Thyroid, Traditional Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture bibliography F.A.FOR.ME.C CFA-MTC Thyroïde, Médecine Traditionnelle Chinoise & Acupuncture bibliographie Groupe d’Etudes et de Recherches en Acupuncture 192 chemin des cèdres, F-83130 La garde, France [email protected] référence type titre de l'article ou du document, (en langue originale ou traduction si entre crochets). numéro d'ordre relatif dans la bibliographie sélective. numéro de référence gera. Indiquer ce numéro pour toute demande de copie. disponibilité du document di: disponible, nd: non disponible, rd: résumé seul disponible, type de document. ra: revue d'acupuncture re: revue extérieure cg: congrès, co: cours tt: traité th: thèse me: mémoire, tp: tiré-à-part. e l: e xtra it de livre 1 -gera:6785/di/ra ACUPUNCTURE ANAESTHESIA: A REVIEW. SMALL TJ. american journal of acupuncture.1974,2(3), 147-3. (eng). réf:33 titre de la revue ou éditeur. nombre de références bibliographiques du document. année de publication. auteur, premier auteur si suivi de et al. langue de publication et résumé: indique un résumé en anglais (pour les documents non en anglais) (fra) français, (eng) anglais, (deu) allemand, (ita) italien, (esp) espagnol, (por) portugais, (ned) hollandais, (rus) russe, (pol) polonais, (cze) tchèque, (rou) roumain, (chi) chinois, (jap) japonais, (cor) coréen, (vie) vietnamien. * première et éventuellement dernière page d'un article, ou nombre de pages d'un traité, thèse ou mémoire. volume et/ou numéro. Les résumés correspondent soit à la reproduction du résumé ou présentation de l'auteur, soit à un résumé assuré par le CD GERA 1 1- gera: 10795/di/re A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE ENDOCRINE DISORDERS IN CHINA. T'AO LEE. chinese medical journal. 1941;59:379-86 (eng). 1) Les modifications des caractères sexuels secondaires après castration sont rapportées dans le Neijing ainsi que le pseudohermaphrodisme. 2) L'entité de la maladie d'Addison semble avoir été reconnue au 6ème siècle. 3) Gigantisme et nanisme sont rapportés au 4ème siècle avant J.C. 4) Le goitre est décrit au 3ème siècle avant J.C, et son traitement comporte des décoctions à base de coquillage. 5) Le diabète est mentionné dans le Neijing et devient une affection bien reconnue au 2ème siècle. 2- gera: 10840/di/ra HYPERTROPHIE THYROIDIENNE ET ACUPUNCTURE. HUBERT. revue internationale d'acupuncture. 1951;3(2):39-42 (fra). 3- gera: 92892/di/cg L'ACTION DE L'ACUPUNCTURE SUR LA MALADIE DE BASEDOW. FRIMAT. iiiemes journees internationales d'acupuncture, la bourboule. 1957;:106 (fra). 4- gera: 13718/di/re ACUPUNCTURE A HANOI POUR ABLATION D'UN NODULE THYROIDIEN. HUGUENARD P. ann anesth franc. 1972;13(4):635-7 (fra). 5- gera: 13723/di/ra [ANESTHESIE PAR ACUPUNCTURE DANS LES THYROIDECTOMIES]. SHANGHAI FIRST PEOPLES HOSPITAL. chinese medical journal. 1973;2:17 (eng). 6- gera: 26105/di/el SIMPLE GOITER. X. in the manual of china's current acupuncture therapy,medecine and health publishing. 1975;:196. (eng). 7- gera: 6863/di/ra [4 CAS D'ANESTHESIE PAR ELECTROACUPUNCTURE]. PASTORE F ET AL. rivista italiana di agopuntura. 1977;30:35-9 (ita). 3 hernies inguinales et 1 nodule thyroïdien. 8- gera: 10843/di/el [GOITRE ENDEMIQUE]. X. in barefoot doctor's manual. 1977;:408-9 (eng). Puncture 1 fois par jour, avec une stimulation modérée les points a-shi, 22VC et 11GI afin de soutenir le foie, libérer la stagnation et réduire l'oedème. Des décoctions d'herbes médicinales peuvent aussi être utilisées. 9- gera: 10845/di/el [GOITRE SIMPLE]. X. in treatment of 100 common diseases by new acupuncture. 1977;:45 (eng). Traitement du goitre simple par acupuncture : 4GI, Chiying ; par auriculopuncture : sécrétion interne, glande thyroïde, moxibustion sur 22VC, 7V, 2P, 14GI, 17VC, 20VB, 14VG, 11E, 13TR, 3P, 42E. Fleur de prunier sur le 10- gera: 10846/di/el [HYPERTHYROIDIE]. X. in treatment of 100 common diseases by new acupuncture. 1977;:46 (eng). Traitement de l'hyperthyroïdie par acupuncture : 9E, 6MC, 6Rte, 4GI, 13TR. Points complémentaires : 7P si toux sèche, 22VC, 17IG, 6Rn. Auriculothérapie : a) Shen Men, sécrétion interne, glande thyroïde, "calme l'asthme", b) coeur, poumon et moxibustion sur 3P. 11- gera: 13720/di/ra THYROIDECTOMIE ET ANALGESIE ACUPUNCTURALE. GROBLAS A. point lo. 1978;10:11 (fra). 12- gera: 17323/di/ra LOCAL INJECTION OF IODINE TINCTURE IN ENDEMIC GOITER. YANG TIEN-KAI ET AL. chinese medical journal. 1978;4(1):71-76 (eng). 13- gera: 152727/di/re GOITER IN TIBETAN MEDICINE. GERARD N. BURROW, JEFFREY HOPKINS, YESHI DHONDEN, AND LOBSANG DOLMA. yale j biol med. 1978;51(4):441-447 (eng). The visit of two Tibetan physicians provided a unique opportunity to gain insight into a practice of medicine very different from that of Western civilization. Initial discussions indicated that the practice of medicine and mysticism were inextricably interwoven in the Tibetan culture. Accordingly, the focus of the study was directed to goiter, which is both common in the Himalayas and easy to define. In Tibetan medical practice, illness is considered to be derived from both proximate and distant causes. Three humors, “wind,” “bile,” and “phlegm” are thought to be responsible for normal mental and physical functions when in balance, but disease when out of balance. Goiter was thought to be due to an imbalance of these humors. The Western discovery that endemic goiter in the Himalayas was due to iodine deficiency explained the proximate cause but did not explain why some individuals have goiter and others do not in the same iodine deficient village. 14- gera: 10875/di/ra HYPOTHYROIDIE ET TRAITEMENT PAR ACUPUNCTURE A PROPOS DE DEUX CAS. KAUFMANN A. revue francaise d'acupuncture. 1979;20:51 (fra). Deux malades, de sexe féminin, souffrant d'insuffisance thyroïdienne, ont été traitées, selon les schémas thérapeutiques proposés par Mussat, selon la technique du Tchong Mo. La première malade, souffrant d'hypothyroïdie primitive, a subi le traitement anti-hypothyroïdie (sept séances). La deuxième, souffrant d'hypothyroïdie secondaire à une thyroïdectomie subtotale pour maladie de Basedow, a été traitée selon le schéma anti-hyperthyroïdie (six séances). A la suite du traitement par acupuncture, les symptômes cliniques ont disparu, et les signes biologiques (T3, T4, F.T.I.) se sont normalisés. 15- gera: 18197/di/ra GOITRE. ZHEN JIU XUE. mensuel du medecin acupuncteur. 1979;67:280-1 (fra). 16- gera: 18198/di/ra HYPERTHYROIDIE. ZHEN JIU XUE. mensuel du medecin acupuncteur. 1979;67:281-3 (fra). 17- gera: 18396/di/ra EMBEDDING NEEDLE INTO S-36 ALTERED THE SEVERITY OF HYPOXIC PULMORARY EDEMA AND THE LEVEL OF SERUM THYROXINE. SHU-YU W ET AL. acupuncture research quarterly. 1979;10:46 (eng). 18- gera: 1249/nd/th CONCEPTION ORIENTALE ET OCCIDENTALE CONCERNANT LA MALADIE DE BASEDOW. NGUYEN VAN DUC. these medecine,paris. 1980;12:813 (fra). 19- gera: 7332/di/ra EFFECT OF ELECTRO-ACUPUNCTURE ON BEHAVIORAL RESPONSES AND PLASMA LEVELS OF ACTH AND TSH IN NALOXONE-INDUCED MORPHINE WITHDRAWAL IN RATS. FUNG KP ET AL. american journal of chinese medicine. 1980;8(1-2):167-9 (eng). Acupuncture with electrical stimulation effectively suppresses naloxone-induced morphine withdrawal in rats and reduces the plasma levels of adrenocorticotropin and thyroid stimulating hormone. 20- gera: 10829/di/cg [OBSERVATION CLINIQUE SUR LE TRAITEMENT PAR ACUPUNCTURE DU THYROIDISME EXOPHTALMIQUE]. LI RUI. advances in acupuncture and acupuncture anaesthesia,beijing. 1980;: (eng). 21- gera: 10844/di/el [GOITRE]. X. in essentials of chinese acupuncture,foreign language press,beijing. 1980;:389 (eng). 22- gera: 18339/di/ra © gera 2010 2 AN HISTORICAL ANALYSIS OF CHINESE DRUGS IN THE TREATMENT OF HORMONAL DISEASES, GOITRE AND DIABETES MELLITUS. MIYASITA S. american journal of chinese medicine. 1980;8(1-2):17-25 (eng). Through the Chinese drugs appearing in prescriptions for hormonal diseases which were recorded in standard medical collections in Chinese historical texts, we look for the Chinese conception of their empirical cures. 31- gera: 10850/di/el [GOITRE SIMPLE ET HYPERTHYROIDIE]. X. in doctor's manual of chinese medical diet. 1981;:44 (eng). En MTC le goitre est du à la congestion des glaires et de l'humidité, le pouls est fin et tendu, la langue a un enduit fin et collant. L'hyperthyroïdie est due à un excès de feu avec faiblesse du Yin, le pouls est tendu ou tendu et rapide, la langue rouge avec un enduit jaune. 23- gera: 19753/di/cg THE APPLICATION OF JULIAO POINT TO INFRAORBITAL FORAMEN IN THYROIDECTOMY. RESEARCH GROUP OF ACUPUNCTURE ANESTHESIA. advances in acupuncture and acupuncture anaesthesia, beijing. 1980;:143 (eng). 32- gera: 28/di/ra [OBSERVATIONS PRELIMINAIRES SUR L'AXE HYPOTHALAMO-HYPOPHYSO-THYROIDIEN ET LES SIGNES DE VIDE DES REINS YANG]. SHEN ZIYIN ET AL. shanghai journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1982;2:42 (chi). 24- gera: 19757/di/cg THE ANALYSIS OF 1, 227 CASES OF THYROIDECTOMY UNDER ACUPUNCTURE ANAESTHESIA AT TAICHONG POINT. JIANGXI COOPERATIVE GROUP OF ACUPUNCTURE. advances in acupuncture and acupuncture anaesthesia, beijing. 1980;:146 (eng). 25- gera: 19758/di/cg THE CLINICAL ANALYSIS OF 103 CASES OF THYROIDECTOMY UNDER ACUPUNCTURE ANESTHESIA. JIN DEFANG ET AL. advances in acupuncture and acupuncture anaesthesia, beijing. 1980;:146 (eng). 26- gera: 405/di/ra [TRAITEMENT DE L'HYPERTHYROIDIE PAR "DEALING WITH LIVER" A PROPOS DE 34 CAS]. XU HUAYUAN. shanghai journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1981;8:1O-5 (chi). 27- gera: 406/di/ra [EFFETS MICROSCOPIQUES SUR LE GOITRE EXPERIMENTAL DU RAT DE LA "PILULE TUMEURTHYROIDE"]. CHEN BAOXING ET AL. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1981;22(1O):71 (eng). 28- gera: 1252/di/ra OBSERVATIONS CLINIQUES SUR LE TRAITEMENT PAR ACUPUNCTURE DE L'HYPERTHYROIDIE EXOPHTALMIQUE. LI RUEI. mensuel du medecin acupuncteur. 1981;78:295 (fra). Vingt patients hyperthyroïdiens sont traités par acupuncture après suppression de toute thérapeutique médicamenteuse. Parmi eux, 18 présentent une exophtalmie. Le point principal utilisé est le 9E. Les autres points accessoires sont le 23TR, 2V, 1E, et 20VB. Le traitement est quotidien, avec une manipulation douce et rapide, pendant 22 à 124 jours. Les résultats montrent 8 guérisons, 4 nettes améliorations et 6 absences d'amélioration. La discussion de l'effet produit par l'acupuncture se discute selon la théorie des méridiens. 29- gera: 10788/di/ra [BASES ENDOCRINOLOGIQUES DE L'ACUPUNCTURE]. QI WENXI. american journal of chinese medicine. 1981;9(4):298-304 (eng). Les recherches cliniques et expérimentales réalisées en Chine ces trentes dernières années montrent l'intervention de facteurs humoraux comme le suggéraient les effets divers et prolongés de l'acupuncture. Les études histo- chimiques et électrophysiologiques montrent une implication de l'hypothalamus et de l'hypophyse dans l'acupuncture. L'acupuncture entraine une libération d'hormones de l'antéhypophyse. L'acupuncture a une action sur la thyroïde, la surrénale et les gonades. Des études préliminaires suggèrent également une action sur le 30- gera: 10835/di/ra OBSERVATION D'UN CAS D'HYPERTHYROIDIE AIGUE. KESPI JM ET AL. revue francaise d'acupuncture. 1981;25:55-8 (fra). Observation d'une malade présentant un très important vide de Yin aux multiples causes, avec une non sortie du Yin du tronc vers le cou, traitée et guérie par acupuncture (diagnostic occidental : hyperthyroïdie aiguë). 33- gera: 79/di/ra [TRAITEMENT PAR ACUPUNCTURE DES AFFECTIONS THYROIDIENNES (ANALYSE DE 228 CAS)]. JIN SHUBAI ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1982;2(1):14 (chi*). Recherche sur les techniques de manipulations, et les points efficaces dans le traitement des affections thyroïdiennes. Pour les goitres simples le principe de traitement est de régulariser la circulation de l'énergie vitale dans le Yang Ming. Points principaux : Qi Ying (correspondant au 10E). Selon la taille du goitre, les aiguilles sont insérées obliquement à partir des bords latéraux jusqu'à une profondeur des 2/3. Sur 95 cas le taux d'efficacité est de 87 %. Pour les cas avec hyperthyroïdie, le principe de traitement est de lever l'obstruction des méridiens, calmer le coeur, tonifier les reins, et favoriser le foie. Points principaux : Binying ( 1 cun en dehors des 4ème et 5ème cervicales), l'aiguille est insérée à une profondeur d'environ 1 cun, Qi Ying, Shangtianshu (0,5 cun au-dessous du 10V), 20VB, 5MC, 7Rn. Sur 74 cas, le taux d'efficacité est de 95,9 %. Pour les cas avec exophtalmie, le principe de traitement est de calmer le Yang du Foie, principaux points : Shangtianshu, 20VB, 5MC. Sur 59 cas, taux d'efficacité de 92,6 %. Pour les trois affections citées le traitement a comporté 3 séances 34- gera: 80/di/ra [ACTION DES DROGUES "RECHAUFFANTES ET RENFORCANTES" DU REIN YANG SUR LE METABOLISME DE L'ANIMAL HYPOTHYROIDIEN]. ZHAO WEIKANG ET AL. journal of new chinese medicine. 1982;14(9):58 (chi). 35- gera: 407/di/ra [LA POUDRE "TRAITEMENT DES QUATRE REBELLIONS" ET INGREDIENTS ADDITIONNELS DANS LE TRAITEMENT DE L'HYPERTHYROIDIE]. JIANG LIJI ET AL. shanghai journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1982;1: (chi). 36- gera: 408/di/ra [OBSERVATIONS SUR 12 CAS DE GOITRES EXOPHTALMIQUES TRAITES PAR LA METHODE COMBINEE MTC- MO]. ZHANG KAIZHEN ET AL. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1982;23(1):28 (eng). 37- gera: 1246/di/ra [EFFETS SUR LE TAUX DE CAMP ET LA CONSOMMATION D'OXYGENE DU TISSU HEPATIQUE DE LA SOURIS HYPERTHYROIDIENNE DES DROGUES *]. JIANG BINGBING ET AL. journal of new chinese medicine. 1982;14(12):64 (chi). 38- gera: 1247/di/ra THE CHINESE MEDICAL MODEL IN THYROID DISEASE. HAMMER LI. american journal of acupuncture. 1982;10(1):31-46 (eng). 3ème article d'une série qui se propose d'appliquer le modèle médical chinois à la compréhension de problèmes cliniques complexes. Une tentative est ici faite pour montrer que les maladies de la thyroïde traduisent cliniquement les atteintes de plusieurs systèmes organiques, ce que le modèle clinique occidental n'a ni étudié ni reconnu. L'histoire clinique de 2 patients est citée à l'appui de cette thèse : ainsi sont décrits non seulement les signes cliniques se rapportant à la thyroïde © gera 2010 3 mais aussi toutes les autres anomalies présentées par ces malades. Ceci permet d'essayer d'élucider les processus déductifs de la MTC, d'apporter en conséquence une interprétation alternative des données brutes (Vide de Rein, de Rate, de Foie, excès de chaleur et stagnation de glaires) avec 48- gera: 10824/di/ra [TRAITEMENT PAR MTC DU THYROIDISME]. XU ZHIYIN ET AL. shanghai journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1983;4:29 (chi). 39- gera: 1248/di/ra [PHYTOTHERAPIE TRADITIONNELLE DANS LE TRAITEMENT DES TUMEURS DE LA THYROIDE, A PROPOS DE 2 CAS]. ZHU CHANGSHENG. shanghai journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1982;4:16 (chi). 49- gera: 10827/di/ra [ETUDE CLINIQUE SUR LE TRAITEMENT PAR ACUPUNCTURE DE L'HYPERTHYROIDIE]. HE JINSEN ET AL. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1983;2:7 (chi). 40- gera: 1250/di/ra [TRAITEMENT PAR ACUPUNCTURE DE 25 CAS DE THYREOCELE BENINS]. GUO XIAZONG. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1982;2(3):4 (chi*). Efficacité de 96 %. Les points sont choisis en fonction de la taille du nodule, 6-8 aiguilles autour et une aiguille au centre. Points adjacents et distaux : 10V, 11V, 6MC, 2VC, retirer l'aiguille dès la sensation obtenue. Durée du traitement 5 séances pour le cas le plus court, 180 pour le cas le plus long, en moyenne 10 à 50 séances. 50- gera: 10828/di/ra [TRAITEMENT PAR PLANTE MEDICINALE DU THYROIDISME, RAPPORT DE 32 CAS]. ZHANG WENJUN ET AL. shanghai journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1983;7:29 (chi). 41- gera: 1251/di/ra [ETUDE PRELIMINAIRE SUR LE DEFERLEMENT DU FEU DANS L'HYPERTHYROIDIE AVEC VIDE DE YIN]. ZHAO WAIKANG ET AL. shanghai journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1982;7:43 (chi). 42- gera: 10841/nd/re [INSUFFISANCE THYROIDIENNE ET ACUPUNCTURE]. KAUFMANN A. primum non nocere. 1982;1(3):3 (ita). 43- gera: 1253/di/ra [MTC ET PLANTES MEDICINALES TRADITIONNELLES DANS LE TRAITEMENT DE 108 CAS DE NODULE THYROIDIEN]. ZHOU MINGJUN ET AL. shanghai journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1983;1:24 (chi). 44- gera: 5213/di/ra [VIDE DE YIN AVEC FEU DES PATIENTS HYPERTHYROIDIENS : ETUDE DU TAUX URINAIRE D'OXYPROLINE]. GU WENCONG ET AL. shanghai journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1983;9:46 (chi). 45- gera: 6947/di/ra [FACTEUR INFLUENCANT L'ANESTHESIE PAR ACUPUNCTURE, ETUDE DE 41 PARAMETRES DANS 100 CAS DE THYROIDECTOMIE]. LI QISONG ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1983;3(1):13 (chi*). 41 paramètres (état général, psychologique, cardiaque, pulmonaire, syndrôme traditionnel, seuil de la douleur...) sont étudiés par ordinateur. Les paramètres dont dépend l'efficacité de l'anesthésie par acupuncture sont : 1) La transpiration durant l'opération : plus la transpiration est abondante moins l'anesthésie est efficace. 2) Le syndrôme traditionnel : plus sévère est le degré de vide de yin, moins efficace est l'anesthésie. 3) Modification de la pression diastolique durant l'opération : plus grande est la modification moins efficace est l'anesthésie. 46- gera: 6950/di/ra [RECHERCHE SUR L'ANALGESIE PAR ACUPUNCTURE DANS LES DIVERSES FORMES DE THYROIDISME]. MA LIHUA ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1983;3(6):14 (chi*). 1) Dans le groupe vide de yang, l'efficacité est élevée (92,6 %) avec élévation du seuil de la douleur, ralentissement cardiaque durant la stimulation et faibles modifications de la vasomotricité et résistivité cutanée. 2) Dans le groupe vide de yin, l'efficacité est faible (64,7 %) avec faible élévation du seuil de la douleur, accélération du pouls et grandes modifications vasomotrices. 3) Dans le groupe vide de yin et yang associés, 47- gera: 10823/di/ra [OBSERVATIONS CLINIQUES SUR LE TRAITEMENT PAR ACUPUNCTURE DE L'EXOPHTALMIE ENDOCRINE]. WU ZESEN ET AL. shanghai journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1983;4:7 (chi). 51- gera: 10830/di/ra [HYPERTHYROIDIE EXOPHTALMIE TRAITEE PAR ACUPUNCTURE ET EFFETS SUR LES 17 HYDROXY ET 17 CETO-URINAIRES]. WU ZESEN. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1983;24(10):51 (eng). 52- gera: 10831/di/ra [TRAITEMENT PAR MTC SEULE DE L'HYPOTHYROIDIE PRIMAIRE. EVALUATION DES EFFETS]. KUANG ANKUN ET AL. chinese journal of integrated traditional and western medicine. 1983;3(6):343 (chi*). 7 patients hypothyroïdiens ont été traités par MTC en chauffant les Reins, en renforçant le Yang et en remontant l'énergie vitale. Résultats : augmentation significative (p<0,05) de T3 libre avec diminution de la TSH mais pas de changement significatif pour T3, T4 et pour T4 libre. Les taux plasmatiques de cAMP et de cGMP qui étaient abaissés avant le traitement, se sont rapprochés de la normale après traitement. 53- gera: 10832/di/ra UNE HYPERTHYROIDIE. KESPI JM. revue francaise d'acupuncture. 1983;36:65-7 (fra). Nous présentons ici une hyperthyroïdie due à l'intrication d'un dysfonctionnement du Yin Qiao, d'une obstruction du Zu Jue Yin et d'une perturbation du point fenêtre du ciel 17IG. 54- gera: 10842/di/ra CHINESE HERB THERAPY FOR HYPERTHYROIDISM. HSU HONG-YEN. bulletin of the oriental healing arts institute. 1983;8(3):18-25 (eng). En MTC les goitres peuvent être classés en 5 catégories : Ch'i Ying (goitre énergétique) : augmentation de volume de la glande thyroïde. Jo Ying (goitre charnu) goitre douloureux à la pression pouvant engendrer des complications par compression locale. Shih Ying (goitre pierre) correspondant au cancer thyroïdien. Hsieh Ying (goitre sang) goitre douloureux, nombreuses veines sous-cutanées, dû au feu du coeur. Chin Ying (goitre tendineux), veines et nerfs apparents sur le goitre qui est dû à la colère avec feu du foie qui déssèche les liquides et le sang. Cependant la MTC précise les étiologies des goitres : agression par les 7 sentiments entrainant une stase hépatique avec stagnation de Qi, développement du feu du foie, déficience du coeur Yin et coagulation des glaires humidité. Suivent les traitements en phytothérapie en fonction du goitre et des syndromes présentés. 55- gera: 11172/di/cg LES DYSTHYROIDIES. MUSSAT M. cours d'energetique des systemes vivants appliquee a l'acupuncture,3eme annee. 1983;:90-95 (fra). 56- gera: 13717/di/ra [SUCCES DANS L'ANESTHESIE PAR ACUPUNCTURE DANS LES THYROIDECTOMIES (note)]. X. chinese medical journal. 1983;1:63 (eng). 57- gera: 13721/di/ra [COLLOQUE SUR LA THYROIDECTOMIE SOUS ANALGESIE PAR ACUPUNCTURE TENU A CHENGDU]. MA TINGFANG ET AL. acupuncture research. 1983;8(1):78 © gera 2010 4 (chi*). 58- gera: 13797/di/ra [ETUDES SUR LE RECHAUFFEMENT DES REINS DANS LA BRONCHITE CHRONIQUE SENILE]. SHEN ZIYIN ET AL. journal of tcm. 1983;3(4):295-302 (eng). Le traitement comporte des pilules de réchauffement du rein Yang (Pwkya) ou de nutrition du rein Yin (Pnkyi). Les pilules sont prises en prévention un mois avant la saison bronchitique (fin septembre) et poursuivies jusqu'en avril. Pwkya est prescrit à tous les patients et Pnkyi en cas de présence de signe de chaleur (sécheresse de la bouche, constipation) dans un rapport fonction de l'intensité des signes. On observe après 1 an 42 à 72 % de bons résultats dans le groupe traité contre 14 à 19 % dans le groupe témoin. D'autres études portent sur les fonctions endocrines et immunologiques des patients soit avec vide de Yang des reins (Dkya) soit sans syndrome particulier (Nssc). 50 cas sur 64 cas sont classés vide des reins et parmi ces 50, 22 sont classés Dkya. 1) Dans Dkya comme dans Nssc le taux de 17OH urinaire est bas, mais le test à l'ACTH est normal en cas de Nssc et perturbé en cas de Dkya suggérant dans la pathogénie du vide de rein Yang une perturbation de l'axe hypothalamo- hypophyso-cortical. On observe de même en cas de Dkya un taux bas d'ACTH et une perturbation du rythme nycthémeral des corticoïdes. 2) Le taux de T3 est bas avec perturbation du test de stimulation à la TRH. 3) Les 59- gera: 14801/di/ra [RECHERCHE SUR LE SYSTEME ENDOCRINIEN ET IMMUNOLOGIQUE DES PATIENTS UREMIQUES AVEC VIDE DES REINS]. CHEN MEIFANG ET AL. chinese journal of integrated traditional and western medicine. 1983;3(6):328 (chi*). La plupart des malades avec vide des reins Yang montrent une hypofonction des cellules T et une diminution du complément et 90 % ont une tendance aux infections répétées. L'étude de T3, T4, et TSH montre un trouble de l'axe hypothalamo-hypophysothyroidien. Les malades avec vide de rein Yin ne montrent pas de modifications 60- gera: 17332/di/ra TRADITIONAL CHINESE MEDICINE ACTION ON EXPERIMENTAL RAT GOITER AND NORMAL RAT THYROIDS. CHEN BAO XING ET AL. chinese medical journal. 1983;96(3):235-239 (eng). Etude de l'action des pilules pour tumeur de la thyroïde (TTP) sur les fonctions et l'ultrastructure thyroïdienne. Le composant principal de TTP est Thallus Laminariez Seu Ekloniae associé notamment à Haizao et thyroïde animale. Cette plante a un effet bien connue dans le traitement des goitres depuis l'époque des dynasties Tang (618-907) et Song (960-1127). Le taux de T4 diminue de façon significative à la fois chez l'animal normothyroïdien et l'animal avec goitre expérimental. 61- gera: 20245/di/ra [RECHERCHE SUR LA RELATION ENTRE VIDE DE YANG ET THYROIDE]. BAOGOU Q ET AL. chinese journal of integrated traditional and western medicine. 1983;3(3):168 (chi). Vide de Yang et vide de Yin semblent en relation avec la thyroïde qui joue un rôle dans le métabolisme énergétique. T3 et T4 sont mesurés chez 30 sujets normaux, 31 cas de vide de Yang (16 cas de vide de Yang du coeur, 9 cas de la rate et des reins, et 6 cas des reins) et 16 cas de vide de Yin. Les valeurs dans le groupe Yang Xu sont plus basses que dans le groupe de contrôle et que dans le groupe de vide Yin, la différence est très nette. Par rapport au groupe de contrôle le groupe vide de Yin a des valeurs plus basses de T3, mais avec T4 la différence n'est pas significative. De nombreuses études expérimentales ont montré que l'hypothyroïdisme des patients avec vide de Yang n'était pas primaire, mais secondaires. Il n'apparaît pas de différence quant aux valeurs de T3 dans les sous-groupes de vide de Yang (coeur , rate + rein et reins). Ceci confirme que la thyroïde ne dépend d'un organe interne particulier. Une hypofonction de la thyroïde est la caractéristique de base de tous 62- gera: 20246/di/ra [VIDE DE YIN AVEC FEU DES PATIENTS HYPERTYROIDIENS : ETUDE DU TAUX URINAIRE D'OXYPROLINE]. WENCONG G ET AL. shanghai journal of tcm. 1983;9:46 (chi). 63- gera: 26174/di/el GOITRE. LEBARBIER A. in l'acupuncture pratique, maisonneuve, ste ruffine. 1983;:539-540 (fra). 64- gera: 5258/di/ra [VIDE DE YIN, VIDE DE YANG ET FONCTION THYROIDIENNE]. GAO LIANG. shaanxi journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1984;5(8):37 (chi). 65- gera: 5283/di/ra [OBSERVATIONS SUR L'IMMUNITE CELLULAIRE DES PATIENTS THYROIDIENS AVEC VIDE DE YIN]. CHEN HANGING. shanghai journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1984;10:46 (chi). 66- gera: 5284/di/ra [ETUDE PRELIMINAIRE SUR LE METABOLISME DES HORMONES ADRENOCORTICALES CHEZ LES PATIENTS HYPERTHYROIDIENS]. ZHAO WEIKANG ET AL. shanghai journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1984;10:48 (chi). 67- gera: 5288/di/ra [OBSERVATIONS SUR LA STASE DU SANG ET LES FONCTIONS IMMUNITAIRES CHEZ DES PATIENTS AVEC EXOPHALMIE HYPERTHYROIDIENNE]. WU ZESEN. chinese journal of integrated traditional and western medicine. 1984;4(6):337 (chi*). On retrouve chez les patients des signes de stase du sang locaux ou généraux (stase au niveau des vaisseaux conjonctivaux, ecchymose au niveau de la langue, purpura). L'examen de la microcirculation unguéale révèle une stase veinulo-capillaire en rapport avec les constatations cliniques. L'étude des fonctions immunologiques ne montre pas de modifications. 68- gera: 5291/di/ra [ETUDE DES MODIFICATIONS DE CAMP ET CGMP DANS 4 TYPES DE MODELE ANIMAL]. XIA ZONG QIN ET AL. chinese journal of integrated traditional and western medicine. 1984;4(9):543 (chi*). Etude de 4 modèles expérimentaux pour les syndromes vides en utilisant cAMP et cGMP comme index . 2 modèles thyroxine ; 1) Par injection sous-cutanée de thyroxine ; 2) Par thyroxine ; 1) Par administration per os de Tapazol et 2 modèles hydrocortisone : 1) Injection intra-musculaire d'hydrocortysone ; 2) Sevrage après administration d'hydrocortisone. L'action des prescriptions tonifiantes du Yang montre que les modèles thyroxine 2 et hydrocortisone 2 sont des modèles vide de Yang alors que l'action des prescriptions toniques du Yin montre que thyroxine 1 et hydrocortisone 1 sont des modèles expérimentaux de vide de Yin. 69- gera: 5656/di/cg [ETUDE EXPERIMENTALE DE LA METHODE DU "PHOENIX ETENDANT SES AILES" AVEC DES AIGUILLES D'OR, D'ARGENT ET D'ACIER SUR LA *]. CHENG NAIMING ET AL. second national symposium on acupuncture and moxibustion, beijing. 1984;114:111 (eng). 1) 52 mesures chez 6 patients (vide de yin avec fièvre, diabète ou hyperthyroïdie). Une chute de température est observée 48 fois (moyenne de 0,79°C), une élévation une fois et quatre fois aucune modification. Il y a une différence significative avec les sujets de contrôle. Les aiguilles d'acier entraînent une chute de 0,64°C, d'argent de 1,11° et d'or 1,17°. 2) Rapport de deux observations avec corrélation avec d'autres critères paracliniques. 70- gera: 6173/di/el [HYPERTHYROIDIE]. ZHONG MEIQUAN. in the chinese plum-blossom needle therapy,the people's medical publishing house. 1984;:174 (eng). En MTC, l'hyperthyroïdie est due à une perturbation psychique (émotion) qui empèche la libre circulation de l'énergie © gera 2010 5 entrainant une stagnation de Qi et de sang au niveau du cou. Sur le plan clinique, des tensions et des sensibilités peuvent être retrouvées de chaque coté de la colonne vertébrale à différents étages, ainsi que sous le bord inférieur du maxillaire. Ceci permet de répartir les patients en 3 groupes : groupe 1) traitement au niveau de la région paravertébrale cervicale et sacrée, sous le bord inférieur du maxillaire et localement au niveau du goitre, 6MC et 5TR. Groupe 2) traitement au niveau de la région paravertébrale cervicale et au niveau du goitre + 20VB, 14VG, 12VC, 14F. Groupe 3) traitement au niveau de la région paravertébrale dorsale (de D5 à D12), lombaire et de la région thyroïdienne + 4GI, 6Rte, 12VC, 14VG. Résultats : le traitement est assez efficace 71- gera: 10814/di/ra [COMPENSATION DES TROUBLES DE LA FONCTION APRES SURRENALECTOMIE OU THYROIDECTOMIE CHEZ LE RAT PAR LES DROGUES DE TONIFICATION DES*]. LIBINGRU ET AL. chinese journal of integrated traditional and western medicine. 1984;4(4):227 (chi*). Surrénalectomie ou thyroidectomie entrainent une diminution de poids de l'ovaire et une diminution de la fixation de 1-125 HCG. Ces perturbations sont compensées par le traitement de tonification des reins (mais non par tonification de la rate). La prescription de tonification des reins semble donc améliorer la fonction des 72- gera: 10833/di/ra [TRAITEMENT DE LA THYROIDITE NODULAIRE SELON LES FORMES CLINIQUES]. CHANG KAIZMEN. fujian journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1984;15(03):26 (chi). 73- gera: 10834/di/ra [TRAITEMENT DU GOITRE]. JIANG QUANDA. qigong. 1984;5(2):76 (chi). 74- gera: 10836/di/ra [TRAITEMENT PAR ACUPUNCTURE DE 65 CAS DE NODULES THYROIDIENS]. GUO XIAZONG ET AL. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1984;25(5):57 (eng). 75- gera: 10837/di/ra [TRAITEMENT DE L'HYPERTHYROIDIE PAR COMBINAISON MTC-MO]. HU SHAOWEN ET AL. shaanxi journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1984;5(6):12 (chi). 76- gera: 10838/di/ra [RELATIONS ENTRE LE TAUX DE CAMP ET LES FORMES CLINIQUES DE LA MTC DES HYPERTHYROIDIES]. JIANG BINGBING ET AL. shanghai journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1984;7:48 (chi). 77- gera: 10839/di/ra [ANALYSE CLINIQUE DE 27 CAS D'HYPOTHYROIDIE]. ZHANG KAIZHEN ET AL. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1984;25(7):45 (eng). 78- gera: 10847/di/el GOITRE SIMPLE. X. in roustan,traite d'acupuncture,masson,paris. 1984;3:302-4 (fra). Outre le manque d'Iode, la MTC a également reconnu une origine psychique dans les étiologies du goître simple : celle-ci entrainant une perturbation de la circulation du Qi, l'obstruction des méridiens par l'humidité et les glaires d'où apparition de la maladie. Le traitement consiste à activer la circulation du sang et de l'énergie et lever les obstructions : Qi Ying (Point du goitre) 4GI, JIA JI de C3 à C5, 14VG 14GI et 14 moxa sur un point situé à 1 distance 1/2 en dehors du 14VG et un peu en dessous. 79- gera: 10848/di/el HYPERTHYROIDIE. X. in roustan,traite d'acupuncture,masson,paris. 1984;3:304-6 (fra). 80- gera: 10851/di/ra [EFFETS DES DROGUES CHINOISES OU DE LA COMBINAISON DROGUES OCCIDENTALES-DROGUES CHINOISES DANS LE TRAITEMENT DE L'EXOPHTALMIE *]. CHEN MENGUYE ET AL. chinese journal of integrated traditional and western medicine. 1984;4(6):334 (chi*). Etude de 24 cas, 19 cas sont classés vide du qi et de yin, 4 cas vide de yin, 1 cas stagnation d'énergie vitale et de stase du sang dans la rate et les reins. 5 cas sont traités par drogues chinoises uniquement, (éliminer la chaleur, renforcer l'énergie vitale, restaurer la vision et nourir le yin). 19 cas sont traités par combinaison drogues traditionnelles + Tapazol + thyroïde. 81- gera: 10852/di/ra [DIFFERENCIATION DES SYNDROMES ET TRAITEMENT DE 29 CAS D'ADENOMES DE LA THYROIDE]. CHUANG QINYUN. shanghai journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1984;12:12 (chi). 82- gera: 10853/di/ra [EFFETS DE L'ACUPUNCTURE SUR LA FONCTION CARDIOVASCULAIRE DES PATIENTS HYPERTHYROIDIENS]. HE JINSEN ET AL. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1984;4:11 (chi). 83- gera: 10854/di/ra [RECHERCHE CLINIQUE SUR L'HYPERTHYROIDIE]. KIKUTANI TOYOHIKO. bulletin of the oriental healing arts institute. 1984;9(6):271-83 (eng). 84- gera: 10855/di/el GOITRE. NGUYEN VAN NGHI ET AL. in medecine traditionnelle chinoise. 1984;:625 (fra). En MTC on distingue 2 étiologies au goitre : troubles psychoaffectifs avec compression énergétique et entassement glaireux au niveau du cou ; agression de l'énergie perverse avec stagnation du sang et de l'énergie et obstruction des King Lo de la région cervicale d'où goître endémique. Le traitement consiste à utiliser les points suivant : 4GI, 36E, 13TR, 16TR et 22VC. 85- gera: 10856/di/ra GOITRES. ANDRES G. revue francaise d'acupuncture. 1984;40:7-13 (fra). Les goîtres en MTC sont liés à une insuffisance de Zheng Qi et à une agression avec pénétration d'un pervers dans les Jing Lo. Les causes provoquent 3 types de manifestations : une stase de Qi, une stagnation de Xue (sang) et une agglomération de Tan (glaires). Cependant d'autres facteurs peuvent être incriminés dans la formation des goîtres comme l'accumulation d'humidité, l'insuffisance du Foie et des Reins et même le feu du Coeur qui traduit pratiquement toujours une perturbation des sentiments. Mais il faut aussi noter l'atteinte fréquente des Méridiens Curieux Du Mai, Ren Mai, Chong Mai et surtout Yin Wei. Le traitement consistera à utiliser pour les stases de Qi 17VC en moxa, et 9P ; pour les stagnations de Sang, 17V en moxa, 7MC ; pour les agglomérations de glaires 40E, 12VC, 7P pour les troubles de Chong Mai 4Rte, 4VC, ou 30E ou 11Rn ; de Ren Mai 7P, 2VC, 11V ; de Du Mai 3IG, 1VG, 11V ; de Yin Wei 6MC 9Rn. En fin d'article, un chapitre entier est consacré à la signification des goîtres dans le cadre du symbolisme du cou, union du monde métaphysique et 86- gera: 10860/di/ra ACUPUNCTURE TREATMENT OF BENIGN THYROID NODULES. (CLINICAL OBSERVATION OF 65 CASES). GUO XIAZONG ET AL. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1984;4(4):261-4 (eng). Le traitement comporte : 1) Traitement local selon Chen Hui (1425) : points locaux : 6 à 8 aiguilles sont insérées autour du nodule et dirigées obliquement jusqu'à la base du nodule. Une aiguille supplémentaire est insérée au centre du nodule. Quand la sensation de de qi est obtenue, on applique une rotation-enfoncement-retrait pendant 20 minutes, puis les aiguilles sont retirées. 2) points 10V et 11V selon le principe de Nanjing : traiter les maladies localisées au Yin par les points localisées au Yang. 3) 6MC pour lever la stase du Qi du Foie, cause du nodule. 4) 2VC permet d'éliminer les nodules de l'isthme thyroïdien en améliorant la circulation de l'énergie dans le Renmai qui passe à ce niveau. 3 séances par semaine. On observe une disparition du nodule dans 48,7% des cas (objectivation par la palpation) et dans 46% des cas © gera 2010 6 (échographie) et une diminution des 4/5 du nodule dans 41% des cas (palpation) 28% des cas (échographie), un échec dans 5% des cas (palpation) 15,4% des cas (échographie). Il n'y a pas de relation entre l'efficacité de l'acupuncture et le type de nodule. Une étude à long terme montre un maintien ou une amélioration de l'effet thérapeutique dans 90% des cas, une récidive dans 87- gera: 13719/di/ra [174 INTERVENTIONS THYROIDIENNES SOUS ACUPUNCTURE]. WANG ZONGXUE ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1984;4(3):15 (chi*). 98,5 % de succès dont 81,9 % de grade 1 ou 2. 3 groupes de points sont utilisés : 1) 6MC + 4GI (selon les méridiens), 2) 18GI (selon l'intervention), 3) points auriculaires poumons, sympathique, endocrine et cou. 88- gera: 19708/di/cg [THE SUMMARY OF 9, 375 CASES OF THYROIDECTOMY UNDER ACUPUNCTURE ANESTHESIA.]. NATIONAL COOPERATIVE GROUP OF *. second national symposium on acupuncture and moxibustion,beijing. 1984;:141 (chi). 89- gera: 19709/di/cg [SURGERY FOR HYPERTHYROIDISM UNDER ACUPUNCTURE ANESTHESIA.]. ZHUANG LIDING ET AL. second national symposium on acupuncture and moxibustion,beijing. 1984;:142 (chi). 90- gera: 19754/di/cg THE USE OF EAR ACUPUNCTURE ANESTHESIA THROUGH "NECK-TO-LUNG" POINTS FOR HYPERTHYROIDISM AND OTHER THYROID OPERATIONS. MA LIE ET AL. second national symposium on acupuncture and moxibustion,beijing. 1984;:144 (eng). 91- gera: 19755/di/cg [THE IMPROVEMENT OF SURGICAL TECHNIQUE IN THYROID OPERATION UNDER ACUPUNCTURE ANESTHESIA]. CAI ZHENTONG. second national symposium on acupuncture and moxibustion,beijing. 1984;:144 (eng). 92- gera: 19756/di/cg THE CLINICAL ANALYSIS OF 685 CASES OF THYROIDECTOMY UNDER ACUPUNCTURE ANESTHESIA. HANGZHOU FIRST PEOPLE'S HOSPITAL. second national symposium on acupuncture and moxibustion,beijing. 1984;:145 (eng). 93- gera: 19760/di/cg THE CHANGES OF PULSE WAVE IN THE PATIENTS UNDERGOING THYROIDECTOMY UNDER ACUPUNCTURE ANESTHESIA. YANG JIZENG ET AL. second national symposium on acupuncture and moxibustion,beijing. 1984;:148 (eng). 94- gera: 19767/di/cg ACUPUNCTURE ANESTHESIA COMBINED WITH SUPERFICIAL CERVICAL PLEXUS BLOCK FOR SURGERY OF HYPERTHYROIDISM. XU CANRAN ET AL. acupuncture research, selected abstracts of papers on acupuncture anesthesia. 1984;:6 (eng). 95- gera: 19769/di/cg [THE CLINICAL CONCLUSION OF 13, 314 THYROID OPERATIONS UNDER ACUPUNCTURE ANESTHESIA.]. CHEN SHUDE ET AL. second national symposium on acupuncture and moxibustion,beijing. 1984;:177 (chi). 96- gera: 19770/di/cg [EFFECT OF ACUPUNCTURE ANESTHESIA FOR THYROIDECTOMY ON SISTER CHROMATED EXCHANGES (SCE) AND RNA/DNA RATIOS IN LYMPHOHOCYTES.]. LIU YINGTAO ET AL. second national symposium on acupuncture and mowibustion,beijing. 1984;:178 (chi). 97- gera: 19771/di/cg [CLINICAL STUDY OF ACUPUNCTURE ANESTHESIA FOR THYROIDECTOMY WITH 822 CASES REPORT.]. YAN XIANGMO ET AL. second national symposium on acupuncture and moxibustion,beijing. 1984;:180 (chi). 98- gera: 19772/di/cg [ACUPUNCTURE ANESTHESIA IN THE RADICAL OPERATION OF THYROID CANCER]. ZHOU QUANRUI ET AL. second national symposium on acupuncture and moxibustion,beijing. 1984;:181 (chi). 99- gera: 19774/di/cg [COMPARISON OF COMPLICATIONS OF THYROIDECTOMY UNDER ACUPUNCTURE ANESTHESIA WITH THOSE UNDER EPIDURAL ANESTHESIA AND GENERAL]. WAN DENIN ET AL. second national symposium on acupuncture and moxibustion,beijing. 1984;:183 (chi). 100- gera: 19775/di/cg [SEVERAL PROBLEMS IN USING POINT FUTU FOR ACUPUNCTURE ANAESTHESIA IN THYROID OPERATIONS.]. CAI BAOIXIAN ET AL. second national symposium on acupuncture and moxibustion,beijing. 1984;:184 (chi). 101- gera: 19777/di/cg [THE INFLUENCE OF STIMULATION FREQUENCIES IN ELECTROACUPUNCTURE ANESTHESIA ON THE RESULT OF THYROIDECTOMIES.]. ZHANG ZHEYUAN. second national symposium on acupuncture and moxibustion,beijing. 1984;:185 (chi). 102- gera: 19778/di/cg [THE DISCUSSION OF INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCE BEFORE THE OPERATION OF HYPERTHYROIDISM UNDER ACUPUNCTURE ANAESTHESIA.]. MA LIHUA ET AL. second national symposium on acupuncture and moxibustion,beijing. 1984;:186 (chi). 103- gera: 19779/di/ra [RADICAL NECK DISSECTION UNDER EARACUPUNCTURE ANESTHESIA]. HOU XINDE ET AL. acupuncture research. 1984;9(2):87 (chi*). Etude comparée de 15 cas de thyroïdectomie pour cancer sous anesthésie par acupuncture et 27 cas sous anesthésie générale. Anesthésie par acupuncture : 1) préparation et répétition quotidienne 1 à 2 heures, débutant 3 à 4 jours avant l'opération, 2) points auriculaires Jing, Jiao-Gan, Fei, Neifenmi ou Shen. Mise en place 15 minutes avant l'opération. Stimulation électrique à une fréquence de 500 par minute, 3) injection de 0,1 mg de Luminal et 0,5 mg d'Atropine 1 heure avant l'incision et 50 mg de dolantine 1/4 heure avant. Sous acupuncture : 46,7 % de grade 1, 40 % grade 2, 13,3% grade 3, selon le standard chinois. Par rapport à l'anesthésie générale, l'anesthésie par acupuncture : 1) utilisation de petites doses d'anesthésiques, 2) tension et pouls sont stables, 3) pas de différence quant à la durée de l'opération ou sur la quantité de sang transfusé, 4) pas de surveillance postopératoire particulière n'est nécessaire, la réalimentation est plus précoce, 5) les complications opératoires sont moins fréquentes et moins sévères (lésions du recurrent et complications 104- gera: 20241/di/cg THE ANALYSIS OF 112 CASES OF HOSPITALIZED HYPERTHYROID PATIENTS. LI RUI. second national symposium on acupuncture and moxibustion,beijing. 1984;:24 (eng). Traitement de 112 cas d'hyperthyroïdie dont 67 avec exophtalmie. L'acupuncture est utilisée comme seul traitement principal, avec comme technique de tonification-dispersion, l'enfoncement-retrait des aiguilles. Les points de traitement de l'hyperthyroïdie, sont le 9E (point principal), et les points 6MC, 36E, 7C, 6Rte, (points secondaires). Les points de traitement de l'exophtalmie : 2V, 1V et 23TR. 64,3% des patients sont normalisés du point de vue clinique et biologique ; 26,8% ont des résultats significatifs ; 8,9% ont seulement quelques effets 105- gera: 20242/di/cg © gera 2010 7 [A CLINICAL STUDY ON ACUPUNCTURE TREATMENT OF EXOPHTHALMOS RELATED TO ENDOCRINE DISTURBANCE]. ZESEN W ET AL. second national symposium on acupuncture and moxibustion,beijing. 1984;:25 (chi). 106- gera: 20243/di/cg CLINICAL OBSERVATION OF ACUPUNCTURE TREATMENT IN 48 CASES OF BENIGN THYROID NODES. GIUO XIAOZONG ET AL. second national symposium on acupuncture and moxibustion,beijing. 1984;:26 (eng). Traitement par acupuncture des tumeurs bénignes de la thyroïde (adenome, goitre nodulaire...). 6 à 8 aiguilles sont implantés autour de la tumeur et une aiguille au centre. Manipulation par rotation et enfonçement-retrait pendant 30 minutes. Puncture des 6MC, 11V et 2VC. Retrait de l'aiguille dès l'obtention du deqi. 3 séances par semaines pendant 3 mois. 33,3 % de guérison (16 cas) et 37,5 % d'amélioration. 107- gera: 20244/di/cg [CLINICAL INVESTIGATION OF THE TREATMENT OF HYPERTHYROIDISM WITH ACUPUNCTURE]. HE JINSEN ET AL. second national symposium on acupuncture and moxibustion,beijing. 1984;:27 (chi). 51 patients sont classés selon les syndromes de la MTC. Groupe 1 : vide de yin et montée du feu (33 cas). Groupe 2 : vide associé de Qi et de Yin (18 cas). Traitement : groupe 1 : 5MC, 7C, 6Rte, 3F, 3Rn et 7Rn. Groupe 2 : 6MC, 36E, 4VC, 6Rte, 6VC, 7Rn. Qi Yin est associé en cas de goitre et 10V, 20VB en cas d'exophtalmie. Stimulation par technique d'enfoncement-retrait, séances de 30 minutes.Une séance tous les 2 jours pendant 3 mois. Au départ les groupes 1 et 2 ne diffèrent pas par les taux de T3, ou T4, mais par le métabolisme basal, cAMP plasmatique et 17-OH urinaire qui sont plus élevés dans le groupe 1 que dans le groupe 2. Après le traitement on observe une baisse significative de T3, T4 et du métabolisme basal dans les deux groupes. 108- gera: 20247/di/ra [OBSERVATIONS SUR L'IMMUNITE CELLULAIRE DES PATIENTS HYPERTYROIDIENS AVEC VIDE DE YIN]. HANGING C. shanghai journal of tcm. 1984;10:46 (chi). 109- gera: 20248/di/ra [VIDE DE YIN, VIDE DE YANG ET FONCTION THYROIDIENNE]. LIANG G. shaanxi journal of tcm. 1984;5(8):37 (chi). 110- gera: 20249/di/ra [OBSERVATIONS SUR LA STASE DU SANG ET LES FONCTIONS IMMUNITAIRES CHEZ DES PATIENTS AVEC EXOPHTALMIE HYPERTYROIDIENNE]. ZESEN W. chinese journal of integrated traditional and western medicine. 1984;4(6):337 (chi). On retrouve chez ces patients des signes de stase de sang locaux ou généraux (stase au niveau des vaisseaux conjonctivaux, ecchymose au niveau de la langue, purpura). L'examen de la microcirculation unguéale révéle une stase veinulo-capillaire en rapport avec les constatations cliniques. L'étude des fonctions immunologiques ne montre pas de modifications. 111- gera: 9070/di/ra [A CLINICAL STUDY OF THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THYROXIN AND THE TRANSFORMATION OF YANG XU SYMPTOM-COMPLEX IN TCM]. QIU BAOGUO ET AL. chinese journal of integrated traditional and western medicine. 1985;5(8):479 (chi*). 112- gera: 10858/nd/re [EFFET DE L'ACUPUNCTURE ELECTRIQUE SUR LA FONCTION THYROIDIENNE DURANT L'ANESTHESIE NEUROLEPTIQUE CHEZ L'HOMME]. AKITOMO M ET AL. masui. 1985;34(2):156-60 (jap). 113- gera: 11598/nd/re [ROLE DE LA REFLEXOTHERAPIE DANS LE TRAITEMENT DE L'OBESITE NEURO-ENDOCRINE]. VOGRALIK VG ET AL. terapeuticheskii arkhiv. 1985;57(10):97-100 (rus*). Etude comparée de diverses techniques (régime hypocalorique, physiothérapie, médicaments, activité physique, réflexothérapie) sur la perte de poids. L'étude de la réflexothérapie chez 86 patients obèses montre un effet positif sur les activités psycho-émotionnelles, sur les capacités d'adaptation à l'exercice physique, une stimulation du métabolisme par une élevation de la sécrétion des hormones thyroïdiennes, et au total une potentialisation 114- gera: 30484/di/ra [TREATMENT OF HYPERTHYROIDIC EXOPHTHALMOS BY ACUPUNCTURE AND ANALYSIS OF EFFECTS OF DIFFERENT POINTS ON HEMORRHEOLOGICAL INDICES]. WU ZESEN ET AL. journal of tcm. 1985;26(12):41-50 (chi). 115- gera: 31147/di/ra [CLINICAL SUMMARY ON TCM TREATMENT OF 116 CASES OF GOITER]. XU ZHIYIN ET AL. shanghai journal of tcm. 1985;7:26 (chi). 116- gera: 10861/di/ra PRESENTATION D'EXPERIENCES DE TRAITEMENT DE L'HYPERTHYROIDIE PAR ACUPUNCTURE. JIN SHUBAI. journal de mtc. 1986;2:127-35 (fra). Traduction française d'un article du Zhongyi Zazhi, 1984, 25(9). 117- gera: 10862/di/ra OBSERVATIONS CLINIQUES DU TRAITEMENT DE L'HYPERTHYROIDIE PAR ACUPUNCTURE SELON LA METHODE FILS-MERE TONIFICATION-DISPERSION. HE JINSEN ET AL. journal de mtc. 1986;2:137-43 (fra). Traduction d'un article du journal of TCM, 1984, 25(9). 118- gera: 13815/di/ra [A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF THYROID AXIS FUNCTIONING IN CHRONIC BRONCHITIS PATIENTS WITH DEFICIENCY OF KIDNEY YANG OR KIDNEY YIN]. SHI GANG ET AL. chinese journal of integrated traditional and western medicine. 1986;6(3):160 (chi*). Etude de la fonction thyroïdienne chez des patients avec vide des Reins Yin ou Yang, avec ou sans bronchite chronique. T3 et T4 sériques sont abaissés et TSH élevé en cas de vide de Yang. Inversement T4 est plus élevé en cas de vide de Yin, alors que T3 ne montre pas de différence. Mais vide de Yin n'est pas hyperthyroïdie, et vide de Yin ou vide de Yang peuvent apparaître chez des patients avec ou sans bronchite chronique. Ceci veut dire que "syndrome" n'est pas "maladie". 119- gera: 17923/di/el SUMMARY OF 9, 375 CASES OF THYROIDECTOMY UNDER ACUPUNCTURE ANESTHESIA. NATIONAL COOPERATIVE GROUP *. in research on acupuncture,moxibustion and acupuncture anesthesia,beijing. 1986;:993-998 (eng). 120- gera: 17924/di/el OPERATIVE TREATMENT OF HYPERTHYROIDISM UNDER ACUPUNCTURE ANESTHESIA. ZHU YU ET AL. in research on acupuncture,moxibustion and acupuncture anesthesia,beijing. 1986;:999-1007 (eng). 121- gera: 20545/di/ra [ANALYSIS OF THE CLINICAL ON TREATMENT OF HYPERTHYROIDISM BY DIFFERENT ACUPUNCTURE METHODS]. HE QHANSEN ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1986;6(5):15 (chi*). 129 cas d'hyperthyroïdie ont été traités par 3 méthodes différentes d'acupuncture. 1) Eliminer la stase et la stagnation. 2) Renforcer le Qi, nourrir le Yin et réduire le feu. 3) Renforcer le Qi nourrir le Yin et réduire le feu avec élimination de la stase et de la stagnation. Les résultats sont respectivement de 12,2 %, 42,86 %, 73,91 %, ce qui montre que la 3ème méthode combinant les deux premières est de loin la plus efficace. Les auteurs ont utilisés pour ce groupe des points locaux associés aux points Xianti, 6MC, 5MC, 36E, 6Rte. 122- gera: 22756/di/ra EL TIROIDES : CONCEPTO ENERGETICO EN MEDICINA © gera 2010 8 TRADICIONAL CHINA. GACHON D. medicina tradicional china. 1986;4:47-55 (esp). 123- gera: 22781/di/ra [THE INVESTIGATION OF THE TREATMENT OF EXOPHTHALMIC HYPERTHYROIDISM BY LASER RADIATION AT POINTS AND ITS MECHANISM]. GE TONGKUI ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1986;6(3):20-2 (chi*). 14 cas d'exophtalmie hyperthyroïdienne (hyperthyroïdie traitée antérieurement par médicaments ou par iode radio-actif) ont été traités par rayonnement laser ponctuellement. 12 cas ont été guéris. Les points choisis sont, comme point principal : Futu 18GI bilatéralement, et comme point secondaire : Ermen ou Jingmin 1V. La durée d'irradiation est de 5-7 mn sur le point secondaire, à raison de 1 fois par jour, avec un appareil Laser à l'Hélium- Néon, de 25 MW (6328A). Une cure correspond à 10 séances, chaque patient reçoit une ou deux cures pour un 124- gera: 32188/di/ra [TREATMENT OF THYROIDISM BASED ON THE DIFFERENTIATION OF SYMPTOMS AND SIGNS]. SHEN CHANG-ZHENG. journal of tcm and chinese materia medica of jilin. 1986;6:8 (chi). 125- gera: 32189/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON TREATMENT OF THYROIDISM IN COMBINATION OF TRADITIONAL CHINESE AND WESTERN MEDICINE]. NIE YOU-ZHI. journal of tcm and chinese materia medica of jilin. 1986;6:9 (chi). 126- gera: 40629/nd/re [TREATMENT OF 30 CASES OF THYROID ADENOMA WITH LUFFA DECOCTION]. TANG XIN MIN. hunan zhongyizazhi. 1986;1:13-4 (chi*). Résumé Acme (871019). ACME:871019 127- gera: 898/di/ra MYOFASCIAL PAIN AND THYROID FUNCTION. PONTINEN PJ. acupuncture and electrotherapeutics research. 1987;12(3-4):284 (eng). 128- gera: 19974/di/el ETUDE CLINIQUE SUR LE TRAITEMENT ACUPUNCTURALE DE L'HYPERTHYROIDIE. JINSEN H ET AL. in selection des theses de la revue d'acupuncture de shanghai,shanghai. 1987;:1-10 (fra). 1) En cas d'hyperthyroïdie, la teneur en cAMP du plasma sanguin, la quantité d'excrétion de 17-OH urinaires et la différence de la valeur d'équilibre du nerf végétatif ont des relations avec la classification du type selon le diagnostic dialectique de la médecine traditionnelle chinoise. Tous les indices s'élèvent notablement chez les patients du type de vide de Yin et d'excès du feu, mais il n'existe pas de différence évidente entre les sujets sains et les malades du vide de Yin et de l'énergie. Ces modifications n'ont pas de rapports nets avec le degré de l'hyperthyroïdie, cela montre que les différents types d'hyperthyroïdie en médecine traditionnelle chinoise possèdent les diverses caractéristiques pathophysiologiques. 2) Le traitement acupunctural de l'hyperthyroïdie peut non seulement contrôler les manifestations cliniques, abaisser le métabolisme basal, mais aussi corriger effectivement l'hyperfonction thyroïdienne, pour que la teneur en T4 et T3 du sérum revienne à la normale, ce qui complète l'insuffisance du traitement médicamenteux. 3) L'acupuncture est capable de corriger la teneur en cAMP du plasma sanguin, la quantité d'excrétion de 17-OH urinaires et la fonction anormale du nerf végétatif, mais il n'existe pas de changement remarquable chez les malades n'ayant pas d'indice anormal. Cela signifie que la thérapie acupuncturale peut abaisser l'excitabilité du système adrénergique Bêta, améliorer la fonction du cortex surrénal et du nerf végétatif, de plus, elle possède encore une action de régularisation bénigne. 129- gera: 19975/di/el EFFET DE L'ACUPUNCTURE SUR LA FONCTION CARDIOVASCULAIRE CHEZ LES HYPERTHYROIDIENS. JINSEN H ET AL. in selection des theses de la revue d'acupuncture de shanghai,shanghai. 1987;:11-6 (fra). L'auteur étudie l'effet positif d'un traitement acupunctural sur les fonctions cardiovasculaires de sujets hyperthyroïdiens, de même que l'effet de régulation de l'acupuncture sur la concentration sérique des hormones 130- gera: 19976/di/el OBSERVATION CLINIQUE DU TRAITEMENT DE L'HYPOFONCTION THYROIDIENNE PAR MOXIBUSTION. SHAO WEIWEN S ET AL. in selection des theses de la revue d'acupuncture de shanghai,shanghai. 1987;:17-9 (fra). L'hypofonctionnement thyroïdien est principalement dû au vide de Yang Spléno-rénal et à l'insuffisance de l'énergie et du sang. Il faut donc surtout réchauffer et tonifier la rate et les reins et régulariser l'énergie et le sang. La méthode de moxibustion sert à renforcer la résistance, cultiver l'énergie essentielle, réchauffer les méridiens, disperser le froid, désobstruer les méridiens et les vaisseaux "Luo", harmoniser l'énergie et le sang. Les points 23V et 20V sont les endroits où se transmet et se déverse l'énergie de la rate et des reins, le point 4VG est la localité où loge le vrai feu. C'est pourquoi le traitement par moxibustion aux plantes médicinales est assez efficace. Cette efficacité se retrouve dans les hypothyroïdies due à l'hypofonction hypophysaire, et est mesurée dans tous les cas, par l'amélioration clinique et la normalisation biologique. Les critères d'efficacité, montrent sur sept patients, trois cas normalisés, deux cas améliorés et deux cas inefficaces. Comme le nombre de cas de cette observation est 131- gera: 20171/di/ra [THYROMEGALY OPERATION UNDER ACUPUNCTURE ANESTHESIA ON 20 CASES]. ZENGQIN S. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1987;7(4):25-6 (chi*). 20 thyromegaly were operated under ecu juncture anesthesia by needling the bilateral siege, Futu in combination with Neiguan or Yifeng. The stimulator G6805 was applied with a frequency of 60-180 cycles /min. at F utu. The intensity is getting stronger until the patient is unable to tolerate. This case has long course of disease and many complications. The operation was finished within 3 hours and 42 minutes. 12 cases were in the 1st grade, 4 in the 2nd grade and 2 cases in the 3rd and 4th grade each. 132- gera: 20305/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON TREATMENT OF 50 CASES OF ENDOCRINE EXOPHTALMOS BY ACUPOINT INJECTION]. ZHU HUIBAO. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1987;7(3):7 (chi*). 50 cas d'exophtalmie traités par injection au niveau des points d'acupuncture. Un groupe de contrôle avec 21 sujets. Le produit utilisé est un mélange de hyaluronidase et d'acétate d'hydrocortisone qui est injecté bilatéralement au niveau du 10VB supérieur à raison d'une injection par jour pendant 10 jours, chaque série 133- gera: 20412/di/ra A CLINICAL STUDY OF TREATING HASHIMOTO'S THYROIDITIS BY MOXIBUSTION. HU GUOSHENG ET AL. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1987;7(3):181-4 (eng). 134- gera: 20429/di/cg LONG TERM EFFECT OF ACUPUNCTURE TREATMENT FOR HYPERTYROIDISM. HENG JIANSHEN. selections from article abstracts on acupuncture and moxibustion, beijing. 1987;:144 (eng). Traitement de 191 cas, 92 étant suivis durant une période de 1 à 2 ans. Le traitement par acupuncture est en général entrepris après échec du traitement médical, ou récidive, ou effets secondaires du traitement médical. Le taux de récidive après acupuncture est de 35,87 % après 24 mois. Les récidives sont plus fréquentes entre 3 et 24 mois. Les récidives sont moins fréquentes chez les patients avec symptomatologie modérée au départ, ou chez les patients avec une première poussée d'hyperthyroïdie. Le risque de récidive est plus élevé si la symptomatologie est majeure et s'il s'agit déjà d'une récidive. © gera 2010 9 135- gera: 20434/di/cg CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON 80 CASES OF BENIGN THYROMA TREATED BY ACUPUNCTURE. YE MEIRONG ET AL. selections from articles abstracts on acupuncture and moxibustion,beijing. 1987;:148 (eng). Etude clinique et échographique. Traitement selon la technique de Guo Xiazhong : 7 à 8 point du niveau du goitre, puis 6MC, 2VC et 10V. Le traitement à long terme est stable cliniquement et échographiquement dans 136- gera: 20435/di/cg TREATMENT OF HYPERTHYROIDISM BY MOXIBUSTION REPORT OF 30 CASES. LIAO FANGZHEN. selections from articles abstracts on acupuncture and moxibustion,beijing. 1987;:147 (eng). En MTC, l'hyperthyroïdie correspond à la maladie "yin qi'. Le trai tement par moxibustion apparait très précocement dans les classiques médicaux (Thousand Golden prescriptions et secrets medicaux d'un fonctionaire). L'auteur a traité 30 patients. Points principaux : 16VG, 12V, 13V, 14VG, 12VG, et 31VB. Points secondaires : 2 à 3 points choisis en fonction des syndromes. 1 séance par jour. 3 techniques ont été utilisés : 1) grain de moxa placé directement sur la peau. 2) Stimulation à l'aiguille rougie à la chaleur. 3) Moxa en batonnet. Guérison dans 4 cas et amélioration remarquable dans 15 cas. Le plus souvent l'amélioration est très précoce après 2 à 10 jours de traitement. L'hyperthyroïdie avec un syndrome chaleur plénitude ou vide de yin 137- gera: 20436/di/cg THE DUAL ACTIONS OF "EVEN MOVEMENF OF NEEDLING" IN REGULATING BODY AND TUMOR TEMPERATURE IN PATIENTS OF BENIGN TYROMA. XUE LIGONG ET AL. selections from articles abstracts on acupuncture and moxibustion,beijing. 1987;:149 (eng). Etude de la température cutanée au creux axillaire et de la température du centre du goitre prise par une aiguillethermométre. Traitement selon la technique du Dr Guo Xiazhong. Il existe une relation entre efficacité thérapeutique et diminution de la température au niveau du goitre. 138- gera: 20437/di/cg PRIMAY RESEARCH ON THE CHANGES OF THERMAL IMAGE IN THE AREA OF THYROID OF THE PATIENTS WITH BENIGN THYROID NODE BEFORE AND AFTER. ZHANG DONG. selections from articles abstracts on acupuncture and moxibustion,beijing. 1987;:149 (eng). Etude de l'effet de l'acupuncture sur l'image thermographique de la thyroïde. 34 patients avec kyste thyroïdien ou goitre nodulaire évoluant depuis 1 mois à 36 ans sont traités par acupuncture : points locaux au niveau de la thyroïde (nombre fonction de la taille de la tumeur) avec manipulation intermittente (rotation et enfoncement- retrait) durant 20 à 30 minutes. Puncture immédiate au niveau des points 2VC, 6MC, 10V, 11V. Comparaison avec un groupe de 20 sujets sains. Après acupuncture on observe une élévation moyenne de 0,75°C (maximum 2,1°C). Aucune modification n'est observée dans le groupe de contrôle. 139- gera: 20438/di/cg CLINICAL STUDY ON THE TREATMENT OF HASHIMOTO'S THYROIDITIS WITH MOXIBUSTION. HU GUOSHENG ET AL. selections from articles abstracts on acupuncture and moxibustion,beijing. 1987;:152 (eng). Traitement de 34 cas par moxibustion. 5 moxas en cone de 2 grammes appliqués au niveau des points : 14VG, 23V, 4VG, 18VC, 12VC, 4VC. Evaluation avant et après le traitement (50 séances). Après traitement on observe : 1) Une réduction significative des anti-corps anti-thyroïdiens. 2) Une élévation de T3, T4 et TSH chez les patients avec hypothyroïdie initiale. 3) Pas de modification de T3, T4 et TSH chez les patients normothyroïdiens. 140- gera: 20439/di/cg THE ANALYSIS OF TREATED THE CLINICAL RESULTS IN THE PATIENTS WITH HYPERTYROIDISM WITH ACUPUNCTURE ANTI THYROID DRUG OR *. HE JINSEN ET AL. selections from articles abstracts on acupuncture and moxibustion,beijing. 1987;:145 (eng). Etude comparée de l'acupuncture (6Rte, 36E, 6MC, 5MC et qi yin), d'un médicament anti-thyroidien (Tapazole 40mg par jour) et de l'association acupuncture-Tapazole. L'association a la meilleure efficacité (93,94 %) puis Tapazole (85,37 %) et enfin l'acupuncture (73,91 %). Les effets secondaires sont plus élevés dans le groupe 2. Les récidives à un an sont de 29,33 % dans le groupe 3, 36,36 % dans le groupe 1 et 88,89 % dans le groupe 2. En conclusion l'association acupuncture + Tapazole permet une plus grande efficacité, et diminue les effets 141- gera: 20710/di/ra [EFFECTS OF YANG-RESTORING AND YIN-NOURISHING HERBS ON SERUM TRH, T3 AND T4 LEVELS IN EXPERIMENTAL HYPERTHYROID AND HYPOTHYROID *]. KUANG ANKUN ET AL. chinese journal of integrated traditional and western medecine. 1987;7(11):674 (chi*). 142- gera: 20982/di/cg CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON 80 CASES OF BENIGN THYROMA TREATED BY ACUPUNCTURE. GUO XIAOZONG ET AL. in compilation of the abstracts of acupuncture and moxibustion papers, beijing. 1987;:58 (eng). 80 cas de tumeur bénigne de la thyroïde ont été traités par acupuncture (dont 9 rechutes après thyroïdectomie partielle). Les auteurs ont utilisé des points autour et au centre de la tumeur, 6 à 8 aiguilles étant insérées à la base de la masse, à une profondeur variable en fonction de sa taille. Après l'obtention du deqi les aiguilles ont été laissées en place 20 minutes, puis les points 10V, 6MC, 2VC, 11V ont été à leur tour puncturés 1 minute. Le traitement a consisté en 1 séance tous les 2 jours pendant 2 mois. Les résultats ont été affirmés par la méthode palpatoire et par échographie. L'efficacité est considérée comme complète lorsque la masse a totalement disparu (échographie et palpation), comme importante quand la masse est réduite des 4/5 à la palpation et des 2/3 à l'échographie, moyenne quand la masse est réduite des 2/3 à la palpation et du 1/3 à l'échographie, nulle dans les autre cas. Le taux d'efficacité a été de 95 % par la méthode palpatoire et de 88,9 % par échographie. Sur 41 patients suivis à long terme sur le plan clinique (palpation) 48,78 % ont stabilisé les résultats, 34,15% ont encore amélioré les résultats, 24,39 % obtenant ainsi une guérison totale et 17 % ont rechuté. Sur 32 patients suivis à long terme par échographie 40,63 % ont stabilisé les résultats 37,5 % ont encore amélioré les résultats 25 % obtenant même une guérison totale et 21,86 % ont rechuté. 143- gera: 20983/di/cg CLINICAL STUDY ON THE TREATMENT OF HASHIMOTO'S THYROIDITIS WITH MOXIBUSTION. GUOSHENG HU ET AL. in compilation of the abstracts of acupuncture and moxibustion papers, beijing. 1987;:59 (eng). 34 cas de thyroïdite de Hashimoto ont été traités par moxibustion de façon alternative sur deux groupes de points : 14VG, 23V, 4VG, d'une part et 18VC, 12VC et 4VC d'autre part. La moxibustion a consisté en l'application sur chaque point de 5 cônes de 2 grammes chaque jour pendant 50 jours. Les taux d'anticorps antithyroïdiens et de TSH ont été abaissés de façon significative (P<0,001). De même les taux de T3 et T4 ont augmenté significativement (P<0,001). Par contre la moxibustion pratiquée de façon identique chez un groupe témoin aux fonctions thyroïdiennes normales n'a entrainé aucune modification biologique. 144- gera: 21918/di/el GOITRE SIMPLE. SUN XUE-QUAN. in recueil d'experiences cliniques en acupunture-moxa. 1987;:150-2 (fra). 145- gera: 22007/di/cg THE ANALYSIS OF TREATED THE CLINICAL RESULTS IN THE PATIENTS WITH HYPERTHYROIDISM WITH ACUPUNTURE, ANTI-THYROID DRUG OR *. HE JINSEN ET AL. in selections from article abstracts on acupuncture and moxibustion, beijing. 1987;:145 (eng). 146- gera: 22008/di/cg © gera 2010 10 THE EFFECT OF ACUPUNCTURE ON THE ACTIVITY OF SERUM TSH RECEPTOR-ANTIBODIES OF PATIENTS WITH HYPERTHYROIDISM AND IT'S CLINICAL *. HE JINSEN ET AL. in selections from article abstracts on acupuncture and moxibustion, beijing. 1987;:146-7 (eng). jours, 50 séances en tout. Résultat : diminution significative (p<0,001) de T3, T4, augmentation de TSH (p<0,001), normalisation biologique dans 22 cas (47,83 %), amélioration biologique (> 30%) dans 12 cas (26,09%) échec dans 12 cas (26,09%). Rechute à un an 30% environ. 147- gera: 22343/di/cg CLINICAL EVALUATION OF 1 006 OF THYROID OPERATION UNDER ACUPUNCTURE ANAESTHESIA. LIU SHOUZHI. in selections from article abstracts on acupuncture and moxibustion, beijing. 1987;:300 (eng). 153- gera: 24432/di/ra THE EFFECTS OF KIDNEY TONIFYING AND YANG SUPPORTING HERBS ON THE HISTOLOGY, HISTOCHEMISTRY AND ULTRASTRUCTURE THE HYPOTHYROID RATS. YE PING ET AL. international conference on tcm and pharmacology,shanghai. 1987;:874-6 (eng). On sait que les plantes médicinales tonifiant le yang permettent d'améliorer les symptômes des patients hypothyroïdiens et d'augmenter la consommation en O2 du tissu hépatique chez des rats hypothyroïdiens. Cette étude a permis de montrer que les pilules You Gui ou la poudre Gui Ling Ji qui tonifient les reins et chauffent le rein Yang permettent d'atténuer la dégénérescence cellulaire hépatique chez les rats hypothyroïdiens. De même, ces drogues atténuent l'activité enzymatique de la succinate deshydrogénase et de la lactate deshydrogénase, par contre elles augmentent l'activité enzymatique de la G6 PD ainsi que le contenu cellulaire hépatique en RNA. Tout ceci suggère que ces drogues tonifiant le rein Yang : 1) régularisent le métabolisme des acides nucléiques et donc la synthèse protéique, 2) interviennent dans la phosphorilation oxydative améliorant ainsi la 148- gera: 24076/di/ra THE ROLE OF THYROID HORMONE IN THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE KIDNEY OF TCM AND THE EAR. ZENG ZHAOLING ET AL. international conference on tcm and pharmacology,shanghai. 1987;:85-7 (eng). 149- gera: 24192/di/ra EFFECTS OF YANG-RESTORING AND YIN-NOURISHING HERBS ON SERUM TRH, T3 AND T4 LEVELS OF EXPERIMENTAL HYPOTHYROID AND HYPERTHYROID RATS. CHEN MINGDAO ET AL. international conference on tcm and pharmacology, shanghai. 1987;:325-6 (eng). L'effet des plantes médicinales restaurant le Yang et nourrissant le Yin, sur les taux de T3 et T4 a été étudié chez les rats par l'observation de plusieurs groupes : 1) Groupe contrôle. 2) Groupe avec hypothyroïdie par thyroïdectomie. 3) Groupe avec hyperthyroïdie après administration d'extraits thyroïdiens. 4) Comme groupe 2) mais avec traitement par les plantes restaurant le Yang. 5) Comme groupe 3) mais avec traitement par des plantes nourrissant le Yin. Résultats : T3, T4 diminuent significativement (p<0,001) et TRH augmente (p<0,001) comme prévu dans le groupe 2). T3 augmente (p<0,001) ainsi que T4 (p<0,01) avec diminution de TRH (p<0,01) dans le groupe 3). Par contre le groupe 4) montre une amélioration biologique significative (p<0,01 pour T4 et p<0,001 par TRH) par rapport au groupe 2), tandis que le groupe 5) montre aussi une amélioration biologique significative (p<0,001 pour T3 et p<0,02 pour TRH) par rapport au groupe 3). Il est à noter par ailleurs que ces plantes médicinales n'ont pas d'action particulière sur des rats normaux. En conclusion on peut affirmer que les plantes restaurant le Yang par leur action tonifiant le Qi, chauffant les Reins et la Rate permettent d'améliorer les hypothyroïdies qui sont des insuffisances d'énergie Yang. De même les plantes nourrissant le Yin permettent d'améliorer les hyperthyroïdies (= Vide de Yin) en accélérant la dégradation des hormones thyroïdiennes. Enfin, bien que l'on n'ait pas observé de modification biologique après administration de ces plantes médicinales chez les rats normaux, il n'est pas raisonnable d'utiliser de telles plantes chez les sujets ne présentant aucun déséquilibre du Yin et du Yang. 150- gera: 24193/di/ra QI TONIFYING AND YIN NOURISHING TREATMENT FOR HYPERTHYROIDISM. XIA SHAONONG ET AL. international conference on tcm and pharmacology, shanghai. 1987;:327-8 (eng). 151- gera: 24199/di/ra THE EFFECTS OF MODIFIED XIAO YAO SAN ON THE HYPERTHYROID RATS INDUCED BY SODIUM LEVOTHYDROXINE. SOOK YOUNG. international conference on tcm and pharmacology, shanghai. 1987;:340-1 (eng). Xiao Yao San permet d'améliorer les hyperthyroïdies (diminution des taux sériques d'hormones thyroïdiennes tendance à la régularisation des taux de TSH). 152- gera: 24391/di/ra REGULATORY ACTION OF ACUPUNCTURE ON HYPOPHYSIS-THYROID AXIS IN THE HYPERTHYROID PATIENTS. HE JINSEN ET AL. international conference on tcm and pharmacology,shanghai. 1987;:782-3 (eng). Etude des effets de l'acupuncture dans 46 cas d'hyperthyroïdie. Puncture du Qi Ying et du 10E en dispersion, 6MC, 5MC, 36E, 6 Rte en tonification. Les aiguilles sont laissées en place 30 minutes : 1 séance par jour ou tous les 2 154- gera: 24453/di/ra THE EFFECT OF "YOU-GUI PILL" ON THYMIC CYTOPLASMIC E2 IN HYPOTHYROID RATS. PAN YINGXIAN ET AL. international conference on tcm and pharmacology,shanghai. 1987;:917 (eng). Les pilules You-Gui sont capables d'augmenter le poids du thymus (p<0,05), les concentrations en E2 sérique (p<0,01) et de diminuer la quantité de récepteurs cytoplasmiques E2 du thymus (p<0,05) chez les rats hypothyroïdiens, ce qui prouve leur action sur l'axe hypothalamo hypophysogonadique et sur la fonction 155- gera: 24600/di/cg THE CLINICAL AND LABORATORY STUDY OF THE EFFECT OF QIGONG ANAESTHESIA ON THYROIDECTOMY. LIN HOUSHEN. international conference on tcm and pharmacology,shanghai. 1987;:987-8 (eng). 156- gera: 24673/di/cg CONDUITE SUIVIE DANS UN CAS D'HYPOTHYROIDIE. DIEZ MARTIN J. actes du 2eme congres d'acupuncture afera, nimes. 1987;:137-55 (fra). Cet exposé présente une tentative d'intégration de deux médecines ou deux méthodes cliniques face au cas d'un adulte atteint d'hypothyroïdie primaire traitée par acupuncture. L'étude de ce cas s'établit en fonction des critères propres à chaque médecine, dans le but d'arriver à des conclusions contrastées aussi bien du point de vue 157- gera: 24792/di/el GOITER. CHENG XINNONG. in chinese acupuncture and moxibustion, foreign languages press, *. 1987;:479 (eng). 158- gera: 24894/di/cg ANALYSIS OF THE CURATIVE EFFECTS OF ACUINJECTION TREATMENT FOR 50 CASES OF ENDOCRINE EXOPHTHALMOS. ZHU HUIBAO. selections from article abstracts on acupuncture and moxibustion, beijing. 1987;:142-3 (eng). En médecine occidentale, l'exophtalmie dans les hyperthyroïdies est liée à une maladie autoimmune. En MTC l'exophtalmie est due à une accumulation de glaires au niveau des yeux avec atteinte par le vent et le feu qui résultent de la stagnation du Qi du Foie. Dans cette étude, 50 patients avec exophtalmie ont été traités par injection d'un mélange de hyaluronidase et d'hydrocortisone au point Shang Tian Zhu situé sur le méridien principal de la vessie à 0,5 distance audessus du 10V, 1 fois par jour pendant 10 jours. Ce point est © gera 2010 11 classiquement connu comme lieu d'accumulation du vent et du Qi, sa fonction est de drainer les orifices, disperser les nodules afin d'améliorer la circulation dans le méridien. 21 autres patients ont constitué le groupe contrôle recevant le même mélange mais en intramusculaire. Résultats : amélioration significative de l'exophtalmie (p<0,01 par rapport au groupe témoin). Les effets de l'acu-injection sont d'autant meilleurs que le patient ressent une sensation irradiant en direction de l'oeil. Par ailleurs les signes fonctionnels (larmoiement, douleur, photosensibilité) cèdent rapidement (1 à 3 séances) tandis que l'exophtalmie proprement dite ne cède 159- gera: 25013/di/cg THE OPERATION OF THYROID GLAND UNDER ACUPUNCTURE ANAESTHESIA. WANG QIAN. selections from article abstracts on acupuncture and moxibustion, beijing. 1987;:299 (eng). 160- gera: 25015/di/cg A STUDY OF THE EFFECT OF ACUPUNCTURE ANAESTHESIA DURING THYROID GLAND OPERATION EVALUATED BY SEP. CHENG ZILONG ET AL. selections from article abstracts on acupuncture and moxibustion, beijing. 1987;:301 (eng). 161- gera: 25299/di/cg EFFECT OF ACUPUNCTURE ON REGULATING PITUITARY-THYROID-GONADAL AXIS FONCTION. LI JINGRONG ET AL. selections from article abstracts on acupuncture and moxibustion, beijing. 1987;:617 (eng). 162- gera: 25825/di/el LES GOITRES. CYGLER B. in la tete et le cou, editions de la tisserande, paris. 1987;:251-258 (fra). 163- gera: 30665/di/ra [COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS ON THERAPEUTIC EFFECT OF ACUPUNCTURE IN TREATING THYROIDISM]. HE JINSEN ET AL. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1987;28(2):46-56 (eng). 164- gera: 31205/di/ra [WANG XIMING'S EXPERIENCE IN APPLICATION OF GOITER-ELIMINATING AND HARD-LUMPS-SOFTENING DECOCTION FOR TREATMENT OF THYROID ADENOMA]. XANG LILING. shanghai journal of tcm. 1987;2:16 (chi). 165- gera: 31206/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON THERAPEUTIC EFFECT OF TCM IN 40 CASES OF HYPERTHYROIDISM]. SHEN YUMING. shanghai journal of tcm. 1987;2:17 (chi). 166- gera: 31257/di/ra [ANALYSIS ON CURATIVE EFFECTS IN 77 CASES OF THYROIDISM TREATED BY INTEGRATION OF ACUPUNCTURE AND DRUGS]. HE JINSEN ET AL. shanghai journal of tcm. 1987;5:17 (chi). 167- gera: 31681/di/ra [LONG-TERM EFFECT OF ACUPUNCTURE ON ENDOCRINE EXOPHTHALMOS]. WU ZESEN ET AL. shaanxi journal of tcm. 1987;8(6):273 (chi). 168- gera: 31708/di/ra [YING BAO DECOCTION FOR THE DISEASES OF THYROID GLAND]. SHI DINGWEN ET AL. shaanxi journal of tcm. 1987;8(8):349 (chi). 169- gera: 32463/di/ra [THE TREATMENT OF SIMPLE GOITER BY ELECTROACUPUNCTURE : A STUDY OF 24 CASES]. WANG DAMING. journal of new chinese medicine. 1987;19(3):29 (chi). 170- gera: 32662/di/ra [CLINICAL STUDY OF 80 CASES OF HYPERTHYROIDISM WITH TCM-WM TREATMENT]. JIANG HAO. journal of beijing tcm college. 1987;5:28 (chi). 171- gera: 33204/di/ra [CLINICAL ANALYSIS ON 45 CASEE OF THYROID TUMOR TREATED BY TCM]. TANG YING. hubei journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1987;4:17 (chi). 172- gera: 41408/nd/re [TREATMENT OF 152 CASES HYPERTHYROIDISM WITH JIAKANG PILL]. ZHANG SHU ZHI. heilongjiang zhongyiyao. 1987;1:43. (chi*). Résumé Acme (880496). ACME:880496 173- gera: 22192/di/ra RESULTADO CLINICO DEL TRATAMIENTO ACUPUNTURAL DEL TUBERCULO TIROIDEO BENIGNO (OBSERVACION DE 25 CASOS). GUO KIAOZONG ET AL. medicina tradicional china. 1988;33:44-46 (esp). Observacion sobre 25 casos de adenomas, bocios nodulares, quistes y tiroiditis. metodo de tratamiento : agujas locales y V10,11, RM2, MC6, explicacion de la tecnica de puncion local. Resultados : curacion total en 28%, mejoria 40%, fracaso 1%. en general entre 10 y 5 sesiones fueron suficientes. Se discuten los criterios diagnosticos y los resultados a largo plazo. 174- gera: 22887/di/ra COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF THERAPEUTIC EFFECTS OF ACUPUNCTURE IN THE TREATMENT OF HYPERTHYROIDISM. HE JINSEN ET AL. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1988;8(2):79-82 (eng). 175- gera: 22889/di/ra AN APPROACH TO THE MECHANISMS OF LASER ACUPUNCTURE IN TREATMENT OF EXOPHTHALMIC HYPERTHYROIDISM. GE TONGYUAN ET AL. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1988;8(2):85-8 (eng). Approche des mécanismes de l'acupuncture laser dans le traitement de l'hyperthyroïdie. 330 patients atteints d'exophtalmie sont traités par acupunture-laser : 18GI (point principal) et 2 points auxilliaires (11VB et 21TR). 90 % de bons résultats. L'acupuncture-laser est efficace pour faire baisser les taux d'IgG, T3, T4, ainsi que le degré l'exophtalmie. De plus elle a un effet inhibiteur sur les réactions allergiques de l'hyperthyroïdie. 176- gera: 23013/di/ra [STUDY ON CLINICAL EFFECT OF TREATMENT OF MYXEDEMNA WITH TCM ALONE AND TCM SUPPLEMENTED WITH THYROID TABLETS]. KUANG ANKUN ET AL. chinese journal of integrated traditional and western medicine. 1988;8(2):74 (chi*). 177- gera: 23032/di/ra [STUDY ON THE NATURE OF "LIVER YANG EXUBERANCE SYNDROME"]. JIN YIQIANG ET AL. chinese journal of integrated traditional and western medicine. 1988;8(3):136 (chi*). Les principales manifestations de montée du yang du foie sont : vertiges, céphalée, irritabilité, faciès rouge et pouls tendu. On l'observe principalement en cas d'hypertension, hyperthyroïdie et ménopause. Nos résultats expérimentaux montrent que le syndrome de montée du yang du foie coïncide avec une hyperfonction du système sympathico-surrénalien. 1) 67 des cas (669,8 %) présentent une hyperfonction sympathique. 2) CA, NE et TNM sont plus élevés par rapport au groupe de contrôle. 3) Le taux plasmatique de cAMP et cGMP est plus élevé que dans le groupe de contrôle. 4) TXB2 et 6-keto-PGF1 sont plus élevés. 5) ATP, ADP et NADP érythrocytaires sont plus élevés. Le traitement par la drogue traditionnelle à action "pinggan qianyang" améliore les symptômes 178- gera: 23063/di/ra [ACUPUNCTURE ANESTHESIA IN THE RADICAL OPERATION OF THYROID CANCER]. ZHOU QUANRAI ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1988;8(2):34 (chi*). Analgésie par acupuncture lors de thyroidectomie totale pour cancer thyroïdien. 129 cas, 134 interventions chirurgicales. 3 groupes de points sélectionnés : 1er groupe (21 patients) acupuncture somatique ou auriculaire. 2ème groupe (25 © gera 2010 12 patients) acupuncture somatique plus auriculopuncture, 3ème groupe (88 patients) acupuncture somatique plus rhinopuncture. Points principaux : 6MC, 4GI. Auriculopuncture : Shen Men, Jiaogan, Fei, Jing. Naso : Shuangen, Fei, Throghxin, Yanhou. Meilleur effet avec acupuncture somatique plus rhinopuncture. 179- gera: 23077/di/ra [THE TREATMENT OF ACUPUNCTURE FOR 102 CASES OF SIMPLE GOITER]. HAN GUORUI. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1988;8(1):14 (chi*). L'auteur a traité 102 cas de goitre simple avec les points suivants : 9E, 1OE, 18GI, 22VC et les points locaux douloureux associés à 4GI, 11GI, obtention du deqi. Les aiguilles sont laissées 15 minutes une séance par jour, 1 à 8 semaines de traitement. 78 cas ont été guéris, 24 améliorés de façon importante. Pendant la puncture faire attention de ne pas blesser de vaisseau sanguin, les aiguilles ne devant pas être insérées trop profondément. 180- gera: 23599/di/ra [ANALYSIS OF 66 CASES WITH THYROID OPERATION UNDER ACUPUNCTURE ANESTHESIA]. WANG SHANQUANG ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1988;8(4):33-4 (chi*). The author used bilateral Hegu, Neiguan, or ear points End of Inferior Crus, Lung, Shenmen, and Neck in acupuncture anaesthesia for 66 cases of thyroid operation. 26 cases were anaesthetized with ear acupuncture while the other 40 with body acupuncture. Body points were manipulated with lifting and thrusting technique and ear points were operated with rotation of needles. After the needling sensation (De Qi) was acquired, needles were contacted with Model WQ-11 Electric Acupuncture Apparatus. Satisfactory analgesia was obtained in 52 cases but incomplete analgesia appeared in the other 14 cases. The statistic treatment showed that the effect of anesthesia by ear acupuncture was better than that by body acupuncture. 181- gera: 24503/di/ra [OBSERVATION OF CHANGE OF LOCAL TEMPERATURE IN THE AREA OF BENIGN THYROID NODE AFTER ACUPUNCTURE BY INFRA-RED]. ZHANG DONG ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1988;8(5):43 (chi*). L'étude des modifications de température cutanée dans l'aire thyroïdienne (relevées par thermographie) après acupuncture, chez 52 patients a montré une augmentation significative (p<0,001) de celle-ci chez 45 patients. Cette augmentation de température locale semble être un bon reflet de l'efficacité du traitement par 182- gera: 24525/di/ra [RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PLASMA INSULIN, BLOODFAT, POINT TEMPERATURE AND DIFFERENTIATION OF SYMPTOMS AND SIGNS IN TCM]. GAO YANBIN ET AL. acta medica sinica. 1988;3(5):16 (chi). 183- gera: 25322/di/ra [EFFECT OF TCM ON PRIMARY HYPOTHYROIDISM IN RELATIONSHIP TO NUCLEAR T3 RECEPTORS IN LYMPHOCYTES]. KUANG ANKUN ET AL. chinese journal of integrated traditional and western medicine. 1988;8(11):643 (chi*). Les taux sériques de T3, T4 et TSH ainsi que le nombre de récepteurs lymphocytaires de T3 ont été étudiés dans 3 groupes de patients hypothyroïdiens : groupe 1) : 1 groupe contrôle, groupe 2) : 1 groupe traité par MTC (n=5), groupe 3) : 1 groupe traité par extraits thyroïdiens (n=10). Résultats : après un traitement par MTC de 2 à 3 mois, les 5 patients du groupe 2) ont montré une amélioration marquée de leurs symptômes de vide de rein Yang qui ont été remplacés par des symptômes de vide de Qi des reins. Les taux de T3 ont augmenté significativement (p<0,01) tandis que les taux de TSH ont diminué (p<0,05). Enfin le nombre de récepteurs lymphocytaires à T3 a diminué significativement (p<0,001) par rapport au groupe 1) mais reste malgré tout élevé par rapport au groupe 3) et surtout par rapport aux sujets normoth thyroïdiens (p<0,001). Ceci suggère que l'effet thérapeutique de la MTC dans les hypothyroïdies passe d'abord par l'amélioration fonctionnelle de la thyroïde résiduelle et 184- gera: 25359/di/ra [OBSERVATION OF THERAPEUTICAL EFFECT AND EXPERIMENTAL STUDY ON ACUPUNCTURE IN TREATING BENIGN THYROIDOMA]. XUE LIGONG ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1988;8(6):13 (chi*). 41 cas de goitres benins thyroïdiens ont été traités par acupuncture : 5 à 10 aiguilles sont insérées dans le corps de la tumeur (au centre et sur le pourtour) chacune étant dirigée profondément vers le coté opposé de la tumeur avec sensation de deqi et laissée en place 20 minutes tout en étant manipulée (amplitude de 45° à 90°, enfoncement-retrait) 10 fois pendant cette période. Les points 2VC, 6MC, 10V et 11V ont aussi été puncturés mais ne sont pas laissés en place. Résultats 9 goitres ont été guéris et un pourcentage global de 85,5% d'amélioration a 185- gera: 25997/di/el GOITER (HYPERTHYROIDISM) (YING BING). CHEN JIRUI ET AL. in acupuncture case histories from china, eastland press, seattle. 1988;:48-50 (eng). 186- gera: 33285/di/ra [80 CASES OF THYROID NODULES TREATED WITH TCM AND WM]. ZHANG KAIZHEN ET AL. fujian journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1988;19(1):19 (chi). 187- gera: 33304/di/ra [OBSERVATION ON PERIPHERAL NK CELL ACTIVITY OF DEFICIENCY OF KIDNEY-YIN DUE TO HYPERTHYROIDISM]. CHEN XIAOFEN. fujian journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1988;19(3):7 (chi). 188- gera: 33393/di/ra [SURVEY OF TREATMENT WITH TRADITIONAL CHINESES MEDICINE IN HYPERTHYROID]. WANG ZHEN-KUN ET AL. henan traditional chinese medicine. 1988;8(2):45 (chi). 189- gera: 33667/di/ra [OBSERVATION ON 28 CASES OF THYREOCELE TREATED BY MODIFIED SI HAI SHU YU DECOCTION]. ZHOU RONGHUA. hubei journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1988;3:30 (chi). 190- gera: 34217/nd/re [BLOOD GASTRIN CHANGES OF HYPERTHYROIDISM IN HYPERACTIVITY OF FIRE DUE TO YIN DEFICIENCY]. HUIJUAN X ET AL. fujian journal of tcm. 1988;19(6):41. (chi). 191- gera: 51595/di/ra [TO OBSERVE THE RELATION BETWEEN "KIDNEY" AND EAR IN TCM FROM THE EFFECT OF THYROID HORMONE UPON AURICULAR FUNCTION]. ZENG ZHAOLIN ET AL. shanghai journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1988;9:24 (chi). 192- gera: 52054/di/ra [EFFECTS OF TORTOISE PLASTRON AND TORTOISESHELL ON PATHOLOGY OF THYROID, THYMUS, ADRENAL AND SPLEEN OF HYPERTHYROIDISM]. MIAO YANLING ET AL. bulletin of chinese materia medica. 1988;13(3):42-51 (chi). 193- gera: 52932/di/ra [PRELIMINARY OBSERVATION ON CHANGES OF LOCAL THERMORGRAM BEFORE AND AFTER PUNCTURING IN NODULAR GOITER]. ZHANG DONG ET AL. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1988;29(6):38. (eng). 194- gera: 52961/di/ra [TCM TREATMENT OF REFRACTORY THYROPATHY]. WU RUIMIN. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1988;29(8):33-6 (eng). 195- gera: 53010/di/ra [EFFECT ON THE FUNCTIONS OF ISLETS OF PANCREAS IN RABBIT MODELS WITH HYPOTHYROIDISM OF YANG- © gera 2010 13 DEFICIENCY TYPE BY WARMING]. ZHANG SHANCHENG. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1988;29(11):63-5 (eng). 196- gera: 53249/di/ra [ALL DISEASES TREATED ONESELF WITH QI GONG (XXIV). THYROISDISM]. ZHI FAN. qi gong. 1988;9(2):66-8 (chi). 197- gera: 53382/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION OF THE TREATMENT OF GOITER BY XIAO YING DECOCTION]. XIE YUANMING. shaanxi traditional chinese medicine. 1988;9(7):293-95 (chi). 198- gera: 53578/di/ra [CLINICAL EFFECT OF NEEDLING QI-YIN POINT FOR HYPERTHYROIDISM OF GOITER]. HE JINSEN ET AL. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1988;2:1-3 (chi). 206- gera: 27294/di/ra [ACUPUNCTURE EFFECT ON URIC ACID AND URINARY CREATININE OF HYPERTHYROIDISM PATIENTS]. HENG JIANSHENG ET AL. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1989;8(3):4-6 (chi). 207- gera: 27343/di/ra [CLINICAL RESEARCH ON OPERATION WITH THYROID GLAND SEALED ANESTHESIA BY VITAMIN B1 ON EAR EPOINTS]. HU KE ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1989;9(4):26-7 (chi*). This article introduced clinical research on opération ration of thyroid gland sealed vitamin B on ear Points. Points: Lung both sides) , Sympathetic, interrnal secretion, Neck. Vitamen B (0. lml) was injected on selected points with common syring needle (4. 25) and com bing some medicine. Out of 54 cases, good rate' 51 cases, succedec rate: 3 cases and the tatol effective rate: 100%. 199- gera: 81019/di/ra DIABETISCHE POLYNEUROPATHIE. ASPEKTE ZUR THERAPIE MIT AKUPUNKTUR. BECK R. akupunktur theorie und praxis. 1988;3:164-74 (deu*). 208- gera: 27443/di/ra [ACUPUNCTURE EFFECT ON URIC ACID AND URINARY CREATININE OF HYPERTYROIDISM PATIENTS]. JIANSHENG H ET AL. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1989;8(3):4-6 (chi). 200- gera: 110882/di/ra [STUDY ON CARDIAC RHYTHMICAL EFFECT OF HYPERTHYROIDISM CAUSED BY DIFFERENT NEEDLING METHODS]. YIN ZHI-FANG ET AL. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1988;7(3):19 (chi). 209- gera: 34947/di/ra [PRIMARY STUDY ON THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN KIDNEY DEFICIENCY OF GERONTISM AND T3 & B2mG IN BLOOD AND URINE]. GUO-RONG F. zhejiang journal of tcm. 1989;24(7):319-323 (chi). 201- gera: 25707/di/ra [INFLUENCE OF YANG RESTORING HERB MEDICINES UPON METABOLISM OF THYROIDE HORMONE IN NORMAL RATS AND A APPROACH OF FORWARDBACKWARD*]. CHEN MINGDAO ET AL. chinese journal of integrated traditional and western medicine. 1989;9(2):93-5 (chi*). Large dose of Yang-restoring herb medicines (Radix Codonopsis Pilosulae, Astragalus membranaceus, Radix Aconiti Praeparata, Epimedium brevicornum, Cortex Cinnamomi and Herba Cistanchis) may exert an unfavorable effect on normal rats, i. e. natural weight gain reduced (P< 0.01), serum T, decreased (P< 0.05), rT3, TRH levels raised (P<0.01) and TSH showed a raising tendency. Lower T3 and higher rT, levels may be the effects of Yang- restoring herb medicines on the peripheral metabolism of thyroid hormones, i. e. more thyroxine was degraded to rT3 with little biological effect and less was transformed to T3 with strong hormonal effect. This unfavorable effect, however, can be avoided by Forward-Backward method. It was advised that large dose of Yang-restoring herb medicines could not be given to the organisms without symptoms of Yangdeficiency. If it were tried to do so, 210- gera: 35118/di/ra [TREATMENT OF CHRONIC CELLULAR THYROIDITIS FOR 133 CASES BY REGULATING THE FLOW OF QI TO NOURISH KIDNEY]. WANG ZI YOU AND OTHERS. liaoning journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1989;13(11):17-26 (chi). 202- gera: 26371/di/el GOITRE. INSTITUT DE MTC DE TIANJIN. in seca et al, acupuncture en medecine clinique, decarie, montreal. 1989;:305-306 (fra). 214- gera: 50527/di/ra [8 CASES OF HASHIMOTO'S DISEASE TREATED BY CHINESE MEDICINE]. SONG YINGJE. hubei journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1989;6:20-19 (chi). 203- gera: 27085/di/ra CLINICAL OBSERVATION OF THE ACTION OF ADJUVANT USED IN THYROID OPERATION UNDER ACUPUNCTURE ANESTHESIA. LI LIQING ET AL. acupuncture research. 1989;14(1-2):216-218 (eng). 215- gera: 50741/di/ra [SERUM LEVEL OF T3 AND T4 IN PATIENT OF YANGDEFICIENCY]. LIANGMING LIDAO. fujian journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1989;20(6):43-50 (chi). 204- gera: 27086/di/ra CLINICAL OBSERVATION OF 40 CASES OF THYROID OPERATION UNDER MUSICAL ELECTROACUPUNCTURE ANESTHESIA. LIU SHOUZHI ET AL. acupuncture research. 1989;14(1-2):218-220 (eng). 205- gera: 27087/di/ra BILATERAL SUBTOTAL THYROIDECTOMY UNDER ACUPUNCTURE ANAESTHESIA ON PATIENT WITH ATRIAL FIBRILLATION-COMPLICATED HYPERTHYROID. WU YUIFENG ET AL. acupuncture research. 1989;14(12):220-222 (eng). 211- gera: 42514/nd/re [EFFECTS OF GOSSYPOL ON THYROID FUNCTIONS IN MAN]. LI WEN QI ET AL. reproduction and contraception. 1989;9(3):62-3 (chi*). 212- gera: 50008/di/ra [ON ACTIVATING AND REINFORCING REN, CHONG, GOVERNOR-VESSEL MERIDIAN AND HYPERTHYROIDISM SYNDROME]. CAI YUQIN. shaanxi traditional chinese medicine. 1989;10(12):539-0 (chi). 213- gera: 50281/di/ra [CELLULAR IMMUNOLOGICAL OBSERVATION ON THYROID HYPOFUNCTIONAL PATIENTS OF YANG DEFICIENCY]. CHEN HANPING ET AL. shanghai journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1989;11:36-7 (chi). 216- gera: 80106/di/ra [EFFECTS OF YANG-RESTORING HERB MEDICINES ON THE LEVELS OF PLASMA CORTICOSTERONE,TESTOTERONE AND TRIIDOTHYRONINE]. KUANG ANKUN ET AL. chinese journal of integrated traditional and western medicine. 1989;9(12):737-744 (chi*). 217- gera: 29086/di/cg TRADITIONAL CHINESE MEDICINE PHARMACY IN THE TREATMENT OF DIABETES MELLITUS EXOPHTHALMIC HYPERTHYROIDISM AND HYPOTHYROIDISM. LI LI GUAN. proceedings of the fifth international congress of chinese © gera 2010 14 medicine,berkeley. 1990;:84. (eng). 218- gera: 29523/di/el GOITER. SHANG XIANMIN ET AL. in clinical experiences, new world press, beijing. 1990;:139-44 (eng). 219- gera: 29925/di/el SENILE HYPERTHYROIDISM. SHAO NIAN-FANG. the treatment of knotty diseases, shandong science and technology press. 1990;:382-8 (eng). 220- gera: 60136/di/ra [CLINICAL ANALYSIS OF 51 CASES OF THYROPHYMA TREATED BY PUNCTURING THE AFFECTED PART WITH ONE NEEDLE IN THE CENTRE AND FOUR AROUND]. LU YUANQING. jiangsu journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1990;11(6):26. (chi). 221- gera: 60264/di/ra [STUDIES ON PATHOMORPHISM OF HYPOTHYROID RAT TREATED GINSENG-MANKSHOOD DECOCTION]. REN HONG YIETAL. henan traditional chinese medicine. 1990;10(2):37-9 (chi). 222- gera: 60751/di/ra [STUDIES ON THE PREPARATION OF PATHOLOGICAL MODEL OF YANG DEFICIENCY OF HYPOTHYROIDISM IN THE RABBIT]. XU MIN ET AL. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1990;31(6):45-9 (eng). 223- gera: 60756/di/ra [EXPERIENCE IN TREATING ESSENTIAL UTERINE HEMORRHAGE OF HYPOTHYROIDISM BASED ON THE DIFFERENTIATION OF SYMPTOMS AND SIGNS]. WANG ZHONGMIN ET AL. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1990;31(7):24-5 (eng). 224- gera: 61342/di/ra [REGULATORY EFFECTS OF ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION ON SIMPLE OBESE COMPLICATED WITH HYPERTENSION]. LIU ZHI CHENG ET AL. chinese journal of integrated traditional and western medicine. 1990;10(9):522-25 (chi*). Acupuncture and moxibustion is one of the important therapies in TCM for treating obese. The authors have treated 41 simple obese patients complicated with hypertension by acupuncture and moxibustion which obtained good results. In the treating group, a total effective rate was 87.8% (36 cases). For the purpose of understanding regulatory effect of acupuncture and moxibustion, the authors have observed the obesity indices, the lipid's indices (TC, TG, VLDL-C, TC/HDL-C, HDL-C, LDLC,LDL-C/HDL-C and AI), the physiological indices (saliva secretion, heart rate, respiratory rate, blood pressure and temperature) and the energy metabolism indices (BMR) in the simple obese complicated with hypertension before and after the acupuncture and moxibustion, The results showed that the therapeutic effect of acupuncture and moxibustion could have good results. At the same time, there were the benign regulatory effect of acupuncture and moxibustion in the overeating, the blood pressure, the vegetative nervous indexes, the lipid Ievel and the energy metabolism. 225- gera: 61347/di/ra [ANALYSIS ON THE TCM SYNDROMES OF THE PATIENTS WITH AUTOIMMUNE THYROID DISEASES. OBSERVATION ON THE CHANGE OF THYROID AND IMMUNE FUNCTIONS IN 109 CASES]. CHEN HAN PING ET AL. chinese journal of integrated traditional and western medicine. 1990;10(9):538-39 (chi*). Eighty-nine cases of hyperthyroidism and 20 cases of hypothyroidism caused by Hashimoto's thyroiditis were observed in order to analyse the thyroid and immune functions of the patients, and their relationship with the syndromes of TCM. The results showed that, in the patients with Yin deficiency syndrome, the contents of total T4, T3 were higher than normal and TSH lower than normal, while in Yang deficient patients, the contents of total T4, T3 were lower than normal and TSH higher than normal. This results suggested that the states of thyroid functions were closely related to the TCM syndromes. It was also found that the percentage of OKT 4+ cells and the self- recognizing ability of lymphocytes were lower than normal in patients with hyperthyroidism and Yin deficiency. While in patients with hypothyroidism and Yang deficiency, they were higher than normal. These meant that the abilities of lymphocyte autoreaction in Yin deficient patients were in contrary tendency with those in Yang deficient patients. The former had the manifestation of over-inhibition while the latter, hyperaction. Besides, the contents of autoantibodies were higher than normal in both the patients with hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism, which manifested itself as a common character of autoimmune thyroid diseases. The results indicated that there were common characters as well as individual characters of thyroid and immune functions between hyperthyroid patients and hypothyroid patients, and these characters might well be the material bases of various syndromes in 226- gera: 61824/di/ra [TCM TREATMENT OF THYROID CYST : AN OBSERVATION ON 102 CASES]. MEI QUANGYUAN. new journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1990;22(4):30. (chi). 227- gera: 61864/di/ra [TREATMENT OF THYROID ADENOMA BY DECOCTION FOR SOFTENING MASS : AN ANALYSIS OF 106 CASES]. ZHENG WENXUAN ET AL. new journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1990;22(1):31-4 (chi). 228- gera: 62709/di/ra [IMMUNOLOGICAL MECHANISM OF TREATING HASHIMOTO'S THYROIDITIS BY MOXIBUSTION]. HU GUO SHENG ET AL. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1990;4:4-7 (chi*). 36 cases of Hashimoto's thyroiditis, were treated with moxibustion and the changes of T lymphocyte subjects and their effects on the secretory levels of anti-thyroid autoantibodies by B lymphocytes were observed. The results scored that after moxibustion treatment, the ratio of OKT4+/OKT 8+ cells and the secretory level of thyroid antibodies declined remarkably. It was also found that, there was a significant correlation between them. The author surmised from the result that moxibustion could treat the patient with Hashimoto's thyroiditis through the regulation of T lymphocyte subsets and therefore inhibiting B lymphocytes in producing thyroid antibodies. 229- gera: 63067/di/ra [THE INFLUENCE AND CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF ACUPUNCTURE ON SERUM TSH RECEPTOR ANTIBODY ACTIVITY IN PATIENTS OF HYPERTHYROIDISM]. HE JINSEN ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1990;10(6):19-21 (chi*). Eighty-four cases of hyperthyroidism were treated with acupuncture. Serum TSH receptor antibody (TBII) activity was tested before and after acupuncture to investigate the relationship between the change of serum TBII activity, the management of thyroid disease, the reduction of the serum T4 and T3 contents, and the recovery of the thyroid function after acupuncture. Point Qiying (the equivalent of ST-10, Shuitu) was prescribed and the needle was retained for 30 minutes. One treatment was offered daily; one course of treatment consisted of 50 sessions. The total effective rate after one course was 64. 29%, the serum TBII was remarkably reduced and content of TSH was evidently raised. These results indicate that the mechanism of acupuncture may resolve or reduce the serum TBII activity, and eliminate the pathological stimulus to the thyroid cells, thus acquiring the reduction of serum T4 230- gera: 80359/di/cg HYPOTHYROIDIE. WOLFF R. gera, toulon. 1990;mars:15 (fra). 231- gera: 80360/di/cg HYPERTHYROIDIE. RAT P. gera, toulon. 1990;mars:21 (fra). 232- gera: 80361/di/cg © gera 2010 15 EXOPHTALMIE. RAT P. gera, toulon. 1990;mars:26 (fra). 233- gera: 80364/di/cg GOITRE. FLEISCHER JL. gera, toulon. 1990;mars:34 (fra). 234- gera: 81328/di/ra EFFECT OF KHATAMINES AND THEIR ENANTIOMERS ON PLASMA TRIIODOTHYRONINE AND THYROXINE LEVELS IN NORMAL WISTAR RATS. ISLAM MW ET AL. american journal of chinese medicine. 1990;18(1-2):71-6 (eng). 235- gera: 81854/di/el HYPERTHYROIDISM. LU JIANPING ET AL. in chinese acupuncture and moxibustion, publishing house of shanghai college of tcm,. 1990;:564-67 (eng). 236- gera: 81931/di/ra THYROID ADENOMA. ZHAO CHUNYIN ET AL. in clinic of tcm (2), publishing house of shanghai college of tcm, shanghai. 1990;:92-7 (eng). 237- gera: 82190/di/cg APPLICATION OF THREE STIMULATIONS PATTERNS IN 623 ACUPUNCTURE ANAESTHESIA FOR THYROID OPERATION. ZHANG R. 2eme congres mondial d'acupuncture et moxibustion, paris. 1990;:122. (eng). 238- gera: 82892/di/ra 20 CASES OF GOITER OPERATED UNDER ACUPUNCTURE ANESTHESIA. SUN ZENGQIN. chinese journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1990;3(4):284-6 (eng). 20 cases of goiter were operated under acupuncture anesthesia by needling the bilateteral Hegu, Futu. Neiguan or Yifeng. The stimulator G6805 was applied with a frequency of 60-l80 cpm /min at Futu. The intensity is getting stronger until the patient is unable to tolerate. These cases has long course of disease and many complications. The operation was finished within 3 hours and 42 minutes. 12 cases were in the 1st grade, 4 in the 2nd grade and 2 cases in the 3rd and 4th grade each. 239- gera: 83199/di/re ACUPUNCTURE ANAESTHESIA. OBSERVATIONS ON ITS USE FOR REMOVAL OF THYROID ADENOMATA AND INFLUENCE ON RECOVERY AND MORBIDITY IN A CHINESE HOSPITAL. KHO HG ET AL. anaesthesia. 1990;45(6):480-5 (eng). Acupuncture anaesthesia, supplemented by small doses of pethidine, was evaluate in 20 patients who had surgery for removal of a thyroid adenoma. There were significant increases in mean arterial pressure and respiratory rate during surg, but no significant change in heart rate. The mean dose of pethidine given. During surgery was 45 mg (SD 8.9). Postoperative recovery was rapid and compliction free. Acupuncture anaesthesia did not provide complete analgesia, but was safe and preferable to general anaesthesia where there was a shortage of facilties. 240- gera: 83383/di/re IODINE-131 UPTAKE IN A PATIENT WITH THYROID CANCER AND RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS DURING ACUPUNCTURE TREATMENT. NOBUAKI OTSUKA ET AL. clinical nuclear medicine. 1990;15(1):29-31 (eng). A patient with thyroid carcinoma had an abnormal accumulation of I-131 in the areas of both feet and hands on whole body scan. The sites of abnormal accumulation of I-131 were similar to those on bone scintigraphy. The radiographic examination of the lesions showed characteristic findings of rheumatoid arthritis and also the presence of small gold needles for acupuncture treatment was demonstrated. There were no findings of bone metastases. Although the mechanism of accumulation of I-131 in this patient is unknown, interpreters of I-131 whole body scintigraphs should keep this case in mind when acupuncture treatment has been done. The authors can only speculate on a common blood flow mechanism for enhanced HMDP and I-131 uptake in this arthritic 241- gera: 29355/di/ra ACUPUNCTURE ET THYROIDE. ANNE G. l'officiel de l'homeopathie et de l'acupuncture. 1991;8:9. (fra). 242- gera: 62509/di/ra [EFFECTS OF YIN TONICS AND YANG TONICS ON SERUM THYROID HORMONE LEVELS AND THYROID HORMONE RECEPTORS OF HEPATIC CELL NUCLEUS IN HYPERTHYROXINEMIC AND HYPOTHYROXINEMIC RATS]. ZHANG JIA QING ET AL. chinese journal of integrated traditional and western medicine. 1991;11(2):105-06 (chi*). Hyperthyroxinemia model was made by giving thyroid tablet suspension to Wistar rats and hypothyroxinemia model was made by thyroidectomy. We measured serum thyroid hormone levels by RIA and the parameters of triiodothyronine receptors in rat hepatic cell nucleus by radio-ligand binding assay: Maximal binding capacity (Bmax) and Dissociation constant (Kd). It was found that (1) Yin-tonics could lower serum thyroid hormone levels and Bmax of hepatic nuclear T3R of hyperthyroxinemia rat from 167. 14±25. 62 fmol/100 µg DNA to 98. 98±15. 24 fmol/100 µg DNA, P<0.001. (2) Both Yangtonics I and II could raise serum thyroid hormone levels of hypothyroxinemia rats, but not Bmax of hepatic nuclear T3R. Yang-tonics I even lowered Bmax. All the Chinese herbs had no effect on the Kd of rat hepatic nuclear T3R. The results may have some value in studying the effects 243- gera: 63390/di/ra [TREATMENT OF THYROID ADENOMA WITH XIAOSAN YINGLIU TANG IN 42 CASES]. CHEN SHEN ET AL. journal of traditional chinese medicine and chinese materia medica of jilin. 1991;3:28-33 (chi). 244- gera: 63662/di/ra [INFLUENCE OF WARMING AND RECUPERATING KIDNEY-YANG ON B-RECEPTOR OF HEART AND KIDNEY IN HYPOTHYROID YANG INSUFFICIENCY OF RABBIT HODOL]. XU MIN ET AL. fujian journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1991;22(2):30 (chi). 245- gera: 63681/di/ra [TREATMENT OF EXOPHTHALMIC GOITER : A CASE REPORT]. LU ZHIZHENG. new jounal of traditional chinese medicine. 1991;23(5):14 (chi). 246- gera: 64127/di/ra THE CLINICAL STUDY OF ACUPUNCTURE ANESTHESIA IN THYROID OPERATION. (abstract). ZHUANG XINLIANG ET AL. acupuncture research. 1991;16(3-4):261 (eng). In order to raise the effect of acupuncture anesthesia in thyroid operation, we improved following aspects, such as selecting the patients and the sorts of diseases, new combination of stimulating points, choosing the supplementary drugs including the time of medication and the pathway of injection, methods of electric stimulating and the surgical procedure. The effect of acupuncture anesthesia is raised to above 95%. According to the improved manner, we laid down the operating rule of acupuncture anesthesia and surgical procedure in 247- gera: 64128/di/ra THE CLINICAL ANALYSIS OF THYROID OPERATION WITH ACUPUNCTURE ANESTHESIA. (abstract). ZHANG DECHENG. acupuncture research. 1991;16(3-4):262 (eng). Acupuncture anesthesia is considered satisfactory in thyroid operation. 106 patients have been operated on. Using this method in our department, including 55 males, 51 females, the youngest was 19 years old and the oldest 61. Most of them were 20-60 years old (88. 60%). The acupoints selected were: (1) Hegu (LI4) and Neiguan (P6), 81 cases, 77.80% of which excellent and good. (2) Hegu (LI4) and Futu (LI18), 4 cases, 75.00% of which excellent and good. (3) Earpoint: Shenmen penetrated Jiao-gan and spleen penetrated lungs, 9 cases, 100% of which excellent and good. (4) Renzhong (DU26) and Hegu (LI4), 12 cases, 100% of which excellent and good. None of 106 cases failed. Connected the needles to G6805 type of acupuncture anesthesia equipment after the sense of acupuncture was got. The inducing time was generally more than 20-30min. Increase the stimulating electric current gradually to the degree the patient could bear, pulsing rate © gera 2010 16 was 120-180 times per minute. Of 106 cases, best effect were 81(76.4%), better 23 (21.6%), good 2 (1.88%). No any side reaction was occurred after operation. It was satisfied to operate on thyroid with acupuncture anesthesia. Analgesia effect was definite. The method mentioned above was superior than using anesthetic or acupuncture alone. It neither had complication of single drug anesthesia such as vomiting, headache, nor that of pure acupuncture anesthesia as imperfectly analgesia, drawing reaction etc. 248- gera: 64178/di/ra [STUDY ON THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN CHRONIC HEPATITIS AND CIRRHOSIS IN THE TYPE OF DIFFERENTIATION OF SYMPTOMS AND SIGNS AND ENDOCRINE HORMONE]. ZHANG JUN-FU ET AL. chinese journal of integrated traditional and western medicine. 1991;11(3):147 (chi*). In order to investigate the objective index of the type of differentiation of symptoms and signs between chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis, the levels of serum Tes, ALD, HCT, INS, GR, gastrin, T3, T4, TSH were tested in the chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis of 27 cases of sthenia-syndrome and 61 cases of asthenia-syndrome. Meanwhile, 30 cases of healthy people were taken as the control. The results indicated that the levels of serum Tes, T3, T4, gastrin in the group of astheniasyndrome (P < 0. 01, P < 0. 05). The levels of serum T4 and gastrin were increased in the group of sthenia-syndrome than in the groups of asthenia-syndrome and control (P < 0. 01). The levels of serum ALT, HCT, INS, and GR were significantly different between the group of asthenia-syndrome and that of sthenia- syndrome. This suggests that clinic symptoms were concerned with the level of serum endocrine on chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis, such as the function of genital, thyroid, adrenal gland and pancreas. The observation of the levels of serum Tes, T3, T4, ALT, INS, GR and gastrin may be an objective index to differentiate the chronic 249- gera: 64299/di/ra [RELATION BETWEEN YIN DEFICIENCY AND YANG DEFICIENCY AND LEVEL OF SERUM RT3]. WU WENBIN ET AL. journal of shandong college of traditional chinese medicine. 1991;15(2):24 (chi*). Serum level of rT3, T4, T3 were measured for cases of yin deficiency and yang deficiency and controlled group. The results proved that serum level of rT3 of yin deficiency cases were higher than the controlled one's (p<0. 001), yang deficiency lower than the controlled (p<0. 001). Serum level of T4 had the same result as rT3. Serum level of T3 of yin deficiency was higher and yang deficiency was the same as controlled group. After treatment, the abnormal level returned. The author suggests that rT3, T4, T3 are the substance's basis of yin deficiency and yang deficiency zheng, rT3 can be an index for the two zheng. 250- gera: 64662/di/ra [SYMPTOM SIGN DIFFERENTIATION AND TREATMENT OF SUBACUTE THYROIDITIS]. XU ZHIYIN ET AL. shanghai journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1991;12:23 (chi). 251- gera: 64769/di/ra [TREATING 200 CASES OF SIMPLE GOITER WITH XIAO YIN WAN]. XU ZHE. journal of beijing college of traditional chinese medicine. 1991;5:25 (chi*). 200 cases of simple goiter were treated mainly with Xiao Ying Wan (goiter-eliminating pill) and additionally with Xiao Ying Gao (goiter-eliminating ointment) and acupuncture therapy. The results showed that 65 cases (32. 5%) were cured; 98 (45%) greatly improved; 29 (14. 5%) improved to some degree and 8 (4%) failed to respond to the therapy. The total efficiency was 96%. 252- gera: 64789/di/ra [THE CHARACTERISTICS OF ACUPUNCTURE MOXIBUSTION EFFECT IN TREATING AUTOIMMUNE THYROPATHY]. CHEN HANPING ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1991;11(6):33 (chi*). The article presents the treatment of 46 cases of hyperthyroidism with acupuncture and that of 33 cases of Hashimoto's thyroiditis with moxibustion in order to in investigate the characteristics of the effect of acupuncture and moxibustion in the treatment of thyropathy. The result proved that acupuncture and moxibustion have fairly favourable regulating effect for the immune and thyroid functions of patients with hyperthyroidism and Hashimoto's thyroiditis. Acupuncture and moxibustion exert different effects according to the variousness of patients' syndromes and thyroid functions. For hyperthyroidism, acupuncture and moxibustion are devoted to lowering the content of T4, T3, in the patients ; while for hypothyroid patients, their content of T4,T3 can be elevated. Acupuncture and moxibustion are not distinctly effective for those with normal thyroid function. 253- gera: 64822/di/ra [PING JIA JIAN FOR THE HYPERTHYROIDISM SYNDROME]. DANG DUO. shaanxi traditional chinese medicine. 1991;12(7):489 (chi). 254- gera: 64873/di/ra [EXAMPLES ON THE CLINICAL USE OF HUANGQI GUIZHI WUWUTANG]. GUO ZHONGMIN. jiangxi journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1991;22(6):28 (chi). 255- gera: 65230/di/ra [EFFECT OF CHINESE HERBS FOR RESTORING YANG ON THE LEVEL OF THYROID HORMONE IN PLASMA AND LIVER NUCLEI RECEPTORS IN MICE]. SHEN WEI ET AL. practical journal of integrating chinese with modern medicine. 1991;4(10):596 (chi). 256- gera: 66085/di/ra [EFFECT OF QI-BENEFITING, YIN-NURSING AND FIREPURGING DRUGS ON ENERGY METABOLISM IN HYPERTHYROID RATS]. SHEN SONGFA ET AL. shanghai journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1991;9:46 (chi). 257- gera: 66157/di/ra [ACUPUNCTURE TREATMENT OF 56 CASES WITH SINGLE BENIGN THYROID NODULE]. ZHANG WENXIAN. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1991;32(9):41 (eng). 258- gera: 66340/di/ra [OBSERVATION ON CURATIVE EFFECT OF GANCAO RENSHEN TANG ON HYPOTHYROIDISM]. HUANG ZHIXIN ET AL. henan traditional chinese medicine. 1991;11(5):20 (chi). 259- gera: 70159/nd/re ANESTHESIA FOR PRIMARY HYPERPARATHYROIDISM. LIU Y ET AL. chinese medical sciences journal. 1991;6(2):105-6 (eng). We review the anesthesia used on patients with primary hyperparathyroidism from 1980-1989. As the first choice, nearly two thirds of the operations were performed under cervical epidural block, and about 90% of these obtained satisfactory results. Injury of the spinal cord and nerve root could be avoided by accurate insertion of the epidural needle. Respiratory depression might also be minimized with an alert perioperative course of 5 ml 0. 8-1. 33% lidocaine as the initial dose followed by 6-8 ml for maintenance. For complicated cases, such as those who had undergone previous cervical operations or were suspected of having ectopic parathyroidomas, general anesthesia 260- gera: 83592/di/ra PATOLOGIA TIROIDEA (CASO CLINICO). BARBAGALLO G. rivista italiana di agopuntura. 1991;72:21-5 (ita). 261- gera: 83691/di/ra ACUPUNCTURE FOR MYXEDEMA DUE TO SECONDARY HYPOTHYROIDISM. DONG JIANG TAO. australian journal of acupuncture. 1991;17:31-2 (eng). 262- gera: 84219/di/ra A CLINICAL STUDY ON 186 CASES OF BENIGN THYROID NODULES TREATED WITH ACUPUNCTURE. GUO XIAOZONG ET AL. international journal of clinical acupuncture. 1991;2(3):219-30 (eng). © gera 2010 17 263- gera: 35619/di/ra THYROID DISORDERS. CHENG CS. abstract and review of clinical traditional chinese medicine. 1992;1:16-21 (eng). Abstract from, Zhong Yi Za Zhi, Institute of the archives of tcm, Shanghai, 7-91, page 435. 264- gera: 35620/di/ra A CASE OF HYPOTHYROIDISM OF DR ZHANG KAI ZHEN ET AL. CHENG CS. abstract and review of clinical traditional chinese medicine. 1992;1:21-2 (eng). Abstract from Zhong Yi Za Zhi, The provincial people's hospital, an affiliated hospital of Fu Jian medical college, 71984, page 526. 265- gera: 35621/di/ra A CASE OF HYPOTHYROIDISM (DEFICIENCY CONSUMPTION) OF PROFESSOR XIAO ZUO TAO. CHENG CS. abstract and review of clinical traditional chinese medicine. 1992;1:22-3 (eng ). Abstract from Liu Rong Yi, Hunan TCM college Xin Zhong Yi, 9-1086, page 36. 266- gera: 35622/di/ra HYPOTHYROIDISM WITH UTERINE BLEEDING. CHENG CS. abstract and review of clinical traditional chinese medicine. 1992;1:23-6 (eng). Abstract from Wang Zhong Ming et al, Zhong Yi Za Zhi, 7-90 page 408. 267- gera: 35623/di/ra REFERENTIAL PRESCRIPTIONS FOR TREATING HYPOTHYROIDISM (1). CHENG CS. abstract and review of clinical traditional chinese medicine. 1992;1:26. (eng). Abstract from Kuang et al, Zhong Xi He Za Zhi, 2-88, page 74. 268- gera: 35624/di/ra REFERENTIAL PRESCRIPTIONS FOR TREATING HYPOTHYROIDISM (2 FORMULA FOR ASSISTING YANG, WARMING KIDNEY AND TONIFYING CHI). CHENG CS. abstract and review of clinical traditional chinese medicine. 1992;1:26-7 (eng). Abstract from Kuang et al, Zhong Xi He Za Zhi, 11-88, page 650. 269- gera: 35625/di/ra HYPERTHYROIDISM WITH EXOPHTHALMOS. CHENG CS. abstract and review of clinical traditional chinese medicine. 1992;1:27-32 (eng). Abstract from Lu Zhi Zheng, Xin Zhong Yi, 5-91, page 14. 270- gera: 35626/di/ra TWO CASES OF THYROID ADENOMA SUCCESSFULLY TREATED WITH TCM THERAPY. CHENG CS. abstract and review of clinical traditional chinese medicine. 1992;1:32-4 (eng). Abstract from Xia Xiang, Zhong Yi Za Zhi, 9-82 page 703. 271- gera: 35627/di/ra TCM TREATMENT OF THYROID CYST (102 CASES). CHENG CS. abstract and review of clinical traditional chinese medicine. 1992;1:34-5 (eng). Abstract from Mei Guang Yuan, Xin Zhong Yi 4-90, page 30. 272- gera: 35628/di/ra COMPLEX DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT OF SIMPLE THYROID ENLARGEMENT (20 CASES). CHENG CS. abstract and review of clinical traditional chinese medicine. 1992;1:35-8 (eng). Abstract from Li Jing Shuan, Henan Zhong Yi 4-91, page 24. 273- gera: 36619/di/cg CASE STUDIES OF THE TREATMENT OF HYPOTHYROIDISM BY MERIDIAN THEORY OF CHINESE MEDICINE. PEI-YING SHEN. wfas international symposium on the trend of research in acupuncture, roma. 1992;:171 (eng). 274- gera: 36675/di/cg FUNCTIONAL HYPERTHYROIDISM. MASTROCINQUE F. wfas international symposium on the trend of research in acupuncture, roma. 1992;:215 (eng). 275- gera: 36837/di/ra THE EFFECT OF MOXIBUSTION ON PATIENT WITH HASHIMOTO'S THYROIDITIS IN DIFFERENT TCM SYNDROMES. HU GUOSHENG ET AL. world journal of acupuncture-moxibustion. 1992;2(2):19-22 (eng). For observing the relationship between th syndrome of TCM and the therapeutic effect of moxibustion, 30 cases with Hashimoto's thyroiditis diagnosed as Qi deficiency and Yang deficiency respectively according to TCM were treated by moxibustion. Before and after treatment, the binding rates of serum thyroid antibodies, the concentrations of serum total T4, T3 and TSH and plasma cAMP amd cGMP were measured. The results showed that the patients with Yang deficiency were mainly hypothyroid, which was markedly improved after moxibustion treatment, while the patients with Qi deficiency were mainly euthroid and had no notably change in their thyroid functions after treatment. It was also found that changes in the concentration of plasma cAMP and the ratio of 276- gera: 38922/di/ra [AN IMMUNOLOGICAL INVESTIGATION ON HYPERTHYREOSIS TREATED BY ACUPUNCTURE AND DRUGS]. HU JUN ET AL. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1992;11(1):36 (chi). 277- gera: 39165/di/ra [NEW THERAPY OF SUBACUTE THYROIDITIS]. WU RUIMIN ET AL. beijing journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1992;1:37 (chi). 278- gera: 39916/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON HASHIMOTO'S THYROIDITIS TREATED BY INDIRECT MOXIBUSTION WITH DIFFERENT MEDIATED MATERIALS]. HU GUOSHENG ET AL. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1992;33(5):30 (eng). 279- gera: 39917/di/ra [REPORT OF 56 CASES OF HASHIMOTO'S DISEASE TREATED BY TCM]. WU RUIMIN ET AL. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1992;33(5):33 (eng). 280- gera: 42719/di/ra [TREATMENT OF THYROMA BY SHAN ZHEN CHONG JI: AN OBSERVATION OF 212 CASES]. LI ZHENXI ET AL. new journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1992;24(5):28 (chi). 281- gera: 43457/di/ra [CORRELATION BETWEEN SYNDROME TYPES OF TCM AND PERIPHERAL T LYMPHOCYTE SUBSETS IN GRAVE DISEASE PATIENTS*]. YU YONG-PU ET AL. chinese journal of integrated traditional and western medicine. 1992;12(5):274 (chi*). This paper reports the determined results of OKT3, OKT4, OKT8, ERFC, smIg and CIC, TMCA, TGA in 31 cases of Graves disease and in 20 normal controls. The results showed that the OKT3, OKT4, OKT8, ERFC were significantly lower than those in the normal controls, whereas the smIg was higher than that in normal controls. The difference between the two groups was very significant. Even though the ratio of OKT4/OKT8 showed no significance of both. Typology of Graves disease according to the theory of TCM, all 31 cases were divided into two types: (1) 14 cases of depression of Liver-energy and asthenia of Spleen; (2) 17 cases of deficiency of yin leads to hyperactivity of Fire. The OKT8 and the ratio of OKT4/OKT8 in the latter respectively were lower and higher than those of the former. The difference between the two types was significant (P < 0. 01, P < 0. 05) whereas the positive rates of the CIC, TMCA, TGA also were higher in the deficiency of Yin leads to hyperactivity of Fire than those in the depression of Liver-energy and asthenia of Spleen. After treatment with combined TCM-WM on 31 cases of Graves disease, it was found that the OKT4, OKT8, ERFC were significantly elevated, the smIg was markedly decreased than those without treatment. It was also found that smIg markedly © gera 2010 18 decreased in two types, OKT8, ratio of OKT4/OKT8 in the latter and ERFC in both types all returned to normal. 282- gera: 43869/di/ra [OBSERVATION ON SERUM THYROID HORMONE IN 124 CASES OF LIVER DISEASES IN TCM CONTEXT]. HUANG HUI. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1992;33(10):40 (eng). 283- gera: 44137/di/ra [INTRODUCTION OF XU ZIYIN'S EXPERIENCE FOR THE GOITER]. BIAN WEIHE. shaanxi traditional chinese medicine. 1992;13(10):451 (chi). 284- gera: 44282/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON FUZHENG XIAOYING THERAPY IN TREATING 38 AUTOIMMUNE THYROIDITIS PATIENTS]. CHEN ZHI-CAI ET AL. chinese journal of integrated traditional and western medicine. 1992;12(10):611 (chi). 285- gera: 44497/di/ra [115 CASES OF NODULAR GOITER TREATED WITH XIAO YING (GOITER ELIMINATED) POWDER]. CAO YU ET AL. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1992;33(11):28 (eng). 286- gera: 44848/di/ra [THE OBSERVATION ON THE THERAPEUTIC EFFECT OF THYROIDOMA WITH LASER LIGHT MOXIBUSTION (ABSTRACT)]. XIA YONG RONG. acupuncture research. 1992;17(4):295 (chi). 287- gera: 3569/di/ra ACUPUNCTURE THERAPY FOR CANINE HYPOTHYROIDISM. COTTAM CA. veterinary acupuncture newsletter. 1993;18(2):15-8 (eng). Acupuncture therapy was used to successfully treat canine hypothyroidism, with secondary hair loss, dry skin, weight gain, lethargy, and stiffness without the use of oral thyroid supplementation. 288- gera: 5918/di/cg CASE STUDIES OF THE TREATMENT OF HYPOTHYROIDISM BY MERIDIAN THEORY OF CHINESE MEDICINE. PEI-YING SHEN. third world conference on acupuncture. 1993;:264. (eng). 289- gera: 15068/di/ra ESTUDIO DEL EFECTO CLINICO Y MECANISMO DE ACCION IMMUNOLOGICO DE LA MOXIBUSTION EN EL TRATAMIENTO DE LA TIROIDITIS DE HASHIMOTO. GUOSHENG H ET AL. revista de la medicina tradicional china. 1993;3(4):37-41 (esp). Se trataron 71 casos de tiroiditis de Hashimoto con moxibustion, analizando su funcion inmunologica y tiroidea. Se encontro que la moxibustion era capaz de disminuir los anticuerpos tiroideos en sangre periférica de pacientes hipotiroideos y de recobrar su funcion tiroidea. También se observo que la moxibustion podia disminuir los niveles secretorios de anticuerpos tiroideos y actividad CCDA (citotoxicldad mediada por células dependientes de anticuerpos) de los linfocitos. Ademas, se relaciono el efecto de la moxibustion de disminuir la secrecion de anticuerpos tiroideos con su accion de regular las proporciones de las distintas subseries de linfocitos T. Los resultados indican que el efecto terapéutico de la moxibustion en el tratamiento de la tiroiditis de Hashimoto probablemente se debe a su efecto regulador de las proporciones de las distintas subseries de linfocitos T. 290- gera: 37824/di/ra [49 CASES OF HYPERTHYROIDISM TREATED BY XIAN YING DECOCTION]. GAO ZHANGWU. hubei journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1993;2:25 (chi). 291- gera: 38058/di/ra [STUDY ON RELATIONSHIP OF HYPOTHYROIDISM AND DEFICIENCY OF KIDNEY YANG]. ZHA LIANG-LUN ET AL. chinese journal of integrated traditional and western medicine. 1993;13(4):202 (chi*). 32 cases of hypothyroidism caused by various factors were treated for one year with Chinese medicinal herbs preparation "Shen Lu tablet" (SLT) to warm and reinforce the Kidney Yang. 34 normal persons were studied as a control group. After treatment with SLT, the clinical symptoms of hypothyroidism were markedly improved. Average serum concentration of total T3, T4 increased significantly from 67. 06 ± 4. 81 and 3. 29 ± 0. 42 before treatment to 120. 50 ± 6. 34 ng/dl and 6. 31 ± 0. 38 ¦gs/dl, respectively (P < 0. 001). Serum levels of TSH decreased evidently from 20. 81 ± 2. 78 before therapy to 3. 32 ± 0. 61 ng/ml (P < 0. 001). Before treatment with SLT, hypothyroidism group had higher erythrocyte sodium content ([Na]Rbc) than that of normal group. The permeability of the cell membrane oMNaos and the activity of sodium pump oKNaos in intact erythrocytes were markedly lower in the treated group than that in the normal group. In hypothyroidism patients treated by SLT the [Na]Rbc significantly dropped, and the oNNaos and oKNaos were significantly raised when compared with those before treatment, P < 0. 001. It is suggested that hypothyroidism was closely related with Deficiency of Kidney 292- gera: 38106/di/ra [CHINESE MATERIA MEDICA FOR HYPERTHYROIDISM]. LI WANGUI. shaanxi traditional chinese medicine. 1993;14(5):196 (chi). 293- gera: 38283/di/ra [20 CASES OF HYPERTHYROIDISM TREATED WITH MODIFIED DECOCTION FOR REMOVING BLOOD STASIS IN THE CHEST]. HU JIESHENG. shandong journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1993;2:21 (chi). 294- gera: 38477/di/ra [OBSERVATION ON GOITER TREATED WITH TOPICAL XIAOYING (GOITER-REMOVING) PLASTER]. WANG LIQIN. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1993;34(3):153 (eng*). 295- gera: 38597/di/ra [110 CASES OF THYROIDISM TREATED BY TCM COMBINED WITH WESTERN MEDICINE]. CHEN JINDING ET AL. journal of shandong college of traditional chinese medicine. 1993;17(2):42 (chi). 296- gera: 38710/di/ra [XIAO KE YIN DECOCTION FOR DIABETES]. LI XI. shaanxi traditional chinese medicine. 1993;14(10):436 (chi). 297- gera: 38712/di/ra [COMBINATION OF TCM AND WM FOR SUBACUTE THYROIDITIS]. LIN SICI ET AL. shaanxi traditional chinese medicine. 1993;14(10):439 (chi). 298- gera: 38817/di/ra DIE SCHILDDRÜSE IN DER REGULATION -EINE THEORETISCHE BETRACHTUNG-. NEPP J. deutsche zeitschrift für akupunktur. 1993;36(1):17-20 (deu). [The thyroid gland and regulation (theoretical considerations). 299- gera: 38827/di/ra TREATMENT OF THYROID DISEASES WITH CHINESE HERBAL MEDICINE, PART I. SUGHUTI DHARMANANDA. international journal of oriental medicine. 1993;18(1):11-21 (eng). 300- gera: 38850/di/ra A STUDY ON THE CLINICAL EFFECT AND IMMUNOLOGICAL MECHANISM IN THE TREATMENT OF HASHIMOTO'S THYROIDITIS BY MOXIBUSTION. HU GUOSHENG ET AL. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1993;13(1):14-8 (eng). 71 cases of Hashimoto's thyroiditis were treated by moxibustion and their immune function and thyroid function were observed. It was found that moxibustion was able to reduce the thyroid antibodies in the peripheral blood of the patients with hypothyroidism and to recover their thyroid © gera 2010 19 function. It was also found that moxibustion could lower the thyroid antibody secretory levels and ADCC (antibodydependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity) activities of the lymphocytes. In addition, the action of moxibustion in reducing the secretion of thyroid antibodies was related to its action of regulating the proportions of T lymphocyte subsets. The results indicate that the treatment of Hashimoto's thyroiditis by moxibustion is probably accomplished through its effect in regulating the relationship 301- gera: 45386/di/ra [EFFECT OF YIN AND QI TONIFYING HERBS ON HYPERTHYROID MODEL OF YIN-DEFICIENT RATS]. GUO X ET AL. china journal of chinese materia medica. 1993;18(8):494-5, 5 (chi*). The article reports the effect of Yin and Qi tonifying herbs (Radix Rehmanniae, Radix Ophiopogonis and Pseudostellaria Heterophylla) on hyperthyroid model of Yin-deficient rats. The model rats were made Yin-deficient by injecting thyroxine. Observation showed that after injection, indexes such as anus temperature, oxygen consumption, weight, diet, activity, general conditions, triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) in serum were markedly changed. It is thus suggested that the Yin and Qi tonifying mixture of the above three herbs can regulate and correct Yin-deficiency in hyperthyroid model of Yin-deficient rats. 302- gera: 46300/di/ra [HYPOTHYROIDISM TREATED BY TCM]. LI QIUGUI ET AL. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1993;34(9):542 (eng). 303- gera: 46372/di/ra [DYNAMIC OBSERVATION ON HORMONE METABOLISM IN VIVO OF HYPERTHYROSIS TREATED WITH ACUPUNCTURE AND MEDICINE]. HU JUN ET AL. henan traditional chinese medicine. 1993;13(3):114 (chi). 304- gera: 46524/di/ra [EFFECT OF YIN AND QI TONIFYING HERBS ON HYPERTHYROID MODEL OF YIN-DEFICIENT RATS]. GUO XIANG ET AL. china journal of chinese materia medica. 1993;18(8):494 (chi*). The article reports the effect of Yin and Qi tonifying herbs (Radix Rehmanniae, Radix Ophiopogonis and Pseudostellaria Heterophylla) on hyperthyroid model of Yin-deficient rats. The model rats were made Yin-deficient by injecting thyroxine. Observation showed that after injection, indexes such as anus temperature, oxygen consumption, weight, diet, activity, general conditions, triiodothyronine(T3) and thyroxine (T4) in serum were markedly changed. It is thus suggested that the Yin and Qi tonifying mixture of the above three herbs can regulate and correct Yin-deficiency in hyperthyroid model of Yin-deficient rats. 305- gera: 46898/di/ra [EFFECT OF HYPERTHYREOSIS BY SUPPLEMENTING QI AND NOURISHING YIN ON 3 CASES]. CHENG YAN ET AL. practical journal of integrating chinese with modern medicine. 1993;6(7):0 (chi). 306- gera: 47751/di/ra [REPORT OF 37 CASES OF THYROID TUMOR TREATED BY HAI ZAO KUN BU GAN CAO TANG]. XU SHAN YU. acta chinese medicine and pharmacology. 1993;6:30 (chi). 307- gera: 48406/di/ra [APPLICATION OF ACUPUNCTURE ANAESTHESIA IN THE REMOVE OF THYROID MASSES]. LI SHAO-HUA ET AL. shanxi journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1993;9(6):43 (chi). 308- gera: 48844/di/ra TREATMENT OF THYROID DISEASE WITH CHINESE HERBAL MEDICINE, PART II. SUBHUTI DHARMANANDA. international journal of oriental medicine. 1993;18(2):57-71 (eng). A wide range of treatment modalities are presented for hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, and thyroid tumor, including TCM and kampo heral fomulas and single herbs ; acupuncture ; moxibustion ; dietary recommendations ; and Western pharmaceuticals. 309- gera: 112911/di/ra [EFFECTS OF KIDNEY TONIC HERBS ON THE LEVELS OF TESTOSTERONE AND THYROID HORMONE IN SERUM OF THE SALICYLATE MODEL RATS]. WANG JING, SHI JIANRONG, GUO RUIXIN, ET AL. chinese journal of integrated traditional and western medicine otorhinol aryngology. 1993;11(1):5 (chi*). 310- gera: 45195/di/ra [DETERMINATION OF HEPATOCYTE ADRENERGIC ALPHA 1 RECEPTOR AND STUDY ON ACTIONS OF NOURISHING YIN AND REPLENISHING QI DRUGS IN EXPERIMENTAL HYPERTHYROID RATS]. SHAN JC . chinese journal of integrated traditional and western medicine. 1994;14(2):96-8, 69 (chi). In this study, hyperthyroid rat models (group 1) were established by daily intramuscular injections of thyroxine for 7 days. Group 2 were hyperthyroid rats receiving at the same time Nourishing Yin and Replenishing Qi drugs (Ophiopogonis japonis, Pseudostellariae heterophylla and Rehmannia glutinosa). Normal rats served as controls. Group 1 and group 2 rats showed manifestations of hyperthyroidism, higher rectal temperature, increased O2 consumption, as well as significantly higher serum TT3 and TT4 levels. Receptor proteins of liver cell membrane were prepared. Receptor binding assay was performed using 3H-prazosin (adrenergic alpha 1 receptor antagonist) as radioligand, maximal binding capacity (Bmax) and dissociation constant (Kd) were calculated from Scatchard curve. It was found Bmax (fmol/mg protein) in model groups were lower than that of the control group, but the differences were not statistically significant. Kd (nM) in group 1 was significantly lower than that of control group (2. 32 ± 1. 09 vs 5. 42 ± 2. 54, P < 0. 05), indicating that receptor affinity was increased in hyperthyroid rats. Kd in group 2 (3. 11 ± 1. 48) was intermediate between that in group 1 and controls, suggesting that these Chinese herbal medicine might have an effect in lowering receptor affinity and the peripheral conversion of T4 to T3. 311- gera: 47885/di/ra [24 CASES OF ENDECTOTREATING SUBACUTE THYROIDITIS]. WANG WEI. liaoning journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1994;21(10):461 (chi). 312- gera: 48661/di/ra STUDIO SULL'EFFICACIA CLINICA E SUL MECCANISMO IMMUNOLOGICO DEL TRATTAMENTO DELLA TIROIDITE DI HASHIMOTO CON MOXIBUSTIONE. HU GUOSHENG ET AL. rivista italiana di medicina tradizionale cinese. 1994;55(1):42-5 (ita). La tiroidite di Hashimoto, uno dei più comuni tra i disturbi della tiroide, è una tipica patologia autoimmune. Il trattamento di alcuni pazienti con moxibustione ha ottenuto un miglioramento clinico, la riduzione dei livelli sierici di anticorpi antitiroidei e il recupero della funzionalità tiroidea nei casi di ipotiroidismo. Il risultato si è dimostrato stabile a lungo termine. In questo lavoro sarà analizzato il meccanismo d'azione della moxibustione osservando gli effetti clinici e le modificazioni dei valori immunologici durante il 313- gera: 49011/di/ra CASE STUDIES OF THE TREATMENT OF HYPOTHYROIDISM BY MERIDIAN THEORY OF CHINESE MEDICINE. SHEN PEIYING. world journal of acupuncture moxibustion. 1994;4(1):24-7 (eng). Some patients with hypothyroidism still remain symptom after prolonged treatment with thyroxine. Alternative treatment needs to be explored. The treatment is described as overlap of acupuncture, supplemented with electric acupuncture , magnetic acupuncture, ear acupuncture, herbal treatment and acupressure of thyroid. The result of two case studies will be discussed in the presentation. The theoretical basis for the approach will also be explored. In Chinese medicine, hypothyroidism is often defined as spleen deficiency in the early stage and can be treated with ISRQ recipes (Invigorating © gera 2010 20 the Spleen and Replenishing the Qi). In the chronic stage, hypothyroidism can be seen as kidney deficiency and can be treated with KRR (Kidney Reinforcing Regimen ) . Hypothyroidism symptoms are sometimes difficult to treat. However, TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) diagnosis and treatment are based on an overall analysis of the illness according to patients condition. After successful treament of TCM, patients can [REPORT OF 212 CASES OF RADIO-THYROIDOSIS TREATED BY TCM]. LIN LAN. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1994;35(7):411 (eng*). For radio-thyroidisis, traditional Chinese medicine not only yields rather satisfactory effect, improves symptoms and signs, and lab parameters, but also strengthens body immunity. It also alleviates or eliminates adverse reactions when using western medicaments alone. 314- gera: 49273/di/ra [A STUDY INTO "GOITER"]. ZHAO-EN-JIAN. tianjin journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1994;11(4):1 (chi). 323- gera: 56091/di/ra TREATMENT OF THYROID ADENOMA WITH HE-NE LASER ACUPUNCTURE. XIA YONG-RONG. international journal of clinical acupuncture. 1994;5(3):355-6 (eng). 315- gera: 49422/di/ra [THYROPATHY TREATED ACCORDING TO THE THEORY OF YIN DEFICIENCY BY WAN RUIDAO]. LIU YUJIAN. shandong journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1994;5:224 (chi). 316- gera: 49467/di/ra [ZHENG DIFFERENTIATION-TREATMENT OF HYPERTHYROIDISM]. JIANG ZHAOSHUN. shaanxi journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1994;15(6):251 (chi). 317- gera: 49479/di/ra [CURRENT SITUATION OF HYPERTHYROIDISM TREATED BY TRADITIONAL CHINESE MEDICINE]. YANG GUOHUA. shaanxi journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1994;15(6):285 (chi). 318- gera: 49531/di/ra [ANALYSIS OF THE RELIEVING EFFECT OF ACUPUNCTURE ON THYROID POSTOPERATIVE REACTION]. ZHOU SHOUJING ET AL. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1994;13(3):102 (chi). 319- gera: 49716/di/ra TREATMENT OF 51 CASES OF HYPERTHYROIDISM BY PUNCTURING EFFECTIVE POINTS. . ZHANG YAOHUA ET AL. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1994;14(3):16770 (eng). 320- gera: 49904/di/re ELECTROCHEMICAL THERAPY (ECT) FOR THYROID ADENOMA DURING ACUPUNCTURE ANAESTHESIA : ANALYSIS OF 46 PATIENTS. . SONG LIE-CAI ET AL. eur j surg suppl. 1994;574:79-81 (eng). Between February 1989 and April 1993, 46 patients with thyroid adenoma were treated by electrochemical treatment (ECT) during acupuncture anaesthesia. After three months to four years follow up period, the cure rate was 97.8%. ECT is a new technique wich provides simple, effective and safe treatment of thyroid adenoma. Treatment of benign tumours with ECT represents a new application. 321- gera: 53864/nd/re [THE EFFECT OF BAJI ZIBUGAO ON THE SERUM LEVELS OF ENDOCRINES IN THYROIDECTOMIZED (YANG DEFICIENCY) RABBITS]. XU M ET AL. hua hsi i ko ta hsueh hsueh pao. 1994;25(4):431-3 (chi*). In order to study the effect of Baji Zibugao (BJZBG, a medicinal plaster mainly consisting of Radix Morindae Officinalis) on the endocrine functions of hypothyroid rabbits, we determined the serum levels of thyroxine (T4), triiodothyronine (T3), cAMP, cGMP and corticosterone in three groups of rabbits: total thyroidectomized and untreated (group I), total thyroidectomized and treated with BJZBG (group II) and controls (group III). The results showed: (1) The serum level of T4 in group I and II after operation was significantly lower than that before operation (P < 0. 005), and the serum level of T3 in group I was also lower than that before operation (P < 0. 02), but the change of T3 in group II after operation was not significant (P > 0. 05); (2) The serum cAMP level in group I after operation decreased and the cGMP level increased (P < 0. 025), but the changes of cAMP and cGMP level in group II after operation were not significant (P > 0. 05), (3) The change of serum corticosterone level in group I 322- gera: 54013/di/ra 324- gera: 58193/di/ra CHINESE REFLECTIONS ON THYROID GLAND DISORDERS. (ABSTRACT). DAN POP M. acupuncture in medicine. 1994;12(1):67 (eng ). 325- gera: 79976/di/ra [LEIGONGTENGDUDAN TABLETS (TRIPTERYGIUM WILFORDII HOOK. F.) FOR TREATING SUBACUTE THYROIDITIS]. YAO HUAIFANG ET AL. chinese traditional patent medicine. 1994;16(10):26 (chi). 326- gera: 82601/di/ra EXPLORATION D'UNE THYROIDE. NGUYEN TRONG KHANH. revue francaise de mtc. 1994;163:147-9 (fra). 327- gera: 85010/di/ra [CLINICAL DEVELOPMENT ON TREATING HYPERTHYROIDISM WITH TCM]. ZHONGHUI Z. henan traditional chinese medicine. 1994;14(2):119 (chi). 328- gera: 85194/di/ra [DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT OF HYPERTHYROID FROM THE VIEWPOINT OF QI THEORY]. PAN WENKUI. henan traditional chinese medicine. 1994;14(6):332 (chi). 329- gera: 85212/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON 46 CASES OF THYROMA TREATED BY ZHUYIZI TANG]. MENG DANSHI. hubei journal of tcm. 1994;16(2):22 (chi). 330- gera: 85383/di/ra [TREATMENT OF 22 CASES OF HYPERTHYROIDISM ACCOMPANIED BY LIVER DAMAGE WITH TCM AND WESTERN MEDICINE COMBINED]. HAN QIUYU ET AL. jiangsu journal of tcm. 1994;15(7):15 (chi). 331- gera: 86129/di/ra [DIFFERENTIATION AND TREATMENT OF HYPERTHYROIDISM]. LU XIANCHANG ET AL. journal of zhejiang college of tcm. 1994;18(3):10 (chi*). According to the patients' symptoms and signs such as size of thyroid, palmus, sleepless, exophthalmus, spontaneous perspiration, overeating and pathologic leanness, author treated hyperthyroidism by the method of purging the liver of pathogenic fire, or the method of soothing the liver and resolving phlegm or the method of nourishing yin and suppressing hyperactive, and paid attention to psychotherapy. 332- gera: 91011/di/ra [CLINICAL TREATMENT OF HASHIMOTO'S THYROIDITIS]. LIU YING-MIN. practical journal of integrating chinese with modern medicine. 1994;7(3):134 (chi). 333- gera: 153580/di/co LE DIABETE NON INSULINO-DEPENDANT ET INSULINODEPENDANT. FONTAINE C,. rencontres de medecine chinoise. 1994;26 MARS:49-58 (fra). 334- gera: 153584/di/co HYPER ET HYPOTHYROIDIE EN ACUPUNCTURE. NGUYEN T-K,. rencontres de medecine chinoise bon encontre. 1994;26 MARS:86-92 (fra). 335- gera: 5708/di/ra [COMPARISON BETWEEN CLINICAL THERAPEUTIC © gera 2010 21 EFFECTS OF HYPERTHYROIDISM TREATED WITH ACUPUNCTURE AT DIFFERENT INTERVALS]. HU JUN ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1995;15(6):1 (chi*). Hyperthyroidism was treated with combination of acupuncture with a small dose of tapazole (10mg/day). The treatment was given respectively once, twice and three sessions each week and their therapeutic effects were compared. Results showed that there was no significant difference (P> 0. 05) between two and three sessions each week in the therapeutic effect. Also, the disease condition could be controled when the acupuncture treatment was administered twice each week for recurrent patients and only once a week for incipient patients. 336- gera: 20975/di/ra [ACTUAL STATE OF CHILDREN'S THYROID CANCER IN TCHERNOBYL AND DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT AT THE SPOT]. X. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1995;45(1):6. (jap). 337- gera: 23265/di/ra [EXPERIENCE ON DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT OF HYPERTHYROIDISM]. ZIXIAO W. journal of tcm. 1995;36(6):334 (chi). 338- gera: 23923/di/ra [OPERATION OF HYPERTHYROIDISM UNDER ACUPUNCTURE ANESTHESIA, REPORT OF 108 CASES]. YUHUA W ET AL. journal of tcm. 1995;36(9):536 (chi). 339- gera: 26462/di/ra [NFLUENCE OF KIDNEY-WARMING AND YANGREINFORCING HERBS ON BLOOD RHEOLOGY OF ANIMAL MODEL OF YANG DEFICIENCY]. MING X ET AL. china journal of traditional chinese medicine and pharmacy. 1995;10(2):27 (chi*). Observing the rheology indexes of group of yang deficiency ( rabbits with removing of thyroid), treatment group (filling the kidney-warming and yang-reinforcing decoction into rabbits with removing of thyroid) and control group (rabbits with pseudo-operation on thyroid), we found that, in the group of yang deficiency, the packed cell volume, whole blood viscosity and sympexis decreased and the plasma viscosity increased (p< 0. 05~0. 005), which suggested it be not completely accordance with the general blood stagnation syndrome; in the treatment group, the abnormal degree of the most indexes were lighter than those in the group of yang deficiency. This experiment showed significance in exploring the pathology of yang deficiency syndrome and blood stagnation syndrome and their relationship, as well as the reasonableness of applying yin-nourishing and blood-activating herbs to the yang 340- gera: 54114/di/ra [THE EFFECT OF INTEGRATED ACUPUNCTURE AND DRUG ON PLASMA ß-ENDORPHIN CONTENT IN PATIENTS WITH GRAVE'S DISEASE]. HU JUN ET AL. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1995;14(2):51 (chi*). 341- gera: 54519/di/ra [EFFECT OF THYROID IMMUNE LIQUOR ON ERYTHROCYTE IMMUNE FUNCTION IN PATIENTS WITH AUTOIMMUNE THYROIDITIS]. LU YUE-CHAN ET AL. chinese journal of integrated traditional and western medicine. 1995;15(7):414-5 (chi). Thirty cases of autoimmune thyroiditis (AT) were treated with thyroid immune liquor (TIL). The results showed that the activity of erythrocyte C3b receptor and erythrocyte immune adherence enhancing factor were significantly increased, while erythrocyte immune complex and erythrocyte immune adherence inhibiting factor were decreased. The thyroid microsome-antibody and thyroid globulin-antibody were also significantly decreased. This indicates that the TIL has adjustive effect on humoral immunity and cellular immunity in patients with AT. 342- gera: 56221/di/ra ACUPUNCTURE ALONE VERSUS ACUPUNCTURE PLUS TAPAZOLE IN TREATMENT OF GRAVE'S DISEASE. HU JUN ET AL. international journal of clinical acupuncture. 1995;6(4):383-7 (eng). 343- gera: 66875/di/ra [92 CASES OF CYSTIC DEGENERATION OF THYROID ADENOMA TREATED WITH THE METHOD OF PROMOTING BLOOD CIRCULATION TO REMOVE BLOOD STASIS]. LUO HUIYAN. shanghai journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1995;4:36 (chi). 344- gera: 78806/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON 33 CASES OF HYPERTHYREOSIS TREATED WITH NOURISHING YIN TO REDUCE PATHOGENIC FIRE THERAPY]. JIN WEIPING ET AL. hunan journal of tcm. 1995;11(1):11 (chi). 345- gera: 78869/di/ra [BRIEF SUMMARY OF 49 CASES OF HYPERTHYROIDISM TREATED WITH XIAOYINJIAN]. GAO ZHANGWU. jiangxi journal of tcm. 1995;26(1):25 (chi). 346- gera: 79033/di/ra [TREATING 15 CASES OF HYPERTHYROIDISM POSTOPERATIVE HYPOCALCEMIC CONVULSION WITH "HU QIAN WAN"]. LI MAO-HUAI ET AL. zhejiang journal of tcm. 1995;30(11):495 (chi). 347- gera: 79057/di/ra [LIU WEI DI HUANG TANG DECOCTION FOR THYREOPHYMA]. DU XIDAI. shaanxi journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1995;16(11):485 (chi). 348- gera: 84916/di/ra TRATTAMENTO DI 51 CASI DI IPERTIROIDISMO CON L'UTILIZZO DEI PUNTI EFFICACI. YAOHUA Z ET AL. rivista italiana di medicina tradizionale cinese. 1995;61(3):31-2 (ita). Résumé à entrer. 349- gera: 86764/di/ra [TREATMENT OF HYPERTHYROIDISM BY SAN JIA FUMAI DECOCTION]. XIAO MIAO-E ET AL. yunnan journal of tcm and materia medica. 1995;16(5):30 (chi). 350- gera: 88259/di/ra [12 CASES OF THYROMA CURED BY XIAO YING DECOCTION]. QIAO WEIXUN ET AL. shandong journal of tcm. 1995;14(3):106 (chi). 351- gera: 88735/di/ra [TREATMENT OF HYPERTHYROIDISM WITH EXOPHTHALMOS]. WANG XIAOMIN ET AL. jiangsu journal of tcm. 1995;16(10):41 (chi). 352- gera: 90262/di/ra [TREATMENT OF HYPERTHYROIDISM BY JIA KANG PING TANG: A CLINICAL OBSERVATION OF 65 CASES]. ZHENG JUNXU ET AL. new journal of tcm. 1995;27(1):17 (chi). 353- gera: 107259/di/ra CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON TREATMENT OF HYPERTHYROIDISM WITH INTEGRATED CHINESE MEDICINE. LIN ZHE-ZHANG, CHEN YAO, PANG MING, ET AL. chinese journal of integrated traditional and western medicine (english edition). 1995;1(4):278 (eng). 354- gera: 136250/di/ra TRATAMIENTO DE 51 CASOS DE HIPERTIROIDISMO MEDIANTE PUNCIÓN DE PUNTOS EFICACES. ZHANG YAOHUA ET AL. revista de la medicina tradicional china. 1995;5(1): 9-11 (esp). 355- gera: 55191/di/ra [REGULATION ACTION OF NEEDLING ON THE VEGETATIVE NERVOUS FUNCTION IN HYPERTHYROIDISM PATIENTS]. HE JINSEN ET AL. journal of tcm. 1996;37(6):366 (chi*). By observing the vegetative nervous balance index excretion © gera 2010 22 amount of CA in urine, contents of T4, T8 in serum contents of cAMP, cGMP in plasma, before and after needling in hyperthyroidism patients, it was shown that when treatment was given by acupuncturing based on Zheng differentiation, all indices can be markedly improved. The decrease of serum thyroxin content was especially apparent, demonstrating that needling treatment was potential for the therapy of hyperthyroidism, which was closely related to the adjusting action of acupuncturing on vegetative nervous function, rendering it in a relative stable condition. present paper, it was reported that one case of subacute thyroiditis with hyperthyoidism at the late stage was cured with acupuncture at Renying (ST 9) , Fengchi (GB 20) , Jiaji points on the neck and other points. In the treatment, differentiation of symptoms and signs was combined with differentiation of disease, selection of proximal acupoints was combined with selection of distal acupoints. The patient was treated in accordance with his physique. Therefore, the therapeutic effects were obtained rapidly. 356- gera: 57005/di/ra [THE TCM NAME OF THYROIDITIS]. SONG JINGGUI. journal of shandong college of tcm. 1996;20(3):169 (chi). 363- gera: 91616/di/ra [THE CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE AND CHANGE OF DEFICIENCY OF BOTH TRACE ELEMENT OF DIABETIC]. CHU WEI ET AL. practical journal of integrating chinese with modern medicine. 1996;9(3):139 (chi). 357- gera: 67509/di/ra [A STUDY ON OBSERVATION OF BONE METABOLISM IN MIDDLE-AGED AND SENILE FEMALE GRAVES' DISEASE]. ZHU LI-QUN ET AL. chinese journal of integrated traditional and western medicine. 1996;16(8):467 (chi*). Sixty-nine cases of middle aged and senile female Graves' desease (GD) patients suffered from abnormal bone metabolism have been studied. They were divided randomly into group A and B, treated separately with antithyroid drugs (Tapazol and inderal, etc.) in group A, and added with Chinese herbal medicine for tonifying Kidney and promoting blood circulation in group B. Before treatment, patients of both groups showed obvious higher blood calcium (Ca) 24-hour urinary Ca, phosphorus (P) and serum clcitonin (CT) levels than that in norm, al subjects. These patients' serum Ca, moreover, had a parallel relationship with serum T3 levels (r = 0.6142, P <0.01) and the serum Ca also a parallelled with serum CT levels (r = 0.5714, P<0.05). After six months of treatment, the serum Ca, 24-hour urinary Ca, P and blood CT values were all reduced in various degree. The decrease of these bone metabolic parameters were more significant in group B than that in group A. 364- gera: 57419/di/ra ACUPUNCTURE IN THE TREATMENT OF HYPERTHYROIDISM : A CASE REPORT. COLBERT AP ET AL. medical acupuncture. 1997;9(1):33-8 (eng ). The Western medical management of hyperthyroidism (thyrotoxicosis) utilizes drugs, radioactive iodine, surgery and/or iodinated contrast agents. All of these treatment approaches have potential complications, with a particularly high incidence of hypothyroidism after treatment with radioactive iodine. Although Traditional Chinese Medicine does not recognise the existence of the thyroid gland as such, it offers several approaches for managing the constellation of symptoms associated with both hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism. This case report describes a 44 year old woman diagnosed with hyperthyroidism who declined standard medical interventions and instead elected a trial of acupuncture. After twenty acupuncture treatments over a seven month period, supplemented by a home program of ion pumping cord and magnet therapy, she became clinically and biochemically euthyroid. 358- gera: 67992/di/ra [TREATMENT OF DIFFUSE GOITER ACCOMPANIED BY HYPERTHYROIDISM WITH SELF-PRODUCED YING LIU SYRUP]. ZHONG JIABAO ET AL. shanghai journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1996;3:20 (chi). 359- gera: 84695/di/ra [BRIEF ON SHAO JINGMING'S EXPERIENCE IN ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION TREATMENT OF GOITER]. SUJU S. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1996;15(1):8 (chi). 360- gera: 85339/di/ra CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON HASHIMOTO'S THYROIDITIS TREATED BY INDIRECT MOXIBUSTION WITH VARIOUS CHINESE MEDICINES. HU GUOSHENG ET AL. journal of tcm. 1996;16(1):27-32 (eng). 361- gera: 85669/di/ra COMPARISON ON THE CLINICAL EFFECT IN THE TREATMENT OF HYPERTHYROIDISM WITH DIFFERENT ACUPUNCTURE INTERVAL. HU JUN ET AL. world journal of acupuncture-moxibustion. 1996;6(2):36-9 (eng). Comparative observation was taken in 112 patients of hyperthyroidism. These patient were treated by both acupuncture and small dosage (10 mg once daily) of Methimazole. The acupuncture was given once weekly in group 1, twice in group 2, and thrice in group 3. The result shows that there is no significant difference in therapeutic effect between group 2 and group 3 (P > 0. 05). Further analysis discovered that two times' acupuncture given weekly is suitable to recrudescent patient, while in new patient the symptoms can be controlled 362- gera: 85674/di/ra ACUPUNCTURE TREATMENT OF SUBACUTE THYROIDITIS WITH HYPERTHYROIDISM AT THE LATE STAGE. LI XINHONG. world journal of acupuncturemoxibustion. 1996;6(2):52-4 (eng). Causes inducing subacute thyroiditis have been unclear, but clinically it is treated mostly with cortical hormones. In the 365- gera: 57737/di/ra OSSERVAZIONE CLINICA DEL TRATTAMENTO DELLA TIROIDITE DI HASHIMOTO TRAMITE MOXIBUSTIONE INDIRETTA CON VARI FARMACI CINESI. HU GUOSHENG ET AL. rivista italiana di medicina tradizionale cinese. 1997;67(1):47-50 (ita ). 366- gera: 69033/di/ra [OBSERVATION ON EFFECTS OF COMBINED TREATMENT OF ACUPUNCTURE AND MEDICINE ON CONTENTS OF THYROID HORMONES AND CHANGES OF T-LYMPHOCYTE SUBGROUPS IN PATIENTS OF HYPERTHYROIDISM]. LU YANYAO ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1997;17(8):457 (chi). 367- gera: 70398/di/ra TRATAMIENTO DEL HIPERTIROIDISMO EN LA MTCH SEGUN LA DIFERENCIACION DE SINDROMES. WEI ZIXIAO. journal of traditionnal chinese medicine. 1997;13:8-12 (esp). 368- gera: 70534/di/ra A CASE OF HYPERTHYROIDISM TREATED WITH KANPO MEDICINE AND ACUPUNCTURE. ABSTRACT. BAKER L ET AL. focus on alternative and complementary therapies. 1997;2(4):185 (eng). 369- gera: 73915/di/ra [ROLE OF SUPPLEMENTING QI AND NOURISHING YIN IN TREATING SENILE DIABETES]. ZHANG FENGXIA ET AL. journal of shandong university of tcm. 1997;21(3):201 (chi). 370- gera: 58665/di/ra TRATTAMENTO DIFFERENZIALE DELL' IPERTIROIDISMO SECONDO LA MTC. ZIXIAO W. rivista italiana di medicina tradizionale cinese. 1998;73(3):42-6 (ita ). 371- gera: 58844/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON 30 CASES OF THYROID TUBERCLES TREATED BY ACUPUNCTURE WITH THE GOLD NEEDLE]. XU JIANZHONG ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1998;18(7):417 (chi ). © gera 2010 23 372- gera: 66540/di/ra [CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF TREATING THYROID BENIGN NODES BY REGULATING VITAL ENERGY AND DISPERSING THE ACCUMULATION OF EVILS]. YE LIN. journal of shandong university of traditional chinese medicine. 1998;22(4):264 (chi*). The aim of this study was to discover the therapeutic mechanism that treating thyroid benign nodes by Xiaoying Decoction (the formula of regulating vital energy and dispersing the accumulation of evils). It has been proved by clinical observation that the formula can treat thyroid benign nodes effectively. In treatment of 35 cases with the formual, the cure rate was 40% , and the total effective rate was 91. 4%. It has also been proved by animal experiment that the formula can resist enlargement of thyroid in mice caused by oral propylthiouracilum, it can improve the function of thyroid follicular epithelium cell, then make it come into normal that the formation of follicle. According to the herbal study done before, it has been found that the formula can complement the deficiency of iodine, it has either antiradiation action or ability to resist the action of thioureas. So it is able to prevent and treat thyroid benign nodes which caused by the defficiency of iodine radiation injury and thioureas. Because of the antiviral action and the ability to regulate the immunizaion, the formula can treat the Iymphocytic thyroiditis related to the virus infection. On the other hand, this formula can resist malignant tumour, so it can prevent the benign nodes from transformating into carcinoma. It can avoid the hyperthyroid that is introduced or aggravated by treatment, because it has little effect on releasing of thyroid hormone. 373- gera: 66553/di/ra [CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH ON TREATING HYPERTHYROIDISM WITH XIAOYING TABLETS]. SUN FENGLEI. journal of shandong university of traditional chinese medicine. 1998;22(3):206 (chi*). The research indicated that the main pathogenesis of hyperthyroidism was deficiency of Qi and Yin, hyperactivity of fire-heat, combination of phlegm and blood stasis and restlessness of mind, so the therapeutic method should be supplementing Qi and nourishing Yin, clearing away pathological heat, resolving phlegm and softening hardness, promoting blood circulation to remove blood stasis and tranquilizing the mina. In accordance with the therapeutic method, the recipe called Xiao Ying Pian was cratfted, 40 cases of hyperthyroidism were treated by Xiao Ying Pian, the obviously effective rate was 42. 5% , the total effective rate was 87.5%, there was no significant statistical difference between Xiao Ying Pian group and PTU group (P>0.05). The experimental research showed that Xiao Ying Pian could improve the weight, lower the anus temperature, reduce oxygen 374- gera: 67237/di/ra DIFFERENTIATION AND TCM TREATMENTHYPERTHYROIDISM. WEI ZIXIAO. journal of chinese medicine. 1998;57:30-2 (eng). 375- gera: 67641/di/ra [CLINICAL INVESTIGATION ON TREATMENT OF INTEGRATED TRADITIONAL AND WESTERN MEDICINE IN HYPERTHYROIDISM WITH LEUKOCYTOPENIA INDUCED BY SULFOUREA DRUGS]. LU WEIMING. chinese journal of integrated traditional and western medicine. 1998;18(1):18 (chi*). Objective: To seek for a safe and effective drug to treat hyperthyroidism. Methods: Sixty cases of hyperthyroidism with leukocytopenia induced by sulfourea drugs were divided into treatment and control groups by 31 cases who were treated by traditional medicine Syndrome Differentiation and 29 cases who were treated by conventional western medicine alone respectively at random. They were estimated by total effective rate, major symptoms, WBC and immunological tests after four weeks. Results: The total effective rate in the treatment group ( 96. 8 % ) was more effective than that in the control group (86.2 %, P < 0.05). The symptom recovery rate in the treatme group was better than that in the control group. The WBC in both were all increased, but in the treatment group, was better than that in the control group ( P < 0. 05) . The positive to negative rate of thyroglobulin antibody a! thyromicrosome antibody in the treatment group was better than that in the control group ( P < 0.01 ) . Conclusion : signs: It can not only improve the symptoms and immune function, but also increase WBC by using western 376- gera: 68528/di/ra [EFFECTS OF INTEGRATED TRADITIONAL AND WESTERN THERAPY ON HASHIMOTO'S THYROIDITIS]. KONG DEMING ET AL. china journal of traditional chinese medicine and pharmacy. 1998;13(3):35 (chi). 377- gera: 68531/di/ra [50 CASES OF DIABETES TREATED WITH SELF-MADE YIQI QIANGTANG TANG]. HOU RONGFENG. china journal of traditional chinese medicine and pharmacy. 1998;13(3):45 (chi). 378- gera: 69531/di/ra [DAI QI'S EXPERIENCE ABOUT DIFFERENTIATION AND TREATMENT OF HYPERTHYROIDISM]. WANG ZHEMIN. journal of shandong university of traditional chinese medicine. 1998;22(2):134 (chi). 379- gera: 69833/di/ra [EFFECT OF LONGDAN JIEDU DECOCTION FOR THE TREATMENT OF SUBACUTE THYROIDITIS, REPORT OF 40 CASES]. GUO DIANWU ET AL. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1998;39(3):158 (eng). 380- gera: 72821/di/ra THREE CASES OF THYROID DISEASE TREATED WITH ACUPUNCTURE AND JAPANESE KANPO MEDICINE. ABSTRACT. BAKER L. focus on alternative and complementary therapies. 1998;3(4):181 (eng). 381- gera: 73167/di/ra ENFERMEDADES DE LA TIROIDES. BOSSY J. revista argentina de acupuntura. 1998;87:30-1 (esp). 382- gera: 74299/di/ra [CLINICAL STUDY ON SIMPLE GOITER TREATED WITH XIAOYING POWDER]. YANG YOUWEN ET AL. journal of tcm. 1998;39(9):545 (chi). 383- gera: 108824/di/ra EFFECT AND MECHANISM ON MAINLY USING TRADITIONAL CHINESE MEDICINE OF REPLENISHING QI AND NOURISHING YIN IN TREATING GRAVES' DISEASE. ZHA LIANGLUN. chinese journal of integrated traditional and western medicine. 1998;4(3):178 (eng). 384- gera: 34588/di/ra [CLINICAL INVESTIGATION OF HYPERTHYROIDISM TREATED WITH JIAKANGXIAO]. LIAO SHIHUANG ET AL. liaoning journal of tcm. 1999;26(9):416 (chi). 385- gera: 58880/di/ra [TREATMENT OF 49 CASES OF ADULT HYPOTHYROIDISM WITH "YUJIA DECOCTION"]. WANG BAOLIN. jiangsu journal of tcm. 1999;20(4):21 (chi ). 386- gera: 58976/di/ra [CLINICAL STUDY ON HYPERTHYROIDISM OF YANG HYPERACTIVITY TYPE DUE TO YIN DEFICIENCY TREATED BY JIAKANG NING CAPSULE]. LIN LAN ET AL. chinese journal of integrated traditional and western medicine. 1999;19(3):144 (chi*). Objective: To investigate the effect of Jiakang Ning (JKN) capsule on hyperthyroidism. Methods : Eighty-five cases of hyperthyroidism were divided into JKN group (24 cases), JKN with low dose Tapazol group (35 cases) and Tapazol control group (26 cases) at random. The effects were evaluated by total effective rate, using principal symptoms, body weight, EKG, thyroid hormone and atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) after 6 months. Results: The total effective rates of three groups were 83.8%, 97.1%, 88.5% respectively, and there were insignificant difference among them statistically (P>0.05). The © gera 2010 24 first two groups had better effect in principal symptoms than Tapazol control group (P < 0.05). There were similar results in adjusting thyroid dysfunction and abnormal EKG, decreasing ANP and increasing body weight among those three groups (P > 0.05). Conclusion: The effect on hyperthyroidism treatment by JKN capsule was satisfactory. The combination of Chinese herbs with western medicine could 387- gera: 59643/di/ra [STUDY ON EFFECT OF GUIBI PILL (PLASTRUM TESTUDINIS, CARAPAX TRIONYCIS) ON IMMUNE FUNCTION OF EXPERIMENTAL MICE]. FAN CHUNLE ET AL. chinese traditional patent medicine. 1999;21(5):245 (chi*). Guibi Pill can obviously strengthen the immune function of mice, including increasing the weights of thymus and spleen, improving the phagocytosis of uninucleate phagocyte, enhancing the delayed type of hypersensitivity (DTH) and stimulating humoral immune function. It possessed the marked therapeutic effect both on the yin vacuity caused by hyperthyroidism and on the kidney yang vacuity. 388- gera: 59717/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON 484 CASES OF OPERATION ON THYROID GLAND UNDER ACUPUNCTURE ANESTHESIA]. LIN PINZHEN. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1999;19(8):479 (chi ). 389- gera: 59981/di/ra ACUPUNCTURE TREATMENT OF SIMPLE GOITER. YANG YAN-HUA ET AL. international journal of clinical acupuncture. 1999;10(3):291-2 (eng ). Simple goiter is mainly due to deficiency in iodine which is the component for the synthesis of thyroxin. Generally, the thyroid is characterized by symmetrical swelling of soft consistency. The swollen thyroid may exert pressure on the trachea and result in blockage of respiration. Treating this disease with acupuncture can bring about quick 390- gera: 69553/di/ra [REGULATIVE EFFECTS OF ELECTROACUPUNCTURE ON THE NEUROENDOCRINE SYSTEM IN RATS OF HYPOTHYROIDISM]. GONG XING ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1999;19(1):40 (chi*). Effects of electroacupuncture on serum contents of hormones of thyroid gland and sexual gland, ß-endorphin contents in the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland, and plasma level of nucleotides were observed in the rat of hypothyroidism. Results indicate that electroacupuncture can regulate serum levels of T3 and testosterone,and ß- endorphin in the hypothalamus and plasma nucleotides are possibly involved in the action. 391- gera: 69936/di/ra [OBSERVATION OF SYMPTOMS AND SIGNS IN HYPERTHYROIDISM TREATED BY ACUPUNCTURE AND MEDICATION]. ZHANG HAIMENG ET AL. shanghai journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1999;4:28 (chi). 392- gera: 70414/di/ra [(ETIOLOGICAL STUDY OF HYPERTHYROIDISM___ A CLINICAL REPORT OF 266 CASES).]. LIN LAN ET AL. liaoning journal of tcm. 1999;26(10):448-49 (chi). Hyperthyroidism is the clinical commonly encountered disease. This article brings up some conclusions after etiological research young females or cadres are apt to be suffered, the bad emotion, atigue, external causes can make hyperthyroidism easily appear or worse; the predilection seasons are Spring and Summer and it is familial hereditary disease; the clinical phenomena are typical,TT3, FT3, FT4 are changed apparently; the syndrome is often ying deficiency and yang hyperactivity. This article can give some information about hyperthroidism's clinical 393- gera: 70828/di/ra [TCM TREATMENT FOR HASHIMOTO'S DISEASE]. PANG JIE ET AL. journal of tcm. 1999;40(9):564 (chi). 394- gera: 72893/di/ra EFFECTS OF ACUPUNCTURE ON THE PITUITARYTHYROID AXIS IN RABBITS WITH FRACTURE. SHEN MEIHONG ET AL. journal of tcm. 1999;19(4):300-3 (eng). Purpose: To observe the effects of acupuncture on the pituitary-thyroid axis in rabbits with fracture. Method: 36 male rabbits with a 3-mm width experimental defect in the middle segment of the left radius were randomly divided into the treatment group and control group, and the changes in serum T3, T4 and TSH contents in different weeks were investigated. Serum T3, T4 and TSH contents in the treatment group all were higher than those in the control group, with statistically significant differences in the contents of T4 and TSH in the second week and T3 content in the fourth week (P<0.01 or P<0.05). Conclusion: The action of promoting union of fracture 395- gera: 73426/di/ra [CLINICAL STUDY ON 78 TEEN-AGE PATIENTS OF ENDEMIC GOITER TREATED BY COMBINATION OF ACUPUNCTURE WITH MEDICINES]. ZHANG YONGNAN ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1999;19(3):143 (chi*). The patients were randomly divided into two groups, combination of acupuncture with iodine administration and simple iodine administration. Acupoints selected were Qiying, Zusanli (SF 36), `Taixi (K1 3), Shousanli (LI 10). The treatment was given once a day. The needle was retained for 20 minutes each session, 10 sessions constituting one therapeutic course with an interval of 7 days between two courses. All the patients of the two groups were treated for three courses. Clinical observation indicated that the cured rate and total effective rate were respectively 73.17% and 97. 56% in the treatment group, and 16. 22% and 40.54% in the control group. The therapeutic effect in the treatment group was superior to that in the control group, P < 0.0l. It is suggested that combination of acupuncture with medicines can increase the cured rate in teen-age patients of endemic goiter. 396- gera: 73684/di/ra [(PRELIMINARY STUDY ON CHINESE HERB INDUCED APOPTOSIS OF THYROCYTES IN GRAVES DISEASE).]. ZHAO JIAJUN ET AL. chinese journal of integrated traditional and western medicine. 1999;19(6):335 (chi*). 397- gera: 73970/di/ra 20 CASOS DE HIPERTIROIDISMO TRATADOS MEDIANTE AURICULOPUNTURA. CHANG LING. enerqi. 1999;5:50-2 (esp). 398- gera: 74223/di/ra [TREATMENT OF HYPERTHYROIDISM WITH ZIZHI SHISHEN DECOCTION]. YU CUNJUAN ET AL. shandong journal of tcm. 1999;18(10):447 (chi). 399- gera: 74330/di/ra [GRAVE'S DISEASE TREATED WITH SANHUANGYIKANG CAPSULE SUPPLEMENTED WITH SMALL-DOSE TAPAZOLE]. WANG KECHENG ET AL. journal of tcm. 1999;40(5):290 (chi*). 62 cases of Graves' disease were treated mainly with SHYK capsule plus small dose of tapazole and compared. with routine tapazole therapy as control. Results were total effective rate of treatment group. 93. 5%. that of control group. 62. 8% with significant difference (P < 0. 05). The rates of symptom improvement negative turning of immune indices in the treatment group were all superior to the control with significant difference (P<0. 05 or P<0. 01). whereas the toxic and side effects of the former was lower then that in the latter (P<0. 05 or P<0. 01). The time for normal recovery of thyroid function between the two groups made no difference. 400- gera: 74488/di/ra [STUDY ON CHANGES OF THYROXIN IN NON-THYROID DISEASES OF DIFFERENT TCM SYNDROME TYPES AND ITS CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE]. YANG SHAOJUN. journal of tcm. 1999;40(6):372 (chi). 401- gera: 74554/di/ra [OBSERVATION ON THE MANAGEMENT OF HYPERTHYROIDISM WITH INTEGRATED TCM AND WM,A © gera 2010 25 REPORT OF 389 CASES]. WANG KECHENG ET AL. shanxi journal of tcm. 1999;15(4):23 (chi*). Three hundred and eighty-nine cases of hyperthyroidism were treated with integrated TCM and WM. Result: 299 cases were clinically cured, 65 cases effective, 25 cases ineffective and the total effective rate was 93. 57%. and WM, supplementing qi and nourishing yin, clearing away heat and dispersing phlegm, eliminating goiter and 402- gera: 74654/di/ra [OBSERVATION OF 131 I AND TG IN INTEGRATED ACUPUNCTURE AND DRUG TREATMENT OF ENDEMIC GOITER]. ZHANG YONGNAN ET AL. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1999;18(1):4 (chi*). Objective To investigate the effect on endemic goiter in teenagers of Iodine treatment in combination with acupuncture. Method A group of 11 to 17 years old patients were randomly divided into two groups. The test group received oral Iodine and acupuncture on four points (Chiyin, Zusanli. Shousanli and Taixi), while the control group was treated with iodine only. Result: The observation showed a significant increase in curate, which was accompanied by an increased Iodine absorption capability of the thyroid gland, and a simultaneous decrease in thyroid globulin density. Conclusion: Fine conclusion is that when acupuncture removes endemic grocer, it can also correct 131I and to TG levels to produce a satisfactory clinical effect. 403- gera: 74841/di/ra [TREATMENT OF HASHIMOT'S THYROIDTIS BY YIQI YANGYIN XIAOYING METHOD: A REPORT OF 22 CASES]. LIU XIAODONG. new journal of tcm. 1999;31(10):33 (chi). 404- gera: 76033/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION OF 123 CASES OF BENIGN THYROID TUMOR TREATED WITH "THYROID TUMOR DECOCTION"]. BAO GUANGQIN ET AL. shanghai journal of tcm. 1999;2:24 (chi*). [TREATMENT OF DIABETES MELLITUS TYPE II BY MEIHUA XIAOTANG LING: A CLINICAL OBSERVATION OF 500 CASES]. MU XUCHAO ET AL. new journal of traditional chinese medicine. 2000;32(2):30 (chi). 413- gera: 70731/di/ra [TREATMENT OF OBSTINATE CASES OF SIMPLE THYROID ENLARGEMENT BY XIAOYING TANG COMBINED WITH JIAZHUANGXIAN TABLET: A REPORT OF 50 CASES]. LI PEIZHOU ET AL. new journal of traditional chinese medicine. 2000;32(2):34 (chi). 414- gera: 70740/di/ra [HEART-FAILURE COALESCED HYPOTHYROIDISM TREATED WITH COMBINATION OF TRADITIONAL CHINESE AND WESTERN MEDICINES]. XIN HENG ET AL. hubei journal of tcm. 2000;22(3):13 (chi). 415- gera: 70741/di/ra [31 CASES OF HYPERTHYROIDISM TREATED BY JIAKANG PILL]. LI LIAN. hubei journal of tcm. 2000;22(3):15 (chi). 416- gera: 72851/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON 35 CASES OF THROID ADENOMA TREATED WITH ACUPUNCTURE]. YUAN HUIRU ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 2000;20(8):453 (chi*). Clinical therapeutic effect of acupuncture for promoting blood circulation and resolving mass was observed in 35 cases of thyroid adenoma. Results showed that the total effective rate was 94.27 % and there was a significant difference in tumor size between pre treatment and post-treatment (P < 0,01); improving and consolidator rate of therapeutic effect was 90.00 % . It is suggested that acupuncture therapy can influence occurrence and development of thyroid adenoma and prevent canceration of tissue and bening tumor. 405- gera: 76107/di/ra [QI-ENRICHING AND YIN-NOURISHING THERAPY FOR THYROMA: A REPORT OF 40 CASES]. XU WEI-XIANG ET AL. shanghai journal of tcm. 1999;12:36 (chi*). 417- gera: 76677/di/ra [TREATMENT OF 120 PATIENTS WITH TYPE II DIABETES MELLITUS BY ACUPUNCTURE AND HERBS]. TAN GUOHUI ET AL. journal of clinical acupuncture and moxibustion. 2000;16(2):5 (chi). 406- gera: 76169/di/ra [QIGONG THERAPY OF TREATING HYPERTHYROIDISM]. CHEN HAIPING ET AL. qigong journal. 1999;20(8):369 (chi). 418- gera: 77169/di/ra [OBSERVATION OF BEILING DRINK ON THYROMA]. MAO LIANXIA. hebei journal of tcm. 2000;22(10):740 (chi*). 407- gera: 76527/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON 60 CASES OF HYPERTHYROIDISM TREATED WITH COMBINATION OF CHINESE TRADITIONAL AND WESTERN MEDICAL THERAPY]. WANG XINHUA. hunan journal of tcm. 1999;15(6):11 (chi). 419- gera: 77279/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATIONS ON THE TREATMENT OF GRAVE' S OPHTALMOPATHY WITH ACUPUNCTURE AND DRUGS]. AND DRUGS]. SUN KE XING ET AL. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 2000;19(3):5 (chi). Purpose To observe the curative effect of acupuncture plus tapazole on Graves'ophthalmopathy (GO). Methods: Fifty-four GO patients were treated with acupuncture plus tapazole. The signs such as exophthalmic extent and ophthalmic dyskinesis in 101 eyes and active indices were observed before and after treatment. Results: Acupuncture alleviated the patients' exophthalmia and ophthalmic dyskinesis to a certain degree. The effect was significantly different from that in control group (P<0. 01). The curative effect was better in acupuncture and drug group 2 (selecting proximal and distal acupoints) than in acupuncture and drug group l (selecting local acupoints) (P<0. 01). Conclusion: Needling both proximal and distal acupoints with the co-operation of tapazole is an 408- gera: 76829/di/ra [TREATMENT OF HYPERTHYROIDISM BY IDENTIFICATION OF TCM]. ZHANG CHENGXIANG ET AL. shaanxi journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1999;20(11):483 (chi). 409- gera: 76918/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON TREATMENT OF THYROID ADENOMA WITH "XIAOYING SANLIU DECOCTION"]. WANG XU ET AL. jiangsu journal of tcm. 1999;20(5):26 (chi). 410- gera: 76982/di/ra [PROFESSOR DONG JIANHUA,A FAMOUS TCM PHYSICIAN'S SERIAL EXPERIENCE (5)-TREATMENT OF DIABETES]. WANG CHANGHONG. liaoning journal of tcm. 1999;26(11):485 (chi). 411- gera: 87587/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION OF HYPERTHYROIDISM TREATED BY YUYE TANG: A REPORT OF 42 CASES]. ZHAO WENXUE. beijing journal of tcm. 1999;6:24 (chi). 420- gera: 77681/di/ra [EFFECT OF CHINESE MEDICINES CONTAINING IODINE IN TREATMENT OF HYPERTHYROIDISM]. WANG XU. jiangsu journal of tcm. 2000;21(4):35 (chi). 421- gera: 77726/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON TREATMENT OF THYROTOXIC EXOPHTLMOS WITH JIAYANXIAO PLUS TAPAZOLE]. LIAO SHIHUANG ET AL. chinese journal of integrated traditional and western medicine. 2000;20(6):433 (chi*). 412- gera: 70730/di/ra © gera 2010 26 422- gera: 77815/di/ra [CONTRAST OBSERVATION ON CLINICAL EFFECTIVENESS OF GRAVE' S DISEASE TREATED BY COMBINATION OF CHINESE AND WESTERN MEDICINE]. LIU YONGXIA ET AL. chinese journal of information on tcm. 2000;7(5):71 (chi). 423- gera: 78086/di/ra [EFFECT OF HAIZAOXIAOYING GRANULE ON GOITER OF EXPERIMENTAL RATS]. DING XUAN SHENG ET AL. journal of nanjing university tcm. 2000;16(5):282 (chi*). 424- gera: 78579/di/ra [EXPERIENCE ON TREATMENT OF THYROID DISEAS ON DONGYUAN'S THEORY]. TANG HANJUN ET AL. journal of tcm. 2000;41(5):273 (chi). 425- gera: 78599/di/ra [CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES ON TREATMENT OF HYPERTHYROIDISM MAINLY WITH JIANING]. WANG LIQIN ET AL. journal of tcm. 2000;41(7):407 (chi). 426- gera: 79361/di/ra [TREATMENT OF HYPERTHYROIDISM WITH WU SHI YING ACUPUNCTURE THERAPY]. YUAN MIN ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 2000;20(12):719 (chi). 427- gera: 79458/di/ra [OBSERVATION ON EFFECT OF 50 CASES OF HYPERTHYROIDISM TREATED BY COMBINING XIAO YING DECOCTION MOXIBUSTION OF ZHUANG MEDICATED THREAD]. LI HONG ET AL. liaoning journal of tcm. 2000;27(7):317 (chi*). Fifty cases of hyperthyroidism patients were treated with Chinese herbal medicine classification and moxibustion acupoint of Zhuang medicated. The clinical result revealed that 22 cases cure.15 cases effective. 9 cases marked effective and ~ cases ineffective, the total effective rate was 92%. It was found that Moxibustion of Zhang Medicated Thread was major in the treatment of hyperthyroidism. While the Chinese herbal medicine classification had a good two-way regulatory effect on the supplementary treatment. The study demonstrated that the Moxibustion of Zhang Medicated Thread was to become important means to preventing various diseases. For example common disease, susceptible to diseases and difficult diseases etc. 428- gera: 86224/di/ra [PROF. CHEN NAINMING'S IMPORTANT EXPERIENCE ON ACUPUNCTURE FOR TREATMENT OF HYPERTHYROIDISM]. GE BAOHE. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 2000;20(3):179 (chi). Propositi: osservare gli effetti dell'agopuntura sull'asse tiroideo-ipofisario in conigli con frattura. Metodo: 36 conigli maschi con una alterazione sperimentale nel segmente, medio del radio dx sono stati suddivisi casualmente in un gruppo di trattamento ed uno di controllo e sono state rilevate settimanalmente le variazioni dei livelli sierici di T-31 T 4' TSH. Risultati: i livelli sierici di T-31 T 4 e TSH nel gruppo di trattamento si sono rivelati maggiori rispetto al gruppo di controlIo, con differenze statisticamente significative dei livelli di T4 e TSH nella seconda settimana e di T-3 nella quarta settimana(P< 0.0 1 o P< 0.05). Conclusioni: l'azione di consolidamento nelle 433- gera: 90879/di/ra [EFFECT OF GINKO BILODA EXTRACT ON HYPERINSULINISM AND GLUCOSE METABOLISM IN THE AGED WITH IMPAIRED GLUCOSE TOLERANCE]. YAN GUANG ET AL. journal of anhui traditional chinese medical college. 2000;19(4):14 (chi). 434- gera: 91666/di/ra [DIFFERENTIATION AND TREATMENT ON HYPERTHYROIDISM BY PROF QU ZHU-QUI]. LU XIULUAN. journal of tianjin college of tcm. 2000;19(2):5 (chi). 435- gera: 91821/di/ra [HYPERTHYROIDISM TREATED WITH JIAKANG FOMULA,A REPORT OF 40 CASES]. LIU QINGPING ET AL. shanxi journal of tcm. 2000;16(3):20 (chi*). 40 cases of hyperthyroidism were treated by Jiakang Formula , Which had the effect of nourishing yin to lower the evil fire and softening hard lumps and resolving hard mass. Result: 12 cases were cured, 18 cases took apparent effect, 7 cases were in effect, 3 cases were of no effect, the total effective rate was 92. 5%. 436- gera: 92002/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON TREATING HYPERTHYROIDISM CARDIOPATHY BY THE METHOD OF INTEGRATING TRADITIONAL CHINESE MEDICINE AND WESTERN MEDICINE]. QIN FEIHU. tianjin journal of tcm. 2000;17(5):25 (chi). 437- gera: 92322/di/ra [PROF LU DE-MING'S EXPERIENCE IN APPLYING ASTRAGALUS]. HE CHUN-MEI ET AL. shanghai journal of tcm. 2000;34(11):35 (chi*). This article presents prof Lu De-Ming's experience in applying astragalus to treat common external diseases. The experience is the rational coordination of Chinese medicine, which exert effect to transform qi and return fluid, consolidate exterior and eliminate toxin, activate qi and blood, and release liver-qi, etc. Four cases of hyperthyroidism, verruca vulgaris, neuralgia due to herpes zoster and breast mass were listed. 429- gera: 86823/di/ra [EXPERIMENTAL STUDY ON DECOCTION OF RADIX REHMANNIAE AND COPTIS AFFECTING FASTING BLOOD- GLUCOSE,SERUM INSULIN IN MICE WITH ALLOXAN DIABETES]. LI ZHEN ET AL. liaoning journal of tcm. 2000;27(12):573 (chi*). 438- gera: 92494/di/ra [CLINICAL STUDY ON PATIENTS WITH HYPERTHYROIDISM TREATED WITH YUYING TABLETS]. GUO BAO-RONG ET AL. journal of shandong university of tcm. 2000;24(2):97 (chi*). 430- gera: 87607/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON XIAOPING POWDERS II FOR THE TREATMENT OF THYROPHYMA]. HAO SHUJIANG ET AL. hebei journal of tcm. 2000;22(4):255 (chi*). 439- gera: 95383/di/ra ESTUDÎO DEL EFECTO CLINICO Y MECANISMO DE ACCION INMUNOLOGICO DE LA MOXIBUSTION EN EL TRATAMIENTO DE LA TIROIDITIS DE HASHIMOTO. HU GUOSHENG ET AL. medicina energetica. 2000;8:10 (esp). 431- gera: 88170/di/ra [ANALYSIS OF ELECTROCARDIOGRAM P-WAVE OR AURICULAR SYSTOLE PERIOD OF HYPERTHYROID PATIENTS DUE TO YIN DEFICIENCY AND YANG EXCESSION]. DING YAN-PING. journal of shaanxi college of tcm. 2000;23(6):37 (chi). 440- gera: 108735/di/ra PRELIMINARY STUDY ON CHINESE DRUG-INDUCED APOPTOSIS OF THYROCYTES IN GRAVES' DISEASE. ZHAO JIAJUN, GAO LING, LIU XINQI, ET AL. chinese journal of integrated traditional and western medicine. 2000;6(3):196 (eng). 432- gera: 89534/di/ra EFFETTI DELL'AGOPUNTURA SULL'ASSE TIROIDEOIPOFISARIO IN CONIGLI CON FRATTURA. SHEN MEIHONG ET AL. rivista italiana di medicina tradizionale cinese. 2000;82(4):68-9 (ita). 441- gera: 108739/di/ra CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON SANHUANG YIKANG (EXGA) CAPSULE SUPPLEMENTED WITH SMALL DOSAGE OF TAPAZOLE IN TREATING GRAVES DISEASE. LIU DONGYAN, WANG KECHENG, DONG LIANLING, ET AL. © gera 2010 27 chinese journal of integrated traditional and western medicine. 2000;6(3):214 (eng). 442- gera: 111914/di/ra TRATAMIENTO DE 51 CASOS DE HIPERTIROIDISMO MEDIANTE PUNCION DE PUNTOS EFICACES. ZHANG YAOHUA, WANG XIUFU. medicina energetica. 2000;7:57 (esp). 443- gera: 89088/di/ra [PROFESSOR LU DEMING'S EXPERIENCE IN TREATING THYROPATHY]. WAN HUA. shanghai journal of tcm. 2001;35(1):19 (chi*). Prof Lu De-Ming believed that the causes of thyropathy were liver depression, spleen asthenia, exopathogen, qi- stagnation and dampness phlegm. For "warm node" of thyropathy, it should be treated by freeing liver-qi, dissolving phlegm and activating blood flow. For earlt subacute thyroiditis, it should be treated by enriching yin to clear heat, freeing liver-qi and dissolving phlegm; for hyperthyroidism and mid-stage subacute thyroiditid, they ought to be treated by enriching qi and yin, freeing qi and dissolving phlegm; for thyroid cancer, it should be treated by enriching qi and yin, softening mass and activating blood flow as well as relieving toxin. 444- gera: 89284/di/ra [MIAO SHIHUANG'S EXPERIENCE OF ADMINISTER TREATMENT ACCORDING TO PATTERN OF THYROTOXIC EXOPHTHALMOS]. LIN QINGPING. zhejiang journal of tcm. 2001;36(1):4 (chi). 445- gera: 89288/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON 21 CASES WITH SUBACUTE THYROIDITIS TREATED WITH BLOOD QUICKENING POWDER PREPARATION APPLY TOPICALLY]. LI GUANGPING. zhejiang journal of tcm. 2001;36(1):14 (chi). 446- gera: 89791/di/ra [OBSERVATION ON DIABETIC PERIPHERAL NEUROPATHY TREATED BY DECOCTION FOR ACTIVATING ENERGY FLOW IN CHANNELS AND COLLATERALS]. YU FENGQIAN ET AL. journal of practical tcm. 2001;17(2):30 (chi). 447- gera: 89867/di/ra [COMPARATIVE STUDY ON ULTRAMICROSTRUCTURES AND FUNCTIONS OF THE THYROID IN RAT OF EXCESSHEAT TYPE AND DEFICIENCY-HEAT TYPE]. XU ZHIWEI ET AL. journal of tcm. 2001;42(1):43 (chi*). Serum contents of triiodothyronine (T3, tetraiodothyronine (T4), reverse triiodothyronine (rT3) and thyroid - stimulating hormone (TSH) and changes of structures of the thyroid gland in the rat of exces - heat syndrome and deficiency - heat syndrome were observed with radioimmunoassay and electron microscopic technique, respectively. The rats of excess - heat syndrome and deficiency - heat syndrome were established with administration of Chinese herbs. Results indicated that serum T3 and T4 levels increased and the rT3 level tended to decrease in the deficiency - heat group, and thyroid follicle epithelial cell had more significant changes as compared with that of the excess-heat group. It is suggested that changes of hormones and ultra - microstructures of the thyroid can be served as an important basis for heat syndrome of deficiency type and excess type. 448- gera: 90049/di/ra [EFFECT OF HAIZAOXIAOYING GRANULES ON ABSORPTION AND EXCRETION OF 125I IN RATS]. DING XUAN-SHENG ET AL. primary journal of chinese materia medica. 2001;15(1):11 (chi*). 449- gera: 90762/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON 107 CASES OF HYPERTHYROIDISM TREATED WITH THE THERAPY OF TRADITIONAL CHINESE AND WESTERN MEDICINE]. ZHANG SHU ET AL. hunan journal of tcm. 2001;17(1):11 (chi). 450- gera: 92214/di/ra [EFFECT OF ACUPUNCTURE ON THYROID FUNCTION OF RABBITS WITH FRACTURE]. QI XIAO-HUA ET AL. journal of nanjing university tcm. 2001;17(2):111 (chi*). OBJECTIVE: To observe the effect of acupuncture on the thyroid function of rabbits with fracture. NEEMOI) Radioimmunoassay was employed to observe changes in thyroid hormone of rabbits with fracture and optical microscope was used to observe the thyroid and analyse the thyroid follicle. RESULT In the acupuncture group, there was an active secretion of the thyroid hormone and the volume of the thyroid follicle was reduced, which functioned during the whole healing process of the fracture, especially during die rniddle and late stages. There was a great difference between the two groups. CONCLUSION Acupuncture can activate die function of thyroid of rabbits with fracture and assist healing of fracture. 451- gera: 92629/di/ra [RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THYROID ULTRASTRUCTURAL AND FUNCTIONAL CHANGES IN MICE PATTERN BETWEEN HEAT OF EXCESS TYPE AND FEVER OF DEFICIENCY TYPE]. XU ZHI-WEI ET AL. chinese journal of basic mtc. 2001;7(3):23 (chi*). Objective: To observe the connection of the levels of thyroxin and urtrastructure of the thyroid gland and energy metabolism change of functional. Method: The levels of thyroxin (T3, T4, rT3) and thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) in rat serum were measured by radioimmunoassay, and urtrastructure of the thyroid gland were examined by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) in mice pattern between heat of excess type and fever of deficiency type. Result: The results showed that the levels of 3, and T4 in serum significantly increased and the levels rT3, of decreased, the level of TSH being unchanged obviously in fever of deficiency type; the levels of T3, T4, rT3 and TSH did not increase obviously in heat of excess type. These evidences were almost in accord with the morphological changes of the thyroid follicular epithelial cell in other words the changes of urtrastructure of the thyroid follicular epithelial cell were more significant in fever of deficiency type than those in heat of excess type. Conclusion: The levels of thyroxin in mice pattern of Re syndrome are parallels with the changes of urtrastructure 452- gera: 93527/di/ra [RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SPLEEN-ASTHENIA SYNDROME AND SERUM THYROXIN,T3 RECEPTORS OF HYPOTHALAMUS CELLS AND THYMUS T LYMPHOCYTE NUCLEI IN RATS]. LI GANG ET AL. journal of anhui traditional chinese medical college. 2001;20(2):37 (chi*). Objective: To study the relationship between Spleen-asthenia syndrome and serum thyroxin, T3 receptors of hypothalamus cells & thymus T lymphocyte nuclei in rats. Method. - Rhubarb decoction was used to develop spleen-asthenia syndrome in SD adult rat. 32 rats were averagely divided into four groups at random: Group A (control group), group B (spleen-asthenia group), and group C (group treated with Sijunzi decoction), group D (spontaneous rehabilitation group). The radioimmunoassay was applied to measure serum thyroxin levels and the contents of T3 receptors of hypothalamus cells and thymus T lymphocyte nuclei of every rat. Result: The serum levels of T3, T4, FT3, FT4, the contents of T3 receptors of hypothalamus cells and thymus T lymphocyte nuclei in group B, D were lower than those in group A, C. The difference between them was significant. Serum level of Y-T3 in four groups had no significant difference. Conclusion. The decline of T3, T4, FT3, FT4 serurn levels, and the contents of nuclear T3 receptors in hypothalamus cells & thymus T lymphocytes can influence the activity of thyroxin, then the immunity function will be impaired via neuroendocrinimmunology net (NEI net), this may be a 453- gera: 94714/di/ra [XU ZHIYIN'S EXPERIENCE IN TREATING THYROMA]. YAO CHANG. jiangsu journal of tcm. 2001;22(4):10 (chi). 454- gera: 95664/di/ra [CURATIVE EFFECTIVE OBSERVATION ON HYPERPARATHYROIDISM TREATED BY TRADITIONAL CHINESE DRUGS AND SMALL DOSE 131 I]. DING © gera 2010 28 MEILING ET AL. journal of practical tcm. 2001;17(6):27 (chi). 455- gera: 96191/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON 36 CASES OF HASHIMOTO'S THYROIDITIS TREATED WITH CHINESE DRUGS PLUS SMALL DOSE OF JIA ZHUANG XIAN TABLET]. PANG JIE, YE LIYA. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 2001; 42(9):543 (eng*). 456- gera: 96211/di/ra [ CLINICAL APPLICATION OF AURICULAR SHENMEN (MA - TFI)]. YAN LI-PING LI HENG. shanghai journal of traditional chinese medicine. 2001; 35(9):28 (chi*). This paper presents the combination, indications and clinical application of auricular Shenmen (MA - IF 1) , and lists four cases of acute cholecystitis, acute bronchitis, hyperthyroidism and hypertension 457- gera: 97045/di/ra [THE EXPERIENCE ON THE TREATMENT OF HYPOTHYRODISIM BY CHINESE MEDICINE]. BAI HELING HU WEILAI. guang ming journal traditional chinese medicine. 2001;10(5):5 (chi). 458- gera: 97114/di/ra [CURED CASES OF BAI QINGSHAN ON TREATMENT OF HYPERTHYROIDISM]. DONG QIAN, ET AL. beijing journal of traditional chinese medicine. 2001;7(4):4 (chi). 459- gera: 97440/di/ra [TREATMENT OF THYROID CANCER BY TCM COMBINED WITH WESTERN MEDICINE: A CLINICAL OBSERVATION OF 45 CASES]. LI YUYING, XIE JIANXING, WANG XIKUN. new journal of traditional chinese medicine. 2001;33(9):39 (chi*). The curative effect of TCM combined with western medicine for thyroid cancer was observed. 45 cases received surgical operation followed by TCM treatment according to syndrome differentiation. 26 cases were followed - up, and all alive, the Longest survival period being 10 years. Cytological examination may serve as a guide to select the project of operation. Herba drugs for invigorating spleen and benefiting qi or nourishing yin and clearing heat can enhance the immunologic function after operation and prevent recurrence and metastasis. Endocrine therapy can promote recovery and play an important role in improving prognosis. 460- gera: 97971/di/ra [TREATMENT OF SUBACUTE GRANULOMATOUS THYROIDITIS (SAT) WITH ITCWM]. YANG YI, SONG AILI. chinese journal of surgery of integrated traditional chinese and western medicine. 2001;7(3):203 (chi). 461- gera: 98070/di/ra [MISDIAGNOSIS OF HYPOTHYROIDISM : AN ANALYSIS REPORT OF 29 CASES]. ZHU WEI-YI. journal of shaanxi college traditional chinese medicine. 2001;24(2):32 (chi). 462- gera: 98664/di/ra [CLINICAL RESEARCH ON TREATMENT OF MIDDLEAGED AND SENILE HYPERTHYROIDISM WITH MODIFIED ERDONG TANG IN COMBINATION WITH WESTERN MEDICINE]. FU BAO-JUN ET AL. journal of traditional chinese medicine and chinese materia medica of jilin. 2001;21(6):9 (chi). 463- gera: 99768/di/ra [CLINICAL RESEARCH ON TREATMENT OF MIDDLEAGED AND SENILE HYPERTHYROIDISM WITH MODIFIED ERDONG TANG IN COMBINATION WITH WESTERN MEDICINE]. FU BAO-JUN ET AL. journal of traditional chinese medicine and chinese materia medica of jilin. 2001;21(6):9 (chi). 464- gera: 104559/di/ra [THERAPEUTIC EFFECTS OF INTEGRATION OF HERBA JUNCI MOXIBUSTION AND ZHUANG DRUGS ON 30 PATIENTS WITH HYPERTHYROIDISM]. ZHU HONGMEI. hebei journal of traditional chinese medicine. 2001;23(9):653 (chi*). Objective: To observe therapeutic effects of integration of herba Junci moxibustion. and Zhuang drugs on 30 patients with hyperthyroidism . Methods: Thirty patients in treatment group were treated by integration of herba Junci moxibustion and Zhuang drugs and 28 patients in control group were treated by Tapazol. Results: There was no significant difference in therapeutic effect between treatment group and control group(P > 0. 05), but the cure time in treatment group was sign significant less than that in control group(P < 0. 05). The treatment group was better than control group in improving symptoms, slowing down heart rate and reducing side effects, BMP, T13 and TT4 (P < 0. 01) . Conclusion: Integration of herba Junci moxibustion and Zhuang drugs could effectively treat 465- gera: 152108/di/el HYPERTHYROÏDIE - YING BING. LU JING DA, LERICHE CC. etude des traitements en acupuncture chinoise, editions you feng. 2001;:447 (fra). 466- gera: 100942/di/ra [OBSERVATION ON CLINICAL THERAPEUTIC EFFECT OF ACUPUNCTURE TREATMENT ON EXOPHTHALMIC GOITER]. WANG XIAOYAN. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 2002;22(1):13-16 (chi*). 467- gera: 101488/di/ra [ANALYSIS ON DIFFERENT THERAPEUTIC METHODS IN 33 CASES OF HYPOTHYROIDISM]. BAI PING ET AL. journal of fujian college of traditional chinese medicine. 2002;12(1):6 (chi*). 468- gera: 101651/di/ra [CHEN RUQUAN EXPERIENCE OF DIAGNOSING-AND TREATING NODULAR THYROID DISEASES]. WANG ZHIXING, ET AL. hubei journal of traditional chinese medicine. 2002;24(3):13 (chi). 469- gera: 101655/di/ra [CLINICAL STUDY ON SUBACUTE THYROIDITIS TREATED BY COMPOUND. CREAM OF LEVAMISOLE ADD TO MOXIBUSTION]. LIN XUAN, ET AL. hubei journal of traditional chinese medicine. 2002;24(3):28 (chi). 470- gera: 101947/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON TREATMENT OF CLIMACTERIC HYPERTHYROIDISM WITH INTEGRATED MEDICINE]. REN ZHONG. chinese journal of integrated traditional and western medicine. 2002;22(4):303 (chi). 471- gera: 102149/di/ra [XU ZHI-YIN' S EXPERIENCE OF TREATMENT OVER HYPERTHYROIDISM]. WU XIAO-XIA, JIA HONG-SHENG. jiangxi journal of traditional chinese medicine. 2002;33(2):6 (chi). 472- gera: 102819/di/ra [EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF INFLUENCE OF BANLIU PILLS ON SERUM SIL-2R LEVEL IN KIDNEY-YANG DEFICIENCY RATS WITH HYPOTHYROIDISM]. LI WENJING, CHEN RU-GUO. journal of laoning college of traditional chinese medicine. 2002;4(1):59 (chi*). We observed the influence of Banlin Pills on serum SIL-2R level in kidney-yang deficiency rats with hypothyroidism to probe the mechanism. The results showed that, after treatment, the level Of serum SIL-2R markedly increased (P<0.05), and there was a propertional dose-effect relationship. We concluded that Banlium Pills can increase the level of serum SIL-2R in kidney-yang-deficiency rats with hypothyroidism, and improve immunity of the body. 473- gera: 102829/di/ra [TREATMENT OF RELAPSE OF GRAVES' DISEASE AFTER HORMONE TREATMENT BY YANTU FANG: A CLINICAL OBSERVATION OF 27 EYES]. LI YINGSHU. new journal of traditional chinese medicine '. 2002;34(5):21 (chi). © gera 2010 29 474- gera: 103420/di/ra [CLINICAL STUDY ON TREATMENT OF 21 CASES OF SENILE HYPERTHYROIDISM WITH MODIFIED ER DONG DECOCTION COMBINED WITH WESTERN DRUGS]. FU BAOJUN, JIANG WEI, XING MEI,ET AL. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 2002;43(3):196 (chi). in the control group, but the treatment group for improvement of some symptoms and signs was superior to the control group with no toxic sideeffects. Conclusion : Acupoint catgut embedding therapy combined with oral administration of Yi Kang Capsules is an more ideal method for controlling clinical symptoms of hyperthyroidism and preventing its 475- gera: 104548/di/ra [LIAO ZHIHUANG ' S EXPERIENCE IN THE TREATMENT OF HYPERTHYROIDISM GOITER]. KUANG YIU-YING. liaoning journal of traditional chinese medicine. 2002;28(7):398 (chi*). This article reports professor Liao shihuang ' s experience in the treatment. of hyperthyroidism. goiter in four aspects. First, analyse the etiology and pathological mechanism detailly. Second, pay attention to symptom complex of local part and treat based upon syndrome differentiation. The third, consider syndrome of integrity and distinguish root vs branch, deficiency vs excess. The fourth, special usage of some traditional Chinese medicine to 483- gera: 107561/di/ra [A SUMMARY ON 50 CASES OF BLOOD STASIS OF DIABETES TREATED BY XUSHUANG TANG INJECTION]. LI QIUPING. hunan journal of traditional chinese medicine. 2002;18(5):7 (chi). 476- gera: 104935/di/ra [CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL STUDY ON GRAVES' DISEASE TREATED WITH XIKANG TABLE]. WU TAI-HUA, WANG KE-ZHOU, LI YUN-GUI, ET AL. journal of shandong university of traditional chinese medicine. 2002;26(4):268 (chi). 477- gera: 105267/di/ra [OBSERVATION AND ANALYSIS OF COMBINATION OF ACUPUNCTURE AND MEDICINE TO TC OF I131 SERUM]. LIU ZHI-YAN, ZHANG YONG-NAN. xinjiang journal of traditional chinese medicine. 2002;20(4):29 (chi). 478- gera: 105370/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON 25 CASES OF GRAVES DISEASE TREATED WITH JIA YAN MAO]. LIAO SHIHUANG, LIU QINGPING, LI LIXIA, ET AL. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 2002;43(8):606 (chi). 479- gera: 106558/di/ra [KNOWLEDGE LEARNT FROM DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT OF SENILE THYROPATHY]. JIANG LI-HONG ET AL. academic periodical of changchun college of traditional chinese medicine. 2002;18(3):25 (chi). 480- gera: 106786/di/ra [EFFECT OF XIAOYING GRANULE ON HEART RATE, BODY TEMPERATURE AND SERUM T3, T4 IN EXPERIMENTAL HYPERTHYROIDISM MODEL OF RATS 632]. JIA XILIAN, LI PEILIN, XIONG XIANGMING, EL AL. hebei journal of traditional chinese medicine. 2002;24(8):632 (chi). 481- gera: 107004/di/ra [DISCUSSION ON THE THEORY OF TREATING HYPOTHYROIDISM BY PRYETIC TONIFICATION OF SPLEEN AND KIDNEY AND GETTING RID OF BLOOD STASIS AND PHLEGM STAGNATION]. QIAN QIU-HAI, WANG SI-MING, ZHUANG QIAN-ZHU. chinese journal of basic medicine in traditional chinese medicine. 2002;28(8):46 (chi). 482- gera: 107014/di/ra [THERAPEUTIC EFFECTS OF 138 CASES OF HYPERTHYROIDISM TREATED WITH ACUPOINT CATGUT EMBEDDING THERAPY COMBINED WITH CHINESE DRUG]. TIAN YUANSHENG, YANG WEIQIAN, CAO JINMEI. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 2002;22(9):585 (chi*). Purpose : To research the best method for treatment of hyperthyroidism. Methods : 138 cases were randomly divided into treatment group (92 cases) and control group (46 cases). The treatment group were treated with catgut embedding at bilateral Xinshu (BL 15) and Ganshu (BL 18) combined with oral administration of Chinese medicine, Yi Kang Capsules, and the control group were treated with oral administration of propylthiouracil for two months. Results : The therapeutic effect of 97. 8 % in the treatment group was similar to 93. 5 % 484- gera: 107693/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION OF YIRU DECOCTION ON HYPERPROLACTIN IN PATIENTS WITH HYPOTHYROSIS]. ZHANG YUELIN. tianjin journal of tcm. 2002;19(4):17 (chi*). 485- gera: 107817/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON TREATMENT OF 60 CASES OF THYROID ADENOMA WITH JIA LIU FANG]. XU WEIXIANG, ZHOU ZHENG, LI YONGJIAN. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 2002;43(9):677 (chi). 486- gera: 107951/di/ra [EFFECT OF WUYUE KANGJIA PILL (H*VTEPA) ON SERUM ADHESIVE MOLECULE AND THYROID FUNCTION IN PATIENTS OF GRAVES ' DISEASE*]. HUANG YANG-MO, CHEN ZONG-LIANG. chinese journal of integrated traditional and western medicine. 2002;22(10):738 (chi*). 487- gera: 107956/di/ra [EFFECT OF GLUCOSIDORUM TRIPTERYGII TORORUM. ON T-LYMPHOCYTE AND ITS SUBSETS IN MICE WITH ACUTE GRAFT-VERSUS-HOST DISEASE*]. GAO LING, LIU CHUN-YU, KONG XIANG-HUI, ET AL. chinese journal of integrated traditional and western medicine. 2002;22(10):754 (chi*). 488- gera: 107963/di/ra [PROGRESS OF CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL STUDY ON TREATMENT OF DIABETES MELLITUS TYPE 2 BY BERBERINE]. JIANG HONG-YU, LIU AN-GUO, LAI ZHEN, ET AL. chinese journal of integrated traditional and western medicine. 2002;22(10):776 (chi). 489- gera: 109071/di/ra L'EXPERIENCE DU PROFESSEUR CHEN NAI-MING DANS LE TRAITEMENT ACUPUNCTURAL DE L' HYPERTHYROÏDIE. GE BAO-HE. acupuncture traditionnelle chinoise. 2002;6:48 (fra). 490- gera: 109598/di/ra [CLINICAL STUDY ON TREATMENT OF GRAVES DISEASE COMPLICATED WITH LIVER LESION WITH COMBINED METHOD]. YU JIANGYI LIU FANG. jiangsu journal of tcm. 2002;23(11):13 (chi). 491- gera: 109678/di/ra [TREATMENT OF 86 CASES OF TYPE II DIABETES WITH DINGXIAO ZHIKE PILLS (OR DECOCTION)]. WANG HUIJIE, ZHANG ZHAOXIA ZHANG WEIPING ET AL. traditional chinese medicinal research. 2002;15(6):35 (chi). 492- gera: 110186/di/ra [CLINICAL EXPERIENCES ON TREATING THYROID TUMOR BY GUO BAO-RONG]. ZHOU BEN-LIANG. journal of tianjin university of tcm. 2002;21(4):17 (chi). 493- gera: 110360/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON TREATMENT OF DIABETES MELLITUS TYPE 2 BY PINGTANG CONCENTRATED CAPSULE]. LI XUE-JUN ET AL. chinese journal of integrated traditional and westernl m. 2002;22(11:854 (chi). 494- gera: 110397/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON TREATING THYROIDISM BY TRADITIONAL CHINESE MEDICINE AND WESTERN MEDICINE]. GUO NIETAO. journal of guiyang college of © gera 2010 30 tcm. 2002;24(4):12 (chi). 495- gera: 110418/di/ra [TREATING 60 CASES OF HYPERTHYROIDISM WITH MONGOLIAN MEDICINE]. WUYUNDALAI. chinese journal of ethnomedicine and ethnopharmacy. 2002;12(6):332 (chi). 496- gera: 146036/di/ra TRATAMIENTO DEL HIPERTIROIDISMO EN LA MTCH SEGUN LA DIFERENCIACION DE SINDROMES. WEI ZIXIAO. medicina energetica. 2002;15:54 (esp). 497- gera: 111473/di/ra [XU ZHIYING EXPERIENCE OF TREATING AUTOIMMUNE THYROIDITIS]. LI RONGJUAN. hubei journal of tcm. 2003;25(1):14 (chi). 498- gera: 111540/di/ra [THERAPEUTIC EFFECT OF MEDICINAL CAKESEPARATED MOXIBUSTION ON CHRONIC LYMPHOCYTE THYROIDITIS]. WANG XIAOYAN. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 2003;23(1):6 (chi*). 499- gera: 112666/di/ra [EFFECTIVE OBSERVATION ON ACUPUNCTURE AND TRADITIONAL CHINESE MEDICINE COMBINED TREATING HYPOTHYROIDISM]. ZHAO LI-MING. journal of laoning college of tcm. 2003;5(1):37 (chi). 500- gera: 112944/di/ra THE PRESENT SITUATION OF TCM TREATMENT FOR DIABETES AND ITS RESEARCHES. WANG QI. journal of tcm. 2003;23(1):67 (eng). 501- gera: 113213/di/ra [EFFECT OF SHENFUTANG IN UP-REGULATING EXPRESSIONS OF HEAT SHOCK PROTEIN MRNA AND GLUCOCORTICOID RECEPTOR MRNA AND ITS INFLUENCE OF CELL SURVIVAL*]. LING CHANG-QUAN, LI MIN, BU SHI-ZHONG, ET AL. chinese journal of integrated traditional and western medicine. 2003;23(1):32 (chi*). 502- gera: 113505/di/ra [OBSERVATION OF THE EFFICACY OF CHINESEWESTEN-COMBINED TREATMENT FOR 37 PATIENTS WITH HYPERTHYROIDISM]. LIU NA-WEN. henan tcm. 2003;23(2):38 (chi). 503- gera: 113662/di/ra [EFFECT OF TONIFYING KIDNEY HERBS ON THE FUNCTIONS OF SEXUAL GLAND AND THYROID]. ZHANG SHAO-WEN, ET AL. chinese journal of traditional medical science and technology. 2003;10(2):84 (chi). 504- gera: 113957/di/ra [LOCALIZED INJECTION OF HERBAL MEDICINE FOR THYROID CYSTS IN 102 CASES]. JIN SHU-WEN ZHANG YONG-HONG. shanghai journal of tcm. 2003;37(4):43 (chi). 505- gera: 114464/di/ra [XU ZHIYING EXPERIENCE OF TREATING AUTOIMMUNE THYROIDITIS]. LI RONGJUAN. hubei journal of tcm. 2003;25(1):14 (chi). 506- gera: 114531/di/ra [THERAPEUTIC EFFECT OF MEDICINAL CAKESEPARATED MOXIBUSTION ON CHRONIC LYMPHOCYTE THYROIDITIS]. WANG XIAOYAN. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 2003;23(1):6 (chi*). Objective : To observe the therapeutic effect of medicinal cake-separated moxibustion on chronic lymphocyte thyroiditis (Hashimoto's disease). Methods : The treatment group (n = 34 cases) were treated by medicinal cake separated moxibustion, the medication group (n = 32) treated by oral administration of Thyroxine tablets, and normal thyroid function indexes were investigated in the normal control group (n = 35). The two states of hypothyroidism and normal thyroid function were analyzed. Results : The medicinal cake-separated moxibustion could effectively improve the thyroid function and immunological function in the patient of Hashimoto's disease (P< 0. 01). Conclusion : The cake separated moxibustion is a better therapy for Hashimoto' s disease. 507- gera: 114905/di/ra TRATAMIENTO DE 51 CASOS DE HIPERTIROIDISMO MEDIANTE PUNCION DE PUNTOS EFICACES. ZHANG YAOHUA, WANG XIUFU. medicina energetica. 2003;7:57 (esp). 508- gera: 115657/di/ra [EFFECTIVE OBSERVATION ON ACUPUNCTURE AND TRADITIONAL CHINESE MEDICINE COMBINED TREATING HYPOTHYROIDISM.]. ZHAO LI-MING. journal of laoning college of tcm. 2003;5(1):37 (chi). 509- gera: 115902/di/ra [EFFECTS OF KIDNEY TONIC HERBS ON THE LEVELS OF TESTOSTERONE AND THYROID HORMONE IN SERUM OF THE SALICYLATE MODEL RATS]. WANG JING, SHI JIANRONG, GUO RUIXIN, ET AL. chinese journal of integrated traditional and western medicine otorhinolaryngology. 2003;11(1):5 (chi*). 510- gera: 115935/di/ra THE PRESENT SITUATION OF TCM TREATMENT FOR DIABETES AND ITS RESEARCHES. WANG QI. journal of tcm. 2003;23(1):67 (eng). 511- gera: 116204/di/ra [EFFECT OF SHENFUTANG IN UP-REGULATING EXPRESSIONS OF HEAT SHOCK PROTEIN MRNA AND GLUCOCORTICOID RECEPTOR MRNA AND ITS INFLUENCE OF CELL SURVIVAL*]. LING CHANG-QUAN, LI MIN, BU SHI-ZHONG, ET AL. chinese journal of integrated traditional and western medicine. 2003;23(1):32 (chi*). 512- gera: 116496/di/ra [OBSERVATION OF THE EFFICACY OF CHINESEWESTERN-COMBINED TREATMENT FOR 37 PATIENTS WITH HYPERTHYROIDISM]. LIU NA-WEN. henan tcm. 2003;23(2):38 (chi). 513- gera: 116653/di/ra [EFFECT OF TONIFYING KIDNEY HERBS ON THE FUNCTIONS OF SEXUAL GLAND AND THYROID]. ZHANG SHAO-WEN, ET AL. chinese journal of traditional medical science and technology. 2003;10(2):84 (chi). 514- gera: 116948/di/ra [LOCALIZED INJECTION OF HERBAL MEDICINE FOR THYROID CYSTS IN 102 CASES]. JIN SHU-WEN ZHANG YONG-HONG. shanghai journal of tcm. 2003;37(4):43 (chi). 515- gera: 117941/di/ra [STUDY OF THYROID PAPILLARY CARCINOMA DIAGNOSED WITH ULTRASONOGRAPHY]. XU QIU-HUA, YAN SHAN. modern journal of integrated traditional chinese and western medicine . 2003;12(15):1574 (chi*). 516- gera: 118023/di/ra [[EXPERIMENT STUDY ON HASHIMOTO'S THYROIDITIS TREATED BY LEI-GONG-TENG].]. HUA CHUAN,XU ZHIYIN. journal of practical tcm. 2003;19(8):397 (chi). 517- gera: 118276/di/ra [EFFECT OF QIJIANXIAOYING SOUP ON THYROID ULTRAMICROSCOPIC STRUCTURE IN AUTOIMMUNE THYROIDITIS RAT.]. HUA CHUAN, CHEN RU-QUAN. modern journal of integrated traditional chinese and western medicine . 2003;12(16):1705 (chi*). 518- gera: 118625/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON 262 CASES OF HYPERTHYOIDISM TREATED MAINLY BY CATGUT EMBEDDING AT GANSHU AND XINSHU POINTS]. CAO JINMEI, MEN YANLI, FAN JUNMING. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 2003;23(9):515 (chi*). © gera 2010 31 519- gera: 119751/di/ra [THE LAW OF THYROMEGALY TREATED WITH TCM IN ANCIENT LITERATURE]. LIU SHUMIN , LUO MINGMEI, LI YUJIE. information on tcm. 2003;20(2):61 (chi). 520- gera: 119940/di/ra [RESEARCH INTO THE CHANGE OF GLUCOCORTICOID HORMONE RECEPTOR OF YIN DEFICIENCY OF HYPERTHYROIDISM AND THE EFFECT OF LIU WEI DI HUANG WANG]. YANG HONGJIE, ZHENG MIN, ZHANG DAN. zhejiang journal journal of tcm. 2003;38(3):116 (chi). 521- gera: 120157/di/ra [AN ANALYSIS ON LONG - TERM CURATIVE EFFECT OF TCM COMBINED WITH WESTERN MEDICINE FOR HYPERTHYROIDISM]. QIU WAN-YING, GU XUE-WEN. new journal of tcm. 2003;35(5):43 (chi). 522- gera: 120276/di/ra [THE CASES OF DISEASE OF THYROID GLAND HEATED BY PROFESSOR CHENG YI - CHUN]. HAN JI-MIAO, XU WEN-QIAN. acta chinese medicine and pharmacology. 2003;31(2):10 (chi). 523- gera: 120444/di/ra [EFFECT OF TRIPTERYGIUM GLYCOSIDES ON THYROID FUNCTION AND AUTO-ANTIBODY IN PATIENTS WITH GRAVES DISEASE]. TANG LING, LIANG ZHI-QING, SU KE. chinese journal of integrated traditional and western medicine. 2003;23(4):294 (chi*). 524- gera: 120644/di/ra [EXPERIMENTAL STUDY ON WARMING KIDNEY DECOCTION FOR TREATMENT OF AUTOIMMUNE THYROIDITIS IN MICE]. YU JIANGYI. journal of tcm. 2003;44(5):377 (chi). 525- gera: 121841/di/ra [CLINICAL STUDY ON TREATMENT OF HYPERTHYROIDISM WITH JIAKANG GRANULE]. WANG XU, CHEN JIN-DING, BIAN WEI-HE, ET AL. journal of nanjing university of tcm. 2003;19(4):207 (chi). 526- gera: 122012/di/ra [SCREEN STUDY ON CHINESE HERBS WITH ANTITHYROID FUNCTION]. WANG QING-HAO, CHEN RUQUAN, ZHANG SHENG-LAN. liaoning journal of tcm. 2003;30(7):519 (chi*). 527- gera: 123411/di/ra [CLINICAL STUDY ON RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ALTERATION OF THYROID HORMONE AND SYNDROME OF TRADITIONAL CHINESE MEDICINE IN PATIENTS ON HEMODIALYSIS]. LI YAN-LIN,HUANG ZHEN-YAN,MIAO CAN-MING,ET AL. chinese journal of integrated traditional and western medicine in intensive and crit. 2003;10(6):343 (chi*). [TREATMENT OF 52 CASES OF HYPERTHYROIDISM WITH TRADITIONAL CHINESE MEDICINE COMBINED WITH WESTERN MEDICINE]. ZHANG HONG-WEI. journal of nanjing university of tcm. 2003;19(6):369 (chi*). 532- gera: 125103/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION OF GUIPI PILLS COMBINED WITH LOW DOSE THYROXIN ON LIGHT HYPOTHYROIDISM ]. TENG SHICHAO. hebei journal of tcm. 2003;25(12):895 (chi*). 533- gera: 125393/di/ra [THERAPEUTIC EFFECT OF COMBINED XIAOYING MIXTURE AND THYROID TABLETS IN PATIENTS WITH HASHIMOTO THYROIDITIS]. ZHAO SHUTING, LI XIANGQI. chinese journal of surgery of integrated traditional chinese and western medicine. 2003;9(5):354 (chi*). 534- gera: 125424/di/ra [TREATMENT OF HASHIMOTO'S DISEASE BY SIQI TANG: A CLINICAL OBSERVATION OF 35 CASES]. CHEN AI-HUA, SHAO TAO. new journal of tcm. 2003;35(12):31 (chi*). 535- gera: 125624/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON OPHTHALMOPATHY CORRELATED WITH THYROID TREATED WITH COMBINATION OF TRADITIONAL CHINESE AND WESTERN MEDICINES ]. ZENG WEI, ET AL. hubei journal of tcm. 2003;25(10):19 (chi). 536- gera: 123538/di/ra [PROBE INTO TREATMENT OF DIABETES WITH IDENTIFY PATTERNS AND ADMINIST TREATMENT FROM SPLEEN]. PAN SHANYU . zhejiang journal of tcm. 2004;39(1):6 (chi). 537- gera: 124069/di/ra [TREATMENT OF THYROID BENIGN NODULE BY HUALIU TANG AND LOCAL EXTERNAL APPLICATION: A CLINICAL OBSERVATION OF 43 CASES]. JIANG HONGYU, LIU AN-GUO, CHENG SHU-JUAN, ET. new journal of tcm. 2004;36(1):29 (chi*). 538- gera: 124130/di/ra [THE DEVELOPMENT OF TRADITIONAL CHINESE MEDICINE TREATMENT ON HYPERTHY-ROIDISM]. YE LI FANG. gansu journal of tcm. 2004;17(1):3 (chi). 539- gera: 125192/di/ra [EXPERIMENTAL STUDY ON HYPERTHYROID TREATED WITH JIAKANG PRESCRIPTION AND ITS RESOLUTED COMPONENTS ]. LIU SHU-MIN, ET AL. chinese journal of traditional science and traumatology. 2004;11(1):21 (chi). 540- gera: 125203/di/ra [EXPERIMENTAL STUDY ON GOITER TREATED WITH HUALIU ADHESIVE PLASTER ]. JIANG HONG-YU, ET AL. chinese journal of traditional science and traumatology. 2004;11(1):42 (chi). 528- gera: 123508/di/ra [HEALTH-SUPPORTING AND GOITER-CLEARING THERAPY FOR HASHIMOTO'S THYROIDITIS IN 52 CASES ]. HUANG ZHENG . shanghai journal of tcm. 2003;37(11):34 (chi*). 541- gera: 125204/di/ra [EFFECT OF HUALIU ADHESIVE PLASTER ON PATHOLOGICAL CHANGES IN RATS WITH GOITER ]. JIANG HONG-YU, ET AL. chinese journal of traditional science and traumatology. 2004;11(1):43 (chi). 529- gera: 124196/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON TREATMENT OF 32 CHILDREN WITH HASHIMOTO'S DISEASE MAINLY BASED ON SYNDROME DIFFERENTIATION]. PANG JIE, WU RUIMIN . journal of tcm. 2003;44(11):843 (chi). 542- gera: 125379/di/ra [MEASUREMENT OF RETICULATED PLATELETS IN HYPERTHYROIDISM]. CHEN LING-ZHI. modern journal of integrated traditional chinese and western medicine. 2004;13(1):17 (chi). 530- gera: 124210/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON XIEHUO YANGYIN POWDER IN TREATING 30 INITIAL STAGE OF TOXIC AND DIFFUSE GOITER PATIENTS *]. LI XUE-MEI, CAO YONGFEN, YANG JUAN, ET AL . chinese journal of integrated traditional and western medicine. 2003;23(11):829 (chi*). 543- gera: 129608/di/ra [CLINICAL ANALYSIS OF ABNORMAL THYROID FUNCTION OF ASPHYXIA NEONATE]. LI HUA, WANG WEN-JUN . modern journal of integrated traditional chinese and western medicine. 2004;13(12):1559 (chi*). 531- gera: 124358/di/ra 544- gera: 130477/di/ra [THE STUDY DEVELOPMENT OF TOXICITY DIFFUSE © gera 2010 32 STRUMA OF THYROID ]. AN PING, LIANG XUE . information on tcm. 2004;21(4):17 (chi). 545- gera: 130570/di/ra [CLINICAL STUDY ON THE RELATIONSHIP OF EFFECT IN CONGESTIVE HEART-FAILURE OF SERUM THYROID HORMONES AND DIFFERENTIATION OF SYMPTOMS AND SIGNS ]. AN HUI, ET AL . chinese journal of information on tcm. 2004;11(7):618 (chi*). 546- gera: 130801/di/ra [ DYNAMIC OBSERVATION ON THE CHANGES OF THYROID FUNCTION OF PATIENTS WITH ACUTE CEREBROVASCULAR DISEASE]. BAI JIGENG, LI DONGFANG, LI GUANGLAI, ET AL. chinese journal of integrative medicine on cardio-/cerebrovascular disease. 2004;2(7):400 (chi*). 547- gera: 132169/di/ra [SUB-ACUTE THYROIDITIS WITH PAIN IN NECK AND PHARYNX AS THE FIRST COMPLAINT-A REPORT OF 26 CASES]. MA MIN, LIU ZHUOPING, DING CAIXIA. chinese journal of integrated traditional and western medicine otorhinolaryngology. 2004;12(5):266 (chi*). 548- gera: 132552/di/ra [STUDY DEVELOPMENT OF GRAVES TREATED WITH TCM AND WESTERN MEDICINE]. ZHANG XIAO-HUI, LENG YAN-FENG, SUN HE. information on tcm. 2004;21(5):17 (chi). 549- gera: 133068/di/ra [ON RECENT CLINICAL STUDIES OF TREATMENT OF GRAVES BY TCM]. CAI YONGMIN . journal of henan university of chinese medicine. 2004;10(5):86 (chi*). 550- gera: 133416/di/ra [STUDY ON RELATIONSHIP AMONG THYROID HORMONE RELATIVITY AND SYNDROME DIFFERENTIATION TYPES OF TCM IN PATIENTS WITH CONGESTIVE HEART FAILURE"]. ZHOU JIE, GAO XIAO-LING, ZHANG BAOZHOU, ET AL . chinese journal of integrated traditional and western medicine. 2004;24(10):872 (chi*). Objective- To study the relationship between the TCM Syndrome Differentiation-types of congestive heart failure (CHF) and thyroid hormones, including triiodothyronine (T3), thyroxine (T4) and thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) , and atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) , as well as cardiac function parameters, including left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) , mean velocity of circumferentid fiber shortening (mVcf) and A peak/E peak (A/E) . Methods One hundred patients with CHF were divided into 4 Syndrome Differentiation-type groups, their cardiac function parameters, ANP and thyroid hormones were determined and compared with those in the 23 subjects in the control group. Results In CHF patients with edema and blood stasis Syndrome type, the level of plasma ANP was significantly higher than that in the control group (P < 0. 05) ; level of T3 was significantly lower than that in the control group and in CHF patients of other three (Xin-qi deficiency, Yindeficiency and blood stasis) Syndrome groups (P < 0. 01, P < 0. 01, P < 0. 05 and P < 0. 01) ; levels of LVEF and mVcf were significantly lower than those in the other three Syndrome groups (all P < 0.01) . Level of T4 in other three Syndrome groups significantly increased than that in the edema and blood stasis Syndrome type. A/E value showed a higher level in patients of all TCM type than that in the control (P<0.01). Correlation analysis showed that T3 was positively correlated with LVEF and T4 ( r = 0. 200, P < 0. 05, and r = 0. 293, P < 0.01) , and negatively correlated with ANP (r = - 0. 263, P < 0. 01) ; T4 was negatively correlated with A/E (r = - 0. 226, P < 0.05) . Conclusion The lowering of T3 and T4 and increasing of ANP may be one of the important reasons for lowering of LVEF in CHF patients with edema and blood stasis Syndrometype. The decrease of T4 may be one of the important reasons for elevation of A/E and aggravation of left ventricular diastolic dysfunction in CHF patients of all the 4 TCM Syndrome-types. 551- gera: 133744/di/ra [PROFESSOR TANG HANJUN'S CLINICAL EXPERIENCE IN TREATING EXTERNAL DISEASES THROUGH SPLEEN AND STOMACH]. LOU YING QUE HUA-FA KUI GANG. shanghai journal of tcm. 2004;38(10):30 (chi*). This paper discusses professor Tang Hanjun's clinical experience in treating post-operative mammary carcinoma, ulcer of lower limb, Hashimoto's thyroiditis and lymphadenectasis through the spleen and stomach. He stresses the regulation of spleen and stomach in the treatment of external diseases. 552- gera: 134066//ra THEORIES IN YELLOW EMPREO'S CANON INTERNAL MEDICINE WITH HYPERTHYROIDISM. X. chinese archives of tcm. 2004;22(11):2064 (eng). Yellow Empero's canon internal medicine initiated specific theoretical systems of traditional Chinese medicine ,and explained theoretical principles and science ideas. Successive doctors considered it as the ancestor of TCM respectfully. Many theories in it had important guidance effects on diagnoses and treatments of hyperthyroidism. This article sets forth the thoughts about relationship between theory of QI and fire ,theory of Ren,Du and Chong 553- gera: 134574/di/ra [OBSERVATION OF CURATIVE EFFECT ON EXOPHTHALMIC HYPERTHYROIDISM TREATED WITH COMBINATION OF TRADITIONAL CHINESE AND WESTERN MEDICINES]. YU XIAOHUA, ET AL. hubei journal of tcm. 2004;26(9):25 (chi). 554- gera: 137789/di/ra [RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN TRADITIONAL CHINESE MEDICINE DIFFERENTIATION OF SYNDROME AND THYROID HORMONE VARIABILITY IN PATIENTS WITH CONGESTIVE HEART FAILURE]. XU JIAXIN, ZHONG ZHIRONG. hebei journal of tcm. 2004;26(10):732 (chi*). Objective To study the relationship between Traditional Chinese Medicine differentiation of syndrome and thyroid hormone variability in patients with congestive heart failure. Methods 120 patients with congestive heart failure in treatment group were differentiated according to Traditional Chinese Medicine differentiation of syndrome and 15 healthy human in control group were observed on T3 , T4 , rT3 and TSH. Results T3 in patients with congestive heart failure was decreased progressively in order of qi-yin deficiency syndrome, phlegm retention and obstructive pulmonary syndrome, heart lung deficiency syndrome, qi deficiency and blood stasis syndrome, heart and kidney yang deficiency syndrome and syndrome of edema caused by deficiency of yang. rT3 in patients with congestive heart failure was increased progressively in order.of qi yin deficiency syndrome, phlegm retention and obstructive pulmonary syndrome , heart lung deficiency syndrome, qi deficiency and blood stasis syndrome, heart and kidney yang deficiency syndrome and syndrome of edema caused by deficiency of yang. Conclusion There were differences in T3 and rT3 between various kinds of patients with congestive heart failure by Traditional Chinese Medicine differentiation of syndrome. Level of T3 and rT3 can be indicators of Traditional Chinese Medicine differentiation of patients with congestive heart failure. 555- gera: 138122/di/ra [TREATMENT OF PREGNANCY ACCOMPANIED WIT HYPOTHYROIDISM BY WARMING YANG AND NOURISHING YIN]. HE MING ET AL. jilin journal of tcm. 2004;24(12):12 (chi). 556- gera: 138348/di/ra [31 PATIENTS WITH STRUMA OF THYROID TREATED WITH ACUPUNCTURE]. SHAO SU -JI, SHAO SU-XIA. journal of clinical acupuncture and moxibustion. 2004;20(12):26 (chi). 557- gera: 138555/di/ra [OBSERVATION OF EFFECT OF RESINA DRACONIS ON 34 CASES OF HYPERTHYROIDISM]. DING RUGANG . journal of henan university of chinese medicine. 2004;19(6):65 (chi). © gera 2010 33 558- gera: 139199/di/ra [A CASE OF SUBACUTE THYROIDITIS SATISFACTORILY TREATED WITH KAMPO-THERAPY.]. X. kampo medicine. 2004;55(3):319 (jap*). We report the case of a 77-year-old female with subacute thyroiditis who was successfully treated with traditional herbal medicine (Kampo-therapy). On 18th December 2001, the patient was admitted to our hospital because of malaise and loss of appetite. The patient complained of what she thought was a sore throat that began one month prior to admission, with a fever rising to 37.8 4 days before admission. Physical examination showed tenderness and swelling of the thyroid. Blood examination showed hyperthyroidism (TSH 0.02 µIU/ml fT3 20.18 ng/dl f T4 5.21 ng/dl) and high inflammation (CRP 13.7 ESR 122 mm/hr). We then diagnosed subacute thyroiditis and treated her with Kampo-therapy only. We arranged herbs according to the "Sho-kan-ron( " and gave her Keishi-ni- eppiichi-to and Choi joki-to . Four days after admission, her intermittent fever disappeared. After 10 days, her CRP became negative. After 13 days, almost all the symptoms had disappeared. Thyroid function (fT3, fT4) returned to normal after 17 days of Kampo-therapy. Subacute thyroiditis is a self limiting disease, but steroid therapy is often needed to reduce the symptoms and avoid thyrotoxicosis. In this case, the patient made a relatively quick recovery without steroid therapy. We suggest Kampo-therapy can be an effective treatment for subacute thyroiditis. 559- gera: 124407/di/ra [AURICULAR ACUPUNCTURE COMBINED WITH IODINE SALT FOR TREATMENT OF JUVENILE ENDEMIC GOITRE]. LIU ZY, YAO XH. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 2005;25(10):702-4 (chi). OBJECTIVE: To observe clinical therapeutic effect of auricular acupuncture combined with iodine salt on juvenile endemic goitre, and regulative action on thyroid hormones. METHODS: Seventy-five cases of juvenile endemic goitre were randomly divided into a treatment group treated with auricular acupuncture combined with iodine salt, and a control group treated with iodine salt alone. The changes of T3, T4 and TSH contents were observed in the two groups. RESULTS: After treatment, serum T3 increased and TSH decreased in the treatment group as compared with the control group (P < 0.05). CONCLUSION: Auricular acupuncture combined with iodine salt can promote reduction of endemic goitre or elimination, and effectively regulate synthesis and metabolism of thyroid 560- gera: 137913/di/ra [EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF BANLIU PILL ON IMPROVING EFFECT OF GENITAL FUNCTION IN THE, RATS WITH HYPOTHYROIDISM ]. FANG BANGJIANG, ET al. hubei journal of tcm. 2005;27(1):10 (chi). 561- gera: 137980/di/ra [THE INVESTIGATE ON THE EFFECT OF XIAOYING JIAKANG TABLETS ON HYPERTHYROIDISM ]. TAO DONG-QING, CHEN RU-QUAN. information on tcm. 2005;22(1):36 (chi*). Objective:To investigate : the effect of xiaoying Jiakang (XYJK) tablets on hyperthyroidism. Method: Eighty cases of hyperthyroidism were divided into XYJK group (60 cases and Tapazol control group at random. Serum levels of FT3 , FT4, TSH, TGA and TMA were measured in patients and changes of syndromes and sighs in patients were observed. Result: In the treatment group, the serum levels of FT3 , FT4, TGA , TMA were lowered markedly in patients. The remissionrate and effectual rate in the treatment group were higher than those in the control group were higher than those in the control group , but there wasn't marked difference between the total ef¬fective rate in the treatment group and that in the control group. Conclu¬sion: The effect of the hyperthyroidism treatment by XYJK tablets was satisfactory. The combination of Chinese herbs with western medicine could en¬hance the 562- gera: 138974/di/ra [EVALUATION OF QUALITY OF LITERATURE OF CLINICAL STUDIES ON ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION TREATMENT OF HYPERTHYROIDISM]. CUI HUASHUN, HE JINSEN, LI YONGJIAN, ET AL. journal of tcm. 2005;46(3):187 (chi*). Objective: To evaluate quality of clinical trials about acupuncture and moxibustion treatment of hyperthyrodism in China. Methods:Literature of clinical trials of acupuncture and moxibustion treatment of hyperthyroidism were attained by computer and manual retrieval, and randomization, control, selection of study objects, comparability between groups, amount of samples, description and control of source of samples, criteria for diagnosis, application of blind method, criteria for assessment of therapeutic effects,statistical method,adverse effects,follow- up,and others in the literature were analyzed and evaluated by the randomized controlled test criteria and the clinical assessing method in Cochrane handbook of international Cochrane cooperation net. Results:In 63 papers,clinical randomized controlled tests of acupuncture and moxibustion treatment of hyperthyroidism only accounted for 22. 2% ,but with increasing tend year by year in recent years. Conclusion :Though acupuncture and moxibustion have been widely applied in prevention and treatment of hyperthyroidism,it could not provide evidences of higher reliability for clinical treatment due to less clinical randomized controlled tests and lower quality,which severely hinder testing and verifying of clinical therapeutic effects of acupuncture and moxibustion. It is proposed that multiple central and randomized controlled test should be made, so as to search for feasible acupuncture and moxibustion methods with definite therapeutic effect for hyperthyroidism, and provide basis for further systematical evaluation of acupuncture and moxibustion treatment of hyperthyroidism. 563- gera: 139604/di/ra [TREATMENT OF GRAVES' DISEASE BY TCM COMBINED WITH WESTERN MEDICINE: A CLINICAL OBSERVATION OF 108 CASES]. WANG XIN -HUA. new journal of tcm. 2005;37(1):68 (chi). 564- gera: 139964/di/ra [ACUPOINT SELECTION LAWS OF ACUPUNCTURE IN TREATING HYPERTHYROIDISM]. CUI HUA-SHUN LI YONG-JIAN DI RUO-HONG . shanghai journal of tcm. 2005;39(2):42 (chi*). This paper retrieved and analyzed the literature concerning the clinical treatment of hyperthyroidism by acupuncture in the past 25 years, and found that the acupoint selection had certain laws, though the treatment methods varied. Results: Total 49 acupoints were used, mainly on stomach meridian, spleen meridian, kidney meridian, liver meridian and pericardium meridian; the frequent acupoints were Zusanli (ST 36) , Sanyinjiao (SP 565- gera: 139966/di/ra [EFFECTS OF " BANLIU BONUS" ON T3 NR MRNA EXPRESSION IN HIPPOCAMPUS IN RATS OF HYPOTHYROIDISM]. FANG BANG-JIANG ZHOU SHUANG ZHANG RONG-HUA, ET AL. shanghai journal of tcm. 2005;39(2):46 (chi*). To observe the change of T3 NR mRNA in hippocampus of the rats of hypothyroidism and the effect of "Banliu Bonus" on it in order to study its protective mechanism on brain injury due to hypothyroidism, the rats were randomly divided into normal control group and hypothyroidism group. Then the rats in hypothyroidism group were further divided into model group, thyroxin group and " Banliu Bonus" group after they were intraperitoneal-ly injected with PTU to evoke hypothyroidism. Corresponding drug treatments were applied for the treatment groups respectively. The expressions of T3 NRa1 mRNA and T3 NRB1 mRNA in hippocampus of the rats were detected with RT-PCR. Results: The expressions T3 NRa1 mRNA and T3 NRB1 mRNA decreased obviously, with significant differences compared with normal group (P < 0.01) ; while their expressions in treatment groups increased, with a great difference as compared with model control group (P < 0. 01) , and there was no difference between treatment groups (P > O. 05) . Conclusions: " Banliu Bonus" may remedy the injury of cranial nerve due to hypothyroidism by up-regulating the expression of T3 NR mRNA and in-creasing nuclear T3 receptor to nourish © gera 2010 34 566- gera: 140886/di/ra CLINICAL STUDY ON EAR ACUPUNCTURE TREATMENT OF JUVENILE ENDEMIC GOITER. LIU ZHI-YAN, YAO XIAOHONG. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 2005;24(7):3 (chi*). Objective To investigate the clinical efficacy of ear acupuncture in cooperation with iodine-added salt- fix treating juvenile endemic goiter. Methods The objects were 75 patients who lived in an iodine-deficiency area for over 5 years and were exactly diagnosed with thyroid enlargement over grade I They were randomly divided an ear acupuncture plus, iodineadded salt treatment group and a simple iodine-added salt control group. The treatment group received ear acupuncture. The points selected were neck, endocrine , subcortex , spleen , stomach , liver and kidney. Filiform needles were used for acupuncture. The treatment was given 7 days as a course, 3 courses in all. The thyroid and urine iodine were observed in the two groups before and after treatment. Results The curative effect was significantly better in the treatment group than in the control group (P < 0.05) . Urine iodine was significantly lower in the treatment group than in the control group (P < 0.05) . Conclusion In an iodine-deficiency area and under relatively constant iodine-addes salt intake, ear acupuncture can promote the reduction or disppearance of enlarged thyroid, help the absorption and storage of iodine by the body, restore disturbed visceral 567- gera: 142361/di/ra THE TREATMENT OF HYPERTHYROIDISM BY ACUPUNCTURE. APPLEYARD I. journal of chinese medicine. 2005;81:5 (eng). This article discusses the treatment of hyperthyroidism by acupuncture and is intended as information for practitioners who already have an understanding of the theory and principles of Chinese medicine. An overview of hyperthyroidism from a Western medicine perspective is given as well as a suggested treatment strategy for 568- gera: 143067/di/ra ESPERIENZA DEL DR. JI WENHUANG NEL TRATTAMENTO IN MTC DELLA TIREOPATIA. TAO XIAOYING. rivista italiana di medicina tradizionale cinese. 2005;101(3):59 (ita). Engaged inmedical practice for more than 40 years, Professor Wenhuang of Shuguang Hospital affiliated to Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine has accumulated rich experience in TCM treatment of thyropathy. Honorably apprenticed to him, the author has summed up his experience as follows. 569- gera: 143769/di/ra ESPERIENZA DEL DR. JI WENHUANG NEL TRATTAMENTO IN MTC DELLA TIREOPATIA. TAO XIAOYING. rivista italiana di medicina tradizionale cinese. 2005;101(3):59 (ita). Engaged inmedical practice for more than40 years, Professor 7i Wenhuang of Shuguang Hospital affiliated to Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine has accumulated rich experience in TCM treatment of thyropathy. Honorably apprenticed to him, the author has summed up his experience as follows. 570- gera: 126672/di/ra CAS CLINIQUES ET PROPOS MEDICAUX TRAITEMENT ACUPUNCTURAL DE L'HYPERTHYROÏDIE. JIN SHUBAI & HE JINSEN. journal de medecine traditionnelle chinoise. 2006;2(3):19 (fra). 571- gera: 143622/di/ra [OBSERVATION ON THERAPEUTIC EFFECT OF PICKING THERAPY ON GRAVES' DISEASE]]. LI GL, ZHOU ZX, LI JM. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 2006;26(11):769-71. (chi). OBJECTIVE: To observe therapeutic effect of picking therapy on Graves' disease (GD) and its effects on thyroid function. METHODS: Sixty cases of GD were randomly divided into a treatment group (pricking therapy group) and a control group (medication group). They were treated respectively with pricking thyroid gland high point or oral administration of tapazole. And changes of total triiodothyronine (TT3), total thyroxine (TT4), free T3 (FT3), free T4 (FT4), thyroxine receptor antibody (TRAb), supersensitive thyrotropin (S-TSH) after treatment were investigated. RESULTS: The total effective rate was 93.33% in the treatment group and 76.67% in the control group with a significant difference between the two groups (P < 0.05). After treatment, serum TT3, TT4, FT3, FT4 and S-TSH contents had very significant change in the two groups (P < 0.01), TRAb had very significant change in the treatment group (P < 0.01) and no significant change in the control group (P > 0.05) there were significant differences in decrease of TT3, FT3, TRAb (P < 0.05) and no significant difference in decrease of TT4, FT4 and increase of S-TSH between the two groups (P > 0.05). CONCLUSION: Pricking therapy has a definite therapeutic 572- gera: 144246/di/ra PHYSIOLOGIE ENERGETIQUE DE LA THYROÏDE. . ESPOSITO B. acupuncture & moxibustion. 2006;5(4):327 (fra). Résumé : Le rôle physiologique de la thyroïde dans la médecine énergétique n’étant pas bien codifé, nous proposons de comparer les fonctions attribuées à cette glande par la médecine occidentale moderne avec les enseignements des anciens médecins chinois, sur la base des données topographiques et embryologiques selon une méthode inductive et analogique. Les fonctions du Rein (shen zang) et du Feu Ministériel, dont le palais est le mingmen, coïncident avec les nombreuses fonctions de la thyroïde intégrée dans le système hypotha-lamo- hypophysaire, concernant la régulation énergétique et la thermorégulation, le bilan hydroélectrolytique, les phases anaboliques et cataboliques des métabolismes, le développement physique et la maturation sexuelle. Il est suggéré que la thyroïde puisse être considérée du point de vue fonctionnel énergétique, comme un « petit Rein » situé au lianquan 23VC, point de la plus grande concentration de l’énergie rénale, pour veiller au bon 573- gera: 144356//ra POSITIVE DATA FROM ACUPUNCTURE STUDY FOR REDUCING BODY-WEIGHT. PITTLER MH. focus on alternative and complementary therapies. 2006;11(1):41 (eng). résumé et commentaire de :Eich H, Hannig M, Zimmermann E, Klieser E. Acupuncture in the treatment of psychoactivedrug-induced obesity -an experimental study. Dtsch Z Akup 2005; 48: 574- gera: 145890/di/ra DR. CHENG YICHUN'S EXPERIENCE IN TREATING HYPERTHYROIDISM. SUN FENGLEI & FENG JIANHUA. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 2006;26(4):288 (eng). 575- gera: 148790/di/re TAI CHI FOR TYPE 2 DIABETES: A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW. LEE MS, PITTLER MH, KIM MS, ERNST E. diabet med. 2008;25(2):240-41 (eng). 576- gera: 149026/di/ra CLINICAL FEELINGS OF MOXIBUTION IN TREATING HYPERTHYROIDISM. YAN XIAO RUI, GAO BAO WA, YANG YUN KUAN. journal of clinical acupuncture and moxibustion. 2008;24(3):24 (chi). 577- gera: 149038/di/ra INFLUENCE OF COMBINED USE OF ACUPUNCTURE AND MEDICINE ON HYPERTHYROIDISM PATIENT' S QUALITY OF LIFE. CUI HUA-SHUN , HE JIN-SENT CHANG MING, XIA YONG , LI YI. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 2008;27(4):3 (chi). Objective To investigate the influence of combined use of acupuncture and medicine on hyperthyroidism patient's quality of life through a standardized clinical study. Methods The clinical efficacy of acupuncture plus tapazole (10 mg daily) in treating hyperthyroidism and its influence on the quality of life were separately observed and validated. Results The total efficacy rate was 92.1% in the acupuncture-medicine group and 87.5% in the Western medicine group; there was no © gera 2010 35 statistically significant difference between the two groups (P > 0.05) . During treatment, the patients of the acupuncturemedicine group had no side reaction and the recurrence rate was 6.7% in them. The quality of life was significantly improved in the acupuncture-medicine group after treatment as compared with before (P <0.05). Conclusion Combined use of acupuncture and antithyroid (tapazole) has the advantages of a good and quick effect, a short course of treatment and few side effects in treating hyperthyroidism. Treatment of hyperthyroidism by combined use of acupuncture and antithyroid (tapazole) can rapidly rectify bad 578- gera: 149220/nd/ra [EFFECT OF PINGGAN QIANYANG ON HYPOTHALAMIC PROTEOME IN THE HYPERTHYROID RATS WITH HYPERACTIVITY OF LIVER-YANG.]. YIN YH, YI ZJ, ZHONG GW, HU JJ. zhong nan da xue xue bao yi xue ban. 2008;33(5):391-8 (chi). Objective To investigate the effect of pinggan-qianyang (PGQY), a Chinese medicine, on hypothalamic proteome in the hyperthyroid rats with hyperactivity of liver-yang,and to explore its mechanism.Methods The rat model was established by intraperitoneal injection of levo-thyroxine (L-T4) and fuzi decotion.All the quantitative and qualitative changes of the protein expressions were compared among the normal group,the model group and the treatment group by proteomic techniques.Results The protein spots in the 3 groups were mainly displayed at the isoelectric point (pI) 3~10, and the molecular weights were 13.8~98.8 kD.Compared with the normal group, 6 spots of protein expression increased and 10 decreased in the model group. All the changed protein in the model group returned to normal level after PGQY treatment. Mass-spectrometer and bio-informatics indicated that these proteins were Prohibitin,Peroxiredoxin-6,histidine triad nucleotide-binding protein 1,protein-tyrosinephosphatase,predicted protein,profilin-2,peroxir doxin-II,heat shock protein-27, and annexin-A1.Conclusion There are differences in the expression of hypothalamus proteins in the hyperthyroid rats with hyperactivity of liver-yang after the treatment with PGQY,and the 9 identified protein spots may be associated with the mechanism of PGQY. 579- gera: 149221/nd/ra PREPARATION AND ANTIBACTERIAL ACTIVITY OF COMPOUND CHITOSAN-COMPOUND YIZHIHAONANOPARTICLES. OU S, ZHANG YD. zhong nan da xue xue bao yi xue ban. 2008;33(5): (chi). Objective To prepare chitosan (CS)-compound Yizhihaonanoparticles (NP) and to investigate its antibacterial activity. Methods CS NPs were formed by the incorporation of CS and Na3PO4. CS-compound Yizhihao NPs were prepared by ioncross-linking. The particle sizes and surface charges of CS NPs were determined by Malvern Zetasizer 1000-HAS and atomic force microscope (AFM), respectively. The antibacterial acitivity of CS-compound Yizhihao-NPs was studied in vitro and compared with that of compound Yizhihao powder. Results Malvern Zetasizer 1000-HAS and AFM demonstrated that the diameter of CS-compound Yizhihao NPs was (137.00+/- 14.28)nm and CS NPs had (16.90+/-1.32)mV positive surface charges. The minimal inhibitory concentrations (MIC) of CS-compound Yizhihao NPs on Staphylococcus aureus,Pneumococcus,beta-hemolytic streptococcus, and Escherichia coli were 1:32,1:32,1:16,and 1:2,respectively. The minimal bactericidal concentrations (MBC) of CS- compound Yizhihao-NPs on Staphylococcus aureus,Pneumococcus,betahemolytic streptococcus, and Escherichia coli were 1:16,1:16,1:8, and 1:2,respectively. The antibacterial efficacy of CS-compound Yizhihao-NPs to Staphylococcus aureus,Pneumococcus,and beta-hemolytic streptococcus had been improved significantly (P< 0.05). Conclusion CScompound Yizhihao-nanoparticles have obvious antibacterial activity to the Staphylococcus aureus,Pneumococcus,and beta-hemolytic streptococcus,which lays the experimental foundation for new preparation of traditional Chinese medicine in future research. 580- gera: 149312/di/ra CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON TRIGONELLA FOENUMGRAECUM L. TOTAL SAPONINS IN COMBINATION WITH SULPHANYLUREAS IN THE TREATMENT OF TYPE 2 DIABETES MELLITUS. LU FU-RONG, SHEN LIN, QIN YOU, ET AL. chin j integr med. 2008;14(1):56 (eng). Objective: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of trigonella foe num-graecum L. total saponins (TFGs) in combination with sulfonylureas (SU) in the treatment of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) not well controlled by SU alone. Methods: Sixty-nine T2DM patients whose blood glucose levels were not well controlled by oral sulfonylureas hypoglycemic drug were randomly assigned to the treated group (46 cases) and the control group (23 cases), and were given TFGs or placebo three times per day, 6 pills each time for 12 weeks, respectively. Meanwhile, the patients continued taking their original hypoglycemic drugs. The following indexes, including effects on traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) symptoms, fast blood glucose (FBG), 2-h post-prandial blood glucose (2h PBG), glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c), clinical symptomatic quantitative scores (CSQS), body mass index (BMI), as well as hepatic and renal functions, were observed and compared before and after treatment. Results: The efficacy on TCM symptoms was obviously better in the treated group than that in the control group (P<0.01), and there were statistically remarkable decreases in aspect of FBG, 2h PBG, HbA1c and CSQS in the treated group as compared to those in the control group (P<0.05 or P<0.01), while no significant difference was found in BMI, hepatic and renal functions between the two groups (P>0.05). Conclusion: The combined therapy of TFGs with sulfonylureas hypoglycemic drug could lower the blood glucose level and ameliorate clinical symptoms in the treatment of T2DM, and the therapy was relatively safe. 581- gera: 149756/di/ra KAMPO THERAPY FOR GRAVES DISEASE ASSOCIATED WITH PSYCHOLOGICAL DISORDERS. TAKESHI ARISHIMA,ICHIRO SASAKI,MAMI YOSHIDA,ATSUSHI FUKAO,NAKAAKI OHSAWA,TOSHIAKI HANAFUSA,SHOGO ISHINO,TOSHIHIKO HANAWA. kampo medicine. 2008;58(1):69 (jap). We report 2 patients with Graves' disease and psychological disorders. In these patients, treatment did not relieve psychological disorders despite normalization of thyroid function, but kampo therapy was effective. Patient 1 was a 24year-old female. In 2000, she was diagnosed as having Graves' disease. Treatment with an antithyroid drug normalized thyroid function, but did not relieve psychological disorders such as irritation, anxiety, or despair.. In February 2005, the patient consulted our hospital. Patient 2 was a 26year-old female. After graduating from a high school, she developed Graves' disease. Treatment with an antithyroid drug was started. However, thyroid function was unstable; mild hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism repeatedly occurred. During this period, irritation, fatigue, malaise, and alopecia deteriorated, and she consulted. our hospital in January 2005. In the two patients,keishikanzoryukotsuboreitogohangekobokuto was prescribed (the regimen was changed during follow-up in Patient 1), and their conditions markedly subsided after 16 and 9 weeks of administration, respectively, suggesting the usefulness of kampo therapy in the treatment of Graves' disease associated with psychological disorders. 582- gera: 150197/di/ra VOLTAGE-AMPERE CHARACTERISTIC OF POINT SANYINJIAO IN HYPERTHYROIDISM PATIENTS. WANG TING , SHEN XUE-YON' , WEI JIAN-ZI , MAO HUI-FAUN. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 2008;27(7):39 (chi). Objective To investigate the regularity of changes in the voltage-ampere characteristic of point Sanyinjiao( SP 6) in hyperthyroidism patients and normal persons. Methods A new self-developed intelligent voltage-ampere characteristic computer-aided detection system was used to observe and analyze changes in the voltage-ampere characteristics of point Sanyinjiao and a control point in the hyperthyroidism patients and normal persons. Results The range-increasing and rangedecreasing voltage-ampere areas and inertia area of the acupoint were all smaller than those of the control point in, the normal persons and hyperthyroidism patients. The range- © gera 2010 36 increasing resistance was larger than the range-decreasing resistance in the same sampled current spot. The rangedecreasing scan resistance was smaller in the hyperthyroidism patients than in the normal persons. Conclusion Body resistance takes on an obvious nonlinear characteristic. Range-increasing and range-decreasing voltage-ampere areas and inertia area can all sensitively reflect the specificity of acupoints. Range-decreasing scan can more 583- gera: 153655/di/ra INHIBITORY EFFECT OF KANGJIA PILL () ON THYROCYTE PROLIFERATION IN RAT GOITER MODEL. HAN Y, ZHOU J, YU SJ, CUI B, ZHANG HQ, GAO L, ZHAO JJ. chin j integr med. 2009;15(4):284-8 (eng). To investigate the inhibitory effects of Kangjia Pill (, KJP) on the cell proliferation in rat goiter model induced by methimazole (MMI). METHODS: Fifty-six Wistar rats were randomly divided into four groups: the normal group, MMI model group (MMI), low dose of KJP group (LKJP), and high dose of KJP (HKJP). Except the normal group (20 rats), the other groups (12 rats in each) were given 0.04% (w/v) MMI through the drinking water until the end of the experiment. One week later, the rats in the LKJP and HKJP groups were given KJP by gastrogavage at the dose of 250 mg/(kg . d) and 1 000 mg/(kg . d), respectively for 12 weeks. The relative thyroid weight (mg/100 g body weight) of each rat was accessed. The expression of proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) was determined by immunohistochemistry, and the correlation analysis between the PCNA positive thyrocytes and the relative thyroid weight was performed. The expressions of PCNA and cyclin D1 were examined with Western blotting. RESULTS: After KJP treatment for 12 weeks, compared with the MMI group, the relative thyroid weight of the HKJP group decreased significantly, and the positive thyrocyte populations of PCNA in the two KJP groups reduced markedly (all P<0.05). The correlation analysis showed that PCNA was closely correlated with thyrocyte proliferation (r=0.685, P<0.05). KJP significantly decreased the protein expression of PCNA and cyclin D1 in the thyroid specimens (P<0.05), the high dose showed better effects. CONCLUSION: KJP played a therapeutic role via inhibiting cell proliferation in the rat goitrous glands. © gera 2010 37 Index des auteurs LIU ZHI-YAN, YAO XIAO-HONG¤ 566 , AKITOMO M ET AL¤ 112 , AN HUI, ET AL ¤ 545 , AN PING, LIANG XUE ¤ 544 , ANDRES G¤ 85 , ANNE G¤ 241 , APPLEYARD I¤ 567 , BAI HELING HU WEILAI¤ 457 , BAI JIGENG, LI DONGFANG, LI GUANGLAI, ET AL¤ 546 , BAI PING ET AL¤ 467 , BAKER L¤ 380 , BAKER L ET AL¤ 368 , BAO GUANGQIN ET AL¤ 404 , BAOGOU Q ET AL¤ 61 , BARBAGALLO G¤ 260 , BECK R¤ 199 , BIAN WEIHE¤ 283 , BOSSY J¤ 381 , CAI BAOIXIAN ET AL¤ 100 , CAI YONGMIN ¤ 549 , CAI YUQIN¤ 212 , CAI ZHENTONG¤ 91 , CAO JINMEI, MEN YANLI, FAN JUNMING¤ 518 , CAO YU ET AL¤ 285 , CHANG KAIZMEN¤ 72 , CHANG LING¤ 397 , CHEN AI-HUA, SHAO TAO¤ 534 , CHEN BAO XING ET AL¤ 60 , CHEN BAOXING ET AL¤ 27 , CHEN HAIPING ET AL¤ 406 , CHEN HAN PING ET AL¤ 225 , CHEN HANGING¤ 65 , CHEN HANPING ET AL¤ 213 , 252 , CHEN JINDING ET AL¤ 295 , CHEN JIRUI ET AL¤ 185 , CHEN LING-ZHI¤ 542 , CHEN MEIFANG ET AL¤ 59 , CHEN MENGUYE ET AL¤ 80 , CHEN MINGDAO ET AL¤ 149 , 201 , CHEN SHEN ET AL¤ 243 , CHEN SHUDE ET AL¤ 95 , CHEN XIAOFEN¤ 187 , CHEN ZHI-CAI ET AL¤ 284 , CHENG CS¤ 263 , 264 , 265 , 266 , 267 , 268 , 269 , 270 , 271 , 272 , CHENG NAIMING ET AL¤ 69 , CHENG XINNONG¤ 157 , CHENG YAN ET AL¤ 305 , CHENG ZILONG ET AL¤ 160 , CHU WEI ET AL¤ 363 , CHUANG QINYUN¤ 81 , COLBERT AP ET AL¤ 364 , COTTAM CA¤ 287 , CUI HUA-SHUN , HE JIN-SENT CHANG MING, XIA YONG , LI YI¤ 577 , CUI HUA-SHUN LI YONG-JIAN DI RUO-HONG ¤ 564 , CUI HUASHUN, HE JINSEN, LI YONGJIAN, ET AL¤ 562 , CYGLER B¤ 162 , DAN POP M¤ 324 , DANG DUO¤ 253 , DIEZ MARTIN J¤ 156 , DING MEILING ET AL¤ 454 , DING RUGANG ¤ 557 , DING XUAN SHENG ET AL¤ 423 , DING XUAN-SHENG ET AL¤ 448 , DING YAN-PING¤ 431 , DONG JIANG TAO¤ 261 , DONG QIAN, ET AL¤ 458 , DU XIDAI¤ 347 , ESPOSITO B¤ 572 , FAN CHUNLE ET AL¤ 387 , FANG BANG-JIANG ZHOU SHUANG ZHANG RONG-HUA, ET AL¤ 565 , FANG BANGJIANG, ET al¤ 560 , FLEISCHER JL¤ 233 , FONTAINE C,¤ 333 , FRIMAT¤ 3 , FU BAO-JUN ET AL¤ 462 , 463 , FU BAOJUN, JIANG WEI, XING MEI,ET AL¤ 474 , FUNG KP ET AL¤ 19 , GACHON D¤ 122 , GAO LIANG¤ 64 , GAO LING, LIU CHUN-YU, KONG XIANG-HUI, ET AL¤ 487 , GAO YANBIN ET AL¤ 182 , GAO ZHANGWU¤ 290 , 345 , GE BAOHE¤ 428 , GE BAO-HE¤ 489 , GE TONGKUI ET AL¤ 123 , GE TONGYUAN ET AL¤ 175 , GERARD N. BURROW, JEFFREY HOPKINS, YESHI DHONDEN, AND LOBSANG 13 , GIUO XIAOZONG ET AL¤ 106 , GONG XING ET AL¤ 390 , GROBLAS A¤ 11 , GU WENCONG ET AL¤ 44 , GUO BAO-RONG ET AL¤ 438 , GUO DIANWU ET AL¤ 379 , GUO KIAOZONG ET AL¤ 173 , GUO NIETAO¤ 494 , GUO X ET AL¤ 301 , GUO XIANG ET AL¤ 304 , GUO XIAOZONG ET AL¤ 142 , 262 , GUO XIAZONG¤ 40 , GUO XIAZONG ET AL¤ 74 , 86 , GUO ZHONGMIN¤ 254 , GUO-RONG F¤ 209 , GUOSHENG H ET AL¤ 289 , GUOSHENG HU ET AL¤ 143 , HAMMER LI¤ 38 , HAN GUORUI¤ 179 , HAN JI-MIAO, XU WEN-QIAN¤ 522 , HAN QIUYU ET AL¤ 330 , HAN Y, ZHOU J, YU SJ, CUI B, ZHANG HQ, GAO L, ZHAO JJ¤ 583 , HANGING C¤ 108 , HANGZHOU FIRST PEOPLE'S HOSPITAL¤ 92 , HAO SHUJIANG ET AL¤ 430 , HE CHUN-MEI ET AL¤ 437 , HE JINSEN ET AL¤ 49 , 82 , 107 , 117 , 140 , 145 , 146 , 152 , 163 , 166 , 174 , HE JINSEN ET AL¤ 198 , 229 , 355 , HE MING ET AL¤ 555 , HE QHANSEN ET AL¤ 121 , © gera 2010 38 HENG JIANSHEN¤ 134 , HENG JIANSHENG ET AL¤ 206 , HOU RONGFENG¤ 377 , HOU XINDE ET AL¤ 103 , HSU HONG-YEN¤ 54 , HU GUO SHENG ET AL¤ 228 , HU GUOSHENG ET AL¤ 133 , 139 , 275 , 278 , 300 , 312 , 360 , 365 , 439 , HU JIESHENG¤ 293 , HU JUN ET AL¤ 276 , 303 , 335 , 340 , 342 , 361 , HU KE ET AL¤ 207 , HU SHAOWEN ET AL¤ 75 , HUA CHUAN, CHEN RU-QUAN¤ 517 , HUA CHUAN,XU ZHIYIN¤ 516 , HUANG HUI¤ 282 , HUANG YANG-MO, CHEN ZONG-LIANG¤ 486 , HUANG ZHENG ¤ 528 , HUANG ZHIXIN ET AL¤ 258 , HUBERT¤ 2 , HUGUENARD P¤ 4 , HUIJUAN X ET AL¤ 190 , INSTITUT DE MTC DE TIANJIN¤ 202 , ISLAM MW ET AL¤ 234 , JIA XILIAN, LI PEILIN, XIONG XIANGMING, EL AL¤ 480 , JIANG BINGBING ET AL¤ 37 , 76 , JIANG HAO¤ 170 , JIANG HONG-YU, ET AL¤ 540 , 541 , JIANG HONG-YU, LIU AN-GUO, CHENG SHU-JUAN, ET¤ 537 , JIANG HONG-YU, LIU AN-GUO, LAI ZHEN, ET AL¤ 488 , JIANG LI-HONG ET AL¤ 479 , JIANG LIJI ET AL¤ 35 , JIANG QUANDA¤ 73 , JIANG ZHAOSHUN¤ 316 , JIANGXI COOPERATIVE GROUP OF ACUPUNCTURE¤ 24 , JIANSHENG H ET AL¤ 208 , JIN DEFANG ET AL¤ 25 , JIN SHUBAI¤ 116 , JIN SHUBAI & HE JINSEN¤ 570 , JIN SHUBAI ET AL¤ 33 , JIN SHU-WEN ZHANG YONG-HONG¤ 504 , 514 , JIN WEIPING ET AL¤ 344 , JIN YIQIANG ET AL¤ 177 , JINSEN H ET AL¤ 128 , 129 , KAUFMANN A¤ 14 , 42 , KESPI JM¤ 53 , KESPI JM ET AL¤ 30 , KHO HG ET AL¤ 239 , KIKUTANI TOYOHIKO¤ 83 , KONG DEMING ET AL¤ 376 , KUANG ANKUN ET AL¤ 52 , 141 , 176 , 183 , 216 , KUANG YIU-YING¤ 475 , LEBARBIER A¤ 63 , LEE MS, PITTLER MH, KIM MS, ERNST E¤ 575 , LI GANG ET AL¤ 452 , LI GL, ZHOU ZX, LI JM¤ 571 , LI GUANGPING¤ 445 , LI HONG ET AL¤ 427 , LI HUA, WANG WEN-JUN ¤ 543 , LI JINGRONG ET AL¤ 161 , LI LI GUAN¤ 217 , LI LIAN¤ 415 , LI LIQING ET AL¤ 203 , LI MAO-HUAI ET AL¤ 346 , LI PEIZHOU ET AL¤ 413 , LI QISONG ET AL¤ 45 , LI QIUGUI ET AL¤ 302 , LI QIUPING¤ 483 , LI RONGJUAN¤ 497 , 505 , LI RUEI¤ 28 , LI RUI¤ 20 , 104 , LI SHAO-HUA ET AL¤ 307 , LI WANGUI¤ 292 , LI WEN QI ET AL¤ 211 , LI WEN-JING, CHEN RU-GUO¤ 472 , LI XI¤ 296 , LI XINHONG¤ 362 , LI XUE-JUN ET AL¤ 493 , LI XUE-MEI, CAO YONG-FEN, YANG JUAN, ET AL ¤ 530 , LI YAN-LIN,HUANG ZHEN-YAN,MIAO CAN-MING,ET AL¤ 527 , LI YINGSHU¤ 473 , LI YUYING, XIE JIANXING, WANG XIKUN¤ 459 , LI ZHEN ET AL¤ 429 , LI ZHENXI ET AL¤ 280 , LIANG G¤ 109 , LIANGMING LIDAO¤ 215 , LIAO FANGZHEN¤ 136 , LIAO SHIHUANG ET AL¤ 384 , 421 , LIAO SHIHUANG, LIU QINGPING, LI LIXIA, ET AL¤ 478 , LIBINGRU ET AL¤ 71 , LIN HOUSHEN¤ 155 , LIN LAN¤ 322 , LIN LAN ET AL¤ 386 , 392 , LIN PINZHEN¤ 388 , LIN QINGPING¤ 444 , LIN SICI ET AL¤ 297 , LIN XUAN, ET AL¤ 469 , LIN ZHE-ZHANG, CHEN YAO, PANG MING, ET AL¤ 353 , LING CHANG-QUAN, LI MIN, BU SHI-ZHONG, ET AL¤ 501 511 , LIU DONGYAN, WANG KECHENG, DONG LIANLING, ET AL¤ 441 , LIU NA-WEN¤ 502 , 512 , LIU QINGPING ET AL¤ 435 , LIU SHOUZHI¤ 147 , LIU SHOUZHI ET AL¤ 204 , LIU SHUMIN , LUO MINGMEI, LI YUJIE¤ 519 , LIU SHU-MIN, ET AL¤ 539 , LIU XIAODONG¤ 403 , LIU Y ET AL¤ 259 , LIU YING-MIN¤ 332 , LIU YINGTAO ET AL¤ 96 , LIU YONGXIA ET AL¤ 422 , LIU YUJIAN¤ 315 , LIU ZHI CHENG ET AL¤ 224 , LIU ZHI-YAN, ZHANG YONG-NAN¤ 477 , LIU ZY, YAO XH¤ 559 , LOU YING QUE HUA-FA KUI GANG¤ 551 , LU FU-RONG, SHEN LIN, QIN YOU, ET AL¤ 580 , LU JIANPING ET AL¤ 235 , LU JING DA, LERICHE CC¤ 465 , LU WEIMING¤ 375 , LU XIANCHANG ET AL¤ 331 , LU XIU-LUAN¤ 434 , LU YANYAO ET AL¤ 366 , , © gera 2010 39 LU YUANQING¤ 220 , LU YUE-CHAN ET AL¤ 341 , LU ZHIZHENG¤ 245 , LUO HUIYAN¤ 343 , MA LIE ET AL¤ 90 , MA LIHUA ET AL¤ 46 , 102 , MA MIN, LIU ZHUOPING, DING CAIXIA¤ 547 , MA TINGFANG ET AL¤ 57 , MAO LIANXIA¤ 418 , MASTROCINQUE F¤ 274 , MEI QUANGYUAN¤ 226 , MENG DANSHI¤ 329 , MIAO YANLING ET AL¤ 192 , MING X ET AL¤ 339 , MIYASITA S¤ 22 , MU XUCHAO ET AL¤ 412 , MUSSAT M¤ 55 , NATIONAL COOPERATIVE GROUP *¤ 119 , NATIONAL COOPERATIVE GROUP OF *¤ 88 , NEPP J¤ 298 , NGUYEN T-K,¤ 334 , NGUYEN TRONG KHANH¤ 326 , NGUYEN VAN DUC¤ 18 , NGUYEN VAN NGHI ET AL¤ 84 , NIE YOU-ZHI¤ 125 , NOBUAKI OTSUKA ET AL¤ 240 , OU S, ZHANG YD¤ 579 , PAN SHANYU ¤ 536 , PAN WENKUI¤ 328 , PAN YINGXIAN ET AL¤ 154 , PANG JIE ET AL¤ 393 , PANG JIE, WU RUIMIN ¤ 529 , PANG JIE, YE LIYA¤ 455 , PASTORE F ET AL¤ 7 , PEI-YING SHEN¤ 273 , 288 , PITTLER MH¤ 573 , PONTINEN PJ¤ 127 , QI WENXI¤ 29 , QI XIAO-HUA ET AL¤ 450 , QIAN QIU-HAI, WANG SI-MING, ZHUANG QIAN-ZHU¤ 481 , QIAO WEIXUN ET AL¤ 350 , QIN FEIHU¤ 436 , QIU BAOGUO ET AL¤ 111 , QIU WAN-YING, GU XUE-WEN¤ 521 , RAT P¤ 231 , 232 , REN HONG YIETAL¤ 221 , REN ZHONG¤ 470 , RESEARCH GROUP OF ACUPUNCTURE ANESTHESIA¤ 23 , SHAN JC ¤ 310 , SHANG XIANMIN ET AL¤ 218 , SHANGHAI FIRST PEOPLES HOSPITAL¤ 5 SHAO NIAN-FANG¤ 219 , SHAO SU -JI, SHAO SU-XIA¤ 556 , SHAO WEIWEN S ET AL¤ 130 , SHEN CHANG-ZHENG¤ 124 , SHEN MEIHONG ET AL¤ 394 , 432 , SHEN PEIYING¤ 313 , SHEN SONGFA ET AL¤ 256 , SHEN WEI ET AL¤ 255 , SHEN YUMING¤ 165 , SHEN ZIYIN ET AL¤ 32 , 58 , SHI DINGWEN ET AL¤ 168 , , SHI GANG ET AL¤ 118 , SHU-YU W ET AL¤ 17 , SONG JINGGUI¤ 356 , SONG LIE-CAI ET AL¤ 320 , SONG YINGJE¤ 214 , SOOK YOUNG¤ 151 , SUBHUTI DHARMANANDA¤ 308 , SUGHUTI DHARMANANDA¤ 299 , SUJU S¤ 359 , SUN FENGLEI¤ 373 , SUN FENGLEI & FENG JIANHUA¤ 574 , SUN KE XING ET AL¤ 419 , SUN XUE-QUAN¤ 144 , SUN ZENGQIN¤ 238 , TAKESHI ARISHIMA,ICHIRO SASAKI,MAMI YOSHIDA,ATSUSHI 581 , TAN GUOHUI ET AL¤ 417 , TANG HANJUN ET AL¤ 424 , TANG LING, LIANG ZHI-QING, SU KE¤ 523 , TANG XIN MIN¤ 126 , TANG YING¤ 171 , TAO DONG-QING, CHEN RU-QUAN¤ 561 , T'AO LEE¤ 1 , TAO XIAOYING¤ 568 , 569 , TENG SHICHAO¤ 532 , TIAN YUANSHENG, YANG WEIQIAN, CAO JINMEI¤ 482 , VOGRALIK VG ET AL¤ 113 , WAN DENIN ET AL¤ 99 , WAN HUA¤ 443 , WANG BAOLIN¤ 385 , WANG CHANGHONG¤ 410 , WANG DAMING¤ 169 , WANG HUIJIE, ZHANG ZHAOXIA ZHANG WEIPING ET AL¤ 491 , WANG JING, SHI JIANRONG, GUO RUIXIN, ET AL¤ 309 , 509 , WANG KECHENG ET AL¤ 399 , 401 , WANG LIQIN¤ 294 , WANG LIQIN ET AL¤ 425 , WANG QI¤ 500 , 510 , WANG QIAN¤ 159 , WANG QING-HAO, CHEN RU-QUAN, ZHANG SHENG-LAN¤ 526 , WANG SHANQUANG ET AL¤ 180 , WANG TING , SHEN XUE-YON' , WEI JIAN-ZI , MAO HUIFAUN¤ 582 , WANG WEI¤ 311 , WANG XIAOMIN ET AL¤ 351 , WANG XIAOYAN¤ 466 , 498 , 506 , WANG XIN -HUA¤ 563 , WANG XINHUA¤ 407 , WANG XU¤ 420 , WANG XU ET AL¤ 409 , WANG XU, CHEN JIN-DING, BIAN WEI-HE, ET AL¤ 525 , WANG ZHEMIN¤ 378 , WANG ZHEN-KUN ET AL¤ 188 , WANG ZHIXING, ET AL¤ 468 , WANG ZHONGMIN ET AL¤ 223 , WANG ZI YOU AND OTHERS¤ 210 , WANG ZONGXUE ET AL¤ 87 , WEI ZIXIAO¤ 367 , 374 , 496 , WENCONG G ET AL¤ 62 , WOLFF R¤ 230 , WU RUIMIN¤ 194 , © gera 2010 40 WU RUIMIN ET AL¤ 277 , 279 , WU TAI-HUA, WANG KE-ZHOU, LI YUN-GUI, ET AL¤ 476 , WU WENBIN ET AL¤ 249 , WU XIAO-XIA, JIA HONG-SHENG¤ 471 , WU YUIFENG ET AL¤ 205 , WU ZESEN¤ 51 , 67 , WU ZESEN ET AL¤ 47 , 114 , 167 , WUYUNDALAI¤ 495 , X¤ 6 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 21 , 31 , 56 , 78 , X¤ 79 , 336 , 552 558 , XANG LILING¤ 164 , XIA SHAONONG ET AL¤ 150 , XIA YONG RONG¤ 286 , XIA YONG-RONG¤ 323 , XIA ZONG QIN ET AL¤ 68 , XIAO MIAO-E ET AL¤ 349 , XIE YUANMING¤ 197 , XIN HENG ET AL¤ 414 , XU CANRAN ET AL¤ 94 , XU HUAYUAN¤ 26 , XU JIANZHONG ET AL¤ 371 , XU JIAXIN, ZHONG ZHIRONG¤ 554 , XU M ET AL¤ 321 , XU MIN ET AL¤ 222 , 244 , XU QIU-HUA, YAN SHAN¤ 515 , XU SHAN YU¤ 306 , XU WEI-XIANG ET AL¤ 405 , XU WEIXIANG, ZHOU ZHENG, LI YONGJIAN¤ 485 , XU ZHE¤ 251 , XU ZHIWEI ET AL¤ 447 , XU ZHI-WEI ET AL¤ 451 , XU ZHIYIN ET AL¤ 48 , 115 , 250 , XUE LIGONG ET AL¤ 137 , 184 , YAN GUANG ET AL¤ 433 , YAN LI-PING LI HENG¤ 456 , YAN XIANGMO ET AL¤ 97 , YAN XIAO RUI, GAO BAO WA, YANG YUN KUAN¤ 576 , YANG GUOHUA¤ 317 , YANG HONGJIE, ZHENG MIN, ZHANG DAN¤ 520 , YANG JIZENG ET AL¤ 93 , YANG SHAOJUN¤ 400 , YANG TIEN-KAI ET AL¤ 12 , YANG YAN-HUA ET AL¤ 389 , YANG YI, SONG AILI¤ 460 , YANG YOUWEN ET AL¤ 382 , YAO CHANG¤ 453 , YAO HUAIFANG ET AL¤ 325 , YAOHUA Z ET AL¤ 348 , YE LI FANG¤ 538 , YE LIN¤ 372 , YE MEIRONG ET AL¤ 135 , YE PING ET AL¤ 153 , YIN YH, YI ZJ, ZHONG GW, HU JJ¤ 578 , YIN ZHI-FANG ET AL¤ 200 , YU CUNJUAN ET AL¤ 398 , YU FENGQIAN ET AL¤ 446 , YU JIANGYI¤ 524 , YU JIANGYI LIU FANG¤ 490 , YU XIAOHUA, ET AL¤ 553 , YU YONG-PU ET AL¤ 281 , YUAN HUIRU ET AL¤ 416 , YUAN MIN ET AL¤ 426 , YUHUA W ET AL¤ 338 , , ZENG WEI, ET AL¤ 535 , ZENG ZHAOLIN ET AL¤ 191 , ZENG ZHAOLING ET AL¤ 148 , ZENGQIN S¤ 131 , ZESEN W¤ 110 , ZESEN W ET AL¤ 105 , ZHA LIANGLUN¤ 383 , ZHA LIANG-LUN ET AL¤ 291 , ZHANG CHENGXIANG ET AL¤ 408 , ZHANG DECHENG¤ 247 , ZHANG DONG¤ 138 , ZHANG DONG ET AL¤ 181 , 193 , ZHANG FENGXIA ET AL¤ 369 , ZHANG HAIMENG ET AL¤ 391 , ZHANG HONG-WEI¤ 531 , ZHANG JIA QING ET AL¤ 242 , ZHANG JUN-FU ET AL¤ 248 , ZHANG KAIZHEN ET AL¤ 36 , 77 , 186 , ZHANG R¤ 237 , ZHANG SHANCHENG¤ 195 , ZHANG SHAO-WEN, ET AL¤ 503 , 513 , ZHANG SHU ET AL¤ 449 , ZHANG SHU ZHI¤ 172 , ZHANG WENJUN ET AL¤ 50 , ZHANG WENXIAN¤ 257 , ZHANG XIAO-HUI, LENG YAN-FENG, SUN HE¤ 548 , ZHANG YAOHUA ET AL¤ 319 , 354 , ZHANG YAOHUA, WANG XIUFU¤ 442 , 507 , ZHANG YONGNAN ET AL¤ 395 , 402 , ZHANG YUELIN¤ 484 , ZHANG ZHEYUAN¤ 101 , ZHAO CHUNYIN ET AL¤ 236 , ZHAO JIAJUN ET AL¤ 396 , ZHAO JIAJUN, GAO LING, LIU XINQI, ET AL¤ 440 , ZHAO LI-MING¤ 499 , 508 , ZHAO SHUTING, LI XIANGQI¤ 533 , ZHAO WAIKANG ET AL¤ 41 , ZHAO WEIKANG ET AL¤ 34 , 66 , ZHAO WENXUE¤ 411 , ZHAO-EN-JIAN¤ 314 , ZHEN JIU XUE¤ 15 , 16 , ZHENG JUNXU ET AL¤ 352 , ZHENG WENXUAN ET AL¤ 227 , ZHI FAN¤ 196 , ZHONG JIABAO ET AL¤ 358 , ZHONG MEIQUAN¤ 70 , ZHONGHUI Z¤ 327 , ZHOU BEN-LIANG¤ 492 , ZHOU JIE, GAO XIAO-LING, ZHANG BAO-ZHOU, ET AL ¤ 550 , ZHOU MINGJUN ET AL¤ 43 , ZHOU QUANRAI ET AL¤ 178 , ZHOU QUANRUI ET AL¤ 98 , ZHOU RONGHUA¤ 189 , ZHOU SHOUJING ET AL¤ 318 , ZHU CHANGSHENG¤ 39 , ZHU HONGMEI¤ 464 , ZHU HUIBAO¤ 132 , 158 , ZHU LI-QUN ET AL¤ 357 , ZHU WEI-YI¤ 461 , ZHU YU ET AL¤ 120 , ZHUANG LIDING ET AL¤ 89 , ZHUANG XINLIANG ET AL¤ 246 , © gera 2010 41 ZIXIAO W¤ 337 , 370 , © gera 2010 42 4,01 -¤ DIAGNOSIS/ DIAGNOSTIC vide de rate et reins¤ 481 , index des sujets/ subject index (non exhaustif) -¤ / ¤ 36 , 37 , 53 , 74 , 75 , 76 , 110 , 181 , 184 , 186 , 242 , 249 , 387 , 121 , 145 , 170 4,04 -¤ face and ear diagnosis/ examen auriculaire et facial oreille¤ 191 , , 1,01 -¤ GENERAL ASPECTS AND HISTORY/ ASPECTS GENERAUX ET HISTOIRE combinaison médecine occidentale- mtc¤ 36 , 75 , 170 , 186 , 375 , 401 , 422 , 436 , 563 , congrès¤ 57 , informatique¤ 45 , musique¤ 204 , symbolisme¤ 85 , 1,02 *¤ 1 4,05 -¤ point diagnosis/ examen des points somatiques *¤ 182 , 4,07 -¤ syndromes/ syndromes *¤ 45 , 46 , 58 , *¤ 59 , 62 , 109 -¤ history/ histoire , 22 , 1,03 -¤ medical classics/ classiques médicaux su wen¤ 552 , 2,02 -¤ yin-yang. five elements/ yin-yang. cinq éléments feu¤ 41 , 62 , 107 , 128 , 190 , 2,03 -¤ qi, blood, body fluids/ energie, sang et liquides organiques sang¤ 67 , 67 , 85 , 85 , 110 , 110 , 2,04 -¤ organs and functions/ organes et fonctions curieux¤ 14 , 53 , 85 , 212 , foie¤ 26 , rate¤ 71 , reins¤ 34 , 58 , 71 , 118 , 148 , 187 , 191 , 209 , 210 2,05 -¤ meridians/ méridiens chong mai¤ 14 , 212 , du mai¤ 212 , méridien curieux¤ 14 , 53 , 85 , 212 , ren mai¤ 212 , sensation propagée le long des méridiens¤ 158 2,06 -¤ points/ points E10¤ 33 , E36¤ 17 , 121 , E9¤ 28 , F3¤ 24 , fenêtre du ciel¤ 53 , GI11¤ 9 , GI18¤ 87 , 100 , 123 , 175 , 247 , GI4¤ 87 , 87 , 247 , 247 , IG17¤ 53 , MC5¤ 121 , MC6¤ 40 , 86 , 87 , MC6¤ 121 , 247 RTE6¤ 121 , V1¤ 123 , V10¤ 9 , 40 , 86 , 132 , 132 , V11¤ 40 , 86 , VC2¤ 40 , 86 , VG26¤ 247 , , , 195 , 222 , 225 , 275 , , chaleur¤ 136 , differenciation des syndromes¤ 76 , 81 , 374 , 400 , 443 , 527 , 545 , 550 , 554 , feu du foie¤ 177 , paraclinique¤ 32 , 177 , plénitude¤ 248 , plénitude chaleur¤ 447 , 451 , qi¤ 80 , 85 , 107 , sang¤ 67 , 85 , 110 , stase¤ 67 , 80 , 85 , 110 , vide¤ 30 , 41 , 44 , 46 , 59 , 61 , 62 , 64 , 65 , 69 , 80 , 107 , 108 , 109 , 111 , 118 , 128 , 136 , 187 , 190 , 195 , 209 , 213 , 216 , 222 , 248 , vide de rate¤ 452 , vide de yang¤ 244 , 255 , 321 , 339 , 447 , vide de yang des reins¤ 32 , 387 , vide de yin¤ 45 , 265 , vide de yin¤ 304 , 315 , 369 , 386 , 435 , 451 , vide des reins¤ 291 , yang¤ 34 , 46 , 59 , 61 , 64 , 109 , 111 , 118 , 195 , 213 , 216 , 222 , 291 , yin¤ 30 , 41 , 44 , 46 , 53 , 59 , 61 , 62 , 64 , 65 , 69 , 80 , 107 , 108 , 109 , 118 , 128 , 136 , yin¤ 187 , 190 , 5,02 -¤ principles of treatment/ principes thérapeutiques *¤ 256 , 268 , 5,03 -¤ acupuncture/ acupuncture *¤ 117 , aiguille¤ 69 , 371 , association ou interaction médicamenteuse¤ 140 deqi¤ 180 , séance d'acupuncture¤ 335 , tonification-dispersion¤ 117 , , 5,04 -¤ long needle/ aiguille longue *¤ 17 , , 3,02 -¤ pathogeny. causes of diseases/ pathogénie chaleur¤ 136 , feu¤ 41 , 62 , 107 , 128 , 190 , 5,05 -¤ plum blossom needle/ fleur de prunier *¤ 70 , 5,09 -¤ moxibustion/ moxibustion *¤ 130 , 133 , 136 , 139 , 143 , 181 , 224 275 , 278 , 286 , 289 , 300 , 312 , *¤ 427 , , 228 5,10 -¤ ear acupuncture. auricular medicine/ auriculopuncture. auriculomédecine *¤ 87 , 90 , 103 , 178 , 180 , 207 , 247 , 397 , , 252 559 , , 5,11 -¤ nose, face, eye, hand and foot acupuncture/ rhinofacio, manopodo, craniopuncture © gera 2010 43 *¤ 178 , rhinopuncture¤ 178 154 , 156 , 176 TSH¤ 19 , , 5,12 -¤ electro-acupuncture/ electro-acupuncture *¤ 19 , 101 , 112 , 169 , 180 , 204 , 238 , 247 , 320 394 , paramètres de l'électroacupuncture¤ 101 , 237 , , 5,14 -¤ laser acupuncture/ laser *¤ 123 , 175 , 286 , 323 , 5,15 -¤ drug acupuncture/ chimiothérapie *¤ 132 , 132 , *¤ 158 , 207 , infiltration d'un point par anesthésique¤ 94 , , 183 , 9,03 -¤ diabetes mellitus/ diabète *¤ 22 , 29 , 69 , 182 , 217 , 9,04 *¤ 1 -¤ , hypoglycemia/ hypoglycémie 9,05 -¤ adrenal glands/ surrénales *¤ 19 , 51 , 58 , 66 , 68 , 71 , 177 ACTH¤ 19 , , 192 , 394 9,07 -¤ hyperlipidemia/ hyperlipidémie *¤ 182 , 224 , 5,19 -¤ adverse effects/ accidents thérapeutiques fievre¤ 451 , 9,10 -¤ sexual hormones/ hormones sexuelles *¤ 1 , 29 , 71 , 161 , 216 , testostérone¤ 248 , 6,02 -¤ acupuncture anesthesia/ analgésie chirurgicale *¤ 98 , 112 , prediction¤ 45 , 46 , 102 , 7,01 -¤ CARDIOLOGY- ANGIOLOGY/ CARDIOLOGIEANGEIOLOGIE *¤ 82 , 129 , 7,04 -¤ arrhythmia/ troubles du rythme *¤ 205 , 7,05 -¤ hypertension/ hypertension *¤ 177 , 224 , 456 , 9,02 -¤ thyroid gland/ thyroïde *¤ 1 , 4 , 5 , *¤ 7 , 11 , 17 , 19 , 22 , 23 , 24 , 25 , 29 , 32 , 44 , 45 , 46 , 56 , 57 , 58 , 59 , 61 , 64 , 65 , 66 , 67 , 68 , 69 , 71 , 87 , 88 , 89 , 90 , 91 , 92 , 93 , 94 , 95 , 96 , 97 , 98 , 99 , 100 , 101 , *¤ 102 , 103 , 111 , 113 , 118 , 119 , 120 , 131 , 132 , 132 , 147 , 148 , 155 , 158 , 159 , 160 , 161 , 167 , 175 , 177 , 178 , 180 , 191 , 199 , 203 , 204 , 205 , 207 , 209 , 213 , 215 , 216 , 217 , 223 , 224 , 232 , 237 , 238 , 239 , 240 , *¤ 246 , 247 , 248 , 249 , 259 , 282 , 287 , 307 , 318 , 320 , 338 , 339 , 387 , 388 , 394 , 419 , 432 , 437 , 446 , 447 , 451 , 452 , 456 , 527 , 545 , 546 , 550 , 551 , 554 , exophtalmie¤ 20 , 28 , 33 , 36 , 47 , 51 , 67 , 80 , 105 , 114 , exophtalmie¤ 123 , 132 , 158 , 167 , 175 , 269 , goitre¤ 2 , 6 , 8 , 9 , 12 , 15 , 21 , 27 , 31 , 33 , 36 , 39 , 40 , 43 , 60 , 72 , 73 , 78 , 81 , 84 , 85 , 86 , 106 , 135 , 137 , 138 , 142 , 157 , 162 , 164 , 169 , 173 , 179 , goitre¤ 181 , 184 , 185 , 186 , 189 , 197 , 198 , 202 , 233 , 270 , 271 , hyperthyroidie¤ 10 , 16 , 18 , 20 , 26 , 28 , 30 , 31 , 33 , 35 , 41 , 44 , 48 , 49 , 50 , 51 , 53 , 54 , 70 , 75 , 76 , 79 , 83 , 104 , 107 , 108 , 110 , 116 , hyperthyroidie¤ 117 , 125 , 128 , 129 , 136 , 140 , 141 , 149 , 163 , 165 , 166 , 170 , 174 , 185 , 188 , 454 , hypothyroidie¤ 14 , 42 , 52 , 77 , 130 , 139 , 141 , 149 , 432 , 9,06 -¤ pituitary gland/ hypophyse *¤ 19 , 29 , 32 , 152 , 5,16 -¤ qi gong. massages/ qi gong. massages *¤ 73 , 155 , qi gong¤ 73 , 155 , 196 , 5,20 -¤ tcm and alternative medicine/ mtc et médecines douces oligo-élements¤ 363 , , 10,05 -¤ stomach. duodenum/ estomac. duodénum gastrine¤ 248 , 10,11 -¤ bile ducts/ voies biliaires *¤ 456 , 11,02 -¤ vulva. vagina. uterus. adnexa/ vulve. vagin. utérus.annexes ovaire¤ 71 , 11,04 -¤ uterine hemorrhage/ hémorragies génitales *¤ 266 , 11,06 -¤ menopause. premenstrual syndrome/ ménopause. syndrome prémenstruel *¤ 177 , 551 , 12,01 -¤ HEMATOLOGY/ HEMATOLOGIE hemogramme¤ 96 , lymphocyte¤ 96 , 183 , 452 , 12,02 -¤ anemia. cytopenia/ anémie. cytopénie *¤ 375 , 13,01 -¤ INFECTIOUS DISEASES/ MALADIES INFECTIEUSES fievre¤ 451 , 13,08 -¤ herpes zoster. herpes simplex/ zona. herpes *¤ 437 , 15,01 -¤ OPHTHALMOLOGY/ OPHTALMOLOGIE exophtalmie¤ 20 , 28 , 33 , 36 , 47 , 51 , 67 , 80 114 , 123 , 132 , 158 , 167 , 175 , 269 , , 105 , 16,02 -¤ ear. hearing loss. tinnitus/ oreille. surdité. acouphènes *¤ 148 , *¤ 191 , 16,05 -¤ pharynx. larynx/ pharynx. larynx *¤ 155 , 16,06 -¤ cervical adenopathy/ adénopathies cervicales *¤ 7 , © gera 2010 44 16,07 -¤ facial paralysis/ paralysie faciale *¤ 437 , 26,03 -¤ plants/ plantes *¤ 234 , 16,09 -¤ acupuncture anesthesia in otorhinolaryngologic surgery/ analgésie par acupuncture en chirurgie orl *¤ 45 , 46 , 26,04 *¤ 12 26,08 -¤ classification and therapeutic actions/ classes thérapeutiques *¤ 34 , 149 , 18,04 -¤ rheumatoid arthritis/ polyarthrite rhumatoïde *¤ 240 , 18,05 -¤ gout/ goutte *¤ 208 , 27,01 -¤ methods/ méthodes cas clinique¤ 14 , 30 , cas clinique¤ 39 , 53 , 156 , 456 , comparaison de 2 techniques de la MTC¤ 121 , 178 , 180 , 278 , essai clinique non randomisé¤ 132 , 140 , 180 , 224 , 229 , 335 , 366 , 426 , essai comparatif éventuellement randomisé¤ 103 , 200 , 340 , 419 , 477 , 499 , 506 , 577 , essai contrôlé randomisé¤ 198 , 395 , 402 , 466 , 469 , 482 , 498 , 556 , 559 , 566 , 571 , essai ouvert (acupuncture)¤ 26 , essai ouvert (acupuncture)¤ 28 , 33 , 36 , 40 , 43 , 47 , 49 , 50 , 51 , 52 , 74 , 77 , 80 , 81 , 83 , 86 , 104 , 105 , 106 , 107 , 110 , 113 , 116 , 117 , 128 , 130 , étude controlée (acupuncture)¤ 99 , 158 , étude controlée (phytotérapie)¤ 399 , 418 , 421 , étude experimentale humaine¤ 27 , 60 , experimentation animale¤ 34 , 37 , 68 , 149 , experimentation animale¤ 151 , 154 , 195 , 201 , 221 , 234 18,07 -¤ traumatology/ traumatologie *¤ 450 , 18,17 -¤ hip. pelvic bones/ hanche. bassin *¤ 7 , 22,07 -¤ urologic and male genital diseases/ appareil génital masculin *¤ 1 , 161 , testostérone¤ 248 , 23,02 -¤ allergology. immunology/ allergologie. immunologie. *¤ 59 , 65 , 67 , 96 , 108 , 110 , 183 , 228 , 276 281 , 289 , lymphocyte¤ 96 , 183 , 452 , , *¤ 23,04 -¤ oncology/ cancérologie *¤ 39 , 98 , 171 , 178 , 240 , radiotherapie¤ 322 , 336 , 23,07 *¤ 58 , expérimentation animale (acupuncture)¤ 19 , 394 , 432 , 450 , expérimentation animale (acupuncture)/ souris¤ 255 , expérimentation animale (phytothérapie)¤ 373 , 387 , 423 429 , 480 , 560 , 565 , 583 , expérimentation animale (phytothérapie) / lapin¤ 244 , 321 expérimentation animale (phytothérapie) / rat¤ 242 , 256 , revue générale¤ 317 , 549 , 562 , 564 , -¤ gerontology/ gérontologie , 219 , 369 , 23,11 -¤ pediatrics/ pédiatrie *¤ 336 , 559 , 24,07 -¤ / animaux de laboratoire lapin¤ 195 , 222 , 394 , 432 , 450 , modèle animal¤ 447 , 452 , rat¤ 19 , 27 , 60 , 149 , 151 , 154 , rat¤ 201 , 221 , 373 , 423 , 447 , 452 , 480 , 560 , 565 , 583 , souris¤ 37 , 387 , 429 , , 234 25,10 -¤ central neurotransmitters/ neuromédiateurs centraux endorphine¤ 340 , naloxone¤ 19 , 26,01 -¤ HERBAL MEDICINE/ PHYTOTHERAPIE *¤ 22 , 22 , 39 , 39 , 43 , 43 , 50 , 50 , 52 , 52 , 80 , 166 , -¤ animal products/ produits animaux , 192 , 387 , , 54 , 54 26,02 -¤ prescriptions/ prescriptions *¤ 27 , 35 , 37 , *¤ 58 , 60 , 150 , 151 , 153 , 154 , 168 , 189 , 197 , 221 , 227 , 243 , 251 , 253 , 258 , 280 , 284 , 372 , 373 , 385 , gui pi tang¤ 532 , huang qi gui zhi wu wu tang¤ 254 , xiao yao san¤ 285 , , , 27,02 -¤ / techniques d'exploration hemogramme¤ 96 , isotope¤ 240 , potentiels évoqués¤ 160 , rhéologie¤ 114 , rhéologie¤ 339 , temperature¤ 69 , 137 , 182 , 224 , thermographie¤ 138 , 181 , 27,03 -¤ biological l products/ produits biologiques ACTH¤ 19 , AMP¤ 68 , endorphine¤ 340 , gastrine¤ 248 , testostérone¤ 248 , TSH¤ 19 , 27,04 -¤ pharmaceutical products/ produits pharmaceutiques naloxone¤ 19 , 27,06 -¤ geographical terms/ termes géographiques vietnam¤ 4 , © gera 2010 45 Index des sources 1 - congrès 2eme congres mondial d'acupuncture et moxibustion, paris¤ 237 , actes du 2eme congres d'acupuncture afera, nimes¤ 156 , acupuncture research, selected abstracts of papers on acupuncture anesthesia¤ 94 , advances in acupuncture and acupuncture anaesthesia, beijing¤ 23 , 24 , 25 , advances in acupuncture and acupuncture anaesthesia,beijing¤ 20 , cours d'energetique des systemes vivants appliquee a l'acupuncture,3eme annee¤ 55 , gera, toulon¤ 230 , 231 , 232 , 233 , iiiemes journees internationales d'acupuncture, la bourboule¤ 3 , in compilation of the abstracts of acupuncture and moxibustion papers, beijing¤ 142 , 143 , in selections from article abstracts on acupuncture and moxibustion, beijing¤ 145 , 146 , 147 , international conference on tcm and pharmacology,shanghai¤ 155 , proceedings of the fifth international congress of chinese medicine,berkeley¤ 217 , second national symposium on acupuncture and mowibustion,beijing¤ 96 , second national symposium on acupuncture and moxibustion, beijing¤ 69 , second national symposium on acupuncture and moxibustion,beijing¤ 88 , 89 , 90 , 91 , 92 , 93 , 95 , 97 , 98 , 99 , 100 , 101 , 102 , 104 , 105 , 106 , second national symposium on acupuncture and moxibustion,beijing¤ 107 , selections from article abstracts on acupuncture and moxibustion, beijing¤ 134 , 158 , 159 , 160 , 161 , selections from articles abstracts on acupuncture and moxibustion,beijing¤ 135 , 136 , 137 , 138 , 139 , 140 , third world conference on acupuncture¤ 288 , wfas international symposium on the trend of research in acupuncture, roma¤ 273 , 274 , 2 - divers à vérifier rencontres de medecine chinoise¤ 333 , rencontres de medecine chinoise bon encontre¤ 334 , 3 - extraits de traités etude des traitements en acupuncture chinoise, editions you feng¤ 465 , in acupuncture case histories from china, eastland press, seattle¤ 185 , in barefoot doctor's manual¤ 8 , in chinese acupuncture and moxibustion, foreign languages press, *¤ 157 , in chinese acupuncture and moxibustion, publishing house of shanghai college of tcm,¤ 235 , in clinical experiences, new world press, beijing¤ 218 , in doctor's manual of chinese medical diet¤ 31 , in essentials of chinese acupuncture,foreign language press,beijing¤ 21 , in la tete et le cou, editions de la tisserande, paris¤ 162 , in l'acupuncture pratique, maisonneuve, ste ruffine¤ 63 , in medecine traditionnelle chinoise¤ 84 , in recueil d'experiences cliniques en acupunture-moxa¤ 144 , in research on acupuncture,moxibustion and acupuncture anesthesia,beijing¤ 119 , 120 , in roustan,traite d'acupuncture,masson,paris¤ 78 , 79 , in seca et al, acupuncture en medecine clinique, decarie, montreal¤ 202 , in selection des theses de la revue d'acupuncture de shanghai,shanghai¤ 128 , 129 , 130 , in the chinese plum-blossom needle therapy,the people's medical publishing house¤ 70 , in the manual of china's current acupuncture therapy,medecine and health publishing¤ 6 , in treatment of 100 common diseases by new acupuncture¤ 9 , 10 , the treatment of knotty diseases, shandong science and technology press¤ 219 , 4 - revues d'acupuncture et MTC abstract and review of clinical traditional chinese medicine¤ 263 , 264 , 265 , 266 , 267 , 268 , 269 , 270 , 271 , 272 , academic periodical of changchun college of traditional chinese medicine¤ 479 , acta chinese medicine and pharmacology¤ 306 , 522 , acta medica sinica¤ 182 , acupuncture & moxibustion¤ 572 , acupuncture and electrotherapeutics research¤ 127 , acupuncture in medicine¤ 324 , acupuncture research¤ 57 , 103 , 203 , 204 , 205 , 246 , 247 , 286 , acupuncture research quarterly¤ 17 , acupuncture traditionnelle chinoise¤ 489 , akupunktur theorie und praxis¤ 199 , american journal of acupuncture¤ 38 , american journal of chinese medicine¤ 19 , 22 , 29 , 234 , australian journal of acupuncture¤ 261 , beijing journal of tcm¤ 411 , beijing journal of traditional chinese medicine¤ 277 , 458 , bulletin of chinese materia medica¤ 192 , bulletin of the oriental healing arts institute¤ 54 , 83 , chin j integr med¤ 580 , 583 , china journal of chinese materia medica¤ 301 , 304 , china journal of traditional chinese medicine and pharmacy¤ 339 , 376 , 377 , chinese acupuncture and moxibustion¤ 33 , 40 , 45 , 46 , 87 , 121 , 123 , 131 , 132 , 178 , 179 , 180 , 181 , 184 , 207 , 229 , 252 , 335 , 366 , 371 , 388 , 390 , 395 , 416 , 426 , 428 , 466 , 482 , 498 , chinese acupuncture and moxibustion¤ 506 , 518 , 559 , 571 , chinese archives of tcm¤ 552 , chinese journal of acupuncture and moxibustion¤ 238 , chinese journal of basic medicine in traditional chinese medicine¤ 481 , chinese journal of basic mtc¤ 451 , chinese journal of ethnomedicine and ethnopharmacy¤ 495 , chinese journal of information on tcm¤ 422 , 545 , chinese journal of integrated traditional and western medecine¤ 141 , chinese journal of integrated traditional and western medicine¤ 52 , 59 , 61 , 67 , 68 , 71 , 80 , 110 , 111 , 118 , 176 , 177 , 183 , 201 , 216 , 224 , 225 , 242 , 248 , 281 , 284 , 291 , 310 , 341 , 357 , 375 , 383 , 386 , 396 , 421 , 440 , 441 , 470 , 486 , 487 , 488 , 501 , 511 , chinese journal of integrated traditional and western medicine¤ 523 , 530 , 550 , chinese journal of integrated traditional and western medicine (english edition)¤ 353 , chinese journal of integrated traditional and western medicine in intensive and crit¤ 527 , chinese journal of integrated traditional and western medicine otorhinol aryngology¤ 309 , © gera 2010 46 chinese journal of integrated traditional and western medicine otorhinolaryngology¤ 509 , 547 , chinese journal of integrated traditional and westernl m¤ 493 , chinese journal of integrative medicine on cardio/cerebrovascular disease¤ 546 , chinese journal of surgery of integrated traditional chinese and western medicine¤ 460 , 533 , chinese journal of traditional medical science and technology¤ 503 , 513 , chinese journal of traditional science and traumatology¤ 539 , 540 , 541 , chinese medical journal¤ 5 , 12 , 56 , 60 , chinese traditional patent medicine¤ 325 , 387 , deutsche zeitschrift für akupunktur¤ 298 , enerqi¤ 397 , focus on alternative and complementary therapies¤ 368 , 380 , 573 , fujian journal of traditional chinese medicine¤ 72 , 186 , 187 , 215 , 244 , gansu journal of tcm¤ 538 , guang ming journal traditional chinese medicine¤ 457 , hebei journal of tcm¤ 418 , 430 , 532 , hebei journal of tcm¤ 554 , hebei journal of traditional chinese medicine¤ 464 , 480 , henan tcm¤ 502 , 512 , henan traditional chinese medicine¤ 188 , 221 , 258 , 303 , 327 , 328 , hubei journal of tcm¤ 329 , 414 , 415 , 497 , 505 , 535 , 553 , 560 , hubei journal of traditional chinese medicine¤ 171 , 189 , 214 , 290 , 468 , 469 , hunan journal of tcm¤ 344 , 407 , 449 , hunan journal of traditional chinese medicine¤ 483 , in clinic of tcm (2), publishing house of shanghai college of tcm, shanghai¤ 236 , information on tcm¤ 519 , 544 , 548 , 561 , international conference on tcm and pharmacology, shanghai¤ 149 , 150 , 151 , international conference on tcm and pharmacology,shanghai¤ 148 , 152 , 153 , 154 , international journal of clinical acupuncture¤ 262 , 323 , 342 , 389 , international journal of oriental medicine¤ 299 , 308 , jiangsu journal of tcm¤ 330 , 351 , 385 , 409 , 420 , 453 , 490 , jiangsu journal of traditional chinese medicine¤ 220 , jiangxi journal of tcm¤ 345 , jiangxi journal of traditional chinese medicine¤ 254 , 471 , jilin journal of tcm¤ 555 , journal de medecine traditionnelle chinoise¤ 570 , journal de mtc¤ 116 , 117 , journal of anhui traditional chinese medical college¤ 433 , 452 , journal of beijing college of traditional chinese medicine¤ 251 , journal of beijing tcm college¤ 170 , journal of chinese medicine¤ 374 , 567 , journal of clinical acupuncture and moxibustion¤ 417 , 556 , 576 , journal of fujian college of traditional chinese medicine¤ 467 , journal of guiyang college of tcm¤ 494 , journal of henan university of chinese medicine¤ 549 , 557 , journal of laoning college of tcm¤ 499 , 508 , journal of laoning college of traditional chinese medicine¤ 472 , journal of nanjing university of tcm¤ 525 , 531 , journal of nanjing university tcm¤ 423 , journal of nanjing university tcm¤ 450 , journal of new chinese medicine¤ 34 , 37 , 169 , journal of practical tcm¤ 446 , 454 , 516 , journal of shaanxi college of tcm¤ 431 , journal of shaanxi college traditional chinese medicine¤ 461 , journal of shandong college of tcm¤ 356 , journal of shandong college of traditional chinese medicine¤ 249 , 295 , journal of shandong university of tcm¤ 369 , 438 , journal of shandong university of traditional chinese medicine¤ 372 , 373 , 378 , 476 , journal of tcm¤ 58 , 114 , 337 , 338 , 355 , 360 , 382 , 393 , 394 , 399 , 400 , 424 , 425 , 447 , 500 , 510 , 524 , 529 , 562 , journal of tcm and chinese materia medica of jilin¤ 124 , 125 , journal of the japan society of acupuncture¤ 336 , journal of tianjin college of tcm¤ 434 , journal of tianjin university of tcm¤ 492 , journal of traditional chinese medicine¤ 27 , journal of traditional chinese medicine¤ 36 , 51 , 74 , 77 , 86 , 133 , 163 , 174 , 175 , 193 , 194 , 195 , 222 , 223 , 257 , 278 , 279 , 282 , 285 , 294 , 300 , 302 , 319 , 322 , 379 , 455 , 474 , 478 , 485 , 574 , journal of traditional chinese medicine and chinese materia medica of jilin¤ 243 , 462 , 463 , journal of traditionnal chinese medicine¤ 367 , journal of zhejiang college of tcm¤ 331 , kampo medicine¤ 558 , 581 , liaoning journal of tcm¤ 384 , 392 , 410 , 427 , 429 , 526 , liaoning journal of traditional chinese medicine¤ 210 , 311 , 475 , l'officiel de l'homeopathie et de l'acupuncture¤ 241 , medical acupuncture¤ 364 , medicina energetica¤ 439 , medicina energetica¤ 442 , 496 , 507 , medicina tradicional china¤ 122 , 173 , mensuel du medecin acupuncteur¤ 15 , 16 , 28 , modern journal of integrated traditional chinese and western medicine ¤ 515 , 517 , 542 , 543 , new jounal of traditional chinese medicine¤ 245 , new journal of tcm¤ 352 , 403 , 521 , 534 , 537 , 563 , new journal of traditional chinese medicine¤ 226 , 227 , 280 , 412 , 413 , 459 , new journal of traditional chinese medicine '¤ 473 , point lo¤ 11 , practical journal of integrating chinese with modern medicine¤ 255 , 305 , 332 , 363 , primary journal of chinese materia medica¤ 448 , qi gong¤ 196 , qigong¤ 73 , qigong journal¤ 406 , revista argentina de acupuntura¤ 381 , revista de la medicina tradicional china¤ 289 , 354 , revue francaise d'acupuncture¤ 14 , 30 , 53 , revue francaise d'acupuncture¤ 85 , revue francaise de mtc¤ 326 , revue internationale d'acupuncture¤ 2 , rivista italiana di agopuntura¤ 7 , 260 , rivista italiana di medicina tradizionale cinese¤ 312 , 348 , 365 , 370 , 432 , 568 , 569 , shaanxi journal of tcm¤ 109 , 167 , 168 , © gera 2010 47 shaanxi journal of traditional chinese medicine¤ 64 , 75 , 316 , 317 , 347 , 408 , shaanxi traditional chinese medicine¤ 197 , 212 , 253 , 283 , 292 , 296 , 297 , shandong journal of tcm¤ 350 , 398 , shandong journal of traditional chinese medicine¤ 293 , 315 , shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion¤ 49 , 82 , 198 , 200 , 206 , 208 , 228 , 276 , 318 , 340 , 359 , 402 , 419 , 566 , 577 , 582 , shanghai journal of tcm¤ 62 , 108 , 115 , 164 , 165 , 166 , 404 , 405 , 437 , 443 , 504 , 514 , 528 , 551 , 564 , 565 , shanghai journal of traditional chinese medicine¤ 26 , 32 , 35 , 39 , 41 , 43 , 44 , 47 , 48 , 50 , 65 , 66 , 76 , 81 , 191 , 213 , 250 , 256 , 343 , 358 , 391 , 456 , shanxi journal of tcm¤ 401 , 435 , shanxi journal of traditional chinese medicine¤ 307 , tianjin journal of tcm¤ 436 , 484 , tianjin journal of traditional chinese medicine¤ 314 , traditional chinese medicinal research¤ 491 , veterinary acupuncture newsletter¤ 287 , world journal of acupuncture moxibustion¤ 313 , world journal of acupuncture-moxibustion¤ 275 , world journal of acupuncture-moxibustion¤ 361 , 362 , xinjiang journal of traditional chinese medicine¤ 477 , yunnan journal of tcm and materia medica¤ 349 , zhejiang journal journal of tcm¤ 520 , zhejiang journal of tcm¤ 209 , 346 , 444 , 445 , 536 zhong nan da xue xue bao yi xue ban¤ 578 , 579 , , 5 - revues extérieures anaesthesia¤ 239 , ann anesth franc¤ 4 , chinese medical journal¤ 1 , chinese medical sciences journal¤ 259 , clinical nuclear medicine¤ 240 , diabet med¤ 575 , eur j surg suppl¤ 320 , fujian journal of tcm¤ 190 , heilongjiang zhongyiyao¤ 172 , hua hsi i ko ta hsueh hsueh pao¤ 321 , hunan zhongyizazhi¤ 126 , masui¤ 112 , primum non nocere¤ 42 , reproduction and contraception¤ 211 , terapeuticheskii arkhiv¤ 113 , yale j biol med¤ 13 , 6 - thèses these medecine,paris¤ 18 , © gera 2010
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