June - Messiah Evangelical Lutheran Church


June - Messiah Evangelical Lutheran Church
Messiah Evangelical Lutheran Church
Messiah Messenger
Volume 2016, Issue 6
Vacation Bible School
VBS will be held Monday, June 6th through Friday, June
10th. There is a donation list for snacks posted in the Narthex.
Inside this issue:
Worship Leaders 2
Worship & Music Committee Meeting
Worship & Music Committee will meet Monday, June 20th
at 6:00 pm.
Rummage and Bake Sale
Messiah will have a Rummage Sale on Saturday, June 25th
from 8am - 1pm. Last day to drop off donations will be
Wednesday, June 22nd. Baked goods can be dropped off up
until the day of the sale. Sign up for volunteers is in the Narthex.
Prayer List
News and Notes
Birthdays and
Council minutes
Registration for
Deadline for the July/August newsletter
Deadline for the July/August newsletter is Tuesday, June
Outdoor Service - Sunday, June 26 @ 11am
Messiah Messenger
From the Pastor
Pastor’s Office Hours: Tues & Thurs: 9 am - 2 p.m.; Wed: 10 a.m. - 8 p.m.; Fri: OFF
Please call the office before coming to the church to be sure that I am available. If you
have an emergency please contact me immediately via my cell phone: 717-357-3475.
Worship Leader Schedule for June
Altar Guild - Sandy Bickhart and Karen Lauver Communion Leaders
05 Barb Fultz
Assisting Minister - Ron Bixler
12 Kathy Bingman
19 Carla Kreamer
26 Barb Bowersox
05 Lucas Bingman Family
12 Maurice & Donna Zechman
Offering Leaders
19 Wendy & Scott Rager
05 Lucas Bingman Family
26 Pearl & Bill Narehood
12 Arlene Krick and Phyllis Moyer
19 Brittany Folk and Olivia Hunter
26 Lucille Kreamer and Ken Kreamer
05 Trevor Harris
12 Carlie Lepley
Counting Helper
19 Haley Lepley
05 Carla Kreamer
26 Carlie Lepley
12 Carla Kreamer
19 Shana Klingler
05 Tara Rau
12 Tara Rau
19 Clair Bowersox
26 Josh Weiser
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26 Wendy Romig
Volume 2016, Issue 6
A Note from the Secretary
Council has decided it is no longer necessary for me to have office hours. As usual
please contact me via email at [email protected], my cell phone
(which is in the Annual Report) or via Facebook.
Do not leave things on the desk for me, as I am not guaranteed to get them; put all
items for me in my mailbox.
People enjoy seeing what is happening at Messiah! If you are at an event please
take some pictures or write up a little something about the event that I can then share in
the next newsletter. The deadline for the July/August newsletter is Tuesday, June 21st.
Thanks, and God Bless!
Mary Ellen
Prayer List
It is that time of year again. Twice a year we ask to be notified of who needs to be kept on
the prayer chain. Please let Mary Ellen know so that she can be sure to keep them on.
Shirley Aikey, Neil Bilger, Dale Bingaman, Tony Bowersox, Dolores Bressler, Lori Ciccolini,
Gary Cutler, Sr., Lori Davis, Betty Drumheller, Katrina Erb, Donald Ellis, Jean Ewig, Rod
Ewig, Ronnie Ewig, Dave Folk, Dana Hauck, Dennis Herbster, Susie Kauffman, Arlene
Keister, Isabel Kline, Tonya Kline, Amy Kratzer, Mildred Krick, Mary Lauver, Denny Manhart, Peg Mattern, Cindy McCarrick, Jeanne McGlauglin, Jess Morris, Phyllis Moyer, Nelson
Narehood, Donna Nipple, Robin Randolph, Bill Reynolds, Kim Rigel, Raymond Stumpf, Karen Swab, Rose Marie Swanger, Melissa Swartzlander, Elwood Trutt, Robert Walter, Marvin
& Judy Wagner, Joe White, Donnie Wilhour, Dale Wright, Joshua Wright
Our Servicemen
Brent Burdge, Kogan Mitchell, Aaron Moyer, Zach Moyer, Cory Troxell
First Responders
Lucas Bingman, Katrina Erb, George Hohman, Ross Mitchell, Brandt Zimmerman
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Messiah Messenger
News and Notes
Messiah is now on FACEBOOK!! If you are on Facebook please like our page and invite
your friends and family to like our page as well. It is a new way to reach more people.
The Choir is no longer meeting due to lack of singers. If you are interested in serving in
this vital ministry, please contact Michelle Bixler.
The Women of the ELCA are looking for new members. If you are interested in joining
contact Elgarda Mitchell.
The container in the Narthex is to collect soda can tabs which are donated to the
Ronald McDonald House.
Members, please make sure you are filling out your Communion record cards!
We would like to thank the Church Council for allowing parking for our sale on May 13th
and 14th. We have enclosed a donation to the church for you kindness.
The Gladys Camp Family
Good Stewards of the Month
Have you noticed how beautiful our sanctuary is decorated throughout the year and how
lovely “Pat’s Garden” looks outside the church? This month we recognize Karen Lauver for
all her time and hard work she puts into caring for the garden and decorating the sanctuary.
God has given each of us various and special talents to be used to glorify Him. Karen has
special talent. These two things are just a few of her God given talents. We thank you, Karen,
for all your dedication you put into tending “Pat’s Garden” and decorating our sanctuary. You
use your talent, Karen, in these ways and Messiah Lutheran Church appreciates it very
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Volume 2016, Issue 6
June Birthdays
June Anniversaries
05 Rodney Master
04 Nancy & Steven Bickhart
07 Brianna Bixler
21 Brandon & Brittany Folk
09 Shawnee Floyd
23 Nancy & Richard Wagner
12 Becky Kreamer
24 Bob & Sandy Bickhart
16 Christopher Lauver
Lyle & Michelle Krick
22 Glenn Bowersox
Ralph Heintzelman
28 Shana Klingler
Katlyn Krick
Morgan Klinepeter
Marriage Encounter Weekends 2016
Attention Married Couples: So you’ve done maintenance for your car—how about your marriage? Make 2016 the year you decide to attend a Lutheran Marriage Encounter Weekend
to learn how to make your marriage a more intimate, loving, Christian union.
Lutheran Marriage Encounter Weekends run from Friday night at 8 PM to Sunday around 4
PM and have been enriching marriages of couples of all ages for 40 years! In addition to
the $100 per couple registration fee, you will be given an opportunity near the end of the
weekend to make a confidential contribution of whatever amount you wish toward the continuation of the program. Two nights lodging, 5 meals for each of you, and all supplies are
The 2016 Pennsylvania Weekends are:
 September 16-18, 2016 at Spruce Lake Retreat Center, Canadensis, PA, a new, hotelstyle facility on Spruce Lake in the heart of the Pocono Mountains – an hour north of
 October 21-23, 2016 at Olmsted Retreat Center, Ludlow, PA, a stunning, hotel-style retreat center adjacent to the Olmsted Mansion situated on a hillside in the Allegheny National Forest, an hour north of DuBois
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Messiah Messenger
Marriage Encounter Weekends 2016 continued
Registrations are limited, so act today to ensure that you can attend the Weekend of your
choice. To sign up online, go to: www.GodLovesMarriage.org and pay the registration fee
using your credit card, or mark the option to mail in a check. For questions, or if you would
like a brochure mailed to you, contact Pennsylvania Directors of Lutheran Marriage Encounter, Fred & Julie Schamber, at 724-325-3166 or email: [email protected].
Council Meeting Minutes for April
Present: Craig Bingman; Michelle Bixler; Barb Bowersox; Brittany Folk; Barb Fultz; Shana
Klingler; Karen Lauver; Josh Mosteller; Josh Weiser; Pastor Matthew
Absent: Mary Ellen Bingman, Ben Moyer, Tara Rau
Devotions by Michelle Bixler, followed by a prayer
President Michelle Bixler opened the meeting
Secretary – passed as given
Treasurer – Brittany Folk made a motion to table the Treasurer’s report since the
treasurer was not present and there were questions. Barb Bowersox seconded motion.
Pastor – (3/18-4/21) passed as given
Christian Education:
03/20; 04/10, 17 Confirmation instruction
03/23 Led Lenten DVD study
Other Ministry:
03/20 Participated in Ministerium Palm Walk, McClure
03/30 Mitchell-Hohman premarital preparation
Ongoing: Support of local married couples
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Volume 2016, Issue 6
Council Minutes continued
Ongoing: Counseling of local Vietnam veteran
Visits Made:
In Care Facilities: 5
In Homes:
Mileage 148 / Amount to reimburse: $74
Brittany Folk made a motion to accept the Pastor’s report and Secretary’s report. Josh
Weiser seconded. Motion carried.
Property: Josh Weiser, Chairperson
●Discussed grass mowing with Tony Lepley.
●Women’s sink to be done.
●Light in basement fixed by Pastor Matthew.
●Josh asked for everyone to please let him know when work is to be done for property committee and who will be doing it. Better communication will work more efficiently.
Worship and Music: Mary Ellen Bingman, Chairperson
Meeting Sunday after worship to discuss the summer liturgy.
Christian Education: Barb Bowersox, Chairperson
Bible School is June 6th through the 10th from 9 AM to 12 noon.
Sexton: Barb Bowersox
Working on pew stains.
Social: Barb Fultz, Chairperson
●Ham/dandelion dinner served 168 people. After all bills were paid there was $1212 profit. Twenty percent of this will go to outreach that the committee chooses. The rest will be
deposited into the church checking account.
●Hosted Holden Mosteller’s baptism social.
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Messiah Messenger
Council Minutes continued
●Next social is for confirmands on May 15th.
●Will host 80th recognition social in July.
Stewardship: Karen Lauver, Chairperson
●Raised $386 with red sack Lenten offering. This was matched by Love Fund and total
was $772. This money was distributed as follows:
1) Visited Harold Narehood and gave check for $400.
2) Gave a check for $300 to Barb Bowersox to add to money from the MCVCC fundraiser for Glenn Camp Jr. to hopefully be matched by Thrivent.
3) Delivered money and a planter of pansies to Cathy Dippery, Dover, PA.
●Pastor Matthew discussed Thrivent will not be matching funds in the future. Members
are encouraged to go online and apply for into debit cards. He will be looking into this further.
Finance: Craig Bingman, Chairperson
●Made final payment for carpet to Fike Brothers.
●Informed counsel that the ELCA account listed on Treasurer report is a foundation/
●Pastor Matthew explained in detail the Housing Allowance Cont. Res. Fund on the treasurer report and the reason this amount cannot be spent. He receives a $9,000 yearly
housing allowance and places $6,000 of this in a Vanguard self-employed IRA.
Inreach/Outreach: Brittany Folk, Chairperson
●Donated $200 to Faith Lutheran Church for “Feed the Hungry” campaign attended by
the Lepleys.
●Brittany, Kina and Carla delivered Easter flowers to shut ins:
Dave and Jerry Bingaman
Judy Wagner
Guy and Shirley Aikey
Dot Kratzer
Arlene Krick
Phyllis Moyer
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Volume 2016, Issue 5
Council Minutes continued
Nerine Norman
Myron Norman
●Matched red sack donations.
Youth Group: Shana Klingler, Reporter
No report.
Middlecreek Council of Churches: Barb Bowersox and Pastor Matthew
●Thursday is dinner at hall for Glenn Camp Jr. fundraiser. Will be collecting donations for
bread and butter Sunday.
Karen Lauver made a motion to accept all committee reports. Barb Fultz seconded. Motion
●Carpet is installed.
●Computer: Mary Ellen is currently doing fund raising. The back up does not work automatically, and so needs to be conducted manually.
●Josh Mosteller will conduct a temple talk on Sunday, May 15th.
●A church member has asked permission to use the basement social room in case of inclement weather on Sunday, May 29th.
Brittany Folk made a motion to allow church member to use the basement on above
date is necessary. Barb Fultz seconded. Motion carried.
●Barb Fultz has taken over treasurer duties for Alma. She will be absent the first Sunday in
June and asked permission to just have the offering collection placed in the safe until her
return to be deposited. Okay to put in safe.
●Formation of a fund raising committee was discussed. Mary Ellen, Candace and Heather
have already brain stormed and compiled a list of possible fund raisers. It was suggested
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Messiah Messenger
Council Meeting Minutes continued
these three women head of the committee and ask for help from others. This committee
will do fundraising and report to the Inreach/Outreach committee.
●Pastor Matthew has been in contact with our missionary, Themba Mkhabela. He is planning a visit to the East Coast the third week in June. Pastor Matthew asked if the church
would be willing to pay his airfare to the US, provide lodging and meals while he is here.
He also would need half of his airfare paid to further travel to another church that sponsors him in Oregon and we would need to pay half that fare.
Barb Fultz made a motion to approve the above visit with our church assisting in his
expenses. Seconded by Craig Bingman. Motion carried.
●Pastor Matthew will also be asking the bishop if Themba Mkhabela could speak at the
Synod Assembly in June since he will be here during that time.
Karen Lauver made a motion to adjourn. Barb Bowersox seconded. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted by Shana Klingler, Council Secretary
Next Meeting: 5/19/16 Devotions: Karen Lauver
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(One form per child, please)
*Student First Name: _________________________________________________________
*Student Last Name: _________________________________________________________
Nick Name: _________________________________
Age: ______________________________________
Gender: Male Female
Grade entering: _____________________________
T-Shirt Size (youth): ___________________________
Home Church (if applicable): ___________________________________________________
Allergies: __________________________________________________________________
Medical Issues or Special Needs: ________________________________________________
It would be nice if my child is placed in same group as (child's name): __________________
*Parent Name: ______________________________________________________________
*Address: ________________________________________________________________________
*City: _____________________________________________________________________
*Zip: ______________________________________________________________________
*Email: ____________________________________________________________________
*Home Phone Number:_______________________________________________________
Cell Phone Number:__________________________________________________________
Other Phone Number: _______________________________________________________
Emergency Contact: _________________________________________________________
Emergency Phone: __________________________________________________________
Alternate Pickup Name: ______________________________________________________
Alternate Pickup Phone: ______________________________________________________
General Information: ________________________________________________________
Medical Release: I give my permission for the VBS staff to administer basic first aid to my child (named above) in the event of an injury. I understand that the VBS staff will contact emergency services in the event of a significant injury and all expenses for such emergency services will be paid by me.
Photo Release: I hereby grant the above named church permission to copyright and use photographs/videos taken at VBS of the minor designated above in any manner or form for any purpose lawful at any time. I waive any right that I may have to inspect or approve the finished product or written copy, that may be used in conjunction therewith, or the use to which it may be applied.
Permission to Attend: I give permission for my child (named above) to attend the Vacation Bible School (VBS) listed above. I understand that the information I give for this registration will only be used by the VBS hosting church, and that all registration information
will be removed from the hosting site by December 31 of this year.
Parent Signature
June 2016
VBS 9-12
VBS 9-12
VBS 9-12
VBS 9-12
VBS 9-12
Pastors Lisa and
Matthew away
through Sunday
ALWL Steve
Moyer leads
Outdoor Service
at Beaver Springs
Boat Club,
followed by picnic
Synod Assembly Synod Assembly
Pr. Mkhabela
visits through
W & M meeting
Last day to drop Pastors’ Bible
off donations for study 1200
rummage sale
Start sale set up
Sale 8am-1pm
Messiah Evangelical
Lutheran Church
8994 Rte. 235
Beavertown, PA 17813
Phone: 570-658-9175
“I say to you, love your enemies and pray
for those who persecute you, so that
you may be children of your Father in
heaven; for he makes his sun rise on the
evil and on the good and sends rain on
the righteous and on the unrighteous.”
Matthew 5:44-45
Worship with us Sundays at 8:45 am, Sunday School 10:15am
We are back on the Web! Check us out at www.messiahbythemountain.org