Making a difference and aiming for the top
Making a difference and aiming for the top
r re e s . w ww V C S U O F T C’ES CHE A C E S SKI ! I U Q CE RE LE IÈ R R E D A Family Pack for Xmas 2012 Around Christmas, the Family Pack will be available also for durations of 2 to 5 days (ski days between December 22 and 29)! Perfect for families who only come for a few days but don’t want to say no to extra presents. BLE A I K S INE A M O D 2013 2 1 0 TER 2 N I W • STRATEGY Making a difference and aiming for the top Still in the top 13 of French ski resorts, Serre Chevalier Valley has several plans to make a difference and attract an ever bigger, returning customer base. Increasing the number of visitors is the main focus for SCV Domaine Skiable. I WHAT’S ON O F IN .com r e i l a c h ev LIER A V E RE CH R E S THE N I S T NEW S E T A THE L EDITOR’S LETTER The latest issue of SCV INFO, with lots of information and news... SCV Domaine Skiable is acting promptly against the decreasing number of visitors to the valley. It’s a key strategy for the next few years. All actions will be taken in liaison with local authorities and the Serre Chevalier tourist office. We need to improve the customer experience as well as continue the constant upgrade of the ski area. This should help us meet our clients’ expectations. The whole SCV Domaine Skiable team is ready for this new winter season and wishes you lots of fun in the snow! Happy reading! Jean-Yves SALLE, General Director of SCV Domaine Skiable - #5 t is time for Serre Chevalier to be daring. While France climbed back up to its place as the top ski destination in 2011/2012 and gained 3%, Serre Chevalier Valley has had a loss of 7% in visitors over the past two seasons. “We need to offer something different, but also assume the fact that we’re a major resort. Our location, sunny weather and rich history are ideal for making us a true tourist destination both in the winter and the summer. The summer season has great potential and could make the difference,” says Patrick Arnaud, the vice general director at SCV Domaine Skiable. Investing in Property Since the arrival of SCV Domaine Skiable, the ski area has been upgraded to a huge extent and the touristic value of this has been recognised and appreciated. However, the ski area is underused and targets have not been met in terms of occupancy. “We’ve decided to extend our role as a ski ope- ENVIRONMENT rator to invest in the valley and give it an extra marketing push,” Patrick Arnaud continues. They are planning on opening a property department that will have two distinct missions. Renovating and marketing existing apartments while guaranteeing better occupancy for the owners, but also acquiring, renovating and renting property. An increasing number of visitors would mean more ski passes, more clients in the shops, a higher turnover, more liveliness and a new image for the resort. “We’re not wanting to replace the estate agents. We’re just looking to create a movement, supporting the rental agencies and getting together with a common goal: increasing the number of visitors and boosting the activity. As a group, we’ll have more of a say with the local authorities.” Patrick Arnaud has had a lot of success in other resorts. Improving the accommodation quality will increase property value and convince investors that they’re making the right choice by coming to Serre Chevalier Valley. This resort is definitely worth the effort. Sustainable development on all fronts Certified Iso 14001 since 2008, SVC Domaine skiable has engaged in an ambitious environmental policy that aims to limit the impact on the natural environment. How the resort has managed to go green. Q Skiing with Kids Serre Chevalier is well adapted for children, and children under 6 ski for free! As a bonus, there are four fun beginner areas… where they can try skiing in complete safety. Serre Ratier, the top of Aravet , Monetier and Pralong à Briançon all have adapted equipment for the youngest ones. SCV Info est édité par SCV Domaine Skiable Directeur de la publication : Jean-Yves Salle Conception et réalisation : A Plus d’1 Titre Graphisme : Thibault Peyrefitte Textes : Marie-Stéphane Guy Correction : Régine Ferrandis Photos : Stéphane Candé, Agence Zoom Traduction : Hanna Jonsson Imprimé par : Imprimerie du Pont-de-Claix, Isère SCV DOMAINE SKIABLE Société par Actions Simplifiées au Capital de 15012460,40 € Siège social : Place du Téléphérique Le Serre d’Aigle ; Chantemerle, 05330 Saint-Chaffrey SIREN 348 799 529 – RCS GAP SCV Info est gratuit. Ne peut être vendu. uality is the base of our business, and we’ve added an environmental dimension to this,” claims Bruno Navajas, who has been in charge of quality assurance since 2002 and runs the QSE programme – Quality, Security, Environment. “For each decision made, our teams should imperatively study the same three questions: What is the consequence on customer satisfaction? What is the consequence for staff? And what is the consequence on the environment?” In 2008, Serre Chevalier was awarded Iso 14001 (renewed in 2011). This certification proves that the resort is minimising the environmental impact of its tourism activity. A report on the possibilities of saving on energy and spending radically improved the grooming schedules. “We also worked on the visual impact by reducing pylons and cables and improving the look of the cabins,” adds Bruno Navajas. “We put away security netting and padding in the summers and organise a big spring clean at the end of the season.” First, the offices are cleaned, and then all the staff is sent out to clear away rubbish from the slopes. “We’ve added bins up the mountains, but it’s not enough. If each skier took home what they brought with them for the day, we’d be alright. We also recommend pocket ashtrays for smokers.” Acting Responsibly This green attitude is also applied to the renovation works on the slopes. Each project is subject to an environmental impact assessment and anti-pollution recommendations. Fuel tanks have been fitted with an alarm in case of leakage, a warning system installed on cables to stop birds from crashing into them, protective barriers have been built around the water reservoirs to stop animals from drowning and grass and plants are systematically replaced to prevent scarring. “It’s taken us three years to get noticeable results on our environment impact. We’re now a more eco-responsible company and we work with charities and other groups on new projects.” New for this year is a partnership with a car-sharing site,, and there’s a plan to install generators that run off the lifts for heating the staff cabins... A white winter resort seen in a green perspective is interesting for future generations. Up to all of us to contribute in our own way to keep the mountains beautiful. O F N I V C S SKI AREA WORKFORCE A Devoted Team WHAT’S ON To be an avalanche dog trainer you need both devotion and patience. In Serre Chevalier Valley, there are three avalanche dogs that help to keep skiers safe. Meet a team that works together 24/7. R “Neiges de Culture©” Get cultural without even stepping out of your bindings! This is the fourth season for “Neiges de Culture©”, an original concept by Isabelle de Beaufort. The project combines skiing with exhibitions and cultural trails. The “Nomad Village” will allow you to discover nomadic people that live in polar conditions. In the Lapland “lavvu” and the Mongolian yurt, Erika Larsen and Lucile Chombart de Lauwe are showing two photograph exhibitions, one on the Sami people and the other on urban Mongolian homes. The polar tent shows pictures from the Antarctic expeditions of Shackleton and Scott. 70 Years in Serre Chevalier Richly illustrated, this book records the local ski history, from the beginnings in Briançon to the Chantemerle cable car, the Prorel link and the modern resort. Created by Guillaume Bodovillé. For sale at Serre Chevalier Valley, 35€. Smile, you’re in the VideoZone As of last year, this area allows you to automatically film your skiing on a fun and gentle slope. Your progress through bumps and turns is shown live on a giant screen and you can download your video on the internet thanks to your skipass number. Serre Chevalier on iPhone and Android Village maps and piste maps, live lift information, weather forecasts, events and web cam footing are all available in a few clicks on the iPhone or Android application. You can locate yourself on the pistes or find the nearest restaurant. The application can even give you a report on how far you’ve skied and how much vertical difference you’ve covered in a day. odolphe Queyrel with Vulcain, Eric Bataillon with Viso and Eric Montandon with Sphinx are all working together to rescue avalanche victims. The road to proficiency is long and requires daily work. Only well trained dogs are accepted on the avalanche dog course, which leads to the ANENA diploma. During the winters, extra courses like night-searches and heli-lifting are organised. “You have to do at least 8 courses each season,” explains Philippe Buyle who is in charge of the security on the slopes and a team of 65 piste patrollers. The avalanche dogs and their masters do rescue simulations each week, so that the dogs are used to the public and all the different transport modes that may be needed to get to an avalanche site, such as a snow scooter, helicopter, chairlift, on a skier’s back... Around ten avalanche alerts are given each winter, on or off piste. “We always send out a dog. A dog can search a hectare of snow in 15 minutes, while we need 20 humans for 1 hour to cover the same area.” Three dog-houses are strategically placed at the top of the mountain. “When we set off artificial avalanches, the dog team is always ready to do a search if needed. It improves safety for the rest of the team.” The six-footed couples are also called out to help with critical situations out of the resort and work as a complement to the police forces. The twelve dogs in the area and their masters were recently honoured to be invited to a special reception at the regional government as a thank you. During the inter-seasons, the dogs keep training, working as a group and keeping their sense of smell keen. Obedience is key, but always rewarded. There are also veterinary visits... Without human devotion, this workforce would not be possible. Conquering the world In Serre Chevalier Valley, a new channel for promoting and marketing the resort is opening up. Explanation. ➞ Boosting the amount of visitors to the resort is the goal for Serre Chevalier Valley. The company is working closely with the tourist office to capture a new clientele. Sylvie Stel has twenty years’ experience in ski tourism and is in charge of promoting Serre Chevalier at various ski shows and making contact with tour operators and travel agencies. “This year, we’ve focused on Belgium, but also Eastern European countries with special offers in the low season.” The first week of the season, around 1000 Czech and Polish tourists are expected. “We support the tourist office promotions with special deals on all our products. We’re more than ever ready to welcome guests from the first to the last day of the season, hoping to fill all the weeks.” New contracts with tour operators such as Inghams Hotel Plan, Snowtime and TUI Benelux have been signed. “We’re working both on volume and the quality of our target group, even if we have to compete with some big, snow-safe resorts. We need to push everything that makes Serre Chevalier so special, and we aim to be very much seen on the market, on the web and in media so that we can get all the visitors we deserve.” L’ESPACE Holiski, the freedom of skiing ➞ For those who regularly come skiing in Serre Chevalier Valley, the Holiski card is ideal for saving money. For a cost of 29€ you avoid the lift pass queue and get at least 15% off on an adult day pass. Skiing day number 9 costs just 1€, just like day 14 and 19. Your ski pass bill is debited to your bank card at the end of each month. You can also use the Holiski card in the following resorts: Paradiski, Les Arcs, La Plagne, Tignes, Val d’Isère, Flaine, Grand Massif. Sign up at L’Espace, or online on How can we help you? Want to know what the snow is like? Fancy an evening outing? Want to become Ambassador? Need to recharge your Holiski card? L’Espace is open 7 days a week, it is the place to go for any question related to the ski area. I n a contemporary and stylish environment, this is the third year for L’Espace. Véronique Salle is in charge and with thirteen years in the resort, she knows it off by heart! She is used to welcoming customers and finding answers to the most unusual questions. “Sometimes, L’Espace is a bit like a tourist office!” she says. Open from 8.30-17.30, they only help with questions related to the ski area, but there’s a lot of information to keep track of. Enrol for an evening out in a piste-basher and choose whether to go for the early morning one and see the sunrise, or the romantic one under the stars and a meal on the mountain. You can also visit the snow factory and learn more about the grooming. Anyone over the age of 16 can sign up for half an hour’s lesson in driving a piste-basher at the Grooming School. Véronique and her team can also suggest an unusual piste tour, where you get to know the different jobs in a ski resort. Support, Advice, Information Use the hotline for phoning in with your questions on +33(0)492 255 500. “-Weather forecast for the week, you say? -Yes, all the runs are open today. -No, there’s no avalanche risk on the slopes even though there’s been a lot of fresh snow. -Yes, of course if you buy the Grande Galaxie season pass you get free days in Montgenevre, Puy Saint Vincent, Les 2 Alpes and Alpe d’Huez. And if you buy it until December 1, you get 25% off.” The team has a lot of work to get done. They update the information screens across the valley, hand out brochures so that clients can create their Holiski account and handle Ambassador accounts for second home owners, allowing them to accumulate points that can lead to a free ski pass. As it gets busy, Véronique remains focused. “A 6-day pass or longer has many advantages: you get 25% off your day pass in La Grave, free night skiing in Briançon and a free day pass for cross-country skiing in the valley.” We have learned a lot during our visit, and note that customer service takes pride of place in Serre Chevalier Valley.
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