PGL Caythorpe Court


PGL Caythorpe Court
NCS Residential Risk Assessment
PGL Caythorpe Court
Caythorpe Heath Lane, Caythorpe, Grantham, NG32 3ER
PGL Caythorpe was visited by an EBP Health & Safety Advisor on 28 June 16
to ensure that the site lived up to the high standards that we at The EBP
expect for our NCS services. Our Health & Safety Advisor talked extensively
with Paul Russell the Centre Operations Manager, looking at various policies
and assessmentswhich are held on line, before undertaking a guided tour of
the site. As the site was also being utilised by NCS at the time of the visit, the
Health & Safety Advisor spent time with the NCS mentors to confirm that they
had received their relevant briefings on arrival. It was also reassuring to
observe the youngsters working together on various activities and nobody
appeared to be excluded/not taking part, or more importantly not enjoying
themselves. The Health & Safety Advisor also confirmed that the mentors
were also happy with their accommodation and other facilities on site, with
no negative reports.
Situated just ten miles north of Grantham, is a site containing over 65 acres of
space for the NCS youngsters to enjoy, it is packed full of adventure activities
on land and water. This purpose built site can accommodate over 800
people at a time. A map of the site is attached at Annex A, along with some
visitor and centre information. PGL is the UK's leading outdoor education
provider, delivering inspirational learning through adventure, and they have
been creating life-enriching adventures for memories that last a lifetime and
have been doing so since 1957. The NCS young persons as well as being with
mentors and EBP staff, they will be looked after by the PGL staff from 0700 till
2100, so they will also coordinate activities during
recreation time. The PGL code of practice is attached at Annex B. This is a
secure fenced site with 24hour security provided by a night support person
and monitored CCTV, all of which is controlled from reception. The main
gate to the site is electronically locked with access to the whole site
controlled, although there is a rarely used public right of way that cuts across
the bottom corner of the site. The advisor was advised that it is the furthest
point away from the accommodation. A copy of the PGL safeguarding
policy is attached at Annex C.
The NCS young persons are housed in single sex multi occupancy rooms, with
separate en-suite facilities. The bedrooms are arranged in blocks and vary
greatly in style. All rooms are lockable individually, with mentors/EBP staff
residing in the same accommodation blocks as the young persons. There is
also an overspill tented area which is adjacent to the permanent
accommodation, with each tent having 5 proper beds inside them. As part
of the tented area there are purpose built single sex toilet and shower blocks,
all with individual cubicles. There are also various communal areas on site
and areas to relax in outside of scheduled activities, some of which will be
allocated specifically for NCS use. Facilities also include an on-site shop
which is open 12: 15 to 14:00and 17:00to 19: 15, with groups being allocated
a shopping time to minimise queuing.
Meals are freshly cooked, balanced and will give the young persons' plenty
of energy to keep them going throughout the day and are obtained via selfservice in the large communal dining facility. In addition to their fantastic
range of hot meals, (which are freshly prepared and include vegetarian
options), they offer tasty, healthy, homemade soup every day. Menus are
clearly displayed inside and outside the dining facility. An example menu is
attached at Annex D. There's also a wide variety of fresh fruit and salad
options at the salad bar - it's great when they want to try something new!
For young persons who may be rather particular about what they eat,
whether it's because of special dietary needs or simply someone who's really
particular, PGLwill find something to suit any special requests you may have.
Several boards are also displayed that highlights
which food is gluten, dairy, nut or egg free as well as halal.
During NCS, PGL will organise and supervise all of the planned activities, as
their professional staff are trained to understand the aims and objectives of
NCS. An example timetable of group outdoor activities can be found on the
PGL website. PGL are fully insured and an extract of their insurance policy is
attached at Annex E. PGL have a plethora of awards that can also be seen
via links to awarding bodies from their website, these include AALA licence
and their Learning Outside the Classroom Quality Badge award. Each
activity is covered by a generic risk assessment, a site specific risk assessment
and a technical support document, these are all held electronically and a
random sample where looked at by The EBP Health & Safety Advisor. This
assessment process ensures that activities are as safe as is reasonably
practicable, whilst also allowing PGL staff to be easily moved between sites,
a basic PGL site specific risk matrix is therefore attached at Annex F.
With sufficient prior notification, the majority of the PGL activities can be
adapted for youngsters with additional needs, which would include upper
body climbing, modified zip wire and canoeing activities. The whole site is
reasonably level and is fully accessible for wheelchairs, there are also fully
accessible and modified toilets, bathrooms/wet rooms with grab rails and
shower seats, however there are no hoists on site as the PGL staff are not
trained to use them. Secure and/or refrigerated storage for medication is
also available on site.
PGL, as the lead operator, have risked assessed all of their adventure
activities individually and these assessments, which consist of generic
assessments, bespoke assessments and operating procedures, have been
looked at by one of The EBP Health & Safety Advisor's. A summary copy of
The EBP PGL Caythorpe Assessment is attached at
Annex G and attached at Annex H are some generic site photographs.
Adrian Manning
Map and centre/visitor information
PGL Code of Practice
PGL Safeguarding Policy
Example menu
Insurance Extract
PGL Risk Matrix
EBP, PGL Caythorpe Assessment
Generic photographs
Familiarise yourself
• Familiarise yourself with the
emergency exit routes and the
designated fire assembly point in
case of fire or other emergency.
• Ensure emergency exit routes
and doors are free from
obstructions and walk the routes
to familiarise yourself with them.
• Read the 'action in case of fire'
notices, including where the fire
assembly point will be and brief
the group on the procedure.
Site Tour I Fire Procedure
• During the site tour we will expect the accompanying adults to walk the group to their designated meeting point.
PGL staff may not be present when a fire alarm goes off and the group needs to understand the procedure to be
• Adults should consider their procedures for checking their allocated rooms to ensure everyone is accounted for .
·-· If a fire alarm sounds
• It is your responsibility to make your way to the fire meeting point.
• Ensure you have your rooming list and can account for all group members
outside of the building. {For this reason it is important to inform us of any
changes to your rooming lists).
Once at the fire assembly point
• If an alarm sounds during the night, it is the Party Leader's responsibility to ensure everyone attends the fire
assembly point.
• Line up your group in front of the allocated sign.
• Inform the Fire Marshall (who will be wearing a high visibility vest) if your group is present and correct or if
any children are missing.
• You will be informed when it is safe to re-enter the building; please do not do so until you are told.
Minimising false alarms
• Inside all guest accommodation are sensors for the fire alarm. They are very sensitive and even the steam from a
shower or aerosols can set them off. Pleasehelp to prevent any false alarms by encouragingguests to ensure doors to
the bathrooms are kept closed and any aerosols are only used in the bathrooms.
.l. Your centre manager
Tom Mountain
tl Duty mobile
07969 234 676
-A- Centre address
PGL Caythorpe Court,
Caythorpe Heath Lane,
Caythorpe, Grantham,
Lincolnshire, NG32 3ER
\. Centre number
01400 273 733
h Fire procedures
Please make yourself familiar
with the centre's fire procedures
as quickly as possible.
Your Group Leader will go
through the fire procedures with
your group, information is also
displayed in the accommodation
h Fire assembly
CourtHouse- outsidefrontdoor
Vales - on frontlawn
Wolds- in gatewayto AmhemCourt
Fens - acrossroadnextto Tower 2
Campsite- nextto SportsHall
Seeking assistance
Duty staff are available 24 hours a day to
assist if your Group Leader is unavailable.
They can be contacted on 07969 234 676
or by calling 6401 on an internal phone.
Wi-Fi is available in the leaders' lounge
in the Court house and in the bar to
guests over the age of 18. Please read our
Internet policy and sign the Wi-Fi users
agreement. Please ask your Group Leader
if you require additional copies for the
other adults in your group.
Night support will patrol periodically
between 23:00 and 08:00 and are
contactable via reception.
Dining room
Guest parking is located in our main
car park in front of reception. Please be
aware that vehicles are parked at the
owners' risk; please make sure you have
locked and secured your vehicle and have
registered at reception.
Your Group Leader will advise you of
your mealtimes and will accompany you
to the dining room. If any of your group
have specific dietary requirements, please
ensure that your Group Leader is aware so
they can liaise with the dining room team
to provide appropriate alternatives where
En suite accommodation at Caythorpe
Court is provided in purpose-built
accommodation blocks and wooden
lodges, sleeping 4-8. Chalet style tents
are also available with toilets and showers
close by.
Our shop is located in the pavilion and
sells a range of products including a
selection of soft drinks, snacks, toiletries
and PGL gifts. Your Group Leader will
advise you of your allocated shop visiting
~ Medical contacts
Leaders' lounge
DentalHealth Centre,3 AvenueRd,
Grantham Tel: 01476 594480
Caythorpe Surgery, 52 High
Street, Caythorpe, Grantham
Tel: 01400 272215
You are welcome to use the leaders' lounge
located in the Court house, where there is
plenty of comfortable seating as well as tea
and coffee making facilities. In addition, you
will find a number of smaller shared lounges
you can use with additional tea/coffee
making facilities, conveniently located in
and around the accommodation areas.
Grantham & District Hospital, 101
Manthorpe Rd, Grantham
Tel: 01476 565232
Non-emergency medical
advice: 111
Opening times: 19:30 - 23:30
Our on-site bar is located in the Peter
Lawrence Centre and is available for the
adults in your group and our staff to enjoy.
For the comfort of all guests please note
the bar is a non-smoking facility. There is a
designated smoking area outside the bar.
Please ask a member of staff to advise you
where this is located.
What's on?
During your stay there may be a hospitality
event for all accompanying adults. This
gives you the opportunity to meet some
of the management team and the other
adult leaders, in a relaxed environment. It
also gives you the chance to discuss any
feedback you may have.
You can get further information about this
from your Group Leader.
Other guests
Please ensure that your group shows
consideration for other guests using the
centre. If you have any concerns regarding
the behaviour of another group or guest,
please advise your Group Leader or
another member of the PGL team.
Annex A to
NCS Residential Risk Assessment
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The information in this pack, together with your centre tour will help you get the most from your visit. If you have
questions regarding any aspect of your stay please speak to your Group Leader or another member of staff.
Supervision and Support
Our Role - Group Leader
Your Role - Party Leader
Your PGL Group Leader (or "Groupie") is a key member of the PGL
centre team assigned to your group whose main role is to ensure the
smooth running of your trip, acting as all-round support for your group.
As the Party Leader and/or accompanying adult you have a number
of responsibilities that will assist us in ensuring your stay is both
successful and enjoyable.
During the course of your stay, your Groupie will:
During the course of your stay you are responsible for:
Meet you on arrival and organise a welcome talk and tour of the
• The control, behaviour and pastoral care of your group and
ensuring your group complies with the PGL Code of Conduct
Help you organise and settle your group into their accommodation
Ensure your group are occupied from your agreed arrival time until
the evening meal
• Supervising your group during specific activities and during your
group's allocated shop time (your Groupie will provide infonmation
about this)
• Arrange to meet and accompany your group to all meals
Liaise with the Party Leader and adult members of your group on a
daily basis to ensure good communication throughout your stay
Deliver a varied evening entertainment programme
Be available after mealtimes to help supervise your group and lead
Daytime Activities
Our responsibility
with your support
Ensuring one adult from your group is on centre and contactable at
all times
• Any medication brought onto the centre for a member of your group
• Supervising your group within the accommodation area after the
agreed time set by yourself and your Groupie
Your responsibility
with our support
Familiarising yourself with the fire procedure and following it in the
event of a fire alanm (the fire procedure will be explained during
your welcome talk)
Ensuring your group does not enter any of the activity areas
outside session times
Deciding whether a group member should be taken to a doctor or
hospital, in which case we will arrange a taxi. The cost of this will
be passed on to the school or group
Notifying parents of any doctor, dentist or hospital visit, or other
incident affecting a member of your group, if appropriate
Breaks and Free Time
Meal Times
• Assisting in the supervision of your group on some sessions and,
if possible, supervising all activity sessions (particularly for schools
where your Local Authority insist on this)
Night Time
• Withdrawing any member of the group from an activity, if necessary
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: Who do I contact if I require anything for my room?
A: Our housekeeping team will have carefully prepared your room for your
arrival. If there is anything we have overlooked, please don't hesitate to
speak to your Groupie or come to reception.
Q: We have a birthday during our stay, how can we make this day extra
special for the individual?
A: We will be happy to arrange a birthday card and a small complimentary
birthday cake (a larger cake can be purchased). Happy Birthday will be
sung during the day in an appropriate place.
Q: Do I need to wear my visitor's ID at all times?
A: Yes please! All visiting adults on centre will be provided with a visitor ID,
which must be worn for the duration of their stay. If you have any guests
visiting your group for the day please ensure they sign in at reception,
where the appropriate ID will be provided.
Q: What happens if there is an accident during free time?
A: Please report the accident to reception, where we can assist with further
Q: What if I require the maintenance service during my stay?
A: Please report any maintenance issues to your Groupie or to reception
and we will get the team to investigate the problem as soon as possible.
Q: When is my group's wake-up time?
A: This can be agreed between you and your Groupie who will also let you
know what time you need to be in the dining room for breakfast. Please
make sure that your group stay in their accommodation until this time.
Q: Is there an area availablejust for the use of Party Leaders and adults?
A: Yes, in our visitor lounge. Please refer to the enclosed information to find
out where this is located.
Q: Is smoking permitted on centre?
A: Yes, but only in the designated area. Pleasetalk to your Groupie or ask
at reception to find out where the designated smoking area is.
Annex B to
NCS Residential Risk Assessment
of Practice
March 2016
I. Responsibility - Sharing the load
2. Health and Safety
Risk Assessment
Safeguarding and Child Protection
Fire Precautions
Minimum Operating Standards
Catering Standards
Accident and Incident Procedures
First Aid
3. External Verification
Learning Outside the Classroom
Adventurous Activities Licensing Authority
British Activity Providers Association
National Governing Bodies of Sport
Training Accreditation
4. Recruitment, DBS Checks and Training
5. Staff Competence
6. Accommodation
7. Security
8. Transport
9. Inclusivity and Additional Needs
10. Excursions and Visitor Attractions
Appendix 1 - Code of Conduct - Centre Rules
Appendix 2 - Definition of Responsibilities for
Supervision of Visiting Groups
We are very proud of our excellent satisfaction ratings and safety
record. These are due to the enthusiasm, diligence and care of our
staff, working to the prescribed systems and procedures that we
have developed over the years and continue to refine.
1. Res pons ibility
Sharing the Load
"Teachers and other staff in charge of young people have a
common law duty to act as any reasonably prudent parent would
do in the same circumstances."
This Code of Practice is a summary of our major systems and
procedures. Extensive operational guidelines cover these issues
in much greater depth and form the basis of our staff training and
centre operations.
At PGL we aim to help party leaders as much as possible to ensure
that the whole experience is as successful as possible.
It is important for us to maintain such systems and procedures:
This Code of Practice is intended to help you comply with the
requirements of your employing authority and the Department for
Education or Education Scotland.
To establish clearly the standards to which centres must operate
to meet the company's requirements
To ensure consistency across the centres we operate whilst
allowing for appropriate local variations
To ensure that we meet the requirements of the law, relevant
best practice, customer expectations and brochure promises
To demonstrate the above to interested parties, including local
authorities and governing bodies
We hope that you will find all the details you require in this
document, but we' 11 be pleased to answer any further questions on
request. Please refer any queries to the Customer Services Team
on 0333 321 2125 in the first instance or visit our website
PGL Travel Ltd
In this regard we provide the following:
The opportunity for any prospective party leaders, advisers or
other interested parties to visit our centres. If you would like to
arrange a visit, or you require further information, please contact
our Customer Services Team on 0333 321 2125.
A comprehensive Code of Conduct which we ask visiting
groups to adhere to (see Appendix 1).
A clear, documented definition ofresponsibilities between PGL
staff and the Party Leader, regarding safety, supervision and
general welfare (see Appendix 2).
Adequate and regular opportunities for the party leader to liaise
with PGL centre staff
A PGL group leader allocated to help with the general
organisation of the group; to provide local knowledge and to
assist with recreational events during the evenings and between
activity sessions.
Public and Products Liability Insurance cover for £30 million,
Employers' Liability cover for £25 million.
Travel Insurance is included for all UK-based schools and
groups. Policy documents are available to download on the
PGL website. Insurance cover can be arranged for schools and
groups resident overseas at a supplement.
Please note that the party leader is responsible for ensuring that
parents are aware of the scope, terms and conditions of the
insurance cover and that any pre-existing illnesses I conditions of
participants or close relatives are advised to PGL I insurers.
2. Health &Safety
Intro du c tio n
Safety is of paramount importance in all the arrangements we
make and our published Health and Safety Policy underpins our
whole operation. We understand that we have a responsibility
for the health and safety of all our staff and guests and we take
this responsibility extremely seriously (see for full
All staff are required to read, understand and implement the
company policy. At least one member of the management team
at each centre will hold a formally recognised health and safety
PGL complies with all relevant safety regulations such as the
Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, the Health and Safety (First
Aid) Regulations 1981, the Activity Centres (Young Persons' Safety)
Act 1995, the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous
Occurrences Regulations 2013 and the Management of Health and
Safety at Work Regulations 1999.
Risk Assessment
Under the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations
1999, employers have a legal duty to assess the risks to health
and safety from any aspect of their operations. A risk assessment
is nothing more than a careful examination of what, in our work,
could cause people harm. The assessment then helps us to decide
whether we're taking enough precautions or should do more to
prevent harm.
Fire Precautions
A fire safety policy and fire risk assessment is in place at all
premises. These are regularly inspected by the local fire authority
to ensure full compliance with the Regulatory Reform (Fire
Safety) Order 2005 and the Fire Safety (Scotland) Regulations
2005. The centre Manager and property team review the fire risk
assessment on an annual basis to ensure we continue to comply
with requirements for fire precaution notices, extinguishers, alarm
systems, log books and staff training etc.
Minimum Operating Standards
We have developed a Minimum Operating Standard for all
activities which outlines the qualifications, training, equipment and
procedures required to deliver a safe experience. This standard is
endorsed by a relevant Technical Expert and reviewed on an annual
basis or as and when required due to developments in equipment,
best practice or as a result of incidents within the sector.
PGL's Catering Operation is inspected by the Local Authorities
in the UK, France and Spain. In addition to this, independent
audits are undertaken by our own team of experts and external
Accident and Incident Procedures
All centres have written accident and emergency procedures and
staff are practised and competent in their operation.
One aim of the LOtC Quality Badge is to reduce administration
of teachers and leaders and therefore a large number of local
authorities do not require evidence of the risk assessments for the
activities they are not directly responsible for.
We require each visiting school or group to provide us with an outof-hours contact number to use in an emergency or for relaying
important information. The person responding to this contact
number (and the visiting party leader) should have a list of contact
numbers for the next of kin or party members. Parents should also
be aware of the school or group out-of-hours contact number.
Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy
First Aid
It is our aim to provide protection for the children and young people
who receive our services. All the arrangements we make are published
in our Safeguarding Policy (see for full details).
The Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981 require PGL
to provide adequate and appropriate equipment, facilities and
personnel to ensure everyone receives immediate attention if they
are injured or taken ill at work.
Our staff are provided with training on the procedures they should
adopt in the event that they suspect a child or young person may
be experiencing, or be at risk of, harm. This policy applies to all staff,
including senior managers and anyone working on behalf of PGL.
In order to achieve this PGL will assess all workplaces and ensure
adequate and appropriate provision of:
Qualified first-aiders
We will endeavour to safeguard children and young people by:
Suitable first-aid equipment and facilities
Valuing them, listening to them and respecting them
Management Systems to ensure adherence to this policy
Adopting child protection guidelines through procedures and a
code of conduct for staff and volunteers
Recruiting staff safely, ensuring all necessary checks are made
Information for all employees and visitors to our premises
* All instructors
are qualified in first aid and first aiders are available at all times.
Sharing information about child protection and good practice
with children, parents, Party Leaders and staff
Sharing information about concerns with agencies who need to
know, and involving parents and children appropriately
Providing effective management for staff through supervision,
support and training.
3. External Ve rifle a tio n
PGL offers the widest choice of outdoor adventure activity centres of
any UK operator, along with the benefit of half a century of operating
experience. PGL's activity centres have been subject to external
verification for decades and we have pleasure in providing you with
outline details now for your reassurance and use.
Learning Outside the Classroom Quality
All our centres are inspected, approved and awarded the Leaming
Outside the Classroom Quality Badge.
The Quality Badge is awarded to providers who not only pledge to
engage in high quality learning outside the classroom, but can also
demonstrate its fulfillment in practice. The Quality Badge initiative
ensures that every Learning Outside the Classroom experience
with a badged provider is of the highest quality and realises the
learning outcomes and enrichment opportunities your group
Adventure Activity Licensing Authority (AALA)
Some of our centres fall within the scope of the AALA regulations
which were introduced in 1996. They apply to specific activities
taking place in open environment situations in the "great outdoors".
PGL has been inspected and licensed to operate the following:
The British Activity Providers Association
The rest of PGL's UK centres do not have AALA licences because
their activities are not in scope of the regulations. We realise the
value of external verification and so we submit all our centres
to voluntary inspection by BAPA. The BAPA Code of Practice
lays down standards for accommodation, fire precautions and
insurance, as well as best operational practice. It has been
positively reviewed by AALA, AAIAC and LOtC.
National Governing Bodies
PGL's canoeing and sailing centres are inspected and approved by
the British Canoe Union and the Royal Yachting Association. PGL's
mountain biking centres are inspected and approved by British
Training Accreditation
As a leading vocational trainer of activity centre staff, our operation
is subject to regular review by awarding organisations such as the
Open College Network West Midlands, BIIAB and lst4sport, and
we are subject to inspections from Ofsted.
ABTA No.V2683
British Fencing
Dalguise: kayaking, raft building, climbing, abseiling, hill walking
Boreatton Park: abseiling on the cliff
Drummond's Dub: canoeing, dragon boating and raft building for
Lower Wye Area: canoeing for Hillcrest
Little Canada: dragon boating, raft building, kayaking, canoeing
and sailing
Osmington Bay: abseiling, dragon boating, raft building, kayaking,
and rock climbing
Tregoyd House: canoeing, climbing and abseiling
Whilst the scope of licensing itself is limited to certain activities,
AALA makes the following extension statement:
"The Guidance to the Licensing Authority from the Health and
Safety Commission states that the Licensing Authority should look
for "a culture of safety overall". They do this in part by sampling
non-licensable as well as licensable activities. Potential clients can
therefore have the same level of assurance about all adventure
activities offered by a licensed provider."
4. Recruitment, DBS
Checks and Training
Our centre managers and seniors have normally worked their
way up through the PGL ranks over a period of several years and
as a result, have a thorough know ledge of all our standards and
Approximately 50% of staff are returners: the remaining 50% are
recruited annually by our central Recruitment Department. All
our experienced recruitment officers make their selections based
on a detailed application form and two formal written references
from people who know the applicant in a professional capacity.
Any qualifications claimed by applicants must be supported by
documentary proof of level and currency.
PGL's excellent reputation ensures that we receive a wealth
of applications from enthusiastic and competent people. The
candidates selected are offered contracts of employment subject
to satisfactory enhanced checks from the Disclosure and Barring
Service or the Protecting Vulnerable Groups checks in Scotland,
the successful completion of pre-employment training, and a
favourable performance during their probationary period. All staff
are also 'List 99' checked prior to commencing work.
All new delivery staff will complete PGL's Foundation Programme.
This 9-12 month programme conforms with relevant national
occupational standards and includes qualifications from the
Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF).
The programme includes:
A 10-day training and selection course at one of PGL's training
5. Staff Competence
The following grids show that PGL complies with recognised
industry standards and detail the minimum levels to which we
operate. The following definitions apply:
Technical Adviser
This person is either a permanent member of the centre based
operational team, a member of the safety and standards team,
or an external consultant. They are always someone who is
technically qualified to advise on the safe conduct of the activity at
the level being undertaken.
Chief Instructor
The person on site with technical oversight of one or more
activities, based on their qualifications, knowledge and I or
Lead Instructor
During any session where two or more instructors are present, one
instructor is nominated as the lead instructor. The chief instructor
on site is responsible for identifying who is leading a particular
session and all staff and participants must be aware of this. Lead
instructor roles can change from session to session.
The ratios shown are for persons directly under instruction.
We normally divide into groups of twelve, though in some
circumstances activity groups may number up to fifteen. Where
some members of a group are under instruction and others are
waiting a tum, we ask accompanying adults to take the role of
supervising the waiting guests. When under instruction, visiting
adults are included in the ratios.
A full sector, company and centre induction at their centre of
Comprehensive, job-specific training and assessment followed by
regular observations, feedback and reviews.
PGL Staff Competence Matrix - Land Based Activities
Technical Advisor
Chief Instructor
i/c Activity
Lead Ins true tor lie
Sess 10n
Ins true tor
Ratio Instructors
to Guests under
Man-made Structure
UK+ France
MIC Holder
Assessed by MIA
Assessed by MIA
Assessed by MIA
Boreatton Park Cliff
MIC Holder
Assessed by MIA
Assessed by MIA
Assessed by MIA
Aero ball
On Site
In-house Trained
and Assessed
In- house Trained and
I :4
Air Rifles
NSRA Diploma
In-house Trained and
Assessed (over 21 yrs old)
All Aboard
UK+ France
Assessed by MIA
Assessed by MIA
I: I or I :3 Guest
Belaying 3 others
off ground
On Site Ranges
GNAS Leader
In- house Trained and
I :4 (shooting)
On Site Tracks
EASI Level 2
In-house Trained
and Assessed
In- house Trained and
Team Games/
Ball Sports
On Site Fields
Sports Halls
In-house Trained
and Assessed
In- house Trained and
In-house Trained
and Assessed
Beach Studies
Sheltered Beaches
Areas of Coastline
In-house Trained
and Assessed
In-house Trained and
I : 12 (Minimum 2
On site Tracks
National Trainer
In-house Trained
and Assessed
In- house Trained and
I: 12 (max 6 bikes)
Bouldering Wall
On Site
MIC Holder
In-house Trained
and Assessed
In- house Trained and
Burn Walk
Centre Grounds
MIC Holder
Assessed by
Approved Tech
In-house Assessed by
Approved Assessor
Assessed by
1:12 Minimum 2
On Site I Off Site
Designated Area
In-house Trained
and Assessed
In- house Trained and
On Site PGL Specific
In-house Trained
and Assessed
In-house Trained and
Man-made Structure
UK+ France
MIC Holder
Assessed by MIA
Assessed by MIA
Assessed by MIA
1: I or 1 :3 Guest
Belaying 3 others
off ground
Crags and Cliffs UK
MIC Holder
SPA Holder
SPA Holder
Assessed by MIA
1:1 rope I 1:2
Ropes (SPA)
Crags and Cliffs
MIC Holder
SPA Holder
SPA Holder or Licensed
French Operator
Assessed by MIA
1: I rope I 1:2
Ropes (SPA)
Fan Descender
Marchants Hill
MTC Holder
Assessed by MIA
Assessed by MTA
Assessed by MIA
On Site - Indoor and
BFA Teacher
BFA Teachers Certificate
1: 12
On Site Tracks
In-house Trained
and Assessed
In-house Trained and
In-house Trained
and Assessed
I: 1
Res tnc no n
Giant Swing
On Site Structure
MIC Holder
Assessed by MIA
Assessed by MIA
High Ropes
Rail Course
On Site Structure
MIC Holder
Assessed by MIA
Assessed by MIA
On Site Structure
In-house Trained
and Assessed
In-house Trained and
On Site Structure
MTC Holder
Assessed by MIA
Assessed by MIA
I : I or 1 : 3 Guest
Belaying 3 others
off ground
Low Level
Off Site Lowland - UK
and France
MTC Holder
In-house Trained
and Assessed
In-house Trained and
In-house Trained
and Assessed
I: 12 (Minimum 2
Low Ropes
On Site Structure
MIC Holder
In-house Trained
and Assessed
In-house Trained and
In-house Trained
and Assessed
1 :12
Motor Bikes
Designated on Site
In-house Trained
and Assessed
In-house Trained and
In-house Trained
and Assessed
Mountain Bikes
Low Level Approved
On and Off Site
I :8 (minimum 2
Instructors Offsite)
Night Line/
Sensory Trail
On Site
In-house Trained
and Assessed
In-house Trained and
In-house Trained
and Assessed
On site or BOF Level
I Terrain
BOFLevel I
In-house Trained and
In-house Trained
and Assessed
Quad Biking
On Site Tracks
EAST Level 2
EAST Level I Supervisor
EAST Level I
Slack lines
On and Off
Site Temporary
In-house Trained
and Assessed
In-house Trained and
Street Surfing
On Site
In-house Trained
and Assessed
In-house Trained and
Stunt Kites
On Site and Sheltered
In-house Trained
and Assessed
In-house Trained and
In-house Trained
and Assessed
1: 12 (Minimum 2
Instructors - off site)
Man-made Structure
UK+ France
MIC Holder
Assessed by MIA
Assessed by MIA
Assessed by MIA
I: 1
On Site Structure
MIC Holder
Assessed by MIA
Assessed by MIA
Assessed by MIA
Tunnel Trail
Man-made Tunnels
In-house Trained
and Assessed
In-house Trained and
In-house Trained
and Assessed
I Vertical
On Site Structure
MTC Holder
Assessed by MIA
Assessed by MIA
Assessed by MIA
I : I or I : 3 Guest
Belaying 3 others
off ground
Zip Wire
Man-made Structure
UK+ France
MTC Holder
Assessed by MIA
Assessed by MIA
Assessed by MIA
PGL Staff Competence
Matrix - Water Based Activities
Venue I Res tnc no n
Technical Advisor
Ch ie f lns tructo r
i/c Activity
Lead Ins true tor lie
Sess ton
Ins true tor
Ratio Instructors
to Guests under
Beam House,
Whitecliff Bay (surf
BCU Level 5 coach +
In-house training
NWSMPL3Approved by TA
In- house training with
In- house training
I : I O (minimum 2
Mediterranean (surf
BCU Level 5 coach +
In-house training
with RLSS
NWSMPL3Approved by TA
In-house training with
In-house training
with RLSS
I: I O (minimum 2
La Fosca
BCU Level 5 coach
Level 2 coach +
4 star Cn, Tour or
Sea or RYA SI Approved by TA
Level 2 coach + 4 star Cn,
Tour or Sea or RYA SI Approved by TA
Segries and Lou
Valagran - Ardeche
BCU Level 5 coach
Level 2 coach +
3 Star Assessor
CanoeApproved by TA
Level 2 coach + 4 star
canoe -Approved by TA
Chateau du Tertre
BCU Level 5 coach
Level 2 coach
+ 4 star Canoe
Approved by TA
L2 coach (CN)
LI coach
Canoeing I
Little Canada Woodside Beach
BCU Level 5 coach
Level 2 coach
4*Sea/ Cn or
Tour - Approved
by TA
L2 coach
LI coach
I - 8 (minimum 2
Canoeing I
Dalguise - Loch/
River Tay
BCU Level 5 coach
Level 2 coach +
4 star Canoe
Level 2 coach + 4 star
Canoeing I
Chateau du Tertre Mayenne
BCU Level 5 coach
Level 2 coach
+ 3* CN, Tour or
LI coach + 3 * Cn or tour
or sea
LI coach
I - 8 (minimum 2
Canoeing I
Hillcrest I Tregoyd River Wye (grade I)
BCU Level 5 coach
Level 2 coach +
4 star Canoe
Level 2 coach + 4 star
Ll coach
I - 8 (minimum 2
Canoeing I
Barton Hall I
Boreatton Park I
Caythorpe Court
I Drummonds
Dub I Liddington
I Marchants Hill
I Windmill Hill I
Winmarleigh Hall
BCU Level 5 coach
Level 2 coach
LI coach
LI coach
Canoeing I
Tregoyd - Llwyn Filly
BCU Level 5 coach
Level 2 coach +
4*CN, WWKor
LI coach
LI coach
I :12
Drummonds Dub I
Weymouth Harbour
RYA PBI with Safety
and Dragoon Boat
Helm + BCU Level 4
PGLLevel 2
Dragon Boat
PGL Level 2 Dragon Boat
PGL Dragon
Boat Helm
Level I
I - 12 (minimum 2
Little Canada Wootton Creek
RYA PBI with Safety
and Dragoon Boat
Helm + BCU Level 4
PGLLevel 2
Dragon Boat
PGL Level 2 Dragon Boat
PGL Dragon
Boat Helm
Level I
I - 12 (minimum 2
LI coach
I x L2 coach+
4 * star canoe Approved by TA
LI coach+ 3
star canoe
I - 8 (minimum 2
I - 8 (minimum 2
I - 8 (2 instructors
Little Canada
I: I (2: 12 in group)
RYA Safety Boat
RYA Safety Boat Driver
Adult Spotter
Knee Boarding
Designated Sheltered
Tidal Waters
Adult Spotter
1:1 (2:12 in Group)
Raft Building
Barton Hall/
Boreatton Park
I Lidd ington I
Marchants Hill /
Drummonds Dub I
Caythorpe I Tregoyd
I Winmarleigh I
Chateau du Tertre
I Lou Valagran I
BCU Level 5 coach
Level 2 coach
2 * + In-house training
2 * + In-house
I - 12 (minimum I
Raft Building
BCU Level 5 coach
Level 2 coach
In-house Training
In-house Training
I - 12 (minimum I
Raft Building
OsmingtonWeymouth Harbour
BCU Level 5 coach
Level 2 coach 4 *
SEA, CN, Tour or
2 * + In-house training
2 * + In-house
I - 12 (minimum I
Rock Jumping
Coastal, River and
Gorge offsite venues
3: I (active jumping)
Max 3:25 in water
Wootton Creek (Little
Canada) Portland
harbour (Osmington
Bay) PGL Safety Boat
(s) in Operation
RYA SI with Keelboat
RYA Senior
with Keelboat
RYA Keelboat or Dinghy
Instructor with (Keelboat
Endorsement or
Seamanship skills in Keel
Instructor & 50%
RYA Assistant
I :9 Guests (never
over the boats
carrying capacity)
Mediterranean Coast,
PGL Safety Boat (s) in
RYA ST+ Multihull
RYA Senior
RYA Multihull Instructor or
Dinghy with Seamanship
skills in multihulls
50% RYA
Instructor & 50%
RYA Assistant
I :3 Guests
Sailing (single
Mediterranean Coast,
Portland Harbour,
Wootton Creek (PGL
Safety Boat(s) in
RYA Instructor
Instructor & 50%
RYA Assistant
I :9 (Fun Boat I
Picos/ Fever) I :6
([oppers I Taz) min
2 staff
Sit On Top
Osmington Weymouth Harbour
BCU Level 5 coach
Level 3 coach
Sea, Cn or Kayak
Sit On Top
La Fosca Med Coast
BCU Level 5 coach
Level 2 coach +
4 star Cn, Tour or
Sit On Top
Lou Val - Ceze
BCU Level 5 coach
Level 2 coach
Sit On Top
Mimosa - Med Coast
BCU Level 5 coach
Level 2 coach or
LI coach
I - l O (2 instructors
LI coach
I - 8 (minimum 2
LI coach
LI coach
I - I O (minimum 2
LI coach
LI coach
I - 10 (minimum 2
LI coach
Level 2 coach
Sit On Top
Segs and LVArdeche
BCV Level 5 coach
Level 2 coach +
MWE&5 Star
Level 2 coach + 4 star
Ll coach+ 3*
I - 8 (minimum 2
Mediterranean Coast
Water Snorkel
BSAC Open Water
Snorkel Instructor
In- house Trained
and Assessed
I :6 (minimum 2
Stand Up
La Fosca Med Coast
BCU Level 5 coach
discipline module
In house Training and
Westward Ho! (surf,
In-house training
with RLSS
In-house training with
In-house training
I: I O (minimum 2
Pool - Segries,
Chateau de Grande
Romaine, Barton Hall
RLSS Pool Lifeguard
Pool Lifeguard
Pool Lifeguard
(2 staff min) Pool
load and maximum
bather load dictate
specific ratios (not
to exceed 25 per
Pools during use for
Lifeguard Training
RLSS Pool Lifeguard
Pool Lifeguard
Pool Lifeguard
I trainer to 12
Sea - WhitecliffBay,
Westward Ho! (Beam)
Lifeguard Trainer I
In-house training
with RLSS
In-house training with
In- house training
I: 16 (minimum 2
Moving Water Gorges de L'Herault
(Informal Swimming
with BA's)
BCV Level 5 coach
I :50 (Lifeguard)+
1:10 Adult Spotters
(Instructors or
Mediterranean Coast,
Patrolled RYA Venue
Lifeguard Trainer I
In-house training
with RLSS
In-house training with
In-house training
with RLSS
I: 16 (minimum 2
Moving Water Ardeche
BCV Level 5 coach
BCU L2 +4*
BCU Ll +3*
Designated Sheltered
Tidal Waters
1:1 (1:4 in boat)
Water Skiing
Designated Sheltered
Tidal Waters
In- house Trained
and Assessed
I :I (2:12 in group)
Mediterranean Coast
+ Lac du Salagou
PGL Safety boat (s) in
RYA Windsurf SI
RYA Windsurf SI
RYA Start Windsurfing Ll
(Non Planing) Instructor
In-house Trained
and Assessed
or RYA assistant
6. Accommodation
7. Security
We provide a wide range of accommodation across our centres;
everything from campsites to converted farmhouses; purposebuilt chalets to mansion houses. In some circumstances the
type of accommodation is determined by the choice of centre: in
others, where there is a variety of accommodation on offer, we will
confirm what has been booked for you.
lt is the policy of PGL Travel to take all reasonable steps to ensure
the safety and security of all guests and staff at our centres. With
reference to security, several precautions and procedures have
been put in place as follows:
Wherever possible, within the constraints of accommodation type,
we provide the following standards:
All PGL staff are issued with identification badges. All visitors
must be issued with a badge or identification sticker and
signed in and out in the visitors' log.
At PGL controlled and managed centres:
All premises, rooms, equipment and resource provision
are suited to the task, adequately maintained and are in
accordance with statutory requirements.
PGL staff wear company uniform while on duty. This allows
them to be instantly recognised in their role.
AJI guest rooms have approved locks fitted to doors. There
are night security patrols at centres with tented and caravan
accommodation which cannot be locked.
Any stranger encountered on site must be directed to the
senior staff member at reception and the contact noted in the
centre log.
There are separate male and female sleeping areas and
separate bathroom facilities for mixed groups.
During the summer season, all individual children must be
signed in and out by their parents or guardians.
All bedroom and bathroom windows have opaque blinds,
curtains or equivalent.
At our centres where accommodation cannot be secured,
such as campsites and caravan parks, night security staff
patrol the centre grounds throughout the night.
Sleeping areas are adequately lit and have at least one external
window providing adequate ventilation.
There is adequate space for the storage of luggage and
clothes under beds or in cupboards, drawers and shelves.
At Partner centres:
Some of our summer programmes are run from partner centres.
PGL leases bed and accommodation provision from others and
operates to PGL standards of activity.
Centres are adequately heated.
Separate sleeping accommodation is provided for party
leaders accompanying a group, with easy access to that
group's quarters.
Party leaders have access to their group's accommodation
all times.
Larger centres have security barriers and/or CCTV coverage at
PGL carefully selects its partner centres after considering:
There are washbasins with hot and cold water and mirror for
every 10 guests, in close proximity to sleeping areas.
Location - proximity to local residents
Designated areas for PGL use
Impact on site from other users
Provision of night security staff
There is one shower or bath with hot and cold water for every
15 guests and one WC for every 10 people, in close proximity
to sleeping areas.
There are separate catering and dining facilities for the
provision of full board arrangements.
CCTV coverage
Different sites have slightly different procedures; however, our
management of security takes this into consideration and we will
not compromise on safety.
There is provision for drying clothes at all centres.
There is adequate provision for the safekeeping of valuables.
Recreational accommodation
each centre.
and facilities are provided at
In the event of sickness, we will provide a quiet room for
8. Trans po rt
All transport arrangements will be audited by our professionally
qualified transport manager to ensure they meet the following
minimum requirements before use by any group:
9. lnclusivity and Additional
PGL welcomes all guests, regardless of perceived limitations, to
take part in the PGL holiday experience. There are some practical
limits to what we can cater for in a typical centre and group
environment. These are defined by:
Will be no more than ten years old
Will conform to R66 rollover protection regulations
Will conform to all Department of Transport requirements
Must have seat belts fitted to all seats
Coach Operators
Must hold a Company's Operator Licence
Will have a current vehicle list
Will have full vehicle insurance cover and full public liability cover
Must subscribe to a 24 hour breakdown assistance provider
covering Europe
Must provide a 24 hour contact number
Will conform to EU drivers' hours, laws and regulations, to
monitor and keep tachograph records
Must have a system in place to DBS check all drivers
Ferry Operators
All operators are required to comply with all national and
international safety regulations.
All ferries are regulated nationally and PGL is therefore unable to
implement any additional measures. However, the PGL transport
manager will hold regular meetings with each of the companies
which PGL contracts for transport. Apart from the normal
commercial discussions which take place, such meetings will also
cover topics such as on-board safety and security, and codes of
conduct for groups on board.
The quality of service provided by transport operators is continually
monitored by PGL through its party leader questionnaires and any
relevant comments made are passed back to the operators for
their comment and action.
Where a centre has accessible rooms and domestic facilities we
will accept guests with all forms of additional physical needs, but
will expect them to bring appropriate carers and specialist
equipment like hoists and specialist porta-loos etc.
Where a guest is able to be accommodated, we can offer some
activities, but the range of what we can offer is based on the
guests' and carers' ability. At PGL we are continually working to
enable all guests to enjoy the many benefits of our courses, tours
and holidays. If a participant has additional requirements, we will be
pleased to discuss these with you. In order that we can make a fair
assessment of service provision and identify appropriate resources in relation to access, programming, successful participation in
health and safety, we need you to provide us with full details as
soon as possible.
10. Exe urs ions and Visitor
Where PGL programmes include excursions to visitor attractions,
we will use our best endeavours to monitor the visits in line with the
latest School Travel Forum guidance. All visits will be categorised
in accordance with the official STF guidelines and will be assessed
accordingly. The majority of visits are regularly open to the general
public and it can be expected that there will be low risk and that
all H&S regulations will be in place. This risk will be managed by
monitoring all PGL reports and guest feedback.
Where visits are categorised as having potential risks, all
reasonable steps will be taken to obtain evidence that all the
necessary documentation is in place and that the visit operators
have implemented any appropriate control measures.
Please note that risk assessments for individual groups can only
be carried out by the party leader who is familiar with the detailed
needs of the individual members of the party. The document
"Demystifying Risk Assessment" available on the STF website clarifies this issue.
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Code of Conduct - Centre Rules
Definition of Responsibilities for Supervision of Visiting Groups
As one of our booking conditions, party leaders agree to maintain
the discipline and supervision of their party. The following points
further amplify our requirements and we would be grateful if you
could ensure that your party members comply.
We ask party members to show consideration for the other
parties they meet, as well as PGL staff, coach drivers and
neighbouring local residents.
It is also important that they show respect for property coaches, centre fabric and equipment, and all other property.
Costs for intentional damage will normally be passed on to the
party responsible.
Party members should be aware of the curfew on centre and
restrict noise to a minimum during curfew hours.
No smoking is permitted in the public areas of PGL centres or
on PGL coaches. It is strictly prohibited in all accommodation
units, especially in tents. Smoking is only allowed in designated
Party leaders should not allow any underage possession or
consumption of alcohol at PGL centres.
Party members must not behave in an anti-social fashion, e.g.
use offensive or insulting language, threatening behaviour or
The Party Leader
The party leader is in loco parentis at all times and has ultimate
sanction to withdraw children at any time from any programme.
There should always be at least one adult from the visiting party
available on centre outside sessions when young people are in
Party leaders are responsible for deciding educational objectives.
PGL will advise how it can help to meet these. Party leaders are
responsible for the ongoing monitoring of guests' progress against
these objectives.
The party leader's authority is delegated to PGL instructors during
activity sessions. The PGL instructors have the right to withdraw an
activity for safety or operational reasons.
We would welcome the presence of a party leader with each
activity group. On some sessions, party leaders are required to
assist with supervision of the children. We would welcome the
presence of a party leader with each activity group. Some LA's
insist on this, so please check with your authority.
To avoid any confusion, we seek to ensure a clear handover of
responsibility for party members from party leader to our staff and
vice versa at appropriate points of the day.
Theft and other illegal activities will be reported to the police.
Young people must not leave the centre unless accompanied by
a supervising adult.
Party members must follow the country code.
PGL reserves the right to send any party member(s) home for
illegal activities, or consistent or gross misconduct. In such
cases the cost will be totally borne by the individual or party.
The party leader is responsible for deciding whether a party
member should be referred to a doctor or hospital, with the
assistance of our first-aid qualified staff. In some cases we may be
able to assist with transport arrangements, if not, we will arrange
for a taxi. The cost of this will be passed on to the school or group.
The party leader is responsible for notifying parents of any visit to a
doctor, dentist, hospital visit, or other incident affecting a member
of their group, if appropriate. He I she must therefore hold a list
of contact numbers of next of kin or have 24 hour access to this
The party leader and accompanying adults are responsible for
ensuring that their group adheres to the Code of Conduct.
PGL group leaders provide support to the party leader outside of
session times, subject to Working Time Regulations. The party
leaders escorting the group retain responsibility for their group's
welfare and supervision.
PGL covers first aid on all centres; any other medications required
must be supplied and administered by the Party Leader.
Annex C to
NCS Residential
PGL Travel Ltd
Child protection &
safeguarding policy
Risk Assessment
Child protection &
safeguarding policy
Policy Statement
PGL Lead for Safeguarding and Deputy
Responding to Concerns
Allegations I Complaints I Disciplinary and Grievance Procedures
Record Keeping
Risk Assessments
Why do we need a Safeguarding Policy?
Recognising Abuse
Treating Children with Respect
Rigorous Recruitment
Induction and Training
Appendix 1
Visitors' Code of Conduct
Appendix 2
Training Framework
Po lie y s ta te men t
PGL believes that it is always unacceptable for a child, young person or adult to experience abuse of any kind and
recognises its responsibility to safeguard their welfare by a commitment to practice which protects them.
We recognise that:
The welfare of the child, young person and vulnerable adults is paramount
All people regardless of age, disability, gender, racial heritage, religious belief, sexual orientation or identity have the right
to equal protection from all types of harm or abuse
Working in partnership with children, young people, their parents, carers and other agencies is essential in promoting
young people's welfare.
The purpose of the policy:
To provide protection for the children, young people and vulnerable adults who receive our services.
To provide staff with guidance on procedures they should adopt in the event that they suspect a child or young person may
be experiencing, or be at risk of, harm.
This policy applies to all staff, including senior managers and anyone working on behalf of PGL.
We will endeavour to safeguard children, young people and vulnerable adults by:
Valuing them, listening to them and respecting them,
Adopting child protection guidelines through procedures and a code of conduct for staff and visitors.
Recruiting staff safely, ensuring all necessary checks are made.
Sharing information about safeguarding, child protection and good practice with children, parents, teachers and staff.
Sharing information about concerns with agencies who need to know, and involving parents and children appropriately.
Providing effective management for staff through supervision, support and training.
We are also committed to reviewing our policy and good practice annually.
Richard Sanders
Operations Director
July 2016
PGL safeguarding: lead and deputy
Our Lead for Safeguarding is:
Our Deputy Lead is:
Richard Sanders
Patricia Walker
Operations Director
HR Director
PGL Travel Ltd
PGL Travel Ltd
Tel No: 0844 371 0101
Tel No: 0844 371 0101
Their role is to:
Oversee and ensure that our safeguarding policy is fully implemented.
Ensure our safeguarding standards are communicated to all staff.
Ensure details are made available to all adults, children and parents/carers.
Ensure all staff receive appropriate training in safeguarding.
Ensure DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) reporting procedures are adhered to.
The deputy should be available to support, or cover for, the nominated lead. They will also handle any complaints or
allegations against the nominated lead if appropriate.
Their role is to;
Act as the first point of contact for the centre-based safeguarding lead in the event of any safeguarding concerns or
Support and provide advice and assistance to the centre-based safeguarding lead
Quarterly review all safeguarding reports and make recommendations to PGL safeguarding lead
safeguarding lead
Their responsibilities are detailed below.
Receive information from staff, tour leaders, teachers, accompanying adults, children or parents who have safeguarding
concerns and record it.
Assess the information promptly and carefully, clarifying or obtaining more information about the matter as appropriate.
Alert a member of the PGL safeguarding management team to the incident, and, if necessary, consult locally with a
statutory child protection agency such as the Children's Social Care Services (formally known as Social Services) to test
out any doubts or uncertainty about the concerns as soon as possible.
If necessary, make a formal referral to social care services or the police, if a crime has, or may have been committed,
without delay. PGL recognises that it is not the role of the organisation to investigate or to decide whether or not a child
has been abused.
Be fully conversant with all aspects of PGL safeguarding policy.
To have an understanding of the laws relating to child protection as well as company policies and operating procedures
Ensure that the preventative measures are in effect.
To be proactively responsible for determining, administering and delivering additional training.
Make recommendations for change or improvements to current policies or operating procedures.
To know and establish links with local child protection agencies.
Ensure a detailed log is kept of all child or staff protection issues, even if at the time no further action is deemed necessary.
To openly encourage and nurture a protective culture and environment that puts children's interests first and actively
supports a whistle-blowing policy.
Annually review their centre's safeguarding risk assessment.
Ensure the vistiors' Code of Conduct is adhered to (see appendix 1 ).
Centre-based Incident Manager (CBIM)
The CBIM can deputise for the centre-based safeguarding lead and carry out initial gathering of information. They are then
able to assess this information and contact the PGL safeguarding management team.
Responding to concerns
A disclosure may be made verbally or through play or through the behaviour of a child, young person or an adult and it is
important for everyone to remember the following:
If you are concerned about a child, it is important that this is communicated to the centre-based safeguarding lead.
You may become aware of suspected or likely abuse by:
Your own observations and concerns
Being told by another person that they have concerns about a child
The child tells you
The abuser tells you
Also remember that you may not always be working directly with the child but may become concerned because of
difficulties experienced by the adults e.g.
Peer domestic violence incidents
Mental health issues
Substance and alcohol abuse incidents
Other concerns may be:
Children living away from home or who have gone missing
Peer abuse including bullying
Race and racism
Violent extremism
Sexual exploitation
Female genital mutilation
Forced marriage
Concealed pregnancy
Child trafficking
Do not delay
Do not investigate
Seek advice from the centre-based lead for safeguarding
Make careful records of anything you observe or are told
Do not destroy or allow to be destroyed any potential evidence
We ensure and emphasise that everyone in our organisation
with the centre-based
understands and knows how to share any concerns immediately
We do this through training, inductions and by ensuring all staff are aware of this safeguarding
Everyone, including both the lead and deputy for safeguarding,
will deal with concerns using the following:
Step 1 (All staff)
If you are worried a child has been abused because:
you have seen something
a child says they have been abused
somebody else has told you they are concerned
there has been an allegation against a team member
there has been an anonymous allegation
an adult has disclosed they are abusing a child
an adult has disclosed they were abused as a child
Step 2 (All staff)
Consult, monitor and record.
PGL has a policy for safeguarding. Talk to the centre-based
safeguarding lead.
Sign I date I time.
Include name and job role.
Step 3 (Centre-based safeguarding lead)
If necessary, alert PGL senior management team and decide
on next steps. If necessary, refer the concern to Children's
Social Care Services and/or the Police (in an emergency) and
follow up the referral in writing within 24 hours.**
**In allegations against a person with a "duty of care", the Local
Authority Designated Officer (LADO) will co-ordinate the next
procedural steps.
I complaints I disciplinary and grievance procedures
We have clear policies about handling allegations, dealing with complaints and our own disciplinary and grievance
procedures; these details will be made available to all adults, children, parents and carers as necessary.
Children's Social Care Services will manage any investigations, overseen by the LADO (Local Authority Designated Officer)
in accordance with Local Safeguarding Children Board procedures. These are available on the Local Safeguarding
Children Board website. PGL will make referrals to the DBS when deemed necessary or when advised by the LADO, and
in liaison with local agencies as relevant.
With regards to disciplinary and grievance procedures, we are very clear that we will take no steps until we have fully
discussed and agreed a strategy with the Local Authority Designated Officer, Children's Social Care Services and/or the
police. Any investigation will override the need to implement any such procedures.
All staff will follow our 'open-door' policy for whistle-blowing if there are concerns about the management of child
safeguarding concerns within PGL.
We will always inform Ofsted of any allegations of serious harm or abuse by any person living, working, or looking after
children at the premises (whether that allegation relates to harm or abuse committed on the premises or elsewhere),
or any other abuse which is alleged to have taken place on the premises, and of the action taken in respect of these
allegation, within 14 days.
Record keeping
All records will be kept securely in a locked cabinet/drawer in the centre-based lead's office. Only the lead for safeguarding
will have access, and records will only be kept as long as necessary.
A copy of all records will be forwarded to Head of Safety and Standards; once this has been received local records will be
If necessary, these records will be passed to Children's Social Care Services as soon as possible. All records will be
recorded by the person with the concern within 24 hours, on headed paper or incident sheets and will be factual and nonjudgmental.
It is helpful to record any known details of the child/children or young people involved, e.g. name, address, date of birth etc.
It is equally important to record the reasons for not referring to Children's Social Care Services as it is when the decision is
taken to refer. Always sign, date and time these records and also record name and job role.
Whis tie-blowing
In very exceptional circumstances when a member of staff might be concerned that the company is not dealing with child
safeguarding concerns appropriately (as per the 'open-door' policy), they may contact Ofsted, social care services, or the
police if a crime has, or may have been committed. This is a last resort but is an action that is legally covered by whistleblowing.
Risk Assessments
Everybody needs to be vigilant in adhering to this policy and also assessing the risks of their own work and activities. These
risk assessments will be carried out annually by the child protection lead and/or deputy; however it is the responsibility of
everyone to draw attention to practices and procedures that they are unhappy or uncomfortable with.
PGL recognises that that it is the enhanced functions of many mobile phones that cause the most concern, and which are most
susceptible to misuse. Misuse includes the taking and distribution of indecent images, exploitation and bullying.
It is also recognised that mobile phones can cause an unnecessary distraction during the working day and can be intrusive when
used in the company of others.
When mobiles phones are misused it can impact on an individual's dignity, privacy and right to confidentiality. Such concerns are
not exclusive to children and young people; hence there is a duty to protect the needs and vulnerabilities of all.
It is appreciated that it can be very difficult to detect when such devices are present or being used, particularly in relation to
enhanced functions, such as cameras. The use of all mobile phones is therefore limited, regardless of their capabilities. The aim
is to avoid distraction and disruption of the working day, and to minimise the opportunities for any individual to make any covert
images or misuse functions in any other way.
Photography is prohibited on all sites or in the vicinity of all PGL guests unless the permission of those being photographed has
been obtained. If those being photographed are under 18 then permission must be obtained from their parents or carers or from
the relevant accompanying adult acting in loco parentis, such as a teacher.
PGL uses the following accepted Governmental definition of extremism which is:
'Vocal or active opposition to fundamental British values, including democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual
respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs; and/or calls for the death of members of our armed forces, whether in this
country or overseas'.
There is no place for extremist views of any kind within PGL, whether from internal sources, external agencies or individuals.
PGL recognises that extremism and exposure to extremist materials and influences can be damaging so should be addressed
as a safeguarding concern. We also recognise that if we fail to challenge extremist views we are failing to protect our guests.
Any prejudice, discrimination or extremist views, including derogatory language, displayed by guests or staff will always be
challenged and, where appropriate, dealt with in line with our Disciplinary Policy for staff Code of Conduct for guests.
As part of wider safeguarding responsibilities we will be alert to:
Disclosures by guests of their exposure to extremist actions, views or materials
Graffiti symbols, writing or art work promoting extremist messages or images
Information that guests are accessing extremist material online, including through social networking sites
Guests voicing opinions drawn from extremist ideologies and narratives
Use of extremist or hate terms to exclude others or incite violence
Intolerance of difference, whether secular or religious or, in line with our equalities policy, views based on, but not exclusive
to, gender, disability, homophobia, race, colour or culture
Attempts to impose extremist views or practices on others
Anti-Western or anti-British views
Physical abuse may involve hitting, shaking, throwing, poisoning, burning or scalding, drowning, suffocating or otherwise causing
significant harm to a child. Physical harm may also be caused when a parent or carer fabricates the symptoms of, or deliberately
induces illness in, a child.
Emotional abuse is the persistent emotional maltreatment of a child such as to cause severe and persistent adverse effects on the
child's emotional development. It may involve conveying to children that they are worthless or unloved, inadequate, or valued only
insofar as they meet the needs of another person. It may include not giving the child opportunities to express their views, deliberately
silencing them or making fun of what they say or how they communicate it. These may include interactions that are beyond the child's
developmental capability, as well as overprotection and limitation of exploration and learning, or preventing the child participating
in normal social interaction. It may involve seeing or hearing the ill-treatment of another. It may involve serious bullying (including
cyberbullying), causing children frequently to feel frightened or in danger, or the exploitation or corruption of children. Some level
of emotional abuse is involved in all types of maltreatment of a child, though it may occur. It may feature age, or developmentally
inappropriate expectations being imposed on children.
Sexual abuse involves forcing or enticing a child or young person to take part in sexual activities, not necessarily involving a high level
of violence, whether or not the child is aware of what is happening. The activities may involve physical contact, including assault by
penetration (for example, rape or oral sex) or non-penetrative acts such as masturbation, kissing, rubbing and touching outside of
clothing. They may also include non-contact activities, such as involving children in looking at, or in the production of, sexual images,
watching sexual activities, encouraging children to behave in sexually inappropriate ways, or grooming a child in preparation for abuse
(including via the internet). Sexual abuse is not solely perpetrated by adult males. Women can also commit acts of sexual abuse, as
can other children.
Female genital mutilation (FMG)
Female genital mutilation (FGM) is the partial or total removal of external female genitalia for non-medical reasons. It's also known as
female circumcision, cutting or sunna.
Religious, social or cultural reasons are sometimes given for FGM. However, FGM is child abuse. It's dangerous and a criminal
offence. There are no medical reasons to carry out FGM. It doesn't enhance fertility and it doesn't make childbirth safer. It is used to
control female sexuality and can cause severe and long-lasting damage to physical and emotional health.
A girl or woman who has had FGM may:
have difficulty walking, sitting or standing
spend longer than normal in the bathroom or toilet
have unusual behaviour after an absence from school or college
be particularly reluctant to undergo normal medical examinations
ask for help, but may not be explicit about the problem due to embarrassment or fear
Neglect is the persistent failure to meet a child's basic physical and/or psychological needs, likely to result in the serious impairment of
the child's health or development. Neglect may occur during pregnancy as a result of maternal substance abuse. Once a child is born,
neglect may involve a parent or carer failing to:
provide adequate food, clothing and shelter (including exclusion from home or abandonment)
protect a child from physical and emotional harm or danger
ensure adequate supervision (including the use of inadequate care-givers)
ensure access to appropriate medical care or treatment.
Child sexual exploitation
Sexual exploitation of children and young people under 18 involves exploitative situations, contexts and relationships where young
people (or a third person or persons) receive 'something' (e.g. food, accommodation, drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, affection, gifts, money)
as a result of them performing, and/or another or others performing on them, sexual activities. Child sexual exploitation can occur
through the use of technology without the child's immediate recognition; for example being persuaded to post sexual images on the
Internet/mobile phones without immediate payment or gain. In all cases, those exploiting the child/young person have power over them
by virtue of their age, gender, intellect, physical strength and/or economic or other resources. Violence, coercion and intimidation are
common, involvement in exploitative relationships being characterised in the main by the child or young person's limited availability of
choice resulting from their social/economic and/or emotional vulnerability.
Treating children with respect
We endeavor to treat all children and young people with respect, regardless of ability or culture. We ensure that everyone signs up to
the PGL Codes of Conduct which include guidance from SAFE, the British Canoe Union and the Royal Yachting Association.
Our confidentiality statement, complaints procedures, allegations and whistle-blowing statements, and disciplinary and grievance
procedures are made available to everyone through training, induction, the staff handbook and information in staff areas.
Celebrating Children's Achievements
We positively encourage all children and young people to succeed and celebrate their achievements by
actively reviewing, realising different abilities and creating an environment where all achievements are given attention and praise. We
are particularly sensitive to the needs of disabled children who may achieve in smaller steps than their peers but are equally entitled to
We adhere to the Local Safeguarding
Children Board Key Standards for recruitment, and DfE guidelines.
We recruit all staff by obtaining full personal details and application forms with particular relevance to previous work with
children and young people.
The recruitment process is as follows:
1 A detailed application form is received and vetted by a trained Recruitment Officer.
2 The applicant's reference is verified.
3 Original qualification certificates and the applicant's identity are verified.
4 Applicants will be asked to disclose if they have ever been disqualified under the 2006 act and 2009 regulations.
5 The Disclosure and Barring Service* (DBS) 'Barred List' is checked and an 'Enhanced' check is applied for.
6 New applicants for Instructional and Group Leading roles are required to pass a 10 day residential selection and training
7 Employment commences. If the enhanced DBS check results have not been received by this time, a safeguarding
assessment is undertaken and employees are restricted to supervised duties only.
8 Employees undergo a compulsory probationary
period lasting a minimum of 2 weeks.
9 Their contract is confirmed upon receipt of the satisfactory DBS check and successfully passing the probationary period.
10 Ongoing support, development training and monitoring is undertaken by Senior Staff.
*Protecting Vulnerable Groups Scheme in Scotland
It is not possible to check applicants from overseas via the DBS so we require an Overseas Police check from their home
nation. Over 50% of staff return each year. For those eligible, we undertake a new Barred List check annually.
We have sound recruitment procedures and record when we are satisfied that the applicant is appropriate and suitable. At
least one person involved in the recruitment will undergo the Safer Recruitment Training
A DBS/PVG disclosure would not automatically
act as a bar to employment with PGL. Consideration
the legal limitations on employing certain ex-offenders
is always given to
and the company's duties in law; however, disclosures may contain
details of spent convictions irrelevant to employment with children and therefore we risk assess each case individually. When
considering whether to employ an ex-offender we consider a range of factors, including the nature of the crime, when it
happened and the success of rehabilitation,
the sentence, re-offending patterns, job requirements
offending at work. We will keep a record of our considerations
and any representations
and safeguards against
made by the individual as part of the
Induction and training
We have a clear recruitment, induction and training strategy detailing clear job descriptions, terms and conditions of
employment, staff responsibilities and all relevant procedures.
All new staff receive health and safety, and safeguarding training as part of their induction and sign to record they have
received and understood the training and documentation related to "Working with Guests and Others", which includes
safeguarding. All new staff will have a probationary review within the first month of employment and will then be observed
and appraised at regular intervals throughout their period of employment. The centre manager is responsible for ensuring
this happens in line with PGL company policy.
The training and qualification requirements for all PGL employees are outlined in appendix 2.
Following the annual review of policies and procedure all centre-based leads will attend an annual refresher workshop.
We have a clear policy about confidentiality and information sharing and these details are available to all adults, children,
parents and carers via the PGL website, discussions with senior staff during inductions, through information available in the
PGL Staff Information Guide and clearly displaying the whistle-blowers' 'open-door' policy.
We fully endorse the principal that the welfare of children and young people override any obligations of confidence we may
hold to others. Individual cases will only be shared or discussed on a "need to know" basis. All media enquiries will be
handled by Richard Sanders, Operations Director.
Visitors' code of conduct
All visitors
In order to assist us in ensuring the safety and welfare of all our guests and staff please report to reception where you will be
asked to sign in; there you will be issued with a PGL identification sticker.
What we will do for you:
Make you aware of what to do in the event of a fire and where to meet
Make you aware of the location of first aid kits and first aiders.
Let you know which toilets you should use
Let you know where you can obtain refreshments
Let you know where and when you can use your mobile phone
What you can do for us:
Park vehicles in the designated areas and drive at 5mph.
Only smoke in the designated smoking area - please ask for its location.
Let reception know if you have had an accident or witnessed an unsafe act.
Adhere to our safeguarding policy
Be advised that 'photography' is prohibited unless you have the permission of those being photographed (parents/carers
if under 18).
Avoid being alone in any situation with a child.
Never enter any accommodation without the permission of PGL or the Leaders who are occupying it.
Residential visitors
What we will do for you:
Provide you with an identification wristband.
Provide you with details of meal times.
Advise you of the conditions to the use of the bar.
What you can do for us:
Advise us if you have any medical or dietary requirements.
Behave in a manner appropriate to our residential environment.
Co ntrac to rs and suppliers of goods and services
What we will do for you:
Provide you with access to the PGL asbestos register, inspection records and risk assessments where appropriate.
What you can do for us:
Advise us if you identify any uncontrolled risks
Advise us of any 'lone working'.
Advise us of any planned vehicle movements on centre.
Provide the appropriate documentation to the designated head of department.
Facilities and property related - Maintenance Manager
Training - Centre Operations Manager
Visitor: Anyone who will have unsupervised access to our facilities who has not attended a guest welcome meeting or centre
Annex D to
Choice of Cereals
Choice of Cereals
Choice of Cereals
Choice of Cereals
Choice of Cereals
Choice of Cereals
Choice of Cereals
Natural & Fruit Yoghurts
Natural & Fruit Yoghurts
Natural & Fruit Yoghurts
Natural & Fruit Yoghurts
Natural & Fruit Yoghurts
Natural & Fruit Yoghurts
Natural & Fruit Yoghurts
White & Brown Toast with
White & Brown Toast with
White & Brown Toast with
White & Brown Toast with
White & Brown Toast with
White & Brown Toast with
White & Brown Toast with
Porridge Oats with Cinnamon,
Porridge Oats with Cinnamon,
Brown Sugar & Sultanas
Brown Sugar & Sultanas
Vegetable Sausages
Porridge Oats with Cinnamon,
Brown Sugar & Sultanas
Pork Sausages
Porridge Oats with Cinnamon,
Brown Sugar & Sultanas
Quorn Sausages
Porridge Oats with Cinnamon,
Brown Sugar & Sultanas
Pork Sausages
Veggie Bangers
Quorn Sausages
Porridge Oats with Cinnamon,
Porridge Oats with Cinnamon,
Brown Sugar & Sultanas
Brown Sugar & Sultanas
Pork Sausages
Quorn Sausages
Vegetable Sausages
Veggie Bangers
Baked Beans
Scrambled Eggs
Baked Beans
Baked Beans
Spaghetti in Tomato Sauce
Baked Beans
Baked Beans
Hash Browns
Baked Beans
Hash Browns
Hash Browns
Seasonal Fresh Fruit
Seasonal Fresh Fruit
Seasonal Fresh Fruit
Seasonal Fresh Fruit
Seasonal Fresh Fruit
Seasonal Fresh Fruit
Seasonal Fresh Fruit
Hot & Cold Drinks
Hot & Cold Drinks
Hot & Cold Drinks
Hot & Cold Drinks
Hot & Cold Drinks
Hot & Cold Drinks
Hot & Cold Drinks
Soup of the Day
Soup of the Day
Homemade Soup of the Day
Homemade Soup of the Day
Homemade Soup of the Day
Homemade Soup of the Day
Choice of Homemade Breads
Choice of Breads
Choice of Breads
Choice of Breads
Choice of Breads
Build a Burger
Baguette or Pitta Bread with Ham
Choice of Homemade Breads
Choice of Breads
Pizza with a Choice of Meat or
Vegetarian Toppings
Baguette or Tortilla Wrap
Jacket Potato Bar
Pasta Bar
Choice of Fillings
Saute Potatoes
Ready Salted Crisps
Choice of Meat & Vegetarian
Choice of Meat & Vegetarian
Meat or Falafel & Spinach Burger
with a Choice of Relishes
Garlic Bread
Seasonal Fresh Fruit & Salad Bar
Hot & Cold Drinks
Seasonal Fresh Fruit & Salad Bar
Hot & Cold Drinks
Chips & Peas
Hot & Cold Drinks
Soup of the Day
Oven Baked Fish Fingers
Sweet & Sour Pork & Vegetables
Honey & Lemon Chicken Fillet
Steak & Mushroom
Homemade Soup of the Day
Pork Loin served with Apple
Chicken Tikka with Poppadom
(V) Fresh & Sun-dried Tomato,
(V) Chickpea & Vegetable Rogan
Basil & Mozzarella Pasta & Garlic
Josh with Mushroom Biryani
Mango Chutney
New Potatoes
(V) Creamy Vegetable Kiev
Chips or Rice
Diced Carrot, Swede & Sweetcorn
Peas , Carrots & Baked Beans
Seasonal Fresh Fruit & Salad Bar
Toffee Cheesecake
Hot & Cold Drinks
Nachos with Salsa or Chips
Homemade Soup of the Day
Turkey Escalope
Battered Fish Fillet with Lemon &
Roast New Potatoes or Rice
Minced Lamb &
(V) Oven Baked Vegetable
Minted Couscous or Potato
Tartare Sauce
Balsamic Beef &
Seasonal Fresh Fruit & Salad Bar
Chocolate Crispy Cake
Hot & Cold Drinks
Ice Cream
Hot & Cold Drinks
Dinr er
Homemade Soup of the Day
Homemade Soup of the Day
Chicken Chunks with Sweet &
Roast Turkey with Cranberry
Sour Chunky Vegetable Sauce
Beef Lasagne
Sauce & Gravy
Stir-Fry Pork with Vegetables,
(V) Indian Sweet Potato Dhal Pie
Ginger & Spring Onion
Herby Diced Potatoes or Rice
(V) Macaroni Cheese with Garlic
Chips or Rice
Summer Vegetable Medley
Seasonal Fresh Fruit & Salad Bar
Lemon Drizzle Cake
Hot & Cold Drinks
Thyme Roast Potatoes
Mushy Peas & Broccoli
Sweetcorn Cobettes & Carrots
Seasonal Fresh Fruit & Salad Bar
Hot & Cold Drinks
Hot & Cold Drinks
(V) Ricotta & Spinach Cannelloni
Seasonal Fresh Fruit & Salad Bar
Hot & Cold Drinks
Seasonal Fresh Fruit & Salad Bar
[ inner
Apple & Cinnamon Crumble with
Please note: this menu is subject to product availability and may change.
Vegetables & Red Cabbage Slaw
Greek-style Cheese & Vegetables
Hot & Cold Drinks
Homemade Soup of the Day
Green Beans & Cauliflower au
Seasonal Fresh Fruit & Salad Bar
Seasonal Fresh Fruit & Salad Bar
Cheese & Tomato Omelette
Seasonal Fresh Fruit & Salad Bar
Seasonal Fresh Fruit & Salad Bar
Soup of the Day
Hot Dog
& Cheese or Pulled Pork with
Seasonal Fresh Fruit & Salad Bar
Hot & Cold Drinks
Homemade Soup of the Day
Braised Cabbage & Carrots
Hot & Cold Drinks
Seasonal Fresh Fruit & Salad Bar
Arctic Roll
Hot & Cold Drinks
Week I M16VI
the dining room
Choice of Cereals
Choice of Cereals
Choice of Cereals
Choice of Cereals
Choice of Cereals
Choice of Cereals
Choice of Cereals
Natural & Fruit Yoghurts
Natural & Fruit Yoghurts
Natural & Fruit Yoghurts
Natural & Fruit Yoghurts
Natural & Fruit Yoghurts
Natural & Fruit Yoghurts
Natural & Fruit Yoghurts
White & Brown Toast with
White & Brown Toast with
White & Brown Toast with
White & Brown Toast with
White & Brown Toast with
White & Brown Toast with
White & Brown Toast with
Porridge Oats with Cinnamon,
Porridge Oats with Cinnamon,
Brown Sugar & Sultanas
Brown Sugar & Sultanas
Pork Sausages
Quorn Sausages
Vegetable Sausages
Porridge Oats with Cinnamon,
Brown Sugar & Sultanas
Porridge Oats with Cinnamon,
Brown Sugar & Sultanas
Pork Sausages
Veggie Bangers
Porridge Oats with Cinnamon,
Brown Sugar & Sultanas
Pork Sausages
Vegetable Sausages
Porridge Oats with Cinnamon,
Brown Sugar & Sultanas
Quorn Sausages
Pork Sausages
Vegetable Sausages
Quorn Sausages
Baked Beans
Scrambled Egg
Baked Beans
Baked Beans
Spaghetti in Tomato Sauce
Baked Beans
Baked Beans
Hash Browns
Scrambled Egg
Hash Browns
Baked Beans
Spaghetti in Tomato Sauce
Hash Browns
Seasonal Fresh Fruit
Seasonal Fresh Fruit
Seasonal Fresh Fruit
Seasonal Fresh Fruit
Seasonal Fresh Fruit
Seasonal Fresh Fruit
Seasonal Fresh Fruit
Hot & Cold Drinks
Hot & Cold Drinks
Hot & Cold Drinks
Hot & Cold Drinks
Hot & Cold Drinks
Hot & Cold Drinks
Hot & Cold Drinks
Porridge Oats with Cinnamon,
Brown Sugar & Sultanas
Homemade Soup of the Day
Homemade Soup of the Day
Homemade Soup of the Day
Homemade Soup of the Day
Homemade Soup of the Day
Homemade Soup of the Day
Homemade Soup of the Day
Choice of Breads
Choice of Breads
Choice of Breads
Choice of Breads
Choice of Homemade Breads
Choice of Breads
Choice of Homemade Breads
Pizza Bar
Pasta Bar
Deep Pan or Thin Crust Pizza
Choice of Meat & Vegetarian
Potato Wedges
Freshly Baked Baguettes
Choice of Hot & Cold Fillings
Ready Salted Crisps
Jacket Potatoes
Choice of Meat & Vegetarian
Garlic Bread
Seasonal Fresh Fruit & Salad Bar
Hot & Cold Drinks
Seasonal Fresh Fruit & Salad Bar
Seasonal Fresh Fruit & Salad Bar
Hot & Cold Drinks
Seasonal Fresh Fruit & Salad Bar
Burger Bar
Meat or Spicy Vegetables in a
Bap with Fried Onion & a Choice
of Relishes
Chips & Peas
Wrap or Pitta Bread
Choice of Meat & Vegetarian
Nachos with Chilli or Cheese or
Lunch & Sausage
Choice of Meat and Vegetarian
Hot & Cold Drinks
Seasonal Fresh Fruit & Salad Bar
Hot & Cold Drinks
Hot & Cold Drinks
Seasonal Fresh Fruit & Salad Bar
Hot & Cold Drinks
Seasonal Fresh Fruit & Salad Bar
Hot & Cold Drinks
Homemade Soup of the Day
Homemade Soup of the Day
Homemade Soup of the Day
Homemade Soup of the Day
Homemade Soup of the Day
Homemade Soup of the Day
Homemade Soup of the Day
Herby Sausages with Red Onion
Oven Baked Chicken Nuggets
Gammon & Pineapple Rings
Chicken Curry with Naan Bread
Fish Cake
Cottage Pie
Battered Fish Fillet with Lemon &
Tartare Sauce
Oven Baked Breaded Chicken
Beef Stroganoff
Slow Roasted Beef & Roast
Vegetables with Gravy
Steamed Cod with Chilli Samba!
(V)Butternut Squash, Sweet
Potato & Vegetable Wellington
(VJ Four Cheese Ravioli
(VJ Quinoa with Roast Vegetable &
Chorizo, Chicken & Vegetable
Lamb Stifado (stew)
Turkey or Pork Meatballs in
Herby Diced Potato
Feta Stuffed Peppers
(VJ Glamorgan Sausages
Crushed New Potatoes or Rice
Sweetcorn & Broccoli
Chips or Rice
Peas & Carrots
Sweetcorn & Baked
Roast Potatoes or Rice
Summer Vegetable Medley
(VJ Sautced Vegetable and Lentil
Chips or Garlic Bread
Seasonal Fresh Fruit & Salad Bar
Seasonal Fresh Fruit & Salad Bar
Seasonal Fresh Fruit & Salad Bar
Seasonal Fresh Fruit & Salad Bar
Homemade Flapjack
Jelly topped with Fruit Salad
Peach Crumble & Cream
Waffles & Chocolate Sauce
Hot & Cold Drinks
Hot & Cold Drinks
Hot & Cold Drinks
Hot & Cold Drinks
(VJ Thai Vegetable Curry & Spring
Potato Wedges or Rice
Peas & Carrots
Seasonal Fresh Fruit & Salad Bar
Ginger Sponge & Toffee Sauce
Hot & Cold Drinks
Roast Potatoes or Pasta
Green Beans & Mushy Peas
Seasonal Fresh Fruit & Salad Bar
Tomato Sauce
(VJ Stuffed Portobello Mushrooms
with Spinach & Parrnesan
Green Beans & Broccoli
Ring Doughnuts
Hot & Cold Drinks
Seasonal Fresh Fruit & Salad Bar
Choe Ice and Vanilla Bricks
Hot & Cold Drinks
Please note: this menu is subject to product availability and may change.
Week2 Ml6V2
Annex E to
NCS Residential
Risk Assessment
Arthur J. Gallagher
34 Foundation Street
Telephone 020 7560 3950
Email [email protected]
13th October 2015
Our Ref:
Dear Sirs
Holidaybreak Education Ltd, PGL Group Ltd and NST Holdings Ltd.
Arthur J. Gallagher (UK) hereby confirms that the following insurance policies are presently in
Employers Liability
Policy No.
Period of Cover
Limit of Indemnity
Aspen Insurance (UK) Limited & Lloyds of London
ST008079P & 0839/ACT22282329
14/10/2015 to 30/09/2016
£25 million any one claim or series of claims arising out of one incident
inclusive of all costs and expenses reducing to £5 million in respect of
Bodily Injury occurring offshore, Asbestos and Terrorism
Public/Products Liability including Tour Operators Liability
Aspen Insurance (UK) Limited & Lloyds of London
ST008079P & 0839/ACT26903715
14/10/2015 to 30/09/2016
Public Liability
£30 million any one incident unlimited in any one period of insurance.
Products Liability
£30 million in the aggregate in any one period of insurance
£10,000 any one occurrence including costs and expenses
Professional Indemnity
Policy No
Period of Cover
Limit of Indemnity
Aspen Insurance (UK) Limited
14/10/2015 to 30/09/2016
£1 million any one claim & in the aggregate
£10,000 each and every loss including costs and expenses
Policy No.
Period of Cover
Limit of Indemnity
It is a legal requirement world-wide that anyone seeking a new policy of insurance/reinsurance or cover for additional risks or
renewal under an existing policy, must disclose any information that might influence the insurers/reinsurers in fixing the premium or
determining whether to accept the risk. Under English law, failure to do so may entitle insurers/reinsurers to avoid cover from
inception and to seek repayment of paid claims. If you are in any doubt as to whether infonnation is material you should
disclose it.
Arthur J. Gallagher Insurance Brokers Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Registered Office: Spectrum Building, 7•h Floor, 55
Blythswood Street, Glasgow, G2 7AT. Registered in Scotland. Company Number: SC108909.
Arthur J. Gallagher
The detailed insurance policies include a General Indemnity to Principals Clause or equivalent.
This document is provided for information purposes only.
The issue of this document does not make the person or organisation to whom it has been issued
an additional assured, nor does it modify in any manner the contract of insurance between the
assured and underwriters. Any amendment, change or extension of such contract can only be
effected by specific endorsement.
Should the above mentioned contract of insurance be cancelled, assigned or changed during the
above policy period in such manner as to affect this document, no obligation to inform the holder of
this document is accepted by the undersigned insurance brokers.
We will be pleased to furnish you with any additional information you may require on hearing from
Yours sincerely
Paul Godfrey
Senior Account Handler
It is a legal requirement world-wide that anyone seeking a new policy of insurance/reinsurance or cover for additional risks or
renewal under an existing policy, must disclose any information that might influence the insurerslreinsurers in fixing the premium or
determining whether to accept the risk. Under English law, failure to do so may entitle insurers/reinsurers to avoid cover from
inception and to seek repayment of paid claims. If you are in any doubt as to whether infonnation is material you should
disclose it.
Arthur J. Gallagher Insurance Brokers Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Registered Office: Spectrum Building, 7~ Floor, 55
Blythswood Street. Glasgow, G2 7 AT. Registered in ScoUand. Company Number: SC108909.
Psychological Conditions
Alcohol or Drugs
Hazardous Activities
There is no cover for previously diagnosed stress, anxiety, depression, eating disorders,
mental instability or any condition requiring psychiatric care (unless pre-screened and
accepted by the Referral Helpline in writing). Please refer to the Pre-existing medical
conditions section for age exemptions applicable of this Policy Summary and in the policy.
There is no cover for any claim caused by your past or present use or abuse of drugs,
solvents or alcohol.
Any claim caused by you taking part in a hazardous activity (as defined in the policy)
except where forming part of the published tour operator programme. Hazardous
activities include competitive events, sports, pastimes and any other activity that requires
skill and involves increased risk of injury. (If you are unsure prior to travel, if your activity
is covered by this policy, please telephone us for advice).
Annex E to
NCS Residential Risk Assessment
PGl Travel Insurance
Policy Summary - 2016 Single trip insurance
This document provides a guide to the cover provided. It is however, only a summary of the terms of cover and does not contain full
details of the insurance policy terms, conditions and exclusions which are contained in the insurance policy itself. You should refer to
your own policy document and any endorsements that apply to your policy for full detail of your cover. Please take time to read the
policy to make sure you understand the cover it provides.
About your insurance
Terrorism, war, civil disorder
The policy does not cover claims arising from terrorism, war, civil disorder or fear of any
of these.
Proof of Claim
If you have to make a claim under any section of these policies it is for you to produce
sufficient evidence of the cause of the claim and the losses connected to it before we will
meet the claim. For eg. Police, reps report confirming the loss, theft, damage or written
medical confirmation confirming the need to curtail your trip. Please also see the 'If you
need Emergency Medical Assistance Abroad' Section headed in the policy, and see 24
hour Assistance heading on the first page of this Policy Summary.
This travel insurance is arranged for PGL by Fogg Travel Insurance Services Limited (Fogg), who is authorised and regulated by the
Financial Conduct Authority and whose FCA registered number is 307304. This can be checked on the financial services register held
on the FCA's website ( A copy of the policy wording is held by Fogg. This insurance is underwritten by Union
Reiseversicherung AG (URV), UK Branch who are authorised in Germany by BaFin, and subject to limited regulation by the Financial
Conduct Authority (FCA) and in the Republic of Ireland by the Insurance Regulator. PGL Travel Limited is an Appointed Representative
of Fogg Travel Insurance Services Limited.
This insurance is Single Trip cover and under A. Pre-Travel Policy is valid from the date of purchase until you leave home at the start
of your trip. The cover under the B. Travel Policy starts when you leave home at the start of your trip and ends when you return
home or the expiry of the policy whichever is first. This insurance is arranged for departures between 1" January 2016 and
31" December 2016.
Read the sections in the policy and under the headings "What you need to do if you wish
to make a claim under this section of the policy:"
Your right
Property Claims
These are settled on an indemnity basis (initial purchase price less a deduction for age,
wear and tear) - not on a "new for old" or replacement cost basis for items belonging to
you (or a member of your family). Claims will not be considered unless substantiated by
proof of purchase or existing valuation for any item, pair or set above £50.
You should note that there is no cover for items such as mobile telephones and all
accessories, and cover for 'valuables', for e.g. photographic, audio, computer equipment
and jewellery is limited.
Read Section 82 - Personal Possessions in the policy headed 'what is not covered' and
"What you need to do if you wish to make a claim under that section of the policy:"
High Value Items
This policy is not intended to cover items of high value, such as tablets, ipods, laptops,
cameras, expensive jewellery, etc, as these should be fully insured under your house
contents insurance. There is a maximum amount you can claim for each individual item
and Valuables combined, and these are shown under Section 82 Personal Possessions in
the policy and under the Summary of Cover of this Policy Summary.
Loss of Travel Documents
This policy provides cover for costs necessarily incurred to obtain replacement travel
documents for eg transport costs, accommodation costs, but does not provide cover for
the actual cost to replace the documents.
There is no cover for Valuables, Personal Money (including Student Money, Emergency
Funds) left unattended, carried in suitcases or similar containers when left unattended.
Personal Possessions are not covered if left unattended from your personal trip
accommodation. Certain exceptions apply. Read Section 82 Personal Possessions and
Section 83 Personal Money in the policy headed 'What is not covered' and Definitions
section in the policy under Valuables, Personal Possessions and Personal Money.
Personal Liability
There is no cover for claims arising from ownership, possession, control of or use of any
mechanically propelled vehicles, aircraft, motorised skis, motorised waterborne craft or
sailing vessel or animals, land or buildings other than your trip accommodation or caused
by your profession, any member of your family, or deliberate act or omission by you.
Please read the policy under Section 87 Personal Liability, 'For each insured-person this
insurance will not cover' for details of any exceptions when forming part of the published
PGL programme.
Subrogation and contribution
We reserve the right to ask for a contribution from any other relevant insurances you
may hold and to take legal action in your name to recover losses against any third party.
URV is a member of the Financial Services Compensation Scheme, which offers you protection in the event that the Insurer is not
financially able to meet its liabilities in respect of your claim, the FSCS can cover 90% of the claim without any upper limit.
The policy wording can be viewed and printed at any time by any one who wishes to see the full terms at
then following the useful downloads insurance policy link.
to cancel
If the terms of the policy are not suitable for your needs please inform PGL within 14 days of receipt of your insurance document.
The travel insurance will be cancelled provided no claims have been made, you do not intend to make any claim and you return your
policy prior to your departure date.
24 Hour Assistance
We want to take all the worry out of your trip so that you have the best time possible. If problems do occur you can be sure that help
will be on hand wherever possible. This is why we have arranged a special 24 hour service for emergency medical assistance.
Through FOGG ASSIST we provide immediate help in the event of an Insured Person's illness or injury arising outside the United
You must notify FOGG ASSIST immediately of any serious illness or accident abroad where you are admitted to hospital or you are
anticipating having to return home early or having to extend your stay, or where costs are likely to exceed £500 because of any illness
or injury. We provide a 24 hour multi-lingual emergency service, 365 days per year and can be contacted by telephone or fax.
Emergency Tel. No. (+44) 20 7118 1444. You will need to quote PGL. Please refer to the 'If you need Emergency Medical Assistance
Abroad' Section of the policy for full details.
If you need to make a medical declaration and/or for any relevant information please refer to your policy and "Disclosure of Preexisting Health Conditions' under the pre-travel policy- a Referral should be completed at the time of booking I insurance issue
(whichever is the later) or as soon as possible thereafter for a decision on cover and includes that of any close relative on whom the
travel plans depend, even if not travelling. Age exemptions apply to certain age groups travelling in the UK or Europe. You should
contact the Referral Helpline on telephone number 01623 635958 during office hours Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm and quote
scheme name PGL.
Legal Advice
Should you have an accident abroad and require legal advice this is available through Pannone LLP, 58 Moseley Street, Manchester,
M2 3HZ telephone: 0161228 3851 or fax: 0161 909 4444. They will arrange for up to thirty minutes of advice to be given to you by a
lawyer. You cannot use this service to sue a member of your family, the tour operator, the insurer or anyone acting as their agent.
If you require a claim form please visit
and click on claim forms or by email:
[email protected]
or alternatively if you do not have internet access you can contact Fogg Travel Insurance Services
Limited Crow Hill Drive, Mansfield, Notts, NG19 7AE on telephone: 01623 631331. In all circumstances you should quote PGL.
Law Applicable
to the Insurance
This insurance is governed by the law of the country that you live in, within the United Kingdom or the Channel Islands unless you and
your insurers have agreed otherwise.
We aim to give you a first class service and to meet any valid claims covered by these policies honestly, fairly and promptly. If you are
not happy with our service or wish to complain about your insurance policy please see the following steps.
If your complaint is regarding the selling of your policy please forward details of your complaint in the first instance as follows:
Managing Director, Fogg Travel Insurance Services Ltd, Crow Hill Drive, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, NG19 7AE
Or if, your complaint is about the outcome of your claim or assistance provided please forward details of your complaint in the
first instance as follows: Write to the Branch Manager, URV, Oast Business Centre, North Frith Farm, Ashes Lane, Hadlow, Kent,
TNll 9QU who will review the claims office decision.
If you are still not satisfied with the outcome you may ask the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) to review your case.
Their address is South Quay Plaza, Exchange Tower, London, E9 5SR. Their telephone advice line is +44 (O) 800 023 4567.
and Benefits
Your policy will show the full cover provided, the following is a Summary of Cover of the main benefits, applicable to each Insuredperson:
Policy section
Maximum benefit
1. Cancellation
up to £5,000
Loss of deposit
up to £5,000
£50 I £35 UK
Significant restrictions and exclusions applying to all parts of the policy
This policy is only available to persons who have lived in the United Kingdom or the
Channel Islands for at least 6 months in the last 12 months. Please read the Definitions
section in the policy- Resident, Home and Home Country.
Insurance Policy
This contains full details of the cover provided plus the conditions and exclusions which
apply to it. You must read the insurance policy carefully.
There are conditions and exceptions which apply to individual sections and general
policy conditions, exceptions which apply to the whole policy.
Policy Limits
Most sections of the policy have limits on the amount the insurer will pay under that
section. Some sections also include inner limits e.g.: for any one item, or for valuables
in total. Read Section Bl River Closure, Section B2 Personal Possessions, Section B3
Personal Money, Section B4 Emergency Medical Expenses, Section B6 Unused
Activities, Section B10 Personal Accident, and B12 Departure Delay (this section is
provided for PGL) of the policy for full details.
An excess is the amount you have to pay towards each claim. All excesses are payable
by each insured person for each incident giving rise to a separate claim under each
Policy section
Maximum benefit
1. River Closure+
up to £90
2. Personal possessions
up to £1,500
Single article limit
I college I university
£50 I £35 UK
up to £250
Valuable limit
up to £250
Delayed possessions
3. Personal money
Under 18 years limit
up to £1,000
up to £100
up to £500
£50 I £35 UK
up to £1,000
Cash limit
up to £500
Loss of travel documents
4. Emergency medical expenses
Area 1 Limit
Hospital benefit @ £10 per day
up to £200
up to £5,000,000
up to £10,000
up to £300
5. Curtailment
up to £5,000
Up to £240
7. Personal liability
up to £1,000,000
up to £100
9. Organisers liability+
up to £5,000,000
Total loss of sight
Loss of either whole arm or whole hand
or thumb
index finger
any other finger
Loss of either whole leg or whole foot
or big toe
any other toe
Loss of either hearing in one ear
or hearing in both ears
Permanent Total Disability
11. Legal advice and expenses
in respect of rented property damage only.
£50 / £35 UK
8. Organisers expenses+
In-patient Treatment
I Injury
up to £25,000
Nil any other claims.
increased to £100 in respect of property damage.
Cover only applicable to school, college, university or other groups (with participants in full time education) organised trips.
12. Departure delay
Age Restrictions
I £1,000
6. Unused activities - £20 per day+
10. Personal accident
section of cover.
up to £200
Party leader
up to £100
I £1,000
Delay abandonment
up to £5,000
£50 / £35 UK
Missed departure
up to £500
Additional travel expenses
up to £100
and Exclusions
I £1,000
I £1,000
This is not an exhaustive list. Please take time to read the full insurance policy to make sure you understand the cover it provides
Pre-existing medical conditions:
Under Section B4 Emergency Medical Expenses your excess will reduce to Nil if you
save the Insurer money by using a European Health Insurance Card (EHi() at a hospital
and/or with a registered doctor.
Cover is available for persons under 80 years at the date of departure travelling in
Europe but limited to under 75 years if travelling to Algeria, Morocco or Tunisia. Cover
is available for persons under 75 years at the date of departure travelling Worldwide.
The duration is reduced to 31 days if you are aged between 65 and 74 and to 24 days if
you are 75 up to 80 years at the date of departure.
There is no age restriction if travelling within the United Kingdom.
There is no cover for in-patient treatment that has not been notified to the 24 hour
Emergency Assistance Service. Read 'If you need Emergency Medical Assistance
Abroad' section in the policy and see 24 Hour Assistance section heading on the first
page of this Policy Summary.
Your policy may not cover claims arising from your pre-existing medical conditions, or
any condition where medication has been changed, so you need to tell the Referral
Helpline of anything you know that is likely to affect our acceptance of your cover.
There is no cover for any claim connected to any pre-existing medical condition or any
condition where medication has been changed, unless this has been declared and
agreed in writing by the Referral Helpline - see below for any applicable age
There is however, no cover for any condition awaiting and/or receiving treatment or
investigation or for any terminal condition.
If you have ever had a heart or circulatory condition, any type of diabetes, a
stroke, breathing problems/conditions (such as asthma), high blood pressure,
psychological conditions, any form of cancer and do not notify the Referral
Helpline we reserve the right to refuse any claim on your policy.
If you have been referred to a specialist or treated as an in patient in the last two
years and do not declare that fact to the Referral Helpline we reserve the right
to refuse any claim on your policy
Non traveller's health: The above also applies to, and includes anything
concerning your close relative or close business associate on whom the travel
plans may depend, even when not travelling.
You need only contact the Referral Helpline if you are 18 years and over
travelling anywhere or under 18 years in full time education travelling outside
Age exemption: Persons under 18 years do not need to make a declaration if
travelling in Europe or the United Kingdom.
If when you buy this policy you are aware of anyone travelling with you, or you are
visiting or staying with, or anything that could increase the risk or result in a claim you
must tell us. If you do not tell us, your policy may not cover you, and might be
invalidated altogether. We reserve the right to charge an increased premium, decline,
withdraw cover or increase the policy excess as well as cancel or restrict cover for any
Please read Disclosure of Pre-existing Health Conditions section and Definition of
Words section in the policy for full details.
Annex E to - NCS Residential
Risk Assessment
This policy is for residents of the United Kingdom or the Channel Islands only
(for non United Kingdom groups - you should immediately apply to PGL for special amended insurance)
Arranged by:
Master Policy No.
Fogg Travel Insurance Services Limited
Crow Hill Drive, Mansfield, Notts. NG19 7AE Tel: 01623 631331 Fax: 01623 420450
A & B
Underwritten by:
Union Reiseversicherung AG
Valid only for departures between
1st January 2016 and 31st December 2016
1. Cancellation I Loss of deposit
Maximum benefit
up to £5,000 (£1,000 UK trips)
(See notes 1 and 2)
£50 (£35 UK) I £10
Maximum benefit
up to £90
up to £1,500
up to £250
up to £1,000
up_ to £100
up to £500
up to £200
up to £1,000
up to £500
up to £200
up to £5,000,000
up to £10,000
up to £300
(See note 1)
up to £5,000 (£1,000 UK trips)
(See notes 1 and 2)
£50 (£35 UK)
1. River Closure+
2. Personal possessions
Single article limit I Valuable limit
School I College I University property
Delayed possessions
3. Personal money
Under 18 years limit
Party leader (School I College I University groups)
Cash limit
Loss of travel documents
4. Emergency medical expenses
Area 1 Limit
Hospital benefit@ £10 per day
5. Curtailment
6. Unused activities - £20 per dav+
10. Personal accident
Total loss of sight
Loss of either whole arm or whole hand
or thumb
index finger
any other finger
Loss of either whole leg or whole foot
or big toe
any other toe
Loss of either hearing in one ear
or hearing in both ears
Permanent Total Disability
11. Legal advice and expenses
Disability/ Injury Benefit Payable
See note 3
up to £25,000
£50 (£35 UK)
£50 (£35 UK)
in respect of rented property damage only. Nil any other claims
Cover only applicable to school, college, university or other groups (with participants in full time education) organised trips.
12. Departure delay
Delay abandonment
Missed departure
Additional travel expenses
Maximum benefit
up to £100
up to £5,000 (£1,000 UK trips)
up to £500
up to £100
£50 (£35 UK)
Note 1.
Your policy does not provide cover for re-occurring or pre-existing health conditions unless you are under 18 years travelling in the United Kingdom or
Europe. If an Insured-person 18 and over travelling anywhere, or an Insured-Person under 18 travelling outside Europe has fil!fil had a heart or circulatory
related problem, a stroke, cancer, any breathing problems, diabetes, any psychological conditions Q!: any other health condition which has been treated in
hospital or has been referred to a specialist in the last 2 years you should phone our Referral Helpline quoting PG L on 01623 635958 to see if cover is
available. We will confirm any special terms in writing.
Note 2.
You must tell us if you have a close relative whose health may make it necessary for you to cancel or cut short your trip. Please telephone our Referral
Helpline quoting PG L on 01623 635958 with details to see what cover is available.
Note 3.
Cover for accidental death is reduced to £10,000 if you are under 16 years of age. No cover if you are aged 66 years and over.
Please see further details of cover and exclusions overleaf
PGL Travel Ltd., Alton Court, Penyard Lane, Ross-on-Wye, Herefordshire HR9 5GL
Tel: 0844 3710 101 Fax: 0844 3710 102 E-mail: [email protected]
Your insurance is covered under master policy number SJXPG40097 A & B specially
arranged through Fogg Travel Insurance Services Limited and insured by Union
Reiseversicherung AG. Cover is provided for each passenger who is shown as
having paid the insurance premium and whose name is shown on the booking
confirmation invoice issued by your tour operator. This insurance wording is a copy
of the master policy and is subject to the terms, conditions and exclusions of the
master policy.
No refund of the insurance premium will be given after the policy has been issued
unless, after receipt of the policy, you find that the terms, conditions and exclusions
do not meet your requirements and an alternative is available. In this case you must
return the policy, a copy of your booking confirmation invoice and alternative
insurance policy to PGL within 14 days of receipt for a refund to be considered.
The first policy, your pre-travel policy, covers you from the time you purchase your
policy until you leave home to start your trip. The second policy, your travel policy
starts when you leave home to start your trip and ends when you return home or
the policy ends, whichever is the first.
We have tried to keep the wording as simple as possible. There are conditions and
exclusions applying to the pre-travel policy and to the travel policy. Each section tells
you what is covered, what is not covered and what you need to do if you need to
claim under that section. There are no hidden parts or small print.
Like most policies they exclude all pre-existing health conditions (unless you are
under 18 years travelling in the United Kingdom or Europe) but if you do need the
cover, unlike some other policies, you may be able to obtain cover for these
conditions by calling the Referral Helpline on the lo-call number shown below the
summary of cover section. Cover is not available on all conditions and to include
others we may need to charge you an additional premium or increase your policy
excess for this condition, an excess is the first part of the claim cost. You should bear
in mind that this excess will apply to everyone on your booking if they have to claim
for cancellation or curtailment (cutting short the trip) due to your health condition.
Cover is not available for conditions where you are under investigation or awaiting
treatment. If you do not tell us about your pre-existing health conditions or those
of your close relative or business associate on whom the trip plans depend they
will not be covered at all and you will not be able to claim for anything caused by
We are unable to provide any cover on psychological conditions such as stress,
anxiety, depression, eating disorders or mental instability (except where you are
under 18 years travelling in the United Kingdom or Europe) unless pre-screened
and accepted by the Referral Helpline in writing.
Additionally your policy does not provide any cover for a claim arising from a
recognised complication of a known pre-existing medical condition of a close
relative or a close business associate unless declared to us and accepted by us in
Your pre-travel policy shows the sections of cover, limits, conditions, exclusions and
information on what to do if you need to claim. It is essential that you read it. The
policy is a contract between us and you. We will pay for any event, as set out in the
policy, that happens during the period of cover for which you have paid the
appropriate premium.
We are unable to provide any cover on psychological conditions such as stress,
anxiety, depression, eating disorders or mental instability (except where you are
under 18 years travelling in the United Kingdom or Europe) unless pre-screened
and accepted by the Referral Helpline in writing.
Additionally your policy does not provide any cover for a claim arising from a
recognised complication of a known pre-existing medical condition of a close
relative or a close business associate unless declared to us and accepted by us in
You are required to disclose any relevant information otherwise your policy will not
cover you and it may invalidate it altogether.
If you are a person buying insurance wholly or mainly for personal purposes
unrelated to your employment, you have a duty to take reasonable care to answer
questions fully and accurately, and that any information you volunteer is not
misleading. This duty exists before the cover is placed, when renewed, or altered at
any time throughout the duration of the policy. If you do not do so, your Insurer may
be able to void your policy from inception. An example of this could be the medical
history of a close relative or other person that may cause you to cancel or cut short
your trip. If you are unsure whether or not information is relevant please do not
hesitate to call us on 01623 635958.
All numbers and letters shown under 'For each insured-person this insurance will
not cover:' refer to the same numbers and letters under 'For each insured-person
this insurance will pay:' Where no letters or numbers are shown it applies to the
The cover for cancellation starts from the date the trip booking was made after the
policy was issued and ends when you leave home. No further trips are covered by
this poli
r -
Your policy may not cover claims arising from your pre-existing health conditions
so you need to tell us of anything you know that is likely to affect our acceptance of
our cover.
If you are 18 years and over travelling anywhere or you are under 18 travelling
outside Europe you MUST contact our Referral Helpline to declare your preexisting health conditions. Please read part A. Pre-existing health
conditions 1, 2 and 3 shown below. You should also read part B. below to see
if applicable to you.
However, if you are under 18 travelling in the United Kingdom or within Europe
you DO NOT need to make a declaration under part A. for cover to apply. Your
pre-existing health conditions will automatically be covered. You should now
read part B. below to see if applicable to you.
A. Pre-existing health conditions - so that we can ensure you are provided with
the best cover we can offer please read the following questions carefully:
1. Have you, or anyone travelling with you, ever had treatment for:
D any heart or circulatory condition
D a stroke or high blood pressure
D a breathing condition (such as asthma)
D any type of cancer
D any type of diabetes
D any type of psychological condition (such as stress, anxiety,
depression, eating disorders or mental instability).
2. In the last 2 years • have you, or anyone who is travelling with you, been
treated for any serious or re-occurring medical condition, asked to take
regular prescribed medication, or referred to a specialist or consultant at a
hospital for tests, diagnosis or treatment?
If you have answered 'Yes' to any of the above questions we may be able to
offer some cover and may be able to cover your health condition, although an
increased premium may be required. To enable us to consider your health
condition please contact the Referral Helpline quoting PG L on 01623 635958
to see if cover is available. All calls will be treated in the strictest confidence.
3. You must also tell us if:
D you are waiting for tests or treatment of any description
D your doctor alters your regular prescribed medication
B. In all cases you MUST tell us about anything concerning the health of a close
relative or business associate who is not insured on this policy but may make it
necessary for you to cancel or cut short your trip should be advised to the
Referral Helpline quoting PG L on 01623 635958 as soon as possible so we
can advise you if we are able to insure the additional risk and any terms we may
You need to keep copies of all letters we send you for future reference.
If when you buy this policy you are aware of anyone or anything that could increase
the risk or result in a claim you must tell us. If you do not tell us, your policy may not
cover you, and might be invalidated altogether. We reserve the right to charge an
increased premium, decline, withdraw cover or increase the policy excess as well as
cancel or restrict cover for any person.
Should we require any additional premium, and you accept our offer, this should be
paid to Fogg Travel either by credit card or cheque, made payable to Fogg Travel,
and sent within 14 days of receipt. Should you decide not to pay the additional
premium the declared health condition will not be covered. Full confirmation of our
terms and conditions will be sent out to your address after your call. Any additional
health conditions not declared to us will not be covered.
All terms and conditions declared under this pre-travel policy will also be recorded
under your travel policy so that you do not need to declare these twice.
Please note:
We are unable to provide cover for any claim arising from a recognised complication
of a known pre-existing medical condition of a close relative or a close business
associate unless declared to us and accepted by us in writing.
This insurance will not cover you if, at the date of departure:
you are aged 75 years or over travelling to Area 3 or Area 4 or to Algeria,
Morocco or Tunisia
you are aged 80 years or over travelling to Area 2
any trip is in excess of 31 days if you are aged 65 to 74 years
any trip is in excess of 24 days if you are aged 75 to 80 years
No age restriction applies for travel within Area 1.
Area 1
Area 2
United Kingdom where it is your home country.
Europe, including the Channel Islands and all countries west of the Ural
Mountains, Republic of Ireland, Iceland, Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia,
Turkey, the Azores, Canary Islands, Madeira and Mediterranean islands.
and the United Kingdom where it is not your home country.
Area 3 - Worldwide excluding the United States of America, Canada
Area 4 - Worldwide includinfl_the United States of America, Canada.
If you require a claim form please visit
and click on claim forms - you can print or complete the relevant claim form
required online or by email to [email protected] or alternatively if
you do not have internet access you can contact:
Fogg Travel Insurance Services Limited
Crow Hill Drive, Mansfield, Notis. NG19 7AE or telephone: 01623 631331
in all circumstances you should quote PG L, advising the section under which you
wish to claim. Normally, if you contacted the emergency medical assistance service
during your trip a claim form will have already been sent to your home.
When returning the claim form please enclose this policy together with the tour
operator's confirmation of booking invoice and if the claim is for cancellation, the tour
operator's cancellation invoice.
It is our aim to give a high standard of service and to meet any claims covered by this
policy honestly, fairly and promptly. We occasionally get complaints and these are
usually through a misunderstanding or insufficient information. Any complaint will be
investiqated at once and the matter resolved as quickly as possible.
We sincerely hope you will not need to complain about your insurance policy or
claims settlement.
If your complaint is regarding the selling of your policy please forward details
of your complaint in the first instance as follows:
Managing Director, Fogg Travel Insurance Services Ltd, Crow Hill Drive,
Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, NG19 7AE
Or if, your complaint is about the outcome of your claim or assistance
provided please forward details of your complaint in the first instance as
Write to the Branch Manager, URV, Oast Business Centre, North Frith Farm,
Ashes Lane, Hadlow, Kent, TN 11 9QU
who will review the claims office decision.
If you are still not satisfied with the outcome you may ask the Financial
Ombudsman Service (FOS) to review your case.
Their address is Exchange Tower, London, E9 SSR.
Their telephone advice line is +44 (0) 800 023 4567.
disclosing all relevant information as soon as possible after the policy is
obtaining any recommended vaccines, inoculations or medications prior to
your trip.
make your policy void where a false declaration is made or any claim is found
to be fraudulent.
subrogate against the responsible party and take proceedings in your name
but at our expense to recover for our benefit the amount of any payment
made under the policy.
give 7 days notice of cancellation of this policy by recorded delivery to you at
your last known address. In this case we will refund to you the pro-rata
proportion of any unexpired premium you have paid.
obtain information from your medical records (with your permission) for the
purpose of dealing with any medical claims. No personal information will be
disclosed to any outside person or organisation without your prior approval.
not to refund the policy premium after the policy has been issued, unless after
receipt of the document you find that the terms and conditions do not meet
your requirements, in which case the policy and any other relevant documents
must be returned to the point of sale within 14 days of receipt for any refund to
be considered.
only pay a proportionate amount of the claim where there is other insurance in
force covering the same risk and to require details of such other insurance.
not make any payment for any event that is covered by another insurance
maintain your personal details in connection with an anti-fraud claims
Listed below are certain words that appear throughout the policy. These will always
be shown in bold type and in all cases will have the meanings shown below.
Business associate - means a business partner, director or employee of yours who
has a close working relationship with you.
Channel Islands - means Jersey, Guernsey, Alderney, Sark, Herrn, Jethou,
Brecqhou and Lihou.
Close relative - means spouse or partner of over six months, parents, step parents,
grandparents, parents-in-law, brother, step brother, sister, step sister, child, step
child, grandchild, flancere).
Hazardous activity - means any activity that requires skill and involves increased
risk of injury except where these forrn part of a published activity provided by or
arranged by PGL (and shall include the use of dry slopes where the activity has
been organised by PGL or ice skating on official licensed skating rinks) and/or
where the hazardous activity is listed under the sports and activities cover
section at the rear of this policy and are covered for free under this insurance. If
you are taking part in any sport or activity not listed please contact Fogg Travel,
[email protected] (Mon to Fri 9arn to 5pm) quoting PGL, to
ensure you are covered. An additional premium may apply for those activities
which are not free but for which cover is available.
Home • means one of your normal places of residence in the United Kingdom or
the Channel Islands.
Home country - means both the country you live in within the United Kingdom or
the Channel Islands and your country of nationality.
Insured-person/you/your - means the school or other group stated in the tour
operator booking confirmation invoice who is shown as having paid the
insurance premium or where insurance is included within your trip costs and is
shown on the passenger manifest issued by your tour operator. The maximum
benefits and excesses will apply separately to each person who has insurance
and is shown on the passenger manifest as being a member of the insured
Organiser - the person on behalf of the insured-person who is acting as party
leader or other principal person of the whole group booking and is included in the
tour operator booking, and without whom the trip would not be able to continue
to normal completion.
Pre-existing health condition - means any heart, circulatory or breathing
conditions, cancer or diabetes or any serious or re-occurring medical condition
which has been previously diagnosed, investigated or treated in any way, at any
time prior to travel, even if this condition is currently considered to be stable and
under control.
Redundancy - means being an employee where you or, for students under the age
of 23 in full time education, your parents/guardian qualify under the provision of
the Employment Rights Act 1996, and who, at the date of termination of
employment by reason of redundancy, has been continuously employed for a
period of two years or longer and is not on a short term fixed contract.
Resident - means a person who has had their main home in the United Kingdom or
the Channel Islands and has not spent more than six months abroad in the year
before buying this policy.
Trip - means a holiday or journey that begins when you leave home and ends on
your return to either (i) your home, or (ii) a hospital or nursing home in your
home country following your repatriation, both during the period of cover. Any
subsequent holiday or journey that starts after you have returned home or to a
hospital or nursing home (as described above) is not covered.
United Kingdom I UK - means England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, and Isle
of Man.
We/our/us - means Union Reiseversicherung AG.
Winter sports - means skiing, snow boarding, mono skiing and the use of snow
For each insured-person this insurance will pay:
up to £5,000 (reduced to £1,000 in respect of trips within the United Kingdom) for:
1. your proportion of (i) transport charges, (ii) loss of accommodation and (iii)
additional travel expenses that you have paid or agreed to pay and that you
cannot recover from any other source following your necessary cancellation
after you bought this insurance and before your trip starts through your inability
to travel due to:
(i) the death, injury or illness of:
you or a friend with whom you are travelling .
a close relative.
a close business associate who lives in your home country.
a friend who lives abroad and with whom you were intending to
temporarily stay,
(ii) you, a friend or close relative who is travelling with you and included on
your booking being required in your home country for jury service or as a
witness in a Court of Law.
(iii) you, a friend or close relative who is travelling with you and included on
your booking, and shall include your parent(s) if you are travelling with a
group and are in full time education, being given notice of redundancy.
(iv) the requirements of H. M. Forces.
(v) your, a friend or close relative who is travelling with you, presence being
required by the Police after your home, or the home in your home
country of your friend or close relative, or usual place of business in your
home country, having suffered from burglary, serious fire, storm or flood.
2. the proportion of (i) transport charges, (ii) loss of accommodation and (iii)
additional travel expenses that have been paid or agreed to be paid and that
cannot be recovered from any other source by the school, college, university or
other group following the necessary cancellation of the whole school, college,
university or other group (with participants in full time education) booking as
agreed by Fogg Travel and after this insurance was bought and before the trip
starts through the inability of the group to travel due to the death, injury or illness
of the organiser.
PROVIDED THAT such organiser cannot reasonably be replaced and that any
such cancellation of the whole school, college, university, or other group (with
participants in full time education) booking is agreed by Fogg Travel prior to
cancellation with the tour operator.
For each insured-person this insurance will not cover :
the first £50 (reduced to £35 in respect of trips within the United Kingdom)
(reduced to £10 on claims for deposits only) of each and every incident giving
rise to a claim.
any payment or part payment made using frequent flyer vouchers, Air
Miles/Avios vouchers or other vouchers that have no financial face value.
you if you are aged 75 years or over travelling to Area 3 or Area 4 or to Algeria,
Morocco or Tunisia at the date of departure.
you if you are aged 80 years or over travelling to Area 2 at the date of
any trip of more than 31 days duration where you are aged 65 and under 75 at
the date of departure.
any trip of more than 24 days duration where you are aged 75 and under 80 at
the date of departure.
any claim where you have not obtained a written statement at the time of the
cancellation confirming the necessity to cancel your trip.
any payment where you have not suffered any financial loss.
any claim that is due to:
D the withdrawal of previously approved leave by your employer unless it is
due to the death or serious illness of a close business associate.
D your failure to obtain the required passport, visa or ESTA.
D your carrier's refusal to allow you to travel for whatever reason.
D the operation of law or as a result of an unlawful act or criminal proceedings
against anyone included in your booking.
D the failure of any transport or accommodation provider, their agent or
anybody who is acting as your agent.
D the cancellation of your trip by the tour operator.
D the failure of your travel agent or tour operator.
D the cancellation of any conference or business trip onto which your trip
was to be an add-on.
D financial circumstances or unemployment except when it is due to
redundancy that you received or were aware of after buying this insurance.
D your disinclination to travel.
D your loss of enjoyment of the trip however caused.
D you travelling in an aircraft (other than as a passenger in a fully licensed
passenger carrying aircraft and for no other purpose).
An excess is the amount you have to pay towards each claim.
All excesses shown for this policy are payable by each insured-person, for each
incident giving rise to a separate claim. The policy excess may be increased to
include pre-existing health conditions confirmed in writing by Fogg Travel. The
increased excess will apply to all persons insured under your policy.
At all times we will act in good faith in our dealings with you. The payments for all
claims following events that occur in your selected geographical area during the
period of cover are dependent on you:
In respect of all sections of the policy
being a resident of the United Kingdom or the Channel Islands.
taking all possible care to safeguard against accident, injury, loss or damage
as if you had no insurance cover.
producing your booking confirmation invoice confirming you are insured
before a claim is admitted.
giving us full details in writing of any incident that may result in a claim under
any section of the policy at the earliest possible time.
providing all necessary information and assistance we may require at your
own expense (including where necessary medical certification and details of
your National Health number or equivalent and Private Medical Insurance).
accepting that no alterations and/or additions to the printed terms and
conditions of your policy be valid unless initialled by us.
checking with your doctor on the advisability of making the trip if you have
any existing medical condition, taking into account your chosen destination,
the climatic conditions, the stability of your condition, the effect of any
additional drugs or vaccines necessary and the standard of the medical
services available. Cover will not be given if travel is against the advice of
your doctor.
not travelling specifically to receive medical treatment during your trip or in
the knowledge that you are likely to need treatment.
not requiring insurance for any health condition where a terminal prognosis
has been given by a registered doctor before buying this policy.
not requiring insurance for any health condition that is being investigated or for
which you are awaiting or receiving treatment in hospital at the time of buying
this policy.
All numbers and letters shown under 'For each insured-person this insurance will
not cover:' refer to the same numbers and letters under 'For each insured-person
this insurance will pay:' Where no letters or numbers are shown it applies to the
your suicide, self-injury or any wilful act of self exposure to peril (except
where it is to save human life).
you being under the influence of drugs (except those prescribed by your
registered doctor but not when prescribed for treatment of drug addiction).
your abuse or prior abuse of solvents or alcohol.
death or illness of any pets or animals.
terrorism, riot, civil commotion, strike or lock-out.
any event that is due to you participating in a hazardous activity except where
forming part of the published PGL programme or itinerary and/or where shown to
be covered under the sports and activities cover section or where an additional
premium has been paid and the policy endorsed.
cancellation due the fear of an epidemic or pandemic.
cancellation of the trip on the advice or recommendations
published by the
Foreign and Commonwealth Office and applicable at the time of departure.
the cost of Air Passenger Duty or equivalent, airport charges or booking fees.
cancellation for any claim arising from a recognised complication of a known preexisting medical condition of a close relative or close business
where the risk attaching to that health condition has not been accepted by us in
The cover under your travel policy starts at the beginning of your trip as shown on
your booking confirmation invoice and ends on your return home or expiry of the
olicy, whichever is the first. No further trips are covered by this policy.
cancellation of your trip due to a health condition of a person travelling with you,
and included on your booking, where the risk attaching to that health condition
has not been accepted by us in writing.
any pre-existing health condition or health condition that has been diagnosed,
been in existence or for which you have received treatment from a hospital or
specialist consultant during the last 2 years or for which you are awaiting or
receiving treatment or under investigation (except where you are under 18 years
travelling in the United Kingdom or Europe) unless we have agreed cover in
writing and any additional premium has been paid.
any claim arising from any relevant information known by you at the time of
buying this policy unless it has been disclosed to us and we have agreed in
writing any terms applicable.
any claim for damage for loss, or deterioration of, or damage to property.
any loss unless it is specified in the policy
1. (iv)
any event that is the result of leave being cancelled because of war,
terrorism, biological or chemical warfare, invasion, act of foreign enemy,
hostilities (whether war has been declared or not), civil war, rebellion,
revolution, insurrection or military or usurped power.
any claim where you have not obtained prior authority to take leave.
any claim where leave has been cancelled on disciplinary grounds.
cancellation due to death, injury or illness of the organiser caused by any
pre-existing health condition that has been diagnosed, been in existence
or for which the organiser has have received treatment from a hospital or
specialist consultant during the last 2 years or for which the organiser is are
awaiting or receiving treatment or under investigation unless we have
agreed cover in writing and any additional premium has been paid.
cancellation of the booking for the whole group that has not been notified to
Fogg Travel and agreed by us prior to cancellation with the tour operator.
cancellation of the booking for the whole school, college, university or other
group (with participants in full time education) where a replacement
organiser is and/or can be provided.
cancellation of the booking for the whole group due to the disinclination to
travel by the organiser and/or replacement organiser.
any claim that is not for a school, college, university or other group (with
articipants in full time education).
What you need to do if you wish to make a claim under this section of the
D notify the travel agent/tour operator immediately, by telephone and in writing,
that you need to cancel and obtain a cancellation invoice.
D obtain a claim form from Fogg Travel either by internet or telephone, and get
your/the patient's registered doctor to complete the medical certificate attached
to the claim form.
D send any receipts to Fogg Travel.
D notify Fogg Travel immediately, by telephone and in writing, that you need to
cancel the whole group booking to obtain prior agreement.
D provide, together with the medical certificate attached to the claim form, written
confirmation from the Head Teacher, Bursar of the school or college or
university or other group (with participants in full time education) that no
alternative organiser can be provided.
Avoid paying the excess - travellers to European countries, including Norway and
Switzerland should obtain the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC). Applications
for the EHIC can be made online at:
the quickest route, or by phone or by post - details are given online. Please allow
sufficient time to receive the EHIC prior to your departure date. This will entitle you
to benefit from the reciprocal health arrangements which exist between European
Union countries. In other countries where reciprocal health arrangements exist all
reasonable step_s should be made to utilise them. Please see Section B5.
Contact the 24 hour emergency medical assistance service:
FOGG ASSIST on +44 (0)20 7118 1444
First call an ambulance using the local equivalent of a 999 call. While you wait for the
ambulance contact our emergency medical assistance service which is open 24
hours a day and 7 days a week to offer you advice in this emergency situation. We
strongly suggest you put FOGG ASSIST's telephone number +44 (0)20 7118 1444
into your mobile phone before you travel so that it is to hand should you need it.
Speak to the ambulance driver and get details of the hospital you are being taken to
so that our emergency medical assistance service's doctor will be able to obtain a
medical report at the earliest possible opportunity.
You must notify FOGG ASSIST as soon as possible if you are to be admitted as an
in-patient, or where costs are likely to exceed £500, for agreement of costs under the
When you call our emergency medical assistance service in an emergency you
need to have some basic information for them to hand:
D your telephone number so you can be contacted on in case you are cut off
D the name and age of the patient and as much information about the medical
situation as you are able to provide
D the name of the hospital, the ward, the treating doctor and the telephone
numbers if you have them
D tell them that you insured under the scheme PG L through URV, the
booking reference number (if applicable), the date you bought the
insurance, and your booked travel dates
D the patient's home country GP details, name, address and phone number,
in case they need to obtain information on current medical conditions and
If you need to see or visit a doctor or hospital in Europe or Scandinavia then ask
your hotel reception or your tour operator representative for the address of the
nearest public medical facility. In Europe you should show them your EHIC card,
medical treatment will be free or at a reduced cost and you will not be required to
contribute towards the claim as the policy excess will be reduced to NIL. You will
only be covered for the cost of private medical treatment where adequate state
facilities are not available in these countries. You must have this is approved in
advance by FOGG ASSIST on +44 (0)20 7118 1444. Elsewhere it is advisable to
seek advice on where to go for treatment from our emergency medical assistance
service if possible, as standards of medical facilities vary greatly and many apparently
acceptable clinics which have been set up to target the tourist market and will ruin
your trip by insisting on unnecessary admissions and treatment at inflated prices. In
some circumstances it may be necessary for our emergency medical assistance
service to move you to a more suitable facility.
Outpatient bills for less than £500 should be paid at the time and claimed on your
return. It is very important to obtain an itemised receipt for any monies paid for
medical treatment. If you cannot afford to do so, you may contact FOGG ASSIST for
advice and assistance.
If you are admitted to a medical facility then you may need to pay the policy excess
locally and ask the hospital or doctor to send the rest of their bills to Fogg Travel
Insurance Services Limited, Crow Hill Drive, Mansfield, Notis, NG19 7AE, England.
Our emergency medical assistance service will explain this procedure to them and
provide them with a faxed guarantee if necessary, once the validity of your claim has
been established.
In European Countries, including Norway and Switzerland you should utilise your
EHIC card for in-patient and/or out-patient treatment to obtain a reduction in medical
costs where possible, and if costs are minimised the policy excess will be reduced to
Don't worry, provided you have contacted our emergency medical assistance service
your policy will be automatically extended to cover you until it is agreed that you are
fit to travel home. Our emergency medical assistance service will liaise with your
treating doctor and you and once you are fit to travel, they will make appropriate
alternative arrangements.
Your travel policy shows the sections of cover, limits, conditions, exclusions and
information on what to do if you need to claim, how to obtain legal advice and how to
contact the 24 hour emergency medical assistance service. It is essential that you
read it. The policy is a contract between us and you. We will pay for any event, as
set out in the policy, that happens during the period of cover for which you have paid
the appropriate premium.
Your travel insurance policy is not intended to cover items of high value, such as
video camcorders, expensive watches etc., as these should be fully insured under
your house contents insurance on an All Risks extension, or under the schools,
college or university contents policy for 365 days of the year. There is a maximum
amount you can claim for each individual item and a maximum amount in total for
valuables, and these are shown under the personal possessions section. The
personal possessions cover is not 'new-for-old' and an amount for age, wear and
tear will be deducted.
Your policy covers for treatment of medical conditions in emergency and which will
respond quickly to treatment. It is not intended to cover you for recurrent or long
term treatment and in these circumstances, bearing in mind the advice given by our
Chief Medical Officer, we reserve the right to transfer you to a state hospital, where
adequate facilities are available, or repatriate you to your home country.
We are unable to provide any cover on psychological conditions such as stress,
anxiety, depression, eating disorders or mental instability (except where you are
under 18 years travelling in the United Kingdom or Europe) unless pre-screened
and accepted by the Referral Helpline in writing.
Additionally your policy does not provide any cover for a claim arising from a
recognised complication of a known pre-existing medical condition of a close
relative or a close business associate unless declared to us and accepted by us in
In the event of your death, injury or illness or that of anyone travelling with you,
you are unable to complete the trip before the expiry of this policy the cover will
be automatically extended without additional premium for the additional days
necessary for you to complete the trip.
In the event of delay to any vehicle, vessel or aircraft in which you are travelling
as a ticket holder you are unable to complete the trip before the expiry of this
policy the cover will be automatically extended without additional premium up to
14 da_ys for you to complete the trip.
Valuables - means cameras, photographic equipment, camcorders, video, satellite
navigation equipment, television equipment, radios, cassette players, CD
players, lpods, MP3 players, audio equipment, laptops, mac or web books,
personal computers, ipads, Kindles, Tablets, e-book readers, computer
equipment/accessories, hard drives, fiash drives, computer games machines,
binoculars, telescopes, antiques, jewellery, watches, furs, precious or semiprecious stones, articles made of or containing gold, silver or other precious
metals, films, tapes, cassettes, cartridges, discs or Compact Discs.
We/our/us - means Union Reiseversicherung AG.
Winter sports - means skiing, snow boarding, mono skiing and the use of snow
This policy covers you to come home early because you are ill or injured ~
medical treatment is not available locally. If you are thinking of cutting short your trip
because you are not well then you must contact FOGG ASSIST on +44 (0)20 7118
1444 for advice first before making any arrangements. If you need to come home for
any other reason, such as the illness of a close relative in your home country then
you should make your own arrangements, bearing in mind your duty to act at all
times as if uninsured.
If you are not sure whether your particular circumstances are included in the cover
then call Fogg Travel on +44 (0)1623 631331 (Claims Department option) between
9.00 am and 5.00 p_m UK time for advice.
Listed below are certain words that appear throughout the policy. These will always
be shown in bold type and in all cases will have the meanings shown below.
Business associate - means a business partner, director or employee of yours who
has a close working relationship with you.
Channel Islands - means Jersey, Guernsey, Alderney, Sark, Herm, Jethou,
Brecqhou and Lihou
Close relative - means spouse or partner of over six months, parents, step parents
grandparents, parents-in-law, brother, step brother sister, step sister, child, step
child, grandchild, flancete).
Curtailment/curtail/curtailing - means the cutting short of your trip by your early
return home or your repatriation to a hospital or nursing home in your home
country. Payment will be made on the number of full days of your trip that are
lost from the day you are repatriated.
Emergency funds - means bank and currency notes, cash and travellers' cheques
held by a party leader only for use in case of emergency.
Essential items - means underwear, socks, toiletries and a change of clothing.
Flight - means a service using the same airline or airline flight number.
Hazardous activity - means any activity that requires skill and involves increased
risk of injury except where these form part of a published activity provided by or
arranged by PGL (and shall include the use of dry slopes where the activity has
been organised by PGL or ice skating on official licensed skating rinks) and/or
where the hazardous activity is listed under the sports and activities cover
section at the rear of this policy and are covered for free under this insurance. If
you are taking part in any sport or activity not listed please contact Fogg Travel,
[email protected] (Mon to Fri 9am to 5pm) quoting PGL, to
ensure you are covered. An additional premium may apply for those activities
which are not free but for which cover is available.
Home - means one of your normal places of residence in the United Kingdom or
the Channel Islands.
Home country - means both the country you live in within the United Kingdom or
the Channel Islands and your country of nationality.
Insured-person/you/your - means the school or other group stated in the tour
operator booking confirmation invoice who is shown as having paid the
insurance premium or where insurance is included within your trip costs and is
shown on the passenger manifest issued by your tour operator. The maximum
benefits and excesses will apply separately to each person who has insurance
and is shown on the passenger manifest as being a member of the insured
group except in respect of Section B2 - Personal Possessions (school property
only), Section B3 - Personal Money (emergency fund or student money only),
Section B8 - Organiser Liability, B9 - Organisers liability where the maximum
benefits and excesses will apply in total for the school or other group or
organiser and not separately to each person and Section 12 (cover provided for
International departure point - means the airport, international rail terminal or port
where the outward flight, international train or sea vessel is boarded to take you
from your home country to your destination and the return flight, international
train or sea vessel is boarded to start the final part of your journey to your home
Manual labour - means work involving the lifting or carrying of heavy items, in
excess of 25 kg, work at a higher level than two storeys or any form of work
Organiser - the person on behalf of the insured-person who is acting as party
leader or other principal person of the whole group booking and is included in the
tour operator booking, and without whom the trip would not be able to continue
to normal completion.
Pair or set - means two or more items of personal possessions that are
complementary, purchased as 1 item or used or worn together.
Personal money - means bank and currency notes, cash, cheques, postal and
money orders, current postage stamps, travellers' cheques, coupons or vouchers
that have a monetary value and travel tickets, lift passes, passports all of which
are for your private use.
Personal possessions - means each of your suitcases and containers of a similar
nature and their contents and articles you are wearing or carrying including your
valuables (as shown below).
Pre-existing health condition - means any heart, circulatory or breathing
conditions, cancer or diabetes or any serious or re-occurring medical condition
which has been previously diagnosed, investigated or treated in any way, at any
time prior to travel, even if this condition is currently considered to be stable and
under control.
Public transport - means buses, coaches, internal flights or trains that run to a
published scheduled timetable.
Resident - means a person who has had their main home in the United Kingdom or
the Channel Islands and has not spent more than six months abroad in the year
before buying this policy.
Student money - means bank and currency notes, cash and traveller's cheques held
by a party leader on behalf of a student.
Travel documents - means current passports, valid visas, travel tickets, European
Health Insurance Card (EHIC) and reciprocal health form E112.
Trip - means a holiday or journey that begins when you leave home and ends on
your return to either (i) your home, or (ii) a hospital or nursing home in your
home country following your repatriation, both during the period of cover. Any
subsequent holiday or journey that starts after you have returned home or to a
hospital or nursing home (as described above) is not covered.
Unattended - means left away from your person where you are unable to clearly see
and are unable to get hold of your personal possessions.
United Kingdom I UK - means England, Wales, Scotland, Isle of Man and Northern
Applicable to sections - B2 - Personal possessions, B3 - Personal money, B4 Emergency medical expenses, B5 - Curtailment, B7 - Personal liability, B9 Organisers Liability, B11 - Legal advice and expenses and B12 - Delay
abandonment only.
An excess is the amount you have to pay towards each claim.
Each section of the policy listed carries an excess. All excesses shown for this policy
are payable by each insured-person, for each incident giving rise to a separate
claim. The policy excess under section B4 and B5 may be increased to include preexisting health conditions confirmed in writing by Fogg Travel. The increased
excess will apply to all persons insured under your policy.
At all times we will act in good faith in our dealings with you. The payments for all
claims following events that occur in your selected geographical area during the
period of cover are dependent on you:
In respect of all sections of the policy
being a resident of the United Kingdom or the Channel Islands.
taking all possible care to safeguard against accident, injury, loss or damage
as if you had no insurance cover.
producing your booking confirmation invoice confirming you are insured
before a claim is admitted.
giving us full details in writing of any incident that may result in a claim under
any section of the policy at the earliest possible time.
passing on to us immediately every writ, summons, legal process or other
communication in connection with the claim.
providing all necessary information and assistance we may require at your
own expense (including where necessary medical certification and details of
your National Health number or equivalent and Private Medical Insurance).
not admitting liability for any event or offering to make any payment without
our prior written consent.
accepting that your policy cannot be extended once it has expired.
accepting that no alterations and/or additions to the printed terms and
conditions of your policy be valid unless initialled by us.
In respect of sections B4 - Emergency medical expenses and B5 - Curtailment
checking with your doctor on the advisability of making the trip if you have
any existing medical condition, taking into account your chosen destination,
the climatic conditions, the stability of your condition, the effect of any
additional drugs or vaccines necessary and the standard of the medical
services available. Cover will not be given if travel is against the advice of
your doctor.
not travelling specifically to receive medical treatment during your trip or in
the knowledge that you are likely to need treatment.
not requiring insurance for any health condition where a terminal prognosis
has been given by a registered doctor before buying this policy.
not requiring insurance for any health condition that is being investigated or for
which you are awaiting or receiving treatment in hospital at the time of buying
this policy.
disclosing all relevant information as soon as possible after the policy is
obtaining any recommended vaccines, inoculations or medications prior to
your trip.
In respect of sections B2 - Personal possessions, and B3 - Personal money,
providing full details of any House Contents and All Risks insurance policies
you may have.
retaining your tickets and luggage tags and notifying the Police within 24
hours of any loss or theft or to the carriers when the loss or damage has
occurred in transit. You should obtain either a Police report or a carrier's
Property Irregularity Report (PIR) form within 24 hours and enclose this with
your claim form.
complying with the carrier's conditions of carriage.
not abandoning any property to us or Fogg Travel.
make your policy void where a false declaration is made or any claim is found
to be fraudulent.
take over and deal with in your name the defence or settlement of any claim
made under the policy.
subrogate against the responsible party and take proceedings in your name
but at our expense to recover for our benefit the amount of any payment
made under the policy.
give 7 days notice of cancellation of this policy by recorded delivery to you at
your last known address. In this case we will refund to you the pro-rata
proportion of any unexpired premium you have paid.
obtain information from your medical records (with your permission) for the
purpose of dealing with any medical claims. No personal information will be
disclosed to any outside person or organisation without your prior approval.
cancel all benefits provided by your policy without refund of premium when a
payment has been made for cancellation or curtailment of the trip.
not to refund the policy premium after the policy has been issued, unless after
receipt of the document you find that the terms and conditions do not meet
your requirements, in which case the policy and any other relevant
documents must be returned to the point of sale within 14 days of receipt for
any refund to be considered.
not make any payment under sections B2, B3, B4, B5, B7 and B9 for any
event that is covered by another insurance policy.
settle all claims under the Law of the country that you live in within the United
Kingdom or the Channel Islands unless we agree otherwise with you.
maintain your personal
an anti-fraud
valuables left unattended except where they are locked in a safe or safety
deposit box where these are available or left out of sight in your locked
personalholiday or trip accommodation.
D contact or corneal lenses, or artificial limbs.
D money, bonds, coupons, stamps, negotiable instruments, securities or
documentsof any kind.
personal possessions left unattended away from your personal holiday or
trip accommodationexcept personal possessions (but not valuables)
left between 6.00 am and 11.00 pm local time (during day1ime)in the
locked boot or covered luggage area of a motor vehicle where entry
was gained by violent and forcible means or
left on a locked coach out of view where entry was gained by violent
and forcible means.
any claim for loss or theft where you have not notified the police, your carrier or
tour operator's representativeand obtained a written report.
any claim where you are unable to provide the damaged items on request or to
prove the existence or prove the ownership of any item with an insured value in
excess of £50.
loss of, or damage to, property that does not belong to you or any member of
your family.
any claim that is the result of a domestic dispute.
any breakage or damage to fragile articles, paintings, works of art, sculptures,
audio, video, computer, television equipment, musical instruments, household
goods unless the breakageor damage is caused by fire, theft or in an accident to
the motor vehicle in which they are being carried.
mobile telephones,SIM cards, mobile telephone prepaymentcards, lost or stolen
mobile telephonecall charges or mobile telephoneaccessories.
the cost of replacingor repairing dentures.
loss or damage due to atmospheric or climatic conditions, wear, tear and
depreciation,superficial marks and scratches,moth or vermin.
sports equipmentwhilst in use
property belonging to other persons, schools I college I universities (other than
stated under cover (b) above) or other organisations
any items more specificallyinsured elsewhere.
the first £50 (reduced to £35 in respect of trips within the United Kingdom)
of each and every incident giving rise to a claim.
more than £250 for any one article, pair or set of any kind, whether they are
solely or jointly owned.
more than £250 in total for valuables whether solely or jointly owned.
more than £100 in respect of sunglasses.
more than £100 for items lost or stolen from a beach or lido.
(b) any claim where you are not travelling as part of a school, college or university
group organisedtrip.
more than £100 in total.
shoes, boots, trainers and the like.
What you need to do if you wish to make a claim under this section of the
D for all loss or damage claims during transit you need to (a) retain your tickets
and luggage tags, (b) report the loss or damage to the airline, railway company,
shipping line, coach company or their handling agents, and obtain a Property
Irregularity Report (PIR) form or its equivalent within 24 hours. If, luggage is
delayed longer than 12 hours on your outward journey, you may need to buy
some essential items, you must keep all the receiptsto prove your claim.
D for all damage claims you should retain the items in case we wish to see them.
You will need to obtain an estimate for repairs or a letter confirming that the
damage is irreparable.You should keep receipts or vouchers for any items lost
or damaged as these will help to prove your claim.
D for all losses you should report to the Police as soon as possible, and within 24
hours of discovery, and obtain a written report and reference number from
them. You should also report the loss to your tour operator's representativeor
A. This insurance will not pay for:
any deterioration of or loss or damage to property or any delay. legal liability, injury,
illness, death or expense directly or indirectlydue to, contributedto or caused by :
war, terrorism, biological or chemical warfare, invasion, act of foreign enemy,
hostilities (whether war has been declared or not), civil war, rebellion,
revolution,insurrectionor military or usurped power.
participation in a hazardous activity except where forming part of the
published PGL programme or itinerary and/or where shown to be covered
under the sports and activities cover section or where an additional premium
has been paid and the policy endorsed.
any pre-existing health condition or health condition that has been
diagnosed,been in existenceor for which you have received treatment from a
hospital or specialist consultant during the last 2 years or for which you are
awaiting or receiving treatment or under investigation (except where you are
under 18 years travelling in the United Kingdom or Europe) unless we have
agreed cover in writing and any additional premium has been paid.
curtailment of your trip due to a health condition of a person travelling with
you and included on your booking, where the risk attaching to that health
condition has not been accepted by us in writing.
delay, confiscation, detention, requisition, damage, destruction or any
prohibitive regulations by Customs or other governmentofficials or authorities
of any country.
you being under the influence of drugs (except those prescribed by your
registereddoctor but not when prescribedfor treatment of drug addiction).
your abuse or prior abuse of solvents or alcohol.
any claim arising from any relevant information known by you at the time of
buying this policy unless it has been disclosed to us and we have agreed in
writing any terms applicable.
(10) any deliberateor criminal act by an insured-person.
(11) manual labour.
(12) you travelling against the advice or recommendations published by the
Foreign and Commonwealth Office and applicable at the time of your
(13) participation in any winter sports activities (unless the appropriate additional
premium has been paid) other than the use of dry slope where the activity has
been organised by PGL or ice skating on official licensed skating rinks.
B. This insurance will not cover:
loss of earnings, additional hotel costs, additional car hire, additional parking
fees, kennel fees or any other loss unless it is specified in the policy.
any loss due to currency exchangesof any and every description.
any loss unless it is specified in the policy.
cruises (where a pleasure ship voyage is more than 72 hours in duration
sailing on seas or oceans and includes stops at various ports).
your carrier's refusal to allow you to travel for whatever reason.
any trip if you are aged 75 years or over travelling to Area 3 or Area 4 or to
Algeria, Moroccoor Tunisia at the date of departure.
any trip if you are aged 80 years or over travelling to Area 2 at the date of
any trip of more than 31 days duration where you are aged 65 and under 75
at the date of departure.
any trip of more than 24 days duration where you are aged 75 and under 80
at the date of dep_arture.
This section is only applicable for school, college, university or other groups
(with participants in full time education) organised trips.
For each insured-person this insurance will pay:
£30 for each full day if you are unable to participate in the pre-bookedprogrammeof
water based activities on the River Ardeche for which you have booked with PGL due
to the closure of facilities by river police.
For each insured-person this insurance will not cover:
more than £90 in total in respect of river closure.
inability to undertake water activities due to any other reason than closure by
river police.
For each insured-person this insurance will pay:
(a) up to £500 (reduced to £200 if you are under 18 years of age) for the loss or
theft of your personal money during your trip.
ORGANISED TRIPS: up to £1,000 for the loss or theft of student money
carried by authorisedparty leaders during the trip.
ORGANISED TRIPS: up to £1,000 in total for the loss or theft of emergency
funds held by the organiser or other authorisedparty leader during the trip.
(d) up to £200 for additional travel and accommodation expenses necessarily
incurred to obtain replacement travel documents whilst on your trip if your
travel documents are lost or stolen during your trip.
For each insured-person this insurance will not cover:
any claim for loss or theft where you have not notified the Police, your carrier or
tour operator's representativeand obtained a written report.
loss or theft of personal money, student money, emergency funds or travel
documents that are not :
D on your person.
D held in a safe or safety deposit box where one is available
D left out of sight in your lockedpersonaltrip accommodation.
loss or theft of personal money, student money, emergency funds or travel
documents due to depreciation in value, currency changes or shortage caused
by any error or omission
loss or theft of travellers' cheques where the bank provides a replacement
any financial loss suffered as a result of your debit/credit card being lost or
more than the unused portion of your passport.
the first £50 (reduced to £35 in respect of trips within the United Kingdom)
of each and every incident giving rise to a claim.
for persons aged under 18 more than £200 for the loss or theft of personal
(b) & (c) more than £500 in total in cash or currency for the loss or theft of student
money or emergency funds.
the first £50 of each and every incident giving rise to a claim
any claim where you are not travelling as part of a school, college or
university group organisedtrip.
(d) any costs which are due to any errors or omissions on your travel
the cost of replacementtravel documents.
your failure to obtain the required passport, visa or ESTA.
For each insured-person this insurance will pay:
(a) up to a total of £1,500 for your personal possessions to cover:
either (i) the cost of repair of items that are partially damagedwhilst on your
trip, up to the market value of the item, allowing for age, wear and
(ii) the market value of the item, allowing for age, wear and tear, to
cover items that are stolen, permanentlylost or destroyedwhilst on
your trip.
TRIPS: up to a total of £1,000 for school I college I university property (single
article limit, pair or set of articles) taken on the trip for which authorised party
leaders are responsibleand such property is not insured elsewhere.
(c) you up to £100 to cover the purchase of essential items if your personal
possessions are misplaced, lost or stolen on your outward journey from your
home country for over 12 hours from the time you arrived at your trip
destination. You must keep all receipts for these items and send them in to us
with your claim and any amount paid will be deducted from the final claim
settlementif the items are permanentlylost.
For each insured-person this insurance will not cover:
the loss, theft or damage to:D films, tapes, cassettes, cartridges or discs other than their value as unused
material unless purchasedpre-recordedwhen we will pay up to the maker's
latest list price.
D duty free items such as tobacco products, alcohol and perfumes.
D perishablegoods, bottles, cartons and any damage caused by them or their
D pedal cycles, wheelchairs, prams, pushchairs or baby buggies except while
they are being carried as luggage on public transport.
D valuables carried in any suitcases, trunks or similar containers when left
any expenses for food or drink.
any costs incurred before departure
any dental work involving the use of precious metals.
in-patient treatment that has not been notified to and agreed by the
emergency medical assistance service.
any extra costs for single or private accommodation in a hospital or nursing
any costs for treatment, including exploratory tests, that has no relationship
with the illness or injury on which the claim is being made.
(a) (ii), (iii) more than £10,000 in total for trips within the United Kingdom where it
is your home country.
(a)(iii) your burial or cremation in your home country.
(b) emergency dental work costing more than £250.
(c) more than £300 in total for hospital in-patient benefit.
FOGG ASSIST ON +44 (0)20 7118 1444
or after you return home.
What you need to do if you wish to make a claim under this section of the
D for all losses you should report to the Police as soon as possible, and within 24
hours of discovery, and obtain a written report and reference number from
them. You should also report the loss to your tour operator's representative or
hotel/apartment manager wherever appropriate.
D for lost or stolen travel documents you will also need to get a letter from the
Consulate, airline or travel provider where you obtained a replacement and
keep all the receipts for your travel and accommodation expenses.
D for loss of money we will require (a) confirmation from your home country
currency exchange of the issue of foreign currency or travellers' cheques, (b)
exchange confirmations for currency changed from travellers' cheques, or, (c)
where sterling is involved, documentary evidence of possession.
If travelling within Europe you should carry a valid European Health Insurance
Card (EHIC), and use this at state registered doctors and state hospitals to save
If it seems likely that you will require treatment at a hospital please
contact our emergency medical assistance service who will help you to
locate the most appropriate local state/public facility for your particular
medical problem.
In case of extreme urgency please call the local ambulance service and
notify the emergency medical assistance service as soon as you are able.
If you are admitted to a hospital this must be reported to our appointed
emergency medical assistance service as soon as it is practically
possible and at the latest within 24 hours.
If your medical bills are likely to exceed £500 you must contact the
emergency medical assistance service within 24 hours.
Please see the 'what to do in case of a medical emergency abroad' section of
this insurance certificate for details and also special outpatient arrangements.
For each insured-person this insurance will pay:
to you or your legal representatives the following necessa,y emergency expenses
that are payable within six months of the event that causes the claim that results from
your death, injury or illness:
(a) up to £5,000,000 for reasonable:
(i) fees or charges to be paid outside your home country for medical, surgical,
hospital nursing home or nursing services.
(ii) additional transport and accommodation and repatriation costs to be made
for or by you and for any one other person (if you are aged 18 or under and
are in full time education and you are travelling as part of a school, college
or university or other group (with participants in full time education) trip, we
will pay for up to 2 persons) who is required for medical reasons to stay with
you, to travel to you or to travel with you
(iii) either (a) up to £2,500 to cover charges following your death outside your
home country for your burial or cremation in the locality where
your death occurs and the cost of returning your ashes to your
home country or
(b) the cost of returning your body to your home when arranged by
(b) up to £250 to cover emergency dental treatment only to cure sudden pain.
(c) £10 for each full day up to a maximum of 30 days that you are in hospital as an
in-patient during the period of the trip in addition to the fees and charges paid
under (a) payable to the organiser or other authorised party leader or your
parent (see (a) (ii)) only for reasonable taxi fares, telephone calls and faxes only
incurred to visit you in hospital or other reasonable items purchased for your
stay in hospital.
For each insured-person this insurance will not cover:
any claim that is caused by:
D you travelling in an aircraft (other than as a passenger in a fully licensed
passenger carrying aircraft and for no other purpose).
D you driving a motorcycle for which you do not hold a full licence to ride in
your home country except where forming part of the published PGL
programme or itinerary.
D you riding on a motorcycle without wearing a crash helmet, whether legally
required locally or not.
D your suicide, self-injury or wilful act of self exposure to peril (except where it
is to save human life).
D your participation in a hazardous activity except where forming part of the
published PGL programme or itinerary and/or where shown to be covered
under the sports and activities cover section or where an additional premium
has been paid and the policy endorsed.
(a) & (b) the first £50 (reduced to £35 in respect of trips within the United Kingdom)
(except when you have used the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC)
or other mutual agreement between countries to obtain a reduction in
medical costs, when this is reduced to Nil) of each and every incident giving
rise to a claim.
any elective or pre-arranged treatment.
any routine non-emergency tests or treatment.
any treatment or hospitalisation which can be reasonably expected.
the cost of private treatment where adequate state facilities are available.
the cost of replenishing supplies of any medication you were using at the
start of the trip, or further treatment for any condition you had at the start of
your trip.
the cost of taxi fares for anyone other than the patient, telephone calls, faxes
other than those provided under cover (c) above) or any expenses for food
or drink other than agreed with us.
the cost of repatriation where necessary medical treatment is available
locally in a facility considered acceptable by the Chief Medical Officer of the
emergency assistance service.
the cost associated with the diversion of an aircraft due to your death injury
or illness
repatriation unless this is deemed medically necessary by our appointed
emergency medical assistance service.
(a)(i), & (b) any services or treatment received by you within your home country.
any services or treatment received by you, including any form of cosmetic
surgery OR any treatment that in the opinion of the emergency medical
assistance service, in consultation with your treating doctor, can reasonably
wait until you return to your home country.
any services or treatment received by you after the date on which in the
opinion of the emergency medical assistance service, you can safely return
home, that would exceed the cost of your repatriation.
repairs to or for the provision of dentures, artificial limbs or hearing aids.
What you need to do if you wish to make a claim under this section of the
D emergency medical assistance see under 'If you need emergency medical
assistance abroad' and details given separately above.
D for non-emergency cases, visits to doctors, hospital outpatients, or pharmacy
costs you incur you must keep all receipts accounts and medical certificates.
D Please see "what to do in the case of a medical emergency abroad" section
for cases involving more than simple outpatient treatment.
For each insured-person this insurance will pay:
up to £5,000 (reduced to £1,000 in respect of trips within the United Kingdom) for:
1. your unused proportion of (i) transport charges, (ii) loss of accommodation and
(iii) additional travel expenses that you have paid or agreed to pay and that you
cannot recover from any other source following your necessary curtailment of
your trip due to the trip being cut short by your early return home because of:
(i) the death, injury or illness of:
you or a friend with whom you are travelling .
a close relative.
a close business associate who lives in your home country.
a friend who lives abroad and with whom you were intending to
(ii) you, a friend or close relative who is travelling with you being required
in your home country for jury service or as a witness in a Court of
Law, or
(iii) you, a friend or close relative who is travelling with you being called
back by the Police after your home, or the home in your home
country of your friend or close relative, or usual place of business in
your home country, having suffered from burglary, serious fire, storm
or flood.
2. the proportion of (i) transport charges, (ii) loss of accommodation and (iii)
additional travel expenses that have been paid or agreed to be paid and that
cannot be recovered from any other source by the school, college, university or
other group (with participants in full time education) following the necessary
curtailment of the trip for the whole school, college, university or other group
(with participants in full time education) as agreed by Fogg Travel due to the
death, injury or illness of the organiser.
PROVIDED THAT any such curtailment of the school, college, university or
other group (with participants in full time education) booking is agreed by Fogg
Travel prior to curtailing.
For each insured-person this insurance will not cover :
the first £50 (reduced to £35 in respect of trips within the United Kingdom) of
each and every incident giving rise to a claim.
any payment or part payment made using frequent fiyer vouchers, Air
Miles/Avios vouchers or other vouchers that have no financial face value.
any payment where you have not suffered any financial loss.
any claim that is due to:
D the withdrawal of previously approved leave by your employer unless it is
due to the death or serious illness of a close business associate.
D your failure to obtain the required passport, visa or ESTA.
D the operation of law or as a result of an unlawful act or criminal proceedings
against anyone included in your booking.
D the failure of any transport or accommodation provider, their agent or
anybody who is acting as your agent.
D the curtailment of your trip by the tour operator.
D the failure of your travel agent or tour operator.
D the cancellation of any conference or business trip onto which your trip
was to be an add-on.
D financial circumstances.
D your disinclination to travel.
D your loss of enjoyment of the trip however caused.
D you travelling in an aircraft (other than as a passenger in a fully licensed
passenger carrying aircraft and for no other purpose).
D your suicide, self-injury or any wilful act of self exposure to peril (except
where it is to save human life).
D curtailment for any claim arising from a recognised complication of a known
pre-existing medical condition of a close relative or close business
associate, where the risk attaching to that health condition has not been
accepted by us in writing.
D death or illness of any pets or animals.
D terrorism, riot, civil commotion, strike or lock-out.
D your participation in a hazardous activity except where forming part of the
published PGL programme or itinerary and/or where shown to be covered
under the sports and activities cover section or where an additional premium
has been paid and the policy endorsed.
any unused portion of your original ticket where repatriation has been made.
cutting short your trip unless the emergency medical assistance service have
any event caused by your failure to get a medical certificate from the treating
doctor near to where you are staying that states the necessity to return home
due to death, injury or illness.
curtailment cover where the trip is of 2 days duration or less or is a one-way
curtailment due to the fear of an epidemic or pandemic.
curtailment due to any event caused by:
you driving a motorcycle for which you do not hold a full licence to ride in
your home country except where forming part of the published PGL
What you need to do if you wish to make a claim under this section
programme or itinerary.
you riding on a motorcycle without wearing a crash helmet, whether legally
required locally or not.
curtailment due to death, injury or illness of the organiser caused by any
pre-existing health condition that has been diagnosed, been in existence
or for which the organiser has received treatment from a hospital or
specialist consultant during the last 2 years or for which the organiser is
awaiting or receiving treatment or under investigation unless we have
agreed cover in writing and any additional premium has been paid.
curtailment of the of the booking for the whole group that has not been
notified to Fogg Travel and agreed by us prior to curtailing.
curtailment of the booking for the whole school, college, university or other
group (with participants in full time education) where a replacement
organiser is and/or can be provided.
curtailment of the booking for the whole group due to the disinclination to
travel by the organiser and/or replacement organiser.
any claim that is not for a school, college, university or other group (with
articipants in full time education).
For each insured-person this insurance will pay:
up to £100 to the organiser for reasonable expenses necessarily incurred owing to
the unavoidable extension to, abandonment of or change to the planned itinerary of
the trip by reason of strike, riot, civil commotion, or mechanical breakdown or
adverse weather conditions occurring after the trip has commenced.
For each insured-person
this insurance
will not cover:
any change to the itinerary by reason of strike, riot, civil commotion or adverse
weather conditions existing or notified by declaration of intent at or prior to the
date this~
is purchased.
(This section is only applicable to the organiser of the pre-formed school,
college, university or other groups (with participants in full time education).
For each insured-person this insurance will pay:
up to £5,000,000, including costs agreed between us in writing, for
any event occurring during the period of this insurance where the organiser is
legally liable to pay that relate to an incident caused by the organiser and that
claim form, written
confirmation from the Head Teacher, Bursar of the school, college, university or
other group that no alternative organiser can be provided.
D Curtailment claims will be paid in full days lost from the day you return home.
(This section is only applicable to the organiser of the pre-formed school,
college, university or other groups (with participants in full time education).
D provide, together with the medical certificate attached to the
of the
D never admit responsibility to anyone and do not agree to pay for any damage,
repair costs or compensation.
D keep notes of any circumstances that may become a claim so these can be
supplied to us along with any supporting evidence we may require.
D contact Fogg Travel Insurance Services Limited on + 44 (0)1623 631331,
claims department option, during UK office hours 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday
to report the event as soon as possible.
What you need to do if you wish to make a claim under this section of the
D if you feel you need to cut short your trip you will need a letter confirming this
is due to medical necessity from your treating doctor in resort, and to confirm
this with our appointed emergency medical assistance service. Curtailment
claims will not otherwise be covered. You should keep any receipts or accounts
given to you and send them in to Fogg Travel.
D notify Fogg Travel immediately, by telephone and in writing, that you need to
curtail the whole group booking to obtain prior agreement.
any claim for an incident already notified under section B9.
the first £100 in respect of each and every event that causes a claim
This section is only applicable for school, college, university or other groups
(with participants in full time education) organised trips.
For each insured-person
this insurance will pay :
£20 for each full day in the event that you sustain bodily injury or illness during your
trip and you are medically certified as being unable to participate in the programme
of activities for which you have booked with the tour operator.
For each insured-person this insurance will not cover :
more than £240 in total.
For each insured-person
this insurance
will not cover:
compensation or any other costs caused by accidents involving the organiser's
ownership, possession or control of any:
D land or building or their use either by or on behalf of the organiser other
than temporary trip accommodation.
D mechanically propelled vehicles and any trailers attached to them.
D aircraft, motorised waterborne craft or sailing vessel.
D Firearms, pyrotechnics or incendiary devices.
any claim where the organiser is a bona tide tour operator.
any claim for an incident already notified under section B7.
the first £100 in respect of each and every event that causes a claim.
1 & 2 any liability for loss of or damage to property or injury, illness or disease:
where an indemnity is provided to the organiser under any other insurance.
that is for punitive or exemplary damages
that is caused by any deliberate act or omission of the organiser.
that is caused by the organiser's employment, profession or business other
than as part of your school, college or university duties.
that is caused by pollution in North America.
that is caused by the organiser's ownership, care, custody or control of any
that falls on the organiser by agreement and would not have done so if
such agreement did not exist in respect of any liability for injury, illness or
disease suffered by the organiser.
any claim that is caused by:
D you travelling in an aircraft (other than as a passenger in a fully licensed
passenger carrying aircraft and for no other purpose).
D you driving a motorcycle for which you do not hold a full licence to ride in
your home country except where forming part of the published PGL
programme or itinerary.
D you riding on a motorcycle without wearing a crash helmet, whether legally
required locally or not.
D your suicide, self-injury or wilful act of self exposure to peril (except where it
is to save human life).
D you being under the influence of drugs (except those prescribed by your
registered doctor but not when for the treatment of drug addiction).
D your abuse, or prior abuse, of solvents or alcohol.
D your participation in a hazardous activity except where forming part of the
published PGL programme or itinerary and/or where shown to be covered
under the sports and activities cover section or where an additional premium
has been paid and the policy endorsed.
any services or treatment received by you, including any form of cosmetic
surgery OR any treatment that in the opinion of the emergency medical
assistance service, in consultation with your treating doctor, can reasonably wait
until you return to your home country.
any routine non-emergency tests or treatment.
any dental work involving the use of precious metals.
What you need to do if you wish to make a claim under this section
of the
D never admit responsibility to anyone and do not agree to pay for any damage,
repair costs or compensation.
D keep notes of any circumstances that may become a claim so these can be
supplied to us along with any supporting evidence we may require.
D contact Fogg Travel Insurance Services Limited on + 44 (0)1623 631331,
claims department option, during UK office hours 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday
to report the event as soon as possible.
For each insured-person this insurance will pay:
up to £1,000,000, plus costs agreed between us in writing, for any event occurring
during the period of this insurance that you are legally liable to pay that relate to an
incident caused by you and that results in:
(a) injury, illness or disease of any person.
(b) loss of, or damage to, property that does not belong to you or any member of
your family and is neither in your charge or control nor under the charge or
control of any member of your family.
(c) loss of, or damage to trip accommodation which does not belong to you or any
member of your family.
For each insured-person
this insurance will not cover:
any liability for loss of or damage to property or injury, illness or disease:D where an indemnity is provided under any other insurance.
D that is suffered by anyone who is under a contract of service with you or any
member of your family and is caused by the work you or any member of
your family employ them to do.
D that is caused by any deliberate act or omission by you.
D that is caused by your own employment, profession or business or that of
any member of your family.
D that is caused by your ownership, care, custody or control of any animal
except where forming part of the published PGL programme or itinerary.
D that falls on you by agreement and would not have done if such agreement
did not exist.
any liability for injury, illness or disease suffered by you or any member of your
compensation or any other costs caused by accidents involving your ownership,
possession or control of any:
D land or building or their use either by or on your behalf other than your
temporary trip accommodation.
D mechanically propelled vehicles and any trailers attached to them except
where forming part of the published PGL programme or itinerary.
D aircraft, motorised skis, motorised waterborne craft or sailing vessel except
where forming part of the published PGL programme or itinerary.
D firearms or incendiary devices.
results in:
(a) injury, illness or disease of any person.
(b) loss of or damage to property that does not belong to the organiser and is
not in the organiser's charge or control.
any liability described in 1. above falling on the Local Education Authority or, in
the case of an independent school, the governing body in place of the
For each insured-person this insurance will pay:
A single payment for your accidental bodily injury, that independently of any other
cause, results in your:
Amount of payment
Age Oto
Age 16 to
15 years
65 years
Item 1
Item 2a
Total loss of sight in one or both eyes
Item 2 b
Loss of Limb: whole arm or whole hand
index finger
any other finger
Loss of Limb: whole leg or whole foot
big toe
any other toe
Loss of hearing: Item 2d
in both ears
in one ear
Item 3
Permanent Total Disablement after
104 weeks except when compensation
is paid under Item 2
all occurring within 12 months of the event happening.
Item 2c
For each insured-person
this insurance
will not cover:
any event that is due to:
D you travelling in an aircraft (other than as a passenger in a fully licensed
passenger carrying aircraft and for no other purpose)
D you driving a motorcycle for which you do not hold a full licence to ride in
your home country except where forming part of the published PGL
programme or itinerary.
you riding on a motorcycle without wearing a crash helmet, whether legally
required locally or not.
your suicide, self-injury or any wilful act of self-exposure to peril (except
where it is to save human life).
D your participation in a hazardous activity except where forming part of the
published PGL programme or itinerary and/or where shown to be covered
under the sports and activities cover section or where an additional premium
has been paid and the policy endorsed.
D more than one of the benefits that is a result of the same injury.
more than £10,000 death payment when your age is under sixteen (16 ) years
any payment when your age is sixty-six (66) years or over at the time of the
PLEASE NOTE Where you are not in any paid employment or paid occupations, this
shall be defined as 'all your usual activities, pastimes and pursuits of any and every
What you need to do if you wish to make a claim under this section of the
D in the event of death we will require sight of an original copy of the death
certificate, for other claims please write describing the circumstances of the
accident and its consequences, and you will be advised what further
documentation is required.
For each insured-person this insurance will pay PGL :
Departure Delay
1. up to £100 for necessary additional expenses paid by PGL on your behalf that
are due to unforeseen circumstances beyond your control or that of PGL, or
2. if after 12 hours delay from the scheduled departure time of your international
flight, international train or sailing from your international departure point or, if
within the United Kingdom, your sea crossing point you wish to abandon the
trip, up to the amount shown under the cancellation section for the cancellation
of your trip, or
Missed Departure
3. up to £500 for alternative transport and additional accommodation to get you to
your destination if any transport arranged as part of the PGL package that you
are travelling becomes undrivable due to mechanical failure or being involved in
an accident on your way to your international departure point preventing you
from getting to your international departure point in time to check in. You will
need to obtain independent confirmation of the circumstances, or
4. up to £500 for missed connections where your journey involves a crossing of the
sea within your home country to cover any additional transport or
accommodation charges you have to pay that are necessary for you to reach
the trip destination or, on your return journey, to reach your home due to the
failure of the public transport that brings you to the mainland international
departure point in time to catch your onward flight, international train or sailing.
You will need to obtain independent confirmation of the circumstances, or
Additional Travel Expenses
5. up to £100 for necessary expenses paid by PGL for the forced extension,
shortening or re-routing of the trip requiring a change in travel plans because of
strike, riot, civil, commotion, labour disturbances starting during the trip, or
quarantine restrictions due to an outbreak of disease at the trip destination, or
severe weather conditions or landslip during the trip.
Any payment will be made to PGL. You will need to obtain independent confirmation
of the circumstances.
For each insured-person this insurance will not cover:
any claim that is due to the failure of any transport or accommodation provider,
their agent or anybody who is acting as your agent.
any compensation when your tour operator has rescheduled your flight
any claim where you have not pre-booked, where you have a stand-by ticket
and do not have confirmed space or that is due to the aircraft being overbooked.
1. & 2. any compensation unless you have checked in and obtained written
confirmation from your airline, railway company, shipping line or their
handling agents that shows the reason for the delay, the scheduled
departure time and the actual departure time of your flight, international
train or sailing.
any compensation where the airline, railway company or shipping line or
their handling agents provide alternative transport that departs within 12
hours of the booked departure time.
any delay that is due to a strike or industrial action that had started or that
had been announced before this insurance was issued.
the first £50 (reduced to £35 in respect of trips within the United Kingdom)
of any claim made by you.
abandonment where the trip is of 2 days duration or less.
3. & 4. any claim where insufficient time has been allowed to complete the journey
in time to reach the check-in at the time shown in the PGL itinerary.
missed connections.
expenses that PGL can recover elsewhere.
compensation where a strike, riot or civil commotion had taken place before
the start of the trip or where it could have reasonably been anticipated that it
was likely to happen.
For each insured-person this insurance will pay:
up to £25,000 for legal costs and expenses incurred in pursuing claims for
compensation and damages due to your death or personal injury whilst on the trip
provided we always have complete control over the legal proceedings and the
selection, appointment and control of lawyers and where a claim occurs you will
supply any reports or information and proof to us and the claims office as may be
For each insured-person this insurance will not cover:
any costs to pursue a claim against a travel agent, tour operator, tour organiser,
the local education authority, school governors, head teacher, group leader, the
insurers or their agents or the claims office.
any legal action where the estimated amount that will be recovered is less than
any legal expenses where we consider you are unlikely to obtain a reasonable
any costs that can be considered under an arbitration scheme or a complaints
any legal expenses incurred without our prior authorisation or that of the claims
any claim made by you against another insured-person or member of your
any claim for damage to a motor vehicle.
the first £250 in respect of each and every event that causes a claim.
D We will not pay legal expenses to bring proceedings in more than one country in
respect of the same event.
If you are awarded compensation and receive payment then all sums paid out by
us shall be paid out of that compensation.
How to obtain legal advice:
Should you have an accident abroad and require legal advice you should telephone:
Pannone LLP, 58 Moseley Street, Manchester, M2 3HZ
They will arrange for up to thirty minutes of advice to be given to you by a lawyer.
To obtain this service you should telephone: 0161 228 3851 or fax: 0161 909 4444
URV, Branch Office of Union Reiseversicherung AG for the United Kingdom and
the Republic of Ireland. Registered in England & Wales. Company No. FC024381.
Branch No. BR006943. A public body corporate with limited liability.
Registered Office: Maximilianstrasse 53, D-80530 Munich, Germany.
Registered with Amtsgericht Munich, Germany. Registered Number: HRB 137918.
URV are authorised in Germany with BaFin and subject to limited regulation in the
United Kingdom by the Financial Conduct Authority and in the Republic of Ireland
by the Insurance Regulator. Union Reiseversicherung AG are members of the
Financial Services Compensation Scheme.
The URV Branch office is administered in the United Kingdom and Ireland
by Travel Insurance Facilities pie.
Registered Office: 10 Victoria Road South, Southsea, Hampshire, P05 2DA.
Registered in England. Registered Number: 3220410.
Travel Insurance Facilities pie are authorised and regulated by
the Financial Conduct Authority.
Fogg Travel Insurance Services Limited is authorised and regulated by
the Financial Conduct Authority. Our FCA Register reference is 307304.
This can be checked on the financial services register held on the FCA's website
PGL Travel Limited is an Appointed Representative of
Fogg Travel Insurance Services Limited.
Unlike other policies we cover many hazardous activities as standard with no additional premium required. If the sport or activity you are participating in is not
listed below or is not a sport or activity that forms part of a published activity provided by or arranged by PGL please contact Fogg Travel (contact details can be
found below or under the hazardous activity definition) to ensure you are covered.
If your sport or activity is arranged
terms and conditions of this policy,
and/or provided by PGL as part of your trip, cover
if it is not listed below.
The following is a list of sports and activities
competitive basis (unless otherwise stated):
during the period of insurance
Abseiling, Aerobics, Athletic Field/track Events, Angling, Animal Sanctuary/Refuge
Bamboo Rafting, Banana Boating, Bar Work (excluding
is given for that sport or activity as standard
with no additional
on a non-professional,
to the
amateur and non-
Work, Archery, Athletics,
Personal Liability), Baseball, Basketball,
Beach Games, Biathlon, Billiards, Bird Watching,
Boarding, Bowling, Bowls, Boxing Training, Bridge, Bridge Swinging, Bungee Jumping,
Camel Riding/Trekking,
(up to grade 3 rivers only), Caravanning
Sailing (In-shore)
Personal Liability), Chess, Clay Pigeon Shooting, Climbing (climbing wall, with use of ropes or guides), Cricket, Croquet, Curling, Cycle Touring, Cycling,
Dancing, Darts, Deep Sea Fishing, Diving,
Elephant Riding/Trekking,
Fell Running, Fell Walking,
Fencing, Fishing, Fives, Flag football, Flying as passenger
Beach Kick Around, Fresh Water/Sea
Fishing, Frisbee, Fruit or Vegetable
Glass Bottom Boats, Gliding (learning, non competition),
aircraft), Flying (excluding crew/pilot),
Football, Football -
Picking (excluding Personal Liability),
Golf, Gorilla Trekking, Gymnastics,
Highland games, Hiking up to 2,000m, Hill Walking up to 2,000m, Historical Research, Horse Riding (no eventing), Hot Air Ballooning (passenger only),
Indoor Skating,
Jet Boating (excluding Personal Liability), Jet Skiing (excluding Personal Liability), Jet Skiing (non-incidental)
(excluding Personal Liability), Jogging,
Kayaking (up to grade 2 rivers only), Keepfit, Kiting, Korfball,
Low Ropes,
Labour involving
the lifting or carrying
of heavy items of no more than 25 kg, work at no more than 2 storeys high (excluding
Personal Liability), Marathons,
Model Flying, Motorcycling
with appropriate
UK licence (excluding
any form of work
Personal Liability), Motor homing
(excluding Personal Liability), Mountain Biking (mountain paths/trails and roads),
Petanque, Pigeon racing, Pony Trekking, Pool, Power lifting,
Rafting, Rambling
up to 2,000m,
Ringos, River Walking, Rock Scrambling
Safari (UK Organised),
Rap Running/Jumping,
Raque! Ball, Re-Enactment,
inshore (recreational)
or BSAC qualified or diving with and under the direction a qualified instructor.
Softball, Sprint/Long
Work (excluding
Rifle Range,
(under 4,000m), Rounders, Rowing, Running,
Safari Trekking, Sail Boarding, Sailing, Sailing/Yachting
within 24 hours of participating
in scuba diving), Sea Fishing, Shinty, Shooting,
Personal Liability), Scuba Diving to 30m (PADI
No solo diving. You will not be covered under this policy if you travel by air
Distance, Squash, Surfing, Swim Trekking, Swimming,
(target range-not
hunting), Small Bore Target Shooting,
Swimming with Dolphins, Sydney Harbour Bridge,
Table Tennis, Team Games, Ten Pin Bowling, Tennis, Trekking up to 2,000m, Triathlon, Tubing, Tug of War,
Walking up to 2,000m, Water Skiing, Weight Lifting, Whale Watching,
(excluding manual
White Water Rafting (grade 1 to 3), Windsurfing,
Personal Liability)
Yachting (inland and coastal waters) (excluding Personal Liability), Yoga.
Any claims which arise whilst undertaking any of these activities for any purpose other than leisure (examples of non-leisure purposes include racing (other than
on foot), timed events, professional, display events, photo shoots, etc.) will not be covered under this policy. If you are unsure please do not hesitate to contact
Fogg Travel, telephone 01623 631331 (retail option) or email to [email protected]
(Mon to Fri 9am to 5pm) quoting PGL and we can discuss
your individual requirements.
means that your participation
Where necessary
worn at all times.
you must ensure
in an activity is one of the primary activities on, or the purpose of your trip.
that the covered
sport or activity
is adequately
and appropriate
Annex F to
Risk Assessment - Caythorpe Court
NCS Residential Risk Assessment
Inherent Risk Present
Aero ball
AU Aboard
Challenge Course
Giant Swing
High Ropes Course
J acob's Ladder
Kaya king
Low Leve I Ropes Course
Problem Solving
Quad Biking
Raft Building
Rifle Shooting
Sports and Team Games
Vertical Challenge
Control Measures
Swimming Ability
(see note 1)
In Place
Activity on PGL
First Aid
being struck
slips &trips
being struck
being struck
slips &trips
slips &trips
being struck
being struck
slips &trips
slips &trips
being struck
slips &trips
Residual Risk Level
(low, med or high)
Residual Risk
Aero ball
All Aboard
Challenge Course
Giant Swing
High Ropes Course
J acob's Ladder
Kaya king
Low Leve 1 Ropes Course
Problem Solving
Quad Biking
f0333 321 2118
Specific Control Measure
Raft Building
Rifle Shooting
Sensory Trail
Sports and Team Games
Tunnel Trail
Vertical Challenge
Zip Wire
Herefordshire, l!R9 5GL
email cnquirics@>
Activities cont.
Residual Risk Level
(low, med or high)
Residual Risk
Specific Control Measure!
PGL Travc 1 Ltd, Alton Court, Penyard Lane, Ross-on-Wye,
t0333 321 2100
Annex G to
NCS Residential Risk Assessment
EBP - PGL Caythorpe, simplified risk assessment
Slips, trips and falls,
resulting in
All staff & young
Fire, resulting in burns
All staff & young
Deep Water, resulting
in drowning
Hygiene, resulting in
infections and
All staff & young
All staff & young
Food poisoning
All staff & young
All staff & young
Moving vehicles,
resulting in collisions,
Everyone is to be
wearing the
appropriate footwear
and use the
appropriate routes
Fire appliances/fire
alarms inspected
monthly by external
contractor, staff
training, all activity
staff have had first aid
Water areas have
been fenced off
Wash and toilet
facilities are
strategically placed
and cleaned regularly
Catering staff have
food hygiene training
Speed retarders/limits,
designated parking
Make sure that all
young persons are
aware of potential
problem areas
Site briefing on arrival,
including a fire
Site briefing on arrival
Clean hot and cold
running water
Clean hot water to be
used at all times
Controlled access
and site
All staff & young
Young persons are
housed in locked
Visitors, other students
and members of the
public, resulting in
All staff & young
Site is fenced,
patrolled, CCTV,
locked gates
Site equipment,
activities and heights,
resulting in falls,
breaks, bruising,
sprains and strains
All staff & young
Environment, resulting
in general injuries,
getting lost, insect
bites, cuts, stings and
All staff & young
Weather related
injuries, resulting in
sunburn, dehydration,
cold, wet
All staff & young
are checked,
instructors are trained,
first aid kits are taken
to each activity
Everyone is to be
wearing the correct
clothing and use the
appropriate routes
which are clearly
Weather forecast is
checked and young
person's clothing
checked to ensure
suitable for
Site briefing on arrival
and regular
supervision of the
area includinq CCTV
Site briefing on arrival
and regular
supervision of the
area, including
daylight patrols and
Site and activity
induction training, plus
ongoing supervision
Site induction, with a
full site tour
All young persons will
be monitored for signs
of heat stroke,
sunburn or
hypothermia and will
have drinks/snacks
and wear sun cream
The young persons will not be anywhere unsupervised and are prohibited from the bar
All personnel are prohibited from the areas that will be identified as "out of bounds" during their ongoing induction,
including areas marked as "staff only"
Any activities, including the water areas, when not part-taking in an organised and correctly supervised activity, quad
Smoking in accommodation areas and within buildings
Any activities without wearing the appropriate clothing, including activities beyond their ability as identified by PGL staff
and NCS staff
Being out of rooms after 2200hrs
Annex H to
NCS Residential Risk Assessment
PGL Caythorpe Photographs