PDF - Absolute Sounds
PDF - Absolute Sounds
MAY2OO9 WWW.HIFINEWS.CO.UK n G 6 {J} e- u f : 6 6 - 6 t+ Eo J : N o - _ \t :N qJ -N Review:KenKessler LabReoort:KeithHoward et'stalk aboutsynergy. And not meresystem synergy:honestly, when did you lastget it sowrongthat the ampwouldn'tdrivethe speakers? No,I meanspeaker-to-room synergy. In the nineyearsI'vehadmy dedicatedlisteningroom, no speaker hasmatchedit so perfectlyandimmediately asthe WilsonAudioSophiaSystem2. Delicious isthisirony,for no speakermanufacturer I canthinkof goesto suchlengthsto ensurethat users havepositioned theirspeakers to the millimetreasdoes Wilson.Admittedly, the Sophias filleda spacethat once containeda WATT/Puppy of almostidenticaldimensions, but the Sophias didn'tmerelyfeelrightat home:they setup camplikethe world'smostguilt-free squatters. AI.I, OTAPIECE ln Series 2 form,Sophiaremains trueto its role:that of a lesscomplicated, lessexpensive alternative to the iconicWATT/Puppy. lt's onlyfractionallysmaller,so its (hwd)form provides 1 100x306x483mm no notable spacesavings. Rather, its mainaesthetic appealisthat it'sa singlecabinet:smooth-sided andall of a piece.For many,then, it's prettierthan the WATT/Puppy. What is lostisthe meansto tilt the sectionhousingthe mid and trebledriversindependently of the bass. Onthe otherhand,you'llsave€ 10k,enoughfor one pre/power luscious ampcombo.lt's roughlythe price of the MclntoshC2200/MC2102 usedfor the listening sessions, but less(!)thanthe Transparent speaker cables. Alsousedwerethe MusicalFidelitykWDM25 CDplayer/DAC, the SME30/2with Series V arm and KoetsuUrushicartridge, AudioResearch PH5phono stage,andYterand Kimberinterconnects. A truethree-way system, the Sophiausesa single 1Oinlong-throw aluminium woofer.lt is portedat the back,througha machinedmetalaperturealmostwide enoughto takeone'sfist.Theonlyotherdetailsat the backarethe largebindingposts,anda smallerdamping port on the upperpartof the speaker's back. Forthe midrange, Wilsonhasfitteda 7in driver, whiletrebleis handledbv a 1ininvertedtitaniumdome .6$rrcol,ouR so [oNG tts IT Exlsts Wilsonis boundby'form-follows-function' dictum,but still hasto dealwith the 'wife factor',likeall makersof free-standing speakers. lnsteadof compromisingon the shape,Wilsondealswith lhis throughsuperb construction andfinish,madepalatable by what maybe the bestpaintworkin the business. Andthe customercanchoose anycolourfor whicha paintcanbe mixed. Truestory:when DaveWilson'scar sustained somedamage, the localdealer's paint job provedunsatisfactory. So Dave paintedthe panelat WilsonAudio,to betterthanfactorystandards. Whichtells you that Wilsoncloss' proprietarypaint process andits 12-stage from primer to clearcoat,is asgoodasanythingon wheels,the in-house facilityfilteringout '1/2the sizeof an amoeba.' particles Forthe review,Wilsonsuppliedthe Sophias in a vinoushuein-between Cuado Al Tassoand Masseto.My choicesexactly! AI'DIO rftE Rear-ported floorstanding three-way loudspeaker Mad€ by: Wilson Audio Supptied by: Absolut€ Sounds Price: €14,995 Telephone: O2Og 971 3909 Web:www. abeolutesosnds. com ABOVE:The Sophia2 does not have a split crossoverfor bi-wiring,sportingjust a singlepair of 4mm terminals tweeter. The baffle to which they're fitted is sloped, to align their performancein the time domain. Because the Sophia2 is a single-boxspeaker,the slope of the mid/treble baffle is at best a carefully-executedaverage; if you want greater control over the relativeangle of the tweeter to the mid, or of the entire section relative to the listener,you are limited to the positioningof the speakerin terms of distance,toe-in (more of which anon) or tilting the entire enclosurea few degreesby raisingthe rear spikesrelativeto the front. A tip I was given years ago when setting up a WATT/ Puppysystemappliesequallyto the Sophias:from the hot seat,you shouldjust be able to see the slightest part of the inner panel on the slope-sidedtop section. Geniusadvice:the initial positioningrequiredonly one tiny adjustment,a mere centimetreof toe-out. Whateverhorror storiesyou may hear about driving Wilsons,these latest Sophiasworked sublimelywith 'The Sophiasdidn'tmerelyfeel right at home:theysetup camp like guilt-freesquatters' 2x100W of Mclntoshvalve power.A nominal4ohm impedancespecificationled to the MC2102's4ohm taps; Wilson'sPeterMcGrathinsistedthat there is a markedchangewhen usedwith 8ohm taps. Thus, impedancesettingsand listeningwith or without grillesincreasethe fine-tuningoptions.This no-cost experimentationis recommended:try both. LTJ)SOMETHING WONDERFUL 'Loveat firstburst'istheonlywayI candescribe the sound of the Sophiaswhen fed with the one song guaranteedto bring me to tears:Rodgersand Hammerstein's'Something Wonderful'.PeggyLee, followed by DorisDay,then CarlySimonenteredthe room. As the Leeand Day recordingswere'golden era' Americanstandards.the sound shimmered.Indeed, somethingwonderful must have been dialled into O MAY2oo9 | www.hifinews.co.ut< | Ss ABOVE:The Sophia2 usesa single l Oin long-throw woofer insteadof a pair of 8in driversi la WATT/Puppy the Sophia2 to make it more listener-ratherthan critic-friendlybecauseit managed to convey every microscopicdetail, in signatureWilsonfashion,while conveyinga warmth that can, on occasions,elude the ppy. more expensiveWATT/Pu Spatially,the experienceis purelyWilsonian,but only those who have partakenof a demo of Wilsonspeakers - whether WATTor Alexandria- can know what their breadth,depth, height and preciselocationof instruments can do for conveying that frisson of reality. The Sophiasdisappearwith the grace and completeness of their dearersiblings,lackingonly in the senseof scale. MAXXeS' and Theytruly sound like the Alexandrias', WATT/Puppy'skid sister,and in that descending order, 'T', too. But I did say that they suited my room to a which I like to think of as a quarter-scalereplicaof the SMEMusicRoom,so the relativescaleand bassdelivery appliesto a spacemeasuring12x1Sft. HOT TO TROT Sweet and warm vocals,hot and fast transients,natural harmonics(especiallyon Taj Mahal'sacousticguitar) - the Sophiasdo everythingI want, but with an added bonus.While my room has never had bassissues,neither have I imaginedit capableof mimickinga largerarea when lower octavesare concerned. How wrong I was: the Sophiaplumbed the deepest octaves,with the best control and most natural decay I have ever experiencedin that room. Weight, body, palpability- Kodo drums have neversoundedso 'horsesfor courses'is the onlv in-the-room.Sometimes. rule worth believing.{) WilsonAudio claimsan 89dB sensitivity for the Sophia2 but our measurements indicatea pink noisefigure significantly lower at 86.OdB.Thisis overthe rather frequencyrange30OHz-20kHz becausethe than our usuai200Hz-20kHz S o p h i a sa,t 7 3 k ga p i e c e c, o u l dn o t b e raisedoff the floor to achievethe usual 5ms?lus-time.window beforethe arrivalof the first (floor)reflection. Wilsonalsoclaimsthat the Sophiais not a difficult speakerto driveand this is affirmedboth by its minimumimpedance modulusof 3.3ohm and its minimum EPDR(equivalentpeakdissipation resistinie) of 2.2ohm,which benefits from modestimpedancephaseangles. On-axisfrequencyresponsewas measured at tweeter height and, 3oOHzto 20kHz, recordederrorsof t5.5dB and t4.6dB for the pair.Theseare a little on the high *1^rVV /\ sidefor an expensivespeakerbut, asthe responsegraph [below left] shows,the overalltrend is essentiallyflat and the errorswould havebeen lower but for a peakjust below 20kHzwhich appearsto be due to the gravestbreakupresonance of the invertedtitanium tweeter dome. Pairmatching,at ti.4dB acrossthe s a m ef r e q u e n c yr a n g e ,c o u l da l s ob e a little tighter,although it bettersthe figure we measuredfrom the Duette.A -6dB bassfrequency diffraction-corrected of 39Hz is a fine resultbut at the other end of the spectrumthe responsefalls away rapidlyabove20kHz.Bassdistortion i s w e l l c o n t r o l l e da t 0 . i %f o r 9 0 d BS P La t l 0 o H z a n d t h e c u m u l a t i v es p e c t r adl e c a y waterfall[seegraph,below right] suggests that the stiff,weighty cabinetdoesa structural very good job of suppressing resonances.KH 'u -13 -$ fr HI-FINEWSVERDICT Preferring dearer models to those that are less-expensive is natural: we're ordained to believe that price hierarchies are sacrosanct. The Sophia 2, though, played a trump card by addressingthe synergy issue- and I repeat, in my room - with faultless, natural sympathy. lt is, for my needs, the finest 1m-talFor-less/ compact high-end speaker currently on the market. 56 | www.hifinews.co.uk I unv zoos @ ABOVELEFT:The responseis a liftle irregularfor a high-endspeakerbut bassextensionis impressive;ABOVERIGHT:The waterfall plot revealsthe benefits of Wilson'sproprietary cabinet reinforcement Sensitivity(sPLat 1m for 2.83vrms. Mean/lEC/Music) 86.8d8/86.0d8i86.0d8 lmpedance modulus minlmax (20H2-20kHz) , a.Sohr O ZZtt. ! i 14.1ohm@42H2 lmpedance phasemin/max (20H2-20kHz) : -4O' @ 5OHz 30'@392H2 Pair matching (300H2-2okHz) : '- i1.4dB LF/HFextension (-6dB ref 200H2/10kHz) 39Hz | 24.3kqzl25.lkH'z T H D 1 0 0 H 2 / r k H z / l o k H z( f o rg o d Bs P La t 1 m ) 0.1%/0.3%10.3%