Prankster spreads panic in Darj
Prankster spreads panic in Darj
21 April, 2004; NOW! 1 Landslide damages property Bhandari has Rs. 8,584 in the bank, Rs. 1.5 lakhs at hand TURN TO pg 4 FOR DETAILS in Pakyong, two buildings ON TO pg 3 pg 4 Truth speaks in action and my govt has spoken: Chamling still at “risk” TURN FOR DETAILS 55% turnout in first phase Wednesday, 21 April, 2004 Vol. 3 No. 23 Gangtok Rs. 3 NOTICE It is notified that Telephone Adalat will be held on 28/05/ 04 at 11 A.M. in the chamber of General Manager, Telecom, Gtk. The Subscribers are requested to kindly file their complaints regarding (1) excess billing (2) Service (3) Non-provision of New Telephone due to various reasons etc. by 20/05/04 addressed to the AO (TR) O/o the GMT/GTK A n estimated 50 to 55 per cent of the 17.5 crore electorate cast its vote in the first phase of Lok Sabha elections covering 140 constituencies in 13 states and three Union Territories on Tuesday even as sporadic violence left 19 people dead and several injured. Deputy Prime Minister Lal Kishenchand Advani, External Affairs Minister Yashwant Sinha, former prime minister HD Deve Gowda, Union ministers Nitish Kumar, Jual Oram, Kashiram Rana and Harin Pathak were among the 1,100 candidates in the fray in the first phase. In J&K, where elections were held for the Baramulla and Jammu parliamentary constituencies, militants carried out a series of attacks on polling booths killing four people, including a freelance journalist and two security personnel, and injuring several others. Notwithstanding militants attempt to disrupt polls and the boycott called by separatists, over 35 per cent polling was recorded in the two constituencies, according to preliminary estimates. Reports of violence also came in from Manipur, Bihar, Gujarat, Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand, where a duty magistrate was killed when Naxalites triggered a landmine blast in a village in Dhanbad. Polls were held for all 26 parliamentary seats in Gujarat, 24 out of 48 in Maharashtra, 21 out of 42 in Andhra Pradesh, 15 out of 28 in Karnataka, 11 out of 40 in Bihar, 11 each in Chhattisgarh and Orissa, six each in Assam and Jharkhand and two each in Jammu and Kashmir and Meghalaya and one each in Manipur, Mizoram, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Dadar and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu. Elections were also held in 147 of 294 assembly constituencies in Andhra Pradesh, 120 of 224 in Karnataka and 77 of 147 in Orissa. East rakes in 14 nominations, South opens account Central Pendam is the hot seat, bags four candidatures a NOW REPORT GANGTOK, 20 April: Altogether fifteen nominations were filed today, the fourth day of the nomination process. While fourteen nominations were filed in the East district, South Sikkim finally opened its account with one nomination. Taraman Chettri, the Cong [I] candidate from Melli filed his nomination papers at the office of the District Magistrate [South], who is also the Returning Officer for the district. The day saw some key candidates from the East district make their candidatures official. Five Cong [I] contenders filed their nomination papers today. Former Chief Minister and SPCC [I] president, Nar Bahadur Bhandari, entered the Assembly polls for a record seventh time. Mr. Bhandari filed his nomination papers for Central Pendam and Gangtok constituencies. THE CONGRESS HUDDLE: Cong [I] nominees around their president Nar Bahadur Bhandari [second from right] as he files his nomination papers with the DC [East]. Cong [I] candidate for Rhenock, KN Upreti [extreme left] and MP candidate [first from right], Biraj Adhikari, also filed their nominations today. For Mr. Bhandari, who has contested the Assembly polls six times and the Lok Sabha twice, the stars decided the date for filing his nominations. “The 20th of April is auspicious in all religions. So I chose this day,” he said, minutes after he submitted Prankster spreads panic in Darj a NOW REPORT DARJEELING, 20 April: Near pandemonium broke out in Darjeeling today as anxious parents with wards studying at the Loreto Convent School here started trooping to the school which they believed had been taken over by Maoist insurgents from Nepal. The culprit, hoax phone calls, the first of which was reported at around 9AM, planted the rumour. Word spread like wildfire once nervous parents started calling each other up C M Y K Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd. ANXIOUS PARENTS TROOP TO LORETO CONVENT FEARING A MAOIST TAKE OVER OF DARJ’S OLDEST GIRLS SCHOOL to verify the rumour. In no time, hundreds of parents had rushed to the school out of concern only to learn of the hoax. While all this happened outside the campus gates, the school authorities went about their daily routine oblivious to the prank which had brought all the parents down to the campus below Chowk Bazaar. “With what happened in Pashupati Nagar [an Indo-Nepal border town] a few days ago, as soon as I got the call, I froze with fright but I somehow managed to reach the school,” said Sabita Rai whose niece studies in class V. Soon, the school gates were teeming with anxious parents wantturn to pg 7 his papers. While asserting that the day will prove lucky for him, Mr. Bhandari said that he is all set to form the next government in the State. When NOW! asked him which seat would he give up if he wins from both constituencies, a confident Mr. Bhandari said: “I will decide that when I form the Government.” Moments after Mr. Bhandari left the DC’s office, his rival for the Central Pendam seat, SDF’s Somnath Poudyal walked in to file his nomination. Mr. Poudyal had contested for the Lok Sabha as a Cong [I] candidate in 1999. This is his first attempt at the Assembly polls. Work at the DC’s office started with the Cong [I] candidate for the Lok Sabha, Biraj Adhikari, turning turn to pg 7 HONG KONG BAZAAR Any Item Rs. 90 to Rs. 150 Gift Items, Crockery & Other Attractive Goods! T FIRS IN E M I T IM SIKK HOTEL BAYUL, MG MARG, GANGTOK 2; NOW!; 21 April, 2004 ED-SPACE NOW! Learning American ways with Mr. Carrow FIRST WITH THE NEWS Can We Also Talk History? There is no political party or independent candidate in the fray for the upcoming polls who is not linking back some or the other part of his/ her election jargon to Article 371F. Since the Article is part of Sikkim’s modern history and the clause which protects what we know as Old Laws, this is also perhaps the right time to wonder aloud whether we can also talk history here. We are not concerned here with the rabblerousing rhetoric which most candidates are wont to do at a time like this, but are lobbying for detailed study of Sikkimese history in schools. The Education Department has launched a much-delayed attempt on this front with the introduction of chapters on Sikkimese history in textbooks for junior school students. Hopefully this will increase in depth and content with the coming academic sessions. The present initiative will at best educate the Sikkimese students better, but what about the rest of the country? Do they have no need to know of Sikkim’s past? Agreed, history is written by the victor, who decides which aspects of the vanquished history suits his greater plans best and which bits can be left untold. The same has held true for the history taught in schools in India. The curriculum is embarrassingly North-India-centric so much so that even though students learn by rote the names of all those who made it emperor in the Slave Dynasty, ask them about what the northeast was up to at the same time and they draw a blank. Now, if the Raj in Delhi before the British is Indian history, then surely the Namgyal dynasty deserves a mention as do the Ahoms of Assam. Take a close look at the number of MPs each state has and the number of pages devoted to those areas in books teaching Indian History will be directly proportional to that number. But that’s selective history at best. Before progressing further it is important to make clear why we study history at all. The main reason is to get a better understanding of where we belong - where we fit into the larger scheme of things. There has been much talk about making Sikkim join the mainstream which is why it is not enough to just study Sikkimese history in schools in Sikkim. Sikkim needs to figure in the history books studied elsewhere in the country. In junior school, students learn of what Confucius meant to China even before they are taught when and how Sikkim joined India or even how it came to be a nation. One is not suggesting going parochial here, but Sikkim does have a history that’s worth learning. The royalty was full of intrigue as any other and much did happen in the 300 years that the Namgyals ruled Sikkim. Few dynasties have ruled that long and it is a pity that the one that did is so ignored. A t the present level of international academic research and reach ecology seems to hold a mantra with which to tackle our many crises, including environmental crisis. The eco-mantra opens up such moral and ethical perspectives that teaches us to respect nature as our distant ancestors once did. Ecology recognizes the intrinsic value of all living beings and sees the world as a network of phenomena that are fundamentally interconnected and independent. Such realism lifts ecology from merely being a philosophical thought to the realm of spirituality. One of the aims of ecology, as spelled out by many ecologists, is to create a sustainable society for humans based on the principles of nature. In nature nothing good goes to waste. In the natural world one organism’s waste product is another organism’s food. In this way nature operates in perpetual cycles. In fact, the recognition of this cyclical process, or non-linearity, of nature is called ecological awareness. In stark opposition to the cyclical process of nature, man has developed such a technological culture that operates on linear, or noncyclical mode. Our modern technology uses a large amount of natural resources to produce such consumer goods, which turn into volumes of waste products after their utility is exhausted. The concept of ‘use and throw’ fiercely marketed as ideological consumer novelty of our age. particularly dangerous to the ecological health of our planet in the long run. The notion of use and throw has been set think I was trying to strangle my- you must remember that in America -34My master always had his meals in self. In these new suits I looked we always treat servants in this way and we do not make any difference some restaurant or hotel, and some- completely changed. I remember very well how one between master and servant, as long times he received invitations from his friends to lunch or dine in their morning my master took me with as the servant is of a good charachouses. He had especially three him to a restaurant near the mu- ter.” Then I began to understand friends, well educated, of good seum to have breakfast. Afterward how he could treat me so kindly. family and rich, with whom he he had to go to the house of one of However shy I felt, I had to eat, as passed much of his time. They of- his friends to give a dancing les- this was a hukum, or order. It was now summer and the ten went out together as his work son. I was carrying his shoes for the lasted only a few hours in the morn- tap dance and a towel to wipe away warm weather had set in with its ings. After lunch he would disap- the perspiration after the dancing. hot breezes. During that time one pear like a bird in the sky and only In the restaurant my master made would like to go every night and me sit down at his ta- morning to the Apollo Bunder, near return at night. During his absence ble and asked me the Taj Mahal Hotel, with its big I was completely in charge. I what I wanted for gate, to enjoy the fresh air in this had to clean his room and give my breakfast. I felt place. There would be many hunhis clothes to the laundry, and dreds of people amusing when my work was finished themselves in small sailing I would lock my door and boats and in the small steamwas free to amuse myself. I ers, which took people for often went to the seaside aftrips in the bay. The Sundays ter having my food in some would be the special days for small eating-place. I also went often to the pictures Artist, filmmaker, keen photographer, columnist with such enjoyment. One Sunwasting money like anything international magazines... It’s hard to pin Twan Yang day my master took me on on that, but my master also down. Born to a Chinese father and Tibetan mother, he such a steamer for our pleassometimes took me with grew up in Kalimpong and worked in Sikkim. NOW! ure. There was also a place serializes Twan Yang’s autobiography, Houseboy in India... for boys to swim in the sea, him to the pictures. but they must not come to the One day my master took me to the Bombay market and so shy that I did not dare to tell him other side of the Apollo Bunder as bought a shirt and a pair of pants because it is not a good custom to this was forbidden. Not knowing for me, readymade, and he also or- eat before one’s master. However, this, one day I jumped into the wadered two suits to be made for me he insisted so strongly that I should ter to swim. I came out at the stairs in a tailor’s shop. Then he bought at least have a cup of tea and an and two policemen saw me and me a pair of white shoes and told egg, or coffee and toast, whatever I made me put on my clothes and go me to put on a necktie to make me liked best, that at last I said I would with them to the police station. look like an American servant. I did like to have a cup of tea with two There I asked the police sergeant not know how to wear this tie and slices of toast and dried dal. Then to forgive me as I was new to Bomdid not like it. If I were to go to he said, “All right, I will take the bay and had not known about this, Tibet or Nepal wearing such a tie, same” and he ordered this food for and he believed me and set me free. to be continued the people would laugh at me and both of us. He further said, “John, LOOKING BEYOND POLLUTION - 3 Because All Things Are Connected in motion by unscrupulously seeking indus- and continents crossing traditional barriers like trial houses because the very concept of recy- colour, caste and nationality. Their effort is supported by massive research programmes cle goes against their economic interest. The old wisdom of supply and demand and experimentations aimed at creating a safer too is dead and buried under the heap of cor- and saner world. Premier non-governmental porate greed. Today business houses create organizations at the international level have false markets for their products through a bar- formed united action fronts to oppose crash rage of advertisement blitzkrieg. As a result economic globalisation of the world, which of such blatant manipulation of markets, we has pushed many third world countries into have turned into a loathsome garbage produc- the cauldron of massive unpayable debts. Coring civilization. To learn to recycle our re- porate ideology behind economic growth is so ruthless that it sources, therefore, is seeks to commodify, important for the repatent and privatise alization of a suseven the basic gifts tainable society. MANDEEP LAMA of nature like air, Creation of a water, soil and sustainable society seeds. One clearly lies at the very cenvisible form of ecotre of the current nomic globalisation ecological moveis the opening up of ment. People enthe same kind of resgaged in this movetaurants, the same ment come from dikind of departmenverse fields of extal stores and the pertise, vocations VIEWPOINT same criterion for choosing mannequin models and beauty queens all of whom end up selling consumer products. Such acts are reducing the world into what Shiva Vandana, an ecologist and agricultural activist virulently calls “monoculture”. For this reason, alongwith fiercely opposing the genetic modification of food, ecological movement is also fighting or the conservation of the splendid variety and majestic diversity of life-styles, languages, traditions and cultures of the world. Ecological movement is, thus, engaged in a tough multipronged fight against an entrenched ‘dominator system’ that is resisting the change with equal might. As such, many experts on the subject strongly feel that, ultimately it has to be a political act, actually a geo-political act, to truly usher in a sustainable society. Ecology is a multi-disciplinary subject requiring sensitive holistic approach in trying to understand its multiple facets. However, a short poem by Ted Perry, which he says is inspired by Chief Seattle, introduces us to ecology’s fundamental wisdom: This we know. All things are connected like the blood which unites one family… Whatever befalls the earth, befalls the sons and daughters of the earth. Man did not weave the web of life; he is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to web, he does to himself -concluded C M Y K NEWSSCAN a NOW REPORT GANGTOK, 20 April: A Breast Cancer Detection Camp was organized by the Army Wives Welfare Association, HQ 17 Mountain Division from April 9-20. The event was inaugurated by Mrs. Amita Prakash, wife of General Avadesh Prakash, GOC, 17 Mountain Division. The camp commenced with an introduction on self-detection of Breast Cancer and awareness about the disease by Major Anamika Sinha of Military Hospital, Gangtok on 9 April. Around 300 army wives, presently located in Gangtok, attended it. More than 200 ladies were examined and measures are being taken to further investigate the ladies in whom abnormalities were detected. Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in women. Each year, 182,000 women are diagnosed with breast cancer and 43,000 die. It is a disease in which cancerous cells are found in the tissues of the breast. These cancerous cells continue to grow and eventually form into a lump known as tumor. If detected early, the chances of survival are better. The key to curing breast cancer is early detection and prompt treatment. 3 Landslide damages property in Pakyong, two buildings still at “risk” a NOW REPORT PAKYONG, 20 April: The torrential downpour which lashed the state on 17 and 18 April caused a major landslide at Pakyong, yesterday damaging private buildings and property. About four buildings, including two new constructions coming up next to the St. Xavier’s School ground on the Pakyong-Ranipul road were damaged by the slide. Debris first fell on the two new constructions [belonging to KB Subba and Junu Gurung] and covered the construction sites. Nearby, a four-storeyed building of JN Chettri and a three storeyed building belonging to CP Chettri were also severely damaged by falling debris. However no serious injuries resulted since the occupants had already evacuated the buildings. Kucchha houses of Khus Narayan Manger and Kumar Chettri were also damaged being precari- DIPEN’S FINAL SELECTION ROUND FOR JR. WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP TODAY a NOW REPORT GANGTOK: Will Dipen Rai be selected for the 5th Junior World Taekwondo Championship to be held at Korea later this year? That is the question being asked by Sikkim Amateur Taekwondo Association here as they wait for the results of the final selection, which will take place today, 21 April. Dipen, a member of SATA is presently in the India Camp at Sports Authority of India, Bangalore. He has already cleared two trial selections held earlier in Sammer Trek For treks to Sammer Tek, Ringhem Gompa, Bhutanese Castle and excursions to historical and ancient caves in north Sikkim contact PHALBHEU Tours & Travels, Gangtok. Phone: 226193 or call 9834184370 (Mangan) February and March. Dipen is a Jr. Feather Weight [54 kg] 2004 National Gold Medalist at Chennai, Tamil Nadu. He won a Silver medal in the NorthEast Sports Festival, Manipur and another Silver medal in the Jr. National Championship 2002. According to SATA Chief Coach, Trilok Subba, Dipen is a new and upcoming player of SATA, and has dynamic speed and killer instinct. All the members of SATA are hoping and praying for Dipen’s success at selections today. NOW! can also be contacted @ editorial: 98320 80753 98320 17202 business: 98320 42096 98320 80838 INTRODUCING SIKKIM TO SERVICE @ ITS BEST in Association with NOW! ously perched on the slide area. SDM [Pakyong], in a communique to the DC [East], K. Srinivasulu, confirmed the damages and added in his report that there was “great risk” to the two buildings shouldering the new constructions. The sub-divisional administration has in the meantime vacated the buildings and houses and shifted the residents to a safe place to avoid casualties. The administration has provided tarpaulins to cover the landslip to avoid further fall of debris. The residents claim that they escaped unhurt when they sensed danger early in the morning and evacuated the houses. Although there was no rain today, the residents are still unsure of the safety of the houses and are either staying with relatives or have taken flats on rent. Meanwhile compensation is also being paid to those affected, officials in the district administration said. Antyesthi Kriya The Antyesthi Kriya of Late Tikaram Karki (Kazi) falls on 24th April 2004. All the relatives, friends and well wishers are requested to join the family at their residence to offer prayers to the departed soul. The family also takes this opportunity to thank all those who stood by us at our time of bereavement. Kehar Singh Karki (father), Setipool, Ranipool, East Sikkim. Ph no: 251722/ 251569 Mobile: 9434103185. Calling all involved in the Travel Trade AWWA holds Breast Cancer detection camp 21 April, 2004; NOW! Summer Collection STYLE Hotel Golden Pagoda MG Marg, Gangtok New Horizons, the first Travel Magazine from the region, is now ready to go to print with its second edition. The inaugural issue continues to impress the policy-makers and bigger players of the Trade and this is your chance to reach out to that select audience. New Horizons is presently booking ad-space for the second edition and has made available special discounted advertisement rates for those in the Tourism Industry in the region. For further details call: 03592-229216, 227618, 098320 89889. or email: [email protected] Ad-bookings close 13th May, 2004 SHOP NO. 14, SUPER MARKET, GANGTOK 737 101 Motorola C200 Motorola C201 Samsung R220 Samsung N500 Samsung C100 Nokia 3310 Nokia 3315 Nokia 1100 Nokia 2100 Sony-Ericsson T10S Motorola E365 [Camera] - 2990/- 2990/- 3790/- 4790/- 6290/- 3490/- 3690/- 4490/- 4990/- 3690/- 10250/- Limited period OFFER VALID FROM 19TH TO 30TH APRIL 2yrs warranty & 1yr Insurance on all NOKIA phones 1yr warranty on all other handsets Amber Enterprises FOR DETAILS, CONTACT: M G M a r g , G a n g t o k . p h : 2 0 5 11 6 , 2 2 8 8 4 9 C M Y K POWERPLAY 4; NOW!; 21 April, 2004 Truth speaks in action and my govt has spoken: Chamling PURAN TAMANG NAMTHANG, 20 April: SDF party president, Pawan Chamling addressed a mammoth gathering of about 10,000 people here at Namthang today. This is by far the largest turnout any political meeting has seen in the run up to the upcoming elections and is also suggestive of SDF’s hold over south Sikkim. The SDF candidate for Rateypani [the constituency under which Namthang falls], Aita Singh Bareilly, delivered the welcome speech and from then on the audience belonged to Mr. Chamling. “Victory of the SDF party is assured in nine constituencies of West Sikkim and all the constituencies in the south,” Mr. Chamling NAMTHANG MEET DRAWS RECORD ATTENDANCE said while admitting that the huge turnout itself was proof of the popularity his party commanded. In his address, The SDF chief dismissed Mr. Bhandari’s claims that Article 371 (F) was being diluted. “The Article is protected by the Indian Constitution and no government can amend or abolish it,” he clarified. As regards SIBLAC, he accused it of playing “dirty politics.” “It [SIBLAC] is anti-Sikkimese when it says that the Nepalese of the state are non-Sikkimese,” he stressed. Presenting the work done by his government in the last ten years, Mr. Chamling said, “Truth speaks in action and action speaks louder than any claim. The last two terms of SDF government in Sikkim speak for themselves.” While expressing confidence that the SDF would form the first government in Sikkim in the 21st century, he also reminded the people of the opposition leader, Mr. Bhandari’s tendency towards dictatorship. Commenting on the days of Mr. Bhandari’s government he said that the people had been deprived of their rights and were treated as “slaves.” Urging the people to vote in favour of the SDF party, he said that his party had brought tremendous changes in the political history of Sikkim along with true democratic values in the state. “Today everyone can speak up for his rights,” he said. He promised rural houses worth Rs. 1 lakh to those who were unable to build their houses even after receiving assistance from the Rural Housing Scheme and Indira Awaz Yojana Scheme. He also promised to spend 50 per cent of the total budget for the development of the villages of the state. Other assurances included the achievement of 100 per cent literacy rate in the state by the year 2015 and the establishment of degree colleges with full faculty in every district. He also revealed that his government was planning to provide health insurance for the BPL section along with a new development scheme that would be implemented with the formation of his new government. In his address he also discouraged the people from taking up casteist tendencies. At the meeting, Mr. Chamling also released the party manifesto for Temi Tarku and Rateypani-West Pendam constituencies. GM Gurung, former Agriculture minister renominated from Temi-Tarku, Madan Cintury, former SSP candidate and Nakul Rai, SDF Lok Sabha candidate also addressed the gathering. KN RAI SOFTENS UP Bhandari has Rs. 8,584 in the ASSANG THANG bank, Rs. 1.5 lakhs at hand a NOW REPORT JORETHANG, 20 April: It was the turn of Assang Thang to hear their SDF candidate, KN Rai when he addressed a gathering there on 19 April as part of his campaign. The people of this area, which borders Namthang, have traditionally been SDF supporters, so while it might not be so difficult for Mr. Rai to muster up support among the population here, the fact that he is new to the constituency [he has represented Wok in the last two election] has neccessitated his reaching out to the voters at the grassroots. Prem Kr. Sharma, spokesman, speaking on behalf of the people of Assang Thang made it clear that the people were not wholly satisfied with the work of the earlier government. “Besides various other problems we do not even have access to clean drinking water,” he said. Mr. Rai, while addressing the gathering said that the SDF had always stood by the poor of Sikkim while the opposition parties were only interested in attaining the ‘chair’. Among other things he promised the people were LPG cylinders for 800 houses per ward, RHS for 400 houses per ward and GCI for 200 houses per ward. These, he said, had been passed by the Assembly and would be provided after the elections. He also promised upgradation of the Lower Assang Thang School along with the construction of a new school building at Upper Assang Thang. KAILASH-MANSAROVAR Pujya Morari Bapu is reading the Ram Katha at Rakshastal from 5th to 13th June, 2004. For details on attending this historic recitation, contact: Sikkim Holidays/ Expedia Nepal ph: Ms. Pema @ 03592 237145, 9832015445 a NOW REPORT GANGTOK, 20 April: Former Chief Minister and Congress [I] president, Nar Bahadur Bhandari, his seventh appearance in the Assembly elections in the State, was one of the bigwigs of the State’s political arena who filed his nomination papers here today. Along with his nomination papers, Mr. Bhandari also submitted two affidavits; a property returns affidavit along with a criminal records affidavit. The former Chief Minister, who is looking at a major comeback this time around, is contesting from two constituencies - Central Pendam and Gangtok - both in East District. According to his criminal affidavit, there are four cases against him, three with the CBI and one with the Sikkim Vigilance. Charges have been framed in all the cases. He has, however, not been convicted of any offence yet. Interestingly, in his property returns, Mr. Bhandari, while filing his property returns, has listed the Congress Bhawan, formerly the Sangram Bhawan, also being claimed by the breakaway Sikkim Sangram Parishad, as one of the immovable assets owned by him. Nar Bahadur Bhandari [Cong-I] Central Pendam & Gangtok Movable properties: 1. Liquid cash: Rs. 1.50 lakhs [self] and Rs. 5,000 with his son 2. Bank Deposits: Rs. 1,422 in SBI account; Rs. 2,063 and Rs. 5,099 in Central Bank accounts and Rs. 65,000 in his son’s account 3. Shares in the Sikkim Jewels Ltd. worth Rs. 1,000 4. LIC policy of Rs. 2,77,578 in his name 5. Three vehicles 6. Five tolas of gold worth Rs. 35,000 in his name Immovable properties: 1. Building (commercial and residential)-Annexe Building at Development Area, Gangtok, measuring 7,632 sq.ft with a total value of Rs. 48,65,857 approx. A residential complex at Samdur, East Sikkim measuring 8,000 sq ft, valued at Rs. 60 lakhs approx. in his son’s name 2. Congress Bhawan, Development Area, Gangtok, measuring 10,396 sq ft. valued at Rs. 2,01,99,165 approx. One flat at Primula Cottage, Gangtok, 1,200 sq ft. valued at Rs. 3 lakhs approx. in his son’s name. FRESHERS WELCOME! A REPUTED COMPANY NEEDS 14 Nos : 10 passed 10 Nos : 10 + 2 passes 5 Nos : Graduates for different posts of management / administration (with attractive remuneration) for further expansion of the company in the North East. Age 18 - 28 years WALK IN INTERVIEW: LANDMARK INTERNATIONAL, Sarda Building, 6th Floor, MG Marg, Gangtok. Ph: 98320 90007 JOB An MNC needs 40 Freshers, Graduates/ Under-graduates for Management Training with Good Salary and Future Prospects. Walkin-Interview at Ground Floor, Oberoi Building, New Market, Gangtok, between 11AM to 3PM C M Y K KNOWYOURCANDIDATES 21 April, 2004; NOW! 5 The MBA with plans for Sikkim S Biraj Adhikari [Congress-I], Lok Sabha Movable properties: 1. Liquid cash: Rs. 1.3 lakhs and Rs. 20,000 in his wife’s name. 2. Deposits in banks/financial institutions: Rs. 50,000 and Rs. 35,000 in his wife’s name. 3. Jewellery: approximately 10 tolas gold worth Rs. 50,000 in his wife’s name Immovable properties: 1. Agricultural land: 0.5860 hectares of land at West Pendam worth Rs. 4 lakhs. 2. Non-agricultural land: 40X30 at Dara Gaon, Gangtok worth Rs. 2 lakhs. His wife has land worth Rs. 12.5 lakh in Gurgaon, Haryana. 3. Buildings: of size 30X25 at Jorethang Bazar worth Rs. 4.5 lakhs. The spouse owns a 650 sq. yard building at Danchkula, Haryana worth Rs. 20 lakhs. Liabilities 1. Loans from Banks: Dispute due as on 1994 concerning a Rs. 1.14 crore loan case in court. With regard to SIDICO loan, assets auctioned and adjusted. No further demand raised as yet. 2. Govt. dues: Cell one. Telephone bill worth Rs. 20,000 pending. The Saffron contender who will ban lotteries if elected N IMA RABZANG became the first BJP candidate to file his nomination papers today, 20 April. He is contesting Rakdong Tintek, which is a reserved seat for the BLs. This is also the first assembly elections for the Class X passed Nima though he has been contesting the Zila Panchayat elections in his constituency for the past ten years, he says. His reason for joining the BJP is that being a national party it is more convenient to chalk out development programmes under its wing. “It is always better to hold your nose from the front than twisting your arm round your head to hold it,” he explains. An issue he feels very strongly about and which he says is ‘spoiling’ the people of his constituency is lotteries. “These people are poor but would rather indulge in lotteries than have food on the table. Most don’t even know where the next meal will come from,” he says. He further says he would press for the banning of lotteries in the state if voted to the Assembly. Unemployment, he says, is another major issue in his constituency. “Though we have a number of central projects including the NHPC, the locals have not ben- ATTENTION PSORIASIS PATIENTS Information on and remedy for Psoriasis in Ayurveda by Dr. Promod Ambalkar, Chairman, India Psoriasis Foundation. on 22 April, 2004 at Siliguri. For details, contact: 0353 2430713, 98320-67509 C M Y K efited. The outgoing government has also ignored the 19 social organisations in our area,” he claims. These organisations, according to him, though working for the people, have not received any help nor any kind of benefits from the gov- ONAM TSHERING BHUTIA is perhaps the candidate with the highest qualification among those in the running for MLA berths in Sikkim. The MBA from IIM, Bangalore, has been in politics for barely two months and has already managed to bag the Cong [I] candidature from Sang Martam. An electrical engineer [Jadavpur University, Kolkata], he says his main reason for getting into politics was the unsatisfactory leadership of the outgoing government. “Though the government says it has brought about many developmental projects the fact is that they don’t know what economic development really means. Economic changes have not been properly effected nor have its benefits been extracted as they should have been,” he says. He is convinced that the SDF leadership has not really understood what economic change actually entails. As for his constituency of Sang Martam, he says that though it is close to Gangtok, it remains under-developed. “There are only two roads, one from Rumtek to Sang and one BOLERO FOR SALE Black Bolero, 2002 model, in excellent running condition is available for Sale. Interested parties may call 98320 61984 for further details. other. If anyone gets sick he has no choice but to walk it to the hospital,” he informs. Other areas where his constituency is lacking he says are infrastructure, communications and high unemployment among the educated youth. It remains to be seen whether the 9,000 strong electorate in Sang Martam feels as strongly about the issues raised by him. He goes up against a sitting MLA and minister in the outgoing government, DT Lepcha. - a NOW REPORT ACCP World Program MODULE 1 - Web Designing MODULE 2 - Client Server Programming MODULE 3 - Advanced Programming MODULE 4 - Specialisation in .Net / J2EE MODULE 5 - Project Works in .Net/J2EE TM MODULE 6 - Technology Upgrade MODULE 7 - Architecting B2B APTECH COMPUTER EDUCATION for further information , just drop in at Aptech Computer Education, Daragaon, Tadong. ph: 03592 232418, 9832048886 ernment. “I would like to help these organisations,” he says. BJP state president, KN Pradhan informs that the party will only be contesting in only 3-4 constituencies. “Our contesting depends on the availability of good candidates,” he informed. -a NOW REPORT GET UPTO 10% DISCOUNT ON jeans REEBOK SHOWROOM BELOW BANK OF BARODA MG ROAD, GANGTOK Amber Enterprises AT MG Marg, Gangtok. ph: 205116, 228849 Actual product may differ from picture shown NEWSSCAN 6; NOW!; 21 April, 2004 FEAR FACTOR he new Electronic Voting Ma chines are causing concern among many of the electorate who feel that post election the data can be used to identify the blocks that voted or did not vote for any particular party. The EVM’s they claim are marked for every polling booth and voter preference can be known immediately. In a state where winning or losing is sometimes a matter of just a hundred or so votes, this kind of specific information, they say can be used by a ruling party to victimize people of a block that did not vote for them. While this is purely in the realm of speculation, the Election Department should try and dispel the fears, which seem to be much talked about. Talking about a backlash, it is something the bazaar folk are well experienced in, having faced it in earlier elections. This time too the talk in town is about the strange dilemma they face. While many are inclined to vote for Bhandari, they fear the reprisals that will come their way for this seeming act of defiance. With SDF campaigners threatening that Gangtok will fall back by a decade if the opposition is voted in here, this Election Ka Laddoo is getting really difficult to digest. were quite flattered by this show of humility. Obviously Mr. Bhandari is taking the campaign to win the prestigious Gangtok seat very seriously. What with him going from doorto-door canvassing in most areas and having Balchand Sarda personally invite businesswallahs to Chai and Gup-Shup at Tashi Delek. But going by his track record, you can be sure that Mr. Bhandari WHEN THE CAT IS AWAY… riday the 16th was a day of interesting innuendos. No one could miss the political significance of Chamling deciding to launch his party’s election campaign from Soreng, his main rival’s former constituency and hometown. But while he was away, what do you think Bhandari did? He took over Tashiling, the heart of the government. He went to each and every office with folded hands and asked for votes. Many of the people who still remembered him as the former CM, who ruled for 14 long years, JODI No. 1 he one miracle that the Congress party has managed to engineer is to get both SIBLAC and GAC onto its side. The whole of last year we heard about SDF playing the game of propping GAC to counter SIBLAC. Seems rather strange that leaders of both the parties are now aligning with the Congress, or so the allegation goes. While Tseten has formally joined the Congress and is using SIBLAC to get support for his foster party, rumours are strong about the secret understanding between the Con- T F gress and GAC. While one can understand that the latter two are ‘natural’ allies, it will be interesting to see how this tripartite arrangement works out in the long run. Meanwhile, Tseten is learning the fine art of balance as he tries to woo the considerable number of Nepali voters in his new constituency. Even SIBLAC is being forced to acknowledged changing times, otherwise what explains BJP flags GANGTOK, 20 April: About 100 students of Sikkim Government College belonging to the Hee-Bermiok constituency held a meeting here at Hotel Mt. Simvo on 18 April to express their support for SDF candidate, Narendra Kumar Subba who was also the chief guest at the meeting. The meeting was organized by Bikash Nepal, student representative. Bikash, while speaking at the BOLERO FOR SALE ATTENTION PSORIASIS PATIENTS ESTEEM FOR SALE!! Information on and remedy for Psoriasis in Ayurveda by Dr. Promod Ambalkar, Chairman, India Psoriasis Foundation. on 22 April, 2004 at Siliguri. For details, contact: 0353 2430713, 98320-67509 NOW! Black Bolero, 2002 model, in excellent running condition is available for Sale. Interested parties may call 98320 61984 for further details. A Black Esteem Velocity for sale. Five months old, with all accessories including a Sony X-Plod CD system. Extremely reasonable. Contact: 94340 20677 TATA AIG LIFE INSURANCE Co. LTD. Requires “Insurance Advisor” and Marketing Executive. Minimum Qualification, HS Passed. EARNING POTENTIAL Rs. 3,500 to 15,000 per month. For details, contact-9434103429 TO-LET does not have any lasting attachment with any constituency. Is it true that he never visited Rhenock even once in the last five years? That’s not nice… T at Kabi! CHALI CHALI YE HAVA CHALI ho will win the election and come to power this time is the main topic of conversation anywhere you go. While some swear that the hava is for the Congress, others say this is all hava-ko-talk. The Congress campaign, which seemed so hopeless till some time back, got a fresh lease of life by disgruntled SDF members either joining it formally or working for the party in secret understanding. The Congress, much rejuvenated now says that this time they will come to power. How can they be so sure? Apparently, the SDF party astrologer has also defected to the other side and he says so! W BERMIOK COLLEGIATES PROMISE SUPPORT FOR NK SUBBA a NOW REPORT CLASSIFIEDS JOB An MNC needs 40 Freshers, Graduates/ Under-graduates for Management Training with Good Salary and Future Prospects. Walk-in-Interview at Ground Floor, Oberoi Building, New Market, Gangtok, between 11AM to 3PM meeting said that all the students had united as one to support the SDF candidate and ensure his victory by a large margin. He said that Mr. Subba, besides being an educated person, had shown perfect leadership qualities. He further stated that the candidate’s ideology along with his approach to different situations was greatly appreciated by the youth of the constituency and that they would support the party openly. While addressing the gathering the Mr. Subba promised to provide full assistance to the youth and further implement various projects in the private sector to eradicate the problem of unemployment. He also asked the youth not to depend on government jobs and assured a large scope of employment through the private sector enterprises. Amongst those who were present were Chinkazi Shrestha and TN Sharma, senior party supporters. EC HELPLINE FOR VOTERS A Helpline has been set up in the Office of the Chief Electoral Officer, Sikkim bearing the following telephone number – 10780 Anyone having difficulty in trying to trace his name in the Electoral Rolls / Voters List or enquiring about the Polling Stations where they are registered as voters, may kindly ring up this number and request the Attendant online for help in obtaining the information. While seeking help from the Attendant at the Helpline, the electors are requested to kindly indicate their full name and their father’s name to facilitate the search. The Election Department has also hosted the Electoral Rolls in the Chief Electoral Officer’s Website whose url is / Flats available in Quiet and Decent environment exactly opposite Kanchen View Hotel [Pani House]. 24 hours running hot and cold water. contact: Tseten Kutsabpa. ph: 280271 Sammer Trek For treks to Sammar Tek, Ringhem Gompa, Bhutanese Castle and excursions to historical and ancient caves in north Sikkim contact PHALBHEU Tours & Travels, Gangtok. Phone: 226193 or call 9834184370 (Mangan) Ramola CELLULAR SALES & SERVICES Tharo Line,Lal Market Road. Ph: 201062, Mobile: 9832062684 DEALS IN ALL TYPES OF MOBILE PHONES AND ACCESSORIES Anthyesti Kriya Late Narendra Khatiwada, 37, Headmaster, Ramitey Primary School passed away on 13 April 2004. The Anthyesti Kriya falls on 25 April, 2004. All relatives and well-wishers are requested to attend the Anthestiya Kriya. Budhilall Khatiwada [Father], Pabitra Khatiwada [Mother], Durga Khatiwada [Wife], Abinash Khatiwada [Son] Lower Onglep, P.O. Sakyong, Gyalshing, West Sikkim. ph: 03595 250127, 250137 Kutse Shegu The 49th Day “Shegu” of late Dhondup Tshering Bhutia who expired on 4th March 2004 falls on 21st April 2004. All relatives, friends and well- wishers are requested to join us in offering prayers for the departed soul at Tshoka Tshum, Nam Nang, Gangtok. We would also like to take this opportunity to thank all those wo extended their help in our hour of bereavement. Pempa Bhutia (wife), Namgyal Dorjee Bhutia, son , Nedup Doma Bhutia, Daughter, Passang Bhutia, Brother, Chung Chung Bhutia Sister-in-law, Lhakpa Bhutia , Brother, Tshewang Bhutia, Brother. Ph. 98320-71692, 227970 Enchey Compound, Tibet Raod. C M Y K POWERPLAY 21 April, 2004; NOW! East rakes in 14 nominations, South opens account Contd from pg 1 up first to file his nomination. He was followed Cong [I] candiates former minister KN Upreti, contesting from Rhenock for the fifth time and electoral debutantes Diley Namgyal Barfungpa, contesting from Rumtek and Sonam Tshering Bhutia, from Sang-Martam. Three candidates from the ruling Sikkim Democratic Front [SDF] camp officially entered the Assembly elections fray today with Bhim Prasad Dhungel [Rhenock] and Kunga Zangpo Bhutia [Assam Lingzey] filing their nomination papers, including that of Somnath Poudyal. Both Mr. Poudyal and Mr. Dhungel are making their debut in the Assembly polls. Mr. Bhutia, on the other hand, contested the last elections from Assam Lingzey on a SSP ticket but lost to the SDF’s Tseten Tashi Bhutia. The most sought-after constituency today was Central Pendam. Joining Mr. Bhandari and Mr. Poudyal was the expelled SDF vice-president and chairman of the Gorkha Apex Committee [GAC], GM Rai. Mr. Rai, who recently floated the Sikkim Gorkha Demo- cratic Front party, is contesting the seat as an independent candidate. An independent candidate, Dilli Ram Sharma, backed by Mr. Rai’s outfit also filed his nominations from Central Pendam. Mr. Sharma is Mr. Rai’s dummy candidate. While speaking to NOW! about his party’s prospective candidates, Mr. Rai hinted that former Additional Advocate General, NB Khatiwada, might be contesting from the Loosing-Pacheykhani seat. Mr. Khatiwada had earlier bagged the Trinamul Congress ticket for Darjeeling, before relinquishing it to return to Sikkim to contest for the Lok Sabha. Mr. Rai added that the decision on Mr. Khatiwada’s candidature had not yet been finalised. The Bharatiya Janata Party [BJP] also officially entered the fray today with Nima Rapzang Lama, filing his candidature from Rakdong-Tintek. Two nominations were also received today for the Sangha seat. Thinley Gyatso Lepcha from the Phodong Monastery in North Sikkim and Sonam Dorjee Lama from the Enchey Monastery in the Gangtok, filed their nomination papers as independent candidates. UPRETI STILL HAS UNFINISHED BUSINESS AT RHENOCK K N UPRETI is the Cong [I] candidate from Rhenock constituency. With the filing of his nomination papers today, he makes a fifth attempt to make it as an MLA in the Sikkim Legislative Assembly, all from the same constituency. Interestingly, he has won all the past four elections he has contested. “The first elections I contested was in the year 1979 as an SSP candidate. Then in 1985 and 1989 again I contested and won from Rhenock; in 1994, too, I won from there on an SSP ticket,” he says. In the year 1999, Mr. Upreti didn’t contest the elections. According to him he made way for the then SSP president, Nar Bahadur Bhandari, who had decided to contest the elections from Rhenock. Interestingly, by then Mr. Upreti had already joined the Congress. “I joined the Congress in 1997 in the middle of my term as SSP MLA.” He says he was removed by Mr. Bhandari but even though he went over to the Congress he continued to support the SSP. Being out of public politics for five years has not diluted Mr. Upreti’s hopes of making it to the Assembly for a fifth time. In fact, he says he has the upper hand over Prankster spreads panic in Darj Contd from pg 1 ing to know whether all was well inside. Not wanting to disrupt the classes, the management shut the gates from inside while a nun spoke from behind it assuring the parents that there were no Maoists in the campus. Even media personnel were not allowed to enter, on the pretext that “it was an internal matter” and with requests: “Please don’t add fuel to fire.” While the hoax would have fallen through at any other time, what got the panic bells ringing was the recent spurt of Maoist activity in the otherwise peaceful Ilam district of Nepal which borders Darjeeling. “We have read of the Maoists using Indian territory to attack Pashupati, so how could we be sure that they were not up to something in Darjeeling?” asked a parent. The parents then demanded that an FIR be lodged immediately at the Police Station. “Even if it is a false alarm, the police should be notified. In Pashupati too there were similar false alarms raised two or three times and then one night the Maoists finally attacked,” said Indramani Rai, a parent. Though an FIR was not lodged, the cops were notified. A police team arrived and ran a thorough check of the area but failed to find anything. By this time, anxious parents from neighbouring areas of Lebong, Ging, Ghoom and Sonada had heard of the rumours and frantic phone calls started again as they started calling up friends and relatives in Darjeeling to check up on their wards. DP Dong, Inspector-in-Charge of Darjeeling Sadar Thana said that the Police were investigating, trying to find out who was behind this, what was the main motive and what was the origin of the rumour. “We have posted police personnel in the school and will even post policemen in plain clothes to keep a closer watch” said Dong. contact: TIKA ENTERPRISES Near Krishi Bhawan Gate 31 A NH, Uma Cottage Tadong, Sikkim - 737102 Ph: 231394 M: 98320 96499 C M Y K his rival SDF candidate Bhim Dunghel who is a newcomer. “I have been in constant contact with the people of Rhenock and have also done a lot for the people during my previous tenures as area MLA,” says the BA LLB, Mr. Upreti. “Lots of things which I had initiated are still to be completed,” he says. He refers to the roads, lack of schools, drinking water and the SVPL MY HOME PC @ Rs. 16,991/- only non-repairing of the main bridges. He assures that he has been active as far as the political life of his constituency is concerned. It would be interesting to see whether the people of Rhenock choose a candidate with 20 years of political experience at the highest level in the state under him or a comparatively young novice in Bhim Dunghel. - a NOW REPORT Khara Nanda Upreti [Congress-I], Rhenock Movable properties: 1. Liquid cash-Rs. 70,000 (self) and Rs. 20,000 with his wife. 2. Bank Deposits-Fixed Deposit of Rs. 1,08,243 in SBI account in his name; Rs. 1,36750 in his UTI Bank savings account. Fixed Deposits of Rs. 1,52,097 and Rs. 1,32,534 in SBI accounts in his wife’s name Rs. 3987 in Savings Account in his daughter’s name and Rs. 5097 in his son’s account in SBI account. 3. Family Bond of Rs. 5,000 in his son’s name 4. LIC policies of Rs. 1 lakh and Rs. 50,000 in his name. Rs. 1 lakh LIC policy in his wife’s name 5. Three tolas of gold worth Rs. 18,000 in his name and six tolas of gold worth Rs. 36,000 in his wife’s name Immovable properties: 1. Agricultural land: Three plots at Assam Lingzey worth Rs. 5 lakhs; two plots at 6th Mile Samdur, Lower Tadong worth Rs. 3 lakhs 2. Non-Agricultural Land: Two plots at 6th Mile Tadong worth Rs. 2 lakhs in daughter’s name and one plot at Assam Lingzey worth Rs. One lakh in his son’s name 3. Building (commercial and residential)- A seven-storied RCC building at 6th Mile Tadong in his wife’s name worth Rs. 20 lakhs, a five-storied RCC at Old Children Park, Gangtok in his son’s name worth Rs. 10 lakhs THESE ARE NOT APRIL’S FOOL PRICES. THEY ARE FOR REAL! DISCOUNTS FOR BEST FLOORING Wooden parquet flooring, Lucky PVC floor tiles, PVC wood plank, tiles, Vista floor, SUper marblex, Wall Heritage Surface, Textures, Spray polish, Japanese technology. 7 BIZ BLACK PC @ Rs. 29,987/- only Intel Pentium IV/ 2.0 GHz. with Original Intel Motherboard. 17” Colour Monitor. 40 GB Hard-Disk. 256 RAM. 600 KVA UPS. 56 kbps Internal Modem. Multimedia Keyboard. PS2 Mouse with Pad. 400 Watt Speakers. Software Solutions Now NOTEBOOK @ RS. 39,999/- ONWARDS AMD 1800 / 2000 XP 128MB DDR RAM, 40GB HDD, 52X CD-ROM, 1.44 FDD, Multimedia keyboard, Scroll mouse, 15” color monitor, Linux OS, UPS 600 KVA What else should I know???? Easy Bank finance available EMI as low as Rs. 490/- per month NO HIDDEN COSTS! RATES INCLUSIVE OF FREIGHT + LOCAL TAXES AND ALL OTHER APPLICABLE CHARGES 31-A National Highway, Above Office of Spices Board RSS, Tadong, Gangtok, East Sikkim Customer Service Centre ph: +91-3592-231224, 98320-70532, 98320-29898 email: [email protected] WEB APPLICATION SMART-CARD SOLUTIONS BIO-METRIC SECURITY SYSTEMS Enterprise Resources Planning Customer Relationship Management Small & Medium Enterprises Solutions SPECIAL PACKAGE SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT FOR HOTEL & TRAVEL INDUSTRY THEFINALONE 8; NOW!; 21 April, 2004 today in History 21st April 753, BC: Traditional date of the foundation of Rome 1782: Born, Friedrich Froebel Germany, founded kindergaten 1816: Novelist Charlotte Bront Tornton is born in England 1828: Noah Webster publishes 1st American dictionary 1836: Texas wins independence from Mexico 1898: Spanish-American War begins 1956: Elvis Presley’s first No. 1 hit “Heartbreak Hotel” hits the top of the Billboard charts. 1960: Brasilia becomes the capital of Brazil 1963: Beatles meet Rolling Stones for the first time 1989: 1,00,000 Chinese students begin protests at Tiananmen Square Protests, Not Parties, Keep Palestinian DJ Busy RAMALLAH, West Bank: With so much killing and economic misery, few Palestinians feel like partying. So for the intrepid DJ Saadeh, it’s a good thing that protest rallies are in demand. “It’s assassination season,” he said, turning on a microphone at an angry gathering in Ramallah the day after Israel’s killing of militant leader Abdel-Aziz al-Rantissi. “Assassinations boost business.” Rantissi, head of the Islamic mili- tant group Hamas in Gaza, was killed by a rocket less than a month after Israel assassinated Hamas’s spiritual leader, Sheikh Ahmed Yassin. Not surprisingly, Hamas is one of the main clients for Saadeh’s sound system, organizing rallies where supporters vent their anger at Israel through speeches or nationalist songs. “There is no mood for parties,” he said. Ramallah used to be a fairly lib- K evin Spacey wound up with a bruised noggin after having his cell phone jacked in Saturday’s pre-dawn hours. Initially, Spacey filed a report with London police claiming he had been “brutally mugged.” But in an interview with the about once a week, but is shy about saying how much he charges - perhaps wary of being seen to benefit from the gloom of Israel’s clampdown on the Palestinian territories. From the podium behind him, packed with speakers, cables and microphones, the Hamas tape booms out: “Revolt, revolt, revolt. Revolt with stones. Nothing washes off our disgrace but revolution and stones.” GANG OF DEAF THIEVES JAILED KEVIN SPACEY PHONE-JACKED BBC Monday, the two-time Oscar winner changed his story. He says he came up with the mugging scenario because he was too humiliated to admit what he claims really happened: He was conned by a kid who ran off with his cell phone. Spacey now says he was out walking his dog when he was approached by an unidentified young man. Said youth gave the actor a “sob story” about needing to call his mother and asked if he could use Spacey’s phone. John Lennon’s Last Sketch for Sale at $325,000 Chapman when he arrived back at his apartment just before 11 p.m. Seminole said she had decided to sell the sketch to raise money for a horse rescue center she runs in Chesapeake, Virginia. The sketch and autograph by Lennon is being sold online by dealer Gary Zimet on a site called “Drawings like this are fairly common from him. He probably did thousands of these in his lifetime,” he said. “But what is special is it’s the last thing he ever wrote. That puts it in a league by itself.” NEW YORK: A signed sketch believed to be the last thing John Lennon wrote before being assassinated about half an hour later is on sale for $325,000, the former switchboard operator to whom he gave it said on Monday. Rabiah Seminole said she was working at the Record Plant recording studios in Manhattan on Dec. 8, 1980 when Lennon left the building with Yoko Ono at about 10:25 p.m. She asked him for an autograph and he dashed off a sketch of two faces, signing it “for Ribeah, love, John.” Ono also signed it. The former Beatle was shot and killed by Mark ARIES: You will make easy money in speculation. You may receive a promotion. Happiness will prevail. A religious function is indicated. Peace and prosperity will be maintained. TAURUS: You may get a new business opportunity or an overseas job. Health will be maintained. You may purchase a new vehicle. Worries will be over. Students must concentrate more to get the required results. GEMINI: Political life will be very successful. Those appearing for competitive exams will find easy success. Those in trade or with agencies will see favourable changes. Understanding with your life partner will be very good. CANCER: Life will be happy and harmonious. You will enjoy good health. Social status will be good. Worries will be over. Business will be brisk LEO: You may purchase a new vehicle. Understanding with your spouse and business partner will be very good. You may go for a new agency business. Business will thrive. Sugar, eral island in relatively conservative Palestinian society, providing a decent living for a DJ playing rock and roll and Arabic pop music. In his new line of business, Saadeh, who gave only his first name, doesn’t even have to bring music. “Take this tape. Boost the morale of the crowd,” one Hamas supporter told him at the open-air rally. “It’s called Revolt.” Saadeh works for one or other of the Palestinian political factions BEIJING: Chinese police have broken up a gang of deaf teenaged robbers who carried out a string of thefts on the orders of a brutal leader. Leader Yang Song and 11 gang members were sent to prison for term ranging from 11 months to 13 years, Xinhua news agency said Monday. Yang, 34, formed the gang in 2001 in Shaoxing, in the affluent southeastern coastal province of Zhejiang. Most of the members, who robbed scores of shops, were jobless and homeless youngsters. Yang regularly beat members of his gang, or burned them with cigarettes. He even made them do headstands for up to three hours, Xinhua said. Handicapped people suffer widespread discrimination in China and are often shunned by employers and offered little in the way of special education, particularly in the poor countryside. THE FUTURE, NOW! textile and chemical industries will do very well. Export businesses will be successful. VIRGO: You may take up new business activities. Those with sugar mills, textiles, and chemical industries will enjoy success. Cement and iron and steel industries will face labour problems. Worries are indicated. You may get transferred. LIBRA: This will be a smooth and easygoing period. Financial crisis. You will have fewer problems with your spouse and business partner. Happiness will prevail. Expenses will be reduced. You may go on a short trip, which will help lighten your mood. SCORPIO: You will be happy. Students will do well in maths and physics. Those appearing for further exams will enjoy easy success. You may find yourself going nowhere in your career. You may get married. SAGITTARIUS: You may take a new decision at home. Some may be blessed with a child. Business partnerships will work well. Cash flow will be good. Loans will be reduced. You may purchase a new vehicle. You may see a change in your financial status. CAPRICORN: Financial position will be very tight. You may face tension with your spouse and business partners. You will find favourable changes at home. You will have the support of your younger brother. AQUARIUS: Financial position will be good. Those in trade or with agencies will find favourable changes. You may go for an overseas job. A family gathering is indicated. You will be happy and at peace. PISCES: Your political life will be very 56,990/- ALL INCLUSIVE Digital Camera free! PLUS LOTS OF LEGAL LICENCED SOFTWARES WITH CD HP Pavilion t530i: Intel Pentium 4 Processor @ 2.8 GHz with HT Technology, Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition, 800 MHz Front-size Bus Speed, 256 MB PC3200 DDR [400 MHz], 4 DDR DIMM Slots [Expandable to 4 GB with discard], Intel 865G, 40 GB Ultra DMA ATA Hard Drive at 7200 RPM, 48X/ 24X/16X/48X/ CD-RW/DVD Combo Drive, 3.5” [1.44MB], ITU V.90 K56 Flex Data/ Fax Modem, Integrated 10/100 BaseT [Broadband ready], Intel Extreme Graphics 2; up to 64 MB Dynamic Allocation, Integrated AC’97 CODEC-Realtek ALC650; Dolby 5.1 Ready - Multi Channel Sound Manager; Harman Kardon Satellite Speakers and Sub-Woofer, Three PCI Slots [two available]; One 8X AGP Slot [available]. PRICES INCLUDE ALL TAXES AND FREIGHT Actual product may differ from picture Amber Enterprises Amber Enterprises MG Marg, Gangtok. ph: 220817 Tadong. ph: 232881, 9434144124 INDIA’S BEST SELLING PCs, NOW AVAILABLE AT MIND-BLOWING PRICES. Don’t miss out on this HCL EzeeBee: - Intel Pentium 4 Processor, 2.0 GHz, 128MB DDRAM, 40 GB HDD, 52 X CD ROM, 1.44 FDD, Internet never again Keyboard, Scroll Mouse, 10/100 Mbps NIC, Internal Modem, Speakers, 15" Color Monitor, Linux 10.0 Rs. 24,500/-* offer and get HCL Beanstalk:-Intel Pentium 4 Processor 2.5 GHz, 128 MB DDRAM, 40 GB HDD, CD Writer, 1.44 FDD, Multimedia one home Keyboard, Optical Mouse, 10/100 Mbps NIC, Internal Modem, Altec Lansing Speaker with Super Woofer, 17" Dyna Flat today Monitor, Joy Stick, Head Phone with Microphone, 41 Thunder CD Pack, Windows XP Home @ Rs. 36,000/-* STARTING @ Rs. 18,000/-* WITH COLOUR PRINTER GO BRANDED GO HCL Desktop PCs Rated No 1 by Dataquest – IDC Customer Satisfaction Audit 2004 Sole authorized dealer in Sikkim: NAYUMA INFOSYS, SSI EDUCATION, NEAR KRISHI BHAWAN, TADONG, GANGTOK, PHONE: 270876, CELL: 9832097317, 9832089970 * Freight & Local Taxes extra Published by Lt. Col. (retd) P. Dorjee and printed at Darpan Publications Pvt. Ltd, Siliguri. Editor: Pema Wangchuk. Executive Editor: Mita Zulca Now! Near Ayurvedic Clinic, Gairi Gaon, Tadong. East Sikkim. ph: 03592 270949 email: [email protected] C M Y K
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