Worship Bulletin


Worship Bulletin
The Worship of God
The Worship of God, continued
The Fourth Sunday After Pentecost │June 12, 2016
Children’s Parable
Rev. Robin Hardison
All children are invited to come to the front. Afterwards, children (third
grade and younger) are invited to attend Children’s Worship. Parents
may pick up their children in the Children’s Wing after worship.
Chiming of the Hour
 Gathering Hymn 422 (v. 1 & 2)
Jesus! What a Friend for Sinners
Welcome to Worship
Leader: The Lord be with you.
People: And also with you.
Rev. Robin Hardison
Rev. Hardison
Lord, Thee I Love with
All My Heart
Rev. Stacks
Come, Ye Sinners, Poor and Needy
Offertory Prayer
Alice Price
Praise Team
Rend Collective
 Presentation of the Offering
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;
Praise God, all creatures here below;
Praise God above, ye heavenly host;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.
Prayers of the People and Lord’s Prayer
Leader: Lord, in your mercy,
People: Hear our prayer.
Luke 7:36-8:3
Rev. Hardison
John Ness Beck
With what shall I come before the Lord,
And bow myself before God on high?
Shall I come before him with burnt offerings,
Shall I come before him with yearling calves?
Call to Worship (Psalm 32)
Rev. Stephen Stacks
Leader: Happy are those whose transgression is covered!
People: Happy are those whose sin is covered!
Leader: Happy are those to whom the Lord ascribes no iniquity!
People: Happy are those in whose spirit there is no deceit!
Leader: While I kept silence, my body wasted away.
People: I sat in my groaning all day long.
Leader: Day and night your hand was heavy upon me.
People: My strength was dried up as by the heat of summer.
Leader: I acknowledged my sin to you and did not hide my iniquity.
People: I said, “I will confess to the Lord,” and you forgave my guilt.
Leader: Let all who are faithful offer prayer to you.
People: In distress, the rush of mighty waters will not reach them.
Leader: You are a hiding place for me; you preserve me from trouble;
People: You surround me with glad cries of deliverance.
 Hymn 471
Who Is My Mother, Who Is My Brother
Scripture Reading
 Passing of the Peace
Preparation for Worship
 Hymn 275
Will the Lord be pleased with thousands of rams,
With ten thousand rivers of oil?
Shall I give my first-born for my transgressions,
The fruit of my body for the sin of my soul?
God has shown you,
God has shown you what is good.
And what does the Lord require of you
But to do justice and to love kindness,
And to walk humbly with your God?
“The Weeping Woman”
 Hymn 41
Rev. Stacks
There’s a Wideness in God’s Mercy
 Benediction
 Postlude
Rev. Stacks
Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven
 Please stand as you are able.
The deacon of the day is Alice Price, Deacon At-Large.
Today’s acolyte is Nick Perkinson.
Hearing assistance devices are available at the back of the sanctuary.
Marie Collins
Rev. Lauren Efird, Interim Pastor
Rev. Robin Hardison, Minister of Children and Missions
Rev. Stephen Stacks, Minister of Music
Marie Collins, Pastoral Intern
Helen Bishop, Organist
Dr. Luther Brewer, Pastor Emeritus
All Who Serve This Church
Announcements and Upcoming Events
Announcements and Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events
June 12
Summer Choir Rehearsal
June 16
Food, Friends, and Fun Begins
June 17-19
Youth Backpack Buddy Weekend
June 18
Wrenn Drive Block Party
June 22-25
Passport Kids Camp
July 10-15
Passport Youth Camp
July 17-21
Vacation Bible School
August 13
Outdoor Movie Night
Food, Friends, and Fun Starts This Week
Our FFF summer ministry begins this Thursday, June 16 at 10 am in the
Fellowship Hall. We are offering reading, crafts, games, and lunch again
this year for our friends who might be missing that hot meal since school
is out, but most importantly, we will be getting to know our neighbors.
We still need volunteers to help with the reading groups, crafts, games,
and lunch. We also need van drivers to help pick up and take home our
guests. If you are interested, contact Rev. Robin Hardison at
[email protected].
News from the Pastor Search Committee
The GFBC Pastor Search Committee has started meeting, and work is
underway to find and recommend a candidate to become GFBC’s next
Senior Pastor. To assist them in their work, the committee has created a
survey they would love for you to fill out. An email was sent last week
with a link to the survey. Please fill it out electronically if possible, but if
you prefer, you will find the survey on today’s bulletin insert. You can put
the survey in the box outside the church office, or you may also direct
comments/surveys to a member of the committee. The Pastor Search
Committee members are Katie Spencer, Andy Jarrell, Pat Hudson, Mac
Graham, Vivian Denning, Tess Coleman, and Chris Beal.
Wrenn Drive Block Party—Saturday, June 18
This Saturday, we will have our 5th Annual Wrenn Drive Block Party in
cooperation with our community partners and fellow churches. We will
be making popcorn and snow cones, serving hot dogs and chips, and
hosting the bounce house. Please sign-up on the sheets in each Sunday
School class or on the bulletin board outside the church office. We
especially need help for the 2-4 pm shift. Contact Rev. Robin Hardison for
more details at [email protected].
Youth Backpack Buddy Weekend—June 17-19
Next weekend our youth will be living off a backpack of food, similar to
the backpacks of food we distribute through our Backpack Buddy
ministry. They will share their experiences in Sunday School as they learn
firsthand the struggles of those who are food-insecure in our community.
Summer Choir Invitation
If you have been considering joining the choir, summer is the best time
to join. Instead of rehearsing every Wednesday, we rehearse once a
month on Sunday afternoons after a potluck lunch. Our first lunch and
rehearsal is today, Sunday, June 12, directly after church. Join us!
Vacation Bible School
VBS will begin on Sunday night, July 17, and end with our closing
celebration on Thursday night, July 21. Start telling your friends! We
need volunteers to help with crafts, games, snacks, and dinner. Contact
Amanda Bell, our VBS Coordinator, at [email protected] or Rev.
Robin Hardison [email protected] to volunteer. Children can
register for VBS on the church website.
Knit and Chat
Knit and Chat will meet on Monday, June 20, at 10 am in Room 226.
Contact Susan Miller at 919-481-1359 for information. Come join us!
Current Sermon Series—Misfit Disciples
June 12
“The Weeping Woman”
June 19
“The Gerasene Man”
June 26
“James and John”
July 3
“The Seventy Evangelists”
Luke 7:36-8:3
Luke 8:26-39
Luke 9:51-62
Luke 10:1-11, 16-20
Call for Testimonies
We would like to include some testimonies from the congregation on the
new GFBC website that is under development. If you would like to share
how GFBC or one of our ministries or community partnerships has
impacted your life, contact Rev. Stephen Stacks.
Prayer Concerns______________________________________
Don Beal, Doug Chappell (Rick Chappell’s brother), Louise Faulkner, Lilli
Hicks, Kathleen McDermott (MaryBeth McDermott’s sister), Milton
Murray (Sylvia Byrd’s father), Jackie Shaver (Sally Shaver’s sister-in-law),
Gary Thomas (friend of the Hardisons), Judy Harris Vaccaro, Anne
Whelan, and Graham Williams (Joe Hughes’ brother-in-law)
Rex Hospital—Bob Watson
Our partner church, Ebenezer Baptist, Cuba, and our brothers and sisters
of the Oromo Evangelical Lutheran Mission
GFBC by the Numbers_________________________________
Focus on Finance
2015/2016 Budget (MDP + MSP)
Amount of Budget supported through
Stewardship Giving
(excludes cell tower and GFCC receipts)
Week 40 of 52 (June 5)
Stewardship Giving needed
to fully subscribe budget
Actual Stewardship Giving
Over (Under)
Attendance Last Week
Sunday School
Week 40
$ 2,007
Stretching to Meet Our Stretch Budget
As many of you will recall, we passed a stretch budget this past year,
asking our ministry areas to dream big about what they hoped to do in
2015-2016. We knew that it was a possibility we might not fully meet
our budget as we dared to dream. Even during this time of transition at
GFBC, we believe in the abundance of God’s kingdom. Here’s how we
can still meet this budget:
We have 213 giving units
(defined as households who gave more than $100 last year).
If each giving unit give $100/week for the remaining 12 weeks of the
budget cycle, then we will make up the deficit
and fully subscribe the budget.
God is using this church to do great things in Cary and beyond. Please
pray about your financial stewardship and consider what we can
accomplish together using the resources with which we have been
Pastor Search Committee Survey
1. What should GFBC’s priorities be going forward?
2. What areas of ministry are most important for the future of GFBC?
3. What are some of the characteristics of the person who would best serve as pastor of
4. What other feedback or comments would you like to pass along to the Pastor Search