Newsletter - Sudbury CARP
Newsletter - Sudbury CARP
SUDBURY CHAPTER CARP - “A NEW VISION OF AGING FOR CANADA” Fall 2015 Volume 5 Issue 2. Inside this issue: Program Highlights 2 Chair’s Report Chair Report 1 A message from the Chair of the Sudbury Chapter Carp Advocacy 5 Welcome members new and familiar! Event Calendar 6 Membership 7 Travel Club 8 Erna Fex 9 CARP AGM 10 Dream Home 10 Linda Cartier 12 Websites 14 It has been a summer of transitions. A new board has been formed and as we draw on skills and knowledge of the past we look to the future. It will be a time of increased voice for seniors; the numbers in the over 50, 60 and other age cohorts will result in changes in so many areas. So much of the news has focused on health care. While costs will continue to rise and long-term residency will be a growing concern, the retired population is in fact a healthier and more robust group than ever before. Alternate delivery methods, good diet, exercise, and awareness make today’s retired population equally a huge asset in our community and country. Naturally the political landscape will be reoriented. Involvement at municipal, provincial and federal levels will both acknowledge and respect this fast increasing segment. How can YOU help CARP Sudbury ? Are you ready to help ? CARP SUDBURY Board of Directors Hugh Kruzel, Chair John Lindsay, Vice Chair Sandra Desjardins, Secretary Ken Desjardins, Treasurer Mary-Ann Dikran Brenda Tessaro Irene Sacchetto Deborah Hill Keith Argent Brenda Reid Vally LaFlamme 705 618 9510 705 525 7526 705 969 1777 705 969 1777 705 692 5735 705 523 2605 705 560 2511 705 671 2285 705 693 7007 705 673 6687 705 470 2426 Become a member of our telephone committee Join the Board of Directors Help out with the CARP information booth at various community events Sell tickets for our major fundraisers such as the CHHA “Ultimate Dream Home” Promote advocacy issues and actions Meet new people, help build our Chapter and have fun ! Contact one of the CARP Sudbury Directors. Page 2 Sudbury Chapter Volume 5 Issue 2 Chair’s Report Continued from page 1 Many of us will work longer; some of us will retire earlier. The majority of us will spend more time out of the workforce than in it. Volunteerism will also be our strong contribution to everything we touch, use, enjoy, and believe in. Our neighbourhoods will be richer for it. This is a segue into a request. No organization can function without the valuable input of so many. The board would gladly embrace anyone who would be willing to form committees, sit on panels, or take on a leadership role. In less than 7 months we will be looking for replacements for those who have served 2 or 3 (or more) years in some capacity on the board of your local CARP chapter. Then again in 2016 and every year forward we need to consider succession planning in seamlessly maintaining advocacy, out-reach, representation, and voice. Meetings held at Science North and our valuable guest speakers are important venues and points of gathering. Bring your friends and neighbours. I must also mention The Travel Club for it builds strong bonds of friendship while introducing new ideas and fresh landscapes. Our flag-raising event on October 1st recognizes the importance of the senior in society. There is so much we have done, and so much we can do. Come and join us! Hugh Kruzel Tell us what you want to see on our website and in our Newsletter You can contact the Editor at [email protected] Keep up with current CARP Sudbury activities by checking our website And CARP National at Page 3 Sudbury Chapter Volume 5 Issue 2 Page 4 Sudbury Chapter Volume 5 Issue 2 Page 5 Sudbury Chapter Volume 5 Issue 2 CARP Sudbury Advocacy CARP Sudbury has taken initiative and acted on the following: Sponsoring All Candidates meeting for Sudbury Municipal Election Sponsoring All Candidates meeting for Sudbury Provincial By-election Sponsoring All Candidates meeting for the Sudbury Federal Election Information links to meetings about Maley Drive and 2nd Avenue Information on current topics as noted on our website— Check our website for interesting updates about CARP Sudbury including our advocacy and upcoming events. Science North LOCAL AFFINITY PARTNER Soup or salad and a sandwich for only $7.00 (taxes included) or 10% off any food item on the menu if you show you CARP Membership card at Elements Cafeteria (Science North) APPLICABLE ON DAYS OF MEETINGS ONLY Science North is offering CARP local members a 20% discount to a regular admission to the Science Centre & Dynamic Earth. Anyone over 65 is able to apply their 20% discount to the senior rates. Page 6 Sudbury Chapter Volume 5 Issue 2 Events Calendar Next meeting is Thursday January 28 Selling CHHA Ultimate Dream Home tickets Christmas December 25 New Years January 1, 2016 Support your CARPSudbury Chapter Here’s another way to support your CARP Sudbury Chapter. Purchase your CHHA Ultimate Dream Home ticket from a CARPSudbury Member Here’s another way to support your CARP Sudbury Chapter. At our General Meetings, we hold a 50-50 draw, so bring some change and support your Chapter while having a chance to win some cash. Page 7 Sudbury Chapter Volume 5 Issue 2 Membership Report Deborah Hill - Membership Director The membership fee to join our local chapter is $5.00 a year per person. You will be notified when your membership is about to expire. Our membership table is available at all meetings, where I can renew your membership or sign you up as a new member. For any queries, I can be contacted at 705-6712285 or by email at: [email protected]. Please mark this address as safe so it will not go into your junk mail. Support your CARPSudbury Chapter Some good websites for Seniors (CARP National) See our websites and You can also get regular podcasts from radio station AM740 called “Zoomer Week in Review”. You can listen to them on the web site If you have memories that you would like to share with readers, please forward them to Keith, our Newsletter Editor, at [email protected] We are always looking for interesting stories or trips that would interest other CARP members. Page 8 Sudbury Chapter Travel Club Volume 5 Issue 2 by Irene Sacchetto In Sept, our Carp Sudbury Travel Club, a group of 28 folks, travelled to Toronto to see a fabulous concert by Josh Goban. He sang many songs from Broadway, everyone was so delighted with his amazing voice. Such a fine young man. To top off our bus trip we enjoyed a shopping excursion to the Vaughn Mills Mall. Fall Day in Sudbury Onaping Falls 2015 Page 9 Sudbury Chapter Volume 5 Issue 2 A little house with three bedrooms, one bathroom and one car on the street, A mower that you had to push to make the grass look neat In the kitchen on the wall, we only had one phone, And no need for recording things, someone was always home. We only had a living room where we would congregate, Unless it was at mealtime in the kitchen where we ate. We only had one TV set, and channels maybe two. But always there was one of them with something worth the view For snacks we had potato chips that tasted like a chip. And if you wanted flavour there was Lipton’s onion dip. Store-bought snacks were rare because my mother liked to cook, And nothing could compare to snacks in Betty Crocker’s book. Weekends were for family trips or staying home to play. I love the new technology, but I sure do miss those days. So time moves on and so do we and nothing stays the same, But I sure do love to reminisce and walk down memory lane. With all today’s technology, we grant that it’s a plus! But it’s fun to look way back and say, HEY LOOK, GUYS, THAT WAS US! Erna Fex Page 10 Sudbury Chapter Volume 5 Issue 2 CARP AGM 2015 by Hugh Kruzel, CARPSudbury Chair Bringing together leaders and members from coast to coast is an important part of the annual fall convention in Toronto. The agenda seems to always correctly capture the mood of the country and the needs of chapters no matter whether they are here or in Vancouver or Halifax. Last year we had Justin Trudeau come to speak on the future of Canada, and this year MP Michael Chong was part of a panel on reform of parliament. So, yes, there is a political nature to the meeting, but primarily this is because CARP needs to see some changes in / or new legislation on so many fronts that affect our lives. This could include end of life decision making (so-called death with dignity) or easing access to medical marijuana to trans-provincial hospitalization payments. The topic of national pharmacare was discussed, as was the value of blanket access to immunization and other public health issues. How to grow a chapter and how to attract and retain members was an important and lively sharing. Most valuable were ideas on how others contributed to their accomplishments. With this in mind I am going to act on three items in the next two months: offering an inspirational movie about seniors to our membership and the larger community, and changing the venue and date for our flag raising ceremony, and active recruitment of future members of the Board of Directors to ensure seamless succession Of course there are many other lessons learned. It is so important to know we are part of a larger network and that the staff at the National office are there to support us in all we do and the challenges we face. The Ultimate Dream Home 2015 Again for 2015 CARP Sudbury sold tickets on the CHHA Ultimate Dream Home 786 Moonrock Ave. Last year we made $3,756.00. We expect to do even better for 2015 and hope you will volunteer for this important fund raiser for CARPSudbury To volunteer, contact one of the Board members Page 11 Sudbury Chapter Volume 5 Issue 2 CARPsudbury and “Friendly to Seniors“ sponsored candidate meetings In Sudbury and Nickel Belt. Gerry Labelle was the excellent moderator for them with Hugh Kruzel and John Lindsay acting as hosts. Page 12 Sudbury Chapter Volume 5 Issue 2 New Executor Duties in Ontario There are two things that cannot be avoided : death and taxes. As of January 1st this year, the Ontario government, short of cash as we all know, went looking for more money and spied a source in estates. The Ministry of Revenue believed that many estate values were understated and so has tightened up the rules to provide an opportunity for easily auditing a deceased person’s estate. Executors often did not take the responsibility to the extent of including personal assets such as Royal Dolton figurines, other art, jewelry or the ATV out at camp. These undeclared assets were costing the province loss revenue. Executors now have an additional job under the new rules. It is mandatory to file a detailed Estate Information Return within 90 days of receiving the Probate Certificate. An executor must provide a valuation of the deceased’s estate along with a cheque paying the probate fee based on this valuation. If the values are unknown when applying, an estimate must be done plus a commitment to provide an undertaking to the court to return the actual value on an amended Estate Information Return 30 days from the time the Ministry receives the fulfilled undertaking. Assets included in the estate value are Real estate held in Ontario (minus mortgage or secured line of credit), bank accounts, individually held investments, business interests, vehicles, vessels, goods, intangible property, and assets naming the estate as beneficiary. Debts against any other property, except for real estate, are not deductible from the value. The death of an RESP subscriber does not protect the account from probate. The contributor (not the beneficiary) is the owner and the value would be included in the estate. RDSP accounts, however, would be included in a beneficiary’s estate as it is deemed to be theirs and not the contributor's. If we take an example of an estate with a principal residence worth $300,000, camp of $250,000, car of $40,000 and bank account of $10,000 = $600,000 estate, the probate fee would be $8,500. An executor must keep all the supporting documentation to produce at the Ministry’s request and retain all paperwork for four years from the initial filing. If an error has been made or additional property discovered during the four years, it is necessary to file an amended return but not beyond this period. Be aware this is a matter of no small consequence as, if the return is not filed or there are false or misleading statements within, the executor is liable for a fine up to $1,000, plus up to twice the tax payable by the estate, possible imprisonment or both. Gifts made through the will do not protect them from tax as they must be included in the value of the estate as of the date of death even if gifted to a charity or non-profit which would still provide a tax deduction for income tax purposes. All this means more consideration in determining who you will designate to execute your estate as the task carries increased responsibility and liability issues. Linda Cartier CFP, R.F.P., CFDS, PRP, ELP Page 13 Sudbury Chapter Volume 5 Issue 2 Bon Voyage to all our Snowbird Friends You can catch Us in our website Irish Airline Shortly after take-off on an outbound evening Air Lingus flight from Dublin to Boston, the lead flight attendant nervously made the following painful announcement in her lovely Irish brogue: "Ladies and gentlemen, I'm so very sorry, but it appears that there has been a terrible mix-up by our catering service. I don't know how this has happened, but we have 103 passengers on board, and unfortunately, we received only 40 dinner meals. I truly apologize for this mistake and inconvenience.” When the muttering of the passengers had died down, she continued, "Anyone who is kind enough to give up their meal so that someone else can eat will receive free, unlimited drinks for the duration of our 5 hour flight.” Her next announcement came about 2 hours later: "If anyone is hungry, we still have 40 dinners available." Sudbury Chapter Page 14 Volume 5 Issue 2 Some interesting websites: The Parkside Science North CARPSudbury Sudbury Theatre STC Theatre Cambrian Sudbury Symphony Support your CARPSudbury Chapter Here’s another way to support your CARP Sudbury Chapter. Join out Board of Directors and bring your skills and knowledge to improving CARP and your community. Married Someone asked an old man: “Even after 70 years, you still call your wife – Darling, Honey, Luv. What’s the secret? Old man: I forgot her name and I’m scared to ask Wife: I wish I were a newspaper so I’d be in your hands all day. Husband: I too wish that you were a newspaper so I could have a new one every day! Husband to wife – “Today is a fine day.” Next day he says: “Today is a fine day.” Again next day, he says same thing – “today is a fine day.” Finally after a week, the wife asks her husband – “since last week, you are saying today is a fine day. I am fed up. What’s the matter?” Husband: “Last week when we had an argument, you said, I will leave you one fine day. I was just trying to remind you." Page 15 Sudbury Chapter Flag Raising— Seniors Day Oct 1 Volume 5 Issue 2 Page 16 Sudbury Chapter Volume 5 Issue 2 Sept Meeting 2015 AGM Federal Candidates Meeting Board Members Donation to Alzheimer Society Hugh and Mayor Bigger Labour Day From the CARP Activities 2015