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For more information contact
For more information contact -ICHAEL"ROOKE2ECREATION3UPERVISOR "RIANNE3TERNAD3ENIOR2ECREATION,EADER 4HE#ITYOF-ANHATTAN"EACH 0ARKSAND2ECREATION$EPARTMENT 4EEN#ENTER"IG"EAR 3NOWBOARDING4RIPS )DRIS*!L/BOUDI2ECREATION3ERVICES-ANAGER 4HE-ANHATTAN"EACH0ARKSAND2ECREATION$EPARTMENT4EEN#ENTER "IG"EAR3NOWBOARDING4RIPSAREOPENTOALL-IDDLE3CHOOLAND(IGH 3CHOOLSTUDENTSLIVINGIN-ANHATTAN"EACHORATTENDING-ANHATTAN "EACHSCHOOLS!LLTHETRIPSTHISYEARWILLBEGOINGTO"EAR-OUNTAIN 4HEREAREEXTENSIVETERRAINPARKSANDMANYAREASFORBEGINNERS 4RANSPORTATIONWILLBEPROVIDEDBY!DVENTURES!MERICACHARTERBUS SERVICE!MENITIESINCLUDE46SBATHROOMANDRECLININGSEATS3KIERS AREALSOWELCOMETOJOIN WWWCITYMBINFO 0ARKSAND2ECREATION0ROMOTES(EALTHAND7ELLNESS PLEASE PRINT PLEASE DATE: Plan to rent equipment locally to save time at the slopes. Olympus Board Shop, Ski Surf Shop, ET and Spyder all provide rentals. PARENT NAME: ADDRESS: PHONE: ( CITY: ) EMERGENCY PHONE: ( ATTENTION We are not responsible for lost or stolen items. Basket check and snowboard check are available ) STUDENT ATTENDING TRIP: D.O.B.: GRADE: DATES OF TRIP: 1/10 1/24 DEPARTURE LOCATION DEPARTURE TIME RETURN TIME SCHOOL: 1/31 2/7 2/28 3/7 I ALSO GIVE MY PERMISSION FOR ANY NECESSARY MEDICAL TREATMENT/ MEDICAL RELEASE/ CONSENT/ LIABILITY WAIVER MEDICAL CONDITIONS OR ALLERGIES: 1600 MANHATTAN BEACH BLVD 5:30 AM 9:00 PM REGISTRATION begins December 1, 2008 at the Manhattan Beach Parks and Recreation Department located at City Hall (1400 Highland Avenue). Deadline for registration is 4 days prior to each trip. For information please contact Brianne Sternad, Sr. Recreation Leader, (310) 802-5426 Michael Brooke, Recreation Supervisor, (310) 802-5435 INSURANCE CARRIER: No refunds after registration GROUP NUMBER: TRIP DATES PARENT SIGNATURE: BEAR MOUNTAIN PAYMENT (check one) JANUARY 10, 24, 31 FEBRUARY 7, 28 MARCH 7 FEE FOR TRIPS CASH: CHECK: VISA: MASTERCARD OR VISA ACCOUNT MASTERCARD: Expiration Date CHECK #: // AMOUNT: // $65 DOLLARS PER TRIP All trips include lift ticket, transportation and supervision LESSONS available at Bear Mountain Ski School for an additional fee. CUSTOMER SIGNATURE FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: RECEIPT # Teen Center Big Bear Snowboarding Trip 2009 Medical Release/Consent/Liability Waiver Participation in the Teen Center Big Bear Snowboarding Trip 2009 involves activity that includes speeding downhill on a snowboard or skis; there are terrain parks with obstacles and rails with many other skiers and snowboarders. Snowboarding and skiing involve many falls that can bring injury to wrists and shoulders. Injury to the back, neck, arms, legs, joints as well as sprained muscles, bruises and more serious injury is possible. This is an inherently dangerous activity with a significant risk of injury. In applying to participate, I assume the risk of this activity including any and all injuries which may ensue. In consideration of acceptance of my entry to the Teen Center Big Bear Snowboarding Trip 2009 event, I waive any and all claims for myself and my heirs against officials or sponsors of the Teen Center Big Bear Snowboarding Trip 2009, the City of , Manhattan Beach, its officers, agents and employees for any claims, demands, injuries, illness, damages, or actions to my person or property arising out of or in connection with or which may directly or indirectly result from my participation in this event. I hereby hold the City of Manhattan Beach, its employees and agents, and the sponsors and operators of the Teen Center Big Bear Snowboarding Trip 2009 event harmless from all claims which may be brought against them by myself, on my behalf or by any third party for any such injuries or claims aforesaid. Participants involved in Manhattan Beach Parks and Recreation programs/activities may be photographed and such photography may be used to publicize City programs/ activities. Trip Day Hot Line (310) 877-0514 Call for up-to-date information regarding trip on date of trip We create community and quality of life through people, parks and programs.
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Drop off YOUR waiver today at the following locations
• Teen Center
(1600 Manhattan Beach Blvd.)
• City Hall
(1400 Highland Avenue)