Development of new equipment for rapid determination of coal gas
Development of new equipment for rapid determination of coal gas
Developmentof new equipmentfor rapid determination of coal gas content by D. J. Wlliams, A Saghafi, M. S. Drummond and D. B. Roberts CSIRO,Divisionof Coal and EnergyTechnology ABSIRACT In undergroundcoal mines wbere higb lerrels of seam ga.!rmay present a safety hazard, planning of new de'relopmentsneeds to be based on a prior estination of gassinessof of sea:n the areato be mined. Measurements gascontenthare becomea routine activity in Australiqnundergroundcoal mines' Anottrer area cfrere the knowledge of gas content is inportrnt is gas utilisation. In Australia, capture of methane fronr some deep coal measuresis currently being consideredand initial exploration drilling has been undertaken. The methodcurrentiyusedby tbe AusEeliqn coal indusuy is a modification of the US Bureau of Mines method which consists of measuringthe volume of gas desorbed from cored or lump srmples of coal sealed in a ssntqinsl. The 6ein problem with this method is the length of time required to accomplishthe test. For fast desorptionrate an averageof one montb is needed to reach the flat part of tbe desorptioncurve. For slow desorption rates, tbe desorption period can be as long as 4 montbs.The other drawbackq of this method are identilied further dowu in this paper. The time required for completion of a test can be a signilicant problem particulaily in coal sea:nswitl outburst history wherc tbe assessmentof gas contentueedsto be done in the spaceof days to main&rina high rate of coal production. L?Cog can be loadedand tested usingthe threegascontenttest apparatus.The results of tests are lnown in less tban 2-3 hours. Core sanples frour in-seam drilling were collectedand testedusing the USBM and the CSIRO (rapid desorption) metlods. With correction for the residual gas content, the two methods!8r/€similqrresults. Effect of coal sample size also was studied. The mediumand smallcrusherswere usedto determinetbe gas contentof samplesof tbe weight 15 to 30 g and 200 to 3009 respectively.For the rangeof studiedgascontents, no diJferencein the results of the two sizes were observed. INTRODUCTION Importancc of determinatlon of gas content In a gas control and/or prediction project, the first most important para-neter to meas' ure is tbe gas content of the mined seam and, if feasible,tbc gas contentsof the ad' jacent coal seans.This is palticulatly impor' tart for tlose mines tbat experiencegas out' bursting or high gas emission rates during mining. For suchmines,basedou past experience, a gas content threshold is generally set. This gas content identifies tbe zonesof hazardous mining'. Wbererar tbis limit is exceededsome kind of pretrentivemeasure The is undertaken to alleviate the area. Tbis paper presents a brief descriptionof outburst-prone mines may bave different equipmentdesig;nfor the rapid measurement tbresbold contents tban the mines with higb of gas coutent in coal samplesand comgas emission.In the outburstsituation, gas pares some resulB of gas content tests obcoutent , gas pressuregadient and rate of Fined with this metbod and those obtained desorption are all rary important. Howewr in thc traditional way. for higb gas emissionrates, gas content is of parrmount importance.Otber factors,related Three different setsof equipmenthaw been coal structure, also influence gas re' to the constructedc/hich can measure gas content rariation in tbe permeFor exa.mple lease. by pulwrising coal samples.Tbis allows tbe may create a zone of bigb of coalbed ability acceleradonof the gas desorptiontate. Coal gradient wben combined with pressure cfiich samplesof 3G50g or 200-3009or 1000to Townsille 19-21N ovember.1992 CoahedM ethaneSynpo sium 'r', mechanicalproperties of coal may give rise to an outburst when the coal face is close to this zone. OutbursBoccurmost frequentlyin thosemines with mixed gasand a higber per' cent of carboir dioxide. This is to be expected as, for tbe same pressure, coal adsorbs a larger .olume of carbon dioxide than methane. Methane explosionscan occur when the mine atmospherehas a concentratiouof 5 to lSVo of methane and such a concentralionis generallyproduced ia minss witb high methane contents in the coal seams. However, there are casesof explosions in mines with wry low gas content. In France a nethane erylosion occurred in a mine with only 0.5 m'/t total gascontent(Jeger,1992). The gas contenttest thctefore,shouldnot onlybe resened for gassyareasatrd it is a good practice to routinely dercrmine gas content dur' ing face adrance. Apart ftom safety concerns in underground coal mines, I new area of gas utilisation re' quires e$ensilt measurementof in-situ gas conteut. An accurate and rapid method of gas coDtent test can be used to guide the 6fuillingprogutr and produce a less expensiw aud morc acculate estimationof tbe gas reser!?. D.J. Willians et aL tle methane desorption into the collection cylinder occurring with a methane partial pressureof one atmospbere(Kissell et aL 1973). In the French coal researcbcentre (CERCI{AR) method, adoptedby the Coal Directorate of the Commissionof the European Communities (Handbook for the 'desorbable QsalminiagIndustry, 1980),the gasconteat'of coal is definedas the quantity of gas given off whea the coal passes from equilibrium wi& gas at seam pressure to equilibrium with gas at atmosphericpressurein normal conditions.The termsQ r, Qa ud Qs are defined as follows (Bertard et al., 1970), Qr is the gas wbich is released (lost) betweenthe momentof coal e)craction and wheu the sample is sealedin a canister for transport. Qz is the gas releasedinto the canisterduring transport ftom underground to the surface and then to the laboratory.In the laboratory tbe sampleis put in a con[ainer, flushed with gas and crusbed at atmosphericpressure. The releasedgasis des' ignated as Qr . The desorbablegascontent is definedas the sum of Qr, Qz ana qr. The situation becomes more complicated when tbe coal sample containsmi:ad gas. The USBM method makes no distinction' whereas the CERCHAR metbod does, by Deflnltlon of gas content defining thc total gas as the quantity of gas gasrela' values of the gas content of coal samples releasedif coal is crusbedunder a for a is that reason tiw pressure of nil. The appear frequently in techhical reports and gas be' content meetings.Ilowever it seens that a universal mi:<edgas the definition of value measured the definition is uot lrt accepted or understood. comes less accurate and Recently, the Australian StandardsAssocia- may corespond to any partial pressure' The tions has publisheda'Guide to the determi- partial pressure for each component is less than one atmosphereduring tbe wbole test nation of desorbable gas content of coal tbe partial pressure for eacb gas and seems-Directmethod' (1991),In that reporL the gascotrtentof a coal sanple is presented cbangesduring the test dependingon initial composition in the sanple and kinetics of alr -a) lost gas, v/tich is tbe gas lost during desorption for each gas. The gascontent test d5illing or prior to any mealiurement, -b) measr:rablcgas,or thc gas e\rch€d at atmos- with the traditional method for mi:<edgas pheric pressurcfton tbe non-pulverisedsa.nn- therefore carry the inaccuracy of a pressure defrnition as the gas compositioncbanges ple, and -c) residual gas,qihich is releasedif during desorption. srmple pres1trs is crushed at atmospheric sure.The symbolsQt' Qz and Qr respectir/tly But for this paper we adopt tbe Ausralian are used to identify tbese tbree components Standardsdefinition and use the term 'total 'desorbablegasconof the gas content. The desorbablegas content' as tbe sum of Qt, tent' is defined as tbe sum of Q1 and Qz, Qz, and Qr releasedat atmospbericpressure wbile the 'total desorbable gas content' is and without distinction between methane gir,enas Qr, Qz and Qr. Tbis approacbcan and mixed gas. be compared with tbose carried out by tbe USBM and in Europe. In the USBM metbod tbere is Do Q: determination with CoalbedM ethuteSympo sium Townsville19-21N ovember, 1992 Tladtdonal method of gas content test (ModltredUSBM method) The in-situmethanecontentof coal seans is traditiodally measuredby uking a section of a core, typically 5-10kg in weigbt placing it in a container and monitoring tbe release of methane by collecting the gas in a bell'jar. The rarc of desorptionis such that it can take sewral weeksto obtain an accurate determi' nation. Cteady, a more rapid procedure wouldha.,pbenefitsin speedingup decisions with regard1emins develoPment. closedby an on/off valw (Whitey) mounted about15mm abovethe cap. 3(X)g contalner This consistedof a 300 mm x 75 run OD x 3 mm ',rnll Vs tube, closed at one end and internally threaded at tbe other to accept a screw-incap. The final 6 mm of the tube was recessedto form a sealing surface for an oring mounted on a correspondingsboulder on the cap; this constitutedthe gas-rigbtseal. The usefulinternal length of the tube was 150 m:n uhen the cap was fitted. The gas outlet was via a 3 mm flexible hose closed by a Whiteymlve. METEODOLOGY 125I<g contalner Rapld desorpdonmethod 'rapid desorptionmetlod' is based on The the fact that tbe rate of releaseof gas from coal is determinedby diffr:sion of gas witbin the coal particleand is tberefore dependent on ttre particle size.If a diffusion coefficient of 10l0-cm2/sis assumedfor the gas, then tbe theoreticalsolution of tbe diffitsion equation for a spherical sample ( Gunther' 1965) suggeststhat if tbe diameter of coal grains is reduced to 1 micron, then only 2 secondsis neededfor release of. 904oof gas contained in the sample.Howercr if the grain size werc I cm then 15 yearswould be needed to re' leasethe same ,mount of gas (network of fractures within the coal sample keep the desorptionrimo to much lessthan 15 years). This was identical to the 300 g container, except thc lengthwasincreasedto 530mm witb a usefulinternallengtbof 500mm. Three sets of equipment were constructed, eachoperating on the sameprinciple, namely crusbingthe coal sample with a steel ball by shekingit, vertically, inside a stainlesssteel ',esselTbe difference betweenthe tbree sets vas size of the sample container and hence the wigbt of tbe coal sa:nple used for the metbane dercrmination. The sa.nple sizes were 30 g, 300 g and 1.25kg and brief descriptionof tbesecontainersfollows: 30 g contalner ffus snqlls5tcontainerconsistedof a 138sun x 30mm O.D. with 3mm wall stainlesssteel tube, closedat one end and threadedon the outsideat the other end to uke a screw-on cap.The gas-tigbtsealbetweentbe tube and the cap consistedof a Teflon wasber.The gas outlet consisted of a small bole in tbe cap leadingto a 3 -- O.D. stainlesssteel tube TownrvilJe 19-21N ovember,1992 Crushtngprocedure The 30 g and 300g conlainerswere mounted on top of reciprocatingpistons.Speciallyde' signedholders were bolted to the tops of the pistous to firmly retain the containers. For tbe ssraller one, a cylinder/piston assembly fton a small air compressorwas used,whilst, for the larger one, a water-cooledcar engine block wasused.Tbe strokeswere 60 srm and 80 mm respectirrclSand both were driven by electricmotors generallyat a ftequencyof a few Hz. The largestcontainer was mounted on a ftamework whicb, in turn, was mounted via linear bearingson two slides.The assembly was connected in tbc usual way to an electricmotor to provide reciprocatingmotion with a ftequency of about 5 Ha the strokebeing 200mm. The crushing,which was effected by steel balls, was carried out continuously for the ssrallestcontainer but was intcrrupted at in' terrals throughout the crusbing cycle for the otber two. Tbe purpose of this was to avoid carry over of fine coal dust witb tbe evol'aed seam gas. Ifence, whilst tbe crushing mills were in action, the on/0ff val'reswere closed. Sea.mgaswas only allowed to escapeinto the gasmeasuringslstem after the dust had been allowed to settle in the container for about a minute or so. For the 300 g and 1.25kg size equipment,sinteredmetal filters were saUed becauseof tbe greaterquantitiesof coal and gas erolution. Thesc were mounted on tbe Coah edM ethane SYnPosium u D.J. Wiltiamset aL screw-in end caps. The filters nominally remor,eddust greater than 7.5 pm in dia:neter and could be cleaned by back-flushingwith compressednitrogen. Tbe intermittent nature of the crushtng prelEnts tlese filters from cloggiag. Gas msurern nt The containers were connected via flexible tubing and on/off viahrcsto inwrted measuring cylinders fille6t with acidulated warer. During the interruptions in the crushing cycle, tbe ralrcs were graduallyopenedto aUo* ssamttr to escapeand bubble into the cvlinders. Provision was made for taking a sample of the gsrm gas for analpis by gas chromatography. Empirically, it was found that the diameterof the steel balls for crushing was lg mm and 25 mm for the 30 g and 300 g conteinsls respectirely. For the largest con_ triner, 2 X 25 rnn lrlk g/e19Uggd. canisterresealedagainand connectedto tbe inverted cyiinder. The sub-samplewas then crushedand gas rolume measured. In Fig.l, the procedure is shown for one of the snmples. At point A, the gas erolved from the sample sealed in a desorption canister was Qz = 2.86mr/t,,a sub-sarnple wastakenand crushedwhile the rest of tbC sa:nple was allowed to 1s6nin in the desorptioncanister. Th: Cat evolred during crushing was el = 2.38 m'lt, rhereforethe total desorbablj gas content for, sa.mple4 is equalsto ez + el = 5.?Am'lt. We eryect thereforeto reacb this .talueif we let the sample in the canisrer desorbfor a sufEcientlengrhof time. In Fis f. it can be seenchatthe line C = 5.?1 m3i can be consideredas tbe aslmptote of the desorptioncurve. In Table 1, the resultsof four testson borecoresare shown.The rolume of gasdesorbed before the first crushing is identified by ez , the gasrolume evolrcd during crushingis e3 . Qz + Qs is therefore'total desorbablegas The time required to crush the coal samples, content'. The sa.ureprocedurewas repeated sucb tbat there was uo further gas emission, on the sameu.mple after a few days:another was20 - !Q min for the 30 g containerand I sub-samplewas,taken from the canister and 2h fot the ot[ers. The time nried with coals was crusbed.Q z in Table I is the volume of from different s€lms. After tbesetimes it was gasdesorbed from start of desorption(after found that 70% of the coal saurplehad been flsilling) uutil tbe start of this new crushing. puharised to lessthan 90 pm. Tle gas,desorbedduring crushingis named Qs. Qz+ Ql isanothermeasurementof the 'total desorbablegas content' . To verify RESULTS AIYD DISCT'SSION tbe method is accurateone should compare 's wio 's. Comparlson of results from rapld Qz + Q: ThesJare Q'z + Q'l presentedin Table 1. desorpdon wlth tradldonal methods A better measure of the Comparison has been made of fte gas con,accuragyof the teuts measlued with the above equipment metbod is to plot C2 = Q z + e.r against and thosc using tbe traditional desorption Cr = Qz + Ql and estimatethe distanceof tbe points from line of equal-content,ie the equipment (USBM method). In-sea.srdri[ings iu four difierent sites were undertaken line C2 = Cr. In Fig. 2 tbe graph of measured couten6 and tbc line of equal-content and cores ccre taken deep into tbe sean. is given. The total deviation from ,the line of Seam gas in all sites consisted of mi:ad gas. equal gascontentis dev = i X(Cr - Cz)210J At each driiling site, two canisters *!r" Slled witb 2 parB of the borecore. = ^ 0.79m"/t for an alrrage deviation of 0.2 .3/t. One of the canisterswas used for the raditional test with tbe gas desorbedrolume be_ To compare tbe results obtained &om Oe ing continuouslymonitored. Tbe results of rapid desorptiontechniqueand the resultsof thesetestsare listed in Table l. The second. tbe taditional methodsthe gascontentresult canisterwas used to enluate the new method in USBM column in Table 1 were adjusted of gas content testing. Initially this canister to representthe 'toal desorbablegas con, was conuected to an inrerted cylinder and tent'. Based on some residual gas conte-nt erolved sas was measuredby water displacetests on similar sanples a ralue of 0.5 m1t ment. After a few days canister was opened, was consideredappropriatefor tbis sample. s 5u6-semplevas rqLen for crushing and the CoalbedMetltaaeSyn posium Townsville 19-21November1992 In Table 2 tbe 'total desorbablegas content' for each sample using two methods is given. The gas content for rapid desorptionmethod is the a"rrage of Cr and Cz as described abo,,e.The a'reragedeviation in the results between the two methods was 0.4 m3/t over the four tests (only one of the results from 4 and 5 wasused in this analysis).In terms of relative error using each of this methods produces 0.4/6.58= 6% difference in respect to the other nethod (tbe a't/eragegas content for the four srmplesis 6.58m'lt). In Fig 3. the results of tbe two methods are compared againstthe equal-contentline. The a.reragedifference of 6 Vo in results using the two techniquesis very small and even if we were using the sa:netechniquetwice on the samesemplewe could not expecta rariation less than this nlue. Although the number of test in parallel is small , we think, basedon or€rsets experienceand our knowledge of gas desorption from coal sanples, tbat thc results of the abore tests demonstrate the validity of the rapid desorption metbod. Efiect olsample slze on gas content determlnatlon Constructionof three ses of equipmentwitb tbe capability of crushing coal samples of substantiellydifferent sizesallowed tbe investigation of the effect of the sanple size on gascontentdetermination. Theoretically, for a given coal, one can expect that a cbange in size would produce some scale effect and gas contents results could rraryaccording to certain rules which may be determinedstatistically. If the moistue content of the coal does not vary wry much, the reasonsfor any scaleeffect can be either, - due to tbe effect of fissure/cleatnetvork or, - due to the \adation of ash content distribution acrossa segment of coal seam;in our caseacrossthe borecore. Tbe eftect of fissures density can be owrcome if the size of sanrpleis larger than the a\rrage distanccbetween fssures or cleats. For exanple if the cleat planes naturally di,hf coal sample in cubes of. 2.5 x 2.5 x :9t 2.5 cm', then we can expectthat for a coal sempleof weigbt higber rJ,an22 g (coal Townnille 19-21N ovember,1992 densityis assumedto be 1.4,the effect of size sboulddisappear). Allowance for variation in the ash contenr distribution is difficult. In case of in-seam drilling one can expect that along a small length of core (300 mm) irs \ariation should not be substantial. However, for sross-searr drilling the ash contenr may vary largely acrossthe tbichess of coal seam. We suggest that whenercr a gas content is determined, an ash content test be also undertqken and the gas contentbe defined on a ftee-of -ashbasis. In Table 3, the resultsof gas contentsdetermined using 30 g and 300 g samplesirre pre: sented.Fig. 4 comparestle two gascontents by visualising the positionsof eryeriment points and the line of equal-content. CONCLUSIONS Three setsof equipmentwere constructedto pulrcrise di-fferentsize of coal samplesand measuretbe 'total desorbablegas conten!', The results obtained show that the rapid gas desorptionmethodcan be used to determine tbe total desorbablegas content. A maximum of 2-3 hours is neededto determinethe gas content compared to few weeks by the traditional method. Contrary to tbe traditional metbod, the gas content determined witb the rapid desorptionmethod is not dependentupon the sizeof coal grains.Moreover in the case of a mi:red gas, Oe rapid desorptionmethod is more accuratebecause tbe results of the tests are not affected by different rates of desorption of methane and carbon diodde. The coal sanples of 2 diJferent sizes were tested usitg the medium and small size crusbers.The results of gas content tests sbowno differencein ralues obtained for tbe gancontentsin the range of 0.4 to 3 m3/t. ACKNoIIILEDGMEIYTS The authors would like to thank Dr R. Williqrns(egs6as Ltd), Mr T Sbarkey( Meuopolitan Colliery) and Mr S Battino (Gastrade) for their assistanceduring resringof the rapid desorptionequipment.bur $anks CoabedM ethaneSynposium 26 are erended to Dr R. Lama (Kembla Coal and Coke Pty. Ltd.) for usefuldiscussions. RTF'ERENCTS dg56elirn St^"dard, 1991.Guide to the determination of desorbablegas content of coal serms-Direct method'.AS 3980. Bertrad C, Bru;et B and Guutber J, 1970. ' Deternination of desorbablegas concentration of coal (direct metlod)'. Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sct Vol.7. pp 43-65. Coah edM etltancSynposium D.J.lVillianset aL KissellF N, McCullochC M, and Elder C H, L973. The direct method of determining methanecontent of coalbedsfor lentilation design'.USBM Report of Investigation'7'767. Guntber J, 1965. Etude de la liaison gazcharbon'. Journal de I'industrie minerale. France. Jeger C, 1992.Application of the European experiencein longwall gas emissiou control to the NSW longwallmines'. Syurposiumou coalbedmethaneresearchand development in Australia. Townsville19-21Novemben1992 A v 4.5 a 8 4 aa t ( ,,< Figurc1. Gas desorption curve for a samplefrom wniO the emountof gesreleasedduring crushing. It lt bo l0 .El a e e 5 s E 0 6 6 o 8 s 4 6 1 Cas content, fir* Figure2. Comparison of gascon Townsville19-21N ovember. 1992 1 9 cndring (m3/t) . Coahed M ethaneSyn posium 28 D.J. Williams et aL u 6 D E 9 E s E c o e 5 rY 4 7 8 _ 6 9 Cas conrent (rn3i), Rapid mahod Figure3. Sample I conteut determination,trr Qr. 2.16 (3 davs) J Al 5' Qe 2.30 (2 davs) 7.43 (33davs) 2.86 (1 dav) 2.86 (l dav) 4.t2 Q:.+ Qe O.ZU 767o CIlt 1.96 Q'r. 4.37 (33 davs) 4.26 J,5 I 2.97 54% Clll; 10.40 238 57%&l^ 2.38 SLVo &ll (7 davs) 9.18 (3 davs) 5.24 J.Z4 USBM Q,1 2.08 U% C.H 0;58 0.99 80%CH, 5.01 0.91 (15davs'l 89%er s.03 (19davs) 0.90 90%c*r, Q z + Q r method 6.45 3.95 10.17 4.94 (35 davs) 4.29 (15 davs'l 10.50 (48 davs) 5.9r s.93 4.24 (8davs) 4.24 (8 davs) r samples4 and5 areiaken fromttresameborccore andsealedin nvodiffercntcanisteni Table1. Resultsof gasron CoalbedM ethane Synposium Townsville 19-21Novemb er I99i Sample I 2 a 4.5 Rapid 6.37 4.11 USBM 5.34 4.69 t0.29 10.90 5.58 4.64 TableZ Comparisoubetween'total desorbablegascontent'obtainedby rapid desorptionand traditiooal techniques. 15-30g 200-300g Composition sample samDIe CHzl(COr+CIIa) 2.09 2.4 84Vo 1.99 r.9z 2.98 2.95 54?o 0.61 0.62 9270 2.39 2.36 5lVo 0.92 0.91 0.51 0.42 1007o 0.49 0.43 89% LAOVo Table3. Qsmparison of gascontentusingsnaUffi Townnille 19-21N ovember,1992 CoabedM ethaneSynposium 30 D.J. Williantset aL -g !t Et3 - !o 8 )x (\ - 2 7 E E 8 r 3 A uas content(r8/t), Coalbed Methattiifi posrum 15_30g samplc TownsitteI 9-21NoiinberJ W