2011 ANNUAL REPORT | southeastern firefighters burn foundation


2011 ANNUAL REPORT | southeastern firefighters burn foundation
| southeastern firefighters burn foundation
southeastern firefighters burn foundation
2 0 1 1 A N N U A L R E P O RT
It has been said that people come into your life for a reason, a season
or a lifetime. Southeastern Firefighters Burn Foundation is like a living
organism in many ways, whose energies ebb and flow with the seasons.
Our life force is derived from the people who come through our doors.
This energy, a mix of pain and purpose, connects us one to another in ways
that cannot be explained.
Burn survivors, their family members, volunteers, donors, corporations,
physicians, firefighters, hospital staff, and others help make the Foundation
the vital charity that it is. A great caring force of people come and go
throughout the year. Some come for a reason. Some stay for a season.
The memory of many stays with us for a lifetime.
The Southeastern Firefighters Burn
Foundation, Inc. provides compassionate
assistance to the families of patients being
treated at the Joseph M. Still Burn Center,
Augusta, Georgia.
We help meet the needs of the family while in
Augusta and assist patients with transitional
services upon their return home.
southeastern firefighters burn foundation
2011 Board of Directors
Chairman // T. Kay Hastings
Treasurer // Stephen D. Farmer
Vice-Chairman // Ray Visotski
Secretary // Susan J. Bennett
Mark Alison
Tanya Simpson
Asst. Chief Gary Jarriel
Marcie Wilhelmi
Lt. Al Nord
Hugh Hollar
Terence van Arkel
Dr. Robert F. Mullins
Amanda Bellotti
Donnie Thompson
Princella Lee-Bridges
Linda Chavis
David Griffin
Emile Delegram
Chief Eddie Turner
Rev. Charles E. Broome
Blanche Williams
2011 A ccomplishments
Because of our commitment to excellence
in caring for our patients and their families,
Southeastern Firefighters Burn Foundation:
Hosted 877 guests at the Jeffrey Vaden Chavis
To increase the awareness of the mission of
Southeastern Firefighters Burn Foundation, we:
Published and distributed an annual report.
Designed and published a monthly electronic
house and provided transition services to 921
patients upon their discharge.
house to improve guest safety and security.
and recycle aluminum cans to benefit sfbf.
Established a pediatric burn fund to support the
Developed a plan for rapid response to a disaster
To maintain a solid financial foundation and
assure the sustainability of our mission, we:
Conducted a burn survivor survey to identify
interest in a peer support group.
Implemented a secure donor management system.
Installed a donor recognition wall in the
Joseph M. Still Burn Center.
Made improvements to the Orlet Garden of Hope
for use in recognizing smaller contributions.
Hosted recognition events honoring firefighters,
health care providers, donors and volunteers.
Hosted three signature fundraising events and
provided assistance to third-party fundraisers.
Improved our capacity to raise revenue through
recycling aluminum cans by conducting
In an effort to acknowledge every contribution,
large or small, and to demonstrate sincere
appreciation for all donors, the Foundation:
Launched Can-it, a multi-media awareness
campaign that encouraged families to collect involving multiple burn survivors.
Began a renovation of the Jeffrey Vaden Chavis
unique needs of pediatric patients.
an inventory of the current fleet, making
improvements to some trailers, and adding five
new trailers.
Increased our grant writing capacity and secured
grants from several private foundations.
Developed a year-end giving appeal for
corporations, individuals, hospital staff and visitors.
O perating Expense: $ 7 2 4 , 8 3 9
In c o m e : $ 7 3 6 , 6 0 9
Financial Position
Year ending December 31, 2011 // Unaudited
Current Assets
Bank Accounts
Other Current Assets
Fixed Assets$668,755.12
Tota l A ssets
Net Assets$2,231,635.77
Tota l Li a bilities & Net A ssets
He doesn’t believe he’s different,
unusual or inspirational - he just
thinks he’s Connor - the same
crazy, sweet boy he’s always been
and I love that about him.
- K a r i n Mc K e m e y
of the patients
treated at
the Joseph M. Still Burn
Center are 17 years of age
or younger.
In t h e N o r t h e r n H e m i s p h e r e winter solstice usually occurs on or around December 21st. Although
it lasts only a moment in time, it is often referred to as
the longest night. Such was the case for Connor McKemey
and his family on December 21, 2008. Connor’s mother,
Karin, recalls that horrific moment when she saw their patio heater explode. She remembers seeing, then 13-year-old
Connor engulfed in flames, and she remembers the long
night ahead.
ing Bear Down stickers on their helmets in support of this
amazing teenager.
The Bear was not down for long. He was back on the lacrosse field 11 months after his accident. Later he was
elected President of his freshman class and began playing varsity lacrosse his sophomore year. Now a 6’3” high
school junior, Connor is very much a typical teenager. He
hopes to play lacrosse in college.
Karin smiles as she talks about him,
“He just doesn’t let his scars or the
accident define him. The accident
happened, it was literally a blip on
his radar and he has moved on. He
does everything he wants to do. He
was elected to the all-male spirit
squad at our high school, which is
highly sought after. They have nicknamed him, appropriately, “Johnny
Flame.” He is very comfortable in his
own skin and has a great sense of
humor! He doesn’t believe he’s different, unusual or inspirational - he
just thinks he’s Connor - the same
crazy, sweet boy he’s always been
and I love that about him.”
Connor, with severe burns on 87% of
his body, was transported by air ambulance to the Joseph M. Still Burn
Center at Doctors Hospital. Connor
began his fight for life, remaining
in ICU for four months. This winter
solstice signaled the beginning of a
dark and difficult time.
By May, Connor was transferred to
a rehabilitation hospital nearer his
home. With fingers missing on both
hands, he could tie his shoes, button his clothes, and walk after just
one month. By June, he was able
to walk across the stage for his 8th
grade graduation. Since then Karin
estimates that Connor has had 130
reconstructive surgeries and skin
graphs, but nothing seems to keep
him down.
As a child, he was nicknamed “Bear” because he was so
big and cuddly. During Connor’s stay in the hospital his
lacrosse coach, Coach Desmond, began a fundraising campaign called Bear Down. Soon lacrosse teams across the
country and a few military units in Iraq would be wear-
While in rehabilitation, Connor
was visited by soap-star and recent
Dancing with the Stars winner, J.R.
Martinez. Connor still remembers
how much that meant, and now visits children and teens
that have been burned. His advice is, “You just have to
own it” and he does. Along Connor’s wintry journey, he
warmed the hearts of many others as they were amazed
and inspired by his courage and character.
Connor and Karin McKemey
| southeastern firefighters burn foundation
It w a s M a r c h 2 3 r d . Spring had officially begun
and daffodils were peeking through the soil. But the evening
air was still very chilly in Princella Lee-Bridges’ hometown
of Greenville, South Carolina. She was doing what many
mothers do each night. She was preparing dinner and helping her daughter with homework.
Suddenly her furnace was ablaze. The fire was too big for
her fire extinguisher, so she ran to get
her aging father and two children out
of the house. In the smoke and confusion, she gathered her family on the
lawn, realizing that her daughter was
not with them.
Shouting to the firefighters as they arrived, she ran back into the house as
most mothers would do. After all she
was an operating nurse, Army Reserve
Lieutenant, and a Desert Storm veteran; her job was to care for others even
if it meant taking risks.
advantage of the opportunity that is created when I walk
into a room and everyone gets quiet, then I have the floor
and people listen to me.”
Today Princella is President/CEO of Bridges from Augusta,
an organization she founded to help burn survivors and
their families. The program offers transition planning for
burn survivors from upstate South Carolina. The goal is to
help them reintegrate into the community as they face challenges.
She is also a spokesperson for the Faces
of Fire campaign sponsored by the National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA)
Fire Sprinkler Initiative. The goal of
the NFPA Fire Sprinkler Initiative is to
encourage the use of fire sprinklers in
every home. She firmly believes that
had there been a fire sprinkler system
in her home, she would not have experienced such loss.
Remembering the challenges she had
Princella Lee-Bridges
when she left the Burn Center, Princella
The firefighters found Princella’s daughuses her own experience to help others
ter and treated her for smoke inhalation.
integrate back into society. Her goal is
Thankfully, she recovered quickly. Princella’s recovery would be slower. Suffering with burns over 49 to see a seamless discharge for the burn survivor leaving
percent of her body, Princella spent the spring of 1992 in a coma the hospital. She would like to see more outreach programs
that help survivors when they return to their homes as they
while the staff of the Joseph M. Still Burn Center cared for her.
deal with the physical, financial and emotional stresses that
As the seasons turned from spring to summer, she realized
often follow a catastrophic burn.
that life would never be the same. In addition to her physical loss of fingers and scarred limbs, Princella lost her career Princella’s courage is inspiring. She considers it her mission
to “try to motivate people into believing that they can do
and her marriage during her struggle to survive.
anything. I have to walk the walk, if I talk the talk. That’s
Although much of that spring is a blur, Princella remembers
why I am everywhere – eating out, flying on planes, evthinking that God had given her a second chance at life. She
erywhere!” Indeed, she is everywhere – everywhere a burn
was determined to make the most of it and began to look
survivor needs her help.
for ways to become an advocate for burn survivors. “I take
southeastern firefighters burn foundation |
[I] try to motivate people into believing
that they can do anything. I have
to walk the walk, if I talk the talk.
That’s why I am everywhere – eating
out, flying on planes, everywhere!
- Princella Lee-Bridges
In 2011, Southeastern
Firefighters Burn
Foundation provided
transitional services such as
transportation, medication,
and anti-scarring garments
to 921 patients.
In a decade, the Lexington
community has contributed
over $1 million to Southeastern
Firefighters Burn Foundation.
There were over 5,700
stays at the Chavis
House last year. Area
churches provided nearly
14,000 individual meals
to our guests.
Summers in the South can seem long and the heat
can be as unrelenting as the red clay. The summer of 2001
was long and hard for Linda and Vaden Chavis. Their son,
Jeffrey Vaden Chavis, remained on life support in the ICU
of the Joseph M. Still Burn Center for days.
Jeff, just 22 years old and a volunteer firefighter for the
Round Hill Fire Department, had plans to marry fellow
firefighter, Christy Turner. Instead, his life was cut short
from injuries he sustained
while fighting a residential fire.
Ten summers have come and
gone since Jeff’s death, but his
memory remains in the hearts
of many.
cal Center, SCE&G, Brandi Petroleum, Wal-Mart, and others who continue to give.”
Anthony Keisler’s bar, Anthony’s, is a watering hole for
some of Lexington’s most generous people. “We have as
much fun planning them as people do participating,”
notes Anthony. Between bites of chicken wings and
friendly banter his volunteers spend summers planning a
motorcycle ride and golf tournament in Jeff’s honor.
In a decade, the Lexington community has contributed over $1
million to Southeastern Firefighters Burn Foundation. Fueled by
the warmth of the Chavis family
and the leadership of two soft
spoken gentlemen, Chief Eddie
Turner and Anthony Keisler, dozens of volunteers rally from
spring to fall.
From a few coins dropped in a
fire boot to larger corporate
grants, this South Carolina
community is committed to
supporting the Foundation.
Jeffrey Vaden Chavis will always be remembered.
Just a year after Jeff’s death,
community volunteers founded the Jeffrey Vaden Chavis
House when they renovated a
facility on the grounds of the
Foundation’s Shirley Badke
Retreat, which was founded
Vaden and Linda Chavis, Anthony Keisler,
years earlier in honor of a
Chief Eddie Turner
burn survivor. With 40% of
the patients at the Joseph M.
Linda Chavis, Jeff’s mother, remembers the effort starting with local fire fighters and Still Burn Center coming from South Carolina, Lexington
friends. “I had always heard that the fire community was donors know their gifts are a good investment.
a brotherhood and it really, really is.” Chief Turner says Now, season after season guests stay free at the Jeffrey Vait is hard to explain how the million dollar effort got den Chavis House as their loved ones receive treatment at the
started, “It just happened. People wanted to help. We are Burn Center. The love of a family can be powerful medicine.
blessed to have corporate supporters like Lexington Medi-
| southeastern firefighters burn foundation
fa l l
No matter the circumstances or time, Dr. Fred Mullins will rise to the challenge. Some might call him a man
for all seasons, but fall is his favorite season. He takes every
opportunity he has to spend time with his wife, Kim, and
his children, Southern and Houston, always including them
in his favorite hobbies of hunting and fishing.
As comfortable in camouflage
as in surgical scrubs, Dr. Mullins is the soft-spoken, hardworking Medical Director of the
Joseph M. Still Burn Center. He
is known for his accessibility to
those who need him, frequently
sharing his cell phone number
with patients and their families.
Burn Center in 2001. Upon Dr. Still’s retirement in 2004, Dr.
Mullins was the obvious choice to become the Medical Director of the Joseph M. Still Burn Center.
“I don’t consider this a job. I enjoy coming to work every
day,” Dr. Mullins admits. “That’s why taking a vacation is
so hard for me.” With that attitude, you might think this
career was an obvious fit. It did
not start out that way.
Dr. Mullins’ father was also a
physician. “It was always expected of me to go into medicine. I fought it.” First he sold real
estate and worked in hotel
hospitality while going to
Augusta College. During his
medical residency at Spartanburg Regional Health System,
he received a call from Dr. Still
asking him to return to the Burn
Center. Dr. Mullins declined the
offer, but Dr. Still “wouldn’t take
no for an answer…persistence
paid off - here I am!”
“I try to put myself in the position of my patients or their
family members. It only takes a
few seconds to respond to a call.
My patients are very respectful
– they don’t abuse calling me,“
Dr. Mullins notes. It frustrates
Dr. Fred Mullins, with his children, Southern & Houston
him most when he finds out a
patient prolonged getting help
Recent renovations to the
because they were afraid of bothering him.
Joseph M. Still Burn Center increased bed capacity from
An Augusta native, Dr. Mullins began his work at the Joseph 59 to 70 beds making it one of the largest in the country.
M. Still Burn Center in 1991, after graduating from Augusta It is large and also unique. Dr. Mullins credits his team
College and then completing the Physicians Assistant Program of co-workers with the excellent reputation that the Burn
at Medical College of Georgia. Soon after, Dr. Still became his Center has earned. “We have more years of experience,
more knowledge and more volume of patients concentrated
mentor encouraging him to return to medical school.
in this one place than anywhere else in the country. That
By 1996 he had received his Medical Degree from the Medimakes us the experts. We are a team. No one person is
cal College of Georgia and completed his residency program
more important than another.”
at Spartanburg Regional Health System, returning to the
southeastern firefighters burn foundation |
I don’t consider this a job.
I enjoy coming to work every day.
- dr. fred mullins
In 2011, there were 2,780
admissions to the Joseph M.
Still Burn Center. Patients arrive
from throughout the United
States, with about 89% residing
in Georgia and South Carolina.
Indiv idu a l Donations
We gratefully acknowledge those donors who chose to remain anonymous, and apologize for any errors or omissions.
Mr. & Mrs. Reginald Abbott
Peggy Adams
Kim Adams
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Agers
Mark Alison
Shaun Alston
Jean Marie Anderson
Chuck Archie
Alba Aristegoi
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Arnold
John & Elizabeth Aufderheide
Michael & Christine Azarigian
Jeff & Shirley Badke
Grace Baker
Ann Baker
Condy Bannister
Cleo Barfield
Mychell Bartlett
Frank Barron, III
Mr. & Mrs. Denver Barrow
Daniel & Ann Barwick
Daine & Gail Bazemore
W.J. Bazemore
Sharon Bell
Amanda B. Bellotti
Christopher Berardi
Mr. & Mrs. John L.
Rachel Bishop
Jimmy Blackstock
John Blanchard
Mr. & Mrs. G. Albert
Mr. & Mrs. Neil Bohn
Mary Boldt
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Boyd
Robin Bozeman
Jerry Braun
Kim Brazuk
Edwin Brinson
Carol Brogdon
Charles Broome
Virginia Browning
Jeremy Bryant
Jean & John Buffamoyer
Deborah Burton
E.W. Bussey
Laura Bussey
Mr. & Mrs. Jerome D. Butler
Mr. & Mrs. Andy Caldwell
Linda & Scott Carley
Mary Carroll
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Carter
Callie Carter
Dr. Richard Cartie
John & Tammy Carwell
William L. Cathcart
Thomas & Robin Cattell
Mr. & Mrs. Vaden Chavis
Rickie Chavis
Mr. & Mrs. James Chavis
Mr. & Mrs. William A. Chick
Beth Childs
Dr. Bipin Chudgar
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Clement
Margaret Clement
Mr. & Mrs. William Cobb
Debra Cobb
Shannon Cockrell
Beretta Coffman
Dr. & Mrs. Howard Cohen
Rita Collins
Steve Collisi
Mr. & Mrs. Colquitt
Clayton T. Cooley
Chris Cooper
Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Cornish
Evon Costello
Maggie B. Coxon
Mr. & Mrs. R. Eugene Crews
John Croley
Shawn Crosby
Christianna Crow
Carroll D. Crowley
Cynthia Dalton
Mary Davis
Carla Davis
Jacqueline Deloach
Elizabeth DeSantis
Thomas Dicks
Terisa Donehoo
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Dozier
Joe Dunn
LTC & Mrs. Jimmie R. Eckard
Sharn Elder
Karen English
Mr. & Mrs. Ceceil Ethridge, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. George Fawcett
Audrey Felkel
Mr. & Mrs. John T. Fickett
Mr. & Mrs. J. Clay Flanders
Jane Floyd
Viola Francisco
Pam Franck
Dr. & Mrs. Murray A.
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Frits
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald E. Fugate
David Fulmer
Neil & Bobbie Jo Gainey
Dennis Gardin
Mr. & Mrs. Calvin E. Garrett
Amanda Garrison
Beth Garvey
Peggy Gasque
Christopher Glasser
Francis Golson
Alice Golson
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald L. Grace
W.L. Grayson
Joan Greene
Francis Griffard
Mr. & Mrs. Gross
Jane Haddock
Nancy Hamacher
Angela Hamilton
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh B. Hamrick, Jr.
Donald Hanson
Joseph Hardy
Holly Harper
Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Hartley
Pam Hartley
Dr. Zaheed Hassan
T. Kay Hastings
Daniel Herlihy
Brenda Herrin
Joseph Herrity
Bonnie Hickman
Vetheia Hightower
Doris Holcombe
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Hollar
Donald T. Holliman
Margaret Hollis
Mary Ellen Hudson
David Huff
Brittni Huff
David L. Huguenin
Mr. & Mrs. Tucker W. Jackson
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Jackson
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Jarriel
Susan Jernigan
Pam Johnson
James Johnston
Judy M. Joines
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Jones
Patricia & Eric Keeler
Michael & Erica Kemp
Andy Kemp
Zohnad Khan
Mr. & Mrs. Perry Kirkland
Pat Knox-Hudson
Matthew Kottyan
Timothy Kyzer
Alicia Lack
Mr & Mrs. Charles
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Latham
Randy & Becky Lea
Ann Leonhardt
Eva Joy Levine
Bernard C. Lewis
Sharyn Linn
Vicki Lloyd
Lanell Lovett
Mr. & Mrs. Richard
Jacqueline Loyd
Craig P. Maggioni
Randy Manders
Ken Martin
Dr. Kathryn Martin
Jennifer H. Mason
Mr. & Mrs. Mathie
Angelica Mawhiney
Jo Endres Maypole
Walt McAbee
Helen & Robert McCall
Vicki McCall
Kim McCord
Christine McDonnell
The Connor McKemey Family
Julie McKinney
Ruthie & Sam McMichael
Francine McNeil
Doris McQuinn
Heather & Ronnie Medlin
Mr. & Mrs. Randy Lee Mills
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Mims
Jimmy & Bonnie Moore
Lorene Morris
Joey Morris
Tammy Morris
Mr. & Mrs. Carleton E. Morse
Daniel V. Morse
Mr. & Mrs. David C. Mouron
Dr. Robert F. Mullins
Kimberly Mullins
Trisha Myers
Cecelia Nehr
Rita Newell
Eric Newman
Rusty Newton
Connie Norris
Mildred O’Dea
Alison Oliver
Erika Orlet-Sentef
Carolyn Overstreet
Timothy Owings
Ashley Padgett
Lawanda Parker
Robin Paschal
Linda Pearce
Ellen Phillips
D.M. Pitts
Betty Polk
Tizarah Powell
Susan Prager
Robert Pyle
Patsy Rauch
Danny Rawl
Mr. & Mrs. Larry E. Ray
Jimmie Ray
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Reddeck
Melissa Reese
David W. Reese
W.H. Rehberg, Jr.
Ira Reid
James & Nancy Revels
J. Arline Ridgeway
Jonathan Ringel
Elizabeth Riordan
Ann Roberge
The Scotti Roberts Family
Tony Roger
Debbie Rosser
Johnna Ruffin
Martha Rumph
Stephen & Karen Saari
Patricia J. Samonsky
Jan Samples
Catherine & Michael Sanders
Jennifer Sark
Brent Scarbrough
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Schaefer
Darlene Schilichte
Dr. & Mrs. Robin Schilling
Gloria Sears
Michael & Virginia Sellers
Abram Serotta
Nancy Shaefer
Julian F. Sharpe
Dr. Joseph R. Shaver
J. Nick Shaw
John Shipley
Brian Shirley
Brian Sikes
Brian & Alicia Silldorff
Diana Simmons
Dewayne Slagle
Carol Smith
David Smith
Deborah Smith
C.W. Smith
Timothy Smith
Philomena & Franklin Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Sons
Dr. Amy M. Sprague
Kent Stafford
Ben & Marquerite Steele
Jeff Steele
Mindy Stephens
Kimberly Stewart
Mr. & Mrs. Carl N. Stiber
Mary F. Still
Mr. & Mrs. Paul B. Stone
Charles Stone
Jacklyn Stone
Frederic J. Stresen-Reuter
LTC Sidney Strickland
Alexis & James Stuart
Antoinette Sugar
Cynthia F. Sumpter
Camille & Robert Sutton
Gregory Taradash
Pat Tatum
Marie Taylor
Naomi Texidor
Cheryl Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Thompson
Amanda Thompson
Mr. & Mrs. David Turansky
Carolyn Turner
Joel E. Turner
Jackson Usry
Dr. & Mrs. Biago Vericella
Sherry Videtto
Ray Visotski
Maureen Wachold
Cathleen Waggy
Anne Waldorf
Lisa Wasden
Mary Watts
Brandon Watts
Jean Weathers
C.A. Weber
Wyman West
Alice Wheat
Lynee White
Valerie White
G.M. Widener
Marcie Wilhelmi
Mary Williams
Kim & Hope Williams
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Williams
Blanche Williams
Gerald Woods
Jerriel & Joletta Wooten
Walter Worsham
Larry Wright
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Wright
Sharon Zaffiro
John & Christine Zawacki
in-kind sponsors
Allstar Rentals
Advanced Disposal
Allegra Print and Imaging
Angel’s Taxidermy
Chain Reaction Bicycling
Clarion Suites
Clear Channel Radio
Columbia County Merchants
Food Lion
Gold Cross EMS
Golden Corral
Grovetown Feed & Seed
Interstate Equipment
KAT Rentals
Papa John’s
Phoenix Commercial Printing
Portable Services
Powers Construction
Red Robin
Ruby Tuesday
Southern Off-Road Bicycle
Southern Site Designs
Spartan Mechanical LLC
Spinning Gallery
The Alison Group
Whole Life Ministries
Williams Sewer and Drain
Wherever there is
a human being,
there is an opportunity
for a kindness.
- seneca
cor por ate Donations
We gratefully acknowledge those donors who chose to remain anonymous, and apologize for any errors or omissions.
A & G Electrical Contractors
AB Beverage
Ace Authentic Memorabilia
Acute Care Consultants
Aiken County Fire Department
Aiken County Firefighters Association
Aiken Department of Public Safety
Aldersgate Methodist Church
Allegra Print & Imaging
Allen & Carolyn Conger Foundation, Inc.
America’s Female Firefighters, Inc.
Anesthesia Consultants of Augusta, LLC
Augusta Burgers Express
Augusta First Bank & Trust
Augusta Telephone
Augusta Woman’s Club
Bailey & Son Music Company, Inc.
Banks Brokerage Co., Inc.
Barnes Used Cars
Barnwell Fire Department
Barr-Price Funeral Homes
Batesburg - Leesville Fire Department
Belles & Beaus Children’s
Consignments, LLC
Betty Lamp Homemakers Association
Boaen Mechanical
Boots, Bridles and Britches
Braddy Electric Co.
Bradley County Fire-Rescue
Brandi Petroleum
Brennen Medical LLC
Brent Scarbrough & Company, Inc.
Buffalo Soldiers
C.S.R.A. Master Travelers #231
C.W. Smith Insurance Agency
Carbo Ceramics, Inc.
Carolina Valve Repair
Center for Primary Care
Certified People Respond, Inc.
Chatham Steel Corp
City of North Charleston
CJ Offering, LLC
Clark & Smith Law Firm, LLC
Clark Construction Services, Inc.
Clayton Homemakers Club
Clayton Rawl Farms Inc.
Clemson Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity
Coca-Cola Bottling Company
Coconut Joe’s Beach Grill & Bar
Consumers’ Feed & Seed Store
Cool Delights
Cornerstone Christian Fellowship
Corrosion Control, Inc.
CSRA Border Clash
CSRA Camperland
Cushman Paint and Body
Custom Technical Solutions
Dixie Pipeline Company
Doctors Hospital of Augusta
DQ of Gray, Inc.
Easley Fire Department
Edmund Fire Department
Edward Jones
Electric Membership Corp
Elliott Sons Funeral Homes
Employees of Augusta Newsprint
Employees of Brantley Telephone Co.
Everfaithful Missionary Baptist Church
Fairway Ford of Evans
Fiber Optic Communications, Inc.
Firefighters Burn Fund
First Baptist Church of Augusta
First General Services
Fitness Plus
Flowery Branch Homemakers
Fort Gordon Fire Department
Fox and Weeks Funeral Home
G&P Construction Management, LLC
Georgia Association of Fire Safety
Equipment Dealers
Georgia Bank & Trust
Georgia Firefighters’ Burn Foundation
Georgia Homemakers Council, Inc.
GeorgiaLina Automotive
Gilbert Summit Fire Department
GIW Industries
GLi Environmental Services
Grainger Honda
Gray Dental Associates, LLP
Greater Columbia Landscape Association
Gregory Electric Company, Inc.
Gymnastics Gold
Hearing Aid Associates
Hephzibah Fire Department
Heritage Architectural Sales, LLC
Hollow Creek Firefighters
Hood Packaging
House Plans, Inc.
Imperial Sugar
Intercat - Savannah Inc.
Jeff ’s Sewing and Vacuum
Jersey Mikes Subs
Jewelry Repair Services of Augusta
Jim Whitehead Tire
Jones County Farm Bureau
Joseph M. Still Burn Centers, Inc.
Kelly Promotional Products
Lancaster Fire Department
Lexington County Fire Dept.
Lexington Medical Center
Loco Baptist Church
Lois Rasar Homemakers Club
Love Chevrolet
Manders Paint Company
Martinez-Columbia Fire & Rescue
Master Buick GMC
McDuffie County Fire /Rescue
McDuffie Feed and Seed
McGowan, Hood & Felder
Medical Collection Systems, Inc.
Merriwether Volunteer Fire Department
Meybohm Realtors
Mid-Carolina Electric Cooperative
Milliken Healthcare Products
Miracle Baptist Church
Mish Mash Interiors & Gifts
Mississippi Firefighters’ Memorial Burn
Modern Business
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney
Mt. Tabor Lutheran Church
Ness & Jett, LLC
Nettles, Turbeville & Reddeck
New Ellenton Volunteer Fire Dept.
New South Mortgage
Oswald Wholesale Lumber, Inc.
Pediatric Dental Specialists
Petsch Respiratory Services
Poblano’s Mexican Grill
Positive Management Leadership, Inc.
Professional Firefighters of Georgia
Publix Super Market Charities
Pye Foods, Inc.
Queensborough Bank
R.W. Bussey Construction Company, Inc.
Re/Max Masters Inc.
Red Knights International Motorcycle Club GA Chapter 15
Reese Builders
Richmond Supply Co.
RM Natural Gas Consulting
S & M Painting
Savannah Friends of Firefighters
SC Society Service Instructors
SCANA Community Affairs
SCMA Members Insurance Trust
Sidney’s Dept Store
Skidaway Island First Responders Inc.
Solvay Advanced Polymers, LLC
South Carolina Electric & Gas
South Carolina State Fire Chiefs
South Congaree Area Business Association
Southern Siding
Southside Equipment Company
Southside Fire /EMS /Security
Starrette Specialized Hauling Co. Inc.
Sterling Transport Co., Inc.
Stifel Nicolaus
Stone Industrial Contractors
Storey Foundation Inc.
Street & Trail
Sunshine Club of First Methodist Church
Surrey Center Pharmacy
Sworn Few Motorcycle Club
The Chatham Foundation
The Estate Jewelry Center
The Little Ocmulgee Electric Membership
The New York Butcher Shop
The Quest Church
The Savannah Bank
The Seibels Bruce Group, Inc.
The Trulock Company
TICO Manufacturing
Tintoria Piana US,Inc.
Todd Brown State Farm Insurance
Tony Harriott Hair Stylist
Top Shelf Cigar & Tobacco Shoppe
Twin Lakes Physical Therapy
United Loan & Firearms
Walter P. Rawl & Sons, Inc.
Waste Management
Water & Wood
Wells Fargo
Wellstar Cobb Hospital
Woodmen of the World
Wrens United Methodist Church
X-treme Summit Rock Climbing
& Bungee Jumping
Young Insurance Agents of Georgia
m e a l pa r t n e r s
Abilene Baptist
Aldersgate United Methodist
Asbury United Methodist
Augusta Christian Schools
Berlin United Methodist
Calvary Baptist
Central Baptist
Central Church of Christ
Columbia McDuffie Mission
Covenant Presbyterian
Cross Bridge Baptist
Elim Baptist
Eastern Star
First Baptist Church of Augusta
First Mt. Carmel Baptist
Fleming Baptist
Flowing Wells Worship Center
Friendship Methodist
Gardner Grove Baptist
Good Hope Baptist
Good Shepherd Baptist
Greater Mt. Canaan Baptist
Grace Baptist
Grace Fellowship
Harmony Baptist
Hephzibah Mennonite
Hephzibah United Methodist
Hephzibah Baptist
Hillcrest Baptist
Kiokee Baptist
Lakemont Presbyterian
Lake Park Baptist
Lewis Memorial United Methodist
Macedonia Baptist
Mann Memorial United Methodist
Martinez Baptist
Marvin United Methodist
Most Holy Trinity
Mount Calvary Baptist
New Hope Church of God
New Life Christian Center
Piney Grove Baptist
Pine Hill Baptist
Oak Grove Baptist
Powell Baptist
St. Marks United Methodist
Second Providence Baptist
Sharon Baptist
Silvercrest Baptist
South Augusta Church of Christ
Southside Baptist
Tabernacle Baptist
Transformation Community
Trinity Baptist
True North
True Vine Missionary Baptist
West Acres Baptist
Woodlawn United Methodist
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3614 J. Dewey Gray Circle, Building C
Augusta, GA 30909
Tel (706) 650-2876 // Toll-free (800) 650-2876 // Fax (706) 855-8625