travelled to Penrith Stadium for the annual ISA
selection trials. Both the boys and the girls
were put through their paces and had to work
hard for the ISA selectors. At the end of the day,
Chloe Genner and Alex Davenport were named as
reserves for their respective teams.
BLUE water
BLUE hats
BLUE house
for their 4th year
in a row!
The 2014 Swimming Carnival was another
great day. Lots of participation, colour
and special perfomances both in and out
of the pool. Page 14
Back row: Alex Davenport; Isaac Martin; Marko Laus
Front row: Drew McGladdery; Chloe Genner
Gavin Bull
Basketball Co-ordinator
Chevalier College Newsletter ©
MARCH 2014 Page 15
All enrolment enquiries to Caitlin Wood
T: 02 4861 0524
E: [email protected]
Have you moved or
changed your contact
details recently?
Please inform the Office so we have current
and accurate records for you:
Email: [email protected]
or phone Caitlin: 4861 1488
8:00am - 4:30pm | Monday to Friday
except public holidays...
Office and Accounts Queries: 4861 1488
Enrolment Enquiries to Caitlin Wood: 4861 0524
The Chev Shop
Located at the McMahon Administration Complex,
follow the sign from the Charlotte Street car park and
enter via the middle doorway along the path.
Mondays - 8:30am to 2:30pm
(Closed from 12:30pm to 1:00pm for lunch)
Wednesdays - 8:30am to 8:45am
and during Breaks 1 and 2
(Open for students only at these times on Wednesdays)
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays
12:30pm to 4:00pm
Download the latest edition of the Chev Shop Price List
or visit: Shop
What’s the collective noun for towels? ‘A riot of towels’ ? Well that’s what we
have at Lost Property - a riot of towels... left over from the swimming carnivals.
So if your child came home towel-less, chances are we’ve got it here, and there’s
heaps of other uncollected items just waiting for their owners too.
Please remind your child to come and do a
thorough search of the items in Lost Property
at Student Services. We catalogue everything
to make it easy for students to find things.
And with the coming change of season/
uniform we also remind parents and caregivers to label and name ALL your child’s
belongings to ensure lost items find their way home.
Many thanks,
MARCH 2014
• An SMS is automatically generated to
inform parents and caregivers of their
child’s unexplained absence from school. If
your child is absent and a reason has been
provided beforehand (via SMS or in writing)
you will not receive an SMS.
• SMSs arrive on parents’ mobile phones
displaying the number ‘0419 829 442’.
Please store this number on your mobile
under ‘Chevalier College' for easy
• You can return an SMS to this number but
you cannot make a call to it. Page 16
• When sending an SMS reply, please include:
The 2014 Vaccination Program is underway. These
are the dates for the remainder of the year:
your child’s full name
your child’s Student ID Number
the date of the absence
the reason for the absence.
• The SMS system must only be used for
whole day absences (not for students
arriving late and leaving early).
All Year 7 students require four visits and will be
offered three vaccines: Human Papillomavirus
Vaccine (HPV), Varicella Zoster Vaccine (chickenpox)
and Diptheria, Tetanus, Pertussis (dTpa) Vaccine.
Year 9 boys require three visits for the HPV.
• If you send an SMS you do not need to
provide an absence note.
Visit 1: 6/3/14
Yr 7 boys and girls
Yr 9 boys
• If you telephone through an absence, an
absence note or SMS is still required.
Visit 2: 27/5/14 HPV
Yr 7 boys and girls
Yr 9 boys
• The SMS system cannot be used to
communicate with Chevalier College
regarding any matters other than
absences. For all other matters please
telephone 4861 1488 or email to:
[email protected]
Visit 3: 7/8/14
Yr 7 boys and girls
Yr 9 boys
Visit 4: 12/11/14 HPV
Yr 7 boys and girls
• From time-to-time you may receive
notifications and other important
reminders concerning the College. These
SMS messages do not require a reply.
Your assistance with these matters is greatly
Please Note: Hep B is not being offered in 2014.
Parents are advised to remind their child to drink
plenty of fluids and eat a nutritious breakfast on
vaccination days.
If you have any queries concerning the program,
please contact Steve Murchie (Deputy Principal) or
Carol Virtue (Sick Bay Attendant) at the College.
Steve Murchie
Deputy Principal
Gabby Lenarduzzi
Student Services
Gabby Lenarduzzi and Michelle Carlon - Student Services
Chevalier College Newsletter ©
A reminder for parents that, in
the event that you should need
to withdraw your child/children
from enrolment at Chev, the
College needs four (4) ‘term
time’ weeks’ notice in writing
to the Principal, otherwise
penalties may apply.
Chevalier College Newsletter ©
MARCH 2014
Page 17
Notices are from members of the wider school and Southern Highlands communities. The College does not endorse the products,
activities or services listed. Any reference to program information or material published in the newsletter from an outside contributor
reflects the spelling and grammar provided for the item by the contributor.
- The Editor
See Change
A Change, Be Change, See Change...
See Change is a six week, facilitated, small group program for families whose lives have been impacted by Drug
See Change covers the following….
and Alcohol and/or Mental Health Issues.
Information on mental health issues, drug dependency and recovery
The impact of these issues on families
Understanding the process of change
Strategies for reclaiming your life
Tools for enhancing personal and family wellbeing
The Salvation Army First Floor Program have been working with families impacted by AOD/MH issues for 15
years and run a number of monthly support groups and education programs.
New program
starting soon!
When: Mondays, Feb 24th—Mar 31st, 2014
Where: Level 3,11-13 Burelli St, Wollongong
Time: 6pm-8pm
Ongoing support is also available...
Spaces limited, bookings essential to reserve your place please phone (02) 42291079.
The Proposal:
1. The car park on Charlotte Street in front of the PAC and Main Office becomes BUSES and STAFF
CARS ONLY from 8.15am to 8.45am and 3pm to 3.45pm. Students must not be picked up or
dropped off from this area during those times.
A new car park would be built just under the Cricket nets next to the Ched, as:
• a pick-up and drop-off zone in the mornings/afternoons
• a car park for the Trade Skills Centre being built on the other side of the road next to Ag.
• a car park for weekend activities on the ovals e.g. Rugby
• access to wet weather shelter under the Ched for students awaiting pick-up
• another parking area for McGrath Hall events, with a path connecting it to the path that leads
from Prentice Chapel.
3. The existing car park next to Meadow One that has an exit and entry would also become a drop-off
and pick-up zone.
4. Entrance #1 would only turn left onto Moss Vale Road and Entrance #2 would only turn left onto
Eridge Park Road.
5. Barriers (see orange marks) would prevent through traffic between Entrances 1 and 2 inside the
College ONLY during peak times.
We would be interested in your thoughts and feedback and ask you to please email your thoughts/
questions/variations to [email protected] by the end of this school term.
See Change
A Change, Be Change, See Change...
Australia is retuning
After channels have changed, you’ll
need to retune your digital TV,
and Alcohol and/or Mental Health Issues.
set-top box or digital TV recorder
See Change covers the following….
to find the
 Information on mental health issues, drug dependency and recovery
 The impact of these issues on families
See Change is a six week, facilitated, small group program for families whose lives have been impacted by Drug
 Understanding the process of change
 Strategies for reclaiming your life
 Tools for enhancing personal and family wellbeing
If you are missing channels, you
The Salvation Army First Floor Program have been working with1 families
impacted by AOD/MH issues for 15
can start by pressing the “MENU”
remote then lookprograms.
years and run a number of monthly support groupsbutton
andon your
for your “set-up” options.
When: Mondays, Feb 24th—Mar 31st, 2014
Where: Level 3,11-13 Burelli St, Wollongong
Time: 6pm-8pm
MARCH 2014 Page 18
Next, try to find words like:
“channels” or “auto-tuning”.
Wait for the retune to finish.
You should now receive all the
digital TV channels.
Spaces limited, bookings essential to reserve your place please phone (02) 42291079.
Want more
Carmen Majetic
Business Manager
Chevalier College Newsletter ©
Follow the steps below for basic
instruction on how to retune.
1800 20 10 13
*Different areas will need to retune on different dates. Visit for more information.
Authorised by the Australian Government, Capital Hill, Canberra.
Chevalier College Newsletter ©
MARCH 2014
Page 19
Trivia Night
11 April
News & Events
[email protected]
Please find and complete the order
form (see page 2 of PDF) at: or go to
Local Community and Parish News
on the Chevalier College website.
Chevalier College Newsletter ©
MARCH 2014 Page 20
Chevalier College Newsletter ©
MARCH 2014
Page 21
‘Wellspring of Hope’
Taize Retreat for Youth
with Trish Watts
Cost: $250.00
April 11-13 Weekend Retreat
Mt Carmel Retreat Centre
247 St Andrews Road
Varroville (near Sydney)
Come and experience the joy, peace and
simplicity of the prayer and music of the
Taize Community. Young people from all
around the world make pilgrimages to
Burgundy France.
Check this youtube on Taize:
or visit: The Taizé Community
Preparing for Easter with prayer
and the music of Taize.
'O living God, in our darkness you kindle
a fire that never dies away'
Mrs Carla Walker (02) 8795 3400 or
Email: [email protected]
A Worldwide Marriage Encounter
Weekend is a Marriage Enrichment
experience for married couples
– set in peaceful, picturesque
surroundings, away from the
distractions of everyday life. During
the weekend, couples have a unique
opportunity to reconnect, rekindle
and refresh their relationship. Take
time out of your busy schedule, to
invest in your most precious asset...
your Marriage!
Chevalier College Newsletter ©
Weekend Date:
21 – 23 March 2014
at Mt Carmel Retreat Centre,
Varroville, NSW
Bookings: Ardell & Bill Sharpe
T: 02 4283 3435 E: [email protected]
MARCH 2014 Page 22