Field Trip Catalogue 2015-2016


Field Trip Catalogue 2015-2016
Field Trip Catalogue 2015-2016
International School of Turin
Dear Parents,
The Field Trip program at the International School of Turin is a
unique feature of the curriculum offered by the school, unique
because such an intensive field trip program is unusual to find in
schools like ours. In keeping with a long IST tradition of field
trips, these have been carefully selected and designed to
complement the school´s curricula at each grade level. This Field Trip Catalogue is designed to provide you with the
basic information you need about the trips that are planned for
your child, by class, for this school year. The field trips are
considered to be a part of the regular school curriculum and it is
expected that all students will participate in the trips. Expenses for these trips are included in the regular school tuitions
for the school year. We wish you and your children all the best as we become better
acquainted with the many resources available to our students
outside the regular classroom.
Open to All Students
Miss Charlotte Monument Inauguration—September 12th
During September 10-11th, a B-17 called "Miss
Charlotte" flew over the Mediterranean towards
Cuneo, in Italian Piemont, with one mission: drop
14 containers and 4 packs of ammunition and
supplies to the Italian Piemontese Resistance.
Caught in a terrible snowstorm the airplane flew
further north from its drop-zone over an area where
alpine peaks largely exceed 10,000 ft.
On the night of September 12th the Miss Charlotte
crashed on the north face of Mount Grand Mioul in
Susa Valley. None of the 9 crewmen survived.
To remember these soldiers, six IST students have
been asked to work alongside a renowned sculptor
to produce a memorial that will be placed on the
crash-site. The monument will be inaugurated on
September 12th 2015.
Grade 6
Abbazia di Vezzolano (April)
Guided by humanities and Italian
classes, the trip to Vezzolano and
through Chieri provides an inspiring
and educational look at the
architecture, history and culture of our
local community. The trip also closely
supports and supplements the work
undertaken in History and Art, with
specific regard to the Medieval period.
Magna Grecia, Residential Trip, 3 days / 2 nights (May)
Through their humanities studies grade six students will explore the ancient
ruins of Pompeii and the surrounding area, exploring the impact of nature
on civilization and the collapse of a once thriving society. History and
geology converge, helping students to consider how people and communities
interact with the environment and its influences on how we live
Grade 7
National Cinema Museum Turin (January)
The National Cinema Museum’s Educational
Department makes use of the Museum’s
collections and cultural initiatives to help students
learn about cinema and its history.
Rome, Residential trip, 3 days / 2 nights (May)
Seventh graders will delve into the Eternal City’s rich history as the center of
the Roman Empire. Students will connect aspects of Roman history with the
legacies that have inspired the modern world, including architecture,
government, religion, language and more.
Trip program includes Circus Maximus, Tiber River area, Mamertine Prison,
Roman Forum, Colosseum and the Basilica of San Clemente, Piazza Navona,
Pantheon and Castle San Angelo, Monte Testaccio, Catacombs of San
Sebastiano, Old Appian Way and Circus of Maxentius, Museum of Roman
Grade 8
Great Synagogue of Turin (March)
With eighth graders reading Anne Frank’s
The Diary of a Young Girl, we look to connect
literature and history with our own local
community. Students will visit the Great
Synagogue of Turin and other areas of the
city related to Jewish heritage and culture
found in Turin.
Florence, Residential trip, 3 days / 2 nights (May)
With a wealth of knowledge, information and conceptual understanding, eighth graders
will visit the birthplace of the Renaissance. Our trip allows us to learn about and
appreciate classic works of art of the Great Masters, admire the architectural wonder of
the famed Duomo and see where the spark of scientific innovation launched a legacy of
everlasting achievements. We also focus on Humanism, the driving force of the time
that allowed individuals to express themselves through the arts and sciences, to explore
their creative potential and to contribute to the rebirth of society and culture.
Grades 6-8
Milan EXPO Trip (September)
The Expo Milan 2015 is a unique opportunity for middle school students to explore the
cultures of countries from around the world. The theme of Expo Milan is “Feeding the
Planet, Energy for Life”, which perfectly compliments the Global Contexts the students
will study this year of Scientific and Technical Innovations, Fairness and Development,
and Globalisation and Sustainability.
Open to Grade 8
Student Exchange to Skagerak International School, Norway
The IST exchange projects allow students to build on
their knowledge and experience of the world around
them, to gain a greater understanding of other cultures,
traditions and ways of living and to foster their sense of
'international mindedness’. It focuses on students
becoming risk takers as well as balanced and openminded individuals. Grade 9
Val D’Aosta Castles (October)
This guided visit to the Medieval castles of Verrès and Fénis
in Valle d’Aosta is closely connected to the educational
content explored in the Grade 9 Italian Studies class and will
give students the chance to appreciate first hand the rich
Medieval history of our area, while learning more about the
culture of Italy as a whole.
Don Giovanni Bosco Theatre, Le Petite Prince (April)
To complement their French language studies,
grade nine students will attend a performance of
Le Petite Prince. Through the experience of live
theatre, students will see how language and artistic
expression bring aspects of French culture to life.
Grade 9
Museo d’Arte Orientale (MAO),Turin (March)
Science and Art combine as students investigate the use
of chemicals to produce artwork throughout history and
gather visual information through direct observation,
which will then be used to assist with their design work
in the art studio at IST. Students will use a variety of
techniques at the museum to collect information to help
them meet the criteria of their work in both chemistry
and art.
Don Giovanni Bosco Theatre, El Perro Del Hortelano (January)
To complement their Spanish language
studies, grade nine students will attend a
performance of El Perro Del Hortelano.
Through the experience of live theatre,
students will see how language and
artistic expression bring aspects of
Spanish culture to life.
Grade 9
Krakow, Poland, Residential trip 4 days / 3 nights (April)
Students in grade nine will tackle the sensitive subject matter of genocide as they visit
the Auschwitz concentration camp and look at how such tragedies have affected
certain groups of people and continue to take place in today’s world. Through their
studies of the rise of dictators in Europe, this experience helps us to understand the
magnitude of government power and its effect and influence on society. As humanities
focuses on the relationship between individuals and societies, we examine problemsolving approaches for peaceful solutions for today.
Grade 10
Don Giovanni Bosco Theatre,Turin (April)
The Count of Monte Cristo
To complement their French language studies, grade ten students will attend
a performance of The Count of Monte Cristo. Through the experience of live
theatre, students will see how language and artistic expression bring aspects
of French culture to life.
Barocca,Turin (November)
This walking visit of Baroque palaces and churches of the
1600s and early 1700s in the downtown area of Turin, is
closely connected to the educational content explored in the
Grade 10 Italian Studies class and will give students the
chance to appreciate first hand the rich history of our city,
while learning more about the culture of Italy as a whole.
Sights will include some of the most relevant examples of
Baroque architecture in the area, such as Palazzo Reale,
Palazzo Madama, Real Chiesa di San Lorenzo, Palazzo
Carignano, Piazza San Carlo.
Grade 10
Dublin, Ireland, Residential trip 4 days / 3 nights (April)
Literature and history come together, focusing on the
period of Modernism and the works of James Joyce and
W.B. Yeats as well as contemporary authors. Through the
study of poetry, drama and film in English classes,
students connect world events in humanities classes. By
studying the effects of the Great Famine and the AngloIrish Wars, students examine how these events influenced
the literature of the time as well as societies then and now.
Grade 11
Eagles Nest Field Centre—Cevennes, France (May)
This trip is part of the Grade 11 biology and
chemistry coursework. Students spend one week
in a place where many natural environments and
habitats are close to each other. In an uniquely
equipped field center with world class instructors
and assistance in situ. This allows students to
achieve high quality results for their internal
Grade 12
Bardonecchia (September)
This trip is a one-night trip, designed to
allow students to collect data for their
geography internal assessment, thus
fulfilling their requirement.
Grades 11-12 Selected Students
Students Science Conference—Santarem, Portugal (January)
As part of students’ Grades 11 and 12 Biology,
Chemistry and Physics projects on sustainable
development and human rights. It will be an
exhibition where student present, discuss and
share ideas on achieving a global level of