barminco limited - The International Resource Journal
barminco limited - The International Resource Journal
BARMINCO LIMITED 2 MINING Barminco Limited An unrivalled ha underground co Barminco Limited is on a g JUNE 2011 The International Resource Journal 3 MINING 2 ard rock ontract miner global path to greatness photo credit: aums 4 MINING Barminco Limited JUNE 2011 The International Resource Journal For 21 years this team has worked tirelessly, unceasingly, to be the go-to vehicle for any mining house in need of hard rock underground contract mining services, and following its latest triumph—the second largest underground mining contract to be awarded in Australia and the largest contract it has bagged to date—Barminco Limited, of Western Australia, has the global limelight firmly focused on them. 5 6 MINING Barminco Limited The company that started as a decline mining the Sukari gold mine in Egypt. Soon thereafter, the services provider in Western Australia in 1989— company commenced deep directional diamond when the technique was in its infancy—has just drilling operations in South Africa—a component of been awarded a renewal of its contract with its service offering which dates back to its first AngloGold Ashanti Australia Ltd. for works at full services contract in Australia in 1995—mark- the Sunrise Dam gold mine; a five-year contract ing its global navigation according to market worth an estimated $500 million over its tenure. demand for its expertise. In addition to its home ascendency, the group “There are two markets of particular inter- has enviably positioned itself in West Africa est to us today, starting with Central Africa which where it provides a range of services including began to attract significant amounts of explora- those typically seen under the owner-operator tion later than the West African market, so it’s mining umbrella, to assist with lacking infra- more immature but it’s following a similar growth structure and amenities. Now with three focus path,” David Noort, Group Client and Commercial areas—Australia, Central Africa and later on, Manager tells IRJ. Latin America—there appears to be no stopping “Over the next ten years we expect to see a this best-in-class hard rock underground contract number of open pit mining projects converting mining services master. to underground in the central and east African market, as is occurring in the West African mar- Growing core competencies globally In 1995 Barminco was awarded the first of its many ket currently.” With 35 open pit mines currently operating full services underground mining contracts, giving in West Africa—given the techniques Barminco the company its opportunity to move from offering offers in decline underground mining—each not just the development function, but the produc- mine has a high level of prospectivity for con- tion mining also. It then diversified into concrete verting to an underground mine as is often the and crushing in 2003, and entered West Africa course of events. With this potential comes a though a joint venture with Ausdrill called AUMS— healthy outlook for Barminco and its relatively African Underground Mining Services. In 2008 unique capabilities in this space, as well as operations commenced in Ghana and, in 2009, strong grounds for its burgeoning interest in Barminco exclusively, was awarded a contract for central African states. JUNE 2011 The International Resource Journal 7 8 MINING Barminco Limited “On a long-term basis the Latin American of owner-operator, is the AUMS joint venture’s market has some attraction but it’s not the same work on Newmont’s Subika mine in Ghana current level of strategic imperative as the Central where it has been busy since February 2010. African market is to us—that’s something we’re maintaining on a close-watch basis,” Noort adds. The group’s projects, past and present, “After a tender process that comprised several of the world’s specialist underground hard rock mining contractors Newmont engaged us to carry demonstrate its range of capabilities both in Aus- out initial trial mining and exploration at one of their tralia, as its position continues to strengthen in open pit operations that has moved underground West Africa, and as the company also moves into in order to evaluate it. It’s potentially a very large more central African states. operation that is moving into the next stage at the moment and discussions are ongoing,” says Glenn In demand and ongoing growth Epitomizing the group’s dexterity in stepping into activities typically viewed as the realms Heard, AUMS’s General Manager. “We also have the Randgold Loulo gold mine which comprises two contracts for us: There’s RELIABILITY IS PRODUCTIVITY Global Drilling Products PROUD PARTNER OF BARMINCO FOR OVER 10 YEARS Boart Longyear is proud to be a longtime partner of Barminco, delivering enhanced productivity through advanced patented equipment and innovative drilling techniques. Boart Longyear delivers reliable results for our clients’ success across various drilling applications. • ASX: BLY BOART LONGYEAR IS A PROUD PARTNER OF 9 © Copyright 2011 Boart Longyear. All rights reserved. JUNE 2011 The International Resource Journal 10 MINING Barminco Limited photo credit: aums JUNE 2011 The International Resource Journal 11 the Gara underground mine and the Yalea under- for meeting market expectations and bringing in a ground mine. The Loulo operation includes mul- project on schedule. We have taken over a large tiple open pit and underground mines, but all of portion of the owner mining function and returned the ore goes through the one milling operation.” it into a contract mining function again, which led Randgold’s first underground undertakings to the opportunity at Yalea where we’re developing at the Loulou mine, in Mali, began as a contract independent access to the ore body below the cur- mining function. Prior to AUMS’s arrival at Loulo, rent level of the mining horizon to establish a new arrangements for parts of the underground min- approach to mining it,” Heard says. ing function with other contract miners was prov- “That heavily relies on our core competencies ing unsatisfactory and having observed AUMS’s to improve the overall operating performance of performance in Ghana, Randgold elected to bring the mine. As an example when you compare the the company in for the Gara project. development advance rates at Yalea to that of “We really have shown to the client the benefits of having a “fit for purpose” contracting team ours at Gara, AUMS have excelled,” Heard says. “The average advance per month at Yalea since 12 MINING Barminco Limited project inception has sat at approximately 360 me- establishing training programs and understand- tres from six jumbo machines. Recent AUMS average ing how to do business there, there is a significant performance at Gara is exceeding 400 metres (from barrier to entry for competitors and AUMS provides one jumbo machine). Those sorts of statistics make a compelling value proposition to our clients.” you start to appreciate our value proposition.” With its aptitude and experience in the region Likening West Africa and its many open pits with the propensity to become underground clearly defined, Barminco is well-placed to act operations as “a Nirvana for the group,” Noort advantageously alongside what Noort explains demonstrates why, as the mining industry and are a number of factors that cause West Africa’s operations mature and grow, so will this compa- industry to favour contract mining. ny. Looking more widely at specific bullish commodities, he says, Barminco sees some signifi- A sustainable, safe and bright future Accessing supply chain and infrastructure re- cant trends in the copper market. “Rio Tinto has put out some publicity in the quirements in support of a healthy mining opera- last couple of years, and the way they have it tion in West Africa, Noort says, there are im- total global copper production will move from the mediate and distinctive differences to doing so current around 26 per cent from underground compared to Barminco’s native Australia where, sources to anywhere between 40 to 50 per cent “you can essentially purchase these on a fee-for- by 2025. Primarily that comes from changes service basis because they’re well-established.” in Chile, but certainly it exists around the world “Companies have to build these themselves and that’s much more of a challenge. Once you too,” he says. “From a global context I think that advances have a provider there running multiple operations in exploration technology and being able to find with obvious benefits to scale servicing those op- deposits without surface expression hasn’t really erations, incrementally every subsequent client matured at the rate of consumption of mineral is provided an even greater value proposition,” products and that’s forcing mines to go deeper he explains. which favours underground mining a lot.” “That’s why we feel that it’s been a chal- With Latin America in its long-term sights, lenge entering the market, but now we’ve done Barminco is currently readying to commence work that and the hard yards have been done such as at the recently awarded $60 million contract for JUNE 2011 The International Resource Journal 13 14 MINING Barminco Limited JUNE 2011 The International Resource Journal 15 Western Areas’ Spotted Quoll nickel mine. The good mining strategies, planning, advisory—even company will carry out what Noort describes to be engineering services and project management. very typical work in terms of services: Starting from Typically in the domestic market such requests the initial portal development and accessing the aren’t as common (there are plenty of estab- ore body, developing and delineating the ore lished providers) but in countries like Africa those body, then commencing the production mining options realistically don’t exist and clients are process—and in terms of its future service offer- increasingly turning to us,” he says. ing there are no plans to change doing what the company does so well. “We certainly intend to remain doing what we are today, that is underground hard-rock min- “As those requests come in we’re looking to develop that capability in-house so that’s another option for us.” It is one option of many for the company ers through and through, and we don’t have any today, but it is also evident that Barminco does intention of diversifying from that in the immedi- not take a scattergun approach to plans for fur- ate future. Underground coal mining has been thering the exponential geographical, client and raised—although there are of course significant capabilities growth it has already achieved. For differences in knowledge and approach required any miner in West or Central Africa grappling with to enter that market,” he says. a lack of supply chain and infrastructure, the “We say we’ll do anything that involves under- company is on hand to provide solutions. For any ground hard rock mining, or at least we’ll consider opportunity to build client relations, expand on it. There are a number of services we provide our previous works or provide full services hard rock clients on a sub-contract basis, so we can look to underground contract mining, it is the first name acquire this capability internally, organically or inor- that springs to mind. And for any mining house ganically, depending on the application” looking for an experienced, responsible, safe and Drawing on its experiences globally, Barmin- extremely capable contractor to take on a chal- co will also pay continual attention to its work in lenge, there are few contenders that can match place of owner operator activities—work which up to Barminco’s progress both historically and Noort says will be increasingly prominent as the today. group continues to internationalise. “This includes evaluation of deposits, finding AS SEEN IN THE JUNE 2011 ISSUE OF THE INTERNATIONAL RESOURCE JOURNAL