December 2014
December 2014 Page 1 ETI Corral 22 December 2014 President: Sharon Richardson 8907 Hierba Road Agua Dulce, CA 91390 (661) 268-0754 [email protected] Vice President Kathleen Ungamrung PO Box 941282 Simi Valley, Ca 93094 (626) 590-6792 [email protected] Secretary / Scribe Ivy Murillo 17736 E Brookport St. Covina, Ca 91722 626-318-2503 [email protected] Treasurer: John Richardson 8907 Hierba Road Agua Dulce, CA 91390 (661) 268-0754 [email protected] Membership Secretary: Carole Norris 9732 Monte Carlo Circle Huntington Beach, CA 92646 (714) 962-0874 [email protected] Past President: Gwen Allen 1547 Soledad Canyon Road Acton, CA 93510-2405 (661) 269-0465 [email protected] COMING EVENTS December 13 December 21 Christmas Party / Agua Dulce / flyer page 8 Christmas Ride / Griffith Park / flyer page 9 January 11 February 8 February 22 March 21 Page 14 Doc Larsen & Bert Bonnet Chili Ride / Ranger Park / flyer page 10 Paramount Ranch / Malibu Cheri Blue Memorial Ride / Altadena Corral 22 Day at the Races / Santa Anita Park/ flyer page 11 2015 Ride Schedule A NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION Dedicated to equine Legislation, Good Horsemanship, the Acquisition and Preservation of Trails December 2014 Page 2 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Hello Everyone, This will be my last message to you as President of ETI Corral 22. It has been an honor and a privilege to serve as as your President for the last seven years. You are the most wonderful group of people that anyone could work with. Together we worked as a team and continued to make Corral 22 the largest and the best Corral in all of ETI! I was so intimidated by serving as President because Gwen Allen had served for twenty five years. Now I could easily fill her shoes, probably twice, however Gwen was a fabulous President, not only for C22 but for National ETI. My secret weapon for being successful was my husband John Richardson. Together we worked as a team. I was always thinking up ideas and John would help me implement them, being the engineer that he was. As we all know, John was a Guru on the computer which made it simple for me. I'm turning the torch over to my Vice President, Kathleen Ungamrung. Kat is a very brilliant, young, tenacious woman who is very capable and will make a wonderful Corral 22 President. Ivy Murillo will be our Vice President, another very intelligent young woman. Pam Patterson, a very happy and hard working lady will be our Secretary. And sadly John passed away unexpectedly on November 12th. I'm not sure how long John was Treasurer for C22, I think it was over 25 years. Now his shoes will be very hard to fill, however Antoinette Dohmen will do an excellent job. We are very fortunate to have her. A special thanks to Mary Timmer who is always been there for me. Mary is our Editor and so much more. I wish to thank Carole Norris for all her many years of serving as C22's Secretary and as our Membership Secretary. And to all my Board Members, Tiffanie Bailey our Trail Coordinator, Tina Pollard our Historian, Paul Jacques our Delegate and Bill Pollard our Alternate Delegate, Paul Anderson and Doran Sharff. At this time I want to welcome to the Board of Directors, Craig Tognazzini. Craig is a very handy guy to have around. He is well organized and experienced at putting rides on, good at cooking for large groups etc. Welcome aboard Craig. Many Happy Trails Sharon Memberships that expire in November: Hal Bankhead, Agnes Davenport, Charles and Susan DuBay, and Ray and Kym Wilkerson. Suzanne Pattison December 2014 Page 3 WHAT’S NEW IN 22 Losses: Update: Art Monde Kat Ungamrung, Ivy Murillo and Mary Timmer paid Art Monde a visit at his current residence out in Apple Valley. He was his usual lively self and regaled us with stories from the past, including a very interesting bit about a the Corral 22 gate in northern California. It would be interesting to visit that trail gate or learn more about its history. Art would love visitors and he just might take a phone call if he can make peace with the damned cell phone. His phone number: 760-617-3940 Mail: POB 655 Helendale, CA 92342-00655 December 2014 Page 4 General Meeting Our General Meeting will be Thursday, January 15. Installation of new officers!!! The location will be at; Mi Casitas 8069 Foothill Blvd; Sunland Dinner at 6PM. Meeting starts at 7PM We will be carpooling from Agua Dulce. Let us know if you need a ride. I hope to see you there. We can use your support! Sharon P.S. Please let me know if you will be attending! 2015 Corral 22 Slate of Officers: President: Kathleen Ungamrung Vice President: Ivy Murillo Treasurer: Antoinette Dohmen Secretary: Pamela Patterson Delegate: Paul Jacques Alternate Delegate: Bill Pollard Trail Coordinator Tiffanie Bailey Webmaster/Editor Mary Timmer Past President / Sharon Richardson Board Members: Tina Pollard Paul Anderson Craig Tognazinni HIT THE TRAIL December 13th / Christmas Party, Agua Dulce / see flyer page 8 December 21st / Christmas Ride , Griffith Park / see flyer page 9 January 11th / Doc Larsen & Bert Bonnet Chili Ride, Ranger Park / see flyer page 10 February 8th / Paramount Ranch / Malibu February 22 / Cheri Blue Memorial Ride / Altadena March 21 / Corral 22 Day at the Races / Santa Anita Park / see flyer page 11 2015 Ride Schedule Page 12 December 2014 Page 5 Horsing around 2014 Simi Valley Challenger Park Ride 2014 Simi Challenger Ride! Seven riders met at Challenger Park in Simi Valley for the event, led by Tom Smart. High wind warnings were ineffect and with good reason as winds over 25mph with gusts much higher added to our adventure, but all equines kept nice and steady as they climbed up steep trails to the ridge line. We were rewarded with panoramic views of cities, mountains and lakes from Simi to Thousand Oaks and beyond as we progressed along the ridge, over a few mountain tops then worked our way down to the relative quiet of a deep valley. Tom led us to an interesting picnic spot that had an old line camp cabin from the original ranch of that area and we rested our mounts while we ate our lunch before heading down through some beautiful woods with tress dressed in gorgeous autumn leaves back to the park. Everything went very well, including an incident where Suzanne’s young horse slipped into a coil of deadly razor wire on a steep hill. She was able to bail off and her horse stayed calm and the wire just coiled back off of him, only causint a small cut on one leg-what a miracle!! They were able to finish the ride with no issues, although I’m sure Suzanne will be cleaning and hosing her horse’s leg tonight-what a good trail horse– and only six! Thanks to Tom Smart for setting up such a fun ride and to our riders, Jeanne and Tom Hill, Aleta and our newest ETI 22 member Suzanne Pattison, Paul Jacques and special guest Pam Oldfield from Norco. By Pamela Patterson December 2014 Page 6 Simi Valley ride 2014 Pictures by Pamela Patterson December 2014 CLASSIFIED Large dry pastures available for layups, RnR, and retired horses only. Caretaker on property 24/7, troughs cleaned and pastures harrowed every week. Located in Somis, $250/mo. includes hay twice daily, alfalfa or grass. Contact Paul Jacques at [email protected] or 805-386-4354 06 Motorhome for sale. Custom ordered for horse camping. $34,499. Winnebago Outlook, Ford 450 V10, 24ft, 9 in, original owner, all or most records available. Have all manuals. New tires all around. Just detailed, looks new. Entertainment center over cab, 2 batteries in house, dinette w/storage, lounge chair, 3 burner stove, oven, microwave oven, double kitchen sink, vanity sink, 4.0 generator, bed in back, awning, A/C in cab & house, TV satellite system prep in roof & more. Everything working, used about 10-12 Xs yr, mostly dry camping, totally self-contained. Spent 5 weeks in Rocky Mountains, horse camping, twice and was very comfy. Call Heidi 310-373-0915 Pat Fish’s LuckyFish Art 805-962-7552 Custom tattoos in Santa Barbara, by a mule riding enthusiast with 30 years experience at Page 7 December 2014 Page 8 December 2014 Page 9 December 2014 Page 10 December 2014 Page 11 December 2014 Page 12
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