Summer 2008 - Burn Institute
Summer 2008 - Burn Institute
Prevention Burn Support Events Volunteers 3 6 8 10 Summer Safety Tips h t t p : / / w w w. b u r n i n s t i t u t e . o r g Mentorship Program Past and Present Heroes Fred’s True Spirit VOLUME 42, NUMBER 2 SUMMER 2008 Viejas Division Chief, Bob Pfohl (left) hoists a 42-lb. roll of fire hose up four stories during a practice session for this year’s Viejas Firefighter Combat Challenge, while Viejas firefighter Tony Cascarano (right) shouts words of encouragement. The Challenge will feature a grueling five-part relay, billed as “the toughest two minutes in sports.” Hot Fun in the Summertime: Viejas FIRE EXPO/Firefighter Combat Challenge! T ake a typical Southern California day – add about 100 fire trucks, lots of sunshine, water hoses, grilled hot dogs, healthy competition and some live music – and you’ve got the hottest family event of the summer! On Saturday, July 19, join the Burn Institute and thousands of our closest friends at QUALCOMM Stadium for the 18th Annual Viejas FIRE EXPO/ Firefighter Combat Challenge Presented by Toyota and FIRE-ETC. Billed as California’s Largest Firefighting Event, admission to this fun, family-friendly experience is FREE! The festivities kick-off at 11 a.m. with opening ceremonies. From 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., things will really heat up as firefighters from all over the United States compete in the Southern California regional competition of the National Firefighter Combat Challenge. Then prepare to be dazzled with the arrival of the Burn Run Parade! Complete with blinking lights and sirens blaring, the spectacle of nearly 100 fire trucks and engines roaring into the stadium’s lot is a perennial hit for young and old alike. From start to finish, the day will be fun-filled for everyone! Throughout the day and until 5 p.m., enjoy free giveaways, take the children to the Kiddie Karnival, visit informative fire safety booths, get an up-close view of fire apparatus, munch on delicious food and enjoy live entertainment at your leisure. It’s all here! This is the second year that the FIRE EXPO will be held in conjunction with the Southern California (continued on Page 2) NONPROFIT ORG. US POSTAGE PAID 8825 Aero Drive #200, San Diego, CA 92123 SAN DIEGO, CA PERMIT NO. 1352 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED B UR N INS TITUTE B EA C O N 2 BEACON New FIRE EXPO T- Shirts On Sale Now! (continued from Page 1) regional competition of the National Firefighter Combat Challenge. This exciting addition is a competition held in several cities each year, attracting hundreds of U.S. and Canadian firefighters. During the “Challenge” fire department teams compete to prove they are the fittest in their profession. For the duration of the event, competitors must wear full bunker gear and breathing apparatus, which together can weigh up to 50 pounds. The relay includes a series of five linked tasks designed to “simulate the physical demands of real-life firefighting,” and are performed by pairs of competitors in a head-to-head race against the clock. Tasks include climbing a 5-story tower, hoisting, chopping, dragging hoses and “rescuing” a life-sized, 175 lb. mannequin, dragging it 100 feet to safety. Former marathon runner, Viejas Division Chief Bob Pfohl, is no stranger to grueling athletic competition. Pfohl has participated in the Challenge since 1993, when he placed second in the National Firefighter Combat Challenge. At 52, he continues to be an enthusiastic participant, bent on achieving his personal best year after year. “They call it ‘the toughest two minutes in sports’ and it’s true,” said Pfohl, comparing the competition to his years of running marathons and competing in triathlons. “This is tougher in a different way. You have to mentally push yourself when you don’t want to push yourself. You have to go all out,” he said, adding. “It’s painful. I think you’ve got to have a real desire to do it.” Pacing is not an option in the Challenge because unlike distance running, split-second timing becomes crucial. In addition, participants are penalized for missing the mark or improperly carrying out a task, paying for mistakes with five seconds tacked onto their final time, for example. “Sometimes the difference between first and third place is a tenth of a second,” said Pfohl. “In the weeks prior you wonder whether you’re training enough . . . It’s very nerve-wracking. The top guys make it look easy – but it’s tough for everybody.” Dear Friends: Greetings! May was quite a month for the Burn Institute! First, I was fortunate enough to receive the American Burn Association Burn Prevention Award in Chicago – and the Burn Institute was center stage nationally. Then, just a few weeks later, I was the recipient of the San Diego County Fire Chiefs’ Association Maltese Award – an equally great honor. But these awards are really not about me. Rather, they are a microcosm of a much bigger picture – a community dedicated to a common cause. Both of these awards represent the hard work and dedication of a lot of people – Burn Institute staff, volunteers, board members, and our close, close partners in the fire service. None of what we do as an agency would be possible without this dedicated team. I’m just the guy driving the bus. You don’t need to look much further than the month of May for an example of how this community team performs. In a 12-day span in May, the Institute conducted three major special events – the Firefighter Boot Drive ($216,000 raised); Firefighter Night at the Commemorative Viejas FIRE EXPO/ Firefighter Combat Challenge T-shirts are now available! The shirts are $15 each, are available in sizes sm-XXL, in black, white and military green. To purchase, call Reyna Doerr at Burn Institute 858.541.2277, Ext. 23, or visit our T-shirt booth at the FIRE EXPO on July 19. Pfohl began competing in the event as new Chief of the Santee Fire Department, because it got him out of the office and gave him an opportunity to keep active. Now that he’s hooked, he looks forward to the competition each year, pointing to the camaraderie that comes with friendly competition between firefighters from all over the U.S. Last year was the first time the Challenge was held in San Diego, and about 150 firefighters are expected to return for this year’s competition at QUALCOMM Stadium. The World Championship competition will be held in Las Vegas the week of Nov 11, 2008. “Ultimately, this is to benefit the Burn Institute,” said Pfohl, who is also a member of the Board of Directors. He then offered a challenge to his comrades in the fire service: “If you’re in shape and you’re a firefighter, you can go out and do it!” The Viejas FIRE EXPO/Firefighter Combat Challenge is designed to educate the public about fire safety and heighten awareness of modern emergency services. Proceeds from this event help fund the Burn Institute’s fire/burn prevention programs and burn survivor support services including Camp Beyond the Scars. For more information about this event, visit For more information about the Firefighter Combat Challenge, visit Padres and our 35th Anniversary Spirit of Courage Awards Banquet – all of which were tremendous successes. This doesn’t include, of course, all the fire and burn prevention programs that we conduct on a daily basis, the numerous juvenile firesetter interventions performed, hundreds of smoke alarm installs, and continual interaction with talented professionals at the UCSD Regional Burn Center who we work with to support burn survivors in need. Oh yeah, and Summer Camp is just around the corner! May was a busy month … but you know, every month is busy at the Burn Institute! And we’re busy and successful because of people like you, our community partners – this really is your Burn Institute! On behalf of those we serve, thank you for making our important work possible! Stay Safe! The Burn Institute is the local nonprofit agency dedicated to reducing the number of burn injuries and deaths in San Diego, Imperial, Riverside and San Bernardino counties through fire and burn prevention education, burn care research and treatment, and burn survivor support services. Board of Directors Gerald S. Davee, Esq. Chairman of the Board Jim Hansen President Chief Bob Pfohl Vice President Chief Financial Officer Allan W. Arendsee Vice President Development Michael Pierschbacher, Ph.D. Vice President Program Dolores Juditz Secretary Jeff Berend Jim Boland Charlie Brown Chief Dave Burk Captain Angelo Cappos Chief Kevin Crawford Paul Dawson Theodore S. Drcar, Esq. Dale Ganzow Chief Augie Ghio Ron Houston Victor Jaime, Ph.D. Chief Tracy Jarman R. Anthony Mahavier, Esq. Susan McClellan Chief Kenneth J. Miller (ret.) Chief Dave Ott Bruce Potenza, M.D. Chief Mitch Villalpando Eddie Villavicencio Chief David Waltemeyer Chief Erwin Willis (ret.) Best regards, Please remember the Burn Institute in your annual United Way/CHAD & CFC Campaigns. James A. Floros Executive Director/ Chief Executive Officer P.S. One last note – Summer is upon us – and I wouldn’t be doing my job if I didn’t once again remind you about using your common sense and avoiding summer fire and burn hazards! DIRECTOR’S MESSAGE F&T Member Agency of Combined Health Agencies (San Diego County #95581) United Way (Imperial County) Combined Federal Campaign (San Diego #50359) (Imperial County #7024) Fire and Burn Prevention Facts & Tips Fact Each year, more than 10,000 Americans (half of them children), are treated in emergency rooms for fireworks-related injuries. Tip NEVER play with fireworks. They are illegal and dangerous. SUMMER 2008 BURN INST IT UT E BE ACON PREVENTION 3 Viejas FIRE EXPO / Firefighter Combat Challenge Highlights 11am-5pm FIRE EXPO Fire Engine Rides Children’s Firefighter Obstacle Course ire and Burn Prevention and Community F Education Pavilion Kiddie Karnival Fire Safety Trailers mergency Service and Family Oriented E Vendor Booths 2 Live Bands BURN RUN ARRIVAL CEREMONIES rocession of nearly 100 fire trucks and engines P and a CHP escort arrive at FIRE EXPO Code 3 – Full Lights and Sirens – into the parking lot of QUALCOMM Stadium at 2 pm. 2-5pm LIVE DEMONSTRATIONS ive Firefighting and Emergency Service L Demonstrations Emergency Vehicle Tours Helicopter Flyovers Food and Beverage Stands Face Painters Summer Safety Tips Sun Safety Barbecues hen going outdoors, always wear sunscreen with a W minimum SPF 25 and follow the directions for re-application. Serious sunburns can occur even when it is cloudy or overcast. eep hot grills at least 10 feet K from your house. ear sunglasses that provide UV protection and wear a W broad-rimmed hat to protect your head and neck. ispose of hot coals in proper D receptacles – buried coals retain heat for up to 24 hours and may cause a serious burn injury to an unsuspecting passerby who steps in them. Fireworks Fireworks ARE DANGEROUS. eep children and pets away K from hot grills. Campfires ireworks ARE ILLEGAL in F San Diego County and Imperial Valley. lways use a designated fire pit when building A a campfire. parklers heat up to 1,800 degrees S and ARE ILLEGAL and DANGEROUS. Never leave a campfire unattended. EVER play with fireworks. Leave fireworks to the N experts and only watch licensed fireworks shows. Always supervise children around campfires. efore leaving your campsite, make sure the fire is B properly extinguished – douse and stir the fire with water. An Appeal to Fire Chiefs Now, what does this mean to the BI? It means opportunity for the new Association Board of Directors to take our partnership with the BI to a new level. That level will include developing a strategic approach to supporting the projects and programs that we have historically provided our personnel, time and energy toward. Part of this strategy will include a stronger outreach to those fire chiefs and other chief officers who have CHICAGO - April 30, 2008 was a big day for Burn Institute Executive Director/CEO, James Floros. Not only was he to receive a national honor – the highlycoveted Burn Prevention Award from the American Burn Association – but he would be delivering his acceptance speech to some 4,000 peers and colleagues, not to mention his wife and mother who had flown all the way from San Diego to help him celebrate the honor. The award was presented by ABA President Dr. Richard J. Kagan, MD, FACS, at the American Burn Association’s 40th Annual Meeting held in Chicago. Floros was recognized for outstanding contribution in the field of burn prevention over his 16-year career at the Burn Institute. Open Letter On June 6, 2008, Jim Floros, the Director of the Burn Institute (BI), served as the Induction Officer at our 21st Annual Installation Banquet for the San Diego County Fire Chiefs’ Association (the Association). Beginning July 1st, your new SDCFCA Board of Directors is Chief Augie Ghio President; Chief Tracy Jarman, Vice President; Chief Rod Juniel, Treasurer; Chief Gary Fisher, Secretary, and Chief Dave Burk, Past President. Floros Accepts National Award not recently been active with the organization. We will take to them the gift of involvement and sharing of their skills with the BI. We all know that the return on the investment of giving is a huge sense of personal satisfaction. One of our initial objectives related to the BI, is to host a meeting with Jim and his staff and review where we have been in regard to its various projects and programs historically; discuss what may be done to improve our support and participation, and finally, map out an actionable plan to meet our objectives. While touched by the recognition, Floros understands the bigger picture. “To be honored by your peers to have done something well is the ultimate compliment. But this award is really about an entire community committed to ending preventable burn injuries – this award is about all of us,” he said. Reflecting back, Floros thought his speech went well, adding with a smile, “I even got some laughs!” Our Burn Institute is a model that has stood the test of time in setting a national standard of excellence in program and service provisions throughout our region. This has been done through the support and efforts of hundreds of firefighters county-wide. Now it is time for we, as fire chiefs, to rededicate ourselves to the BI, just (continued on page 7) $50 will provide five senior citizens with lifesaving smoke detectors. PREVENTION $50 BURN INST IT UT E BE ACON 4 GIFTS & TRIBUTES Donors The Burn Institute is grateful to the following individuals, corporations, foundations and community groups for their generous gifts. Listed below are donations of $250+ made from February 23, 2008 to May 16, 2008. Mr. Michael E. Anderson & Ms. Cheryl Anderson Ms. Dina Anguiano Ashland Inc. Corp. Headquarters Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Berend Ms. Maria E. Blair Mr. & Mrs. James J. Boland Bonita Sunnyside FPD Ms. Michele Braatz Ms. Vikki Dee Bradshaw Bureau of Land Management Burgers & Beer CalEnergy Operating Corporation Carlsbad Firefighters IAFF Local 3730 Mr. Harold Carter CDF Firefighters Benevolent Foundation Change a Life Foundation City of Holtville City of San Diego Community Services Coronado Firefighters Association Mr. Robert Costanzo Mr. & Mrs. Doug Cox Mr. & Mrs. Gerald S. Davee Mr. Paul Dawson Dr. Seuss Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Ruben A. Duran Ms. Bonnie Eggert El Cajon Fire Fighters PAC Elsevier Encinitas Lions Club Federal Fire El Centro Federal Signal Corporation Federal Signal Corporation Fire Fighters Advisory Council to the Burn Institute Fieldstone Foundation Mr. & Mrs. George Fillis FIRE-ETC Fireman’s Fund Insurance Company First Imperial Credit Union Ms. Betty Kent Floros Captain Ralph Frame Gary Jeandron GRG Management, Inc. Grossmont Healthcare District Ms. Breana Harris Holtville Taco Shop Imperial Irrigation District Imperial Valley Board of Realtors Imperial Valley Dental Group Imperial Valley Emergency Communications Authority Imperial Valley Fire Chiefs Association Ironstone Bank Mr. & Mrs. Warren H. Johnson Mrs. Janet K. Johnston Kaiser Permanente Check Presentations Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Kew Ms. Mary M. Large Los Angeles Firemen’s Credit Union Los Bomberos de San Diego Lusby Vision Institute MCAS Yuma Fire Department Mr. & Mrs. Bradley McCleery Mr. & Mrs. Craig McClellan Morgan Stanley New Car Dealers Association - San Diego County North Island Financial Credit Union Mr. Michael Onate Optimist Club of El Centro Pacific Nissan Pacific Western Bank Foundation PAETEC Palmer Way Elementary School Mr. & Mrs. James Payne Mrs. Bonnie Payne Chief Robert Pfohl Pioneers Memorial Healthcare District Porsche Club of America - San Diego Region Retired Fire & Police Foundation Samuel H. French & Katherine Weaver French Fund San Diego Business Journal San Diego County Board Of Supervisors San Diego Firefighters-Local 145 San Diego Laundry Equipment Company San Diego Transit Maintenance – IBEW Local 145 Santee Firefighters Association SDG&E / Sempra Energy Solana Beach Fire Department Southern California Reservation Fire Authority St. Helen Philoptochos Society Ms. Susanne Stanford & Mr. Robert Schroeder Ms. Robin Stark Taylor Nelson Sofres Market Development Temecula Valley Newcomers Club The Bravo Foundation The Gold Diggers The Sundt Foundation UCSD Medical Center US Forest Service - Cleveland National Forest Viejas Enterprises WD-40 Company Ms. Helen M. Westfall Wireless Infrastructure Memorial/Tribute Gifts In Memory Ms. Gretta Upp In Memory of Steven Brucker In Honor Mr. & Mrs. Todd Ullman In Honor of Chelsea Ullman Ms. Laura Walcher In Honor of James Floros and his American Burn Association Burn Prevention Award Do You Have an Auto, Boat or RV That You No Longer Need? B Call toll free at 866.244.8464, and remember to designate the Burn Institute as the beneficiary. Burn Institute Executive Director/CEO James Floros receives a generous donation from Air Products Carlsbad plant manager Eileen Turner. The Cost of Caring Where Your Dollars Go. SUMMER 2008 as of February 2008 P resident’s Circle members are individual donors who support the Burn Institute with an annual gift of $1,000 or more. This annual gift can be made in the form of cash, check, credit card or appreciated stock. You can become a member for only $83 a month. To learn about all the exciting annual benefits you will receive as a President’s Circle member contact Diane Sutherland at 858.541.2277 ext. 19 or [email protected]. Current Members of the President’s Circle Mr. & Mrs. Allan W. Arendsee Mr. & Mrs. R.W. Arendsee Mr. & Mrs. James G. Batman Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Berend Mrs. Samantha Berryessa, Esq. & Mr. Dax S. Cowart, Esq. Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Block Mr. & Mrs. James J. Boland Mr. Charlie Brown Mr. & Mrs. Earle Brucker Mr. & Mrs. Richard Byer Mr. Robin Callaway Mr. Vin Ciruzzi Ms. Velma M. Cooney Mr. & Mrs. Doug Cox Chief & Mrs. Kevin Crawford Division Chief Gary Croucher Mr. & Mrs. Gerald S. Davee Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Drcar Mr. Hugh Dunklee & Ms. Mary Beth Kellee Ms. Ann P. Elms Chief Brian Fennessy Mr. & Mrs. James A. Floros Mr. & Mrs. Steve Flynn Mrs. Helen Fornaca Captain Ralph Frame Mr. & Mrs. Scott Free Battalion Chief Tom Gardner Chief Jim Geering Ms. Connie Golden Mr. & Mrs. J. Allen Graham Ms. Laury Graves Ms. Karen Hamilton Mr. & Mrs. Jim Hansen Mr. & Mrs. E. Miles Harvey Chief & Mrs. JJ Hunter III Mr. Steve Hoffman Mr. Ron Houston Mr. Clayton Howe Mr. & Mrs. Warren H. Johnson Chief & Mrs. James Hunter Dr. Victor Jaime Chief Tracy Jarman Mr. & Mrs. Warren Johnson Ms. Dolores Juditz Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Kellman Mr. & Mrs. Bruce M. Kerl Mr. James Kimbrell Mr. Jason Kimbrell Mr. & Mrs. Loren Kramer Mr. & Mrs. Ross Larson Mr. James Lockwood Ms. Margaret Lowery Mr. R. Anthony Mahavier Mr. & Mrs. John Mattos, Jr. Mrs. Jill McCarty Mr. & Mrs. Bradley McCleery Mr. & Mrs. Craig McClellan Mr. Ryan McClellan Chief & Mrs. Bill Metcalf Chief & Mrs. Ken Miller (ret.) Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mize Chief & Mrs. Orville ‘Butch’ Moody (ret.) Mr. & Mrs. Mark Moothart Mr. & Mrs. John Nyquist Mr. & Mrs. Alfred E. O’Brien Chief Dave Ott Chief Bob Pfohl Dr. Michael D. Pierschbacher, Ph.D. Mrs. Dawn Robinson Mr. & Mrs. Martin Schoonderwoerd Mr. Lewis Silverberg Mr. & Mrs. John A. Simpson Ms. Susanne Stanford & Mr. Robert Schroeder Mr. George Staraza Mr. & Mrs. Robert Steiner Mr. & Mrs. Gary Sutherland Capt. & Mrs. Robert Thurman, (ret.) Chief Mitch Villalpando Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Weitzen Chief & Mrs. Erwin Willis Mr. & Mrs. Dick Woltman SAVE THE DATE! The Art of Fashion 2008 y donating your auto, boat or RV you can directly support the important work of the Burn Institute. In addition, you will also receive the maximum legal tax deduction and potentially earn a cash payment. FREE towing and pick-up anywhere in the United States. The 10th Annual Los Bomberos de San Diego Golf Tournament was held on May 2, 2008 at Eastlake Country Club in Chula Vista. President of Bomberos San Diego, Robert Garcia, (right) and Treasurer Arlo Nietto (left), presented a check from tournament proceeds to Burn Institute Executive Director/CEO James Floros. Funds will be used toward Fire/ Burn Prevention Outreach in the Latino Community. President’s Circle Members ■ 84% Program Services ■ 13% Fundraising ■ 3% Management & General Costs Thursday, Sept. 18, 2008 The Inn at Rancho Santa Fe Come out for lunch and a fun afternoon with your girlfriends – all while supporting a worthy cause! On September 18, The Country Friends will hold its 53rd Annual Art of Fashion Runway Show on the lawn of the picturesque Inn at Rancho Santa Fe. This popular event will feature boutiques, a luncheon, runway show and wine tasting. Several top designers will be featured including Donna Karan, Emilio Pucci, Oscar de la Renta and Valentino, among many others... Proceeds from this event will benefit the Burn Institute. For information: (858) 756-1192, Ext. 4 / [email protected]. The Country Friends™ was formed in 1954 by a group of charitable and public-spirited Rancho Santa Fe women. The club has more than 1,200 members and has distributed more than $12 million to San Diego County agencies over the years. Join the Heritage Society Today! The Burn Institute’s Heritage Society is for those who have included the Burn Institute in their estate plans. Membership is growing! All Heritage Society members are invited to an annual luncheon, as well as receive other special benefits, as a special thank you. For more information about the Burn Institute’s Heritage Society, please contact Diane Sutherland at dsutherland@ or 858.541.2277 ext. 19. BURN INST IT UT E BE ACON GIFTS & TRIBUTES 5 Firefighters Raise More than $216,000 for Burn Institute O n Wednesday, May 7, 2008, hundreds of uniformed firefighters organized by the Fire Fighters Advisory Council to the Burn Institute, raised more than $216,000 in its 8th Annual Countywide “Give Burns The Boot” Firefighter Boot Drive. Firefighters representing nearly 30 area fire departments participated including the Chula Vista Fire Department, the Rancho Santa Fe Fire Protection District, the San Miguel Consolidated Fire Protection District and the San Diego Fire-Rescue Department. Holding boots, firefighters volunteered to stand at street intersections located around the county, providing a convenient opportunity for commuters to make a donation. The generosity of the public will help to support burn survivor support programs like the Camp Beyond The Scars for burn-injured children. Making a Difference: High School Junior Raises Awareness, Funds for Camp Beyond the Scars Her parents say she’s a changed girl, but Carolyn Hillgren was just doing what came naturally – helping others. I n summer 2007, Hillgren volunteered as a resident Counselor-in-Training at the Burn Institute’s Camp Beyond the Scars. The experience made a lasting impact on the high school sophomore, who returned to Francis Parker School the following fall and founded the Camp Beyond the Scars Club, with the aim to raise awareness about traumatic burn injury and raise funds to support the Burn Institute’s summer and winter camp programs. from all grade levels and generated more than $3,500. Funds raised were boosted by the teen’s parents through the Rancho Santa Fe Foundation, which brought the total to $10,000. On top of that, the sum was doubled again when it was matched by Jerry and Carolyn Davee – bringing the total amount to an amazing $20,000! The funds will be directed to Camp Beyond the Scars, which will help to sponsor more than 50 children for a life-changing week at summer camp. On April 29, 2008, Hillgren spearheaded a lunchtime fundraiser at her school. The club’s 15 members helped to promote the fundraiser, which offered IN-N-OUT burgers on campus. Hillgren solicited matching funds from approximately two dozen corporate and community leaders in anticipation of the fundraiser’s success. The event was widely supported by students But Hillgren hasn’t stopped there. In her senior year, she plans to build on the club’s success so that yearly donations for camp may continue. Ideally, she would like to expand the club’s reach. “We are hoping that other high schools will pick up on the success of this fundraiser and begin the same club on their campus as well,” she said. S AVE THE DATE! Juvenile Firesetter Intervention Conference September 17-19, 2008 Town & Country Resort, San Diego, CA Conference Deadline: August 15, 2008 (Early bird fee–$225) For More Information Contact: Aida Flores 858.541.2277, Ext.13 or email [email protected] GI F T S & T R I B U T E S “When you consider that the overwhelming majority of donations are one dollar bills, it is clear that the boot drive has become one of the Burn Institute’s most successful events of the year,” said James Floros, Executive Director/Chief Executive Officer of the Burn Institute. “The participation of so many fire service volunteers in the effort is a testament to the terrific partnership developed over the years, between firefighters and the Burn Institute, in burn survivor support, fire and burn prevention education and burn research. Best of all, as a local non-profit Agency, all of the money raised here stays here.” The top fundraising fire departments are winners of the coveted Bronze Boot Trophy for regional excellence. In addition, Chief Nick Pavone of the Rancho Santa Fe Fire Protection District repeats as winner of the 01 Challenge as the Fire Chief who personally raised the most money during Boot Drive. Thank you to all of the firefighters who volunteered their time and energy to help make this year’s Boot Drive such a success! Below is a list of the participating agencies and the amount raised this year. Bonita Borrego Springs Carlsbad Chula Vista Coronado Del Mar El Cajon Escondido Imperial Beach Lakeside La Mesa Lemon Grove Miramar National City North County Fire Oceanside Pala Poway Ramona/CDF/ Intermountain Rancho Santa Fe Santee San Diego Fire San Miguel Solana Beach San Pasqual/ Valley Center San Pasqual Volunteer Viejas/Alpine Vista $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 3,410 1,649 5,179 9,942 4,135 5,848 9,041 26,755 2,424 5,780 361 2,809 5,544 2,861 10,276 4,375 13,643 3,816 $ $ $ $ $ $ 14,002 27,388 9,164 12,573 8,608 3,147 $ 3,088 $ $ $ 4,060 11,897 5,023 Grand Total: $ 216,798 BURN INST IT UT E BE ACON 6 BURN SUPPORT Davee Scholarships Mentorship Program Melissa Valencia was born and raised in National City, one of three children in a single parent household. Times were tough in her neighborhood, but despite the negative influences and low socio-economic status of her surroundings, Valencia rallied. She has not only risen to the challenge educationally, but has been able to surmount the struggles of a burn survivor – to become her family’s first generation college student! It was at Camp Beyond the Scars where Valencia truly learned what it meant to be a Burn Survivor. It wasn’t just a label, “but an actual experience,” she later explained. ‘Burn Survivor’ “…means not giving up, it means getting past the stares, the murmurs, and the false stories people infer…to be comfortable in your own skin, and to be able to look at your burn and know and believe that it is just a scar – a scar that tells an amazing story.” “…look at your burn and know and believe that it is just a scar – a scar that tells an amazing story.” From playing on the high school tennis team and serving as Vice President of M.E.Ch.A. (Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan), to volunteering at Camp Beyond the Scars while taking college-level and advanced placement courses, Valencia has impressed peers and educators alike. “Valencia is a well-rounded student who is well on her way to a successful and bright future,” said Luz E. Zuniga, Language Arts/ELD teacher at Sweetwater High School. Valencia recently graduated from Sweetwater High School and will be attending the University of California, Santa Cruz in the fall. She plans to major in psychology and would like to pursue a career in law enforcement or education. Support for the Long Road Ahead T he Burn Institute is always looking for new ways to stay connected with burn survivors. Implemented in Fall 2007, the Burn Institute’s Mentorship Program was designed to further emphasize the organization’s commitment to be there for burn survivors – not just at the beginning of injury and treatment – but for the long run as well. Among its numerous burn support programs, the Mentorship Program was a brand new approach for the Burn Institute and stemmed from Camp Beyond the Scars. Designed with the Big Brother-Big Sister model in mind, the new program was first developed to maintain positive relationships with counselors and campers during the off-season between summer and winter camps. During this time, counselors (mentors) were asked to learn more about the campers’ (mentees’) interests/skills and foster those interests through the program. Planning barbeques to bring the families of both the mentor and the mentee together, the Mentorship Planning Committee (Jason Kimbrell, Ann Malo, Paula Wernecke, Jim Leckliter, and Dana Carnduff) established that mentors and mentees would meet every other week for two hours, write a log reporting each visit, and return the log after reporting was complete. A Survivor’s Story: Jacquelyn Owens At 28, Jacquelyn Owens has already lived a life of experience well beyond her years. O n September 30, 2007, Owens was involved in a major car accident. The car caught fire and the young woman was trapped. The fire left Owens with a femur fracture and severe 3rd and 4th degree burns on her legs. Her left foot, which was badly burned, had to be amputated. Her left shin and right foot sustained 3rd degree burns and required skin grafting. Owens spent 48 days at the UCSD Regional Burn Center. Through its strong partnership with UCSD, the Burn Institute facilitated a grant from the Change of Life Foundation, which provided for Owens’ care during her recovery and helped ease the healing process. The funds were used to help purchase Cica-Care gel sheets. Made of silicone gel, the product helps flatten and soften scarring during the healing process. They are designed to supplement the pressure garments Owens must wear for treatment. Despite her severe injuries and a painful recovery, Owens has picked up where she left off. Refusing to slow down, she continues to look toward the future and set impressive goals for herself. Last December, just a month after leaving the Burn Center, Owens began work on an MBA degree. In January 2008 she returned to work as a Field Service Engineer for L3 Communications in San Diego. In May, Owens began working with a personal trainer to regain her strength. The Chula Vista native is modest about her achievements and credits her family and friends for providing the major support system in her life. “No matter what curve ball life throws you, you have to keep moving. Time doesn’t stop,” she said. “(The experience) has changed me mentally and physically – but with patience, with a belief in myself, and with a positive attitude, a person can get through adversity.” Thursday Club “Breaks a Leg” to Benefit Burn Institute O n May 29-30, the Thursday Club held its successful “Broadway-West” fundraiser to benefit the Burn Institute. The unique production was held over a two-day period (as one luncheon performance and two evening shows), and included a variety of popular Broadway tunes. Performers from Starlight and Senior Follies were featured in the production. Roxanne Fulkerson directed the production which was produced by the Christian Community Theatre and organized by the Thursday Club. The production was well attended, as the talented troupe of singers and dancers performed songs from many well-known Broadway shows including “Phantom of the Opera” and “Damn Yankees,” among many others. SUMMER 2008 “When deciding on a beneficiary for their annual event, it was pretty clear that the club members wanted to choose an agency deeply involved with helping burn survivors from the recent wildfires,” said Diane Sutherland, Burn Institute Assistant Executive Director. “Everyone had a great time,” said Sutherland, who also attended the event, adding, “and they raised $28,000!” Above: UCSD Regional Burn Center nurse, Joann Gutowski (left), is Mentor to Burn Survivor, Stephanie Ciolino. In the spring of 2008, the committee was able to get the program off the ground with a pilot phase – basically a test run with three mentors and their mentees. One such pairing was that of mentor Joann Gutowski, a nurse at the UCSD Regional Burn Center, and her mentee, Stephanie Ciolino (pictured). After six months of planning and development, the pilot phase was intended to work out possible kinks in the program. With an additional six mentors and mentees already waiting to enter the Mentorship Program, it is presently open only to campers and counselors. But there is hope to accommodate growth as the program gains strength and interest within the burn community. However, the Mentorship Program is only a small link in the cycle of support programs at the Burn Institute. The ultimate goal of the program is to keep mentees involved in burn support programs like Camp Beyond the Scars, while providing a positive role model for life. And it goes both ways – the life of the mentor is ultimately enriched by the experience of making a difference in the life of another. For more information about the Mentorship Program, contact Dana Carnduff, Support Services Coordinator, at 858.541.2277, Ext. 14 or email at [email protected]. Money raised will go to the Davee Fund to benefit Burn Survivor Support Programs, including Camp Beyond the Scars. Thank you to the Thursday Club for their generous donation and for providing such an entertaining fundraiser! BURN INST IT UT E BE ACON BURN SUPPORT 7 Members of the UCSD Regional Burn Center and Burn Institute staff at the CHAD Health Hero Awards held March 20, 2008 in Balboa Park. Holding the award is Dr. Bruce Potenza, center, who accepted the honor on behalf of the Burn Center staff. UCSD Burn Center Receives Health Hero Award On March 20, the UCSD Regional Burn Center was awarded the 2008 Combined Health Agencies (CHAD) Health Hero Award, for its significant contribution to the health of San Diego. The Burn Institute nominated the Burn Center staff, under the strong leadership of Dr. Bruce Potenza, who accepted the award at the 14th annual event held in Balboa Park. The companies and individuals honored by CHAD have given freely of their time, talent and resources to improve the health and well-being of the people of San Diego County. In its nomination, the Burn Institute cited the UCSD Regional Burn Center “for their outstanding dedication to the burn community.” Under the direction of Dr. Bruce Potenza, Burn Center staff members offer each patient personalized familycentric care that sets this medical team apart. Because of the traumatic nature of burn injury and the months to years of rehabilitation that burn survivors often face, it takes a special kind of medical professional who can work closely with family members – from weeks to months – as they work through the painful, often arduous process of healing and rehabilitation. The UCSD Regional Burn Center team provides the community with extraordinary medical care under extraordinary circumstances. They do an exceptional job identifying the outside needs of patients and their families, then helping to facilitate specific wraparound services to fit those needs, often turning to the Burn Institute to help families with emergency needs funding to cover housing, food or transportation costs. During the recent wildfires, the staff cared for more than 30 burn survivors, with some patients under intense medical supervision for more than two months. It can be a very tough job, but the staff works together as a cohesive team, supporting one another with the same compassion and care they provide to their patients. Congratulations to the entire team! An Appeal to Fire Chiefs (continued from page 3) as our rank and file personnel have. If each fire agency in San Diego County set one new BI program goal for their organization this next fiscal year, we would achieve an unprecedented new level of success for our Burn Institute. During my induction speech I listed the following personal objectives as the new President of the Association. These objectives include: Developing and implementing a Diversity Recruitment program that all fire agencies in San Diego County can be part of. Providing Succession Planning seminars to assist fire agencies develop their own plans for the future of their organizations. Grow our relationships between CAL FIRE, USFS, Tribal Fire Departments, and our Elected Officials. BURN S U P P O R T Encourage future consolidations between agencies and functions in San Diego County. Improve our support to our Association Sections and their objectives. August 4-10, 2008 Summer Camp at Oakbridge Camp, Ramona CA For more information, contact Dana Carnduff: 858.541.2277, Ext. 14 KOGO Lends a Hand for Boot Drive T he Burn Institute’s 8th Annual “Give Burns the Boot” Firefighter Boot Drive took on a brand new venue this year, when AM 600 KOGO News Radio stepped in to help promote the fundraiser, broadcasting reminders throughout the week, and setting up shop at QUALCOMM Stadium. The Chip Franklin morning show set up its live broadcast tent in the early morning hours of May 7, with popular radio personality LaDona Harvey at the helm from 6 a.m. to 9 a.m., encouraging commuters to stop by and donate for a good cause. Loyal listeners were all smiles as they got a chance to meet firefighters from Station 45, shook hands with Harvey and came away with some fun freebies. A big thank you to everyone at KOGO! Seek funds to assist all fire agencies improve Community Education and Readiness. I will add one more to this list: Expand our opportunities to support the Burn Institute. Together, we as the fire service leaders in San Diego County, in partnership with our firefighters and the BI, can meet all these objectives. It just takes a little effort from all of us. So let’s roll-up our sleeves and get to work! – Augie Ghio President, San Diego County Fire Chiefs’ Association KOGO’s LaDona Harvey interviews San Diego Fire Captain/FFACBI Vice President Mike Nuanes (middle), and Burn Institute Executive Director/ CEO James Floros, (right). BURN INST IT UT E BE ACON 8 EVENTS 35th Annual Spirit of Courage Awards Banquet O n May 22, nearly 600 guests joined the Burn Institute in honor of 30 exceptional men and women who bravely risked their lives to save another from death or injury by fire. The 35th Annual Spirit of Courage Awards Banquet was not only a commemorative year of celebration for the Burn Institute, but took on a somber note as it paid homage to all those who lost their lives in the 2007 wildfires. As guests arrived at the regal Hyatt Regency La Jolla, special Spirit of Courage commemorative pins were distributed to award recipients, both past and present, which set the tone for the evening. Host Sponsor San Diego City Fire Fighters Local 145 Presenting Sponsors CDF Firefighters Benevolent Foundation Viejas Enterprises Major Sponsors FIRE-ETC Dr. Seuss Foundation at the Recommendation of Audrey Geisel Sycuan Band of Kumeyaay Nation Kaiser New Car Dealers Association PAETEC San Diego National Bank SDG&E / Sempra Energy Sunroad Enterprises Associate Sponsors Flowers By Coley Grossmont Healthcare District San Diego Fire Protection Association Recipient Sponsors Bonita-Sunnyside Fire Protection District American Medical Response Contributing Sponsors California Tribal Fire Chiefs’ Association Carlsbad Firefighters’ IAFF Local 3730 Coronado Firefighters Association Jim & Joni Harker Jerry & Carolyn Davee El Cajon Firefighters Fieldstone Foundation San Diego County Firefighters Advisory Council to the Burn Institute San Diego Laundry Equipment Co. San Diego Police Officers Association, Inc. San Diego Transit - IBEW Local 465 San Miguel Firefighters Foundation - Local 1434 Santee Firefighters Association Southern California Reservation Fire Authority UCSD Regional Burn Center (Dr. Potenza) Vista Fire Protection District Burn Institute Chairman of the Board, Jerry Davee, poses with Spirit of Courage Award recipient, Bernard Feldman and the evening’s emcee, Marty Levin (NBC 7/39). Feldman risked his life to save a 15-year-old neighbor from a house fire in Del Mar. La Mesa Police Detectives Scott Hildebrand and Shawn Wray were honored for rescuing a Ramona man trapped in his home during the 2007 wildfires. (L-R) Board Member Susan McClellan, Vivian Lin, Chairman of the Board Jerry Davee and wife Carolyn. Four Carlsbad Police Officers and a civilian were honored for saving two men from a burning car in Carlsbad. (L-R) Domingo Parra, Carlos Ferreira, Keith McClanahan, Dzung Luc and Paul Reyes. Spirit of Courage Award recipients Jim Grant and City of San Diego Police Officer Caleb Knobel were honored for saving a wheelchairbound woman, her 10-year-old son and infant daughter from an apartment fire in Loma Portal. Poway residents Harold Million and Derrick Judge who saved the lives of their 90-yearold neighbors who were trapped in a house fire. A third neighbor, John Horn, took part in the rescue, but could not attend the event. SUMMER 2008 The program began with a welcome by Local 145. The Carlsbad Fire Department presented The Colors, accompanied by the North San Diego County Firefighters Pipes & Drums, who followed a Moment of Silence with a moving rendition of “Amazing Grace.” The National Anthem was performed by Alfonso Le’Acala, who won his own Spirit of Courage Award in its Inaugural Year – 1973. San Diego Fire-Rescue Department Chaplain Mickey Stonier delivered the evening’s invocation. The event’s Master of Ceremonies was broadcast journalist Marty Levin (NBC 7/39), who co-presented with Jerry Davee, Burn Institute Chairman of the Board. The emotional evening came to an end with a standing ovation when the final recipients – CAL FIRE firefighters Brooke Linman, Andrew Pikop, Jose Viramontes, Captain Raymond Rapue, Jr. and U.S. Forest Service helicopter pilot, Mike Wagstaff – were called to the stage. During the Harris Fire last October, the firefighters had been caught in a burnover incident while attempting a dangerous rescue in Portrero. Despite high winds and horrible visibility, Wagstaff rescued the firefighters and 15-year-old Richard Varshock and flew them to safety. “It was the most difficult rescue I have ever made,” Wagstaff said, adding that he doesn’t think of himself as a hero. Over the years, more than 500 local heroes – including civilians, fire service and law enforcement professionals – have been honored with the Spirit of Courage Award. Congratulations to all of our heroes – past and present! Spirit of Courage recipient and CAL FIRE firefighter Brooke Linman was joined by her mother, Linda Lewis, and sister, Autumn Kaufman, who had flown in all the way from New Orleans to help her sister celebrate the honor. “It was a surprise,” said Linman, adding that her sister was in tears when she finally met Brooke’s rescuer, helicopter pilot Mike Wagstaff. CAL FIRE Captain Raymond Rapue, Jr., firefighters Brooke Linman, Andrew Pikop, Jose Viramontes and U.S. Forest Service helicopter pilot, Mike Wagstaff were honored for their heroic actions during a daring rescue at the Harris Fire in Portrero. (L-R) Robert Parenteau, William Parenteau, Sr., William Parenteau, Border Patrol Officer Joshua Willey, Firefighter/Paramedics Paul Bisson, Kyle O’Neill, Mark Tomasello and Tyler Lockwood. The men were awarded for saving the life of a man caught in a car fire on Sea World Drive. Caltrans workers Wayne Moeck and Charles Russell saved a family from a house fire in Logan Heights. The men were unable to attend the Spirit of Courage Awards Banquet. Sweetwater Union High School District bus driver, Dale Fox was recognized for saving two men from a burning car in Bonita. The car rear-ended his bus before catching fire. BURN INST IT UT E BE ACON EVENTS Volunteer of the Year Award Maltese Award C “For his commitment and vision, helping to protect and inform the community,” the San Diego hief Erwin Willis (Ret.) from the Rancho Santa Fe Fire Protection District was the recipient of the 2008 Pamela R. Kelly Volunteer of the Year Award. Willis has been directly involved with the Burn Institute for more than 13 years in several roles, including Board Member, Spirit of Courage Nominating Committee member, Chief’s Golf Committee member, plus involvement in FIRE EXPO and Give Burns the Boot Firefighter Boot Drive. In 1995, he joined the Board of Directors and he’s been hooked ever since. After retiring from the fire service in 2005, Willis started his own computer business and is now fondly referred to as the BI’s “Technical Guru,” able to trouble-shoot practically anything a hard drive can throw at him. Before and after retirement, Willis has been heavily involved in fire Last year’s inductee, Oceanside Fire Department prevention and Captain Dale Stewart presented the award to Retired Rancho Santa Fe Fire Chief, Erwin Willis. fire service, including helping to implement sprinkler codes for new buildings. For his years of dedication and service to the Burn Institute, and for helping to make our community a safer place in which to live – we congratulate Erwin Willis! 9 County Fire Chiefs’ Association presented its 2008 Maltese Award to Burn Institute Executive Director/CEO James Floros. For the firefighters who so proudly wear the Maltese Cross, it symbolizes unselfishness, honor and commitment to public safety and human welfare. As such, Floros was recognized for his 17 years of leadership at the Burn Institute, which has enabled the organization to expand and improve its valuable programs, fire and burn prevention education, outreach and support services to communities throughout Southern California. “I am most proud of the relationship that the Burn Institute has forged with the fire service,” said Floros of the honor. “It is truly a hand-in-glove partnership. This award is symbolic of that relationship and how the two groups have combined forces to serve our community.” Community Hero Award T he Burn Institute awarded the Community Hero Award to the Walden W. and Jean Young Shaw Foundation. Since 1991, the Chicago-based Foundation has funded Scholarships and equipment for Camp Beyond the Scars, supported the Burn Institute’s Juvenile Firesetter Intervention Program and its Mentoring Program. Over the years, the Foundation has donated nearly $350,000 to the Burn Institute toward its programs and services. We congratulate the Walden W. and Jean Young Shaw Foundation and thank them for their unwavering support. Firefighter Night at the Padres – A Home Run! OPPORTUNITY DRAWING TICKET Suggested Donation $5 each or 5 for $20 O n Saturday, May 10, some 30,000 San Diegans dusted off their Padres baseball caps and came out to PETCO Park to meet their local heroes at the Burn Institute’s 18th annual Firefighter Night at the Padres. Firefighters representing fire service agencies throughout the county joined the Burn Institute in celebration of another successful “Give Burns The Boot” Countywide Firefighter Boot Drive. As part of the pre-game ceremony, uniformed firefighters lined the first and third-base lines, where they were enthusiastically greeted by the crowd. A moving firefighter tribute video played on the Padres Vision screen, reminding everyone of the danger faced each day by the brave men and women of San Diego’s fire service. Pre-game ceremonies included a presentation by the Chula Vista Colorguard and recognition of young burn survivor, Carlos Quintana, who also served as the “Play Ball” kid. He was joined on the field by Chair of the Boot Drive, Carlsbad Firefighter/Paramedic Jeff Chumbley, representing the Fire Fighters’ Advisory Council to the Burn Institute. Chumbley presented a check of the event proceeds to Burn Institute Executive Director/CEO, James Floros. L-R: CAL FIRE Captain Raymond Rapue, Jr., Firefighter Brooke Linman, Richard Varshock and Firefighter Andrew Pikop The Tiki Hut is a kids playhouse designed & built by the La Mesa Fire Dept. It is 10’ (W) x 6’ (D) 8’ (H) and can be seen July 19, 2008 at the Fire EXPO / Firefighter Combat Challenge and on Fire service personnel lined first and third bases during the Opening Ceremonies. Joining Floros and Chumbley was 15-year-old Richard Varshock, who was injured during the Harris Fire in October 2007, and CAL FIRE firefighters Captain Raymond Rapue, Jr., Brooke Linman and Andrew Pikop, who took part in his rescue. Finally, Firefighter Jeff Ewert from the Chula Vista Fire Department sang the National Anthem before the start of the ballgame. Name __________________________________ Phone __________________________________ Winner Announced at Fire EXPO July 19, 2008 All in all, it was a perfect night at the ballpark. The Padres beat the Colorado Rockies 3-2, and Greg Maddux became the ninth pitcher in big league history to win 350 games. Net proceeds from a special block of tickets sold by the FFACBI will benefit Burn Institute burn survivor support programs such as Camp Beyond the Scars for burn-injured children. Winner need not be present to win. Boot Drive Chair, Carlsbad Firefighter/Paramedic Jeff Chumbley, presents a check to Burn Institute Executive Director/CEO, James Floros. Return checks and tickets to: Burn Institute 8825 Aero Drive #200 San Diego, CA 92123 A growing number of couples are incorporating philanthropy into their weddings. To learn more about this new way of creating your legacy, call Diane Sutherland at 858.541.2277 ext.19 or [email protected]. E VE NT S BURN INST IT UT E BE ACON 10 VOLUNTEERS Volunteer Spotlight 2008 EVENT CALENDAR Burn Institute volunteer Fred D’Acquisto III sets a great example for his peers. He not only appreciates the connection between the Fire Service and the Burn Institute, but he believes in giving back to his community. And though work and life keep him plenty busy already, he always finds time to volunteer. JULY The Viejas FIRE EXPO / Firefighter Combat Challenge Presented by Toyota & FIRE-ETC Saturday, July 19 The busy 24-year-old already splits his time between his job as a seasonal firefighter with CAL FIRE, finishing his college degree and working as a volunteer firefighter with Intermountain Fire Department in Ramona where he’s been for four years. QUALCOMM Stadium 11 a.m.-5 p.m.; 2 p.m. Burn Run Parade. FREE ADMISSION – Bring the whole family! D’Acquisto began volunteering for the BI in 2000 when he was still in high school. In 2006, Fernando Felix, Fire Inspector with Chula Vista Fire Department, recruited him to help with the BI’s FIRE EXPO. Since then, he’s worked in close collaboration with the Intermountain Fire Department in developing and maintaining the EXPO’s Dynamic Displays. In 2007, he also participated in the Burn Run and drove a fire truck into QUALCOMM Stadium as part of the parade of fire trucks. That same year, D’Acquisto worked as a Boot Drive Coordinator for the Ramona “Fred’s dedication is what we love to see at the Burn Institute” AUG Camp Beyond the Scars August 4-10, 2008 Oakbridge Camp, Ramona Fred D’Acquisto III is a great example of how we can continue our strong partnership with the Fire Service – well into the future.” CAL FIRE and Intermountain Fire Department area. This year, he re-doubled his efforts, encouraging others in his department to volunteer with Boot Drive 2008– increasing its donations from $8,000 (in 2007) to $14,000 this year. Besides this year’s Boot Drive, he’s pitched in at several events this year so far including Share Your Heart, Firefighter Night at the Padres, and the Spirit of Courage Awards Banquet. “Fred’s dedication is what we love to see at the Burn Institute,” said James Floros, Burn Institute Executive Director/CEO. “His commitment to the organization Last year, D’Acquisto earned his AA in Fire Technology, and is working on a BA in Public Administration. He plans to continue working in the fire service – and to continue his volunteerism with the Burn Institute. We thank Fred D’Acquisto for his time and dedication to the Burn Institute. He and others like him are leaving a legacy of service we hope others will follow. For more information about volunteering, call Kathleen Frampton at 858.541.2277, Ext. 11 or email [email protected]. SEPT 18th Annual Sunroad San Diego County Fire Chiefs’ Association Golf Tournament Monday, September 8 Maderas Country Club, Poway For more information, call 858.541.2277 or visit us online at VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Burn Institute Internship Program Angela Martin joined the Burn Institute’s Internship Program in February, bearing an infectious smile and boundless energy. The San Diego State University senior came ready to roll up her sleeves and work, assisting several departments in a variety of tasks over her four months with the organization. “Angela was really committed in the time she spent here,” said Dana Carnduff, Support Services Coordinator. “She saw everything through with high energy and a positive attitude.” Among her many projects, Angela assisted with several special events including the Share Your Heart Mardi Gras Party, Firefighter Boot Drive and Spirit of Courage Awards Banquet. She worked with youth and senior citizens alike – providing community outreach through the BI’s Senior Fire Safety & Smoke Alarm Program and helping to educate youngsters about fire safety through Child Link. “To have young people come in and intern with us is really great to see,” said Kathleen Frampton, Director of Volunteer Services, adding that the BI’s Internship Program benefits both the agency and the student. “It gives them great experience, while bringing a fresh perspective to what we do as an organization.” Angela recently graduated from SDSU with a Bachelor of Science degree in Health Science with an emphasis in Public Health. She plans to become a nurse and hopes to return to the Burn Institute as a volunteer counselor at Camp Beyond the Scars. The Burn Institute offers unpaid internship positions with flexible hours throughout the year. Interns are needed to help in a variety of departments including Clerical/Front Office, Special Events, Programs and Communications. For more information, contact Kathleen Frampton at 858.541.2277, Ext. 11 or email [email protected]. Come Join Us & Have Fun with Friends! The Fire Fighters Advisory Council is looking for volunteers to help with the Viejas FIRE EXPO / Firefighter Combat Challenge. This spectacular Summer event will be held on Saturday, July 19 at QUALCOMM Stadium. All volunteers will receive a T-shirt and complimentary lunch and beverages. We request that volunteers work a minimum 4-hour shift for this event. Friday July 18 9am-5pm Set up Saturday, July 19 7am -11am Check in Volunteers/Participants Set up and Prepare Vendor Booths 10am-5pm T-Shirt Sales Work Grill & Food Area Sell Beverages Kiddie Karnival Games Ticket Sales Booth First Aid Booth 5pm-7pm Tear Down Clean Up To sign up contact Kathleen Frampton at 858.541.2277 ext. 11 or [email protected] $600 will provide a range-of-motion device for one week, for a burn survivor’s rehabilitation or similar physical therapy equipment. SUMMER 2008 $600 VOL UNT E E RS REGIONAL UPDATES 11 Burn Survivors Enjoy Day at Disneyland Burn Institute – Inland Empire H aving Disneyland in our backyard is one of the many advantages of living in Southern California – at least from a kid’s perspective. But during last winter’s Camp Beyond the Scars, firefighters from the Corona and Norco Fire Departments and nurses from the Edward G. Hirschman Burn Center at Arrowhead Regional Medical Center were surprised to learn that some of the local youth attending camp had never been to the popular theme park. On May 17, 2008, the Burn Institute-Inland Empire (BI-IE) did something about it, partnering with volunteers from the community to provide a day at Disneyland for local burn survivors. Isidro Tellez and his sister Connie were among the nine kids, from 11 to 18 years, that joined up with their camp pals for a day of fun. Isidro recently survived a 50% burn and needed some additional assistance. While at Disneyland, several firefighters and nurses volunteered their time, helping to make the special day possible for Isidro. “Isidro was an example of courage for many of the volunteers that helped with winter camp in February,” said Gary Stansberry, BI-IE Executive Director, adding that the young boy impressed everyone when he summoned the strength to bravely snow-tube down the mountain – not once, but several times! Executive Director Gary Stansberry On May 17, several young burn survivors were hosted for a visit to Disneyland, (some for the first time!) Volunteers, including firefighers and nurses joined the Burn Institute-Inland Empire for the fun outing. Like camp, the Disneyland trip served local youth as part of the agency’s burn survivor support services, explained Stansberry. On hand to meet and greet the children as they prepared for their day of adventure were representatives from the Norco and Corona City Councils and members of the Corona Firefighters’ Association. Chikfil-A provided breakfast for the group and sent along their Cow Mascot to bid the group farewell. The morning started out unseasonably warm, with temperatures reportedly reaching 108 degrees by mid-afternoon. It took plenty of water and assistance from Disneyland personnel, but the kids enjoyed their day despite the heat; the group was issued alternative entrance passes, sparing them from having to wait in long ride lines. What a relief! As their big day ended, the exhausted group had smiles all around. Their next adventure? The summer session of Camp Beyond the Scars, of course! Special Presentation at Corona City Council Meeting O n June 4, 2008, BI-IE Executive Director Gary Stansberry appeared before the City of Corona City Council to express gratitude to local fire service for their role in the winter session of Camp Beyond the Scars. Stansberry expressed heart-felt thanks to the many volunteers who provided support for the camp, and presented plaques and certificates of appreciation to several in attendance. Those honored included Corona Firefighter/Camp Director, Tim Luna; Corona Firefighter/Lead Male Counselor, Fernando Cardona; Corona Firefighters/ Transportation Coordinators, Mark Wilde and Mike Thompson; Corona Fire Captain/Offsite Activity Coordinator, Roger Williams; Corona Firefighter/Camp Videographer, John Deyoe; Corona Firefighter/Offsite Transportation Coordinator, Ryan Remp – and from the Corona Training Staff, Camp Counselor Tammy Gonzales. Also presented was a plaque of appreciation to the men and women of the Corona Firefighters’ Association and the City of Corona Fire Department for both organizations’ long standing support of the Burn Institute-Inland Empire. Particular thanks were expressed to Fire Department Chief Michael Warren, and BI-IE Board President Deputy Chief David Waltemeyer. EXECUTIVE BOARD President Deputy Chief David Waltmeyer Vice President Chief Ed McOrmond Chief Financial Officer William “Bud” Korn Secretary Gayanne Bonar Board of Directors Chief Dennis Ellison Ray Flores James A. Floros Dev Gnanadev, M.D. Captain Darren Hoopingarner Captain Thomas Jay Victor Joe, M.D. Chief Stan Lake Adrian Martinez, R.N. Chief L. Dennis Michael, Ret. Captain Roger Noon Penni Overstreet-Murphy Chief Michael Smith Advisory Board Russ Bogh Chief Pat Dennen Biff Gordon Laura Ortega Sheriff Stan Sniff Chief Michael Warren Chief Howard Windsor Yes! I want to learn more about the Burn Institute ___ Please send me information on planned giving ___ Please send me information on available programs and services ___ I am interested in becoming a Burn Institute volunteer ___ I am interested in joining the Burn Institute Auxiliary Clip & Mail S AV E T H E D AT E! ___ I would like to support the important work of the Burn Institute Send a Kid to Camp Golf Tournament September 22, 2008 Sierra Lakes Golf Club Teeing off to send kids to camp will be the order of the day on the morning of Sept. 22, 2008. All golfers and organizations are invited to participate in the Burn Institute-Inland Empire’s fall tournament to be held at the Sierra Lakes Golf Club. Last year’s tournament was a hit, with top-notch amenities, while the course proved to be an ideal venue for players of all skill levels. For additional information and registration contact Gary Stansberry at (909) 519-1063. BURN RE GI O NSAULP PUOPRDTAT E S Enclosed is my tax-deductible gift of $ _____________________ Credit Card # ______________________ Exp. Date____________ ❍ Visa ❍ MC ❍ Discover Contact Information NAME ______________________________________________________ ADDRESS ___________________________________________________ CITY _______________________ STATE ______ ZIP________________ PHONE (__________) _________________________________________ E-MAIL _____________________________________________________ Clip and Mail to: Burn Institute 8825 Aero Dr., #200 San Diego, CA 92123 BURN INST IT UT E BE ACON 12 PROGRAMS & SERVICES Programs and Services Fire and Burn Prevention Education • Burni the Dragon’s Preschool Curriculum Guide • Fire and Burn Prevention, Fire, Burns & You Curriculum Guide • Firesafe Kids Interactive Program K-3 • It’s Your Choice: Stop Fires and Burns • Burns are Serious Business • Child Care Burn Prevention • Juvenile Fire Setter Program • Senior Fire Safety & Smoke Alarm Program • First Responder Smoke Alarm Program • Wildfire Program • Fire Safety Training Program (Nominal Fee) Burn Research • Funding Vital Burn Research and Treatment Burn Survivor Support • Camp Beyond The Scars for Burn-Injured Children • Retreat For Adult Burn Survivors • School Re-Entry Program • Emergency Needs Fund • Special Assistance Fund • Scholarship Program • Adult Support Group • Holiday Party • Special Outings Community Service • Spirit of Courage Awards Banquet • Fire and Burn Prevention Literature • Public Service Announcements • Speakers Bureau i Program Highlight Beacon Bits You are reading the Summer 2008 issue of the Burn Institute Beacon. Please don’t throw this newsletter away! Pass it along to a friend. If you know someone who would like to receive this publication, would like to be removed from our mailing list, or if you have an address change, please e-mail [email protected]. he Burn Institute Board of Directors would T like to welcome its newest members: Chief Augie Ghio and Eddie Villavicencio. warm welcome to the most recent member A of the Burn Institute family, Gwenith Lammers, who is our new Community Outreach Specialist/ Juvenile Firesetter Interventionist. n April 20, the Burn Institute participated in O the 29th Annual Day at the Docks. The sundrenched event was held on San Diego Bay and netted the BI a really big fish: $4,600! Thanks to all involved in this fun, fishy family event! Staff James A. Floros Executive Director/ Chief Executive Officer Diane Sutherland Assistant Executive Director/ Chief Operating Officer n May 15, the Burn Institute teamed up with O the UCSD Regional Burn Center for a Summer Beach Safety segment at Mission Beach. Lifeguards from San Diego-Fire Rescue joined the Burn Center’s Jason McSweeney, N.P., who discussed burn injuries and burn prevention tips. The segment aired on Good Morning San Diego with KUSI’s Lena’ Lewis reporting. Diane Sparacino Director of Communications Linda Van Wickel Executive Assistant Dana Carnduff Support Services Coordinator/ Juvenile Fire Setter Interventionist n May 17, the Cornerstone Therapeutic O Riding Center in Ramona held its Inaugural Chili Cook-off, with a portion of the gate’s proceeds to benefit the Burn Institute. Local firefighters participated in the family event, which was a great day for everyone involved! Thanks to Executive Director, Judy Beckett and her staff who, despite the recent wildfires, never wavered in their determination to see this event through! Reyna Doerr Development Assistant Aida Flores Director of Program Services/ Juvenile Fire Setter Interventionist Kathleen Frampton Director of Volunteer Services Art Garcia Community Outreach Specialist/ Juvenile Fire Setter Interventionist (Imperial Valley) orrection: In the Spring 2008 issue of The C Beacon, William & Dotty Metcalf were not listed as President’s Circle members. We apologize for the error. Gwenith Lammers Community Outreach Specialist/ Juvenile Fire Setter Interventionist Christina Lesniak Development Coordinator Burni the Dragon’s Preschool Curriculum Guide Burni the Dragon is a program designed specifically for children in Preschool through Kindergarten. The Preschool Curriculum Guide is designed to empower educators to provide fire and burn prevention information to their students. The guide is available in English and Spanish and contains seven lessons: What’s Hot in My House; Be Cool, Cool a Burn; Matches and Lighters Aren’t for Children; If Your Clothes Catch Fire, STOP, DROP and ROLL; Get Out Fast; Family Escape Plan, and Burn Prevention/Fire Safety Review. To request a FREE Burni the Dragon’s Curriculum Guide, call the Burn Institute at 858.541.2277. Educators can also download a free, printable PDF (English and Spanish) from the Burn Institute website: Rick Ochocki Special Events Manager S AV E THE D ATE ! 18th Annual Sunroad San Diego County Fire Chiefs’ Association Golf Tournament Monday, September 8 Burn Institute – San Diego 8825 Aero Drive #200 San Diego, CA 92123-2269 858.541.2277 phone 858.541.7179 fax 18th Annual SANDIEGOCOUNTY FIRE CHIEFS ’ A S S O C I A T I O CONTACT US Maderas Country Club, Poway Sunroad Vicki Schoonderwoerd Office Manager For more information, to reserve a foursome or learn more about sponsorship opportunities, please call 858.541.2277. Burn Institute – Imperial Valley 612 “J” Street, Suite 3 Imperial, CA 92251 760.355.3175 phone 760.353.3005 fax Burn Institute – Inland Empire Edward G. Hirschman Burn Center at Arrowhead Regional Medical Center 400 North Pepper Avenue Colton, CA 92324-1801 909.519.1063 phone N GOLFTOURNAMENT Burn Institute Beacon Published tri-annually by: Burn Institute SUMMER 2008 Editor Diane Sparacino [email protected] Design & Layout Kramer Design Printing AlphaGraphics & SE RVICE S B UR NPROGRAMS INS TITUTE B EA CON
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