Summer 2012 - Burn Institute
Summer 2012 - Burn Institute
Prevention Burn Support Be Prepared for Wildfires Xavier’s Story 3 6 Events Volunteers 10 12 Firefighter Boot Drive CHAD Health Heroes VOLUME 46, NUMBER 2 SUMMER 2012 Farmers Insurance FIRE EXPO/Firefighter Demo Derby presented by Viejas Delights Thousands! H eld for the third year at the San Diego County Fairgrounds in Del Mar, the Farmers Insurance FIRE EXPO/Firefighter Demo Derby, presented by Viejas was a smashing success once again this year– culminating in a capacity standingroom-only crowd of nearly 4,000 to watch the Derby. The thrilling day-long event was co-chaired by Viejas Fire Chief, Bob Pfohl and Miramar Firefighter, Dustin Kuhn. The Del Mar Arena was the center of the day’s activities, including live firefighting demonstrations, lots of interesting booths, free giveaways, educational and interactive activities. Two lucky winners won the big giveaway prize of the day - a ride for two on the Farmers Insurance Hot Air Balloon! Outside the arena, visitors could get a close-up look at dozens of fire trucks and derby cars – and even have their photo taken for free with a firefighter! In a concert sponsored by KPRI-FM, JinxKing entertained with their unique blend of Rockabilly, Blues and West Coast Swing. Adding to the excitement was KUSI-TV’s Dave Stall “The Car Guy”, who did a great job as event emcee, entertaining the crowd between demonstrations. Vehicle fire demonstration from Rancho Santa Fe Firefighters Dustin Kuhn from Miramar Fire Dept. doing his best Joe Dirt impression One of the highlights of the day was watching the California State Firefighters’ Association Steamer Team, with three white horses leading a 1902 fire apparatus into the arena, complete with trusty Dalmatian aboard. The steamer was followed by a stream of trucks, engines and fire apparatus from stations around the county in one long parade of flashing lights much to the delight of the crowd gathered along the parade route. The official opening ceremonies took place later in the day led by the CAL FIRE San Diego Unit Color Guard, accompanied by the San Diego County Firefighters National City Fire – Stuck on the berm! And the winner is… Joe Lavigne from the Lemon Grove Fire Dept. Photos courtesy of T. Ryan Photography Studio Story continued on Page 2 NONPROFIT ORG. US POSTAGE PAID SAN DIEGO, CA 8825 Aero Drive #200, San Diego, CA 92123 PERMIT NO. 1352 B UR N INS TITUTE B EA C O N 2 BEACON Continued from cover Pipes & Drums. The National Anthem was sung by Coronado Fire Department firefighter, Jamie Edmonds. During the ceremony, the Firefighters Advisory Council to the Burn Institute presented a check for $100,000 representing the proceeds from the day to the Burn Institute. Dynamic Displays –Nonstop Action There was plenty of exciting action with Dynamic Displays held throughout the day. First in line was a thrilling demonstration by Del Mar Lifeguards who rappelled from the overhead rafters 5-stories above the arena floor. The Chula Vista Police Department’s K-9 attack dog demonstration followed. Next, the County of San Diego Hazmat showcased several tricks involving hazardous substances. Rounding out the line-up was an amazing car fire demonstration by Rancho Santa Fe firefighters, followed by a dramatic vehicle extrication by the Miramar Fire Department. Demo Derby – Always a Crowd Favorite The buzz begins about six months before the event. This year, 13 fire departments came through with 14 vehicles, outfitted and driven by firefighters from fire agencies throughout the county. They worked tirelessly -- finding old cars, retrofitting them to meet safety specifications and then customizing them with a dramatic coat of paint and intimidating details. Each department was tasked with raising a minimum of $1,000 in sponsorships for their car. A new addition this year was a derby car driven by morning radio personality, Nolan, from 105.7 the Walrus whose car was donated by Fire-Etc. His car was decorated in style by third graders from Lakeside Elementary School. The competition between the fire departments and the Walrus started long before the cars even got close to the arena. Drivers were heard calling into the morning show for weeks leading up to the Derby as DJ Nolan became the preferred target of all the other teams! By late afternoon, the arena floor was cleared and crowds quickly filled the venue. Soon, the roar of engines began to fill the arena as the drivers maneuvered their multi-colored wrecks into place for the official line-up. Tension filled the air. And then it was time. One after another, the vehicles took to the track to battle it out until they were reduced to unrecognizable heaps of distorted, smoking metal -- radiators destroyed, motors shot, tires blown, bumpers and fenders littering the arena floor. In quick succession, two action-filled heats were followed by a pulse-pounding finale between the remaining cars, leaving Solana Beach, Miramar and Lemon Grove to battle it out for the title. Winning First Place bragging rights was Lemon Grove Fire Department and driver, Joe Lavigne; Solana Beach Fire came in second driven by Eric Phillip, followed by Miramar Fire, driven by Dustin Kuhn. Lavigne, who took the title in 2010, enthusiastically remarked “Winning isn’t everything, but it sure feels good. The Trophy is coming back home, where it belongs!” Thanks to all the departments that participated – Alpine Fire, Bonita Fire, CAL FIRE, City of Riverside Fire, Federal Fire, Heartland Fire & Rescue, Lakeside Fire, Lemon Grove Fire, Miramar Fire, National City Fire, Santee Fire, Solana Beach Fire and Viejas Fire. Also, thank you to Farmers Insurance and the Viejas Band of Kumeyaay Indians for supporting this great event. Dear Friends: It is with mixed emotions that I write this last edition of my Executive Director’s message. That’s right, after 20 years at the Burn Institute – half of the agency’s history – I have decided to leave the organization. But I’m not going too far. I will still be around to help with the transition to ensure that the great work of the BI does not skip a beat. I’m going on to focus on my non-profit consulting business – Floros & Associates – as well as a couple of other exciting opportunities. I’m proud to say that one of my new consulting clients will in fact be the Burn Institute! When I look back on the last two decades there are so many things that we all can be proud of. Two that top the list are our strong working relationships with the UCSD Regional Burn Center and, in particular, my brothers and sisters in the fire service. I am so proud to say that our true partnership with the fire service is second to none in the nation, and has received recognition as such. I’m often teased about my mantra, “I’m Switzerland,” when it comes to fire labor and management. I love and respect them both! Our programs and services have grown to also be recognized as some of the finest in the nation. While fire and burn prevention remain my passion, my heart belongs to all the burn survivors, young and old alike, that we’ve helped through the years. There is no greater feeling than helping someone in dire need of assistance – the passion to do so has driven me for 20 years. There are campers from our Camp Beyond the Scars that I have known since they were little children. I’ve seen them grow and prosper and become outstanding members of our community. And when almost each and every one of them say they wouldn’t be the person they are today without the Burn Institute, I can’t help but smile, shed a tear and feel so proud that we were able to be there for them – for the long haul. So, it’s not good bye. It’s just time for a new chapter in my life and the history of the Burn Institute. From the bottom of my heart, I want to thank each and every one of you who have donated, volunteered or somehow made our important work possible. After all, I may have been driving the bus, but truly you are the ones that made it all possible! The Burn Institute is the local nonprofit agency dedicated to reducing the number of burn injuries and deaths in San Diego, Imperial, Riverside and San Bernardino counties through fire and burn prevention education, burn care research and treatment, and burn survivor support services. Board of Directors Gerald S. Davee, Esq. CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD Chief David Ott (ret.) PRESIDENT Chief Robert Pfohl VICE PRESIDENT/ CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER Timothy O’Malley, Ph.D. VICE PRESIDENT DEVELOPMENT Michael D. Pierschbacher, Ph.D. VICE PRESIDENT PROGRAM Dolores Juditz SECRETARY Jeff Berend Jim Boland Charlie Brown Captain Angelo Cappos Don Cowan Chief Kevin Crawford Andy Crossland Theodore S. Drcar, Esq. Jamie Edmonds Dale Ganzow Barry Garson Chief Augie Ghio Ron Houston Victor Jaime, Ph.D. Chief Michael Lowry R. Anthony Mahavier, Esq. Chief Javier Mainar James Mason Kevin McNamara Chief Kenneth J. Miller II Bruce Potenza, M.D. Steve Shea Amy Strider Chief Mitch Villalpando Eddie Villavicencio Robert Visconti Stay safe San Diego – I’ll be watching you! Fondest regards, Please remember the Burn Institute in your annual United Way/CHAD & CFC Campaigns. Member Agency of Combined Health Agencies (San Diego County #95581) United Way (Imperial County) James A. Floros Executive Director/ Chief Executive Officer Combined Federal Campaign (San Diego #50359) (Imperial County #7024) DIRECTOR’S MESSAGE F&T SUMMER 2012 Fire and Burn Prevention Facts & Tips Fact 80% percent of burn injuries are preventable. Tip Protect your family with a practiced fire escape plan, and establish an outside meeting area. Download your free plan at: BURN INST IT UT E BE ACON PREVENTION 3 What is a CERT Team? C ommunity Emergency Response Teams were first created in 1994 under a program from the Federal Emergency Response Agency (FEMA). This created an All-Hazards approach to training and organizational tools for community members to support first responders, provide immediate assistance to victims, and organize spontaneous volunteers during widespread emergencies. CERT programs are usually organized under the jurisdictions of the Fire Dept. or the Emergency Management Agency. Some programs are sponsored through their local Police Dept. The CERT program educates people about disaster preparedness for hazards that may impact their community, and trains them in basic disaster response skills. These include fire safety, light search and rescue operations, and disaster medical operations. The concept for this community response initiative evolved from repeated large-scale disasters such as earthquakes and hurricanes, in which the need for emergency assistance far exceeded the capabilities of local first responders. During these situations it is often the bystander who is the first responder to the scene. The 20- hour basic CERT training prepares citizens to provide critical emergency support effectively and efficiently without placing themselves or others in danger. Many programs offer additional training such as advanced first aid and CPR. Through training, members of a community can extinguish small fires, provide basic medical aid, search for and rescue victims safely, and organize others to be volunteers in an emergency. CERT may also help with other non emergency projects that improve the safety of the community such as wildfire awareness campaigns. San Diego County Office of Emergency Services is also working on a program to allow CERT volunteers in one community to help those experiencing a disaster in a neighboring community through a mutual aid program called CERT MAP. If you are interested in more information about your local CERT teams, contact your local Fire Dept. or the San Diego County Office of Emergency Services. Chief Dave Hanneman President, San Diego County Fire Chiefs’ Association It’s Wildfire Season – Are You Prepared? It would be difficult to imagine anything more horrific than the devastation left behind by October 2003 and 2007 wildfires. The only thing more tragic might be what could have been prevented. Dealing with preventable tragedy is an everyday occurrence for the Burn Institute. Each and every day we face the remarkable fact that 80 percent of all burn injuries are preventable -- and our challenge is to mobilize our resources and focus our energies to put an end to preventable fires and burn injuries. Wildfire season is upon us. Are you prepared? No doubt, not all of the devastation left behind by the previous Santa Ana wind-swept firestorms that devoured our community was preventable. But, there are three vital steps that every homeowner can take to give firefighters a fighting chance to save precious lives and property. 1. The first is defensible space. Clearing brush up to 100 feet from your home (depending on where you live in the county) gives our heroes the opportunity to do what they do best, fight fire. Reports from past wildfires proved that homeowners who created a buffer around their homes were spared from devastation. 2. The next key component to this prevention strategy is non-combustible roofing. Having a shake-shingle roof is akin to putting kindling wood on your home. Firefighters report that shake shingle homes are next to impossible to save during wildfire conditions. And remember, fire brands or burning embers produced by wildfires, which are driven through the air by high winds, can travel up to five miles. You don’t need to be near a fire line to lose your home … and if one of those thousands upon thousands of firebrands finds its way onto your shake shingle roof, more likely than not, your home will not survive. A noncombustible roof will usually withstand the heat from a traveling fire brand and not cause a house to ignite. 3. The third important part of this lifesaving formula is evacuation. Have an evacuation plan, create a checklist of your most precious belongings, important papers and medications, and when the time comes to evacuate, load up your stuff and get out immediately! Property can be replaced, but not human life. For more important wildfire preparedness tips, log onto the Burn Institute website at or call 858-541-2277 for your free Living with Wildfire Guide. Get Your 2013 Calendars Here! O nce again this year, as part of its Fire Safe Kids Program, the Burn Institute invited local children aged 5 to 9 to submit original artwork featuring burn prevention safety messages for use in its 2013 calendar. 13 posters were selected for inclusion in the calendar and the Grand Prize winner, Julieta Hernandez got the ride of a lifetime in a fire engine at the recent Farmers Insurance FIRE EXPO/ Firefighter Demo Derby presented by Viejas at the San Diego County Fairgrounds. Children participating in the program will receive a free Fire Safe Kids calendar for their participation. Sponsored for the second year by the American Fire Sprinkler Association and SDG&E, calendars will be available beginning in October to the public for a suggested donation of $5.00. They will be available at the Burn Institute office and at events across the county including health fairs and fire department open houses. Proceeds will go toward the Burn Institute fire and burn prevention education programs. Winning entry for calendar cover: Julieta Hernandez - Age 9 Shoal Creek Elementary School PREVENTION BURN INST IT UT E BE ACON 4 GIFTS & TRIBUTES Donors The Burn Institute is grateful to the following individuals, corporations, foundations and community groups for their generous gifts. Listed below are donations of $250+ made from February 15, 2012 through July 8, 2012. A & B Saw & Lawnmower Shop A-1 Fire Protection, Inc. Mike Abatti Ace Hardware - Alpine Air Products & Chemicals, Inc. Allied Refrigeration Alpine View Lodge American Medical Response AMN Healthcare Services, Inc. Anaheim Ducks Arban Excavating & Grading Mr. Michael Arno Art Pratt Foundation of Old Mission Rotary Arthur P. & Jeanette G. Pratt Memorial Fund Atlas REO Services Barona Band of Mission Indians Mr. and Mrs. Steven Becker Bonita Sunnyside FPD Bridgepoint Education Broadway San Diego Buckwise Pawn Shop Ms. Sarah E. Bullock Cal Fire Local 2881 - San Diego Chapter California Bank & Trust Carl Burgers Dodge - Chrysler - Jeep World CDF FF Benevolent Foundation Centinela State Prison Ms. Jeannine Chandler Change a Life Foundation Charles C. & Sue K. Edwards Foundation Chula Vista FF IAFF Local 2180 Coating Creations, Inc. Combined Health Agencies Community Health Group Mr. Dean E. Cornell Coronado Firefighters Association Crest Beverage (Miller / Coors) Ms. Marcela Cretaro Cunningham Law Firm Cutting Edge Wood Floors, Inc. Cygnus Business Media, Inc. Ms. Rita Cyman Mr. and Mrs. Gerald S. Davee Dragon Fire Gloves Eastbound Bar & Grill Emerson Network Power Employees Charity Organization of Northrop Grumman Fallbrook Firefighters Association Famulare Jewelers Ferrara Fire Apparatus, Inc Fire Sprinkler Contractors Association Charity Foundation Firefighters Advisory Council to the Burn Institute - FFACBI Firefighters of Southern Nevada Burn Foundation Firequip FM Global Ms. Kathleen Frampton Mrs. Audrey Geisel General Dynamics NASSCO Genuardi Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Ronald T. Gerak Goldring Chiropractic Goodrich / Rohr Employees’ Will-Share Club Greek Village Grill Hayes & Cunningham Mr. Peter W. House and Ms. Carol Childs Hunter Steel Construction Inc. Integra Foundation Kiwanis Club of Alpine Kiwanis Club of Greater Jamul Lakeside Firefighters Association Las Primeras Mrs. Sonja Lindberg Los Bomberos De San Diego Ms. Donna Lupinacci Marin Highlanders RFC, Inc. Mary Kay MaxCare Ambulance Mr. and Mrs. Craig McClellan Ms. Antoinette Mendoza MFM Enterprises, Inc. Mile of Cars Association Ms. Jean Montenegro National College of Technical Instruction F&T SUMMER 2012 New Car Dealers Assoc. SD Mr. Lester Olson On Point Publishing Pace Family Foundation PAR Electric PBI Performance Products, Inc. Powder 1 Premier Staffing Services PROBuild, LLC RAE SYSTEMS, INC Rain Gutters Unlimited, Inc Ranch Farmer’s Market Rancho Santa Fe Foundation RedZone Retired Fire & Police Foundation Ms. Cynthia M. Rhamy Mr. David H. Rhyne Robert M. Golden Foundation Ryan Tax Service Safety Components Fabric Tech, Inc. Foundation Samuel H. French & Katherine Weaver French Fund San Diego Firefighters FCU San Diego Gas & Electric San Diego Sportfishing Council San Diego Sunrise Management Co. Santee Firefighters Association ScanDiego SDA Security Systems, Inc. Sempra Employee Giving Network Mr. and Mrs. Allan Severson Sign Me Up Smart & Final Charitable Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Smith Snipes-Dye Associates STEDFAST, INC Symons Fire Protection, Inc. Target Safety The Gold Diggers The Liguori Family Fund of the Jewish Community Foundation The Lubrizol Foundation Toyota of El Cajon UCSD Medical Center Viejas Band of Kumeyaay Indians Viejas Fire Department Vista FF Assoc. IAFF Local 4107 Vista Fire Department Mr. Michael Vivoli Walden W. & Jean Young Shaw Foundation Waste Management of San Diego Weingart-Price Fund Western Heavy Fire Equipment Western Shelter Systems-Crew Boss Mr. Paul R. Widmark WLC Architects Inc. Memorial/Tribute Gifts In Memory Dr. and Mrs. Cliff Bee Ph.D. In Memory of Charlene Marie Holt Mrs. Marilyn Brucker In Memory of Mary Berray Goss Mr. and Mrs. John Kane Michael Patrick Kane President’s Circle Members As of 7/10/2012 P resident’s Circle members are individual donors who support the Burn Institute with an annual gift of $1,000 or more. This annual gift can be made in the form of cash, check, credit card or appreciated stock. You can become a member for only $83 a month. To learn about all the exciting annual benefits you will receive as a President’s Circle member contact Diane Sutherland at (858) 541-2277, Ext. 19 or [email protected]. Current Members of the President’s Circle Mr. & Mrs. Ron Adelhelm Mr. & Mrs. Allan Arendsee Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Asciutto Mr. Bruce Bailey Mr. & Mrs. Jim Batman Mr. & Mrs. William Beckman Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Berend Mr. Steve Boehmer Mr. James Boland Ms. Michele Braatz Mrs. Marilyn Brucker Mr. Robin Callaway Mr. Vin Ciruzzi Ms. Velma Cooney Mr. Don Cowan Mr. Kevin Crawford Dr. & Mrs. Tim Crawford Mr. Leith Crossland Mr. Matthew B. Cunningham Mr. Michael Cunningham Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Davee Mr. Robert W. Deruntz Mr. Ted Drcar Mr. & Mrs. John Durso Mrs. Charles C. Edwards Mr. & Mrs. Paul T. Elks Mr. & Mrs. Kim Fletcher Mr. & Mrs. James Floros Mr. & Mrs. Scott Free Mr. & Mrs. Steve Flynn Mr. Dale Ganzow Mr. & Mrs. Ronald T. Gerak Chief Augie Ghio Ms. Connie Golden Mr. Paul Gooding Mrs. Betty Graham Mr. Laury Graves Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Hillgren Ms. Joan Hoffman Mr. Philip W. Hoffman Mr. Steve Hoffman Peter House & Carol Childs Mr. Ron Houston Mr. & Mrs. Robert Howard Dr. & Mrs. Kent Humber Jacob Dean Construction Dr. Victor Jaime Mr. & Mrs. Warren Johnson Ms. Dolores Juditz Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Kintz Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Kerl Mrs. Heather Kostyzak Mr. Loren Kramer Mr. Milt Levy Mr. James Lockwood Chief Javier Mainar Mr. Tony Mahavier Mr. and Mrs. Mickey McGuire Mr. Kevin McNamara Ms. Christine Metz Chief & Mrs. Ken Miller, (ret.) Ms. Lisa Missick Mr. Mark Moothart Mr. & Mrs. Charles Muha Mr. Robert Naudin Mr. & Mrs. John Nyquist Mr. & Mrs. Alfred E. O’Brien Dr. & Mrs. Timothy O’Malley Mr. James L. Mason Mr. & Mrs. David Ott Mr. Joseph Pedregon Chief & Mrs. Bob Pfohl Dr. Michael Pierschbacher Mr. Sean Scott Ms. Terri Leyton Simmons Ms. Janna Sipes Ms. Nancy Sipes Mr. & Mrs. Allan Severson Mr. Stanley Solis Mrs. Diane Sutherland Ms. Jan Sutton Mr. & Mrs. Robert Thurman Chief Mitch Villalpando Ms. Lesley Walbridge Chief & Mrs. Erwin Willis (ret.) Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Weitzen Mr. Richard (Dick) Woltman Mr. Tom Yaotani In Honor Ms. Diana Nigg In Honor of Comstor Mr. and Mrs. James H. Harker In Honor of Dolores Juditz Ms. Joan Kugel In Honor of John S. Kugel Ms. Taryn Poole In Honor of Irene Larsen Anonymous In Honor of Patricia Malecke Where Your Dollars Go. The Cost of Caring Q 88% Program Services Q 10% Fundraising Q 2% Management & General Costs Fire and Burn Prevention Facts & Tips Fact A working smoke alarm decreases the chance of dying in a house fire by 50% percent. Tip Check your smoke alarms every month and change batteries at least once per year. BURN INST IT UT E BE ACON GIFTS & TRIBUTES 5 Community Giving Chief Mike Lowry, Escondido Fire Department, Eileen Turner, Air Products, Jim Floros, Executive Director/ CEO, Burn Institute and Division Chief Jon Canavan, Poway Fire Department celebrate a donation from Air Products. Jay Koo from FM Global (center) presents a check for $5,000 to Burn Institute staff Amanda Hambly and Jim Floros. Burn Institute Executive Director/CEO Jim Floros accepts a check from members of the Old Mission Rotary on behalf of the Art Pratt Foundation $100 will provide five senior citizens with lifesaving smoke alarms. GI F T S & T R I B U T E S $100 BURN INST IT UT E BE ACON 6 BURN SUPPORT Support Services Profile: Baby Xavier I t was December of 2011 when 18-month old Xavier reached for a cup on the counter in the kitchen of his home, causing hot coffee to spill on his neck, arm and chest. The scalding hot liquid caused second and third degree burns, sending Xavier to the UCSD Regional Burn Center. He remained there for two weeks and received extensive care for his burns. He was able to return home just in time for the holidays. During his stay at the Burn Center, the Burn Institute provided Emergency Needs/Special Assistance to the family including vouchers for gas and food. During his outpatient treatment phase, Xavier’s mother reached out to the Burn Institute. After meeting with the family, it was discovered that Xavier’s family was desperately in need of basic living essentials including diapers, food and formula. Wanting to help this family in need, Burn Institute employees donated items such as a microwave and DVD players. BI Board Members made individual financial donations and challenged one another to help meet the family’s needs. A fundraiser was hosted at the Pearl Hotel on behalf of Xavier and raised nearly $2,500.00. These funds allowed the Burn Institute to purchase a one-month supply of diapers and wipes, groceries and clothing. Most importantly the family was able to purchase a used car so that they could travel to weekly doctor appointments in San Diego from Escondido, rather than asking for rides from family and neighbors. In honor of his second birthday, the Escondido Fire Department (the same crew that responded to the 911 call in December) provided pizza and cake for Xavier and his family. Escondido Firefighters Craig Tebbe and Stephen Nugent treat Xavier and his family to a special birthday. Young Adult Burn Survivors Gather to Support Each Other T he transition from adolescence to adulthood can be very difficult for anyone let alone those experiencing issues as a result of a severe burn injury. The Burn Institute has established a retreat for young adults, aged 18-25, to provide a mechanism of emotional support from a network of others who have shared and continue to share similar experiences. The Young Adult Burn Survivor Retreat is a peer-focused, support based, stimulating, intensive and empowering journey of self-discovery. The springtime retreat was hosted by the Burn Institute at the Hidden Valley Ranch & Spa in Escondido on April 12-15. Young adult burn survivors from California, New York, Georgia, Florida and Arizona took part in the program. Support groups were hosted by Cindy Rutter, Dr. Paul Schwartzman and Dana Dillard. Thanks to Nick Manci and Jennica Mills for Yoga and TRE (Trauma Release Exercise) and Jen Harley and Chris Halway for providing Scar Tissue Massage Therapy. The Young Adult Retreat is a collaboration between the Burn Institute, Georgia Firefighter Burn Foundation and Finger Lakes Burn Foundation. SUMMER 2012 YOU CAN HELP US MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN THE LIFE OF A BURN-INJURED CHILD Text BURN to 20222 to donate $5.00 to help send a kid to camp next summer. We appreciate your support! A one-time donation of $5.00 will be added to your mobile phone bill or deducted from your prepaid balance. All donations must be authorized by the account holder. User must be age 18 or older or have a parental permission to participate. By texting YES, the user agrees to the terms and conditions. All charges are billed and payable to your mobile service provider. Service is available on most carriers. Donations are collected for the benefit of the Burn Institute by the Mobile Giving Foundation and subject to the terms found at Message & Data Rates May Apply. You can unsubscribe at any time by texting STOP to 20222; text HELP to 20222 for help. Happy Campers: Over 65 burn-injured children attended Camp Beyond the Scars July 31-August 5th. Watch for the next issue of the Beacon this fall for a recap and lots of camp photos. Thanks to all our incredible sponsors, donors and volunteers for another great year! BURN INST IT UT E BE ACON EVENTS 7 Firefighter Night at the Padres presented by SDA Security Firefighter Adam Diaz of the Firefighters Advisory Council and Heartland Fire & Rescue, BI Executive Director/CEO, Jim Floros, Shandon Harbour, President, SDA Security, Padres player Mark Katsay and burn survivor, Parnika Kant. O n April 20, thousands joined the Burn Institute to salute our local fire service at Petco Park. It was a great evening of baseball, hot dogs and firefighters! The festivities kicked off with a pre-game ceremony where young burn survivor, Parnika Kant, got the thrill of a lifetime by throwing out the first pitch. The Color Guard from the Emerald Society was there as firefighters from all over the county lined the bases. A good time was had by all. The 13th Annual Salute was hosted by the San Diego-Imperial County Firefighters Advisory Council to the Burn Institute and presented by SDA Security. A portion of the ticket proceeds went to support Burn Institute programs and services. SAVE THE DATE! 2nd Annual Chief’s Gala & Golf Classic Sept. 8 & 10, 2012 – Hyatt Regency La Jolla at Aventine & Maderas Golf Club Join the San Diego County Fire Chiefs’ Association and the Burn Institute Auxiliary in furthering the important work of the Burn Institute. On Saturday, September 8 and Monday, September 10, 2012 Sunroad Enterprises invites you to attend the 2nd Annual Chiefs Gala & Golf Classic presented by Ashford University. The Gala will be held at the beautiful Hyatt Regency La Jolla at Aventine followed two days later by a day of golf at the top-rated Maderas Golf Club in Poway. The Gala starts at 6:00 p.m. with a reception followed by dinner, a live auction and dancing. The Golf Classic kicks off with a shotgun start at noon and culminates with dinner and awards. All players will receive lunch, beverages, dinner and a special gift. The Gala will feature some unique auction packages to bid on including a fabulous trip to Tahiti including airfare, a golf & wine tasting trip to Napa Valley for 12 on a private jet, delicious dinner cooked by firefighters at the Rancho Santa Fe Firehouse, a deluxe trip to the Four Seasons in Hawaii including airfare, dinner cooked by celebrity chef, Brian Malarkey and dinners for a year at Donovan’s Steakhouse! This year’s honorary event committee is comprised of several well known San Diegans including: Rolf & Mary Benirschke, Dan & Abby Feldman, Timothy J. Fennell, Bill & Amy Geppert, Mark & Amy Grant, Ben & Ann Haddad, Chief David & Sarah Hanneman, Scott & Lore Heath, Trevor & Tracy Hoffman, Randy & Marie Jones, Brian & Chantelle Malarkey, Tex & Kay Meyer, Mike & Barbara Niggli and Bill & Lori Walton. All proceeds will benefit BI fire and burn prevention education and burn survivor support programs and services, including Camp Beyond The Scars for burn-injured children (5-17 years). For more information, contact BI Special Events Manager, Kelsey Warren (858) 541-2277, Ext. 20, or e-mail [email protected]. Sponsorships are still available! E VE NT S Thank you to the Following Companies for Supporting the Farmers Insurance FIRE EXPO/Firefighter Demo Derby presented by Viejas Derby A&B Saw & Lawnmower Shop Adriano’s Pizza Grotto Advanced Audio Albertson’s Alpine Allied Auto Salvage, Inc. Allied Refrigeration Escondido Alpine Ace Hardware Alpine Ace Hardware Alpine True Value Hardware Alpine View Lodge Animal Pharm Anita Fire Hose Company Etc. Anna’s The Family Restaurant Atlas REO Services AVI Barona Band of Mission Indians Beaumont Auto Dismantling & Recycling Black Mountain Bicycles, Inc. Blanset Photography Bob & Betsey Pfohl Broadway Auto Electric Bruce Strachota Bobcat & Snow Removal Buckwise Pawn Shop Cal Fire Local #2881 California Bank and Trust Carl Burgers Dodge*Chrysler*Jeep World Charles & Linda Simon Charlie’s Hub-Caps Chuck Rossi City of Riverside Firefighters Coating Creations, Inc. Crest Beverage Cutting Edge Wood Floors Inc. Daniel J Leonard III, CPA Discount Tire Eastbound Bar & Grill Ecology Auto Parts, Inc. Epic Landscape & Construction Famulare Jewelers Ferrara Fire Apparatus, Inc. Firehouse Gourmet/Firehouse Chefs GKK Enterprises Greek Village Grill Greenstone Environmental Grossmont School Federal Credit Union Hem ‘n’ mend Home Depot Horn Auto & RV Hunter Steel Construction Inland Body & Paint Center Jake & Mallory Southworth Janet’s Montana Café Jenna McDonald’s Feathers & Fur Jennifer’s Feed and Supply Jennings Automotive & Muffler Jesse’s Mufflers & Brakes Joel Tzinberg, D.D.S., M.S. Kearny Pearson Ford Kinder Academy Preschool Kiwanis of Jamul Lakeside Firefighters Association Lee and Cathy Smith Little Darlings Louise Branch Mark Miller Contracting,Inc. Mary Kay Maxcare Ambulance McWire Electric Inc. McWire Electric Inc. Michael & Paula Strachota Mile of Car Association Millers Towing Mobile Air Moynahan’s Towing National City Host Lions Club Pablo Caballero Pacifica Hair Studios PAR Electric Pats Auto Repair Paul Hansan Equipment Pick Your Parts Powder 1 Rain Gutters Unlimited Ranch Farmer’s Market Red Zone Rita Cyman Road One Towing Ryan Tax Service S J Transport S.C.A.R San Miguel Firefighters Foundation Sharp Memorial Hospital Sign Me Up Sinful Enhancements Auto Body Smooth Line Graphics Snipes-Dye Association So. Cal Signs and Such Solana Beach Firefighters Association L-3779 Specialty Tires and Brakes Symons Fire Protection Inc. Tapatios Mexican Grill TC Welding & Engineering Inc. The Gas Company The John Greatorex Family Toyota of El Cajon United Metal Works USS Midway Veronica Aguirre Foundation Vey’s PowerSports Viejas Tribal Government W&C Arban, Inc. Waste Management Westair Gasses & Equipment Western Hose and Gasket Expo AMR- American Medical Response Ashford University California State Firefighters’ Association Community Health Group County of San Diego Farmers Insurance Fire- Etc. Firefighters Advisory Council to the Burn Institute Goldring Chiropractic Kiwanis of San Diego KPRI KUSI News McWire Electric Inc. MES- Municipal Emergency Services NCTI- National College of Technical Institute PROBUILD- Dixieline San Diego City Fire Fighters- Local 145 San Diego County Fire Chiefs’ Association San Diego Fire Protection Association San Diego Firefighters Federal Credit Union San Diego Gas & Electric Scan Diego SDA Security Sunroad Enterprises Viejas 105.7 the Walrus BURN INST IT UT E BE ACON 8 EVENTS 2012 Spirit of Courage Awards O n May 24, the Burn Institute held its annual Spirit of Courage Awards Banquet at the Hyatt Aventine, La Jolla. Members of the fire service, first responders, friends and family joined to honor 10 exceptional individuals who bravely risked their lives to save another from death or injury from fire. The program began with a welcome from Frank De Clercq, President of San Diego City Fire Fighters Local 145 which was the host sponsor of the event. The Vista Fire Department presented the colors, accompanied by the San Diego County Firefighters Pipes & Drums. Jamie Edmonds from the Coronado Fire Department sang the National Anthem and San Diego Fire-Rescue Chaplain, Mickey Stonier delivered the evening’s invocation. Master of Ceremonies, News-8 Anchor, Barbara-Lee Edwards and Burn Institute Chairman of the Board, Jerry Davee presented the awards. Since its inception in 1974, over 625 local heroes – including civilians, fire service and law enforcement professionals – have been honored with the Spirit of Courage Award. Community Hero Award Volunteer of the Year Award Maltese Award Timothy J. Fennell from the Del Mar Fairgrounds and David Ott, President, Burn Institute Board of Directors Captain Mark Waters & BI Executive Director/Chief Executive Officer, James Floros Chief Michael Lowry and Donna Faller The Burn Institute presented the Community Hero Award to Timothy J. Fennell and the Del Mar Fairgrounds. In 2009, under Tim’s leadership, the Fairgrounds offered the opportunity for the Burn Institute and the Fire Service to move the FIRE EXPO/ Firefighter Demo Derby event to their venue and hold it during the San Diego County Fair, thus significantly increasing the visibility and decreasing the cost of the event which meant more funds going directly to BI programs & services. For 15 years, San Diego Fire & Rescue Captain Mark Waters has contributed his energy and enthusiasm to the Burn Institute. He has actively embraced a variety of the Institute’s events & programs starting with Camp Beyond the Scars in 1997. Since then he has been a part of nearly 30 summer and winter camps where he currently serves as the camp’s Assistant Director. Over the years, Timothy J. Fennell and the Del Mar Fairgrounds’ staff have been stalwart supporters of the Burn Institute, helping to get the word out to the community about the FIRE EXPO/Firefighter Demo Derby. The San Diego County Fire Chiefs’ Association presented its 2012 Maltese Award to Donna Faller who has served as a Program Manager at the San Diego Office of Homeland Security since 2006. During her tenure, she was responsible for coordinating the City’s homeland security, disaster preparedness and emergency management & recovery mitigation programs. While she is highly regarded and has received mayoral recognition for the service she provided the City of San Diego, she is perhaps better known and respected regionally and nationally for her dedication and commitment to serving the Greater San Diego Urban Area. Thank You to Our Sponsors Host Sponsor San Diego City Fire Fighters Local 145 Kevin Calhoun & Gerald Jana Joseph Heightman Civilian Kevin Calhoun attempted to extinguish a dangerous garage fire while Gerald Jana evacuated elderly residents from the attached home. Jana also dragged Calhoun from the garage when he was overcome by smoke. CHP Officer Joseph Heightman rescued a passenger trapped in a burning vehicle. Nicholas Coates, Zirivan Mohammad, Thomas Ward, Charles Oakey and Jason Lacy Border Patrol Officers Coates, Mohammad, Ward, Oakey and Lacey heroically saved a young girl, a woman and an elderly disabled man from their overturned and burning vehicle. Joe Spencer Civilian Joe Spencer helped to rescue a disabled passenger who was trapped in a burning vehicle. Moses Mullen Civilian/Young San Diego Marine Moses Mullen extracted a disabled elderly man from a burning vehicle. SUMMER 2012 Presenting Sponsor Sycuan Band of the Kumeyaay Nation Major Sponsors Ashford University Dr. Seuss Foundation at the Recommendation of Audrey Geisel Farmers Insurance Fire-Etc. San Diego Gas & Electric Sunroad Enterprises Associate Sponsors Flowers by Coley Redfearn & Associates San Diego Fire Protection Association Recipient Sponsor American Medical Response Contributing Sponsors AMN Healthcare Bonita-Sunnyside Fire Protection District CDF Firefighters Benevolent Foundation Chula Vista Firefighters Local 2180 Citizens for Fire Safety Institute Coronado Firefighters Association David Ott Hayes & Cunningham Firehouse World Jerry & Carolyn Davee MES Fire Reed Elsevier San Diego County Council of Firefighters San Diego County Fire Chiefs’ Association San Diego County Firefighters Advisory Council at the Burn Institute Santee Firefighters Association UCSD Regional Burn Center Staff (Dr. Potenza) Viejas Band of Kumeyaay Indians Vista Firefighters Association Local 4107 BURN INST IT UT E BE ACON EVENTS 9 Local Firefighters Take to the Streets T his year marked the 13th anniversary of the Countywide Firefighter Boot Drive fundraiser for the Burn Institute, raising nearly $225,000 last April! Each year, hundreds of uniformed firefighters from departments all over San Diego County come together for a common goal, hitting the streets within their communities to collect donations in their boots during the morning and evening commutes. Passing motorists generously help to fill the boots with donations ranging from spare change to $100 bills! This year 34 departments took part in the Burn Institute’s largest one-day fundraiser. “The success of our Boot Drive can be attributed to the energy and support from the local fire service,” said Jim Floros, Executive Director/CEO for the Burn Institute. “It really makes me proud to see that synergy between various agencies and ourselves,” said Floros. “The fire service is truly the backbone of this organization. We just can’t thank these dedicated firefighters enough for what they do for the Burn Institute so that we can better serve our community. All funds stay right here in San Diego County.” Congratulations to Heartland Fire & Rescue for winning the coveted bronze boot trophy for being the top fundraiser by collecting over $30,000! Chief Tony Michel from the Rancho Santa Fe Fire Protection District went above and beyond to earn the “Top Chief Fundraiser” trophy. Way to go! Many thanks to all the departments that participated. Alpine Fire Department $ 1,943.60 Barona Fire Department $ 3,839.00 Bonita Fire Department $ 3,923.80 Borrego Springs Fire Department $ 5,000.00 Brawley Fire Department $ 2,213.00 CalFire $ 26,364.40 Camp Pendleton Fire Dept. $ 3,865.00 Carlsbad Fire Department $ 7,533.91 Chula Vista Fire Department $ 3,688.20 El Centrro Fire Department $ 3,000.00 Encinitas Fire Department $ 3,133.60 Escondido Fire Department $ 7,726.80 Federal Fire $ 6,926.40 Heartland Fire & Rescue $ 30,601.00 Holtville Fire Department $ 1,500.00 Imperial Beach Fire Department $ 1,894.20 Imperial County Fire Department $ 912.00 Lakeside Fire Department $ 4,228.60 Miramar Fire Department $ 1,501.00 NASSCO $ 1,937.91 National City Fire Department $ 1,716.60 No. County Fire $ 10,000.00 Oceanside Fire Department $ 3,618.60 Pala Fire Department $ 4,574.00 Palomar Mountain Fire Department $ 1,044.20 Pauma Reservation Fire Department $ 852.60 Poway Fire Dpartment $ 4,541.80 Rancho Santa Fe Fire Protection Dist. $ 15.625.00 San Diego Fire-Rescue $ 29,200.60 San Onofre Fire Department $ 2,344.20 San Pasqual Volunteer Fire Department $ 9,143.60 Santee Fire Department $ 7,890.20 Solana Beach Fire Department $ 2,441.00 Sycuan Fire Department $ 500.60 Viejas Fire Department $ 747.40 Vista Fire Department $ 7,271.54 GRAND TOTAL $ 224,506.59 Carlsbad Council Burn Institute Executive Director/CEO, Jim Floros presented the Carlsbad City Council a recognition plaque recently for the City’s many years of outstanding support. From L to R: Mayor Matt Hall, Dr. Mark Packard, Jeff, Jim, Farrah Douglas, Ann Kulchin, Keith Blackburn $450 will send one burn-injured child to winter Camp Beyond The Scars. E VE NT S $450 BURN INST IT UT E BE ACON 10 VOLUNTEERS Volunteer Spotlight: Kris Van Leeuwen 2012 EVENT CALENDAR SEPTEMBER The 2nd Annual Sunroad Chiefs’ Gala & Golf Classic Saturday, September 8 and Monday, September 10 Hyatt Regency La Jolla at Aventine (Gala) Maderas Golf Club (Classic) OCTOBER Imperial Valley Fire Ball Friday, October 19 Barbara Worth Resort & Country Club Volunteer opportunities are available for many of our events. For more information, contact Kathleen Frampton, Director of Volunteer Services at [email protected] or call (858) 541-2277, Ext. 11. For more event information, call our offices or visit us online at Thank You Volunteers! Thank you to everyone who volunteered at the Farmers Insurance FIRE EXPO/Firefighter Demo Derby presented by Viejas including the following groups: s s s s s s s s s San Diego Fire-Rescue firefighter, Kris Van Leeuwen left, pictured with Frank De Clercq, President of San Diego Fire Fighters Local 145, was recently awarded with a certificate of recognition from his department for his efforts to coordinate the Burn Institute Boot Drive. The BI thanks Kris for going above and beyond to help raise funds to send burn-injured children to summer camp. San Diego Pipes & Drums Honored All Fire Service Departments CA Conservation Veteran’s Fire Crew Chula Vista Fire Department Explorers Escondido Fire Department Explorers La Mesa Fire Department Explorers Palomar College Fire Club San Miguel Explorers & Reserves Southwestern College Fire Program Vista Fire Department Explorers Seniors over the age of 62 in San Diego County who own their own home are eligible for the Burn Institute’s Free Senior Smoke Alarm Program. So far this year 1,000 alarms have been installed in the homes of seniors all over the county. The Burn Institute would like to thank the many volunteers that give their time for this program including the following groups: s s s s s s s s s s s s Longtime supporters of the Burn Institute, San Diego Pipes & Drums representative, Jeff Hahn poses with Mary Cruz, Chair, Combined Health Agencies. San Diego Pipes & Drums were named 2012 CHAD Health Heroes by the Burn Institute in a ceremony held in Balboa Park in March. $250 SUMMER 2012 University of Phoenix Southwestern College U.S. Navy Jewish Family Services Bayside Community Center La Mesa Fire Explorers SDA Security UCSD Medical Center Impact 195 Krafty Krepes CERT South Bay Masons For more information on the Senior Smoke Alarm Program, contact Stephanie Olivas at 858-541-2277 Ext. 18. A $250 gift will provide a juvenile firesetter intervention, designed to teach children the dangerous consequences of playing with fire. VOL UNT E E RS REGIONAL UPDATES 11 Burn Institute staff, Jim Payne, Community Outreach Specialist and Diane Sutherland, Assistant Executive Director/COO present plaques to participating departments Imperial Valley Firefighters Fill Their Boots for the Burn Institute F irefighters from all over Imperial Valley joined forces in March to raise funds for the Burn Institute. The Inaugural Imperial Valley Boot Drive was a big success. Generous residents donated nearly $8,000 to support BI programs and services in their community. Congratulations to the El Centro Fire Department for earning the top fundraiser trophy! Thanks to all departments that participated. El Centro Fire $ 3,000.00 Brawley Fire $ 2,213.00 Holtville Fire $ 1,500.00 Imperial County Fire $ 912.00 Mark Your Calendar for the 2012 Fire Ball F riday, October 19th will mark the 13th anniversary for the Fire Ball. This year, the Fire Ball will return to the beautiful newly remodeled Barbara Worth Resort & Country Club. Fire Ball attendees will enjoy a festive and touching evening featuring a tribute to the Fire Service, in recognition of firefighters from Imperial Valley and neighboring communities, a no-host reception, silent auction, dinner and awards. Back by popular demand again this year, casino fun returns! Tables will be open for business from 8:30 – 11:00 p.m. along with DJ music. The Fire Ball committee hopes to raise $25,000 through ticket sales, sponsorships and the silent auction. Proceeds from the event will remain in the Imperial Valley to support fire & burn prevention education and burn survivor support in the Imperial Valley. Tickets and sponsorships are still available. Individual seats are $50 or $400 for a table of 8. To reserve a seat, inquire about sponsorships or donate an auction item, contact Special Events Manager, Kelsey Warren at (858) 541-2277 Ext. 20 or email [email protected]. Imperial Valley Updates The Burn Institute-Imperial Valley thanks the Centinela Prison for raising $5,000 for the Imperial Valley Burn Institute. BI-Inland Empire Recent Events: April 20 June 16 June 24 Riverside County Firefighters Golf Tournament raised $11,000 Demolition Derby Car – Fire Expo, San Diego raised $1,000 Rancho Cucamonga Firefighters Car Show BI-Inland Empire Upcoming Events: August 25 Sept. 21 October 11 TBD November December 8 Fill the Boot @ the Quakes Stadium by San Bernardino County Firefighters Spirit of Courage Awards Banquet 10-year Anniversary Wine & Gala Murrieta Firefighter’s Charity Golf Tournament BI-IE Charity Softball Challenge Burn Survivor Christmas Party On April 21st the Imperial Valley Burn Institute hosted a bowling tournament to raise funds for programs and services. The event was a big success with a great turnout and raised $700! BURN RE GI O NSAULP PUOPRDTA T E S BURN INST IT UT E BE ACON 12 PROGRAMS & SERVICES Programs and Services Beacon Bits Congratulations to Burn Institute-Inland Empire Executive Director, Sherri Laffey on her recent marriage to Jerry Long. Fire and Burn Prevention Education s"URNITHE$RAGONS0RESCHOOL#URRICULUM'UIDE s#HILD#ARE"URN0REVENTION s%MERGENCY0REPAREDNESSINTHE7ORKPLACE (Nominal Fee) s&IRE3AFE+IDS0ROGRAM7EBSITE+ s&IRST2ESPONDER3MOKE!LARM0ROGRAM s)TS9OUR#HOICE s*UVENILE&IRESETTER0ROGRAM s3ENIOR&IRE3AFETY3MOKE!LARM0ROGRAM s7ILDFIRE'UIDE The Burn Institute thanks the following organizations/companies for including us as a beneficiary of their fundraising events: Day at the Docks, Building & Office Manager’s Association (BOMA), Tony Roma’s Restaurant, San Diego Fire Protection Association, Bomberos de San Diego, Rock Bottom Restaurant & Brewery, and the Encinitas Rotary. Burn Research s&UNDING6ITAL"URN2ESEARCHAND4REATMENT Burn Survivor Support s!DULT3UPPORT'ROUP sCamp Beyond The Scars for Burn-Injured Children s%MERGENCY.EEDS3PECIAL!SSISTANCE&UND s(OLIDAY0ARTY s-ENTORSHIP0ROGRAM s2ETREATFOR!DULT"URN3URVIVORS s3CHOLARSHIP0ROGRAM s3CHOOL2E%NTRY0ROGRAM s3/!20EER3UPPORT Community Service s&IREAND"URN0REVENTION,ITERATURE s0UBLIC3ERVICE!NNOUNCEMENTS s3PEAKERS"UREAU s3PIRITOF#OURAGE!WARDS"ANQUET s2ED'UIDETO2ECOVERY i Donate Your Auto, Boat, or RV Your donation of a car, boat, yacht, RV, truck, motorhome or heavy equipment will help the Burn Institute this fall. If you donate your property before year end you should be able to receive a legal tax deduction for the price the property sold for (the gross selling price before any selling expenses are deducted. Note: always check with your tax consultant before claiming any deduction.) – And the net proceeds from the sale of your property will help our programs and services – a win-win for you and the Burn Institute! Please call today, toll free (866) 244-8464. Free pickup anywhere in the nation. Program Highlight Fire Safe Kids Program & Website (K-3) The Burn Institute’s Fire Safe Kids Program is a school-based fire and burn prevention curriculum geared to children (K-3). The dynamic program is designed to keep youngsters entertained and involved through the use of colorful characters, video clips of familiar community professionals (firefighter, teacher and police officer) and a lot of student participation to help reinforce key safety messages. Designed by local educators, child development specialists and fire service professionals, lessons include: “Stop, Drop and Roll,” how to escape fire and scald prevention, among others. The program is available in English and Spanish at no cost to schools within San Diego County for children (K-3). A colorful bag of goodies goes home to each child. Take home materials and the website are designed to supplement the classroom program. You are reading the Summer 2012 issue of the Burn Institute Beacon. Please don’t throw this newsletter away! Pass it along to a friend. If you know someone who would like to receive this publication, would like to be removed from our mailing list, or if you have an address change, please e-mail [email protected]. Staff James A. Floros Executive Director/ Chief Executive Officer Diane Sutherland Assistant Executive Director/ Chief Operating Officer Joanie Ewing Director of Communications Kathleen Frampton Director of Volunteer Services Amanda Hambly Development Coordinator Lea Hubert Executive Assistant Dana Kuhn Program Manager Christina Lesniak Office Manager Stephanie Olivas Community Outreach Specialist Social Networking The Burn Institute has joined the Social Networking revolution and we’re inviting you to join us. Visit our “Fan Page” on Facebook where supporters, volunteers and burn survivors can find out all the latest about upcoming events, take a look at photo albums, video clips or say hello to friends. To find us, go to and search for the Burn Institute. If you’re new to Facebook, create an account and become a “fan,” to receive automatic updates on events and opportunities available through the organization. A Facebook “Causes” page has also been created. To join and/or donate, go to “Share and discover what’s happening right now, anywhere in the world...” If you are a Twitter fan, go to and search for @Burn_Institute. Become a “follower,” watch for “tweets” – and get the very latest news from the Burn Institute. James Payne Community Outreach Specialist (Imperial Valley) Kelsey Warren Special Events Manager CONTACT US Burn Institute – San Diego 8825 Aero Drive #200 San Diego, CA 92123-2269 858.541.2277 phone 858.541.7179 fax Burn Institute – Inland Empire 400 N. Pepper Ave., 4-N (Arrowhead Regional Medical Center) Colton, CA 92324-1801 909.580.6339 phone Burn Institute – Imperial Valley 612 “J” Street, Suite 3 Imperial, CA 92251 760.355.3175 phone 760.355.0836 fax To Request a Program in Your School: Visit for a request form or contact: Stephanie Olivas, Community Outreach Specialist, at 858-541-2277 Ext. 18, or e-mail [email protected]. Burn Institute Beacon Published by: Burn Institute SUMMER 2012 Managing Editor Joanie Ewing [email protected] Design & Layout Kramer Design Printing Bordeaux, an L+L Printers Company & SE RVICE S B UR NPROGRAMS INS TITUTE B EA CON
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