May 8, 2016 - St. Agnes Cathedral
T he Pa r i s h of S t . Ag n e s Ca t h e d r a l 29 Quealy Place Rockville Centre New York 11570-4021 E Mail:[email protected] 516-766-0205 Fax 516-763-0745 Website: Most Rev. William F. Murphy, S.T.D., Diocesan Bishop Pastoral Staff Rev. Msgr. William E. Koenig, Rector Rt. Rev. Msgr. James P. Kelly, Rector Emeritus, In Residence Rev. Ryan Creamer, Associate Pastor Rev. Seth N. Awo Doku, Associate Pastor Rev. James H. Hansen, Associate Pastor Rev. German Villabon, O.S.A., Associate Pastor Deacon Thomas McDaid Sr. Kathleen Carlin, O.P., Co-Principal, St. Agnes School Helen Newman, Co-Principal, St. Agnes School Dr. Jo-Ann Metzdorff, Religious Ed. Director Deacon Andrew Ciccaroni, Confirmation Coordinator Sr. Kathleen P. Murphy, O.P., Pastoral Associate Michael Bower, Co-Director of Music Michael Wustrow, Co-Director of Music Harry Larson, Business Manager Philip F. Malloy, Jr., Youth Ministry Rev. German Villabon, O.S.A, Comunidad Hispana We, the parish of Saint Agnes Cathedral, a community of believers, proclaim the presence of Christ in the world through Word, Sacrament and deeds. Affirming the sanctity of each person, we minister to all by committing ourselves to renewal, formation and living the Gospel. (Mission Statement of the Parish of Saint Agnes Cathedral) May 8, 2016 2 Schedule of Masses Contact Numbers Saturday Eve Rectory Office 766-0205 Open Mon. through Fri. 8:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. (closed for lunch 12:30 -1:30 p.m.) Sat. 8:30 a.m.-6:00 p.m., Sun. 9:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Emergencies anytime Sunday Elementary School 678-5550 Sr. Kathleen Carlin, O.P. Co-Principal Ms. Helen Newman, Co-Principal 5:00 p.m. Cathedral 7:30 p.m. Lower Hall 7:30p.m. Cathedral (Spanish Mass) 7:00, 8:00, 9:30, 10:30 Lower Hall (not celebrated during the summer) 11:00 a.m., 12:30 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. Weekday 6:30, 7:45, 9:00 a.m., 12:10 p.m. (No 12:10 p.m. on Saturday) Monday 7:30 p.m. Eve of Holy Day 5:00 p.m. Holy Day Check the weekly bulletin Religious Education Dr. Jo-Ann Metzdorff 678-2306 Adult Formation Dr. Jo-Ann Metzdorff 678-2306 Service Center/Outreach Sr. Kathleen P. Murphy, O.P. 678-1854 Music Office 764-9578 Michael Bower, Co-Director Michael Wustrow, Co-Director Youth Ministry Philip Malloy 766-0205 Comunidad Hispana Rev. German Villabon, O.S.A. 766-0205 Business Office Harry Larson, Manager 766-0205 Sacraments Marriage Arrangements should be made at least 12 months in advance and prior to making reception plans. Call the Confessions Saturday, Eve of Holy Day, and Eve of First Friday Rectory for appointment with priest or deacon you wish to witness your wedding. All couples are required to attend 4:00 to 4:45 p.m. Pre-Cana. Monday Evening following 7:30 p.m. Mass. Wednesday Morning following 7:45 a.m. Mass and the Pastoral Care of the Sick 12:10 p.m. Mass. Priests and Extraordinary Ministers of Communion are available to bring Holy Communion to parishioners Baptism Once a month on Saturday at 12:30 p.m. and on the confined to home. Please call the Rectory to make 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month at 1:45 p.m. Contact arrangements. Those who are seriously ill should request a the Rectory Office (766-0205) to arrange for interview, priest for Anointing of the Sick. The Anointing of the Sick ceremony and registration for required Baptism is celebrated each Monday morning during the 9:00 a.m. Mass. If you would like to be anointed, please sit in the first Preparation Class (for first time parents). row of the pulpit transept. On Becoming A Catholic Those seeking information about the Catholic Faith are invited to contact Dr. Jo-Ann Metzdorff (678-2306) concerning the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). 3 SEVENTH SUNDAY OF EASTER Masses For The Week Monday, May 9, Easter Weekday Acts 19:1-8; Jn 16:29-33 6:30 Mother’s Day Novena 7:45 Msgr. Edward L. Melton 9:00 Regina Robinson 12:10 Margaret & John Walsh 7:30 Jimmy Gammello Tuesday, May 10, St. Damien de Veuster, Priest Acts 20:17-27; Jn 17:1-11a 6:30 John Hurban 7:45 Mother’s Day Novena 9:00 Armstrong & Bingham Families 12:10 Richard Gennario Wednesday, May 11, Easter Weekday Acts 20:28-38; Jn 17:11b-19 6:30 Sal Esposito 7:45 Lauro & Flanagan Families 9:00 Mother’s Day Novena 12:10 Billy Higgins & Marian Ierilli Thursday, May 12, St. Nereus & Achilleus, Martyrs; St. Pancras, Martyr Acts 22:30; 23:6-11; Jn 17:20-26 6:30 Mother’s Day Novena 7:45 Mary Lou, Teresa & Larry Murray 9:00 Catherine Kelly 12:10 John Lucchesi Friday, May 13, Our Lady of Fatima Acts 25:13b-21; Jn 21:15-19 6:30 Milagros Tugadi 7:45 Mother’s Day Novena 9:00 Intentions of St. Monica Parents Intercessory Prayer Group 12:10 Ellen McMahon Saturday, May 14, St. Matthias, Apostle Acts 1:15-17, 20-26; Jn 15:9-17 6:30 Mother’s Day Novena 7:45 Arthur Mastropietro 9:00 Special Intention 5:00 Steven M. Marmo, Thomas J. Farrell, Walter Grunwald, John D’Errico, Patricia Havern, In thanksgiving for my Angel 7:30 C Maria Filomena Fernandez 7:30 LH Mary Tedesco Sunday, May 15, Pentecost Sunday Acts 2:1-11; 1 Cor 12:3b-7, 12-13; Jn 20:19-23 7:00 Mother’s Day Novena 8:00 Parishioners of St. Agnes Cathedral 9:30 Suor Tommasina Palumbo 10:30 LH Kathleen, Scott & Edward Durkin 11:00 John White 12:30 Margaret McNicholas, Alan Kowalczuk, William Jack (Living Intention), Joan Wulfing Alex Emerling, Dorothea Hennig, 5:00 Helena Goldblat Please Pray For The Dearly Departed John B. Riordan For The Sick Alan Jones, Nolan Basil, Mary Solntzeff, Amanda Augello, Jake Basile, Jake Lonigro, Catalina Aloi, Laura Aquino, Elizabeth Bevacqua, Jill Blum, Courtney Boehme, Catherine Boiselle, Kathleen Burns, Joan Burkert, Patrick Cashin, Hugh Cassidy, Jimi Lyn Chapman, Sidney Chung, Eleanor Cobb, Madonna Lacey Cole, Jim Cole, Colleen Costello, Kathy Cusimano, Maria Davis, Susan DeMattia, Keith Delaney, Lou DeLuca, Hugh Dennehy, Gregory Donegal, Patricia Donegal, Brielle Faracini, Cecilia Finelli, Toddler Anthony Gale, Shayla Garrett, Danny Gause, Lena Gause, Aimee Gentilcore, Sal Giallombardo, Anthony Gigantiello, Marlene Gough, Nancy Hahn, Baby Shelby Lynn Hallmann, Cynthia Haralson, Eleanor Herbert, Marie Herbert, Rosemary Herrera, Sister Bernadette Jones, O.P., Carolyn Kanter, Jimmy Kerrigan, Annie Delores Kirkland, Gary Koehler, Ellie Krutt, Michael Lanzi, William Leahy, Michael Lema, Jeanne Longua, Zellin Lowe, Arthur Makarius, Lily McLaurin, Kevin McDermott, Parker Mills, Carmen Marino, Mary Morahan, Dan Masciovecchio, Agnes Mueller, Donna Mullen, Michael Nuzzi, Neil O’Brien, Robert O’Brien, Nicole O’Neal, Mary O’Neill, James Otto, Patti Jean Pasquino, Thora Petzold, Steve Pickney, Gertrude Platz, Lynn Pulambo, John D. Raphael, Baby Liam Rickman, Shannon Schmidt, Kristen Serafin, Paul Serino, Lisa PelrineShulman, Raymond Sisti, Christopher Stock, Jonathan Stuart, Lauren Stotts, Maureen Taylor, Kim Tersigni, Audrey Thomas, Joanie Thompson, George Torez, Barbara Wright. Names for the bulletin remain for three weeks unless the Rectory is notified. Wine & Hosts In Honor of Pat & Desmond McCarthy’s 65th Wedding Anniversary with Love from Barbie & Mike Barone & Family Altar Flowers In Loving Memory of Our Dear Friend, Regina Robinson From Joyce Gomolin, Andrea Marchena & Josephine Jachniewez May 8, 2016 4 Stewardship A Way of Life This Week’s Readings Today’s reading contains the somber warning that Jesus is coming soon and will bring to each person the reward that his or her conduct deserves. Has my stewardship of the blessings entrusted to me been such that I could respond joyfully, “Amen!”? Living Stewardship We are grateful this week for all stewards in our parish whose giving - whether of alms or of service-will be an expression of both spiritual and corporal works of mercy, making them missionaries of mercy to a world in such need of it. Sharing One’s Material Resources in the Parish Religious Education Registration for 2016-2017 Registration for those children entering level 1 (first grade), or for those older children who have not had any religious education, or who are transferring to St. Agnes Religious Education, will begin the week of May 2nd in the Religious Education Office located in the Ministry Building. The office is open on Mondays from 1:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. and Tuesday through Fridays from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. In order to register you must be a registered member of the parish and provide a copy of your child's baptismal certificate. Level 1 Religious Education is the first year of the required two year preparation for First Holy Communion. Please pass the word to anyone you know who has a child entering 1st grade in the fall. Call our office at 678-2306 or email [email protected] for more details. Those who have older children in the program still must personally register their child for 1st grade. Catechists Needed We are also in need of substitute catechists for our Monday and Tuesday classes when catechists call in sick or have other obligations. Former catechists are encouraged to consider helping us out as the religious education year ends. Please call the Religious Education Office at (516) 678-2306 or e-mail us at [email protected] if you can offer your assistance. Novena to Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal Monday - after 9:00 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Masses Rosary After the 9:00 a.m. Mass each Monday through Saturday in the Cathedral except on First Saturday when it is recited at 8:30 a.m. All are welcome. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament You are invited to join us each Friday for some quiet reflection and prayer in the Holy Cross Chapel following the 9:00 a.m. Mass concluding with Benediction at 3:00 p.m. Mother’s Day Flower Sale The annual Mother’s Day Flower Sale for Birthright will be held this weekend after all the Masses. Carnations are $1 and all donations go to Birthright. 5 SEVENTH SUNDAY OF EASTER Blue Mass In honor of National Police Week, please join us on Sunday May 22, 2016 at 9:30 a.m. in St. Agnes Cathedral. Hosted by the NYS Council of Knights of Columbus. “Remembering the sacrifices made by law enforcement for our communities and showing our support for those committed to keeping us safe.” Light repast to follow in the Parish Center. A free will donation will be accepted. For more information contact: Larry Lombardo at [email protected]. St. Monica Parents Intercession Prayer Group St. Monica Parents Intercession Prayer Group meets on the first and third Thursday of each month at 7:30 p.m. in the Holy Cross Chapel, located in the Parish Ministries building. Our next meeting will be on May 19, 2016. For more information call Mary at 375-0738. St. Agnes CYO Track Registration and practice for CYO Track will start on Friday night, April 15th, on the track at South Side High School from 7:15 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. The program is for boys and girls in grades K through 8. There will be 4 or 5 track meets. Fee is $40.00 per child. Sign up is on any Friday night through May. For more information contact Jim Soehner (516) 764-4087, or email [email protected]. Memorials Available There are several dates available for memorials. You may want to remember your loved ones by memorializing Wine & Hosts, Rose for Life or Altar Flowers. Simply stop by the rectory office to arrange a memorial. For more details call 766-0205. South Shore Symphony and South Side High School Choir Concert! Scott Jackson Wiley, and Doreen Fryling, Conductors. Sunday, May 15th at 7:30 p.m. at St. Agnes Cathedral Brahms Symphony No. 1. Choral selections to include “The Last Words of David” of Thompson, and “Beati Quorum” of Stanford, and other works by Mendelssohn and Whitacre. Please join us for this yearly tradition of joining our Community in beautiful music. Suggested Donation of $15 at the door. St. Agnes Parish Outreach Our food pantry is in need of the following items: rice, macaroni and cheese, spaghetti, marinara sauce, peanut butter and jelly, tuna fish, and cereal. Your consideration of the donation of any of these items is greatly appreciated. Many thanks for your generous support of St. Agnes Parish Outreach. Love, Sr. Kathleen Pentecost Sunday Everyone is encouraged to wear the colors of fire to Mass next weekend (orange, yellow and red) as an outward sign of the Holy Spirit among us. The Solemnity of Pentecost always comes 50 days after Easter, which this year falls on May 15th. Pentecost is known as the “birthday” of the church, when the Holy Spirit descended on the disciples and they began going out to many different tribes and nations spreading the message of Jesus. This celebration marks the end of the Easter Season. 6 May 8, 2016 World Apostolate of Fatima, USA May 25, 2016—9:00 a.m.—9:00 p.m. St. Agnes Cathedral Rockville Centre, New York In commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the apparitions of our Blessed Mother at Fatima, Portugal to three shepherd children—Lucia dos Santos and Francisco and Jacinta Marto—the historic, International Pilgrim Virgin statue of Our Lady of Fatima will be traveling to parishes in more than 100 dioceses within the United States. The Cathedral of St. Agnes will be hosting this image of our Lady on Wednesday, May 25th from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. The Blessed Mother appeared to the three children on the 13th day of the months of May to October, 1917, exhorting them to be fervent in working for the conversion and salvation of souls. She identified the conversion of sinners as a key to peace in the world. The International Statue was sculpted in 1947 by José Thedim upon the precise instructions of Sister Lucia, whose desire was that the pilgrim image represent Our Lady’s position when she revealed herself as the Immaculate Heart to herself and the two other shepherd children. It was blessed on October 13, 1947 and commissioned to serve as a means by which our Lady’s message of hope, peace and salvation might be carried to a world that is in need of God’s healing grace. SEVENTH SUNDAY OF EASTER Jubilee Year of Mercy Diocesan Pilgrimage National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception Washington, D.C. What is a pilgrimage? For the Christian, pilgrimage is a way of life. Our life on earth is a continuing journey toward complete union with God in the Kingdom. From earliest times, Christians have journeyed to defined spaces and places to practice pilgrimage as a spiritual exercise for growth in faith. Undertaking a pilgrimage to a specific holy site, as an individual or with others, helps the Christian prepare for the journey, the high point of which is the encounter with God, through Christ, in the power of the Spirit in the midst of the Church. Pilgrimage is a transforming practice that opens us to the gift of the indulgence for ourselves and for others. It gives renewed meaning to the rites and rituals which are gifts of our faith and which serve to deepen our connection to God through Christ, and to one another. Through prayer, personal sacrifice, reflection and service, the pilgrim embarks on his or her spiritual quest! Join us on Saturday, September 24, 2016 Leaving Cathedral 6:00 -7:00 a.m. / Return 11:00 p.m. Requested donation: $50.00 To sign up call Mary: 516-375-0738 Or email at: [email protected] 7 8 May 8, 2016 SEVENTH SUNDAY OF EASTER 9 May 8, 2016 10 St. Agnes Blood Drive Colección de Sangre When: Friday - May 13, 2016 Cuando: Viernes, 13 de Mayo del 2016 Time: 2:30pm ~ 8:30pm Hora: 2:30pm ~ 8:30pm Where: Parish Center Donde: Parish Center Eligibility Criteria: Criterios de Elegibilidad: -Bring photo or signature ID -Minimum weight 110 lbs. -Age 16-75 (16 year olds must have parental permission. Age 76 and over need doctor’s note). - Necesitas tener identificación con su foto o firma - Peso mínimo 110 Libras. - Tener entre 16 hasta 75 anos de edad (16 anos con el permiso escrito de un pariente o guardian) La gente mayor de 76 anos puede donar si presenta una carta de un medico. - Estar en buenas condiciones de salud. - No haberse tatuado en los últimos 12 meses. -Eat well (low fat) & drink fluids. -No tattoos for past 12 months. For medical eligibilty call 1-800-688-0900. Para elegibilidad medica llame al 1-800-688-0900. To Schedule an appointment, please call Pam or Tom Toy @ 764-7874 SEVENTH SUNDAY OF EASTER 11 St. Agnes Senior Club Presents a 4 day/3 night trip to Virginia Beach Seafood & Sightseeing September 19-22, 2016 Package Includes: 3 nights oceanfront hotel accommodations 3 full breakfasts 3 dinners including One All-You-Can Eat Seafood Buffet at the World Famous Captain George’s Seafood Restaurant—there is something for everyone on this delicious buffet featuring over 70 items from fresh seafood such as crab legs, salmon, shrimp & mahi-mahi to their famous She-Crab Soup, secret seafood casserole recipes, homemade salads, dressings, fresh baked deserts and authentic Greek pastries. A visit to the Fort Monroe Casemate Museum Visit the Williamsburg Pottery & the Shops at Merchant Square Visit to Yankee Candle Village Visit the famous Douglas MacArthur Memorial & enjoy a short movie about the life of this famous general A visit to the MacArthur Center Mall A guided tour of the Norfolk Naval Base (Government Issued Picture ID required) A visit to the Hampton Roads Naval MuseumTime to enjoy the beach and boardwalk Baggage Handling, meal gratuities & hotel taxes Motor coach Transportation included Price:$430.00 Per Person, Double Occupancy Single Supplement: $150.00 Additional $50 Deposit Due As Soon As Possible. Further Information & Reservation Contact: Sr. Helen Byrne/Joanne Mirro at 516-766-0931 *************************************************************************** Please return to St. Agnes Cathedral, Attn: Joanne Mirro, 29 Quealy Pl, Rockville Centre, NY 11570 Name:_______________________________________________________________ Address:______________________________________________________________ Phone:_____________________________ Deposit per person:_________ Final Payment pp:____________________ 12 May 8, 2016 SEVENTH SUNDAY OF EASTER 13 A Day of Prayer at the Shrine of Our Lady of the Island The Gift of Hope This Mother’s Day In honor of Our Lady of Fatima, the Shrine of Our Lady of the Island presents a Day of Prayer on Friday, May 13th. Retreat Schedule is as follows: There are many couples who long for a child, but are unable to conceive. They are not alone. Recognizing this desire, Catholic Health Services (CHS) invites women to reach out in hope to the Gianna of Long Island Center for Women’s Health and Fertility based at CHS’s Good Samaritan Hospital in West Islip to learn more about our services, including Restorative Reproductive Medicine. For more information contact: Gianna of Long Island, Center for Women’s Health and Fertility, Good Samaritan Hospital Medical Center 1000 Montauk Highway, West Islip NY 11795 (631)376-3232 10:00 a.m. 11:30 a.m. 12:30 p.m. 1:30 p.m. 3:00 p.m. Outdoor Rosary Walk Mass Lunch Break Conference Holy Hour This event is free to attend but donations would be appreciated. The Shrine of Our Lady of the Island is located at 258 East Manor Road, Manorville, NY. Please call (631) 325-0661 or visit the website for more information. Donate A Communion Dress Over 50 young girls on Long Island’s East End make their Communion each year and don’t have a dress for this important day. With your donation of a Communion dress or any nice white/flower girl dress in any size and you will give these girls the special outfit to make their Communion a day they will remember forever. Drop Off Location: Chateau Cleaners in May 2016 16 Berry Hill Rd., Syosset We can also pick up the dress at your house, if needed. Partner Parish: Sister Margaret Rose Smyth, North Fork Spanish Apostolate. Please contact Sally Hooey at [email protected] with any questions. Holy Land Pilgrimage – November 2-10, 2016 Join Deacon Clyde Ruggieri, S. Margie Kelly from Holy Name of Mary, Valley Stream and friends on a Journey of Faith to the places where Jesus walked: Nazareth, Cana, Tiberius, Sea of Galilee, Bethlehem, Mount of the Beatitudes and more. For information, visit the website at link/719236 or call Deacon Clyde/Arlene at (516) 791-9509, S. Margie at (516) 825-0177 or Joe and Marilyn Moscola at (516) 872-9254. Marian Healing Mass Tuesday, May 10, 2016 St. Anastasia’s Church, 45-14. 245th Street, Douglaston-Little Neck, NY 11362 7:00 p.m.—Rosary, Mass & Healing Service. Celebrant: Fr. Augustine Fernando Music: Tony Owen. For more information contact: St. Anastasia Church (718) 631-4454. Come and experience the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, the presence, healing touch and power of our Lord Jesus Christ and the intercession of Mary the Mother of God and our mother. Kinder Prep Open House Ever wonder if your child might benefit from an additional year of preschool before entering full-day Kindergarten? If so, come to our Open House and learn about St. Mark’s Nursery School’s unique program for Kindergarten eligible children. You’ll have the opportunity to meet our teacher and experience the curriculum and goals of a program designed for this age group. Tuesday, May 10, 2016—1:30 - 2:30 p.m. at St. Mark’s Cooperative Nursery School, 100 Hempstead Ave, 2nd Floor, corner of Lakeview Ave in RVC!). Please call (516) 536-6295, to register or for any questions. May 8, 2016 14 Banns of Marriage I Angela Mahoye St. Raphael East Meadow, NY St. Raphael East Meadow, NY Anthony Scavetta Emily Boyce Stephen Bruestle St. Agnes Cathedral Sts. Peter & Paul Hoboken, NJ Amy Philip St. Catherine of Alexandria Blauvet, NY Our Lady of Snows Floral Park, NY Shawn Thomas II Jessica Piccolo Gregory J. Morin, Jr. III Christine Cordo Joseph Whelan Nicole Gaetano John Weyer St. Agnes Cathedral St. Agnes Cathedral St. Catherine of Siena Miami, FL St. Ignatius Martyr Long Beach, NY St. Agnes Cathedral St. Agnes Cathedral Rosa Lee Young Childhood Center House Tour The Rosa Lee Childhood Center HOUSE TOUR 2016 featuring dazzling homes of Rockville Centre will be held on Friday, May 13th from 5:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Goody bags will be available for all attendees. We will also have lovely prizes for raffles. Admission is by ticket only which are $35 (tax deductible) per person. To purchase tickets, or for more information, visit the school at 180 North Village Avenue, Rockville Centre or call (516) 536-5674. You may also purchase tickets at the Garden Gate Revisited at 69 North Park Avenue, Rockville Centre. The Garden Gate will be hosting an after tour reception for tour attendees. All tour proceeds will benefit the programs of The Rosa Lee Young Childhood Center. We hope to see you there. Cpl. Andrew Baez, U.S. Army Maj. Thomas J. Barrett, U.S. Army 1st Lt. Paul D. Cammarota, USMC Lt. Scott Kiley Childers, U.S. Navy LCDR Richard Childers, M.D. U.S. Navy Lt. Greg Crescenzo, U . S. Navy Spc. Michael J. Cronin, U.S. Army Airman Michael Cummo, U.S. Navy Ensign Christopher DelBello, U.S. Navy P.O. 2nd Class Robert W. DeMattia, U.S. Navy Lt. J.G.-Kevin Doyle, U.S. Navy Daniel Fels, U.S. Army, Military Police 2nd Lt. Charles Flanagan, U. S. Army A.M.T 3, Kyle Forster, U.S. Coast Guard Capt. Brian Gallagher, U.S. Army 82nd Airborne Lt. Maura C. Garrity, U.S. Navy Capt Steven Hampson, U.S. Army Capt. Cody Hardenburgh USMC Pvt. Daniel Healey, U.S. Army 2nd Class Petty Officer, Robert Hock, U.S. Navy 1st Lt. Tynika Holland, U.S. Army 1st Lt. Edmund J. Horace, USMC Major Philip F. Johndrow, U.S. Army Lt. Justin L. Krol, U.S. Navy Lance Corporal Jason Maccaron, USMC S N Matthew T. Mallay, U.S. Navy Cpl James Thomas Maroney, USMC Sgt. Joseph Meyer, U.S. Army Maj. Christopher V. Meyers, USMC Lt. Col. Gregory John Mueller, USMC (Reserve) Stephan O’Connor, E-5, U.S. Navy Matthew Pacheco, U.S. Army Ensign John A. Petr, US Navy Lance Corporal Eric Roehrig, USMC Spc. Jeanine M. Rosa, U.S. Army Col. Mark P. Rowan, USAF Thomas Sullivan, U. S. Army Robert C. Tempesta, Master at Arms, 1st Class U.S. Navy PFC Derick Thomas, USMC Corporal Peter C. Wadkins, Jr. USMC Prayer for our Troops Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. And give us peace. I ask this in the name of Jesus, Our Lord and Savior. Amen Paul Conte Cadillac “Your local Cadillac Dealer Sunrise Hwy, Freeport (516) 378-1130 Advance Formal Wear Under New Ownership G RE E K TO W N FAMILY RESTAURANT 90 North Village Ave., RVC Front Street Bakery (516) 766-1199 51 Front St., Rockville Centre Lunc h • Dinner • Cate ring New in RVC Sandwich • Wine with locations in Bk&Queens Bar Top Rated by Zagat & Over 40 Food Network different Eat in - Take Out sandwiches Catering • Free Delivery 22 No. Park Ave., RVC 536-1950 (516) 238-1251 Patrick Vitale, LCSW-R, ACSW INDIVIDUAL, COUPLE & FAMILY THERAPY 100 NORTH VILLAGE AVENUE SUITE 27 ROCKVILLE CENTRE, NY 11570 The Place For The Hungry Fisherman NYS Licensed Psychoanalysis 329 SUNRISE HIGHWAY McPartland’s Fine Carpentry 31 MERRICK AVENUE SUITE 130 MERRICK, NY 11566 CJ’s Coffee Shop “The Family Restaurant” Where the Elite Meet to Eat Serving RVC Since 1978 ROOFING SPECIALIST “We Live Here, We Worship Here” (516) 826-5514 ZENIE LANDSCAPING Lic/Ins Creative Landscape and Garden Designs Complete Weekly Maintenance Service 599-6478 2914 Long Beach Rd. (next to PIP Printing) ample parking in the back of the store Owner, Ralph Yovino Open 7 Days • Dinner • Lunch • Cocktails Serving Sunday Brunch 11:30 - 3:00 13 No. Park Ave., RVC 678-1290 (516) 678-7272 fax 516-764-3497 Lic/Ins 764-6372 48 No. Village Ave., RVC Service Mgr., Howie Silverstein Auto Repair Inc. Towing Service • Elec. Systems • Inspections • Brakes Tune Ups • Front End • Emissions Tests • Pick Up & Deliver 2431 Long Beach Rd., Oceanside, NY (3 blocks S. Merrick Rd.) (516) 766-3380 Lunch Served Monday - Friday Dinner Seven Nights A Week Inquire about private parties & catering Visit us at fax (516) 766-0372 [email protected] ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES, P.C. 2401 Capri Place, North Bellmore, NY 11710 Chris Gray, R.A. Phone: 516-679-4722 Since 1973 236 North Long Beach Rd., Rockville Centre Ryan Medical Pharmacy 2000 N. Village Ave. Rockville Centre, NY 11570 T: 516-362-2422 F: 516-442-6111 FREE DELIVERY DINOʼS RESTAURANT 516-764-0800 328 SUNRISE HWY., RVC PIONEER HAIR DESIGNERS “Specialists in Hair Cutting For The Whole Family” 114 North Park Ave., RVC Jose Authentic Italian Cuisine Private Parties Available Catering Available $35.pp - Appetizer, Salad, Main Course, Wine, Beer, Soda, Coffee, Dessert RVC Optometric Associates, P.C. Quality, pr ofessional, Diana Grishina, O.D. personalized eyecare David Leibstein, O.D. Jack Facchin, O.D. 282 Sunrise Hwy., RVC 516-678-6313 (516) 764-4041 • Lunch • Dinner • Brunch • Late Nite Snacks PRIX FIXE MENU MON. THRU FRI. WWW.JPAULSOCEANSIDE.COM 239 Merrick Rd., Oceanside 536-1806 Lic. & Ins. (516) 764-4677 Kollner’s Prime Meats 764-0434 678-5117 Dr. David Karpe, DPM Dr. Howard Kessler, DPM House Calls Available+ Podiatric Medicine Podiatric Surgery 200 North Village Ave., RVC 766-3008 Lindsay’s TOTAL Floor and Carpet Services Hardwood Floor Sanding/Refinish Carpet&Upholstery Cleaning Stone Floor Specialist Floor Cleaning and Polishing Services 516.741.7970 Complimentary Consultation Major Brand Tires Serving our Community over 70 Yrs. 766-2288 Featuring Fine Wines & Spirits. Appetizers & Desserts Orthodontist for Children & Adults Invisalign Specialist 70 Seventh St. • Garden City 74 N. Prospect Ave., Lynbrook 887-4411 or 4415 Fred Rigel, Supervising Pharmacist 364 Long Beach Rd., Oceanside 59 N. Park Ave., RVC 442-3344 Open 7 Days Denise L. Emma, DDS CALL TURNABOUT” For All Your Plumbing & Heating Needs “Famous For Our Low Priced Prescription” Free Delivery L&R Fireplace & Barbecue, Inc. 464 Merrick Rd., Oceanside “When In Doubt ... Levin’s Pharmacy Inc. 265 Sunrise Hwy., Suite 41 Rockville Centre, NY 11570 Phone: 516-378-3100 Fax: 516-379-5954 St. Paul’s Greek Orthodox Cathedral 110 Cathedral Ave. Hempstead XII Experience the Difference Call For a Free Home Appraisal 180 N. Long Beach Rd. Oceanside 766-7900 XII DODICI 764-3000 Ristorante Italiano Private Party Room Available 12 N. Park Ave., Rockville Ctr. Greek Food and Pastries, Music, Dancing, Vendors, Flea Market, Rides, Games June June June June 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 to 10pm 6 to 11 pm 2-11 pm 1-9pm STATE FARM INSURANCE DIANE MCGRATH, AGENT Bus. (516) 678-8282 75 North Park Avenue, Rockville Centre Blue Moon Pizzeria & Casual Italian Dining Private Parties Available 763-4900 26 No. Park Ave., RVC BARBECUE TUNE UP SPECIAL $69.95 plus parts 536-4900 - House Calls Licensed & Insured Bar - Restaurant Call for Parties GRAY GREEK FESTIVAL 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed 65 N. Park Ave., RVC 516-763-2576 N & M COMPLETE 320 Sunrise Highway, RVC (516) 766-3250 Residential Service Experts! (516) 536-5700 516 747-8213 By Appt Seven Brothers GOURMET FOOD MARKET Complete Catering Service Since 1972 CLASS “A” ROOFING & SIDING Morgan J. OʼBrien Great for Breakfast and Lunch 225 No. Long Beach Rd., RVC 766-9107 Kathleen Joyce, Ph.D. For All Your Home Improvement Needs John Cilento, President Custom Woodwork / Built-Ins / Decks 245 Merrick Rd., Oceanside Basements / Kitchens / Bathrooms Lic/Ins John (516) 779-0757 Oceanside 678-5999 516-678-4550 Open Every Day 11AM-10PM N.Y.S. Licensed Psychotherapy/Clinical Hypnosis Individual, Family Marriage Restaurant - Diner Fresh Seafood - Chops Please Patronize Our Advertisers 208 Sunrise Highway Rockville Centre Tel (516) 678-1996 TERRY ANIMAL HOSPITAL PAUL PERRIER, D.V.M., P.C. JOHN FOY, D.V.M. DR ANGELA KYNASTON DR. BRYAN SPAR 3 Washington St. (5 16 ) RVC, NY 11570 764 -2 880 #223 FOR ADVERTISING: THE CHURCH BULLETIN INC. 200 DALE ST., W. BABYLON, NY 11704-1104 249-4994 • 234 Sunrise Hwy. 516-678-3555 THE GOLDEN REEF Michael J. Noll 18 South Park Ave. Rockville Centre 340 Sunrise Hwy (516) 766-1238 516.766.2500 Assisi Parishioners Veterinary Hospital Internal Medicine, Surgery & Emergency Medicine Pet Grooming and Boarding Available 250 Hempstead Avenue Malverne WHISTLE STOP DESSERTS A FULL LINE DESSERT COMPANY 536-8526 Specialty Cakes, Sheet Cakes ~ LI’s #1 Cheesecake 3424 LAWSON BLVD., OCEANSIDE KENS FAUCET 181-189 E. Merrick Rd, VS 516-500-3605 WEʼRE OPEN 7 DAYS FREE PARKING Certified Teacher Multiple Subjects Test Prep Gourmet Fine Food & Catering (516) 766-1046 516-432-5699 Independence & Dignity Count, Inc. 318A Sunrise Hwy., RVC, NY “Ask Amy ” Medical Equipment, Suppli es & Accessori es Sale, Re ntals & Medical Gifts ~ Free Consultati on Compression Stockings, Orthotics, Mastectomy, Seat Lift Chairs, Bathroom Safety, Innovative Health Products & Medical Boutique IDC MEDICAL 232 Sunrise Hwy. www.idcmedicalsuppl 516-594-4494 Voted Best Medical & S urgical S tore on L.I. (516) 634-2560 & TOILET REPAIRS INC. Plumbers Amy P. Cardito, P resident Licensed Master Plumber All Plumbing Repairs All Bathroom Leaks including Tile Repair Thomas A. Glynn & Son, Inc. Funeral Home 516-256-0022 30% YOUR LOCAL SHOP FOR PHOTO/ELECTRONICS/OUTDOORS ETC. OFF ALL ACCESSORIES w/ad 516-796-2100 serving the Community Since 1990 1 0 % o f f f o r p a ri s h i o n e rs a n d fa m ily Come enjoy our “old fashioned” customer service 399 Ocean Ave., cor of Sunrise Hwy., RVC John J. Glynn Thomas A. Glynn Patrick Marron Lifelong Parishioners of St. Agnes Cathedral 20 Lincoln Ave. G ran d O p en in g A u g u st 3 0 , 2 0 1 1 R o ckvi lle C e n tre ’ s co m p le t e “co m p u t e rf i x” I T sh o p. •pc /la pto p tro u b les ho o t& repa ir•viru s rem o va l •pc tu ne-u ps •netw o rk s u ppo rt•pa renta l s o ftw a re •em a il s etu p •tv w a ll m o u nt•printerhelp •a v / m u ltim ed ia / ga m ing ins ta lla tio ns 2 7 0 S u n ri se H i ghw ay – 2nd f lo o r R o ckvi lle C e n tre N Y 115 7 0 (5 16 ) 6 0 8 -5 0 0 5 H igh S pe e d S e rvic e a tlo w pric e s w w w .R VC Te ch G e e m 25067427B134 Est. 1933 FUNERAL HOME INC. 2681 Long Beach Rd Oceanside Family Owned and Operated (516) 766-0425 Childrens Boutique Christening, Communion Grand Opening We are proud to invite you to our new Baby Take Home Outfits, 1st Bir thday “Old Fashioned” Fabric Store. Come in and Browse! Take 20% off your first purchase and get a free gift to our first Flower Girl, Ring Bearer, Boys S uits 100 customers! We look forward to seeing you! Baby Gifts 516-442-4770 Follow us on Facebook! 3342 Long Beach Road, Oce anside NY Discount Fabric of Long Island 516-596-3100 3222 Long Beach Rd., Oceanside Fundraisers Birthdays Parties leagues Special Programs Ladies • Mens Mixed • Seniors 100 Maple Ave., RVC, NY Adult/Child • Juniors • Business 516-678-3010 Now Under New Ownership New Special Programs 10% off Birthday Parties with this coupon Lunch • Dinner 13 North Village Avenue Rockville Centre Ph: 516-544-2526 Ann Turner, ABR, CBR Real Estate Salesperson Daniel Gale Sotheby’s International Realty 766-4700 305 N. Newbridge Rd. Levittown 516-CAR-CASH Sell Your Car Fast $100 Donation to your parish for selling your vehicle Relationship Problems? 516-599-2290 www.relationship Dr. Lawrence P. Horl Podiatrist Diplomate American Board of Podiatric Surgery Office Hours by Appointment House Calls Available 61 N. Park Avenue Rockville Centre, NY 11570 CHADWICKS American Chop House & Bar Lunch dinner catering take out 516-766-7800 www.chadwi cksli .com 49 front st., RVC (across from RVC train stat ion) 36 South Park Avenue Rockville Centre, NY 11570 c 516.375.7749 o 516.678.1510 G.B [email protected] For successful solutions call Dr. Ben Accomando Phone: 766-5550 Wholesale Grower of Nursery Stock NURSERIES, Inc. ESTABLISHED 1951 Landscaping and Design Certified Nursery Professionals 516-764-2490 ROCKVILLE HARDWARE 239 North Long Beach Road Rockville Centre, NY 11570 LIQUIDATION SALE 263 Merrick Road Rockville Centre Open 7 Days 70 Seaman Ave., RVC, NY 11570 Call for an appt. (516)764-4997 #223 FOR ADVERTISING: THE CHURCH BULLETIN INC., 200 DALE ST., W. BABYLON, NY 11704-1104 (631) 249-4994 • Lunch, Dinner, Sunday Brunch Patio available for private parties Kitchen open til 2AM Fri. & Sat. Call for Reservations K it K a t T utor K a th leen O ’L ea r y
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