Beardie Business Winter 2011
Beardie Business Winter 2011
Beardie Business The Newsletter of the Bearded Collie Club of NSW Inc. Vol 33 No 2 – Winter 2011 Best in Show Bearded Collie Club of NSW – 21st April 2011 Aust Ch Bonibraes Crazy for You HSAs Bred by Tim & Karin Finlayson Owned by Beatriz Insausti and Colin Mackrory Handled by Beatriz Insausti Beardie Business – Winter 2011 Page 1 BEARDED COLLIE CLUB OF NSW INC. OFFICE BEARERS & COMMITTEE 2010 - 2011 PRESIDENT VICE PRESIDENT Karin Finlayson Jessica Buckley Sharon Roche Lynda Brandt Beatriz Insausti "Tim" Finlayson Colin Mackrory SECRETARY TREASURER COMMITTEE LIFE MEMBERS OBEDIENCE OFFICER HERDING OFFICER EDITOR WEB MASTER SHOW SECRETARY SHOW/TRIAL MANAGER HERDING TRIAL MANAGER POINT SCORE SECRETARY ARCHIVIST RESCUE OFFICER PATRONS HONORORY VETERINARIAN AUDITOR CLUB EMAIL ADDRESS [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Wendy Banks [email protected] [email protected] Jan Taylor Julie Wardell [email protected] Bill & June Bladon, Trish & Phil Wall & Graham Kerr Sharon Roche [email protected] "Tim" Finlayson [email protected] Alison Woolcott [email protected] Jo McIntyre [email protected] Cris Caird [email protected] Lynda Brandt [email protected] [email protected] Karin Finlayson Jessica Buckley [email protected] "Tim" Finlayson [email protected] "Tim" Finlayson [email protected] Norma Griffin, Bill & June Bladon, Garry & Cris Caird Ms Irena Schneider MKJ Accounting [email protected] ADVERTISING RATES MEMBERSHIP FEES Full Page Single: $15.00 Copy to: Alison Woolcott Dual: $20.00 29 Tramway Street Junior/Pensioner: $7.50 Denistone West NSW 2114 Overseas: $30.00 AUD $10.00 02 4630 8668 02 6278 4353 02 4948 7759 02 9521 2005 02 4571 3495 02 4443 0413 02 4571 3495 02 9820 5375 02 9525 7342 02 4232 2318 02 4948 7759 02 4443 0413 0418 677 201 0425 352 401 02 9639 5755 02 9521 2005 02 4630 8668 02 6278 4353 02 4443 0413 02 4443 0413 Listing on Club’s Breeder’s Directory on Web Site $10.00 DISCLAIMER…… Please Note: All views expressed in “Beardie Business” are not necessarily those of the Bearded Collie Club of NSW Beardie Business – Winter 2011 Applications for membership to:Secretary: Lynda Brandt 364 Forest Road, Kirrawee, NSW 2232 [email protected] Page 2 DIARY OF EVENTS 2011 May 29 Sunday Bearded Collie Club of NSW Open Show at Erskine Park – Judge: Mrs TA Buckley – schedule in this issue of Beardie Business Bearded Collie Club of NSW Obedience Trial – following the Open Show – Judge : Mrs P Hartwell (NSW) – schedule in this issue of Beardie Business June General Meeting at the conclusion of the Open Show & Trial July 23 Saturday Interclub Obedience Challenge Match July 31 Sunday Bearded Collie Club of NSW Herding Trial at Erskine Park – Judge: Ms T Luttrell (Tas) Annual General Meeting & August General Meeting after Herding Trial October Date TBC General Meeting December Date TBC General Meeting Date TBC Christmas Party Inner-strength If you can start the day without caffeine or pep pills, If you can be cheerful, ignoring aches and pains, If you can resist complaining and boring people with your troubles, If you can eat the same food everyday and be grateful for it, If you can understand when loved ones are too busy to give you time, If you can overlook people taking things out on you when it's not your fault and something goes wrong, If you can take criticism and blame without resentment, If you can face the world without lies and deceit, If you can conquer tension without medical help, If you can relax without liquor and if you can sleep without the aid of drugs... THEN YOU ARE PROBABLY A DOG. Annonymous (via Alison Smith – thankyou) Beardie Business – Winter 2011 Page 3 MINUTES OF THE GENERAL MEETING OF THE BEARDED COLLIE CLUB OF NSW INC. HELD THURSDAY 21ST APRIL AT SYDNEY ROYAL BUSINESS ARISING: moved S Roche, seconded J Taylor that any Business arising be deferred until later in the Meeting. CARRIED Meeting opened at 11.30am TREASURER’S REPORT: Balance brought forward 5/12/10: Less payments Plus income Balance as at 21/4/11 PRESENT: L Brandt, P & K Finlayson, S Roche, W Banks, B Insausti, J Wardell, K Tasker, J Buckley, A Smith, J Taylor, A & A Woolcott APOLOGIES: Nil MINUTES FROM DECEMBER GENERAL & FEBRUARY COMMITTEE MEETINGS: Moved K Finlayson, seconded A Woolcott that the Minutes of the December General Meeting & the February Committee meetings as printed be accepted and the decisions made ratified. CARRIED BUSINESS ARISING: Moved P Finlayson, seconded S Roche that any Business arising be deferred until later in the Meeting. CARRIED CORRESPONDENCE OUTWARDS: 1) Dogs NSW Spring Fair Committee – declining offer of Spring Fair Specialty Show 2011 2) Blacktown K & T Club – enclosing payment for Team for Obedience Challenge Match 3) HL & FL Chambers – ribbon order for all Club shows/trials 2011 CORRESPONDENCE INWARDS: 1) WDC News – Issue 2, 2011 2) Blacktown K & T Club – receipt for $45 payment for Obedience Challenge Match 3) Sydney Royal Easter Show – licence agreement for Breed Stall 4) Dogs NSW Spring Fair Committee – offering Spring Fair Specialty Show – Thurs 25/8/11 5) Great Joint Terrier Show – re problems in holding an Open Show 6) Dogs NSW – confirming booking of Sheepdog Area for 31 July 2011 7) N Kirkwood – JDX Title for Ch Keiramyst Mi Mackendrick ADX JDX SPD SD 8) Dogs NSW – approval for Open Show 29 May 2011 3969.32 18.50 50.00 4000.82 ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT: 1) Postage, Blacktown K & T Club (Obedience Challenge Match), Chambers Ribbons 242.40 2)Print/post Autumn BB, print Specialty catalogue, thankyou gifts, print/laminate pictures 68.90 3)Dogs NSW – Herding Draft Schedule 18.50 Paid Moved W Banks, seconded A Woolcott that the Accounts passed for payment. CARRIED SHOW/TRIAL BUSINESS: 1) May 2011 Open Show & Obedience Trial – Sun 29th May – all in hand; Schedule in Autumn BB 2) Herding Trial – Sun 31st July 2011 – Karin to book Tull’s airfare; schedule submitted & grounds booked 3) October Champ Show – meeting agreed to write to Dogs NSW and it cancel for 2011. BUSINESS ARISING FROM PREVIOUS BUSINESS OF CORRESPONDENCE 1) Obedience Challenge Match – application submitted; S Roche to arrange team GENERAL BUSINESS 1) Beardie Match – Albury 2012 – Secretary to write to Jan Seary and let her know our intentions, and request O/S judges and working ring closest to camping area 2) BCC of NSW Code of Ethics – members interested in contributing to meet separately 3) Royal Show 2012 – members would be happy to have a similar arrangement as to 2011 is it was on offer. Meeting Closed at: 12:45pm Moved B Insausti, seconded S Roche that the inwards correspondence be received and the outwards be endorsed. CARRIED Beardie Business – Winter 2011 Page 4 Bearded Collie Club of NSW Inc. HERDING TRIAL DATES: Sunday 31 July 2011 VENUE: Sheepdog Area, Bill Spilstead Complex For Canine Affairs Luddenham Road, Erskine Park JUDGE: Ms T Luttrell (Tas) CLASSES TO BE JUDGED: TRIAL CLASSES: Course A: Course B: Course C: Advanced, Intermediate, Started Advanced, Intermediate, Started Advanced, Intermediate, Started TEST CLASSES: Pre-Trial, Herding, Instinct TIME: VETTING: HANDLER’S MEETING: JUDGING: 8:30am 8:45am - Running order advised at Handler’s Meeting 9:00am ENTRY FEES: TRIAL CLASSES: Non-members: 1st entry per dog - $15 Members: 1st entry per dog - $12 subsequent per dog - $12 subsequent per dog - $10 TEST CLASSES: Pre-Trial & Herding Test - $10 Instinct Test - $8 CATALOGUES: $2.00 (prepaid only) TROPHIES: High in Trial Reserve in Trial ENTRIES CLOSE:17th June 2011 with: EXTREME WEATHER: GENERAL ENQUIRIES: Rosette Rosette Trial Secretary - Mrs L Brandt 364 Forest Road Kirrawee 2232 Ph: 02 9521 2005 [email protected] Phone: 02 9521 2005 Club Secretary – Lynda Brandt – as above NOTE: Move ups in Test Classes are at the discretion of the Trial Manager & will only be allowed if time/stock numbers permit. Cheques payable to: The Bearded Collie Club of NSW Inc. This Herding Trial is run under both the ANKC Rules and Regulations for Herding & the Dogs NSW Rules and Regulations, a copy of which may be perused at the Secretary’s Office Beardie Business – Winter 2011 Page 5 +++++++++ Beardies at the 2011 Royal Easter Show By Jan Taylor 2011 must go down as being the wettest Show on record…..and in the grand scheme of things; we all know that water and Beardies do not mix! Mass Obedience Demonstrations – Friday 15th & Saturday 16th Our first performance was on Friday 15th April. The RAS would not permit us to utilise a secure room to store our possessions, as they have done for many years. So we walked in from P5 dressed ready for the performance looking like the “Michelin Man” with the bare essentials stuffed in to pockets. The night was overcast, but we managed to escape the deluge that was to follow that evening’s performance. Saturday (16th April) was a different story! I am sure you can imagine the condition of the Arena after 24 hours of constant rain and horses chopping up the ground in Polo Matches……instant bog! Lynda & Jan with MacAulay & Gryffin – Obedience in the Rain!! Sutherland Shire Dog Training Club’s Blue Team, like some of the other teams, wore gum-boots as a mandatory part of their uniform. Tikki Frieze was the Instructor for the Pink Team and hastily tried to contact her members to advise them to wear the same. Unfortunately she was not able to get through to most people, so a number (including Lynda Brandt) suffered the “sandshoe-suck” as they stepped out on to the Main Arena. Those in sneakers had to make sure their shoes were snuggly tied on or their shoes were left behind to be slowly consumed by the mud! Common sense did prevail and our dogs were allowed to wear raincoats, and we were given the option of not “dropping” our dogs, but instead allowing them to “stand”. As we were slogging our way around in the centre of the Arena, we had to feel for the “UD” Teams on the outer rim. Their dogs had to perform their tasks in centimetres of water. The crowds gave huge cheers when sprays of water almost obscured some of the dogs as they thundered over the jumps to retrieve their flags. Of course the rain enhanced the aroma of horse Beardie Business – Winter 2011 Photo taken Friday night when there was no rain – Lynda far right in Pink Team with Jan immediately behind in Blue Team. Page 6 dung and a few of the dogs sampled their wares on the move!, but there is always that one dog that has to shop around the Arena for the best smelling/tasting morsel! This dog just ‘so happened’ to be the same Labrador that had the crowd in stitches from the previous year’s performance. This year both the owner and Team Leader set out to chase the dog down under the strict instructions from Dulcie Goldstein over the microphone to “put that dog on lead!!!” Yes, the Mass Obedience Demonstration in the rain is a lot of fun…. Agility Demonstration – Saturday 16th April Gryffin was booked in to do two Agility Demonstrations at the Overflow (Cathy Freeman Park). The first Demonstration was on Saturday 16th and the second on Tuesday 19th April. After trudging in with our gear and setting up the Enviro Shade ready for SSDTC’s Team at the National Flyball Championships that weekend, we discovered that the canopy leaked. There were 6 people and 2 large dog crates crammed into the shelter trying to dodge the drops. Gryffin Agility was the first to perform in the ring and it seemed to take us forever to set up the course. Firstly we had to track down the Purina folk who had the key to unlock the Agility trailer, and then find locations in the arena where we could place equipment that were not under water – this we did in stages, seeking shelter as the rain came tumbling down. The time for our first performance came and went – it was pouring. Finally we were able to get out into the arena and put on a performance for a handful of hardy spectators who happily cheered the dogs (and owners) on as they thundered through puddles of water that sprayed everywhere. This ended up being our one and only demonstration. Purina deemed the conditions as too dangerous to continue. Gryffin was due to return on Tuesday for another Agility Demonstration, but I had to pull out at the last minute. Hamish had suffered a back and neck spasm on Sunday, but pain killing tablets plus cortisone and Meticam injections given to him on Monday by the vet were having no effect. He desperately needed physio treatment, however due to the Royal Easter Show, securing a vacancy was becoming a problem due to being totally booked out until the following Sunday. Thankfully a cancellation became available for Wednesday morning. Beardie Business – Winter 2011 Page 7 Beardie Show – Thursday, 21st April What a lovely sunny day for showing and how exciting that Lynda Brandt was able to engage a Specialty Show Judge, Sandra Lex from Canada - just for our Club at the conclusion of the days official RAS showing. The RAS Show was on in the morning with a fabulous line-up of beautifully presented Beardies, ready to show off in the Arena to a very pleasing crowd. Judging for Beardies commenced at 9.30am. The Judge from Brazil, Luiz Fernando Ribas Silva was diligent in his responsibilities of assessing our Beardies. The competition was fierce, but there always has to be a winner and this year Penny Brooks took out Best of Breed with Gr Ch Llandtree Newell Glenn and then backed it up with Runner Up Best of Breed given to Gr Ch Llandtree Ftstpsofa Angl . Sharon Roche with ‘Falcor’ was Reserve Dog and Kathy Tasker’s ‘Frosty’ was Reserve Bitch. Congratulations to all. Wendy Banks & Brazilian Judge. With the RAS Show Judging over it was time for a bit of R & R and rapport with the public. We enjoyed our lunch and as usual the selection was a sheer delicacy, especially the home cooked quiches and tarts! After an enjoyable break it was time to prepare our dogs for the Specialty. No one judge assesses a dog the same way. One might prefer a more solid head over a supple and powerful gait. Judge - Sandra Lex, had a different style of judging and her outcome was slightly different to that of Mr Silva. Best in Show was given to Ch Bonibraes Crazy For You HSAs , owned by Colin Mackrory, Bea Insausti. Runner Up Best in Show was given to Penny Brook’s Gr Ch Llandtree Newell Glenn. Canadian Judge, Sandra Lex. It was a great day. For anyone in the audience contemplating what it would be like to own a Beardie – they would have received an invaluable insight to the Bearded Collie temperament watching approx 20 Beardies happily enjoying each other’s company when we all came together for the Specialty Judging Presentation. Beardie Specialty Presentation Beardie Business – Winter 2011 Page 8 Flyball – Saturday 23rd April This year the RAS hosted the Australian National Flyball Championships where teams from NSW, ACT, Victoria, Tasmania and Queensland participated in the two day event that commenced on Good Friday. Unfortunately Gryffin did not make the grade to be part of Sutherland’s National Flyball Championship Team….. Don’t know why?.... just because he forgets what he is supposed to do half way down the run should not be a reason to disqualify him from the team! Even so, I attended on Saturday (in the rain) to help the team out by “box loading”. To our excitement the “Sutherland Storm” came First in Division 7, a feat that has eluded the Sutherland Team since 2008 (when Hamish was part of the winning Team). Sutherland also won the “Clean Run” Trophy for having the most faultless runs at 92%. Certainly an accomplishment that would not have transpired if Gryffin was part of the Team!!! Agility Competition – Tuesday 26 April The competition for Agility was a two day event held over 26th & 27th April. Gryffin only competed on Tuesday. He was entered in Master Agility and Master Jumping. When I read in the entry notification that the Judges were going to be Le Hammer and Keith Edwards, my stomach started to churn. They are known for their difficult courses and to have them judging at the Royal when you are on public display, added to the pressure …..second thoughts gleamed about whether or not to enter. Jan & Gryffin We did enter and what a surprise we received. The courses by both Judges were delightful. There were enough challenges to make you think and they flowed. As long as you were in the correct position for changes in the course direction and could push your dog ahead, then you had no problem. However, if you called late instructions to your dog, then you were in all sorts of bother. I did just that; with only a few obstacles to left, my call to Gryffin to ‘go’ from the jump to the tunnel in front of me to the left, was late. He stopped just shy of the entrance to check my direction and that was sufficient for the Judge to call a “refusal”. I was so angry with myself – Gryffin did all the hard work only to be faulted for my laziness. Jumping was a different story…. A Pass – Yahoo!!! It felt like we were motoring around the course at high speed, but the final result was that we came 15th from 16 Passes handed out. Still, I was very proud of Gryffin, he grasped the task at hand with minimal backchat! Beardie Business – Winter 2011 Page 9 Breed Stall – Tuesday 26th April The Breed Stall is such a great opportunity to showcase our breed. Lynda Brandt with MacAulay; Gene & Barry with their brood of 4 Beardies, (Toby, Lucy, Buddy & Molly) with some help from their grandson, plus my sister and I with our two (Hamish & Gryffin) made up the numbers as part of our Breed Stall presentation. We all shared the responsibility of making our dogs available to the public. Some were happier than others in the spotlight. MacAulay was the hit of the day. He was poked, prodded, patted and photographed and took it all in his stride. Part of our display - with Macaulay beneath the Banner. Lynda did a fantastic job of updating the promotional panels. This showed the dogs in a wide range of activities. To accentuate this display we also had photos on computer that we ran throughout the day. (Thanks also to Natalie Kirkwood for her assistance in putting the photos together on disk). A huge thanks to everyone who attended. It can be a bit stressful for our dogs being in the public eye with limited mobility. The dog toileting area required a ‘peg on our nose’ each time we visited! –Gryffin would not enter the precinct – I told him that if he did not go then he would have to stand cross legged all day and that might be a bit embarrassing in the Agility Ring! Still there were amusing anecdotes like watching Barry being literally dragged into the pavilion behind four very excited dogs – the expression on his face was priceless! , or trying to get all seven dogs to line up for a photo – I’m glad we were not in a hurry…. Cannot wait till next year….!!!! See you there to do it all over again. ☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻ Bearded Collie Club of NSW Inc. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING SUNDAY 31st JULY 2011 at the BILL SPILSTEAD COMPLEX FOR CANINE AFFAIRS, LUDDENHAM ROAD, ERSKINE PARK immediately followed by the August General Meeting. Both Meetings will commence after our Herding Trial is finished. The main business of the meeting is to receive all reports from outgoing Office Bearers and to elect the new Office Bearers and Committee. Nominations of members proposed as Office Bearers and Committee may be made in writing to the Secretary, AT LEAST 21 DAYS BEFORE THE AGM, and signed by at least one other member. You may nominate yourself if you wish. If there are insufficient written nominations to fill the positions, nominations may be accepted from the floor of the meeting. Any person requiring a postal vote should make written application to the SECRETARY, AT LEAST 21 DAYS PRIOR TO THE AGM and a stamped self-addressed envelope should be included with the application. The Secretary shall then, at least 14 days prior to the AGM, forward to each postal voting member a list of all the nominees for the positions in the form of a ballot paper, upon which the member shall record his preferences and return TO THE SECRETARY BY 5PM ON THE DAY BEFORE THE MEETING. REMEMBER: YOU MUST BE A FINANCIAL MEMBER AS AT THE 30TH JUNE TO STAND FOR OFFICE OR VOTE AT THE AGM. Beardie Business – Winter 2011 Page 10 Member Profiles Name: Monica Brigden BB: What is your Occupation.... Monica: I own and operate an online party supplies store which supplies costumes, wigs and all party needs. I am also a photographer who enjoys photographing families and children and of course Beardies. BB: Where do you live?..... Monica: I live about 30 minutes from Brisbane City, Q’ld, on the east side on 1.5 acres. BB: How many Beardies do you have…. Monica: I have two beardies. My beautiful beardie girl, Holly (Avongael Serendipity) who just recently turned 4 and my gorgeous boy, Finnegan (Shilston Secret Mission) who will be 3 in September. When did you get your first Bearded Collie....and what drew you to the breed…. Monica: I first saw a beardie about 20 odd years ago when I went to watch a sports game with a friend from work. She owned a beardie and brought him along to the game. She also had a young child who was in a pram. The beardie boy sat near the pram the entire game and watched the baby. It was his gentle and caring nature that drew me in. I knew one day I would own a beardie, but would wait until I was able to give him/her the attention they deserved. That time was just over 4 years ago when Holly came into my life. Holly & Finn BB: What activities do you enjoy doing with your Beardies… Monica: I love doing obedience with both Holly & Finn and have recently done a beginner’s agility course at the RSPCA with Holly. I am in the process of setting up an agility yard in the back paddock at my home. Finn & Chocolate BB: Do you have any other animals in the household.... and do your Beardies get on well with the them…. Monica: I have two cats – one Heinz variety moggie (Vegemite) and the other a Birman (Chocolate). Holly & Finn stay well away from Vegemite as she prefers not to socialise with other animals. Holly & Finn love to herd Chocolate and he is ok with that for a while, then he lets them know (when it’s time to stop). He has a spot where he can escape to if they get too overwhelming for him. BB: What are your interests and hobbies outside of your “dog world pursuits”….. Monica: In my spare time I love to read, spend time in the garden and socialise with friends. I also spend time catching up with all of the beardie people over the world on Facebook BB: What is the ‘best’ thing about owning a Beardie? Monica: The best thing about owning beardies is the unconditional love and devotion that they give, the beardie bounces when you get home; and they make the best bed buddies at night. Beardie Business – Winter 2011 Page 11 BB: For someone interested in the breed, what advice would you give them? Monica: You need to have the time and desire to want to groom them and spend time with them. They are NOT a dog that likes to be left outside away from the family. They are not really dogs, just fur-humans! BB: and finally….what grooming item/tool would you ‘never be without?!” Monica: I would never be without my comb and slicker brush. Finn & Holly Agility News Nat Kirkwood competed with both Spaghetti & Sonic at the ADAA Nationals, held in Tamworth. Thankyou for quickly putting together a few paragraphs Nat and congratulations on a successful weekend with the boys! ADAA Nationals 2011 - May 20th-22nd Australian Equine & Livestock Events Centre - Tamworth By Nat Kirkwood Spaghetti came home with 6 Q's and a few more runs where he was clear, but parts of a second over-time. He only needs one more games card for his RMAAD now and even better (I went with no expectations for him due to the environment) you just couldn't wipe the “smile off his face” for the whole time we were there. He was just having a fabulous time and conquered his see-saw demons! He also won the following prizes: National Champion Regular Snooker 3rd place, National Champion Regular Biathalon Runner Up National Regular All Round Champion 3rd place (all Maxi class) Sonic came home with 3 Q's. He got a team Q and 1st place in round 1, and a 2nd in an Advanced Agility and Open Agility. He had lots of runs with just one fault and had the last bar fall in the Gamble after doing the difficult stuff. He missed the last contact in Snooker and a lot of other ‘oh so closes’, but it was just not to be, with a few tunnel vortex syndromes thrown in to keep you honest. He won the following prize:- National Champion Biathalon Runner Up Maxi Class. Thanks to Penny and Murray Brooks for coming along and cheering for us for a few events. Beardie Business – Winter 2011 Page 12 BB: For anyone who may be new to the sport of Agility and/or just for general interest, I’ve included a chart outlining all the different levels in Agility Competition. Thanks Nat Kirkwood for sourcing the information. ANKC Agility Titles JD Jumping Dog 3 qualifying certificates under at least 2 different judges in Novice Jumping class JDX Jumping Dog Excellent 5 qualifying certificates under at least 2 different judges in Open Jumping class JDM Jumping Dog Master 7 qualifying certificates under at least 3 different judges in Masters Jumping class JDO Jumping Dog Open 5 qualifying certificates under at least 3 different judges in Open Jumping class AD Agility Dog 3 qualifying certificates under at least 2 different judges in Novice Agility class ADX Agility Dog Excellent 5 qualifying certificates under at least 2 different judges in Open Agility class ADM Agility Dog Master 7 qualifying certificates under at least 3 different judges in Masters Agility class ADO Agility Dog Open 5 qualifying certificates under at least 3 different judges in Open Agility class AG CH Agility Champion 20 additional qualifying certificates in both Masters Agility and Jumping classes (40 qualifying certificates in all) with 10 qualifying certificates in each class being a 1st place - ****This is changing **** SD Snooker Dog 3 qualifying certificates under at least 2 different judges in Novice Snooker class SDX Snooker Dog Excellent 5 qualifying certificates under at least 2 different judges in Open Snooker class SDM Snooker Dog Master 7 qualifying certificates under at least 3 different judges in Masters Snooker class GD Gamblers Dog 3 qualifying certificates under at least 2 different judges in Novice Gamblers class GDX Gamblers Dog Excellent 5 qualifying certificates under at least 2 different judges in Open Gamblers class GDM Gamblers Dog Master 7 qualifying certificates under at least 3 different judges in Masters Gamblers class SPD Strategic Pairs Dog 3 qualifying certificates under at least 2 different judges in Novice Strategic Pairs class SPDX Strategic Pairs Dog Excellent 5 qualifying certificates under at least 2 different judges in Open Strategic Pairs class SPDM Strategic Pairs Dog Master 7 qualifying certificates under at least 3 different judges in Masters Strategic Pairs class ☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻ Membership renewals are now due: a renewal for is included in this issue of Beardie Business for your convenience. ALL RENEWALS SHOULD BE FORWARDED TO:THE SECRETARY Mrs L Brandt 364 Forest Road, Kirrawee 2232 (02) 9521 2005 Beardie Business – Winter 2011 [email protected] Page 13 NEW AUSTRALIAN CHAMPIONS Congratulations to Alison Smith on gaining an Australian Championship Title Introducing Aust Ch Memorylane Its In His Kiss (IMP FIN) Bred by Nina Bruisin (Finland) Owned & handled by Alison Smith (Qld) As introduced in the Autumn Beardie Business 2011 – we now have a photo of ‘Kyah’ Aust Ch Bonibraes Dance With Me Bred by Tim & Karin Finlayson Owned by Alison Smith and Tim & Karin Finlayson Handled by Alison Smith NEW HERDING TITLES Congratulations to Jess Buckley on gaining * Herding Titles (HT) with ‘Dizzee’ (Ch Stylwise Dizzee Rascal) and ‘Jimmy’ (Ch Stylwise Jimmy Eat World) * Herding Instinct Test Pass (HI) with ‘Mojo’ – (Gr Ch Stylwise Mojito) Beardie Business – Winter 2011 Page 14 Bearded Collie Club of NSW Inc. 58th CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW Thursday 21st April 2011 Judge: Ms Sandra Lex (Canada) Puppy Dog Puppy Bitch 1.Keiramyst Mi Wizard of Oz – L Brandt 1.Keiramyst Mi Steel Magnolia – L Brandt Junior Dog 1.Bonibraes Valentino PJ & KJ Finlayson 2.Ch Stylwise Jimmy Eat World J Buckley 3.Bonibraes Song N Dance PJ & KJ Finlayson and A & A Woolcott Junior Bitch 1.Ch Bonibraes Dance With Me- PJ & KJ Finlayson & A Smith Beardie Business – Winter 2011 2.Ch Stylwise Dizzee Rascal – J Buckley Page 15 Intermediate Dog 1.Ch Memorylane It's In his Kiss ( Imp Fin) – A Smith 2.Bonibraes Wolfman's Magic – PJ & KJ Finlayson Intermediate Bitch 1.Ch Bonibraes Broadway Rhapsody – PJ & KJ Finlayson & W Banks Australian Bred Dog 1.Gr Ch Stylwise Paparazzi J Buckley Beardie Business – Winter 2011 2.Ch Keiramyst Mi Macaulay CD HT L Brandt 3. Gr Ch Bonibraes Anything Goes HT A Smith & PJ & KJ Finlayson Page 16 Australian Bred Bitch 1.Gr Ch Filial Highland Frost K Tasker 2. Gr Ch Llandtree Ftstpsofa Angl MD & PJ Brooks 3. Ch Bonibraes Wolfmans Tradition PJ & KJ Finlayson Open Dog 1. Gr Ch Llandtree Newell Glenn MD & PJ Brooks Open Bitch 1. Ch Bonibraes Crazy For You HSAs C Macrory & B Insausti Beardie Business – Winter 2011 2. Ch Bonibraes Aint Misbhavin PJ & KJ Finlayson Page 17 Veteran Dog 1. Gr Ch Ulara The Luck Dragon HT S Roche 2. Gr Ch Briarmist Glenfiddich J Buckley Neuter Dog & Neuter in Show 1. Jupi Gryffindore Kilt CD ADM JDM ADO JDO GDX SPD SD PT FDX J Taylor Ch Dog: Gr Ch Llandtree Newell Glenn Res CC: Gr Ch Stylwise Paparazzi Beardie Business – Winter 2011 Bitch Ch: Ch Bonibraes Crazy For You HSAs Res CC: Ch Bonibraes Broadway Rhapsody Page 18 Best In Show & Best Open in Show: Ch Bonibraes Crazy For You HSAs Puppy In Show: Keiramyst Mi Wizard of Oz Australian Bred in Show: Gr Ch Filial Highland Frost Beardie Business – Winter 2011 Runner-up in Show: Gr Ch Llandtree Newell Glenn Junior In Show: Ch Bonibraes Dance With Me Intermediate in Show: Ch Memorylane It's In His Kiss (Imp Fin) Veteran in Show: Gr Ch Ulara The Luck Dragon Page 19 2011 Purina Sydney Royal Dog Show Thursday 21st April 2011 Puppy Dog 1.Keiramyst Mi Wizard of Oz – L Brandt Judge: Mr LFR Silva (Brazil) Puppy Bitch 1.Keiramyst Mi Steel Magnolia – L Brandt Junior Dog 1. Bonibraes Wolfman's Magic PJ & KJ Finlayson Junior Bitch 2. Bonibraes Song N Dance PJ & KJ Finlayson/ A & A Woolcott Intermediate Dog 1.Ch Memorylane It's In his Kiss ( Imp Fin) A Smith Beardie Business – Winter 2011 1. Ch Stylwise Dizzee Rascal J Buckley 2. Ch Bonibraes Dance With Me PJ & KJ Finlayson and A Smith Intermediate Bitch 1.Ch Bonibraes Broadway Rhapsody PJ & KJ Finlayson and W Banks Page 20 Australian Bred Dog 1.Gr Ch Stylwise Paparazzi -J Buckley Australian Bred Bitch 1.Gr Ch Filial Highland Frost -K Tasker 2.Ch Bonibraes Wolfmans Tradition HT-P & K Finlayson Open Dog 1.Gr Ch Llandtree Newell Glenn M & P Brooks 2.Gr Ch Ulara The Luck Dragon HT S Roche 3.Gr Ch Bonibraes Anything Goes HT A Smith & PJ & KJ Finlayson Open Bitch 1. Gr Ch Llandtree Ftstpsofa Angl M & P Brooks Beardie Business – Winter 2011 2.Ch Bonibraes Aint Misbhavin PJ & KJ Finlayson 3.Ch Bonibraes Crazy For You HSAs C Mackrory & B Insausti Page 21 2011 Purina Sydney Royal Dog Show Challenge Dog Reserve Challenge Dog Gr Ch Llandtree Newell Glenn Gr Ch Ulara The Luck Dragon HT M & P Brooks S Roche Challenge Bitch Gr Ch Llandtree Ftstpsofa Angl M & P Brooks Beardie Business – Winter 2011 Reserve Challenge Bitch Gr Ch Filial Highland Frost K Tasker Page 22 Best of Breed Runner up Best of Breed (Left BOB) Gr Ch Llandtree Newell Glenn (Right RUBOB) Gr Ch Llandtree Ftstpsofa Angl Both owned by: M & P Brooks Best Puppy of Breed Keiramyst Mi Wizard of Oz – L Brandt Thankyou to Jan Taylor for all the photos taken at both the Royal and the Speciality Shows & for your article on ‘Beardies at the Royal 2011’. A big thankyou also to Lynda Brandt for all the hard work and organising you put into the ‘week at the Royal’. Beardie Business – Winter 2011 Page 23 BEST OF BREED SYDNEY ROYAL DOG SHOW THURSDAY 21ST APRIL 2011 Grand Champion Llandtree Newell Glenn "BJ" Bred by Penny Brooks & Pam Douglas Owned by Murray & Penny Brooks Handled by Penny Brooks Beardie Business – Winter 2011 Page 24