October 18, 2015 - St. Agnes Cathedral
T he Pa r i s h of S t . Ag n e s Ca t h e d r a l 29 Quealy Place Rockville Centre New York 11570-4021 E Mail:[email protected] 516-766-0205 Fax 516-763-0745 Website: http://www.StAgnesCathedral.org Most Rev. William F. Murphy, S.T.D., Diocesan Bishop Pastoral Staff Rev. Msgr. William E. Koenig, Rector Rt. Rev. Msgr. James P. Kelly, Rector Emeritus, In Residence Rev. Ryan Creamer, Associate Pastor Rev. Seth N. Awo Doku, Associate Pastor Rev. James Hansen, Associate Pastor Rev. German Villabon, O.S.A., Associate Pastor Deacon Thomas McDaid Sr. Kathleen Carlin, O.P., Co-Principal, St. Agnes School Helen Newman, Co-Principal, St. Agnes School Dr. Jo-Ann Metzdorff, Religious Ed. Director Deacon Andrew Ciccaroni, Confirmation Coordinator Sr. Kathleen P. Murphy, O.P., Pastoral Associate Michael Bower, Co-Director of Music Michael Wustrow, Co-Director of Music Harry Larson, Business Manager Philip F. Malloy, Jr., Youth Ministry Rev. German Villabon, O.S.A, Comunidad Hispana We, the parish of Saint Agnes Cathedral, a community of believers, proclaim the presence of Christ in the world through Word, Sacrament and deeds. Affirming the sanctity of each person, we minister to all by committing ourselves to renewal, formation and living the Gospel. (Mission Statement of the Parish of Saint Agnes Cathedral) October 18, 2015 Page 2 Schedule of Masses Contact Numbers Saturday Eve Rectory Office 766-0205 Open Mon. through Fri. 8:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. (closed for lunch 12:30 -1:30 p.m.) Sat. 8:30 a.m.-6:00 p.m., Sun. 9:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Emergencies anytime Sunday Elementary School 678-5550 Sr. Kathleen Carlin, O.P. Co-Principal Ms. Helen Newman, Co-Principal 5:00 p.m. Cathedral 7:30 p.m. Lower Hall 7:30p.m. Cathedral (Spanish Mass) 7:00, 8:00, 9:30, 10:30 Lower Hall (not celebrated during the summer) 11:00 a.m., 12:30 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. Weekday 6:30, 7:45, 9:00 a.m., 12:10 p.m. (No 12:10 p.m. on Saturday) Monday 7:30 p.m. Eve of Holy Day 5:00 p.m. Holy Day Check the weekly bulletin Religious Education 678-2306 Adult Formation Dr. Jo-Ann Metzdorff 678-2306 Service Center/Outreach Sr. Kathleen P. Murphy, O.P. 678-1854 Music Office 764-9578 Michael Bower, Co-Director Michael Wustrow, Co-Director Youth Ministry Philip Malloy 766-0205 Comunidad Hispana Rev. German Villabon, O.S.A. 766-0205 Business Office Harry Larson, Manager 766-0205 Sacraments Marriage Arrangements should be made at least 12 months in Confessions advance and prior to making reception plans. Call the Saturday, Eve of Holy Day, and Eve of First Friday Rectory for appointment with priest or deacon you wish to 4:00 to 4:45 p.m. witness your wedding. All couples are required to attend Monday Evening following 7:30 p.m. Mass. Pre-Cana. Wednesday Morning following 7:45 a.m. Mass and the 12:10 p.m. Mass. Pastoral Care of the Sick Baptism 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month at 1:45 p.m. Contact the Rectory Office at 766-0205 to arrange for interview, ceremony and registration for required Baptism Preparation Class. Priests and Extraordinary Ministers of Communion are available to bring Holy Communion to parishioners confined to home. Please call the Rectory to make arrangements. Those who are seriously ill should request a priest for Anointing of the Sick. The Anointing of the Sick is celebrated each Monday morning during the 9:00 a.m. Mass. If you would like to be anointed, please sit in the first row of the pulpit transept. On Becoming A Catholic Those seeking information about the Catholic Faith are invited to contact Dr. Jo-Ann Metzdorff (678-2306) concerning the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Masses For The Week Monday, October 19, Sts. John de Brébeuf & Isaac Jogues, Priests, and Companions, Martyrs Rom 4:20-25; Lk 12:13-21 6:30 Barbara Bourgeois 7:45 Danny Giammarino 9:00 Stephen A. O’Neill 12:10 James J. Moran 7:30 Dean G. Cassell Tuesday, October 20, St. Paul of the Cross, Priest Rom 5:12, 15b, 17-19, 20b-21; Lk 12:35-38 6:30 Robert Morvillo 7:45 Nicholas Balzano 9:00 Margaret Browne 12:10 Leo G. Michael & Francisco Pena Wednesday, October 21, Weekday Rom 6:12-18; Lk 12:39-48 6:30 Missy Murphy 7:45 Patrick Izzo 9:00 Nicholas Dagger 12:10 Edward James Dehmer Thursday, October 22, St. John Paul II, Pope Rom 6:19-23; Lk 12:49-53 6:30 Filomena Gross 7:45 Peter B. Devine, Philip Keating, & Jeffrey John 9:00 Intentions of St. Monica Parents Prayer Group 12:10 Anna Miller & mbrs of Jackson Family Friday, October 23, St. John of Capistrano, Priest Rom 7: 18-25a; Lk 12:54-59 6:30 James J. Hodge 7:45 Rocco & Annette Micciche 9:00 Raymond & Virginia Driscoll 12:10 Matthew Byrne Saturday, October 24, St. Anthony Mary Claret, Bishop Rom 8:1-11; Lk 13:1-9 6:30 In Thanksgiving for Our Lord, Blessed Mother and all Saints 7:45 Eve Borja 9:00 Special Intention 5:00 Peter McElroy, Hugh J. Doherty, Mark Bevilacqua, Joseph Macken, Salvatore Esposito, James Henry 5:00 LH Mary Butler 7:30 C Norma Hernandez 7:30 LH Richard Victor Cruz Sunday, October 25, 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time Jer 31:7-9; Heb 5:1-6; Mk 10:46-52 7:00 Parishioners of St. Agnes Cathedral 8:00 Daniel Fiorentine 9:30 Gerard Burke 10:30 LH Christopher Maloney 11:00 Anna Dehanich 12:30 Brian J. O’Brien, Edward Madden, Cindy Fletcher, William S. Lynch, Francis Turner (1st Anniversary), Douglas Timbra 5:00 Dr. Kathleen Donohue Page 3 Please Pray For The Dearly Departed Vincent Griffo, Patricia J. Taaffe, Gary Herard, Charles W. Keeler For The Sick Vito Moncello, Vincent Moncello, Toni Moncello, Cathy Moncello, Gertrude Platz, Eric Lee, Pauline LaBato, Catalina Aloi, Barbara Andrews, Laura Aquino, Elizabeth Bevacqua, Jill Blum, Courtney Boehme, Catherine Boiselle, Kathleen Burns, Joan Burkert, Lina Camilleri, Patrick Cashin, Hugh Cassidy, Jimi Lyn Chapman, Sidney Chung, Eleanor Cobb, Madonna Lacey Cole, Jim Cole, Colleen Costello, Kathy Cusimano, Maria Davis, Susan DeMattia, Keith Delaney, Lou DeLuca, Hugh Dennehy, Gregory Donegal, Patricia Donegal, Brielle Faracini, Cecilia Finelli, Toddler Anthony Gale, Shayla Garrett, Danny Gause, Lena Gause, Aimee Gentilcore, Sal Giallombardo, Anthony Gigantiello, Marlene Gough, Nancy Hahn, Baby Shelby Lynn Hallmann, Cynthia Haralson, Eleanor Herbert, Marie Herbert, Rosemary Herrera, Sister Bernadette Jones, O.P., Carolyn Kanter, Jimmy Kerrigan, Annie Delores Kirkland, Gary Koehler, Susan Kowalski, Ellie Krutt, Michael Lanzi, William Leahy, Zellin Lowe, Mimi Madero, Arthur Makarius, Lily McLaurin, Kevin McDermott, Parker Mills, Carmen Marino, Mary Morahan, Dan Masciovecchio, Agnes Mueller, Donna Mullen, James P. Murray, Michael Nuzzi, Anne O’Brien, Neil O’Brien, Robert O’Brien, Nicole O’Neal, Mary O’Neill, James Otto, Patti Jean Pasquino, Noreen Patterson, Mary Peterson, Thora Petzold, Steve Pickney, Lynn Pulambo, Baby Liam Rickman, Shannon Schmidt, Kristen Serafin, Paul Serino, Lisa Pelrine-Shulman, Maureen Sichenzia, Christopher Stock, Russell and Kathleen Stewart, Jonathan Stuart, Lauren Stotts, Rosemary Summers, Maureen Taylor, Kim Tersigni, Audrey Thomas, Joanie Thompson, George Torez, Sister Gena Travers, O.P., Barbara Wright. Names for the bulletin remain for three weeks unless the Rectory is notified. Rose for Life In Loving Memory of Bertha Mendez From her family World Mission Sunday Collection There will be a special collection this weekend for World Mission Sunday, to benefit the Church’s worldwide mission and the propagation of the faith. Page 4 October 18, 2015 Stewardship A Way of Life This Week’s Readings All discipleship involves mission. The bishops’ pastoral letter on stewardship reminds us, “Every member of the Church is called to evangelize, and the practice of authentic Christian stewardship inevitably leads to evangelization.” Hospitality Sunday Today is Hospitality Sunday! Join us in the Parish Center after the 8:00, 9:30 and 10:30 a.m. Masses for coffee, bagels and muffins. This event is hosted by members of our Parish staff. Living Stewardship We are grateful this week for all stewards in our parish who evangelize and bring Christ to the world by the example of their lives. Sharing One’s Material Resources in the Parish Rosary and Adoration The Respect Life Committee invites all of us to unite in prayer and participate in this special program for life. During Respect Life Month, in support of life, join us in prayer in building a culture of life. All life is sacred and deserving of respect and protection, from the moment of conception through natural death. Each Friday during October, a Rosary will be offered at our regular Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament in the Holy Cross Chapel at 9:45 a.m. All parishes in the Diocese of Rockville Centre will have the Rosary and Adoration one day during the week during the month of October. Novena to Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal Monday - after 9:00 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Masses Special Needs Mass We will celebrate a Mass for special needs children and their families on Saturday, October 24th at 5:00 p.m. in the Lower Hall of Monsignor Melton Auditorium. This area is handicapped accessible, allowing families with children who have developmental disabilities access to the Lower Hall to celebrate God’s presence in their lives. Rosary After the 9:00 a.m. Mass each Monday through Saturday in the Cathedral except on First Saturday when it is recited at 8:30 a.m. All are welcome. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament You are invited to join us each Friday for some quiet reflection and prayer in the Holy Cross Chapel following the 9:00 a.m. Mass concluding with Benediction at 3:00 p.m. TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Religious Education St. Agnes Religious Education is looking for a few volunteers who would be willing to work with special needs children. We are especially looking for those who have had some experience with this population. Older teens are welcome as well as special ed. teachers. Please call the Religious Education office at 678-2306 or e-mail us at [email protected] Join Us in Prayer Men’s Prayer Group This Prayer Group includes confirmed teenage boys and all other adult men. The men of the parish meet on the last Thursday of each month from 7:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. The next meeting will be held on Thursday, October 29th in the Ministry Building. For details call Steven McDonald at (347) 386-9400. St. Agnes Parish Outreach Our food pantry is in need of the following items: macaroni and cheese, thin spaghetti, cereal, peanut butter and jelly, Goya beans, marinara sauce, tuna fish, rice, and canned fruit. Your consideration of the donation of any of these items is greatly appreciated. Due to limited storage space we can only accept donations of seasonal clothing. We are presently accepting Fall and Winter clothing. Many thanks for your generous support of St. Agnes Parish Outreach. Love, Sr. Kathleen Page 5 St. Agnes Rosary Altar Society Our annual day of Recollection will be held on Monday, October 19th in the cathedral at 12:10 p.m. Mass celebrated by Father James Hansen. After Mass please bring your lunch to the second floor of the Ministry Building. Coffee tea and dessert will be served. Please pray the Rosary. The Newly Baptized On October 3rd, 10th & 11th, 2015 we welcomed the following children into the St. Agnes Cathedral Parish Community: Giving Tree With the Christmas season quickly approaching, it is time to begin preparations for the St. Agnes Giving Tree. Mary Lou Marquardt is once again organizing the ornament preparations and could use assistance with the tracing, cutting out and adhering of the labels for the 5,000 ornaments that we place on our Giving Trees. If you are interested in helping out, please contact Mary Lou at 766-6103. This is a great service opportunity for all children but especially those receiving Confirmation and High School students needing service hours! Leia Almeida Logan Almeida Annabella Basora Christian Boehme Jake Chase Luca Fatone Isabelle Gomez Landon Honstetter Cassidy Kauke Mia Medlin Callen Murray Julie Pacella Aidan Ramirez Dillan Ramirez Enrique Ramirez Natalie Ruiz Stephen Ryerson III Averie Santo Julia Santos Scarlett Seidenstein Caroline Thomson Lorena Tierney London Werner Kennedy Wynne Congratulations to the parents of the newly baptized. October 18, 2015 Page 6 Society of St. Vincent de Paul In today’s gospel Jesus tells his disciples: “Anyone among you who aspires to greatness must serve the rest; whoever wants to rank first among you must serve the needs of all.” Whenever you give the furniture, household items and clothing you no longer use to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, you give hope to your neighbors who have nothing. Golden Wedding Jubilee This Fall, couples that have been married fifty years or more will be honored at a liturgy on Sunday, November 8th at the Church of Christ the King in Commack. The liturgy will begin at 2:30 p.m. Registration forms and complete instructions can be obtained at the rectory. Registration must be received by the Office of Worship by October 23rd for the November 8th liturgy. There will be additional celebrations in the spring for those who may find that more convenient. These dates will be communicated at a later time. If you have any questions you may call (516) 678-5800, extension 207. Cub Scout Popcorn Sale St. Agnes Cub Scout Pack 163 will be holding their popcorn sale outside the Cathedral at all the Masses the weekend of October 24th and 25th. For more information or questions, please contact Kim Trani at 208-6069. St. Agnes Youth Ministry Calling All Parents and Grandparents! (Mercy is found where Mercy is given) I know most youth don’t read the bulletin or check the church website. That’s why I am appealing to you to spread the word to any and all youth you may know……….. We have our big diocesan Kick-Off at St. Agnes on October 23rd from 7:00 -10:00 pm. We will be having Mass celebrated by the young and dynamic Fr. James Hansen, followed by music and talks by Chris Padget, known for his ability to keep us all engaged and connected with the theme of the night. Of course we will be making our own sundaes with ice cream from International Delight. This event is for all youth 7th – 12th grade and the cost of this event is only $10. You can contact me, Phil Malloy, at (516) 315-7002 or [email protected] for any additional information. Please urge the youth in your life to attend — they won’t be disappointed. TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Christmas Fair The Rosary Society of Holy Spirit Church will sponsor a Christmas Fair on Saturday, November 7th from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and Sunday November 8th from 8:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. There will be all new items, many outside vendors, and fresh baked goods. There will be large basket raffles and a giant $1,000 raffle. Take family photos at our “Keep Christ in Christmas” setting. The fair will be held in the Holy Spirit Auditorium located at 13 South 6th Street, New Hyde Park. For more information, please call Theresa at (516) 294-9837. 3rd Annual Terence Leary Foundation Fundraising Day Join us on Saturday, October 24th for a fundraiser in memory of Terence Leary, a former St. Agnes School student who passed away in 2003 during his sophomore year of college. A softball game will be held from 12:00 noon to 2:00 p.m. at Bligh/Ketler Field, S. Park Ave., Rockville Centre. Bring your glove and play, or watch and enjoy. T shirts will be sold at the game. A Benefit will be held from 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at Cannon’s Blackthorn, 49 N. Village Ave, Rockville Centre. A $25 donation at the door includes buffet, drink specials and live music by Matt Wahl. There will be auctions, raffles and more. Proceeds benefit “Share the Voice”, a non-profit organization that provides adapted bikes to children with disabilities. Flea Market Sandel Senior Center will be holding a Flea Market on Friday, October 23rd from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. The market will feature women’s clothing, handbags and accessories, new and vintage jewelry, attic treasures, household items, books and toys. The Sandel Senior Center is located at 50 South Park Avenue (corner of Lincon Avenue) in Rockville Centre. Page 7 Vendors Wanted St. Thomas the Apostle is hosting its 33rd Annual Holiday Craft Fair on Saturday, November 21st from 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Located at 12 Westminster Rd, W. Hempstead. There will be music, raffles and pictures with Santa. For more information and an application visit www.stthomasschool.net , go to Support STA / Upcoming Events / Craft Fair or call Petal at (516) 840-4861 or Christine at (516) 993-2118. Super Garage Sale At the Rosa Lee Young Childhood Center Please join Rosa Lee Young’s Staff and Board members on Saturday, October 24th from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. for a Super Garage Sale at 7 Addison Place, Rockville Centre. All proceeds will benefit the Rosa Lee Young Childhood Center, the little school house at 180 North Village Avenue. Drop off donations of furniture, household items, children’s toys and any items, clean and in good condition, between October 19th and 23rd at 7 Addison Place. Email [email protected] to arrange for furniture drop off. Vespers Service The Sisters of St. Dominic of Amityville cordially invite you to join them for Vespers at 4:00 p.m. in St. Albert’s Chapel at the Queen of the Rosary Motherhouse on the following Sundays: November 15th (Youth Vespers), December 13th, January 17th, March 13th, April 17th and May 15th. The Sisters of St. Dominic are located at 555 Albany Avenue, Amityville. For more information, please call (631) 842-6000. Page 8 October 18, 2015 Please register to join us! An accurate count is needed to order materials! For information call: Mary Tierney at 516-375-0738 or email Mary at [email protected]. When registering please provide your name, address, phone number and email address. TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Page 9 AHRC Sunday Brunch Calling All Jaspers! The AHRC Rockville Centre Auxiliary cordially invites you to attend our Sunday Brunch on Sunday, November 8, 2015, at the Rockville Links at 600 North Long Beach Road, Rockville Centre from 12 Noon 3:00 p.m. An assortment of danishes, hot chafing dishes, omelet stations and carving stations are just some of the menu offerings. Gentlemen and new members are welcome. Tickets are $47.00 per person and there will be a cash bar. Please make your checks payable to RVC AHRC by November 2nd and mail to Eileen Maroney at 57 Broadway, Rockville Centre, NY 11570 or phone (516) 536-5461 or Kathleen Saville at 93 Voorhis Avenue, Rockville Centre, NY 11570 or phone (516) 678-4209. Come and enjoy a wonderful afternoon while helping to support the children and adults with developmental disabilities. Manhattan College invites you to attend a reception for alumni and friends on Wednesday, October 28th at the Rockville Links Club from 6:00 to 8:30 p.m. at $40 per person. Visit manhattan.edu/alumni for more information and to register. Interfaith Memorial Service Good Shepherd Hospice cordially invites all members of the community to join them in an evening of celebrating and remembering your loved one who has died as you place a butterfly on our Tree of Remembrance and your loved one’s name is called from our “We Remember Them” list. This is a beautiful evening of reflection, music, sharing, meaning and comfort. Light refreshments served after. Thursday, October 29, 2015, 7:00 p.m. -8:30 p.m. at the Chapel at Mercy Medical Centre, Rockville Centre, NY. Registration required. Please call (631) 465-6262. Spirituality for Singles Spirituality for Singles will hold its monthly Singles Gathering on Saturday, November 7th at 8:30 p.m. at St. Aidan Parish, 510 Williston Ave., Williston Park. Each monthly meeting features discussion, meditation, and socialization. We will have a guest speaker. For ages 35+; $5.00 donation. Snacks, pizza and beverages will be served. Widows and Widowers, Divorced and Single Catholics of Long Island A new member orientation will be held on Tuesday, October 27th at 8:00 p.m. We are non-denominational; all are welcome. Meetings are held every fourth Tuesday at St. Frances de Chantel School, 1309 Wantagh Ave., Wantagh, NY. Please bring proof of single status to join. Refreshments will be served after the meeting. For further information please call Carol at (516) 794-4933 or Barbara at (516) 798-2858. Tabor Retreat Center Let go—Let God Sunday, October, 25, 2015 2:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. This mini retreat/workshop offers a healing time of music, serenity, renewal, and spiritual enrichment. Weaving song, reflections of hope and inspiration, meditative, and gentle life alignment focus, participants will come to the heart of who they are, and seek quiet within. Take this Sunday afternoon to renew your God connection with trust and a touch of grace. A donation of $20 is requested. Please call (516) 536-3004 to register. The Tabor Retreat Center is located at 60 Anchor Avenue, Oceanside. Page 10 October 18, 2015 Banns of Marriage I Indya Ramos Anthony Marmol II Kelly Graham Matthew De Martina St. Agnes Cathedral St. Agnes Cathedral Our Lady of Lourdes, Malverne, NY Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Patchogue, NY Laura Bruzzo James Fontana, II St. Agnes Cathedral St. Agnes Cathedral Hannah Friend St. Lawrence Martyr Sayville, NY St. Agnes Cathedral Michael McCarthy III Caitlyn Collins St. Agnes Cathedral Vincent Siniscalchi, III East Meadow, NY Teresita Jerez José Marte Mariana Pellegrini Matthew Peluso St. Mary of the Isle Long Beach, NY St. Mary of the Isle Long Beach, NY St. Agnes Cathedral St. Agnes Cathedral Maj. Thomas J. Barrett, U.S. Army 1st Lt. Paul D. Cammarota, USMC Lt. Scott Kiley Childers, U.S. Navy LCDR Richard Childers, M.D. U.S. Navy Lt. Greg Crescenzo, U . S. Navy Spc. Michael J. Cronin, U.S. Army Airman Michael Cummo, U.S. Navy P.O. 2nd Class Robert W. DeMattia, U.S. Navy Lt. J.G.-Kevin Doyle, U.S. Navy Daniel Fels, U.S. Army, Military Police 2nd Lt. Charles Flanagan, U. S. Army A.M.T 3, Kyle Forster, U.S. Coast Guard Capt. Brian Gallagher, U.S. Army 82nd Airborne Lt. Maura C. Garrity, U.S. Navy Capt Steven Hampson, U.S. Army Capt. Cody Hardenburgh USMC Pvt. Daniel Healey, U.S. Army 2nd Class Petty Officer, Robert Hock, U.S. Navy 1st Lt. Tynika Holland, U.S. Army 1st Lt. Edmund J. Horace, USMC Major Philip F. Johndrow, U.S. Army Lt. Justin L. Krol, U.S. Navy Lance Corporal Jason Maccaron, USMC S N Matthew T. Mallay, U.S. Navy Cpl James Thomas Maroney, USMC Sgt. Joseph Meyer, U.S. Army Maj. Christopher V. Meyers, USMC Lt. Col. Gregory John Mueller, USMC (Reserve) Stephan O’Connor, E-5, U.S. Navy Matthew Pacheco, U.S. Army Ensign John A. Petr, US Navy Lance Corporal Eric Roehrig, USMC Spc. Jeanine M. Rosa, U.S. Army Col. Mark P. Rowan, USAF Thomas Sullivan, U. S. Army Robert C. Tempesta, Master at Arms, 1st Class U.S. Navy PFC Derick Thomas, USMC Corporal Peter C. Wadkins, Jr. USMC Little Sisters of the Poor Craft Fair The Little Sisters of the Poor invite you to their Holiday (Thanksgiving and Christmas) Craft Fair on Saturday, November 7th from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Located at the Queen of Peace residence — 110-30 221st Street, Queens Village. Featuring handmade gifts for all ages and occasions. Food and refreshments will be sold at the coffee shop. All proceeds benefit the elderly at Queen of Peace. If you cannot attend, please consider making a small donation. It would be greatly appreciated. Please call the Development Office at (718) 464-1800 for more information. Prayer for our Troops Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. And give us peace. I ask this in the name of Jesus, Our Lord and Savior. Amen Kindly call the Rectory Office at 766-0205 if you know of anyone that is on this list and has returned home. Thank you Paul Conte Cadillac “Your local Cadillac Dealer Sunrise Hwy, Freeport (516) 378-1130 Gourmet Fine Food & Catering www.happyhostess.com (516) 766-1046 318A Sunrise Hwy., RVC, NY Advance Formal Wear Under New Ownership 516 747-8213 By Appt NYS Licensed Psychoanalysis Newl y Renovate d and Expande d GOURMET FOOD MARKET Complete Catering Service Since 1972 Lunc h • Dinner • Cate ring New in RVC Sandwich • Wine with locations in Bk&Queens Bar Top Rated by Zagat & Over 40 Food Network different Eat in - Take Out sandwiches Catering • Free Delivery 22 No. Park Ave., RVC 536-1950 www.press195.com (516) 238-1251 Patrick Vitale, LCSW-R, ACSW INDIVIDUAL, COUPLE & FAMILY THERAPY 100 NORTH VILLAGE AVENUE SUITE 27 ROCKVILLE CENTRE, NY 11570 31 MERRICK AVENUE SUITE 130 MERRICK, NY 11566 CJ’s Coffee Shop “The Family Restaurant” Where the Elite Meet to Eat Serving RVC Since 1978 2914 Long Beach Rd. (next to PIP Printing) ROOFING SPECIALIST “We Live Here, We Worship Here” (516) 826-5514 ZENIE LANDSCAPING Lic/Ins Creative Landscape and Garden Designs Complete Weekly Maintenance Service 599-6478 Service Mgr., Howie Silverstein Auto Repair Inc. Towing Service • Elec. Systems • Inspections • Brakes Tune Ups • Front End • Emissions Tests • Pick Up & Deliver 2431 Long Beach Rd., Oceanside, NY (3 blocks S. Merrick Rd.) (516) 766-3380 fax (516) 766-0372 [email protected] Levin’s Pharmacy Inc. 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed www.georgemartingroup.com Open 7 Days • Dinner • Lunch • Cocktails Serving Sunday Brunch 11:30 - 3:00 13 No. Park Ave., RVC 678-1290 (516) 678-7272 65 N. Park Ave., RVC Lunch Served Monday - Friday Dinner Seven Nights A Week Inquire about private parties & catering Visit us at www.georgemartingroup.com 766-3008 Major Brand Tires Serving our Community over 70 Yrs. 236 North Long Beach Rd., Rockville Centre T: 516-362-2422 F: 516-442-6111 FREE DELIVERY DINOʼS RESTAURANT 516-764-0800 328 SUNRISE HWY., RVC PIONEER HAIR DESIGNERS Featuring Fine Wines & Spirits. Appetizers & Desserts Jose www.kensfaucetandtoiletrepairs.com All Plumbing Repairs All Bathroom Leaks including Tile Repair 516-488-2480 serving the Community Since 1990 678-5117 Dr. David Karpe, DPM Dr. Howard Kessler, DPM Podiatric Medicine Podiatric Surgery 200 North Village Ave., RVC Dr. Wayne Goldberg Catering Available $35.pp - Appetizer, Salad, Main Course, Wine, Beer, Soda, Coffee, Dessert OPTOMETRIST 282 Sunrise Hwy., RVC WWW.JPAULSOCEANSIDE.COM 239 Merrick Rd., Oceanside 536-1806 Lic. & Ins. Licensed Master Plumber Authentic Italian Cuisine Private Parties Available 516-678-6313 (516) 764-4041 • Lunch • Dinner • Brunch • Late Nite Snacks PRIX FIXE MENU MON. THRU FRI. “Specialists in Hair Cutting For The Whole Family” 114 North Park Ave., RVC (516) 764-4677 House Calls Available+ www.doctoremma.com 74 N. Prospect Ave., Lynbrook 887-4411 or 4415 Lindsay’s 764-0434 516.741.7970 Complimentary Consultation 2000 N. Village Ave. Rockville Centre, NY 11570 59 N. Park Ave., RVC 442-3344 Open 7 Days Since 1973 Orthodontist for Children & Adults Invisalign Specialist 70 Seventh St. • Garden City “When In Doubt ... 766-2288 TOTAL Floor and Carpet Services Hardwood Floor Sanding/Refinish Carpet&Upholstery Cleaning Stone Floor Specialist Floor Cleaning and Polishing Services Denise L. Emma, DDS CALL TURNABOUT” For All Your Plumbing & Heating Needs Fred Rigel, Supervising Pharmacist 364 Long Beach Rd., Oceanside Free Delivery L&R Fireplace & Barbecue, Inc. 464 Merrick Rd., Oceanside Ryan Medical Pharmacy & TOILET REPAIRS INC. www.mistersparky.com (516) 766-1199 “Famous For Our Low Priced Prescription” KENS FAUCET Residential Service Experts! (516) 536-5700 764-6372 48 No. Village Ave., RVC N & M COMPLETE CLASS “A” ROOFING & SIDING Morgan J. OʼBrien Great for Breakfast and Lunch 225 No. Long Beach Rd., RVC 766-9107 Call for Parties ample parking in the back of the store Owner, Ralph Yovino BARBECUE TUNE UP SPECIAL $69.95 plus parts 536-4900 - House Calls 51 Front St., Rockville Centre Private Party Rooms For 30 to 300 People or Off Site Catering Available Lunch • Brunch • Dinner Late Snacks / Casual Dini ng Print Our Catering Menu @ Kasey rv c.com Bar - Restaurant Oceanside 678-5999 516-678-4550 Open Every Day 11AM-10PM Front Street Bakery 23 No. Park Ave., RVC 766-5049 Catering 807-2995 Seven Brothers G RE E K TO W N FAMILY RESTAURANT 90 North Village Ave., RVC N.Y.S. Licensed Kathleen Joyce, Ph.D. 265 Sunrise Hwy., Suite 41 Rockville Centre, NY 11570 Phone: 516-378-3100 Fax: 516-379-5954 Mary Jean Abar XII Experience the Difference Call For a Free Home Appraisal 180 N. Long Beach Rd. Oceanside 766-7900 XII DODICI 764-3000 Ristorante Italiano Private Party Room Available Licensed Real Estate 12 N. Park Ave., Rockville Ctr. Salesperson CBR-Certified Buyer Representative Need Party Help? O: 516-855-4593 waiters/waitresses/bartenders [email protected] bbq chef www.JPJRE.com call Pete 516 410-0174 154 Union Ave., Lynbrook Fundraisers Birthdays Parties leagues Special Programs Ladies • Mens Mixed • Seniors 100 Maple Ave., RVC, NY Adult/Child • Juniors • Business 516-678-3010 Now Under New Ownership www.rvclanes.net New Special Programs THE GOLDEN REEF Restaurant - Diner Fresh Seafood - Chops The Place For The Hungry Fisherman 329 SUNRISE HIGHWAY McPartland’s Fine Carpentry For All Your Home Improvement Needs Custom Woodwork / Built-Ins / Decks Basements / Kitchens / Bathrooms Lic/Ins John (516) 779-0757 10% off Birthday Parties with this coupon STATE FARM INSURANCE DIANE MCGRATH, AGENT Blue Moon Pizzeria & Casual Italian Dining Private Parties Available 763-4900 26 No. Park Ave., RVC Bus. (516) 678-8282 75 North Park Avenue, Rockville Centre Independence & Dignity Count, Inc. Your New Medical Supply & Equipment Store Finally the Help You Need! ~ Free Consul tations www.idcmedicalsupplies.com 232 Sunrise Hwy., RVC PLAY STALLIONS FOOTBALL WE ACCEPT PLAYERS FROM ALL TOWNS AGES 6 TO 12 VISIT OUR WEBSITE FOR MORE INFORMATION WWW.OCEANSDESTALLIONS.ORG Discounts for St. Agnes Parishioners 516-594-4494 TERRY ANIMAL HOSPITAL PAUL PERRIER, D.V.M., P.C. JOHN FOY, D.V.M. DR ANGELA KYNASTON DR. BRYAN SPAR 3 Washington St. (5 16 ) RVC, NY 11570 764 -2 880 MAIDENBAUM PROPERTY TAX REDUCTION GROUP, LLC [email protected] Office: (516) 336-8622 Over 25 Years of Experience #223 FOR ADVERTISING: THE CHURCH BULLETIN INC. 200 DALE ST., W. BABYLON, NY 11704-1104 249-4994 • wwwthechurchbulletininc.com 234 Sunrise Hwy. 516-678-3555 www.rvctux.com Psychotherapy/Clinical Hypnosis Individual, Family Marriage Michael J. Noll 18 South Park Ave. Enjoy a 516.766.2500 Assisi Parishioners Bang Bang Veterinary Hospital Shrimp® Internal Medicine, Surgery complimentary Enjoy a Sun-Thurs only w/ $20 minimum purchase Rockville Centre COMPLIMENTARY 340 Sunrise Hwy & Emergency Medicine Pet Grooming and Boarding Available 250 Hempstead Avenue Malverne WHISTLE STOP DESSERTS A FULL LINE DESSERT COMPANY 536-8526 855.206.4280 petro.com Specialty Cakes, Sheet Cakes ~ LI’s #1 Cheesecake 3424 LAWSON BLVD., OCEANSIDE whistlestopdesserts.com 8 Centre Ave., East Rockaway 516-593-3440 (516) 634-2560 Not to exceed $200. Restrictions apply. Nassau Lic. No. H3600630000. Suffolk Lic. Nos. 3134-P, 2901-RE. NYC Lic. No. 1314079. NJ Lic. No. NJ13VH03882400. ©2015 Petro. P_15440 Dine In • Carry Out • Delivery (516) 766-1238 BANG BANG 399 Ocean Ave., SHRIMPThomas A. Glynn & Son, Inc. BONEFISHGRILL.wm/rvc 516-256-0022 www.assisivh.com ® Sun-Thurs only with a $20 minimum purchase Funeral Home John J. Glynn Thomas A. Glynn Patrick Marron Lifelong Parishioners of St. Agnes Cathedral 20 Lincoln Ave. Rockville Centre 340 Sunrise HWY (516) 766-1238 glynnfh.com * VALID SUNDAY-THURSDAY ONLY at Rockville Centre Bonefish Grill® location. G ran d O p en in g A u g u st 3 0 , 2 0 1 1 Dine In only. One per table. R o ckvi lle C e n tre ’ s co m p le t e “co m p u t e rf i x” I T sh o p. Not valid with any other •pc /la pto p tro u b les ho o t& repa ir•viru s rem o va l offers. Other restrictions •pc tu ne-u ps •netw o rk s u ppo rt•pa renta l s o ftw a re •em a il s etu p •tv w a ll m o u nt•printerhelp may apply. Not valid on •a v / m u ltim ed ia / ga m ing ins ta lla tio ns holidays. Expires 6/30/2015 w w w .R VC Te ch G e e k.co m (5 16 ) 6 0 8 -5 0 0 5 COMP2 2 7 0 S u n ri se H i ghw ay – 2nd f lo o r R o ckvi lle C e n tre N Y 115 7 0 “Your financial guardian angels.” H igh S pe e d S e rvic e a tlo w pric e s Branches in Oceanside and Seaford. 25067427B134 Est. 1933 FUNERAL HOME INC. BONEFISHGRILL.COM Family Owned and Operated 2681 Long Beach Rd Oceanside (516) 766-0425 www.towersfuneralhomeny.com 516-766-7899 cor of Sunrise Hwy., RVC Come enjoy our “old fashioned” customer service $2 Off Any Pie W/Coupon International Spanish Tapas and Wine Bar Now Open for Sunday Brunch 11 AM - 3PM Check Out Our Menu Online maestro music centers 65 N. Village Ave., RVC www.sangredeuva.com pianos, organs, keyboards, lessons for all ages 516-644-2910 www.maestrocenter.com “fulfilling your musical dreams...one note at a time!” FARMER JOELʼS Produce & Deli 177 Davidson Ave., Oceanside 766-5211 766-5463 516.620.8100 766-4700 305 N. Newbridge Rd. Levittown 516-CAR-CASH Sell Your Car Fast $100 Donation to your parish for selling your vehicle CarCash.com CHADWICKS TheCatholicCreditUnion.org American Chop House & Bar Lunch GRAY dinner catering take out Phone: 766-5550 Dr. Lawrence P. Horl Podiatrist Diplomate American Board of Podiatric Surgery Office Hours by Appointment House Calls Available 61 N. Park Avenue Rockville Centre, NY 11570 5 D F K H O ¶ V WATERSIDE GRILL :$ 7 ( 5 6 , '( *5 , / / We specialize in all kinds of platters 516-766-7800 www.chadwicksli.com 49 front st., RVC (across from R VC train station) 7 Days a Week ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES, P.C. 2401 Capri Place, North Bellmore, NY 11710 Chris Gray, R.A. Phone: 516-679-4722 Nannys for Grannys Licensed & Insured ... and Grandads too Licensed Senior Health and Companion Care To Keep You Safe at Home Nassau 516-481-4182 Suffolk 631-730-8500 Care from Montauk to Manhattan Experience with Alzheimers & Dementia www.NannysForGrannys.com G.B Wholesale Grower of Nursery Stock NURSERIES, Inc. ESTABLISHED 1951 Landscaping and Design Certified Nursery Professionals 516-764-2490 ROCKVILLE HARDWARE 239 North Long Beach Road Rockville Centre, NY 11570 #223 FOR ADVERTISING: THE CHURCH BULLETIN INC., 200 DALE ST., W. BABYLON, NY 11704-1104 (631) 249-4994 • www.thechurchbulletininc.com Lunch, Dinner, Sunday Brunch Patio available for private parties Kitchen open til 2AM Fri. & Sat. Call for Reservations 10% off plumbing or home appliance repair Screen Repair Window • Door • Porch 766-3105 263 Merrick Road Rockville Centre (ACROSS FROM POST OFFICE) Open 7 Days 70 Seaman Ave., RVC, NY 11570 Call for an appt. (516)764-4997 www.undergroundhair.com
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