Ensuring every vote counts
Ensuring every vote counts
Proudly published by HAVE YOU READ YOUR KA TODAY? February 22, 2008 volume 32, number 7 Providing presidential support in Africa by Tech. Sgt. Denise Johnson Joint Task Force Public Affairs Airmen, Soldiers, Sailors and Marines from the United States and Europe are arriving in Africa to provide support for a series of country visits by U.S. President George Bush. The military is providing an array of mobile support functions for the president’s five-nation visit to the continent. Airmen from satellite communications, aeromedical, contracting and command and control are just a few of the career fields represented at the various locations. “This is what we do. We move people and cargo; but just as importantly, we move functions. That combination provides the foundation for a successful mission, regardless of the location or goal,” said Col. James Dew, commander for the military’s West Africa support operations. Senior Master Sgt. Dennis Parise, services superintendent, has a varied duty list to include assured lodging for the personnel and a supply of bottled water. He also establishes how the meals will be acquired and distributed. His job requires constant interaction with local establishments and businesses. “This job requires a lot of flexibility and diplomacy. I may be seen by my deployed team as an ambassador of sorts, but my job requires me to balance that with an open mind about their culture. To be honest, I think of and consider the people I’m dealing with. That mentality allows me to accomplish my mission,” he said. The task force members have faced challenges of minimized communication capabilities, lack of power converters and crowded work spaces, but they appear to take it in stride and overcome whatever comes up. Photo by Tech. Sgt. Denise Johnson U.S. Air Force members settle in for a flight to Accra, Ghana, Feb. 12 in support of U.S. President George Bush’s visit to the West African country. The six-hour flight in a C-17A Globemaster out of Charleston Air Force Base, S.C., took the Airmen to join other Soldiers, Sailors and Marines who have deployed to provide forward operating support for the president’s visit. “We adapt and overcome. The few challenges we’ve run into so far are nothing we can’t handle,” said Maj. Leo Gage, Advance Echelon team chief. “We plan and prepare for the unexpected; that’s part of the job. We can’t go to a foreign destination and expect everything to be like it is at home.” With overall mobility capabilities for every type of mission, the task force team has demonstrated its flexibility and responsiveness here in West Africa, according to Colonel Dew. “Most of the folks here had very short notice of their deployment. But they’re here...boots on the ground, doing their jobs. Knowing our mission is in support of our commander in chief adds an element of pride and anticipation, but it doesn’t change our overall goal or way of doing things,” Colonel Dew said. “For us, it’s always a matter of applying excellence.” Editor’s Note: More information about Ramstein’s support to President Bush’s visit to Africa will be published in the Feb. 29 issue. Ensuring every vote counts Don’t drink and drive Call Armedforces Against Drunk Driving, 0631-536-2233, or 489-AADD. absentee ballots and voting material is properly handled and processed expeditiously. In November 2007, the squadron, in partnership with Air Force postal units throughout the command, ensured postal voting representatives were appointed, trained and briefed on requirements in the 2008 Department of Defense Strategic Voting Action Plan. “Post offices have the responsibility to ensure absentee ballots and voting materials are given the utmost attention upon receipt and dispatch to stateside locations,” said Tech. 86th Airlift Wing Flying Statistics These figures represent hours flown this fiscal year by members of the 86th AW, as well as the mission capable and home station logistics departure reliability rates. C-130: C-21/C-20/C-37/C-40: OIF/OEF support: MC rate: HSLDR rate: 3353.3 hours 2624.7 hours 1973.9 hours 95.7% 99.1 % Inside Election season is in full swing and the 2d Air Postal Squadron is working diligently to ensure every vote in U.S. Air Forces in Europe counts. Squadron personnel monitor 51 postal locations on a daily basis throughout USAFE to make sure Sgt. Michael Walker, command postal operations manager. Official election material is given precedence over all other mail. Postal clerks individually postmark each ballot and use special See Vote, page 7 Show me the money: new loan program and money-saving tips, pg. 3 Team of 42 protect NATO force, pg. 12 PLUS: For the love of two countries, pg. 15 Commentary Page 2 Kaiserslautern American February 22, 2008 Defeating racial inequality by Capt. Tyrone Bess 379th Air Expeditionary Wing African American Heritage Committee Every February, our nation recognizes the achievements and contributions of African Americans. This year’s theme, “Dr. Carter G. Woodson and the Origins of Multiculturalism,” celebrates Dr. Woodson’s successful efforts to acknowledge the contributions of African Americans. This month is about not only their history, but also world history and progress. African American History Month was established in February 1926 as Negro History Week through the contributions of Dr. Woodson, a prominent African American author and scholar. He noticed that, although our nation was tracking history, the contributions of African Americans were being excluded. Throughout his life, his end goal remained constant: Equal treatment for people of color − both in the recording of history and in society at large. If Dr. Woodson were alive today, I believe he would describe our nation’s progress toward that goal in this way: M: Memories allow African Americans to move toward equality by U: understand- ing wrongs were committed. However, we will elect a level playing field for all Americans of all cultures. We will L: learn how to knock down road blocks as one unified body. We will T: teach all generations, old and young, that the only person holding you back is you. We will I: imagine an environment where equal treatment is no longer a dream, but a reality C: cultivated by ideas, concepts and insights. The world is not black and white. The world is a conglomerate of races, religions and nations constantly striving for the betterment of their societies. U: Ultimately we must realize that life’s lessons are not for us as individuals, but for those we impact with our actions and L: lessons learned − lessons about the importance of language; the language of a movement, a shared interest similar to the language spoken in the military. As leaders, supervisors and subordinates, it is our responsibility to relate to those who work with and for us. Do not discount a person because of cultural differences; embrace their uniqueness and broaden your cultural awareness. T: Train yourself for a life without racial inequality. The military trains for future wars in air, space and cyberspace. We are a forward thinking nation and our U: uniqueness should not be dismissed. We strive for a world of independent thinking, and we fight for that right. Make no mistake − we have made tremendous advancements in minority roles at all levels of society. However, we are in the midst of an extended war, both on the home front and abroad. It’s a war that cannot be won in a climate of racial intolerance. R: Racism still exists. Can your fellow Airman, Solider, Sailor, Marine and Coast Guardsman rely on you to end racism? At the end of the day, we are one nation, one people, one culture fighting side-byside in an A: allegiance for multiculturalism and L: liberation, so other nations will not repeat our past failures. I: Ideas are sometimes radical for the time and are met with negative S: strongholds. Those strongholds are not the final authority. We are still on the bus; the difference today is that our bus has M: momentum and we are the force behind defeating racial inequality in the military, our nation and the world. Commander’s Action Line Q I am very disappointed with the poor quality of patient care and consideration provided to spouses of fliers. After the Flight Medicine Lab told me to call back for recent test results, I called for four days without anyone answering the phone. A nurse eventually called and explained a series of ‘old-system/new-system’ errors. More confusion and mistakes followed; I had to go back to have Col. Earl Matthews, more blood drawn. I think more training in patient 435th Air Base care is definitely needed and spouses of fliers need to Wing commander know they matter. I am sorry that your experience at the 435th Medical Group did not meet your expectations, but let me assure you that they are focused on giving all of their patients the best possible care. First, it is important that everyone understands that all of our patients can and should expect the same quality care regardless of duty status or position. It is clear that A The Kaiserslautern American is published by AdvantiPro GmbH, Kaiserslautern, Germany, a private firm in no way connected with the Department of the Air Force or the Department of the Army, under exclusive contract with the 435th Air Base Wing. This commercial enterprise newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the military services overseas. Contents of the KA are not necessarily the official view of, or endorsed by, the U.S. government, Department of Defense or Department of the Air Force. The appearance of advertising in this publication, including insert or supplements, does not constitute endorsement by the DOD, the Department of the Air Force or the AdvantiPro GmbH of the products or the services advertised. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation or any other nonmerit factor of the purchaser, user or patron. Editorial content is based on news releases, features, editorials and reports prepared by Department of Defense, Air Force and Army agencies, KMC military units and geographically separated units. AdvantiPro staff reserves the right to edit all submitted material. you are not satisfied with your experience and that means we need to look into this matter further. Because we do not have all the information we need to do this, I ask that you contact the clinic’s patient advocate and explain what happened. They will then be able to address your concerns. The same goes for all our patients; if at any time you are not satisfied with your experience, contact that clinic’s patient advocate to help get your concerns addressed. Their contact information is posted in the patient waiting areas. The Flight Medicine patient advocate is Tech. Sgt. Jamie Richardson at 479-2282. I thank you for your feedback and know our professional warrior medics will use it to help continually improve the services they deliver. The Commander’s Action Line gives KMC members a direct link to wing leadership. The action line is a way for KMC members to ask a question or express a concern on the policies and procedures of the base, as well as discuss safety and security issues. To submit an action line, e-mail [email protected] with “Action Line” as the subject. Deadlines: •News, feature, school articles and photos, including “Destination” photos − noon Thursday for the following week’s edition •Sports articles and photos − noon Monday for that same week’s edition •Free (space available) Classifieds − noon Tuesday for that same week’s KA AdvantiPro staff encourages reader comments. Send questions, comments, article and photo submissions to: editor @kaiserslauternamerican.com or call AdvantiPro at 0631-3033-5547. To place a classified advertisement, call AdvantiPro GmbH at 06313033-5531. For a display advertisement, call 0631-3033-5536 or visit www. kaiserslauternamerican.com. AdvantiPro Editors Monica Mendoza Lindsay Trimble Sales team Armand Derderian Karin Flick Display Ads Shakuntala Nath Quality Control Adam Barclay Distribution Classified Ads Roland Blum Sabrina Braun Hans Christmann Kerstin Gecaj Marianne Julia Gemind Christmann Ad Design and Natascha TheobaldLayout Rüffler Alexander Pütz February 22, 2008 Kaiserslautern American Page Military Saves campaign kicks off by Airman 1st Class Kelly LeGuillon 435th Air Base Wing Public Affairs Military Saves Week kicks off Sunday and lasts through March 2. The Military Saves program is a Department of Defense campaign adopted by the U.S. Air Force to promote personal financial readiness among all Airmen and their families to enhance mission readiness. Information and events are available during Military Saves Week to educate Airmen and their families on how to avoid debt and create a savings plan. “I believe that the Military Saves campaign will reenergize and refresh financial readiness in people’s minds,” said Stacy Nichols, Airman & Family Readiness Center financial core compliant expert. “It is important to take personal ownership of your financial future and saving is an integral part. This campaign is hoping to educate and remind people on how to plan for the future through saving.” The focus areas of the program are saving for an emergency, paying off high-cost debt, buying a home, contributing to the Thrift Savings Plan or a 401K and saving through the Department of Defense Deposit Program while deployed. Participation in the campaign is voluntary and all Airmen and their families are eligible. “The program is a great way for Airmen and their families to create a financial plan, decrease financial-related stress, avoid the downward spiral of debt New loans The Air Force Aid Society makes its new Falcon Loan available to Air Force members March 3. The Falcon Loan is an interest-free loan of $500 or less that can be used for emergency needs, such as basic living expenses (rent, utilities and food); car repairs; emergency travel; or other approved needs. Applying for a Falcon Loan is as easy as 1-2-3: 1. Download the application off the AFAS Web site at www.afas.org. 2. Get your ID card and current Leave and Earning Statement. 3. Go to your Airman & Family Readiness Center. “The ease of the Falcon Loan program will hopefully encourage Airmen to turn to their Airman & Family Readiness centers in times of financial need and not be ensnared by potential career-damaging debt traps,” said Chief Master Sgt. Pamela Derrow, U.S. Air Forces in Europe command chief. “This program is just another example of AFAS’ continued effort to help take care of our Airmen,” she said. The streamlined application process for and remain focused on the mission,” said Chief Master Sgt. Dave Spector, 435th Air Base Wing command chief. Military Saves Week, sponsored by the Airman & Family Readiness Center, events include: Munch-n-Learn Series: • Monday, noon to 1 p.m. Budgeting and Beyond • Tuesday, 7 to 8 a.m. Credit Management • Wednesday, noon to 1 p.m. Planning for Retirement • Thursday, 7 to 8 a.m. Saving for College • Feb. 29, noon to 1 p.m. Traveling on a Budget Bring breakfast or lunch to enjoy and learn about the fundamentals of financial planning. Each session will have a drawing for a $25 travel voucher and the Feb. 29 session will have a $50 travel voucher − all courtesy of the USO. Managing Your Money: There will be a financial class from 10 a.m. to noon Thursday at the Airman & Family Readiness Center, Bldg. 2120, Room 105 covering the topics of account management, budgeting, saving money and investment basics. AFN Financial Question Game: There will be financial questions asked on air Monday to Thursday during the morning and afternoon broadcasts. The participants who answer the questions correctly will be entered into a drawing for savings bonds to be awarded Feb. 29. Community Bank will also donate three $100 savings bonds to be awarded to those who win the AFN Financial Question Game. For more information, contact the Airman & Family Readiness Center at 480-5100. stress-free a Falcon Loan requires no budget information, backup documentation or first sergeant or commander approval. Minimal information is required to process an allotment or Paymatic transaction (automatic withdrawal from bank account) and the signature is all that is needed to complete the application. The relaxed approach to the loan process comes with the hope that Airmen will feel less threatened to come forward for help and perhaps − after getting a Falcon Loan − will establish a relationship that draws them back into the A&FRC for a follow-on visit to discuss their financial situation. “One of the important missions of Airman & Family Readiness centers is to promote financial readiness,” said Gretchen Shannon from the USAFE Airman & Family Readiness Branch. “The new AFAS Falcon Loan program will be helpful in diverting some Airmen faced with financial emergencies away from high interest pay-day lenders. The Airman & Family Readiness teams will be ready and available to assist members when the new program rolls out,” she said. To be eligible for a Falcon Loan, applicants must be an active-duty Air Force member or spouse with Power of Attorney, stationed at an air force base with an A&FRC, and cannot have a current Air Force Aid Society loan. They will be expected to repay their Falcon Loan by allotment within 10 months, or by their ETS if less than 10 months. Air Force Reserve and Air National Guard personnel activated on Title 10 orders at the time of application are also eligible for a Falcon Loan. The Falcon Loan is a complement to the society’s standard emergency assistance loan/grant program. Receiving a Falcon Loan does not make applicants ineligible to receive a standard Air Force Aid Society loan/grant while they are repaying their Falcon Loan. For more information on the Falcon Loan, visit the A&FRC or the AFAS Web site at www.afas.org. (Courtesy of USAFE News Service) Page Kaiserslautern American Take Note Feb. 8 3:45 a.m.: A drunken driving incident occurred off base when a dependent was stopped by Polizei for a routine traffic stop. Polizei detected an odor of an unknown alcoholic beverage emitting from his breath, administered a portable breathalyzer test and transported him to the station for further processing. A vial of blood was drawn and he was released to security forces. 11:30 a.m.: A major traffic accident occurred off base when a Soldier lost control of his vehicle and struck a highway marker and a street sign. The Soldier was transported to Landstuhl for minor back injuries. Feb. 9 3:30 p.m.: A traffic accident occurred off base when an Airman struck a wild boar which had run into the road. The vehicle sustained minor damages. The boar was killed on impact. Feb. 10 1:12 a.m.: PONDS security contacted Vogelweh police to report a possible drunk driving incident involving a Soldier at the pedestrian gate on Kleber Kaserne. Security forces arrived and detected an odor of an unknown alcoholic beverage emitting from his breath. Due to the Soldier’s high level of intoxication, security forces were unable to administer sobriety tests. The Soldier was transported to Landstuhl for a medical evaluation and further processing for drunken driving. Feb. 11 Between 10 p.m. and 9 a.m.: Larceny of private property occurred when the following items were taken from an Airman’s vehicle parked in Machenbach: leather jacket, 30GB video iPod, iPod docking station, vehicle registration, one DOD CAC ID card and other miscellaneous items. Between 6:30 p.m. and 7:30 a.m.: Larceny of private property occurred when the following items were taken from a dependent’s vehicle parked in Steinwenden: GPS, Nintendo car charger, car phone charger, DVD player car charger, sunglasses, sunglasses case and flashlight. Feb. 12 Between 10 p.m. and 7:30 a.m.: Damage of private property and theft of government/ February 22, 2008 Compiled by the 569th USFPS private property occurred, when an unknown individual pried open the driver’s door of a civilian’s vehicle parked in Schmalenberg and took the following items: DVD player, laptop, one DVD and one (retired) ID card. Feb. 13 11:07 a.m.: An accident occurred between a civilian and a local national. The local national failed to yield the right-of-way to the civilian and struck his vehicle. There was minor damage to the civilian’s vehicle. Security forces was unable to verify the damage to the local national’s vehicle. Feb. 14 Between 10 p.m. and 6:45 a.m.: A vehicle was stolen in Höheinöd. Feb. 15 11:16 a.m.: A civilian was involved in a single car accident on base. Investigations revealed the civilian was blinded by the sun when exiting the base and struck a guardrail. Feb. 16 2:34 a.m.: Polizei contacted Vogelweh police to report a drunken driving accident. Investigations revealed that an Airman lost control of his vehicle off base and struck two mile markers. Upon contact with the Airman, Polizei detected an odor of an unknown alcoholic beverage emitting from his breath. The Airman was transported to Landstuhl for injuries sustained during the accident and for further processing for drunken driving. 4:20 a.m.: A drunken driving incident occurred off base when a Soldier was observed operating his motor vehicle in an erratic manner. Polizei detected an odor of an unknown alcoholic beverage emitting from his breath, administered a portable breathalyzer test and transported him to the station for further processing. A vial of blood was drawn and he was released to security forces. Sobriety tests were administered and the Soldier was deemed unfit to Change of command After 30 months in command, Brig. Gen. Scott G. West, commander, 21st Theater Sustainment Command will relinquish command at a 3 p.m. ceremony Tuesday at the Sports Field on Daenner Kaserne, Kaiserslautern. This will be preceded by an award ceremony for General West at 2:30 p.m. General West has commanded the 21st TSC since Sept. 1, 2005. His replacement has not been announced by U.S. Army Europe. No posters at Army gates Flyers, banners, flags and posters cannot be placed on the fence in front, at guard shacks or anywhere that the field of vision may be obstructed at all Army access control points in the KMC. These items can be placed behind the guard shack on the fence or where it does not obstruct the guards’ field of vision and area of responsibilities. Questions can be directed to the U.S. Army Garrison Kaiserslautern operate a motor vehicle. 5 a.m.: A drunken driving incident occurred off base when a Soldier was observed operating his motor vehicle in an erratic manner. Polizei detected an odor of an unknown alcoholic beverage emitting from his breath, administered a portable breathalyzer test and transported him to the station for further processing. A vial of blood was drawn and he was released to security forces. Sobriety tests were administered and the Soldier was deemed unfit to operate a motor vehicle Feb. 17 7:20 a.m.: A drunken driving incident occurred off base when an Airman was observed operating his motor vehicle in an erratic manner. Polizei detected an odor of an unknown alcoholic beverage emitting from his breath, administered a portable breathalyzer test and transported him to the station for further processing. A vial of blood was drawn and he was released to security forces. Sobriety tests were administered and the Airman was deemed unfit to operate a motor vehicle. CAR THIEVES IN THE KMC: Top 5 most commonly stolen items 1. Gas coupons 2. GPS navigator systems 3. Cell phones 4. Wallets/purses 5. Military gear (i.e. helmets, gas masks, Gore-tex jackets) LOCK YOUR CAR. HIDE YOUR VALUABLES. at 493-4001 or e-mail [email protected] or james.otto@eur. army.mil. Military drivers’ license The Daenner Kaserne Drivers’ Testing Station issues military drivers’ licenses for non-tactical vehicles by appointment only on Tuesdays. Appointments can be made by calling 483-7335. Voter registration drive There will be a voter registration drive from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Feb. 29 at the Ramstein Base Exchange. The drive is sponsored by AFN Kaiserslautern and the USO in conjunction with Maj. Ray Hammond, KMC voting representative. New voters can register and Major Hammond will be available for questions about voting. There will be giveaways and the AFN Eagle will be present. For questions, contact Major Hammond at 480-VOTE. February 22, 2008 Kaiserslautern American Page Radar Depot by Tech. Sgt. Thomas Loyd 1st Combat Communications Squadron The 1st Combat Communications Squadron’s TPN19 tactical radar system recently completed a threeyear deployment to Iraq in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. The transportable radar system is the only one of its kind assigned to U.S. Air Forces in Europe and consists of an airport surveillance radar, primarily used to control aircraft in the airspace around an airfield; a precision approach radar, used to guide aircraft in on final approach; and an operations shelter, where air traffic controllers receive the radar data from the ASR and PAR to control and communicate with aircraft in their airspace. Upon completion of the TPN-19’s OIF deployment, it was determined that the radar system was in dire need of a complete overhaul and was sent back to the states for depot level maintenance. “After operating in the desert for three consecutive years, the TPN-19 was definitely ready for a tune-up,” said Tech. Sgt. Tyson Wilhelm, 1st CBCS radar systems technician. A true statement since an overhaul is recommended every five years, and this system’s last trip to depot was in 1997. “When I got down there and saw the radar, I was amazed that it withstood the severe conditions for three years. I couldn’t believe it still worked,” said Staff Sgt. Jonathon Parker, one of the technicians sent down to pack and send the system to depot. Along with the overhaul of the TPN-19, depot is also making two overdue upgrades to the system. One upgrade is to transfer the ASR and PAR into new larger shelters. This will allow more room for operations and maintenance and increase mobility by eliminating an extra storage unit. The other is to upgrade from old solid state target display indicators to computer-based flat screens. “The new displays will be great; they are much more user friendly and the picture is 110 percent better,” said Tech. Sgt. Gregory Martin, 1st CBCS air traffic controller. The upgrades will bring the 1st CBCS system up-todate with the other TPN-19s assigned stateside. As the radar system is currently going through the overhaul and upgrades, the 1st CBCS radar work center is preparing for its return. They are currently building up the radar mobility package that was depleted while deployed. “Everything took a beating down there in the desert, from test equipment to tents,” said Sergeant Wilhelm. The work center is also working on all the requirements needed to maintain and train on the TPN-19 on Ramstein, such as getting frequencies approved and finding the best location to operate. In addition, the personnel will be rotating through the 435th Communications Squadron radar shop to remain technically proficient, and will occasionally fly back to Robins Air Force Base, Ga., to train on TPN-19 systems there. The radar is due back to Ramstein sometime in fall. Photo by Airman 1st Class Amber Bressler Tech. Sgt. Sam Moore, Headquarters Air Mobility Command Mobile C2 Research and Integration Facility, positions the Global SATCOM GST-1800-TT very small aperture terminal into place using the antenna’s auto track capability Jan. 25 on Ramstein. The purpose of the Teleport Certification is to satisfy communications requirements and objectives of worldwide coverage and connectivity, interoperability and responsiveness. Cutting-edge communication Teleport system advances communication effectiveness by Airman 1st Class Jeffrey Fotakis 1st Combat Communications Squadron It’s no secret that having the ability to communicate is an essential element to accomplish day-to-day operations at home. Anytime and anywhere members of the 1st Combat Communications Squadron are tasked to deploy, they play a key role in the mission’s success by employing a variety of robust communication capabilities to enable daily operations to continue. Airmen from the 1st CBCS collaborated with the U.S. Air Forces in Europe Commander support staff, Air Mobility Command, Army’s 5th Signal Brigade and the Marine Corps Tactical Systems Support Activity during the Defense Information Systems Agency Teleport Certification Developmental Test and Evaluation III from Jan. 14 to Feb. 1. According to the Teleport System Developmental Test and Evaluation Plan, the purpose of the Teleport Certification is to satisfy communications requirements and objectives of worldwide coverage and connectivity, interoperability and responsiveness. The primary objective of DT&E III testing is to verify that the Teleport Internet Protocol centric architecture is ready for operations and meets defined performance parameters. Teleport personnel demonstrated capabilities such as IP over video teleconference, voice over IP and Mesh IP networks while utilizing NIPRnet, SIPRnet and DSN. “Migration to a completely IP-based network will benefit Air Force communications by allowing greater network control and facilitating future expansion,” said Senior Airman Christopher Sterbank, 1st CBCS data technician. “It also allows for enhanced interoperability between other services and allied forces.” “The validation of this emerging technology provided 1st Combat Comm and joint partners with a unique opportunity to combine efforts and expertise,” said Lt. Col. Joe Sublousky, 1st CBCS commander. “Implementing these cutting-edge capabilities will undeniably bolster 1st Combat Comm’s already robust deployable communications capabilities, enabling the warfighter to accomplish the mission more efficiently.” Page Kaiserslautern American February 22, 2008 Cats and Condors… by Dr. Marshall Michel 86th Airlift Wing historian One of the most successful Royal Air Force fighters early in World War II was the Hawker Hurricane, though publicly it took a back seat to its more glamorous stablemate − the Supermarine Spitfire. Hurricanes shot down more German aircraft during the Battle of Britain than Spitfires. But once that battle was over, Hurricanes were shunted to various overseas locations and other missions while the Spitfires, for the most part, stayed in the United Kingdom. With the end of the Battle of Britain, the Germans turned to submarine warfare to try to starve the island nation by cutting its supply lines. Winston Churchill was to later say the submarine menace was “the only thing that really worried him.” Groups of German U-boats, called “wolfpacks,” were especially successful against the large British convoys going back and forth across the Atlantic. To locate the convoys, the Germans used a four-engine airliner, hastily converted to a long-range bomber and reconnaissance aircraft − the Focke-Wulf 200 Condor. Flying from the west coast of occupied France, Chiefs’ corner The outstanding accomplishments of our Airmen deserve recognition. Recognition doesn’t always have to come from large organizations or from the headquarters level. A supervisor who takes the time to submit his or her Airmen for local awards, an Airman who points out a job well done at an office meeting, a commander or chief master sergeant who walks the halls to thank Airmen for their work...these are all ways we can recognize the great things that happen every day in our service because of our Airmen. Unit commanders may award three- or four-day special passes for special occasions or circumstances, such as reenlistment or for some type of special recognition or compensatory time off. Recognition is a key factor Photo from author’s collection A “Hurricat” launches from a CAM ship. Condors would locate British convoys in the Atlantic and circle out of anti-aircraft range, radioing the position and course to the U-boat wolfpacks and guiding them to the attack. Then they would bomb the convoys themselves on their way home. From June 1940 to February 1941, German U-boats − assisted by the Condors − sunk more than two million tons of British shipping. The Condors were very fragile and lightly armed, but the British had no aircraft carriers to protect the convoys, so the German in perpetuating improvements. Hence, an important facet of empowerment is the appropriate recognition of contributions subordinates make to maximize mission success. Another form of recognition is the military decoration. Members are eligible for consideration for various decorations throughout their careers. However, supervisors should not submit recommendations just to “do something for their people.” Supervisors should restrict recommendations to recognitions of meritorious service, outstanding achievement, etc., that clearly place the individual above his or her peers. If you are an effective leader, you will find great satisfaction in doing most of the things leaders do − patting people on the back, watching them grow into effective leaders, sharing in the pride of an organization that is accomplishing its mission and, quite possibly, aircraft seemed invulnerable. In desperation, the Royal Navy proposed using a rocket-propelled catapult with a launch rail mounted on a ship’s bow to launch a Hurricane to attack the Condors. There was one problem – the launch vessel had no carrier deck, so the pilot had to bail out or ditch in the sea near the convoy and in the North Atlantic. Survival time in the frigid water would be just a few minutes. Nevertheless, 35 vessels, called Catapult Aircraft Merchantmen, were modified to launch the fighters. The first CAM − the SS Michael E − was sunk by a U-boat in May 1941 before her Hurricane was needed and that proved to be a pattern; of the 35 CAM ships, 12 were sunk by U-boats. The “Hurricats” first victory over a Condor was on Aug. 3, 1941. The pilot was able to ditch, but the aircraft sank so rapidly the pilot was barely able to escape. New ditching techniques were developed, and by the end of 1941, CAM Hurricats had been launched seven more times, shooting down five more of the fragile Condors. Surprisingly, only one Royal Air Force pilot died during the operations, which ended when America entered the war and the U-boats moved to the east coast of the United States. reaping the reward of increased responsibility through recognition from above. First Sergeants’ corner We’re seven weeks into the new year and cabin fever is setting in. Are you still sticking to your New Year’s fitness resolution? There are plenty of reasons to live a healthy lifestyle but do you know what the Air Force considers to be supervisor and individual responsibilities? All supervisors are required to participate in and promote the fitness program and promote an overall understanding among personnel regarding the intention of the FP, which emphasizes the importance of ongoing training and not just the testing. Individuals are responsible for maintaining a healthy lifestyle by participating in unit PT programs and meeting AF fitness minimum standards >75. For requirement details, please read AFI 10-248. Civil Engineers’ corner Applications are available for a special duty assignment as a dormitory manager (9D000). Eligible applicants must be staff sergeants stationed at Ramstein or Vogelweh and must have their commander’s endorsement. The positions require a two-year commitment and have an option for a third year. If you are interested, contact Master Sgt. Bradford Berry or Mr. Stan Hall at the Dorm Reception Center at 480-3676 or e-mail Bradford.berry@ ramstein.af.mil. February 22, 2008 Kaiserslautern American Page Protect your teeth; wear a mouthguard by Dr. Benjamin Gantt 435th Dental Squadron Proper equipment is a necessity when participating in sports. Playing softball without a bat or soccer without a ball would be difficult. A mouthguard is one piece of equipment that is often overlooked when packing your gym bag. An athlete is 60 times more likely to suffer harm to the teeth when not wearing a mouthguard. According to the American Dental Association, when properly fitted, a mouthguard will cushion blows that can cause broken teeth and injuries to the lips, tongue, face or jaw, as well as reduce the severity and incidence of concussions. Who needs a mouthguard? A common thought is that only contact sports, like hockey or football, necessitate a mouthguard. However, studies show that even participants in non-contact sports, such as gymnastics, skateboarding and basketball, can prevent possible injuries to the mouth and jaws by wearing mouthguards. What kinds of mouthguards are available? Ready-made (stock) mouthguards can be purchased from the base exchange. This is the cheapest option, but stock mouthguards offer the least protection due to limited adjustment to the fit. “Boiland-bite” mouthguards − which are immersed in boiling water, transferred to cold water and then adapted to the teeth − fit better and offer more protection than stock mouthguards. Finally, a custom mouthguard can be made by your dentist. Your dentist makes your custom mouthguard on a mold of your upper teeth. This guard offers superior fit, comfort and protection. When choosing a mouth guard, look for one that: • is resilient and tear resistant • fits properly and is comfortable • is easy to clean • doesn’t restrict breathing or speech. How do you care for your mouthguard once you have one? Rinse your mouthguard before and after each use with cold water. You can also clean your mouthguard with a toothbrush and toothpaste. When you aren’t using it, store your mouthguard in a perforated container. This allows for air circulation and helps prevent damage. Avoid exposing your mouthguard to sources of high temperatures such as hot water or direct sunlight, which can distort the mouthguard. Always check your mouthguard for holes and to see whether it has become loose. Replace an ill-fitting or damaged mouthguard to ensure maximum protection each time you wear it. Protect your smile! Wear a mouthguard while getting “Fit to Fight.” For more information, contact the 435th Dental Squadron at 479-2210. Hold the phone! The hidden cost of phone calls in Germany by Maj. Jim Trachier 435th Communications Squadron No one person is responsible for the staggering $80,000 phone bill for Ramstein each month, but hold the phone; many are contributing to it. At stateside bases, communications squadrons purchase service from a telecommunications company to handle non-DSN off-base calls. Since local non-toll calls are covered under a flat fee, they incur no additional cost to the government. Likewise, in the states, calls to local cell phones do not cost the caller. However, European telecommunications companies operate under rules different from their American counterparts. “Each principality has its own toll, called a tariff, for phone calls made from on base,” said Senior Master Sgt. Scott Senick, 435th Communications Squadron telecommunications branch superintendent. “As a result, every call made using the 99 prefix costs the Air Force money.” European cell phone rules are different as well. In America, the cell phone owner bears the cost of calls made to or from a cell phone. In Europe, the calling party foots the bill − and calls to cell phones are much more costly than those made to land lines. According to Chris Salter, 435th CS Plans and Programs Flight commander, cellular charges range from €0.13 per minute for T-Mobile to €0.19 per minute for Vodafone, E-Plus and O2. “Calls to cell phones routinely account for 60 to 65 percent of Ramstein’s monthly phone bill,” said Mr. Salter. “And with the dollar hovering near an all-time low against the Euro, the monthly cost to the government is an average of $80,000.” Also, it is 50 percent cheaper to call a government cell phone from another government cell phone than from a land-line phone. Lt. Col. Amy Dayton, 435th CS commander, acknowledges the necessity of checking in with family members during duty hours. “We understand that many times, off-base calls simply can’t be avoided,” she said. However, Colonel Dayton reminds Ramstein phone users to keep calls as short as possible. “Excellence in all we do” includes protecting taxpayer dollars through resource excellence. Callers should use the chart above to help determine the cheapest way to make a call. When dialing 99, time is money − and every second counts. From Vote, page 1 tags and tape on mail transportation equipment to clearly identify containers containing ballots awaiting ground and air transportation. Balloting material is given priority over all classes and categories of mail in the mail transportation network. “The use of the internet will play a key role for absentee ballot processing and a new Webbased daily voting survey requirement was added this year,” said Tech. Sgt. Jason Simpson, command postal operations manager. Postal workers are required to log into a centralized database to report voting material problems and mailing delays. This gives 2d AIRPS personnel the opportunity to resolve issues and provide solutions to ensure problems and delays are corrected in a timely manner. “It’s a total team effort and postal personnel throughout USAFE are doing all they can to ensure every vote counts,” said Master Sgt. Kirk Baldwin, postal operations superintendent. (Courtesy 2d Air Postal Squadron) Page Kaiserslautern American February 22, 2008 “Camp Odie” prepares Airmen Airmen from the 1st Combat Communications Squadron help prepare “Camp Odie” during a Healthy Star exercise Feb. 5. The 1st CBCS has quarterly exercises to help Airmen prepare for realworld deployments. 1st Lt. Kenneth Malloy, 1st Combat Communications Staff Sgt. Lucrecia Vierra, 1st Combat Communications Squadron, pumps fuel into barrels Squadron, briefs Col. Bill Bender, 86th Airlift Wing comfor generators at the Ramstein exercise training site Feb. 5. The 1st CBCS held a Healthy mander, on the inner workings of the 1st CBCS Healthy Star Star training exercise at the site preparing Airmen for real-world deployments. exercise Feb. 12 at Ramstein. Photos by Airman 1st Class Kenny Holston February 22, 2008 Kaiserslautern American Page Preparing air crews Senior Airman Mark Applewhite (right), a crew chief deployed to the 386th Expeditionary Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, assists Senior Airman Bryan Gallagher, a petroleum, oil and lubricant-fuels specialist deployed to the 386th Expeditionary Logistics Readiness Squadron, with refueling a C-130 Hercules aircraft on a Southwest Asia air base Jan. 31. Airman Applewhite is deployed from Ramstein and Airman Gallagher is deployed from McGuire Air Force Base, N.J., in support of operations Enduring and Iraqi Freedom. Photo by Staff Sgt. Patrick Dixon 1st CBCS exercise Senior Airman James McCrea, 1st Combat Communications Squadron, uses a compass to set an ultra-high frequency antenna at the proper angle during an exercise Feb. 6. Photo by Airman 1st Class Amber Bressler Eat right! Peggy Klukas pours chocolate soy milk in a blender to make a healthy smoothie at the Health and Wellness Center Feb. 7. The HAWC hosts many events and classes which teach servicemembers and their families how to eat healthy and exercise right. Photo by Staff Sgt. Joshua Mueller Job Shadow Day at Morón Air Base Staff Sgt. Michael Randall, 496th Air Base Squadron security forces, was shadowed by Kenley Brown, sixth grade; Kyle Mullinix, sixth grade; and Daniella Crossdale, eighth grade, during Morón Air Base’s Job Shadow Day. Photo by Airman 1st Class Amber Bressler Page 10 Kaiserslautern American February 22, 2008 Photo by Susan Davis Sending love to Afghanistan Photo by Linda Rocha-Mendoza Flat Stanley travels to Kaiserslautern Jordan Thompson and Ashley Kranz fold clothes to send to Linda Rocha-Mendoza’s kindergarten class (and “Flat Stanley”) send greetings to a an orphanage in Afghanistan. Over 50 boxes of donations Nebraskan kindergarten class. Stanley was sent to Kaiserslautern Elementary School were collected by the National Junior Honor Society at nurse, Janean Linder, by her kindergarten niece, Lauren Hartmann, from Waverly, Neb. Ramstein Middle School, including warm clothing, toys and school supplies. Hunting for constellations Tech. Sgt. Paul Cooper assists Mark Ayers as he enters Star Lab. Fourth graders Kensley Gasbarro, Jayelin Beckett and Sadonte Johnson wait their turn. Star Lab, an inflatable planetarium, recently made an appearance at Ramstein Intermediate School. Once inside the planetarium, students worked to locate the constellations projected above them. ia Breedlove Photo by Cynth Photo by Julie Ramos Photo by Linh Gooden Chinese New Year celebration KHS thanks fitness director Brian Bodine, Maria Mahon and Caroline Fisher use chopsticks to eat steamed white rice Feb. 7. Second graders at Ramstein Elementary School celebrated Chinese New Year by spending the week before reading and researching information about the Chinese New Year celebrations, Chinese traditions and culture. Kaiserslautern High School principal, Dr. Jennifer Beckwith, presents a plaque to Bill Gurr, Vogelweh fitness director, for his outstanding support to the KHS Athletic department, providing the use of the gym facilities and field for game events. February 22, 2008 Kaiserslautern American Page 11 Future educators Ramstein High School students Chrystine Thomas and Rachel Alberstadt recently attended the annual Future Educators of America Conference in Garmisch. Both were elected to state offices; Chrystine will serve as president and Rachel as vice president of the European chapter. Celebrating 100 day s Forrest Pe Photo by Sharon Emerling art models his “100” gla sses. First graders in Ju Wittenberg’s class at La lie ndstuhl Elementary/Mi ddle School celebrated their hund redth day of school Fe b. 13 by cutting out 100 glasses, makin g 100’s day necklaces and a special snack, made with 100 individual pieces. Photo by Barb Gonzales Photo by Jamie Lester Science fun! derga rt son, a kin rd a h ic R il a A big at Sembach Hook’s class ia ic tr Pa in in a sciner ol, participates ho Sc ry ta en Elem e paint to She is using ic t. en m ri pe ex liquid. ence solids become w ho te ra st on dem School Notebook World Thinking Day The Landstuhl Neighborhood of Girl Scouts will host World Thinking Day from 1 to 4 p.m. Saturday at Heaton Auditorium in Landstuhl Regional Medical Center to celebrate and explore Girl Scouting and Girl Guiding in other countries. Volunteer opportunities If you are in high school − dependent sons or daughters of active duty Air Force members − you can volunteer up to 250 hours over the four years of high school, with a maximum potential of $1,000 toward college or vocational-technical school. The Youth Employment Skills Program is an Air Force-wide program that offers high school students the opportunity to learn new skills, volunteer their time while helping their Photo by Joan Baker Friendship says it all After making their Valentine’s boxes in Joan Baker’s first grade class at Landstuhl Elementary/Middle School, Chris Post, Chance Popiel, Jakob Juergens and Daniel Roman pause for a photo. community and receiving money toward their educational endeavors. Additionally, for every hour volunteered, $2 will go to base youth programs to support recreational improvements, computer labs and other programs. For more information, contact Ramstein or Vogelweh youth centers at 480-6444 or 489-7806. Asian and Antique Auction For the second time in the KMC, Ramstein Elementary School Parent Teacher Association is sponsoring an Asian and Antique Furniture Auction March 1 in the school gym. RES is located at Bldg. 996 behind the Ramstein Commissary. Silent bidding will begin at 10 a.m. with a live auction at 11 a.m. There will be 250 items auctioned, and the auction will run until everything is sold. The event is open to all ID card-holders. Delivery service for a price will be provided. For safety pur- poses, this is an adult-only event. Items for auction include Asian furniture, porcelain, Tiffany lamps and an assortment of decorative pieces from Hong Kong and Tibet. All payment must be made in U.S. dollars, checks or money orders. The proceeds will go to the PTA to support school activities and enrichment programs benefiting all students at the school. Jazz concert Ramstein High School presents The Shape International Jazz Orchestra at 7 p.m. March 12 in the Ramstein High School Auditorium. Ramstein’s Jazz Limited will open the show, followed by the SIJO. This is an extraordinarily fine Big Band. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Admission is $5 for adults and $2 for students at the door. For more information, contact Jeff Pellaton at 480-5962. Page 12 Kaiserslautern American February 22, 2008 Courtesy photo British Sergeant Cass and Staff Sgt. Gregory Haney, NATO Allied Air Component Command Headquarters Ramstein, practice security procedures. Protecting the NATO force by Capt. Erin Dorrance 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs Once you gain access to Ramstein, you still have several layers of security to pass when entering the NATO Allied Air Component Command Headquarters building, located off the traffic circle on the north side of the base. The ultra-modern five-story facility, valued at $80 million, is protected by NATO military police representing five NATO nations; U.S., England, Belgium, Norway and Poland. The 42-person force is responsible for force protection, physical security and law enforcement operations for more than 600 personnel assigned to NATO on Ramstein. The NATO command on Ramstein is responsible for the security and territorial integrity of member nations within the area of functional responsibility through effective air policing as directed through dynamic command and control of air operations. Gen. Roger Brady holds a dual-hatted position as the commander of Allied Air Component Command Ramstein and U.S. Air Forces in Europe commander. The entire facility is secured by the small, but versatile military police force, which also maintains a deployment mission. “We train here on Ramstein to ensure our forces are ready for deployment around the world,” said NATO Provost Marshal Martin Bland, who is responsible for advice and coordination on all military police activities and provides advice and recommendation on security issues to General Brady and other leadership. “We almost always have a fourperson team deployed supporting the ISAF [International Security Assistance Force] in Afghanistan.” The military police working out of the NATO facility are responsible for seven subordinate commands and three NATO facilities throughout the KMC, said Senior Master Sgt. Mark Marson, NATO provost marshal police superintendent. Policing activities also include in- ternal response exercises to validate plans and procedures. “We couldn’t do our mission without the excellent base support we receive,” said Sergeant Marson. “Fire, medical, explosive ordnance disposal and police assets from the 435th Air Base Wing provide us with the external support that is essential for us to operate under any condition.” Security is a very large part of the job for military police, but it is not their only representation. NATO military police perform first-rate ceremonial presentations for 12 to 15 senior leaders annually, said Sergeant Marson. The professional presentations showcase the dedication of the force and their commitment to military traditions. Past ceremonies have included the NATO secretary general, the U.S. Air Force chief of staff and the supreme allied commander in Europe. From world-class security to special military ceremonies, NATO military police complete their mission with professionalism, dedication and pride. Courtesy photo NATO military police provide security for 600 people assigned to NATO Allied Air Component Command Headquarters Ramstein. Courtesy photo NATO Allied Air Component Command Headquarters military police conduct an exercise to ensure readiness. February 22, 2008 Kaiserslautern American Page 13 Photo by Master Sgt. Jeremy Johnson Maj. Michael Hodges stands next to the Bran Castle Museum − Dracula’s Castle − in Romania, Jan. 26. Shirlene, Javier and Antonio Odu Photo by Richard Oduber ber visit Mallorc a in August 2007 . Photo by Michaela Gottlich-Circelli Kathi, Brandon, Gavin and Tech. Sgt. Brian Jenkins at the Nürnberg Christkindel Market Dec. 15. Photo by Ilia L. Young Ilia Elena Young, Soraya Spurgin and Dana Young play at the Kaiserslautern Emperor’s Fountain Jan. 27. Send us your Photo by BJ Pringle Lisa, Jacob and Brian Pringle visit the Porta Nigra (Black Gate) in Trier Jan. 1. Vacation phot os Your submission must include the name of the photographer, the date of the photo, first and last names of those in the photo and location. Write “Destinations” in the e-mail subject line. E-mail to [email protected]. Page 14 Mark your calendar Pulaski Thrift Store will have a sale 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. today and Feb. 29 in Bldg. 2901 at Pulaski Barracks. There will be a 50 percent discount on books and clothing. For information, call 063151605. The Pump-n-Run Competition will be at 10 a.m. Saturday at Vogelweh Fitness and Sports Center. This is a combined weight-lifting and running event. It is free and open to all ID card-holders. For information, call 4897329. Sign up now for the Bowl-a-Thon, which is 1 p.m. April 18 at Ramstein and Vogelweh bowling alleys. Cost is $10 for three games plus shoes. Contact Master Sgt. Larry Morrison at larry.morrison@ramstein. af.mil and Master Sgt. Alejandra Bustamante at alejandra.bustamante@ ramstein.af.mil. Bowlers can bowl for pledges or pledge money for other bowlers. The goal is to raise $11,000 to be given to Air Force Enlisted Village, AF Aid Society and CMSAF Scholarship Fund. Ten percent of the proceeds will be used by KMC Top 3 for community outreach. The Swiss Adventure Weekend, sponsored by Ramstein Outdoor Recreation, is slated for Feb. 29 to March 2 and includes skiing and snowboarding in Switzerland. The trip includes transportation, two nights lodging at Balmer’s Youth Hostel, two breakfasts, one dinner and ski/snowboard rental. Book this trip by calling 480-5705 or sign up in Bldg. 2113. Be the hero of your squadron by winning a free unit bowling party at Vogelweh Bowling Center. Enter the free drawing and one lucky contestant will win the party for their squadron; this includes the use of up to 10 lanes for three hours. Beta Sigma Phi hosts its spring “Rush” at Kaiserslautern American 2008 February 6:30 p.m. Feb. 29 at Ramstein’s youth center annex, Bldg. 411. For details, go to http:// cockayne.fanspace.com/ or e-mail BSPtheta@ gmail.com. The 86th AW Annual Awards Banquet will be at 6 p.m. Feb. 29 at the Ramstein Officers’ Club. There will be a cocktail hour at 6 p.m. and dinner at 7 p.m., with award presentations to follow. The event has a cash bar. Tickets are as follows: Club members: $10 vegetarian entree; $15meat entree. Non-club members: $13 - vegetarian entree; $18 - meat entree. For tickets, contact your unit’s first sergeant or your unit’s awards banquet representative. The Ramstein Community Center presents ‘Board Games’ Family Bingo at 6:30 p.m. Feb. 29. Have a great night with the family and maybe win one of your favorite board games. Doors open at 5:30. The Vogelweh Youth Center is hosting a PreTeen Lock-In starting at 10 p.m. Feb. 29. Enjoy an over-nighter with music, games, food and fun. Call 489-6504 for details. The U.S. Army Garrison Kaiserslautern will host this year’s Army Emergency Relief annual fundraising campaign from March 3 to May 15. For details, visit your unit’s AER key person or the AER office in Bldg. 2919 on Pulaski, or call 0631-3406-4221. The 2008 Air Force Sergeant’s Association Division 16 Professional Airman’s Conference and Convention will be held March 30 through April 2. For information, contact Senior Master Sgt. Danny Guttery at danny. [email protected] or Master Sgt. James Greenlee at james. meets the first Saturday of every month. The next meeting will be March 1. This organization fosters cultural family values instilled in our Hispanic heritage and promotes community involvement throughout the KMC. For more information, contact Tech. Sgt. Sergio Carillo at 480-6318. The Kaiserslautern American German Business Club hosts a dinner meeting at 6:30 p.m. March 4 at the Restaurant Am Rathaus in KaiserslauternHohenecken.The topic is “How to be a Better Investor.” Gary Braden, a long-time financial planner, will offer insights on the investing picture. RSVP to kaiserslautern@ The American Legion AGBC.de. Post GR01 will hold post The Veterans of Foreign meetings at 6:30 p.m. Wars Post 10614 will host Feb. 20 at Bldg. 368 on a post meeting at 6:30 Rhine Ordnance Barp.m. March 11 at Bldg. racks. For more information, call Stephen Ward at 368 on Rhine Ordnance Barracks. For more 486-7516 or wardtrans@ information, call Stephen yahoo.com. Visit the Post Ward at 486-7516 or GR01 Web site at www. ktownamericanlegion.org. [email protected]. Visit the Post 10614 Web The Ramstein Mexisite at www.ktownvfw.org. can American Social Club [email protected]. Anyone interested in becoming a committee member for the upcoming Women’s History Observance Month, celebrated March 1 to 31, can call the Equal Opportunity Office at 4898534 or e-mail bill.white@ ramstein.af.mil. Now’s the time to plan for the upcoming 50th Anniversary Military Pilgrimage to Lourdes, France. This is an international event scheduled for May 21 to 26 and features a retreat for prayer and procession in this famous religious center. Call Ramstein Tickets & Tours at 480-6330 or book online at www.rtttravel.com. Meetings February 22, 2008 Weekend Highlights The 435th Services Squadron is hosting the “Evening of History Gala” Saturday night at the Ramstein Officers’ Club. This final event of Black History Month will start at 6 p.m., followed by dinner at 7 p.m. The event continues at the Ramstein Enlisted Club with an ‘After Gala’ Party at 11 p.m. in Club ‘E. The Kaiserslautern African American Heritage Committee hosts “Origins of Multiculturalism” with a night of food, drinks and dancing and a performance from the new up-and-coming artist, Stephanie “Pretty” Davis. The banquet is 6 p.m. Saturday at the Ramstein Officers’ Club. Tickets are $25; civilian attire, semiformal; guest speaker is Brig. Gen. Gregory Brundidge. For tickets, contact Master Sgt. Eric Carter at 480-5061 or Staff Sgt. Angela Blunt at 480-7129. February 22, 2008 Kaiserslautern American Page 15 For the love of two countries by Thomas Warner Landstuhl Regional Medical Center Public Affairs friends in Wyoming and saw a flier for an upcoming American Legion 7th Cavalry Drum and Bugle Corps military ceremony Patriotism toward and they asked for any America and a love of brass players. I contacted his native Germany give them and they allowed me Hartmut Hausser an to march with them and interesting persona here play. What an honor it in the KMC. was.” Mr. Hausser plays That meeting actually his bugle at patriotic followed another magical ceremonies while also event on his trip, when Mr. working as a security Hausser crossed paths with guard at Landstuhl Rea former LRMC patient. gional Medical Center. “His name was Chris He looks at his security Sutton and when I saw job as providing peace him, we knew we’d talked of mind for others who before. He’d actually been are far away, deployed in a coma part of the time downrange. he was at Landstuhl. I Photo by Thomas Warner He believes he’s the participated with the Leonly member of the pres- Hartmut Hausser, a security guard at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center, plays a cornet in gion 7th Corps in a rendifront of a wall dedicated to the various servicemembers who have passed through the hos- tion of “Echo Taps” which tigious Bugles Across pital. The playing of the military tribute song “Taps” is generally done with either a bugle, a is a moving tribute where America who resides in Germany and one of just cornet, a trumpet or a similar, smaller horn. several buglers begin play22 Europeans in the coning at different times. It tingent. That group, 5,000 strong worldwide, echoes distinctly and people love hearing it.” and we share a lot of the same experiences. A few years ago, Mr. Hausser met a loadtakes it upon themselves to make sure “Taps” Parachutes used to all be made of silk, thus master assigned to Ramstein. That relationis played at every military veteran’s funeral. the name.” ship evolved into Mr. Hausser’s inclusion on “I am indebted to the United States of A retired sergeant first class, Mr. Hausser a Web site forum dedicated previously only America, for employing their military to try has relatives who have also served with the to U.S. military personnel. Today, he has a and make the world safer,” Mr. Hausser said German Bundeswehr and in various military recently. “When Soldiers are down in the roles. While the closest thing to a bugle corps bond with many LRMC staffers, including strong relationships with liaisons from the (war zones) I want them to carry out their in Germany would be what’s known as a 82nd Airborne Division, 10th Mountain missions with no worries about how their Fanfarenzug, he’s been given the chance to Division, 101st Infantry Division, reserve and families are doing back here. play with American buglers at the ceremony National Guard and people from units based “My work to make the post here safe is in Belgium this weekend. in Europe. serious, because in many cases we are dealing “I am proud of him, and many of his “He’s always been cordial to me and with families who are split up due to deployfriends are, too,” said Tobias Weber, Landour personnel,” said Staff Sergeant Scott ments.” stuhl’s on-site director for Pond Security. Jordan, a 10th Mountain Division liaison With bugle in hand, he will participate in a “This is a man who has many friends and at Landstuhl. “He has a lot of respect for ceremony and road march this weekend coma person who has worked hard to create a officers who come through here and is very memorating the epic “Battle of the Bulge” means of communication between Germans, pleasant. We talk about his German military from World War II, when thousands of AlAmericans and other people. experiences every once in a while.” lied and Axis deaths made it one of the most “Mr. Hausser is from a generation that Mr. Hausser’s pride in his own country time-honored campaigns of that conflict. came after the great war – a generation that shows when Germany is involved in sports Born a decade and a half after the end held none of the animosity (seen previously) competitions or on national holidays and he of that war, his family was among the first between Germans and Americans. He’s made also displays a mutual admiration for Amerito host U.S. military personnel who were the effort to reach out to people and share can customs and ideals on a routine basis. deployed to serve in post-war Germany. Mr. commonalities.” “Americans fed people in Berlin (after Hausser did service himself and is a former German military ceremonies rarely feature World War II) and they protected us during Fallschirmjäger (paratrooper) with the Gerbugles being played. Instances that are more the Cold War and also today,” Mr. Hausser man military. He’s made friends with countcommon in American processions are ususaid. “Today, they are spearheading the war less Americans and others from different ally reserved in Germany to simply honor the on terrorism and they are still fighting for nations who have passed through as patients memory of a person, such as German Memo- peace and for freedom. People should recogand staff at Landstuhl. rial Day which falls on the third Sunday in nize that all of that means a lot.” “When I see a C-130 passing overhead, I For more information, visit: November each year. get that itch,” Mr. Hausser said, glancing at a • www.usparatroopers.com “There are many more instances in the ring he wears, emblazoned with the German • www.82airbornemarch08.blogspot.com paratroopers’ wings. “Paratroopers all belong U.S. where you might hear ‘Taps’ being • www.buglesacrossamerica.com to what’s known as the ‘Brotherhood of Silk’ played,” Mr. Hausser said. “I was visiting Page 16 Kaiserslautern American February 22, 2008 Transition requires training Major conversion coming for Government Purchase Card banking interface by Andrew Lucas 700th Contracting Squadron The Web site Government Purchase Card users and approving officials use to accomplish monthly reconciliations and administer accounts will be converted from the Customer Automation and Reporting Environment to U.S. Bank’s Access Online March 10. This new interface is a Department of Defense-wide initiative designed to take advantage of new technologies and improve functionality for the users. Some of the advantages of Access Online include the use of e-mail notifications, improved availability of cardholder statements, increased account Chapel news The next Ramstein Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed Club #042 is 2 to 4 p.m. Sunday at the Ramstein Youth Center. AWANA is a nonprofit, international, nondenominational Christian youth ministry. Children − pre-school to high school − attend the Ramstein AWANA chapter in age-specific clubs. For details, email Kenneth and Michele Dewlen at [email protected]. Now is the time for you to start taking control of your money, instead of your money controlling you! Once a week, beginning at 6 p.m. April 29 at Ramstein’s Health & Wellness Center, Bldg. 2117A, the chapel will be offering Dave Ramsey’s 13-week class, Financial Peace University. The class covers all areas of personal finance from creating a budget to paying off debt to saving for emergencies and retirement and much more. For $100, you will receive a membership kit that includes a fullcolor workbook, 13 audio sessions, FPU envelope system, Ramsey’s best-selling book, budgeting forms, debit card holders and more. In conjunction with Military Saves Week, please join us for a preview of Financial Peace University at 6 p.m. Thursday at the HAWC. For more information, contact Sarah at [email protected] or Erik at erik.marcov@ ramstein.af.mil or call 06385-415167. The Protestant Women of the Chapel will celebrate “Banquet with the King” from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. March 8 in the Ramstein North Chapel. Amy Stephens will be speaking on the Banquet for the King. Childcare will be available and lunch will be served. Please bring a sack lunch for your child. security, improved reporting options and a mass maintenance capability. To achieve the smoothest possible transition from C.A.R.E. to Access Online and familiarize users with the new system, there is a mandatory training requirement for cardholders, approving officials and their alternates. Since there are approximately 1,500 personnel required to receive this training in the KMC, this will be a major undertaking for the GPC Program Office. The 700th Contracting Squadron will be holding 24 training sessions before March 14. The sessions will be held in two locations − the USAFE Conference Center on Ramstein and 700th Contracting Squadron Conference Room at Rhine Ordnance Bar- Classes and training The monthly Air Force Commissioning Briefing will be held at 3 p.m. Tuesday in Bldg. 2120, Room 415. If interested in applying for the AF Academy, LEAD, SOAR, ROTC, AECP and/or OTS, you should attend this briefing to find out about eligibility criteria and application procedures. No appointment is necessary. For more information, call 480-2032. The cut-off date for the April Community College of the Air Force class is Feb. 29. The CCAF graduation will be at 2 p.m. April 25 at the Ramstein Officers’ Club with Lt. Col. Raymond Staats, CCAF commander, as the guest speaker. For details, call the Ramstein Education Center at 4802032/2308. Spouse Tuition Assistance Program applications for Term IV (term March 31 to June 8) are due by Feb. 29 to Bldg. 2120, Room 416 on Ramstein. STAP is open to command sponsored spouses of active duty AF members. STAP will pay up to one-half of the unmet tuition cost or up to $300 per term. For details, contact the Ramstein Education Center at 480-2032. Army Community Service Classes meet at Bldg. 2925, Wing C, on Pulaski Barracks. For details, call 493-4203 or 0631-3406-4203. • Monday, 1:30 p.m., Smooth Move of PCS • Tuesday, 11 a.m., Kids Konnect at Kaiserslautern Elementary School • Wednesday, 9 a.m., Euros and Cents • Tuesdays, 1 p.m. Resumix; Thursdays, 9 a.m. Resumix; Thursdays, 10 a.m., Hugs Playgroup, held at Kids’ Zone racks. They will last approximately three hours. Only cardholders and approving officials need to attend one of these sessions. From today until Thursday, there will be sessions at 8:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. each business day in the Foulois Room, Bldg. 306A. From March 4 to 6, the sessions will be held at 8:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. at ROB Bldg. 164, Conference Room 11. The final four classes will be at 8:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. March 10 and 14 at the Foulois Room, Bldg. 306A. Cardholders and approving officials will receive additional information from the GPC Program Office. For more information, email [email protected]. Conversational German Classes are beginning. Level I classes start March 3. They will be held Mondays and Wednesdays from 9 to 11 a.m. at Rhine Ordnance Barracks, Bldg. 285, and 5 to 7 p.m. at Landstuhl Learning Center, Bldg. 3718. Level II classes start March 4. They will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9 to 11 a.m. at ROB and 5 to 7 p.m. at Landstuhl Education Center, Bldg. 3701. Level III classes also begin March 4. Classes are Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at ROB and 7 to 9 p.m. at Landstuhl Education Center, Bldg. 3701. Classes are 10 weeks and cost €65 per student − cash only. Payment is due on the first day of class. For details, call the instructor, Viktoria Ehrhardt, at 0631-72255. Central Texas College is offering an EMT-B refresher course on two consecutive weekends, March 8 and 9 and March 15 and 16 at Coleman Barracks in Mannheim. It is a 32-contact hour course and students receive two college credits. For more information and to enroll, contact your CTC field representative or e-mail [email protected]. The computer testing that may be required is also available through CTC. Contact [email protected]. USAGK will host the next U.S. Army Officer Candidate School board 9 a.m. March 19 in Bldg. 2933 on Pulaski Barracks. Completed board packets must be turned in by Feb. 29 to the Directorate of Human Resources in Bldg. 2933, Room 102 on Pulaski Barracks. Details, call 493-4046 or 06313406-4046. baby Send the KA your baby’s birth announcement Lisa Marie Brown Born at 5 a.m. Dec. 1 at LRMC. She was 6 pounds, 1 ounce and 20 inches long. Proud parents are Jill and Bob Brown of Globe, Ariz., stationed at Ramstein. Follow the example above. Send a high-resolution jpg photo to editor@ kaiserslauternamerican. com and write “Birth announcement” in the subject line. Birth announcements will run the first Friday of the month. Announcements will be accepted up to three months following the baby’s birth. February 22, 2008 Kaiserslautern American Advertisement Page 17 Page 18 Kaiserslautern American Was ist Los? 8 p.m. Thursday. For tickets, call the culture office at 0631-365-1410. Youth Center, Steinstrasse 47, Kaiserslautern: • The bands Ashes of Decay and Warchild present a mix of metal, 8 p.m. today. • Greencard presents cover songs and own compositions Feb. 29. Tickets sold at the door. Technical University, Kaiserslautern, Audimax: Uni Big Band Kaiserslautern and Straight Ahead, the big band of the Southwest Pfalz County Music School, present a big band double concert, 7 p.m. Saturday. KMC cultural highlights Compiled by Petra Lessoing 435th Air Base Wing Public Affairs The following is a list of performances and events happening in the KMC and nearby. Dates are subject to change. Performing arts Pfalztheater Kaiserslautern: February 22, 2008 to €20.50. For advance tickets, call 063719234-44 or e-mail [email protected]. Bürgerhaus, Mackenbach: • Music Association Mackenbach musically opens its 125th anniversary year, 7 p.m. Saturday. Nationaltheater Mannheim, Am Goetheplatz: • “La Traviata,” an opera by Guiseppe Verdi, 7:30 p.m. Saturday • Festive opera night: “Madama Butterfly,” an opera by Giacomo Puccini, 7:30 p.m. Sunday For details and tickets, call 06211680150 or visit www. nationaltheater-mannheim.de. Staatstheater Saarbrücken: • “Picasso on the Move,” four choreographies to reflect the painter’s works in dances, 7:30 p.m. Saturday • “La Traviata,” an opera by Guiseppe Verdi, 7:30 p.m. Tuesday • Jekyll and Hyde, a musical by Frank Wildhorn, in German, 7:30 p.m. Thursday For details and tickets, call 0681-3092486 or visit www. theater-saarbruecken.de. Miscellaneous • “Cash!,” a comedy by Michael Cooney, in German, 7:30 • Kaiserslautern, Theodorp.m. today and March 6 Zink-Museum, Steinstrasse • “Ludus Danielis – The play 48, new display, “Lotte Reof Daniel,” a rock oratorio in imers – Ceramics from Four Latin, 7:30 p.m. Saturday and Decades.” Display hours are March 1 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday to • Introduction matinée to “Don Friday, and 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Pasquale,” a comical opera by Saturday and Sunday. Gaetano Donizetti, 11 a.m. Sun• Otterberg, Abbey day. Admission is free. Regular Church, opening of painting performances are 7:30 p.m. March display on history of cre7, 11 and 19. Courtesy photo ation by Karl Martin Hust, • “Die Fledermaus,” an oper11:30 a.m. Sunday etta by Johann Strauss, 7:30 p.m. • Obermoschel (B420, Sunday lay p is turday d Sa . g m g p. e 6 r to e . northeast of Lauterecken), East • “Misery,” a thriller by Simon place 11 a.m ach, hibition takes autern-Siegelb sl Ex er g is Eg Modellbau-Halle, MarktKa er in st Moore based on Stephen King’s tten and The 13th Ea tpfalz Werkstä creative ideas es r ei W th e th off at platz, model train exhibiow for novel, in German, 8 p.m. Wednessts sh and Sunday ster items are 20 hobby arti Ea ut ll A bo . A . es 18 qu n ni tion, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. day Sauerwiese teria, they can d modern tech iz. In the cafe traditional an qu te a ts ra in st ofi Saturday and Sunday, es pr on iz m et pr N de • “Shockheaded Peter,” a musiults. corative fee is €1 for ad on ors can win de si it is is V . dm and March 1 and 2 A le . sa cal in German for adults only, 8 p.m. s and snacks people). ed bl memade cake sa di ho r y fo bu hop Thursday tätten (works go to the Werks For more information, call 06313675-209 or visit www.pfalztheater.de. Fruchthalle, Kaiserslautern: • Kaiserslautern, Messeplatz, Saturday Haus des Bürgers, Ramstein-Miesenbach: • The Return of the Shaolin, a kung fu and Wednesday • “Spyder Murphy Gang,” presents the show about the life of the monks, 3 and • Kaiserslautern, real (across from Daenner new German wave from the 1980s and rock 8 p.m. Sunday. Call the ticket hotline at Kaserne), Saturday ‘n’ roll, 8 p.m. March 1. Tickets cost €28 to 01803-776842 or visit www.proticket.de. • Kaiserslautern, Merkurstrasse, real, €32. • Concert à la carte: The German Radio Thursdays • “Vanecek-Quintett,” brass musicians Philharmony Saarbrücken Kaiserslautern • Weilerbach, Catholic kindergarten, take visitors on a musical trip through the performs works by Carl Nielsen, George clothes’ bazaar, 3 to 6 p.m. today last five centuries, 5 p.m. March 2. Tickets Gershwin and Albert Roussell, 1 p.m. Thurs- cost €12. • Ramstein, Flurstrasse 4, day. Lunch is offered at noon in the Roter 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday For tickets, call 06371-592-220. Saal. • Bad Dürkheim, Saline (Kurpark), 8 a.m. to Stadthalle, Landstuhl: • Chamber concert: New Vocal Soloists 4 p.m. Saturday • Oscar Javelot, Lord of Pan, and his Stuttgart present works by Heinrich Schütz, • Deidesheim, Stadthalle, Saturday orchestra perform classical and traditional music, 8 p.m. today. Tickets cost €15.50 • Grünstadt, Globus, Sunday Dieter Schnebel and Jay Schwartz, Flea markets February 22, 2008 Kaiserslautern American Page 19 Take care of your pets by Petra Lessoing 435th Air Base Wing Public Affairs What happens to Scruffy and Fido when their owner deploys or moves back to the U.S.? Unfortunately, some KMC pet owners have chosen to abandon their pets. Under the German Animal Protection Law, pet owners can be fined for taking this action. Pet owners should try to find somebody who wants to take ownership of the pet or place an ad to sell or give away the pet. Pet owners can also drop off the pet at the stray animal facility on Vogelweh, or take them to the German Tierheim (animal shelter) at Kaiserslautern-Einsiedlerhof. The animal protection law also determines how to properly keep a pet. The law says that people keeping, caring or having to care for an animal are not allowed to limit the animal’s opportunity for speciesspecific movement in a way that the animal suffers from pain, diseases or injuries. “The main mistake Americans make is to keep dogs in a crate all day long,” said Claudia Beavers from the German-American Community Office. Vigilant neighbors can inform the Department of Public Order if they witness any type of animal abuse. “Department of Public Order officials ask us at GACO to please try to reach these American pet owners to let them know that there is a German Animal Protection Law applicable for all animals kept as pets,” said Mrs. Beavers. “We try to solve problems before official authorities take action.” According to animal protection association officials, a dog should not stay alone without being walked for more than five hours. A dog being kept indoors needs proper exercise and should be taken out for walks several times a day, at least one hour total per day. Owners are not allowed to chain up the dog within the home, keep pets locked in a separate room or a crate. Furthermore, pet owners are not allowed to keep their dogs in balconies, basement rooms and bathrooms. “Before buying a pet, people should consider the responsibility and the disadvantages of keeping an animal,” said Sissi Kösling, GACO host nation advisor. “When military newcomers stop at our office during a USO orientation tour, we try to sensitize people and ask them to consider if they really need a dog if nobody is at home all day long who can take care of the pet.” If a dog is at risk, police work with veterinarian offices to get pets out of an unfit environment. Violations of the law might result in a prison sentence of up to three years or a fine of up to €25,000. “Many neighbors also call when the dogs, which are alone all day, won’t stop barking,” said Mrs. Beavers. “This is a noise protection concern.” The Department of Public Order takes appropriate action in this case as well. You can contact the County of Kaiserslautern Department of Public Order at 06317-105-450. Graphic by Airman 1st Class T.J. Fleischmann Mr. Manners Mr. Manners is a new feature to the KA, courtesy of Lt. Col. Daniel Bruzzini. It will be a recurring feature. When a gentleman escorts a lady down the sidewalk or boulevard, the gentleman is always closest to the street. In olden times, the carriages would splash mud from the road onto those walking nearby. This muck would ruin a lady’s lovely dress. A gentleman’s much more utilitarian and washable attire made it good manners for him to put himself at greatest risk of defilement. Page 20 Kaiserslautern American February 22, 2008 Now Showing G= Galaxy Theater, Vogelweh, 0631-50017 N= Nightingale Theater, Ramstein, 06371-47-6147 H= Hercules Theater, Ramstein, 06371-47-5550 Today “The Golden Compass” (PG) 3:30 p.m. (G) “Fool’s Gold” “Alvin and the Chipmunks” “Jumper” (R) 7 and 10:30 p.m. (G) “The Golden Compass” (PG-13) 3:30 p.m. (N) “Fool’s Gold” (PG-13) 7 and 10:30 p.m. (N) (Editor’s note: Schedules and synopses are provided by the Army and Air Force Exchange Service. Movie times and dates are subject to change by the individual theaters. Please check with the theater to ensure accuracy.) (PG-13) 3 p.m. (N) (PG-13) 7 p.m. (N) “Charlie Wilson’s War” (R) 7 p.m. (H) Monday Advanced Tickets Sale - 06371-937 037 www.broadwaykino.com/kmc Showing at the 6 theatre complex next to AutobahnA6, Exit 13 (Landstuhl) 6 THEATRES, THX, EX and all Digital Sound Systems FRI FEB 22 - WED FEB 27: “Aliens vs. Predator” (R) 7 p.m. (G) 27 Dresses (PG13)- Fri 16:30, 20:30, Sat & Sun 13:30, 20:15, Mon - Wed 16:30, 20:30 AlvinAndTheChipmunks (PG) - Sat &Sun13:30 “Alvin and the Chipmunks” “Charlie Wilson’s War” (PG) 7 p.m. (H) Charlie Wilson’s War (R)Fri 16:30, Sat & Sun 15:45, Mon - Wed 16:30 (R) 7 p.m. (N) Saturday John Rambo(R)-Fri 18:15, 22:30, Sat 18:30, 22:30, Sun - Wed 18:30 Tuesday (PG) 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. (G) Juno (PG13)- Fri 16:30, 18:45, 22:30, Sat 15:00, 16:45, 20:15, 22:30, Sun 15:00, 16:45, 20:15, Mon & Tue 16:30, 18:45, 20:30, Wed 16:30, 18:45 (R) 7 p.m. (G) “Alvin and the Chipmunks” “Charlie Wilson’s War” “Jumper” (PG-13) 7 p.m. (G) “Aliens vs. Predator” (R) 10:30 p.m. (G) National Treasure 2 (PG)- Sat & Sun 13:30 “Aliens vs. Predator” (R) 7 p.m. (N) Wednesday “The Golden Compass” “Aliens vs. Predator” “Fool’s Gold” “Fool’s Gold” (PG-13) 3 p.m. (N) (PG-13) 7 and 10:30 p.m. (N) “Aliens vs. Predator” (R) 7 p.m. (H) Sunday (R) 7 p.m. (G) PS, I Love You (PG13)- Sat & Sun 13:30 Sweeney Todd (R)- Fri 18:15, 22:30, Sat 18:00, 22:30, Sun 18:00, Mon - Wed 18:15 BROADWAY „BARGAIN TUESDAY“ ALL shows 4,60 € per person*! Not on holidays / Overlength price increase ! For Showtimes of THUR Feb 28 call 06371937 037 or see www.broadwaykino.com/kmc (PG-13) 7 p.m. (N) Thursday “Charlie Wilson’s War” (R) 7 p.m. (G) “Alvin and the Chipmunks” “Aliens vs. Predator” (PG) 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. (G) (R) 7 p.m. (N) “Charlie Wilson’s War” “Fool’s Gold” (R) 7 p.m. (G) (PG-13) 7 p.m. (H) Check out www.aafes.com/ems/ for more information. Alvin and the Chipmunks (PG) – Three Chipmunk brothers: Alvin, Simon and Theodore are adopted by a man named Dave. Starring Jason Lee and Cameron Richardson. Charlie Wilson’s War (R) – Based on the true story of how Charlie Wilson, an alcoholic womanizer and Texas congressman, persuaded the CIA to train and arm resistance fighters in Afghanistan to fend off the Soviet Union. With the help of rogue CIA agent Gust Avrakotos, the two men supplied money, training and a team of military experts that turned the ill-equipped Afghan freedom-fighters into a force that brought the Red Army to stalemate and set the stage for conflicts in the Middle East that still rage to this day. Starring Tom Hanks and Julia Roberts. Aliens vs. Predator − Requiem (R) – The Aliens (and a Predator) have landed on planet Earth and small-town America is about to become the scene of an epic interstellar showdown. As these two breeds of cosmic killers clash in the small-town streets of Gunnison, Colo., the locals are sent running for their lives. From the murky sewers to the rain-soaked streets, Gunnison has become a total bloodbath. Nowhere is safe, especially from the unstoppable new hybrid known as the “Predalien.” Now, as the once-quiet community of Gunnison is overrun by Aliens, the only hope for mankind is a fierce hunter from the deepest reaches of space. But this Predator is far from a benevolent savior of the human race; he’ll kill any man, woman or child who gets in the way of his mission to destroy every last Alien. Starring Reiko Aylesworth and Steven Pasquale. Jumper (PG-13) – A genetic anomaly allows a young man to teleport himself anywhere. He discovers this gift has existed for centuries and finds himself in a war that has been raging for thousands of years between “Jumpers” and those who have sworn to kill them. Starring Hayden Christensen and Samuel L. Jackson. A Sooner State base by Capt. Tony Wickman 71st Flying Training Wing Public Affairs ACROSS 1. General of the Air Force Henry “__” Arnold 4. Exclamation of triumph, contempt, irony, surprise, etc. 7. Break or opening, as in a fence, wall, or military line 10. Enameled or lacquered metalware, usually with gilt decoration 11. Complete assortment of type of one style and size 13. Land measurement 15. Mission of the 71st Flying Training Wing, in brief 16. Roman garb of old 17. Lt. Col. ___ Vance, Jr.; namesake for this Sooner State base 18. Hearing organ 19. State home to Dover AFB, in brief 20. Baseball stat 21. Something in speech or writing seen as false or worthless 24. Norwegian capital 25. Where a doctor wants a sick person 26. Hit 28. Make a sudden, sharp, distinct sound; crack, as a whip 30. BT-13/15 aircraft flown at Sooner State base 33. Bake uncovered in an oven 37. State home to Maxwell AFB, in brief 38. ___ A Wonderful Life 39. Component of the USAF Total Force 41. ___ Moines 42. T-6 aircraft flown at Sooner State base 44. T-1 aircraft flown at Sooner State base 46. Tall, hardwood evergreen tree of southeast Asia 49. Operation ___ Sentry; 1993-99 USAF campaign in Adriatic area 50. Current USAF MAJCOM for this Sooner State base 53. Cast aspersions on; calumniate; disparage; depreciate 55. Vacant; unoccupied 59. Cut down 60. Make a low, continuous, droning sound 61. Fury 62. Region 64. Give off 66. Muffles 68. Funeral stand 69. Box 70. Poker bet 71. 7th letter of the Greek alphabet 72. USAF digital encryption system using certificates 73. Greek goddess of the dawn DOWN 1. One of the beautiful dark-eyed virgins of the Koranic paradise 2. European mount 3. Dog or cat 4. At, close to or toward the stern or tail of a ship 5. Loose pliable coverings for the head, neck 6. Dan Brown novel ____ and Demons 7. Female friend 8. Sour or bitter tasting; acid 9. Search into or examine thoroughly; question closely 10. Russian ruler once 12. T-38C aircraft flown at Sooner State base 14. Town home to this Sooner State base 15. T-33 and T-38 are this type of airplane 22. 23rd letter of the Greek alphabet 23. Julia Louis-Dreyfus on Seinfeld 24. Selects 25. Mil. overseas address starter 27. Picnic crasher 29. Socks having a diamond-shaped pattern in two or more colors 30. Large tub or tank used for storing or holding liquids 31. Pub order 32. Not strict or severe; careless or negligent 34. A Sooner State town 35. Join or attach by stitches 36. Interjection used as an exclamation of contempt or disdain 39. Open slightly 40. Capture 43. Original USAF MAJCOM for this Sooner State base 45. Edge or border of a garment, drape 47. 1999 film Angela’s ___ 48. Current 71 FTW wing commander at this Sooner State base 50. Pequod skipper Captain ___ 51. Spooky 52. T-37 aircraft flown at Sooner State base 54. Open wooden Eskimo boat 56. Lt. Col. Albert B._; this Sooner State base’s first commander 57. Oak or elm 58. Affirmative 63. Notre Dame coach Parseghian 65. Cycle or pod prefix 66. Actress West 67. Card game Answers to the Feb. 15 crossword puzzle. February 22, 2008 Kaiserslautern American Page 21 Sports shorts Civilian fitness program Courtesy photo National League Champion Chief Master Sgt. James Perdue, Capt. Fernando Colon and Tech. Sgt. Jeremy Hicks, 723rd Air Mobility Squadron, are presented this year’s National League Commander’s Trophy. The 723rd AMS accumulated 125 total points, edging out the nearest opponent by 13 points. Their accomplishments include participating in 11 of the 12 sporting events offered; finishing the Intramural Golf Season as National League Champions; and participating in seven post-season championship playoffs. And the winners are... The recipients of this year’s Commander’s Sports Trophy are the 723rd Air Mobility Squadron − for the National League − and the 426th Information Operation Squadron − for the American League. The Air Force Fitness and Sports Program contributes to readiness and improves productivity by promoting fitness, esprit de corps and quality of life for the Air Force. The primary purpose of the Commander’s Sports Trophy is to promote participation in the intramural sports program and to recognize the units that lead the way. The trophy is awarded annually to the unit accumulating the most points during the calendar year. Ramstein offers two categories. One trophy is awarded to the National League winner − a large unit with 151 or more. One trophy is awarded to the American League winner − a small unit with 150 or less. The Civilian Fitness Program offers Department of the Army civilians and local nationals up to three work hours a week for six months. By appointment only, enrollment and fitness assessments are 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. March 13 and 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. March 14 at the Kleber Fitness Center and Gymnasium, and 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. March 12 at the Health and Wellness Center on Landstuhl Regional Medical Center. To make an appointment, call the Landstuhl HAWC at 486-8614 or 06371-86-8614. For more information and an enrollment package, visit www.kaiserslautern.army.mil/sites/installation/ civfit.asp. USFE bowling championships The Army’s Morale, Welfare and Recreation − Europe hosts the 2008 U.S. Forces Europe Bowling Championships April 16 to 18 in Grafenwöhr. Submit entries by e-mail to [email protected] or fax to 09641-1081 by April 11. Registration forms can be found at https://public.euromwr. army.mil/mwr_bowlgolf.htm#bowl. For details, call Leon Lee at 475-6177 or 09641-83-6177 or visit www.mwr-europe.com. Volunteers needed The U.S. Army Garrison Kaiserslautern Army Community Service needs volunteers for the Special Olympics Spring Games May 6 at the German Police Academy in EnkenbachAlsenborn. Anyone interested can contact Army Community Service at 493-4094 or e-mail [email protected]. mil. Sports and Fitness Kleber Gym, in Kleber Kaserne Bldg. 3235 offers: • Spinning, 11:45 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday • Aerobics, 11:45 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. Tuesdays • Yoga, 11:45 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. Thursdays For more information, call 493-2085 or 0631-3406-2085. Landstuhl gym classes Landstuhl Gym & Fitness Center, Bldg. 3722, offers: • Stroller blast program, 9:30 to 10:30a.m. Mondays and Wednesdays • Lunchtime cardio classes, 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Mondays and Wednesdays • Cardio blast, 5 to 6 p.m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday • Turbo kickboxing, 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Tuesdays • Step aerobics, 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Thursdays • Massage therapy offered on a normal basis. For more information, call 486-7172 or 06371-86-7172. Circuit training Courtesy photo American League Champion (From left) Master Sgt. Brian Schramm, Master Sgt. Donald Goudz, Lt. Col. Aras Suziedelis, Master Sgt. Jonny Raiper, Senior Airman Anthony Hardaway, Maj. David Stevens, Tech. Sgt. Michael Cossaboom, Master Sgt. John Boness and Capt. Jason Huff, all of the 426th Information Operations Squadron, receive the Commander’s Trophy as American League Champion. Accumulating 123 total points, they beat their nearest opponent by 16.5 points. Their accomplishments this year include winning the American League Intramural Volleyball Season and placing third in the base championships; participating in five post-season playoff championships; and participating in 10 of the 12 sporting events offered. The Ramstein Southside Fitness & Sports Center offers Basic, Super and Hard Core Circuit Training each week. Basic is held at 7 a.m. every Tuesday, Super is at 7 a.m. on Thursdays and Hard Core is at 12:30 p.m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Northside Fitness & Sports offers the Abdominal Circuit training at 7 a.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays. Family fitness The Vogelweh Community Center offers ‘Mom & Me’ Fitness & Yoga. This energetic eight-week class for two- to fouryear-olds focuses on body awareness, self control, coordination and flexibility. Starting Feb. 29, the class is held from 10 to 10:45 a.m. on Fridays. Sign up early; the class fills quickly. Page 22 Kaiserslautern American February 22, 2008 Kaiserslautern sophomore wins European Championships Kaiserslautern High School sophomore Ty Yocum (red) forces the shoulders of Bitburg’s Jerry Archuleta to the mat during his major decision 132 win in the finals of the 112 pound weight class at the European Wrestling Championships held in Wiesbaden Feb. 15 and 16. Photo by Gene Knudsen February 22, 2008 Kaiserslautern American Display Ads: Email: [email protected] Fax: 06 31-30 33 55 35 Shakuntala – Europaallee 3, 67657 Kaiserslautern Tel: 06 31-30 33 55 36 All Office Hours – Mon-Thu: 09:00-17:00, Fri: 09:00-15:00 Page 23 Classified Ads: Order online at www.kaiserslauternamerican.com, click Order Classifieds Email: [email protected] Fax: 06 31-30 33 55 35 Julia – Europaallee 3 • 67657 Kaiserslautern • Tel: 06 31-30 33 55 31 Sabrina – Weilerbacher Str. 110 • 67661 KL-Einsiedlerhof • Tel: 06 31-35 78 306 AdvantiPro GmbH takes no responsibility or liability whatsoever for any of the products and services advertised in the Kaiserslautern American. Readers are responsible for checking the prices, qualifications, warranty and any other factor that might help you decide whether to do business with an individual or company advertising herein. Acc. for Rent Apartments µ = see photo @ www.kaiserslauternamerican.com ! ! Available soon. A Comfortable 2-Floor-StudioApt. / open-fire-place / livdin. / 5bdrms / bik / 2baths / balcony located in RamsteinMiesenbach. 1.200,--€ +util. www.private-rental.de Ph. 06307/1717or0176-23500251... and a 2bdr-apt. / bik / 1.5bath / tiles / balcony / DSL / 813.-€+util. No Fee. Perfect for Singles. Best distances to RAB, Hospital, K´town. ! ! µ ! Beautiful view, 150sqm apt, ktown, 10min Vogelweh/ Kleber, tiled floors, balcony Sat/High speed Internet, pls call 06374-6823 or 0179-6601752 ! Oberstaufenbach 3BR Apt BIK quiet area nice view carport no pets 15min to RAB €850 +utls Tel. 06385-6392 or DSN 480-9221 µ ! Ramstein Village: Huge 2BR Apt 115sqm, new BIK, balcony, parking lot and basement €650+utl Please contact Joe 0160-6709146 or Simone 0151-50118585 !! Super light & spacious apt in Föckelberg. Rural location, great views, lrg balc, newly decorated, 120sqm, garage, Ramstein school district, 15min RAB €600. Call Ed 06385-415227 or [email protected] µ !!! Miesau! Very nice furnished Apts. quiet area near wood/lake. Close to RAB. 1-2BR, large living room with open BIK, balcony, bath, guest WC, free wireless Internet, washer/dryer, 60sqm €550 or 80sqm €750+elect. Call: 06371-598420 !!!Hütchenhausen Nice Apt 15min to RAB/LRMC build 1994 quiet 112sqm 3Br newBIK liv/din rm 1½ Bath utl/laundry rm balc garage DSL/engl TV avail 675 Euro +util 01791592884 µ 101sqm 2BR bik liv/dinrm 1.5baths w/ whirlpool open fire pl terrace 06307-7543 after 2pm 10min to RAB Apt Bosenbach 2BR liv/dinrm BIK bath w/shower & tub 100sqm laminated flrs 2cpks no pets laundry compl renov Sat-AFN €450+util Call: 06385-5152 or -1839 or 0175-7077303 10min to RAB, 130sqm, 2BR, liv rm, new BIK w/ din area, 1.75baths, storage rm, winter garden w/ firepl, garage, partly furn av now Tel. 06371-3101 or 0152-02934545 175sqm, BledesbachKusel, 15min to RAB, 4BR, 2baths, livrm, dinrm, BIK, balcony, office, fenced yard, children welcome, dog ok €900 all incl but elec. av now 0151-12945449 2bdrms-apt, 5 min. RAB, bik, fully furnished + equipped, no pets, call 0171-5434116 or 06371-51893 2BR Apt Hauptstuhl 87sqm BIk liv/dinrm bath newl renov laminate flrs no pets avail now €510+util Call: 06371-2781 3BM aparmt, 2,5bath, balcony in Siegelbach, bik, E800, Immobilien T. 017665881298 4km from RAB, nice&bright 2BR apt, compl ren, 90sqm, BIK, balc, laun, garage, park lot, 675 +elec, engl. speak. ,0172 6149013 5min RAB Apt 2BR liv/dinrm kitchen 2baths 120sqm Call: 0162-173074 5min to RAB Apt 5BR 2bath BIK new renov almost no utl costs carport 147sqm lrg balc in Miesau av now Tel. 0179-9141818 or 06372-509991 Apt Otterbach K-AdenauerStr. 38 80sqm 2rms new kitch bath furn. €350+utl 06301-2621 EXCLUSIVE OFFER FOR KAISERSLAUTERN AMERICAN READERS 4Please start my 6-month subscription to The Wall Street Journal Europe now for only €105. That’s 66% off the cover price. Credit card customers will receive a €50 / £30 Amazon gift certificate. To subscribe • • • • • URL: www.services.wsje.com/media E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +32 2 741 14 14 Fax: +32 2 741 14 59 Address: Subscriber Relations, The Wall Street Journal Europe, Blvd Brand Whitlock 87,1200 Brussels, Belgium. Your tracking code is NPDBF316. Always indicate your delivery details, payment preferences and tracking code. Subscription price* Eurozone € 105 Switzerland CHF 176.4 United Kingdom £ 54.6 Contact, delivery and payment information Mr/Mrs/Ms Full Name: Job Title**: Delivery Address: City: Country: Email: Signature: Credit card no.: Visa Amex Please invoice me ©2008 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All rights reserved. Postcode: Tel: Date: Expiry date: Eurocard/Mastercard We may provide your information to third parties, including companies outside of the EU, in order to fulfill your subscription request, process data and provide you with promotional information from WSJE, its affiliates and other carefully selected companies. I do not wish to receive promotional materials from other carefully selected companies. I do not wish to receive promotional materials from WSJE or its affiliates. * For other currencies, please call us free at 00 800 9753 2000 or +32 2 741 14 14. ** Optional. All other information is required. Failure to provide obligatory information will result in subscription delays. Hand delivery subject to confirmation by local distributor. Offer only open to new subscribers. Please allow 2 weeks for delivery to commence. Page 24 5min to Sembach, 15min to VOG, 25min to RAB, beautiful area, lovely 2level apt, 125sqm, 3BR, 2bath, liv/ dinrm, BIK, dwshr, energy efficient, terrace, housing apprvd, €760+util Av now; Tel:06303/3927, Email: [email protected] µ A-TOP-Dream-Apt 130sqm furnished or unfurnished w/ 2.5 comf baths big Kitchen 3BR garage and much more. Ready to move in. Drive from Landstuhl/Vogelweh Direction to Pirmasens Location: Höhstr. 12, 66978 Merzalben Call Roland Frick Tel. 06395-6206 or 0171-7735892 American Owned, Almost New 2br, 2 bath Apt. with BIK, 2 baths, Quiedersbach, 700 euros monthly. Please call 01726972942 Apt 105sqm BIK liv rm 2BR 2bath balc hallway cellar storage rm newly renov laminated hardwood floors tiles and wood ceiling 1st use €600 Tel. 0170-1667249 Kaiserslautern American Apt 130sqm Linden 2BR BIK w/dishw 1.8bath liv/dinr w/ fire-pl balc sep entry garage Sat TV no pets €700 +utl 06307-6475 Apt in Hütschenhausen 1 BR BIK 1.5 bathrms liv rm sep entry 67sqm avail now no pets €360 +utl Tel. 06372-507938 or -993299 Apt in Queidersbach new built 105sqm 3BR terrace carpk €785 + €util + €30 garage Tel. 06371-4664107 or 0160-95900660 Apt Kottweiler 12 min RAB 100sqm furn 2BR liv/din BIK 1.5bath balc stor laundry carp AFN-TV no pets Daytime 069-7501-5351 wknd/eve 0179-5400114 Apt Miesenbach 110sqm 2BR BIK bath nice terr cpk €800 all incl (exc elec) 0637171355 Apt new renov in Miesenbach, Albert-Schweizer Str 17a 115sqm 2BR liv/din rm BIK 1.5baths balcony attic park spot €900 incl. heat+util Buchmühlbach-Miesau, 120 sqm apt., 6 rms, kitchen, bath, floor heating, large patio, parking spaces, avail. now,€790,incl. util, except electr. call 06372 - 803113 (Monday - Friday 8.00-17.00) No fi nder’s fee Houses as good as new and brand new built. Freestnd, duplex and row houses for rent, from 180 sqm up to 300 sqm, liv. space 4-6 bedrms, pets welcome, from € 1.000,- up to € 2.000,- POC: Mr. Porter, Tel. 0160-4839668 INFORMATION DAY FOR BUYERS AND OWNERS SATURDAY March 1 2008 ( 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.) THE EASY AND TRANSPARENT WAY IN THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 3BR, 1.5baths, BIK, pantry, balc, AFN, DSL Contact Michael Braun:06384-7067 or 0163-8150865 Bruchmühlbach, charming 2-story loft apt in renovated historc bldg, built 1812. LR, DR, BIK W dishw., 2BR, 1.5 Bath, laundryroom, 110sqm, off-street parking, €690 +util, Tel: 0171-5540684 Church /School/ Kindergarten for rent, former Hotel/Restaurant, fully equipment, 12 rooms + mainroom for about 80 people, fenced garden, private parking, from owner. call: Gunther 0172/6833090 C hu rc h / S c h o o l / Kindergarten for rent, mainrm for about 150 people, fenced garden/private parking 3300sqm, from owner Tel. Gunther 0172-6833090 Einsiedlerhof 4room Apt 118sqm BIK floor heat balc €730 Ph. 01577-2682023 (after 3PM) Fully furnished 1 BR Apt in Bruchmuehlbach. Available immed. 680 Eur incl. all RE/ MAX Real Estate Center In Kaiserslautern Helping you to find your place called home…. Call us first! OPEN HOUSE 23.02.08, 12:00-14:00 2 New Homes Built in 2008: 280/350 sqm liv space, beautiful view € 280,000.-/ € 380,000.Come to see it in Fockenberg-Limbach, Römerstr. 24 AKM GmbH Denisstrasse 22, 67663 KL ( Tel: 0631/4140 888-0 ( Email: [email protected] www.Remax.de Helga Stenschke invites you! For more info call: 06374- 91 45 44 0171- 478 39 04 www.immobilien-helga-stenschke.de Neunkirchen am Potzberg Jugendheim Kirchbergstraße (next to the church) Á rg be otz nP m tio 9k ec rk Dir ldpa Wi YOUR QUESTIONS ABOUT: • PURCHASE AGREEMENTS AT 11 a.m. A GERMAN NOTAR WILL GIVE A SHORT PRESENTATION ABOUT PURCHASE CONTRACTS FOR REAL ESTATE AND WILL ANSWER YOUR QUESTIONS • ENERGY PERFORMANCE CERTIFICATE FOR BUILDINGS REDUCING ENERGY USE FOR BUILDINGS • THE USE OF RENEWABLE ENERGIES SOLAR COLLECTOR HEAT PUMP PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM AND OTHERS • ENERGY-EFFICIENT CONSTRUCTIONS BUILDING PROMOTER BUILDING MATERIALS • ARCHITECTURE PLANNING OFFERS OF BUILDING PROPERTY LOTS • FINANCING SUBSIDIES FOR ENERGY EFFICIENT CONSTRUCTIONS LOW INTEREST LOANS Tel. 06371-52305 or 017666673846 or 0173-9470840 Apt w/ sep entrance 100sqm in 66879 Schrollbach (developm area) 2BR BIK liv/ din rm storage rm 10min to RAB, big lot, park spots rent obo Tel. 0177-5566055 Bann 165sqm close to LRMC 3BR livrm dinrm BIK bath w/shower stor attic 2balc 3priv cpk €880 +utl pets ok 0162-1929405 Bann close to hospital 90sqm Apt BIK terrace yard €650 incl. utl w/o elec call 01708690373 Bann close to LRMC 3BR 130sqm Apt w/ big balc & garage BIK €850 all incl Call 0170-8690373 Beautiful home, garden, pool 20 min RAB Waldfischbach B 270 3BR 2,5baths patio BIK laundry dressrm lrg liv-din open firepl 190sqm €1200+util. €1800 dep.No pets Tel. 0178-6690911 µ Big nice apt in a quiet area between Ramstein & Baumholder, big liv/din rm, February 22, 2008 Mackenbach East Gate Air Base Ramstein 30% DISCOUNT only 1 month rent finders fee and a full service for move in !!! HOUSES FOR RENT Ramstein school district Waldmohr: very special duplex house, 220 sqm, 4 bedrms, 2,5 baths, sauna, floor heating, fireplace, modern bik, din/ liv rm over 2 levels, yard, garage € 1.500,Mackenbach: two new duplex houses, 190 or 204 sqm, 4 bedrms, din rm, liv rm, modern bik, floor heating, fireplace, 2,5 baths, carport or garage, yard € 1.350,- or € 1.480,Glan-Münchweiler: 15 min to Base, nice freestnd. house, 245 sqm, 5 bedrms, 3 baths, big liv rm modern bik, floor heating, fenced yard, nice view, perfect area for kids € 1.700,Mackenbach: wonderful freestnd. house, 220 sqm, open liv area, nice bik, 2 baths, 4 bedrms, floor heating, sauna, nice view, yard, carport € 1.705,Kaiserslautern school district: Mehlbach: brand new freestnd, houses, 273 sqm, 5 -6 bedrms, 3 baths, walk in closet, very big liv rm open to the bik, floor heating, garage, nice view, 15 min to Base € 1.900,KL-Einsiedlerhof: new duplex house, modern equipped, 240 sqm, 5 bedrms, office, 2,5 baths, whirlpool, fireplace, small yard, 2 car garage € 1.480,- APARTMENTS FOR RENT Kaiserslautern: down town: 125 sqm, 3 bedrms, 2 baths, bik, lamination, big liv rm € 900,Trippstadt: wonderful full furnished little house, with a nice view, quiet area and very modern, 100 sqm € 1.100,- incl all utilities More apartments in Ramstein, Bann, Weilerbach , Rodenbach HOUSES FOR SALE Kaiserslautern: 2 duplex houses, down town, 120 or 160 sqm, built 2005, 3 bedrms, 2,5 baths, big liv rm, fireplace, private yard, basement, bik, garage € 229.000,- or € 259.000,Properties for sale and we built the houses for you in 4 month! More information? - Give me a call!! Glan-Münchweiler: freestnd house, 241 sqm, 5 bedrms, 3 baths, big open liv rm to the bik, floor heating, nice view, very modern, carport, fenced big yard with garden house, in a nice area € 275.000,Schwedelbach and Mackenbach: brand new freestnd houses, 300 sqm, wonderful equipped, floor heating, granite floors, 2 or 3 baths, 4 or 5 bedrms, garage, yard, bik, and more € 330.000,Give us a call I have also houses without finder’s fee! Mobile 0170-2984844 Ph 0631-370 2666 Alleestr. 20 • Kaiserslautern Utilites. Sorry, no smoking, no pets. Call 06372-8101. Furn Apt 150sqm in Turnerstr. 14, 67732 Hirschhorn Av now 3BR BIK liv/din rm storage bath/shower sml balc terrace very nice fittings €980 incl heat €30 water elec extra €500dep no kids, no pets Tel. 06308-7194 Furnished apt in Kaiserslautern (quiet area) 1 BR bath kitchen din/ liv w/storage rm patio & garage €550 w/out util. Tel. 0631-70233 Huetschenhausen Apt liv rm 2BR BIK bathrm hall & laundry 100sqm balcony 20sqm partly covered avail now 06372-7073 Kl Einsiedlerhof 100sqm Apt 2BR BIK balcony €716 incl utl except electr Call 01708690373 Kollweiler 3BR 126sqm liv BIK bath 2stor basem terr open fire-pl cpk €800 +util 06363-5767 Landstuhl 125sqm 4bedrm apt 2,5bath bik 8th floor balcony €995,- incl utl, 0172/6243126 Landstuhl, close to hospital, 125sqm, 4 BR apartment with nice view from 11th floor balcony, 2.5 baths, €750+utl call: 0170-8690373 Ramstein, Am Lanzenbusch 22 www.GermaWild-Immobilien.de 06371-943311/16 FOR RENT: Landstuhl-City: Apt, 150 sqm, 4 BR/ 1,5 BA, balcony € 900,- + util Ramstein-School: freestnd 3 BR/ 2 BA, yard, terrace, garage, open fireplace € 1.100,- + util Kindsbach: Nice, big apt, like a house, 160 sqm, 4 BR/ 2 BA, sauna, terrace, yard, big garage € 1.100,- + util Landstuhl-Melkerei: Duplex, 186 sqm, 3 BR/ 2,5 BA, studio, balconies, terrace, yard, garage € 1.300,- + util Kindsbach: Duplex, 220 sqm, 4 BR/ 1,5 BA, fireplace, terrace, yard € 1.600,- + util Mackenbach: brand new Duplex, 190 sqm, 4 BR/ 2 BA, balcony, terrace, yard, garage € 1.400,- + util Ramstein-School: Newer freestnd 6 BR/ 2 BA, yard, balcony, like 220 sqm € 1.650,- + util Kindsbach: freestnd house, 210 sqm, 6 BR / 3,5 BA, terrace, yard, double garage, quiet and nice location € 1.660,- + util Weilerbach: Very nice Duplex, 240 sqm, 4 BR/ 2 BA, terrace, yard, carport € 1.660,- + util KL-Hohenecken: freestnd 1 FH, 240 sqm, 7 BR / 3,5 BA, 2 BIK, terrace, yard, double garage € 1.700,- + util Siegelbach: Brand new freestnd 1 FH, 235 sqm, 4 BR/ 3 BA, terrace, yard, carport, € 1.790,- + util Obermohr: Brand new duplex, luxury done, 225 sqm, 3 BR/ 3,5 BA, balcony, terrace, garage, yard € 1.800,- + util Rodenbach: nice duplexes and row houses, no finder’s fee on this objects € 1.525,- to € 1.731,- For Sale: Ramstein-City: freestnd 1 FH, approx 300 sqm liv area, 700 sqm property, basement, garage € 339.000,Between Bruchmühlbach and Homburg: Brand new dream house, freestnd, high quality, 5 BR/ 3BA, family rm, floor heating, dbl garage € 359.000 February 22, 2008 Lg 1rm apt in Landstuhl (Melkerei) compl furnished (incl sm. furn kitch), tel+TV, bath, sgl pers, non smoker pls, no pets €400 incl all utl, short/long term rent poss. Tel. 0173-6987182 mackenbach 100sqm 2BR livrm dinrm BIK bath garage garden 650€incl. util call 0170-2021679 Mackenbach 4rms new BIK 2baths 90sqm garage basement park spot €620 incl utl /electr. extra av now Tel. 06374-991660 or -992160 Mackenbach, Schulstr. 6 (near City Hall) upper floor Apt approx 90sqm 1livrm kitchen 3BR bath WC 1/2 laundry balc, shared garden, €500.- +€190 est util elec by own bill no pets avail immed €700 dep Call 06385-6402 Mackenbach:3bedr. apt. liv + dinrmkitchen, 1,5 bathrm, 120sqm balcony, yard, no pets760€ + utilities, call: 06371/52868 Maissonette Apt 120sqm in 66879 Steinwenden, Moorstr 64, low heat cost 6Min to RAB 3BR new laminated new bath w/shower and WC guest-WC kitchen partly furn w/dishwasher pantry liv rm w/panorama window new laminated guest WC cellar lrg garage (2nd garage poss) 2lrg balc yard - Av now €530+utl heat & water per meter garbage extra Tel. 0631-40998 (lv message) Kaiserslautern American Martinshöhe: Apt 125 sqm 6rms BIK bath 2balc DSL carport €686 +util Tel: 06372-8785 Mehlbach 120sqm 10min to RAB Apt w/ awesome view & quiet area 3rms BIK big balc bath shwr tiled, cellar laundry €600+utl Av now Call 06301-31859 Mehlbach bright 2rm Apt 52sqm kitch opt. storage lrg terrace sep entrance €270 +util Tel. 01577-3990716 Miesenbach 2BR liv/dinrm BIK bath balc €520 +util +1mo dep no pets Call: 06371-70159 or 0157-76047573 Modern 2BR Apt open flrlayout liv/dinrm full bath BIK w/dishwasher nice tiles / laminated flrs patio BBQ convenient cpks in new built area Miesenbach w/great view 85sqm €520 +util Call Landlord 0179-6753868 Morlautern 3BR liv/din rm BIK 1.5baths basem 2balcs garden garage av now €720+utl Tel. 0631-70531 or 0173-3277766 Nice apt 153sqm Otterbach Am Hang 1. 3BR bath WC liv/din rm BIK balc carport basem €895+utl 1mth dep Call 06301-1258 Meeting point: Gas station TOTAL Obere Lauterstr. 37, Otterbach No Finders Fee: Kaiserslautern, lrg Apt, 4BR, bik, basement, little garden, 170sqm €1170+utl Tel. 06301-795601 Queidersbach, nice 3BR 160sqm Apt BIK patio yard garage €921+utl no fee Tel. 0170-8690373 Ramstein 5min to RAB renovated quaint apt liv-dinbdrm bath BIK nice yard €450+utl ideal for 1 pers or couple no pets housing apprvd avail March 1 please call 01713602000 Ramstein nice 2BR Apt new area BIK 90sqm balc SAT garage €620 +utl No pets, ideal for single 06371-51528 engl spk Ramstein very nice furnished Apt 80sqm 2BR liv rm kitch bath balc quiet surroundings rentable not less than 1year, no pets Tel. 06372-508027 or 0162-3871233 Ramstein, 115sqm apt in 2FH 3BR, BIK, balcony, tiles, laminated, liv rm €750+utl, no finders fee, Tel. 0631-8929113 Page 25 look at www.immobilienkuball.de µ Ramstein-City, 5min to RAB, 100sqm modern apt w/ 3BR, BIK, bath, guest WC, 2balc, storage & garage Tel. 0637152534 or 0176-67098354 for more infos. Ramstein-Miesenbach 2BR lrg liv/dinrm new BIK 1bath ca 120sqm SAT heater new gas boiler €600 +util avail 1March 0172-6822282 µ Ramstein/Kottweiler:new beautiful apt, 3BR, liv/din rm, kitchen, BIK, 1.5baths, storage rm, basement rm, terr, laundry rm €895 incl utl Call Gaby 0170-8367102 Rodenbach 1BR Apt furn w/all appliances liv/dinrm BIK bath DSL TV phone connection terr & backyard quiet loc near forest €630 all incl +elec 06374-949060 or 0171-7830106 µ Rodenbach beautiful Apt 1BR kitchen liv/dinrm bath 78sqm compl furn balc Do you need a loan to buy a house? We have the best conditions from one of the largest mortgage banks in Germany. REAL ESTATE AGENCY Call our team for an offer! Allianz Agency Alfred von Blohn | 66901 Schönenberg-Kbg. | Tel: 0 63 73-89 34 62 Fax: 0 63 73-89 34 63 | Email: [email protected] We offer any kind of insurance and have houses and apartments for lease and sale! Visit our show house HOUSES FOR RENT Ramstein School Area Schrollbach: 140 sqm, 3 bedrms, 1 bath, fireplace, yard € 950,- + util Hütschenhausen: freestnd 390 sqm house, 9 bedrms, 4 baths, dbl garage yard € 2.500,- + € 60,- garage Oberstaufenbach: 161,41 sqm, 3 roomy bedrms, 1,5 baths, balcony € 900,- + util Kaiserslautern School Area Rodenbach: freestnd 240 sqm house, 6 bedrms, 2 baths, carport, yard € 1.500,- + util For more houses call 06371-619033 HOUSES FOR SALE Financing possible Mackenbach: New 170 sqm house with garage, 3 bedrms, 2 baths, 300 sqm property, yard € 225.000,Kindsbach: new freestnd 190 sqm 4 bedrm house, sunroom, 1,5 baths, garage, 890 sqm yard € 298.000,Spesbach: brand new freestnd 241 sqm house w. 5 bedrms, studio,1,5 baths, garage, 468 sqm property € 320.000,Weilerbach: freestnd 220 sqm house with garage, 5 bedrms, 2,5 baths, fireplace, 805 sqm property € 280.000,Hütschenhausen: freestnd 390 sqm house with double garage, 9 bedrms, 4 baths, 800 sqm property € 310.000,For more houses go to http://home.immobilienscout24.de/2918940 or call 06371-619033 Landstuhler Str. 19 a, 66877 Ramstein Tel: 06371-619033 • Fax: 06371-619034 e-mail: [email protected] http://home.immobilienscout24.de/2918940 HOUSES FOR SALE Ramstein, 1 FH, basement, summer house, balcony, garage, patio, kitchen, 3 baths, 3 bedrms, liv/din rm, 140 sqm liv space, 1.148 sqm property included 1000 sqm building site € 275.000,Ramstein, 1 FH, 135 sqm living space, 459 sqm property, bik, basement, garage, carport, bik, new baths, 3-4 bedrms, fish pond, nice garden € 195.000,Schmittweiler, near Schönenberg, 1 FH, 2004 renovated, 168 sqm liv space, 746 sqm property, bik, basement, patio, garage, balcony € 219.000,Landstuhl-Melkerei, 240 sqm liv space, 900 sqm property, nice large bik, included apt with 70 sqm, basement, patio, garage, fenced yard € 315.000,Landstuhl-Melkerei, 155 sqm liv space, 320 sqm property, build 1997, 3- 4 bedrms, bik, liv /din rm, carport € 195.000,Steinwenden, 248 sqm , 613 sqm property, liv/din rm, 2 bik, 5-6 bedrms, 2 baths, basement, 2 car garage, patio, balcony, fenced yard, gas heating € 170.000,Kaiserslautern-Einsiedlerhof, 4 bedrms, 2 1/2 baths, + studio, bik, gas heating, nice fenced yard, summer house, garage € 235.000,Kaiserslautern, near University, huge freestnd. house, 3-4 bedrms + studio, 280 sqm, 3.882 sqm property, liv/din rm, bik, 2 ½ baths, dressing rm, floor hearting, large open fireplace, basement, 4 car garage, swimming pool, summer house, very quiet location € 295.000,Please check my website and ask for more offers. Houses are available in Ramstein, Landstuhl, Wallhalben, Spesbach, Weilerbach, Bruchmühlbach etc. Pictures and more information under www.immobilien-ciolek.de E-mail: [email protected] Tel. 06371-914 652 or 0173-6928742 carparks avail quiet area €520 incl heat & water, elec. extra no pets Sat TV 10 min RAB 06374-2921 Schallodenbach beautiful single apt 105sqm 2BR €420+utl; Tel. 06363-5705 Schönenberg, Apt 194sqm 4bedr new bath new kit, 10min to RAB 700 € !!! 01715802873 or 0171-4269249 µ Schönenberg-Kübelberg, nicely located in the city centre, 15 min from RAB, 162 sqm apartment: 1 din. /livrm, 5 bedrm, 2 bathrm, kitchen fully equipped, big balcony, garage, extra storage, 1000 euro +util. Call 06371-402217 or cell 0176-96523497 µ Schoenenberg-Kbg, in 2fam house nice bright 4.5 rms studio apt approx 140 sqm w/ bik 2 baths whirlpool 2 lrg balc sun rm €790 + util. Tel. 06373-4537 or 0171-3814181 Sembach very nice Apt 2BR liv rm BIK bath garden €460+utl Tel. 06303-3389 µ When? 02 March 08 (Sunday) between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. Where? 66879 Oberstaufenbach Weidwiese 13 Follow the signs DO YOU NEED A HOUSE TO RENT OR TO BUY ? See me: Jay ZIAI - American owned & operated “WE PROVIDE TRANSPORTATION” “WE SERVICE WHAT WE RENT” ZIAI Real Estate Agency, Kindsbacher Str. 6a Ramstein Village - Phone 06371-57888 7 DAYS Nr. Bdr/Bath Sqm Town 1726 1736 1737 1738 1742 1746 1748 1754 1755 1756 4 4 6 7 3 4 3 5 5 5 2 2 3,5 2,5 2,5 2 2,5 2 2 2 170 220 250 260 130 140 170 170 200 170 1626 1681 1712 1724 4 6 5 4 3 2 3 2,5 240 240 280 290 School District Kaiserslautern School Kaiserslautern City GA, G, P Hermersberg GA, G Sulzbachtal GA, G Queidersbach GA, G, C, P Hohenecken GA, G, P Rodenbach GA, G, P Kaiserslautern GA, G Dansenberg GA, G, P Krickenbach GA, G, P Kaiserslautern GA, P Sembach School Lohnsfeld GA, G, P Mehlingen GA, G, P Otterberg GA, G, P Otterberg GA, C, P (Phones are manned 8 a.m. - 8 p.m.) HOUSES Rent Euro 1250,1610,1900,1860,800,995,1300,1300,1300,1200,1636,1720,1800,2070,- A WEEK 1729 4 3 300 Hochspeyer GA, G, P 1751 7 3 210 Mehlingen GA, G, P RamsteinSchool 1717 5 3 220 Ramstein GA, G, 1725 6 2 200 Ramstein GA, G, P 1728 4 2 130 Mackenbach GA, G, P 1734 6 4 220 Nanzdietschweiler GA, C, P 1735 9 3 300 Brücken GA, G, P 1739 6 3 270 Ramstein GA, G, P 1740 4 2,5 160 Hütschenhausen GA, G, P 1741 3 2,5 170 Ramstein GA, C, P 1749 5 2 210 Reichenbach-Steegen C, P, GA 1753 3 2 120 Ramstein GA, G, P, APT LandstuhlSchool 1704 7 3 330 Wallhalben GA, G, P 1743 4 3 150 Bruchmühlbach GA, C, P 1750 3 2 150 Martinshöhe GA, G, P 1800,1200,- 1900,1600,970,1600,2100,2200,1020,1000,1480,625,1900,1000,950,- ABBREVIATIONS : G =Garage , C =Carport , GA =Garden , P =Pets OK FOR RENT Finder’s Fee 1 month rent + VAT. Use our full service incl. contract, check-in reports, registration at public utilities, and we are your contact for the complete rental period! Kaiserslautern School KL PRE-Park, brand new freestnd houses, 3(4) bedrms, loft, 2 1/2 baths, bik, roof patio with view, dbl garage € 1,950.- + util KL, beautifully restored historic freestnd house, 7 bedrms, 3 baths, 2 bik, 2 balconies, fireplaces, basement € 2,050.- + util KL, totally restored former barn in beautiful location directly on a lake, 5 bedrms, 2 baths, bik, , dbl carport € 1,650.- + util KL-Einsiedlerhof, freestnd house, 3 bedrms, 1 1/2 baths, bik, carport € 997.- + util Otterbach, prestigious villa, 235 sqm, 3 bedrms, 2 1/2 baths, bik, patio, huge balcony, garage € 1,975.- + util Weilerbach, nice freestnd house, 4 bedrms, 2 1/2 baths, bik, basement, fireplace, garage, carport, fenced yard € 1,550.- + util Olsbrücken, beautiful restored former mill, 5 bedrms, 2 1/2 baths, bik, loft, closet € 1,500.- + util Ramstein School Kollweiler, new freestnd house, 325 sqm, 4(5) bedrms, 3 1/2 baths, bik, studio, patio, huge storage rm with dbl carport € 2,400.- + util Mackenbach, brand new freestnd houses in Mediterranean style, 4-5 bedrms, 3 baths, bik, closets, garage € 2,600.-/3,000.- + util Mackenbach, modern freestnd house, 4 bedrms, 2 1/2 baths, bik, dbl garage € 1,575.- + util Sembach School Otterberg, new duplexes, 4(5) bedrms, 2 1/2 baths, bik, fireplace, loft, carport € 1,400.-/ 2,070.- + util Mehlingen, cozy modern house in quiet location (private street), 4 bedrms, 2 1/2 baths, bik, garage € 1,260.- + util Ask for more houses and apartments! ASK FOR OUR FINDER´S FEE FREE OFFERS! ALWAYS MORE THAN 100 HOUSES AND 100 BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE! Mackenbach, brand new freestnd house in Mediterranean style, over 300 sqm, 5 bedrms, 3 baths, bik, nice features, balcony, garage € 448,000.KL down town, modern duplex, 5 bedrms, 2 baths, 187 sqm, roof patio, fenced yard, garage, nice location in private street € 265,000.Mehlingen, stylish freestnd house, 348 sqm, beautiful details like dbl fireplace, loft, basement, bar, huge covered patio, glass/hardwood design, prop. approx 1,100 sqm € 340,000.Mackenbach, modern freestnd house in quiet location (private street), 4 bedrms, studio, 2 1/2 baths, bik, integrated dbl garage, fenced yard € 295,000.- 109% financing for all houses possible! Bergstr. 28, 67731 Otterbach 06301/31140 Fax 06301/300440 E-Mail: [email protected] internet: www.stranz-immobilien.de Page 26 Schwedelbach 2bedrms apt 100sqm kitch din/liv rm bath balcony € 550 + util Tel. 06374-1775 Schwedelbach beautiful comfort apt 4rms BIK bathrm guest WC southern balc 103sqm & basem laundry garage & carpk €660 +utl 0170-6173410 Sembach very nice Apt 2BR liv rm BIK bath garden €460+utl Tel. 06303-3389 µ Siegelbach, 2bedrm apartmt, pattio, bik €510, Immobilien T. 017665881298 Studio apt 128sqm €550+utl 2BR livrm dinrm bath BIK 2stor, Katzweiler, Mehlbacherstr. 2 no pets! Tel. 06301-30811 Studio Apt Ramstein 2BR livrm brand new BIK beautif balc partly furn no pets €700+util Av 1Mar Call 0637158358 or 0175-7820107 Trippstadt-KL, generous 2BR apt w/ lots of natural light, BIK, 1.5baths, big liv/din rm, K/S Immo Agency & More You are looking for a nice home here in germany? House or apartment! We got the right for you! Call us for more info! Kaiserslautern American terr w/ beaut view, floor heat, rare opportunity €590+utl incl park spot Tel. 06306-993447 or 0163-6965041 Very nice quiet Apt furnish 2BR kit livrm stor garden near forest 100sqm €750; 063081346 Weilerbach 115sqm 2BR liv/ din rm BIK 1.5baths pantry carport basement €780+utl Tel. 06374-5432 (even) & 0179-7539259 (day) Weilerbach apt, avail 1March 110sqm, 3BR liv/dinrm w/ laminate floor, 1.5baths (new) nice BIK balc & lrg garden, sep. laundry, basement & garage; no pets €715 Call: 06374802199 or 0163-9216169 Weilerbach-Eulenbis: Studio 1BR liv/din rm BIK balc 1.5baths pantry 100sqm €600 incl heating+water, electricity extra, €600 deposit, no realtor fee Tel. 06371-50549 Weltersbach, cozy apt at 2levels, 160sqm liv space, 3BR, 2bath, BIK, patio, garage in 2FH, €750+utl, no finders fee, Tel. 0631/8929113 look at www. immobilien-kuball.de µ WWW.ADVANTIPRO.DE Acc. for Rent Houses µ = see photo @ www.kaiserslauternamerican.com ! ! ! ! ! One family house in Krickenbach for high expectations 350-500sqm 58BR wellness area sauna pool video security fire protection groundsman on request €3200+utl Tel: 06306-992616 or 0171-9519584 µ ! ! ! 205sqm House Reichenbach-Steegen 5BR 2baths open BIK w/liv/dinrm fire-pl, garden, terr 70sqm carport €1480 +util pets ok avail now Call: 06371-463308 or 0170-9060927 ! 15min RAB, Schoolbus, 250sqm FloorHeat, 6BR 3Baths, 2Ter, BIK ,Gar, DSL, quiet €1475+ utl, 015201949614 [email protected] www.my-perfect-house.de !Now! µ ! House in Rodenbach, new ren. 180sqm 4rm, 3.5baths + big liv/dinrm, fireplace, BIK w/dishw., walk-in-closet, 50sqm terrace, laundry rm, basem, 2garage, stor, for single or couple, no pets. Av 01 March 08 €1450 +util Call 06374-6712 or 015115607808 Lutrinastr. 22, 67655 KL Tel: 0631-361 99 63 Cell: 0174-416 66 62 E-mail: [email protected] February 22, 2008 !!!!!Miesenbach, Am Dansenberg 5a-House 100sqm, 2BR big liv/dinrm w/ cast-iron stove, BIK, bath, pantry, dryer-&washer rm, 2nd floor rms, roofed patio, backyard, garage for €680+utlcall Harry at 0152-01786158 !!A 1House Brücken, 15 min to RAB, 212 sqm, 6BR, kit, livrm, 3bath, basem, big yard, carpt, storager, schooldis, quiet area, € 1530+util, call Markus 0175/5874245. No finder fee µ !Brand new freest. house, 5min to RAB, 4-5BR BIK garages garden €1700+utl Steil Realty Tel. 06341-960060 ->->Haschbach, comfrt. 4kids, nanny in neighbourh. Ram. school, pets ok, sml pool, BBQ area, 20min RAB/Baumh. 255sqm new-renov. 2liv-din, 2bik, 5/6bdrm, 2,5bath, whirlp. garage, basement, partyrm. 06381/7448(after 2pm) µ 180sqm Bann luxury freest house 8km RAB built 2006 6rms BIK 2bath LRstor dbl garage w access to house 2balc patio granite tiles + parquet quiet area hillside no pets €1560+utl av 6March 0172-1307810 af 4pm 180sqm house near Kusel 4 BR, 56sqm livrm. ,1,5bathroom , install Kitchen, 60sqn garage terrace + Garden 960€ + utl, tel . 01726451128 199sqm 3bdrm freest. house in Trippstadt avail. 08 MAR €870 + util. see www. streissel.de, no realtor, call 06306/991521 µ 1Fam House Erzenhausen 3BR 2baths BIK new appliances lrg liv/dinrm basem garage 150sqm avail now €550 +util Call: 01705379294 2 duplex avail w/ carport built 2004 200sqm 5rms BIK 2baths WC studio gallery lux fittings from private Av now €1400+utl (each) or for sale Otterberg 10min to KL Tel. 0179-5112877 20 min to RAB, Schallodenbach, 195 sqm, 5BR, BIK, 1,5 baths, pantry, storage rm, fam. rm w/kitch, dbl garage, roofed place in the garden, quiet residental area, kids welc. ,no pets, € 1130+utl. ,Tel. 06363/1806 or 0171/7486952 203sqm house in ktown, built 2001, AFN, SKY 5BR 1,5baths BIK studio, basement, terrace, 2 car pks, small pets ok, no fee €1300+util Tel:015205450036 240sqm, new modern house, 6rms, 2baths, 1guest bath, floor-heating, fire place, NO FINDERS FEE But the same service as if you had paid the finder’s fee!!! REAL ESTATE AGENCY Brücken: FS, 215 sqm, 6 bedrms, 3 baths, basement, yard, pers OK € 1534,Kindbach: House, 140 sqm, 3 bedrms, 2 baths, yard, garage, pets ok € 1000,Reichenbach Steegen: DU, 120 sqm, 2 bedrms, 2 baths, fireplace, pets ok € 800,- Burgstr. 22a • 67677 Enkenbach-Alsenborn Tel: 06303-87188 or 0171-4396661 Fax: 06303-984774 email: [email protected] HOUSES FOR RENT just a part out of our listings, just call and ask Siegelbach, modern 4 bedrm house, 2 1/2 baths, bik, gallery € 1.500,- + util Reuschbach, only 10 min. to Base, brand new freestnd. house with otherin-law apt, 5 bedrms, 3 baths, bik, 2 car garage, yard, avail. March 2008 € 1.800,- + util Brücken, great big 5 bedrm house, 3 baths, bik, yard, € 1.535,- + util Erzenhausen, very close to Base, 4-5 big bedrms, big, huge garage, great yard € 1.910,- + util K´town, gorg. brand new home 4 bedrms, fantastic bik, huge garage, great design € 1.850,- + util Weilerbach, modern new 4 bedrms, 2 1/2 baths, bik, fireplace, garage € 1.940,- + util HOMES FOR SALE Pay rent into your own home! Ask for new constr. house, we have many lots/properties for sale. Kl, brand new modern house - you still can choose the colors and tiles, take your change on this 4 bedrms, 3 baths, garage, many extras, finish till April 2008 € 295.000,KL-Siegelbach, great big 4 bedrm house, 2 1/2 baths, modern, carport € 265.000,Hütschenhausen, big freestnd. house with 3 bedrms., basement, great yard, big 2 car garage, only € 235.000,- Please pay attention: We help you with all paperwork for financing and loan with the banks. 100% + closing cost financing possible. ZIAI Immobilien 06371 57888 Albersbach, nice charming 5 bedrms freestnd, nice bik, lrg liv rm, cov. balcony, 2 baths, nice yard, lrg garage, nice view € 1380,Reichenbach, nice cosy 3 bedrms freestnd, nice bik, liv rm, balcony, 2 baths, yard, sml garage € 960,Reichenbach, nice cosy new 3 bedrms, nice bik, liv rm, fireplace, sunroom, 2 baths, yard, garage € 930,- English spoken Please Call: 0179-2267905 [email protected] HOUSES FOR SALE NO FINDERSFEE Ramstein School Katzenbach: Freestnd 1 FH, 320 sqm, 3 garages, large property, avail now € 2300,- dbl garage 1800,Landstuhl City: 1 FH, 100 sqm, 3 bedrms € 720,Schweddelbach 5 min to RAB: First class 1 FH with high quality furniture, large garden, 4 bedrms, 2 baths, big garage, 200 sqm liv space € 1510,Landstuhl School Weselberg: Freestnd 1 FH, 300 sqm liv space, open fireplace, well equipped € 1800,Landstuhl Melkerei: 1 FH, 280 sqm liv space, high quality equipment, parquet floors, open fireplace, high quality baths, sauna, avail Feb. 15th 2008 € 1750,Kaiserslautern School District Trippstadt: Duplex, quiet area, very nice location, 165 sqm € 1150,Hermersberg: Freestnd 1 FH with garage, 220 sqm € 1610,All our houses have high quality, extravagant, and partly luxurious furnishings; located at beautiful locations. Please call us for more details. www.immobilien-paulus.de CALL US TO FIND OUT 3 easy steps to buy a house! 66877 Ramstein YOU’LL BE SURPRISED!!! Are you looking for a house to rent? Call us, we take care! Ramstein: FS, 200 sqm, 6 bedrms, 2 baths, basement, floor heating, garage, yard € 240.000,Steinwenden: DU, 200sqm, 5 bedrms, 3 baths, basement, garage, yard € 280.000,Ramstein: 220 sqm, 6 bedrms, fireplace, 3 baths, sunroom, basement with party room, double garage, yard ONLY € 285.000,NEAR Base: FS, 310 sqm, 6 bedrms, 3 baths, yard € 360.000,Matzenbach: DU, 180 sqm, 4 bedrms, 2 baths, basement, yard € 240.000,Ramstein-Miesenbach: FS, 140 sqm, 4 bedrms, 2 baths, basement, yard, carport € 170.000,- Hütschenhausen: freestnd house, 4 bedrms, 3 baths, bik, 2 car garage, nice yard, avail 01. € 1.150,- + util 3 km to RAB: duplex, 5 bedrms, liv-din rm, 2 1/2 baths, bik, gallery, patio, garden, garage, 200 sqm liv space, avail now € 1.400,- + util Daily new listings, give us a call! Finder’s fee is 1 month rent!!! And more houses ! We help also with 100% financing and all the formalities!! Please call ZIAI Immobilien 06371 57888 FOR SALE! 4 km to Ramstein: brand new 1 FH, 3-4 bedrms, big liv/din rm, bik, baths, floor heating, patio, garage, 168 sqm liv space, 430 sqm property € 255.000,- (Ref. Nr.: 3476) Schopp: nice duplex with sep. apt., in quiet location, ready to move in, 220 sqm liv space, 5 bedrms, liv rm, din rm, new bik, 3 baths, patio, 3 balconies, 400 sqm property € 235.000,- (Ref. Nr.: 3467) Many other houses and building lots available!! Call Immobilien Service Wiedmann GmbH: 06371-98150 WE SPEAK ENGLISH!! Internet: www.isw2000.de Bruchmühlbach: new house, 280 sqm, 6-7 bedrms, garage € 2.000,- + util Schwedelbach: cosy house, 185 sqm, 4 bedrms, 2 carports, basement € 1.280,- + util Siegelbach: house, 190/230 sqm, 5-6 bedrms, garage € 1.200,- + util / € 1.350,- + util Eulenbis: house, 240 sqm, 6 bedrms, 2 car garage, view € 1.850,- + util Rodenbach: house, 240 sqm, 6 bedrms, garage € 1.500,- + util Schwedelbach: house, 195 sqm, 4 bedrms, garage € 1.320,- + util Spesbach: house, 190 sqm, 4 bedrms, carport € 1.250,- + util Matzenbach: house, 230 sqm, 5 bedrms, garage € 1.650,- + util Gries: freestnd, 240 sqm, 4 bedrms, 2 car carport, view!! € 1.650,- + util Oberstaufenbach: 240 sqm house, 6 bedrms, garage € 1.640,- + util FOR SALE: Eulenbis: house, 240 sqm, 6 bedrms, 2 car garage, view € 300.000,- neg Siegelbach: house, 230 sqm, 5-6 bedrms, garage € 235.000,- neg Spesbach: house, 210 sqm, 4 bedrms, garage € 250.000,- neg Mackenbach: brand new house, 290 sqm, 6 bedrms, 2 car garage € 355.000,- neg Bruchmühlbach: brand new house, 280 sqm, 6-7 bedrms, garage € 350.000,- neg Obermohr: big freestnd house, 240 sqm, 6-7 bedrms, garage € 270.000,- neg www.real-estate-ktown.de Tel./Fax: 06374-6823 or 0179-6601752 February 22, 2008 built-in kitchen, balcony, 2 garage, terrace, green yard, electric blends, electric garage gate, SAT+DSL equipped, nice location in Weilerbach (5min to Ramstein AirBase), €1990+utl, Tel. 01738769819 (after 3:00 pm) or [email protected] µ 3 yr old duplex for rent in Käshofen. 17 miles from RMS, 1750 sqft, 4Bdrm, 2 1/4 bath, 2 car parking, no pets. Rent is €1175 + Util 01742084262 µ 4BM house in Queidersbach or Linden, garage, pattio, big yard, E800, ImmobilienT. Tel. 017665881298 5 bedr. house, duplex, 2 1/2 bathr. 2 BIK, 2garage, floorheating solar powered, 234 sqm, 6miles to RAB 1500€+util, phone 06381425677 or 0177-8618946 5min to RAB, 120sqm 2BR+walk-in-closet, 1.5baths, liv/din rm, BIK, sml garden €900+€30 utl av now Tel. 06371-51602 or 0151-12321308 6BR 2baths w/lg liv/din area 225sqm in Freest new House BIK terr & balc garden carport cpks 10min Sembach / 15-20min KL/RAM €1200 +util Call 06301-4595 Airbase: 7 miles Luxury , Brand.New Home 5 br, firepl, gar. 2100,-;GlanMunchweiler area great home 200 sqm 4 br yard, gar 1590,;Oberstaufenbach: never 6 br house, fenced yard, gar, pets ok.E1645,- GlanMunchweiler area,great new home 200 sqm 4 br, yard,gar Kaiserslautern American 1600,-; Wallhalben:great house, 306 sqm 5+ br.firepl, 2 gar,fenced yard 1750,-; Weilerbach: 6 br, yard, 2 gar E 1700,-; Hohenecken: 5 br yard, gar 1700,- Ra-Miesenbach: very nice 185 sqm,3+br, fenced yard 1450,- Kindsbach: 4 br, yard, carp.1200,-;JR Realty: reduced fee, Ph: 06371-71756 or 01703159692 Appreciate the quietness of this far off street freest house w/ 4000sqm park in Hütschenhausen, 120sqm livsp 3BR 2baths BIK €900+utl no finders fee Tel. 0631-8929113, look at www.immobilien-kuball.de µ Avail now mod duplex 243sqm pleasant distance to RAB, 5BR 2baths BIK fl heat, patio, garage €1500+utl, no finders fee Tel. 0631-8929113, look at www.immobilien-kuball.de µ Available with GP Residences: Great new house w/ gorgeous view, KL school, 4BR, 2baths, liv/din rm w/ firepl, nice bik, pantry, storage, yard, patio, dbl garage, €1,540. Large Bruchmuehlbach house, 4BR, 3 baths, bik, liv/din rm; garage, yard, €1,410. Nice House, RS school, 5BR, 3bath, bik, liv/din rm; patio, garage, yard, €1,400. Beautiful Vogelbach house, 5Br, 3bath, liv/din rm; firepl dbl garage, patio & balcony, quiet location, €2,060 (negotiable). Glan-Muenchweiler House, 4BR, 2baths, bik, liv/din rm, garage, carport, yard, €1,300. Call 06372-3211 or 0162 4131 878. This weekend no or small fee on all houses! Bann FH, 120 sqm, 3 bdr, 2 bath, liv/din, bik, balcony, patio, fenced yard, garage, storage, 10 min to RAB, right off A62, €870 + util. 06371-63290 µ Bann: new 4.5BR free-stand house, 2garages E1560, Immobilien T. 017665881298 Beautiful Duplex in Höheinöd 10min to LRMC 180sqm 4BR, hobby rm 1.5baths lrg terrace dbl garage €900+util Pls call: 06333-955220 or 06333-7275 Beautiful, unique 6BR/ 3baths 250sqmr home in Dansenberg avl Feb 25 for 1,700 Euro per month. Huge backyard, next to forest in cul-de-sac, American owned. Perfect for families. Call Frau Bierhoff at 0631-54111. Brand new freest house, exclusive condition, 260sqm, 4BR, floor-heating, open firepl, BIK, gallery, garage €2100+utl Anne S. Neumann Immobilien4you Tel: 06372-803641 Page 27 Bruchmühlbach 6BR 200sqm, lrg liv/din rm, BIK 2.5baths storage rm garage terr, garden, floor heat, av now €1406+utl Tel. 06372-5492 Br`mühlbach, house, 3BR, big basement, BIK, 1,5bath, garage, Sat&Kabel, Rent 985,-€ & util call Linda 0172/6807994 µ Duplex 20min to RAB, Av now 160sqm hall kitch din/liv rm 3BR office bath WC 3cellar rms tiled fl wooden ceilings gas&wood centr heat terrace w/BBQ garage carpk €1090 incl utl Tel. 06334-721126 or 0177-8412048 Duplex 3BR, 1.5baths, garage, floorheating, 134sqm, 6miles to RAB, €900+utl Tel. 06381-425677 or 0177-8618946 Duplex 4BR studio 2baths guest-WC BIK liv/din rm 230sqm €1250 Tel. 0176966115127 or 06304-992542 Duplex in beaut area, close to LRMC & RAB, 135sqm, 3BR, liv/din area, BIK, 1.5baths, firepl, garage, attic, garden €950+utl also for sale Tel. 06371-17883 Duplex in Schrollbach 140sqm 4BR liv/din rm yard €900+utlTel. 0174-9042890 Duplex K-Town 150sqm 4BR, terr, 2balc, garage, cpks, lrg BIK, livrm, bath & guest WC, basem €1080 +util 06301-31958 Enkenbach House 3BR AC 2baths BIK basem lrg liv rm lrg din rm, attic, beautiful lrg fenced yard, shed, washer, dryer, American fridge, fireplace. Pets ok!! Must See! €1000 +€30 p.p water +€30 garbage Avail 1March english spoken Call: 0160-91562052 Enkenbach-Alsenborn house 200sqm preffered living area excl fittings BIK 4 BR roof terrace attic garage garden €1275+utl Tel. 017622181052 Erzenhausen new duplex 259sqm 7BR 3baths BIK liv rm storage rm €1875+utl Tel 06374-3223 or 0163-9152877 Farm House 180sqm new renov + basement 5BR liv rm din rm new 1.75bath kit great view 2balc lrg garage attic pets ok €1200 incl lawn care 01603068176 or 0163-1817097 For rent lrg single fam home 235sqm 3BR 2baths whirlpool 2balconies fireplace basement 2garages 2parking lots top floor boasts addl entertainment room w/wetbar €1250+utl Tel. 0172-6815670 for info exc bachelor tad Two noodle dishes of your choice and two mixed salads with a bottle of a soft drink OR Am Fleischackerloch 1 66849 Landstuhl (across from Kaufland) Two large pizzas of your choice and two small Italian salads with a bottle of a soft drink Tel: 06371-2497 € 17,50 Mon - Fri 11:00-15:00 & 17:00-24:00 Sat & Sun 11:00-24:00 for delivery or pickup only PIZZERIA - RIST ORANTE Deutschherrenstr. 67 HOME DELIVERY im Sportheim TuS Hohenecken 67661 KL-Hohenecken 0631-3508885 Vogelweh B270 1st right when you come into Hohenecken HOHENECKEN £ Trattoria da Magdalena The Best Italian Food in the Area Over 20 yrs serving the military community Kaiserstraße • 66849 Landstuhl Visit our location across the street Tel: 06371-3236 Fax: 06371-917325 Free Delivery on all food items in or near Landstuhl Open daily 11:00 - 14:00 & 17:00 - 23:00 Thursday closed AmEx, Mastercard, Visa accepted Tue – Fri: 16 – 24 Sat: 12 – 24 Sun: 10 – 24 Monday closed •Promotion parties •Birthday parties •Going-away parties •Smoking room available Open Daily 17:00 – 23:00 Miesau • St. Wendeler Str. 2 Tel: 0 63 72 - 50 99 91 Cell: 01 79 - 9 14 18 18 for reservations or directions! (We’re on the main road 500 m from the base in Miesau) Page 28 Freest 1Fam House: 270sqm Schmalenberg 20min RAB 5BR 2bath BIK lrg garden open-firepl €2000 +util avail now Call: 06371-120780 or 0170-7766566 µ Freest 2FH in quiet area of KL-Hohenecken, 10min to Vogelweh, 135sqm 4BR liv rm 1,5baths beautiful garden garage €850+utl+dep Tel. 0172-2584759 Freest House Fischbach 160sqm 3BR lrg liv/din 1office 2.5bath BIK garage quiet area 10km KTown €1100 +util 0175-827375 Freest house in Kübelberg 321sqm 6BR 3BIK 3.5bath 2balc 3garages yard quiet area 12min to RAB €1620+utl Tel. 06346-928801 µ Freest. House, quiet, 240 sqm, 1½ bath, lr, dr, kitchen, 4 bdrm, loft, garage, 20 min to Landstuhl, 900,- +util, no pets, no smoking, tel. aft 5 to 7 pm: 015774287883 µ Gonbach, nice FH, 136sqm liv area, 2stories w/ terr & balc 6BR BIK 2baths, 2guest WC, basement rms, garage, 2park spots, nice yard av 1Mar €1100+utl+1monthly rent dep Tel. 06302-5380 Kaiserslautern American Hütschenhausen: freest house, 5BR, liv/dinrm, open firepl, 3baths, BIK, patio, yard, 2 car garage €1750+utl AGRAImmobilien 06371-57656 or 0175-5797770 Hochspeyer 5 min to Daenner, 3BM house, 2baths, pattio, nice yard, gar, partyrm, E895, Immobilien T. 017665881298 Hochspeyer freest House 180sqm 5BR 2.5baths BIK liv/din fire-pl sunroom 3balc basem gas/wood heat dbl garage cport fenced yard €1390 +util Call 06301-719565 or 0172-6785550 Homburg 1FH + garage 5BR 3baths €1740 PeroImmobilien Tel. 06386-6971 or 06372-508273 µ Homburg-Erbach Nice Freest House 20min to RAB 280sqm liv-sp 10BR 2BIK 3Baths dbl garage cable TV Internet avail front/backyard w/outside fire-pl, patio, €1590 +util Call: 0172-6641841 or 06841-79655 µ House near GlanMünchweiler: 2liv rms 4BR kitchen 2baths, pets welcome Tel. 0151-56969283 House for rent in Rothselberg: Ramstein school district, 180sqm, 5BR, liv rm, kitchen w/ electric appliances, 2.5baths, workrm, 2balcs, basement, attic, garage, lrg garden, €1090+utl Tel. 06304-91929 House in Dittweiler 190sqm 4 BR 3 bathrm BIK w/dshwsher pantry liv/din rm w/ open fireplace terrace balcony dbl garage big yard basem. laundry family rm 20min to RAB €1400 +utl Tel. 06372619389 or Cell: 0178-2330638 House in Schrollbach quiet area 10min to RAB 1st use 241sqm 6BR 2.5bath BIK garage kids/pets welc €1850+utl no fees Tel. 0160-2953805 or 06371-70668 house oberstaufenbach 125sqm 3BR BIK 1.5Bath Liv/ Dinrm firepl sauna kids+pets welcome€770+util01736744469 heil.neus@t-online. de house oberstaufenbach 125sqm 3BR BIK 1.5Bath Liv/ Dinrm firepl sauna kids+pets welcome€770+util01736744469 heil.neus@t-online. de KL Einsiedlerhof freestnd house 135sqm 1kitch 1din/liv rm pantry guest/wc 3bedrms 1bath €997 +util Tel. 06301-30811 KL-Einsiedlerhof: 230sqm 5BM duplex, garage, bath with whirlpool, open-fire- February 22, 2008 pl, E1500, ImmobilienT. 017665881298 KL-Erlenbach: town end house 4BR, kitch, liv/din rm 2baths, laundry rm, garage, garden €970+utl Tel. 0178-8950274 or [email protected] KL-Morlautern new duplex 5BR 210sqm 3bath whirlpool attic terrace garden garage 2cpks next to forest 0160-7147386 [email protected] Knopp, 10min to hospital 3.5bedrm house, garage, yard, E800, Immobilien T. 017665881298 L andstuhl/Melkereri! Duplex in quiet area, 200sqm, 4BR, 1.5baths, lrg liv/din area, BIK, 2garages, laundry, fenced garden, tiles + wooden floors + very nice equipment! €1480+utl Tel. 0172-6813964 Looking for houses or apartments for rent? This is the right place to call, because we have what you are looking for: Freestanding houses, duplexes, linehouses or apartments in many different locations. Please do not hesitate to call us Tel. 06385993870 or 0171-2038270 We are no realtor!!! Luxury villa, brandnew, first use, in Steinbach or Mehlbach, 15min RAB, 6 bedrooms, fireplace, balcony, big yard, floorheating, 280 caring for YOUR needs. sqm, pets are welcome, 2000€, 0179/3268012, no realtor-fee Mackenbach Golfcourse, Ramstein school, nice house, 4BR, 2.5baths, penthouse, carport €1450 + u. KKA Immobilien Tel. 0172-6642692 µ Mehlbach House 4BR 1w/ walk in closet, BIK 2baths, 3basem rms, balc terr garage avail 15March 08 12min RAB €950 +util Call 06301-710175 or 0170-1671720 Mehlbach, luxuries duplex 178sqm, 15min RAB, 1.5baths, BIK, liv/din rm, laundryrm, 2BR (1 studio, 1 furnished), patio, garage no pets, €1300+utl, Tel.0630133035 or 0160-95341969 µ Miesau, 15min to RAB 192sqm house, 3BR+studio, 1.75baths, BIK, garage, quiet dead-end €1450+utl Tel. 06372-994742 µ Modern Free Standing House in Wiesbach w/ 3BR, 2 Bath, BIK, Huge Garage, Fenced in Backyard, Garden, AFN Sat Dish, DSL ready, US W/D Hook-ups, 130 sqm, €750+utl, No Finders Fee, Housing Approved, Call Mike 0171-185-7514 Near KL, 150sqm, 4BR, 2baths, BIK, sat-dish, fenced yard, pets are allow €950+utl Anne S. Neumann Immobilien4you Tel: 06372-803641 Near Otterberg in Heiligenmoschel Duplex 187sqm 25min to RAB / February 22, 2008 15min to Seb/ 18min to KL liv/din rm 3BR lrg studio new BIK 1.5new bath storage balc terrace garage €950+utl Tel. 0152-02070846 or 06363-1303 µ Near Otterberg in Heiligenmoschel Duplex 187sqm 25min to RAB / 15min to Seb/ 18min to KL liv/din rm w/ firepl 5BR work rm BIK 1.5baths storage rm balc terr garage €1100+utl Tel: 0152-02070846 or 06363-1303 µ Near RAB very nice mod house, 220sqm liv area, 5BR 2baths BIK liv/din rm big balc dbl garage garden €1620+utl Tel. 0172-2456351 Near RAB, 180sqm, 4BR, 2baths, BIK, basement, open firepl, sauna, garage, yard €1400+utl Anne S. Neumann Immobilien4you Tel: 06372-803641 New 150sqm free-stand house in Herschberg, 2garages, 10min to hospital, E 1070, Immobilien T. 017665881298 New 190sqm house in Weselberg, 10min to RAB, 2baths, floor heat, E 1200, Immobilien T.017665881298 New 270sqm free-stand house, garage, big yard in Schmalenberg, 15min to Vogelweh, E1990, Immobilien T. 017665881298 New House 220sqm Rodenbach 4-5BR BIK 3baths dbl garage balc €1700 +util +dep 06374-70014 New House 230sqm w/terrace & garden, in quiet village Br uchmühlbach-Miesau/ Vogelbach, compl floor heat, near bakery & supermarket, next city 10km, great access to bus, train, autobahn A6, from private no fees, €1550 +util Call: 0177-4186110 or 06372-803505 Jesus – To know him is to love him! Landstuhl Christian Bookstore Kaiserstr. 66 • 06371-979146 Mon – Fri 10 – 6, Sat 9 – 4 Kaiserslautern American new house in Reifenberg ,15 min to RAB, 180m2,5rms, 3bthr 3toil, garage, tv-sat, internet, pets ok, € 970,06371-912712 New wonderful house near RAB mod BIK + liv/din area, 2.5baths terr+balc (beautiful area) no dogs €1110 Tel. 0170-8712670 Nice 265sqm free-stand house w/ 2garages in Stelzenberg, 10min to Vogelweg, openfire-pl, E1650, Immobilien T. 017665881298 Nice freest h. 220sqm open floorplan 6BR 2baths 3balc firepl comf BIK studio yard 1000sqm lot quiet area in Münchweiler 5min to Sembach €1700+utl Tel. 06302-5574 or 0176-23363020 No fee: Nice houses for rent: Glanmuenchweiler: new duplex €1690+utl; Otterberg: new duplex €1410+util; Hochspeyer: freest €1390+utl; Martinshoehe: freest €1350+utl; Rodenbach Townendhouse €1340+util no dep; Rodenbach Townend House €1125+util no dep; Wallhalben: freest €1400+utl; KL-Stelzenberg freest €680+util Immobilien SchickMüller Tel. 06301-719565 or 0172-6785550 No Finders Fee: attractive freest house 5BR 2bath BIK tiled fl garage big yard beautiful view basement 290sqm Immediately free! €1900+utl Tel. 06301-795601 No Finders Fee: Kindsbach: Large Duplex, 4BR, BIK, 1.5baths, light studio, ca 180sqm, carport €1200,+util Property Management DressingTel. 06301-795601 No finders fee: Spesbach, lrg Duplex, 4BR, BIK, 2.5baths, garage, balc, ca. 230sqm €1600+utl, Property Management Dressing Tel. 06301-795601 Obermohr 1FH + garage 4BR 3baths €1700 Pero Immobilien Tel. 06386-6971 or 06372-508273 µ Otterberg near Sembach Townhouse 3BR 3baths livrm 120sqm pets OK patio carpk €690+util Tel. 0631-61401 or 06306-2664 Queidersbach nice historic House, new renov, 3BR 2bath 110sqm garage, backyard, no pets €630 +util 0175-6418052 Queidersbach, freest. 4BRM house, 120 sqm, liv/dinrm with open fire-pl, bik, bath, WC, basement, fenced garden, balcony, garage, 700 € + util, 0174-8597708 or 06371-16100 µ Queidersbach, nice 300sqm, 5BM free-stand. house, garage, carport, yard, openfire-pl, E1600, ImmobilienT. 017665881298 Page 29 Queidersbach: spacious townhouse, 5BR, liv/dinrm, BIK 2.5baths, laundryrm, patio, yard, garage €1280+utl AGRA-Immobilien 0637157656 or 0175-5797770 RAB school, brand new freest house, 275sqm, 6BR, 3baths, BIK, floor-heating, nice view, garage €2000+utl Anne S. Neumann Immobilien4you Tel: 06372-803641 RAB school, freest house, 241sqm, 5BR, 3baths, BIK, attic, basement, carport €1800+utl Anne S. Neumann Immobilien4you Tel: 06372-803641 Ramstein, very nice duplex, 3min to RAB, 175sqm, liv/din rm, BIK 2.5baths, 3BR, sep studio-apt incl. bath, storage, balc, terrace, garage, 350sqm property av 1March €1227+utl Tel. 0172-6857224 Ramstein-Miesenbach freest House from private 10BR w/ceiling fans, 3baths, BIK, AC, attic lg garage & patio w/BBQ, fenced yard, pool, open firepl, kids / pets welcome €2200 +util no fees 0152-29696477 or email: [email protected] Ramstein-Miesenbach, nice freest house, 190sqm, 4BR, liv rm, BIK, 2baths, garage, yard €1280+utl Roth Immobilien Tel. 06374-994776 or 0171-1950606 Ramstein-Miesenbach: Duplex 5min to RAB, 4BR, liv/din rm., BIK, 3bath, laundry rm, yard, patio, garage €1.400+util AGRAImmobilien 06371-67656 orr 0175-5797770 Ramstein-Miesenbach: nice duplex, 3BR, liv/dinrm, 2baths, BIK, patio yard, garage €1100+utl AGRAImmobilien 06371-57656 or 0175-5797770 Reichenbach-Steegen House 120sqm 2BR yard garage pets ok €800+utl Tel. 06385-839 Schopp: 5BR, liv/dinrm, BIK, 2.5baths, patio, yard, garage €1600+utl AGRAImmobilien 06371-57656 or 0175-5797770 Schwedelbach from private nice duplex 5min to base 170sqm liv-din rm BIK 2.5baths 3BR sep apt incl bath, storage. balc, terr, garage, 350sqm property av now €1330+utl Tel. 0172-6857224 Town house in Schopp (10min south Vogelweh), bik, AFN, garage, 4 bdr, 2.5 bathr, no dogs, no agency, av. now, 1,110.-month +utl. T: 0179-4624840 Page 30 Siegelbach (7ys old) 200sqm, 4BR, 2baths, lrg liv/din rm w/ firepl, BIK w/ dishw, laundry, pantry, balc, garage w/ rem contr., sml garden w/ terr, curtains, quiet area, no pets €1515+utl, €1500dep Tel. 0631-29772 Spesbach Duplex 2000 10min to RAB/LRMC 181sqm BIK 4BR 3.5baths balc garage garden no dogs €1330 util Call 06371-60830 Steinbach duplex 3BR liv/ din rm BIK bath storage 140sqm €700+util no pets Tel. 06383-5677 Steinwenden freest house 190sqm 4BR 2baths BIK liv/ din rm ofp garden/garage Tel. 015150912854 Townhouse in Kindsbach, open floorplan, 4 BDR, builtin kitchen, open fireplace, walk-in closet, utility room, floor heating, garage. Rent 1,350 Euro plus util. Call Mr. Spanier 0172-6335531 or Mrs. Spanier 0631-411-7227 Kaiserslautern American Trippstadt-KL: Charming 3BR home 160sqm w/ generous liv/din area, lrg yard, balc + terr, personal office, beautiful tiled firep + hardwood floors. Rare opportunity. Private. €990+utl + dbl garage €75 Tel. 06306993447 or 0163-6965041 Waldmohr, 15mls west (A6) of Ramstein school, new luxury designer-house, 3BR, 2.5baths, firepl., sauna+spa area. Garage+priv park. Ex. Neighbourhood €1750+u. KKA Immobilien Tel: 0172-6642692 µ Weilerbach, very nice duplex, 5min to airbase, 175sqm, liv/ din rm, BIK 2.5baths, 4BR, 2storages, balcony, terrace, garage, 250sqm property av 1March €1330+utl Tel. 0172-6857224 Winnweiler new duplex appr 235sqm 15min to RAB, 10min to KL, liv/din rm, fam rm, 5BR, 2baths, BIK, 1laundry rm, balc terr, fenced garden, carp & park lots €1400+utl Tel:0152-02070846 or 063631303 µ Wonderful brand new freest. house, 314sqm, 4BR, BIK, 2baths, attic, terr, floor-heating, garage €2100+utl Anne S. Neumann Immobilien4you Tel: 06372-803641 Accommodation, for SALE µ = see photo @ www.kaiserslauternamerican.com !!! 10 Min to RAB luxury FSHBrand new 204 sqm view 5 brm 2,5 bath 1 flat, low util 1550.eMust see 0176-2082-4409 µ !Bann FSH 320sqm 5BR 3BA BIK 2FP Gar 2Bal Bar Office Sauna sell for €249000 0163-8402165 µ *House for Sale* - approx. 1200 sq. m. area + 210 sq. m. living area. Living room with fire-place, dining-room, kitchen with sep. small storage room, 5 bedrooms, 2 baths, guests WC, 2 cellar rooms, balcony with a beautiful long distance view, separate terrace, double garage, carport. Price: 220.000 €/basis for negotiation February 22, 2008 For more information call: 06372-8775 or 0177-3014662 *No Realtor Fee! Schwedelbach built 2003 659sqm lot, 124 lvng 42 garage + floored attic 4BR, Wintergarden, balcony, terrace, bik + appliances, pantry, granite & lamnte flrs, sat & tel in all rooms, sth fcng yd. Prvt Sale €258.000 FP 0176-29255255 µ 1FH in Mackenbach from private Built 2006 289sqm liv space 620sqm lot excl fittings floor-heat 5BR liv rm din rm BIK 3baths laundry balc lrg garage €365000 obo Tel. 06373-505025 or 0177-5050253 Available for sale with GP Residences:Nice new House RS school, 4BR, 2baths, firepl, great bik, garage, yard, €235,000. Nice new House Bruchmuehlbach, 5BR, 3baths, firepl, bik, yard, garage, €225,000. Call for more details and appointments: 0631-22328 or 0177-5522-328. No fee on all sales. Beautiful, br.new high quality house Glan-Münchweiler area 200 sqm, 4 br, yard, gar E 289000,-; Landstuhl: 3/4 br, 2.5 bath yard, great area 25000,-; Huetschenhausen: 3-4 br, firepl, 680 sqm yard, 2 gar, 25000,-; No fee - JR Realty ph._ 06371-71756 or 01703159692 Bosenbach Freestnd House, quiet street. Ramstein school dist. (base school bus stop near by) 15-20min to RAB. 220sqm, 560sqm lot, 4BR, livrm, dinrm, BIK, 2baths, terr & balc, garage, yard w/ shed, basem DSL available!! No finder’s fee! € 189.000 neg! Call 06385-415855 or 0151-50972668 µ Brand new freest house 250sqm, liv space, 620sqm property, 5BR, floor-heating, attic, garage, BIK, gallery €360,000 Anne S. Neumann Immobilien4you Tel. 06372-803641 Brand new town-houses with garage in Queidersbach or Kindsbach, 4BM, 2,5baths, E175000, Immobilien T. 017665881298 Built 2004! Freestanding bungalow, beautiful property (787sqm), built-in-kitchen, double garage...€260,000 more details online: www. my-bellacasa.com Call: 06855-18 40 225 µ Charming sgl Fam Home 34BR, liv/din rm w/ brick firepl, 2BIKs (for guest quarters, etc), 2.5baths, lrg patio - beautiful view, 2garages, nice front&back yard, 723sqm property close to RAB, Landstuhl Hosp & Baumholder €185000, negotiable & 3,57& sales comm (incl 19% VAT Tax) AKM GmbH Re/Max Real Estate Center 0178-5698441 µ Duplex 7min to RAB built 1996/1997 180sqm 450 sqm lot 5BR liv/din rm BIK 1.5baths sauna w/ shower&WC big covered terr gar av now February 22, 2008 OBOTel. 0178-7579350 or 06372-6562 For Sale, freestanding 3 apt. house in Hettenhausen, near Landstuhl. 270 sqm living space with 3 bik, 2 balconies, 2 terraces, garage and 5 parking places. Price on request. Call owner 0160-96639049 (after 2 pm). µ Freest 1Fam House S c h ön e nb e r g - Kü b e l b e r g 20km RAM built 1999; 246sqm, 7BR liv/dinrm 2BIK 2.5baths incl. 1master bedroom w/ensuite and walkin-closet 892sqm property w/garden, w/garden hs and BBQ terr balc garage 2-4cpks OBO €275.000 neg. Call: 06373-894098 µ Hoheinöd FSBO (No Realtor Fees!): Modern 3BR, 2baths sgl fam home. Walk-incloset, eat-in kitch,din rm, gar, more 140sqm+64sqm basem<20min to RAB €185,000 Tel. 0151-17540931, [email protected] http:// fsbo.dotphoto.com µ House 285sqm Miesau, 8BR 3baths 3fire-pl, 3carports, 1garage, 650sqm lot, includes a sep Apt - partly furn if needed! €199.000 obo Call: 06372-994771 µ KL Mackenbach next to golf course excl new 1 fam house w/ garage approx 190 sqm 5 rms open kitch 2 storage rms walk-in closet 2 baths lrg Kaiserslautern American covered terrace € 274900 Tel. 0176-68031979 KL Mackenbach next to golf course freestnd excl new 1 fam house w/ garage approx 250 sqm 7 rms kitch 3 baths 2 storage lrg terrace 2 balc € 379500 Tel. 0176-68031979 KL-Dansenberg, beautif renovated 1FH from private, 1.5baths 5rms BIK, laminated flrs new central heat (150sqm liv area), big basement, carport, garden attic as studio (expandable) €238,000 obo. Go to www.fahrluecke.de or Tel. 0170-7330002 µ Landstuhl/Melkerei:Beautiful freest house w/ yard, about 467sqm property, 4BR, liv/ dinrm, tiled stove, BIK, 1.5baths, about 140sqm livspace, garage w/ storage area €249,000 www.agra-immobilien.de 06371-57656 or 0175-5797770 Mackenbach Duplex at Golf Court lrg 1FH w/ garage balc ital style 5BR 3baths €369.900 no fees Info 06303-983153 Mackenbach, brand new 215sqm house, gar, E290000/ Weilerbach, 155 sqm duplex, garage, E215000/ Queidersbach, nice duplex, garage, built 2000, E225000, Immobilien T. 017665881298 Nice freest h. 220sqm open floorplan 6BR 2baths 3balc firepl comf BIK studio yard 1000sqm lot quiet area in Münchweiler 5min to Sembach €249000 obo Tel. 06302-5574 or 0176-23363020 No fee , sale by owner ! 8 min to RAB . Luxury brand new freestanding house, 365 sqm liv space, 5BR (2 with locker room), BIK, 2,5 baths, balcony + terrace with wonderful views, garage, floor-heating, fireplace, many more details €395,000 (negotiable). Call Tom : 0173 435 4305 or mail skywideopen@msn. com Obermohr: close to RAB, well-kept duplex w/ garage, about 176sqm liv space, built 1996, approx. 278sqm property €179,000 www.agraimmobilien.de 06371-57656 or 0175-5797770 Private-Sale: KL+15km, (Steinalben), 1-FamHouse, 230 sqm, 4BR, 4 new bathrooms, SAUNA, terrace, double-garage, compl. renovated in 2006/7 (must see), quiet loc, no comm. fee!, for more info/appoint please call Tel: 0170-3811942 (Karl) µ RAB school, 250sqm liv space, 750sqm property, 8BR, 3baths, sauna, BIK, floor-heating, 2garages Page 31 €315,000 Anne S. Neumann Immobilien4you Tel. 06372-803641 Ramstein freestanding 2 family home with guest apartment total about 260 sqm net living area (plus large basement), 780 sqm property, with nice garden and patio, including double garage. No realtor, contact owner at: 06372-619961 (after 17:00) µ S emb ach-Winnwei l er €125000 only! Finance using your housing allow. 2min to Sembach, 15min to RAB, 170sqm freest house in forest, 1500sqm yard ideal for all pets 2 summerhouses etc. very quiet & romantic. From private Tel. 01515-012-7040 or 01609-132-4642 Villa with outdoorpool for sale (or rent), Lauterecken (35 min drive to RAB), excl. freestanding Villa with outdoor swimmingpool, lux. interior, 210sqm, 5BR, 880sqm property, 2,5 baths, big terr. , new kitchen, floor heat, ... by owner €249.900, call 0172-6470129 µ Weilerbach, attractive town house in a preferred location, 4BR, liv/din rm, terrace, BIK, parquet, on the 1st upper floor w/ loggia, floor heating, liv space about 165sqm, property size about 336sqm, built in 1994 for €239000 (basis of negotiation) Tel. 06301-795601 TLA/TDY µ = see photo @ www.kaiserslauternamerican.com ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 2-3 Bdrs suites in Ramstein village & 5 bedroom house nearby. American Satellites, PC, wireless internet, phone, washer / dryer in unit, gas grill on patio / balcony, king size American beds, complete kitchens, yard, parking, cleaning service. We offer private and comfortable living within your TQSA / TLA / TDY allowance. Kids love our place. With us no one sleeps on the couch. Write to temp_ [email protected] or Call: 0179-1456657 anytime µ ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 1 2 3 bdr. apt. ful furn. with AFN,TV SAT DVD plyr. please look at www.trudys-apartments.de or give me a call at 06374 3928 handy: 0176 666 73750! ! ! !* ***µ Page 32 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 1 2 3 Bedroom * Ramstein Luxury Temp Apts for incoming / outgoing families & TDY. Air Base 2 mins, walk to restaurants & shops. Beautifully furnished, 100% equipped including AFN TV, DVD, free phone, Internet plus washer/dryer pets welcome! Tel. 0171-2679282 or write to [email protected] Kaiserslautern American Also beautifully furnished 3BR house in Bruchmühlbach wonderful location by the forest Tel. 0171-2679282 or [email protected] µ ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 3 BR apt in Landstuhl. 5min to Hosp, 10min to RAB Call: 0170939 4463 Photos: tdyhomes@hotmail. com Apts in Ktown near pubs restaurants 35 Euros up www.tdyhomes.com µ !Amer couple welcomes you to Germany. 2 - 4 persons, indoor swimming pool, private yard, pets welcome. Call 06375-994981 or 01733128729. *****Apt for Short Term Rental - Ideal for TDY personel, much better than a Hotel room! Extras included in price! Call: 06372-619503 µ February 22, 2008 123BR 1mi fr Vogelw 5mi RAB DSL/ph/AFN BIK W/D Maidsv Pets ok 01711779681 www.tlakmc.com µ 15-20 €/day in Hauptstuhl 5 min RAB/hosp. 2br bik 60sqm incl util furnit. 0177-5528191 Are you planning a trip to Paris? We have the perfect accomodation for long or short stays: Our affordable apartment! For more information call 01714411371 or visit our website: www.ApartmentParis.eu Lux 2BR TLA fully equipped Call 06301-794638 or www. ferienwohnung.marcel-jaud.de WWW.ADVANTIPRO.DE in Ramste 06371 95ud2ge5tra5ms5tein.de Vogelw e 0631- h 35 79 03 88 www.b Military rates starting at weekend week € 57* €159* s! new car *insurance incl. • prices without VAT • unlimited mileage Trucks in different sizes available One way rentals, PCS specials, accident replacements Holiday specials Ramstein, nice furnished place, 80sqm, 2BR, BIK, bath, big balc, 5min to train station, neg. price, ZIAI Immobilien 06371-57888 Sembach TLA, full kitch, full bath, wireless internet, AFN, DVD library, playground, walk to everything, perfect for families, pets welcome. 0160-331-6119 Super TLA in Miesenbach 2/3BR 100% equip washer dryer TV DSL priv parking Av now Info: 0637151351 or [email protected] www.rolf-sturm.eu Temp apt in Matzenbach 2BR 2-4pers 65 or 80sqm carport 10min to RAB 06384-6710 or 06383-6526 or 06383-7219 TLA in Ramstein 3BR, liv rm, BIK. 2bath, fully furnished call 06371-57656 or 0175-5797770 USAG Grafenwöhr: furn. apt; www.business-apartmentonline.de Tel. 0170-9313609 µ Autos µ = see photo @ www.kaiserslauternamerican.com Caution: Some KA Classified ads have become a target for scams. Please be cautious if potential buyers offer you payment methods other than cash. ! ! ! ! ! $300 deposit + 5 payments on good reliable February 22, 2008 Kaiserslautern American cars with inspection! BMW, Opel, Honda & more! Tel. 0631-98741 or 0171-7912679 ! ! ! We buy all cars, accident, high mileage, bad transmission; top prices paid Tel. 0171-7912679 ! * We buy cars all makes! All cond. high mileage, PickUpsTel. 06371-736432 or 0179-7315029 !!!!Buy here pay here $200 down gets you driving all autos guaranteed usareur insp! Call for details 01703070155 or 0631-3579225 !!!!We buy all autos: high mileage, accidents, bad engine or transmission we pay top $ call 0170-3070155 or 0631-3579225 !!!$0 down and first term finance on US Spec cars and selected BMW’s at www. militaryusedcarsales. com all cars are USAREUR Inspection guaranteed and carry a limited 6 months power train warranty, call 0631 3549908 for more info. µ !Mercedes or Japanese Car Owners! Call me before you sell, junk or give away -also if you need parts. I do all paperwork including customs. 1 day service. 06563-1564 www.klink-cars.de $$ Top dollar paid for your car $$ any make any model high mileage no problem Tel. 0631-3506453 ‘92 BMW520i 186kms Automatic, Lthr, PS, Radio, Sum & Win-Tires (Insp. Guaranteed) $2,399-OBO. Cell 0163-5493665 µ ‘95 Saab, 900i, 2.3L SE Convertible, $3300 or €2200. Contact Sirry or Wayne <$f ”EuropeanPi 3”>0176-20617101 or 0176-65314512 µ *** www.carsalesexpo.de *** *70 Corvette Stingray, match 350\350, 96K miles, 4sp, AC, Page 33 PW, PDB, PS, T-top, new frt susp, emer brake sys, htr core, weatherstrip (not installed), clutch kit, drk blue ext, blk int. $20,000 or €13,800 OBO. Call 06374-802969 1995 Toyota Soarer Lexus SC 300 after Mkt Rims, Kenwood Stereo w/ 2amps & 12’’ Woofer. Great condition 93K Km $8,000 OBO Tel. 06371-49-3634 µ Saturday, Feb 23 8 am – 4 pm Ramstein, Flurstr. 4 Tel. 06371 51635 www.Suessdorf.de STOFFGALERIE RUST Certified Dealership for PFAFF “Creative Vision” Sew + Stitch Computer >>A WORLD NOVELTY<< + Own Repair Shop (all brands) + Fabrics SEWING CENTER + Sewing Courses (Groups welcome) VAT-Forms + Patchwork Fabrics Credit Card ~ Schneiderstr. 8, 67655 Kaiserslautern Tel.: 06 31-6 15 12 ~ s B. Photography 4FXJOH.BDIJOFTmOFXJO,-)PIFOFDLFO 4BMFTm3FQBJSTm4QBSFQBSUTm"DDFTTPSJFT Im Erfenbacher Tal 16 A 67661 Kaiserslautern / Hohenecken Tel.: +49 (0) 631- 3 50 78 18 Fax: +49 (0) 631- 3 50 82 02 E-Mail: [email protected] www.dasnaehmaschinenhaus.de #JH3FQBJS4IPQ GPSBMM.BTDIJOFT # Grand Opening Special :L)AF:L<ABG>G#:NL 20% OFF COUPON American Photographer - American Prices 20% discount with this coupon! Valid until Feb 29th 2008. Call for your appointment now! • hrs. 10 am – 6 pm Hauptstrasse 35, Landstuhl Tel.: 0 63 71 - 40 45 05 Grandfather- & CuckooClock-Outlet 1 Year Come and join us for a piece of Original Black Forest cake and a cup of coffee.... d ay Fr i House of 1000 Clocks Outletstore in K-Town! h •••••• It is our Birthday .... but the presents are for you !!! Great savings throughout the whole sortiment. 7 years of serving Americans TELEPHONE SHOP Weilerbach • Phone & Internet Activation • Advice, Installation & Repairs • DSL Internet Connections up to 16,000 kbps • Unlimited calls to the USA for only € 3.95 / month • Cell Phones Contract & Prepaid Mackenbacher Str. 31 • 67685 Weilerbach • Tel: 06374-992126 Wide selection of over 80 GrandfatherClocks and over 200 CuckooClocks! Exit Opel in Here n K-Tow st KL We A6 f lerho nce! Entra ing, Hous t Pulasky h e gelw onalds a Matratzend to Vo or Conc Next past Mc D t. f 0 0 3 nce alds y-Entra t insied Exit E Pizza stuhl Land Hu Mc D on Pulask eh lw Voge g in Hous n K-Tow lweh Voge g in Hous Store Hours Tue. -Sat. 10 am - 6 pm Sun. + Mon. closed House of 1000 Clocks Weisser GmbH Im Haderwald 12 67661 Kaiserslautern-Einsiedlerhof Phone +49 (0) 631 - 350 23 44 www.houseof1000clocks.com VAT Forms accepted Page 34 01 Chrys Voy, Burg, V6, 3.3 Ltr F/F eng, Great for Touring, 6 CD Chg, AM/FMCass, A/C Cruise, Tilt Str, Sliding Back Dr’s, Pwr Dr, Pwr lock, Pwr Wind,Pwr & Heated R-View Mir, F&R Wind Defrost, R/ Wind Wiper, Drk Fact Tint, 7Pass, Weasel Deter Sys, Set of Sum Tires (winter tires are mounted), W/tableMount Sys (not inst) Just pass Insp, Dealer Serv in Dec 07, 101,000 M, $5500Call 0176-6560-0338 03 Pont Sunfire 16” sum rims 14” wint rims new brks and rotors earth quake sub Kenwood amp & CD plyr $8000 Call: 0177-4511530 1993 BMW 7Series, automatic 12cyl, good cond, clean, new insp. 150Ks $3500; 0174-5476212 1994 BMW 320i, 4-door, 6cyl, Sedan, manual, good Kaiserslautern American cond, clean, new insp. $3900; 0174-5476212 1995 BMW 520 5-speed. Very reliable, smooth running car. $2,900. Call 06372-507-942 µ 1995 Mitsubishi Eclipse RS silver. 119k miles. 2.0ltr DOHC automatic w/OD. Interior needs some work. Fresh oil change. New air, and fuel filter, front brakes, thermostat, plugs, and wires. $3000 OBO. Call Mike @ 015206875367. 1995 VW Golf Stationwagon sunroof new sum/win tires $3400 obo Call: 063726192001 or 0160-93412666 2002 Jaguar X-type, euro specs, loaded, v. low km, all-wheeldrive, new tires, all leather interior, dealer maintained. Price below loanvalue for quick sale. You know you want it! 0160-3316119 2006 Audi A3 2.0 turbo DSG trans paddle shifters on steering wheel sport pckg skyroof drk blue w/ black lthr 16Kmls mint cond $26,000 obo Call Brad 0176-22681187 or email: [email protected] 2006 BMW 330I US spec auto SDN silver leather Int sports pkg 6.5K miles 06371-946734 $31,495 4 Sale, 4 new original 19inch BMW M6 rims & tires fit on 3+5 Series 2000€ 0151-15776431 90 Supra-Jap spec-one of a kind. Has well over $4,000 in parts. Needs minor work. Call Andrew for part details/pics 017624209741 µ 91 Opel Kadett autom. low mileage fuel efficient many extras pwr steer very good cond guar to pass insp $1450 Tel. 0178-5268116 µ 93 BMW Black 730I V8 automat. 181Kkm, with every option and safety feature, new inspection, $6000 obo call February 22, 2008 06363994479 for pics and all the details 94 VW Gold III, 4drs, 75000ML, automatic, pwr steer, sun roof, service book all insp, exc cond, guarantee to pass insp $3250 Tel. 01726270492 96’Bmw 525i Van, Automatic, A/C, power look/windows, coupling, runs great, new inspec. ,j. 1600€ call: 01712165864 or 06371-70202 97 Dodge Dakota extra cab SLT 17” wheels new tires new front suspension 99K miles $6000 Call: 06374-802969 98 Pont Sunfire clean int JVC CD plyr $3000 Call: 0177-4511530 99 Freelander Euro Spec, Diesel 2.0 Turbo, SoftTop, Targa, lift kit, Traction Control ,4X4, 230K km, in great condition. $5500 OBO call 01795407349 BMW 5-series Automatic 4dr sedan with lots of extras, in very nice shape, low mileage, never smoked in, garage kept, well maintained, inspection new €2299 obo call 01604662088 BMW 518,1994, $2400, 5 spd, 4dr blue, Power steering DR Sun roof, 100k mil, reliable runs great, call 01625695223 µ Chrysler Voyager Van ‘92 autom 7seater good cond €1780 Call: 06302-5110 Ford Fiesta 91 2dr mint cond exc heat orig 80K POV-INSP new €1375 PMTS taken €400 down call Frank to see at 06301-9797 Mazda Miata ‘99 10th anniversary model, convert., exc condition, 70K mls, euro spec, new winter/summer tires, pwr windows/doors, am/fm cd/radio, rear defrost $10,500 obo Tel. 06313105206 or 0160-4613259 Opel Kadett automatic, very good condition, Modell `91, many extras, low mileage, powerstearing, inspection guarantet, Very clean. 1550$ Tel. : 0157 - 73407614 US, Japanese and European Spec. Automobiles w w w.theoscarcenter.com 0631-91527 ~1997 Honda Civic LX (1 owner)1.6 liter , 4-door, 5- February 22, 2008 Kaiserslautern American speed. This car is in great Family Child Care (FCC) condition. First $3300 takes providers. Those living it! 0160-9777-4713 off base/post offering Motorcycles these services in the KA are not screened by FCC. µ = see photo @ www.kaiserslauternamerican.com Use good judgement Caution: Some KA when choosing off base/ Classified ads have post child care services. become a target for Qualifications should be scams. Please be checked and references cautious if potential requested before placing buyers offer you payment any child in the custody of methods other than cash. child care providers who 1994 Honda SRD great gas have not been screened. mileage $2300 Call Mike ***Anyone providing more 0160-4995621 avail 7 March than 10 hours of care per see it at the Vogelweh Rod week, on a regular basis, & Gun Club weekends MUST be licensed by Inspection still valid the FCC office. If you do 2001 Harley Davidson not have a license and sportster Hugger, complete provide care, you could custom paint tires, gas tank, possibly lose your base privileges.*** fenders, chome parts, and housing many more..., cost over $15K Babysitter has openings sell $8K must see, picture for newborn & infants from available upon request mon-fri Tel. 06371-963915 0160-128-2143 µ Childcare in Katzenbach Announcements 7mls to RAB Call Bettina µ = see photo @ 0163-2943479 www.kaiserslauternamerican.com Hello my name is Dagmar. “Make the most of your Are you looking for a German European experience, mom to watch your child. join Beta Sigma Phi and Every age is welcome in our make friends and travel family. Full or parttime or companions for life!” Come when ever you need me. join Theta Chapter for their Reverences available. Phone # Spring 2008 RUSH. For 06385/993240 more info go to our website Mil Wife provides 24/7 child (http://cockayne.fanspace. care call Karina at 06371com/Feb%2008%20Rush. 612232 / 0160-6609190 htm) or e-mail us at Provider offers 24hrs loving [email protected] child care in Landstuhl Child Care kids from 0-14. Brigitte µ = see photo @ www.kaiserslauternamerican.com 0160-4180216 KA advertisers living on For Sale µ = see photo @ base/post and offering www.kaiserslauternamerican.com child care services are on the approved list of CRYSTAL MASSAGE THAI SHIATZU AYURVEDA Sport & Relaxing Massage Service. Call GINA 0160-90300011 Please call Mika, Lili 0160-9191 3823 Philipp-Reis-Str. 9 (Landstuhl) Shang Hai Thai Massage Sport Fitness Massage Ayurveda Am Bachgraben 11, Landstuhl Mobile Service on Request. Please call Yoko Mai Lan Call 017559-20826 f Akazienstraße 1a, Landstuhl im for h or her uty Soluti Bea Gel-Nails ons Basic Facial Massages Kaiserstr.59 67661 Einsiedlerhof-KL (B40) www.beautysolutions.de.com JADE MASSAGE • Warm Relax Station • Ayurveda Massage • Shiatsu Massage Call Jasmin: 0162-2758838 MASSAGE SERVICE Caution: Some KA Classified ads have become a target for scams. Please be cautious if potential buyers offer you payment methods other than cash. 220 American w/d $500 both. Persian rug 5’ round $500. Antique closet $200. Oak computer desk $100. Mission style queen futon bed $250. 3 Series BMW Snow Tires 205/55 R16 Dunlop w/blk rims/BMW covers used 2 winters $500 OBO, e-mail [email protected] or call 01759232-451 Absolutely beautiful handcarved Turkish entertainment center: $1,500; several Turkish carpets/ kilims; beautiful Turkish handmade jewelry; antique coffee table; Linksys wireless router; 220V Boston Acoustic computer speakers; computer modem; multi-system TV; custom-made Serotta roadracing bicycle w/travel bag: $600. 06371-462857. Absolutely beautiful Turkish carpets/kilims; beautiful Turkish handmade jewelry; antique coffee table; Linksys wireless router; 220V Boston 01 76-62 19 77 28 (Landstuhl-Axel, across from the German hospital) Page 35 Acoustic computer speakers; computer modem; 21” multisystem TV; 31” JVC TV; NAD component stereo system; several cameras; custommade Serotta road-racing bicycle with travel bag: $600. Call to see or make offer: 06371-462857. AFN Decoder $150, bdrm set w/mat $300, dining rm table $75, computer desk & chair $100, JVC stereo $60, purses $20-30, call for pictures 0151-15289053 Antique Huge Beautiful Solid Oak Wood Schrank Wardrobe approx 1880, no screws, assemble in minutes! H=86in W=70in D=25in, 215/175/64cm, 990 Euro [email protected] 06374992600 µ Antique pine TV cabinet $400 Antique wooden ladder $40 Antiue wooden Potato Wagon $75 SpeedportW 700 DSL Router&Modem used 4 mths $75 Call 0175-9008538 µ Beautiful 3 section German Oak Clothes Schrank $300, negotiable. 2 nightstands $25 each. Pine twin bed frame $10. Floor Fans $10 ea. 4 step ladder $10. snow shovel $5. Contact: 06371-499937. µ Beautiful Korean furniture – fold top desk $300, cedar chest $200, bedside table $75, 2 matching ceramic lamps $100 both, framed painting $15. Blu-ray DVD player for Sale! Sony BDP-S300. $200, upscales exisiting movies to 1080i. Call #0151-5218-9035 BMW 18in alloy wheels for 2005 / 2006 / 2007 328/330 50% off 18in all weather tires €30 ea. Call: 06371-946734 Coach Purse - New! W/TAg MSRP-$368 Will sell for $225. lmitsch23@yahoo. com for pic. or call Lori at 0631-5344440. Vogelweh area. Soho Signiture collection. µ Denon AVR-5803 7.1ch high end Rcvr, New $3800, ask $1600. JVC PDZ-50DX4, 50” Multisys HD Plasma, HDMI, New $3999, asking $1800. Call 0172-6846343 Double Jogging Stroller-$50 Call 06371-490374 Elliptical workout machine$150. Runs on batteries! Call 06371-490374 New! SmartLipo Laser LIPOSUCTION - Medical Clinic Dr. Peterson cial FREE CONSULTATION Spring Spe • Breast Lift • SmartLipo Laser • Liposuction (BMI-Improvement) • Male Breast • Eyelid Surgery 19% OFF with Reduction • Lips Filling • Sweat Glands VAT-form • Facelift • Botox / Hyaluron Removal Office Kaiserslautern Office Mannheim Bahnhofstr. 26 Q 2,5 06 31 - 8 92 91 22 06 21 - 3 97 22 61 www.dr-peterson.de www.aestheticform.de Page 36 Kaiserslautern American Elliptical Exercise Machine. Only 5 months old, $80. 20 inch kid’s BMX bike, FREE. 06385 925358 or 06371 405 3907 Extra long bed for sale: “Basketball player’s King Size” frame + mattress, not used (new!) ask for F. David Tel. 0-1522-5194-3130 & 0-1609-1324-6420 For Sale DELL computer with all acc. $300 OBO, a glass case for either a snake, turtle comes with light $25. If interested please call 0174-241-9806. For sale: 1 satellite w/2 receivers; rcvs 4000 chnls(not AFN; no SKY card rqd) CNBC, MTV, BBC, QVC-FREE; $200 OBO. PH 06374992685 after 1700, Pictures on KA on-line. µ For sale: Wood TV cabinet $100; blue recliner $150; white bookcase $40; all prices neg. PH 06374992685 after 1700, gtsevers@hotmail. com. Pictures on KA on-line. µ FreeStuff 06372508393 printers dryer stove tables filecabinet lg shrunk, couch, book shelf Freezers, Couches, Schranks & household items. We buy & sell furniture. We also take lrg items on commission. To view items go to: www.grabitonline. de Tel. 0152-04951493 Garage sale, Sat 23rd Feb 10.00-13.00 Waldstrasse 36, Rodenbach. Tel 06374805088. Gas Lawnmower ($150), 27” TV ($50), Electric Heater ($25), Children’s Car Seat ($25),Futon Couch/Bed ($150),150qt igloo cooler w/ hatch - paid $150 only used once ($75), 55gal aquarium w/stand w/fish ($200), Fans ($30), Transformers ($20$60). Call 0175.413.1057 for more info. German style bedrm set. Lrg shrunk, bed 180x200 with wood mattress supports, two night stands. Excellent cond. Email: mp_pete03@yahoo. com for photos. Priced to sell fast $575 obo µ Goodyear Wrangle S/T All Season Tires, 215-70R16, For SUV/Truck, w/rims for a Jeep Liberty $350 Call 0176-6560-0338 Horizon Tours-Italy classic ticket for 6d/5n trip to Verona, Venice, Rome, Vatican, Pompeii, Capri, Florence and Pisa valid departures on Apr, May or June $550 call Sandra/ Robert 06374805022 Hot Wheels Acceleracers motorized racetrack $15. Lightening McQueen Mountain Challenge Track Set - $15. 4 foot motorized toy crane, $12. 24 inch Little Tykes Fire Engine- $15. Little Tykes Dump truck - $5. LittleTykes push/ride car - $5.Classic red Tricycle with bell - $10 Call 06333-775397 or email [email protected] for pictures. Huge multi family Garage Sale, Baby + Kids Clothes,Toys, Books, new cell phone, DVD’s, Womans Columbia Jacket, PS2 Games, and much more. 9 am - noon, Ramstein,Auf der Heide 37 ( at Shell Gas Station). Jetbag/Luggage carrier by Thule, 2 Boogie boards Finding Nemo, 5 Chevy Tracker Rims/ Tires, 4 Goodyear Wrangler ST all season tires, Furniture/ Carseat/Carpet steamcleaner PICS GO TO www.ktown. de.ms 01762-414-9933 µ February 22, 2008 Large shelf 155x159 CM, unique living room table, both Beechwood, chrome/ glass standing fan w/ remote control PICS www.ktown. de.ms ph 01762-414-9933 µ Lawnmowers 100 and 50 $. 1 gas weed wacker $50. Cell 0176-62511801 ask for Miles. Leather couch set - dark blue, 2- & 3 -seater w/ ottomane, good condition, €390 Call 0175-8235231 µ Lots of unique lamps! IKEA shoe rack 4 kids blue! 16” kids bike! 24” mens bike! Skipants red sz XXL men! Look online 4 PICS www.ktown.de.ms ph 01762-414-9933 µ Moving Sale- Sky Box w/ card $200 AFN Box - $190 – 36” Panasonic CRT TV - $250 Boflex Ultimate - $600/OBO Call: 0173-313-9949 Multi-Family Yard-Sale Feb 23 (8-2) Ramstein, Weberei Str. (next to Thomas Philipps) Tel. 06371-465629 Navigon Navigation System 18 months old Maps of USA Canada & Europe $300 obo Call: 0175-988-4813 Organ: Lowry Magic Genie Value of 1400E Make offer www.mypcssale.com/forsale/ thumbnails.php?album=130 Tel. 015119413341 µ P4-2600mhz, 40gb, dvd, cdrw, 256mem, 17” monitor $275. IBM A31 , DvD, Cdrw, 15” 256mem, 20Gb Hd, Pcmcia WLan, $325. DSL modem. DSL router. DSL Wireless Modem. ADSL Mobem. VHS Movies - 20 and 20 Disneys. P3-1000mhz, 15gb, 128mem, cdrw, mouse, keyboard. Call 016098217260. PCS Sale: Panasonic 42” Plasma TV, about 2months old, leaving for the States in several weeks. Will sell for $900. Day or Evening Tel. 01759044496 Queen bed & mattress set. Excellent condition, used in guest room only twice $400. Call 06357-509567. µ Queen size bed w/ head rail, frame, mattress, box spring $50. Easy Chair, cream/brown upholstered w/ foot stool, $40. New mattress Euro size 100cm x 200cm $100. Tel. 0170-1753043 µ 7 R AT E S A S L O W A S .89 %* APR New Year Resolution Loan START OFF WITH EXTRA MONEY FOR THE THINGS YOU WANT Use Service Credit Union’s New Year Resolution Loan for vacation, technology upgrades or everything you didn’t get at the holidays. Apply online at servicecu.org now. Or get a decision on the spot 24/7 by phone or at any local Service Credit Union Branch. SERVICECUORGs *APR equals Annual Percentage Rate, is accurate as of 1/1//08 and subject to change without notice. Rate shown reflects a .35% discount for direct deposit and selection of the automatic loan payment feature (example: 8.24-.35%=7.89 APR). Rate is based on overall credit worthiness of each applicant. Must be a member of Service Credit Union or eligible for membership to apply. February 22, 2008 Queen size complete bedroom set €500; leather couch & love seats €400; leather reclining chair €100 Tel. 0176-23726382 Schranks 2dr 2drawer sdbrd 48” x 39” old oak $200 2dr clothing x2 matching 48” x 80” $200ea, Sweater cbnt 20” x 80” $25 3dr w/mirror 60” x 73” $150 old german kitchen 70” x 74” w/coffee grinder, egg rack, bread box, $150 14” color TV $25 06385-6194 [email protected] µ Set of 4 rims & tires for Ford Expedition less than 1yr old all weather & M&S $500 obo Call: 0151-15775200 or email: [email protected] Skybox for $200 and DSL Modem for $60 oboTel. 017620617101 or 0176-65314512 Sofa & recliner for sale $100 obo call 06371-492673 or 0152-09902811 µ Solid wood bedroom set $500, 36” Flatscreen TV $200, Small computer desk $20, 9X12 carpets $15 each, Ladies (Never Used) Ski boots size 6 $20, Gas lawnmower (Almost new) $40, 220V Air Conditioner $150,6-ft Xmas Tree and 2 boxes of 220 lights $20, Misc household items. Call 0171-4922962 or 06303-808441 µ Solid wood dining table w/extension & 6 chairsexcellent condition $175. Aquarium in wood case $50, Parakeet w/ cage $35. Call 06373-579-548 for info. µ Sony Surround sys w/ 5-disc dvd player 6 speakers + 100w powered subwoofer, 600w receiver w/ tuner very nice sys 110V less than 2yrs old $300 can email pics 0178-3384298 Kaiserslautern American Table w/ 4 chairs, kitchen buffet w/ hutch $75 each. Glider rocker w/ ottoman wine colored cushion $200. German convertable crib $100. 06383579669 They won’t move me, but I have to leave anyway. Great deals. Too numerous to list, all household goods for sale, appliances, furniture, appliances, electronics, great artwork. Call with what you want! 06372.508.393 TV For Sale. Sony 46” 1080P TV, KDL-46W2000. PAL & NTSC tuner, multi-voltage. 8 Months old. $1900. 50Gb Photo iPod $40. DVD playerregion free-upscales to 1080i$40. Call 0151-5218-9035 µ Used Washer & Dryer set €190 6months guarantee, delivery possible Tel. 0163-9242820 Wood table pull out 6 chair velvet green €500.- Tel: 0174-5451848 Yard Sale! Feb 22nd-23rd, 9am to 6pm.All items must go!Tel. 0631-4162789 or 0176-24295369 µ Pets = see photo @ www.kaiserslauternamerican.com There have been reports of pets being sold from breeding facilities that are not managed at the highest professional standards. TAXES Need Tax Preparation? IRS Problems? Need Financial Advice? CPA on Staff! Email: [email protected] Ramstein, Germany 06371-598177 For E-Z Online Service: www.USLoans.cc Tel. 06371-17222 • Fax. 06371-2633 E-Mail: [email protected] Representing: Leading American Military Lenders Please choose your pet carefully. Make sure you check the credentials of the people selling the pet, and get proper paperwork showing shots and/or other proof of healthy condition. For further advice, consult your Veterinarian. 2 Free Bunnies to good home. 1 black with white spots, 1 white with gray spots HP: 06371-614701 Angela Australian Sheppard Pup Red Tricolour male Vet checked Shots For Sale Tel. : 0176-6461-8178 µ Beauty is looking for a great home. Beauty is a very nice Canariensheepherd cross female. She is a year old, and a Page 37 fixt female that is currently in a foster home in the Ramstein area. Well trained & knows all grund commands. If you would like more information on Beauty, please call Miss Affonso at 06381 / 4259967 :0175/4061042 today After 5pm! µ Biewer-yorkshire-tricolour and yorkshire-puppies-blue and tan, shots & dewormed for sale. Only in good Hands. 01785107103 Custom made fishtank 160 liters, w/ wooden stand, espresso brown, white natural stone accents, incl. large 68” fish, MUST SEE! MAKE AN OFFER! 27 liter SILVER TANK square, 4 kids or office, http://www.ktown. de.ms/ pics & info phone 01762-414-9933 µ Free male dachshund to good home. He is very friendly but we are having a baby and can’t give him the attention he needs. 06371-471948 / 06337-995875 [email protected] Free to good home brown and white bunny with cage 06383579669 German Shepard fem puppy w/ pedigree, shots & dewormed for sale to caring hands. 06304-273935 or 0173-2958449 German Shepherd puppies, 4 boys, 2 puupies have long hair, born on 1Jan, black-brown, shots & worming treatments included, red papers, for €600. Tel. 06372-508269 after 6pm H&R BLOCK has a year around tax service. We comply with the Military Lending Act of 2007 for the Rapid Refund program. We are under New Management. Owned and operated by Capital Group Financial Services. Located 300 meters on your left past Pizza Hut going towards Landstuhl Kaiserstr. 71, 67661 Kaiserslautern Tel.: 06 31-3 55 47 11 E-Mail: [email protected] Page 38 Kaiserslautern American Malteser Pupps male & female 06806 440281 Email [email protected] Puppies: Yorkshire, Min Pins, Pomeranian all purebreed dew. w/shots and chip. 0177-7107800 Wanted µ = see photo @ www.kaiserslauternamerican.com “Finders Fee” ($500) if signed for freest. house (200+ sqm) with BIK, DSL, Ktown school, two car garage, basement, 4/5 bedrooms, 21/2 bath, laundry, small pets accepted, sauna or whirlpool, and/or medium yard. Price is neg. Please email [email protected] 1991-94 Honda Accord 4dr Sedan Call: 0631-413-7659 M-F between 0800-1700 For 2008 Baseball season, German team located in Saarbrücken is looking forplayers, especially Catcher, Infielders. Mail to stefan@ riverbandits.de or call 01718634083. Looking for a 3 wheel stroller for running, inlining, etc. 0179-4782310. Please make an offer. Retired Military couple (Navigator & Missionaries) looking to rent 150sqm 3BR 1.5bath BIK FSH in/around Weilerbach for long term Email: deppemilitarynav@ gmail.com or 06371-499163 Yukon original rims & tires wanted for original Yukon 2005 / 2006 model year Call: 0631-413-7659 M-F between 0800-1700 µ Jobs = see photo @ www.kaiserslauternamerican.com C&K Children’s House Seeks child care provider w/ experience for B&A program starting March 1st. Please send a resume to ckchouse@ t-online.de or contact Kathrin at 06371-15127 for details. RN-Case Manager-Ramstein AFBM-F-Days Only5 Yrs. RN Exp. Qualifies!Excellent Oppty! Email Regina rsorrells@sterlingmedcorp. com fax resume to 513984-4909 or call U.S. 513-984-1800. ATLANTIC COMMTECH CORPORATION We are currently seeking qualified and motivated individuals to work in Mannheim. - Full-Time Temp. Position Spec. Sr. Antenna Maintenance – High School Graduate or equivalent and commercial technical or vocational school in the Antenna repair field. Five years of experience in the technical field and one year of Supervisor experience. Travel is required. - Full-Time Temp. Position Spec. Jr. Antenna Maintenance - High School Graduate or equivalent and commercial technical or vocational school in the Antenna repair field. Four years of progressive experience in the technical field. Travel is required. Interested candidates should send their resume to: Fax: +49 (0)6371-913063 or e-mail to [email protected] Atlantic CommTech is an equal opportunity employer. www.act-corp.com The Datey-Eyrich GmbH Training Center offers the following IT courses: CCNA, CCNP, CCDP, CCSP, MCSE, Network+, A+, Security+, CEH, CFIH Training Center: Königsbergerstr. 12, 66877 Ramstein Tel.: 06371.964222 Mail: [email protected] Web: www. datey.com Develop your potential. Get your MBA on weekends. TROY OPEN HOUSE on 28 February and 6 March 2008, 5.00 pm – 7.00 pm, Dean: Dr. Tom Queissen Hosted by Datey Training Center located in Ramstein, Königsbergerstr. 12 To register please contact our office at 06221.868-100 or email [email protected] February 22, 2008 Professional Services µ = see photo @ www.kaiserslauternamerican.com Professional Services are offered by registered businesses as well as private people. To ensure a satisfactory service experience, please always ask for credentials and deny payments up front. For cleaning services, arrange for payments after a final walkthrough and inspection of the clean house. !!!Helga´s Cake Service 9am5pm Tel. 0631-51601 Fax: 0631-3508720 after 5pm + weekends 06357-7386 !Amer Photographer Amer Prices Families, kids, events, call 06371-404505 or visit www.bwginas.com µ 100% Fun! Toddlers to Teens! Clown, Magic, Airbrush Tattoos… 0174/3075784 µ A+B cheapest perfect house cleaning PCS carpet cleaning painting yard work 0175-7427605 A+C Great Home Cleaners. Cheaper perfect house. PCS carpet cleaning +yard works, painting and movers. 0162-5676154 Alpha Cleaners PCS reg Carpet, Yardwork+painting trash hauling Tel. 01744858071 last min ok Are you moving? Prof. cleaning in-and outside. Removal of bulk waste, garbage, yard waste. Repair service 06383-927372 or 0172-6693714 Braiding micro cornrolls fixing weavon & removal w/100% human hair or synthetic. Wigs of all kinds & types African & Amerikan Cosmetics. Visit us PD+T Africa Shop, Richard-WagnerStr. 77 0631-3104802 Mon-Sat 1030-1900 Carpet cleaning, PCS cleaning, painting, reg house cleaning Tel. 0173-6844676 Certified translations. Reasonable rates. Call Regional Administrative Assistant USO Europe Regional Office Kaiserslautern, Germany USO Europe is looking to fill its full time Administrative Assistant position for its regional office relocating to Kaiserslautern in March. This fast paced and challenging position reports directly to the Vice President, Operations. Primary responsibilities include: performing duties as the organization’s receptionist, maintaining the office calendar, managing office expenses against the approved headquarters budget, coordinating travel arrangements, reconciling travel and credit card expenditures and overseeing all insurance requirements for the organization’s vehicle fleet. Key additional duties include: administering USO Europe’s tax relief program for individual and corporate donors in Germany and assisting with the coordination of the annual USO Europe Service Salute. Position Requirements: Demonstrated proficiency with Microsoft Office Suite (Power Point, Excel and Word) as well as basic accounting. German language skills (oral and written) are a definite plus. Send resume/salary requirements to USO Europe, Attn: HR Assistant, Mrs. Anne Marie Herrmann at [email protected] No relo. E/O/E AA. February 22, 2008 Tel. 06374-4113 or 0179-531-0274. Cheap cleaning service contact me at Tel. 0162-3843248 Cleaning, Housekeeping and PCS Call: 0176-24779775 Computer Problems? House calls DSL setup, PC repair, upgrades. 0179-5407349 www.gamefest.de Computer Service - support, consulting & education at your house! All Windows systems, ISDN, DSL, network, security, and more! MH Computer Service Tel. 0171-6561773 Computer/Internet Service & Repair, Tax-Free, Certified approved Business. Since 1995 in Service. Use our Experience. Info and Housecalls at 01719881857 or 06371-2421 Kaiserslautern American Event Planning? Weddings or any special occasion; don’t forget me! DJ SCAR 016093851705 or scar_face35@yahoo. com Hairstylist dedicated to rejuvenating ALL grades of hair at an affordable price. Offers numerous hairstyles including men’s cuts! Email or call Latoya at ‘Anointed Hands’ for an appt [email protected] or 0179-9769080 µ I make cakes! Well priced and very nice. Call Jessica 016093513860 Looking for a professional Gospel Singer for festivals, weddings, parties, special events or funerals? Call Temas Tel. 06383-926961 or 0151-54620239 Magic Cleaners Cheaper house cleaning PCS carpet cleaning and painting Call 0174-4854252 More Clean for Less Pay! We take care of your house & lawn. Call Jubril: 0157-74159267 Music classes in piano organ keyboard accordion brass instruments clarinet saxophone & singing. State Certified Teacher. Live Piano Music Tel. 0157-74236887 PCS, House, yard cleaning / work weekly monthly basis/ regular at cheaper prices 0162-8994673 Tr a n s l a t i o n s - c e r t i f i e d . Divorces, medical, school certificates, etc. KL., near Vogelweh. Reasonable rates. Call: 0631-54440 Page 39 Velvet Skin - Spring Hot Oil Massage Daily 9-21 1hr/€40 Tel. 0152-09518289 Voice lessons (experienced professional singer, BM) Tel. 06372-508747 or [email protected] Wine Shipping Contact: Arnold Broesch jun. 065357489 ABroesch@t-online. de Sue Hoeft 06385-993658 [email protected] WWW.ADVANTIPRO.DE The Find-It Guide Business Listings Military Numbers Emergency Numbers City Features Maps and more… www.finditguide.de
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