Winter 2011 - Regis Jesuit High School


Winter 2011 - Regis Jesuit High School
Regis Jesuit Goes Green
President: Rev. Philip G. Steele, SJ ’66
Depicted clockwise from upper right: Girls Division students lighting the
candles for Advent; the greater Raider community gathered for the Mass of
the Holy Spirit; Boys Division teacher Antonio Maes ’99 in his element; the
view of the Rockies from campus on a crisp fall day
Vice President: Rick Sullivan
Director of Advancement: Julie Alcorn
Message from the President............................................................................ 3
Regis Jesuit at World Youth Day...................................................................... 4
Stewardship & Sustainability at RJ................................................................. 5
Fall Sports Highlights......................................................................................... 6
The Fall Classic 2011.......................................................................................... 7
Principals: Jeffrey M. Howard ’88 – Boys Division Gretchen M. Kessler – Girls Division
Chief Financial Officer: Carol Mendlik
Managing Editor: Charisse Broderick King
Kelly Doherty
Traci Hollinger
Red, White and Green........................................................................................ 8
Alumni Serving at Regis Jesuit....................................................................... 10
Together for Tradition: Homecoming Weekend........................................... 12
From the Archives: Class of 1962 Yearbook Montage................................ 14
Class Notes........................................................................................................ 15
Faculty & Staff Notes....................................................................................... 17
Jeffrey Howard ’88
Colin St. John ’01
Raider Journeys................................................................................................ 18
In Memoriam..................................................................................................... 19
Upcoming Events............................................................................. Back Cover
Bree Hoyt-Lewis
John Koslosky
Jon Kraus
Paul Miller ’04Final 02.28.10
Paul Muller
Philip G. Steele, SJ ’66
Jessica Weed ’12
Adrian DiUbaldo ‘01, Photo Roadies
The Raider and Alumni Raider are published by Regis Jesuit High School
twice a year [summer and winter]. Your comments, opinions, inquiries about
the magazine, Regis Jesuit High School, its programs or community members
including alumni are welcome to [email protected]. Story
ideas and submissions are welcome as well.
Courtney Oakes, The Aurora Sentinel
Regis Jesuit High School admits qualified young men and young women regardless
of race, color, national or ethnic origin or other legally impermissible reasons.
Printed on environmentally-friendly paper
using sustainable production methods.
Heather Smith, The Aurora Sentinel
Design: TaCito Design, Inc.
Printing: Unique Litho, Inc.
Mission Statement
Regis Jesuit High School,
a Catholic educational community,
affirms the uniqueness and dignity of individuals,
inspires the pursuit of excellence,
fosters faith and a commitment to service and justice,
and strives to develop a connection to the world community.
winter 2011
The Raider
Message from the President
In writing our letters for this year’s Annual Report and winter issue of The Raider,
Board Chair Mike Reidy ’72 and I were both struck by the same image: swarms
of “future Raiders” on the sidelines of the Homecoming football game, dreaming
of future glory as they tossed footballs back and forth during halftime. Earlier that
evening well over 100 alumni and their families gathered for a pre-game barbecue,
then sat together to watch the Raiders maul the opposition. At halftime several
members of the Class of ’61 were introduced at the 50-yard line—including members
of that year’s state championship football team. At the south end of the field, an
enthusiastic crowd of current Regis Jesuit students packed the stands; you can check
them out on YouTube by visiting
In my mind there can be no greater vote of confidence in a school than for alumni to send their children to their alma
mater. Currently there are 52 RJ alumni with children at Regis Jesuit. When graduates whom I knew in the 90s introduce
me to their small children and tell me they want to send them to Regis Jesuit, my heart swells with pride. Another huge
sign of commitment is the desire to return to one’s high school to teach there. We are blessed with 22 alumni currently
on the faculty and staff—including the first graduate of the Girls Division to return in a teaching role! Incredibly, 50
members of our faculty and staff have sent or are currently sending one or more of their children to Regis Jesuit—and
there are many more on the runway! It would take more research than I have time for to count the parents, faculty and
transfer students from other Jesuit high schools and universities.
What emerges is an amazing network of connections—a community held together by a shared history and a shared
dream. The history transcends time and space. Not all of us experienced Regis Jesuit in the same era, or on the same
campus; some us were touched by Jesuit education not in Denver or Aurora, but in St. Louis or Cleveland or Santa
Clara. The dream too soars beyond the Campbell Campus; our alumni can be found in every corner of the world, and our
current seniors are engaged in the exciting but scary prospect of deciding how far away they are willing to venture for
the next chapter of their lives.
Talk about sustainability (our theme for this year and beyond)! As crucial for our future as are conservation of energy
and commitment to renewable resources, the commitment of thousands of individuals and families to the mission of
Regis Jesuit—now and for the future—is truly inspirational. The names listed in the Annual Report, included in this
issue of The Raider, represent countless acts of generosity and love. Our current parents once again have sacrificed to
help us cover what tuition does not—even in the face of increased economic hardship. Our alumni deeply desire that
current and future students be given the opportunities that they had, and so they continue to focus most of their giving on
tuition assistance for those who could not otherwise attend. Past parents, grandparents and many other friends encourage
us by their ongoing support. So many of our faculty and staff add financial contributions to the devoted work they do
among our students. And, of course, the Board of Trustees, under the inspiration and wisdom of Mike Reidy ’72, leads
the way in the time, talent and treasure they so freely and generously give.
To all of you I offer profound gratitude for all that you do to sustain this remarkable community. Please know that you
are constantly in the prayers of the Jesuit community and all of us here at Regis Jesuit High School.
In Christ,
Rev. Philip G. Steele, SJ ’66
The Raider
winter 2011
Raiders Travel
to World Youth Day
B y J essica W eed ’ 12
Photos courtesy of Charlie Marks ’13 and Jenn Judge ’13
World Youth Day is a Catholic event held every two to
three years in a different part of the world. It is designed
to allow Catholic youth, or youth of any religious
affiliation, to deepen their faith and experience the
Catholic faith in a catholic setting. This year, it took
place in Madrid, Spain from August 16 through 21. Almost
1.5 million youth made the pilgrimage this year, at least 18 of
whom were students from Regis Jesuit.
Jenn Judge ’13 and Charlie Marks ’13 were just two of the
Raiders who experienced World Youth Day. Both of them went
with groups from their respective churches and agreed the
experience helped bring them much closer, not only to God, but
also to the youth in their church community.
“It was really, really cool because they’re like my family, so it
was like being on a trip with my family and my friends at the
same time,” Judge said.
Marks also believed he was able to bond with his group,
especially since only nine of them went. “You build strong
relationships with the people you go with,” he said.
Typically, the pilgrims who attend World Youth Day stay
in schools or churches that are sponsored by the event. In
Madrid, Marks slept on classroom floors and Judge spent
her time trying to sleep on the cafeteria floor. Both agreed
that it was really difficult to sleep, but they were able to
find God through it all and realize how much less they
could live with.
“It was just so different than what I’m used to, but we were all
so tired at the end of the day that it didn’t matter,” Judge said.
That wasn’t the only challenge Judge faced during the trip.
She was able to take just two showers a week with a hose
outside because she was sharing with 100 other girls; she was
supposed to see the pope but didn’t because his route was
changed; and she spent the majority of her time just waiting.
“It was kind of ridiculous. It was so fun; I learned so much,
but there was a point where I just broke down and couldn’t do
it anymore because it was so hard,” Judge said.
Every morning, she woke up around 7:00, ate breakfast and
went to daily Mass and catechesis classes. Then she went into
town and decided which activity she wanted to wait in line for
that day. All meals were late, and she usually didn’t get back
until around midnight, but she still loved every minute of it.
“I was so excited to be in the same country as basically the
most important person on this world,” Judge enthused.
winter 2011
The Raider
Clearly, it was a great experience for all who went. Marks
and Judge would love to go again in 2013 when World Youth
Day will be hosted in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. They encourage
anybody, Catholic or not, to go as well and have the experience
of a lifetime.
Jessica ’Jessee’ Weed is currently a junior at Regis Jesuit who
enjoys running and being with her friends. She hopes to pursue
a degree in English or psychology after she graduates.
Stewardship & Sustainability
What do they mean?
Last spring Regis Jesuit President Rev. Philip G. Steele,
SJ ’66 announced that the school would commit itself to a
more vigorous effort toward stewardship and sustainability.
Clearly, that effort is about much more than recycling and
energy conservation, as important as those practices are. The
preservation of the school’s financial, physical and human
resources are essential to Regis Jesuit’s future.
Jesuit roots and identity of the school endures. The school’s
Ignatian Identity Coordinator, Jim Broderick King ’87, began
focusing purposefully on that goal since being hired into that
position five years ago. During his tenure, he has developed a
comprehensive program for the lay faculty designed to teach
the charisms that make the school Jesuit and to help guarantee
that the mission is preserved moving forward.
For a school with more than 130 years of history that has
moved campuses three times across two different states, there
has been an eye to these principles at some level all along,
even if those responsible for ensuring the continuance of
the school may not have used those terms. “We have been
fortunate that those who came before us used the resources
they were given responsibly and made wise decisions about the
institution that allowed it to survive the hardships faced. Those
choices are inherent in the success of the school today,” states
John Sheridan’76, Vice Chair of the Board of Trustees.
But there is no denying that part of that mission and identity
is directly tied to our just use of natural resources. “We have
made huge strides in guaranteeing the long-term viability of
the school both financially and as a Jesuit institution for this
community,” says Fr. Steele, “But now we are challenged to
answer the call to be fiercely intentional in how we reduce our
negative impact on the earth. It is a call that not only emanates
from our culture and Catholic social teaching, but, hopefully,
also from our very souls.”
Ensuring the long-term financial health of the school has
been a key focus of the Board of Trustees in recent years.
A commitment has been made to increase our endowment
significantly. As the school has grown in enrollment, we have
instituted accounting ‘best’ practices to keep our operations
running as efficiently as possible, while maintaining or
increasing the level of excellence in our academic and cocurricular programs.
Long-term excellence requires long-term excellent educators.
As the number of Jesuits available to serve us decreases,
the Trustees are determined to provide a salary structure
that will allow us to attract and retain the very best teachers
and staff. Other efforts are being made to ensure that the
Of course, there have been efforts to be more environmentally
sustainable at the school for several years – recycling bins
throughout the buildings, use of recycled paper for printing and
copying, efforts to power down lights and machines when not
needed, special parking for those in carpools, etc. However,
there is an acknowledged and clear need to do much more,
which is why Fr. Steele set stewardship and sustainability as our
theme this year. Under his guidance and that of the Board of
Trustees, a steering committee made up of representatives from
the Boys and Girls Divisions and central administration has been
tasked with leading the way. They will help us determine what
other, more ambitious initiatives we can pursue that will make us
the paragon of environmental sustainability we are called to be,
while maintaining our commitment to the other efforts that have
ensured our endurance for well over a century.
The Raider
winter 2011
Fall SportsWrapUp
Adrian DiUbaldo ’01, Photo Roadies
Celebrating a touchdown against Douglas County
Courtney Oakes, The Aurora Sentinel
Kurt Young ’14 and Ian Shelton ’13
celebrate a Raider soccer victory
Courtney Oakes, The Aurora Sentinel
Rutgers-bound Sarah Schmid ’12
State Champion Golf Team
with Head Coach Craig Rogers
G irls D ivision
B oys D ivision
Cross Country
The Raiders finished in second place at regionals, which
qualified them for their first 5A state meet as a team. Led by
Meredith Hoggatt ’13, Erin Schilmoeller ’13, Madalyn Somer
’14 and Lindsey Koch ’15, the Raiders have arrived on the 5A
scene and look to be among the state’s elite in the coming years.
Cross Country
The young Raiders learned a lot from last year’s state championship
team. Led by Morgan Jones ’12, the Raiders fell just short of
qualifying for the state meet, finishing seventh at regionals.
Field Hockey
In the program’s second varsity season, the Raiders showed
drastic improvement. With some young talent, including Faye
Hubregsen ’13 and Caroline Law ’14, the Raiders gained
valuable experience that should benefit them in the coming
Coach Brian O’Dea’s squad had its sights on the state title from
the get-go. The ruggers came out of the gate hot, dismantling
Chaparral 44-0. Unfortunately, the injury bug bit the Raiders
hard as they lost nine starters during the year. Fortunately,
Rachel Michaud ’12 and Missy Warren ’13 stepped up to the
challenge and have the Raiders ranked third in the state heading
into the postseason. Playoffs were held at Regis Jesuit on
October 29.
Head coach Charlie Williams’ squad fielded a lot of young talent
including Kylee Piper ’13, pitcher Grace Marriott ’13, Lauren
Caldwell ’14 and Stephanie Xavier ’14, all of whom posted
batting averages above .400. Look for the Raiders to make a
Continental League title run in the coming seasons.
The #2 ranked Raiders spiked their competition during the
regular season, finishing with an impressive 17-2 record (10-1
in conference). Led by middle blocker and future Rutger Scarlet
Knight Sarah Schmid ’12, the Raiders won the 5A District 3 title
and are primed for a serious run at the state championship. The
defensive prowess of Izze Ginley ’12 led the team with 167 digs
while Kaitlyn Taggart’s ’13 impressive 387 assists total served
up Michaela Smith’s ’12 team-leading 156 kills all season long.
winter 2011
Heather L. Smith, The Aurora Sentinel
The Raider
The highly anticipated football season started with the Raiders
facing some serious adversity. Quarterback Eystin Salum ’12
suffered an injury during the off-season that kept him off
the field for the first four games. The lofty expectations and
injury bug caused the Raiders to have an up and down season.
Although they didn’t repeat last year’s magical postseason
run, falling to the Fairview Knights in a heartbreaker during
the first round of the playoffs, Nolan’s team should keep their
heads held high.
Repeat State Champs! Daniel Johnson ’12 rolled in a tenfoot par putt in a playoff hole that gave head coach Craig
Rogers and the Regis Jesuit Raiders their second straight state
championship. To make the season even more special, on a
blustery, chilly final day, Gus Lundquist ’12 came back from a
four-shot deficit, recording 16 pars and winning the individual
state golf title—Regis Jesuit’s first ever.
Before the season, head coach Chris Walsweer said that his
team was poised for a league title run this year and a state title
run next year. Behind an 11-2-2 regular season record, the
Raiders, led by Nick DePuy ’13, made a championship push a
year earlier than expected before falling to Rock Canyon in the
state quarterfinals. Walsweer earned the well-deserved honor
of being named Continental League Coach of the Year.
Coach Laura Jones had her work cut out for her as she lost
eight seniors from last year’s championship squad. The Raider
boys stepped up to the challenge and repeated as Continental
league champs, crushing their competition by an 18-point
margin and sending six out of seven spots to state.
The Fall Classic 2011
The 7th Annual Tou
Luckiest on et!
Betting on Regis Jesuit:
6300 S. Lewisto
n Way
Aurora, Colora
do 80016
Though September 7 dawned gray and chilly, a complete field once again
donned spikes and came to play the picturesque fairways of Sanctuary for
the 7th annual Fall Classic Golf Tournament, presented by RE/MAX LLC.
Billed the ’Luckiest One Yet,’ the event was indeed just that with more than
35 individuals and companies sponsoring the event, including eight new
supporters taking advantage of several new sponsorship opportunities. KM
Concessions’ Kevin and Mary McNicholas returned as the Tournament Sponsor
for the fourth consecutive year.
Final 02.26.1
Prior to playing, the golfers were treated to the smooth sounds of the Regis
Jesuit Jazz Band under the direction of new Boys Division music teacher
Tim Sauer ’06. The dulcet tones of the RJ String Orchestra, directed by Girls
Division music teacher Bernie Sauer ’97, greeted the players as they returned
from a cool but fun day on the links before enjoying a sumptuous meal and
taking part in the evening program.
To date, The Fall Classic has raised more than $1.4 million for the tuition
assistance program through the generous support of our sponsors and players.
Thanks to everyone who ‘bet on Regis Jesuit’ and made this year’s tournament
a rousing success.
Bet on Regis Jesuit!
BER 7, 2
7th Annual
In the Summer 2011 issue of The Raider,
the girls swimming team was left off
the list of last year’s state championship
winners due to a production error. We
sincerely apologize that the mistake was
not caught prior to publication.
Our congratulations again to our swim
team on their first 5A state title. Best
of luck to them and all the RJ teams in
their upcoming seasons!
The Raider
winter 2011
9:30 am
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Proceeds bene
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For more inform
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Wednesday, Septem
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Regis Jesuit
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RE/MAX Intern
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Red, White and Green
B y C olin S t. J ohn ’ 01 , D irector of Alumni Relations
Farm, House
Sitting in John-Paul Maxfield’s house screams “city.” Just off
of Colfax in East Denver, he’s the patriarch of a burgeoning
family much like the one he grew up in a few blocks away: his
wife, Carrie, chasing after their son, Miles, who crawls across
the floor as dogs bark and sirens from the nearby thoroughfare
ring out. In his backyard, though, the din subsides and the view
becomes less myopic. Typically lofty, Maxfield, who graduated
from Regis Jesuit in 1999, points to his shaded surroundings and
says, “We need to bring the farm to the city.”
Carrie, John-Paul ‘99
and Miles Maxfield
His company, Waste Farmers, was
established in 2009 and primarily
focused on the collection of
compost from local restaurants
and schools. The company
outgrew Maxfield’s pick-up,
then a box truck and, finally, a
custom-made dump truck named
after the Widespread Panic song,
“Rebirtha.” (The jam band is
a favorite of Maxfield’s and
on-again, off-again employees
and fellow Regis Jesuit grads,
Matthew Celesta ’01 and Chad
Spurway ’01.) Now, though,
Maxfield has de-emphasized
the collection route, which grew
to almost 200 area businesses
and diverted over 3,000 tons of
waste from landfills, through
a partnership with another
company. He wants to focus on
products that utilize refined compost for agricultural benefit,
creating something of an ecological full-circle. “We want a farm
at every household,” he says, equating the massive computers
of the 1970s to farmland today. “Just like Bill Gates wanted a
computer in every one.”
It starts with potting soil, a beginning to what Maxfield identifies
as “solving macro problems with simple products.” The soil
he is preparing to market more widely—he is overseeing the
development of packaging and envisions a retail rollout next
year—was concocted by Celesta and is frequently mixed by
winter 2011 T h e A l u m n i R a i d e r
Spurway. It features a recipe of processed compost and
other peat-free natural stimulants including biochar, a blend
of pine needle kill and recycled wooden pallets. He has
coined the term “microbe brewery,” to describe not only the
microorganisms at work in his soil—and soon to be, liquid
fertilizer—but, also, as a nod to the beer revolution of the
1990s. Maxfield identifies Scott’s and Miracle Grow as akin
to Anheuser Busch and Miller, providing the consumer with
an inferior, mass-produced product. Back inside his house,
he outlines a Waste Farmers expansion into new facilities.
Cracking a beer—a microbrew, of course—he toasts to the
Feeling Loopy
Another Raider alum, Aaron Perry ’96, sips from the same
cup. In fact, he recently fueled up New Belgium’s Tour de
Fat fleet as it was heading out of Colorado for its summer
tour. And with what? Biodiesel. Perry’s company, recycOil,
is a frontrunner on the Front Range for the product, picking
up massive amounts of frying and food oils for conversion
into fuel. “We have in the neighborhood of 1,700 commercial
customers,” Perry outlines. “Restaurants, Sports Authority
Field at Mile High, University of Colorado – Boulder,
Colorado State University, University of Northern Colorado,
Chipotle, Whole Foods…these are all customers that we
provide this recycling service to.”
Aaron Perry ‘96
Because Perry had obtained an environmental policy graduate
certificate from CU – Boulder (in addition to his undergrad and
master’s degrees in German) and had begun running a small
business consulting firm, a Regis Jesuit classmate of Perry’s,
Nick Chambers ’95, asked him to take a look at a cooking oil
recycling outfit in Southern Colorado. “After several months,
I got my dad and one of our other founding partners to look at
the opportunity,” Perry recalls, looking back at his company’s
foundation in 2005. “One thing led to another and we decided
that we would launch into the used cooking oil recycling
space.” In fact, Perry sees his current career as stemming
directly from his time at Regis Jesuit, when he helped found the
Environmental Club and was part of what was, at the time,
The Odell Brewing Co. - site of one of Nick
Haws’ ‘96 engineering projects
the nation’s largest Amnesty International chapter. “A lot of
my personal passion for sustainability really began getting
cultivated when I was a student at Regis. We had a really special
and powerful high school experience and it integrated a broad
spectrum from social to environmental to the spiritual.”
recycOil is all about what Perry, echoing Maxfield, calls the
“closed loop,” – sending a 7,000 gallon shipment of cooking oil
(after its been treated at recycOil’s Berthoud facility) from Red
Rocks to Renewable Energy Group in Iowa and backhauling
the finished biodiesel product to fill up Willie Nelson’s tour
buses at the very same concert venue. Perry has also started an
IT program rollout, which he hopes will make it easier for local
food distribution on all sides, expanding and closing that loop
Taking the LEED
Sustainable enterprises and involved Regis Jesuit alums don’t
stop at the dinner table. That table needs a roof overhead. Nick
Haws ’96, as part of Northern Engineering in Fort Collins,
works with the environment in mind.
you have utilities around it as opposed to growing on the
outskirts of a city.” Northern Engineering also has a large
redevelopment arm, which takes land that was developed
under a previous use and redevelops it as something new.
Water is key, too. Northern Engineering oversaw—here’s
that beer again—Odell Brewing Co.’s permeable paver
system. One of the first of its kind in the area, it allows for
storm water to permeate its pavement parking lot, controls
damaging runoff and allows for tree roots to grow.
Fostering Growth
Trees are what brought Paul Foster ’59 back to Regis
Jesuit. After successful stints with his own architectural
practice and at Denver Parks and Recreation, Foster found
himself at the campus in Aurora for the first time. “I drove
out here and took a look around. I was quite impressed. It
was a huge jump,” he says, seated in the Alumni Office at
the Boys Division. Foster and some classmates rounded up
donations and decided to plant trees—trees that you can still
find lining the main entrance to the Girls Division—on the
then-barren campus. A simple effort, yes, but Foster also
sees it as impactful, as trees keep “giving back year after
year.” When then President, Fr. Wally Sidney, SJ came out
to ask what was going on, Foster explained and got even
more involved with the school.
He has since become an owner’s representative, working
with Regis Jesuit in choosing architects and contractors
for the Boys Division building construction and with any
proposed new construction on campus—all the while
preaching the merits of sustainability. “What we’ve been
doing for the past 30 or 40 years has not been beneficial
to the planet. Not beneficial at all,” he says. “The
environmental movement has collapsed and lost all of its
steam; it’s been washed away with greed and consumption.
This is the time to recapture that energy. It’s about being
Men and Women for Others.” Foster sees a necessary
evolution for humanity and Regis Jesuit, but some things,
he emphasizes, stay the same. “Regis Jesuit is a different
place with different kids and different faculty. It’s bigger;
it’s fancier; it’s all of these things, but what blows me away
is the culture. The culture is tangibly the same.”
It is that kind of sentiment—the feeling that even though
the buildings and teachers and students change, the school
remains the same—that makes Regis Jesuit High School
truly red, white and evergreen.
Are you a Raider alum involved in a green industry or
who has a passion for the environment? If so, we would
Haws is a LEED-certified civil engineer, a designation by the
U.S. Green Building Council which stands for “Leadership in
Energy and Environmental Design.” Haws and his cohorts often
scout for select sites that make construction greener. “‘Infill’
identifies undeveloped sites within developed surroundings,”
he explains. “If there’s an empty lot in the middle of a city,
love to hear from you! Contact the Alumni Office at
[email protected] or 303.269.8047.
The Alumni Raider
winter 2011
Sustainability of a Different Sort
Alumni Serving at Regis Jesuit
Paul M iller ’ 0 4 , A lumni C ommunications C oordinator
The latest group of
alumni to return to
Regis Jesuit to teach.
L to R: Katie Mihalco
’06, Bobby Hannum
’06, Tim Sauer ’06,
Cameron Turner ’04
The traditions of Regis Jesuit live through the spirit of its
more than 10,000 illustrious alumni. Through the decades, the
guise of Regis Jesuit High School itself has changed. From its
1877 birth in Las Vegas, New Mexico to its move to Morrison,
Colorado seven years later, and from its formative years on
Regis University’s campus all the way though its controversial
move to Aurora, the school has surely been transformed in
myriad ways. Yet through all of the transitions, one constant
remains: the genuine passion and heartfelt care that alumni
share for their alma mater.
When recalling his high school years, current art and physical
education teacher Antonio Maes ’99 remembers certain
teachers that influenced his high school years for the better.
“I had an awesome experience at Regis Jesuit and to have the
opportunity to return and give back so current students can
enjoy their time here as much as I did, well that’s special.”
Maes went on to say that alumni who are teachers can engage
with students in an extraordinary way. “Being able to recall
some of my experiences has helped me relate to my students
and has ultimately made me a better teacher.
This is a special place that students will
remember for the rest of their lives and I am
happy to be a part of that.”
Among the alumni who serve Regis Jesuit
is current acting Principal Jeff Howard ’88.
Having enjoyed his high school experience
so greatly, Howard returned to Regis Jesuit
in 1994 to help provide students the same
lasting impact the school had on him and his
family. Howard is the son of a member of
the class of 1959 and the proud father and
uncle of members of the class of 2014 and
2015, with more to come. After teaching for
nine years in the Boys Division, Howard
accepted the position of Assistant Principal
when the Girls Division opened, before
taking on the role of Acting Principal for
the boys last May. Throughout his time as
an administrator, Howard has continued to
teach English.
“Whenever I happen to run into an alumnus of Regis Jesuit,
no matter his or her age, we share a common bond that we can
typically reminisce about for hours,” said alumnus and current
Director of Alumni Relations, Colin St. John ’01. St. John
is one of 22 faculty and staff members who are also alumni
of Regis Jesuit. As the new Director of Alumni Relations,
he is pumped about the opportunity to remind alums about
their humble beginnings as high school students. “We are all
fortunate to have received the education we did. However,
at Regis Jesuit it was more than just the education, it was
the experience, and being able to remind people about that is
something that I am excited to do.” For more about St. John’s
background visit
winter 2011 T h e A l u m n i R a i d e r
This year, Regis Jesuit welcomed back its first alumna
as a teacher. Katie Mihalco ’06 graduated as part of the first
class from the Girls Division. Katie is teaching health and
mind/body, and was joined this year by fellow alums Bobby
Hannum’06, in the Girls Division Science and Computer
Science Departments, Tim Sauer’06, who is teaching music
and Latin in the Boys Division and Cameron Turner’04, who is
part of the Girls Division English Department.
These new members join their fellow alumni colleagues
serving in every curricular department and area of the school,
bringing their own Raider experience with them into the
classroom and beyond. “Having alums on board brings a sense
of continuity that aligns with the tradition of Jesuit schools,”
says St. John. “And with Fr. Steele and Mr. Howard at the
helm, it’s readily apparent that the hallmarks of the past will be
sustained well into the future.”
Q & A with Katie Mihalco ’06
First alumna to return to teach at Regis Jesuit
Mihalco earned her bachelor’s degree in exercise science from Fort
Lewis College in Durango, Colo. During her years as a Raider, she was a
basketball star, earning two-time All-State First Team selections and fourtime All-Continental League picks, and leading the team to their first trip to
the state finals. Her senior year she received a McDonald’s All-American
nomination. Her basketball jersey currently hangs above the gym door.
What do you teach?
I teach health and mind/body.
What grade are your students?
Freshmen for health; all grades for mind/body.
Why did you want to be a teacher at RJ?
I gained so much from being a student at Regis Jesuit that
when the opportunity arose to give back, I jumped right on it.
What do you hope to bring to Health Mind/Body program?
A new perspective.
Who was your favorite teacher when you attended RJ?
I have too many favorites to only pick one.
What is your most important takeaway from attending RJ?
An openness to growth and an amazing education.
What is your favorite memory from high school?
Kairos and playing sports.
Are you currently involved in any clubs, sports etc?
Yoga Club and Ski Club.
Did you ever think you’d see yourself back at Regis Jesuit
as a teacher?
I never saw myself being a teacher until later in my college
career. Even then, I did not see myself back at Regis Jesuit. I
had a plan in the back of my mind to stay in Durango (where I
went to college), and teach at a school there. However, when a
position opened at RJ, I had to apply. You know the rest.
What has been your favorite part of teaching thus far?
Getting to know my students is the best part of teaching thus
far. Each girl brings her own flair to everything I do in class,
which is often hilarious.
Current Raider Alumni Working at Regis Jesuit
Tim Bauer’88
Jim Broderick King ’87
Alex Crane ’05
Will Cropper ’98
Brian Davenport ’04
Adam Dawkins ’98
Nick Fagnant ’02
John Ferraro ’82
Bobby Hannum ’06
Jeff Howard ’88
Matt Klassen ’98
Antonio Maes ’99
Paul Malsam ’83
Katie Mihalco ’06
Paul Miller ’04
Jon Powell ’95
Bernie Sauer ’97
Tim Sauer ’06
Colin St. John ’01
Phil Steele, SJ ’66
Bob Sullivan, SJ ’54
Cameron Turner ’04
Central BD
Central Central GD
Social Studies
Classical Language/Ignatian Identity
Science/Computer Science
Art/Study Skills/Physical Education
Physical Education
Alumni Communications
Music/Classical Language
Alumni Relations
Faculty Chaplain
The Alumni Raider
winter 2011
Alumni Homecoming Weekend
B y Paul M iller ’ 0 4 , A lumni C ommunications Coordinator
Thanks for organizing a very
enjoyable evening.
Ben Domenico ’61
Reminiscing in Raider Red
In honor of Homecoming, Regis Jesuit made an extra effort to
pay special attention to its more than 10,000 alumni. In this vein,
the first annual “Together for Tradition: Alumni Homecoming
Weekend” was held in October with major success.
The event kicked off with a Raiders Root Alumni Homecoming
Football Cookout and Social, which took place before the Regis
Jesuit vs. Douglas County football game. More than 100 alumni
of all ages and their families returned to their alma mater, many
for the first time. In true tailgate fashion, BBQ and beers were
enjoyed by all. Our Golden Grads told stories from the Pink
Palace to enthralled alumnae, who in turn recounted their more
recent Regis Jesuit memories to the older, intrigued alums.
Although experiences at Regis Jesuit differ over the great 135year tradition, there remains one constant: the genuine heartfelt
care that each has for his/her high school.
After the Raiders Root, alumni gathered in a special seating
section at the Homecoming football game and watched Regis
Jesuit crush Douglas County 35-14 in front of a boisterous
crowd decked out in Raider red. Alumni from the Class of
1961, including several members of their football team, were
recognized in a special halftime ceremony on the field in
celebration of their 50-year reunion and state championship
win. That year, the Raiders, led by renowned coach Guy
Gibbs ’47, went 9-0 and beat their opponents by a combined
score of 326-25 (including a 54-0 trumping of Mullen).
To watch the Class of 1961 halftime ceremony visit:
winter 2011 T h e A l u m n i R a i d e r
Together for Tradition continued into Saturday with the 4th
Annual Peter Chapman ’98 Memorial 3-on-3 Basketball
Tournament, presented by Academy Roofing, Inc. The
tournament honored Peter Chapman ’98, one of the greatest
student-athletes ever to walk the halls of Regis Jesuit. (See
Nearly 30 teams competed in the tournament, with the proceeds
benefiting the Peter Chapman Raider Scholarship fund. The
event, which is coordinated by his family and members of his
class, is a true embodiment of Raider alumni acting as Men and
Women With and For Others. The fun carried into Saturday
night as scores of alumni attended the after-party and fundraiser
celebration. At the after party, Peter’s father Eric Chapman
proudly announced that the scholarship fund had surpassed the
$50,000 mark, thus making it officially endowed. “We have
difficulty containing our excitement over having a fully endowed
scholarship in such a short time,” he said. “We can’t wait to
introduce the first Peter Chapman Memorial Raider Scholarship
recipient at next year’s event.”
Designed to bring together generations of Raider alumni,
the inaugural Together for Tradition: Alumni Homecoming
Weekend was a true success that reunited old friends and opened
doors to new connections with each other and Regis Jesuit. We
look forward to this becoming an annual tradition.
Check out photos of the event-filled weekend at:
I just wanted to thank you for putting on a good party. All the guys said it was fun and a
good idea and thanked me for it but the thanks goes to you. So many were at the game to
cheer on the Raiders like it was 50 years ago. Thanks again for all your good work!
Bill Wieder ’61
A short note to yell out a big
thanks to you and all your
colleagues who made for
such a memorable night last
Friday for the class of ’61.
The effort that all of you made
for the old guys and wives
was greatly appreciated and
reflects positively on the quality
of students Regis continues to
produce. Best of luck in the
future and “Go Raiders.”
Members of the
Class of 1961 with
RJ President Fr. Phil
Steele, SJ ’66 prior
to the ceremony
honoring them at
Ron Simsick ’61
Peter Chapman’s ’98 Legacy
Peter Chapman was a graduate of Regis Jesuit High School’s Class
of 1998. As a Raiderman, Peter excelled in academics and athletics,
earning all-state and all-American honors. He went on to play
football at Northwestern University where he earned a spot on the
all-academic team and graduated with honors. Without financial aid,
Peter would not have been able to attend Regis Jesuit. The Peter
Chapman Raider Scholarship will provide an opportunity for future
students to attend Regis Jesuit High School. The tournament and
fundraising event celebrate Peter’s life and honors his memory.
The Alumni Raider
winter 2011
From the Archives
Memories from the
Hoop dreams:
The Raiders lay
it up on their
way to both a
city and state
This was your father’s NFL:
The award-winning speech team
doubled in size this year
Out-classed: Is having class on the
fire escape steps really a good idea?
In living color:
A rare color photo
from one of the
year’s formal
winter 2011 T h e A l u m n i R a i d e r
Not so rowdy:
Girls from
the Parochial
Cheer Squad
the Raiders for
their athletic
Class of 1962: SAVE THE DATE
Your 50th Reunion will be held Saturday, July 21, 2012
Contact the Alumni Office ([email protected] or 303.269.8047)
if you are interested in helping to organize this momentous event.
Class Notes
Leo Boyle ’64, who worked as a lobbyist at the state capitol
for more than 40 years, is one of the investors in the huge
Broadway musical The Book of Mormon. In a Denver Post
interview, Boyle said “I have no business investing in something
like this but I do have an Irish sense of humor, so I laugh at
things like that. They are equal-opportunity offenders. There are
no sacred cows.”
Dick Kelly ’64 recently retired as the Chairman/CEO of Xcel
Energy. During his 5½ year tenure as CEO, Kelly made Xcel
the largest wind-powered investor-owner utility.
Christina Canino ’14, Nick Haws ’96, Neal Jones ’03 with son Lawson,
Jason Ackerley ’03 and Vince Cole ’03 (pictured below L to R) Stepped
Up at City Park in Denver to support Mile High Down Syndrome.
Brian McConaty ’67 was named
a shareholder at Robinson Waters
& O’Dorisio. McConaty is the
President of the American Board of
Trial Advocates in Colorado.
Denver Post editorial page editor Dan Haley ’88 left
the newspaper to become the Director of Corporate
Communications for CoBank, an agricultural cooperative bank
based in Greenwood Village.
Former President and Chief
Executive of Quality Electric, Inc.
Rex Wiedersphan ’74 was named
the Executive Vice President of
Northern Electric, Inc.
Brian McConaty ‘67
Ron Falco ’81 was awarded Outstanding Undergraduate
Faculty for 2011 by the University of Phoenix where he teaches
environmental science, environmental ethics and other science
classes. Ron is the Area Chair for Natural Sciences at the
University of Phoenix and manages the Safe Drinking Water
Program for the State of Colorado.
Anthony Boettcher ’81 was recently named the Air Force
men’s swimming assistant coach. He has more than 30 years of
coaching experience as a club coach in the state of Colorado.
During his time coaching at Evergreen, Boettcher was awarded
the Colorado Swimming Age Group Coach of the Year in 1998,
2003 and 2005 as well as the Colorado High School Coach of
the Year in 2000 and 2002.
Matthew Brady ’83 is a partner at Employers Edge. He is
grateful and a bit surprised to see that Regis Jesuit is taking such
a sensible stand on sustainability. “It’s good to see,” he states.
Bernie Sauer ’97, now in his ninth year as the Girls Division
music teacher, is thrilled to now be working with his youngest
brother, Tim Sauer ’06, who joined the Boys Division music
program this year. Already the two have combined their Concert
Bands for a bigger, more unified sound, and they continue to
work with the pit band for the upcoming musical production,
Into the Woods. “It seems like yesterday when I was directing
Tim in the pit band for Little Shop of Horrors in 2005. Now,
I’m blessed to have my brother as a bandmate and co-worker!”
enthuses the elder Sauer.
The Brothers Sauer:
Bernie ‘97 and Tim ‘06
Anthony Boettcher ‘81
The Alumni Raider
winter 2011
Class Notes
1990s continued
Mike McKenna ‘02 and fiancée, Cynthia
Tim Gradoville ’98 and his wife Jamie welcomed their first
child, Johnathan Robert Gradoville, on June 7, 2011 at 9:39 am.
He was born in Newark, Del. and weighed 7 lbs 10 oz and was 21
3/4 inches long. Both Jamie and baby are healthy and doing well.
and successful ecological entrepreneur, I appreciate your
commitment to a spiritual ecology and wish the Regis Jesuit
community much success in your campaign for resource
awareness and greater conservation.”
Kevin Raleigh ’99 was married on May 21, 2011 to Gretchen
Schaefer at Regis University. Pat Cole ’99 was a groomsman, as
well as Kevin’s two brothers, Mark ’01 and Nick. Both Kevin
and Gretchen are graduates of Regis University and work for the
Colorado Coalition for the Homeless.
Last year Matthew Anzur ’02 won three Emmy Awards
from the Rocky Mountain Southwest Chapter of the
National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences for his
photojournalism work at ABC15 (KNXV-TV) in Phoenix, Ariz.
This year he has been nominated for nine Emmys for his work.
Andrew Caldwell ’02 is the General Manager at Crimson
and Gold Tavern. Crimson and Gold was the runner-up in the
Channel 7 A-List “Best Neighborhood Bar” competition.
Ryan Armijo ’01 married Jacklyn Ballotta in Miami, Fla.
Matthew Anzur ‘02
The San Francisco 49ers signed John Matthews ’04 to the
practice squad on October 4, 2011. Matthews has two years
of NFL experience playing with the Indianapolis Colts and
Jacksonville Jaguars.
Wendell “Butch” Lewis ’06 was briefly signed to the Kansas
City Chiefs practice squad. Lewis is a USC grad having played
both guard and tackle for the Trojans.
Lacey Henderson ’07 will be representing Regis Jesuit and the
United States in the 2012 Paralympics in London. Lacey was
also nominated for the America’s Choice Honor for Courage in
Jeffrey Seems ’07 was named a Fulbright Scholarship winner.
He will begin his Fulbright work in Germany.
Regis Jesuit alums
and others celebrate
with Armijo ‘01,
winter 2011
Mike McKenna ’02 was deployed to Kandahar, Afghanistan
in support of Operation Enduring Freedom from May through
September 2011. Mike saw just about every square inch of
Afghanistan and flew missions into several other bordering
countries. While deployed from Little Rock Air Force Base in
Arkansas, he flew 70 combat missions logging 305 hours of
combat time, including flying Senator John Kerry on a mission
around Afghanistan shortly after Osama Bin Laden was killed.
Mike and fiancée Cynthia are both co-pilots and Captains in the
Air Force.
Greg Mohrman ’01 is the Co-Founder and Director of
Brookstreet and Company. As part of Regis Jesuit’s stewardship
and sustainability efforts, Mohrman said “as a fellow alumnus
The Alumni Raider
Anthony DeFranco ’08 was part of the Metro State flight team
that won the Loening Trophy, which is the oldest and most
prestigious collegiate aviation award in the nation.
Emily Glenn ’08 is Regis Jesuit’s first female ASC volunteer!
She is currently teaching at DeSmet Jesuit in St. Louis, Mo.
Andrew Wilson ’07 is also an ASC volunteer at Rockhurst
High School in Kansas City.
Charlie Maguire ’10 is taking a year away from college to
volunteer in Bolivia and Peru.
Jay Sayre ’11 was one of three winners of the 10th annual
”Celebration for Young Entrepreneurs Contest” with his Sag
Straps Business concept.
Faculty & Staff Notes
In this new feature of The Raider, we list milestone occasions,
awards or events for members of the faculty and staff.
Baby Boomlet
Where Are They Now?
Girls Division theology teacher, Alex Crane ’05 and wife
Ashley had their first baby, Michael Alexander, on January 12,
2011. He was baptized on January 22, 2011.
Michael Peppard
Regis Jesuit Theology Teacher 1998-2001
Michael Peppard came to Regis Jesuit fresh
out of the University of Notre Dame in 1998.
Over the course of three academic years,
Peppard became a fast favorite of sophomores
and seniors with his deep intelligence, caring
demeanor, work with the boys choir and
righteous Facultones guitar licks and drum beats.
Sean O’Dea, Girls Division social studies teacher, and wife,
Rachel welcomed second son, Declan on April 11, 2011.
Girls Division math teacher, Will Cropper ’98 and wife Jodi
welcomed son, Brody Wyatt on May 17, 2011.
The Haus of Kraus added a new member as Kristen, Girls
Division Service Director, and Jon, Associate Director of
Advancement, and big brother, Joseph, welcomed Samuel
Robert into the world in May 25, 2011.
Girls Division English teacher, Jamie Dawkins and husband,
Adam’98, journalism and English teacher in both Divisions,
welcomed Charlotte Ann, their second daughter on June 9,
Sarah Sherwood, Boys Division English teacher, gave birth to
daughter Daisy in June.
Girls Division theology teacher, Matt Klassen’98 and wife,
Meghan welcomed a little sister for daughter Murphy as Norah
Elizabeth entered the world on June 22, 2011.
Tied the Knot
Boys Division Admissions Director, Paul Muller wed Kathryn
Steinlage on June 26 on the shore of Lake Michigan.
Danielle Dally, Girls Division English Department Chair,
married Harold Brigman this past summer in Winter Park.
Newlyweds Harold and
Danielle (Dally) Brigman
The Cropper Family
Since leaving Regis Jesuit in 2001, Peppard
went on to Yale Divinity School, where he also
continued his passion for music at the Institute
of Sacred Music. He received his Ph.D. in
religious studies from Yale University and is
an Assistant Professor of Theology at Fordham
University in the Bronx.
His first book was just published by Oxford
University Press and is entitled The Son of
God in the Roman World: Divine Sonship in Its
Social and Political Context. Peppard’s areas
of interest in Biblical studies, early Christianity
and contemporary religious relations have
led him to be published in New Testament
Studies, Catholic Biblical Quarterly, Journal
for the Study of the New Testament, Studies
in Christian-Jewish Relations, Judaism, and
Commonweal. Peppard’s wife, Christy, is also
an Assistant Professor of Theology at Fordham,
having likewise received a Ph.D. from Yale.
They live in New York City with their daughter,
Joseph and Samuel Kraus
Brian Kosena, Boys Division social studies teacher, got
married in the fall of 2011.
Moved On
Boys Division Latin teacher, Missy Johnson moved north to
Minnesota to be near her extended family. She is teaching
Latin at a K-12 charter school.
Amanda Shepherd, Girls Division Registrar and Assistant
to the Principal, moved with her husband and son to
Albuquerque, N.M.
Have a favorite teacher from
your time at Regis Jesuit that you
would like to know about?
Send a ’Where Are They Now?’
request to the Alumni Office
([email protected])
and we’ll do our best to track
them down.
Michael Peppard at a gig with the
Facultones during his time at RJ
The Alumni Raider
The Dawkins Family
winter 2011
Raider Journeys
Introducing Raider Journeys: A new, recurring feature in The Raider, where we share photos from members of
the globetrotting community of Regis Jesuit. We want to know about the cool places you go, and be a part of it!
Here are the kinds of photos we are looking to include in upcoming issues:
• Everyone rocking their Raider wear at the Empire State
Building or Coliseum? Take a photo of your visit to an
iconic spot and send it in.
• If you see the hanging RJ sticker in an unexpected place,
capture a picture on your smart phone and submit it.
• Take your copy of The Raider magazine on vacation with
you, then snap some photos of you and/or your family with
the cover in the picture.
• Don’t have the magazine? You can download and print the
hanging RJ from the website (
and include it in your pictures. You can also pull up the RJ
on your phone from the school or alumni Facebook pages
( or www.facebook.
com/RegisJesuitHSAlums). This is a great way to put Regis
Jesuit in your pictures easily.
Here are a few photos to get this Raider Journey started. In
future issues, we want to fill this page, so get your old football
jersey from the back of the closet, grab your Raider red, pack
your suitcases and start snapping!
To submit a photo for inclusion in Raider Journeys, send your
picture(s) [resolution of 300 dpi or better – standard for most digital
cameras and smart phones] to [email protected].
The Broderick
King family
enjoying fall
break in the
Rockies: Jim
’87, Amelia and
Madeline in
their Raider red
An RJ among the
aspen at their peak
winter 2011
The RJ Silhouettes cast a REGIS shadow
The Alumni Raider
In August, six Raider alumni from the class of 2009 decided to have a little
reunion on the top of Longs Peak! College spread them all over the globe but
their sense of brotherhood is as strong as ever. The picture was taken on top
of the “Keyhole” about two hours before the summit. L to R: Brandon Cullen
’09 (Creighton in Omaha, Neb), Brendan Monahan ’09 (CU-Boulder), Anthony
Vanicek ’09 (John Cabot University in Rome, Italy), Zander Nowell ’09 (Stanford),
Jeff Erbert ’09 (Creighton) and Jack Lynn ’09 (Saint Louis U)
In Memoriam
The entire community of Regis Jesuit extends its sincere sympathy to the family and friends of loved ones
who have died recently. The following are remembered in our prayers:
Peggy Becker, sister of Mike Meagher (GD teacher and
Assistant to the Principal)
Joseph R. Berberick ’49, brother of Harold Berberick ’60
Enzio A. Cassinis, father of Edward Cassinis ’67 and
grandfather of Enzio ’96 and Sarah ’08 Cassinis
Karl T. Chambers ’55
William L. Doig, father of David ’74, Damian ’81 and Peter
’84 Doig
Mary Ann Fannon, mother of Ann Braun (staff member)
and grandmother of Kelly Braun ’10
William Greeley, father of Todd ’85 and Billy ’89 Greeley
We have also been informed recently of the deaths of the
following alumni and extend our sympathies and prayers to
their loved ones.
Kevin Cooney ’72
Frederick Power ’56
Robert A. Reed ’53
Raymond M. Stewart ’42
The following passings were either omitted or erroneously
reported in the last issue of The Raider. We sincerely
apologize for the oversight.
Marlene Nelson Weeks, daughter of Robert Nelson ’35
(deceased), sister of Bob ’61, Scot ’70, Gary ’71 and Kent
Nelson and niece of Joe ’36 and Leo ’39 (deceased) Nelson
passed away in October 2010.
Bruce Harlan, father of Philip ’10 and Alexander ’13 Harlan
Michael Howard ’59, father of Jeff Howard ’88 (BD Acting
Principal), father-in-law of Caroline Howard (GD teacher)
and grandfather of Matthew Sheber Howard ’14, Keelin
Bettridge ’15 and Ian Brown ’15
Margaret Coursey passed away in February 2011. She was
preceded in death by her husband, Robert ’38 and brother,
Edward Gartland ’42, and survived by sons, Chris ’72 and
Pete ’74 Coursey, brother-in-law, Jerry Coursey ’45, as well
as many nephews who are also alumni of Regis Jesuit.
Patrick Livingston, brother of Kathleen Willson (GD
teacher) and brother-in-law of Billy Willson (BD teacher)
Thomas McVicar, father of Tom ’72 (deceased), John ’74,
Michael ’75, Daniel ’76, Mark ’79, Kevin ’82 and Chris ’87
R. Walker Nickless ’45
Aldo Notarianni ’42, father of Gregory Notarianni ’77
Helen Onstott, mother of Mark Onstott (GD teacher)
Diana Minaise Sobanet, mother of Henry ’88 and Andrew
’90 Sobanet
Leticia Tomczak, mother of John Michael Tomczak ’08
We make every effort to account accurately for the passing of any alumnus/a,
student, faculty or staff member as well as that of any of their parents,
Alice Whittington, mother of Stephen Whittington ’74
spouses or siblings. If we are aware of other relationships the deceased had to
members of our community, we do our best to list them as well. We regret any
Sharon Winter, wife of Michael Winter ’64
oversights or errors that may occur.
The Alumni Raider
Winter 2011
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Men and Women with and for Others
Calendar Highlights
Thursday, December 1
Monday, December 6
Monday, December 19 – Monday, January 2
Final 02.28.10
Monday, December
Friday, December 23
Friday, December 23 – Friday, December 30
Co-divisional Instrumental Concert
Co-divisional Vocal Concert
Christmas Break – NO CLASSES
Regis Jesuit vs. Mullen Boys Basketball Game
Raiders Reunion for the Classes of 2006
Christmas Break – OFFICES CLOSED
Saturday, December 24
Young Alumni Christmas Eve Mass
Monday, January 2 – Friday, January 13
Monday, January 30 – Friday, February 10
Wednesday, March 14
Friday, March 16 – Sunday, March 18
Monday, March 26 – Friday, March 30
Tuesday, April 3
Friday, April 6 – Monday, April 9
Saturday, April 28
Tuesday, May 1
Thursday, May 3
Sunday, May 20
Monday, May 21
Summer TBA
Saturday, July 21
Girls Division Service Projects
Boys Division Service Projects
New Raider Night – Class of 2016
RJHS Theatre presents A Midsummer Night’s Dream
Spring Break – NO CLASSES
Girls Division Canta Belles Easter Vigil Concert
Bella Italia: LARK 2012
Boys Division Spring Concert
Girls Division Spring Concert
Boys Division Graduation
Girls Division Graduation
Rudy Brada Golf Tournament
Raiders Reunion 2012
Celebrating the classes of 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977, 1982, 1987, 1992, 1997, 2002 and our Golden Grads of more than 50 years
For full details on upcoming alumni events at Regis Jesuit, visit
For full details on school-related events, visit
303.269.8000 Boys Division
303.269.8100 Girls Division
303.269.8047 Alumni Office
Don’t miss out!
Be sure to make your annual gift to Regis Jesuit by December 31 to take full
advantage of tax savings for 2011. Give online at or call
303.269.8115 to ask about donating appreciated securities.