Feb 17 - St. James Catholic Church
Feb 17 - St. James Catholic Church
Saint James Catholic Community 1st Sunday of Lent February 17, 2013 Tickets are still available for this Lenten opportunity, An Evening with Immaculée Ilibagiza’s As she tells her Story of Faith, Hope & Forgiveness at St. James, Monday, February 18th @ 7:30pm (doors open at 6:30pm) This is a night you won’t want to miss. Immaculée is a survivor of the 1994 Rwandan genocide; she now travels across the globe sharing her story of survival and how she came to forgive those who brutally murdered her family. She will share how her faith helped her survive 91 days in a tiny bathroom with seven other women. Go to www.concordiacatholicchurch.com/immaculee.html or our website www.stjames-liberty.org for details. You can read this best-selling author of her first book, “Left to Tell” by checking out a copy from our parish office and her other books as well. Tickets still available after this weekends Masses in the Narthex. Tickets will also be available in the parish office on Monday (9am-4pm) Tickets will also be sold prior to the event from 4pm to 7pm in the School Entrance. You won’t want to miss this very special Lenten opportunity. A few tickets still remain for the Meet and Greet (this special hour is limited to 50 people) at 6pm prior to her talk. St. James Catholic Church 309 S Stewart Road, Liberty MO 64068 Office (816) 781-4343 Fax (816) 792-8691 School (816) 781-4428 Office Hours: Mon-Fri 8:30-4:00 On the web @ www.stjames-liberty.org Mass Schedule: Weekdays: M-F 8:00am (During school year Friday, 9am) Saturday, 5:00pm Sunday, 7:30am, 9:15am, 11:00am, 6:00pm 8:00pm William Jewel College, when in session Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday 4pm and Anytime by request St. James Catholic Church Our Pastoral Team Rev. Mike Roach, Pastor ......................... x201 [email protected] Rev. Timothy Armbruster, C.PP.S, ......... x203 [email protected] Deacon Chuck Koesterer ........................ x223 [email protected] Jim Newell, Operations Manager ............. x204 [email protected] Danny Baker, Dir of Liturgy and Music Ministry [email protected].................. x207 Cecilia Richardson, Dir of Religious Ed Ministry [email protected] ................. x206 Bobbi Roman, Dir of Youth Ministry ......... x208 [email protected] Sandy Gagnon, Dir of Christian Initiation Ministry [email protected] ... x200 Molly Doherty, School Principal ............... x213 [email protected] Daryl Ann Sweetland, Office Manager .... x200 [email protected] Loretta Venneman, Secretary .................. x202 [email protected] Katie Klassen, Finance/ Bookkeeper ....... x220 [email protected] Vicki Fischer, Development Director… ..X 261 [email protected] Ombudsman—Jenifer Valenti, .. 816-812-2500 Victim Advocate-Leslie Guillot ..........361-2666 Pastoral Council and Assignments: Phil Baumert, Chair [email protected] 415-4559 Rena Tulipana [email protected] 781-5705 Jim Waterman [email protected] 781-0969 Sue Nordhues [email protected] 792-3812 Gerry Kimmel-Carr [email protected] 792-8994 Brieanna Shay [email protected] 913-302-8296 Anne Crossett, [email protected] 792-1873 Michael Hundsceid [email protected] 415-9502 Mike Carr [email protected] 394-9675 Mission Statement We, the community of St. James, are a prayerful and Eucharistic people who treasure our Catholic traditions. We strive to grow in our faith by being good stewards of the gifts God has given us; sharing God’s truth with all. As the Body of Christ, we are called to love and serve everyone, especially the marginalized, with joy and hospitality. Page 2 February 17, 2013 Did You Know? With winter weather and limited parking we know that the temptation exists to park in the fire lanes in front of the church. Blocking those lanes restricts emergency vehicles access to the church. Please do not park in the fire lane. Thank you! — Jim Newell Operations Manager February 2013 ACTUAL BUDGET Annual Appeal MTD $82,625 $162,402 Annual Appeal YTD $1,299,400 $1,345,332 * Includes Offertory, and Misc Church Income. New Capital Campaign (Building Fund) PLEDGES $3,000,000 Plus CAPITAL CAMPAIGN PROGRESS REPORT 35% of our Pledge Goal We have exceeded the $3,000,000 mark. Thanks to all who pledged. Let’s keep the momentum going. Watch Our Barometer Grow 100% St. James Catholic Church Page 3 From the Pastor’s Pen Mass Intentions “Man, you smell like smoke!” said one of the adults as I walked back into the office. I had just finished burning palms as part of the prayer service preparing for Ash Wednesday. We burned the palms that many of you had brought and dropped off in the Narthex. Try as I might, I tried to stay out of the line of smoke but the wind kept changing too much and I kept getting it blown right in my face. Wednesday we began the season of Lent as we received ashes on our foreheads. Today we hear the story of Jesus being baptized and lead into the desert for forty days. After the forty days, when he was hungry and tired, he was tempted by Satan. Just like us, Jesus had to face his own temptations. When we face temptations in our lives, are we as successful in resisting temptations or do we find ourselves giving in, maybe even justifying in our own mind that it's not so bad? When we face the temptations sometimes that last thing we think of is the consequences of our actions if we give in. The temptations in our lives can be very seductive and use logic in different ways to convince us to think that things aren't so bad. It won't really hurt anyone if I indulge. So what, I can make up for it later at another time. All those thoughts can go racing through our minds to fool us into giving in and be tricked into thinking it is the right thing to do. With this season of Lent and the Year of Faith, we are called to go deeper in our faith. Have you made your Lenten promise yet? If not, one suggestion would be to take time to pray more or read scripture each day. Yeah, I do smell like smoke and now that smell is getting to me as it is causing me a headache. As we experience God with all of our senses, may we be open to more fully experiencing God this Lent as we prepare for the joys of Easter. We receive the ashes on our foreheads. The ashes of something that once was and now all that remains is the ashes. The palms burned until the fire is out and nothing but ash remains. We get rid of what is not needed in our lives so something wonderful and fruitful may come about. May the Spirit of Lent burn within each of hearts as we enter the journey once again. Fr. Timothy Week of February 18-24 Monday 8am Parish Tuesday 8am Tony Sellmeyer Family Wednesday 8am + Ed Lampen Thursday 8am + Greg Toma Friday 9am + Anneliese Mueller Saturday 5pm + Rose Marie Moretina Sunday 7:30am + Julia Klassen 9:15am + Andy Lehr 11am + Frank Fouts 6pm Frank and Madeleine Hosticka”s 60th Wedding Anniversary All are welcome to the Sunday WJC 8pm Mass at Grand River Chapel. . Our prayer support is with … Les Vochatzer in the death of his mother, Linda Vochatzer who died this week St. Joseph Table Our second planning meeting went well. Thank you to all that attended. If you are interested in joining us but couldn’t make the meetings please join our meeting on February 19th at 7pm in the Mallen Room. We need volunteers for the 18th and /or 19th of March to help at the table. Please come to the meeting if you can but if you can’t and want to help out please call me… ~ Anna Pfannenstiel at 792-0945. Contact Info Sacrament of Reconciliation: Sat 4pm until finished; any time requested. Sacrament of Baptism: Baptismal Preparation Classes: 2nd Wed of each month. Contact JoAnn in Parish Office, ext. 205 Religious Education: For Preschool through adult spiritual development, please notify office of needs. New Parishioners: Please register at the parish office. We Welcome You! St. James School: PS-8th grade offered. Call the School Office, to inquire, 781-4428 Sacrament of Marriage: 9 months advance notice Anointing of the Sick: Please call the parish office. To Schedule an event in our Parish Facility: email [email protected] or call Daryl or Loretta in Parish Office. All Bulletin articles must be submitted by Monday 12Noon to: [email protected] St. James Catholic Church Page 4 The Week Ahead Sunday, February 17: Altar Society serve coffee and donuts after the 7:30 and 9:15 Masses; all are welcome — RCIA Candidates Luncheon Lenten opportunities: Mon. Feb. 18: Liberty Terrace Nursing Home Mass at 10am. —Special Guest Immaculee is here , see next column Feb 18: tickets available for the 6pm Meet and Greet and 7:30pm Talk (go to our website www.stjames-liberty.org for details.) Tue. Feb. 19: Rosary prayed following the 8am Mass. —St Joseph’s Table planning meeting, Mallen Room @ 7pm Wed. Feb. 20: Sponsor’s for Christ meet 1st and 3rd Wed. —Over 50 Noon Luncheon Thu. Feb. 21: Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament from 8:30am to 9pm. All are welcome. Fri. Feb. 22: Stations of the Cross prayed at 5:30pm. Saturday, Feb. 23: That Man is You at 7:15am — Saturday morning faith sharing group @ 10am —Spaghetti Dinner in our social hall 4-8. All are welcome Sunday, February 24: Boy/Cub Scouts serve coffee and donuts after the 7:30 and 9:15 Masses; all are welcome. —Knights of Columbus meet at 7pm Scriptures for Masses February 23/24: Gn 15:5-12, 17-18/ Phil 3:17--4:1/ Lk 9:28b-36 Gift Bearers for February 23/24: Sat. 5pm: Georgia Hampton & JaquelineFilardo Sun. 7:30am: Chita, Ed and Midge Weir 9:15am: Matt and Larinda Havacek 11am: Michael & Brenda DePalma & Family 6pm: Adam & Angela Swearingin & Family Hospitality Greeters for February 23/24: Sat. 5pm: Linda Ceglenski & Jeannette Sanders Sun 7:30am: Mike and Jean Kieffer 9:15am: Mary Midiri 11am: Suzan Corione 6pm: Open to Parish Family St. Pius X High School Presents Steel Magnolias The production of Steel Magnolias as presented by the St. Pius X High School Theater Department will run from Thursday, February 28 through Saturday, March 2. Curtain rises at 7pm in the Fine Arts Facility and tickets are $5.00. Immaculee Ilibagiza Stations of the Cross at 5:30pm: Feb 22 and March 1, 8, 15, 22 Soup Suppers at 5:45pm: Feb 27 and March 19, 13, Annual Knights of Columbus Fish Fry: March 1 and March 15. See page 7 for menu and details. Weekday Masses: 8am, Mon thru Thu. 9am on Friday. __________ Ladies of St. James Join us for a Lenten Retreat given by Fr. Timothy On Saturday, March 2nd from 8:30am to 2:30pm at Our Lady of Mercy Country Home in Liberty. Lenten Theme: Stations of the Cross Mass and Lunch provided. Hosted by the Altar Society. Please RSVP to Sharon Benson at 792-4734 or [email protected] by February 23rd. $10 charge to defray the lunch costs and supplies. We hope you will join us for this Lenten time of growth. Server training for our Youth,,, 4th graders and up Join Fr. Timothy on February 25th at 6:30pm in the Church for Server Training. If you have not turned in a parent permission slip, please check the website to download a form to fill out and bring with you. Page 5 A from the Liturgy/Music Office BELLS WILL BE RINGING! Beginning Wednesday, February 6th at 6:00pm the St. James Bell choir will resume rehearsals. We rehearse every Wednesday at 6:00pm in the church. We are in need of at least 3-4 more ringers for Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday. If you are interested in playing please contact Danny: [email protected] Stations of the Cross Stations of the Cross will begin Friday, February 22nd at 5:30pm. If you or your group would like to lead one of the Friday Stations, please contact Dick and Mary Loy Brown at 781-1766. Thank you! February 17, 2013 Someone is Watching and Wondering This past week we began our annual 40 day Lenten retreat, through which we prepare for the celebration of Christianity's most fundamental belief: Jesus Christ, raised from the dead. Lent has no meaning in and of itself, rather it leads to Easter and new life. There are three Lenten themes from the earliest centuries of Christianity: (1) the mystery of Jesus' death and resurrection, (2) the implications of this mystery for those preparing for baptism, and (3) a spiritual renewal of faith and conversion on the part of those already baptized. For catechumens, Lent is the period of purification and enlightenment ("purify" means to cleanse - "enlighten" means to shed spiritual light), that prepares them for the ethical implications of living the gospel, receiving the initiation sacraments, and lifelong Mystogogy. There are also three pillars of Lent. Early in Christianity, fasting the first of the three pillars of Lent as a discipline of purification by catechumens, and then by baptized Christians, was in imitation of Jesus' forty-day fast in the desert (Matthew 4:2), Moses' forty days on Mount Sinai (Exodus 34:28), Elijah's forty-day fast on his journey to Mount Horeb (1 Kings 19:8), and the forty years the Israelites spent in the desert. Through fasting, Catholics are called to remember that we are faith pilgrims, continually called to conversion, turning from sin, and renewed life in Christ. Prayer is the second pillar of Lent. Although St. Paul reminds us to “pray always,” there is a special emphasis on enriching our prayer practices during Lent. This emphasis is not an attempt to make us “prayer perfect,” but rather to acknowledge our continued effort to do better, and become closer to God. The third pillar, almsgiving/charity, is the way we demonstrate our love for Jesus, by sharing our worldly goods with others. “Above all, maintain constant charity among yourselves, for charity covers a multitude of sins.” (1 Peter 4:8) Jesus asks us to give to others because so much has been given to us, and to forgive others because so much has been forgiven us. (Read Matthew 18:23-25.) So, during Lent you may wish to give more than you usually do, or find a new cause worthy of support. If money is tight, donate your time or talent to those in need. Most of all, remember to open your heart to God, through loving and serving one another. Your Sister in Christ, Sandy Gagnon St. James Catholic Church Page 6 We pray for Our Country, Leaders, and Loved ones serving our Country: Chad Wilson, Paul Mooney, Jeff Auksel, Phil Plack, Robert Harrison, Jake Harmon, Alex Reilly, Gary Lee, Bobby Kern, Geoff Wiese, Casey Snodgrass, Chris Griese, Ryan Villines, Paul Tyrrell, Charles Hensley, Gary Hogan, Jeremy Finn, Michael Caine, Alex Worth, Dan Knudson, Kyle Coday, Paul Starner, Jarrett Muck, Matt Winkelbauer, Bong Vtug, Brianna Hannum, Philip Stauffacher, Aaron Dolak, Tony Velasquez Jr., Colleen McCloskey, Raymond Lopez, David Castro, Jr., Jeff Gardner, Brad Nees, Josh DeLeone, Joe Binggeli, Jeremy Pyle, Jason Lyday, Andy Sparks, Jacob Weller, Ray Writesman, Cody Zoglman, Adam Parnacott, Charlette Pruett, Daniel Wilson, Nicole Dobbelaere Martindell, "If we ever forget that we're one nation under God, then we will be gone under." Matthew 19:26 HOPE Gift Cards Are Waiting For You The Groundhog Did Not See Its Shadow ….. …. And if the legend of Punxsutawney Phil is to be believed, that means an early spring. So it’s time to hurry up and start planning your projects for spring. If home remodeling or gardening is on your agenda, begin shopping now for the supplies you need. We have HOPE gift cards for Lowes, Home Depot, Kmart, and Walmart. ********** Say “Yes” To the Hope Gift Card Challenge If you haven’t said “yes” to the HOPE Gift Card Challenge yet, it’s not too late. You can start right now. After all, “ya gotta eat.” So accept this challenge to use HOPE Cards to purchase 25% of your weekly food budget, including groceries and meals away from home. If you’re already participating in this challenge, thank you. ********** HOPE gift cards are on sale in the narthex after all weekend Masses and in the parish and school office during the week. You can also shop from home at www.shopwithscrip.com. Just register as a St. James Parish Family at their website. For more information, visit the St. James website at www.stjames-liberty.org. Buying HOPE Cards Is As Easy As Falling Off A Log Get Fit and Have Fun! Join JD and Jo Biggs for an informational meeting to explore the Can You 24 video led workout series...see and tryout the program! We are looking for parishioners who would like to meet weekly. Workouts are 24 minutes and customized for beginner, intermediate or advanced levels designed to help you get real results. No equipment necessary…just wear your workout clothes, bring a water bottle and exercise mat. Choose your date: Tuesday February 19th at 7pm OR Saturday Feb 23rd at 10am in our Social Hall. RSVP by phone 792-5836 or [email protected] Spaghetti Dinner…. MelRoe’s School of Dance will hold their first annual Spaghetti Dinner on February 23 from 4:00pm-8:00pm here at St James. Adult tickets are $8.00 and child tickets are $5.00. Meal includes spaghetti and meatballs, salad, bread, dessert, and a drink. MelRoe’s will also be selling Italian cookies and having basket raffles. MelRoe’s students will also be performing some of their dance routines that they have learned. All proceeds will help the kids get to Nationals in Branson, MO. We appreciate your support and hope to see you all there!!! Grow your business while growing in your community. Come join SNAG, Spiritual Networking Action Group Tuesday mornings from 8:00-9:30 for donuts and coffee. The kickoff meeting will be March 12th in Liberty. The location will be determined by the number of people. Bring your business cards and ideas for volunteering in the community. For details please contact Marianne Falleri 816-877-5018. Page 7 February 17, 2013 St. James Catholic Church Page 8 Our Faith In Action Youth Group Happenings St. Pius X High School Annual Spaghetti Dinner!! $7.00 per guest – Kids under 3 Free Sunday March 3rdth from 11am – 5pm is the annual Junior Class dinner. Please support this long time tradition that offers a great Spaghetti Dinner and your choice of dine in or carry out! All proceeds to directly to fund Prom and After-Prom providing a fun and safe evening for all Prom guests. Purchase advance tickets from your favorite St. Pius X High School Junior or at the door. Souper Bowl of Caring Thank you St James community The Community of St. James is very generous and giving as evidenced by the recent food drive for the In As Much Ministry (IAM). Three totes of soup and other non-perishable items were delivered to IAM. This will certainly help the food insecure and hungry people n our area. Thank You. The need is very great as reflected in the following information from Harvesters and the Kansas City Star. In FY2012, Harvesters distributed more than 41 million pounds of food and household products in their 26 county service area. Harvesters can feed 5 people for $1. Harvesters, the only food bank in our area, provides services and goods to over 620 nonprofit agencies. (www.harvesters.org) In the 6 county metro area, an estimated 100,000 children live in homes where cupboards too often may be bare or where their parents may not know where the next meal is coming from. One-third of these children live in extreme conditions where some days they may go hungry. In Clay County, more than 13,000 children under 18 are in “food-insecure” homes -- those without enough nutritious food or any food at all. (based on USDA and Census data from www.kansascity.com) SAVE THE DATE: The Communities Creating Opportunity is hosting a series of films highlighting critical issues facing the metro area and our state, the last Wednesday of each month. Contact Carol Bloomer for further details 816-797-2633 We would like to thank all those who donated to the Marines Parent Care Package Project. A group of about 100 volunteers met in Columbia at the Marines Parents warehouse where we packed and shipped 500 packages to Marines over seas. The next Care Package Project will be in April. We would like to thank our daughter Anna and Orville, Darleen and Rebecca Filla for joining us in this adventure Thank you so much, Gerard and Maureen Coday. * The day before Souper Bowl our high school youth went to various service sites and on Super Bowl Sunday after Masses they held soup pots at the Church doors, joining young people from all over the county to collect money for those hungry and hurting. How did St. James help? *St. James parishioners donated $1639.61 This money will go to Hillcrest Ministries here in Liberty to help their transitional housing. Thank you for continuing to support this collection each year! Our Journey for Lent So many times we head into Lent without giving it much thought. Other than giving up something small, that has little impact on our daily lives, we usually sail right through Lent. To really experience the beauty of Lent we need to take the time to explore all it truly has to offer. From our prayer life, to our sacrifices, to what we give, lets invest in our Lenten journey together to make our Easter one of new life. Prayer: What changes am I making to expand my prayer life? Almsgiving: What can I do to help others in need? Donate items, save money to give to the poor, do service? Sacrifice-(fasting and abstaining) Go beyond giving up candy to giving up some habit that is impacting my life in a negative way. The goal is not just to abstain for the duration of Lent but to make a change in our lives forever. Activities for Everyone If you are looking for more ways to enhance Lenten journey this year, you can find some activities on the youth webpage. There is a little something for everyone not just teens. www.stjames-liberty/youthgroup Click on the Lenten button to discover links activities as well as a parish events calendar. Upcoming Dates Sun Feb 17 PreConfirmation– Small Groups Confirmation-Lg Groups 7PM Wed Feb 20 6th-8th Faith Sharing 6:30-8:00 Sun Mar 3 PreConfirmation Confirmation 7PM Wed Mar 6 6th-8th Faith Sharing 6:30-8:00 Page 9 Parish Religious Education Calendar Dates Feb 17 Feb 20 Feb 24 Feb 27 March 3 Sunday RE Class Wed RE Class NO Sunday RE Classes Wed RE Class, First Soup Supper Sponsored by 2nd & 5th grades Sunday RE Class No Sunday Class Next Week There will be no Sunday session next week as I will be in Los Angeles for the Religious Education Conference. This annual conference brings in speakers from around the country to present workshops on faith formation for all ages. I will be attending along with Bobbi Roman and Danny Baker—please keep us in your thoughts and prayers that weekend that we come back with great things to share with St James! Sunday classes will resume March 3rd. Soup Suppers Our Annual Soup Suppers will begin on Wednesday February 27th with the supper sponsored by the 2nd and 5th graders. Families in those grades will be bringing a pot of soup or a loaf of hearty bread to share. The entire parish is invited to join us in a prayer service in the church at 5:30, followed by soup in the Social Hall. Donations for our Lenten charities will be asked for in lieu of payment for the meal. Lenten Charities This year we are sponsoring 3 different, yet similar charities: Hillcrest Ministries, the In As Much food pantry and the Uplift Organization. Hillcrest Ministries works to move people from homeless to selfsufficiency in 90 days. The In As Much food pantry serves the hungry right here in our home town. Uplift Organization offers the most basic help to the homeless in Kansas City. Donations of cash are welcome for all 3 charities. Project Uplift can take donations of warm socks, mittens/gloves, hats and candles. In As Much can take donations of non-perishable food items. All three are ministries that St James parishioners support. February 17, 2013 St. James School News School Mission Statement The St. James Catholic School Community, a ministry of the parish, empowers students to achieve their full academic and Christian potential, become prayerful, lifelong learners and good stewards of God’s gifts. Vocation Day On Wednesday, February 6th, our 5th grade classes traveled to Archbishop O’Hara High School with other 5th graders from our diocesan Catholic Schools to participate in the annual Vocation Day. A special thank you to the following students that were the servers for the celebration Mass with Bishop Robert Finn. Makayla Carr Frank Janacaro Jenna King Kaleb Power Saints Track Team Online Registration Now Open! Join the fun! Track participation is open to 4th-8th grade boys and girls. The fee is $35. Registration is ongoing until Tuesday, March 19th. Please go online to the Sports link of the school website. Information regarding practice and meets can be found on the school website, Sports link/Track. Contact Alicia Brown [email protected] with questions. MEET ME ON THE GREEN It’s that time of year again and planning is underway for the 20th Annual St. James Golf Classic! We will begin meeting soon, as the date for the classic is set for Friday, May 31st. If you would like to join the committee please contact Jason Peregrine at [email protected]. Thank you. St. James Catholic Church Page 10 Birthdays this week: Today we celebrate all that you with God’s help, have accomplished. Dan Browne Vincent Occhipinto Lena Armilio Joseph Fasone Marriah Schweitzer Mitchell Cissell Mary George Guadalupe Serpa Caitlin Crawford Julie Grote Ashley Thompson Joshua Dickey Nicole Jones Anthony Zahn Michael Downey Layla Knabe George Bringus Alycen Fiegel MacKenzie Lance Frank Daniels Caroline Gomez Anthony Lauer Doris Esser Maria Gonzalez Casey McFall Parker Evans Linda Haffner Lyle Muhlbauer Mary Gisi Kenneth Haffner Amanda O’Brien Nancy Goeckel Laurie Hansen Lisa O’Dell Stephany Guest Molly Hedrick James Perryman Lori Hartley Joseph Mallon Garret Prendergast Elizabeth Haynes Matthew McCoy Jennifer Probst Joe Hussey Jessica McLean Madison Sahl Carolyn Kenney Erin Molle Brian Sharp Matt Mortensen Alicia Paredes Spencer Smith Oliver Mulcahy Lauren Reising Katie Thomann John O’Connor Bryan Robertson Frances Walthall Brian Parker Ryan Rutliff Ken Bohr Joseph Passantino Dave Schnoebelen Cory Brown Sidney Reikofski Austin Sutton Danielle Crawford Justin Scott Joshua Boss Adrian Garza James Staszko Megan Bradford Eric Grampp John Vandel Justin Francis Mikayla Jacobs Alice Wilson Erich Garcia Julie Gilbreth Seth Kurtenbach Jack Bauer Jacob Glasford Bertha Lopez David Bradford Eliason Kulesa Melinda Mehaffy Mason George Lori Lesnefsky Shelby Murtha Casey Homoly Russell Nasteff Aidan Ryan Michael Keck Amy Parry Jim Nanxy Laven Jaime Pasieniuk Schuckenbrock Sara Linderman Patrick Peluso Tanner Sims Lisa Murphy Kathryn Pham Layne Sutton Whitney Roberts Sara Linderman Brooke Yanez Nancy Streeter Lisa Murphy Barbara DeHaven Dana Swordy Whitney Roberts Brenna Griffis Heidi Tulipana Nancy Streeter Judith Moore Caroline Abbott Immacolata Manor Thrift Shop needs volunteers to sort / display their items. Please consider helping. To inquire call Amy at 781-5472. Donations always welcome. Thanks. We Pray to our Lord Jesus for... Pat Clark Paul Anctil Marilyn Niere Bob & Lynda Darleen Farnan McCray Greg Smith Teagen Peters Kenny Erwin Jeff Smith Sharon Augh Nadia Kadi Devona Gilgour Lola/Joe Lopez Theresa Fortune John Pfannestiel Mary Bell Jones Nancy Brown Arthur Pisana Elaine Catalano Frances Winslow Janice Frizzell David Roach Bobby Morton Kyle Driggers Crystal Coley Baby Jesse Alverna Schuster Baby Sienna Ed, Mary Weir & Joan Swoboda Sylvia Steve Swoboda Becky Booth Betty and Merle Rita Lowe Johnson Gordley Family Susan Kendall Louie Bussjaeger Brenda Adams Suzie Stramel Jonas Miller Janine Herr Frank Benassi Kenadee Tonya Hays Gallagher Denny; Phyllis Phil Wilson Monique Noah Haley Prouty Lee Schwery Shawn Adkins Carrie Soliz Rhonda Vandel Rose Swarts Martha Pintar Michelle McClune Mae Rahter Joann/ Greg Frank,Madeleine Hagins Hosticka & Alice Mike Lyons Jason Robinson Marie Joesting Anne Robinson Ron Bross Jess Alton Victor Spallitta Penny Cusack Perry Albin Douglas and Keith Clarke Crawford Colin Leypoldt Don Henggeler Jack Stannard George Kristek Andrew Lay Forrestine Hargoe Jodi Gusman Pat Kocon Randy Canaan Marietta Wimmer John Lewis Patricia Kingsley Emma Shay Joan Navinskey Anna Weiner John Luke Kern Rose Castiluchio Betty Johnson Bro. Steve Daniel Cruz Ashley Armour Johanne / Lucie Bob Giefer Those dealing with chronic pain, alcohol / food or drug addictions/ seeking gainful employment/ Mary Schuster Mary Blackwood Pedersen Family Kevin Sargent Frieda Weber Donna Miller Donna DeMarco Dean Werner Les Starner Francis Talbot Roger Streng Rodger Schlotzhaure Dave Landewee Nippy Jandourek Lerah Allen Donnie Smith Shirley Britt Donnie Lewis Newborn Morgan Connie Sullivan Mary Elizabeth Lanham / Donnie Jim & Cameron Brock Moon Steve Shoemaker Martha H. Brenda Chabot Gerald Fiorino Laura Ann DiGiovanna MyBecquer Aybar JoBeth Miceli Alta Flanigan Jaci Leigh Gwin Charles Gage Gage Gussy Karen Elliott Matthew Pate Nicole Martindell The Doile Family Cathy Teague Precious Blood Center offers Lenten Friday Soup Suppers; with focus on immigration issues. We are using a Just Matters module from Just Faith entitled, "Crossing Borders: Migration, Theology, and the Human Journey." Br. Daryl Charron, C.PP.S. will facilitate. It is not required that you attend all six sessions. The sessions will begin at 5:30pm with a simple soup meal followed by the study portion of the evening which will end at 8:00pm. There is a limit of 40 persons to this group due to space restraints. RSVP to Br. Daryl at 816-835-0344 or email him at [email protected] if you are interested. Liberty Terrace Healthcare and Rehabilitation Center Home of the Express Recovery Unit “Quality Care In A Quality Environment” • Spacious Private/Semi Private Rooms • Medicare/Medicaid Certified • Cable Television • 24 hr. Licensed Nursing Care Grow Your Business, Advertise Here. of Liberty Support Your Church & Bulletin. Free professional ad design & my help! email: [email protected] • Physical, Speech and Occupational Therapies • We accept Private insurances & Medicare Replacement Plans • Next to Liberty Hospital • 24 Hour admissions line (816) 456-7000 www.jspaluch.com Call Pat Bellanti 913.236.7991 2201 Glenn Hendren Drive • Liberty, MO 64068 • (816) 792-2211 Administrator/Parishioner - Denise Witherow Julie Harman Parishioner 816-777-3212 For All Your Real Estate Needs Visit: julieharman.com Jesus A to Z Michael O’Neill McGrath, OSFS A colorful Catholic ABC book for kids and families! Includes a glossary of questions to help adults pass on their Catholic faith. 007199 9 x 12 Hardcover $16.99 each • Special Offer — 2 for $25.00! 800-566-6150 www.wlpmusic.com 5 GREAT REASONS to Patronize the Merchants in Our Church Bulletin! 1. They support the work of our church. 2. It keeps money in our community. For every $100 spent at a locally owned business, $68 goes back into the community and your tax base. For every $100 spent at a chain store, only $43 comes back. Online purchases bring nothing back to our local community. 3. Keeps our community unique. Where we shop, where we eat and have fun—all of it makes our community home. Our one-of-a-kind businesses are an integral part of the distinctive character of our community. 4. Creates more good jobs. Small local businesses are the largest employer nationally and in our community. 5. Get better service. Local businesses often hire people with a better understanding of the products they are selling and take more time to get to know customers. The Sponsors Who Appear On This Bulletin. It Is Through Their Support That This Bulletin Is Made Possible. Business Owners Interested In Advertising Please Call J.S. Paluch at 1-855-685-5703 Please support the advertisers in your bulletin, and thank them for their continued support. They make your bulletin possible. 365050 St James Catholic Church (B) www.jspaluch.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-855-685-5703 WILLIAM C. HENN, CPA Your ad Accounting & Tax Preparation 816-820-7168 [email protected] Parishioner could be in this space! Our Lady of Mercy Country Home Apartments for Independent Senior Living Residential Care Facility Liberty, MO 781-5711 Provide-A-Care, Inc. * Nurse aides * * Respite * Homemaker * Services Customized to meet YOUR needs in YOUR home. 816.505.1303 For all your landscaping needs Mike Kromeich Parishioner (816) 781-9333 (816) 781-1621 Fax 1100 Missouri Court Liberty, Missouri 64068 Junction 33 & 291 Primed 2 Paint OF LIBERTY 3 Locations: Quality Residential Painting Chuck Flegel - Parishioner • 9701 N. Ash Ave. • • 918 S. 291 Highway • • I-35 and 152 Highway • 816-781-4485 Arthur Carpentry WHEN QUALITY MATTERS “No Job Too Small” Since 1976 (816) 781-4323 Roger Arthur, Parishioner Annunciation Community Center 705 N. Jefferson Kearney Banquets • Weddings • Private Parties www.AnnunciationKearney.com For Reservations Call 816-824-5564 DOMINIC CUSIMANO CPA LLC CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Briarcliff Village 4151 N. Mulberry Dr., Ste. 255 Kansas City, MO 64116 Chris Schuele/Parishioner (816) 529-2961 Tel. 816-399-4965 [email protected] PARISHIONER ATTORNEYS YOU CAN TRUST RANCHO GRANDE CANTINA FLOOK & GRAHAM Timothy Flook - Parishioner Wills • Personal Injuries • Business Law Past Recipients of the Best of the Northland Award (816) 792-0500 20% Parishioner Discount with this Ad. excludes loose & larger, center-stone diamonds, repairs & custom design. www.champagne-jewelers.com Best Mexican Food this Side of the Border! 921 W. Liberty www.rgcantina.com Liberty, MO 816-792-4844 MARY MARGARET PARRISH Jake’s Ser vices Save on Heating and Cooling Plumbing, Electrical, Appliance Repair Attorney - At -Law Parishioner Seaport Office Complex Liberty, Mo. Licensed and Insured - Parishioner 816.803.8680 — 781-5380 — Call Mike Steffens 10% to School Endowment Fund 9550 NW Prairie View Rd. Dave Dennis Comfort & Care from the Team with the Bear www.climatecontrolkc.com Shoal Creek Dental Care 816.792.5230 Proprietors & Parishioners Parishioner 8568 N. Church Rd. KC MO 64158 1187-89 W. KANSAS STREET LandingEateryAndPub.com Cornerstone Building Company www.CBC-Homes.com Ed Weir 781-6151 ✂ Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” (816) 781-1998 Northland Rolladium Skate Center COMMUNITY BANK, COMMUNITY PROUD SINCE 1922 “Liberty’s Finest Family Fun Center” Our Birthday Parties are a Blast! Private Parties and Fund Raising FOUR AREA LOCATIONS 1178 W. KANSAS, LIBERTY 8140 N. BRIGHTON, KANSAS CITY NORTH 303 S. JEFFERSON, KEARNEY 1101 S. 169 HIGHWAY, SMITHVILLE (816) 792-0590 and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! “Voted Best Wings in the Northland” Daily Lunch Specials $5.99 LUNCH DELIVERY DAILY Private Party Rooms Available MICHAEL & BRENDA DEPALMA R. Bradley Gaik, D.D.S. Larinda Hlavacek, D.D.S 816-792-0801 436-6300 [email protected] skateliberty.com 1020 South Kent Street • Liberty, MO 64068 Parishioner Owned visit us also at www.claycountysavings.com MARIO USERA, PRESIDENT & PARISHIONER CHARLES PLUMMER Parishioner “Your complete Painting & Decorating Source” 781-1553 • Richard B. Curnow, MD • Robert W. Haas, MD • Santosh George, MD • Timothy J. Monahan, MD • Ryan R. Snyder, MD • David J. Steinbronn, MD 906 West Liberty Dr. Liberty, MO Home of the Famous “300” Burger The BEST Audio/Video Shows. The Largest Video Screens & Music Selection + Karaoke! PARTIES for Any Occasion… Birthdays, Company Parties, Theme Parties, Team Building! www.retrobowlfuncenter.com ORTHOPEDIC SURGERY AND SPORTS MEDICINE MEDICAL ALARM Ask about catering Delivery and On-Site Set Up (816) 407-7827 407-SUBS (816) 407-7830 fax 228 N 291 Hwy Liberty, MO 64068 www.firehousesubs.com Proprietors, Parishioners Park Lawn Funeral Home 781-6066 A DeVry Family owned business South Chapel Liberty Chapel Lathrop Chapel Kansas City, MO Liberty, MO Lathrop, MO 2521 Glenn Hendren Dr. #204 Please Contact Don Brassfield - 809-1552 PROTECTING CATHOLIC SENIORS NATIONWIDE ✓ 25+ Yrs. in Business ✓ A+ Rated with BBB ✓ Dr. Recommended ✓ Made in the USA ✓ Waterproof Button ✓ Price Guarantee ✓ Monitored in the USA ✓ Lifetime Warranty ✓ Tax Deductible* $19.95*/Mo. - Holiday Special Toll Free: 1-877-801-8608 *First three months only *Check with your accountant 365050 St James Catholic Church (A) Liberty’s Finest, Freshest Subs! www.jspaluch.com Ken Bohr Parishioner AUTO • HOME • LIFE 816-792-2949 963 W. Liberty Drive, Liberty, MO [email protected] Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. For further information, please call the Parish Office. For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-855-685-5703
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