Downriver Vicariate - St. Cyprian Catholic Church
Downriver Vicariate - St. Cyprian Catholic Church
Downriver Vicariate Archdiocese of Detroit Sharing Christ In and Through the Church March 2015 News The Vicar’s Corner by Fr. William Promesso Here we are in the thick of Lent. Violet decorates our churches and the shadow of ashes marks our heads. We are a people filled with compunction and contrition which lead to conversion. The church has often localized sin and its aftereffects in the human heart, the source of emotion. During this season of penance and preparation we seek nothing less than a change of heart. We pray that Jesus will act to cast out the demons that plague us while we devote ourselves to acts of prayer, fasting and almsgiving. What plagues most of us? As a priest for over 25 years, I can tell you what I’ve heard from people: anger, bitterness, envy, impatience, pride, selfishness, lack of charity, gossip, prejudice against groups of persons, a closed mind, a hard heart, addictions to food, alcohol, gambling, drugs (prescription and illegal), the internet, pornography, always being right and the inability or unwillingness to forgive as we have been forgiven. One or more of these might plague you regularly. Any one of them could be a primary focus for Lent. Each of them might be the one thing you most need to confess during reconciliation. A change of heart doesn’t come easily or quickly. It takes time and effort. These six weeks are a good start. May Easter Sunday find you feeling raised up with the crucified Lord Jesus who came to take away the sins of the world and bring a change of heart for all. I confess to almighty God and to you, my brothers and sisters, that I have greatly sinned in my thoughts and in my words, in what I have done and in what I have failed to do, through my fault, through my fault, through my most grievous fault; therefore I ask blessed Mary ever-Virgin, all the Angels and Saints, and you, my brothers and sisters, to pray for me to the Lord our God. Vicariate Communal Reconciliation Wednesday, March 18 — 7:00 pm St. Frances Cabrini, Allen Park Saturday, March 21 — 1:00 pm St. Vincent Pallotti at St. Joseph Church, Wyandotte Monday, March 23 — 7:00 pm St. Mary Magdalen, Melvindale Wednesday, March 25— 7:00 pm Our Lady of the Angels, Taylor Saturday March 28 — 1:00 pm Sacred Heart, Grosse Ile Christ the Good Shepherd 1540 Riverbank, Lincoln Park 48146 Office: 313-928-1324 web: All are welcome to join the Women of Good Shepherd as they Host a Luncheon at Christ the Good Shepherd Church in the Activity Building on Monday, March 16th from 11am-1pm. The cost for adults is $8.00 and children under 12 $4.00. The luncheon includes homemade soup, meatballs, casseroles, kielbasa and sauerkraut, desserts and refreshments. Trivia Challenge — April 18 in the Christ the Good Shepherd Cafeteria. Dinner at 6pm and Game from 7-9pm. Cost is $25 per person and includes dinner and soft drinks. Teams of up to 8 people compete. Proceeds to fund the World Youth Day pilgrimage to Poland in July, 2016. Please RSVP by April 11 to Holly at 313-928-1324 ext. 6 or Laura at 313-386-2944. Our Lady of the Angels 6442 Pelham, Taylor 48180 Office: 313-381-3000 web: Daily Mass Schedule – Monday & Tuesday, Thursday & Friday – 8:45am. Stations of the Cross – every Friday at 7:00pm during Lent. March 1 – Confirmation Mass 2:00pm. Please join Bishop Byrnes for this very special Mass as we welcome our students into full membership in the church. March 8 – Reflection: “Our Faith from an Athlete’s Perspective” Please join us at 6pm for this presentation as baseball’s biggest stars reveal how their faith guides and strengthens their careers. This evening is intended for students, athletes, coaches, parents, teachers and anyone who works with our youth. Guest speakers, videos, light refreshments and a question and answer session. March 22-26 – We invite you to attend our Parish Mission. This year’s theme: “Symphony of Faith” beginning Sunday at 7pm. Daily morning Masses at 8:45am followed by a talk and refreshments. Evening presentations begin at 7pm. Our celebrant for this spiritual enrichment is the renowned Fr. George Knap, OMI. Please call the parish office for more information. March 29 – Palm Sunday Prayer Concert at 3pm in the church. All are welcome to attend and begin Holy Week with prayerful music. Our Lady of the Scapular 976 Pope John Paul II Ave, Wyandotte 48192 Office: 734-284-9135 web: Al Kresta speaking “The Media and Today's Church” and Dedication of the Parish Library — March 11 at 7pm in the school auditorium, free-will offering. Al Kresta is the host of Kresta in the Afternoon heard daily 4-6 pm on Ave Maria Radio at WDEO 990 AM or Rosary Making — Wednesdays from 1-3 pm in the Parish Library. Symbolon DVD faith enrichment series; Mondays at 5:30pm, repeated Thursdays at 7:30pm in Room 111. Week of March 2; Penance and Anointing of the Sick: God’s Mercy Revealed; March 9: Matrimony and Holy Orders: The Sacraments of Service & Communion; March 16: A Catholic Moral Vision: Virtue, Grace and the Path to Happiness; March 23: A Love That Lasts, Discovering authentic love; March 30: A Love That Lasts: God’s Plan for Sexuality. Parish Fish Fry - Every Friday during Lent from 4-8pm; beer battered cod, baked fish dinner, or fried shrimp dinners. Extras deluxe salad bar, pierogi, potato pancakes, mac & cheese specialty soups, desserts and weekly "surprise" specials, carry outs available. Children's Easter Baskets available, sponsor a child in need or buy one for someone special. Friday’s during Lent Stations of the Cross, 6pm polish; 7pm English. Every Sunday during Lent Gorzkie Zale - Polish Lenten Lamentations with Benediction at 3pm. Forty Hours Devotion — Friday March 13, Mass at 8am, confession at 5pm and Benediction at 5.30 pm; Saturday, March 14 Mass at 8am and Benediction at 4pm; Sunday, March 15, Confession at 2pm and Solemn Closing at 4pm. Polish Heritage Series — all classes held in social room, for information/to reserve space and to pay in advance, call Laura at 734 282 8947. Pisanki Making, 2-28,10am, $10.00 per person, minimum age 12 yrs. w/adult supervision; Chrusciki Making Class (Angel Wings), 3-7, 11am, $10.00 per person; Baranek Wielkanocy (Easter Butter Lamb), 3-14, noon, $10.00 per person, instruction on making this and explanation of Dyngus Day traditions; Kielbasa Making, 3-21, noon, $30.00 per person (includes 5# to take home); Swieconka Tutorial/Palm Weaving, 3 -28, noon, $10.00 per person. Sacred Heart 21599 Parke Lane, Grosse Ile 48183 Office: 734-676-1378 web: Parish Stations of the Cross — Friday’s March 13th; April 3rd. Pray the stations with your fellow parishioners. Private Stations of the Cross — Will be all day Mondays until the 7pm mass and Friday mornings until the noon mass. Also, on March 13th all day until the 6pm Parish Stations of the Cross begins. Marriage Preparation Class — Saturday, March 21, 2015, 9am to 4pm. Open to all Catholic couples, call the Parish Office to register. Taizé Prayer Service — Sunday, March 22, 6pm in the church. Come for a candlelight evening of meditative prayer, song, scripture and silence as we focus our hearts on the Lord. Helping those in crisis Soup Suppers — Tuesday, March 24 at 6pm. This soup supper will benefit Angel’s Place”, support for those with developmental disabilities. Lenten Friday Dinners, sponsored by the Sacred Heart Knights of Columbus: fresh fish & shrimp dinners, Fridays of Lent, 4:308pm., beginning February 20th through April 3. Thorough planning and preparation has been done to ensure that you will enjoy an excellent meal! Weekly specials, gluten free options and a children’s menu. Tenebre Service — Friday, April 3, 6pm., St. Anne Chapel. The word ‘tenebre’ is Latin for shadows. The purpose of the Tenebre service is to recreate the emotional aspects of the passion story; the betrayal, the abandonment, and agony of the events. It begins with the church in candlelight and as a reading is read, a candle is extinguished until the church is in near darkness. It ends with the words Christ uttered on the cross. Those last words we hear are very emotional. As we leave church we feel more than every, the sense of loss, as we wait for Christ to rise on Easter. Triduum Schedule: HolyThursday, April 2, mass at 7pm; Good Friday, April 3, Stations at noon, service at 1pm; Blessing of Easter Food, Saturday, April 4, noon in front of the Church; Easter Vigil, April 4, mass at 8pm, begins in front of the church(no 5pm mass); Easter Sunday, April 5, masses at 8:30 & 11am. St. André Bessette 4250 W. Jefferson Ave, Ecorse 48229 Office: 313-383-8514 web: Please join us for the St. Andre Bessette Lenten Fish Fry/Shrimp Dinners; Adult baked or fried cod dinner (8 oz) $8.00; adult shrimp dinner (12 pieces) $9.00; macaroni & cheese dinner $6.00; children’s dinner (12 and under only) $4.00. dinners include your choice of: baked potato, french fries, or macaroni & cheese and coleslaw, roll, butter and a drink (coffee, tea or water). Desserts and canned pop will be available but sold separately. The dinners continue every Friday during Lent including Good Friday from 4pm until 7pm or until sold out. Carry-outs are available. Call ahead to place your carryout order (313)-383-8514 extension 17. Our 3rd Annual Salad Luncheon will be held on Wednesday May 6 from 11am - 1pm. Tickets are $7.00, includes dessert and beverage. Proceeds benefit the Christian Service Programs within our parish. For more Information call the Parish Office at (313) 383-8514. We hope to see you there!! St. Constance 21555 Kinyon, Taylor 48180 Office: 313-291-4050 web: Holy Spirit Seminar — The Light of Christ prayer group welcomes and invites you to attend our annual Holy Spirit Seminar. Each week we will discuss the gifts of the Holy Spirit, how to grow closer to Jesus through prayer and personal conversion, and how to understand Holy Scripture and apply it to your life. At the end of the course we will pray with you for a greater infilling of the Holy Spirit in your life. Classes will be held: Wednesdays 6:30-8pm, April 15 to May 27. $5.00 fee for 2 booklets. Any questions call, Jerry LaMonica 313561-7706 or Mary Brua734-282-3337. Weekday Masses are Tuesday at 6:30pm and Wednesday at 9am. Monday Night Rosary Group meets at 7pm. Alcoholics Anonymous “Monday Night Miracles” meets at 8:30pm. Light of Christ Prayer Group meets Wednesdays at 8pm. Narcotics Anonymous meets Wednesdays at 8:30pm. First Friday Mass – March 6 at 6:30pm. Way of the Cross – Every Friday at 7pm during Lent. March 29, Palm Sunday — Masses at 9:30 and 11:30am. Triduum Schedule: April 2, Holy Thursday 7pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper; April 3, Good Friday 12:00noon – 1:20pm, Lenten Devotions, Way of the Cross, Rosary, 1:30–3pm: Liturgical Service of Good Friday, 3pm Divine Mercy Chaplet, 7pm Good Friday Prayer Service; April 4, Holy Saturday, 8pm Easter Vigil; April 5, Easter Sunday, Masses at 9:30am and 11:30am. St. Cyprian 13249 Pennsylvania Rd, Riverview 48193 Office: 734-283-1366 web: Sunday, March 8 at 4pm — Passing on the Faith with Laura Piccone-Hanchon, AOD Youth Ministry Coordinator, South Region. This presentation by the AOD examines how we can better inspire faith in future generations, and addresses practical issues such as how to talk about the Catholic faith and its traditions with our youth. Sunday, March 15 at 4pm — “Three Days: The Search for the Boy Messiah” with local author Chris Stepien. Catholic Author and Emmy-award-winning producer-director Chris Stepien will share the spiritual journey that led him to walk with preteen Jesus. The St. Cyprian Ladies Guild will be holding their Annual Spring Salad Luncheon on Thursday, April 23, from 11:30am-1pm in the social hall. Admission is $8 and includes salads, rolls, beverages and dessert. Reserved tables for large groups available by calling Beverly at (734) 654-3353. Handicapped seating available. St. Frances Cabrini 9000 Laurence, Allen Park 48101 Office 313-381-5601 web: Mini-Retreat, Thursday, March 19, 9am-2pm in Holy Family Hall, Wick Road, Allen Park. Guest Speaker Dr. Mary C. Dumm, D.Min. A light lunch will be served, free will donation accepted. Call Rose Kenzie, 313-382-4520 to register by March 15. Come Holy Spirit: A Catholic Concert in the Spirit of the New Evangelization St. Joseph Parish in Trenton invites you to an afternoon concert on Sunday, March 22nd at 3pm by Catholic Recording Artist Thomas Jude Shaheen. This concert will feature music from a contemporary Catholic artist covering a range of subjects, including the Holy Spirit, the Blessed Mother, the Eucharist, healing, forgiveness, pro-life, saints, prophets and more. The concert will feature the debut of the Spanish language version of All Generations called “Todas las Generaciones”and songs from a forthcoming CD release. Copies of his most recent CD, "Don't Stand Idly By", will be available for purchase after the performance. For questions regarding this event, please contact the parish office at 734-676-9082. St. Pius X From around the Archdiocese 14101 Superior St, Southgate 48195 Office 734-285-1100 web: Lumen Christi Fraternity, Secular Franciscan Order — Are you interested in learning about the Secular Franciscan Order? Please join us at St. Vincent Pallotti Parish (St. Joseph Worship Site) in Wyandotte on the fourth Thursday of the month from 7:00pm to 9:00pm. There is a Holy Hour prior to the Gathering in the Church Chapel from 5:30-6:30 p.m. For more information please contact Linda Solis, OFS (Minister) at 313-506-9868 or [email protected]. Chanticleer Concert at the Cathedral — Saturday, March 7, 8pm at Cathedral of the Most Blessed Sacrament, 9844 Woodward, Detroit, Michigan, 313-237-5782. $35 general admission, $100 preferred seat, Called “the world’s reigning male chorus” by The New Yorker magazine, the San Francisco based GRAMMY® award winning ensemble. Chanticleer is known around the world as “an orchestra of voices” for the seamless blend of its twelve male voices ranging from soprano to bass and its original interpretations of vocal literature, from Renaissance to jazz and popular genres, as well as contemporary composition. Widowed Men & Women — Mass/Fellowship/Light Lunch. St. Kenneth Church, Sunday, March 15. A special Mass for widowed friends will be held at 2:30pm at St Kenneth Church, 14951 N Haggerty, Plymouth. After Mass we will meet for a light lunch and fellowship. This is a great opportunity to meet other widowed friends, and learn about other activities. For more information call Pat at 734-895-6246 or Angie at 734-9055-7262. Mass/Brunch/ Fellowship at Ss. Simon & Jude, Sunday, March 22. Join other widowed men and women for 10am Mass the vestibule at Ss. Simor & Jude, 32500 Palmer Ave. in Westland. Afterward we will go for Brunch at Mr. Mikes Restaurant, 6047 Wayne Rd. .For more information or to RSVP for brunch, call Marie at 734-7266967. Natural Family Planning (NFP) is healthy: no devices or hormones and improves marriage. It can be used to avoid or achieve pregnancy. NFP users have a divorce rate of only 3%. The three part class series taught by the Couple to Couple League for engaged and married couples begins this spring: Woodhaven: teachers’ home, Mar. 27, Apr 24, May 22 (Fri. 6:30-9:30pm), teaching couple, Andrew & AmyJo Boggs, [email protected] or (734)755-9712. Belleville: St. Anthony, April 11, May 9, June 6 (Sat. 9am to noon), teaching couple: Chip & Rachel Faitel, [email protected] or (734)697-2988. Find more classes and register online at St. Mary School in Rockwood will be having an Open House on Thursday, March 26, from 6-8pm. Please plan to visit and see what we have to offer your child! We are Authentically Catholic, Academically Excellent and Technologically Forward. For more information, contact us at or 734-3799285. Lenten Fish Fry — Fridays during Lent: March 6, 13, 20, 27, in the Activity Center 4–7pm. Cod, shrimp, fries, macaroni & cheese, cole slaw, roll and dessert, cheese pizza also available. Holy Hour With Benediction — Monday, March 9 at 7pm. Stations Of The Cross — Fridays during Lent at 7pm. The St. Pius ROCK Youth Group is having a Rockfest on Sunday, March 15th, 6:30-8:30pm. Come learn about our youth group while enjoying an evening of: competitive group games, pizza and snacks, and door prize raffles. Enter through the activity center doors. Call 734-281-6504 for more information. The St. Pius School Auction will be held March 21st at 7pm at Crystal Gardens. For tickets please call 734-285-6500. St. Timothy 2901 Manning Dr, Trenton 48183 Office 734-676-5115 web: Join combined parish choirs (Sacred Heart and St. Timothy) for a Taizé Prayer Service, a time of prayer and music at 6pm Sunday, March 22, at Sacred Heart Church, Grosse Ile. Triduum Schedule: Holy Thursday, April 2, Mass of the Lord's Supper, 7pm; Good Friday, April 3, Stations of the Cross, 1:30pm, Reading of Christ's Passion and Death, veneration at the cross, and Holy Communion, starting at 2pm; Holy Saturday, April 4, Blessing of food baskets, 11am, Easter Vigil Liturgy at 7pm; Easter Sunday, April 5, Mass of the Resurrection of the Lord, 9 and 11am. St. Vincent Pallotti 334 Elm St., Wyandotte 48192 Office 734-285-9840 web: Lenten Soup and Salad Friday’s during Lent through March 27 at St. Joseph Church Hall, free will offering, 5-6:30pm. Stations of the Cross Friday’s during Lent through March 27 at St. Joseph Church, 6:30pm. Vespers – March 1 at St. Joseph Church, 1pm. Irish Concert – March 6 at St. Patrick Church at 7:30pm, free will offering. Taize Prayer Service – March 15 at St. Patrick Church 4pm. Palm Sunday – March 29: St. Joseph Church - Sat. at 4pm; Sun. 8 and 11:30am; St. Patrick Church - Sat. 5:30pm, Sun. 9:30am. The Irish Pallottine Fathers 50th Annual Downriver Dinner Dance Friday, April 24, 2015 at Crystal Gardens-Southgate. Cocktail hour 6pm w/ music by Colin Paige; Family-style dinner at 7pm; Dancing at 8:30pm featuring Robert Kolo & The Misty Blues. $35.00 per person includes dinner & open bar. All proceeds to aid their East African Missions 19th Annual Golf Outing (In memory of Fr. T. J. Moloney) Saturday, May 30, 2015 @ 1:00pm Wesburn Golf & Country Club — $80.00 per golfer For more information or tickets call the Mission House at 734-285-2966 Right to Life For help with an unplanned pregnancy or other pregnancy and baby needs, contact the Lincoln Park Crisis Pregnancy Center at 1760 Fort St., Lincoln Park; or call 313-386-4005. Volunteers and donations are welcome too. Ladies & Gentlemen: Southern Downriver Right to Life’s Annual Meeting is scheduled for Thursday, March 26 at 7pm at St. Paul Lutheran Church, 2550 Edsel Dr., in Trenton. Barb Listing, the President of Right to Life of Michigan, will be the featured speaker. Southern Downriver Right to Life is a local affiliate of Right to Life of Michigan. Call Joe Connors at 800-295 -4277 for further information. 40 Days for Life Campaign February 18 to March 29–This Lenten season please prayerfully consider participating in the 40 days prayer vigil outside the Planned Parenthood located at 23338 Woodward Avenue in Ferndale. If each area church or organization took a full or ½ day with a group from their parish all 40 days would be covered. Fortunately, for those of us living Downriver, the Lord heard our cries and the abortion center that was located in Southgate was closed several years ago. THANK YOU LORD! There were over 30 Churches and organizations that supported and covered the Southgate 40 days effort. Let’s organize each of these again and get some “boots on the ground” and be a witness to LIFE! For details and sign up times go to Please call Barb or myself if you can help to coordinate local churches and organizations. May God abundantly bless you and your families! Defending Life, Patty Klochko at 734-260-7076, or Barb Yagley at 248-703-3577. Here's what God has accomplished through past campaigns: 650,000 people participating; 3,336 individual local campaigns; 559 cities have taken part; 27 nations hosted campaigns; 9,699 babies saved from abortion; 107 abortion workers quit their jobs; 60 abortion centers closed. God is so good! And He can accomplish results like these where we live too! Vicariate School News Cabrini Dream Promise: Secure your child’s educational future — Have you ever thought that you would like to send your child to Catholic School, but thought you could not afford it? Have you ever thought that you would be able to send them to Catholic Grade School, but would never be able to make high school happen? What if you could? St. Frances Cabrini Parish and Schools is investing in your child’s future with the creation of the Cabrini Dream Promise. It is a rather simple process that has been used at various institutions, but never before tried at a grade/middle or high school level. What we propose is that you invest $1,000 today and guarantee the present tuition level for your child at today’s rate for the future. The best part is that you do not even have to presently attend Cabrini Schools to participate! If you are currently enrolled in a school or would like to send your child to your parish or neighborhood school in the future, you can still do so and lock in the present Cabrini High School tuition when your child enters several years from now. Your child does not even have to be of school age to participate in the program. For a student entering Kindergarten anywhere in the fall, if they were to invest today and when the time comes to enter 9th grade at CHS, by the time they graduate, this program would save you roughly $4,200. You get a 2023 college prep education at a 2015 price! There is no way to lose on this deal. For more information on this program, please call and talk directly to Fr. Joe Mallia at 313-381-5601 and he will be more than happy to answer any questions you have. Space for every class is limited for those who do not attend Cabrini Parish Schools. Gabriel Richard Festival — Downriver Days, May 29-31. Gabriel Richard High School invites the Downriver Vicariate to join the fun — rides, raffles bingo and Vegas tent. Grand raffle prize $5,000 — drawing Sunday May 31 at 6pm. Presale wristband tickets are available, please call Tricia Balan at 734-558-2118. Please visit our website at for more information on our school and upcoming activities. John Paul II Catholic School Learning~Growing~Believing~Succeeding 1590 Riverbank, Lincoln Park (313) 386-0633 John Paul II Catholic School is dedicated to educating students in beliefs, practices and traditions of the Catholic Faith. John Paul II Catholic School incorporates parental involvement, a strong home to school community and a secure classroom environment. The Professional Learning Community of John Paul II Catholic Schoolfembraces diversity and encourages each student to fulfill his/her individual potential in a respectful Christian atmosphere. Grade Levels: Preschool 3’s – half day program; Preschool 4’s – half and full day options; kindergarten – full day; Elementary Grades 1-8. Before and After School Kid’s Club - Latch Key Favorable student to teacher ratio Catholic Youth Organization (CYO) Sports for grades 5-8 Intramural Sport offerings for PS-4 Children’s Choir Supporting Parishes Christ the Good Shepherd, Lincoln Park Our Lady of the Scapular, Wyandotte, St. Vincent Pallotti, Wyandotte Protecting God’s Children Workshop Saturday, March 14 — 10am to 1pm St. Joseph, Trenton No late arrivals will be admitted after 10am. A light breakfast will be served starting at 9:30am. If you are a school parent, parish member, coach, volunteer, catechist or teacher that needs to complete this workshop before volunteering/working in a school or parish please see the Archdiocese of Detroit website ( under Protecting God’s Children Safe Environments Virtus Workshop and register online for St. Joseph or go to You must Pre-register online to attend. Space is limited! Mary Reparatrix Retreat House 17380 Grange Rd., Riverview, MI 48193 734-324-0901 ▪ [email protected] Spirituality & Soup: Invitations Of Lent Thursdays, March 5, 12, 19 & 26, 11:30am–12:30pm Register by Monday noon of each week at 324-0901, Free will donation Through the Scriptures for the upcoming Sunday, we will consider Lent and its many invitations to conversion and discipleship. Join us for a half-hour reflection, followed by soup and bread. Facilitated by Sr. Margaret Hoey, SMR, and Denise LaPorte A Lenten Mission “Joy of the Gospel” March 8-10, 2015 at 6:30pm all three nights The Fab Four Parishes of: St. Mary Magdalen, Christ the Good Shepherd, Ss. Andrew and Benedict, and St. Andre Bessette Invite you to attend this years mission. The theme is: "Joy of the Gospel". Jesus Others You Living with a Diagnosis of Dementia March 14 — 10 am to Noon What you and your loved ones need to know… Presented by Carol Waarala, MSW, LMSW How can anyone tell you the secret to living with the diagnosis of dementia? For each one of us, the impact of that moment is very personal. How do any of us go on when bad things happen? Where do we find the strength and courage to face the unknown of a diagnosis like dementia of the Alzheimer’s type? Somehow… we just do? This presentation doesn’t have the answers – the answers lie within you; but it will HELP BRING LIGHT TO THE DARKNESS. And that’s part of the journey. Searching for and bringing the answer to life. And so you begin “living with a diagnosis of dementia” either as the person with dementia, the caregiver, or the family. We cannot change what is happening, but we can change our knowledge, understanding and expectations. And we can make the most of LIVING. Hosted by Sacred Heart Parish 21599 Park Lane, Grosse Ile Contact Terry Morreau at 734-676-1377 or [email protected]. Sponsored by the Downriver Vicariate Dementia Ministry, (734) 283-1366 ext. 114 • [email protected], All are invited to attend this spiritual enrichment during the season of Lent. This years Mission host is St. Andre Bessette Parish, 4250 W. Jefferson, Ecorse. Call with questions or for more information (313)383-8514. Downriver Vicariate Parishes Weekend Mass Times Christ the Good Shepherd, Lincoln Park 313-928-1324 ...................................................................... Saturday 4pm; Sunday 9 & 11am Our Lady of the Angels, Taylor 313-381-3000 .................................................................. Saturday 4pm; Sunday 8 & 10am & 12 noon Our Lady of the Scapular, Wyandotte 734-284-9135...................................... Saturday 4:30pm; Sunday 6, 8 & 10am (Polish), 12 noon Our Lady of the Woods, Woodhaven 734-671-5101 ........................................................................... Saturday 4pm; Sunday 9 & 11am Sacred Heart, Grosse Ile 734-676-1378 ......................................................................................... Saturday 5 pm; Sunday 8:30 & 11am St. Alfred, Taylor 313-291-6464 .......................................................................... Saturday 5pm; Sunday 9 & 11am, 12:30pm (Spanish) St. André Bessette, Ecorse 313-383-8514 .......................................... Saturday 4:00pm; Sunday 9:30 & 11:30am (Bi-Lingual/Spanish) Ss. Andrew & Benedict, Detroit 313-381-1184 ..............................................................................................................Sunday 11:30am St. Constance, Taylor 313-291-4050 ..................................................................................... Saturday 6:30pm; Sunday 9:30 & 11:30am St. Cyprian, Riverview 734-283-1366 .................................................................................................. Saturday 5pm; Sunday 9 & 11am St. Frances Cabrini, Allen Park 313-381-5601 ................................................................... Saturday 5pm; Sunday 8 & 10am & 12 noon St. Joseph, Trenton 734-676-9082 ................................................................................. Saturday 4:30pm; Sunday 8 & 10am & 12 noon St. Mary Magdalen, Melvindale 313-381-8566 ..................................................................................... Saturday 4:30pm; Sunday 10am St. Pius X, Southgate 734-285-1100 ...................................................................................... Saturday 4pm; Sunday 8, 9:30 & 11:30am St. Roch, Flat Rock 734-782-4471 .................................................................................................. Saturday 4pm; Sunday 9 & 11:30am St. Timothy, Trenton 734-676-5115 ..................................................................................................... Saturday 4pm; Sunday 9 & 11am St. Vincent Pallotti, Wyandotte 734-285-9840 334 Elm St., Wyandotte (St. Joseph Church) ................................................................................ Saturday 4pm; Sunday 8 & 11:30am 135 Superior Blvd, Wyandotte (St. Patrick Church) ......................................................................... Saturday 5:30pm; Sunday 9:30am Deadline for March 2015 Issue: Friday, February 13 by 12pm; send to [email protected]