Youth Nordic Skiing
Youth Nordic Skiing
2nd - 5th Grade Youth Nordic Skiing Get your 2nd – 5th graders outside after school this winter at the BCRD Youth Nordic Ski program at BCRD Croy Nordic. Our team of experienced instructors will introduce them to the joys of Nordic skiing through a variety of fun games and activities on skis. 2014 SKIING DAYS: Wednesdays, Jan 22 – Feb 26 @ 3-4:30 p.m. BCRD Croy Nordic $85 PER 6 SIX WEEKS OF INSTRUCTION. Fee does not include rental skis and equipment is not provided. Limited partial scholarships MAY be available for program fee. Locked storage in the yurt will be available for skis & poles. A DEDICATED SCHOOL BUS WILL TRANSPORT YOUR CHILD FROM SCHOOL TO CROY NORDIC AT LION’S PARK IN HAILEY. Please let your child’s teacher know about the transportation arrangements. PARENTS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR PICKING UP CHILD PROMPTLY AT THE END OF CLASS AT CROY NORDIC. TRANSPORTATION begins Wed, Jan 22. q q q q YES-BUS YES-BUS YES-BUS YES-BUS q q q q NO-BUS NO-BUS NO-BUS NO-BUS Bellevue Elementary Pick-up: Mountain School Pick-up: Woodside Elementary Pick-up: Hailey Elementary Pick-up: 2:30 p.m. Bus # TBA 2:35 p.m. Bus # TBA 2:40 p.m. Bus # TBA 2:50 p.m. Bus # TBA No snow?!? We’ll play games & have fun BCRD YOUTH NORDIC IS SKATE SKIING ONLY. PLEASE CHECK LEVEL OF SKIING ABILITY: outside! q NEVER SKIED BEFORE q BEGINNER q INTERMEDIATE q ADVANCED CHILD’S NAME: _______________________________________________________________ q Male q Female Date of Birth ________/________/________ Grade ____________________ Mailing Address ______________________________ City_________________ ST____ Zip__________ Legal Guardians ______________________________ Hm # _______________ Cell # _____________ Email (Coaches Contact) ______________________________________________________________ Medical Information: Please list any medical problems, medications and/or allergies: Parental Consent and Waiver: I hereby certify my child (ward) ______________________________________is physically fit, has medical insurance and has been given consent to participate in the BCRD Youth Nordic Ski Program. I understand that all safety precautions will be taken, but in the event of accident or injury, BCRD, instructors or agents cannot be held responsible and I do hereby waive, relinquish & release all rights to damages that may be sustained. This waiver also gives the BCRD Youth Nordic Ski Program permission to use photographs/video tapes of my child participating in the program for publicity purposes. Staff/Coaches have my permission to seek emergency medical treatment, if needed. Parent/Legal Guardian Signature ___________________________________________ Date _________________ YES! I WANT TO VOLUNTEER: q ASSISTANT COACH YES! I would like to make a donation to the BCRD Youth Nordic Ski Program $___________ Questions? Phone Janelle: 578-5453 • Fax: 788-2168 • Office Use only Amount Paid _____________Date ______________Staff Initials _____________ Fee Statement $ 85.00 program/instruction fee CODE: 086-4101 2o – 5o Grado Esquí Nórdico de Jóvenes Permita que sus hijos de 2º. y 5º. grado participen este invierno en el programa del esquí nórdico para jóvenes del BCRD en el área nórdica de Croy. Nuestro equipo de instructores con experiencia introducirá a sus hijos al gozo del esquí nórdico a través de una variedad de juegos divertidos y carreras de relevos en esquís.Favor de comunicarse con BCRD para obtener más información acerca del programa. 2014 DÍAS DE ESQUIAR: los miércoles, del 22 de enero al 26 de febrero de 3 a 4:30 p.m. en el BCRD Croy Nordic $85 POR 6 SEMANAS DE INSTRUCCIÓN. La tarifa no incluye el alquiler de los esquíes y otros materiales no se proporcionan. Hay becas parciales limitadas para el costo del programa. Almacenamiento bajo llave estará disponible para los esquís y bastones. A DEDICATED SCHOOL BUS WILL TRANSPORT YOUR CHILD FROM SCHOOL TO CROY NORDIC AT LION’S PARK IN HAILEY. Please let your child’s teacher know about the transportation arrangements. PARENTS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR PICKING UP CHILD PROMPTLY AT THE END OF CLASS AT CROY NORDIC. TRANSPORTATION begins Wed, Jan 22. q q q q CHILD’S NAME: YES-BUS YES-BUS YES-BUS YES-BUS q q q q NO-BUS NO-BUS NO-BUS NO-BUS Bellevue Elementary Pick-up: Mountain School Pick-up: Woodside Elementary Pick-up: Hailey Elementary Pick-up: 2:30 p.m. Bus # TBA 2:35 p.m. Bus # TBA 2:40 p.m. Bus # TBA 2:50 p.m. Bus # TBA ¿No hay nieve? Nosotros jugar y BCRD YOUTH NORDIC IS SKATE SKIING ONLY. PLEASE CHECK LEVEL OF SKIING ABILITY: divertirse afuera! q NEVER SKIED BEFORE q BEGINNER q INTERMEDIATE q ADVANCED q Male q Female Date of Birth ________/________/________ ! _______________________________________________________________ Grade ____________________ Mailing Address ______________________________ City_________________ ST____ Zip__________ Legal Guardians ______________________________ Hm # _______________ Cell # _____________ Email (Coaches Contact) ______________________________________________________________ Medical Information: Please list any medical problems, medications and/or allergies: Parental Consent and Waiver: I hereby certify my child (ward) ______________________________________is physically fit, has medical insurance and has been given consent to participate in the BCRD Youth Nordic Ski Program. I understand that all safety precautions will be taken, but in the event of accident or injury, BCRD, instructors or agents cannot be held responsible and I do hereby waive, relinquish & release all rights to damages that may be sustained. This waiver also gives the BCRD Youth Nordic Ski Program permission to use photographs/video tapes of my child participating in the program for publicity purposes. Staff/Coaches have my permission to seek emergency medical treatment, if needed. Parent/Legal Guardian Signature ___________________________________________ Date _________________ YES! I WANT TO VOLUNTEER: q ASSISTANT COACH YES! I would like to make a donation to the BCRD Youth Nordic Ski Program $___________ Questions? Phone Janelle: 578-5453 • Fax: 788-2168 • Office Use only Amount Paid _____________Date ______________Staff Initials _____________ Fee Statement $ 85.00 program/instruction fee CODE: 086-4101