June 19, 2016 - St. Agnes Cathedral
T he Pa r i s h of S t . Ag n e s Ca t h e d r a l 29 Quealy Place Rockville Centre New York 11570-4021 E Mail:[email protected] 516-766-0205 Fax 516-763-0745 Website: http://www.StAgnesCathedral.org Most Rev. William F. Murphy, S.T.D., Diocesan Bishop Pastoral Staff Rev. Msgr. William E. Koenig, Rector Rt. Rev. Msgr. James P. Kelly, Rector Emeritus, In Residence Rev. Ryan Creamer, Associate Pastor Rev. Seth N. Awo Doku, Associate Pastor Rev. James H. Hansen, Associate Pastor Rev. German Villabon, O.S.A., Associate Pastor Deacon Thomas McDaid Sr. Kathleen Carlin, O.P., Co-Principal, St. Agnes School Helen Newman, Co-Principal, St. Agnes School Dr. Jo-Ann Metzdorff, Religious Ed. Director Deacon Andrew Ciccaroni, Confirmation Coordinator Sr. Kathleen P. Murphy, O.P., Pastoral Associate Michael Bower, Co-Director of Music Michael Wustrow, Co-Director of Music Harry Larson, Business Manager Philip F. Malloy, Jr., Youth Ministry Rev. German Villabon, O.S.A, Comunidad Hispana We, the parish of Saint Agnes Cathedral, a community of believers, proclaim the presence of Christ in the world through Word, Sacrament and deeds. Affirming the sanctity of each person, we minister to all by committing ourselves to renewal, formation and living the Gospel. (Mission Statement of the Parish of Saint Agnes Cathedral) June 19, 2016 2 Schedule of Masses Contact Numbers Saturday Eve Rectory Office 766-0205 Open Mon. through Fri. 8:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. (closed for lunch 12:30 -1:30 p.m.) Sat. 8:30 a.m.-6:00 p.m., Sun. 9:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Emergencies anytime Sunday Elementary School 678-5550 Sr. Kathleen Carlin, O.P. Co-Principal Ms. Helen Newman, Co-Principal 5:00 p.m. Cathedral 7:30 p.m. Lower Hall 7:30p.m. Cathedral (Spanish Mass) 7:00, 8:00, 9:30, 10:30 Lower Hall (not celebrated during the summer) 11:00 a.m., 12:30 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. Weekday 6:30, 7:45, 9:00 a.m., 12:10 p.m. (No 12:10 p.m. on Saturday) Monday 7:30 p.m. Eve of Holy Day 5:00 p.m. Holy Day Check the weekly bulletin Religious Education Dr. Jo-Ann Metzdorff 678-2306 Adult Formation Dr. Jo-Ann Metzdorff 678-2306 Service Center/Outreach Sr. Kathleen P. Murphy, O.P. 678-1854 Music Office 764-9578 Michael Bower, Co-Director Michael Wustrow, Co-Director Youth Ministry Philip Malloy 766-0205 Comunidad Hispana Rev. German Villabon, O.S.A. 766-0205 Business Office Harry Larson, Manager 766-0205 Sacraments Marriage Arrangements should be made at least 12 months in advance and prior to making reception plans. Call the Confessions Saturday, Eve of Holy Day, and Eve of First Friday Rectory for appointment with priest or deacon you wish to witness your wedding. All couples are required to attend 4:00 to 4:45 p.m. Pre-Cana. Monday Evening following 7:30 p.m. Mass. Wednesday Morning following 7:45 a.m. Mass and the Pastoral Care of the Sick 12:10 p.m. Mass. Priests and Extraordinary Ministers of Communion are available to bring Holy Communion to parishioners Baptism Once a month on Saturday at 12:30 p.m. and on the confined to home. Please call the Rectory to make 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month at 1:45 p.m. Contact arrangements. Those who are seriously ill should request a the Rectory Office (766-0205) to arrange for interview, priest for Anointing of the Sick. The Anointing of the Sick ceremony and registration for required Baptism is celebrated each Monday morning during the 9:00 a.m. Mass. If you would like to be anointed, please sit in the first Preparation Class (for first time parents). row of the pulpit transept. On Becoming A Catholic Those seeking information about the Catholic Faith are invited to contact Dr. Jo-Ann Metzdorff (678-2306) concerning the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). TWELFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Masses For The Week Monday, June 20, Weekday 2 Kgs 17:5-8, 13-15a, 18; Mt 7:1-5 6:30 Father’s Day Novena 7:45 Robert Morvillo 9:00 Lina Camilleri 12:10 Deceased members of Cannataro Family 7:30 Rosemarie Sferrazza Tuesday, June 21, St. Aloysius Gonzaga, Religious 2 Kgs 19-9b-11, 14-21, 31-35a, 36; Mt 7:6, 12-14 6:30 Margie Tomlin (Living Intention) 7:45 Father’s Day Novena 9:00 Teresa Dinse 12:10 Angelo & Elizabeth DeRienzo Wednesday, June 22, St. Paulinus of Nola Bishop; St. John Fisher, Bishop, and Thomas More, Martyrs 2 Kgs 22:8-13; 23:1-3; Mt 7:15-20 6:30 Joan Sciano (Living Intention) 7:45 Anne Milano 9:00 Father’s Day Novena 12:10 Ruth Cooleen Thursday, June 23, Weekday 2 Kgs 24:8-17; Mt 7:21-29 6:30 Mother of God 7:45 Sal Esposito 9:00 Bob Fannon (Birthday Remembrance) 12:10 Father’s Day Novena Friday, June 24, The Nativity of St. John the Baptist Is 49:1-6; Acts 13:22-26; Lk 1:57-66, 80 6:30 Father’s Day Novena 7:45 Elizabeth & Gerard Seifert 9:00 Mary Anne Curran 12:10 Nicholas Belolan Saturday, June 25, Weekday Lam 2:2, 10-14, 18-19; Mt 8:5-17 6:30 Father’s Day Novena 7:45 Vincent, Patrick & William Shimol 9:00 Special Intention 5:00 Sr. Loretta Joseph Cantwell, O.P., Mark Bevilacqua, Maria D’Antonio, Alfred W. Musella, Rocco J. Loccisano, Marie Sclafani 7:30 C Cipriano Gonzalez 7:30 LH Richard Gerard LaRocca Sunday, June 26, Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 1 Kgs 19:16b, 19-21; Gal 5:1, 13-18; Lk 9:51-62 7:00 Louise Mary Garretto 8:00 Parishioners of St. Agnes Cathedral 9:30 Father’s Day Novena 11:00 Madelaine Brennan Hawley 12:30 Blanche Rodziewicz, Gina Memoli, William J. Phelan, Annette Reynolds, Mary Peterson, Thomas P. Guinan 5:00 Les Carter 3 Please Pray For The Dearly Departed Mary Solntzeff, Raymond Gilliam, Tito Guglielmone, Joseph Small, William A. Carey, Ellen A. Boykin, Johanna Schirmer, Marian McCormick, Yanique Point-Du-Jour For The Sick Robert Hierspiel, Alexandra Burg, Noreen Cecere, Anthony Brunetta, Alan Jones, Eugene, Sally Smith, Amanda Augello, Jake Basile, Jake Lonigro, Catalina Aloi, Laura Aquino, Elizabeth Bevacqua, Jill Blum, Courtney Boehme, Catherine Boiselle, Kathleen Burns, Joan Burkert, Patrick Cashin, Hugh Cassidy, Jimi Lyn Chapman, Sidney Chung, Eleanor Cobb, Madonna Lacey Cole, Jim Cole, Colleen Costello, Kathy Cusimano, Maria Davis, Susan DeMattia, Keith Delaney, Lou DeLuca, Hugh Dennehy, Gregory Donegal, Patricia Donegal, Brielle Faracini, Cecilia Finelli, Toddler Anthony Gale, Shayla Garrett, Danny Gause, Lena Gause, Aimee Gentilcore, Sal Giallombardo, Anthony Gigantiello, Marlene Gough, Nancy Hahn, Baby Shelby Lynn Hallmann, Cynthia Haralson, Eleanor Herbert, Marie Herbert, Rosemary Herrera, Sister Bernadette Jones, O.P., Carolyn Kanter, Jimmy Kerrigan, Annie Delores Kirkland, Gary Koehler, Ellie Krutt, Michael Lanzi, William Leahy, Michael Lema, Arthur Makarius, Lily McLaurin, Kevin McDermott, Parker Mills, Carmen Marino, Mary Morahan, Dan Masciovecchio, Agnes Mueller, Donna Mullen, Michael Nuzzi, Neil O’Brien, Robert O’Brien, Nicole O’Neal, Mary O’Neill, James Otto, Patti Jean Pasquino, Thora Petzold, Steve Pickney, Gertrude Platz, Lynn Pulambo, John D. Raphael, Baby Liam Rickman, Shannon Schmidt, Kristen Serafin, Paul Serino, Lisa Pelrine-Shulman, Raymond Sisti, Christopher Stock, Jonathan Stuart, Lauren Stotts, Maureen Taylor, Kim Tersigni, Audrey Thomas, Joanie Thompson, George Torez, Barbara Wright. Names for the bulletin remain for three weeks unless the Rectory is notified. Rose for Life In Loving Memory of John Cusumano, Sr. Novena to Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal Monday - after 9:00 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Masses Rosary After the 9:00 a.m. Mass each Monday through Saturday in the Cathedral except on First Saturday when it is recited at 8:30 a.m. All are welcome. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament You are invited to join us each Friday for some quiet reflection and prayer in the Holy Cross Chapel following the 9:00 a.m. Mass concluding with Benediction at 3:00 p.m. June 19, 2016 4 Stewardship A Way of Life This Week’s Readings “Who do you say I am?” Jesus asks Peter in today’s Gospel. Does my use of the gifts and talents entrusted to me accurately reflect my answer to that same question? How willing am I to deny myself, take up my cross and follow in His steps? Living Stewardship We are grateful this week for all stewards in our parish who practice the spiritual work of mercy to “instruct the ignorant” by handing on the faith to kids and grandkids by their own example, or offering their gifts to teach in RCIA, confirmation, youth group or religious education. Sharing One’s Material Resources in the Parish Join Us in Prayer Men’s Prayer Group This Prayer Group includes confirmed teenage boys and all other adult men. The men of the parish meet on the last Thursday of each month from 7:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. The next meeting will be held on Thursday, June 30th in the Ministry Building. For details call Kevin Conlon at (718) 757-6908. Summer Schedule Begins Please note the Summer schedule begins next weekend June 26, 2016. The 10:30 a.m. Family Mass in the Lower Hall will resume on September 11, 2016. Peter’s Pence Collection June 25th and 26th St. Agnes Parish Outreach Our food pantry is in need of the following items: rice, macaroni and cheese, spaghetti, marinara sauce, peanut butter and jelly, tuna fish, and cereal. Your consideration of the donation of any of these items is greatly appreciated. Many thanks for your generous support of St. Agnes Parish Outreach. Love, Sr. Kathleen Next week our diocese will take up the Peter’s Pence Collection, which provides the Holy Father with the funds he needs to carry out his most important charitable works. The proceeds benefit the most disadvantaged: victims of war, oppression, and natural disasters. Through your generosity, we can cast the peace of Christ upon the world. La semana antes de la Colecta La próxima semana, nuestra diócesis llevará a cabo la Colecta Peter’s Pence, la cual le proporciona al Santo Padre los fondos que necesita para realizar sus más importantes labores caritativas. Lo recaudado en la Colecta beneficia a los más necesitados: a las víctimas de guerra, de opresión y de desastres naturales. Por medio de su generosidad, estaremos esparciendo la paz de Cristo por el mundo. TWELFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Religious Education Registration for 2016-2017 Religious Education Registration continues for those children entering Level 1 (First Grade) or those whose children who have not been part of our Religious Education program previously. Registration is in the Religious Education Office on the first floor of the Ministry Building. Please bring a copy of your child’s baptismal certificate and your checkbook. Those children who have been enrolled in religious education in a different parish must obtain a transfer letter from the previous parish. Those already in our program will receive an update form in early July. The Religious Education office is open on Mondays from 1:30 to 4:00 p.m. and Tuesday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. For more information please call our office at 678-2306 or e-mail [email protected] Volunteer Catechists Needed We need your help for the 2016-2017 Religious Education year. We especially need catechists in levels 4, 5, 7 & 8. The younger grades meet weekly and Levels 7 & 8 meet approximately every other week. Training is provided. Catechists must fill out a volunteer form and participate in a VIRTUS workshop on protecting children against abuse. Please call our office at (516) 678-2306 or e-mail Our children [email protected]. need you to help them learn our faith! 2017 Mass Intentions The Mass intention book for 2017 is now open and having a Mass offered for a loved one on their birthday, date of death or some other significant date in their life can be arranged at the Rectory Office. Having one’s loved ones remembered at Mass is a tradition that dates back to the early Church. Inscriptions on the walls of the ancient catacombs ask people to pray for those who have fallen asleep in death. St. Ambrose (d. 397) preached that just as we have loved people during life, we love them in death as we pray for them. St. Augustine (d. 430) recorded the dying wishes of his mother, St. Monica in his Confessions: “One thing only I ask you, that you remember me at the altar of the Lord wherever you may be.” More recently, Pope Leo XIII explained that the Mass is the means by which we are especially connected to those who have gone before us. For it is at Mass, Pope Leo wrote, that we “all form one city, whose head is Christ, and whose vital principle is love.” And it is through the Mass, St. John Paul II wrote, that “the Church prays that God, the Father of mercies, will grant His children the fullness of the Holy Spirit so that they may become one body and one spirit in Christ” and live in the presence of God for all eternity. Please feel free to speak to one of the priests should you have any questions. The Newly Baptized On June 5th and 12th, 2016 we welcomed the following children into the St. Agnes Cathedral Parish Community: Attention This Year’s Catechists We thank you for all your hard work and dedication to our children. Catechists are asked to return their catechist manuals and attendance sheets to our office. We also have a small gift for our catechists that you can pick up in our office. 5 Elowyn Dunlop Joseph Grillo, III Sean Hubler Charles Keryc Ronan McLoughlin Angelo Perone Penelope Twomey Congratulations to the parents of the newly baptized. June 19, 2016 6 Mercy Night In this year of Mercy, you are cordially invited to join us at St. Barnabas Church at 2320 Bedford Avenue, Bellmore on Friday, July 8th from 7:30-10:00 p.m. for Mercy Night. It will be a beautiful candlelit evening filled with adoration, contemplative worship and Taize chant. Selected excerpts from the Diary of St. Faustina will be read intermittently throughout the evening and the sacrament of reconciliation will be available. Whether you are looking to deepen your faith or even if you haven’t been to church in years, you are encouraged to join us for an evening of quiet refuge and private prayer. Think of it as a mini-retreat for the weary pilgrim. For more information call St. Barnabas rectory at (516) 785-0054. Holy Land Pilgrimage October 26November 5, 2016 Our Lady Queen of Peace Prayer Group will be sponsoring a Jubilee Year of Mercy Pilgrimage to the Holy Land, led by Fr. James Hansen and Fr. Brian Barr. The cost of the pilgrimage is $3,599 which includes round-trip airfare from New York, 8 nights’ accommodations with breakfast and dinner daily at our hotel (wine included with dinner). Daily lunch is also included, along with sightseeing and admissions fees, daily Mass and spiritual activities. For more information call Penny Abbruzzese at (516) 593-8849 or Liz Smith or Natasha at 206 Tours at (631) 361-4644. 60th Reunion for St. Agnes School, Class of 1956 Memory Loss, Dementia and Alzheimer’s Lecture St. Agnes Academic School, Class of 1956, is getting ready to celebrate its 60th Reunion with two days of festivities, beginning on Tuesday evening, June 28th with a casual house party featuring dinner and entertainment at the Cala di Mare Restaurant, located in Rockville Centre’s Best Western Hotel. The next day, Wednesday, June 29th, they will join together to honor their deceased classmates at St. Agnes Cathedral, where the 12:10 p.m. parish Mass will be offered for them. That evening, a Gala Dinner at Rockville Links Club will end the exciting 60th Reunion of these classmates, many of whom went to school together since first grade. For further information, contact Elaine Edden Stillwell at (516) 766-4682 or email [email protected] Mercy Medical Center invites the community to an information lecture on Alzheimer’s Association “The Basics: Memory Loss, Dementia and Alzheimer’s.” on June 28th from 2:30- to 3:30 p.m. at CIJ Conference Center, rooms 4 & 5. Learn about detection, causes, risk factors, stages and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease Registration is required, please call 1-800-272-3900. Holy Door and Adoration for the Year of Mercy Last December, Bishop William Murphy opened the Extraordinary Year of Mercy (December 8, 2015 to November 20, 2016) in the Diocese of Rockville Centre by opening the Holy Door of Mercy at St. Agnes. Pilgrims may visit the Cathedral and pass through the doors as part of their spiritual journey during this Jubilee Year. As one of the four designated Pilgrimage sites in the Diocese of Rockville Centre, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and confessions take place every Tuesday following the 12:10 p.m. Mass until 4:30 p.m. TWELFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME St. Joseph’s & St. Agnes’ CRUISE TO NOWHERE 2016 DO NOT MISS OUT! Wednesday July 20, 2016 on the Captain Lou in Freeport Food, Fun, and Friendship! Cost $30 First come - First served! Boat capacity is limited to 150! Please consider the following when signing up your group: All youth ministries are limited to two chaperone for every 10 youth. All money must be received by July 1st to guarantee a spot. Please include a list of adults and youth who will be attending . Wrist bands will be mailed out to you upon receipt of payment and list. No money will be accepted on the day of the cruise. We hope to see you all again this year! Don’t wait until the last minute to send in your reservation. Contact Info: Phil Malloy - (516) 315-7002 or [email protected] Please make all checks payable to St. Agnes Youth Group and send to: Phil Malloy St. Agnes Cathedral Youth Ministry 29 Quealy Place, Rockville Centre, NY 11570 7 8 June 19, 2016 www.CFFOR.org 631-896-8331 5th Annual Fortnight For Freedom: Witnesses to Freedom Designated by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops “On his visit to the U.S., Pope Francis encouraged us to nurture, promote, and defend the precious gift of religious freedom. To this end, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has continued to encourage Catholics, other Christians, and all people of good will to set aside two weeks to reflect on religious freedom.” Archbishop William E. Lori, Archdiocese of Baltimore Catholics for Freedom of Religion along with the Diocese of Rockville Centre are most honored to welcome Archbishop Lori as the keynote speaker at the June 27 Rally for Religious Freedom. See details below. As Catholics and Americans, striving to be good and faithful servants, we are called to prosper the gift of free will. To do that, we must learn the meaning of conscience rights and recognize the forces denying that right. We must learn our Constitution’s unique protection of conscience and not passively yield them to placate a secular culture. Only then can we answer every attack on religious liberty in our community, state and country. The deliberate erosion of respect for Christians, for religious practices and deeply held beliefs has brought unimagined and liberty-crushing cultural and political changes. Would you risk your own life, fortune and sacred honor to defend this right of religious freedom? Would you make it a priority to pray, learn and teach others to love and preserve religious liberty? Archbishop Chaput has said, “If lay people don’t love their Catholic faith enough to struggle for it in the public square, nothing the Bishops do will finally matter” Bishop William Murphy points out, “ Today we are the witnesses. We will pray and we will speak. We will act together and invite others to join us. Our cause is a cause that is great and a truth that cannot be vanquished.” June 26th— Fortnight Diocesan Mass—11:00 a.m. at St. Agnes Cathedral, 29 Quealy Place, Rockville Centre. Bishop William Murphy, Celebrant June 27th—Rally for Religious Freedom—St. John the Baptist H.S. 1170 Montauk Hwy, W. Islip. Archbishop Lori, Keynote Speaker 6:30 p.m. Public Rosary in front of school 7:30 p.m. Rally program in auditorium TWELFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 9 St. Agnes Senior Club Presents a 4 day/3 night trip to Virginia Beach Seafood & Sightseeing September 19-22, 2016 Package Includes: 3 nights oceanfront hotel accommodations 3 full breakfasts 3 dinners including One All-You-Can Eat Seafood Buffet at the World Famous Captain George’s Seafood Restaurant—there is something for everyone on this delicious buffet featuring over 70 items from fresh seafood such as crab legs, salmon, shrimp & mahi-mahi to their famous She-Crab Soup, secret seafood casserole recipes, homemade salads, dressings, fresh baked deserts and authentic Greek pastries. A visit to the Fort Monroe Casemate Museum Visit the Williamsburg Pottery & the Shops at Merchant Square Visit to Yankee Candle Village Visit the famous Douglas MacArthur Memorial & enjoy a short movie about the life of this famous general A visit to the MacArthur Center Mall A guided tour of the Norfolk Naval Base (Government Issued Picture ID required) A visit to the Hampton Roads Naval MuseumTime to enjoy the beach and boardwalk Baggage Handling, meal gratuities & hotel taxes Motor coach Transportation included Price:$430.00 Per Person, Double Occupancy Single Supplement: $150.00 Additional $50 Deposit Due As Soon As Possible. Further Information & Reservation Contact: Sr. Helen Byrne/Joanne Mirro at 516-766-0931 *************************************************************************** Please return to St. Agnes Cathedral, Attn: Joanne Mirro, 29 Quealy Pl, Rockville Centre, NY 11570 Name:_______________________________________________________________ Address:______________________________________________________________ Phone:_____________________________ Deposit per person:_________ Final Payment pp:____________________ June 19, 2016 10 Jubilee Year of Mercy Diocesan Pilgrimage Saturday, September 24, 2016 National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception Washington, D.C. Reserve your seat on the bus before the summer vacation! Bus departs St. Agnes between 6:00 -7:00 a.m. and returns at approximately 11:00 p.m. Pre-ordered lunches will be available for a $10.00 charge. Group Prayer Presentations Private Prayer Time Adoration Confession Holy Mass Ample time for lunch, tours and shopping! Special Event for Young Adults At 3:00 p.m. in the Crypt Chapel With music and witness talks Requested donation: $50.00 To sign up call Mary: 516-375-0738 Or email at: [email protected] TWELFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 11 June 19, 2016 12 This Father’s Day, please consider those Dads who because of an illness or loss of job, are having trouble feeding or sheltering their family. A crisis can take many forms and strike in an instant. The good news is that because of you, the Catholic Ministries Appeal provides the support necessary for our Parish Outreach and Catholic Charities programs to assist those in their time of greatest need. Every day, people in our community are helped because of support from funds raised through the Catholic Ministries Appeal…Dads like James. James saw information about the Catholic Ministries Appeal at his local parish, and he knew he had to turn to the Church for help since he had nowhere else to go. James had been gainfully employed for more than 10 years when he began to feel ill. Soon his medical issues made it impossible for him to keep working and he was forced to go out on disability. After paying the co-pays on his medications, his family’s rent and utilities bills, James had very little left to purchase food and other necessities for his family. It was hard for him to ask for help, but with nowhere else to turn, he did. Catholic Charities found him a specialist who assessed the family’s needs and directed them to appropriate resources in his community. He went to his Parish Outreach, where his family received food that let them make it through the month. James and his family got the help they so desperately needed. Today, James is back to work and the family is doing well. “I am so thankful that I know there is somewhere I can turn, where there are people that care, people I can talk to, if I am ever in such a situation again,” shared James. Thank you for considering this special request to make a gift to the 2016 Catholic Ministries Appeal. Please know that no gift is too small and every gift makes a difference in the lives of Dads like James and so many others. You may pick up information and pledge cards in the back of the Church, fill out the form below or for more information, visit www.CatholicMinistriesAppeal.org or call 516-379-5210 Ext. 2 2016 Catholic Ministries AppealPlease fill out and return to the rectory or drop in the collection basket at Mass. Parish: ___________________________________________________________ Name: ___________________________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip: _____________________________________________________ Phone: ____________________________________________________________ Pledge Down Payment Balance Donor Signature: ____________________________________________________ EMAIL: __________________________________________________________ $ ________ $_________ $_________ Please make check payable to Catholic Ministries Appeal. Thank you for your support. If you would like to charge your contribution to your credit card please also fill out the following: Visa MasterCard American Express Discover Please charge my entire contribution (one time gift) or if you would like to make your contribution in installments please call (516) 379-5210 Ext. 2. Card # ___________________________________ Exp. Date ____/____ Total Amount $ ____________ Signature: __________________________________________________ For gifts of Securities, please call the office for instructions. Matching gifts: visit our website www.matchinggifts.com/DRVC. When you provided any information to the Catholic Ministries Appeal, we maintain the confidentiality of such information and use it only to serve you better. At any time, you have the right to remove any such voluntary information from our records by contacting us. Catholic Ministries Appeal, Diocese of Rockville Centre, P.O. Box 4000, Rockville Centre, New York 11571 catholicministriesappeal.org TWELFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Summer Basketball Camp The 27th annual Big Time Basketball Camp will once again be held at St. Anthony’s in Oceanside. The camp is held for 7 weekly sessions beginning Monday, June 27th and ending Aug. 26th. The hours are Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. The fee for one week is only $235 for the entire week. All campers receive a free camp t-shirt. In addition each week we give out free water bottles, shorts, hats, tank-tops, wrist bands, portable air pumps, and backpacks. The camp is fully insured and we offer professional, first rate instruction. Please call (516) 678-3290 or e-mail [email protected] for an application, or you can download one by visiting our website at www.bigtimebasketballcamp.net. 2016 Annual Catholic Charismatic Conference Come and join us for the weekend at the 2016 Annual Catholic Charismatic Conference in Scranton, Pennsylvania held at Scranton University. Conference dates are July 29 through July 31, 2016. The 2016 theme is “Go and Make Disciples” — Mt. 28:19. A bus has been charted for the conference and will be picking up all interested at Saint Cyril and Methodius Parish in Deer Park and at Our Holy Redeemer in Freeport. For registration and transportation information call Anna Baciuska at (516) 223-8594. Catholic High School Prep Course Sacred Heart Academy is offering a Catholic High School Prep Course to be held on August 22-26, September 10, and October 15th. Cost is $200 which includes all materials. Two sessions are available. In addition, we are offering a PSAT review course on August 15th-19th, September 10th and 24th for any student entering his/her Junior year in September 2016. Cost is $200. Students must bring their own calculators. For information and applications please call (516) 483-7383 Ext. 249. 13 Holy Trinity High School Summer Sport Camps Holy Trinity High School Summer Sport Camps at 98 Cherry Lane, Hicksville is offering the following camps this summer: Boy’s Basketball, Softball, Football, Girl’s Volleyball, Cheerleading, Basketball, Kickline, Boy’s & Girl’s Soccer and Wrestling. All full day camps includes lunch and dinner. Multi camp and group discount rates are available. Camps are in session from the weeks of June 27thAugust 5th. For prices and registration information contact: [email protected] or visit www. abcsportscamps.com/hths or call (516) 433-2577. Beauty of the Spirit Luncheon Sisters of St. Dominic of Amityville, NY will be holding its 15th Annual Beauty of the Spirit Luncheon for the benefits of our elderly sisters on June 24th, at 11:00 a.m. at the Crest Hollow Country Club, Woodbury, NY. The Keynote Speaker will be Sister Joan Martin, OP. The luncheon will be emceed by Carol Silva. Tickets are $75.00 per person. Basket prizes and 50/50 Raffle will take place throughout the luncheon. For more information call (631) 842-6000 Ext. 238 or 241 or visit us at: www.sistersofstdominic.org Widows and Widowers, Divorced and Single Catholics of Long Island A new member orientation will be held on Tuesday, June 28th at 7:30 p.m. We are non-denominational; all are welcome. Meetings are held every fourth Tuesday at St. Frances de Chantel School, 1309 Wantagh Ave., Wantagh, NY. Please bring proof of single status to join. Refreshments will be served after the meeting. For further information please call Carol at (516) 794-4933 or Barbara at (516) 798-2858. June 19, 2016 14 Banns of Marriage I Meghan Torchen Ryan Christensen Laura Aiello Anthony Brescio Claire Carter Daniel Rogan St. Agnes Cathedral Oceanside, NY St. Anthony Oceanside, NY St. Ignatius Martyr Long Beach, NY St. Agnes Cathedral St. Pius X Middletown, CT II Katie Leota Andrew Holmes St. Agnes Cathedral Rockville Centre, NY III Caitlin Meehan Henry Hahn St. Agnes Cathedral N. Bellmore, NY Natasha Camacho Thomas Daddino Emily Morr Paul Llobell, III St. Bartholomew Elmhurst, NY St. Catherine of Siena Franklin Square, NY St. Agnes Cathedral Great River, NY Preparing for Marriage? Engaged Encounter is an effective Pre-Cana program designed to provide you with the tools for a successful marriage. Couples are given the opportunity to explore many aspects of their relationship through a series of presentations, writings and dialog. There are no group discussions. Our next weekend will be held at the Seminary of the Immaculate Conception July 8th-10th. For information/registration please call (631) 563-1032 or visit www.engagedencounterli.org Maj. Thomas J. Barrett, U.S. Army 1st Lt. Paul D. Cammarota, USMC Lt. Scott Kiley Childers, U.S. Navy LCDR Richard Childers, M.D. U.S. Navy Lt. Greg Crescenzo, U . S. Navy Spc. Michael J. Cronin, U.S. Army Airman Michael Cummo, U.S. Navy Ensign Christopher DelBello, U.S. Navy P.O. 2nd Class Robert W. DeMattia, U.S. Navy Lt. J.G.-Kevin Doyle, U.S. Navy Daniel Fels, U.S. Army, Military Police 2nd Lt. Charles Flanagan, U. S. Army A.M.T 3, Kyle Forster, U.S. Coast Guard Capt. Brian Gallagher, U.S. Army 82nd Airborne Lt. Maura C. Garrity, U.S. Navy Capt Steven Hampson, U.S. Army Capt. Cody Hardenburgh USMC Pvt. Daniel Healey, U.S. Army 2nd Class Petty Officer, Robert Hock, U.S. Navy 1st Lt. Tynika Holland, U.S. Army Major Philip F. Johndrow, U.S. Army Lt. Justin L. Krol, U.S. Navy Lance Corporal Jason Maccaron, USMC S N Matthew T. Mallay, U.S. Navy Cpl James Thomas Maroney, USMC Sgt. Joseph Meyer, U.S. Army Maj. Christopher V. Meyers, USMC Lt. Col. Gregory John Mueller, USMC (Reserve) Stephan O’Connor, E-5, U.S. Navy Matthew Pacheco, U.S. Army Ensign John A. Petr, US Navy Lance Corporal Eric Roehrig, USMC Spc. Jeanine M. Rosa, U.S. Army Col. Mark P. Rowan, USAF Thomas Sullivan, U. S. Army Robert C. Tempesta, Master at Arms, 1st Class U.S. Navy PFC Derick Thomas, USMC Corporal Peter C. Wadkins, Jr. USMC Prayer for our Troops Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. And give us peace. I ask this in the name of Jesus, Our Lord and Savior. Amen Kindly call the Rectory Office at 766-0205 Paul Conte Cadillac “Your local Cadillac Dealer Sunrise Hwy, Freeport (516) 378-1130 Advance Formal Wear Front Street Bakery (516) 766-1199 51 Front St., Rockville Centre Under New Ownership G RE E K TO W N FAMILY RESTAURANT 90 North Village Ave., RVC Psychotherapy/Clinical Hypnosis Individual, Family Marriage The Place For The Hungry Fisherman NYS Licensed Psychoanalysis Restaurant - Diner Fresh Seafood - Chops 329 SUNRISE HIGHWAY Kathleen Joyce, Ph.D. 516 747-8213 By Appt Levin’s Pharmacy Inc. 516-763-2576 Licensed/ “Famous For Our Low Priced Prescription” Fred Rigel, Supervising Pharmacist 364 Long Beach Rd., Oceanside Free Delivery CJ’s Coffee Shop 766-2288 Insured 516-678-4550 Serving RVC Since 1978 Great for Breakfast and Lunch 225 No. Long Beach Rd., RVC 766-9107 Open Every Day 11AM-10PM Lunc h • Dinner • Cate ring GRAY ample parking in the back of the store ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES, P.C. Chris Gray, R.A. Phone: 516-679-4722 www.pipelineny.com 764-6372 48 No. Village Ave., RVC BARBECUE TUNE UP SPECIAL $69.95 plus parts 536-4900 - House Calls L&R Fireplace & Barbecue, Inc. 464 Merrick Rd., Oceanside Denise L. Emma, DDS Orthodontist for Children & Adults Invisalign Specialist 70 Seventh St. • Garden City 516.741.7970 Complimentary Consultation www.doctoremma.com “When In Doubt ... Licensed & Insured Bar - Restaurant Call for Parties Oceanside 678-5999 2914 Long Beach Rd. (next to PIP Printing) 2401 Capri Place, North Bellmore, NY 11710 10% off for parishioners “The Family Restaurant” Where the Elite Meet to Eat Seven Brothers GOURMET FOOD MARKET Complete Catering Service Since 1972 CALL TURNABOUT” For All Your Plumbing & Heating Needs 74 N. Prospect Ave., Lynbrook 887-4411 or 4415 COME SEE THE OCL I ROCKVILLE CENTRE EYE TEAM Ronald Caronia, MD Eric Donnenfeld, MD Russell Fumuso, MD David Garibaldi, MD Daniel Kiernan, MD David Nelson, MD Henry Perry, MD Nikola Ragusa, MD Surajit Saha, MD Eric Sigler, MD Glenn Stoller, MD Peter Wong, MD Come see the OCLI difference. Schedule your eye exam today. Evening and Saturday appointments available. Ryan Arts Medical Building 2000 North Village Ave., Ste. 402, Rockville Centre, NY 11570 CLASS “A” ROOFING & SIDING Morgan J. OʼBrien 516.766.2519 OCLI.net ROOFING SPECIALIST “We Live Here, We Worship Here” (516) 826-5514 ZENIE LANDSCAPING Lic/Ins Creative Landscape and Garden Designs Complete Weekly Maintenance Service 599-6478 Residential Service Experts! (516) 536-5700 www.mistersparky.com 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed www.georgemartingroup.com Open 7 Days • Dinner • Lunch • Cocktails Serving Sunday Brunch 11:30 - 3:00 13 No. Park Ave., RVC 678-1290 (516) 678-7272 65 N. Park Ave., RVC Major Brand Tires Serving our Community over 70 Yrs. Lic. & Ins. (516) 764-4677 Kollner’s Prime Meats 320 Sunrise Highway, RVC (516) 766-3250 www.kollnersprimemeats.com N.Y.S. Licensed PIONEER HAIR DESIGNERS “Specialists in Hair Cutting For The Whole Family” 114 North Park Ave., RVC Jose Podiatric Medicine Podiatric Surgery 200 North Village Ave., RVC House Calls Available+ Jack Facchin, O.D. 282 Sunrise Hwy., RVC WWW.JPAULSOCEANSIDE.COM 239 Merrick Rd., Oceanside 536-1806 265 Sunrise Hwy., Suite 41 Rockville Centre, NY 11570 Phone: 516-378-3100 Fax: 516-379-5954 (516) 238-1251 INDIVIDUAL, COUPLE & FAMILY THERAPY 764-0434 678-5117 Dr. David Karpe, DPM Dr. Howard Kessler, DPM Quality, pr ofessional, Diana Grishina, O.D. personalized eyecare David Leibstein, O.D. 516-678-6313 (516) 764-4041 • Lunch • Dinner • Brunch • Late Nite Snacks PRIX FIXE MENU MON. THRU FRI. Patrick Vitale, LCSW-R, ACSW 100 NORTH VILLAGE AVENUE SUITE 27 ROCKVILLE CENTRE, NY 11570 RVC Optometric Associates, P.C. 31 MERRICK AVENUE SUITE 130 MERRICK, NY 11566 Lindsay’s XII Experience the Difference Call For a Free Home Appraisal 180 N. Long Beach Rd. Oceanside 766-7900 XII DODICI 764-3000 Ristorante Italiano Private Party Room Available 12 N. Park Ave., Rockville Ctr. 59 N. Park Ave., RVC 442-3344 Open 7 Days Featuring Fine Wines & Spirits. Appetizers & Desserts 516-764-0800 328 SUNRISE HWY., RVC Service Mgr., Howie Silverstein N & M COMPLETE Auto Repair Inc. Towing Service • Elec. Systems • Inspections • Brakes Tune Ups • Front End • Emissions Tests • Pick Up & Deliver 2431 Long Beach Rd., Oceanside, NY (3 blocks S. Merrick Rd.) (516) 766-3380 Since 1973 Lunch Served Monday - Friday Ryan Medical Pharmacy Dinner Seven Nights A Week 2000 N. Village Ave. Rockville Centre, NY 11570 Inquire about private parties T: 516-362-2422 & catering F: 516-442-6111 Visit us at FREE DELIVERY www.georgemartingroup.com 766-3008 DINOʼS RESTAURANT 236 North Long Beach Rd., Rockville Centre Owner, Ralph Yovino TOTAL Floor and Carpet Services Hardwood Floor Sanding/Refinish Carpet&Upholstery Cleaning Stone Floor Specialist Floor Cleaning and Polishing Services Most insurance plans accepted fax (516) 766-0372 [email protected] Blue Moon Pizzeria & Casual Italian Dining Private Parties Available 763-4900 26 No. Park Ave., RVC Authentic Italian Cuisine Private Parties Available Catering Available $35.pp - Appetizer, Salad, Main Course, Wine, Beer, Soda, Coffee, Dessert New in RVC Sandwich • Wine with locations in Bk&Queens Bar Top Rated by Zagat & Over 40 Food Network different Eat in - Take Out sandwiches Catering • Free Delivery 22 No. Park Ave., RVC 536-1950 www.press195.com “WE CARE” Brian McGauvran 20 Lakeview Ave., Rockville Centre, NY 11570 Tel: 516-766-0101 Fax: 516-764-3573 [email protected] #223 FOR ADVERTISING: THE CHURCH BULLETIN INC. 200 DALE ST., W. BABYLON, NY 11704-1104 249-4994 • wwwthechurchbulletininc.com 234 Sunrise Hwy. 516-678-3555 www.rvctux.com THE GOLDEN REEF 208 Sunrise Highway Rockville Centre Tel (516) 678-1996 wwwtonycolombos.com TERRY ANIMAL HOSPITAL PAUL PERRIER, D.V.M., P.C. JOHN FOY, D.V.M. DR ANGELA KYNASTON DR. BRYAN SPAR 3 Washington St. (516) RVC, NY 11570 764-2880 Michael J. Noll 18 South Park Ave. Rockville Centre 340 Sunrise Hwy (516) 766-1238 516.766.2500 Assisi Parishioners Veterinary Hospital Internal Medicine, Surgery & Emergency Medicine Pet Grooming and Boarding Available 250 Hempstead Avenue Malverne Bus. (516) 678-8282 75 North Park Avenue, Rockville Centre WHISTLE STOP DESSERTS A FULL LINE DESSERT COMPANY 536-8526 Specialty Cakes, Sheet Cakes ~ LI’s #1 Cheesecake 3424 LAWSON BLVD., OCEANSIDE whistlestopdesserts.com www.kensfaucetandtoiletrepairs.com 181-189 E. Merrick Rd, VS 516-500-3605 WEʼRE OPEN 7 DAYS FREE PARKING KENS FAUCET Gourmet Fine Food & Catering www.happyhostess.com (516) 766-1046 Independence & Dignity Count, Inc. 318A Sunrise Hwy., RVC, NY “Ask Amy ” Medical Equipment, Suppli es & Accessori es Sale, Re ntals & Medical Gifts ~ Free Consultati on Compression Stockings, Orthotics, Mastectomy, Seat Lift Chairs, Bathroom Safety, Innovative Health Products & Medical Boutique IDC MEDICAL 232 Sunrise Hwy. www.idcmedicalsuppl ies.com 516-594-4494 Voted Best Medical & S urgical S tore on L.I. (516) 634-2560 & TOILET REPAIRS INC. Plumbers Amy P. Cardito, P resident Licensed Master Plumber All Plumbing Repairs All Bathroom Leaks including Tile Repair Thomas A. Glynn & Son, Inc. Funeral Home BonefishGrill.com 516-256-0022 www.assisivh.com 30% YOUR LOCAL SHOP FOR PHOTO/ELECTRONICS/OUTDOORS ETC. OFF ALL ACCESSORIES w/ad 516-796-2100 serving the Community Since 1990 1 0 % o f f f o r p a ri s h i o n e rs a n d fa m ily Come enjoy our “old fashioned” customer service 399 Ocean Ave., cor of Sunrise Hwy., RVC John J. Glynn Thomas A. Glynn Patrick Marron Lifelong Parishioners of St. Agnes Cathedral 20 Lincoln Ave. Lunch • Dinner Est. 1933 FUNERAL HOME INC. Family Owned and Operated 2681 Long Beach Rd Oceanside (516) 766-0425 www.towersfuneralhomeny.com Grand Opening Childrens Boutique Christening, Communion glynnfh.com Discount Fabric of Long Island 516-596-3100 Take 20% off your first purchase and get a free gift to our first 100 customers! 3222 Long Beach Rd., Oceanside Baby Take Home Outfits, 1st Bir thday Flower Girl, Ring Bearer, Boys S uits Baby Gifts 516-442-4770 6 So uth Village Ave., Rock ville Centre, NY www.Bambinoelegante.com Fundraisers Birthdays Parties leagues Special Programs Ladies • Mens Mixed • Seniors 100 Maple Ave., RVC, NY Adult/Child • Juniors • Business 516-678-3010 Now Under New Ownership www.rvclanes.net New Special Programs 10% off Birthday Parties with this coupon 13 North Village Avenue Rockville Centre Ph: 516-544-2526 www.salsamexicana.com Ann Turner, ABR, CBR Real Estate Salesperson Daniel Gale Sotheby’s International Realty 766-4700 Phone: 766-5550 Dr. Lawrence P. Horl Podiatrist Neapolitan Wood Fired Bistro & Bar 43 N. Village Ave., RVC 442-5858 Lunch Specials Catering Available Diplomate American Board of Podiatric Surgery Office Hours by Appointment House Calls Available 61 N. Park Avenue Rockville Centre, NY 11570 CHADWICKS American Chop House & Bar Lunch dinner catering take out 516-766-7800 www.chadwi cksli .com 49 front st., RVC (across from RVC train stat ion) 36 South Park Avenue ESTABLISHED 1951 Rockville Centre, NY 11570 Wholesale Grower G.B of Nursery Stock c 516.375.7749 o 516.678.1510 Landscaping and Design [email protected] NURSERIES, Inc. Certified Nursery Professionals 239 North Long Beach Road danielgale.com Rockville Centre, NY 11570 516-764-2490 187 N. Long Beach Rd., RVC 766-4200 • We Deliver • Catering Available • Beer & Wine www.GinosRVC.com Wednesday Pasta Night Open 7 Days 70 Seaman Ave., RVC, NY 11570 Call for an appt. (516)764-4997 www.undergroundhair.com #223 FOR ADVERTISING: THE CHURCH BULLETIN INC., 200 DALE ST., W. BABYLON, NY 11704-1104 (631) 249-4994 • www.thechurchbulletininc.com Lunch, Dinner, Sunday Brunch Patio available for private parties Kitchen open til 2AM Fri. & Sat. Call for Reservations STATE FARM INSURANCE DIANE MCGRATH, AGENT
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