467-588 - Sikkim
467-588 - Sikkim
SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 29th August,2013 Gangtok No.467 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM DEPARTMENT OF PERSONNEL, ADMINISTRATIVE REFORMS, TRAINING, PUBLIC GRIEVANCES GANGTOK No. 189/GEN/DOP Dated: 17/7/2013 NOTIFICATION In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to article 309 of the Constitution of India, the Governor of Sikkim hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Sikkim Sub-Ordinate (Ministerial and Executive) Service Rules, 1984, namely;1. (1) These rules may be called the Sikkim Sub-Ordinate (Ministerial and Executive) Service (Amendment) Rules, 2013. (2) 2. They shall come into force at once. In the Sikkim Sub-Ordinate (Ministerial and Executive) Service Rules, 1984, in SCHEDULE-IV, (i) in serial number 4, against the post “Upper Division Clerk and equivalent” under the heading “No of Post” for the figure “513”, the figure “609” shall be substituted. (ii) in “Total” , for the figure “885”, the figure “981” shall be substituted. BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF THE GOVERNOR. Sd/(T. Sharma) SPECIAL SECRETARY TO THE GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENT OF PERSONNEL, ADMINISTRATIVE. REFORMS, TRAINING & PUBLIC GRIEVANCES SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 29th August,2013 Gangtok No.468 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM DEPARTMENT OF PERSONNEL, ADMINISTRATIVE REFORMS, TRAINING, PUBLIC GRIEVANCES GANGTOK No.193/GEN/DOP Dated: 20/7/2013 NOTIFICATION In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution of India, the Governor of Sikkim hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Sikkim State Para-Medical Service Rules, 1998, namely:1. (1) These rules may be called the Sikkim State Para-Medical Service (Amendment) Rules, 2013. (2) 2. They shall come into force at once. In the Sikkim State Para-Medical Service Rules, 1998, (hereinafter referred to as the said rules), in Schedule I,(i) in serial number 15, against the post “Clinical Psychologist”, under the column “Strength””, for the figure “1”, the figure “2” shall be substituted; (ii) The existing serial number “16” and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted. 3. In the said rules, in Schedule II, in item M, under the heading “MENTAL HEALTH PROGRAMME”, the existing serial number 2 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted. By order and in the name of the Governor. Sd/(T. Sharma) SPECIAL SECRETARY TO THE GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENT OF PERSONNEL, ADMINISTRATIVE. REFORMS, TRAINING & PUBLIC GRIEVANCES SIKKIM GOVERNMENT Gangtok GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 29th August,2013 No.469 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM DEPARTMENT OF PERSONNEL, ADMINISTRATIVE REFORMS, TRAINING, PUBLIC GRIEVANCES GANGTOK No. 196/GEN/DOP Dated: 22/7/2013 NOTIFICATION The State Government has taken a policy decision for regularization of all Workcharged / /MR/ Adhoc and Consolidated Employees who are working in the Government Departments for the last more than 5 (five) years in their respective departments in the post of Office Assistants, Junior Drivers and Office Attendants etc. BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF THE GOVERNOR. Sd/(T. Sharma) SPECIAL SECRETARY TO THE GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENT OF PERSONNEL, ADMINISTRATIVE. REFORMS, TRAINING & PUBLIC GRIEVANCES SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 29th Augsust,2013 Gangtok No.470 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM DEPARTMENT OF PERSONNEL, ADMINISTRATIVE REFORMS, TRAINING, PUBLIC GRIEVANCES GANGTOK No. 198/GEN/DOP Dated:26/7/2013 NOTIFICATION In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution of India, the Governor of Sikkim in consultation with the High Court of Sikkim, hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Judicial Officers (Allowances, Amenities and Advances) Rules, 2004, namely;1. (1) These rules may be called the Judicial Officers (Allowances, Amenities and Advances) Amendment Rules, 2013. (2) They shall come into force at once. 2. In the Judicial Officers (Allowances, Amenities and Advances) Rules, 2004, in sub rule (iii) of rule 14, for the words “tax free”, the words “subject to applicable taxes” shall be substituted. BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF THE GOVERNOR. Sd/(T. Sharma) SPECIAL SECRETARY TO THE GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENT OF PERSONNEL, ADMINISTRATIVE. REFORMS, TRAINING & PUBLIC GRIEVANCES SIKKIM GOVERNMENT Gangtok GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 29th August,2013 No.471 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM DEPARTMENT OF PERSONNEL, ADMINISTRATIVE REFORMS, TRAINING, PUBLIC GRIEVANCES GANGTOK No. 199/GEN/DOP Dated:27/7/2013 NOTIFICATION Whereas the State Government has deemed it expedient to fill up 7 (seven) posts of Assistant Conservator of Forest under the Sikkim State Forest Service (Recruitment) Rules, 1976; And whereas under sub-rule (2) of rule 4 of the said rules, the method of recruitment to the said post is as under:“50% by direct recruitment through open competitive examination and 50% by promotion”; And whereas the State Government is of the opinion that it is necessary or deemed it expedient to relax the provision relating to the method of recruitment prescribed under sub-rule (2) of rule 4 of the Sikkim State Forest Service (Recruitment) Rules, 1976 to utilize the existing provision of 50% direct recruitment quota to promote 7(seven) Range Officers to the post of Assistant Conservator of Forest; And whereas rule 28 of the Sikkim State Forest Service (Recruitment) Rules, 1976 provides for relaxation of rules. Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by rule 28 of the Sikkim State Forest Service (Recruitment) Rules, 1976, the Governor of Sikkim is hereby pleased to relax the provision contained in sub-rule (2) of rule 4 of the Sikkim State Forest Service (Recruitment) Rules, 1976 relating to the method of recruitment to utilize the existing provision of 50% direct recruitment quota with a view to promote 7(seven) Range Officers to the post of Assistant Conservator of Forest as one time relaxation through Sikkim Public Service Commission. BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF THE GOVERNOR. Sd/(T. Sharma) SPECIAL SECRETARY TO THE GOVERNMENT SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 29th August,2013 Gangtok No.472 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM DEPARTMENT OF PERSONNEL, ADMINISTRATIVE REFORMS, TRAINING, PUBLIC GRIEVANCES GANGTOK No.1915/GEN/DOP Dated: 13/8/2013 CORRIGENDUM Read “Bhim Lal Adhikari” instead of “Baliraj Adhikari” appearing in:(i) Cabinet Memorandum No: 1722/GEN/DOP dated: 5/11/2012. (ii) Notification No: 173/GEN/DOP dated: 10/6/2013 (iii) Related correspondence etc. Sd/(Chodak Bhutia) JOINT SECRETARY TO THE GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENT OF PERSONNEL, ADMINISTRATIVE REFORMS, TRAINING & PUBLIC GRIEVANCES SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 29th August,2013 Gangtok No.473 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM DEPARTMENT OF PERSONNEL, ADMINISTRATIVE REFORMS, TRAINING, PUBLIC GRIEVANCES GANGTOK NO. 208//GEN/DOP Dated:23/8/2013 NOTIFICATION In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to article 309 of Constitution of India, the Governor of Sikkim hereby makes the following rules, namely:1. Short title and commencement.(1) These rules may be called the Sikkim State Draughtsman, Planning Assistant and Planning Officer (Recruitment, Promotion and Seniority), Rules, 2013. (2) 2. They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. Definition: In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires:(a) “appointed day” means the date on which the provisions of these rules come into force; (b) “Commission“ means the Sikkim Public Services Commission; (c) “Government” means the State Government of Sikkim; (d) “Cadre post” means any post whether permanent or temporary, specified in the Schedule. (e) “Controlling Authority” means Government of Sikkim in the Department of Building and Housing; (f) “DPC” means the Departmental Promotion Committee constituted by the Government from time to time; (g) “member of service” means the person who is appointed to the service in accordance with the provision of these rules; (h) “Schedule” means the Schedule appended to these rules; (i) “service” means the Sikkim- State Draughtsman, Planning Assistant and Planning Officer service; (j) “Year” means the financial year commencing on 1st day of April and ending on 31st day of March; Contd………..2……… -23. Constitution service,(1) There shall be constituted a service to be known as the Sikkim State Draughtsman, Planning Assistant and Planning Officer service consisting of persons appointed to the service under the rule 6. (2) The authorized strength, composition of service, grades and scale of pay shall be as specified in the Schedule at its initial constitution and shall be as determined by the Governor from time to time. 4. Appointment and posting,(1) All appointment to the posts in the service after the appointed day shall be made by the Governor of Sikkim by one of the methods herein below, specified. (2) No post in the service shall be filled otherwise than by a member. Any post in the service may be filled as temporary measures by a person other than a member if the Government is satisfied that there is no suitable member of the service available for filling the post for the time being. 5. Initial constitution of the service,- All persons holding, on the appointed day, any duty post included in the service, otherwise than on a purely temporary arrangement or on contract shall be deemed to have been appointed to the corresponding post and grade in the service as specified in the Schedule: Provided that any such person may within 60 (sixty) days of the date of notification exercises an option not to be so absorbed in the service and option once exercises shall be final: Provided further, that failure to exercise option as aforesaid within specified period shall be construed as the exercise of option in favour of absorption in the service: Provided also that any person holding on the appointed day, the post included in the service on deputation from other service of the State, who is a permanent or regular member of such services, may be deemed to have been absorbed in the service on the appointed day, subject to production of a certificate of consent for absorption in the service issued with concurrence of the Department of Building and Housing or by the parent department to which such person belonged, and also subject to first and second provisos to these rules. 6. Method of recruitment .(1) Subject to the provision of rule 5, recruitment to the service shall, after the appointed day, be made by the following methods, namely:- (2) (a) direct recruitment by competitive examination to be held by the controlling authority; (b) promotion in accordance with column (6) of the Schedule; Promotion of vacancies to be filled in any year in accordance with clause(b) of sub rule (I) above shall be in accordance with Government order as deemed fit. Contd……3…….. -37. Disqualification for appointment on medical ground No candidate shall be appointed to the service who after such medical examination as the Government may specify is not found to be physically and mentally fit and free from any mental and physical defect likely to interfere with the discharge of the duties to the post 8. Recruitment by promotion to the post of Planning Assistant (1) The Government shall for the purpose of promotion under clause (b) of sub-rule (1) of rule 6 prepare a list of names of persons in order of seniority who have on the first day of that year completed not less than 6 (six) years of continuous service under the Government in the post of Draughtsman . (2) The Government shall forward to the Commission the list of persons referred to in sub-rule (1) together with their ACRs and service records for the preceeding 6 (six) years along with up to date, Annual Property Returns indicating the anticipated number of vacancies to be filled by promotion in course of the period of 12 months commencing from the date of preparation of the list. (3) The Commission shall prepare a final list of persons who are found suitable for promotion to the service on an overall assessment of their service records including annual confidential reports and interview based on written examination (4) The number of persons to be included in this list shall not exceed twice the number of vacancies to be filled by promotion. (5) The Commission shall forward the final list prepared under sub-rule(3)of these rules to the Government along with all the confidential rolls, service records and up to date property returns revised from the Government. (6) The list shall ordinarily be in force for a period of 12 (twelve) months from the date of the recommendations of the Commission. (7) Appointment of person included in the list of the service shall be made by the Government, in the order of merit in which the names of the persons appear in the list. (8) It shall not be ordinarily necessary to consult the Commission before such appointment is made unless during the period of 12 (twelve) months from the date of recommendation of the Commission there occurs deterioration in the work of the person in the opinion of the Government so as to render him unsuitable for appointment to the service. Contd…………4 -49. Probation Every person recruited to the service by competitive examination shall be appointed to the service on probation for a period of 2(two) years. 10. Discharge of a probationer A probationer shall be liable to be discharged from the service or as the case may be reverted to his substantive post, if,(a) he fails to pass in the departmental examination; or (b) he is found lacking in qualities of mind and character needed for the service or in the constructive outlook and human sympathy needed in the public generally; or (c) he fails to comply with any of the provision of these rules. 11. Confirmation Where a probationer has completed his period of probation to the satisfaction of the Government he shall, subject to the other provision of these rules be confirmed in the service at the end of his period of probation. 12. Promotion to the post of Planning Officer and Senior Planning Officer.(1) There shall be a Selection Committee for the purpose of the promotion of the member of the service consisting of the following namely:a) Chairman, Sikkim Public Service Commission; b) Member, Sikkim Public Service commission; c) Secretary to the Government in the Department of Personnel, Adm. Reforms and Training; d) Secretary, Finance Department e) Secretary Building and Housing Department (2) The Chairman or where the Chairman is unable to attend, a member of the Commission shall preside over the meeting of the Committee. The absence of members, other than Chairman or member of the Commission, shall not invalidate the proceeding of the Commission if more than half the members of Committee had attended the meeting. Contd………..5 -5(3) The Government shall from time to time prepare a list of names of the member of the service in order of seniority who have completed the prescribed length of service for promotion to next higher grade on the first month of that year. (4) The Government shall forward to the Commission the list prepared under sub-rule (3) of these rules along with the confidential rolls and service records of the periods the member of the service has to complete the required number of years of service for promotion along with up to date Annual Property Returns indicating the anticipated vacancies to be filled by promotion in course of 12 (twelve) months commencing from the date of preparation of the list. (5) The Commission after satisfying themselves that the records and information complete in all respects have been received will convene a meeting of the Selection Committee. The Committee shall prepare a final list of officers who are found suitable for promotion on an overall relative assessment of their confidential reports and service records. (6) The Commission shall forward the list prepared under sub-rule (5) of these rules to the Government along with Annual Confidential Reports and Annual Property Returns received from the Government. (7) The number of persons to be included in the list shall not exceed twice the number of vacancies to be filled by promotion. (8) The list shall ordinarily be in force for a period of 12 (twelve) months from the date of recommendation of the Commission. (9) Promotion of persons included in the relevant higher grade shall be made by the Government in the order in which names of the member appear in the list. (10) It shall not be ordinarily necessary to consult the Commission before such appointments are made unless during the period of 12 (twelve) months from the date of recommendation of the Commission there occurs deterioration in the work of the member of the service which in the opinion of the Government is such as to render him unsuitable for promotion to the higher grade. 13. Seniority (1) The relative seniority of the members appointed to the service at the initial constitution shall be regulated by their seniority obtained in cases pending grade on the appointed day. (2) The persons deemed to have been appointed to the service under rule 5 shall rank senior to all those persons appointed under rule 6. Contd………6 -6(3) The inter- seniority of the person recruited to the service through competitive examination shall be determined by merit in which they were selected for appointment in the department. 14. Administrative Control (1) The control over the service including appointment, transfer and deputation shall vest with the Government in the Department of Personal, Adm. Reforms and Trainings on the recommendation of Cadre Controlling Authority. (2) The headquarters of a member of the service shall not be changed save with the concurrence of the Department of Personnel, Adm. Reforms and training both for the transfer and for the terms and conditions proposed or stipulated for such transfer. 15. Residuary matters All other matters in relation to the service not specified or for which no provision has been made in these rules shall be regulated by rules and orders applicable to other officers of the Government of equivalent status. 16. Interpretation If any question arises as to interpretation of these rules, the decision of the Department of Personal, Administrative, Reforms and Trainings in consultation with Cadre Controlling Authority there on shall be final. 17. Power to relax Where Government is of the opinion that it is necessary or expedient to do so, it may by order, for reasons to be recorded in writing, relax any of the provision of these rules with respect to any class or category of persons or cadre posts. By order and in the name of the Governor Sd/(T. Sharma) SPECIAL SECRETARY TO THE GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENT OF PERSONNEL, ADMINISTRATIVE REFORMS, TRAINING, PUBLIC GRIEVANCES SCHEDULE (See sub-rule (2) of rule 3) Sl. No . Name of Post & Classification 1. Draughtsman Group- C Number of Post 39 Pay Scale Method of recruitment Rs. 520020200 GPRs. 3400 100% by direct recruitment Eligibility conditions for direct recruitment Class X passed from a recognized Board and 2 (two years of training certificate Eligibility condition required for promotion NA Composition Departmental Promotion Committee As may be constituted by the Government by a separate notification 2 Planning Assistant Group C -- 3 Planning Officer Group B -- 4 Senior Planning Officer Group-A -- Rs. 930034800 GPRs. 3800 Rs.930034800 GPRs.5000 Rs. 1560039100 GP-6200 100% by promotion from a recognized Institution NA 100% by Promotion NA 100% by promotion NA Person in Grade III with 6 (six) years of regular Service Person in Grade-II with 6 (six) years of regular service Person in Grade-I with6 (six) years of regular service Sikkim Public Service Commission -do- -do- SIKKIM GOVERNMENT Gangtok GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 29th August,2013 No. 474 Government of Sikkim Land Revenue and Disaster Management Department, Gangtok (New Secretariat, Development Area, Gangtok, Sikkim–737101/Phone: 03592-202664/Fax: 03592201145/202932/Website: Http: / ssdma.org Emailid: ccs-lr-sik @nic.i Notification No: 64/23/GOS/LR & DMD/ACQ Dated: 27/8/2013. DECLARATION UNDER SECTION 6 OF LAND ACQUISITION ACT, 1894 (ACT I OF 1894) Whereas the Governor is satisfied that land is needed for a public purpose, not being a purpose of the Union, namely for the Construction of New Veterinary Dispensary by Animal Husbandry, Livestock & Veterinary Services Department at Deythang block, West Sikkim, it is hereby declared that the piece of land cadastral plot no. 363/P measuring area more or less 0.0820 hectare bounded on the East: D.F of Dawa Tshering Tamang, West: Village Road, North: C.F of Seller’s own & South: D.F of Nim Tshering Tamang is needed for the aforesaid public purpose at the public expenses within the aforesaid block. This declaration is made, under the provision of section 6 of Land Acquisition Act, 1894 (Act 1 of 1894) to all whom it may concern. A Plan of land may be inspected in the office of the District Collector, West, Gyalshing. SD/- (K.S.TOBGAY) SECRETARY LAND REVENUE & DM DEPARTMENT, File no.23/GOS/LR & DMD/ACQ SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GANGTOK GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 29th August,2013 No.475 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM SOCIAL JUSTICE EMPOWERMENT & WELFARE DEPARTMENT GANGTOK No. 31/2013-14/W&CDD Dated:26.08.2013 NOTIFICATION The following Act no 34 dated June 20, 2012 notified in the Gazette of India is hereby republished for general information:THE PROTECTION OF CHILDREN FROM SEXUALOFFENCES ACT, 2012 [No.32 OF 2012] An Act to protect children from offences of sexual assault, sexual harassment and pornography and provide for establishment of Special Courts for trial of such offences and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto. WHEREAS clause (3) of article 15 of the Constitution, inter alia, empowers the State to make special provisions for children; AND WHEREAS, the Government of India has acceded on the 11th December, 1992 to the Convention on the Rights of the Child, adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations, which has prescribed a set of standards to be followed by all State parties in securing the best interests of the child; AND WHEREAS it is necessary for the proper development of the child that his or her right to privacy and confidentiality be protected and respected by every person by all means and through all stages of a judicial process involving the child; AND WHEREAS it is imperative that the law operates in a manner that the best interest and well being of the child are regarded as being of paramount importance at every stage, to ensure the healthy physical, emotional, intellectual and social development of the child; AND WHEREAS the State Parties to the Convention on the Rights of the Child are required to undertake all appropriate national, bilateral and multilateral measures to prevent— (a) the inducement or coercion of a child to engage in any unlawful sexual activity; (b) the exploitative use of children in prostitution or other unlawful sexual practices; (c) the exploitative use of children in pornographic performances and materials; AND WHEREAS sexual exploitation and sexual abuse of children are heinous crimes and need to be effectively addressed. BE it enacted by Parliament in the Sixty-third Year of the Republic of India as follows:— CHAPTER I PRELIMINARY 1. (1) This Act may be called the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences 2012. (2) It extends to the whole of India, except the State of Jammu and Kashmir. (3) It shall come into force on such date as the Central Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, appoint. Act, 2. (1) In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires, — (a) "aggravated penetrative sexual assault" has the same meaning as assigned to it in section 5; (b) "aggravated sexual assault" has the same meaning as assigned to it in section 9; (c) "armed forces or security forces" means armed forces of the Union or security forces or police forces, as specified in the Schedule; (d) "child" means any person below the age of eighteen years; (e) "domestic relationship" shall have the same meaning as assigned to it in clause (f) of section 2 of the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005; (f) "penetrative sexual assault" has the same meaning as assigned to it in section 3; (g) “prescribed” means prescribed by rules made under this Act; (h) “religious institution” shall have the same meaning as assigned to it in the Religious Institutions (Prevention of Misuse) Act, 1988; (i) "sexual assault" has the same meaning as assigned to it in section 7; (j) "sexual harassment" has the same meaning as assigned to it in section 11; (k) "shared household" means a household where the person charged with the offence lives or has lived at any time in a domestic relationship with the child; (l) "Special Court" means a court designated as such under section 28; (m) "Special Public Prosecutor" means a Public Prosecutor appointed under section 32; (2) The words and expressions used herein and not defined but defined in the Indian Penal Code, the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973, the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2000 and the Information Technology Act, 2000 shall have the meanings respectively assigned to them in the said Codes or the Acts. CHAPTER II SEXUAL OFFENCES AGAINST CHILDREN A.—PENETRATIVE SEXUAL ASSAULT AND PUNISHMENT THEREFOR 3. A person is said to commit "penetrative sexual assault" if— (a) He penetrates his penis, to any extent, into the vagina, mouth, urethra or anus of a child or makes the child to do so with him or any other person; or (b) he inserts, to any extent, any object or a part of the body, not being the penis, into the vagina, the urethra or anus of the child or makes the child to do so with him or any other person; or (c) He manipulates any part of the body of the child so as to cause penetration into the vagina, urethra, anus or any part of body of the child or makes the child to do so with him or any other person; or (d) He applies his mouth to the penis, vagina, anus, urethra of the child or makes the child to do so to such person or any other person. 4. Whoever commits penetrative sexual assault shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which shall not be less than seven years but which may extend to imprisonment for life, and shall also be liable to fine. B.—AGGRAVATED PENETRATIVE SEXUAL ASSAULT AND PUNISHMENT THEREFOR 5. (a) Whoever, being a police officer, commits penetrative sexual assault on a child — (i) within the limits of the police station or premises at which he is appointed; or (ii) in the premises of any station house, whether or not situated in the police station, to which he is appointed; or (iii) in the course of his duties or otherwise; or (iv) where he is known as, or identified as, a police officer; or (b) Whoever being a member of the armed forces or security forces commits penetrative sexual assault on a child— (i) within the limits of the area to which the person is deployed; or (ii) in any areas under the command of the forces or armed forces; or (iii) in the course of his duties or otherwise; or (iv) where the said person is known or identified as a member of the security or armed forces; or (c) whoever being a public servant commits penetrative sexual assault on a child; or (d) whoever being on the management or on the staff of a jail, remand home, protection home, observation home, or other place of custody or care and protection established by or under any law for the time being in force, commits penetrative sexual assault on a child, being inmate of such jail, remand home, protection home, observation home, or other place of custody or care and protection; or (e) whoever being on the management or staff of a hospital, whether Government or private, commits penetrative sexual assault on a child in that hospital; or (f) whoever being on the management or staff of an educational institution or religious institution, commits penetrative sexual assault on a child in that institution; or (g) whoever commits gang penetrative sexual assault on a child. Explanation.—When a child is subjected to sexual assault by one or more persons of a group in furtherance of their common intention, each of such persons shall be deemed to have committed gang penetrative sexual assault within the meaning of this clause and each of such person shall be liable for that act in the same manner as if it were done by him alone; or (h) whoever commits penetrative sexual assault on a child using deadly weapons, fire, heated substance or corrosive substance; or (i) whoever commits penetrative sexual assault causing grievous hurt or causing bodily harm and injury or injury to the sexual organs of the child; or (j) whoever commits penetrative sexual assault on a child, which— (i) physically incapacitates the child or causes the child to become mentally ill as defined under clause (b) of section 2 of the Mental Health Act, 1987 or causes impairment of any kind so as to render the child unable to perform regular tasks, temporarily or permanently; or (ii) in the case of female child, makes the child pregnant as a consequence of sexual assault; (iii) inflicts the child with Human Immunodeficiency Virus or any other life threatening disease or infection which may either temporarily or permanently impair the child by rendering him physically incapacitated, or mentally ill to perform regular tasks; or (k) whoever, taking advantage of a child's mental or physical disability, commits penetrative sexual assault on the child; or (l) whoever commits penetrative sexual assault on the child more than once or repeatedly; or (m) whoever commits penetrative sexual assault on a child below twelve years; or (n) whoever being a relative of the child through blood or adoption or marriage or guardianship or in foster care or having a domestic relationship with a parent of the child or who is living in the same or shared household with the child, commits penetrative sexual assault on such child; or (o) whoever being, in the ownership, or management, or staff, of any institution providing services to the child, commits penetrative sexual assault on the child; or (p) whoever being in a position of trust or authority of a child commits penetrative sexual assault on the child in an institution or home of the child or anywhere else; or (q) whoever commits penetrative sexual assault on a child knowing the child is pregnant; or (r) whoever commits penetrative sexual assault on a child and attempts to murder the child; or (s) whoever commits penetrative sexual assault on a child in the course of communal or sectarian violence; or (t) whoever commits penetrative sexual assault on a child and who has been previously convicted of having committed any offence under this Act or any sexual offence punishable under any other law for the time being in force; or (u) whoever commits penetrative sexual assault on a child and makes the child to strip or parade naked in public, is said to commit aggravated penetrative sexual assault. 6. Whoever, commits aggravated penetrative sexual assault, shall be punished with rigorous imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than ten years but which may extend to imprisonment for life and shall also be liable to fine. C.—SEXUAL ASSAULT AND PUNISHMENT THEREFOR 7. Whoever, with sexual intent touches the vagina, penis, anus or breast of the child or makes the child touch the vagina, penis, anus or breast of such person or any other person, or does any other act with sexual intent which involves physical contact without penetration is said to commit sexual assault. 8. Whoever, commits sexual assault, shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which shall not be less than three years but which may extend to five years, and shall also be liable to fine. D.—AGGRAVATED SEXUAL ASSAULT AND PUNISHMENT THEREFOR 9. (a) Whoever, being a police officer, commits sexual assault on a child— (i) within the limits of the police station or premises where he is appointed; or (ii) in the premises of any station house whether or not situated in the police station to which he is appointed; or (iii) in the course of his duties or otherwise; or (iv) where he is known as, or identified as a police officer; or (b) whoever, being a member of the armed forces or security forces, commits sexual assault on a child— (i) within the limits of the area to which the person is deployed; or (ii) in any areas under the command of the security or armed forces; or (iii) in the course of his duties or otherwise; or (iv) where he is known or identified as a member of the security or armed forces; or (c) whoever being a public servant commits sexual assault on a child; or (d) whoever being on the management or on the staff of a jail, or remand home or protection home or observation home, or other place of custody or care and protection established by or under any law for the time being in force commits sexual assault on a child being inmate of such jail or remand home or protection home or observation home or other place of custody or care and protection; or (e) whoever being on the management or staff of a hospital, whether Government or private, commits sexual assault on a child in that hospital; or (f) whoever being on the management or staff of an educational institution or religious institution, commits sexual assault on a child in that institution; (g) whoever commits gang sexual assault on a child ; or Explanation.—When a child is subjected to sexual assault by one or more persons of a group in furtherance of their common intention, each of such persons shall be deemed to have committed gang sexual assault within the meaning of this clause and each of such person shall be liable for that act in the same manner as if it were done by him alone; or (h) whoever commits sexual assault on a child using deadly weapons, fire, heated substance or corrosive substance; or (i) whoever commits sexual assault causing grievous hurt or causing Bodily harm and injury or injury to the sexual organs of the child; or (j) whoever commits sexual assault on a child, which— (i) physically incapacitates the child or causes the child to become mentally ill as defined under clause (1) of section 2 of the Mental Health Act, 1987 or causes impairment of any kind so as to render the child unable to perform regular tasks, temporarily or permanently; or (ii) inflicts the child with Human Immunodeficiency Virus or any other life threatening disease or infection which may either temporarily or permanently impair the child by rendering him physically incapacitated, or mentally ill to perform regular tasks; or (k) whoever, taking advantage of a child’s mental or physical disability, commits sexual assault on the child; or (l) whoever commits sexual assault on the child more than once or repeatedly; or (m) whoever commits sexual assault on a child below twelve years; or (n) whoever, being a relative of the child through blood or adoption or marriage or guardianship or in foster care, or having domestic relationship with a parent of the child, or who is living in the same or shared household with the child, commits sexual assault on such child; or (o) whoever being in the ownership or management or staff, of any institution providing services to the child, commits sexual assault on the child in such institution; or (p) whoever, being in a position of trust or authority of a child, commits sexual assault on the child in an institution or home of the child or anywhere else; or (q) whoever commits sexual assault on a child knowing the child is pregnant; or (r) whoever commits sexual assault on a child and attempts to murder the child; or (s) whoever commits sexual assault on a child in the course of communal or sectarian violence; or (t) whoever commits sexual assault on a child and who has been previously convicted of having committed any offence under this Act or any sexual offence punishable under any other law for the time being in force; or (u) whoever commits sexual assault on a child and makes the child to strip or parade naked in public, is said to commit aggravated sexual assault. 10. Whoever, commits aggravated sexual assault shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which shall not be less than five years but which may extend to seven years, and shall also be liable to fine. E.—SEXUAL HARASSMENT AND PUNISHMENT THEREFOR 11. A person is said to commit sexual harassment upon a child when such person with sexual intent,— (i) utters any word or makes any sound, or makes any gesture or exhibits any object or part of body with the intention that such word or sound shall be heard, or such gesture or object or part of body shall be seen by the child; or (ii) makes a child exhibit his body or any part of his body so as it is seen by such person or any other person; or (iii) shows any object to a child in any form or media for pornographic purposes; or (iv) repeatedly or constantly follows or watches or contacts a child either directly or through electronic, digital or any other means; or (v) threatens to use, in any form of media, a real or fabricated depiction through electronic, film or digital or any other mode, of any part of the body of the child or the involvement of the child in a sexual act; or (vi) Entices a child for pornographic purposes or gives gratification therefor. Explanation.—Any question which involves “sexual intent” shall be a question of fact. 12. Whoever commits sexual harassment upon a child shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to three years and shall also be liable to fine. CHAPTER III USING CHILD FOR PORNOGRAPHIC PURPOSES AND PUNISHMENT THEREFOR 13. Whoever, uses a child in any form of media (including programme or advertisement telecast by television channels or internet or any other electronic form or printed form, whether or not such programme or advertisement is intended for personal use or for distribution), for the purposes of sexual gratification, which includes— (a) representation of the sexual organs of a child; (b) usage of a child engaged in real or simulated sexual acts (with or without penetration); (c) the indecent or obscene representation of a child, shall be guilty of the offence of using a child for pornographic purposes. Explanation.—For the purposes of this section, the expression ‘‘use a child’’ shall include involving a child through any medium like print, electronic, computer or any other technology for preparation, production, offering, transmitting, publishing, facilitation and distribution of the pornographic material. 14. (1) Whoever, uses a child or children for pornographic purposes shall be punished with imprisonment of either description which may extend to five years and shall also be liable to fine and in the event of second or subsequent conviction with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to seven years and also be liable to fine. (2) If the person using the child for pornographic purposes commits an offence referred to in section 3, by directly participating in pornographic acts, he shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which shall not be less than ten years but which may extend to imprisonment for life, and shall also be liable to fine. (3) if the person using the child for pornographic purposes commits an offence referred to in section 5, by directly participating in pornographic acts, he shall be punished for rigorous imprisonment for life and shall also be liable to fine. (4) If the person using the child for pornographic purposes commits an offence referred to in section 7, by directly participating in pornographic acts, he shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which shall not be less than six years but which may extend to eight years, and shall also be liable to fine. (5) If the person using the child for pornographic purposes commits an offence referred to in section 9, by directly participating in pornographic acts, he shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which shall not be less than eight years but which may extend to ten years, and shall also be liable to fine. 15. Any person, who stores, for commercial purposes any pornographic material in any form involving a child shall be punished with imprisonment of either description which may extend to three years or with fine or with both. CHAPTER IV ABETMENT OF AND ATTEMPT TO COMMIT AN OFFENCE 16. A person abets an offence, who— First. — Instigates any person to do that offence; or Secondly.— Engages with one or more other person or persons in any conspiracy for the doing of that offence, if an act or illegal omission takes place in pursuance of that conspiracy, and in order to the doing of that offence; or Thirdly.— Intentionally aids, by any act or illegal omission, the doing of that offence. Explanation I.— A person who, by willful misrepresentation, or by wilful concealment of a material fact, which he is bound to disclose, voluntarily causes or procures, or attempts to cause or procure a thing to be done, is said to instigate the doing of that offence. Explanation II.—Whoever, either prior to or at the time of commission of an act, does anything in order to facilitate the commission of that act, and thereby facilitates the commission thereof, is said to aid the doing of that act. Explanation III.—Whoever employ, harbours, receives or transports a child, by means of threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, abduction, fraud, deception, abuse of power or of a position, vulnerability or the giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a person having control over another person, for the purpose of any offence under this Act, is said to aid the doing of that act. 17. Whoever abets any offence under this Act, if the act abetted is committed in consequence of the abetment, shall be punished with punishment provided for that offence. Explanation. — An act or offence is said to be committed in consequence of abetment, when it is committed in consequence of the instigation, or in pursuance of the conspiracy or with the aid, which constitutes the abetment. 18. Whoever attempts to commit any offence punishable under this Act or to cause such an offence to be committed, and in such attempt, does any act towards the commission of the offence, shall be punished with imprisonment of any description provided for the offence, for a term which may extend to one-half of the imprisonment for life or, as the case may be, one-half of the longest term of imprisonment provided for that offence or with fine or with both. CHAPTER V PROCEDURE FOR REPORTING OF CASES 19. (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973, any person (including the child), who has apprehension that an offence under this Act is likely to be committed or has knowledge that such an offence has been committed, he shall provide such information to,— (a) The Special Juvenile Police Unit; or (b) The local police. (2) Every report given under sub-section (1) shall be— (a) ascribed an entry number and recorded in writing; (b) be read over to the informant; (c) shall be entered in a book to be kept by the Police Unit. (3) Where the report under sub-section (1) is given by a child, the same shall be recorded under sub-section (2) in a simple language so that the child understands contents being recorded. (4) In case contents are being recorded in the language not understood by the child or wherever it is deemed necessary, a translator or an interpreter, having such qualifications, experience and on payment of such fees as may be prescribed, shall be provided to the child if he fails to understand the same. (5) Where the Special Juvenile Police Unit or local police is satisfied that the child against whom an offence has been committed is in need of care and protection, then, it shall, after recording the reasons in writing, make immediate arrangement to give him such care and protection (including admitting the child into shelter home or to the nearest hospital) within twenty-four hours of the report, as may be prescribed. (6) The Special Juvenile Police Unit or local police shall, without unnecessary delay but within a period of twenty-four hours, report the matter to the Child Welfare Committee and the Special Court or where no Special Court has been designated, to the Court of Session, including need of the child for care and protection and steps taken in this regard. (7) No person shall incur any liability, whether civil or criminal, for giving the information in good faith for the purpose of sub-section (1). 20. Any personnel of the media or hotel or lodge or hospital or club or studio or photographic facilities, by whatever name called, irrespective of the number of persons employed therein, shall, on coming across any material or object which is sexually exploitative of the child (including pornographic, sexually-related or making obscene representation of a child or children) through the use of any medium, shall provide such information to the Special Juvenile Police Unit, or to the local police, as the case may be. 21. (1) Any person, who fails to report the commission of an offence under subsection (1) Of section 19 or section 20 or who fails to record such offence under subsection (2) Of section 19 shall be punished with imprisonment of either description which may extend to six months or with fine or with both. (2) Any person, being in-charge of any company or an institution (by whatever name called) who fails to report the commission of an offence under sub-section (1) of section 19 in respect of a subordinate under his control, shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to one year and with fine. (3) The provisions of sub-section (1) shall not apply to a child under this Act. 22. (1) Any person, who makes false complaint or provides false information against any person, in respect of an offence committed under sections 3, 5, 7 and section 9, solely with the intention to humiliate, extort or threaten or defame him, shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to six months or with fine or with both. (2) Where a false complaint has been made or false information has been provided by a child, no punishment shall be imposed on such child. (3) Whoever, not being a child, makes a false complaint or provides false information against a child, knowing it to be false, thereby victimizing such child in any of the offences under this Act, shall be punished with imprisonment which may extend to one year or with fine or with both. 23. (1) No person shall make any report or present comments on any child from any form of media or studio or photographic facilities without having complete and authentic information, which may have the effect of lowering his reputation or infringing upon his privacy. (2) No reports in any media shall disclose, the identity of a child including his name, address, photograph, family details, school, neighborhood or any other particulars which may lead to disclosure of identity of the child: Provided that for reasons to be recorded in writing, the Special Court, competent to try the case under the Act, may permit such disclosure, if in its opinion such disclosure is in the interest of the child. (3) The publisher or owner of the media or studio or photographic facilities shall be jointly and severally liable for the acts and omissions of his employee. (4) Any person who contravenes the provisions of sub-section (1) or sub-section (2) shall be liable to be punished with imprisonment of either description for a period which shall not be less than six months but which may extend to one year or with fine or with both. CHAPTER VI PROCEDURES FOR RECORDING STATEMENT OF THE CHILD 24. (1) The statement of the child shall be recorded at the residence of the child or at a place where he usually resides or at the place of his choice and as far as practicable by a woman police officer not below the rank of sub-inspector. (2) The police officer while recording the statement of the child shall not be in uniform. (3) The police officer making the investigation, shall, while examining the child, ensure that at no point of time the child come in the contact in any way with the accused. (4) No child shall be detained in the police station in the night for any reason. (5) The police officer shall ensure that the identity of the child is protected from the public media, unless otherwise directed by the Special Court in the interest of the child. 25. (1) If the statement of the child is being recorded under section 164 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (herein referred to as the Code), the Magistrate recording such statement shall, notwithstanding anything contained therein, record the statement as spoken by the child: Provided that the provisions contained in the first proviso to sub-section (1) of section 164 of the Code shall, so far it permits the presence of the advocate of the accused shall not apply in this case. (2) The Magistrate shall provide to the child and his parents or his representative, a copy of the document specified under section 207 of the Code, upon the final report being filed by the police under section 173 of that Code. 26. (1) The Magistrate or the police officer, as the case may be, shall record the statement as spoken by the child in the presence of the parents of the child or any other person in whom the child has trust or confidence. (2) Wherever necessary, the Magistrate or the police officer, as the case may be, may take the assistance of a translator or an interpreter, having such qualifications, experience and on payment of such fees as may be prescribed, while recording the statement of the child. (3) The Magistrate or the police officer, as the case may be, may, in the case of a child having a mental or physical disability, seek the assistance of a special educator or any person familiar with the manner of communication of the child or an expert in that field, having such qualifications, experience and on payment of such fees as may be prescribed, to record the statement of the child. (4) Wherever possible, the Magistrate or the police officer, as the case may be, shall ensure that the statement of the child is also recorded by audio-video electronic means. 27. (1) The medical examination of a child in respect of whom any offence has been committed under this Act, shall, notwithstanding that a First Information Report or complaint has not been registered for the offences under this Act, be conducted in accordance with section 164A of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973. (2) In case the victim is a girl child, the medical examination shall be conducted by a woman doctor. (3) The medical examination shall be conducted in the presence of the parent of the child or any other person in whom the child reposes trust or confidence. (4) Where, in case the parent of the child or other person referred to in sub-section (3) cannot be present, for any reason, during the medical examination of the child, the medical examination shall be conducted in the presence of a woman nominated by the head of the medical institution. CHAPTER VII SPECIAL COURTS 28. (1) For the purposes of providing a speedy trial, the State Government shall in consultation with the Chief Justice of the High Court, by notification in the Official Gazette, designate for each district, a Court of Session to be a Special Court to try the offences under the Act: Provided that if a Court of Session is notified as a children’s court under the Commissions for Protection of Child Rights Act, 2005 or a Special Court designated for similar purposes under any other law for the time being in force, then, such court shall be deemed to be a Special Court under this section. (2) While trying an offence under this Act, a Special Court shall also try an offence [other than the offence referred to in sub-section (1)], with which the accused may, under the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973, be charged at the same trial. (3) The Special Court constituted under this Act, notwithstanding anything in the Information Technology Act, 2000, shall have jurisdiction to try offences under section 67B of that Act in so far as it relates to publication or transmission of sexually explicit material depicting children in any act, or conduct or manner or facilitates abuse of children online. 29. Where a person is prosecuted for committing or abetting or attempting to commit any offence under sections 3, 5, 7 and section 9 of this Act, the Special Court shall presume, that such person has committed or abetted or attempted to commit the offence, unless the contrary is proved. 30. (1) In any prosecution for any offence under this Act which requires a culpable mental state on the part of the accused, the Special Court shall presume the existence of such mental state but it shall be a defence for the accused to prove the fact that he had no such mental state with respect to the act charged as an offence in that prosecution. (2) For the purposes of this section, a fact is said to be proved only when the Special Court believes it to exist beyond reasonable doubt and not merely when its existence is established by a preponderance of probability. Explanation.—In this section, "culpable mental state" includes intention, motive, knowledge of a fact and the belief in, or reason to believe, a fact. 31. Save as otherwise provided in this Act, the provisions of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (including the provisions as to bail and bonds) shall apply to the proceedings before a Special Court and for the purposes of the said provisions, the Special Court shall be deemed to be a Court of Sessions and the person conducting a prosecution before a Special Court, shall be deemed to be a Public Prosecutor. 32. (1) The State Government shall, by notification in the Official Gazette, appoint a Special Public Prosecutor for every Special Court for conducting cases only under the provisions of this Act. (2) A person shall be eligible to be appointed as a Special Public Prosecutor under subsection (1) only if he had been in practice for not less than seven years as an advocate. (3) Every person appointed as a Special Public Prosecutor under this section shall be deemed to be a Public Prosecutor within the meaning of clause (u) of section 2 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 and provision of that Code shall have effect accordingly. CHAPTER VIII PROCEDURE AND POWERS OF SPECIAL COURTS AND RECORDING OF EVIDENCE 33. (1) A Special Court may take cognizance of any offence, without the accused being committed to it for trial, upon receiving a complaint of facts which constitute offence, or upon a police report of such facts. such (2) The Special Public Prosecutor, or as the case may be, the counsel appearing for the accused shall, while recording the examination-in-chief, crossexamination or reexamination of the child, communicate the questions to be put to the child to the Special Court which shall in turn put those questions to the child. (3) The Special Court may, if it considers necessary, permit frequent breaks for the child during the trial. (4) The Special Court shall create a child-friendly atmosphere by allowing a family member, a guardian, a friend or a relative, in whom the child has trust or confidence, to be present in the court. (5) The Special Court shall ensure that the child is not called repeatedly to testify in the court. (6) The Special Court shall not permit aggressive questioning or character assassination of the child and ensure that dignity of the child is maintained at all times during the trial. (7) The Special Court shall ensure that the identity of the child is not disclosed at any time during the course of investigation or trial: Provided that for reasons to be recorded in writing, the Special Court may permit such disclosure, if in its opinion such disclosure is in the interest of the child. Explanation.—For the purposes of this sub-section, the identity of the child shall include the identity of the child's family, school, relatives, neighborhood or any other information by which the identity of the child may be revealed. (8) In appropriate cases, the Special Court may, in addition to the punishment, direct payment of such compensation as may be prescribed to the child for any physical or mental trauma caused to him or for immediate rehabilitation of such child. (9) Subject to the provisions of this Act, a Special Court shall, for the purpose of the trial of any offence under this Act, have all the powers of a Court of Session and shall try such offence as if it were a Court of Session, and as far as may be, in accordance with the procedure specified in the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 for trial before a Court of Session. 34. (1) Where any offence under this Act is committed by a child, such child shall be dealt with under the provisions of the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2000. (2) If any question arises in any proceeding before the Special Court whether a person is a child or not, such question shall be determined by the Special Court after satisfying itself about the age of such person and it shall record in writing its reasons for such determination. (3) No order made by the Special Court shall be deemed to be invalid merely by any subsequent proof that the age of a person as determined by it under sub- section (2) was not the correct age of that person. 35. (1) The evidence of the child shall be recorded within a period of thirty days of the Special Court taking cognizance of the offence and reasons for delay, if any, shall be recorded by the Special Court. (2) The Special Court shall complete the trial, as far as possible, within a period of one year from the date of taking cognizance of the offence. 36. (1) The Special Court shall ensure that the child is not exposed in any way to the accused at the time of recording of the evidence, while at the same time ensuring that the accused is in a position to hear the statement of the child and communicate with his advocate. (2) For the purposes of sub-section (1), the Special Court may record the statement of a child through video conferencing or by utilising single visibility mirrors or curtains or any other device. 37. The Special Court shall try cases in camera and in the presence of the parents of the child or any other person in whom the child has trust or confidence: Provided that where the Special Court is of the opinion that the child needs to be examined at a place other than the court, it shall proceed to issue a commission in accordance with the provisions of section 284 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973. 38. (1) Wherever necessary, the Court may take the assistance of a translator or interpreter having such qualifications, experience and on payment of such fees as may prescribed, while recording the evidence of the child. (2) If a child has a mental or physical disability, the Special Court may take assistance of a special educator or any person familiar with the manner communication of the child or an expert in that field, having such qualifications, experience and on payment of such fees as may be prescribed to record evidence of the child. be the of the CHAPTER IX MISCELLANEOUS 39. Subject to such rules as may be made in this behalf, the State Government shall prepare guidelines for use of non-governmental organisations, professionals and experts or persons having knowledge of psychology, social work, physical health, mental health and child development to be associated with the pre-trial and trial stage to assist the child. 40. Subject to the proviso to section 301 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 the family or the guardian of the child shall be entitled to the assistance of a legal counsel of their choice for any offence under this Act: Provided that if the family or the guardians of the child are unable to afford a legal counsel, the Legal Services Authority shall provide a lawyer to them. 41. The provisions of sections 3 to 13 (both inclusive) shall not apply in case of medical examination or medical treatment of a child when such medical examination or medical treatment is undertaken with the consent of his parents or guardian. 42. Where an act or omission constitute an offence punishable under this Act and also under any other law for the time being in force, then, notwithstanding anything contained in any law for the time being in force, the offender found guilty of such offence shall be liable to punishment only under such law or this Act as provides for punishment which is greater in degree. 43. The Central Government and every State Government, shall take all measures to ensure that— (a) the provisions of this Act are given wide publicity through media including the television, radio and the print media at regular intervals to make the general public, children as well as their parents and guardians aware of the provisions of this Act; (b) the officers of the Central Government and the State Governments and other concerned persons (including the police officers) are imparted periodic training on the matters relating to the implementation of the provisions of the Act. 44. (1) The National Commission for Protection of Child Rights constituted under section 3, or as the case may be, the State Commission for Protection of Child Rights constituted under section 17, of the Commissions for Protection of Child Rights Act, 2005, shall, in addition to the functions assigned to them under that Act, also monitor the implementation of the provisions of this Act in such manner as may be prescribed. (2) The National Commission or, as the case may be, the State Commission, referred to in sub-section (1), shall, while inquiring into any matter relating to any offence under this Act, have the same powers as are vested in it under the Commissions for Protection of Child Rights Act, 2005. (3) The National Commission or, as the case may be, the State Commission, referred to in sub-section (1), shall, also include, its activities under this section, in the annual report referred to in section 16 of the Commissions for Protection of Child Rights Act, 2005. 45. (1) The Central Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, make rules for carrying out the purposes of this Act. (2) In particular, and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing powers, such rules may provide for all or any of the following matters, namely:— (a) the qualifications and experience of, and the fees payable to, a translator or an interpreter, a special educator or any person familiar with the manner of communication of the child or an expert in that field, under sub-section (4) of section 19;sub-sections (2) and (3) of section 26 and section 38; (b) care and protection and emergency medical treatment of the child under subsection (5) of section 19; (c) the payment of compensation under sub-section (8) of section 33; (d) the manner of periodic monitoring of the provisions of the Act under subsection (1) of section 44. (3) Every rule made under section (1) shall be laid, as soon as may be after it is made, before each House of Parliament, while it is in session, for a total period of thirty days which may be comprised in one session or in two or more successive sessions, and if, before the expiry of the session immediately following the session or the successive sessions aforesaid, both Houses agree in making any modification in the rule or both Houses agree that the rule should not be made, the rule shall thereafter have effect only in such modified form or be of no effect, as the case may be; so, however, that any such modification or annulment shall be without prejudice to the validity of anything previously done under that rule. 46. (1) If any difficulty arises in giving effect to the provisions of this Act, the Central Government may, by order published in the Official Gazette, make such provisions not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act as may appear to it to be necessary or expedient for removal of the difficulty: Provided that no order shall be made under this section after the expiry of the period of two years from the commencement of this Act. Every order made under this section shall be laid, as soon as may be after it is of Parliament. made, before each House THE SCHEDULE [See section 2(c)] ARMED FORCES AND SECURITY FORCES CONSTITUTED UNDER (a) The Air Force Act, 1950 (45 of 1950); (b) The Army Act, 1950 (46 of 1950); (c) The Assam Rifles Act, 2006 (47 of 2006); (d) The Bombay Home Guard Act, 1947 ;( 3) (e) The Border Security Force Act, 1968 (47 of 1968); (f) The Central Industrial Security Force Act, 1968 (50 of 1968); (g) The Central Reserve Police Force Act, 1949 (66 of 1949); (h) The Coast Guard Act, 1978 (30 of 1978); (i) The Delhi Special Police Establishment Act, 1946 (25 of 1946); (j) The Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force Act, 1992 (35 of 1992); (k) The Navy Act, 1957 (62 of 1957); (l) The National Investigation Agency Act, 2008 (34 of 2008); (m) The National Security Guard Act, 1986 (47 of 1986); (n) The Railway Protection Force Act, 1957 (23 of 1957); (o) The Sashastra Seema Bal Act, 2007 (53 of 2007); (p) The Special Protection Group Act, 1988 (34 of 1988); (q) The Territorial Army Act, 1948 (56 of 1948); (r) The State police forces (including armed constabulary) constituted under the State laws to aid the civil powers of the State and empowered to employ force during internal disturbances or otherwise including armed forces as defined in clause (a) of section 2 of the Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act, 1958 (28 of 1958). Sd/G.P.UPADHYAYA, IAS PRINCIPALSECRETARY, SOCIAL JUSTICE, EMPOWERMENT & WELFARE DEPARTMENT. J.K.RAI, JOINT SECRETARY, SOCIAL JUSTICE, EMPOWERMENT & WELFARE DEPARTMENT. SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY Gangtok 29th August,2013 No.476 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM URBAN DEVELOPMENT & HOUSING DEPARTMENT GANGTOK No: 06/GOS/UD&HD/ 539(4)/12 Dated: 13.08.2013 NOTIFICATION In order to prevent inconvenience and obstruction to the general public, holding of exhibitions and Melas etc. in the Car Parks in the Shopping Complexes of the Department are hereby prohibited with immediate effect. Sd/(TOBJOR DORJI) COMMISSIONR-CUM-SECRETARY URBAN DEVELOPMENT & HOUSING DEPARTMENT GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM ILE NO: GOS/UD&HD/ 539(4)/12 SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY GANGTOK 29th August,2013 No.477 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM URBAN DEVELOPMENT AND HOUSING DEPARTMENT GANGTOK No: GOS/UD&HD/ 507/Adm/717 Dated: 22/08/2013. NOTIFICATION In exercise of the powers conferred under section 8 of Sikkim (Repeal and Miscellaneous Provision) Act, 1985 read with Rule 4 of the Sikkim Trade License and Miscellaneous (Provision) Rules, 2011, the Gram Panchayats are hereby authorized with the following functions in respect of Class III Bazaars and Rural Marketing Centers as appended at Annexure I in the areas falling within their respective Gram Panchayat Units:(i ) Cancel and renew trade and hawker licenses. (ii) Issue of new licenses to local only. (iii) Bazaar Contract as per Government norms. (iv) Car parking Contract as per Government norms. (iv) Sanitation and maintenance of the Bazar area. . (1) The respective Gram Vikash Adhikaris (BDOs) of Rural Management and Development Department are authorized to issue and cancel Trade Licence and Hawker Licence only to the local applicants in the Class III Bazaars and Rural Marketing Centers falling within their respective Gram Panchayat Units. In case of any policy decision relating to issue of Trade License and Hawker License, the authorized Officers are to refer the matter to the Secretary, Urban Development & Housing Department as he is the Competent Authority under relevant Act and Rules regarding the issue and cancellation of Trade License and Hawker License. (2) The issue of trade licenses to the following categories will remain with the Urban Development & Housing Department:(i) Registered Companies for manufacture, sale and conduct of other business, small scale industries, mills and factories. (ii) Petrol Pump. (i) Registered Firms/Agencies for manpower, placement, education, financial institution (banking and non-banking), local estate consultancy & construction services. (ii) Security Agencies as per the Sikkim Private Security Agencies Rules, 2007. (iii) Tibetan settlers settled in the State having Residential Certificate issued by the Foreigner’s Registration Office for conducting business. This shall come into force with immediate effect. Sd/(TOBJOR DORJI) COMMISSIONR-CUM-SECRETARY URBAN DEVELOPMENT & HOUSING DEPARTMENT GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM FILE NO. GOS/UD&HD/ 507/Adm ___________________________________________________________________________ S.G.P.G. – /Gazette/ /Dt ANNEXURE -I CLASS-III BAZAARS East District Dikchu (E), Makha, Sang, Rorathang. North District Chungthang, Dikchu(N), Phensong, Phodong. South District Simchuthang (Manglay), Majhitar, Temi Bazaar, Damthang, Namthang, Kewzing, Yangang, Ralang West District Legship, Reshi, Hee, Sombaria, Soreng, Daramdin, Dentam, Rinchenpong, Kaluk, Mangalbarey, Shreebadam, Barmiok, Tashiding, Chakung, Nayabazaar. RURAL MARKETING CENTRES East District Phadamchen, Kupup, Sherathang, Chanmari, Rongyek, Burtuk, Bhojoghari, Samdong, Ranka, Central Pendam, Martam, Saramsa, Sumik Linzey, Tintek, Lingdong, Chandey Kyonglasla, Theguk, Lingthu, Jaluk, Sisney, Barapathing, Mamring, Machong, Chalisey, (Rhenock) Reshi (E), East Pendam, Kopchey, Dalapchand, Aritar, Chujachen, Rolep, Parakha, Penlong, Lingdok, Lingtam, Rumtek, Middle Camp, Lower Samdong, Duga Tshongu, Sirwani, Syari, Tathangchen. North District Payong, Kabi, Namak, Ramthang, Singhik, Pakshep, Manuel, Naga Sangkalang, Hee-Gyathang, Pashingdong, Phidang, Tumlong, Phamtan, Bakcha, Lachen, Lachung, Linzya Tingbong. South District Nandugoan, Tenzor, Maniram Bhanjyang, Phungbhanjyang, Rateypaney, Tokal Bermiok, “0” Tarku, Ben Bazaar, Sadam, Melli Dara, Payong, Sukrabarey (Sadam), Sunbuk, Turuk, Kitam, Wok, Lingmoo, LingiPayong, Namphok, Manpur Gumpa Ghurpisey. West District Darap, Rimbi, Melli-Khechopery, Sakyong, Chongrang, Lingchom, Tashithang Chewabhanjyang, Timburbong, Dodak, Zoom, Ribdi, Okhrey Bhareng, Hilley, Budang, Tharpu Pureytar, Thingling, Begha, Rothak, Yukson, Uttarey. SIKKIM GAZETTE GOVERNMENT Gangtok EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 29th August,2013 No.478 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM DEPARTMENT OF PERSONNEL, ADMINISTRATIVE REFORMS, TRAINING, PUBLIC GRIEVANCES GANGTOK No: 209 /GEN/DOP NOTIFICATION Dated: 27/8/2013 The State Government is hereby pleased to redesignate the post of Sub-Editor (English) to that of Script Writer in the Pay Band – 2 of Rs. 9300 – 34800 and Grade Pay of Rs. 3800/- under the Information and Public Relation Department with immediate effect. BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF THE GOVERNOR. Sd/(T. Sharma) SPECIAL SECRETARY TO THE GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENT OF PERSONNEL, ADMINISTRATIVE. REFORMS, TRAINING & PUBLIC GRIEVANCES SIKKIM GAZETTE GOVERNMENT EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY Gangtok No._4/Ex (Abk) 29th August,2013 NO. 479 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM EXCISE (ABKARI) DEPARTMENT GANGTOK Dated: 26/8/2013 NOTIFICATION In exercise of the powers conferred by clause (j) of section 77 read with section 27 of the Sikkim Excise Act 1992 (2 of 1992) the State Government hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Sikkim Excise (Licensing for Foreign Liquor Bar Shop) Rules, 2005, namely:Short title, extent and commencement 1 (1) These rules may be called the Sikkim Excise (Licensing for Foreign Liquor Bar Shop) Amendment Rules, 2013 (2) They shall extend to the whole of Sikkim (3) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. Amendment of rule 5 2. In the Sikkim Excise (Licensing for Foreign Liquor Bar Shop) Rules, 2005 (hereinafter referred to as the said rules) in rule 5, after the words, “The Excise License”, the words and figures “in Form V and V A”, shall be inserted. Amendment of rule 20 3. In the said rules, in clause (a) of rule 20, the following shall be added, namely:“However the bar shop at Casino in star hotels shall be exempted for closure on the notified dry days declared by the State Government subject to closure of the Bar shop at Casino at any time and at any period on the instruction of the State Government in public interest. Further, the licensee shall pay Rs. 5000/- per day for operating on dry days”. Insertion of Form 4. V and VA In the said rules, after Form ‘IV’, the following Forms shall be inserted, namely:- “GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM EXCISE (ABKARI) DEPARTMENT FORM V (See rule 5) BAR LICENCE FOR RETAIL VEND OF IMFL/SMFL/ OVERSEAS FOREIGN LIQUOR/ BEER IN HOTEL/ RESTAURANT License No____________/Bar/Ex (Abk) 20_______ Locality of the Shop_____________________________ District__________________________________________ License is hereby granted under the provision of the Sikkim Excise Act 1992 and the rules, regulations and orders made thereunder:To__________________________________ S/O______________________________________ Resident of ___________________________________ District_____________________________________________ (hereinafter called the licensee) ______________________vide _______________and on payment challan a of No. annual of Rs. __________________dated deposit _________________(Rupees___________________) fee only of vide Rs. FDR NO. ______________________dated ___________________in advance as security deposit for a period of 4 (four) years i.e. from 1st April 20___________to 31st March 20__________subject to renewal every year. It is authorized by the undersigned to open a bar for the sale of Indian Made Foreign Liquor /Sikkim Made Foreign Liquor/ Overseas Foreign Liquor /Liqueurs in Peg system and Beer in Bottle and it is required for the licensee that he shall be abide by the following terms and conditions:1. That the licensee shall constantly fix up signboard at the Bar Counter for his/her shop having the following inscription in English and vernacular language:Year:_____________ Attach with the board issued by UD& HD Department Name of licensee___________________ License No________________________ Location ____________________________ Licensed to sale_____________________________ Time and hour of sale 11 am to 11 pm 2. That the licensee shall not sublet his/ her shop or transfer his/her license or allow any person to sell liquor under this license unless the name of such person have been previously registered as salesman in the Excise office. 3. That the licensee shall produce for inspection on demand by the Excise officer of and above the rank of Asstt. Sub-Inspector, his/her license and Accounts and that he/she shall not prevent any Excise Officer/ official of whatever grade from entering his /her shop at any hour of the day or night. 4. That if required to do so by the State Government on account of proximity of the troops or for other emergent reason, the licensee shall close his/her shop and keep it closed for so long as he/she may be directed. 5. That the licensee shall abide by the Notifications and Circulars issued by the Government from time to time. 6. That the licensee shall not keep Bar Counter open during Panchayat Election and General Election or Bye Election i.e. on the day of poll and two days immediately preceding the day of poll or as prescribed by the Excise Commissioner. 7. That the licensee shall not permit consumption of liquor brought from Retail Vendor in his/her premises of the shop. 8. That the licensee shall display the stock of liquor in the showcase fixed behind the Bar Counter only and shall keep in the store during the dry days. The liquor displayed in the showcase shall not be visible from outside. 9. That the licensee shall not sell, transfer or sublet his right of selling Liquor/Liqueurs conferred open him/her by this license nor shall he in connection with the said right enter into any agreement or arrangement which is of the nature of a sub-lease. If any question arises whether any agreement or arrangement is of the nature of a sub-lease, the decision of the Commissioner Excise (Abk) Department on such question shall be final and binding on the licensee. 10. That the licensee shall keep a regular and correct daily account in the prescribed form of all the sales and have it at all time ready for inspection by the officer of the Excise Department to whom be periodically render account of his sale by the first week of the following month. The account book shall be page numbered and got sealed with the seal of the Excise office and is to be kept in the licensed premises showing position: sale of each brand o liquors every day. 11. That the licensee shall abide by the conditions of this license and the provisions of the Sikkim Excise Act 1992 (as amended) and the rules, regulations order and Notification, circulars, made and issued by the undersigned and shall give an undertaking to that effect. 12. That the licensee shall open the shop within 7 (seven) days from the date of the receipt of the settlement order and shall not keep the shop closed any day without the prior permission of by the Commissioner of Excise. 13. That the licensee shall not adulterate or deteriorate the liquor sold by him/her or the same knowing to have been adulterated and sold or permit to be sold in the Bar any spirituous liquors in adulterated condition. 14. That the licensee shall not keep or sale 375 ml and 180 ml bottles of any kind of liquor /liqueurs in the Bar. 15. That the licensee shall keep the license in good condition and if lost or damaged request for duplicate copy shall be made after depositing Rs. 50/- per copy in the State Bank of Sikkim and producing the Bank Receipt. 16. The infringement of any of the above conditions or provisions of the Sikkim Excise Act 1992 will render him/her liable to such penalties as the State Government may deem proper including forfeiture of the security deposit or to a fine prescribed by law or with both for any of the offence which he may commit and may black listed for working as Excise vendors or salesman man in future. 17. The licensee, his/her heirs, legal representative or assignees shall have no claims whatsoever to the continuance or renewal of this license, after expiry of the period for which it is granted. It shall be entirely within the discretion of the Commissioner of Excise (Abk) to permit or not to permit, continuance of the license. In case of death of the licensee, the heir or legal representative of the licensee, shall have the benefit of being the licensee for the unexpired period of the terms for which it is grated. 18. In case this license is cancelled or suspended, during the currency of the licensed period or is not renewed within 1 (one) month of the expiry of the license, the licensee shall surrender the whole stock of unsold liquors forthwith to the Commissioner Excise. The stock of liquors, so surrendered shall be sold by the Commissioner and the proceeds of the sale shall after deducting expenses and any sum due to the State Government be returned to the licensee. 19. That the licensee shall not keep show case in front of the shop and should not visible from the outside. 20. That the licensee shall display the board which will be easily visible at the back side of the Counter and the sixe of the board is to be 12”X6” where “DRY DAY” will be written on one side and “Timing 11 AM to 11 PM is to be written on the other. 21. That the State Government reserves the right to suspend/cancel the license at any time in accordance with the provisions of the Sikkim Excise Act 1992 or rules and regulation, order, circular made and issued from time to time thereunder. Gangtok (Sikkim) The ___________________________20____________ (SEAL) FORM V-A (See rule 5) CASINO BAR LICENSE License No.__________/Casino Bar/Excise (Abkari)/20_____ Casino Bar License is hereby granted under the provision of the Sikkim Excise Act,1992 to ________________ located at ______________under Police Station____________, ____________District, Sikkim (Hereinafter called the Licensee) on payment of Rs_________(Rupees……………………………….) only vide challan No ……….. date______________ as Security Deposit (refundable but not interest bearing) for a period of 4 (four) years i.e. from 1st April 20_____to 31st March 20_____ to sell Indian Made Foreign Liquor/Beer/Overseas Foreign Liquor and subject to Rules, Regulation and Orders made there under from time to time. The Licensee shall apply for renewal of the License every year within the first week of April and duly pay the prescribed annual fee. 1. The Licensee shall strictly adhere to the provisions of the Sikkim Excise Act 1992 including the following:(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) The Licensee shall operate the Casino Bar in Star Hotels from 6.00 PM to 4 AM only. The Licensee is exempted from closure of bar on notified Dry Day/s in the State subject to closure of the bar at any time and for any period on the instruction of Government of Sikkim in Public Interest. Further, the licensee shall pay Rs. 5000/- per day for operating on Government notified “Dry Days”. The Licensee shall sell only Indian Made Foreign Liquor/Beer/Overseas Foreign Liquor registered by the Excise (Abk) Department within the premises of the Casino Bar and not in any area outside it. The Licensee shall not sell or serve alcohol in any form or manner to persons/ below the age of 18 (eighteen) years. The Licensee shall maintain Daily Account/s in the prescribed Form of all sales of Indian Made Foreign Liquor/Beer/Overseas Foreign Liquor in the Casino Bar. The Account Book shall be page numbered and authenticated with the seal of the Excise (Abkari) Department and is to be kept in the licensed premises and inter alia show sales in terms of Rupees and quantity including the closing balance (v) (vi) (vii) The Licensee shall render such Account/s to the Commissioner, Excise (Abkari) Department, Government of Sikkim, Gangtok in the prescribed Form by the Seventh day of the succeeding month. In the event the seventh day of the month concerned is a holiday/ declared a holiday, the immediate next working day will be reckoned as the last date for submission of the Accounts. The Licensee shall at all times have such Accounts and Casino Bar License ready for inspection by the Commissioner, Excise Department (Abkari), Government of Sikkim, Gangtok or any such Officer authorized by the Commissioner for the purpose. That the licensee shall produce for inspection on demand by the Excise officer of and above the rank of Asstt. Sub-Inspector, his/her license and Accounts and that he/she shall not prevent any Excise Officer/ official of whatever grade from entering his /her shop at any hour of the day or night. (viii) The Licensee shall close the Casino Bar on Poll date/s for Panchayat/Local Body Elections, General/Assembly Elections, Bye Elections and also on two days immediately preceding the day of such Poll/s or as prescribed by the Excise Commissioner on this regard. (ix) The Licensee shall close the Casino Bar on Counting date/s on account of Panchayat/Local Body Elections, General/Assembly Elections, Bye Elections and also on two days immediately succeeding the day of such counting date/s or as prescribed by the Excise Commissioner on this regard. (x) The licensee shall also close the Casino Bar if required to do so by the Government of Sikkim for such period as may be directed in public interest from time to time. (xi) The Licensee shall display the stock of liquor in the showcase fixed behind the Bar Counter only and not anywhere else in the Bar premises. (xii) The stock of liquor displayed in the showcase behind the Bar Counter shall not be visible from outside the Bar premises and also from the public road/street. (xiii) The Licensee shall store the stock of liquor in the storeroom during dry days. 2. The infringement of any of the above conditions or provisions of the Sikkim Excise Act, 1992 shall render the Licensee liable to such penalties as State Government may deem proper to impose including cancellation of the License and forfeiture of Security Deposit or a fine prescribed by law or with both. 3. The Licensee, heirs, legal representative or assignees shall have no claim whatsoever to the continuance or renewal of this License after expiry of the period for which it is granted. It shall be entirely within the discretion of the Commissioner of Excise to permit or not to permit continuance of the License. In case of death of the Licensee, the heir or legal representative of the licensee shall have the benefit to being the Licensee for the unexpired portion of the term for which it is granted. In case this License is cancelled or suspended during the currency of the licensed period or is not renewed within one month of the expiry of the licensed period, the Licensee shall liquidated the remaining stock within 15 (fifteen) days and submit the report to the Commissioner, Excise. 4. That the Government of Sikkim reserves the right to suspend/cancel the License at any time in accordance with the provisions of the Sikkim Excise Act 1992, or Rules and Regulation, Order, Circular made and issued from time to time thereunder. Commissioner” Excise (Abkari) Place: Seal: (A.K. Yadav) IAS Principal Secretary Excise (Abkari) Department Government of Sikkim Gangtok GOVERNMENT Gangtok SIKKIM GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 29th August,2013 NOTIFICATION No.480 No.5/Ex(Abk) Dt :27.8.2013 In exercise of the powers conferred by clause (i) of section 76 and clause (f) of section 77 read with section 13 of Sikkim Excise Act 1992(2 of 1992), the State Government hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Sikkim Excise ( Indian Made Foreign Liquor and Country Liquor manufactured in Sikkim) licensing of Warehouse Rules,2005,namely:Short title and commencement 1. (1) These rules may be called the Sikkim Excise(Indian Made Foreign Liquor and Country Liquor Manufactured in Sikkim) Rules 2013. (2) They extend to the whole of Sikkim. (3) They shall be deemed to have come into force on the 1st day of April,2013. Amendment of rule 7 2. In the Sikkim Excise (Indian Made Foreign Liquor and Country Liquor manufactured in Sikkim)Licensing of Warehouse Rules,2005(hereinafter referred to as the said rules), for rule 7, the following Amendment of rule 9. rule shall be substituted, namely:“7. The tenure of license shall be for a block of 04 (four) financial years and the block year shall commence from the 1st day of April,2013 subject to the renewal of license every year. 3. In the said rule, for sub-rule (7) of rule 9, the following sub-rule shall be substituted, namely:“(7) The licensee shall pay an amount of Rs. 1,00,000 (one lakh) only as annual license fee along with security deposit of equivalent amount and annual renewal fee of Rs. 1,00,000 (one lakh) every year prior to obtaining the license in Form II. (A.K. Yadav) IAS Principal Secretary Excise(Abk) Department Government of Sikkim SIKKIM GOVERNMENT Gangtok GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 29th August,2013 No.481 Government of Sikkim Land Revenue and Disaster Management Department, Gangtok (New Secretariat, Development Area, Gangtok, Sikkim–737101/Phone: 03592-202664/Fax: 03592201145/202932/Website: Http: / ssdma.org Emailid: ccs-lr-sik @nic.i Notification No: 65/25/GOS/LR & DMD/ACQ Dt: 27/08/2013. DECLARATION UNDER SECTION 6 OF LAND ACQUISITION ACT, 1894 (ACT I OF 1894) Whereas the Governor is satisfied that land is needed for a public purpose, not being a purpose of the Union, namely for the Construction of Water Supply System by Water Security & PHE Department, Government of Sikkim at Lingdok Bazar under Namphong block, East Sikkim , it is hereby declared that the piece of land cadastral plot no. 938/P measuring an area more or less 0.1000 hectare bounded on the East: D.F of Jorden Lepcha, West: Village Road & D.F of Thendup Lepcha, North: D.F Nima Tshering Lepcha, South: D.F of Yangchen Doma Kazi is needed for the aforesaid public purpose at the public expenses within the aforesaid block. This declaration is made, under the provision of section 6 of Land Acquisition Act, 1894 (Act 1 of 1894) to all whom it may concern. A Plan of land may be inspected in the office of the District Collector, East, Gangtok. SD/-(K.S.TOBGAY) SECRETARY LAND REVENUE & DM DEPARTMENT. File No. 25/GOS/LR & DMD/ACQ. SIKKIM GOVERNMEN GAZETTE EXTRA ORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY th GANGTOK 29 August,2013 No.482 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NOTIFICATION LAND REVENUE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM No. 66/56/LR&DMD/ACQ Date: 27.08.13 Consequent upon the creation of 7(seven) new Sub Divisional Offices in the Districts in addition to the existing 9(nine) SubDivisions for better and smooth revenue administration, the State Government, in supersession of notification no. 1/LR&DMD dated 23.01.2008, is hereby pleased to reorganize the revenue circles under Districts and Sub-Divisional Administrative Centers and define territorial Jurisdiction of respective Sub-Divisional Magistrates /Officers as under, namely:(A) Reorganization of Revenue circle for the East District Gangtok Subdivision Name of Revenue/ VLO Circle Name of Revenue Blocks Rongli Subdivision Name of Revenue/ VLO Circle 1. Arithang 2. Gnathang 1. Gangtok 3.Chandmari 1.Rongli 4.Burtuk 5.Gangtok 2. Tadong 1. Upper Tadong 2. Samdur 3. Tadong 3. Sichey 1. Syari 2. Upper Tathangchen 3. Tathangchen 4. Sichey 5. Upper Sichey 2. Subaneydara Name of Revenue Blocks 1. Rolep 2. Lamaten 3. Chujachen 4. Changeylakha 5. Rongli Bazar 1. Dalapchand 2. South Regu 3. Subaneydara 4. North Regu 5. Phadamchen 6. Premlakha 7. Lingtam 8.Singaneybas 1. Rhenock Bazar 2. Rhenock Pakyong Subdivision Name of Revenue/ VLO Circle 1. Bering Name of Revenue Blocks 1.Bering Rangpo Subdivision Name of Revenue/ VLO Circle 1. East Pendam 2. Linkey 3. Tareythang 2. Pachak 1. Duga 1. Latuk 3. Machong 1. Mangthang 4. Thekabong 5. Riwa 2. West Pendam 2. Sumin 3. Nagar Panchyat 1. Rangpo 2. Singtam 6. Parkha 1. Pakyong Bazar 3. Pakyong 3. Kamarey Bhasmey 4. Central Pendam 5. Sajong 2. Chochenpheri 2. Machong Name of Revenue Blocks 2. Kartok 3. Pachey 4. Namcheybong 3. West Pendam 4. Lingchey Gangtok Subdivision Name of Revenue/ VLO Circle Name of Revenue Blocks Pakyong Subdivision Name of Revenue/ VLO Circle Name of Revenue Blocks 5. Taza (New) 1. Amba 2. Taza 1. Raley Khese 2. Tintek 5. Samdong 3. Kambal 4. Rakdong 5. Samdong 1. Navey 2. Shotak 6. Lingdok 3. Penlong 4. Namphong 5. Lingdok 1. Martam 2. Nazitam 3. Tirkutam 7. Sang 4. Sirwani 5. Sakyong 6. Chisopani 7. Namgeythang 8. Phengyong 9. Rapdang 10. Byang Sang 11. Tshalumthang 1. Khamdong 2. Dung-Dung 8. Khamdong 3. Singbel 4. Aritar 5. Beng 7.Budang Thangsing 1. Tumin 6. Changey Senti 1. Changey Senti 2. Yangtam 3. Aho 2. Simik 9. Tumin 3.Chadey 4. Patuk 5. Lingzey Gangtok Subdivision Name of Revenue/ VLO Circle Name of Revenue Blocks 1. Sangtong 2. Ranka 3. Barbing 10. Ranka 4. Lingdum 5. Luing 6. Rey Mindu 7. Rey 8. Parbing 1. Chinzey 2. Rawtey Rumtek 11. Rumtek 3. Sajong Rumtek 4. Chuba 5. Namin 6. Namli 7. Tumlabung 8. Marchak (B) Reorganization of Revenue circle for the West District Gyalshing Subdivision Yuksom Subdivision Name of Revenue/ VLO Circle Name of Revenue Blocks Dentam Sub-division Name of Revenue/ VLO Circle 1. Arithang 2. Chongrong 1. Gerethang 1. Dentam 1. Sopakha 1. Chingthang 2. Maneybung 2. Barphok 3. Begha 4. Mangmo 5. Dentam 4. Mengyong 1. Sangkhu 6. Jeel 1. Tashiding 2. Radu Khandu 7. Hathidunga 2. Lasso 3. Gangyap 3. Hee 4. Hee Patal 1. Tadong 2. Narkhola 3. Bermiok 3. Bermiok 4. Berthang 5. Kongri 1. Bongten 1. Tsozo 2. Srinagi 2. Khechodpalri 4. Gyaten 5. Bara Samdong 6. Sribadam 1. Deythang 3. Mangalbaria 5. Topung 6. Gyaten 4. Chuchen 1. Tinzerbung 2. Suldung 4. Kamling 3. Kamling 4. Mabong 5. Segeng 7. Thingling-I 8.Thingling-II 9. Timbrong 2. Pareng-gaon 3. Takothang 4. Liching 5. Karmatar 3. Boom 4. Reshi 3. Sapong 4. Melli Singlitam 6. Melli 2. Rinchenpong 2. Martam 4. Labdang 3.Meyong 5. Sangadorji 1. Pechrek 3. Mangnam 3. Melliaching 1. Rinchenpong 2. Kaluk 1. Dhupidara 4. Thingling Name of Revenue Blocks 4. Dubdi 2. Radu Khandu 3. Dhupidara Name of Revenue/ VLO Circle 3. Gerethang 5. Labing 6. Yuksom 2. Tashiding Name of Revenue Blocks Soreng Subdivision 5. Arubotey 1. Khanisherbong 2. Suntaley 3. ChotaSamdong 4. Arubotey 1. Gelling Name of Revenue/ VLO Circle Name of Revenue Blocks 6. Chakung 3. Chakung 1. Singdrangpong 2. Nambu 1. Darap 4. Mendo-Goan 7. Zoom 1. Chumbong 3. Darap 2. Zoom 4. Sindrang 1. Malbasey 8. Soreng 5. Singyang 2. Soreng 6. Naku 3. Singling 7. Chumbong 1. Yangten Name of Revenue/ VLO Circle 2. Unglok 2. Gyalshing 2. Samsing Name of Revenue Blocks 1. Timburbong 3. Bhaluthang 4. Gyalsing Soreng Subdivision 2. Tharpu 9. Dodak 5. Omchung 6. Kyongsa 3. Dodak 4. Karthok 5. Burikhop 3. Lingchum 1. Yangthang 1. Rumbuk 2. Lingchom 2. Burikhop (Rumbuk) 3. Tikjya 3. Upper Fambong 4. Lungzik 10. Sombaria 5. Sardong 4. Lower Fambong 5. Dhallan (Daramdin) 6. Lungchok 7. Salandang 1. Siktam 2. Tikpur 11. Okhrey 3. Okhrey 4. Ribdi 5. Bhareng (C) Reorganization of Revenue circle for the South District Namchi SubName of Revenue/ VLO Circle 1. Wak Name of Revenue Blocks Jorethang Subdi ision Ravangla Subdi ision Yangang Subdi ision Name of Revenue/ VLO Circle 1. Tingrithang 1. Lingi 2. Pabong 2. Sokpay 3. Pakjer 1. Lingi 4. Upper Paiyong 5. Omchu 5. Lower Paiyong 6. Chumlok 1. Lingmo 1. Ben 2. Tokdey 2. Lingmo 4. Pepthang 3. Namprik 5. Kolthang 4. Tarku 6. Niya-Brum 1. Yangang 1. Damthang 2. Rangang 2. Jaubari 3. Chemchey 4. Temi 5. Aifaltar 6. Gangchung 1. Doring 2. Namphing 4. Bermiok Tokal 3. Mangzing 2. Deu 5. Tanak 3. Damthang 3. Kau 4. Wak 7. Sanghanath 2. Tarku Name of Revenue Blocks 3. Rashep 4. Pabung (Gangchung) 5. Tshalumthang 6. Bermiok 7. Thangsing 3. Gagyong 3. Yangang 4. Sripatam 5. Namphok 6. Satam 8. Tokdey 9. Tokal 5. Rameng 1. Burul 2. Rameng 6. Sadam 1. Jorethang Bazar 1. Sadam 2. Salghari 2. Suntaley 1. Ralong 2. Namlung 3. Dorop 1. Ralong 3. Lingding 4. Rabitar 5. Tinik 5. Phamtam 6. Chisopani 6. Polok 4. Borong 7. Sada 1. Sangbung 2. Poklok Name of Revenue Blocks 1. Rabong 2. Poklok 3. Denchung 2. Sangmo 2. Rabong 3. Rabong Bazar 1. Sumbuk 4. Barfung 5. Jarrong 2. Kamaray 2. Kartikey 3. Suntaley 3. Rong 1. Melli Dara 4. Bul 2. Paiyong 5. Singtam 3. Kerabari 3. Sumbuk 6. Deythang 4. Melli Dara 1. Legship 2. Kewzing 3.Kewzing 3. Bakhim 4. Melli 4. Lingzo 1. Singithang 5. Turuk 5. Dalep 2. Boomtar 3. Gumpa Ghurpisey 6. Ramabung 7.Panchgharey 1. Tingkitam 4. Namchi Bazar 2. Rayong 4.Tinkitam 3. Tingmo 5. Kamrang 4. Lamating 6. Mamley 5. Mangbrue 6. Hingdam 7. Tinzir 1. Mikkhola 2. Kitam 9. Kitam Name of Revenue Blocks 4. Dhargaon 6. Palum 8. Boomtar 1. Salghari Name of Revenue/ VLO Circle 3. Sukrabarey 1. Lungchok 7. Rong Name of Revenue Blocks 3. Nijarmeng Namchi Subdivision Name of Revenue/ VLO Circle Name of Revenue/ VLO Circle 3. Kopchey 4. Manpur 5. Sorok 6. Shyampani 7. Gom 8. Assangthang 1. Parbing 2. Phong 3. Chuba 10. Namthang 4. Karek 5. Maneydara 6. Nalamkolbong 7. Kabrey 8. Khanamtek 1. Nagi 2. Paleytam 11. Turung 3. Kateng Bokrong 4. Pamphok 5. Turung 6. Mamring 7. Donok Namchi Sub-division Name of Revenue/ VLOCircle Name of Revenue Blocks 1. Tangzi 2. Bikmat 3. Rabikhola 12. Maniram 4. Rateypani 5. Passi 6. Maniram 7. Salleybong 8. Phalidara (D) Revenue District Name of Revenue/ VLO Circle Name of Revenue/ VLO Circle Name of Revenue Blocks 1. Phensong Name of Revenue/ VLO Circle Name of Revenue Blocks Name of Revenue/ VLO Circle Name of Revenue Blocks 1.Chawang 1. Lingthem 1. Chungthang 2. Kabi 2. Salim Pakyel 2. Lachen 3. Labi 3. Tingbong 1. Passingdong 1. Chungthang 3. Lachung 4. Men-Rongong 4. Lingzya 4. Naga-Namgor 5. Tingda 5. Pentong 3. Ringhim 6. Phamtam 7. Pani Phensong 6. Lingdem 5. Toong 6. Shipgyer 4. Sentam 1. Tumlong 5. Singhik 2. Phodong 6. Meyong 3. Rongong 7. Kazor 4. Ramthang 1. Zimchung 2. Nampatam 1. SinghikMangan Name of Revenue Blocks 8. Pakshep 9. Singchit 2. Namok 5. Swayam 6. Namok 7. Upper Mangshila 8. Lower Mangshila 9. Tingchim 10. Tanek Reorganization of circle for the North Mangan Subdi i i 1. Lingdong 2. Hee-Gyathang 3. Gor 2. Hee Gyathang 3. Goan Samgdong 4. Barfok By Order and in the name of the Governor. Sd/(K.S. TOBGAY) SECRETARY 3.Lum LAND REVENUE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM, GANGTOK F.No. 56/LR&DMD/GOS/ACQ 1. GorTaryang 2. Sangtok Sagyong Kabi Sub-div Memo No…………………………….. Date:…………………. Copy to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Pr. Secretary, CMO Sr. P.S. to Chief Secretary, for information of the CS Secretary, IPR, for publication in Sikkim Herald All District Collectors All Sub-divisional Magistrates Special Secretary, Home Department for publication in the official Gazette File Guard file Deputy Secretary LRDMD SIKKIM GOVERNMENT Gangtok GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 5th September,2013 No.483 Government of Sikkim Health Care, Human Services & Family WelfareDepartment Notification No: 581/HC, HS & FW Dated: 30/8/13 NOTIFICATION In exercise of the powers conferred by section 54 of the Clinical Establishment (Registration and Regulation) Act 2010 (23 of 2010), the State Government hereby makes the following rules to amend the Sikkim Clinical Establishment (Registration and Regulation) Rules 2012, namely:Short title, extentand commencement. 1. (1) These rules may be called the Sikkim Clinical Establishment (Registration and Regulation) Amendment Rules 2013. (2) They shall extend to the whole of Sikkim. (3) They shall come in to force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. Insertion of sub rule (5) under rule 21.2. In the Sikkim Clinical Establishment (Registration and Regulation) Rules, 2012, (herein after referred to as the said rules), after sub-rule (4) of rule 21, the following sub-rule shall be inserted, namely:“(5) The employees under the physical therapy establishment shall be under the supervision of supervisory person having Post Graduate Qualification, Diploma in Orthopaedic/MS (Orthopaedic), MD. (Physical and Amendment of rule 23 3.In the said rules in rule 23, for the words and figure. “The small and medium laboratory may be manned by a DCP or a M.Sc. or BMLT with atleast 5 (five) years of experience in Laboratory medicine”, the words and figure, “The smalllaboratory may be manned by a MBBSDiploma in Clinical Pathology (DCP), MSc,(Biochemistry/Microbiology/ Pathology)” shall be substituted”. Amendment of rule 29 4.In the said rule in rules 29-, (i) for theexisting entries undersub rule (5), thefollowing shall be substituted, namely:- “(5)The fee shall be deposited in the State Bank of Sikkim through challan as prescribed under rule 25 and 26 of the Sikkim Financial Rules 1979, as amended from time to time by the Government, under revenue, Head 0210-04-105 receipt from public laboratory”, (ii) for the existing entries under sub- rule (6), the following shall be substituted, namely:“(6) The account shall be maintained as per the Sikkim Financial Rules, 1979 and shall submit monthly report to the concerned department.” DR. K. BHANDARI D.G. CUM SECRETARY HEALTH CARE, HUMAN SERVICES & FAMILY WELFARE DEPTT. GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY th GANGTOK 5 September,2013 No.484 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM SOCIAL JUSTICE, EMPOWERMENT & WELFARE DEPARTMENT No.5/SJE&WD Dated the 27/08/013 NOTIFICATION Whereas the State Government has deemed it expedient to frame rules for providing payment of grant to the transgender; Now, therefore, the State Government is hereby pleased to make the following rules regulating the payment of grant to the transgender, namely:Short title and Commencement 1. (1) These rules may be called the Sikkim payment of grant to the Transgender Rules, 2013. (2) They shall come into force at once. 2. In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires:a) “Department” means the Social Justice, Empowerment and Welfare Department; b) “Form” means the form appended to these rules; c) “Government” means the Government of the State of Sikkim; d) “local resident” means a person belonging to either Bhutia, Lepcha or Nepali Community possessing Sikkim Subject Certificate or Certificate of Identification; e) “medical committee” means the committee constituted to scrutinize and authenticate the status of the beneficiaries vide notification no: 365/HC, HS and FW dated: 20/05/2013 and is to issue the medical certificate to the beneficiaries; f) “poor and needy” means a person having no regular source of income of his/her own, no financial support from family members, Below Poverty Line Certificate holder and is non-recipient of any other pension from the State Government/Central Government or any other sources; g) “Secretary” means the Secretary of the Social Justice Empowerment and Welfare Department; Amount of Grant Selection Committee Cessation of Grant h) “Transgender” means that person who is examined and authenticated as the transgender by the Committee Constituted vide notification no: 365/HC, HS and FW dated: 20/05/2013; 3. The amount of grant payable to each transgender shall be such as may be notified by the Government from time to time. 4. There shall be a Selection Committee for the purpose of selection of the beneficiaries on the basis of medical certificate issued by the Medical Committee consisting of the following members, namely:(1) Secretary/ Social Justice Empowerment and Welfare Department Chairperson; (2) Joint Secretary/ Social Justice Empowerment and Welfare Department Member; (3) Social Welfare Officer/ Social Welfare Division Member; 5 (1) The payment of grant to the transgender shall cease from the date of the death of beneficiary. The amount due up to the corresponding month of death shall be paid to the immediate members of the beneficiary and the passbook shall be surrendered to the Department. (2) In case of permanent migration of the beneficiary outside Sikkim, the payment of grant shall cease to be made from the date of her/his migration. In such event the family/ Panchayat of the beneficiary shall surrender the pass book to the Department. Authority competent to 6. The Authority Competent to sanction payment of grant shall be sanction payment of grant. Secretary. Procedure for an Application 7. Application for payment of grant shall be made in the form appended to these rules free of charge, along with (three) passport size photographs, Sikkim Subject Certificate or Certificate of Identification, Below Poverty Line Certificate, date of birth certificate and medical certificate issued by the committee constituted for the purpose. Medical Certificate 8. The beneficiary shall produce medical certificate issued by the committee as defined under clause (e) of rule 2. Procedure for form the payment of grant 9 (1) On receipt of any application in the prescribed Selection Committee shall scrutinize the Sikkim Subject Certificate/or Certificate of Identification, Below Poverty Line Certificate and medical certificate etc. and after scrutinization of the complete documents, approval shall be accorded by the Secretary (2) A copy of the order for the payment of grant shall be endorsed to the District Collector, Sub-Division Magistrate, Revenue Officer and Panchayat where the applicant actually resides and the applicant himself/herself. Payment of Grant accounts Justice, Department. 10 (1) The Secretary shall be the competent authority to make payment of grant. (2) The payment of grant shall be disbursed to the office of the Block Development Officer or through direct benefit transfer as the case may be. (3) The details of the beneficiary/ maintenance of etc shall be maintained by the Social Empowerment and Welfare Verification 11. Intimation of death of 12. In the event of death of the beneficiary, the family member/ Panchayat shall immediately make report and also surrender the passbook to the Social Justice, the Beneficiary If required, concerned officer of the Social Justice, Empowerment and Welfare Department shall make tour to village to verify the continued existence of the beneficiary and other relevant particulars. Empowerment and Welfare Department. Penalty 13. The Authority competent to make payment of grant shall have the right to recover payments made on the basis of false or mistaken information, if any, about eligibility and death of beneficiaries. By order and in the name of the Governor. Sd/G.P. UPADHYAYA, IAS (Principal Secretary) Social Justice, Empowerment and Welfare Department FORM (See Rules 7 and 9) GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM SOCIAL JUSTICE, EMPOWERMENT AND WELFARE DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FORM FOR PAYMENT OF GRANT TO TRANSGENDER. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Name of Applicant……………………………………………………………….. Father’s Name…….………………………………………………………………... Date of Birth……………………………………………………………………….. Gram Panchayat Unit No. and Name………………………………………………. Name of Ward……………………………………………………………………… Constituency ………………………………………………………………………. 7. Sub-Division ………………………………………………………………………. 8. District …………………………………………………………………………….. 9. UID (Adhaar Card no.) 10. Name of the nearest Bank Or Post Office: 11. Account no. of Bank or Post Office: The informations given above are true to the best of my belief and knowledge. Further, if at any time the Department finds that the informations given are/ is incorrect, I agree to surrender the passbook issued to me under these rules. Signature or thumb impression of the Applicant. Documents to be enclosed:1. 3 recent passport size photographs; 2. Attested Photocopy of Sikkim Subject Certificate/Certificate of Identification; 3. Attested photocopy of Below Poverty Line Certificate; 4. Birth Certificate or Elector’s Photo Identity Card or any other valid document having recorded the date of birth or age as proof of age. 5. Medical Certificate issued by the Medical Committee. PANCHAYAT RECOMMENDATION It is certified that the applicant is …………………………..years old and is poor and needy person. Hence, his/ her application for payment of grant to the Transgender is hereby recommended. Signature……………………………. Full Name …………………………… Seal …………………………………. M. L. A’s RECOMMENDATION Application of the applicant is hereby recommended Signature …………………………… Seal …………………… FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Application received along with the following documents 1) 3 recent passport size photographs. 2) Attested photocopy of Sikkim Certificate/ Certificate of Identification. 3) Attested photocopy of Below Poverty Line Certificate (Photocopy); birth certificate of any documents in Sl. No 4 above. 4) Medical Certificate issued by Medical Committee Full Name ………………… Designation ………………. Date ……………… MEDICAL CERTIFICATE NAME AND ADDRESS OF THE INSITIUTE/HOSPITAL _______________________________________ _______________________________________ Certificate No________________ Dated: ________________ CERTIFICATE FOR THE TRANSGENDER. This is to certify that ………………………… Son/daughter of Shri………………………… resident of ……………………………………Age…………………..,Registration No……………………………is a case of Transgender (…………………………………………………….) (Specify the type of transgender) Observation: i) This condition is examined and screened by the medical committee as constituted for the said purpose. 1. 2. _________________ ___________________ 3. ________________________ 4. ____________________ (Signature of the four members of the Medical Committee/ Authorized Signatories with their official seal) Signature/Thumb impression of the patient. Countersigned by the medical Superintendent/Chief Medical Officer (with seal) Recent attested photograph showing the disability may affixed here. Copy for information to:1. The Principal Secretary to Hon’ble Governor 2. The Principal Secretary to Hon’ble Chief Minister 3. All Secretaries /Heads of the Department 4. Secretary, IPR - for publication in Sikkim Herald and other selected local papers in two consecutive issues for wide publicity 5. District Collectors,( East, West, South and North) 6. Joint Secretary, Home Department - for publication in Official Gazette 7. P.S. to Hon’ble Speaker, Sikkim Legislative Assembly 8. P.S. to Hon’ble Deputy Speaker, Sikkim Legislative Assembly 9. P.S. all Hon’ble Ministers 10. P.S.to all Hon’ble Chairmen/Chairpersons 11. Principal P.S. to the Chief Secretary 12. All Sub-Divisional Magistrates 13. All Gram Vikash Adikari- for information of Panchayat concerned within the jurisdiction 14. All Officers in the Department 15. Notice Board 16. File 17. Guard file. 18. Guard File. (K.B.PRADHAN) JOINT SECRETARY (SOCIAL WELFARE DIVISION) SOCIAL JUSTICE, EMPOWERMENT AND WELFARE DEPARTMENT File No.GOS/SJE&WD/2013/5 (6) SIKKIM GOVERNMENT Gangtok GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 5th September,2013 No.485 Government of Sikkim Land Revenue and Disaster Management Department, Gangtok (New Secretariat, Development Area, Gangtok, Sikkim–737101/Phone: 03592-202664/Fax: 03592201145/202932/Website: Http: / ssdma.org Emailid: ccs-lr-sik @nic.in/Sikkimsdma @gmail.com. NOTIFICATION NO. 68/874/P-II/GOS/LR & DMD/ACQ DATED:4/9/2013. NOTICE UNDER SECTION 4(1) OF LAND ACQUISITION ACT, 1894 (ACT I OF 1894) Whereas it appears to the Governor that additional land is likely to be needed for a public purpose not being a purpose of the Union, namely for the establishment of Sikkim University by Human Resources & Development Department at Yangang block, South District, it is hereby notified that the pieces of land comprising cadastral plot nos. 181, 186/577, 186/579, 188(P), 188(P)/A, 199, 191, 197, 198, 198/501, 189, 187(P) and measuring area more or less 14.1680 hectares bounded on the East : C.F. of Kharka Singh Gurung, Sikkim University, Gurung Gumpa, West : D.F. & C.F. of Raj Kr. Gurung & Mani Raj Gurung & Khasmal, North : D.F. of Indra Bdr. Gurung & C.F. of Tek Man Gurung, & South : Khasmal is likely to be needed for the aforesaid public purpose at the public expense within the aforesaid block. This Notification is made under the provision of Section 4(1) of L.A.Act, 1894 (Act I of 1894) to all whom it may concern. A plan of land may be inspected in the Office of the District Collector South, Namchi. In exercise of the powers conferred by the aforesaid section, the Governor is pleased to authorize the Officers for the time being engaged in the undertaking, with their servants and workmen to enter upon and survey the land and do all other acts required or permitted by that section. And whereas, there is urgency to acquire land the Governor is further pleased to direct under section 17(4) of L.A.Act, of 1894 (Act I of 1894) that the provision of section 5-A of the Act shall not apply. SD/-(K.S.TOBGAY) SECRETARY, LAND REVENUE AND D.M. DEPARTMENT, GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM, GANGTOK. FILE NO. 874/P-II/GOS/LR&DMD/ACQ. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______ SIKKIM GOVERNMENT Gangtok GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 5th September,2013 No.486 Government of Sikkim Land Revenue and Disaster Management Department, Gangtok (New Secretariat, Development Area, Gangtok, Sikkim–737101/Phone: 03592-202664/Fax: 03592201145/202932/Website: Http: / ssdma.org Emailid: ccs-lr-sik @nic.in/Sikkimsdma @gmail.com. NOTIFICATION NO. 69/1605/P-II/LR & DMD/ACQ/GOS DATED:4/9/2013. NOTICE UNDER SECTION OF 4(1) OF LAND ACQUISITION ACT, 1894 (ACT I OF 1894) Whereas the function of the Central Government under the Land Acquisition Act, 1894 (Act I of 1894) in relation to the Acquisition of land for the purpose of the Union have been entrusted to the State Government by Notification No.12018/12/76/LRD of 10.01.1978 issued by the Government of India in the Ministry of Agriculture & Irrigation under clause 1 of Article 258 of the constitution of India. And whereas it appears to the Governor that additional land is likely to be needed for a public purpose being a purpose of the Union, namely for the establishment of 52nd Battalion by Sasastra Seema Bal in the block of Melli and Melli Aching, West District, it is hereby notified that several pieces of land comprising cadastral Plot Nos. and area mentioned in “Schedule of Properties” below is likely to be needed for the aforesaid public purpose at the public expense within the aforesaid block of Melli and Melli Aching, West District. “Schedule of Properties” Melli Block Plot Nos. 497/729, 463/615, 463/616, 499, 516, 493, 490, 486, 579, 585, 489, 491, 487, 571, 485, 488, 465, 591, 595, 502, 511, 586, 470, 495, 466, 467, 468, 469, 455, 456, 461, 500, 515, 517, 501, 454, 464, 476, 475, 458, 520, 521, 497, 496, 459, 484, 587, 457, 492 & 494 measuring area more or less 17.9600 hectares. Melli-Aching Block Plot Nos. 538, 408, 455, 457, 419, 428, 526/626, 526, 459, 460 & 444/574 measuring area more or less 2.4220 hectares. This Notification is made under the provision of Section 4(1) of L.A.Act, 1894 (Act I of 1894) to all whom it may concern. A plan of land may be inspected in the Office of the District Collector West, Gyalshing. In exercise of the powers conferred by the aforesaid section, the Governor is pleased to authorize the Officers for the time being engaged in the undertaking, with their servants and workmen to enter upon and survey the land and do all other acts required or permitted by that section. And whereas, there is urgency to acquire land the Governor is further pleased to direct under section 17(4) of L. A. Act, of 1894 that the provision of section 5-A of the Act shall not apply. SD/-( K.S.TOBGAY) SECRETARY, LAND REVENUE AND D.M. DEPARTMENT, GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM, GANGTOK. File No.1605/P-II/LR&DMD/ACQ/GOS. SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 5th September,2013 Gangtok No. 487 DIRECTORATE OF SIKKIM STATE LOTTERIES FINANCE, REVENUE & EXPENDITURE DEPARTMENT GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM Dated: 3rd September No. FIN/DSSL/ RESULTS / 27 2013 NOTIFICATION The Daily Lottery Results from 16th August 2013 to 31st August 2013 of the following weekly lottery schemes of the Sikkim State Lotteries marketed through the Marketing Agent, M/S Summit Online Trade Solutions Pvt. Ltd. are hereby notified for general information as per Annexures 1 to 16 :1. Two (2) draws of the Sugar Online Weekly Lottery 2. Six (6) Draws of the Smart Online Weekly Lottery By Order. Director, Sikkim State Lotteries S.G.P.G. – Gazette/ 30Cps./ SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 5th September,2013 Gangtok 488 No. GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM FINANCE, REVENUE & EXPENDITURE DEPARTMENT (DIRECTORATE OF SIKKIM STATE LOTTERIES) BALUWAKHANI, GANGTOK – 737101 No. FIN/DSSL/ RESULTS/28 September, 2013 Dated: 03rd NOTIFICATION The Daily Lottery Results from 16th August, 2013 to 31st August, 2013, of the following weekly lottery schemes of the Sikkim State Lotteries, marketed through the Distributor, M/S Future Gaming Solutions India Pvt. Ltd. are hereby notified for general information as per Annexures 1 to 16 :1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Future Immense set of weekly lotteries (Monday to Sunday), Singam Delight set of weekly lotteries (Monday to Sunday), Kuil Parrot set of weekly lotteries (Monday to Sunday), Dear Affectionate set of weekly lotteries (Monday to Sunday), and Dear Affectionate Evening set of weekly lotteries (Monday to Sunday), By Order. Director, Sikkim State Lotteries S.G.P.G. - / Gazette/ 30 Cps./ SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 5th September,2013 Gangtok 489 No. DIRECTORATE OF SIKKIM STATE LOTTERIES FINANCE, REVENUE & EXPENDITURE DEPARTMENT GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM Dated: 3rd September No. FIN/DSSL/ RESULTS/ 29 2013 NOTIFICATION The Daily Lottery Results from 16th August 2013 to 31st August 2013, of the following weekly lottery schemes of the Sikkim State Lotteries marketed through the Marketing Agent M/S Pan India Network Pvt. Ltd. are hereby notified for general information as per Annexures 1 to 16 :Mon 2. Tue 3. Wed Lotto 4. Thu 5. Fri 6. Sat 7. Sun 1. 6 draws of Science Online; 1 draw of Fast Digit & Sikkim Keno 6 draws of Science Online; 1 draw of Fast Digit & Tuesday Thunderball 6 draws of Science Online; 1 draw of Fast Digit & Wednesday Jaldi 5 Double 6 draws of Science Online; 1 draw of Fast Digit & Thursday Super Lotto 6 draws of Science Online; 1 draw of Fast Digit & Friday Jaldi 5 Lotto 6 draws of Science Online; 1 draw of Fast Digit & Saturday Super Lotto 6 draws of Science Online; 1 draw of Fast Digit & Sikkim Keno By Order. Director, Sikkim State Lotteries S.G.P.G. – Gazette/ 30Cps./ SIKKIM GOVERNMENT Gangtok GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 5th September,2013 No.490 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM DEPARTMENT OF PERSONNEL,ADM.A. R TRAINING & PG GANGTOK No.207/GEN/DOP Date: 19.08.2013 NOTIFICATION The Governor is pleased to create two ex-cadre post of Additional Director General of Police I the HAG scale of Rs. 67000(annual increment @ 3%)-79000 with immediate effect. BY ORDER. . SD/-( A.K. CHETTRI)IAS SECRETARY TO THE GOVT.OF SIKKIM DEPARTMENT OF PERSONNEL A.R. & TRAINING & PG SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY Gangtok 9th September,2013 No.491 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM LAW DEPARTMENT No.1/LD/P/Ord/13 Dated:.07.09.2013 NOTIFICATION The following ordinance promulgated by the Governor of Sikkim on 4th day of September, 2013 is hereby published for general information:THE SHRI RAMASAMY MEMORIAL (SRM) STATE UNIVERSITY ORDINANCE, 2013 (ORDINANCE NO. 1 OF 2013) (Promulgated by the Governor in the Sixty-fourth Year of the Republic of India) AN ORDINANCE to establish and incorporate a Private University in the State of Sikkim with emphasis on providing high quality and industry relevant education through open and flexible professional education that is relevant and matches contemporary needs, sponsored by SRM TRUST, No. 3 VEERASAMY STREET, WEST MAMBALAM, CHENNAI - 600033, TAMILNADU and to provide for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto. Whereas the State Legislature is not in session and the Governor of Sikkim is satisfied that circumstances exist which render it necessary for him to take immediate action; Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by clause (1) of Article 213 of the Constitution of India, the Governor is pleased to promulgate the following Ordinance: CHAPTER I PRELIMINARY Short title, extent and commencement Definition 1. (1) This Ordinance may be called the Shri Ramasamy Memorial (SRM) State University Ordinance 2013”. (2) (3) It extends to the whole of Sikkim. It shall come into force on such date as the State Government may, by notification, in the Official Gazette appoint. In this Ordinance, and in all statutes made hereunder, unless the context otherwise requires,- (i) (ii) “Academic council” means the academic council of the University; “Academic year” means the Academic year which the Board of Management may determine; “Annual Report” means the annual report of the University referred to in section 45 of the Ordinance; “Board of Governors” means the board of Governors of the University constituted under section 21 of the Ordinance; “Board of Management” means the board of management of the University constituted under section 22 of the Ordinance; “Chancellor”, “Vice-Chancellor” mean the Chancellor and ViceChancellor of the University; “Constituent College” means a college or an institution maintained by the University; “Development fund” means the development fund of the University established under section 43 of the Ordinance; “Education and Training Institution, Registered Training Organization” means an organization recognized by the University. “Employee” means an employee appointed by the University and includes teachers and other staff of the University or of a constituent college; “Endowment fund” means the endowment fund of the University established under section 41 of the Ordinance; 2. (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) (x) (xi) (xii) (xiii) (xiv) (xv) (xvi) “Faculty” means teaching faculty of the University; “Finance Committee” means the Finance Committee of the University; “Government” means the State Government of Sikkim; “General fund” means the general fund of the University established under section 42 of the Ordinance; “Learning Centres” means centres established or maintained or recognized by the University. (xvii) “Open, Flexible and Distance Learning System” means the system of imparting education and training through any means of mentoring, learning engagement, communication. (xviii) “prescribed” means prescribed by the statutes or rules made under this Ordinance; (xix) “Regional centre” means a centre established or maintained by the University for the purpose of coordinating and supervising the work of study centres and for performing such other functions as may be conferred on such centre by the board of management; (xx) “Registrar” means the Registrar of the University appointed under section 17 of the Ordinance; (xxi) “rules” means the rules of the university made under this Ordinance; (xxii) “School” means a School of Studies of the University; (xxiii) “Sponsor” means the SRM Trust represented by Chairman/President; (xxiv) “State” means the state of Sikkim; (xxv) “Statutes” and “rules” mean, respectively, the statutes and rules of the University; (xxvi) “student” means a student of the University, and includes any person who has enrolled himself for pursuing any course of study of the University; (xxvii) “Study centre” means a centre established, maintained or recognized by the University for the purpose of advising, counseling or for rendering any other assistance including training, conducting contact classes and administering examinations required by the students; (xxviii) “UGC” means the University Grants Commission established under the University Grants Commission Act, 1956; (xxix) “University” means the “SRM State University” CHAPTER II THE UNIVERSITY The University 3. (1) (2) Constituent Colleges, and Institutions 4. (3) (4) The Headquarters of the University shall be at Sikkim. (1) The University may have constituent Colleges, Regional Centres, Study Centres, Registered Training Organizations, Learning Centres and Skill Development Facilities and Institutions anywhere in India or abroad with required approvals as may be necessary from relevant prescribed authorities as mentioned in sub section (4) of section 3. The University may, with the prior approval of the Board of Governors, accredit any Registered Training Organizations or facilities in India or abroad after the compliance of the provisions prescribed as mentioned in sub-section (4) of section 3. The University shall be self-financing. The State Government shall have no objection to the University obtaining grants, soft loans from various funding organizations, institutions and agencies including International and bilateral agencies, for expansion, modernization of the facilities and augmenting the quality of education, training and research that is carried out at the University and in its accredited training institutions/facilities provided that there shall be no financial obligation on the part of State Government. The objects for which the University is established shall be as follows :providing an open, flexible and continuous learning framework that offers innovative ways for learning and acquiring qualifications through professional and practical programs; engaging with industry partners and educational institutions, for establishing educational and training institutions and learning centers with the aim of providing workplace training and familiarization with industry practices; (2) University shall be Selffinancing 5. Objects of the University 6. There shall be a University by the name “SRM STATE UNIVERSITY”. The University shall be a body corporate, shall have perpetual succession and a common seal with power, subject to the provisions of this Ordinance, to acquire and to hold property, to contract and shall sue and be sued by the said name. (a) (b) (c) The University may establish or maintain education and training institutions, colleges, learning centres either by itself or in collaboration with the industries at Sikkim and in other states of Indian Union and outside country as laid down in section 7 and 8 of the Ordinance. collaborating with industries and other institutions for providing learning opportunities aligned with the needs of the industrial and other development sectors; Powers of the University (d) establishing an open and flexible professional education that is relevant and matches contemporary needs; (e) striving to fulfill the above objects by a diversity of means of distance and continuing education, and make full use of the latest scientific knowledge and educational technology to offer a high quality education which matches contemporary needs. 7. The University shall have the following powers, namely:(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) (x) (xi) to provide for instruction in such branches of knowledge, technology, vocation and profession as the University may determine from time to time and to make provision for research; to plan and prescribe courses of study for qualifications such as degrees, advanced diplomas, diplomas, certificates or such others for any other purpose; to hold examinations, assessments and confer degrees, diplomas, certificates or other academic distinctions or recognitions on persons in terms of awards or fellowships or conducted research as prescribed by rules; to confer honorary degrees or other distinctions in the manner prescribed by rules; to determine the manner in which education, training, knowledge inputs, skill building, competency development and distance education in relation to the academic programs of the University may be organized subject to that these shall be in consonance with the norms prescribed by University Grants Commission; to institute Professorships, Associate Professorships, Assistant Professorships and other academic positions wherever necessary; to co-operate with and seek the co-operation of other Universities and institutions of higher learning, professional bodies and organizations for such purposes as the University considers necessary; to institute and award fellowships, scholarships, prizes and such other awards for recognition of merit as the University may deem fit; to establish, maintain or recognize Learning Centres in the manner prescribed by Statutes; to provide for the preparation of instruction materials, learning resources, workplace training practices, knowledge repositories, e-learning platforms, digital learning experiences, including films, digital media, video / streaming content, multimedia content, visualization, simulations and other software; to organize and conduct refresher course, workshops, seminars and other programs for faculty and trainers, learning resource content providers, experts preparing learning resources, lesson (xii) writers, evaluators and other academic staff; to recognize examinations of, or periods of study (whether in full or part), at other Universities, Institutions or other places of higher learning as equivalent to examinations or periods of study in the University, and to withdraw such recognition at any time; (xiii) to make provision for research and development in educational technology and related matters and to undertake collaborative research with any organization in India or abroad; (xiv) to provide consultancy undertakings; (xv) to ensure that the standard of the degrees, diplomas, charters, certificates and other academic distinctions are commensurate with those prescribed and laid down by the University Grants Commission (UGC); to supervise and control the residence, and to regulate the discipline among students and all categories of employees and to lay down the conditions of service of such employees, including their Code of Conduct; to pursue any other objective as may be approved by the State Government; to create professional, technical, administrative, ministerial and other necessary posts and to make appointments thereto; to demand and receive such fees, bills, invoices and collect charges as may be fixed by the Statutes or rules, as the case may be; to receive benefactions, donations and gifts and to acquire, hold, maintain and dispose of any property movable or immovable, including that of the trust, for the purposes of the University; to borrow, whether on the security of the property of the University or otherwise, money for the purposes of the University; to enter into, carryout, vary or cancel contracts; to recognize any institution of higher learning or studies for such purposes as the University may determine and to withdraw such recognition; to appoint, either on contract, or otherwise, Visiting Professors, Emeritus Professors, Consultants, Fellows, Scholars, Artists, Course Writers and such other persons who may contribute to the advancement of the objects of the University; to determine standards and to specify conditions for the admission of students to courses of study of the University which may include examination, evaluation and any other method of testing; to confer autonomous status on a training organization, college, educational institution, or a Regional Centre in the manner laid down by the Statutes; (xvi) (xvii) (xviii) (xix) (xx) (xxi) (xxii) (xxiii) (xxiv) (xxv) (xxvi) to industry, Government and Public Establishment of off-campus centres, offshore campuses and maintenance of minimum standard Admission to University 8. 9. (xxvii) to make arrangements for the promotion of the general health and welfare of the employees; (1) The University shall set up off-campus centre(s) and / or with the prior approval of the UGC and that of the State Government(s) (2) where the centre(s) is/are proposed to be opened; Any off-shore campus(es) in foreign countries shall be opened only after obtaining due permission from the Government of India and also that of the Government of the host country; (3) The University shall fulfill the minimum criteria in terms of programmes, faculty, infrastructural facilities, financial viability, etc., as laid down from time to time by the UGC and other concerned statutory bodies such as the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), the Bar Council of India (BCI), the Distance Education Council (DEC), the Dental Council of India (DCI), the Indian Nursing Council (INC), the Medical Council of India (MCI), the National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE), the Pharmacy Council of India (PCI), etc. (1) The University shall, subject to the provision of this Ordinance and the Statutes be open to all persons irrespective of class, caste, creed, religion, language or gender: Provided that nothing in this section shall be deemed to prevent the University from making special provisions for admission for students of the State; Provided further, that special efforts shall be taken to encourage the oppressed classes and disadvantaged groups. Nothing contained in sub-section (1) shall require the University; (a) to admit to any course of study any person who does not possess the prescribed academic qualification or standard; (2) (b) to retain on the rolls of the University any student whose academic record is below the minimum standard required for the award of a degree, diploma or other academic distinction; or (c) to admit any person or retain any student whose conduct is prejudicial to the interests of the University or the rights and privileges of other students and teachers. CHAPTER III OFFICERS OF THE UNIVERSITY The Visitor 10 . (1) The Governor of Sikkim shall be the Visitor of the University. (2) The Visitor shall preside at the convocation of the University for conferring Degrees, Diplomas, Charters, Designations and Certificates. (3) The Visitor shall have the following powers, namely :- (a) to call for any paper or information relating to the affairs of the University; (b) On the basis of the information received by the Visitor, if he is satisfied that any order, proceeding, or decision taken by any authority of the University is not in conformity with the Ordinance, Regulations, or Rules, he may issue such directions as he may deem fit in the interest of the University and the directions so issued shall be complied with by all concerned. Officers of the University Chancellor The following shall be the Officers of the University, namely:- 11 . 12 . (a) The Chancellor; (b) The Pro-Chancellors; (c) The Vice Chancellor; (d) (e) The Pro-Vice Chancellors; (f) The Registrar; (g) (h) (i) The Finance Officer; and Controller of Examination; (1) The Visitor shall appoint the Chancellor of the University from the panel of names forwarded by the sponsor of the University in consultation with the State Government. (2) The Chancellor so appointed shall hold office for a period of (5) five years. (3) The Chancellor shall be the head of the University. Deans of faculties; Such other officers as may be declared by the Statutes to be officers of the University. (4) The Chancellor, in the absence of the Visitor, shall preside at the convocation of the University for conferring degrees, diplomas, Charters, Designations or Certificates. (5) The Visitor shall have the power to remove the Chancellor on the recommendations of the sponsor of the University, after due enquiry. (6) The Chancellor shall have the following powers, namely: (a) to call for any information or record; (b) to appoint and to remove the Vice-Chancellor; The Chancellor is empowered to remove the Vice-Chancellor after due enquiry. It will be open to the Chancellor to suspend the Vice-Chancellor during enquiry depending upon the seriousness of the charges, as he may deem fit; (c) Pro-Chancellor 13 . (1) (2) (3) (4) such other powers as may be conferred on him by this Ordinance or the Statutes made there under. The Sponsor shall appoint two Pro-Chancellors of the University namely Pro-Chancellor (Administration) and Pro-Chancellor (Academic) The Pro-Chancellor so appointed shall hold office for a period of 5 (five) years. The Pro-Chancellor shall preside at the meeting of the Board of Governors when the Chancellor is not present and shall, when the Visitor or Chancellor is not present, preside at the convocation of the University for conferring degrees, diplomas, Charters, Designations or Certificate. The Pro-Chancellor (Administration) shall have the following powers, namely; (a) to call for any information related to the entire administration of the University; (b) such other powers as may be conferred on him by this Ordinance or the Statutes made there under. (5) The Pro-Chancellor (Academic) shall have the following powers, namely: (a) to call for any information related to the entire Academic including research proceedings of the University; (b) such other powers as be conferred on him by this Ordinance or the Statutes made there under. The ViceChancellor 14 . (6) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) The Pro-Vice Chancellor 15 . (1) The Sponsor is empowered to remove the Pro-Chancellor. The Vice-Chancellor shall be appointed by the Chancellor from a panel of three persons recommended by the Board of Governors on such terms and conditions as may be prescribed and shall hold office for a term of 5 (five) years. Provided that, after expiry of the term of 5 (five) years, the ViceChancellor shall be eligible for re-appointment for another term not exceeding five years. The Vice-Chancellor shall be stationed in Headquarters. The Vice-Chancellor shall be the Principal executive and academic officer of the University and shall exercise general supervision and control over the affairs of the University and give effect to the decisions of the authorities of the University. If in the opinion of the Vice-Chancellor it is necessary to take immediate action on any matter for which powers are conferred on any other authority by or under this Ordinance, he may take such action as he deems necessary and shall, at the earliest opportunity, thereafter report his action to such officers or authority as would have in the ordinary course dealt with the matter: Provided that where any such action taken by the Vice-Chancellor affects any person in the service of the University, such person shall be entitled to prefer, within three months from the date on which such action is communicated to him, an appeal to the Board of Governors and the Board of Governors may confirm or modify or reverse the action taken by the Vice-Chancellor. If in the opinion of the Vice-Chancellor any decision of any authority of the University is outside the powers conferred by this Ordinance, Statutes or is likely to be prejudicial to the interest of the University, he shall request the concerned authority to revise its decision within seven days from the date of his decision and In case the authority refuses to revise such decision wholly or partly or fails to take any decision within seven days, then such matter shall be referred to the Chancellor and his decision thereon shall be final. The Vice-Chancellor shall exercise such other powers and perform such other duties as may be laid down by the Statutes. The Vice-Chancellor shall preside at the convocation of the University in the absence of the Visitor, the Chancellor and the Pro Chancellors for conferring degrees, diplomas, Charters, Designations or Certificates. The two Pro-Vice Chancellors of the University viz. Pro-Vice Chancellor (Administration) and Pro-Vice Chancellor (Academic) (2) (3) (4) Deans faculties of The Registrar 16 . 17 . (1) (2) (3) (4) The Finance Officer 18 . Other Officers 19 . shall be appointed by the Vice Chancellor in such manner and shall exercise such powers and perform such duties as may be prescribed by the statutes. The Pro-Vice chancellor so appointed shall hold office for a period of 5 (five) years. The Pro-Vice Chancellor (Administration) shall be a member of the Board of Governors. The Pro-Vice Chancellor (Academic) shall be a member of the Board of Management. Deans of faculties shall be appointed by the Vice-Chancellor in such manner and shall exercise such powers and perform such duties as may be prescribed by Statutes. The appointment of the Registrar shall be made in such manner as may be prescribed by the Statutes. All contracts shall be signed and all documents and records shall be authenticated by the Registrar on behalf of the University. The Registrar shall be responsible for due custody of the records and the common seal of the University and shall be bound to place before the Chancellor, the Vice-Chancellor or any other authority, all such information and documents as may be necessary for transaction of their business. The Registrar shall exercise such powers and perform such duties as may be prescribed by the Statutes. The appointment of the Finance Officer shall be made in such manner as may be prescribed by the Statutes. The Finance Officer shall exercise such powers and perform such duties as may be prescribed by the Statutes. The manner of appointment, terms and conditions of service and powers and duties of the other officers of the University shall be such as may be prescribed by the Statutes. CHAPTER IV AUTHORITIES OF THE UNIVERSITY Authorities of the University The following shall be the Authorities of the University, namely :- 20 . (a) The Board of Governors; The Board of Governors and 21 . (b) The Board of Management; (c) The Academic Council; (d) The Finance Committee; and (e) Such other authorities as may be declared by the Statutes to be the authorities of the University. (1) The Board of Governors shall consist of the following. Namely :- its Powers (a) The Chancellor. (b) The Pro-Chancellor (Administration). (c) The Pro-Chancellor (Academic). (d) The Vice-Chancellor. (e) The Pro-Vice Chancellor (Administration). (f) A nominee of the UGC. (g) Three persons nominated by the Sponsor. (h) Two representatives of the State Government. (i) One person of repute to be nominated by the Visitor. (j) Two persons to be nominated by the Chancellor. (2) The Chancellor shall be the Chairman of the Board of Governors. (3) The Registrar shall be an ex-officio Secretary of the Board of Governors. The Board of Governors shall be the supreme authority and principal governing body of the University and shall have the following powers, namely :- (4) (a) to appoint the Statutory Auditors of the University; (b) to lay down policies to be pursued by the University; (c) to review decisions of the other authorities of the University if they are not in conformity with the provisions of this Ordinance, or the Statutes or the rules; (d) to approve the budget and annual report of the University; (e) to make new or additional Statutes and rules or amend or repeal the earlier Statutes and rules; (f) to take decision about voluntary winding up of the University; (g) to approve proposals Government; and for submission to the State (h) to take such decisions and steps as are found desirable for effectively carrying out the objects of the University; (5) The Board of Management 22 . (1) The Board of Governors shall, meet at least twice in a calendar year at such time and place as the Chancellor thinks fit. The Board of Management shall consist of the following, namely ; (a) The Vice-Chancellor. (b) The Pro-Vice Chancellor (Academic) (c) The Registrar. (d) Four persons, nominated by the Sponsor. (e) Two Deans of the faculties as nominated by the Chancellor. (f) (2) (3) The Academic Council 23 . (1) Two representatives Government. to be nominated by the State The Vice-Chancellor shall be the Chairperson of the Board of Management and the Registrar shall be the Secretary of the Board of Management. The powers and functions of the Board of Management shall be such as may be prescribed by the Statutes. The Academic Council shall consist of the following, namely :(a) The Vice-Chancellor – Chairman. (b) The Pro-Vice Chancellor (Academic). (c) The Registrar – Secretary. (d) Such other members as may be prescribed in the Statutes. (e) One representative to be nominated by the state Government. The Finance Committee 24 . (2) The Academic Council shall be the principal academic body of the University and shall, subject to the provisions of this Ordinance, the Statutes and the rules, co-ordinate and exercise general supervision over the academic policies of the University. (1) The Finance Committee shall consist of the following, namely :- (2) (a) The Vice-Chancellor - Chairman. (b) The Pro-Vice Chancellor (Administration). (c) The Registrar – Secretary. (d) The Finance Officer - Member. (e) Such other members as may be prescribed in the Statutes. (f) Principal Director, Finance Revenue & Expenditure Department Govt. of Sikkim, The Finance Committee shall be the principal financial body of the University to take care of financial matters and shall, subject to the provisions of this Ordinance, Statutes and rules, co-ordinate and exercise general supervision over the financial matters of the University. Other Authorities 25 . The constitution, powers and functions of the other authorities of the University shall be such as may be prescribed by the Statutes. Proceedings not 26 . No act or proceeding of any authority of the University shall be invalid merely by reason of the existence of any vacancy or defect in the constitution of the authority. invalidated on account of Vacancy CHAPTER V STATUTES AND RULES Statutes Subject to the provisions of this Ordinance and rules, the Statutes may provide for any matter relating to the University and staff, as given below :- 27 . (a) the constitution, powers and functions of the authorities and other bodies of the University as specified in the Ordinance and such other authorities as may be constituted from time to time; (b) the terms and conditions of appointment of the Vice-Chancellor, the Registrar and the Finance Officer and their powers and functions; (c) the mode of recruitment and the conditions of service of the other officers, teachers and employees of the University; (d) the procedure for resolving disputes between the University and its officers, faculty members, employees and students; (e) creation, abolition or restructuring of departments and faculties; (f) the manner of co-operation with other Universities or institutions of higher learning; (g) the Registration of Training Organizations, Learning Centres or Accreditation of Institutions or Industries providing Education, Training, Learning Support or facilitation for Skill Development; (h) the modalities for determination or revision of the framework of qualifications, prescriptions for learning pathways, curriculum, training, skill development, recognition of prior learning, credit transfer, learning support and such other academic matters; (i) number of seats in different courses of studies and the procedure of admission of students to such courses; (j) the fee chargeable from students for various courses of studies: provided that the University shall not make any Statute relating to the charging of capitation fee from the students; (k) procedure for creation and abolition of posts; (l) Statutes - how made Amendment of Statutes Rules all other matters which by this Ordinance are required to be provided. 28 . The first Statutes framed by the Board of Governors, shall be submitted to the State Government for its consent. 29 . The Board of Governors may make new or additional Statutes or amend or repeal the Statutes as required with the consent of the State Government. 30 . Subject to the provisions of this Ordinance, the rules may provide for all or any of the following matters, namely :- (a) admission of students to the University and their enrolment and continuance as such; (b) the courses of study to be laid down for all Degrees, Diplomas, Certificates, Charters and other academic distinctions of the University; (c) the award of Degrees, Diplomas. Charters, Certificates and other academic distinctions of the University; the procedure for conferment of honorary degrees; (d) creation of new authorities of the University; (e) accounting Policy and financial procedure; (f) Institution of and conditions for the award of fellowships, freeships, scholarships, studentships, medals and prizes; (g) the conduct of examinations and the conditions and mode of appointment and duties of examining bodies, examiners, invigilators, tabulators and moderators; (h) the fee to be charged for admission to the Examinations, Degrees, Diplomas, Certificates, Charters and other academic distinctions of the University; (i) revision of fees; (j) alteration of number of seats in different courses and programs; Rules – how to be made Power to make/amend (k) the conditions of residence of the students at the University or a constituent college; (l) maintenance of discipline among the students of the University or a constituent college; (m) all other matters as may be provided in the Statutes and rules made under the Ordinance. 31 . The first Rules made by the Board of Governors, shall be submitted to the State Government for its consent. 32 . The Board of Governors may make new or additional rules or amend or repeal the rules as required, with the consent of the State government. Rules CHAPTER VI MISCELLANEOUS Conditions of service of employees. 33 . (1) Every employee shall be appointed under a written contract, which shall be kept in the University and a copy of which shall be furnished to the employee concerned. (2) Disciplinary action against the students/employees shall be governed by procedure prescribed in the Statutes. Right to Appeal 34 . Every employee or student of the University or of a constituent college shall notwithstanding anything contained in this Ordinance, have a right to appeal within such time as may be prescribed, to the Board of Management against the decision of any officer or authority of the University or of the Principal of any such college, and thereupon the Board of Management may confirm, modify or change the decision appealed against. Provident Fund and Pension 35 . The University shall constitute for the benefit of its employees such provident or pension fund and provide such insurance scheme as it may deem fit in such manner and subject to such conditions as may be prescribed by rules. Disputes as to constitution of 36 . If any question arises as to whether any person has been duly elected or appointed as, or is entitled to be a member of any authority or other body of the University, the matter shall be referred to the Chancellor whose decision thereon shall be final. University Authorities and Bodies Constitution of Committees 37 . Any authority of the University mentioned in Section 19 may constitute a committee of such authority, consisting of such members as such authority may deem fit and having such powers as the authority may deem fit. Filling of Casual Vacancies 38 . Any casual vacancy among the members, other than ex-officio members of any Authority or body of the University shall be filled in the same manner in which the member whose vacancy is to be filled up, was chosen, and the person filling the vacancy shall be a member of such authority or body for the residue of the term for which the person whose place he/she fills would have been a member. Protection of action taken in good faith 39 . No suit or other legal proceedings shall lie against any officer or other employee of the University or anything, which is done in good faith or intended to be done in pursuance of the provisions of this Ordinance, the Statutes or the rules. Transitional provisions 40 . Notwithstanding anything contained in any other provisions of this Ordinance and the Statutes :- Endowment Fund : 41 . (a) the first Vice-Chancellor shall be appointed by the Chancellor and the said Officer shall hold office for a term of 5 (five) years; (b) The first Registrar and the first Finance Officer shall be appointed by the Chancellor who shall hold office for a term of 5 (five) years; (c) The first Board of Governors shall hold office for a term not exceeding 5 (five) years; (d) The first Board of Management, the first Finance Committee and the first Academic Council shall be constituted by the Chancellor for a term of 5 (five) years. (1) The University shall establish an endowment fund of at least 2,00,00,000/- (Rupees two crores). (2) The University shall have power to invest the endowment fund in such manner as may be prescribed by rules. General fund : 42 . (3) The University may transfer any amount from the general fund or the development fund to the endowment fund. Excepting in the dissolution of the University, in no other circumstances can any monies be transferred from the endowment fund for other purposes. (4) Not exceeding 75 percent of the incomes received from the endowment fund shall be used for the purposes of development works of the University. The remaining 25 percent shall be reinvested into the endowment fund. (1) The University shall establish a general fund to which the following amount shall be credited, namely :(a) all fees which may be charged by the University; (b) all sums received from any other source; (c) all contributions made by the Sponsor; (d) all contributions/donations made in this behalf by any other person or body, which are not prohibited by any law for the time being in force. (2) The funds credited to the general fund shall be applied to meet the following payments, namely :(a) the repayment of debts including interest charges thereto incurred by the University for the purposes of this Ordinance, the Statutes and the rules made there under; (b) the upkeep of the assets of the University; (c) the payment of the cost of audit of the fund created under subsection (1); (d) meeting the expenses of any suit or proceedings to which University is a party; (e) the payment of salaries and allowances of the officers and employees of the University, members of the teaching and research staff, and payment of any Provident Fund contributions, gratuity and other benefits to any such officers and employees, members of the teaching and research staff; (f) the payment of travelling and other allowances of the members of the Board of Governors, the Board of Management, Academic Council, and other authorities so declared under the Statutes of the University and of the members of any Committee or Board appointed by any of the authorities of the University in pursuance of any provision of this Ordinance or the Statutes or the rules made thereunder; (g) the payment of fellowships, freeships, scholarships, assistantships and other awards to students, research associates or trainees eligible for such awards under the Statutes or rules of the University under the provisions of this Ordinance; (h) the payment of any expenses incurred by the University in carrying out the provisions of this Ordinance, and the Statutes or the rules made thereunder; (i) the payment of cost of capital, not exceeding the prevailing bank rate of interest, incurred by the Sponsor for setting up the University and the investments made thereof; (j) the payment of charges and expenditure relating to the consultancy work undertaken by the University in pursuance of the provisions of this Ordinance, and the Statutes, and the rules made thereunder; Provided that no expenditure shall be incurred by the University in excess of the limits for total recurring expenditure and total non recurring expenditure for the year as may be fixed by the Board of Management without the previous approval of the Board of Management: Provided further that the General fund shall be applied for the objects specified under sub-section (2) with the prior approval of the Board of Management of the University. Development Fund : Maintenance 43 . 44 (1) The University shall also establish a development fund to which the following funds shall be credited, namely: (a) development fees which may be charged from students; (b) all sums received from any other source for the purposes of the development of the University; (c) all contributions made by the Sponsor; (d) all contributions/donations made in this behalf by any other person or body which are not prohibited by any law for the time being in force; and (e) all incomes received from the endowment fund. (2) The funds credited to the development fund from time to time shall be utilized for the development of the University. (1) The funds established under sections 41, 42 and 43 shall, subject to of fund : . Annual Report 45 . Accounts and Audit 46 . Mode of Proof of University Record 47 . Dissolution of the University 48 . general supervision and control of the Board of Governors, be regulated and maintained in such manner as may be prescribed. (1) The annual report of the University shall be prepared under the direction of the Board of Management and shall be submitted to the Board of Governors for its approval. (2) The Board of Governors shall consider the annual report in its meeting and may approve the same with or without modification; (3) A copy of the annual report duly approved by the Board of Governors shall, be sent to Visitor and the State Government on or before December 31 following close of the financial year in March 31 each year (1) The annual accounts and Balance Sheet of the University shall be prepared under the direction of the Board of Management and all funds accruing to or received by the University from whatever source and all amount disbursed or paid shall be entered in the accounts maintained by the University. (2) The annual accounts of the University shall be audited by a chartered accountant, who is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, every year. (3) A copy of the annual accounts and the Balance Sheet together with the Audit report shall be submitted to the State Government and the Board of Governors on or before December 31 following close of the financial year in March 31 each year. A copy of any receipt, application, notice, order, proceeding or resolution of any authority or committee of the university or other documents in possession of the University or any entry in any register duly maintained by the University, if certified by the Registrar, shall be received as prima facie evidence of such receipt, application, notice, order, proceeding, resolution or document or the existence of entry in the register and shall be admitted as evidence of the matters and transaction therein recorded where the original thereof would if produced, have been admissible in evidence. (1) If the Sponsor proposes dissolution of the University in accordance with the law governing its constitution or incorporation, it shall give at least 12 (twelve) months notice in writing to the State Government and it shall ensure that no new admissions to the University are accepted during the notice period. All financial obligations, whatsoever may be, for dissolution of the University shall lie with the University. Expenditure of the University during dissolution Removal of difficulties 49 . 50 . (2) On identification of mismanagement, mal-administration or in-discipline which lead to gross failure in the accomplishment of the substantive objects of University or economic non-viability, the State Government would issue directions to the management of University to rectify the situation. If such directions are not followed within such time as may be prescribed, the right to take appropriate decision for such rectification including the decision to wind up of the University after giving due opportunity to the University for being heard, would vest in the State Government. (3) The manner of winding up of the University would be such as may be prescribed in this behalf by the State Government; Provided that no such action will be initiated without affording a reasonable opportunity to show cause to the Sponsor. (4) On receipt of the notice referred to in sub-section (1), the State Government shall, in consultation with the UGC make such arrangements for administration of the University from the proposed date of dissolution of the University by the Sponsor and until the last batch of students in regular courses of studies of the University complete their courses of studies in such manner as may be prescribed by the Statutes. (5) Under no circumstances the State Government will be liable to bear any financial burden of any kind during the period of dissolution. (1) The expenditure for administration of the University during the taking over period of its management under section 48 shall be met out of the endowment fund, the general fund or the development fund. (2) If the funds referred to sub-section (1) are not sufficient to meet the expenditure of the University during the taking over period of its management, such expenditure may be met by disposing of the properties or assets of the University by the State Government. (1) If any difficulty arises in giving effect to the provisions of this Ordinance, the State Government may, by a notification or order, make such provisions, not inconsistent with the provisions of this Ordinance, as appear to it to be necessary or expedient, for removing the difficulty : Provided that no notification, order under sub-section (1) shall be made after the expiry of a period of 3 (three) years from the commencement of this Ordinance. (2) Every order made under sub-section (1) shall, as soon as may be after it is made, be laid before the State Legislature. SHRINIWAS PATIL GOVERNOR OF SIKKIM R.K. PURKAYASTHA, ADVISOR-CUM- PRINCIPAL SECRETARY, LAW DEPARTMENT. File NO. 16 (82) LD/P/19772013 STATEMENT OF OBJECTS AND REASONS WHEREAS the Government of Sikkim realizes that Technical and Professional education plays a vital role in the human resources development of the state and of our country, by creating skilled manpower that could serve the needs of the industry and other development sectors and thereby sustain the growth and productivity for creation of wealth and prosperity of our nation; AND WHEREAS it would be necessary to establish a University that would leverage collaboration with the industries and other institutions for (i) the design of innovative models, methods, contents and tools for education and training, (ii) the establishment of a network of education, training and learning institutions with infrastructure and facilities for imparting knowledge, building of skills and development of competencies leveraging technology, workplace training and innovative solutions as also (iii) the delivery of programmes and recognition with the award of qualifications upon fulfillment of prescribed requirements and accomplishment of envisaged learning outcomes aligned with the needs of the industrial and other development sectors; AND WHEREAS such professional education would allow for flexible ways of acquiring competencies and qualifications as also enable career exploration, development, job transitions and mobility within and across industries/ development sector; AND WHEREAS an open and flexible professional education is dynamic, flexible, and responsive to the ever-changing needs and advances of technology, education, the workforce, and the economy, incorporating innovative methods, ideas, and resources to keep such professional education and training relevant and contemporary; AND WHEREAS the SRM Group of Educational Institutions engaged in educational activities since 1967 in order to fulfill its objective to create and disseminate knowledge to all sections of the society, proposes to establish a University to pursue the object of providing such professional education and training with a specific focus on Skills and Competency Development aligned with the growing needs of professionals; AND WHEREAS it is considered expedient to establish the SRM State University for regular class room education and Open, flexible and continuous learning at Sikkim; With this objective in view, the Bill has been framed. N.K. Pradhan Minister-in-Charge FINANCIAL MEMORANDUM NIL MEMORANDUM REGARDING DELEGATED LEGISLATION Clause 31 of the Ordinance empowers the State Government to grant its consent to the Rules framed by the Board of Governors of the university. Clause 32 of the Ordinance empowers the State Government to grant or with hold its consent to the Amendment of Rules as proposed by the Board of Governors of the university. Clause 28 of the Ordinance empowers the State Government to grant or its consent to the Statutes framed by the Board of Governors of the university. Clause 29 of the Ordinance empowers the State Government to grant or its consent to the Amendment of the Statutes as proposed by the Board of Governors of the university. The delegation of powers is, therefore, normal in character. SIKKIM GOVERNMENT Gangtok GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 10th Seotember,2013 No.492 Government of Sikkim Land Revenue and Disaster Management Department, Gangtok (New Secretariat, Development Area, Gangtok, Sikkim–737101/Phone: 03592-202664/Fax: 03592201145/202932/Website: Http: / ssdma.org Emailid: ccs-lr-sik @nic.in/Sikkimsdma @gmail.com. NOTIFICATION NO. 67/68/GOS/LR&DMD/ACQ Dt: 3/9/2013. NOTICE UNDER SECTION 4(1) OF LAND ACQUISITION ACT, 1894 (ACT I OF 1894) Whereas it appears to the Governor that land is likely to be needed for a public purpose, not being a purpose of the Union, namely for Establishment of Stockman Centre & Quarter by Animal Husbandry, Livestock & Veterinary Services Department, Government of Sikkim, at Chumbong block West Sikkim, it is hereby notified that a piece of land bearing cadastral plot no. 55/P measuring more or less 0.2100 hectare bounded on the East:- D.F of Shri Ladey Sherab Lepcha, West:- D.F of Shri Rinchen Lepcha, North: D.F of Shri Mingma Lepcha & Ladey Lepcha & South: Shri Barfu Lepcha & Rinchen Lepcha is likely to be needed for the aforesaid public purpose at the public expenses within the aforesaid block. This Notification is made under the provision of Section 4(1) of L. A. Act, 1894 (Act I of 1894) to all whom it may concern. A plan of land may be inspected in the Office of the District Collector West, Gyalshing. In exercise of the powers conferred by the aforesaid section, the Governor is pleased to authorize the Officers for the time being engaged in the undertaking, with their servants and workmen to enter upon and survey the land and do all other acts required or permitted by that section. ttalion by Sasastra Seema Bal in the block of Melli and Melli Aching, West District, it is hereby notified that several pieces of land comprising cadastral Plot Nos. and area mentioned in “Schedule of Properties” below is likely to be needed for the aforesaid public purpose at the public expense within the aforesaid block of Melli and Melli Aching, West District. “Schedule of Properties” Melli Block Plot Nos. 497/729, 463/615, 463/616, 499, 516, 493, 490, 486, 579, 585, 489, 491, 487, 571, 485, 488, 465, 591, 595, 502, 511, 586, 470, 495, 466, 467, 468, 469, 455, 456, 461, 500, 515, 517, 501, 454, 464, 476, 475, 458, 520, 521, 497, 496, 459, 484, 587, 457, 492 & 494 measuring area more or less 17.9600 hectares. Melli-Aching Block Plot Nos. 538, 408, 455, 457, 419, 428, 526/626, 526, 459, 460 & 444/574 measuring area more or less 2.4220 hectares. This Notification is made under the provision of Section 4(1) of L.A.Act, 1894 (Act I of 1894) to all whom it may concern. A plan of land may be inspected in the Office of the District Collector West, Gyalshing. In exercise of the powers conferred by the aforesaid section, the Governor is pleased to authorize the Officers for the time being engaged in the undertaking, with their servants and workmen to enter upon and survey the land and do all other acts required or permitted by that section. And whereas, there is urgency to acquire land the Governor is further pleased to direct under section 17(4) of L. A. Act, of 1894 that the provision of section 5-A of the Act shall not apply. SD/-( K.S.TOBGAY) SECRETARY, LAND REVENUE AND D.M. DEPARTMENT, SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLSIHED BY AUTHORITY 10th September,2013 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM DEPARTMENT OF CO-OPERATION Gangtok No. 493 No.35/Coop. 5.9.2013 Date: NOTIFICATION In terms of sub-section (2) and (5) of section 19, and section 79 of the Sikkim Cooperative Societies Act, 1978, the registration of the following cooperative societies is cancelled and they shall cease to exist as a corporate body. Sl.no Name of Society Registration No & Date 1 Daramdin Poultry Growers Cooperative Society Ltd. 09/DRCS/W Dt:26.04.1999 2 Gyalshing Tourism Dev.Cooperative Society Ltd. 54/DRCS/W Dt:29.11.2004 3 Sargam Tailoring Cooperative Society Ltd. Kaluk W.Sikkim 03/DRCS/W Dt:13.03.2001 4 Frens Service Cooperative Society Ltd. (Gyalshing) 56/DRCS/W Dt:29.11.2004 5 United Service Cooperative Society Ltd. (Gyalshing) 37/DRCS/WDt:28.11.2002 6 Rumbuk Ex-Service Cooperative Society Ltd. 23 of 1960 7 Soreng Ex-Service Cooperative Society Ltd. 28 of 15.05.1960 8 Lungchok Salangdang farmers Cooperative Society 54(28) 01.02.1996 9 Khandu Ex-Solders Service Cooperative Society. 29/28-06-1968 10 Kishan Sahakari Samiti Ltd(Sombaria) 8(49) 18-07-1995 11 Hillay Potato Growers Cooperative Society Ltd. 38(374) 30-11-1988 Name of Society Registration No & Date Sl.no 12 Zoom Mahila Sahakari Samiti(Zoom) 13 Piply Consumer Cooperative Society Ltd. 67/JRCS/W Dt:06.03.2006 151/24.02.1984 14 Tharpu Consumer Cooperative Society Ltd. 194/09.08.1988 15 Jankalyan Consumers Cooperative Society Ltd., Gyalshing 197/13.11.1996 16 Chongrang Consumer Cooperative Society Ltd. 59(29) 96-97 17 129 of Sept 1981 18 Denzong Pedma Choling Service Cooperative Society Ltd. (Pelling) Legship Tourism Dev. Cooperative Society Ltd. 19 Yuksam Tourism Dev. Cooperative Society Ltd. 20 Soreng Handloom and Handicraft Coop. Society Ltd 21 Okhery Handloom and Handicraft Coop. Society Ltd. 22 Chakung Handloom and Handicraft Coop. Society Ltd. 23 Nandugoan Consumer Cooperative Society Ltd. 57/GOS/2004/05/DRCS(W) Dt:3.12.2004 63/2004-05/DRCS(W) Dt:21.04.2005 58/2004-05/DRCS(W) Dt:13.12.2004 189 Dt:25.07.1985 24 Sarvodaya Consumer Cooperative Society Ltd.(Jorethang) 5(36) Dt: 10.10.1992 25 Maniram Consumer Cooperative Society Ltd. 39(352) Dt:8.10.1988 26 Alleydara Consumer Cooperative Society Ltd. 106/DRCS(S) Dt:3.02.2001 27 Phamtam Consumer Cooperative Society Ltd.(Rabongla) 127/S Dt:3.09.2002 28 Hans Service Cooperative Society Ltd.(Jorethang) 169 Dt:22.10.1984 29 DIMCOS Cooperative Society Ltd.(Jorethang) 1(49) Dt:6.12.1995 30 Global Green Service Cooperative Society Ltd.(NayaBazar) 58(28) Dt: 14.3.1996 31 Suiram Youth Multi Trading Coop.Society Ltd. (Namthang) 60(28) Dt: 4.10.1997 32 Samdruptse Livestock Service Coop. Society Ltd. (Namchi) 33 Maynam Carpet Weaving& Handicraft Coop. Society (Rabongla) 130/2002-03/S Dt:26.09.2002 3(VIII)XXX Dt: 23.03.1991 Sl.no 34 Name of Society Rajgram Women’s Cutting&Tailoring Coop.Society Ltd.(Namchi) Jorethang Women’s Cutting & Tailoring Coop.Society 35 55/2004-05/DRCS/West Dt:29.11.2004 196 Dt: 1.10.1986 Registration No & Date 111/S Dt:8.5.2002 1(48) Dt:25.09.1995 36 Melli Women’s Carpet Weaving Coop.Society Ltd. 37 Borong Ex-Soldier Service Cooperative Society Ltd. 38 Tarku Farmer’s Cooperative Society Ltd. 39 Kewzing Carpet Weaving & Handloom Coop.Society 103/2000-01/S Dt: 18.12.2000 146/DRCS/S Dt:11.08.2005 40 NizRamang Contractor Cooperative Society Ltd. 143/2004-05 Dt:19.10.2004 41 Sikkim Engineering Cooperative Society Ltd.(Gangtok N/E 58 of 1996 42 Smart Cooperative Society Ltd.(Tadong,Gangtok) 11/Coop(H.Q) of 2008 43 41/NE dated 7.7.1994 44 Kerson Ex. Books Cooperative Society Ltd.(Chanmari,Gangtok) Sikkim Ideal Industries Cooperative Society Ltd.(Gangtok) 45 Martam Industrial Cooperative Society Ltd. 15/NE dated 22.2.1991 46 Sikkim Industrial Processing Mktg.& Trading C.S (Gangtok) 146/NE dated 1.3.1983 47 10/NE dated 21.5.1990 48 Single Working Woman’s Cooperative Society Ltd. (Deorali, Gangtok) Sikkim Industrial Cooperative Society Ltd.(Gangtok) 49 Sukhim Cooperative Society Ltd. (Gangtok) 50 52 Defence Civilian Employees Coop. Society Ltd. (Tadong,Gangtok) Himalayan Transport Carrier Coop. Society Ltd. (Daragoan,Gangtok) Pratibhara Service Cooperative Society Ltd.(Tadong) 53 Ranka Adarsh Cooperative Society Ltd. 54 Lower Syari Broom Manufacturing Coop.Society. 100/DRCS/E dated: 4.12.2000 46/NE dated: 31.5.1995 33/NE dated: 29.9.1993 110/E dated 14.3.2001 190/JRCS(E) dt: 9.5.2006 192/ dt:14.06.2006 14/ dt.19.02.1991 55 Lingding Masala Making Cooperative Society Ltd 18/ dt.22.03.1991 Name of Society Registration No & Date 56 Tathangchen Iron Works Cooperative Society Ltd. 26/ dt.06.07.1992 57 Sikkim Floor Mill Employee Canteen Coop. Society Ltd., Tadong, Gangtok Jhana Cooperative Society Ltd., Rangpo 170/ dt.27.10.1984 51 Sl.no 58 144/2004-05/DRCS(S) Dt:10.11.2004 26 Dt:29.09.1964 13/NE dated 21.1.1991 173/ dt.02.11.2004 59 J.N.Road Const. Cooperative Society Ltd., Gangtok 123/ dt.21.09.2001 60 Mahakal Stone Crushing Cooperative Society Ltd., Gangtok 28/ dt 10.08.1992 61 Rongli Milk Producers Cooperative Society Ltd. 108/ dt.11.03.1980 62 Rhenock Milk Producers Cooperative Society Ltd. 126/ dt. 19.07.1980 63 Rorathang Milk Producers Cooperative Society Ltd. 117/ dt.26.03.1980 64 20,Pathing Labour Construction Coop. Society Ltd. 164/ dt.17.08.2004 Sd/- (D.Dadul Bhutia) Pr. Registrar Cooperative Societies Government of Sikkim. SIKKIM GOVERNMENT Gangtok GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 10th September,2013 No.494 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM COMMERCE AND INDUSTRIES DEPARTMENT GANGTOK. No.3 (26)/DHH/GOS/06/51 DATED: 27/08/2013. NOTIFICATION In exercise of the power conferred under section 19 (1) of the Right to Information Act, 2005, Director – Directorate of Handicrafts and Handloom, under Commerce and Industries Department, Government of Sikkim is hereby appointed as the First Appellate Authority of Directorate of Handicrafts and Handloom for the purpose of the said act. P.T. Euthenpa, Secretary, Commerce & Industries Department, Government of Sikkim, Gantok. Copy for information to:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Director, D.H.H, Chief Information Commissioner, State, SPIO, DOPART, Secretary, Commerce & Industries Department, P.S to the Chief Secretary, Government of Sikkim, All Secretaries/HODs, SPIO/DHH, All APIO/DHH, East, West, North & South, File Guard file. SIKKIM GOVERNMENT Gangtok GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 10th September,2013 No.495 Government of Sikkim Land Revenue and Disaster Management Department, Gangtok (New Secretariat, Development Area, Gangtok, Sikkim–737101/Phone: 03592-202664/Fax: 03592201145/202932/Website: Http: / ssdma.org Emailid: ccs-lr-sik @nic.in/Sikkimsdma @gmail.com. Notification No: 70/38/GOS/LR & DMD/ACQ Dated: 7/9/2013. DECLARATION UNDER SECTION 6 OF LAND ACQUISITION ACT, 1894 (ACT I OF 1894) Whereas the Governor is satisfied that land is needed for a public purpose, not being a purpose of the Union, namely for the Construction of Tantra, Jantra, Mantra Centre by Tourism & Civil Aviation Department, Government of Sikkim at Makha under Patuk block, East Sikkim, it is hereby declared that the pieces of land comprising cadastral plot nos. 493/P, 494, 495, 495/P, 496, 497, 498/1268, 499, 500, 501, 506, 508, 507, 507/P/A, 507/P, 509, 509/P, 509/P/A, 509/P/B, 509/P/C, 509/P/D, 549/P, 549/P/B & 549/P/A measuring area more or less 6.9694 hectare bounded on the East: Kholsa, West: D.F, P.F & Banjo of Shiva Psd. Nepal, Khasmal and Lall Bdr, North: Road to Toongtar, D.F of Dharma Nanda & Kholsa & South: D.F, Banjo of Narad Mani, Yam Prasad & Shri Prasad Neopaney is needed for the aforesaid public purpose at the public expenses within the aforesaid block. This declaration is made, under the provision of section 6 of Land Acquisition Act, 1894 (Act 1 of 1894) to all whom it may concern. A Plan of land may be inspected in the office of the District Collector, East, Gangtok. SD/- (K.S.TOBGAY) SECRETARY LAND REVENUE & DM DEPARTMENT, File no.38/GOS/LR & DMD/ACQ. NOTIFICATION NO. 67/68/GOS/LR&DMD/ACQ Dt: 3/9/2013. NOTICE UNDER SECTION 4(1) OF LAND ACQUISITION ACT, 1894 (ACT I OF 1894) Whereas it appears to the Governor that land is likely to be needed for a public purpose, not being a purpose of the Union, namely for Establishment of Stockman Centre & Quarter by Animal Husbandry, Livestock & Veterinary Services Department, Government of Sikkim, at Chumbong block West Sikkim, it is hereby notified that a piece of land bearing cadastral plot no. 55/P measuring more or less 0.2100 hectare bounded on the East:- D.F of Shri Ladey Sherab Lepcha, West:- D.F of Shri Rinchen Lepcha, North: D.F of Shri Mingma Lepcha & Ladey Lepcha & South: Shri Barfu Lepcha & Rinchen Lepcha is likely to be needed for the aforesaid public purpose at the public expenses within the aforesaid block. This Notification is made under the provision of Section 4(1) of L. A. Act, 1894 (Act I of 1894) to all whom it may concern. A plan of land may be inspected in the Office of the District Collector West, Gyalshing. In exercise of the powers conferred by the aforesaid section, the Governor is pleased to authorize the Officers for the time being engaged in the undertaking, with their servants and workmen to enter upon and survey the land and do all other acts required or permitted by that section. Any person interested in the above land, who has any objection to the acquisition thereof, may, within thirty days after the date on which public notice of the substance of this notification is give in the locality, file an objection in writing before the Collector, West. SD/- (K.S.TOBGAY) SECRETARY LAND REVENUE AND D.M. DEPARTMENT File No.68/GOS/ LR & DMD/ACQ. SIKKIM GAZETTE GOVERNMENT Gangtok EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 10th September,2013 No.496 HIGH COURT OF SIKKIM GANGTOK No.26/Estt./HCS Dated: 30.08.2013 NOTIFICATION Hon’ble the Chief Justice has been pleased to create 1(one) post of Peon in the PB-1:Rs.5200-20200 + Rs.2200 (Grade Pay) in the Establishment of the High Court of Sikkim, with immediate effect. Sd/- By Order. (N.G. Sherpa) REGISTRAR Memo No. 1(137)-2013___________________/Estt./HCS. Dated Gangtok, the Copy to:- August, 2013. 1. The Chief Secretary, Finance, Revenue & Expenditure Department, Government of Sikkim, Gangtok. 2. The Director, Treasury, Pay and Accounts Office, Government of Sikkim, Gangtok. 3. The Addl. Secretary, Home Department, for publication in the Government Gazette. 4. The Accounts Section, High Court of Sikkim, Gangtok. 5. File and 6. Guard File. ASSISTANT REGISTRAR (ESTT.) SIKKIM GOVERNMENT Gangtok GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY th 13 September,2013 No.497 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM COMMERCIAL TAX DIVISION FINANCE,REVENUE & EXPENDITURE, DEPARTMENT GANGTOK-737101, SIKKIM Notification No: 112/CTD/2013 Dated: 30..8.2013 In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (2) of Section 5 of the Sikkim Sales Tax Act, 1983 (Act no.4 of 1983) the State Government, in reference to the Sikkim Industrial Promotion and Incentive Act, 2000 and the notification no.6/CGO/90-DI/95-96/784 dated 03/10.2000 issued by Department of Industries, Government of Sikkim, hereby notifies in public interest that the tax payable under the Sikkim Sales Tax Act, 1983 by M/s Mount Distilleries Limited, Rangpo on intra-state sales of its products, as specified in the local sales tax registration certificate, shall be at the rate of ten paise per rupee for the period from 12-03.2006 to 31-03-2013. Commissioner of Commercial Taxes Government of Sikkim GOVERNMENT Gangtok No.498 SIKKIM GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 13th September,2013 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM Transport Department (Motor Vehicles Division) No. 13/MV/T Dated: 02.08.2013 NOTIFICATION In supersession of Notification No. 182/MV/T dated 03.07.2012 and in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) and (2) of section 5 of the Right to Information Act, 2005, the Motor Vehicles Division, Transport Department hereby designates Mrs. Surekha Thapa, Joint Director as State Public Information Officer for Motor Vehicles Division, Transport Department. By Order. Sd/(Tsegyal Tashi) Secretary Transport Department Memo No. 1031 – 41/MV/T 02.08.2013 Copy for information to: 01. Mrs. Surekha Thapa, Joint Director, Motor Vehicles Division 02. Secretary, Transport Department 03. Additional Secretary, Motor Vehicles Division 04. Joint Secretary, Motor Vehicles Division 05. All Secretaries and HODs 06. Secretary, IPR with a request for wide publicity Dated 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. Additional Secretary, Home Department with a request for publication in Official Gazette All Assistant Public Information Officers, Motor Vehicles Division Deputy Secretary, Sikkim Information Commission File and Guard File Special Secretary Motor Vehicles Division SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 13th September,2013 Gangtok No.499 . GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM URBAN DEVELOPMENT AND HOUSING DEPARTMENT GANGTOK NO. GOS/UD&HD/6 Dated: 09.09.2013 NOTIFICATION In exercise of the powers conferred by clause (n)of sub-section (2) of section 8 of the Sikkim (Repeal and Miscellaneous Provision) Act, 1985(10 of 1985), the State Government hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Sikkim Regulation for Display of Advertisement Rules, 1987, namely:- Short title, extent and commencement. Amendment of rule 3. 1. 2. (1) These rules may be called the Sikkim Regulation for Display of Advertisement (Amendment ) Rules, 2013. (2) They shall extend to the whole of Sikkim. (3) They shall come into force at once. In the Sikkim Regulation for Display of Advertisement Rule 1987 (hereafter referred to as the said rules) in rule 3- (i) for the words “Local Self Government” the words, “Urban Development” shall be substituted; (ii) after the word “Department” and before the word “shall” the following words shall be inserted, namely:“and any other Government Officers/Local Bodies authorized by him on his behalf” Amendment of Schedule I 3. In the said rules for the existing “schedule I” and the existing “condition of permission” the following shall be substituted, namely:- SCHEDULE I (see rule 3) GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM URBAN DEVELOPMENT & HOUSING DEPARTMENT GANGTOK (SIKKIM) SL NO: BOOK NO: Festoons /Advertisement Permission not Transferable Permission No………………. Date…………….. To ………………………………………. ………………………………………. ……………………………………….. The Urban Development & Housing Department hereby grants unto you this licence for the use of or part of premises …………………….at …………………. indication of house /area …………………………………….. address of the locality …………………………………………………………………………………………. for the purpose of display of Festoons/Advertisement which are not of political parties and organization/individual of political nature subject to the terms and conditions and acknowledge to have received in consideration thereof the sum of Rs…………………… (Rupees …………………………………………………………………..) vide receipt No……………………………. dated ……………………. Only being the permission fee due for the day/month/year …………………………… Name of Festoons/Advertisement: 1. 2 3 4 5 6 REWNEWAL: Date of Period of Renewal validity Amount (in Rs.) B.R. No. & Date Signature of Licensing Officer Remarks CONDITIONS OF PERMISSION: 1. That you shall not contravene any of the provisions of the Sikkim (Repeal and Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 1985 and the Sikkim Regulation for display of Festoons and Advertisement Rule, 1987; 2. That you shall abide by all instructions given by the Department from time to time; 3. That you shall produce your permission whenever required to do so by any officer of the Department; 4. That you shall keep the premises neat and clean and free from any sanitary defect; 5. That you shall allow any officer of the Urban Development & Housing Department authorized by the authority empowered to issue permission to enter into any premises, where manufacture and /or sale of commodities is carried on. 6. If the owner, contravenes any of the above terms and conditions, then without prejudice to any other action that may be taken against him, his permission will be suspended or cancelled and he will be liable to a penalty not exceeding Rs. 500/-. Sd/(TOBJOR DORJI) COMMISSIONR-CUM-SECRETARY URBAN DEVELOPMENT & HOUSING DEPARTMENT File No. S.G.P.G. . /Gazette/ /Dated/ SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 13th September,2013 Gangtok No:55/Home/2013 No.500 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM HOME DEPARTMENT Dated:09/09/2013. NOTIFICATION I. The Governor of Sikkim is pleased to declare the days specified in the following Schedule to be observed as holidays in all Government Offices, Public Sector Undertakings and Educational Institutions under the Government of Sikkim during the year 2014. THE SCHEDULE Sl. No. 1. 2. New Year’s Day Losoong 1st January 2nd to 5th January 3. Nyenpa Guzom 6th to 7th January 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Maghe Sankranti Republic Day Sonam Lochhar Losar Holi Ram Navami (Chaite Dasain) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Jayanti Good Friday State Day Sakewa Saga Dawa Bhanu Jayanti Id Ul Fitr Drukpa Tshechi 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Occasion 18. Guru Rimpoche’s Thrunkar Date(s) Day(s) No. of days 1 day 4 days 14th January 26th January 31st January 2nd March 17th March 8th April Wednesday Thursday to Sunday Monday &Tuesday Tuesday Sunday Friday Sunday Monday Tuesday 14th April 18th April 16th May 24th May 13th June 13th July 29th July 31st July Monday Friday Friday Saturday Friday Sunday Tuesday Thursday 1 day 1 day 1 day 1 day 1 day 1 day 1 day 1 day 6th August Wednesday 1 day 2 days 1 day 1 day 1 day 1 day 1 day 1 day 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. Tshechu Tendong Lho Rum Faat Independence Day Janmasthami Indrajatra Pang Lhabsol Gandhi Jayanti Durga Puja (Dasain) 8th August 15th August 17th August 8th September 9th September 2nd October 3rd to 7th October 26. Diwali (Laxmi Puja) 23rd to 25th October 27. Lhabab Duechen 28. Teyongsi Sirijunga Sawan Tongnam 29. Barahimizong 30. Kagyed Dance 31. Losoong 13th November 6th December Friday Friday Sunday Monday Tuesday Thursday Friday to Tuesday Thursday to Saturday Thursday Saturday 11th December 20th December 22nd to 26th December 25th December 27th & 28th December 30th December Thursday Saturday Monday to Friday Thursday Saturday & Sunday Tuesday 32. Christmas 33. Nyenpa Guzom 34. Tamu Lochhar 1 day 1 day 1 day 1 day 1 day 1 day 5 days 1 day 1 day 5 days 3 days 1 day 1 day 1 day 2 days 1 day II. In addition, Second Saturdays will be observed as holidays in all Government Offices, Public Sector Undertakings and Educational Institutions. III. It is further declared that Labour Day on 1st May, 2014 shall be a Restricted Holiday which may be availed by any employee on application. By order and in the name of the Governor, Sd/(R. ONGMU) IAS CHIEF SECRETARY F. No. : Home/ Confdl/134/2013/01 Copy to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Commissioner -cum -Secretary to H.E. the Governor, Raj Bhavan, Gangtok. Principal Secretary, Chief Minister’s Office, Gangtok. Director General of Police, Police Headquarters. Registrar General, High Court of Sikkim. All Secretaries/ HoDs/ Government Institutions/ PSUs. All District Collectors. Gazette Section for publication in the official Gazette. File and Guard File. Deputy Secretary- C SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 13th September,2013 Gangtok No.501 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM HOME DEPARTMENT No:56 /Home/2013 Dated: 09/09/2013. NOTIFICATION In exercise of the powers conferred by the Explanation to section 25 of the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 (26 of 1881) read with Notification No. 12/15/GD-JCA dated 24th April, 1995 of the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions, Government of India, the Governor of Sikkim is pleased to declare the holidays specified in the Schedule below to be the Public Holidays in the State of Sikkim during the year 2014. THE SCHEDULE Sl. No. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. Occasion New Year’s Day Loosong Maghe Sankranti Republic Day Losar Holi Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Jayanti Good Friday State Day Saga Dawa Bhanu Jayanti Id Ul Fitr Independence Day Janmasthami Date(s) 1st January 2nd January 14th January 26th January 2nd March 17th March 14th April 18th April 16th May 13th June 13th July 29th July 15th August 17th August Day(s) Wednesday Thursday Tuesday Sunday Sunday Monday Monday Friday Friday Friday Sunday Tuesday Friday Sunday No. of days 1 day 1 day 1 day 1 day 1 day 1 day 1 day 1 day 1 day 1 day 1 day 1 day 1 day 1 day 49. Gandhi Jayanti 50. Durga Puja (Dasain) 2nd October 3rd to 4th October 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 23rd October 25th October 20th December 22nd December 25th December 28th December Laxmi Puja (Diwali) Bhai Tika Kagyed Dance Losoong Christmas Nyenpa Guzom Thursday Friday & Saturday Thursday Saturday Saturday Monday Thursday Sunday 1 day 2 days 1 day 1 day 1 day 1 day 1 day 1 day Apart from the above Banks will remain closed for public transactions on account of Yearly Closing of Bank Accounts on 31.03.2014 (Monday) and on account of Half Yearly Closing of Bank Accounts on 30. 09.2014 (Tuesday) The above holidays shall not apply to the Subordinate Courts in the State of Sikkim. By order and in the name of the Governor, Sd/(R. ONGMU) IAS CHIEF SECRETARY F. No. : Home/ Confdl/134/2013/01 Copy to: 1. Regional Manager, Reserve Bank of India, Gangtok. 2. Lead Bank Officer, Lead Bank, State Bank of India, Gangtok. 3. Managers, all Nationalized Banks & Financial Institutions. 4. Commissioner – cum- Secretary to H.E. the Governor, Raj Bhavan, Gangtok. 5. Pr. Secretary, Chief Minister’s Office, Gangtok. 6. Registrar General, High Court of Sikkim, Gangtok. 7. All Heads of Departments/ PSUs. 8. All District Collectors. 9. Gazette Section for publication in the Official Gazette. 10. File & Guard File. Deputy Secretary- C SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY Gangtok 19th September,2013 No.502 HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM GANGTOK Ref. No:247/HRDD/DIR/SE/2013/135 Dated:02/09/2013 NOTIFICATION The Governor is pleased to rename the Government Secondary School, Ribdi, West Sikkim, as Nima Sherpa Memorial Government Secondary School and Government Secondary School, Lachen, North Sikkim as His Eminence Lachen Gomchen Rimpoche Memorial Government Secondary School. By Order, SD/PRINCIPAL SECRETARY/HRDD Copy to:1. Chief Secretary, Govt. of Sikkim 2. Principal Secretary to HCM. 3. Special Secretary, HRDD 4. All Directors, HRDD. 5. Additional Secretary, Home Department for publication in the Gazette. 6. Additional Director(PME). 7. Joint Director(North & West). 8. Joint Director(Exam),HRDD. 9. P.S. to Hon’ble Minister, HRDD. 10.File. 11.Guard File JOINT DIRECTOR(PLANNING)/HRDD SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY Gangtok 19th September,2013 No.503 HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM GANGTOK Ref. No:02-82/D/HRD-PLG/136 Dated:30.08. 2013. NOTIFICATION On the approval of the Government the following schools have been upgraded with immediate effect: I. Primary Schools to Junior High Schools 1. Sakyong Chisopani Primary School to Junior High School(South) 2. Tumin Dhanbari Primary School to Junior High School(East) II. Junior High Schools to Secondary Schools 1. Rimbik Junior High School to Secondary School(West) 2. Langang Junior High School to Secondary School(West) 3. Rorathang Junior High School to Secondary School(East) 4. Pachak Junior High School to Secondary School(East) 5. Kateng Junior High School to Secondary School(South) 6. Phong Junior High School to Secondary School(South) 7. Ralap Junior High School to Secondary School(East) III. Secondary Schools to Senior Secondary School 1. Lingee Secondary School to Senior Secondary School(South) 2. Makha Secondary School to Senior Secondary School(East) 3. Sreebadam Secondary School to Senior Secondary School(West) 4. Mangshilla Secondary School to Senior Secondary School(North) 5. Ratepani Secondary School to Senior Secondary School(South) 6. Legship Secondary School to Senior Secondary School(West) 7. Bojoghari Secondary School to Senior Secondary School(East) SD/THOMAS CHANDY,IFS PRINCIPAL SECRETARY,HRDD Copy to:1. Commissioner-cum-Secretary, Finance Revenue & Expenditure Department. 2. Secretary, Department of Personnel, Adm. Reforms & Trg. 3. Principal Secretary to HCM for kind information. 4. P.S. to HM, HRDD. 5. Special Secretary, HRDD. 6. Director, HRDD, School Education, Primary Education & Administration. 7. Special Secretary(Home Department) for publication in the gazette. 8. Joint Director(Exam),HRDD. 9. Joint Director(East/West/North/South),HRDD. 10.Deputy Director(PME),HRDD. 11.File. 12.Guard File. JOINT DIRECTOR(PLANNING)/HRDD SIKKIM GAZETTE GOVERNMENT EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY Gangtok 19th September,2013 NO.504 DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION & PUBLIC RELATIONS GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM GANGTOK No.8/IPR/13-14. Dated 3/9/2013 NOTIFICATION The State Government is hereby pleased to constitute the district level Monitoring Committee to enforce Cable Television Networks (Regulation) Act, 1995 and rules framed there under consisting of following members namely:I.(1) District Magistrate (2) District Superintendent of Police (3) District Public Information Officer (4) Representative of a leading NGO working for children welfare (to be nominated by the District Magistrate) (5) Principal of one of the womens’ colleges in the District (to be selected by the District Magistrate) (6) Representative of a leading NGO working for women welfare (to be nominated by the District Magistrate) (7) Academicians/Psychologists/Sociologists (one each to be nominated by the District Magistrate) II. - Chairman; Member; Member Secretary; - Member; Member; Member; - Member; The terms of reference of the District Monitoring Committee shall be:- (1) to provide a forum where the public may lodge a complaint regarding content aired over cable television and take action on the same as per procedure prescribed herein; (2) to review the action taken by Authorized Officers for enforcement of Cable Television Network (Regulation) Act, 1995; (3) to immediately bring to the notice of State and Central Government if any programme is affecting public order or widespread resentment in any community; (4) to keep a watch on content carried by cable television channels at local level and to ensure, through Authorized officers, that no unauthorized or pirated channel are carried and local news if aired by the cable television operator is restricted to information about local events and is presented in a manner which is balanced impartial and not likely to offend or incite any community; (5) to monitor the availability of free to air channels and channels notified for mandatory carriage on the cable network. By order and in the name of the Governor. Sd/( D. Anandan ),IAS, Secretary. SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 19th September,2013 Gangtok No.505 DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION & PUBLIC RELATIONS GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM GANGTOK No.9/IPR/13-14. Dated 3/9/2013. NOTIFICATION The State Government is hereby pleased to constitute the State level Monitoring Committee to enforce Cable Television Networks (Regulation) Act, 1995 and rules framed there under consisting of following members namely:I.(1) Secretary, Information and Public Relations Department (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Director, Information and Public Relations Department Representative of the Director General of State Police Secretary, Social Welfare Department Secretary, Women & Child Development Department Representative of a leading NGO working for women welfare (to be nominated by the Chief Secretary) (7) Academicians/Psychologists/Sociologists (one each to be nominated by the Chief Secretary) II. - Chairman; - Member Secretary; Member; Member; Member; - Member; - Member; The terms of reference of the State Monitoring Committee shall be:(1) to see whether District/Local Committees have been formed; (2) to see whether they are meeting regularly; (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) to see whether the authorized officers are effectively performing their duties; to see how many cases are handled by them and what decisions are arrived at; to give suggestions/guidance to District/Local level Committee; to take decision on the matters referred to it by District/Local level Committee; to collect data/information from District/Local level committee and forward it to Secretary, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India; (8) to recommend action and forward complaints against satellite channels (National Channels) to the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting through the Chief Secretary in case of violation of Government of India’s orders on the Programme and Advertisinng Codes. III. The nominated member shall have a term of 2 (two) years and shall not be eligible to re-nomination. Any vacancy shall be filled up by nominating a new member for a fresh term. The Committee shall meet at least once a year and submit a detailed annual report for the State, including district-wise-date of Cable Operators registered within the State and estimated member of T.V. home/viewers in the State to the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India before 31st December each year. By order and in the name of the Governor. Sd/( D. Anandan ),IAS, Secretary. Memo No. 32-34/IPR/13-14. Dated 3/9/2013. Copy to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. All Secretaries/Heads of Departments, All District collectors and Superintendent of Police, Home Department, Gazette Section for publication in Sikkim Government Gazette. File and Guard file. Director. SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 19th September,2013 No.506 Gangtok GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM INFORMATION AND PUBLIC RELATIONS DEPARTMENT GANGTOK NO.10/IPR/13-14 Dated 4.9.2013 NOTIFICATION The State Government is hereby pleased to notify the following to amend the Advertisement Policy of the Department of Information and Public Relations, Government of Sikkim issued vide Notification No.24/IPR/06-07, dated 10/10/2006 published in Extra-ordinary Gazette No. 329, dated 11th October, 2006. In the said Advertisement Policy in Paragraph 13, for Sub paragraph 1, Clauses (a) (b) and (c) of Sub Paragraph 2 and Clauses (A) and (B) of Sub Paragraph 3, the following shall be substituted, namely:13 (1) Advertising Rates Classified (a) Daily local Newspaper / periodicals / journals, etc Rs 80/- per column centimeter for Black and White and for colour 1 ½ times of Black and While or negotiated rates with concession/special rebate whichever is less. (b) Bi-Weekly/Weekly/Fortnightly Local Newspaper/Periodicals/Journals Rs 70/- per column centimeter for Black and White and for colour 1 ½ times of Black and While or negotiated rates with concession/special rebate whichever is less. (2) (a) Sl.No. Display Local Daily Newspapers Size Rate Black and White Colour 1. Full Page Rs. 30,000 Rs. 45,000 2. Half Page Rs. 15,000 Rs. 24,000 3. Quarter Page Rs. 12,000 Rs. 15,000 (b) Sl.No. Local Bi-Weekly/Weekly Newspapers Size Rate Black & White Colour 1. Full Page Rs. 7,500 Rs. 12,000 2. Half Page Rs. 4,500 Rs. 7,500 3. Quarter Page Rs. 3,000 Rs. 3,750 (c) Sl.No. Local Fortnightly Newspapers Size Rate Black and White Colour 1. Full Page Rs. 2,500 Rs. 3,750 2. Half Page Rs. 2,250 Rs. 2,500 3. Quarter Page Rs. 1,000 Rs. 1,250 (3) (A) Electronic Media Regional Television Sl.No. Timing Rate (i) Telecasting in between News Rs 7,500 per 30 seconds visual clip (ii) Telecasting before and after News Rs 4,500 per 30 seconds visual clip (iii) (B) Telecasting in any other programme Rs 3,000 per 1 minute visual clip Local Television Sl.No. Timing/Description (i) Telecasting in between News Rate Rs 450 per 30 seconds visual clip Rs 300 per additional clip (ii) Telecasting before and after News Rs 300 per 30 seconds visual clip Rs 150 per additional clip (iii) Running scroll per day in English Rs 4.50 per word (iv) Running scroll per day in Devnagri Rs 6 per word (v) Production charge of scroll matter Rs 150 (vi) Production charge of logo/picture in scroll Rs 150 The rates for the categories not mentioned above shall remain unchanged and shall be governed by the Advertisement Policy dated 10.10.2006 and subsequent Notifications, if any. By Order and in the name of the Governor. Sd/D.Anandan, IAS Secretary / IPR No…………………….. Date……………….. Copy to: 1. All the HOD 2. P.S to Hon’ble Minister IPR Department 3. J.S (Protocol) Home Department for publication in the Govt. Gazette. 4. File & 5. Guard file Under Secretary/Advt IPR Department SIKKIM GOVERNMENT Gangtok GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 19th September,2013 No.507 Government of Sikkim Land Revenue and Disaster Management Department, Gangtok (New Secretariat, Development Area, Gangtok, Sikkim–737101/Phone: 03592-202664/Fax: 03592201145/202932/Website: Http: / ssdma.org Emailid: ccs-lr-sik @nic.in/Sikkimsdma @gmail.com. Notification No: 80/1727/GOS/LR & DMD/ACQ Dated:13/9/2013. DECLARATION UNDER SECTION 6 OF LAND ACQUISITION ACT, 1894 (ACT I OF 1894) Whereas the Governor is satisfied that land is needed for a public purpose, not being a purpose of the Union, namely for the Construction of Public Play Ground by Human Resource & Development Department, Govt. of Sikkim in the block of East Pendam, East Sikkim, it is hereby declared that the pieces of land bearing cadastral plot nos. 379/P, 380/830/P, measuring area more or less 0.9860 hectare bounded on the East: PWD and PMGSY Road, West: Block boundary with Kamaery & Bhasmey, North: Government land & DF of Prakash Pradhan & South: PWD road & block boundary with Kameray & Bhasmey block is needed for the aforesaid public purpose at the public expenses within the aforesaid block. This declaration is made, under the provision of section 6 of Land Acquisition Act, 1894 (Act 1 of 1894) to all whom it may concern. A Plan of land may be inspected in the office of the District Collector, East, Gangtok. SD/-(K.S.TOBGAY) SECRETARY LAND REVENUE & DM DEPARTMENT, File no.1727/GOS/LR & DMD/ACQ. SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 19th September, 2013 Gangtok No.508 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM URBAN DEVELOPMENT AND HOUSING DEPARTMENT GANGTOK NO. GOS/UD&HD/8 Dated: 17/09/2013 NOTIFICATION In exercise of the powers conferred by clause (n) of sub-section (2) of the section 8 of the Sikkim (Repeal and Miscellaneous Provision) Act, 1985 (10 of 1985), read with rule 3 of the Sikkim Regulation of Advertisement Rules, 1987, the District Magistrates are hereby authorized to issue permission for display of buntings, banners, festoons, posters, flags within their jurisdiction to the political parties and to any organizations/individuals of political nature. Sd/(TOBJOR DORJI) COMMISSIONR-CUM-SECRETARY URBAN DEVELOPMENT & HOUSING DEPARTMENT File No. 6(183)UD&HD/94 S.G.P.G. /Gazette/ /Dated/ SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY _GANGTOK______________23rdSeptember,2013__________________No.510______ _______________________________ ELECTION DEPARTMENT,GANGTOK Dated Gangtok the 17th No.05 /2013/Elec. September,2013. Notification No. 429/SKM/2013(1):- of the Election Commission of India, Nirvachan Sadan, New Delhi is hereby re-published for general information. ELECTION COMMISSION OF INDIA Nirvachan Sadan, Ashoka Road, New Delhi-110001 Dated the 17th September,2013 26 Bhadrapada,1935(Saka) NOTIFICATION No. 429/SKM/2013(1):- In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section(1) of Section 13C of the Representation of the People Act, 1950(43 of 1950), the Election Commission of India, hereby directs that the following further amendments shall be made in its notification No. 429/SKM/2013(1) dated 29th May,2013 relating to the appointment of Assistant Electoral Registration Officers for Assembly Constituencies in the State of Sikkim namely:- In the table appended to the said Notification, against the existing entries, the following entries shall be substituted/made/modified against the serial number as shown in column No.(2) against the Assembly Constituency shown in column(1):TABLE NO. & NAME OF ASSEMBLY ASSISTANT CONSTITUENCY ELECTORAL REGISTRATION OFFICERS (1) (2) 27-Gangtok(BL) SDM, Rangpo 29-Kabi Lungchuk(BL)(Parts 1-10) Dy. Director, DAC,LR &DM falling under East District 29-Kabi Lungchuk(BL)(Part 11-18) BDO Kabi falling under North District By Order, Sd/(ANUJ JAIPURIAR) SECRETARY SPECIAL (L.P.PANDEY) CHIEF ELECTORAL OFFICER, SIKKIM SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRA ORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY Gangtok 23rd September,2013 No.511 GOVERNMNT OF SIKKIM HEALTH CARE, HUMAN SERVICES & FAMILY WELFARE DEPARTMENT NO. 914/HC,HS & FW Dated: 06.09.2013 NOTIFICATION In exercise of the powers conferred by section 46 of the Pharmacy Act,1948, (8 of 1948) the State Government hereby makes the following rules to carry out the purposes of chapters III, IV and V of the said Act namely:PRELIMINARY Short title, extent and 1 (1) These rules may be called the Sikkim Pharmacy Council commencement Rules, 2013. (2) They shall extend to the whole of Sikkim. (3) They shall come into force at once. Definitions 2 (1) In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires(a) “Act” means the Pharmacy Act, 1948; (b) “Council” means the Sikkim Pharmacy Council constituted under section 19 of the Act; (c) “President” means the President of the council elected or nominated under sub-section (1) of section 23 of the Act; (d) “Registrar” means the Registrar of the Council appointed by the council under clause (a) of section 26 of the Act; (e) “Vice President” means the Vice President of the council elected under sub-section (1) of section 23 of the Act; (f) “Treasurer” means the treasurer appointed by the council under clause (a) of section 26 of the Act; (g) “Executive Committee” means the executive committee constituted under sub-section (1) of section 27 of the Act; (h) “Ministrial Staff” means an employee of the Council, other than officer of the Council appointed under clause (b) of section 26 of the Act; Manner of election (i) “rules” means the rules framed under section 46 of the Act to carry out purposes of chapter III,IV and V of the Act. (2) Words and expressions defined in the Act and used but not defined in these rules, shall have the same meaning as respectively assigned to them in the Act. 3 (1) In the case of first election under clause (a) of section 19 of the Act, Officer shall be nominated by the State Government. In all other subsequent elections under the said section, the President or any other persons authorized by him in this behalf shall be the Returning Officer and such Returning Officer shall some time not less than 42 (forty two) days and not more than 62 (sixty two)days before the days on which the terms of the office of such members will expire and as soon as conveniently may be after the occurrence of any vacancy arising from death or in an any manner as set forth in section 25 of the Pharmacy Act issue his precept to the electorate concerned and shall publish in the Official Gazette notice inviting in Form’A’ the submission of the nominations. (2) The Council, and in the case of first election under clause (a) of section 19 of the Act the State Government shall appoint and shall notify in the Official Gazette and in such other manner as it thinks fit such suitable date for each of the following, namely:(a) last nomination day; (b) scrutiny of nomination papers day; (c) the last day for receiving voting papers; (d) the day of counting of votes, and (e) the sending of voting papers under rule 4 (11). Procedure for filling 4 The following shall be the procedure adopted for filling up up vacancies vacancies by the electorates. (1) The electoral roll shall be prepared from register by the Registrar and shall contain the name, qualification and address of every person qualified to vote, for the election of the council under clause (a) of section 19 of the Act any person who is qualified for election to the council may be nominated as the candidate for election under clause (a) of section 19 of the Act. (2) Copies of the electoral roll shall be made available for sale at a price not exceeding 1000/- Rupees (one thousand) only to be fixed by the president. (3) Candidate qualified for election must be proposed and seconded by persons qualified as electors. The nomination paper should be in Form B. No electoral shall propose or second the nomination of more persons that are required to fill up the vacancy or vacancies to be subscribed by the same elector, all nominations subscribed by him shall be held to be void. (4) The candidate shall sign the nomination paper declaring that he is willing to serve the council if elected, failing which the nomination paper shall be rejected. (5) Every candidate shall along with the proposal for nomination deposit with the Returning Officer a sum of 500/- Rupees (five hundred) only in cash and he shall not be deemed to be duly nominated unless the said deposit has been made. The deposit shall forfeit to the Council if the candidate favour is less than one eight of the total number of votes recorded. The said deposit shall be returned if it is not forfeited under this sub-rule. (6) Every proposal for nomination must be in writing and must be signed by the proposer and the seconder and sent by the post or otherwise, so as to reach the Returning Officer not less than 30 (thirty) days before such date as may be appointed by the council in this behalf. (7) On the date fixed for scrutiny of nominations, the Returning Officer shall scrutinize the nomination papers received by him at a place appointed by the President at 12 ‘o’ clocks in the noon. The candidates may attend either in person or by an accredited representative at the time of such scrutiny of nominations and after the expiry of period within which candidature may be withdrawn under sub-rule (8), the Returning Officer shall forthwith declare the names and full particulars of the candidates whose nomination papers are held valid by him. (8) Any candidate may withdraw his candidature by notice in writing signed by him and delivered before 12 o’ clock in noon on the fifth day from the last nomination day, counting that day as the first day. Such notice shall not be valid unless it is delivered to the Returning Officer, or sent to him by post or otherwise and received by the Returning Officer, before the time and the date appointed by the President for such purpose. (9) In case of any election if the number of candidates duly nominated does not exceed the number required to fill up the vacancy or vacancies, the Returning Officer shall forthwith declare such candidate to be elected. (10) If the candidates nominated are more than the candidates necessary to fill up the vacancy or vacancies, the Returning Officer shall forthwith publish their names and addresses in the Official Gazette and otherwise as the council shall deem fit, and shall further cause their names to be entered in voting papers in the form as laid down in Form ‘C’. (11) Twenty-one days before the date as may be appointed by the Council in this behalf, the Returning Officer shall send by post to each elector one such voting paper bearing the official mark of the Returning Officer and an identification envelope on which a declaration as per Form ‘D’ is printed and a bigger cover on which are printed on the left top corner the serial alphabetical number and the name and the signature column at the lower left corner and the address of the Returning Officer printed as under:“To, The Returning Officer, Pharmacy Council Office, Gangtok.” (12) If the voting paper have been inadvertently spoiled in such manner that they cannot be conveniently used or who has lost his papers, may, on his transmitting to the Returning Officer a declaration to that effect signed by himself require the Returning Officer to send him duplicate papers in place of those not received, spoilt paper shall be returned to the Returning Officer who shall cancel them on receipt. In every case when duplicate papers are issued, a record thereof shall be kept by Returning Officer and mark ‘Duplicate’ shall be placed on the bigger cover which will bear the same serial alphabetical number as was originally given to the said elector. The voting papers issued in such cases shall also be marked “Duplicate”. (13) Before the date appointed by the council in this behalf every elector, desirous of recording his vote shall after filling up the declaration form and the voting paper according to the instructions given on the form of voting paper (Form – C) send the same in an outer envelop by Registered Post at the electors own cost to the Returning Officer so as to reach him not later than 4:00 P.M. on the day fixed for the receipt of voting papers. Any envelope received after the prescribed date and hour or by un-registered post shall be rejected. (14) The president shall nominate as scrutinizers such number of members of the Council not exceeding 4 (four) as he thinks fit. (15)The Returning Officer shall attend for the purpose of counting the votes on such date and at such time and place as may be appointed by the President in this behalf. Each candidate or his representatives have a right to be present at the time of counting. (16) When the counting of votes has been completed, the Returning Officer shall forthwith declare the candidates to whom the largest numbers of votes have been given to be elected and shall forthwith inform the successful candidate by the letter of his being elected to the council. If any candidate thus shown to be elected has withdrawn from the election or refuses to accept election, that one of the remaining candidates to whom the next largest votes has been given shall be held to have been elected in the place of the withdrawing candidate, and so on for as may be remaining candidates as there may be vacancies caused in this way. (17) When an equality of votes is found to exist between any candidates, and the addition of the vote will entitle any of the candidates to be declared elected, the determination of the person to whom such one additional vote shall be deemed to have been given shall be made by lot to be drawn by the Returning Officer and in such manner as the President or the person authorize by him in his behalf. (18) Upon the completion of the counting and after the result has been declared by him, the Returning Officer shall seal up the voting papers and all other documents relating to the election and shall retain the same for a period of 6 (six) months and thereafter cause them to destroyed. (19) The Returning Officer shall inform the President of the result of the election. (20) If any question arises to the intention, construction or application of this rule or the validity of any election the Council shall refer such question under section 24 of the Act to State Government whose decision shall be final. (21) A petition questioning the validity of an election to the Council can be made within 2 (two) months of the declaration of the result of the election and the Council shall refer such petition under section 24 of the Act to the State Government within 3 (three) months of the said date for decision. Election of President 5 (1) The President and the Vice-President of the Council shall and Vice-President be elected at the meeting of the Council. While electing the President, the members present shall elect a temporary Chairman by a ballot if necessary which ballot shall be taken by the Registrar. The meeting shall then proceed to the election of the President which shall be by ballot. It shall be competent for any member to nominate by ballot a member for the office of the President and the temporary Chairman shall announce the names of the member so nominated and arrange for a ballot. Every vote which shall be given at such a ballot for a person who has not been nominated shall be wholly void and ineffectual. Should only two persons be nominated the voting the first ballot shall be final except in case of equality of votes. If more than two persons are nominated the candidate obtaining the lowest numbers of votes at the first ballot shall be eliminated until only two remain when the ballot shall be final except in the case of equality of votes: Provided that if one of the candidates secure more than 50% of the vote cast, he shall be declared as elected. In case of an equality of votes a further ballot shall be taken and if that be indecisive the election shall be decided by drawing a lot. (2) The President having been elected will take the Chair and the member will proceed to elect a Vice-President the procedure laid down in sub-rule (1) shall be followed except in case of equality of votes, the President shall have a casting vote. Election of a members by the Medical Council of Sikkim under clause (c) of the section 19 of the Act shall be conducted at a meeting of the said Medical Council in accordance with the regulations thereof. On receipt of official notice of the election of the member the President shall inform the State Government of the same for the publication in the Official Gazette. Meeting of the 6 (1) Unless the President in the exercise of the discretion Council shall deem shorter notice expedient in which case such notice shall be sent by telegram or other more expeditious means. In every case the notice shall be sent to each member. (2) The President, whenever it appears to him unnecessary to convene a meeting may instead of doing so circulate a written proposition with the reasons for such proposition for the observations and votes of the members of the Council. (3) The Council shall ordinarily meet twice preferably in February and September in a calendar year on such date and place as may be fixed by the President: Provided that the President;(a) may call a special meeting at any time on 15 (fifteen) days notice to deal with any urgent matter requiring the attention of the Council; (4) (5) (6) (7) (b) shall call a special meeting on 15 (fifteen) days notice if he received a requisition in writing signed by not less than 10 (ten) members and stating the purposes of the meeting other than that mentioned in clause (b) of sub-rule (12) and being purpose within the scope of the Council’s function, for which they desire the meeting to be called. The first meeting of the Council held in any calendar year shall be the annual meeting of the Council of that year. At the special meeting called by the President in the exercise of his discretion under sub-rule (3) only subject or subjects for the considerations of which the meeting has been called shall be discussed, unless the Council by a resolution agrees to consider such other business. Notice of every meeting other than a special meeting called under the provision to clause (a) of sub-rule (3) or under the first provison to clause (b) of sub-rule (12) shall be dispatched by the Registrar to each member of the Council 30 (thirty) days before the date of meeting. The Registrar shall issue with the notice of the meeting a preliminary agenda paper showing the business to be brought before the meeting, the terms of all motions to be moved for which notice in writing has previously reached him and the names of the movers. (8) A member, who wishes to move any motion not included in the preliminary agenda paper or an amendment to any item so included shall give notice thereof to the Registrar not less than 25 (twenty-five) days before date fixed for the meeting. (9) The Registrar shall, not less than 15 (fifteen) days before the date fixed for the meeting, that is, in the case of a special meeting with the notice of the meetings issue a notice with the prior approval of the President. (10) A member who wishes to move an amendment to any item included in the complete agenda paper, but not included in the preliminary agenda paper shall give notice thereof to the Secretary not less than 3 (three) days before the date fixed for the meeting. (11) The Registrar, if time permits cause a list of all amendments of which notice has been given under clause (a) of sub-rule (3) to be made available for the use of every member; Provided that the President may, if the Council agrees, allow a motion to be discussed at a meeting not (12) withstanding the fact that notice was received too late to admit of compliance with this rule. Provided further that nothing in this rule shall operate to prevent the preference by the Executive Committee of any matter to the Council at a meeting following immediately or too soon after the meeting of the Executive Committee to permit the notice required under these rule. A motion shall not be admissible;(a) if the matter to which it relates is not within the scope of the Council’s functions; (b) if it raises substantially the same question as a motion or amendment which has been moved or withdrawn with the leave of the Council within 1 (one) year of the date of the meeting at which it is designed to move: Provided that such a motion may be admitted at a special meeting of the Council convened for the purpose on the requisition of not less than two-third of the members of Council: Provided further that nothing in these rules shall operate to prohibit the further discussion of any matter referred to the Council by the State Government in exercise of any of its functions under the Act; (c) unless it is clearly and precisely expressed and rises substantially one definite issue; (d) if it contains inferences, ironical expressions or defamatory statement. (13) The President shall disallow any motion which in his opinion is inadmissible under sub-rule (1): Provided that if motion can be rendered admissible by amendment to President may in lieu of disallowing the motion admit in amended form. (14) When the President disallows or amends a motion, the Registrar shall inform the member who gave notice of the motion of the order or disallowance or as the case may be, of the form in which the motion has been admitted. Order of business 7 (1) Every meeting of the Council shall be presided over by the at the Meeting of the President or if he is absent, by the Vice-President, if both Council the President and the Vice-President are absent by a Chairman to be elected by the members from among themselves. (2) All references in this part to the President shall be read on referring to the person for the time being presiding over a meeting. (3) Eight members of the Council of whom the President may be one present in person shall constitute a quorum: Provided that, in the case of a meeting adjourned for want of quorum no quorum shall be required. Quorum of the 8 (1) If, at the time appointed for a meeting a quorum is not meeting present, meeting shall not commence until a quorum is present if a quorum is not present on the expiration of 20 (twenty) minutes from the time appointed for the meeting or during the course of any meeting the meeting shall stand adjourned to such further time and date as the President may appoint. (2) Every matter to be determined by the Council shall be determined on a motion moved by a member and put to the Council by the President. Manner of Votes 9 (1) Votes shall be taken by show of hands or by division or by ballot, as the President may direct: Provided that votes shall be taken by ballot if three members so desire and ask for it: Provided further that if voting has been show of hands a division shall be taken if a member asks for it. (2) The President shall determine the methods of taking votes by division. (3) The result of the vote shall be announced by the President and shall not be challenged. (4) In the event of an equality of votes the President shall have a second or a casting vote. (5) When motions identical in purport stand in the names of two or more members the President shall decide whose motion shall be moved and the other motion or motions shall upon be deemed to be withdrawn. (6) Every motion or amendment shall be seconded and if not seconded shall be deemed to have been withdrawn. (7) When a motion has been seconded it shall be stated from the Chair. (8) When a motion has been thus stated, it may be discussed as a question to be resolved either in the affirmative or in negative or any member may subject to rule 10 move an amendment to the motion: Provided that the President shall not allow an amendment to be moved which if it has been a substantive motion would have been inadmissible under these rules. Amendment of 10 (1) An amendment must be relevant to and within the scope of the motion the motion to which it is proposed. (2) An amendment may not be moved which has merely the presence of negative vote. (3) The President may refuse to put an amendment which is in his opinion frivolous. (4) A motion may be amended by:- (a) (b) the omission, insertion or addition of words or the substitution of words for any of the original words. (5) When a motion or amendment is under debate, no proposal with reference thereto shall be made other than;(a) an amendment of the motion as the case may be, as proposed in sub-rule (6) of rule 9; (b) a motion for the adjournment of the debate on the motion or amendment either to a specified date and hour or sine die; (c) a motion for the closure, namely a motion that the question be now put; (d) a motion that the Council instead of proceeding to deal with the motion to pass to the next item on the programme of business: Provided that no such motion or amendment shall be moved so as to interrupt a speech: Provided further that no motion of the nature referred to in a clause (b), (c) and (d) shall be moved or seconded by a member who has already spoken on the question then before the meeting: Provided also that a motion referred to in clause (c), and (d) above shall be moved without speech. (6) It shall be in the discretion of the President to put or refuse to put to the Council a proposal of the nature referred to in clause (b) of sub-rule (4). (7) Unless the President is of opinion that a motion for closure is an abuse of the right of reasonable debate, he shall forthwith put a motion that the question be now put and if that motion is carried the substantive motion or amendment under debate shall be put forthwith: Provided that the President may allow the mover of the substantive motion to exercise his right of reply before the substantive motion under debate is put: Provided further that it shall not interrupt a speech, a proposal to adjourn the Council to a specified date and hour may be made. At any time, but it shall be in the discretion of the President to put or refuse to put such a proposal to Council. (8) A motion or an amendment which has been moved and seconded shall not be withdrawn save with the leave of the Council which shall not be deemed to be granted, of any member dissent from the granting of leave. (9) When a motion has been moved and seconded, member other than the mover and the seconded may speak on the motion in which such orders as the President may direct: Provided that the person also has seconded the motion of an amendment may with the permission of the President confine himself to seconding the motion or amendment as the case may be and speak thereon at any subsequent stage of the debate. (10) During the meeting, the President, may, at any time, make any objection or suggestion or give information to elucidate any point to help the members in the discussion. (11) The mover of an original motion and if permitted by the President of the mover of any amendment shall be entitled to a right of final except, with the permission of the President for the purposes of making a personal explanation or of putting a question to the member than dressing the Council: Provided that any member at any stage of the debate may rise to a point of order, but no speech shall be allowed on that point: Provided further that a member who has spoken on a motion may speak again on an amendment subsequently moved to the motion. (12) No member shall save with the permission of the President, speak for more than 5 (five) minutes: Provided that the mover of motion when moving the same may speak for 10 (ten) minutes. (13) A speech shall be strictly confined to the subject matter of the motion or amendment on which it is made. (14) Any motion or amendment standing in the name of a member who is absent from the meeting or unwilling to move it may be brought forward by another member with the permission of the President. (15) A member desiring to make any observations on the matter before the Council shall speak from his place, shall rise when he speaks, and shall address the President. (16) If any time the President rises, any member speaking shall immediately resume his seat. (17) No member shall be heard except upon the business before the Council. (18) When an amendment to any motion is moved and seconded or when two or more amendments are moved and seconded the President shall, before taking the sense of the Council thereon state or read to the Council the terms of the original motion and of the amendment or amendments proposed. (19) An amendment to a motion shall be put to the vote first. (20) If there be more than one amendment to a motion the President shall decide in what order they shall be taken. (21) When any motion involving several points has been discussed, it shall be in the discretion of the President to divide the motion, and put each or any point separately to the vote as he may think fit. (22) The President, after stating reasons, may at any time, adjourn any meeting to any future day or to any hour or the same day. (23) Whenever a meeting is adjourned to a future day the Registrar shall if possible send notice of the adjournment to every member who was not present at the meeting. (24) At a meeting adjourned to a future day any motion standing over from the previous day shall unless the President otherwise direct take precedence of other matter on the agenda. (25) Either at the beginning of the meeting or after the conclusion of the debate on a particular item during the meeting the President or a member may suggest a change in the order of business on the agenda, if the Council agree such a change shall take place. (26) No matter which had been on the agenda of the original meeting shall be discussed at an adjourned meeting. (27) The same quorum shall be necessary for an adjourned meeting as for an ordinary meeting, except in such case as provided for in sub-rule (3) of rule 7. (28) The President shall decide all points of order which may arise and his decision shall be final. (29) If any question arises with references to procedure in respect of a matter for which these rules made no provision the President shall decide the same and his decision shall be final. Appointment of 11 (1) A book shall be kept, containing the name of the members Member of the of the Council, the Electorates they represent, the date of Council appointment of each member the term for which he was appointed and the date of the death or retirement of each member, and such book shall be regularly kept up so as to show the period at which each of the bodies that has power to appoint should proceed to a new appointment, and the same particulars shall be observed with regard to members appointed by the State Government. (2) 60 (sixty) days before the expiration of the term of any existing appointment the Registrar shall draw the attention of the President and of the appointment Authority to the vacancy that will arise in order that such new appointment may be made to take effect from the date on which the corresponding old appointment will expire. (3) On the registration, death, insolvency or lapse of appointment of any member of the council under provisions of section 25 of the Act the Registrar shall draw the attention of the President and of the appointment Authority to the vacancy thus caused in order that the same may be filled up. Meeting of the 12 (1) The proceedings of the meetings of the Council shall be Council preserved in the form of printed minutes which shall be authenticated after confirmation, by the signature of the President. (2) A copy of the minutes of each meeting shall be submitted to the President within 15 (fifteen) days of the meeting and attested by him and they shall then be sent to each member within 30 (thirty) days of the meeting. (3) The minutes of the meeting shall contain such motions and amendments as have been moved and adopted or negative with the names of the mover and the seconded but without any record of observations made by any member at the meeting. (4) If any objections regarding the correctness of the minutes is received within 30 (thirty) days of dispatch of the minutes by the Registrar, such objections together with the minutes as recorded and attested shall be put before the next meeting of the Council for confirmation. At this meeting no question shall be raised except as to the correctness of the records of the meeting: Provided that if no objections regarding a decision taken by the Council at a meeting is received within 30 (thirty) days of the dispatch by the Registrar of the minutes of that particular meeting such decision may if expedient be put into effect before the confirmation of the minutes at the next meeting: Provided further that the President may direct that action be taken on a decision of the Council before the expiry of the period of 30 (thirty) days mentioned above. (5) The minutes of the Council shall as soon as practicable after their confirmation be made up in sheets and consequently paged for insertion in volume which shall be permanently preserved. A copy of each volume shall be supplied free to each member of the Council. (6) A report shall be kept of the observations and of the discussion at the meeting of the Council in as accurate a manner as possible for the use of the members of the Council. The detailed proceedings of the meetings which shall be treated as “Confidential” shall be kept in the office and shall be open for members for inspection. A copy of the proceedings in whole or in part shall be supplied to any member who may be apply for it. Such copy shall marked “Confidential” and be supplied on the payment of a sum fixed by the President and not to exceed the cost of copying. No copy of proceedings held in camera shall be supplied, but such proceedings can be inspected by the members. Power of Vice13 If the office of the President is vacant or if the President for President any reasons is unable to exercise the powers or perform the duties of his office, the Vice-President will act in his place and shall exercise the powers and perform the duties of the President. Executive 14 (1) The Executive Committee shall consist of President and Committee Vice-President, Ex-Officio and three members elected by ballot at the first meeting of the Council and of the three members so elected there shall be at least 2 (two) Registered Pharmacists. The Executive Committee elected shall hold office till the election of the New Executive committee. (2) The Executive Committee shall meet on such date as may be fixed by the President. (3) 3 (three) members including President and the VicePresident shall form the quorum for a meeting of the Executive Committee. (4) Should there occur during the recess any vacancy in the Executive Committee they shall be empowered to fill up such vacancy except in cases where a summon has been issued for a meeting of the Council it self shall elect. If any member of the Executive Committee is absent for more than two consecutive meetings without leave of the Committee, he shall ceased to be a member of the Committee. If the period of leave exceeds one year a vacancy thereby shall be created. (5) In case of the death of the Registrar or his incapacity from his illness or on leave when the Council is not in session the Executive Committee shall appoint a person to perform temporarily the duties of the Registrar. The Executive Committee shall grant leave to the Registrar in accordance with the principles laid down in the Civil Service Regulations of the State. (6) The Executive Committee shall keep minutes of their proceedings which shall be dealt with according to the same procedure as that indicated in the Minutes of the Council. (7) The Executive Committee shall superintend the publication of the Pharmacist Registrar which shall be prepared by the Registrar who shall cause it to be printed after entering there in annually statement of the distribution of the copies of the Registrar to the Officers of the Sikkim Administration as approved by the State Government and the Pharmacy Council of India and to others as may be directed by the Executive Committee. (8) The Executive Committee shall order each year such number of copies of the Pharmacy Registrar to be printed as may deem necessary. (9) The Executive Committee shall consider and prepare report upon any subjects that may seem to require the attention of the Council and such reports shall be printed and circulated among the members of the Council 10 (ten) days at least before the meeting of the Council. (10) The Executive Committee shall, before each meeting of the Council prepares the business for the consideration of the Council. (11) The printing of the volumes of minutes shall be under the direction of Executive Committee. (12) All petitions presented to the Council shall be referred to the Executive Committee to be examined and reported upon before being considered by the Council. (13) Subject to the provisions of the proceeding rules, all petitions addressed to the Council immediately before or during the sessions of the Council shall be laid down on the table. (14) The Executive Committee shall prepare reports on such subjects as may be indicated to them by the Council at its sittings or by the President at other times. The reports when finally approved by the Committee shall be presented to the Council. Constitution of 15 The Council may constitute sub-committees and may Sub-Committee appoint to such sub-committees, persons who are not members of the Council to report upon any matters, which it may deem necessary to refer to them. Registration of 16 (1) The Register of Pharmacists shall be maintained as required Pharmacist under sub-section (3) of the section 29 of the Pharmacy Act, 1948 and in Form ‘E’. (2) The names shall be entered in the Register in the order in which applications for Registration admitted and sufficient space shall be left for future additions and alternation in the qualifications and address of each entry. (3) Each page of the Register shall be verified by the Registrar’s Signature. Grant of 17 (1) On registration of every Pharmacist under the Act, the Certificate Registrar shall grant such Pharmacists a certificate in Form F. (2) In the event of a certificate issued under sub-rule (1) being lost or accidentally destroyed the holder may at any time during which such certificate is in force apply to the Registrar under section 39 of the Pharmacy Act for a fresh certificate and the Registrar may if he thinks fit on satisfactory proof as to the identity of the applicant grant such certificate on payment of a fee of 1000/- Certificate issued under this sub-rule shall be marked “DUPLICATE”. Application for 18 (1) Every person entitled under section 32 to be Registered Registration under the Act and desiring to have himself Registered shall apply to the Registrar in Form G duly filled in and signed. Every such application shall be accompanied by the fee prescribed in rule 20.The qualifying Examination held by the Registrar of Sikkim Pharmacy Council shall be deemed equivalent to the matriculation for the purpose of provision to sub-section (1) of section 32 of the Act”. (2) The name of every person registered under the Act shall subject to the provisions contained in the Act as to the erasure of the entries and removal of names from the Register remain entered therein and the registration of such person shall hold good till the 31st of December of the year in which registration is made. (3) Any person desiring to continue his registration shall submit to the Registrar an application previous to 1st of April of the year to which it relates and shall forward with such application the fee prescribed in that behalf in rule 20. (4) The Registrar may send to any Pharmacist who has not paid his renewal fees on the 1st day of January in the year in respect of which such fee is payable, a demand for payment thereof, which demand shall be by a letter sent by post addressed to the Pharmacist at his address in the register. (5) When a renewal fee is not paid before the due date, the Registrar shall remove the name of the defaulter from the Register: Provided that a name so removed may be restored to the Register as per section 37 of the Act on payment of fees and penalty as prescribed in rule 20. (6) An application for registration of an additional qualification under section 35 of the Act shall be in Form H and shall accompanied by the fee prescribed in this behalf in Rule 20. (7) On Registration of Additional qualification under sub-rule (6) the Registrar shall grant such Pharmacist a certificate in Form I. (8) Any appeal to the Council against refusal of the Registrar to register in the case of first registration or alter any entry in the register must state the grounds on which registration is claimed and furnish the names of the qualifications and the dates on which they were received. On receipt of such appeal the Executive Committee shall conduct an enquiry and submit a report to the Council. (9) Certified copies of entries in the Register in Form J may be issued to any one on payment of a fee as per rule 20. (10) A fee as per rule 20 shall be levied for registering a change of name in the Pharmacist Register. (11) The Council may erase from the Register the name of any person who; (a) has requested that his name be removed from the register in which case such person may be required to file a declaration that no disciplinary or criminal proceedings are being or likely to be taken against him; (b) has failed within a period to be determined by the Council to furnish to the Registrar with such information as to the Council may require. (12) The Council may erase from Register the name of any person whose name before or after the commencement of the Council has been removed from the roll, register or record of any University Hospital, Society or other body from which that person received the degree Diploma or Certificate in respect of the holding where of he was registered and any registration certificate issued to such person shall be deemed to be cancelled as from the date of such erasure. (13) The Registration shall bring such application before the next meeting of the Council or Executive Committee who will consider the application and any objections thereto and the President may put from the Chair questions: Whether the Registrar shall erase the name (the applicant’s name) from the Pharmacy Register. Record of 19 (1) The Registrar shall as soon as may be after 1st day of April Registration in each year cause to be printed copies of the Register as they stood on the said date and such copies shall be made available to persons applying therefore on payment of the prescribed fee and shall be evidence that on the mid date the persons whose names are entered therein were registered Pharmacist. The Registrar shall keep as leaved copy of such print list, wherein he shall make during the year any entry alteration or erasure that as may be necessary. (2) It shall be the duty of every registered person who change his address to intimate the fact to the Registrar with 1 (one) month of such change. (3) Every District Registrar of deaths who receives a death notice showing that the decreased belonged to profession or calling the members of which are registerable under the Pharmacy Act shall forthwith notify the Registrar of the Council of such death. (4) There shall be made every year and entered in the printed Pharmacy Register an enumeration of:(a) the total number of persons in the published Register; (b) the number restored to the Register; (c) the number erased from the Register stating the section of the Act under which the name has been erased and; (d) the number removed by death. Payment of 20 The fees payable for registration for every qualification or fees status subsequently registered for restoration to register for amount retention for certificate copy for duplicate copy etc shall be as specified below, namely; For the registration in the Register 1000/For every qualification or status subsequently registered 1000/For restoration to the Register after removal for non-payment of annual retention fee in addition to retention fee for the year or year during which the name remained removed 1000/For annual retentions 1000/For restoration to the Register under Section 37 of the Act 3000/For registration of change of name 1000/For every certified copy of any entry in register 500/For a “Duplicate” certificate under rules 17 1500/together with stamp duty leviable under the Indian Stamp Act 1899 or any other law for the time being in force relating to the levy of the stamp duty. Penal removal from 21 (1) Every person registered under the Act who has been found the Pharmacy after inquiry by the Executive Committee to have been Register guilty of improper conduct which when regard is had to such persons profession or calling is improper shall be liable to one of the following penalties, namely:(a) caution or reprimand and caution; (b) suspension for a specified period from practicing or performing acts pertaining to Pharmacy. (2) If at any time it is made to appear by affidavit that a person registered under this Act has become mentally or physically disable to the extent that the practicing of such person is contrary the facts submitted and may order the suspension of such person for a specified period from carrying on his profession or practice of Pharmacy. (3) Whenever information reaches the office of the Council that a Pharmacist has been convicted of a cognizable offence or has been under the censure of any Judicial of other competent authority in relation to his professional character or has been guilty conduct which prima-facie constitute infamous condition in a professional respect the Registrar shall make an abstract information and shall submit the same to the President. (4) Where the information in question is in the nature of a complaint by a person or body charging the Pharmacist with infamous conduct in professional respect such complaint shall be made in writing addressed to the Registrar and shall state the grounds of complaints and shall be accompanied by one or more declarations as to the facts of the case. (5) Every declaration must state the description and true place of abode of the declarant and where a fact stated in an declaration is not within the personal knowledge of the declarant the source of the information and grounds for the belief of the declarant in its truth must be accurately and fully stated. Declarations and parts of declarations which are made in contravention of these rule will not be accepted as evidence. (6) The abstract and where a complaint has been lodged, the complaint and all other documents bearing on the case shall be submitted by the Registrar to the President who shall if he thinks fit instruct the Registrar to ask the Pharmacist by means of registered letter for any explanation he may have to offer the documents including any explanation forwarded by the Pharmacists to the Registrar shall then be referred to the Executive Committee who shall consider the same and shall have power to cause further investigation be made any further evidence to be taken and to refer if necessary to a solicitor of his advice and assistance and to instruct to take the opinion of the Council and otherwise to obtain advice and assistance as they shall think fit. If the Committee are of the opinion that prima-facie case is not made out, the case shall not proceed further and the Registrar shall inform the complainant of the resolution of the Committee. If the Committee are of the opinion that the circumstances suggest that a letter of warning be sent, the Committee are empowered to send it. If the Committee resolve that the case is one in which any enquiry ought to be held the President shall direct the Registrar to take steps for the institution of an enquiry and for having the case heard and determined by the Executive Committee. (7) An inquiry with a view to the removal of name from the Register under section 36 shall be instituted by the issue of a notice in writing on behalf of the Executive Committee by the Registrar addressed to the Pharmacist. Such notice shall specify the nature particulars of the charge and will inform him of the on which the day on which the Executive Committee intend to on such day. The notice shall be in Form K with such variations as circumstances may require and shall be sent three week before the date of enquiry. (8) In every case in which the Executive Committee resolve that an enquiry shall be instituted and a notice for an enquiry is issued accordingly either party shall for the purposes of his defence of reply as the case may be and upon request in writing for that purpose signed by himself or his solicitors be entitled to be supplied by the Registrar with a copy of any declaration explanation or answer or other document give or send to the Executive Committee by or on behalf of the other party which such other party will be entitled on proper proof to use as the hearing as evidence in support of or in answer to the charge specified in the notice of enquiry and every notice of inquiry shall draw the particular attention of the Pharmacist to this rule. (9) Any answer, evidence or statement forwarded or application made by the Pharmacist between the date or the issue of the notice and the day named for the hearing of the charge shall deal with by the President in such manner and under such legal advice as may be deemed fit and proper. (10) All material documents which are to be laid before the Executive Committee as evidence in regard to the case shall be printed and a copy shall be furnished to each of the Council before the hearing of the case. (11) At the hearing of the case by the Executive Committee, their solicitor may be present to advice as to the conduct of the case and a Counsel employed by them may act as judicial assessor. The complainant and also the Pharmacist may be represented or assisted by a solicitor with or without a Counsel. (12) Where a complainant appears personally or a Counsel or Solicitor the following will be the order of procedure:(a) The Registrar shall read to the Executive Committee the notice of the enquiry addressed to the Pharmacist; (b) The complainant shall then be invited to state his case by himself or by his legal representative and to produce his proofs in support of it. At the conclusion of the complainant’s proofs his case shall be closed. (c) At the conclusion of the Pharmacist’s case the Executive Committee will, if the Pharmacist has produced evidence hearing the complainant in reply on the case generally but will hear no further evidence except in a special case in which the Executive Committee may think fit to produce such further evidence. If the Pharmacist produces no evidence the complainant will not be heard in reply except by special leave of the Executive Committee. (d) Where a witness is produced by any party before the Executive Committee he will be first examined by the party and then re-examined by the party producing him. The Executive Committee reserves to itself the right to decline to admit in evidence any declaration where the declarant is not present or declines to submit to cross examination. (e) The Pharmacist will then be invited to state his case by himself or by his legal representative and to produce his proofs in support of it. He may address the Executive Committee either before or at the conclusion of his proofs but only once. (f) The President and the Judicial Assessor when present may put question to any witness and members of the Executive Committee through the President, may also put question to and witness. (13) Where there is no complaint or no complainant appears the following will be the order of procedure, namely:(a) The Registrar will read to the Executive Committee the notice or inquiry addressed to the Pharmacist and shall state the facts of the case and product before the Executive Committee the evidence by which it is supported. (b) The Pharmacist will then be invited to state his case by himself or by his legal representatives and to produce his proofs in support of it. He may address the Executive Committee either before or the conclusion of his proofs but only once. (c) The Solicitor to the Executive Committee may be heard in reply if the Executive Committee so desires. (14) Upon the conclusion of the case, the Executive Committee will deliberate there on in private and at the conclusion of the deliberation, the President shall for the purpose of summing up result of the deliberations, call upon the Executive Committee to vote on such of the following resolutions to be put from the chair as may be applicable to the circumstances of the case:(a) in the case of a Pharmacist who has been convicted of cognizable offence as defined in the Code of Criminal inquiry; (b) in the case of a Pharmacist charge with infamous conduct in a professional respect: (i) “That the Executive Committee do now proceed to decide the facts alleged against the Pharmacist in the notice or inquiry have been proved or have not been proved.” If this resolution is not carried the further hearing of the case shall stand adjourned till the next or some other future session of the Executive Committee as the Executive Committee shall direct and the hearing thereof will be taken at such next future session as an adjourned case. If this resolution is carried, the Executive Committee shall be called upon the President to vote on the following resolution to be put from the chair. (ii) “That the fact or the following facts (Specifying them) alleged against the Pharmacist in the notice of inquiry have been proved to the satisfaction of the Executive Committee. If this resolution is carried the Executive Committee may either proceed to judge whether on the facts proved the accused Pharmacist has been guilty of infamous conduct in professional respect and to direct the Registrar to erase his name from the Pharmacist’s Register or may postpone its judgment adjourn the case until the next or some other future session. (c) In the case of a Pharmacist convicted of a felony (ormisdemenour) or crime or offence) or charged with infamous conduct in a professional respect for the purpose of deciding whether or not the judgement of (d) the Executive Committee of the conviction (or facts) proved shall be postponed and the Executive Committee shall be called upon by the President to vote on the following resolution to be put from the chair: (i) “That the Executive Committee do now proceed to pronounce their judgement on the conviction) (or facts proved against the Pharmacist. if this Resolution is not carried the judgement of the Executive Committee will stand postponed till the next or some other future session of the Executive Committee as the Executive Committee shall direct and the case shall be taken at such next or other future session as a case in which judgment has been postponed; if this resolution is carried, the Executive Committee shall proceed at once to pronounce its judgement on the case and shall be called upon by the President to vote upon the following Resolution to be put from the Chair; In the case of conviction;(ii) “That the Pharmacist have been proved to have been convicted of the felony (or misdemenour or crime or offence) alleged against him in the notice or inquiry the Registrar be direct to erase his name from the Pharmacist “Register”. In case of Pharmacist charged with infamous conduct in a professional respect: (iii) “That the Executive Committee do now judge the Pharmacist to have been guilty of infamous conduct in a professional respect and to direct the Registrar to erase from the Pharmacist Register the name of the Pharmacist.” If the resolution (d) and (e) as the case may be is not carried the President may announce the judgement of the Executive Committee in the form. “That the Executive Committee do not see fit to direct the Registrar to erase from the Pharmacist Register the name of the Pharmacist.” In the event of an adjournment of the hearing or a post day fixed for the further consideration and shall request the attendance of the Pharmacist on that day before the Executive Committee, and the complainant and the Pharmacist shall each be requested to furnish to the Registrar in writing not less than 15 (fifteen) days before the day so fixed, a statement in writing of any further facts or evidence which he may desire to be laid before the Executive Committee. (e) The notice shall be given so as to allow at least 28 (twenty-eight) days before the day on which the notice is given and the day appointed for the further consideration. No further facts or evidence presented by a party to the inquiry shall be received or considered by the Executive Committee unless a statement thereof has been previously furnished to the Registrar in compliance with these rule. (15) (a) On the case coming before the Executive Committee for further consideration the solicitor if President or the Registrar when the Solicitor is not present shall if necessary state the facts and explain the position of the case to the Executive Committee. (b) The Pharmacist shall then be invited to address the Executive Committee either personally or by his legal representative of which he may duly give notice to the Registrar and the complainant (if any) shall then be invited to address the Executive Committee either personally or by Legal Representative and lay before the Executive Committee any further evidence of which he shall have duly given such notice. (c) At the conclusion of further hearing, the Executive Committee shall deliberate on the case in private and at the conclusion of the deliberation the President shall call upon the Executive Committee to vote in an adjourned case on the same resolution as at the original hearing and in a case in which judgement was postponed on Resolution under clause (a) (b) and (c) of sub- rule (14) of rule 21 as the case may be. (16) If under the direction of the Executive Committee all the qualifications of any Pharmacist have been erased from the Pharmacist Register then the Executive Committee shall, if it think fit, by formal resolution put by the President from the chair direct the Registrar to remove the name of such Pharmacist from the Pharmacy Register. (17) An order by the Executive Committee to remove the name of a Registered Pharmacist under the provision of sub-section (1) of section 21 should be subject to confirmation by the Sikkim Pharmacy Council under sub-section (3) of section 21 and shall not effect until the expiry of 3 (three) months from the date of such confirmation. (18) (a) The Registrar shall upon the removal of any name from the Register pursuant to the provisions of the proceedings clause or of section 36 of the Act, forthwith send notice of such removal to the Pharmacist and such notice be sent by a Registered letter addressed to the last known address or to the Registered address of the Pharmacist. The Registrar shall also send forthwith intimation of any such removal to the Licensing Authority in Sikkim under the Drugs & Cosmetics Act 1940 and also to the Death of Secretary or other proper office of any Body. (b) A person whose name has been removed from the register under the provisions of these rules shall forthwith surrender his certificate of registration to the Registrar and then names so removed shall be published in Official Gazette. (19) The Registrar shall within1(one) month after any names have been removed from the Pharmacy Register by order of the Executive Committee under section 36 of the Act send to the bodies concerned a list of all such names and shall call the attention of each licensing body to the following rule of the Executive Committee. “The Executive Committee recommends that no person whose name has been once removed from and has not been restored to the Pharmacy register shall without previous reference to the Executive Committee be admitted to examination for any new qualification which is registable in the Pharmacist Register”. Restoration of name 22(1) Application for restoration to the Pharmacy register of a to the Pharmacist name removed under section 36 of the Act shall be Register entertained at the next session of the Council only. (2) The Executive Committee may on application received from a person whose name has been erased from the register under Section 34 direct the Registrar, if it thinks fit, to re-enter the name in the register. (3) No application for the re-entry of a name erased from the Register under section 34 shall be entertained unless it is accompanied by an application from the applicant in Form L and supported by the following documents:(a) Applicant’s Diploma (b) Certificate of Registration in original. (4) A person whose name has been removed from the register by the direction of the Council under Section 36 but who still possess a qualification entitling him to be registered under the Act, may make an application to the Council for the re-entry of his name in the register and the following procedure shall be followed in the case of every such application, namely:(a) The application shall be in writing addressed to the Council and signed by the applicant and shall state the grounds on which the application is made. (b) The application shall be accompanied by:(i) a declaration made by the applicant setting forth the facts of the case and stating that he is the person originally registered and, (ii) by one of the following documents:(I) applicant’s diploma; (II) his certificate of registration in original if the same has not been already returned by him. (3) The statement in the applicant shall also be verified by certificates in writing to be given by two Pharmacists registered under the Act who are residents in the neighbourhood of the place where the applicant has been testified to his present good character. (4) Before the application is considered by the Council the Registrar shall notify the same to the Licensing bodies whose qualifications were held by the applicant at the time his name was removed and shall further by letter addressed to the person or body (if any) on whose complaint the application’s name was removed, give notice of the application and of the time when the Council intends to consider the same. (5) The Council shall consider the application and may if it thinks fit, adjourn the consideration of it to a future date or require evidence or explanation from the applicant. (6) The application and the certificates referred to in subrules (3) shall be in forms M, N and O in the Appendix with such variations as circumstances may require. Printed forms shall be kept by the Registrar who shall supply them to intending applicant. Registrar, Clerks 23 (1) The qualifications and the scale of pay for the post of the and Office hours Registrar shall be fixed by the Council with the previous approval of the State Government in respect of grant of leave and traveling and other allowances to the Registrar and Council shall generally be guided by principles laid down in the Civil Services Rules of the State Government. (2) The post of the Registrar shall be of permanent in nature. In the case of new appointment there shall be Corporate seal probationary period of one year. The Registrar shall be a full time or a part time Officer of the Council, as may be decided by the State Government. (3) The Registrar shall keep his register in accordance with the provisions of the Act, the rules and regulation of the Council. (4) The Registrar shall be present at every meeting of the Council of the Executive Committee and shall take minutes of the proceedings at such meetings. (5) The Registrar as Secretary shall conduct and have charge of the correspondence of the Council and shall issue all requisite notice in the manner required under these rules. (6) The Registrar shall fulfill all the duties that may be required of him by the rules and regulations of the Council. (7) Except in public holidays, the office of the Registrar shall be kept open during the working days observed by the State Administration. The Registrar shall not be absent from duties unless specific permission from the President is obtained. (8) The Registrar shall be authorized to obtain whatever temporary additional assistance that may be required for the working of the council subject to the sanction of the President. (9) The Registrar shall have the general control over the management of the Office, authority and over the clerks and servants and have superintendence of the building. (10) The Registrar shall assign duties of the clerks under the direction of Executive Committee. (11) The clerks and peon shall attend the office on all working days observed by the State Government and at as and when necessary but shall not be absent from the duties unless specific permission from the Registrar is obtained. They shall be entitled to lease in accordance with the State Government Services Rules. 24 (1) The Corporate Seal shall be kept in a box having two different locks and the key of one of these locks shall be in the custody of the President and the key of the other lock in the custody of the Registrar. (2) The seal shall be affixed only by order of the Council or when the Council is not sitting, by order of the Executive Committee but its use by such Committee shall be limited to such acts as may be necessary to carry into effect the powers delegated to it by the Council. (3) If any other desires for affixing the seal shall state the object of its use, and shall be entered in the minutes of the Council or of the Executive Committee as the case may be. Inspection of documents 25 The following shall be the conditions on which leave is granted to members of the Council to inspect the documents of the Council when not required for use by its legal advisers:(1) A notice in writing of 3 (three) clear days shall be given to the Registrar, except when the Council is in session when special leave may be granted. (2) The subject of the documents needed for inspection shall be stated. (3) The Registrar shall be held responsible for the safe custody of all documents. (4) It shall be an instruction to the Registrar to have updated documents. (5) All such documents and the information derived there from shall be regarded as strictly confidential. Accountants 26 (1) The Council is authorized to receive for the purpose of its expenses, benefaction and contributions from private persons and bodies and the proceeds of the sale of reports and other publications. (2) An account shall be opened in the State Bank of India, Sikkim in the name of the Council and all the money of the Council shall be deposited in the said Bank subject to the reservation mentioned in sub-rule (8). (3) The Registrar, if appointed as a treasurer under sub-section (1) of section 26 of the Act, shall receive all money payable to the Council. He shall not retain in his hand a sum of more than 1000/- the balance being lodged in the Bank to the credit of the Council. (4) The Registrar, as the Treasurer, shall superintend the details of income and expenditure of the Sikkim Pharmacy Council and shall at each ordinary meeting at the Executive Committee submit a Financial Statement showing the transactions of the Council for the month previous to one in which the meeting is held. This statement shall if possible be sent out with the notice calling the meeting. (5) The Registrar shall in the month of July in each year prepare a statement of income and expenditure of the proceeding financial year ending 31st March and draw the attention of the Council to such matters as seen deserving of notice. (6) The annual account shall be made up by the Registrar under the direction of the Executive Committee. (7) In the month of September, each year an estimate of the revenue and of the expenditure of the Council for the commencing on 1st April next ensuing shall be laid before the Council. (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) Such estimate shall make provisions for the fulfillment of the liabilities of the Council and for effectually carrying out its objects. It shall include on its revenue side, besides all revenues, expenditure anticipated and all fees received from Registration and other sources and the amount expected from State Government by way of grant. The Council shall consider the estimate so submitted to it and shall sanction to same either unaltered or subject to such alterations as shall be deemed fit. The Council may at any time during the year for which any estimate has been sanctioned cause a supplementary estimate to be prepared and submitted to it. Every such supplementary estimate shall be considered and sanctioned by the Council, in the same either unaltered or subject to such alterations as shall be deemed fit. A bill or other voucher presented as a claim for money shall be received and examined by the Registrar. If the claim be for a sum not exceeding 1000/- and the bill is in order, he shall pay it. If the claim is for a sum exceeding 1000/- and the till is in order, payment shall be made after it is sanctioned by the President. The Registrar shall immediately being into account in the General cash book all moneys received or sent by the Council. All cheque in the Bank be signed by the President or his nominee and the Registrar. APPENDIX FORM - A (See rule 3) NOTICE OF ELECTION Election of a member of the State Pharmacy Council of Sikkim. Notice is hereby given pursuant to the provisions of rules 3 if the rules and Regulations of the State Pharmacy Council of Sikkim that the election of ……..members of the State Pharmacy Council of Sikkim to serve during the period expiring………….day of……………….is about to be held. Nominations of eligible persons to fill the vacancy are invited. Each candidate must be nominated by a separate nomination paper, but any person entitled to vote at the election may sign the nomination paper of any member of candidates not exceeding the member to be elected and for which he is entitled to vote. Every nomination paper must be in the Form B prescribed under sub-rule (3) of rule 4 giving all the details required therein. The nomination paper must reach the under signed not later than……..day of…………….from whom forms of nomination papers may be obtained in application. Nomination papers in respect of which provisions of part-I of the rules have not been complied with or which are not received by the Returning Officer by the aforesaid date will be invalid. Address_______________ ____________________ Returning Officer Dated ________________ I, the FORM – B (See sub-rule (3) of rule 4) FORM OF NOMINATION PAPER Election of member or members of the Sikkim Pharmacy Council. undersigned being a registered, Pharmacist hereby nominate (a)____________________ registered as a Pharmacist his registered number being (b) __________________________ as a candidate for election as a member of the State Pharmacy Council at the forth coming election. Signature _____________________ Address _____________________ Registration No.________________ Dated ________________________ We the undersigned second the proposal of Shri _______________________ Signature______________________ Address_______________________ ______________________________ _____________________________ Registration No._________________ Dated _________________________ Registration No.________________ Dated ________________________ I the undersigned hereby consent to accept nomination as a candidate for election to the Sikkim State/Pharmacy Council. Signature _____________________ Address ______________________ _____________________________ Registration No.________________ Date _________________________ (a). (b). State name and full address. State Registered Number. FORM – C sub-rule (10) of rule 4 FORM OF VOTING PAPER Election of member or members of the State Pharmacy Council of Sikkim. Official Mark of the Election of (a) Member Returning Officer ______________________________________________________________________ __ Column for Voter’s mark Name of Candidate (b) Address Registration Number ______________________________________________________________________ __ (a) (b) Number of candidates to be elected. Names to be printed in Alphabetical order. INSTRUCTIONS (1) Each elector has ________________________________votes. (2) He shall vote by placing the mark (X) opposite the name of the candidate whom he prefers. The voting papers shall be invited if the marks (X) is placed opposite the names of more than _____________________________ candidates or if the marks are so placed as to render it doubtful to which candidates they are intended to apply. (3) (4) The elector shall enclose the voting paper in the identification cover and then enclose that cover in a bigger cover in the left hand lower corner of which the elector shall write his full name and of which the elector fails to write his full name and signature the voting paper shall be invalid. (5) A voting paper shall be invalid dated if the voter returns the voting paper otherwise than in the ‘Identification Envelop’ with the declaration thereon duly completed. (6) Every elector shall send his voting paper in a separate cover direct to the Returning Officer. (7) If the Returning Officer receives more than one voting paper from any elector, all such voting papers shall be invalid. (8) If more than one mark is placed before the name of any candidate the whole paper will be disqualified. (9) This paper must be folded ‘Face Inwards’ placed in the accompanying ‘Identification Envelop’ which must be securely closed and then placed in a covering envelop. FORM – D sub-rule (11) of rule 4 FORM OF DECLARATION ON IDENTIFICATION ENVELOPE State Pharmacy Council of Sikkim I, (a) __________________________ of _______________________ hereby declare that I am the person to whom the enclosed. Voting paper was addressed, that I am registered Pharmacist (b) ____________________ and that I have not returned any other voting paper in this election. Signature _____________________ Address ______________________ _____________________________ Date _________________________ Signed in presence of (c) ______________________ 01. Signature ____________________________ 02. Signature ____________________________ (a) Insert full name. (b) Insert Register Number. (c) There must be two witnesses. 01. FORM – E See sub-rule (1) of 16 FORM OF REGISTER OF PHARMACIST Serial Number. 02. Name in full. 03. Residential Address. 04. Date of first admission to the Register. 05. Qualifications for Registration. 06. Name of the Employer. 07. Professional Address. 08. Nationality. 09. Date of renewal of Registration. 10. Remarks (Note Removal or restoration of names with dated). FORM – F See sub-rule (1) of rule 17) SIKKIM PHARMACY COUNCIL This is to certify that___________________________________ has been duly registered as a Registered Pharmacist in accordance with sub-rule (1) of rule 17 of the Sikkim Pharmacy Rules 2013 and is entitled to all the privileges granted under authority of the said Act to regulate the practice of Pharmacy in the State of Sikkim, being Act, No.8 of 1948 as amended. In witness whereof are herewith affixed the Seal of the Sikkim Pharmacy Council and the signature of Registrar of the said Council. Registration No.________________ _______________ SEAL Date of issue: REGISTRAR NOTE: This certificate is the property of Sikkim Pharmacy Council is issued to the above named Pharmacist in accordance with sub-rule (1) of rule 17 of the Sikkim Pharmacy Council Rules 2013. NOTICE 01 02 03 Every Registered Pharmacist should send to the Registrar immediately notice of any change in his registered address and also to answer all enquiries that may be sent to him by the Registrar in regard thereto, in order that his correct address may be duly inserted in the register of Pharmacist. All persons who are registered as legally qualified for the practice of Pharmacy. Every registered Pharmacist should renew his/her registration annually before the 1st day of April, every year according to the provisions of section 34 of the Pharmacy Act, 1948. By Order ___________________________ FORM – G (See sub-rule (1) of rule 18) To, The Registrar, State Pharmacy Council, Sikkim, Gangtok. Sir, 01 02 03 04 05 I request that my name be registered as a Pharmacist under the Pharmacy Act, 1948 and that I may be furnished with a certificate of Registration. Necessary particulars are given on the reverse of this application. I enclosed herewith for your perusal and return the certificates in original and their copies for record in your office. I hereby declare that I have read carefully and understand the instructions and particulars supplied to me and that all entries on the reverse of this application are true to the best of my knowledge and behalf. I agree that I will follow the rules of the Pharmacy Council which may be laid down for the guidance of the registered Pharmacists from time to time. Yours faithfully, Address Dated: INSTRUCTIONS (1) All particulars of the application must be filled in by the applicant in neat legible hand. (2) The names and particular entered in this application must exactly correspond with the name and particulars of the applicant entered at the University of other examination. (3) Registration fee of 1000/- should be sent to the Registrar by money order or handed in person. The Registration fee is not refundable whether the application for registration is accepted or rejected. (4) Under the Pharmacy Act, 1948 as it stands at present only persons who have passed the Matriculation or its equivalent examination are eligible for Registration. (5) Copies of Sections 31, 32 and 41 of the Pharmacy Act are attached with this application for the information of the applicant. (6) A copy of sub-rule (1) and (2) of rule 37 re-renewal of Registration is attached for information. 01. Name in full. 02. Father’s Name. 03. Place and date of birth (proof of age to be attached) 04. Nationality. 05. Permanent residential address. 06. Address of the Hospital, Dispensary or other place in which employed at present. 07. Year of passing the Matriculation Examination of Examination prescribed as being equivalent to Matriculation Examination (Kindly attach original certificate with a copy). 08. Description of qualification as a Pharmacist (Kindly attach original certificate with a copy). 09. Name of the Examining body. 10. Name of the Institution under which training undergone. 11. Year of Passing Examination. Signature THE PHARMACY ACT, 1948 SECTION 31: QUALIFICATIONS FOR ENTRY ON FIRST REGISTER. A person shall be entitled on payment of the prescribed fee to have his name entered in the first register if he resides, or carries on the business or profession of pharmacy in the State and if he (a) holds a degree or diploma in Pharmacy or Pharmaceutical Chemistry/ or chemist and druggist diploma of an Indian University of a State Government, as the case may be, or a prescribed qualification granted, by an authority outside the State of India, or (b) holds a degree of an Indian University other than a degree in Pharmacy or Pharmaceutical chemistry, and has been engaged in the compounding of drugs in a hospital or dispensary or other place in which drugs are regularly dispensed on prescriptions of medical practitioners for a total period of not less than three years, or (c) has passed an examination recognized as adequate by the State Government for compounders or dispensers, or (d) has been engaged in the compounding of drugs in a hospital or dispensary or other place in which drugs are regularly dispensed on prescription of medical practitioners for a total period of not less than 5 (five) years prior to the date of notified under sub-section (2) of section 30. SECTION 32: QUALIFICATION FOR SUBSEQUENT REGISTRATION. (1) After the date appointed under sub-section (3) of section30 and before the Education Regulations have , by or under section 11, taken effect in the State, a person shall on payment of the prescribed fee be entitled to have his name entered in the register if he resides or carries on the business or profession of Pharmacy in the Stat and if he – (2) (a) satisfies the conditions prescribed with the prior approval of the Central Council, or where no conditions have been prescribed the conditions entitling a person to have his name entered on the first register as set out in Section 31. (b) is a registered Pharmacist in another State / or (c) possesses a qualification on approved under Section 14. SECTION 41: PENALTY FOR FALSELY CLAIMING TO BE REGISTERED. (1) If any person whose name is not for the time being entered in the register of the state falsely pretends that it is so entered or uses in connection with his name or title any words or letters, reasonably calculated to suggest that his name is so entered, he shall be punishable on first conviction with fine which may extend to 5 (five) extending to 6 (six) months or with fine not exceeding one thousand rupees or with both. Provided that it shall be a defense to show that the name of the accused is entered in the Register of another State and that at the time of the alleged offence under this Section an application for Registration in the Stat and been made. For the purposes of this section (a) the use of the description “Pharmacist” Chemist” Druggist” Pharmacist” Dispenser” “Dispensing Chemist”, or any combination of such words shall be deemed to be reasonably calculated to suggest that the person using such description is person whose name is for the time being entered in the Register of the province; (b) the on-us of proving that the name of a person is for the time being entered in the register of a state shall be on him who asserts it. (2) (3) Cognizance of an offence punishable under this section shall not be taken except upon complaint made by order of the State Government or the Executive Committee of the State Council. FORM - H (See sub-rule (6) of rule 18) Application for registration of additional qualification. To, The Registrar, State Pharmacy Council, Sikkim. Sir, I beg to apply for the registration of the additional qualification_____________________which I have obtained from_____________in _________________________. The Diploma or certificates of the qualifications are enclosed herewith. These may be returned as soon done with. I am already registered under the Pharmacy Act, 1948, and my registration number is _____________________. The prescribed fee of 1000/- is sent herewith dated the _______________ Yours faithfully, (SIGNATURE OF THE APPLICANT) FORM - I (See sub-rule (7) of rule 18) REGISTRATION OF ADDITIONAL QUALIFICATION. (Under section35 of the Pharmacy Act, 1948) The additional diploma/ certificate appearing below have been names of Shri/Smt ______________________________________________________________________ __ Registration No. __________________________________ Diploma or Certificate Already registered. _____________________________ ______________________________ Diploma or Certificate Now registered FORM - J (See sub- rule (9) of rule 18) CERTIFIED COPY OF ENTRIES IN THE REGISTER. No._______________ Office of the Pharmacy Council of Sikkim Certified to be true copy of the entry in the Pharmacy register of the name specified below: Name N.B. Address Date of Registration Qualification REGISTRAR This certified copy remain evidence of registration only until the publication of the printed Pharmacists Registration for 19. It is not nor must it be used as evidence of the identity of the holder with the person named therein. FORM - K (See sub- rule (7) of rule 21 Notice to a Pharmacist to attend proceedings for removal of his name from the Pharmacists register under Section 36 of the Pharmacy Act, 1948. Sir, On behalf of the Executive committee of the State Pharmacy Council of Sikkim. I give you notice that information and evidence have been laid before the Executive Committee by which the complainant make the following charges against, you, namely ( here not out the circumstances briefly) and that a professional respect. Or that you were on the_____________________day of convicted of the following offence at viz (not out particulars of the conviction.). And I am directed further to give you notice that on the day of 19 a meeting of the Executive Committee will be held at O’clock in the to consider the above mentioned charges against you, and decide whether or not they should direct your name to be removed from the Register, pursuant to Section36 of the Pharmacy Act,1948. You are invited and required to answer in writing the above charges and to attend before the Executive Committee at the above mentioned place and time to establish any denial or defense that you may have to make up to the above mentioned charges and you are hereby informed that if you do not attend as required the executive Committee may proceed to hear and decide the said charges in your absence. FORM - L (See sub-rule (3) of rule 22) Application for re-entry in the register of Pharmacists his name removed under Section 36. To, The State Pharmacy Council of Sikkim. Sir, I, the undersigned (a) holding the qualifications of (b)__________________ do solemnly and sincerely declare the following. In the year (c) my name was duly registered in the registered respect of the following qualification viz; (d) and on the date of era sure of my name was registered in respect of the following additional qualifications viz (e) - (f)The Registrar removed my name from the register on (f) for default in payment of renewal fee. Since the removal of my name from the register, I have been residing at (g) and my occupation has been (h). It is my intention if my name is restored in the register (i). Declared at on Yours faithfully, Witness (1) Signature, Address Signature Registration No. (a) Insert full name. (b) Insert qualifications (c) Insert date of Registration (d) Insert qualifications (e) Insert additional qualifications (f) Insert date of removal (g) State address. (h) Give particulars. (i) Insert particulars as to a proposed future professional (j) A registered Pharmacist. FORM - M (See sub-rule (6) of rule 22) CERTIFICATE IN SUPPORT OF APPICATION. I hereby certify that the aforesaid applicant is the above specified whose name formerly stood in the register of Pharmacist under the Pharmacy Act 1948 with the following address and qualification. Name: Address: Qualification: Date: Signature of the person FORM - N (See sub-rule (6) of rule 22) Statutory declaration by applicant for restoration of name of the registered of Pharmacists under Section 36 of the Act. To, The State Pharmacy Council of Sikkim. (1) I, the undersigned (a) now holding the qualifications of (b) do solemnly and sincerely declare that the following are the facts of my case and in reason of which I seek re-entry of my name in the State Pharmacy Register. (2) In the year of (c) my name was duly registered in the Register in respect of the following qualification name (d) and on the date of the removal of my name herein after mentioned I was registered in respect of the same qualifications (e) and also in respect of the following additional qualifications, namely. (3) As an enquiry held on the (f) day of the Council directed my name to be removed from the register on a complaint made to the State Pharmacy Council by (g) of and the offence for which the Council directed the removal of my name was (h). (4) Since the removal of my name from the register I have been residing at (i) and my occupation has been. (5) It is my intention if my name is re-entered in the register (j). (6) The Ground of Application is (k). Signed Declared at _____________ on ___________ before _________________ me. Presidency Magistrate or Commissioner of Oaths or Justice of peace. (a) Insert full name (b) Insert qualifications if any (c) Insert date (d) Insert original qualifications. (e) To be to if necessary. (f) Insert date of inquiry (g) Insert name and address of the complaint (h) Insert charge on which name was removed. (i) The blank in this paragraph must be filled in accordance to circumstances. (j) Insert particulars as to proposed future professional occupations (k) All facts and grounds on which the application is made should be clearly and concisely stated. FORM - O (See sub-rule (6) of rule 22) CERTIFICATE IN SUPPORT OF APPLICATIONS I ____________________________________ __________________________ certify as follows: (i) My registration No. is _________________ (ii) of I have read paragraphs (4) and (5) of the application of _____________and say that I have been and am well acquainted with said _________________both before and since his name was removed from the register that I believe him to be now a person of good character and that the Statements in the said paragraphs are to the best of my knowledge information and belief true. (DR. K. BHANDARI) DIRECTOR GENERAL-CUM SECRETARY, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH CARE, HUMAN SERVICES & FAMILY WELFARE GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM GANGTOK SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY Gangtok 23rd September,2013 No.512 _____________________________________________________________ GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM INFORMATION & PUBLIC RELATIONS DEPARTMENT GANGTOK No 11/IPR/13-14 Dated 11/09/2013 NOTIFICATION The State Government is pleased to notify the entitlement of a monthly allowance for use of mobile connection and internet charges for official purpose of various officers and staff engaged in field duties while covering news items throughout the state. The monthly entitlement applicable to the officers and staff are appended below:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. District Information Officer’s – Rs. 500/- per month Senior Information Assistant’s – Rs. 300/- per month Mr. Keshav Chettri, Printer, Head Office – Rs. 300/- per month Mr. N.B. Chettri, Cameraperson, Head Office - Rs. 300/- per month Mr. D.P. Sharma, Cameraperson, Head Office –Rs. 300/- per month Mr. Chetnath Sharma, Cameraperson, Head Office – Rs. 300/- per month Mr. Phurba Tamang, Cameraperson, Head Office – Rs. 300/- per month Mr. Anand Darjee, Cameraperson, Head Office - Rs. 300/- per month Mr. Mahendra Ranpal , Project Attendant – Rs. 300/- per month Mr. J.B.Mukhia, Project Attendant, Head Office – Rs. 300/- per month Mr. N.B.Pradhan, Project Attendant, Head Office – Rs.300/- per month Mr. Duknam Lepcha, Project Attendant, DIC North –Rs. 300/- per month Mr. Pem Chewang, Project Attendant, DIC South –Rs. 300/- per month Mr. Sonam Bhutia, Project Attendant, DIC, West – Rs. 300/- per month The entitlement of the officers and staff mentioned above will cease to be applicable upon transfer, promotion or reshuffle of their duties. This notification shall be effective from September 2013. By Order and in the name of the Governor. Sd/ D.Anandan, IAS Secretary IPR Department No……………… Date……………. Copy to: 6. All the HOD 7. P.S to Hon’ble Minister IPR Department 8. J.S (Protocol) Home Department for publication in the Govt. Gazette. 9. File & 10. Guard file Under Secretary/Advt IPR Department SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 23rd September,2013 Gangtok No.513 SIKKIM PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION GANGTOK No : SPCS/Adm.2013/40 Dated:17/9/2013. NOTIFICATION With the approval of the State Government one post of Peon in the Commission Secretariat is redesignated as Examination Attendant in the Pay Band-I Rs. 5200-20200 and Grade Pay of Rs. 2200/- with immediate effect . By order. Sd/- (Tenzing Bhutia) Secretary, Sikkim Public Service Commission. Memo No. ______________/SPSC/2013 ______________ Dated: (T.P. Sharma) Deputy Secretary, Sikkim Public Service Commission, Gangtok. SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY Gangtok 23rd September, 2013 No.514 RURAL MANAGEMENT & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM GANGTOK No: 109 / RM&DD Dated: 19 / 09 / 2013 NOTIFICATION In order to strengthen the Panchayati Raj Administration, Govt. have envisaged for the creation of four additional posts along- with the offices of the Additional District Collector (Development) in the following sub- divisions:1. 2. 3. 4. Pakyong under East District, Chungthang under North District, Ravangla under South District, Soreng under West District. Subsequent upon the creation of four additional offices of the Additional District Collector (Development) at Pakyong, Chungthang, Ravangla and Soreng by carving it out from the existing office of the ADC (Dev.) at Gangtok, Mangan, Namchi and Gyalshing respectively, it is proposed to place the following Gram Vikas Kendras under the Territorial jurisdiction of the newly created office of the Additional District Collector (Development) as under in accordance with the Cabinet decision taken in the Cabinet meeting held on 6th Sept. 2013 :Sl No. Name of the Office Name of the Gram Vikas District of the ADC (Dev.) Kendra Territorial Jurisdiction of the office of ADC (Dev.) 1 Office of the Additional District Collector (Dev.) at Pakyong. Office of the Additional District Collector (Dev.) at Chungthang. GVK Reghu GVK Rhenock GVK Pakyong GVK Parakha East under District Collector (East). GVK Chungthang North 2 under District Collector (North). 3 4 Office of the Additional District Collector (Dev.) at Soreng. Office of the Additional District Collector (Dev.) at Ravangla. GVK Soreng GVK Chumbong-Chakung GVK Kaluk GVK Daramdin GVK Ravangla GVK Yangang GVK Temi GVK Sikkip under District Collector (West). West under District Collector (South) South Further, after the creation of four additional offices of the Additional District Collector (Development) at Pakyong, Chungthang, Ravangla and Soreng , the office of the Additional District Collector (Development) at Gangtok, Mangan, Namchi and Gyalshing will have the following Gram Vikas Kendras under its jurisdiction :Sl No. 1 2 3 4 Name of the Office of the ADC (Dev.) Office of the Additional District Collector (Dev.) at Gangtok. Office of the Additional District Collector (Dev.) at Mangan. Office of the Additional District Collector (Dev.) at Gyalshing. Name of the Gram Vikas Kendra GVK Gangtok GVK Ranka GVK Martam GVK Khamdong GVK Rakdong-Tintek GVK Duga GVK Mangan GVK Passingdang GVK Kabi- Tingda GVK Gyalshing GVK Dentam GVK Hee-Martam GVK Chongrang GVK Yuksom Office of the Additional GVK Namchi District Collector (Dev.) GVK Jorethang at Namchi. GVK Namthang GVK Sumbuk District Territorial Jurisdiction of the office of ADC (Dev.) East under District Collector (East). North under District Collector (North). West under District Collector (West) South under District Collector (South) Sd/( D.R. Nepal ) Secretary Rural Management & Development Department Copy for information to :1. Chief Engineer, RM&DD 2. Special Secretary / MG – NREGA 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Director (Panchayat) / RM&DD District Collector (East) Gangtok / (West) Gyalshing/ (North) Mangan/ (South) Namchi Additional Chief Engineer (North - East), (South-East) / RM&DD Additional Director (Accounts) / RM&DD ADC (Dev.) (East) Gangtok, Pakyong / (West) Gyalshing, Soreng / (North) Mangan, Chungthang/ (South) Namchi, Ravangla Joint Secretary, Home Deptt. - to be publish in Sikkim Govt. Gazette All G.V.As. Assistant Director/ IT, RM&DD File & Guard file. Deputy Secretary (Adm) Rural Management & Dev. Department. SIKKIM GOVERNMENT Gangtok GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 23rd September,2013 No.515 Government of Sikkim Land Revenue and Disaster Management Department, Gangtok (New Secretariat, Development Area, Gangtok, Sikkim–737101/Phone: 03592-202664/Fax: 03592201145/202932/Website: Http: / ssdma.org Emailid: ccs-lr-sik @nic.in/Sikkimsdma @gmail.com. NOTIFICATION NO.81/84/GOS/LR&DMD/ACQ Dt: 20/9/2013. NOTICE UNDER SECTION 4(1) OF LAND ACQUISITION ACT, 1894 (ACT I OF 1894) Whereas it appears to the Governor that land is likely to be needed for a public purpose, not being a purpose of the Union, namely for the Construction of Food Godown by Food Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs Department, Govt. of Sikkim at Rinchenpong block, West Sikkikm, it is hereby notified that the pieces of land bearing cadastral plot nos. 543/P & 518/P measuring more or less 0.0920 hectare bounded on the East: C.F & DF of Thupden Lepcha, West: C.F & D.F of Thupden Lepcha, North: C.F & D.F of Thupden Lepcha & South: S.P.W.D Road is likely to be needed for the aforesaid public purpose at the public expenses within the aforesaid block. This Notification is made under the provision of Section 4(1) of L. A. Act, 1894 (Act I of 1894) to all whom it may concern. A plan of land may be inspected in the Office of the District Collector West, Gyalshing. In exercise of the powers conferred by the aforesaid section, the Governor is pleased to authorize the Officers for the time being engaged in the undertaking, with . Whereas, there is an urgency to acquire the land, the Governor is further pleased to direct under section 17(4) that the provision of Section 5-A of the Act shall not apply. SD/- (K.S.TOBGAY) SECRETARY LAND REVENUE AND D.M. DEPARTMENT File No.84/GOS/ LR & DMD/ACQ. SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY Gangtok rd 23 September,2013 No.516 Government of Sikkim Health Care, Human Services & Family Welfare Department Notification No: 106 /HC, HS & FW Dated: 20.09.2013 NOTIFICATION Whereas the Central Government for effective implementation of National Rural Health Mission Scheme relating to Human Resources segment requires certain conditionalities to be fulfilled as a part of policy declaration by way of notification and for submission of compliance report to the Central Government; Now therefore, the State Government as a part of rational deployment policy for Human Resource under Health Care Human Services and Family Welfare Department, Government of Sikkim and in order to achieve rational deployment of manpower, duly considering the vacancies, delivery points, high priority and low performing districts, is pleased to notify the conditionalites as under namely;1. The vacancies shall be filled up in high priority district. 2. The vacancies shall be filled up in low performing district. 3. The vacancies shall be filled up in delivery point. 4. Paramedical and Nursing staff shall be posted considering the case load, delivery load of the facility. 5. The facility shall be categorized based on accessibility. 6. Salary of the contractual medical officers and nursing staff under National Rural Health Mission shall be restructured to encourage rational posting. By order in the name of the Governor. Sd/Dr. K. BHANDARI,DM DG-CUM-SECRETARY, SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 23rd September,2013 Gangtok No. 517 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM FINANCE, REVENUE & EXPENDITURE DEPARTMENT (DIRECTORATE OF SIKKIM STATE LOTTERIES) BALUWAKHANI, GANGTOK – 737101 Dated: 28th June, 2013 No. FIN/DSSL/ 2013-14/ 8(I) NOTIFICATION In supersession of Notification No. FIN/DSSL/2013-14/53 dated 18th March, 2013, It is hereby notified for general information that the Playwin Sunday Jaldi 5 lotto weekly lottery scheme marketed through the Marketing Agent M/S Pan India Network Ltd. shall be withdrawn w.e.f. 30.06.2013. By Order. Director, Sikkim State Lotteries S.G.P.G. - / Gazette/ 30 Cps./ SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 23rd September,2013 Gangtok No. 518 DIRECTORATE OF SIKKIM STATE LOTTERIES FINANCE, REVENUE & EXPENDITURE DEPARTMENT GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM Dated: 16th September No. FIN/DSSL/ RESULTS / 30 2013 NOTIFICATION The Daily Lottery Results from 1st September 2013 to 15th September 2013 of the following weekly lottery schemes of the Sikkim State Lotteries marketed through the Marketing Agent, M/S Summit Online Trade Solutions Pvt. Ltd. are hereby notified for general information as per Annexures 1 to 15 :3. Two (2) draws of the Sugar Online Weekly Lottery 4. Six (6) Draws of the Smart Online Weekly Lottery By Order. Director, Sikkim State Lotteries S.G.P.G. – Gazette/ 30Cps./ SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 23rd September,2013 Gangtok 519 No. GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM FINANCE, REVENUE & EXPENDITURE DEPARTMENT (DIRECTORATE OF SIKKIM STATE LOTTERIES) BALUWAKHANI, GANGTOK – 737101 No. FIN/DSSL/ RESULTS/31 Dated: 16th September, 2013 NOTIFICATION The Daily Lottery Results from 01st September, 2013 to 15th September, 2013, of the following weekly lottery schemes of the Sikkim State Lotteries, marketed through the Distributor, M/S Future Gaming Solutions India Pvt. Ltd. are hereby notified for general information as per Annexures 1 to 15 :6. 7. 8. 9. Future Immense set of weekly lotteries (Monday to Sunday), Singam Delight set of weekly lotteries (Monday to Sunday), Kuil Parrot set of weekly lotteries (Monday to Sunday), Dear Affectionate set of weekly lotteries (Monday to Sunday), 10. Singam Delight Evening set of weekly lotteries (Monday to Sunday)-w.e.f. 02nd September 2013 and 11. Dear Affectionate Evening set of weekly lotteries (Monday to Sunday). By Order. Director, Sikkim State Lotteries S.G.P.G. - / Gazette/ 30 Cps./ SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 23rd September,2013 Gangtok 520 No. DIRECTORATE OF SIKKIM STATE LOTTERIES FINANCE, REVENUE & EXPENDITURE DEPARTMENT GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM Dated: 16th September No. FIN/DSSL/ RESULTS/ 32 2013 NOTIFICATION The Daily Lottery Results from 1st September 2013 to 15th September 2013, of the following weekly lottery schemes of the Sikkim State Lotteries marketed through the Marketing Agent M/S Pan India Network Pvt. Ltd. are hereby notified for general information as per Annexures 1 to 15 :- Mon 2. Tue 3. Wed Lotto 4. Thu 5. Fri 6. Sat 7. Sun 1. 6 draws of Science Online; 1 draw of Fast Digit & Sikkim Keno 6 draws of Science Online; 1 draw of Fast Digit & Tuesday Thunderball 6 draws of Science Online; 1 draw of Fast Digit & Wednesday Jaldi 5 Double 6 draws of Science Online; 1 draw of Fast Digit & Thursday Super Lotto 6 draws of Science Online; 1 draw of Fast Digit & Friday Jaldi 5 Lotto 6 draws of Science Online; 1 draw of Fast Digit & Saturday Super Lotto 6 draws of Science Online; 1 draw of Fast Digit & Sikkim Keno By Order. Director, Sikkim State Lotteries S.G.P.G. – Gazette/ 30Cps./ SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 23rd September,2013 Gangtok No. 521 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM FINANCE, REVENUE & EXPENDITURE DEPARTMENT (DIRECTORATE OF SIKKIM STATE LOTTERIES) BALUWAKHANI, GANGTOK – 737101 Dated: 16th August, No. FIN/DSSL/ 2013-14/ 15 2013 NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for general information that the following online lottery scheme of the Government of Sikkim being marketed through the Marketing Agent M/S Pan India Network Ltd. shall be introduced w.e.f. 18.08.2013 as per Annexure 1: - 1. Sikkim Keno (every Sunday). By Order. Director, Sikkim State Lotteries S.G.P.G. - / Gazette/ 30 Cps./ SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 23rd September,2013 Gangtok 522 No. DIRECTORATE OF SIKKIM STATE LOTTERIES FINANCE, REVENUE & EXPENDITURE DEPARTMENT GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM BALUWAKHANI, GANGTOK – 737101 No. FIN/DSSL/ 2013-14/ 16 2013 Dated: 10th September, NOTIFICATION In partial modification of this office Notification No. FIN/DSSL/2013-14/10 dated 17th July, 2013 it is hereby notified that the scheme of Kuil Parrot set of weekly lotteries (Monday to Sunday) being marketed through the Marketing Agent M/s Future Gaming Solutions India Pvt. Ltd. shall be revised w.e.f. 16th September, 2013 and onwards, as per the details given at Annexure. By Order. Director, Sikkim State Lotteries S.G.P.G. - / Gazette/ 30 Cps./ SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 23rd September,2013 Gangtok 523 No. DIRECTORATE OF SIKKIM STATE LOTTERIES FINANCE, REVENUE & EXPENDITURE DEPARTMENT GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM BALUWAKHANI, GANGTOK – 737101 No. FIN/DSSL/ 2013-14/ 17 2013 Dated: 21st September, NOTIFICATION In partial modification of this office Notification No. FIN/DSSL/2013-14/12 dated 22nd August, 2013 it is hereby notified that the scheme of Singam Delight Evening set of weekly lotteries (Monday to Sunday) being marketed through the Marketing Agent M/s Future Gaming Solutions India Pvt. Ltd. shall be revised w.e.f. 07th October, 2013 and onwards, as per the details given in the enclosed annexure. By Order. Director, Sikkim State Lotteries S.G.P.G. - / Gazette/ 30 Cps./ SIKKIM GOVERNMENT Gangtok GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 23th September,2013 No.524 ENERGY & POWER DEPARTMENT GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM GANGTOK NO.33/P/GEN/97/PART-V Dated:- 21.09.2013 NOTIFICATION The Sikkim State Electricity Regulatory Commission vide their order no. TR-3/2013-14 dated 30.03.2013 is please to revise the tariff for consumption of electricity as per Tariff Schedule annexed hereto. The revised tariff schedule is effective from 01.04.2013. It will be applicable for reading taken for electricity consumption on or after 01.04.2013. The rates of charges, conditions of supply and other matters specified in the schedule annexed hereto shall replace the existing rates and charges and corresponding provision in the existing schedule and in the existing agreement, if any, with the Energy & Power Department, Government of Sikkim with effect from 01.04.2013. This supersedes all the earlier notifications on Electricity Tariff. G. Targain PCE-cum-Secretary Energy & Power Department Govt. of Sikkim TARIFF SCHEDULE I. DOMESTIC SUPPLY (DS) Type of consumer Power supply to private house, residential flats and Government residential buildings for light. Heating/ electrical appliances, fans etc for domestic purpose. This schedule can also be made applicable to the charitable organization after verifying the genuineness of their non-commercial aspects by the concerned divisional office. (a) Nature of service: Low Tension a.c. 400/230 volts, 50 cycles/sec (hz) (b) Rates: Units Consumption Up to 50 51 to 100 101 to 200 201 to 400 Consumption exceeding 400 units (c) Paisa per kWh (Unit) 110 225 345 415 440 Monthly Minimum Charge: Single Phase Supply Rs. 40.00 Three Phase Supply (d) Rs. 200.00 Monthly Rebate (if paid within due date) : 5% on Energy Charges (e) Annual Surcharge (charge on the gross arrear outstanding every March end): 10% If electricity supplied in domestic-premises is used for commercial purpose, the entire supply shall be charged under commercial supply. Free supply of electricity for consumption upto 50 units applicable to all the domestic consumers in rural areas as per clause 1 of Government Notification No.33/P/GEN/97/PART-V dated 29.11.2003 is now proposed on the basis of assessment recorded through energy meter only and assessment accounted on average basis shall not be entertained for subsidy. II. COMMERCIAL SUPPLY (CS) Type of consumer Supply of energy for light, fan, heating and power appliances in commercial and non-domestic establishments such as shops, business houses, hotel, restaurants, petrol pumps, service stations garages, auditoriums, cinema houses, nursing homes, dispensaries, doctors clinic which are used for privates gains, telephone exchange, nurseries, show rooms, x-ray plants, libraries banks, video parlours, saloons, beauty parlours, health clubs or any house of profit as identified by the Assistant Engineer/Executive Engineer concerned of the Department. (a) Nature of supply: Low Tension a.c. 400/230volts, 50 cycles/Sec (hz) (b) Rate: Units Consumption Paisa per kWh (Unit) Upto 50 51 to 200 201 to 400 Consumption exceeding 400 units 315 490 515 540 Rural Areas Demand Charge – For those establishments whose sanction load is more than 25 kVA & does not have independent transformer but run their unit through shared transformers. Rs. 60/ kVA/Month plus energy charges as shown above Urban Areas Rs.100/ kVA/Month plus energy charges as shown above (c) Monthly Minimum Charge: Single Phase Supply Rs. 200.00 Three Phase Supply Rs. 500.00 (d) Monthly Rebate (if paid within due date) : 5% on Energy Charges (e) Annual Surcharge (charge on the gross arrear outstanding every March end): 10% III. LOW TENSION INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY (LTIS): Type of consumer Power supply to the industries like poultry, Agriculture load or any other units of such kind under small-scale industries having connected load not exceeding 25 kVA in total. (a) Nature of service: Low Tension a.c. 400/230volts, 3 phase/single phase, 50 cycles/Sec (hz) (b) Rate: Paisa per kWh Units Consumption Upto 500 501 to 1000 1001 & Above Demand Charge – For those establishment whose sanction load is more than 25 KVA & does not have independent transformer but run their Rural 235 420 545 Urban 480 550 620 Rural Urban Rs. 60/kVA/Month plus energy charges as shown above Rs. 100/kVA/Month plus energy charge as shown above unit through shared transformers. (c) Monthly Minimum Charge: Rural Urban Rs. 60/kVA/Month Rs. 100/kVA/Month (d) Monthly Rebate (if paid within due date) : 5% on Energy Charges (e) Annual Surcharge(charge on the gross arrear outstanding every March end): 10% IV. HIGH TENSION SUPPLY (HTS): Type of consumer All types of supply with contract demand at single point having 3 phase supply and voltage above 3.3 kV. (a) Nature of supply: High Tension a.c, above 3.3 kV, 3 phase, 50 cycles/Sec (hz) Executive Engineer should sanction the demand In the Requisition and Agreement form of the Department before the service connection is issued based on the availability of quantum of Power. The demand sanctioned by the Executive Engineer will be considered as the contract demand. A maximum demand indicator will be installed at the consumer premises to record the maximum demand on the monthly basis. If in a month, the recorded maximum demand exceeds the contract demand, that portion of the demand in excess of the contract demand will be billed at twice the prevailing demand charges. In case recorded maximum demand exceeds the contract demand for three consecutive months the demand charges will be payable on the basis of installed capacity of the transformer. Energy meters are compulsorily to be installed on HT side. In case energy meters are installed on the LT side the assessed energy consumption shall be grossed up by 4% to account for the transformation loss and billed accordingly. (b) Rate: Units Consumption Upto 100 kVA Demand Charge Plus Energy Charge Above 100 to 250 kVA Demand Charge Plus Energy Charge Above 250 kVA to 500 kVA Demand Charge Plus Energy Charge Above 500 kVA Demand Charge Plus Energy Charge Charge Rs. 150/kVA/Month 300 Paisa/Unit Rs. 200/kVA/Month 348 Paisa/Unit Rs. 230/kVA/Month 396 Paisa/Unit Rs. 450/kVA/Month 410 Paisa/Unit (c) Monthly Minimum Charge: Demand Charge (d) Monthly Rebate (if paid within due date): 2% on Energy Charges (e) Annual Surcharge (charge on the gross arrear outstanding every March end): 15% V. BULK SUPPLY (BS): (NON-COMMERCIAL SUPPLY) Type of consumer Available for general mixed loads to M.E.S. and other Military Establishments, Borders roads, Sikkim Armed Police Complex (SAP), all Government Non residential buildings, Hospitals, Aerodromes and other similar establishments as identified as such supply by the concerned Executive Engineer. (a) Nature of service: Low Tension a.c. 400/230 volts or High tension above 3.3 kV Executive Engineer should sanction the demand in the Requisition and Agreement form of the Department before the service connection is issued. (b) Rate: All Consumptions Paisa/Unit LT 540 HT 560 (c) Monthly Minimum Charge: LT (430/230 Volts) Rs. 150/kVA of Sanction Load HT (11kV or 66 kV) Rs. 140/kVA of Sanction Load (d) Monthly Rebate (if paid within due date): 2% on Energy Charges (e) Annual Surcharge (charge on the gross arrear outstanding every March end): 15% VI. SUPPLY TO ARMY PENSIONERS Type of Consumer Provided to the army pensioners or their surviving widows based on the list provided by Sikkim Rajya Sainik Board. (a) Nature of service: Low Tension a.c. 230/400 volts, 50 cycles/Sec(hz) (b) Rate Domestic supply rate is applicable (i) Up to 100 units (ii) 101 and above To be billed to Secretary, Rajya Sainik Board To be billed to the Consumer Minimum charges, surcharges, and rebate etc will be applicable as per domestic supply category. VII. SUPPLY TO BLIND Type of consumer Service connection provided to a house of a family whose head of the family is blind and the same is certified by the National Association for Blinds. (a) Nature of service: Low Tension a.c. 230/400 volts, 50 cycles/Sec (hz) (b) Rate Domestic supply rate is applicable (i) Up to 100 units (ii) 101 and above To be billed to Secretary, Social Welfare Department To be billed to the Consumer Minimum charges, surcharges, and rebate etc will be applicable as per domestic supply category. VIII. SUPPLY TO THE PLACES OF WORSHIP (SPW) Type of consumer Supply of power to Gumpas, Manilakhangs, Tsamkhangs, Mandirs, Churches, and Mosques as identified by the State Ecclesiastical Department. (a) Nature of service: Low Tension 400/230 volts, 50 cycles/Sec (hz) b) Rate Unit Consumption slab Places of worship having: (i) Having 3 lights points: A) up to 100 units B)Above 101 units (ii) Having 4 to 6 lights points. A) up to 150 units B)Above 151 units Paisa per kWh (Unit) Domestic rate is applicable. (iii)Having 7 to 12 points A) up to 300 units B) Above 301 units (iv)Having 13 and more light points A) upto 500 units B) Above 501 units A) To be billed to Secretary, Ecclesiastical Department and to be submitted to the head of Department in the District. B) To be billed to Head of the Place of worship. Minimum charges, surcharges, and rebate etc will be applicable as per domestic supply category. IX. PUBLIC LIGHTING ENERGY CONSUMPTION CHARGES It has been decided that the electrical energy consumption charges of public lightning street light etc in urban area shall be paid by the Urban Development & Housing Department. Similarly the consumption of electrical energy for street fight etc in rural areas shall be paid by the concerned Panchayat / Rural Management & Development department. The necessary meter/metering equipments shall be provided by the Energy & Power Department and for which the standard (Tariff Schedule) charges is also applicable in accordance with rules and regulations of the Department. Rate: X. Rural Areas 250 Paisa/kWh (Unit) Urban Areas 460 Paisa/kWh (Unit) TEMPORARY SUPPLY Type of consumer Available for temporary purposes and for the period not exceeding two months in the first instance but can be extended for the further-period not exceeding one month on each occasion. The Assessment of energy consumption shall be on the basis of recorded meter reading and not on average. Approval of the Temporary Supply and its duration will be the discretion of the Assistant Engineer of the Department. If the temporary connection is more than approved period, such use of electricity will be treated as theft of power. (a) Nature of Service: Low tension a.c. 400/230 volts, 50 Hz /H.T. 11 kV whichever is applicable and possible at the discretion of the department: (b) Rate Twice the Tariff under schedule DS/CS/LTIS/HT for corresponding permanent supply (Temporary supply connection shall not be entertained without energy meter). Two months assessment on sanction load shall have to be paid in advance as security deposit before taking the connection. XI. SCHEDULE FOR MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES Service Connection Following procedures should be strictly followed while giving the new service connection. On receipt of written application with requisite, Revenue Stamp from any intending consumer addressed to the Assistant Engineer (Commercial/Revenue) the department will issue the Requisition and Agreement form of the Department. This form will be issued on production of BR for Rs. 5/- (Rupees Five) only. He/ She will complete the form in all respect and submit to the office of the Assistant Engineer. Assistant Engineer will issue the service connection estimate with the approval of the Executive Engineer. If the Sub station of the area or any other connected Electrical network is under capacity, the department can decline the service connection till the capacity is increased as required. If the demand is more than 25 kVA the Department reserves the right to ask the applicant to provide suitable sub station at his/her cost. The Energy & Power Department also reserves the right to disconnect the service connection of any consumer if he/she increases the load above sanctioned load without written approval of the Department and will treat such cases as theft of power. Single connection will be provided to the legal landlord of the building. However, in case Government / Semi Government/Government Undertakings offices in the rented buildings/ flats, separate service connection in the name of the head of the office can be provided with the approval of the concerned Executive Engineer. XII. XIII. METER RENT / Month (i) Energy Meter (a) Single Phase (b) Three phase Rs. 20.00 Rs. 60.00 (ii) Maximum demand indicator Rs.175.00 (iii) Time switch Rs.120.00 TESTING OF METERS i) ii) XIV. Energy Meters 1 Ph Other Metering Instruments Rs. 150 Rs. 250 DISCONNECTION & RECONNECTION (i) DS and CS category (ii) LTIS, HTS & Bulk category Rs.150.00 Rs.250.00 Unless otherwise demanded by the department replacement of meters or shifting the position of meter boards etc, can be entertained exclusively on the specific written request of the consumer against a payment of Rs. 100.00 each time which does not include the cost of requirement and labor and the same will be extra. XV. REPLACEMENT OF FUSES Service for replacement of fuses in the main cut-outs available against the following payments:(i) Low tension Single phase Three phase (ii) High tension XVI. Rs.15.00 Rs.20.00 Rs.40.00 RESEALING OF METERS If by any reason the seal affixed in the meter or cutouts installed and secured by the department are found tempered with, the department reserves the right to disconnect the service connection immediately and impose penalty as applicable under The Electricity Act, 2003. In addition the consumer is liable for payment for resealing charge @ Rs.20.00 per call of such services. XVII. SECURITY DEPOSIT Security deposit shall be deposited, by the depositor, by the consumer, in the following rates for the meters provided by the Department. 1 Electronic Meter 3 phase 1 phase Rs.500.00 Rs.200.00 2 Electromagnetic Meters 3 phase 1 phase Rs.150.00 Rs. 75.00 The Security deposit will be forfeited and the line will be disconnected if the consumer tampers the meter. The line will be reconnected only after the fresh security deposit is deposited and other applicable charges are paid. XVIII. OTHER CONDITIONS FOR SUPPLY OF ELECTRICAL ENERGY (a) Meter found out of order In the event of meter being found out of order (which includes meter ceasing to record, running fast or slow, creeping or running reverse direction) and where the actual errors on reading cannot be ascertained the meter will be declared faulty and the correct quantum of energy consumption shall be determined by taking the avenge consumption for the previous three months. If the average consumption for the three months cannot be taken due to the meter ceasing to record the consumption or any other reason, then the correct consumption will be determined based on the average consumption for succeeding 'three months (after installation of meter) where any differences or dispute arise as to the correctness of meter reading or bill amount etc then the matter shall be decided by the concerned Chief Engineer of the department upon the written intimation either from the concerned Executive Engineer or from concerned consumer. However, the bill should be paid on or before the due date. The amount so paid will be considered as advance to the credit of the consumer's account until such time as the billed amount in dispute is fully settled. After determining the correct consumption due billing will be made and necessary adjustment shall be done in the next bill issued. This method shall be applicable to all categories of consumers. (b) Defaulting consumer The Department shall not give any type of service connection to a defaulting consumer. (c) Fixing the position of meter/metering equipment During the inspection of Assistant Engineer of the Department the point of entry of supply of mains and position of meter, cut-out/metering equipments etc will be decided and should not be changed later on without written permission from department, The department will in no case fix the meter, main cut-out metering equipments nor allow the same to remain in any position where the employees are prohibited from entering or where there is difficulty of access for employees. (d) Notification/application before connection The consumer must give not less than 2 months notice before the supply or additional supply is required. In the case of HTIS/LTIS/BS consumers, longer notice which may extend to six months or more may be required to enable the department to make necessary arrangement for such supply, which will subject to its availability in the system and seven clear days notice shall be given by the Assistant Engineer of the area to the applicant for the Purpose of inspecting the premises and investigating the feasibility of power supply. If service can be affected by extending service line alone, the consumer will be given a written permission from the office of the Assistant Engineer about providing the service connection to his premises. (e) Sketch of the premises (i) A neat sketch of the premises should also submit the proposed internal electrification of the building showing the light points, light plug points, power plug points, fan/exhaust fan points, main isolator position, distribution Control system location and other fittings etc. (ii)In the case of industrial/workshop etc the consumer should submit a neat sketch showing the location of all E&M equipments and its motor capacity if any etc in addition to the above. (f) Load sanction Depending on the availability of the quantum of electrical energy in the system, the load shall be sanctioned for all categories of consumers by the authorized officer of the department. XIX. LAND - free of cost for service connection and other association facilities: The consumer shall provide the necessary land to the department belonging to his/her on free of cost basis and afford all reasonable facilities for bringing in the direct cables or over head lines from the department's T&D system for servicing the consumers but also cables or overhead lines connecting 'the department's other consumers and shall permit the department to provide all requisite switch gear thereto on the above premises and furnish supply to such other consumers through cables/ overhead lines and terminals situated on the consumer’s pre mises. XX. ACCESS TO PREMISES AND APPARATUS (a) If any consumer obstructs or prevents departments authorized officers/employees in any manner, from inspecting his/her premises at any time to which the supply is afforded or where the electrical installations or equipments belonging to the department or the consumers situated in such premises and if there is scope of suspecting any malpractice, the authorized officer; employees of the department may disconnect the power supply forthwith without notice and keep such power supply disconnected till the consumer affords due facilities for inspection. If such inspection reveals nothing to undertake any malpractice or pilferage, the department then restore the power supply to his/he premises. (b) If such inspection reveals any commission of malpractice as specified in the "Malpractice clauses mentioned below, this may be dealt as per the relevant clauses which are indicated in malpractice. (c) The department shall not be responsible for any loss or damage or inconvenience caused to the consumer on account of such disconnection of supply. XXI. INTERFERENCE WITH SUPPLY MAINS AND APPARATUS (a) A consumer shall not interfere with the supply main or apparatus including the metering arrangement, which may have been installed in his/her premises. (b) The consumer shall not keep connected to the department supply system if any apparatus to which the department has taken reasonable objection or which the department may consider likely to interfere or affect injudiciously the department's equipments installed in his/her premises or the Department's supply to other consumer. (c) The consumer shall not keep the unbalanced loading of three phase of supply taken by him/her from Department. (d) The consumer shall not make such use of supply given to him/her by the department as to act prejudicially to the department's supply system in any manner whatsoever, XXII. MALPRACTICE (i) Contravention of any provision of the terms conditions of supply the Indian electricity Act 1910, the Indian Electricity Rules 1956 or any other law/rule governing the supply and use of electricity regulating order shall be treated as malpractice and the consumer indulging in any such malpractice shall be liable at law/rule/order. Subject to generality as above. (ii) Cases mentioned hereunder, shall be generally treated as malpractice:(a) Exceeding the sanctioned/contract load authorised by the department without the permission of the department. (b) Addition, alteration and extension of electrical installation in the consumer's premises without permission of the department or extension to any premises other than the one for which supply sanctioned/contracted for. (c) Unauthorized supply of electricity to any service which is including the service line disconnected by the Department against electricity revenue arrear or any other offended clauses and the same service line reconnected without permission of the department. (d) Non-compliance of orders in force imposing restriction of use of energy for rational and equitable distribution thereof. (e) Use of electricity for any purpose other than that for which supply is contracted /sanctioned for (f) Resale of energy without the permission of the department, (g) Theft of energy (h) Obstruction to lawful entry of authorized officer/employee of the department into consumer's premises. (i) Interfering and tampering with the meter and metering system. XXIII. PAYMENT OF COMPENSATION FOR MALPRACTICES Where a consumer is found to be indulging in malpractice with regard to use of electricity and use of device to commit theft of energy etc. the Chief Engineer/ Electrical Inspector of the department will decide about the payment of compensation amount to be imposed against such consumer as per the relevant rules and regulations. XXIV. INSTITUTION OF PROSECUTION Any officer employee authorized to inspect and deal with cases of malpractice and theft of energy may launch prosecution as an aggrieved person as mentioned in section 50 of the Indian Electricity Act 1910. XXV. READING OF METER AND PREPARATION OF BILL (a) The meter reading will be taken once in a month. The reading of meter will be recorded by meter reader in a card provided near the meter and open to inspection by consumer. Bill for energy consumption charges will be prepared based on the reading noted in the card (b) Any complaint with regard to the accuracy of the bill the same shall be intimated immediately by the consumer to the Assistant Engineer, who has issued the bill quoting the bill number/ account number date etc. (c) If the consumer does not receive the electricity bill he shall inform the Assistant Engineer concerned about the non-receipt of his bill and on such representation, a copy will be supplied to him. XXVI. DISCONNECIION OF SUPPLY FOR NON-PAYMENT OF ELECTRICITY BILL AND LEGAL ACTION If the consumer fail to pay any bill presented to him/her the department shall be at liberty to take action under sub- section (1) of section 56 of Indian Electricity Act 2003 for disconnection of supply. The disconnection notice is printed in the bill form and further notice will not be issued by the department for disconnection. XXVII. FAILURE OF POWER SUPPLY The Department shall not be responsible for loss, damage or compensation what so ever out of failure of supply. XXVIII. RESTRICTION OF POWER SUPPLY The supply of electricity is liable to be curtailed or staggered or cut off all together as may be ordered by the State Government or any other enactment as amended from time to time governing the supply and use of electricity. XXIX. CONSUMER NUMBER Consumer number is given to all the consumers. The same is written in the Meter reading card also. Consumer must know his/her consumer no and should quote the consumer no. while corresponding with the department for prompt attention by the department. XXX. FUSE CALL In case the department's main fuse or fuses fail, the consumer or his representative may give the intimation in the adjacent control room either in person or through phone. Employees bearing the identity cards of the department are allowed to replace those fuses. Consumers are not allowed to replace those fuses and they will render themselves liable to pay heavy penalty if the department's seals are been found broken. In attending the fuse – off calls. Top most priority will be given to cases of fire due to short circuit, accident, arcing in consumer’s main etc. XXXI. THEFT OF POWER Theft of power is a criminal offence under electricity act. Whoever commit the theft of power shall be punishable in accordance with I.E. Act. XXXII. SUPPLY WITHOUT METER Where a supply to the consumer is given without meter the consumption of Electrical Energy in kWh will be computed in the manner indicated below. 1. Government office building: Sanctioned load (kW) x 6 hrs x 30 days x 60 /100 2. Other Consumers: Sanctioned load (kW) x 8 hrs x 30 days x 60 /100 SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 25th September,2013 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM HOME DEPARTMENT GANGTOK GANGTOK No: 53 /08/2013 /Home/2013 No. 525 Dated: 12 NOTIFICATION In exercise of the powers conferred by section 432 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (2 of 1974), the Government of Sikkim is pleased to grant remission of sentences to the prisoners lodged in the Central Prison, Rongyek, on the occasion of Independence Day, 2013, as under:Sl. No. Name Under Section Period of remission granted 1. Dil Bdr. Tamang Life 03 months 2. Umesh Thakur Life 03 months 3. Rajesh Rai Life 03 months 4. Mani Kr. Thapa Life 03 months 5. Lall Bdr. Subba Life 03 months 6. Tolman Subba Life 03 months 7. Rajen Limboo Life 03 months 8. Buddhi Lall Subba Life 03 months 9. Sonam Z.Bhutia Life 03 months 10. Pawan Kr. Rai Life 03 months 11. Drona Bir Rai Life 03 months 12. Arjun Rai Life 03 months 13. Raju Chettri Life 03 months 14. Bikash Chettri Life 03 months 15. Nanda K. Khanal Life 03 months 16. Bhim Lall Khanal Life 03 months 17. Arun Subba Life 03 months 18. Deepok Pradhan Life 03 months 19. Ner Tsh. Lepcha Life 03 months 20. Nimzong Lepcha Life 03 months 21. Ghanashyam Chettri Life 03 months 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. Shyam Kr. Rai Krishna Psd. Shah Son Bdr. Subba Mamta Mohanto (F) Narad Pariyar Nar Bdr. Kharka Mani Raj Rai Pankaj Thakur Pem Tsh. Lepcha Lok Bdr. Dahal Jeewan Sharma Mangal S.Subba Bijay Tamang Ratna Bdr. Gurung Jailall Baitha Chandra Bdr. Basnett Dhiraj Rai Netra Psd. Chettri Jas Hang Subba Durga Psd. Chettri Man Bdr. Subba Ramesh Psd. Gupta Deepok Gurung Deo Raj Rasaily Ashok Roy Surjaman Rai Ten Tshering Lepcha Damber Bdr. Gurung Punya Psd. Dahal Jiaruddin Sheikh Suk Bdr. Rai Kul Chandra Baral Sunil Chettri Hasta Bdr. Gurung Subash Rai Life Life Life Life Life Life Life Life Life Life Life 304 II IPC 376 IPC 489 ‘A’ ‘B’ IPC 304 II IPC 304 II IPC 304 II IPC 304 II IPC 489 ‘ABCD’ 304 II IPC 304 II IPC 203/408 IPC 498 ‘A’ IPC 376 IPC 376 IPC 376 IPC 304 II IPC 376 IPC 376 IPC 489 ‘B’ IPC 376 IPC 409 IPC 376 IPC 376 IPC 304 IPC 03 months 03 months 03 months 03 months 03 months 03 months 03 months 03 months 03 months 03 months 03 months 03 months 03 months 03 months 02 months 02 months 02months 02 months 02 months 02 months 02 months 01 month 01 month 01 month 01 month 01 month 01 month 01 month 01 month 01 month 01 month 01 month 01 month 01 month 01 month BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF THE GOVERNOR. -Sd/- (R.Ongmu) IAS CHIEF SECRETARY GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM F. NO. 6/GoS/Prison/2001 Copy to: 1. Principal Secretary to HCM, Chief Minister’s Office, Gangtok. 2. Director General of Police, Sikkim Police, Police Headquarters, Gangtok. 3. Advisor-cum-Principal Secretary, Law Department, Government of Sikkim, Gangtok. 4. Principal Secretary, Home Department, Government of Sikkim, Gangtok. 5. Deputy Inspector General of Police, Central Prison, Rongyek. 6. Special Secretary, Home Department, Government of Sikkim, Gangtok. 7. Director, Information and Public Relations Department, for wide publicity. 8. Sr. P.S to Chief Secretary. 9. Gazette Section for publication in the Official Gazette. 10. File & Guard File. Deputy Secretary-II(C) Home Department SIKKIM GOVERNMENT Gangtok GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 25th September,2013 No.526 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM HOME DEPARTMET GANGTOK NO. 54/Home/2013 Dated: 24.08.2013 NOTIFICATION In exercise of the powers conferred by rule 3 of the Sikkim Commission o f Inquiry Rules,2009, the State Government hereby extends the term of the Commission of Inquiry constituted vide Notification No.05/Home/2011 dated 07/01/2011 for a further period of six months w.e.f. 7th June, 2013 to 6th December, 2013 to submit its report.. . SD/(R.ONGMU),IAS CHIEF SECRETARY GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM FILE NO: H/C/225/2209 SIKKIM GOVERNMENT Gangtok No.57 /Home/2013 GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 25th September,2013 No. 527 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM HOME DEPARTMENT GANGTOK Dated: 09 .09.2013 NOTIFICATION In pursuance to the Share Holders Agreement (SHA) executed between the Governor of Sikkim and M/s Jal Power Corporation Limited the State Government is hereby pleased to nominate the following Officers of the State Government as Directors on the Board of Jal Power Corporation Limited, with immediate effect, namely: (1) Shri. G. Targain, PCE-cum-Secretary, Energy and Power Department. (2) Shri. Gopal Basnett, Controller of Accounts, Finance Revenue and Expenditure Department. BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF THE GOVERNOR. Sd/(R. ONGMU) IAS CHIEF SECRETARY F.No.53/ACE HQ-II/E&P/2012-13. Copy to: 1. All above members 2. Commissioner-cum-Secretary to H.E. the Governor, Raj Bhawan, Gangtok 3. Principal Secretary to Hon’ble Chief Minister, Government of Sikkim 4. Principal Secretary, Finance, Revenue and Expenditure Department, Govt. of Sikkim 5. Sr. P.S. to Chief Secretary, Government of Sikkim 6. Home Department for publication in OG 7. File and Guard file. (Rohini Pradhan) Deputy Secretary (C)/Home. SIKKIM GOVERNMENT Gangtok GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 25th September,2013 No.528 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM HOME DEPARTMET GANGTOK NO. 58/Home/2013 Dated: 10.09.2013 NOTIFICATION In exercise of the powers conferred by sub section (1) of section 22 of National Investigation Agency Act, 2008,(34 of 2008 ) the State Government in consultation with the Hon’ble High Court of Sikkim hereby designates the Hon’ble Court of the District and Sessions Judge(Special Division-1) at Gangtok as the Special Court for the trial of offences under any or al l the enactments specified in the Schedule of the said Act, for the whole of Sikkim with immediate effect. By order and in the name of Governor. SD/(R.ONGMU),IAS CHIEF SECRETARY GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM FILE NO: H/C/127/2013/01 GOVERNMENT SIKKIM GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY Gangtok 25th September,2013 No.529 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH CARE, HUMAN SERVICES & FAMILY WELFARE No.98/HC,HS&FW Dated:17/09/2013 NOTIFICATION In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section(I) and sub-section(2) of section 16A of the Pre-Conception and Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques( Prohibition of Sex Selection) Act, 1994 ( 57 of 1994) the State Government hereby constitutes the State Supervisory Board for the State of Sikkim consisting of the following members, namely:1. Hon’ble Minister, Health : Chairperson, Ex-Officio 2. Secretary, Department of : Vice-Chairperson, Ex-Officio Health Care, Human Services and Family Welfare 3. Secretary, Social Justice, : Member, Ex-Officio Empowerment & Welfare Department 4. Secretary, Department of Law : Member, Ex-Officio & Parliamentary Affairs Department 5. Director, Health Care, Human : Member, Ex-Officio Services & Family Welfare Department 6. Three Women Member of Sikkim Legislative Assembly Additional Director, Science & Technology Department Eminent Legal Expert, HC,HS &FW Department President Sikkim Women Council President, Association for Social Health in India(ASHI) Head of the Department, Obstetric & Gynaecology, STNM, Hospital Head of the Department, Obstetric & Gynaecology, Sikkim Manipal Institute of Medical Sciences Head of the Department, Paediatrics, STNM Hospital. : Member 14. Head of the Department, Paediatrics, Sikkim Manipal Institute of Medical Sciences. 15. Head of the Department, Radiology, STNM Hospital 16. Head of the Department, Radiology, Sikkim Manipal Institute of Medical Sciences 17. Joint Director (RCH), HC,HS : Member 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. : Member : Member : Member : Member : Member : Member : Member : Member : Member : Member Secretary, Ex-officio &FW Department (Dr. K.BHANDARI, DM) DIRECTOR GENERAL-CUM SECRETARY TO THE GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM HEALTH CARE, HUMAN SERVICES & FAMILY WELFARE DEPARTMENT GOVERNMENT SIKKIM GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY Gangtok 25th September,2013 No.530 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH CARE, HUMAN SERVICES & FAMILY WELFARE No.99/HC,HS&FW Dated:17/09/2013 NOTIFICATION In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section(2) of section 17 of the PreConception and Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques( Prohibition of Sex Selection) Act, 1994 ( 57 of 1994) the State Government hereby constitutes the following State and Districts Appropriate Authorities for the State of Sikkim for the purposes of the said Act as under, namely:1. State Appropriate Authority shall consists of the following members, namely:1. 2. 3. Joint Director, (RCH) : Department of Health Care, Human Services & Family Welfare Member from Association for : Social Health in India(ASHI) An Officer of Department of Law : and Parliamentary Affairs Department Chairperson Member Member 2. District Appropriate Authority shall consists of the following members, namely:1. 2. 3. Chief Medical Officers (East/West/North/South) Women Member from respective NGO (East/West/North/South) Legal Officer, Department of Law and Parliamentary Affairs : Chairman : Member : Member (Dr. K.BHANDARI, DM) DIRECTOR GENERAL-CUM SECRETARY TO THE GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM HEALTH CARE, HUMAN SERVICES & FAMILY WELFARE DEPARTMENT GOVERNMENT SIKKIM GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 25th September,2013 Gangtok No.531 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH CARE, HUMAN SERVICES & FAMILY WELFARE No.100/HC,HS&FW Dated:17.09.2013 NOTIFICATION In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section(5) of section 17 of the PreConception and Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques( Prohibition of Sex Selection) Act, 1994 ( 57 of 1994) the State Government hereby constitutes the following Advisory Committees to aid and advice the Appropriate Authorities in the discharge of their functions for the purpose of the said Act as under, namely:Advisory Committes shall comprises of the following members, namely;1. STATE LEVEL: 1. Director Health Services, Government of Sikkim Chairperson; 2. Head of Department. Obstetric & Gynecology Member Secretary; 3. Head of Department, Paediatrics Member; 4. Head of Department, Radiology Member; 5. Joint Secretary, information and Public Relation Member; Department 6. Legal Advisor, Health Care, Human Services & Member; FW Department 7. Vice President, Association for Social Health in Member; India(ASHI) 8. Vice President, Sikkim Women’s Council Member; 9. Vice President, Voluntary Health Association of Member; Sikkim DISTRICT LEVEL i) EAST DISTRICT 1. District Collector Chairperson; 2. District Reproductive and Child Member Secretary; Health Officer 3. Head of the Department, Pediatrics Member; 4. Head of the Department, Radiology Member; 5. Legal Advisor, Health Care, Human Member; Services &FW 6. District Information and Public Member; Relation Officer 7. President, SAI SAMITI Member; 8. President, Sad Bhawa Samiti Member; 9. Executive Director, Voluntary Health Member Association of India ii). WEST DISTRICT 1. 2. Chairperson; Member Secretary; 7. District Collector District Reproductive and Child Health Officer Head of the Department, Pediatrics Head of the Department, Radiology Legal Advisor, Health Care, Human Services &FW District Information and Public Relation Officer President, Jan Kalyan Sang 8. 9. President, Pragati Sang Executive Director, Voluntary Member; Member 3. 4. 5. 6. Member; Member; Member; Member; Member; Health Association of India iii) NORTH DISTRICT 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. District Collector District Reproductive and Child Health Officer Head of the Department, Pediatrics Head of the Department, Radiology Legal Advisor, Health Care, Human Services &FW District Information and Public Relation Officer President, Muttanchin Lam All Sheeumdzong President, Sikkim Youth Welfare Association Executive Director, Voluntary Health Association of India Chairperson; Member Secretary; Member; Member; Member; Member; Member; Member; Member iv) SOUTH DISTRICT 1. 2. 3. 4. District Collector District Reproductive and Child Health Officer Head of the Department, Pediatrics Head of the Department, Radiology Chairperson; Member Secretary; Member; Member; 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Legal Advisor, Health Care, Human Services &FW District Information and Public Relation Officer President, SAI SAMITI President, DRISHTI Executive Director, Voluntary Health Association of India Member; Member; Member; Member; Member (Dr. K.BHANDARI, DM) DIRECTOR GENERAL-CUM SECRETARY TO THE GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM HEALTH CARE, HUMAN SERVICES & FAMILY WELFARE DEPARTMENT. SIKKIM GOVERNMENT Gangtok GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 25th September,2013 No.532 Government of Sikkim Land Revenue and Disaster Management Department, Gangtok (New Secretariat, Development Area, Gangtok, Sikkim–737101/Phone: 03592-202664/Fax: 03592201145/202932/Website: Http: / ssdma.org Emailid: ccs-lr-sik @nic.in/Sikkimsdma @gmail.com. NOTIFICATION NO. 71/34/LR&DMD/ACQ Dt: 23/09/2013 DECLARATION UNDER SECTION 6 OF LAND ACQUISITION ACT, 1894 (ACT I OF 1894) Whereas it appears to the Governor that land is needed for a public purpose, not being a purpose of the Union, namely for the Construction of NABARD Road at Lumsey by Urban Development & Housing Department, Government of Sikkim under Tadong block, East Sikkim, it is hereby declared that the pieces of land cadastral plot nos. 146/P,191/P,190/P, 190/740/P, 223/P, 214/P, 196/P, 216/P, measuring more or less 0.4457 hectare is needed for the aforesaid public purpose at the public expenses within the aforesaid bloc This declaration is made under the provision of Section 6 of L. A. Act, 1894 (Act I of 1894) to all whom it may concern. A plan of land may be inspected in the Office of the District Collector, East, Gangtok. SD/-(K.S.TOBGAY) SECRETARY LAND REVENUE AND D.M. DEPARTMENT. FILE No. 34/GOS/ LR & DMD/ACQ. SIKKIM GOVERNMENT Gangtok GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 25th September,2013 No.533 Government of Sikkim Land Revenue and Disaster Management Department, Gangtok (New Secretariat, Development Area, Gangtok, Sikkim–737101/Phone: 03592-202664/Fax: 03592201145/202932/Website: Http: / ssdma.org Emailid: ccs-lr-sik @nic.in/Sikkimsdma @gmail.com. Notification No: 72/1621/GOS/LR & DMD/ACQ Dated: 23/09/2013. DECLARATION UNDER SECTION 6 OF LAND ACQUISITION ACT, 1894 (ACT I OF 1894) Whereas the Governor is satisfied that land is needed for a public purpose, not being a purpose of the Union, namely for the Construction of Prayer Tower by Cultural Affairs & Heritage Department at Martam block, East Sikkim, it is hereby declared that the pieces of land comprising cadastral plot nos. 2063, 2064, 2065, 2066/P, 2064/2914/P, 2061/2922/P, 2062/2923 measuring area more or less 2.4040 hectare bounded on the East: D.F of Jagat Bdr. Rai, West: D.F of Ram Bdr. Rai , North: Sarkar Vir, Ram Bdr. & Jagat Bdr. & South: Sarkar Vir is needed for the aforesaid public purpose at the public expenses within the aforesaid block. This declaration is made, under the provision of section 6 of Land Acquisition Act, 1894 (Act 1 of 1894) to all whom it may concern. A Plan of land may be inspected in the office of the District Collector, East, Gangtok. SD/- (K.S.TOBGAY) SECRETARY LAND REVENUE & DM DEPARTMENT, File no.1621/GOS/LR & DMD/ACQ. SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRA ORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY Gangtok 27th September,2013 No._534___ GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM LEGAL METROLOGY UNIT AND CONSUMER PROTECTION FOOD & CIVIL SUPPLIES AND CONSUMER AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT PALZOR STADIUM ROAD, GANGTOK-737101 No. 16/WM/FCS&CA Dated: 25.09.2013 NOTIFICATION In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 7 of the Consumer Protection Act, 1986 (68 of 1986)read with sub- rule (1) of rule 4 of the Sikkim Consumer Protection Rules, 2006 and in suppression of Notification No. 130/WM/FCS & CA published in the Extraordinary Gazette No. 281 dated: 21st June 2010, the State Government hereby constitutes the State Consumer Protection Council hereinafter referred to as the State Council consisting of the following members, namely; 1. a) Minister In-Charge of the Department of Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs Department who shall be the Chairperson of the State Council. Minister-in-charge for Food , Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs Chairman. Department b) : Non Official Members representing interest of Consumer, Trade and Industry Public Service Sector. i) Managing Director State Trading Corporation of Sikkim, Gangtok : Member; ii) Deputy General Manager, Indian Oil Corporation , Siliguri Member; : iii) Deputy General Manager, Reserve Bank of India, Gangtok : Member; iv) Deputy General Manager, Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited, Gangtok : Member; v) President, Press Club of Sikkim : Member; vi) President, Gangtok Electrical and Hardware Dealers Association. : Member; vii) President, Sikkim Merchants Association : Member; viii) President, Sikkim Chamber of Commerce : Member; c) Representative of Consumer Organisation i) President, Federation of Consumer Association of Sikkim. : Member; ii) President, Travel Agents Association of Sikkim (TAAS) : Member; iii) President, Sikkim Hotel and Restaurant Association (SHRA) : Member; iv) President, Chandmari Yenten Yargay Association : Member; v) President, President, Tarku- Tanak Upbhokta Jagaran Sammite, Tarku : Member; South Sikkim . vi) President, Hamro Parivar, Lungchok Sallangdang, West Sikkim : Member; vii) President, Tista Tendong NGO, Namphing Bermiok, South Sikkim : Member; viii) President, Up-bhokta Jagaran Samitee, Bhasmay, East Sikkim Member; : ix) President, Lal Bazar Traders Association, Lal Market, Gangtok : Member; d) Representative of Women i) Chairperson, Social Welfare Advisory Board, Gangtok : Member; ii) President, Sikkim Women Council : Member; iii) Smt. Jayshree Pradhan, 6th mile Tadong, Gangtok : Member; iv) Ms. Nita Nirash, Gangtok : Member; e) Senior Officers and Secretaries of State Government Departments concerned with Consumer interests i) Secretary, Public Health Engineering Department : Member; ii) Secretary, Urban Development and Housing Department. : Member; iii) Secretary, Animal Husbandry, Livestock, Fisheries and Veterinary Services : Member; iv) Secretary, Energy and Power Department : Member v) Secretary Health Care, Human Services and Family Welfare Department : Member; vi) Commissioner/Secretary, Income Tax and Commercial Tax Division,Finance, Member; Revenue and Expenditure Department : f) Representative of Farmers and Cooperative Societies i) Managing Director, Denzong Agricultural Cooperative Society Limited. : Member; ii) Sikkim Cooperative Milk Producer’s Union Limited : Member; iii) Khasey Floricuture Cooperative Society Limited : Member; iv) West Pandam Multipurpose Cooperative Society Limited : Member; v) Central Pendam Multipurpose Cooperative Society Limited : Member; vi) Managing Director, Sikkim State Cooperative Supply and Marketing Federation : Member; (SIMFED) g) Person capable of representating Consumer Interest not specified above i) Shri. Kuber Sharma, Social Worker, Tadong : Member; ii) Shri. B.R Kharel, Ranka, East Sikkim : Member; iii) Shri. Rohit Pradhan, Duga, East Sikkim : Member; h) Official and Non Official members as may be nominated by Central Governemnt. i) Joint Secretary/officer in rank of Director, Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Member; Government of India. ii) The Deputy Director General, Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) Kolkata. Member, : : i) The Secretary in the Department of Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs shall be Member Secretary of the State Council. Secretary, Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs Department : Member Secretary Sd/(JEMIMA PRADHAN) SECRETARY TO THE GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM FOOD CIVIL SUPPLIES & CONSUMER AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 27th September,2013 Gangtok No.535 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM SOCIAL JUSTICE,EMPOWERMENT AND WELFRE DEPARTMENT (SOCIAL WELFARE DIVISION) GANGTOK. No. 6/SJE&WD Dated :- 19.9.2013. NOTIFICATION The State Government is hereby pleased to implement the Direct Benefit Transfer Scheme for transfer of pension amount directly to the bank account of the beneficiary electronically relating to all National Social Assistance Programme Schemes (Indira Gandhi National Old Age Pension, Indira Gandhi National Widow Pension and Indira Gandhi National Disability Pension) in consonance with the guidelines issued by the Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India. The scheme is aimed at ensuring systematic fund flow directly to the beneficiary without any delay and to avoid duplication. The Direct Benefit Transfer Scheme will also cover State innovated schemes like Subsistence Allowance, Unmarried Women Pension Scheme and Transgender Pension Scheme with immediate effect. By Order and in the name of the Governor. Sd/(G.P.Upadhayaya)IAS Principal Secretary to the Government Social Justice, Empowerment and Welfare Department Memo No.GOS/SJE&WD/2012/5(21) Dated:- _______________ Copy for information to:1. The Principal Secretary to Hon’ble Governor of Sikkim 2. The Principal Secretary to Hon’ble Chief Minister of Sikkim 3. All Secretaries/Heads of Department 4. The P.S to Hon’ble Speaker 5. The P.S to Hon’ble Deputy Speaker 6. The P.S to all Hon’ble Ministers 7. The P.S to the Chief Secretary 8. The District Collectors, East/West/North/South 9. The Additional Secretary, Home Department for publication in the Official Gazette 10. All Additional District Collectors (Development), East/West/North/South 11. All Gram Vikash Adhikaris- This may be brought to the notice of all Gram Panchayat Members. 12. The Additional Director, (Accounts) 13. The Deputy Director, Social Welfare Division 14. The Senior Accounts Officer 15. The Social Welfare Officer (South/West) 16. The Assistant Director (I.T)- for hoisting in the website 17. Notice Board 18. File 19. Guard file. (K.B.Pradhan) Joint Secretary to the Government (Social Welfare Division) Social Justice, Empowerment & Welfare Department File No.GOS/SJE&WD/2012/5(21) SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY Gangtok 27th September,2013 No.536 SIKKIM STATE ELECTRICITY REGULATORY COMMISSION (SSERC) GANGTOK-737102 No.10/SSERC/RPO/2013 Date. 23.9.2013 NOTIFICATION In exercise of Powers conferred under sections 61, 66, 86 (1) (e) and 181 of the Electricity Act, 2003 and all other powers enabling the Commission in this behalf, the Sikkim State Electricity Regulatory Commission hereby makes the following regulations for procurement of energy from renewable sources by distribution licensees for its compliance: 1. Short title, commencement and extent of application 1.1 These regulations may be called the Sikkim State Electricity Regulatory Commission (Renewable Energy Purchase Obligation and its Compliance) Regulations, 2013. 1.2 These regulations shall come into force from the date of their publication in the Official Gazette of the Government of Sikkim. 1.3 These regulations shall apply throughout the State of Sikkim. 2 Definitions 2.1 In these regulations, unless the context otherwise requires, a) ‘Act’ means the Electricity Act, 2003 (36 of 2003); b) ‘Central Agency’ means the agency operating the National Load Despatch Centre or such other agency as the Central Commissions may designate from time to time; c) ‘Central Commission’ means the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission referred to in sub-section (1) of section 76 of the Act; d) ‘Certificate’ means the renewable energy certificate issued by the Central Agency in accordance with the procedures laid down by it and under the provisions specified in the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Terms and Conditions for recognition and issuance of Renewable Energy Certificate for Renewable Energy Generation) Regulations, 2010 as amended from time to time; e) ‘ Commission means the Sikkim States Electricity Regulatory Commission; f) ‘ Floor price’ means the minimum price as determined by the Central Commission in accordance with the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Terms and conditions for recognition and issuance of Renewable Energy Certificate for Renewable Energy Generation) Regulations, 2010, as amended from time to time, at above which the certificate can be dealt in the power exchange; g) ‘Forbearance price’ means the ceiling price as determined by the Central Commission in accordance with the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Terms and Conditions for recognition and issuance of Renewable Energy Certificate for Renewable Energy Generation) Regulations, 2010, as amended from time to time, within which only the certificates can be dealt in the power exchange; h) ‘MNRE’ means the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy; i) ‘Obligated entity’ means the entity mandated under clause (e) of sub-section (1) of section 86 of the Act to fulfil the renewable purchase obligation; j) ‘Power Exchange’ means any power exchange which operates with the approval of the Central Commission; k) ‘Preferential tariff’ means the tariff fixed by the Commission for sale of energy, from a generating station using renewable energy sources, to a distribution licensee; l) ‘Renewable energy sources’ means renewable sources such as small hydro, wind, solar including its integration with combined cycle, biomass, bio fuel cogeneration, urban or municipal waste and such other sources as recognized or approved by MNRE; m) ‘Renewable purchase obligation’ means the requirement specified by the Commission under clause (e) of sub-section (1) of section 86 of the Act, for the obligated entity to purchase electricity from renewable energy sources; n) ‘State Agency’ means the agency in the Stat of Sikkim as may be designated by the Commission to act as the agency for accreditation and recommending the renewable energy projects for registration and to undertake functions under these regulations; o) ‘Year’ means a financial year. 2.2 Words and expressions used in these regulations and not defined herein but defined in the Act or the regulations issued by the Central Commission or any other regulations issued by the Commission, shall have the same meaning assigned to them respectively in the Act or such regulations issued by the Central Commission or such other regulations issued by the Commission. 3 Applicability These Regulations shall apply to, (1) Distribution Licensees (2) Any other person consuming electricity (i) generated from conventional Captive Generating Plant having capacity of 5 M W and above for his own use and/or (ii) procured from conventional generation through open access and third party sale. 4 Quantum of Renewable Purchase Obligation (RPO) 4.1 Each distribution licensee shall purchase electricity (in kWh) from renewable energy sources, at a defined minimum percentage of the total consumption of its consumers including T & D losses during a year. Similarly, Captive and open Access user (s) / consumer (s) shall purchase electricity (in kWh) from renewable energy sources, at a defined minimum percentage of his/her total consumption during a year. The defined minimum percentages are given in Table:- Year Table- 1 Minimum Quantum of purchase (in %) from renewable (1) 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 energy sources (in terms of energy in kWh) Total Solar (2) (3) 3% 0.25% 4% 0.50% 5% 0.75% Non Solar (4) 2.75% 3.50% 4.25% If the above mentioned minimum quantum of power purchase from solar is not available in a particular year, then in such cases, additional non-solar energy, over and above that shown in column 4, shall be utilized for fulfilment of the RPO in accordance with column 2. Provided further, such obligation to purchase electricity from renewable energy sources shall be inclusive of the purchases, if any, from renewable energy sources already being made by obligated entity concerned; Provided also that the power purchases under the power purchase agreements for the purchase of renewable energy sources already entered into by the distribution licensees shall continue to be made till their present validity, even if the total purchases under such agreements exceed the percentage as specified hereinabove. 4.2 The Commission may, on its own or at the request of a licensee, revise the percentage targets for a year as per clause 4.1 of these Regulations keeping in view supply constraints or other factors beyond the control of the licensee. 4.3 The RPO specified for the Financial Year 2015-16 shall be continued beyond 2015-16 till any revision is effected by the Commission in this regard. 5. Certificates under the Regulations of the Central Commission 5.1 Subject to the terms and conditions contained in these regulations, the certificates issued under the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Terms and Conditions for recognition and issuance of Renewable Energy Certificate for Renewable Energy Generation) Regulations, 2010 shall be the valid instruments for the discharge of the mandatory obligations set out in these regulations for the obligated entities to purchase electricity from renewable energy sources; Provided that in the event of the obligated entity fulfilling the renewable purchase obligation by purchase of certificates, the obligation to purchase electricity from generation based on solar as renewable energy source can be fulfilled by purchase of solar certificates only, and the obligation to purchase electricity from generation based on renewable energy other than solar can be fulfilled by purchase of non-solar certificates. 5.2 Subject to such direction as the Commission may give from time to time, the obligated entity shall act consistent with the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Terms and Conditions for recognition and issuance of Renewable Energy Certificate for Renewable Energy Generation) Regulations, 2010, as amended from time to time, notified by the Central Commission in regard to the procurement of the certificates for fulfilment of the Renewable Purchase Obligation under these Regulations. 5.3 The certificates purchased by the obligated entities from the power exchange in terms of the regulations of the Central Commission mentioned in clause (5.1) of this Regulation shall be deposited by the obligated entities to the Commission in accordance with the detailed procedure issued by the Central Agency. 6. State Agency and its Functions 6.1 The Commission shall designate an agency as State Agency for accreditation and recommending the renewable energy projects for registration and to undertake functions under these regulations. 6.2 The State Agency shall function in accordance with the directions issued by the Commission and shall act consistent with the procedures, rules laid by Central Agency for discharge of its functions under the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Terms and Conditions for recognition and issuance of Renewable Energy Certificate for Renewable Energy Generation) Regulations, 2010. 6.3 The State Agency shall submit quarterly status to the Commission in respect of compliance of renewable purchase obligation by the obligated entities in a suitable format and may suggest appropriate action to the Commission, if required, for compliance of the renewable purchases obligation. 6.4 The Commission may from time to time fix the remuneration and charges payable to the State Agency for discharge of its functions under these regulations to be recovered from obligated entities. 6.5 If the Commission is satisfied that the State Agency is not able to discharge its functions satisfactorily, it may by general or special order, and by recording reasons in writing, designate any other agency to function as State Agency as it considers appropriate. 7. Distribution Licensee 7.1 Each distribution licensee shall indicate, along with sufficient proof thereof, the estimated quantum of purchase from renewable energy sources for the ensuing year in tariff/ annual performance review petition in accordance with Regulations notified by the Commission. The estimated quantum of purchase shall be in accordance with clause 4.1 of these regulations of the approved power purchase quantity for the ensuring year(s). In the event of the actual consumption in the license area being different from that approved by the Commission, the RPO shall be deemed to have been modified in accordance with clause 4.1. If the distribution licensee is unable to fulfil the obligation, the shortfall of the specified quantum of that year would be added to the specified quantum for the next year. However, credit for excess purchase from renewable energy sources would not be adjusted in the ensuing year. 7.2 Despite availability of renewable energy sources, if the distribution licensee fails to fulfil the minimum quantum of purchase from renewable energy sources, it shall be liable to pay compensation as per clause (9) of these regulations. 8. Captive and Open Access User(s) / Consumer(s) 8.1 The quantum of RPO mentioned in clause 4.1of these regulations shall be applicable to captive and open access user(s)/consumer(s) from the date as would be notified in the Official Gazette. 8.2 Every Captive and Open access consumer(s)/ User(s) shall have to submit necessary details regarding total consumption of electricity and purchase of energy from renewable sources for fulfilment of RPO on yearly basis on or before 30th April to the State Agency. 8.3 Captive and Open Access Consumer(s)/ User(s) shall purchase renewable energy as stated in Table 1 of these regulations. If the captive user(s) and Open Access consumer(s) are unable to fulfil the criteria, the shortfall of the targeted quantum would attract payment of regulatory charge as per Regulation 9. 8.4 Captive / Open Access consumer(s) User(s) may fulfil its RPO through the renewable energy certificate as provided in Regulation 5 above. 9 Effect of Default 9.1 If the obligated entity does not fulfil the renewable purchase obligation as provided in these regulations during any year and also does not purchase the certificates, the Commission may direct the obligated entity to deposit into a separate fund, to be created and maintained by such obligated entity, such amount as the Commission may determine on the basis of the shortfall in units of renewable purchase obligation and the forbearance price decided by the Central Commission; Provided that the fund so created shall be utilized, as may be directed by the Commission, for purchase of the certificates; Provided further that the Commission may empower an officer of the State Agency to procure from the power exchange the required number of certificates to the extent of the shortfall in the fulfilment of the obligations, out of the amount in the fund; Provided also that the distribution licensee shall be in breach of its licence conditions if it fails to deposit the amount directed by the commission within 15 days of the commission of the direction. 9.2 In case of genuine difficulty in complying with the renewable purchase obligation because of non-availability of certificates or otherwise, the obligated entity can approach the Commission for carrying forward of compliance requirement to the next year; Provided that where the Commission has consented to carry forward of compliance requirement, the provision regarding payment of regulatory charges as specified above shall not be applicable. 10 Grid Connectivity Any person generating electricity from renewable energy sources, irrespective of installed capacity, shall have open access to any licensee’s transmission system and / or distribution system or grid as the case may be. On an application from such person, the transmission licensee or distribution licensee shall provide appropriate interconnection facilities, as far as feasible, before Commercial Operation Date of the renewable energy project. Such interconnection follows the grid connectivity standards as specified in the Indian Standard Grid Code, State Code and / or the manner prescribed by the Central Electricity Authority. The STU/SLDC/Licensee shall make best offers to strengthen the system to provide timely open access to transmit power renewable energy sources. 11. Cross- Subsidy Surcharges Third Party Sale from renewable energy sources shall be exempted from the crosssubsidy surcharges determined by the Commission from time to time. However, no banking facility shall be provided for supply (third party sale) from renewable energy sources through open access. 12. Power to Relax The Commission may by general or special order, for reasons to be recorded in writing , and after giving an opportunity of hearing to the parties likely to be affected may relax or may wave any of the provisions of these regulations on its own motion or on an application made before it by an interested person. 13. Power to Remove Difficulties The Commission shall, suo motu or on an application from any person generating electricity from renewable energy sources or a distribution licensee or captive user or open access consumer may review, add, amend or alter any of these regulations and pass appropriate orders to remove any difficulty in exercising the provisions of these regulations. SIKKIM GOVERNMENT Gangtok No. 29/ Home/ 2013 GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 27th September,2013 No.537 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM HOME DEPARTMENT GANGTOK Date: 30.04.2013 NOTIFICATION The State Government with a view to monitor and examine the functioning of the Government Department hereby notifies the following for strict compliance and adherence namely:1. All Departments/office shall submit a progress report to the office of the Hon'ble Chief Minister on a fortnightly basis. 2. All Head of Departments shall ensure proper implementation of the provisions of the Manual of Office procedure 1998 and avoid Red Tapism. 3. All files should be cleared within one day to fast track the proposals. 4. All Head of Department shall constitute a Grievance Redressal Cell in their Department. BY ORDER. SD/(R. ONGMU) IAS CHIEF SECRETARY GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM FILE NO: Home/Confdl./174/2012/13 SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 27th September,2013 Gangtok No.538 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM HOME DEPARTMENT GANGTOK No: 45/Home/2013 Dated:17.07.2013 NOTIFICATION 1. The State Government is hereby pleased to constitute a Steering Committee consisting of the following members, namely:- (2) Secretary, Finance Revenue and Expenditure Department, Government of Sikkim - Chairman (2) Development Commissioner, Development, Planning, E. R. & N.E.C. Department, Government of Sikkim - Member (3) Secretary, Rural Management and Development Department, Government of Sikkim - Member (4) Secretary, Law and Parliamentary Affairs Department, Government of Sikkim - Member (5) Secretary, Transport Department, Government of Sikkim – Member Secretary 1. The terms of reference of the Committee shall be as follows:- (a) The Committee shall look into the various aspects of Financial Administration in the State of Sikkim. (b) The Committee shall also study and examine the various aspects of taxation structures in the State of Sikkim. (c) The Committee may suggest measures for bringing about all round improvement in Financial and Taxation matters in the State of Sikkim. BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF THE GOVERNOR. Sd/(R. ONGMU), IAS, CHIEF SECRETARY, GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM F.No. H/C/174/2004/PARTII SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 27th September,2013 Gangtok No.539 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM HOME DEPARTMENT GANGTOK No: 46/Home/2013 Dated: 17.07.2013 NOTIFICATION 2. The State Government is hereby pleased to constitute an Advisory Committee consisting of the following members, namely:- (1) Shri T.T. Dorji, former Chief Secretary to the Government of Sikkim - Chairman (2) Shri N.D. Chingapa, former Chief Secretary to the Government of Sikkim - Member (3) Shri Bijay Pratap Pradhan, former Secretary to the Government of Sikkim - Member (3) Shri K.N. Bhutia, former Secretary to the Government of Sikkim – Member Secretary. 3. The terms of reference of the Committee shall be as follows:- (a) The Committee shall look into various aspects of Financial and Taxation matters in the State of Sikkim. (b) The Committee shall work in coordination with the Steering Committee that has been constituted by the State Government vide Notification No.45 /Home/ 2013 dated:17/07/2013. BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF THE GOVERNOR. Sd/(R. ONGMU), IAS, CHIEF SECRETARY, GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM F.No. H/C/174/2004/PARTII Copy to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. All above members. Commissioner – cum – Secretary to the Governor, Raj Bhavan, Gangtok. Principal Secretary, Chief Minister’s Office, Gangtok. Gazette Section for publication in the official Gazette. File & guard file. Deputy Secretary- I/C SIKKIM GOVERNMENT Gangtok GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 27th September,2013 No.540 Government of Sikkim Land Revenue and Disaster Management Department, Gangtok (New Secretariat, Development Area, Gangtok, Sikkim–737101/Phone: 03592-202664/Fax: 03592201145/202932/Website: Http: / ssdma.org Emailid: ccs-lr-sik @nic.in/Sikkimsdma @gmail.com. NOTIFICATION NO. 73/102/GOS/LR&DMD/ACQ Dt: 26/9/2013. NOTICE UNDER SECTION 4(1) OF LAND ACQUISITION ACT, 1894 (ACT I OF 1894) Whereas it appears to the Governor that land is likely to be needed for a public purpose, not being a purpose of the Union, namely for the Construction of Veterinary Dispensary by Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Services Department at Hathidunga block, West Sikkikm, it is hereby notified that a piece of land cadastral plot no. 398/P measuring more or less 0.1850 hectare bounded on the East: D.F. of Seller’s own, West: Village Road, North: Village Road & South: D.F of seller’s own is likely to be needed for the aforesaid public purpose at the public expenses within the aforesaid block. This Notification is made under the provision of Section 4(1) of L. A. Act, 1894 (Act I of 1894) to all whom it may concern. A plan of land may be inspected in the Office of the District Collector West, Gyalshing. In exercise of the powers conferred by the aforesaid section, the Governor is pleased to authorize the Officers for the time being engaged in the undertaking, with their servants and workmen to enter upon and survey the land and do all other acts required or permitted by that section. Any person interested in the above land, who has any objection to the acquisition thereof, may, within thirty days after the date on which public notice of the substance of this notification is given in the locality, file an objection in writing before the Collector of West. SD/-(K.S.TOBGAY) SECRETARY LAND REVENUE AND D.M. DEPARTMENT File No.102/GOS/ LR & DMD/ACQ SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GANGTOK GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 27th September,2013 No.541 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM ENERGY & POWER DEPARTMENT Notification No:25 /Adm. Dated: 27.09.2013 NOTIFICATION In excise of the Power conferred by Sub-Rule (I) of Section 5 of the Right to Information Act 2005, Shri Dilip Kr. Sharma, Superintending Engineer (Commercial) Energy & Power Department is hereby designated SPIO for Electrical wing vice Shri Paras Mani Sharma, Superintending Engineer (East-II) with immediate effect. By order. Sd/(G. Targain) PCE-cum-Secretary Energy & Power Department. Copy to:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Shri. Dilip Kr. Sharma, Superintending Engineer (Commercial), Shri. Paras Mani Sharma, Superintending Engineer (East-II), All Secretaries/HOD Secretary, DOPART, All Chief Engineers, E&P Department, Joint Secretary, Home Department for publication in the Gazette, Asstt. Register, office of the CIC, Gangtok, File, G. file. Joint Secy. to the Govt. of Sikkim Energy & Power Department. SIKKIM GOVERNMENT Gangtok GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 27th September,2013 No.542 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM HOME DEPARTMENT GANGTOK No: 59 /Home/2013 Dated:26 .09.2013 NOTIFICATION In exercise of powers conferred by the sub- section (1) of section 3 of the Private Security Agencies (Regulation) Act, 2005 (No. 29 of 2005) the Governor of Sikkim is hereby pleased to partially amend Notification No. 88/Home/2012 dated 08/12/2012. In Notification No. 88/Home/2012 dated 08/12/2012 the words “Joint Secretary” shall be read as “Additional Secretary/ Joint Secretary”. Sd/(R. ONGMU), IAS, CHIEF SECRETARY, GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM FILE NO:H/C/171/2006/(10/P Copy to: 1. Additional Secretary/ Confdl., Home Department. 2. Gazette Section for Publication in the official gazette. 3. File & Guard file. Deputy Secretary- I/C SIKKIM GOVERNMENT Gangtok GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY Dated. No.543 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM COMMERCIAL TAX DIVISION FINANCE, REVENUE & EXPENDITURE DEPARTMENT No: GOS/CTD/2001-02/63(33)115 Dated.28.09.2013 NOTIFICATION This is to inform that the Sikkim Value Added Tax (Amendment) Rules, 2013 vide notification no.Gos/CTD/2001-02/63 (33)108 dated 14.08.2013 is being reviewed. Hence the enforcement is kept in abeyance till further order. COMMISSIONER OF COMERCIAL TAXES GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM Shri H.B.Rai, SRS COMMISSIONER Commercial Taxes Division Finance,Rev &Expdt.Deptt. SIKKIM GAZETTE GOVERNMENT EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY Gangtok Dated.01.10.2013 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM SIKKIM LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY SECRETARIAT NAMNANG, GANGTOK Ref. no.73/SLAS/L&PA/2013-14 No.544 Dated.26/9/2013 The following Order No.SKM/GOV/2013/213 dated.25th September, 2013 made by Hon’ble Governor of Sikkim is hereby circulated for general information. ORDER “In exercise of the powers conferred on me by clause (1) of Article 174 of the Constitution, I, Shriniwas Patil, Governor of Sikkim hereby summon the Sikkim Legislative Assembly to meet on 4th October, 2013 at 11,00am in the Sikkim Legislative Assembly Secretariat. I, further direct that the Secretary, Sikkim Legislative Assembly shall notify the members accordingly. BY ORDER (Shriniwas Patil) Governor of Sikkim 25.9.2013 SIKKIM GOVERNMENT Gangtok GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 1st October,2013 No.545 Government of Sikkim Land Revenue and Disaster Management Department, Gangtok (New Secretariat, Development Area, Gangtok, Sikkim–737101/Phone: 03592-202664/Fax: 03592201145/202932/Website: Http: / ssdma.org Emailid: ccs-lr-sik @nic.in/Sikkimsdma @gmail.com. Notification No: 74/1731/GOS/LR & DMD/ACQ Dated: 28/9/2013. DECLARATION UNDER SECTION 6 OF LAND ACQUISITION ACT, 1894 (ACT I OF 1894) Whereas the Governor is satisfied that land is needed for a public purpose, not being a purpose of the Union, namely for the Construction of Food Godown by Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs Department, Govt. of Sikkim in the block of Kongri, West Sikkim, it is hereby declared that the piece of land cadastral plot no. 625/A and area measuring more or less 0.0880 hectare bounded on the East: D.F of land owner, West: D.F of land owner North: D.F of land owner & South: S.P.W.D Road is needed for the aforesaid public purpose at the public expenses within the aforesaid block. This declaration is made, under the provision of section 6 of Land Acquisition Act, 1894 (Act 1 of 1894) to all whom it may concern. A Plan of land may be inspected in the office of the District Collector, West, Gyalshing. SD/- (K.S.TOBGAY) SECRETARY LAND REVENUE & DM DEPARTMENT, File No.1731/GOS/LR & DMD/ACQ. SIKKIM GAZETTE GOVERNMENT EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY Gangtok 1st October,2013 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM Transport Department (Motor Vehicles Division) NO. 14 /MV/T NOTIFICATION No.546 Dated: 30/ 09 /2013 In partial modification of Notification No. 174/MV/T dated 14.06.2012 and in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (2) of section 5 of the RTI Act, 2005, the Motor Vehicles Division hereby designates the following Officers as ASPIOs for Motor Vehicles Division, Transport Department:SL.NO. NAME DESIGNATION 1. Shri Rodhan Lama, RTO (North) 2. Shri K.S. Gurung Sr. RTO (South) 3. Mrs. Bindu Dhakal Under Secretary (East) ASPIO, North District Motor Vehicles Division Mangan. ASPIO, South District Motor Vehicles Division Jorethang. ASPIO, Headquarters Motor Vehicles Division Gangtok. By Order. Memo No. 01-12/MV/T Copy for information to: 1. Shri K.S. Gurung, Sr. RTO (South) 2. Shri Rodhan Lama, RTO (North) 3. Mrs Bindu Dhakal, Under Secretary (East) 4. Secretary, Transport Department 5. Additional Secretary, Motor Vehicles Division 6. Joint Secretary, Motor Vehicles Division Sd/Tsegyal Tashi Secretary Transport Department. Dated: 30/09/2013 7. Joint Director, Motor Vehicles Division 8. All Secretaries & HODs 9. Secretary IPR with a request for wide publicity 10. Additional Secretary Home Department with a request for publication in the Official Gazette 11. All Assistant Public Information Officers, M.V. Division 12. Deputy Secretary Sikkim Information Commission 13. File and Guard file. Special Secretary Motor Vehicles Division SIKKIM GOVERNMENT Gangtok GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 1st October,2013 No.547 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM HOME DEPARTMENT GANGTOK No.60/Home/2013 Date: 30.09.2013 NOTIFICATION In exercise of powers conferred by sub section(1) of section 6 of the Family Courts Act, 1984, ( 66 of 1984), the State Government, in consultation with the Hon’ble High Court of Sikkim, is hereby pleased to appoint Shri P.J. Pradhan as Counsellor of the Family court, East and North District at Gangtok with immediate effect. By order and in the name of the Governor. SD/- (R.ONGMU),IAS, CHIEF SECRETARY GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM, FILE NO:H/C/116/1985/01(part) SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY Gangtok No. 548 DIRECTORATE OF SIKKIM STATE LOTTERIES FINANCE, REVENUE & EXPENDITURE DEPARTMENT GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM BALUWAKHANI, GANGTOK – 737101 No. FIN/DSSL/ 2013-14/18 September, 2013 Dated: 27th NOTIFICATION The following Bumper Lottery Scheme of Government of Sikkim to be marketed through the Marketing Agent M/s Future Gaming Solutions India Pvt. Ltd. shall be held on 01st January, 2014 as per the details given in the enclosed annexure. 1) Sikkim New Year 2014 Bumper. By Order. Director, Sikkim State Lotteries S.G.P.G. - / Gazette/ 30 Cps./ SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY Gangtok Dated.3.10.2013 No.549 EXCISE (ABK) DEPARTMENT GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM GANGTOK No.7/Ex (Abk) Dated:25/09/2013 NOTIFICATION In exercise of the powers conferred by clause (a) of section 77 read with section 10 of the Sikkim Excise Act 1992 (2 of 1992) the State Government hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Sikkim Excise (Brewery) Rules, 2000, namely:Short title and commencement 1. (1) This rule may be called the Sikkim Excise (Brewery) Amendment Rules, 2013 (2) It shall extend to the whole of Sikkim. (3) It shall come into force on the date of its Publication in the Official Gazette. Amendment of rule 53 A 2. In the Sikkim Excise (Brewery ) Rules, 2000, in 53 A, after the words “annual fee” the following words shall be inserted, namely:- “The Licensee shall pay bottling fee as may be notified by the State Government on the volume of production manufactured in the brand name owned by the collaborator”. A.K. Yadav (IAS) Principal Secretary Excise (Abk) Department SIKKIM GOVERNEMNT GAZETTE EXTRAORNIDARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY GANGTOK Dated.3.10.2013 No.550 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM COMMERCIAL TAXES DIVISION Dated 26th September 2013 No. GoS/IT&CT/2006-07/12-A2(79) /114 NOTIFICATION In exercise of power conferred by clause (a) of sub-section (1) of Section 5 of the Sikkim Sales Tax Act, 1983 and in supersession of notification no. 140/IT&CT/08 dated 16-08-2008, the State Government hereby specifies the rates of local sales tax in respect of goods listed in Schedule – II as under, namely:Sl. No. 1 2 Name of goods Motor Spirit Rate of tax -20 paise per rupee High Speed Diesel -10 paise per rupee This notification shall come into effect from the 01st day of October 2013. Commissioner of Commercial Taxes Government of Sikkim SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 3rd October ,2013 Gangtok No.551 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM DEPARTMENT OF PERSONNEL, ADMINISTRATIVE REFORMS, TRAINING AND PUBLIC GRIEVANCES GANGTOK - 737101 No. 200 /GEN/DOP 01/08/2013. DATED: NOTIFICATION The Governor is pleased to upgrade 01 (one) post of Deputy Director (IEC) presently held by Shri. Tara Poudyal to that of Joint Director (IEC) in the Pay Band - 3 of ` 15600 – 39100 and Grade Pay of ` 7200 in the Sikkim State Para Medical Service with effect from the date the upgraded post is filled-up through promotion on the recommendation of Sikkim Public Service Commission. The above upgraded post shall stand restored as and when the upgraded post is vacated by the incumbent on account of promotion, resignation, retirement, etc. BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF THE GOVERNOR. Sd/SPECIAL SECRETARY TO THE GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM DEPARTMENT OF PERSONNEL, ADMINISTRATIVE REFORMS, TRAINING AND PUBLIC GRIEVANCES. SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 3rd October,2013 Gangtok No.552 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM DEPARTMENT OF PERSONNEL, ADMINISTRATIVE REFORMS, TRAINING AND PUBLIC GRIEVANCES GANGTOK - 737101 No. 201 /GEN/DOP 01/08/2013. DATED: NOTIFICATION The Governor is pleased to up-grade 07 (seven) posts of Joint Director / Consultant Grade – II (Selection Grade – II) presently held by the following Doctors to that of Additional Director / Consultant Grade – I (Selection Grade – I) in the Pay Band – 3 of ` 15600 – 39100 and Grade Pay of ` 8700 in the Sikkim State Health Service with immediate effect:1. Dr. Karma J. Bhutia, Joint Director, NRHM / Selection Grade-II, 2. Dr. Thinley Wangyal Barfungpa, Chief Medical Officer (West) / Selection Grade-II, 3. Dr. Peggy Karma Dadul, Senior District T.B. Officer / Selection Grade-II, 4. Dr. Ritunath Deokota, Consultant (Gynecology / Selection Grade-II, 5. Dr. Bimal Rai, Chief Medical Officer (South) / Programme Officer (Goitre) / Selection Grade-II, 6. Dr. Pramila Giri, Epidemiologist / Programme Officer / Selection Grade-II, 7. Dr. Rebecca Lama, Consultant (Gynecology & Obst.) / Selection Grade-II, The above upgraded posts shall stand restored as and when the upgraded posts are vacated by the incumbents on account of promotion, resignation, retirement, etc. BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF THE GOVERNOR. Sd/SPECIAL SECRETARY TO THE GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM DEPARTMENT OF PERSONNEL, ADMINISTRATIVE REFORMS, TRAINING AND PUBLIC GRIEVANCES SIKKIM GOVERNMENT Gangtok EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY rd 3 October ,2013 GAZETTE No.553 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM DEPARTMENT OF PERSONNEL, ADMINISTRATIVE REFORMS, TRAINING AND PUBLIC GRIEVANCES GANGTOK - 737101 No. 203 /GEN/DOP 03/08/2013. DATED: NOTIFICATION The Governor is pleased to re-designate 01 (one) post of Gardener created vide Notification No. 10/GEN/EST dated03/06/1991 to that of Safaikarmachari in the Pay Band - 1 of Rs. 5200 - 20200 and Grade Pay of ` 2200 in the Printing and Stationery Department with immediate effect. BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF THE GOVERNOR. Sd/SPECIAL SECRETARY TO THE GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM DEPARTMENT OF PERSONNEL, ADMINISTRATIVE REFORMS, TRAINING AND PUBLIC GRIEVANCES. SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY rd 3 October ,2013 Gangtok No.554 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM DEPARTMENT OF PERSONNEL, ADMINISTRATIVE REFORMS, TRAINING AND PUBLIC GRIEVANCES GANGTOK - 737101 No. 211 /GEN/DOP 06/09/2013. DATED: NOTIFICATION The Governor of Sikkim is hereby pleased to up-grade and place the existing post of Senior Law Officer, presently held by Shri. Jigme Dorjee Denjongpa in the Pay Band – 4 of ` 32000 – 60000 plus Grade Pay of ` 9000 in the Sikkim State Electricity Regulatory Commission under Energy and Power Department with immediate effect. By order and in the name of the Governor. Sd/JOINT SECRETARY TO THE GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM DEPARTMENT OF PERSONNEL, ADMINISTRATIVE REFORMS, TRAINING AND PUBLIC GRIEVANCES SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 3rd October ,2013 Gangtok No.555 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM DEPARTMENT OF PERSONNEL, ADMINISTRATIVE REFORMS, TRAINING AND PUBLIC GRIEVANCES GANGTOK - 737101 No. 218 /GEN/DOP 17/09/2013. DATED: NOTIFICATION The Governor of Sikkim is hereby pleased to constitute a Committee to recommend National Award in recognition of excellence in implementation of e-Governance Projects / Initiatives in the State consisting of the following members, namely:(1) Chief Secretary -- Chairman; (2) Director General of Police -- Member; (3) (4) (5) 2. 3. Principal Secretary, Home Department -- Member; Secretary, Department of Personnel, Administrative Reforms, Training and Public Grievances -- Member; Principal Director, Information and Technology Department -- Member Secretary. The terms of reference of the Committee shall be to examine and recommend such nominations from Departments, District Local Bodies, Public Sector / Undertakings, Academic and Research Institutions, Private Sector and Civil Society Organizations (where public is benefitted at large) for consideration National Award in the following categories:(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) (x) excellence in Government Process Re-engineering; outstanding performance in Citizen-Centric Service Delivery; innovative Use of Technology in e-Governance; incremental Innovations in existing projects; best District level initiative in citizen-centric service delivery through ICT; innovative use of GIS Technology in e-Governance; innovative use of mobile technology in e-Governance; sectoral Award: Health Care; innovative use of ICT by Central Government PSUs; innovative use of ICT by State Government PSUs / Cooperatives / Federations/ Societies; (xi) (xii) outstanding e-Governance initiative by Academic and Research institutions; use of ICT for Development by non-Government Institutions. The Committee may co-opt any other officers of State Government / Organization as member of the committee as and when required. By order and in the name of the Governor. (C. Bhutia) Mr. JOINT SECRETARY TO THE GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM DEPARTMENT OF PERSONNEL, ADMINISTRATIVE REFORMS, TRAINING AND PUBLIC GRIEVANCES. SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 3rd October,2013 Gangtok No.556 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM DEPARTMENT OF PERSONNEL, ADMINISTRATIVE REFORMS, TRAINING AND PUBLIC GRIEVANCES GANGTOK - 737101 No. 220 /GEN/DOP 19/09/2013. DATED: NOTIFICATION The Governor of Sikkim is hereby pleased to upgrade 02 (two) posts of Assistant Sub-Inspector presently held by (i) ASI Indra Kumar Pradhan and (ii) ASI Indra Bahadur Basnett to that of Sub-Inspector in the Pay Band – 2 of ` 9300 – 34800 and Grade Pay of ` 3800 having completion of required technical courses (Grade III to I) in the Communication Branch of Sikkim Police with effect from the date of their promotion. The above upgraded posts shall stand restored as and when the upgraded posts are vacated by the incumbents on account of promotion, resignation, retirement, etc. By order and in the name of the Governor. Sd/JOINT SECRETARY TO THE GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM DEPARTMENT OF PERSONNEL, ADMINISTRATIVE REFORMS, TRAINING AND PUBLIC GRIEVANCES. SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 3rd October,2013 Gangtok No.557 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM DEPARTMENT OF PERSONNEL, ADMINISTRATIVE REFORMS, TRAINING AND PUBLIC GRIEVANCES GANGTOK - 737101 No. 223 /GEN/DOP 25/09/2013. DATED: NOTIFICATION The Governor of Sikkim is hereby pleased to sanction creation of 01 (one) post of Computer Programmer in the Pay Band - 2 of ` 9300 – 34800 and Grade Pay of ` 4200 in the Energy and Power Department with immediate effect. The expenditure shall be debited from the Budget Head: 2801.80.001-00.44.01 – Salaries (Plan). This is issued with the concurrence of Finance, Revenue and Expenditure Department and Development Planning, Economic Reforms and North East Council Affairs Department. By order and in the name of the Governor. Sd/JOINT SECRETARY TO THE GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM DEPARTMENT OF PERSONNEL, ADMINISTRATIVE REFORMS, TRAINING AND PUBLIC GRIEVANCES SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 3rd October,2013 Gangtok No558 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM DEPARTMENT OF PERSONNEL, ADMINISTRATIVE REFORMS, TRAINING AND PUBLIC GRIEVANCES GANGTOK - 737101 No. 224 /GEN/DOP 26/09/2013. DATED: NOTIFICATION The Governor of Sikkim is hereby pleased to re-designate 01 (one) post of Chowkidar presently held by Mr. Mikma Tshering Lepcha to that of Laboratory Attendant in the Pay Band – 1 of ` 5200 – 20200 and Grade Pay of ` 2200 in the Sikkim Government College, Rhenock (East), Human Resource Development Department with immediate effect. By order and in the name of the Governor. Sd/JOINT SECRETARY TO THE GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM DEPARTMENT OF PERSONNEL, ADMINISTRATIVE REFORMS, TRAINING AND PUBLIC GRIEVANCES. SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY rd 3 October ,2013 Gangtok No.559 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM DEPARTMENT OF PERSONNEL, ADMINISTRATIVE REFORMS, TRAINING AND PUBLIC GRIEVANCES GANGTOK - 737101 No. 226 /GEN/DOP 26/09/2013. DATED: NOTIFICATION The Governor of Sikkim is hereby pleased to sanction creation of 03 (three) posts of Computer Operator in the Pay Band - 1 of ` 5200 – 20200 and Grade Pay of ` 3000 in the Home Department with immediate effect. The expenditure shall be debited from the Budget Head: 2052-00.090-15.00.01 – Salaries (Non Plan). This is issued with the concurrence of Finance, Revenue and Expenditure Department. By order and in the name of the Governor. Sd/JOINT SECRETARY TO THE GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM DEPARTMENT OF PERSONNEL, ADMINISTRATIVE REFORMS, TRAINING AND PUBLIC GRIEVANCES SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY _GANGTOK______________3rdOctober,2013_____________________No.560______ ____________________________ ELECTION DEPARTMENT,GANGTOK Dated Gangtok the 1st October,2013. No.06 /2013/Elec. Notification dated 30th September,2013 of the Election Commission of India, Nirvachan Sadan, New Delhi is hereby re-published for general information. ELECTION COMMISSION OF INDIA Nirvachan Sadan, Ashoka Road, New Delhi-110001 Dated the 30th September,2013 8 Asvina 1935(Saka) NOTIFICATION Whereas the Commission had announced the schedule for Special summary revision of electoral rolls w.r.t. 01.01.2014 as the qualifying date in Sikkim vide its letter No. 23/SKM/2013-14 dated 12.07.2013 addressed to Chief Electoral Officer, Sikkim; and Whereas, the draft rolls were published on 31st August, 2013(Saturday) in all the Assembly Constituencies of Sikkim; and Whereas, the period of filing of claims and objections was fixed up to 30th September,2013(Monday); and Whereas, the Commission, having reviewed the progress of revision of electoral roll and taking all material facts into consideration, has decided to extend the period of filing of claims and objections in all Assembly Constituencies of Sikkim; Now, therefore, the Commission, in exercise of the power conferred by provision to Rule 12 of the Registration of Electors Rules, 1960, extends, in all Assembly Constituencies in Sikkim the period of filing claims and objections up to 10.10.2013(Thursday) for the ongoing Special Summary Revision of electoral rolls with reference to 01.01.2014 as the qualifying date. By Order, Sd/(ANUJ JAIPURIAR) SECRETARY (D.ANANDAN,IAS) CHIEF ELECTORAL OFFICER, SIKKIM SIKKIM GOVERNMENT Gangtok GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 5th October,2013 No.561 Government of Sikkim Land Revenue and Disaster Management Department, Gangtok (New Secretariat, Development Area, Gangtok, Sikkim–737101/Phone: 03592-202664/Fax: 03592201145/202932/Website: Http: / ssdma.org Emailid: ccs-lr-sik @nic.in/Sikkimsdma @gmail.com. NOTIFICATION NO. 75/89/GOS/LR & DMD/ACQ DATED:04/10/2013. NOTICE UNDER SECTION 4(1) OF LAND ACQUISITION ACT, 1894 (ACT I OF 1894) Whereas the function of the Central Government under the Land Acquisition Act, 1894 (Act I of 1894) in relation to the Acquisition of land for the purpose of the Union have been entrusted to the State Government by Notification No.12018/12/76/LRD of 10.01.1978 issued by the Government of India in the Ministry of Agriculture & Irrigation under clause 1 of Article 258 of the constitution of India. And whereas it appears to the Governor that land is likely to be needed for a public purpose, being a purpose of the Union, namely for Establishment of 52nd Battalion by Sasastra Seema Bal (SSB) at Sindrabong & Nambu blocks West Sikkim, it is hereby notified that the several pieces of land comprising cadastral plot nos. and area mentioned in the “Schedule of Properties” below is likely to be needed for the aforesaid public purpose at the public expense within the aforesaid blocks. “Schedule of Properties” Sindrabong Block Plot Nos. 20, 22 & 23, 144, 144/A measuring area more or less 1.4660 hectares. Boundary East : D.F. of Pem Dorjee & Til Bdr. Limboo West : D.F. of Phuppu Lhamu & Aita Bdr. Limboo North : D.F. of Passang Phutia, Nima Bhutia & Aita Bdr. Limboo South : D.F. of Lakpa Tshering Bhutia & Khola Nambu Block Plot Nos. 750/A & 749/A measuring area more or less 1.0040 hectares. Boundary East : West : North : South : C.F. of Sancha Bir Limboo C.F. of Krishna Bahadur Limboo Road C.F. of Seller’s own This Notification is made under the provision of Section 4(1) of L. A. Act, 1894 (Act I of 1894) to all whom it may concern. A plan of land may be inspected in the Office of the District Collector West, Gyalshing. In exercise of the powers conferred by the aforesaid section, the Governor is pleased to authorize the Officers for the time being engaged in the undertaking, with their servants and workmen to enter upon and survey the land and do all other acts required or permitted by that section. And whereas, there is urgency to acquire land the Governor is further pleased to direct under section 17(4) of L. A. Act, of 1894 (Act I of 1894) that the provision of section 5-A of the Act shall not apply. SD/-(K.S.TOBGAY) SECRETARY, LAND REVENUE AND D.M. DEPARTMENT, GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM, GANGTOK. FILE NO. 89/GOS/LR&DMD/ACQ. SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GANGTOK GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 5th October,2013 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM ENERGY & POWER DEPARTMENT Notification No: 269/Adm. No.562 Dated: 01/10/2013 NOTIFICATION With the approval of the Competent Authority Shri Wangdi P. Thakarpa, Additional Chief Engineer (Civil) is hereby nominated as SPIO (Civil) in place of Shri Prakash Chettri, Superintending Engineer (Civil). By order. Sd/(P.W. Rinzing) Special Secretary Energy & Power Department. Joint Secy. to the Govt. of Sikkim Energy & Power Department. SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 5th October,2013 Gangtok No. 563 DIRECTORATE OF SIKKIM STATE LOTTERIES FINANCE, REVENUE & EXPENDITURE DEPARTMENT GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM BALUWAKHANI, GANGTOK – 737101 No. FIN/DSSL/ 2013-14/19 2013 Dated: 30th September, NOTIFICATION In supersession of Notification No. FIN/DSSL/2013-14/17 dated 21st September, 2013 it is hereby notified that the scheme of Singam Delight Evening set of weekly lotteries (Monday to Sunday) being marketed through the Marketing Agent M/s Future Gaming Solutions India Pvt. Ltd. shall be revised w.e.f. 28th October, 2013 and onwards, as per the details given in the enclosed annexure. By Order. Director, Sikkim State Lotteries S.G.P.G. - / Gazette/ 30 Cps./ SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 5th October,2013 Gangtok No. 564 DIRECTORATE OF SIKKIM STATE LOTTERIES FINANCE, REVENUE & EXPENDITURE DEPARTMENT GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM Dated: 1st October 2013 No. FIN/DSSL/ RESULTS / 33 NOTIFICATION The Daily Lottery Results from 16th September 2013 to 30th September 2013 of the following weekly lottery schemes of the Sikkim State Lotteries marketed through the Marketing Agent, M/S Summit Online Trade Solutions Pvt. Ltd. are hereby notified for general information as per Annexures 1 to 15 :5. Two (2) draws of the Sugar Online Weekly Lottery 6. Six (6) Draws of the Smart Online Weekly Lottery By Order. Director, Sikkim State Lotteries S.G.P.G. – Gazette/ 30Cps./ SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 5th October,2013 Gangtok No. 565 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM FINANCE, REVENUE & EXPENDITURE DEPARTMENT (DIRECTORATE OF SIKKIM STATE LOTTERIES) BALUWAKHANI, GANGTOK – 737101 No. FIN/DSSL/ RESULTS/34 2013 Dated: 01st October, NOTIFICATION The Daily Lottery Results from 16th September, 2013 to 30th September, 2013, of the following weekly lottery schemes of the Sikkim State Lotteries, marketed through the Distributor, M/S Future Gaming Solutions India Pvt. Ltd. are hereby notified for general information as per Annexures 1 to 15 :12. Future Immense set of weekly lotteries (Monday to Sunday), 13. Singam Delight set of weekly lotteries (Monday to Sunday), 14. Kuil Parrot set of weekly lotteries (Monday to Sunday), 15. Dear Affectionate set of weekly lotteries (Monday to Sunday), 16. Singam Delight Evening set of weekly lotteries (Monday to Sunday), 17. Dear Affectionate Evening set of weekly lotteries (Monday to Sunday). By Order. Director, Sikkim State Lotteries S.G.P.G. - / Gazette/ 30 Cps./ SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 5th October,2013 Gangtok 566 No. DIRECTORATE OF SIKKIM STATE LOTTERIES FINANCE, REVENUE & EXPENDITURE DEPARTMENT GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM No. FIN/DSSL/ RESULTS/ 35 Dated: 1st October 2013 NOTIFICATION The Daily Lottery Results from 16th September 2013 to 22nd September 2013,of the following weekly lottery schemes of the Sikkim State Lotteries marketed through the Marketing Agent M/S Pan India Network Pvt. Ltd. are hereby notified for general information as per Annexures 1 to 7 :Mon 9. Tue 10. Wed Lotto 11. Thu 12. Fri 13. Sat 14. Sun 8. 6 draws of Science Online; 1 draw of Fast Digit & Sikkim Keno 6 draws of Science Online; 1 draw of Fast Digit & Tuesday Thunderball 6 draws of Science Online; 1 draw of Fast Digit & Wednesday Jaldi 5 Double 6 draws of Science Online; 1 draw of Fast Digit & Thursday Super Lotto 6 draws of Science Online; 1 draw of Fast Digit & Friday Jaldi 5 Lotto 6 draws of Science Online; 1 draw of Fast Digit & Saturday Super Lotto 6 draws of Science Online; 1 draw of Fast Digit & Sikkim Keno The Daily Lottery Results from 23rd September 2013 to 30th September 2013,of the following weekly lottery schemes of the Sikkim State Lotteries marketed through the Marketing Agent M/S Pan India Network Pvt. Ltd. are hereby notified for general information as per Annexures 8 to 15 :Mon 2. Tue 3. Wed Lotto 4. Thu 5. Fri 6. Sat 7. Sun 1. 6 draws of Science Online; 1 draw of Fast Digit & Sikkim Keno 6 draws of Science Online; 1 draw of Fast Digit & Tuesday Thunderball 6 draws of Science Online; 1 draw of Fast Digit & Wednesday Jaldi 5 Double 6 draws of Science Online; 1 draw of Fast Digit & Thursday Super Lotto 6 draws of Science Online; 1 draw of Sikkim Keno & Friday Jaldi 5 Lotto 6 draws of Science Online; 1 draw of Fast Digit & Saturday Super Lotto 6 draws of Science Online; 1 draw of Fast Digit & Sikkim Keno By Order. SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY Gangtok Ref. No:476/DL 5th October,2013 No: 567 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM, DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR GANGTOK Dated:30.09.2013 NOTIFICATION In exercise of the Powers conferred by Section 27 of the RTI Act, 2005 followed by Rule 12 of the Sikkim State Right to Information (Regulation of Fee, Cost and Miscellaneous) Amendment Rules, 2013, Shri T.T. Gensarpa, Additional Legal Officer is hereby appointed as Appellate Authority of Labour Department for the purpose of said Act. This Notification supersedes the previous Notification No. 20/DL dated:20.05.2013.Sd/(C.T. Wangdi) I.A.S. Secretary, Labour Department, Gangtok. Memo No.GOS/DL/20132(30)/ Dated: Copy to:1. Shri T.T. Gensarpa, Additional Secretary (Legal), Labour Department, Gangtok. 2. Shri Chewang Gyatso, Additional Labour Commissioner, Labour Department, Gangtok. 3. Pr. Secretary to HCM. 4. Commissioner, Sikkim Information Commission. 5. Additional Secretary, Home Department for publication in Gazette. 6. File. 7. Guard File. Joint Director (Adm.), Labour Department, Government of Sikkim, Gangtok. SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY Gangtok 5th October,2013 No.:314/HCS No.569 HIGH COURT OF SIKKIM GANGTOK NOTIFICATION Dated: 30.09.2013 It is hereby notified that in pursuance of Notification No.K.11017/05/2013-US.II dated 24.09.2013 issued by the Government of India, Ministry of Law & Justice (Department of Justice), New Delhi, Hon’ble Mr. Justice Narendra Kumar Jain, Judge, Rajasthan High Court took Oath of Office as Judge of the High Court of Sikkim on 30.09.2013 forenoon and has assumed charge of the Office of the Judge of High Court of Sikkim. Sd/- By order, (K.C. Barphungpa) REGISTRAR GENERAL Memo No. V (217) Confdl/HCS/6225-80 Dated: 30.09.2013 Copy to: 1. Mr. Praveen Garg, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Law & Justice, Government of India (Department of Justice) Jaisalmer House, 26-Man Singh Road, New Delhi – 110 001. 2. The Secretary to Hon’ble Governor of Sikkim, Raj Bhawan, Gangtok. 3. The Secretary General, Supreme Court of India, New Delhi – 110 001. 4. The Registrar General, All the High Court of India. 5. The Chief Secretary, Government of Sikkim, Gangtok. 6. The Secretary, to Hon’ble the Chief Minister of Sikkim, Gangtok. 7. The Principal Accountant General, Lekha Pariksha Bhawan, Tadong, Gangtok. 8. The Advocate General, Government of Sikkim, Gangtok. 9. Mrs. Meenakshi M.Rai, Principal District & Sessions Judge (East & North) at Gangtok. 10. Mrs. Lakchung Sherpa, District & Sessions Judge (South & West) at Namchi. 11. Mr. Jagat Bdr. Rai, District & Sessions Judge (North) at Mangan. 12. Miss. Jyoti Kharka, District & Sessions Judges (West) at Gyalshing. 13. Mr. Prajwal Khatiwada, District & Sessions Judge (Spl. Div.-I) at Gangtok. 14. Mr. Karma Wangchuk Bhutia, District & Sessions Judge (Spl. Div.-II) at Gangtok. 15. The Chief Judicial Magistrate-cum- Civil Judge (East & North) at Gangtok. 16. The Chief Judicial Magistrate-cum- Civil Judge (South & West) at Namchi. 17. The Civil Judge-cum- Judicial Magistrate (East) at Gangtok. 18. The Civil Judge-cum- Judicial Magistrate (West) at Gyalshing. 19. The Civil Judge-cum- Judicial Magistrate (North) at Mangan. 20. The Civil Judge-cum- Judicial Magistrate (South) at Namchi. 21. The Director, Sikkim Judicial Academy, Gangtok. 22. The Member Secretary, Sikkim State Legal Services Authority, Gangtok. 23. The Principal Secretary, Home Department, Government of Sikkim, Gangtok. 24. The Chief Pay & Accounts Officer, Treasury Pay & Accounts Office, Government of Sikkim, Gangtok. 25. The Additional Registrar (I&E)-cum- PPS to HCJ, High Court of Sikkim, Gangtok. 26. P.S to Hon’ble Puisne Judge I, High Court of Sikkim, Gangtok. 27. P.S to Hon’ble Puisne Judge II, High Court of Sikkim, Gangtok. 28. The Gazette Section of publication in Government Gazette. 29. The Accounts Section, High Court of Sikkim, Gangtok. 30. All the Section In-charge, High Court of Sikkim, Gangtok. 31. Personal file and 32. Guard file. Sd/REGISTRAR SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 5th October,2013 Gangtok No.570 HIGH COURT OF SIKKIM GANGTOK No. 319/HCS Dated: 02.10.2013 NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified that in pursuance of Notification No. K- 11019/01/2013-IS.I dated 30th September, 2013 issued by the Government of India, Ministry of Law & Justice (Department of Justice), New Delhi, Hon’ble Mr. Justice Narendra Kumar Jain, Hon’ble Judge, High Court of Sikkim has assumed charge of the Office of the Chief Justice of the High Court of Sikkim with effect from today i.e. 02.10.2013. By order, (K.C. Barphungpa) Registrar General Memo No. Dated: Copy to: 1. Mr. Praveen Garg, Joint Secretary to the Government of India, Ministry of Law & Justice (Department of Justice), New Delhi. 2. The Secretary to Hon’ble the Governor of Sikkim, Raj Bhawan, Gangtok. 3. The Secretary General, Supreme Court of India, New Delhi. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. The Registrar Generals of all the High Courts of India. The Chief Secretary, Government of Sikkim, Gangtok. The Principal Secretary, Home Department, Government of Sikkim, Gangtok. The Secretary to Hon’ble the Chief Minister of Sikkim, Gangtok. The Accountant General, Sikkim Cell, Gangtok. The Chief Pay & Accounts Officer, Treasury Pay & Accounts Office, Government of Sikkim, Gangtok. The Gazette Section for publication in Government Gazette. The Private Secretary to Hon’ble the Chief Justice, High Court of Sikkim, Gangtok. The Dy. Registrar-cum-Private Secretary to Hon’ble Judge, High Court of Sikkim, Gangtok. The Private Secretary to Hon’ble Judge, High Court of Sikkim, Gangtok. The Accounts Section, High Court of Sikkim, Gangtok. All the Section In-charge, High Court of Sikkim, Gangtok. Personal file and Guard file. (N.G. Sherpa) Registrar SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY Gangtok 5th October,2013 No.571 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH CARE, HUMAN SERVICES & FAMILY WELFARE No.108/HCHS&FW Dated: 23/9/13 NOTIFICATION In continuation and in partial modification of Notification No. 42/HCHS&FW, dated 15.02.2012, the State Government is hereby pleased to re-constitute the Procurement Committee in the Department of Health Care, Human Services and Family Welfare to look into the procurement of equipment, drugs and medicines, consumables and other items under various schemes of the State Government and the Government of India, consisting of the following members, namely;-. (1) Principal Director-II Chairman; (2) Director, Drugs and Cosmetic Cell - Member Secretary; (3) Additional Director, Accounts - Member; (4) Joint Director, Central Health - Member; Stores Organization (5) Representative of Finance Revenue and - Member; Expenditure Department The Functions and the Terms of Reference of the Committee shall remain unchanged. By order and in the name of the Governor. (Dr. K.BHANDARI, DM) DIRECTOR GENERAL-CUM SECRETARY TO THE GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM HEALTH CARE, HUMAN SERVICES & FAMILY WELFARE DEPARTMENT File No. 01/HCHS&FW/ADHS-II/10-11 SIKKIM GOVERNMENT Gangtok GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 5th October,2013 No,572 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM HOME DEPARTMENT GANGTOK NO. 61/Home/2013 Dated:30.09.2013 NOTIFICATION In exercise of powers conferred by section 28 of the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act,2012 (32 of 2012), the State Government, in consultation with the Hon’ble Chief Justice of the High Court of Sikkim, is hereby pleased to designate Court of Principal District and Sessions Judge, East and North Sikkim at Gangtok and Court of District and Sessions Judge, South and West Sikkim at Namchi as Special Courts to try the offences under the Act with immediate effect. SD-/( R.ONGMU ), IAS, CHIEF SECRETARY, GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM, FILE NO:H/C/174/2013/7 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______ SIKKIM GAZETTE GOVERNMENT Gangtok EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 5th October,2013 No.573 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM HOME DEPARTMENT GANGTOK NO. 62/Home/2013 Dated:30.09.2013 NOTIFICATION In exercise of powers conferred by section 25 of the Commissions for Protection of Child Rights Act,2005 (4 of 2006 ), the State Government, with the concurrence of the Hon’ble Chief Justice of the High Court of Sikkim, is hereby pleased to designate Court of Principal District and Sessions Judge, East and North Sikkim at Gangtok and Court of District and Sessions Judge, South and West Sikkim at Namchi as Children’s Courts to try the offences under the Act with immediate effect. SD-/( R.ONGMU ), IAS, CHIEF SECRETARY, GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM, FILE NO:H/C/174/2013/7 SIKKIM GOVERNMENT Gangtok GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 17th Octobe,2013 No.574 Government of Sikkim Land Revenue and Disaster Management Department, Gangtok (New Secretariat, Development Area, Gangtok, Sikkim–737101/Phone: 03592-202664/Fax: 03592201145/202932/Website: Http: / ssdma.org Emailid: ccs-lr-sik @nic.in/Sikkimsdma @gmail.com. NOTIFICATION NO. 76/93/GOS/LR & DMD/ACQ DATED:05/10/2013. NOTICE UNDER SECTION 4(1) OF LAND ACQUISITION ACT, 1894 (ACT I OF 1894) Whereas the function of the Central Government under the Land Acquisition Act, 1894 (Act I of 1894) in relation to the Acquisition of land for the purpose of the Union have been entrusted to the State Government by Notification No.12018/12/76/LRD of 10.01.1978 issued by the Government of India in the Ministry of Agriculture & Irrigation under clause 1 of Article 258 of the constitution of India. And whereas it appears to the Governor that land is likely to be needed for a public purpose, being a purpose of the Union, namely for the Establishment of Sikkim Scout Battalion by Ministry of Defence, Government of India at Sangmoo block, South Sikkim, it is hereby notified that the pieces of land comprising cadastral plot nos. 2, 3, 170, 4, 169, 5, 168, 6, 7, 166, 165/P, 143/P, 167, 165/P, 171, 182, 173/P, 181, 174/P, 164, 163, 183, 185, 187, 142, 140/P, 141/P, 191/P, 179, 246, 245, 244, 190, 189, 192 & 191/P measuring area more or less 20.2280 hectares bonded on the East : D.F. of Mani Raj Rai, Tshering Topgay Bhutia, Amber Singh Limboo & PMGSY Road, West : Khola, North : Khola & South : C.F. & D.F of Lt. Topden Bhutia, Norbu Bhutia, Tashi Lendup Bhutia, Chewang Gyatso Bhutia, Village Road, Karma Palden, Norbu Dadul, Chuk Tshering, Pagyal, Nak Tshering, Rinzing Choda is likely to be needed for the aforesaid public purpose at the public expense within the aforesaid block. This Notification is made under the provision of Section 4(1) of L. A. Act, 1894 (Act I of 1894) to all whom it may concern. A plan of land may be inspected in the Office of the District Collector South, Namchi. In exercise of the powers conferred by the aforesaid section, the Governor is pleased to authorize the Officers for the time being engaged in the undertaking, with their servants and workmen to enter upon and survey the land and do all other acts required or permitted by that section. And whereas, there is urgency to acquire land the Governor is further pleased to direct under section 17(4) of L. A. Act, of 1894 (Act I of 1894) that the provision of section 5-A of the Act shall not apply. SD/-(K.S.TOBGAY) SECRETARY, LAND REVENUE AND D.M. DEPARTMENT, GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM, GANGTOK. FILE NO. 93/GOS/LR&DMD/ACQ. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______ SIKKIM GOVERNMENT Gangtok GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 17th October,2013 No.575 Government of Sikkim Land Revenue and Disaster Management Department, Gangtok (New Secretariat, Development Area, Gangtok, Sikkim–737101/Phone: 03592-202664/Fax: 03592201145/202932/Website: Http: / ssdma.org Emailid: ccs-lr-sik @nic.in/Sikkimsdma @gmail.com. NOTIFICATION NO. 77/94/GOS/LR & DMD/ACQ 05/10/2013. DATED: NOTICE UNDER SECTION 4(1) OF LAND ACQUISITION ACT, 1894 (ACT I OF 1894) Whereas the function of the Central Government under the Land Acquisition Act, 1894 (Act I of 1894) in relation to the Acquisition of land for the purpose of the Union have been entrusted to the State Government by Notification No.12018/12/76/LRD of 10.01.1978 issued by the Government of India in the Ministry of Agriculture & Irrigation under clause 1 of Article 258 of the constitution of India. And whereas it appears to the Governor that land is likely to be needed for a public purpose, being a purpose of the Union, namely for the Establishment of Sikkim Scout Battalion by Ministry of Defence, Government of India at Rabong block, South Sikkim, it is hereby notified that the pieces of land comprising cadastral plot nos. 594, 593, 646, 585, 579, 578, 583, 581, 664, 662, 653, 645, 655, 666, 647, 652, 589, 587, 591, 614, 612, 640, 657, 650, 577, 590, 590/830, 586, 661, 659, 644, 642, 670, 668, 592, 601(P), 602(P) & 598 measuring area more or less 12.1620 hectares bounded on the East : Khola & Boundry with Sangmoo Block, West : C.F. & D.F. of Tashi Chopel, Topgay, Chusang, Dorjee Tashi & Topden Bhutia, North : Khola & South : Khola & Boundry with Sangmoo Block is likely to be needed for the aforesaid public purpose at the public expense within the aforesaid block. This Notification is made under the provision of Section 4(1) of L. A. Act, 1894 (Act I of 1894) to all whom it may concern. A plan of land may be inspected in the Office of the District Collector South, Namchi. In exercise of the powers conferred by the aforesaid section, the Governor is pleased to authorize the Officers for the time being engaged in the undertaking, with their servants and workmen to enter upon and survey the land and do all other acts required or permitted by that section. And whereas, there is urgency to acquire land the Governor is further pleased to direct under section 17(4) of L. A. Act, of 1894 (Act I of 1894) that the provision of section 5-A of the Act shall not apply. SD/-(K.S.TOBGAY) SECRETARY, LAND REVENUE AND D.M. DEPARTMENT, GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM, GANGTOK. FILE NO. 94/GOS/LR&DMD/ACQ. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______ SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE Gangtok EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 17th October,2013 No.576 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM LAW DEPARTMENT GANGTOK No. 4/LD/RP/13 Dated: 30/09/2013 NOTIFICATION The Notification which has been published in the Gazette of India, Extra Ordinary PART II-Section 3- Sub-section (ii) dated: 8th February, 2013 is hereby republished for general information:MINISTRY OF FINANCE (Department of Revenue) NOTIFICATION New Delhi, the 8th February, 2013 S.O. 343(E).- In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (2) of Section 1 of the Prevention of Money-laundering (Amendment) Act, 2012 (2 of 2013), the Central Government hereby appoints the 15th day of February, 2013, as the date on which the provisions of the said Act shall come into force. [F.No.P.12011/3/2009-S.O.(E.S.Cell)] BIPLAB KUMAR NASKAR, Under Secy. (R.K.Purkayastha) Advisor-cum-Principal Secretary, Law Department. SIKKIM GAZETTE GOVERNMENT Gangtok EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 17th October,2013 No.577 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM LAW DEPARTMENT GANGTOK No. 112/LD/13 Dated: 10/09/2013 NOTIFICATION In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (3) of section 6 of the Legal Services Authorities Act, 1987 (39 of 1987), the State Government, in consultation with the Chief Justice of High Court of Sikkim, hereby appoints Mr. Karma Wangchuk Bhutia, District and Session Judge (Special Division-II), Gangtok as Member Secretary of the Sikkim State Legal Services Authority for a term not exceeding 3 (three) years with immediate effect. Sd/(R.K. Purkayastha) Advisor-cum-Principal Secretary, Law Department. Memo No.9/14/LD/2001/1358/13 Dated: 10/09/2013 Copy to:1. Mr. Karma Wangchuk Bhutia, District and Session Judge (Special DivisionII), Gangtok. 2. P.P.S. to Hon’ble Chief Justice, Sikkim High Court. 3. P.S. to Hon’ble Executive Chairman, Sikkim State Legal Services Authority. 4. P.P.S. to Chief Secretary, Government of Sikkim. 5. Advocate General of Sikkim. 6. Additional Advocate General of Sikkim. 7. Commissioner –cum-Secretary to Hon’ble Governor of Sikkim, Raj Bhawan. 8. Pr. Secretary to Hon’ble Chief Minister of Sikkim. 9. Registrar General, High Court of Sikkim. 10. Pr. Secretary, Home. 11. President, Sikkim Bar Association. 12. All the Judicial Officers of Sikkim. 13. All the District Magistrate/District Collectors of Sikkim. 14. Special Secretary (Confidential), Home Department for publication in the Official Gazette. 15. File and 16. Guard file. (P. Bhutia) Additional Secretary, Law Department. SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY Gangtok Date 17.10.2013 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM HOME DEPARTMENT GANGTOK No: 63 /Home/2013 NOTIFICATION In partial amendment No.578 Dated: 10.10.2013 to Notification No 02/Home/2013 dated 17.01.2013, Shri A.K Lakhina shall continue as Advisor, Energy and Power Department only and shall cease to be the Director, Board of Teesta Urja Ltd with immediate effect . Shri Arvind Kumar, IFS, Principal Secretary cum Principal Resident Commissioner and PCCF, Forest, Environment and Wildlife Management Department, Government of Sikkim is hereby nominated as Vice – Chairman cum Executive Director of Teesta Urja Ltd in addition to his existing responsibilities in the State Government vice Shri A.K Lakhina. Shri P.B Subba PCE-cum- Secretary, Energy and Power Department is hereby nominated as Director, Board of Teesta Urja Ltd vice Shri G. Targain since retired. By order and in the name of the Governor. Sd/(R. ONGMU), IAS, CHIEF SECRETARY FILE NO: Home/Confdl/202/2013/01 SIKKIM GOVERNMENT Gangtok GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 17th October,2013 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM COMMERCIAL TAXES DIVISION Ref. no. GoS/CTD/2012-13/12-A1 (54)/116/CTD/2013 No. 579 Dated: 01.10.2013 NOTIFICATION In partial modification of the notification No. Gos/CTD/2012-13/12-A1(54)/103 dated 17th June 2013, this is to inform all the dealers that payment of taxes and cesses by cash and cheque/demand draft shall continue to be allowed as before for the period till 31st December 2013. However, all the dealers shall have to pay taxes and cesses compulsorily through online system of payment from 01st January 2014. Commissioner of Commercial Taxes Finance, Revenue & Expenditure Department File no. Gos/CTD/2012-13/12-A1 (54) SIKKIM GAZETTE GOVERNMENT EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 17th October,2013 Gangtok No: 111 No.580 RURAL MANAGEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM GANGTOK / RM&DD Dated: 09 / 10 / 2013. NOTIFICATION Consequent upon the creation of a Grievance Cell in the Rural Management & Development Department vide Circular No. Gen/Home/351 dated: 23/08/2013, it is hereby notified that Mrs. Sarika Pradhan, Joint Secretary, MG-NREGA is hereby appointed as the Nodal Officer to attend to all grievances of the Rural Management & Development Department. Her detail is as under :Name Designation Contact No. E mail address By Order. : : : : Mrs. Sarika Pradhan, Joint Secretary, MG-NREGA 94347-56998 [email protected] Sd/( D.R. NEPAL ) SECRETARY RM & DD Memo No: 1 - 05 / RM & DD. Dated: 09 / 10 / 2013. Copy to :1. Mrs. Sarika Pradhan, Joint Secretary (MG-NREGA) 2. Special Secretary, Home Department 3. Joint Secretary, Home Department - to be published in Sikkim Govt. Gazette 4. File & 5. Guard file. DEPUTY SECRETARY (ADM) TO THE GOVT. OF SIKKIM RURAL MANAGEMENT & DEV. DEPARTMENT SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 17th October,2013 Gangtok No.581 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT No.30/DIR/HE/HRDD Dated : 11.10.2013 NOTIFICATION In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to article 309 of the Constitution of India, the Governor of Sikkim hereby makes the following rules regulating the method of recruitment to the post of Principal and Lecturer of District Institute of Education and Training (DIET) under Human Resource Development Department, Government of Sikkim, namely:1. Short title and commencement. – (1) These rules may be called the Human Resource Development Department (Principal and Lecturer of District Institute of Education and Training) Recruitment Rules, 2013. (2) They shall come into force from the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. 2. Application. – These rules shall apply to the posts specified in Column 1 of the Schedule annexed to these rules. 3. Number of posts, classification, Pay Band and Grade Pay:- The number of posts, its classification and Pay Band and Grade Pay in relation to the said posts shall be as specified in columns (2) to (4) of the said Schedule. 4. Method of recruitment, qualification etc. The method of recruitment qualification and other matters relating to the said posts shall be as specified in the column (5) to (10) of the said Schedule. 5. Disqualification – No person, (a) Who has entered into or contracted a marriage with a person having a spouse living, or (b) Who having a spouse living, has entered into or contracted a marriage with any person, shall be eligible for appointment to the said post. Provided that the State Government may, if satisfied that such marriage is permissible under the Personal Law applicable to such person and the other party to the marriage and that there are other grounds for so doing, exempt any from the operation of this rule. 6. Power to relax. – Where the State Government is of the opinion that it is necessary or expedient to do so, it may, by an order, for reasons to be recorded in writing, relax any of the provisions of these rules with respect to any class or category of persons or posts. 7. Repeal and Saving. – (1) The condition of recruitment and service in respect of matters for which no provisions have been made shall be the same as are applicable generally to the employees of the Government of Sikkim from time to time. (2) Nothing in these rules shall affect reservation, relaxation of age limit and other concessions required to be provided for persons belonging to special categories in accordance with the orders issued by the Government of Sikkim time to time. (3) On and from the date in which these rules come into force, the provisions of rules or orders which are not in conformity with the provisions of these rules shall stand repealed. (4) Notwithstanding such repeal, anything done or any action taken under the said rules or orders shall be deemed to have been done or taken under the corresponding provisions of these rules. (THOMAS CHANDY) IFS Principal Secretary Human Resource Development Department Copy to: 1. Special Secretary (C), Home Deptt. for Publication in Government Gazette. 2. Principal, DIET, Gangtok, Namchi and Gyalshing. 3. File 4. Guard File DEPUTY SECRETARY (HIGHER EDUCATION) HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 17th October,2013 Gangtok No.582 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT No. 31/DIR/HE/HRDD Dated : 11.10.2013 NOTIFICATION In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to article 309 of the Constitution of India, the Governor of Sikkim hereby makes the following rules regulating the method of recruitment to the post of Principal and Lecturer of B.Ed. Degree College under Human Resource Development Department, Government of Sikkim, namely:1. Short title and commencement. – (1) These rules may be called the Human Resource Development Department (Principal and Lecturer of B.Ed. College) Recruitment Rules, 2013. (2) They shall come into force from the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. 2. Application. – These rules shall apply to the posts specified in Column 1 of the Schedule annexed to these rules. 3. Number of posts, classification, Pay Band and Grade Pay:The number of posts, its classification and Pay Band and Grade Pay in relation to the said posts shall be as specified in columns (2) to (4) of the said Schedule. 4. Method of recruitment, qualification etc. The method of recruitment qualification and other matters relating to the said posts shall be as specified in the column (5) to (10) of the said Schedule. 5. Disqualification – No person, (a) Who has entered into or contracted a marriage with a person having a spouse living, or (b) Who having a spouse living, has entered into or contracted a marriage with any person, shall be eligible for appointment to the said post. Provided that the State Government may, if satisfied that such marriage is permissible under the Personal Law applicable to such person and the other party to the marriage and that there are other grounds for so doing, exempt any from the operation of this rule. 6. Power to relax. – Where the State Government is of the opinion that it is necessary or expedient to do so, it may, by an order, for reasons to be recorded in writing, relax any of the provisions of these rules with respect to any class or category of persons or posts. 7. Repeal and Saving. – (1) The condition of recruitment and service in respect of matters for which no provisions have been made shall be the same as are applicable generally to the employees of the Government of Sikkim from time to time. (2) Nothing in these rules shall affect reservation, relaxation of age limit and other concessions required to be provided for persons belonging to special categories in accordance with the orders issued by the Government of Sikkim time to time in this regard. (3) On and from the date in which these rules come into force, the provisions of rules or orders which are not in conformity with the provisions of these rules shall stand repealed. (4) Notwithstanding such repeal, anything done or any action taken under the said rules or orders shall be deemed to have been done or taken under the corresponding provisions of these rules. (THOMAS CHANDY) IFS Principal Secretary Human Resource Development Department Copy to: 1. Special Secretary (C), Home Deptt. Gazette. 2. Principal, Sikkim Govt. B.Ed., Soreng. 3. File 4. Guard File for Publication in Government DEPUTY SECRETARY (HIGHER EDUCATION) HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY _Gangtok_______________Dated.21.10.2013___________________NO.583________ ___________________________ ELECTION DEPARTMENT,GANGTOK Dated Gangtok the 18th Oct, No.07 /2013/Elec. 2013. Notification No. 56/2013 (II)/PPS-II of the Election Commission of India, Nirvachan Sadan, New Delhi is hereby re-published for general information. ELECTION COMMISSION OF INDIA Nirvachan Sadan, Ashoka Road, New Delhi-110001 Dated : 15th October 2013 23 Asvina,1935 (SAKA). NOTIFICATION No. 56/2013 (II)/PPS-II – In pursuance of sub-paragraph (2) of paragraph 17 of the Election Symbols (Reservation & Allotment) Order, 1968, the Election Commission of India hereby makes the following amendments to its Notification No. 56/2013/PPS-II, dated 18.01.2013, as amended from time to time, namely: 1. In Table II (State Parties), appended to the said Notification (i) Against Sl. No. 9 in respect of the State of Karnataka, the following entries shall be inserted under Columns No. 3, 4 and 5, respectively: 2. Karnataka Jantha Paksha Yet to allotted be # 11, 12th Main 17th Cross, Malleshwaram, Bengaluru – 560055. Karnataka (ii) Against Sl. No. 13 in respect of the State of Meghalaya, the following entries shall be inserted under Columns No. 3, 4 and 5, respectively: 3. National People’s Party Book 2nd Floor, MDU Building, M. G. Avenue, Imphal – 795001 (Manipur) (iiI) Against Serial No. 2 in respect of the State of Arunachal Pradesh, the existing entries under column No. 5 in respect of People’s Party of Arunachal shall be substituted by the entries “K. Ringu Complex, G-Extension Road, Naharlagun – 791110, Arunachal Pradesh.” 2. In Table III (Registered un-recognised parties), appended to the said Notification (i) After the existing entries at Sl. No. 1415, the following entries shall be inserted under Columns No. 1, 2 & 3, respectively: Sl. No. Name of the Party 1416 Purvanchal Janata Dal 1417 Revolutionary Democratic Party of India 1418 Aam Janata Party 1419 Panthers Republican Party 1420 Mahamukti Dal 1421 Janshoshit Samaj Party 1422 Sarva Samaj Kalyan Party 1423 Gandhiyan Peoples Party 1424 Samtawadi Republican Party 1425 Bhartiya Republican Party (Insan) 1426 Jan Sangharsh Virat Party Address Village and Post Office – Janadi, District – Ballia, Uttar Pradesh. 221, Street No. – 115, B – Block, Sant Nagar, Burari, Delhi – 110084. Village – Jigina, P.O. – Manjhariya Vikram, District – Basti, Uttar Pradesh. ‘Anandvan’, Mahatma Phule Nagar, Peer Bazar, Osmanpura, Aurangabad, Maharashtra - 431005 Village Usarav, Post Office – Itayen, Tehsil – Mariahu, District - Jaunpur, Uttar Pradesh. A-618/7, Street No. – 8, Bhajanpura, Delhi - 110053 Bijraj Bhawan, Village - Singharpur, Post – Ahamadpur, Mathura Road, Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh. C-1255, Indira Nagar, Lucknow-226016, Uttar Pradesh. 108, Rampuram, PAC Road, Kanpur,Uttar Pradesh. Village - Mahuari, Post – Jangiganj, District - S.R.N. Bhadohi, Uttar Pradesh. Street No. 2, Near of Bhuteshwar Mandir, Sant Ravidas Ward, Sagar, Tehsil & District - Sagar Sl. No. Name of the Party 1427 Rashtriya Independent Morcha 1428 Loktantrik Manavatavadi Party 1429 Sarvochcha Rashtriya Vikas Mahaparishad 1430 Jai Manavta Party 1431 Aadarshwaadi Congress Party 1432 Bahujan Samaj Mukti Morcha 1433 Bhartiya Shakti Chetna Party 1434 Megh Desham Party 1435 National Jansatta Party 1436 Manitha Urimaigal Kalaagam 1437 Trikalinga Congress 1438 Praja Raj Party 1439 Manav Kalyan Manch 1440 Kalyankari Jantantrik Party 1441 Vikassheel Samaj Party 1442 Bahujan Samajwadi Party (Baba Saheb) Address Uttar Pradesh. At: Mining Road, Keonjhar (In front of O.S.M.E. Ladies Hostal), P.O./Via.: Keonjhargarh District – Keonjhar-758001, Odisha. Shop No. 5, SD 366, Shastri Nagar, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh. C-90,DDA Flat, West Gorakh Park, (New Jafrabad) Shahdara, Delhi-110032. H. No. 1, Samriddhi Parisar, Near of Sahu Aata Chakki, Lalita Nagar, Kolar Road, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh. E.W.S. – 04, Kausalpuri Colony, Phase-2, Near of Water Tank, Gramsabha– Gaddopur, Vikas Khand – Masoadha, Tahsil – Sadar, District – Faizabad, Uttar Pradesh. H. No. B-198, Gali No. 11, Ground Floor, Bhajanpura, Delhi-110053. Ward No. 9, Civil Lines, Tehsil – Vyouhari, District – Shahdol, Madhya Pradesh 484774. Meghvansh Bhawan, E-70B, Bajrang Vihar Tirtiya, Harmada Ghati, Jaipur, Rajasthan. Tejaji Chenchya Wali Dhani, Post – Khori, Tehsil – Shahpura, District – Jaipur-303103 Rajasthan. 14/41, Goods Shed Street, Madurai-625001 Tamil Nadu. At. – Palanka Koligadia, Tehsil – Darpani, P.S. – Barchana, District – Jajpur, Odisha. 287/264/1, Meerut Bulandshahar Road, Hapur –245101, Uttar Pradesh. Sa. 6/186, M.X. – 1. Aktha, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh. B 4/260A, Keshavpuram, New Delhi - 110035. H. No. 5E-5/70 Vrindavan Yojana, Raibarelly Road, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. 53-54, 1st Floor, Commercial Complex, South Patel Nagar, In Front of Metro Pillar No. 190, Sl. No. Name of the Party 1443 Rajnaitik Vikalp Party 1444 All India Mazdoor Party (Rangreta) 1445 Rashtriya Lok Samta Party 1446 Bharat Labour Praja Party 1447 Indian Youth Party 1448 Sarv Jan Sarv Samaj Party 1449 Jana Swarajya Party 1450 Socialist Party Secular 1451 TamizhagaVaazhvurimai Katchi 1452 New All India Congress Party 1453 The Imperial Party of India 1454 New Life People’s Party 1455 Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar Dal 1456 Bhartiya Rajnitik Vikalp Party 1457 Front of Revolutionished Creative Efforts 1458 Hind Jan Congress 1459 Children First Party of India Address New Delhi - 110008. 204 – Shahi Bhawan, Dak Banglow, Patna – 800001 Bihar. H.No. 2453, Bagh Wala Khuh, Jandiyala Guru, District – Amritsar, Punjab. Mouza – Dhkkanpura, Mohalla – Mohanpur Punaichak (Near Hartali Morh), Boring Kainal Road, Patna – 1, Bihar. 4-25, Seethanagar Colony, Somulagudem (P), Palvancha (M), Khammam District-507115, Andhra Pradesh. 7/545, Vikas Nagar, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. 2/248, TF, Subhash Nagar, New Delhi – 110027. H.O. 83/A, 3rd Ward, Kalamma Bazar, Sandur-583119, Karnataka. 505/506 Bhilawan, Lucknow Kanpur Road, (In front of Ajanta Hospital) Aalambagh, Lucknow -5, Uttar Pradesh. 13-6-54, Pillaiyar Koil Street, Samrajapettai Post, Mecheri Mettur Tk., Salem District, Tamil Nadu – 636451. A-138, Main Vikas Marg, Shakarpur, Delhi – 110092. 190, Shrinagar Main, Indore – 452001, Madhya Pradesh. No.15/16, ‘Judie Flats’, No. 13, Rosary Church Road, Santhome, Chennai-600004, Tamil Nadu. Village – Kothideeh, Tehsil – Pargna Navabganj, Janpad – Barabanki – 225001, Uttar Pradesh. Village – Nayatola Bariapur, Panchayat – Champapur, Ward No. 13, Thana – Bakhtiyarpur, District - Patna, Bihar. Shree Goverdhan Palace, Dhar Road, Udhampur – 182101 Jammu & Kashmir. 72, Pyarelal Compound, Nagra, Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh. 703-704, Devatha Plaza, Sl. No. Name of the Party 1460 Bahujan Mukti Party 1461 Gorkha Rashtriya Congress 1462 National Progressive Party 1463 Rashtriya Ekta Vikas Party 1464 Makkal Marumalarchi Munnetra Kazhagam 1465 Bhartiya Party 1466 Bhartiya Praja Jan Party 1467 All India Muttahida Qaumi Mahaz 1468 Samaikyandhra Parirakshana Samithi 1469 The Lok Party of India 1470 Majlis Markaz-e-Siyasee Party 1471 Samata Kranti Dal 1472 1473 Bhartiya Shakti Dal Hindustan Kranti Dal Address 132, Residency Raod, Bangluru-560025. Karnataka. Flat No. 14, Aasha Pushp Vihar, Sahkari Aavas Samiti, Sector – 14, Kaushambi, Gazhiabad, Uttar Pradesh. 9, K.B. Road, P.O. Ghoom, P.S. Jorebunglow, District Darjeeling, West Bengal. Plot No. 157, Block-B-3, Sultan Puri Colony, New Delhi-110086 . Near Noor Masjid, Madina Masjid Transformer Wali Gali, Ashok Vihar Ward No.42, Loni, Tehsil and District - Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh. No. 13A, 1st Floor, Thiyagarajan Nagar, Kodungaiyur, Chennai - 600118, Tamil Nadu. New Colony, Post – Neem Ka Thana, District – Seekar, Rajasthan - 332713. Narayanpur Road, Kasba Bansoor, District – Alwar, Rajasthan. # H. No. 19-2-23/M/J/5/E, 1st Floor, Bahadurpura, Mecca Colony, Hyderbad-500053, Andhra Pradesh. H.No. 8-3-580/1, Yellareddyguda, Ameerpet – 500073, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh. Room No. 7, Building No. 61, 1st Floor, 2nd Lane, M.R. Road, Kamathipura, Mumbai – 400 008. Maharashtra . 10-5-391/54/182/A, Ground Floor, Kashan-e-Ghousia Aleem, Sayed Nagar, Opp: 95A, MLA’s Colony, Road No.12, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad – 500028, Andhra Pradesh . Plot No.3547/3875, Mouza Gautam Nagar, Garage Chhaka, Temple Road, old Town Bhubaneswar – 751002, Odisha. D – 236, Vivek Vihar, Delhi - 110095. Village – Tundlaka, Panchayat – Goudhola, P.O & Tehsil – Punahana, Sl. No. Name of the Party 1474 Thamizhaga Munnetra Congress 1475 National Unionist Zamindara Party 1476 1477 Sarva Jan Samaj Party (Nand Kishore Chawla) Bhartiya Samajik Nyay Party 1478 Shoshit Samaj Adhikar Party 1479 Rashtriya Vikas Manch Party 1480 Mithilanchal Mukti Morcha 1481 Shoshit Sandesh Party 1482 Rashtriya Mazdoor Kisan Prajatantrik Party 1483. Bharat Kaumi Dal 1484. Tamil Manila Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam 1485. Regional Democratic Secular Congress 1486. Bhartiya Janta Dal (Integrated) 1487. Progressive Party 1488. Bhartiya Navjawan Sena (Paksha) 1489. Prajasattak Bharat Paksha Address Distt. – Mewat (Nuh), Haryana. No. 91, Ponnusamy Nagar, 3rd Street Perambur, Division 68, Chennai-600011, Tamil Nadu. 129, New Dhaan Mandi, Sriganganagar, Rajasthan-335001. Chawla Properties, Laxmi Vihar, Camry Road, Hisar, Haryana. Village & P.O. Sersa, Tehsil & District – Sonepat, Haryana. Tehsil – Kole, Thana – Gandhi Park, Janpad – Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh – 202001. Plot No. 58, New Colony, Tilmapur, Aashapur, Sarnath, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh. Supoul Bazaar, College Road, Vandevi Nagar, Biroul, Darbhanga, Bihar – 847203. Gird Badgaon, Sant Ravidas Nagar, Bhadohi, Uttar Pradesh. Ashoka Avenue, Village-Lalganj, P.S- Sadar, District - Ranchi, Jharkhand. Village – Lathardeva Hoon, Post – Jhabreda, District – Haridwar, Uttarakhand. Door No.296, Ambedkar Street, Uthukkadu Village & Post, Walajabad Via Kancheepuram Taluka & District, Tamil Nadu. Lower Lumparing, P.O. Laban, Distt. East Khasi Hills, Shillong – 793004 Meghalaya. H.No. 62, Gali No.16, A-1 Block, Sant Nagar, (Bengali Colony), Burari Road, Delhi – 110084 B Block, Gali No.5, Shani Bazaar Road, Amrit Vihar, Burari, Delhi – 110084. Shri Mourya Park, Shop No. 4, Somnathnagar, Near Somnath Temple, Vadgaonsheri, Pune - 411014 Maharashtra. At. Shileshwar, Post – Bhadas, Tal. Mulshi, District – Pune-412108 Maharashtra . Sl. No. Name of the Party 1490. Naam Tamilar Katchi 1491. Odisha Jan Morcha 1492. Bhrashtachar Mukti Morcha 1493. Chhattisgarh Navnirman Sena 1494. Rastriya Praja Chakravyuha Party 1495. Vishva Shakti Party 1496. 1497. Bharatiya Jan Sangharsh Morcha (Mahatma Gandhi) National Target Party 1498. Dr. Ambedkar Samajvadi Democratic Party 1499. Lakshya Ghar Ganatantrik Party 1500. Swarnim Bharat Inquilab 1501. Chhattisgarh Vikas Ganga Rashtriya Party 1502. Rashtriya Uttarakhand Party 1503. Chhattisgarhiya Party 1504. Telangana Labour Party Address Door No. 7, Plot No. 8, Hospital Road, Senthil Nagar, Cinna Porur, Chennai – 600 116 Tamil Nadu . Plot No.17, Village Nakhaur, PO Gopinathpur, District – Khurda, Bhubaneswar – 751002, Odisha. Chandra Nagar, Kurud Road, Kohka, Bhilai, Tehsil & District – Durg, Chhattisgarh. C. R. – 12, R.D.A. Building, Gurunanak Market, Sharda Chowk, Raipur, Chhattisgarh. No. 73, Shanthinikethanam, D.K. Halli Main Road, Palar Nagar, BEML Nagar Post, Bangarapet Taluk, Kolar District, Karnataka - 563115. B-10/144, Pradeep Vihar, Nathupura More Delhi -110084. 14A/ 84, WEA, Karol Bagh, New Delhi-110005. 142, Tehkhand Village, Okhla Phase – 1, New Delhi – 110020 Venkataiahna Chatra, Haradanahalli Hobli, Chamarajanagara Taluk & District, Karnataka. Puruni Basti, Chowkidarpada, P.O.- K.M.Road, Jharsuguda-2, Dist. – Jharsuguda, Odisha L.G. - 22, Sunrise Tower 579, M.G. Road, Indore, Madhya Pradesh. Khongapani, District – Korea, Chhatisgarh – 497447 124/98, Haridwar Road, Dehradun, Uttarakhand. House No. 93, Village – Dhanrash, Post – Chhuri, Tehsil – Katghora, District – Korba, Chhattisgarh. H.No.8-2-293/82/BJR/A/1, BJR Nagar, Film Nagar, Jublee Hills, Mandal: Shaikpet, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh-500096. Sl. No. Name of the Party 1505. Aapka Hamara Party 1506. Bhartiya Gram Nagar Vikas Party 1507. Bhartiya Jan Yug Party 1508. Bharatiya Satya Vijayee Party Address Gram – Mahudar, Post – Rewali, District – Hazaribagh, Jharkhand – 825301.. Ekta Vihar, Lane No. -1, Gramsabha – Aaamwala Talla, P.O. - Kandoli, Sahastradhara Road, Dehradun, Uttarakhand – 248 001. Heera Nagar, Purani Chhawni, Laskhar, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh –474010. C- 120, Begam Vihar Extension, Begampur, Delhi-110086. (ii) Against serial number 1201 the existing entry under column 2 shall be substituted by the entries “Mahanayak Sardar Patel Sangh.” (iii) Against serial number 991 the existing entries under column 2 shall be substituted by the entries “Jan Adhikar Manch” and the existing entries under column 3 shall be substituted by the entries “9 Shivakhand, Jhilmil, Delhi110095.” (iv) Against serial number 1146 in respect of Rashtriya Yuva Sangh, the existing entries under column 3 shall be substituted by the entries “B-117, Gali No. 6, East Vinod Nagar, Delhi-110091.” (v) Against serial number 328 in respect of Bharatiya Yuva Shakti, the existing entries under column 3 shall be substituted by the entries “Haveliyo ka Vaas, Gram Panchayat – Kosewal, Tehsil – Sumerpur, District – Pali, Rajasthan. (vi) Against serial number 695 in respect of Krantikari Samta Party, the existing entry under column 2 shall be substituted by the entry “All India Peoples’ Front (Radical)” (vii) Against serial number 944, the existing entries “Professionals Party of India” under column 2 shall be substituted by the entries “Nav Bharat Democratic Party.” (viii) Against serial number 439 in respect of “Dravida Vizhipunarchi Kazhagam”, the existing entries under column 2 shall be substituted by the entries “Desiya Forward Bloc.” (ix) Against serial number 525 in respect of “Indian Christian Secular Party”, the existing entries under column 3 shall be substituted by the entries “Plot No. 8, Wahab Nagar, Sikh Village, Secunderabad – 500 009”. (x) Against serial number 986 in respect of “Rashtra Nirman Party”, the existing entries under column 3 shall be substituted by the entries “D-25, Defence Colony, New Delhi-110024”. Against serial numbers 592, 656 and 1414 pertaining to “Jan Kranti Party (Rashtrawadi)”, “Karnataka Jantha Paksha” and “National People’s Party”, respectively, the existing entries under columns 1, 2, and 3 shall be deleted. (xi) By order, Sd/(VARINDER KUMAR) SECRETARY ELECTION COMMISSION OF INDIA (D. ANANDAN) IAS CHIEF ELECTORAL OFFICER,SIKKIM SIKKIM GOVERNMENT Gangtok GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY Dated.22.10.2013 No.584 Government of Sikkim Land Revenue and Disaster Management Department, Gangtok (New Secretariat, Development Area, Gangtok, Sikkim–737101/Phone: 03592-202664/Fax: 03592201145/202932/Website: Http: / ssdma.org Emailid: ccs-lr-sik @nic.in/Sikkimsdma @gmail.com. Notification No78/1644/LR&DMD Dated: 10/10/2013. DECLARATION UNDER SECTION 6 OF LAND ACQUISITION ACT, 1894 (ACT I OF 1894) Whereas the Governor is satisfied that land is needed for a public purpose, not being a purpose of the Union, namely for the Construction of Switch Yard Station by Energy & Power Department, Govt. of Sikkim in the block of Karek, South Sikkim , it is hereby declared that the piece of land cadastral plot no. 73/545 measuring area more or less .0720 hectare bounded on the East: D.F of Sonam Tsh. Lepcha, West: D.F of Sonam Tsh. Lepcha, North: Power Grid & South: D.F of Sonam Tsh. Lepcha is needed for the aforesaid public purpose at the public expenses within the aforesaid block. This declaration is made, under the provision of section 6 of Land Acquisition Act, 1894 (Act 1 of 1894) to all whom it may concern. A Plan of land may be inspected in the office of the District Collector, South, Namchi. Sd/-(K.S.TOBGAY) SECRETARY LAND REVENUE & DM DEPARTMENT, File no.1644/GOS/LR & DMD/AC SIKKIM GOVERNMENT Gangtok No. 586 GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY Dated.22.10.2013 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM RURAL MANAGEMENT & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT GANGTOK NOTIFICATION NO: 16 /RM&DD/P DATED: 09 / 10 /2013. NOTIFICATION In accordance with Rule 84 of the Sikkim Panchayat (Conduct of Election) Rule 1997, the candidates declared elected to the Gram Panchayat and Zilla Panchayat from their respective ward and territorial constituency in the State of Sikkim is published as per the table given hereunder for general information: West District No & Name of No & Name of Territorial Name of Candidate Party Zilla Panchayat Constituency Affiliation 1- West District 27 – Lungchok Salyangdang Dil Kumari Subba SDF East District No & Name of No & Name of Ward Name of Candidate Party Gram Panchayat Affiliation 05 Budang Kamrey 1 Budang Karma Gyurmey Bhutia SDF Sd/Director (Panchayat) Prescribed Authority Copy to: 1. All above concerned 2. Secretary, State Election Commission 3. Sachiva, West District Zilla Panchayat 4. Home Department (for publication in the Gazette) 5. ADC (Dev) Gangtok. 6. File/ Guard File Deputy Secretary (Panchayat) SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE Gangtok No. 587 EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY Dated.22.10.2013 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM RURAL MANAGEMENT & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT GANGTOK NOTIFICATION NO: 17/RM&DD/P DATED:09/ 10 /2013. NOTIFICATION In accordance with Sub-rule (2) of Rule 39 of the Sikkim Panchayat (Conduct of Election) Rule 1997, the candidates declared elected uncontested to the Gram Panchayat from their respective ward in the State of Sikkim is published as per the table given hereunder for general information: North District No & Name of No & Name of Ward Name of Candidate Party Gram Panchayat Affiliation 8 Tingch Chadey 5- Chadey Sonam Thendup SDF Tamang East District No & Name of No & Name of Ward Name of Candidate Party Gram Panchayat Affiliation 43 Simik Lingzey 1- Aritar Indra Kumari Sapkota SDF Sd/Director (Panchayat) Prescribed Authority Copy to: 1. All above concerned 2. Secretary, State Election Commission 3. ADC (Dev) Gangtok 4. Home Department (for publication in the Gazette) 5. File/Guard File Deputy Secretary (Panchayat) SIKKIM GOVERNMENT Gangtok No.217/Gen/DOP GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY Dated.24.10.2013 No.588 Dated.19.10.2013 NOTIFICATION The Governor of Sikkim is hereby pleased to up-grade 12 (twelve) posts of Daftary and Gestetner Operator presently held by the following officials working under various departments to that of Lower Divisional Clerk (LDC) in the Pay Band – 1 of ` 5200 – 20200 and Grade Pay of ` 2600 with effect from the date of their promotion:(1) Mr. Pahalman Gurung, Gestetner Operator, Development Planning, Economic Reforms and North East Council Affairs Department, (2) Mr. Man Lall Rai, Daftary, Department of Economics, Statistics, Monitoring and Evaluation, (3) Mr. Ram Bahadur Gurung, Daftary, Home Department, (4) Mr. Deo Kumar Tamang, Daftary, Motor Vehicle Division, Transport Department, (5) Mr. Phurba Tshering Bhutia, Daftary, Home Department, (6) Mr. Indra Bahadur Gurung, Daftary, Social Justice, Empowerment and Welfare Department, (7) Mr. Bhakta Bahadur Pradhan, Daftary, Energy and Power Department, (8) Mr. Pema Dadul Bhutia, Gestetner Operator, Department of Personnel, Administrative Reforms, Training and Public Grievances, (9) Mr. Laten Bhutia, Daftary, Finance, Revenue and Expenditure Department, (10) Mr. Sandup Dorjee Bhutia, Daftary, Information and Public Relations Department, (11) Miss. Rose Mary Wangchuk Lepcha, Daftary, Department of Economics, Statistics, Monitoring and Evaluation, (12) Mr. Gopal Chettri, Daftary, Treasury, Pay and Accounts, Gangtok, Finance, Revenue and Expenditure Department. Simultaneously, the nomenclature of Daftary and Gestetner Operator is abolished from the Departments of the Government. By order and in the name of Governor. Sd/(Surekha Pradhan) Mrs. ADDITIONAL SECRETARY TO THE GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM DEPARTMENT OF PERSONNEL, ADMINISTRATIVE REFORMS, TRAINING AND PUBLIC GRIEVANCES