Downriver Vicariate - St. Cyprian Catholic Church


Downriver Vicariate - St. Cyprian Catholic Church
Downriver Vicariate
Archdiocese of Detroit
Sharing Christ In and Through the Church
December 2015 News
The Vicar’s Corner
by Fr. William Promesso
Happy Advent! We began this season last weekend. As you can already see, the
darkness of winter is upon us and so we pray for the coming of Christ our Light. We light
the Advent wreath candles, our home lights come on sooner, and some homes are
decorated with light in order to push away the darkness of the world, culture and society
that can envelop us.
The Jubilee Year of Mercy proclaimed by Pope Francis will begin on December 8, the
Feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary and extend until the
Feast of Christ the King next November. This Year of Mercy is an opportunity for us to
individually be people of mercy and as the Church express the mercy of God to all
people. What does is mean to be merciful?
Consider the traditional Corporal Works of Mercy as a starting point: Feed the
Hungry. Give drink to the thirsty. Clothed the naked. Shelter the homeless. Visit the
sick. Visit the imprisoned. Bury the dead. Add to these the Spiritual works of Mercy:
Counsel the doubtful. Instruct the ignorant. Admonish sinners. Comfort the sorrowful.
Forgive injuries. Bear wrongs patiently. Pray for the living and the dead.
If we could all begin or improve these areas of our lives and broaden our works of mercy,
imagine how we could cast out some of the darkness of the world! You’ll be hearing
more about the Year of Mercy at your parish, on the vicariate level and from the
Archdiocese of Detroit. Now is the time to resolve (don’t wait until New Year’s Eve) to
be a better, more merciful, more compassionate, more understanding and loving person
during this jubilee year. Pope Francis reminds us that no one is excluded from God’s
mercy, so we have that model to follow. May there be a wideness in our mercy!
I pray that Advent is filled with light and Christmas be the time to share the gifts of mercy
with your families and friends. Peace on earth and to those upon whom God’s favor rests.
Blessed Christmas to all!
Downriver Vicariate
Advent Communal Penance
Tuesday, December 15
St. André Bessette, Ecorse
Thursday, December 17
St. Roch, Flat Rock
Saturday, December 19
12:00 noon
St. Frances Cabrini, Allen Park
Monday, December 21
St. Vincent Pallotti
(St. Joseph Church), Wyandotte
Because of the Christmas and New Year Schedule
the deadline for January 2016 Vicariate News
is December 7, 12pm
[email protected]
Christ the Good Shepherd
1540 Riverbank, Lincoln Park 48146  Office: 313-928-1324
Women’s Winter Weekend Retreat, February 19-21, 2016 —
St. Mary’s Retreathouse, Oxford, Michigan, “Mercy” Directed by
Fr. Noel O’Connor, Irish Pallottine director for mission
promotions headquartered in Wyandotte. Father served for 27
years as a missionary in Tanzania and Kenya. He follows St.
Vincent Pallotti’s goal to bring people together to physically and
spiritually care for those in need. He is currently the chaplain for
Henry Ford Wyandotte Hospital. Join us in reflecting on the need
to provide Mercy to others as well as request Mercy from our
loving Father. $40.00 deposit reserves your private room for a
grace filled weekend. Please call Diane Smith at 734-285-9124or
dmsmith, for more information.
Our Lady of the Angels
6442 Pelham, Taylor 48180  Office: 313-381-3000
Has your child experienced loss through death,
divorce, separation or abandonment? RAINBOWS
–Guiding Kids Through Life’s Storms – is a
program that guides children through these life
issues. Purpose: While a death, divorce or
separation in a family appears to be an adult
problem, it has a profound impact on the children it touches.
There is a real need for caring adults to be present for these
children to help them work through their grief and provide a safe
place for them to meet new friends who have shared similar
experiences. Even those who appear to be coping can be
struggling inside with conflicting emotions. Getting those
emotions out is one step toward healing. Rainbows is a not-forprofit organization open to children of all ages and religious
denominations who are experiencing any change in their family
life. It offers weekly peer support group meetings with 3 to 6
children of the same age range with a trained facilitator. Aim:
The aim of Rainbows is to furnish the participants with an
understanding of the changes in their family. To assist children in
building a stronger sense of self-esteem. To direct children toward
acceptance of what has taken place.
A new session begins in January for children and adolescents,
preschool-grade 12 at Our Lady of the Angels Church, Pelham,
Taylor. Rainbows meetings will be held on Wednesdays, January
-March, 7-8pm. An information meeting for parents, children
and adolescents will be held on January 6, 2016, enter at the first
classroom door to the right of the Parish Office. The actual
sessions begin on January 13, 2016. For more information and to
register your children, call (313) 381-3000.
Our Lady of the Woods
21892 Gudith Rd, Woodhaven 48183  Office: 734-671-5101
Financial Planning Seminar at OLOW on Wednesday,
December 9th, (following the evening Mass at 6pm), our parish
will be hosting representatives from Meridian Advisory Services
LLC, a certified and very successful financial planning
organization based in Farmington Hills. They will offer a brief
presentation and expert advice on matters pertaining to
personal finances, investment management, and retirement
planning. The meeting will take place in the Parish Social Hall,
and will go from about 6:45 to 8:15 pm. After the formal
presentation there will be a plenty of time to answer your
individual questions and concerns. Take full advantage of this
great opportunity to educate yourself on matters that can impact
not only your life now, but also your future, and the future of your
family. Please invite your friends and neighbors - it will be time
well spent. If you would like to learn more about MERIDIAN
Advisory Services ahead of time, please visit them at
Our Lady of the Scapular
976 Pope John Paul II Ave, Wyandotte 48192
Office: 734-284-9135 web:
December 2 - Felician Sisters Auxiliary Christmas Social at
7pm, fellowship, bingo, raffles and food. This group supports the
Felician Sisters especially serving in our parish.
December 5/6 - annual parish Cookie Walk, Saturday 4:306:30pm and Sunday 9am-2:00pm. A multitude of delicious
holiday cookies will be available.
December 5 - Polish kielbasa making class at 12pm. $30.00 per
person, includes 5 lbs. to take home. To register call Cheryl at
December 6 - Children's Mass with St. Nicholas at 10am &
Santa Breakfast after the Mass. Children are invited to the altar
and hear a message from the saint and can ask questions. The
Pancake breakfast will take place in the hall at which Santa Claus
will be present.
December 8 - The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed
Virgin Mary, masses at 6:30am, 12 Noon and 7pm in both
English and Polish Languages.
December 12 - Parish Wigilia at 6pm, $25 Adults and $15 for
Children under 12. A traditional Polish Christmas Eve Supper.
Multiple courses are served following a strict meatless menu.
Customs are explained and Polish Christmas Carols are sung. For
reservations call the parish office at 734-284-9135.
December 13 - Tridentine (Latin) Mass at 12 Noon. This mass
will feature beautiful Gregorian Chant.
Christmas Schedule: December 24 Children's Christmas Mass at 4:30pm, all
children are invited to walk in procession to
the manger and offer a flower to the
newborn king. December 25 - Christmas,
The Pasterka or Solemn Mass at Midnight.
Christmas Music is presented by the choir
starting at 11:15pm. Masses on Christmas
Day are 8am, 10am (Polish) and 12Noon.
Sacred Heart
21599 Parke Lane, Grosse Ile 48183  Office: 734-676-1378
Boar’s Head Festival at Sacred Heart Church — A Christmas
celebration with music and pageantry, the Boar's Head Festival
appears to be an American custom of English origin. Its roots are
in the ancient English tradition of slaying a boar for the Christmas
feast, roasting the severed head with an apple in its mouth and
ceremoniously bearing it into the castle's dining hall so that
royalty and guests might admire it and the hunter's prowess.
Performances are: Thursday, December 10 (Seniors’ only) at 8pm;
Friday, December 11 at 8pm; Saturday, December 12 at 2:30 and
8pm; Sunday, December 13 at 4pm. Tickets sold on-line (no tickets can be sold at the door). For
ticket assistance, call the Sacred Heart Parish Office (676-1378) or
call Wendy Moco (692-1163).
Caregiver Support Group — Meet on the second Wednesday of
each month from 10-11am in the Convent. If your family member
is at home or in a facility come to share with others who
understand the realities of this service. All are welcome. Contact
Sr. Betty Leon for more information.
Grief Seminar Sundays — “A Journey from Grief to Hope” 9:30
-10:45am in the Youth Room. Contact Sr. Helen Therese for
more information.
St. Alfred
24175 Baske St. Taylor, MI 48180  Office: 313-291-6464
Schedule Changes Effective Nov. 7, 2015
Saturday – English/Spanish Confessions 3:15pm – 4:15pm or by
appointment, call the parish office (313) 291-6464. Saturday
Mass – The 5:00pm changed to 4:30pm and a new 6:00pm
Spanish Mass was added. 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month –
9:15am Spanish Mass and 3rd Thursday of each month – 6:00pm
Spanish Mass.
Our Lady of Guadalupe Mass and Celebration — Saturday,
December 12th, 11am Mariachis and Procession of Roses; 12pm
Matachines; 12:30pm Dramatization of Our Lady’s Appearances;
12:45-2pm-Mass; 2:15-6:00 pm-Potluck Dinner at Knights of
Posadas — St. Alfred will be hosting 4 nights
of Posadas. Each night will be hosted by
different parish groups in the church.
Following is the schedule: (Bilingual)
Tuesday, December 15th, 6:45pm, hostsReligious Ed & Amigas de Jesus; (Bilingual)
Wednesday, December 16th, 6:30pm, hosts Youth Group &
Guadalupanas; (Spanish) Saturday, December 19th, 7:15pm (right
after 6pm Spanish Mass), hosts-Spanish Choir & Armada Blanca;
(English) Sunday, December 20th, 5pm, hosts-English Choir,
Parish Council, Finance Council & Staff.
Advent/Christmas Schedule: Immaculate Conception of the
Blessed Virgin Mary, Holy day of obligation, these Masses will
fulfill your obligation, Tuesday, December 8, 8:30am and 7pm
(Bilingual). Christmas, Holy day of obligation, these Masses will
fulfill your obligation: Thursday, December 24, Christmas Eve,
4:30pm (English), 6pm (Spanish), 11:30pm English Choir
Concert, Midnight (Bilingual), Friday, December 25, Christmas
Day, 10am (Bilingual). Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of
God, Holy day of obligation, these Masses will fulfill your
obligation: Thursday, December 31, 4:30pm (Bilingual), Friday,
January 1, 10am (Bilingual). On January 1 there will be a special
Adoration from 9–9:45am.
St. André Bessette
4250 W. Jefferson Ave, Ecorse 48229 Office: 313-383-8514
Virgen De Guadalupe Mass/Luncheon Celebration - The
Guadalupana Society would like to invite you to please join us on
Sunday, December 13, for our traditional mass celebration in
honor of Our Lady of Guadalupe. A musical serenade will begin
at 11am with a procession and Mass at 11:30am. There will be
music performed by Mariachis leading us to the parish center for a
luncheon. Tickets for the luncheon are $8.00 per adult, $4.00
per child (4-10yrs). Table reservations
for 8 are also being accepted. Please call
Teresa at 313-320-7488. There is limited
seating for the luncheon, please purchase
your tickets early.
See any society
member or the parish office for ticket
Virgen De Guadalupe Mass/Luncheon
Celebration - La Sociedad Guadalupana
quisiera invitarle a que nos acompañe el
domingo 13 de diciembre para nuestra
celebración tradicional en honor de
Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe.
serenata musical comenzará a las 11, la
procesión y misa a las 11:30. Habrá
música interpretada por Mariachis que nos guiarán al centro de la
parroquia para un alumerzo. Los boletos para el alumerzo son
$8.00 por adultos, $4.00 por niños (4-10yrs). Las reservaciones de
mesa para 8 personas también se están aceptando. Llamar por
favor a Teresa a 313-320-7488. Hay asientos limitados para el
alumerzo, asi que compra sus boletos temprano. Vea a cualquier
miembro de la sociedad o a la oficina de la parroquia para las
compras de boletos.
St. Constance
21555 Kinyon, Taylor 48180  Office: 313-291-4050
Weekday Masses are Tuesday at 6:30pm and Wednesday at 9am.
Monday Night Rosary Group meets at 7pm.
Alcoholics Anonymous “Monday Night Miracles” meets at
Light of Christ Prayer Group meets Wednesdays at 8pm.
Narcotics Anonymous meets Wednesdays at 8:30pm.
Saturday, December 5th – Our Lady of Guadalupe celebration at
6:30pm mass. We will have a cookie reception immediately
following mass in the parish hall.
Friday, December 11th – Ladies Guild Advent Tea at 6:30pm in the
parish hall. Tickets are $5.00 each and are available in the rectory.
Tickets will NOT be sold at the door.
Christmas Masses: Thursday, December 24, Christmas Eve 4:30pm
children’s mass, 6:30pm and Midnight; Friday, December 25,
Christmas Day 9:30am and 11:30am; Thursday, December 31, Feast
of Mary, Mother of God and New Year’s Eve Mass at 4:30pm;
Friday, January 1, Feast of Mary, Mother of God and New Year’s Day
9:30am and 11:30am.
St. Cyprian
13249 Pennsylvania Rd, Riverview 48193
Office: 734-283-1366  web:
Special guest appearance by St.
Nicholas December 6 — St. Cyprian
Social Hall, 4-6pm.
Celebrate St.
Nicholas Day with treats and fun for
kids of all ages! Sponsored by Family
Faith Committee.
St. Frances Cabrini
9000 Laurence, Allen Park 48101  Office 313-381-5601
Beginning on Sunday, January 10th, Cabrini
Parish in Allen Park will begin celebrating a
weekly evening mass at 7pm. All are
invited to join us at this new mass time for
prayer, reflection and contemporary
worship music. For more information about
Cabrini Parish and Schools, call313-3815601 or go online at
St. Pius X
14101 Superior St, Southgate 48195  Office 734-285-1100
Mass Schedule: Immaculate Conception , December 8,
8:30am and 7pm; Christmas Eve, December 24, 4pm and
10pm; Christmas Day, December 25, 8am, 9:30am and
11:30am; Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God, December 31
Vigil, 4pm and January 1, 10am.
The ROCK (Relying on Christ the King) Youth Group meets
most every Sunday from 6:30-8:30pm. It is for Grades 8-12.
Come to learn more about your faith, have fun, and meet new
friends. It is the best place to be on a Sunday night! Call 734
-281-6504 with questions or for more information.
St. Timothy
2901 Manning Dr, Trenton 48183  Office 734-676-5115
New: First Friday Masses will be held each first Friday of
the month beginning December 4.
A very blessed Christmas and Happy New Year from our
parish family to yours! Please join us for the celebration of
Mass at 4pm, 7pm, or 10pm Christmas Eve, or at 10am
Christmas Day. Ask God's blessing for the new year at
Masses scheduled at 4pm New Year's Eve and at 11am New
Year's Day.
Beginning at 10am Wednesday, January 6, spend 5 weeks
taking a broad view of the Old Testament using the Little
Rock Scripture Study. Cost is $15 for materials that have to
be ordered early. Please register by December 11 by calling
Theresa at 676-5115 or email [email protected].
Ongoing Catechist Training is available by contacting
Dennae Petrlich at 734-676-5115, Ext. 202. Sessions are 9:1511:30am on the third Saturday of each month. On the
schedule: December 19 at St. Joseph, Trenton; January 16 at
St. Timothy, Trenton; February 20 at St. Roch; March 19 at
St. Joseph; and April 16 at St. Timothy.
St. Vincent Pallotti
334 Elm St., Wyandotte 48192  Office 734-285-9840
St. Vincent Pallotti Parish Christmas
Schedule — All Masses and events will be
held at St. Joseph Church, 334 Elm Street,
Wyandotte, while the roof and ceiling at St.
Patrick Church are being repaired.
November 29, Advent Vespers 4pm; December 6, Advent
Candlelight Tea 3pm (St. Joseph Church Hall); December 7, Vigil
Mass, The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary
7pm; December 11, "Lessons and Carols" Christmas Concert 7pm;
December 20, Taize Prayer Service 4pm; December 21,
Communal Penance Service 7pm; December 24, Christmas Eve
Masses 4:30pm and 10pm; December 25, Christmas Day Masses
8am; 9:30am and 11:30am; December 31, New Year's Eve Vigil
Mass 4pm; Solemnity of Mary; January 1, New Year's Day Mass
12 noon, Solemnity of Mary. For a complete list of Advent and
Christmas events, please go to our website
Lumen Christi Emerging Fraternity, Secular Franciscan Order
meets on the second (Formation) and fourth (General Gathering)
Thursdays of the month from 6:45 to 8:45 at St. Vincent Pallotti
Parish, Wyandotte, Michigan. For information please call Linda
Solis, OFS (Minister) 1-313-506-9868 or Sylvia Jagielski, OFS
(Formation Minister) 1- 734-285-0798.
From around the Archdiocese
Bethany South is a Catholic organization under the auspices of the
Archdiocese of the Detroit office of youth and family, providing
peer support to the divorced and separated of all Christian faiths
Friday Night Dance Class, 7-8 pm, cost is $6. Instructors are
Lowell and Judy. Location: Blessed Hope Christian Church, 3805
Hazel Ave. Lincoln Park. Saturday, December 5, Dearborn
Players Present a White Christmas, call 313-561-TKTS to order
tickets. Meet 6pm at La Pita, 22681 Newman (1 block south of
Michigan 1 block east of Nowlin). Friday, December 11, Game
Night, 7:30pm at Peace Lutheran Church, 12250 Fort St.
Southgate (next to Brothers’ Jewelers between Goddard and
Northline) Park and enter through rear. Cost is $3 and includes
refreshments. Please bring a friend and enjoy an evening of cards/
games. Saturday, December 12, Stilleto’s Christmas Dinner
Dance, 6-12pm. Lincoln Banquet K of C, 25160 Outer Drive,
Lincoln Park. $25 admission includes a spaghetti dinner music by
Streetheart and Showcase Men. For tickets and more information,
call Chooch at 734-697-7270 or Comet Bill at 734-728-0846.
Sunday, December 13, Bethany Mass, St. Joseph Church--353
Elm St., in Wyandotte at 11:30am. Meet in the vestibule at
11:15am. Contact Jerry at 734-283-6887 for directions and further
information. Brunch immediately following mass at a place to be
determined. Saturday, December 19, Bethany South Christmas
Party, 7 pm Sportsman’s Den, 15001 Sibley, Riverview. We will
treat everyone to pizza (beverages and extras are up to you).
Please bring a $10 wrapped gift suitable for a man or woman for a
gift exchange. Dancing will begin at 8:30pm. Friday, December
25, Enjoy a joyous and blessed Christmas! Sunday, December 27,
Dinner with Friends, meet at 5pm Hungarian Rhapsody, 14315
Northline, Southgate. Thursday, December 31, Ring in the New
Year, Orlando Familia Banquet Center (next to Sportsman’s Den)
15001 Sibley, Riverview. Prime Rib buffet, open bar, live band.
Reservations are required. Call 734-479-4800 for tickets and more
information. Mention seating with the Bethany South group.
No Room at the Inn, Saturday Dec. 5, 10am-6pm and Sunday
Dec. 6, 9:30-2:30. St Sebastian, 20710 Colgate, Dearborn Hgts.,
will be hosting No Room at the Inn a display of a variety of
Nativity sets. All are welcome. No admittance fee; but monetary
or food donation is appreciated. Funds raised will be used for the
St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry.
Right to Life — A variety of Christmas cards made from the winning
designs of students are available from Upper Downriver Right to Life at the
RTL Resource Center, 2010 Eureka, Wyandotte (734-282-6100). They are
$10 for 10 cards and envelopes.
Pro-Life Signature Ad — The size of the annual advertisement in the News
Herald for the anniversary of Roe v. Wade will depend on the number of
people who support it with $10 (or more) donations. Please send your
donation to Upper Downriver Right to Life Signature Ad, 2010 Eureka,
Wyandotte, MI 48192 or e-mail [email protected].
Downriver March for Life and Prayer Service: Sunday, January 24. If you
can't take the bus to Washington DC to commemorate the 43rd anniversary
of the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion
nationally, please come to the chapel at Mt. Carmel Cemetery in
Wyandotte Sunday, January 24 at 1:30 pm for an indoor prayer service at the
Memorial Monument for the Unborn led by Deacon Luis Flores.
There will also be a March for Life praying the Rosary from Our Lady of the
Scapular (Mt. Carmel) departing at 1pm.
Light luminary vigil candles at home the evening of January 21 to remember
victims of abortion.
March for Life, January 22, 2016, Washington DC —
We are taking reservations now — first come, first served! Round-trip red
eye, adults $100, young adults $50 (no meals included). Leaving St.
Timothy, Trenton, January 21 at 6pm, returning to St. Timothy, January 23
between 5-6am. For more information contact, Joe Connors at 800-2954277 or [email protected].
Mary Reparatrix Retreat House
17380 Grange Rd., Riverview, MI 48193
734-324-0901 ▪ [email protected]
Walking Advent with Joseph, A Morning
Reflection followed by a simple meal of Soup
and Bread, Thursday, December 3, 10am–
12:30pm. Register by Monday, November 30 at
734-324-0901. The scriptures include no words
spoken by Joseph, husband of Mary and stepfather of Jesus. Yet his decisions speak volumes
about his faithfulness to our God of Mystery.
We, too, are invited to such faithfulness. Join us
in reflecting upon the invitations we find in
Joseph’s choices. Following our reflection, we
will share a simple meal of soup and bread. Free
will donation, facilitated by Denise LaPorte.
On this first Sunday in Advent,
grant, O Lord, that we might
truly prepare ourselves for the
coming of our Savior. Amen.
Downriver Vicariate Parishes
Weekend Mass Times
Christ the Good Shepherd, Lincoln Park  313-928-1324 ...................................................................... Saturday 4pm; Sunday 9 & 11am
Our Lady of the Angels, Taylor  313-381-3000 .................................................................. Saturday 4pm; Sunday 8 & 10am & 12 noon
Our Lady of the Scapular, Wyandotte  734-284-9135...................................... Saturday 4:30pm; Sunday 6, 8 & 10am (Polish), 12 noon
Our Lady of the Woods, Woodhaven  734-671-5101 ........................................................................... Saturday 4pm; Sunday 9 & 11am
Sacred Heart, Grosse Ile  734-676-1378 ......................................................................................... Saturday 5 pm; Sunday 8:30 & 11am
St. Alfred, Taylor  313-291-6464 ............................................. Saturday 4:30pm 6pm (Spanish); Sunday 9 & 11am, 12:30pm (Spanish)
St. André Bessette, Ecorse  313-383-8514 .......................................... Saturday 4:00pm; Sunday 9:30 & 11:30am (Bi-Lingual/Spanish)
Ss. Andrew & Benedict, Detroit  313-381-1184 ..............................................................................................................Sunday 11:30am
St. Constance, Taylor  313-291-4050 ..................................................................................... Saturday 6:30pm; Sunday 9:30 & 11:30am
St. Cyprian, Riverview  734-283-1366 .................................................................................................. Saturday 5pm; Sunday 9 & 11am
St. Frances Cabrini, Allen Park  313-381-5601 ................................................................... Saturday 5pm; Sunday 8 & 10am & 12 noon
St. Joseph, Trenton  734-676-9082 ................................................................................. Saturday 4:30pm; Sunday 8 & 10am & 12 noon
St. Mary Magdalen, Melvindale  313-381-8566 ..................................................................................... Saturday 4:30pm; Sunday 10am
St. Pius X, Southgate  734-285-1100 ...................................................................................... Saturday 4pm; Sunday 8, 9:30 & 11:30am
St. Roch, Flat Rock  734-782-4471 .................................................................................................. Saturday 4pm; Sunday 9 & 11:30am
St. Timothy, Trenton  734-676-5115 ..................................................................................................... Saturday 4pm; Sunday 9 & 11am
St. Vincent Pallotti, Wyandotte  734-285-9840
334 Elm St., Wyandotte (St. Joseph Church) ................................................................................ Saturday 4pm; Sunday 8 & 11:30am
135 Superior Blvd, Wyandotte (St. Patrick Church) ......................................................................... Saturday 5:30pm; Sunday 9:30am
Deadline for January 2016 Issue: Monday, December 7 by 12pm; send to [email protected]